#Mars Lilith in tenth house
dreamypisces888 · 10 months
Astro Observations !
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Virgo moon natives have their feelings in their minds. They think about emotions rather than express outwardly.
Venus in Scorpio are intense, very jealous and vengeful. They feel deeply and can become vengeful if betrayed.
Moon in Libra natives are in love with love. They are drawn to partnership and balancing others feelings.
MC in Capricorn natives are drawn to their career and want to be successful. They are hard working and driven to achieve status.
Mars in Taurus natives love luxurious things and have an eye for quality. They will work hard to attain beauty, comfort and security.
Mars in Aries natives get angry very fast and calm down very fast as well. They must channel impulsiveness constructively to avoid volatility.
Moon in Gemini natives love to gossip. They explore feelings through communication and being sociable.
Scorpio risings have very beautiful eyes and a captivating aura. They exude mystery and intensity in appearance.
Venus in Aquarius natives have an amazing style in fashion. They embrace uniqueness in self-expression.
Lilith in Cancer refuse the conventional role assigned to women and are afraid of anything related to giving birth. They reject stereotypes.
Jupiter in the first house natives attract attention wherever they go. People are drawn to their outsized presence.
Chiron in Gemini always feel misunderstood but communication is the best therapy. They soothe feelings of not being understood through talking.
Moon in Pisces natives are very emotional but also very intuitive. They feel sensitively yet perceive intuitions elusively.
Planets in the twelfth house make you a real psychic and in touch with the hidden world. They enhance occult gifts.
Neptune in the tenth house natives can become astrologers or tarot readers. They are drawn to mysticism as a public profession.
Venus in the tenth house make natives have an artistic career as fashion designers, web designers etc. They are artistic yet popularity stems from talents over personality.
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔰𝔭𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢
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and before we get into this post i really hope that the people here know the basic themes of signs, planets or houses because i'll actually pull my hair out if someone asks me what are the themes of leo or the moon.
reminder if you want to be apart of the astrotumblr classes book here's the link!
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♇ so what are derivative houses? it comes from horary astrology, and it is when you measure a chart from some point of the wheel which is not from the ascendant. using this topic as an example, [future spouse], what if you wanted to learn how your future spouse's siblings are like?
♇ and we know the number/house for siblings in astrology is the number "3", so from the main future spouse house [the seventh house] you count three houses.
♇ so, 7⟶8⟶9. so the sign/or planets in your ninth house would tell you how your future spouse's siblings are like. [before i thought it would be the tenth house, but when you count in horary astrology, number one would also be from where you start!].
♇ another example, your future spouse's friends, the number 11 rules over friends in astrology so you will need to count eleven houses to see.
7⟶8⟶9⟶ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5. so the sign/or planets in your fifth house would tell you how your future spouse's friends would be like! now there's some understanding lets get into the post :)
♇ 7.
⟶ if you have mars in your seventh house, this could imply that your future spouse is someone who is likely going to have a built figure, could have a strong stance and could be someone who is passionate about politics or how they appear to the world.
⟶ if you have gemini in your seventh house, this could imply that your future spouse is someone who is comical, communicative and curious. you might find them pretty and they could have really full or curly hair.
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♇ 7⟶8.
⟶ if you have venus in your eighth house, this could mean that your future spouse is abundant with their money [or in the future] or they could be in a very comfortable place with their money, and they could be someone who values harmony, receiving love and money.
⟶ if you have scorpio in your eighth house, your future spouse could be someone who receives a lot of money from the people around them, from the government or it could be a legacy/will given to them. they could be someone who values intensity, sex and power.
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♇ 7⟶8⟶9.
⟶ if you have lilith in the ninth house, this could imply that your future spouse's siblings could be people who go through a lot of stuff, or they might not get a long with each other, or they could have a troubling opinion about religion/spirituality or they could have questioning morals. or your future spouse could be someone who is straight forward when communicating or could be perceived as a rude person. they might flirt a lot too.
⟶ if you have aries in ninth house, this could show that your future spouse's siblings could be trouble-some but fun people. they're people who are about the adventure and like to lead what they're apart of; this could show that your future spouse could have a type of communication style which has people immediately listen to them, they can sometimes come off as aggressive as well.
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♇ 7⟶8⟶9⟶10.
⟶ if you have uranus in the tenth house, this could imply that your future spouse's family could be really progressive people or they could be really chaotic. they might like to be on the internet a lot or they might like to move around a lot, there could be arguments and fights over wills.
⟶ if you have libra in the tenth house, this could mean that your future spouse's family could be people who are diplomatic, kind and stylish. they might be people who are into creative things and you're likely going to get along with them. on the other hand, they could be people who are flaky and indecisive.
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♇ 7⟶8⟶9⟶10⟶11.
⟶ if you have the sun in the eleventh house, your future spouse would most likely have children who are wise, talented and glamorous, there could be a sense of them wanting to understand their life path or always want to know what they're supposed to do in their life time.
⟶ if you have sagittarius in the eleventh house, your future spouse is likely going to have children who are big on principles and moralities, they could be really obnoxious but funny, and they might be hyperactive. your future spouse could have [or give you children] who are big on religion or spirituality.
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♇ 7⟶8⟶9⟶10⟶11⟶12.
⟶ if you have moon in the twelfth house, your future spouse could have the skill of being very intuitive, they could be good at swimming and creating projects. they could be skilled in singing, painting or other things.
⟶ if you have taurus in the twelfth house, your future spouse is likely going to have the skill of being creative and they could be good at cooking, they could be someone who is great at fashion, and they can be someone who is good at making music and handling money.
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♇ 7⟶8⟶9⟶10⟶11⟶12⟶1.
⟶ if you have pluto in the first house this could mean that your future spouse could attract people who transform their lives a lot, they could also attract people who are self-destructive and powerful. people who could be considered as sexy and hard-working.
⟶ if you have aquarius in the first house this could mean your future spouse could attract lovers who are different races, ethnicities, they could be people who are also attracted to the same sex. they could attract people who are hard to pin down and romantic partners who are very progressive.
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♇ 7⟶8⟶9⟶10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2.
⟶ if you have jupiter in the second house this could mean that this person can be a big giver when it comes to sex, they could be someone who likes to be given a lot of pleasure as well. they could be someone who likes spending a lot of physical intimacy with their romantic partners, could be interested in oral sex as well.
⟶ if you have virgo in the second house this could mean that your person could be a very precise and giving person when it comes to sex. they might be interested in quickies and be interested in sex that has themes of using other senses.
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♇ 7⟶8⟶9⟶10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3.
⟶ if you have saturn in the third house this could imply that your future spouse is quite traditional when it comes to rules and morals. they might have very strong principles and loyalty might mean a lot to them, or they could be someone who lacks beliefs and they might over-step morality.
⟶ if you have cancer in the third house this could show that their morals connect to their emotions & emotional state a lot. they'd be the type to cry because someone betrayed them, they could be considered a decent person and you wont have a problem with sharing your beliefs with them.
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♇ 7⟶8⟶9⟶10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4.
⟶ if you have venus in the fourth house people are likely going to perceive your future spouse as someone who is attractive, they might get along with a lot of people and they could be considered as someone who has a good status. they might dress well, and people usually compliment them, there could be some envy because of this.
⟶ if you have capricorn in the fourth house, people are likely going to respect your future spouse, they're likely going to have a good status and they'll be deemed as someone who is hard-working, resilient and wise. they could be seen as someone who's better than their peers.
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♇ 7⟶8⟶9⟶10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5.
⟶ if you have lilith in the fifth house there could be a good chance you dont get along with your future spouse's friends, or there could be something weird about them. they could be people who break traditions, and some of them might be cheats and liars, they can either be very liberating or misogynistic.
⟶ if you have pisces in the fifth house there could be a chance that your future spouse's friends are emotional, receptive and creative. you'll likely live through them or have expectations for them, or they'll have expectations for you and they might even put you on a pedestal, but they're the type of friends that would immediately turn their back on you if you do something bad.
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♇ 7⟶8⟶9⟶10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5⟶6.
⟶ if you have juno in the sixth house your future spouse could be someone who is open about their mental state, they could be someone who runs to relationships as a way to escape from their sadness, they might not be able to live without romance or them being away from a romantic partner makes them depressed. they could have been in relationships where they thought they were with their potential marriage partner just to get disappointed and betrayed, some women might've betrayed them.
⟶ if you have leo in the sixth house your future spouse could be someone who is too prideful to open up about their mental health, they could be someone who easily has a defeated ego, they could be someone who might've had a father figure be their hidden enemy and their own pride and ego.
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reminder if you want to be apart of the astrotumblr classes book here's the link!
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mercurianthing · 2 years
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🫀 Scorpio Moons may feel as children less loved by their mother than one specific sibling (sometimes the closest sibling they have out of all the siblings they have) but something I have noticed is that when they grow up it reverses and they are the ones who become their mother's favorite children.
🫀 I have noticed that most, if not all Venus in Aquarius people have experienced or will experience a "friends to lovers" type of relationship, This is mainly because Aquarius is the ruler of the 11th house which is the house that talks about friendships and friends.
🫀 When someone's Venus falls in your 8th house, it makes the Venus person obsessed with you, with the other relationships you have in your life besides them, wanting to be an important part of your life, wanting to know everything about your other relationships, about your life in general and about you, and think about you obsessively. If you two are no longer in contact and you wondering if they've forgotten about you, trust me, they haven't, and they probably never will, they can't.
🫀 Uranus in the 7th house will always have the desire to be in an open relationship, it depends on the other placements and aspects in the birth chart, but most of them would prefer to be in an open relationship or at least a relationship with someone who allows them to feel free in their relationship.
🫀 Moon conjunct Venus in synastry always ends in bitterness and bad relations even hatred between the two but always somehow they come back to each other until they have learned their lesson. and if they don't go back to each other, both or at least one of them will always have the desire to return to this relationship because of all the memories and the great love that existed between the two during the relationship, the relationship will always be remembered by both people because it was deep and powerful, with a lot of understanding and magnetizing.
🫀 If YOU have placements that fall in someone's 8th and 2nd house, they will always not mind spending money on you, no matter if they have it or not, it will always feel natural for them to spend money on you without thinking too much or regretting, they will also offer Pay for you and buy things for you, depending on which locations. (If it's in the 2nd house they'll usually like to buy you food even without you asking).
🫀 If you have any hard placement (Saturn, Pluto, chiron and lilith) in Cancer or in the 4th house, it can indicate a difficult or complex relationship with your mother and if you have any hard placement (Saturn, Pluto, Chiron and lilith) in Capricorn or in the 10th house, it can indicate a difficult or complex relationship with your father. (also depends on the aspects of the placement).
🫀 Mercury sextile Venus really know how to speak and how to turn situations in their favor through speech, people don't notice this because their speech is so fascinating and magnetizing. they also have a pleasant and beautiful voice.
🫀 Mars in the 3rd house can indicate that you will experience or have already experienced physical abuse from one of your siblings.
🫀 If someone has Mars in your tenth house it can indicate that they are constantly trying to bring you down or sting you. It's because of how people see you and how you appear in public in terms of personality and public image, you are everything that person wants to be and how they want people to see them, it can be really tiring to hear these people trying to bring you down all the time and it can make you insecure, So be very careful around people with whom you have this synastry.
NOW I'm done with my speech 🤡 hope y'all liked it and that you were able to read till the end ☠️, I love y'all 😽💌
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Are there any placements that show being over sexualized by others? Or are there any placements that can make people view someone as hyper sexual?
- jupiter in the eighth house
- BM lilith, jupiter, venus, mars or pluto in the first house or conjunct ascendant
- eighth house stellium
- sun conjunct mars, venus or lilith
- BM lilith in aspect to ascendant
- priapus (h22) conjunct venus as a woman
- priapus conjunct ascendant
- venus conjunct or parallel pluto
- BM lilith well aspected in the third or tenth house house
- venus or mars in the first, eighth, or tenth house
- pluto in aspect to ascendant
- mars or venus in aspect to jupiter
- lilith in strong aspect to jupiter
- venus, mars, pluto or lilith conjunct mc
- a strongly aspected scorpio venus in a woman or scorpio mars in a man
From the top of my head !
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Hi! Hope you’re doing well! Synastry questions for you! If that’s alright? No worries if not!
His Cancer Lilith (12th) is conjunct my Cancer Moon in my 2nd house. I read somewhere that it’s mostly felt on my end. I don’t really believe that. If true, that’s not fair lol?!?! What’s the deal with this aspect?
My Gemini Rising @ 29 deg is in his Taurus 11th house barely. My Cancer Mars (1st house) and Cancer Moon (2nd house) are both in his Gemini 12th house. His Gemini Venus & Taurus Mercury & 1181 Gem Lilith are in my 12th house.
His 8th house pisces Juno is in my Pisces tenth house. My Scorpio Juno is in his Libra 4th house along with my Libra Venus, Scorpio Jupiter, & Scorpio NN & Vertex. My Scorpio Pluto, Scorpio sirene, & 1181 Sag Lilith is in his 5th house. His 5th house Sag Pluto, Sag ceres and vertex are in my 6th.
Sorry for all the info dumping but I’m completely overwhelmed by this and my feelings. I’m drowning here. Is this a lot of nothing, just easy peasy placements, and I’m completely delulu about it or do all these aspects & placements show a helluva intense connection? This isn’t even all of it?!?!
Again, sorry for all the info. You don’t have to answer all of it or any really. Just… am I out here in the ocean in a rowboat with no oars by myself or is there a possibility that he feels just a smidge of this intensity?!?!
yes, I understand you. Though, with "intensity of emotion" make sure that you are not building expectations for the connection already in advance. We got to understand here, that it can feel emotionally intense for you, but for him it could be the same or indifferent.
I mean, you wrote a lot of aspects, placements. I would prefer to see this person's 4th house and Moon sign.
Your Moon on his Lilith is actually really nice connection, out of all personal planets on his Lilith, this one is the easiest to tame. Probably they could feel emotionally comfortable around you or at least not judged (emotion wise).
However, I'm worried here, you said his Cancer Lilith, which is in his 12th house, right? I would be kind of careful with this placement. Cancer Lilith points to huge mommy issues, not to mention further issues with the family. But being in the Cancer 12th house, this person doesn't really understand their emotions well, they don't know how to emotionally regulate, which results in numbing themselves out with substances. It can also be numbing emotions. This person has a mother with undetected mental health issue, the mother could exploited them, but also played the victim easily. That's why this person also plays a victim in his personal connections. They also need a lot of alone time to recharge and may randomly ghost their family members. Extreme sensitivities can be found here, which results in walking around this person on eggshells.
Furthermore, what stands out your Mars in his 12th house, there is huge lust for him right? I kind of feel you want to sleep with the person and you are almost rushing it before they could run away and nothing happens? Your Moon in his 12th house, is not always ideal, you could be the one with feelings and he may or may not reciprocate. But since he also has Cancer over 12th house, he could be adjusted to the energy and comfortable with it. Also, your Lilith in his 5th house haha, you definitely want to sleep with this person? You wouldn't mind even if it's a short-term connection or a fling? I kind of get this energy from these overlays. His Venus and Mercury in your 12th house, make sure to communicate more with him. Also he could find you attractive, but I'm not sure about emotions here.
I think with so many 12th house overlays, you are both building something in your head only and more needs to happen in 3D haha.
I mean, my only real advice is get to know the person well.
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The most magickal placements in astrology
Natives with these placements are more drawn to the occult and magick:
Jupiter in Scorpio or Pisces
Jupiter in the eighth, twelfth or first house
Moon in Scorpio or Pisces
Moon in the eighth or twelfth house
Saturn in Scorpio or Pisces (No... this does not mean you will have a small wiener... and even if you do, you can just do magick right?)
North Node in eighth, ninth or twelfth house
North Node in Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces
Ascendant in Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces
Scorpio in the first, second, eighth, tenth or twelfth house
Pisces in the first, second, fifth, eighth, tenth or twelfth house (Natives with strong Pisces placements can be great healers not only for others but also themselves; they can heal their trauma either from this life or from past lives)
Pluto in the first house, eighth house, ninth house or twelfth house
Pluto dominant (natives can be especially drawn to dark magick)
Moon dominant (natives can be especially drawn to magick for healing)
*Moon in Aries (possibly but more so if the Moon is conjunct Pluto, Mars or Neptune)
Jupiter conjunct Neptune, Moon or Mars* (Mars more so if Mars is in Scorpio, Pisces or Sagittarius)
Scorpio and Pisces are the most magickally inclined signs, Sagittarius to some extent
Sagittarius in the eighth or twelfth house
Pluto conjunct, trine or sextile Jupiter, Sun, Moon or Mars
Moon conjunct, trine or sextile Jupiter, Sun, Mars or Pluto
Moon oppose Saturn
Dark Moon Lilith in Scorpio or Pisces
Having Libra in the eighth house or Scorpio in the seventh house can make one more inclined to perform love spells
Having Pluto or the Moon in the seventh house can also make one more inclined to perform love spells
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geographerdose · 6 months
Solar return observations, v. Specific
Alright alright alriiiight
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It Twas the year of the ninth house of profection, they say
Residing there in the natal Twas Pisces and thus its ruler Jupiter which lied but in the first house in cancer
Exalted indeed but also mistreated by sir Saturn through the dreaded opposition
Thee say a challenging year lies ahead
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Let us now look at the solar return chart;
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And but who do we see leading the chart but sir Saturn again
Luckily he is comfortable and in good spirits in his domicile of Aquarius in one of the best houses
Aqua rising/first house Saturn —> in a night chart so most difficult planet but it’s actually in a good house! This year was difficult for me tbh.
So this solar return; my mars, Mercury and Venus were all conjunct my regular natal planets. I think this was actually quite difficult. One might be inclined to think, “oh those aren’t difficult aspects” but like that’s just WAY too much of the same energy in one place. It’s like just rubbing a sore spot over and over again or something, ugh or not even a sore spot per say just like makes your skin crawl the constant touching or something idk it’s that kind of energy.
Idk I know what it reminds me of: my first boyfriend was holding my hand, and he kept like circling his thumb over the lopsided “v” that occurs from where your index finger meets your thumb, and like I hate having that area touched. And he just like kept doing it and omg. I mean like I didn’t even know i hated that area touched and then it didn’t bother me at first but then he just kept doing it. (Until i finally was like alright stop lol it’s driving me crazy and he’s like what? That bothers you? Lol)
Also I noticed that with that moon in the 12th house in Capricorn, it falls in my seventh house and conjunct my natal Saturn. I had a painful 12th house synastry unrequited thing happen. It was confusing and I was just grasping bc my life was such shit. It was sad but luckily I can look back now and see it for what it was. That’s Saturn teaching harsh lessons.
Honestly this entire year was about harsh lessons. A lot of shit caught up to me this year.
Tenth house ruler mars conjunct Uranus and north node —> I truly thought that I found a new career path and that I could finally be my own boss. I was so excited. Turns out it was all just … not. False expectations. Wishful thinking. Naivety.
Also tenth house ruler square mars/6th house Lilith—> work life kinda majorly sucked this year.
Sixth house Venus/Lilith —> I spent a shit ton of time outside, whenever I could I would be out there walking, getting fresh air, taking in the gorgeous green trees.
Looking back at this year I can see that the planets actually played a big role in the people I met. The abusive f*ckboy Virgo stellium I met… I had 8th house Virgo Mercury in this solar return. But that’s not necessarily “enough” you have to consider your other planets too. Like we had Juno conjunct moon and other shit. Idk that was weird. This entire year really made me put a higher price on whom I let into my life tbh. I’m worth more than that and I don’t have to prove that I’m nice and a good person to anyone… i should have trusted my gut and told this dude to peace out from the get go. Eighth house can be tricky.
So can twelfth (another planet foretelling of someone I met). I’m just thinking in terms of overlays and looking back. Hindsight is 20/20 right.
Idk I think that’s it for now. Pretty sure no one reads these anyways so 🤷🏻‍♀️ ✌🏻
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sixthwater · 1 year
I can't take it anymore 😫
What placement is Regina George based on your observing?
Ik you're extra busy so i dont mind waiting. Thank you 🥲
Want to answer this today to have a little fun for myself and also you sent this forever ago
It’s been a minute since I’ve seen Mean Girls and apparently she has a birthday???? And we know where Mean Girls took place so. Here’s her chart LMAO
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(My app assigns houses for some reason even without a time so ignore that lmao, but honestly, the houses on this are interesting in her case)
Favorite placement here, that rising Scorpio Stellium with a Gemini Lilith; that shit is deeeaaddlllyyy
On one hand I want to take that Aries Moon bc of her reaction near the end of the movie, but it’s not like she completely loses her cool. Aries Moons are known for being honest and going off the handle with their emotions when they’re poked and prodded—which is what they did. This chart gives her a Moon-Saturn aspect which I would Want to say maybe makes that more reasonable but that would mean she handles her emotions more cautiously, even if it’s in a more detached way.
Her Scorpio Stellium + Gemini Lilith is perfect. When Gemini Lilith is working negatively, it wants chaos and it’ll twist a lot of information but its not Wrong — like its not a Lie, you know. It’ll leave breadcrumbs and it likes to gossip. It likes mess, it’s bored. However her Lilith is in the fifth which is kinda eh so. Scorpio will manipulate and seek revenge or control when it’s damaged and upset. They need to feel in control if things are taken from them to even it out.
So then you (hypothetically) have that Scorpio in the tenth; people are enamored by her but they also don’t really like her, but they want what she has. Pluto & Venus are there. Also lowkey wanna be her but that’s another story. I wanted to make a post about her benefics and malefics sitting in houses for reputations like this can be very jarring for the native, so this is a great example, and in cases like this if the native is an ass they can abuse them — or I guess, “take advantage of them”
Mars in Aquarius is an interesting one? Not to be stereotypical but innovative way of taking action of fighting back, since we don’t really see anything else about her, but she Does talk a lot about her sexual life and ig you can take away her being independent and her own woman??? So doesn’t like being tied down or having expectations put on her??? But this chart puts it in the first house which I also find interesting, but other placements make me kinda question a few things
But ig it’s a good example of a chart that would show someone who would be GREAT at bringing a community together, rip it to shreds, since they know it so well
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
Hiii, I love your posts 🩷🩷 pls give me your insight on this:
His true Lilith in Aries 8th house (falls in my 10th house and conj my MC, trine my mars and sextile my vertex) my true Lilith in Scorpio 5th house (falls in his 4th house, conj his IC and opposite MC, sextile his venus ) …. Explosive encounters???
explosive yes, but it'll be transformative for your outer presence (tenth house) and career. you'll both feel a change in sense of self and this challenges you to look within and find what your true calling/destiny (vertix) is.
falling into his ic sestile his venus you bring out something in him he truly doesnt show others.
and it happens through sex btw. passionate energy brings out that dark aura but its for more freedom and growth. nothing bad here. pretty cool!
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astrojulia · 1 year
Hello ! How are you ? I would like to participate in your Sirentale game please ^^
1.Birth chart details:
Birthdate : 10/28/1999
Birthplace : Grasse, France
Birth time : 19.04
2.Underwater emoji 🌊:
🐙 for a mysterious and deep narrative:
3. Fun question about yourself : What was the name of your first stuffed toy/plushy ? And how did you play with it ? (did you invent some adventures for him, did you treated like your baby, did you do both...)
Thank you so much for the game, and have a nice day :)
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Hello Siren! This is an ask related to my Sirentale game that is already closed! So there's no point trying to participate now, as there are no more "spaces". If there is a good interaction, I may open a new game in the future. Kisses from the Sea!
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In the mystical realm of Zodiac Enclave, where constellations twirled and celestial secrets whispered in the night, lived Lepoulpe—an enigmatic octopus with eyes like cosmic orbs. Each resident of this ethereal land was born under a unique birth chart, a tapestry woven by the stars, revealing the essence of their existence. Lepoulpe's chart, however, was a masterpiece of enigma, and their story was destined to be one of profound mystery.
In the first house, under the steadfast sign of Taurus, lay Lepoulpe's unshakable determination. Their willpower was as unyielding as the mountains, and it provided the foundation for their epic journey through the Zodiac Enclave. The moon, nestled in Gemini within the second house, granted them an agile and ever-curious mind, constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences.
With the third and fourth houses bathed in the nurturing waters of Cancer, Lepoulpe discovered profound emotional depth and an unbreakable connection to their family. Pallas in Leo and the North Node in Leo illuminated a path of creativity and self-expression, promising a destiny intertwined with artistry.
The radiant light of Leo bathed the fifth house, illuminating Lepoulpe's life with a burning passion for creativity. Ceres in Virgo and Venus in Virgo bestowed upon them an exquisite attention to detail and a deep appreciation for the subtle beauty of existence. In the sixth house, also in Virgo, the Sun in Scorpio and Vesta in Scorpio ignited an unwavering dedication to unveiling hidden truths, making Lepoulpe the consummate cosmic detective.
In the seventh house, the intensity of Scorpio beckoned with Mercury in Scorpio, Chiron in Sagittarius, Juno in Sagittarius, and the indomitable Pluto in Sagittarius. This arrangement granted Lepoulpe the rare gift of seeing beyond the surface, delving deep into the shadows, and transforming the darkest secrets into healing wisdom.
The eighth house continued this voyage into the unknown, residing in Sagittarius with the enigmatic Lilith. Here, Lepoulpe's intuition reached its zenith, drawing them ever deeper into the enigmatic depths of the human psyche.
The ninth house, in Capricorn with Mars in Capricorn, instilled in Lepoulpe a determination to conquer challenges with an unyielding spirit. In the tenth house, also in Capricorn, Neptune in Aquarius and Uranus in Aquarius pushed them to dream beyond the ordinary, inspiring relentless innovation.
As Lepoulpe ventured into the eleventh house in Aquarius, they embraced a sense of community and a penchant for revolution. Finally, in the twelfth house, Pisces' ethereal charm was heightened by Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Taurus, weaving dreams into reality with an earthy touch.
In the heart of the Zodiac Enclave, Lepoulpe's birth chart was more than just a map of stars; it was a sacred guide to their purpose. Guided by Pluto, they embarked on a journey to unravel the deepest secrets hidden within the hearts of their fellow celestial creatures. They solved enigmatic mysteries and uncovered forgotten truths, leaving no cosmic stone unturned.
However, the tranquility of the Zodiac Enclave was threatened when a celestial disturbance shook the very foundation of their world. The stars themselves were in turmoil, and Lepoulpe's birth chart held the key to unlocking this cosmic enigma. With determination, intuition, and visionary wisdom, they embarked on a quest to restore balance to their mystical realm.
As they journeyed through the Zodiac Enclave, Lepoulpe encountered challenges and mysteries that tested the essence of their being. With each trial, they delved deeper into the enigmatic corners of their own soul, unlocking hidden powers and ancient knowledge.
The fate of the Zodiac Enclave hung in the balance, and Lepoulpe's birth chart was the ultimate guide to solving the celestial puzzle. In a tale of mystery and self-discovery, Lepoulpe's Sirentale unveiled the secrets of the cosmos and the depths of their own character, leaving an indelible mark on the enchanted land they called home.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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shadowwalkingwitch · 25 days
My Astral Placements
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Planets and Points in the Signs
Sun: Aries
Moon: Cancer
Rising: Capricorn
Mercury: Pisces
Venus: Taurus
Mars: Leo
Jupiter: Virgo
Saturn: Virgo
Uranus: Scorpio
Neptune: Sagittarius
Pluto: Libra
Chiron: Taurus
Black Moon Lilith: Virgo
North Node: Leo
Part of Fortune: Libra
Vertex: Leo
Midheaven: Scorpio
Planets and Points in the Houses
Second House: Sun, Mercury
Third House: Chiron
Fourth House: Venus
Sixth House: Moon
Seventh House: Moon, Mars, Jupiter, North Node, Vertex
Eighth House: Saturn, Black Moon Lilith, Part of Fortune
Ninth House: Pluto
Tenth House: Uranus
Eleventh House: Neptune
I'm still not 100% certain what all of this means about me. If anyone is willing to give me a crash course or want to make some assumptions I'm 100% open to feedback.
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alan-p-49 · 11 months
Yo so uh I decided to do a natal chart for my OC Steven bc that's how I get ideas and helps me with fleshing out characters. Thank God I found where I wrote down his birthday and I used the year that he would be born in at his original universe and not the sims 4 universe (which is march 2nd 2043), felt like he was the kind of guy to be born at noon and assumed he would be born in some hospital at Springfield, Massachusetts (bc his home town in that universe is Florida, Massachusetts) so I ended up with this
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The first striking thing about him is that apparently he's a moon in Scorpio so uh my OC that is supposed to be plain as wonderbread is more spicier than expected. And after looking around like the stuff going on with fifth house and tenth house basically indicates that he's actually an artist. But here comes the tea: that Mars in Pisces shit which basically means that he is a passive boy and would rather sacrifice shit rather than hold on to things and with Lilith being in fifth house it shows why he's so fucking plain because he can't express shit. Everything is pointing to him being the expressive artist but he himself has issues expressing himself. Lilith in Scorpio doesn't help it because he is battling with his own deeper emotions.
And this is not helping with his Venus in 8th house which is honestly is him repressing his sexuality because he is bi but he doesn't like it because internal biphobia
I'll be honest I did sense cancer being in him somewhere but I didn't think it would be his ascendent
Anyways it's just a funny haha thing I tend to do with my OCs
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Hiii I hope you're fine. I wanna know your opinion about my astrological chart. Of course im not asking you to do a reading that's too much. I only want you to tell me if I have any bad placements about my health. And about my sun mercury in 8th house. Thank you 🌼🌼 take your time 🌺🌺
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🪐🤼Saturn in 1st House Gemini 🏡♊
You're grounded.
You have very practical ideas and give doable mature advice.
You could be very discerning about how you choose to get your information or who who share it with.
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When you talk to people do you feel like there's a barrier in connecting or putting across your true self and world vision out there? The house saturn is in could feel like it's not meant for us. Like maybe you hate dressing up or having to present yourself a certain way. Or just feel liek you could finalize on a specific sense of how to present yourself to the world. You may also think you take time(saturn) to really think(Gemini 1st house) things through.
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Did you start speaking later than others your age?
Mercury and Saturn are in each other's sign. So this would enhance your reserve in communicating. You really like to be proficient in what you project. You need to build a foundational base of knowledge before speaking. Less is more.
Or, in a different manifestation you may give away too many private details because of a lack of control. I think of Gemini as a blogger or chatter placement. There's this need to go out and speak all your thoughts over the Radio / or on a podcast.
You probably don't like talking about yourself much.
🌹🤷Could second guess why people show romantic interest in you?
🥥🦩Saturn opposite Venus
Draw in suitors.
You are almost always the one who wants to take things slow? Atleast that's how people you date see you. With your venus in sagittarius you could just wanna spend a lot of time exploring thr city, museums, shows, ideologies, skillsets with your crushes but saturns restriction could make you second guess or feel a little apprehensive about putting yourself out there like that for them/ the world to see the love / interest written across your face.
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Venus in sagittarius you're passionate. Warm. Friendly. Drawn to philosophers, poets, thinkers, travellers.
📥I feel like you could be drawn to women?
Your better relationships probably come later in life since saturn aspects your 7th house.
Is that Pluto and Venus in the 7th house?
Have you ever considered opening a sex shop?
Or go into any business that requires eroticism, mystery, control, research? I really think Pluto and Venus here could give you considerable fame or success. You could emerge as an authority on the subject. Specially with Scorpio in the 6th and 7th, the occult mysteries or tabboos are already subject that are a part of your everyday life.
Or any business that let's you do some digging, and then seduce the client with your presentations or facts. So like a marketing kind of thing. Live readings or spells.
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Romantic relationships could cause pivotal shifts in your outlook and ideologies + sense of family values. Do you find yourself singing more in thr beginning if a new relationship / post breakup?
You could even find yourself talking to your mom a lot more when dealing with tumultuous romantic relationships.
I'd certainly advise you to look deeper into that part of fortune, venus and north node tsquare.
Purpose, love, and material success may appear to be 3 conflicting forks in your path and you could be feeling like you must sacrifice one for the other two.
I think in your later years you're meant to master the 'I think' /mercurial approach instead of the philosophizing take you seem to have now.
I'd be curious to see what your Saturn, Jupiter and mercury dashas have in store for you.
Jupiter rules your 7th house and is placed in the second. The expansive nature could mean that you find yourself surrounded by people who want to hear a lot more from you. They want to keep coming to you for help or see you as someone to info dump their issues on. (Jupiter in cancer is like a gentle teacher /mentor/ mom figure. I'm getting a lunar witch /moon worshiper vibe)
Lilith+Mars in Pisces on the 10th house: you could be a really good dancer/swimmer. You probably have lots of sports/ vacation pictures on your ig feed. Come across dreamy and alluring. People could dream of what they'd like to do with you?
Moon in Aries 11th house: horsesssss. Sports. Fiery temper clashes. Leader amidst your friends. This could also make it hard for you to make friends with some people unless you meet them through work. There's a strong chance your friends wouldn't mind a fwb situation or that a lot of them are initially attracted to you.
You could also make /meet better friends when travelling for work.
I feel like you'd advocate for sexual awareness and acceptance of all aspects of people's sexuality.
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hi dear :) just saw that you wanted to practice reading birth charts so here’s mine:
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oh and off topic but i think that the synastry between you and your crush is very cute and has a lot of great potential!
take care and stay safe 🤍
Thank you so much sweetie! ☀️☀️
So I see your mars in the second house of value and in capricorn. Very much a go getter aspect for earning money and a creer ! It corresponds greatly with your taurus moon in fifth. Your emotional ‘relaxing’ world, your inner child comes forth when you’re having fun, like doing leisure activities. In taurus, ruled by venus, it flourishes when you’re relaxing, indulging in beauty and coming to rest on a say vacation or fun trip to enjoy. You’d be the ideal person to have a very serious and high end corporate career and enjoy your yearly bonus in the bahamas. You’d be the ideal person to live that life, completely fulfilled unlike some others who were pretty much born to not fit into that scheme kind of scheme. Your mars is focused on ‘getting that bag’, your moon is focused on really just enjoying herself, and together they live in harmony in this perfect exact trine. Your libra sun in your tenth (!!) house trine your saturn creates this perfect charming and professional individual you’d like your company be introduced to. Your mercury in libra in eleventh makes you great at diplomatic small talk. All i’m saying is that you’d be the perfect CEO😂 fair and agreeable, but really about the business, which will create a square tension with your mars, but I believe in this case it will be good tension. Your uranus and lilith in third house make you voice certain revolutionar ideas that are sharp, interesting and make a lot of impact. And you know how to make those ‘rebellious’ thoughts into action and agreement, and overal the discipline to make them work with uranus trining saturn. That makes us 2002 kids (more or less) a funny year with not as much typical ‘youth culture’ but revolutionary social media posts that happened to inspire thousands of people to become activists, in just a simple few characters. This what I’m talking about in our generation, coincides a lot with those points like lilith and uranus falling in the third house, which makes those young people sag risings with pluto in first. Very magnetic individuals with a lot of ‘all or nothing’ style in their way of being. Optimistic sag plutonians with an almost intrusively expansive power to teach and educate anyone anywhere. Your chart ruler jupiter is in your 8th house and your venus is in the house op jupiter, the ninth, in virgo which is ruled by chiron and mercury. You have that notorious BDE and knowledge thirst 😂 To travel and gain understandings of the world. You might be somewhat of an intellectual even! I bet you’d love backpacking around the south of asia, getting to know every single culture and eating with strange people and learning all about foreignity, but the thing that’s stopping you fear of getting bedbugs bugs or getting sick from eating street food.. I also see mars apart from trining your moon exactly, opposing your jupiter exactly and that jupiter is sextiling that moon exactly! With mars opposing jupiter, you may feel that whatever it is your after and you’re passionate about/you’ve achieved, it’s never enough. Another great career woman aspect 😂 god. This can be a good thing, but I also see this aspect in a lot of men who cheat in their relationships and are womanizers. That trining and sextiling your moon, also with a venus trining your moon wider, there’s a lot that you can love and like that moves you, that can really nurture that emotional world in the fifth house of yours. You might fall in love easily because you feel passionate easily, and you might come to a point in your life where going after something will mean building a whole new emotional base skeleton and leaving your old ground behind, and you will feel it’s worth it. Leaving that job for another one, moving to another country, falling in love with a different person and then divorcing, you’re a person who gets easily inspired to make such radical movements. It may be hard on your psyche, because humans can’t really choose what they feel.
Now you goal in life: your north node is conjunct your path of fortune, both in cancer and the seventh house. Now I’m not telling you to find a husband and get married and be like a mooney cancer to fulfill your spritual path, instead find a sense of guardianship and sensitivity in the things you care about. Create that long lasting relationship that has an actual impact on your life. Work is not the only thing that takes work. Relationships and family do too! And paying attention to taking on those qualities will bring you success and fulfillment in life 💞💖
I love to see a chart with a lot of aspects. I think it creates a dynamic person with a lot of vibe and stuff to discover. 🦋🦋
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vivmaek · 2 years
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Pisces Venus in the first house individuals are destined to be adored! No matter their position, career, or lifestyle, these types will be seen for their pure hearts and deep love for others. The image projected to the public is full of glamor and beauty, some may be shocked to find that those who have this placement hold an intense love for nature and love to get their boots muddy. They are rather sensitive, so retreating to quiet and peace is an absolute must. 
Midheaven in Scorpio placements are subjected to rumor and speculation all throughout life. A deep need for privacy amplifies their mystique. 
Libra placements at 9 degrees indicate a person who was spoiled during childhood with material goods and luxuries, but they were often left to their own devices and their emotional needs may have been neglected. 
Having the North Node in Cancer indicates a person who is a well known mother figure or caregiver. Their strong need to care for others can bring them immense fulfillment but it can also bring them unnecessary challenges. 
People who have their Mars at 20 degrees are powerhouses who will overcome any challenge with an immense amount of energy. 
Having both a Taurus Venus and a Virgo Mars indicates someone who is very practical when it comes to matters of love and sex. They have a lot to offer, but also know they deserve the same levels of dedication and care. They know their worth, one of their most attractive qualities. 
People who have Lilith in the seventh house face many issues within romantic partnerships and marriage, their need for freedom is misunderstood.
People who have their Sun in the fourth house had a family that was seen and respected within the public eye.  
Those with Leo in the tenth house are destined for greatness and high achievement. They will go on to have honorable and respected careers, this placement is often seen within royalty, artists, and political leaders. 
Everyone who meets an eleventh house stellium considers them to be a best friend, even if they’ve only hung out two times. 
People who have a Leo Pluto in the first house are going to struggle with some mad jealousy issues.
Neptune in the sixth housers are meant to be artists, they need to be creating on a daily basis. 
People who have Saturn in the seventh house are going to have very strict boundaries  when navigating relationships, they don’t feel comfortable without a sense of control. They are dominating, but also willing to provide and bring comfort through stability. 
Cancer ascendants look so good wearing black and dark moody colors. A romantic aesthetic that leans on gothic undertones goes so well with their vibe. 
Jupiter in the tenth house bestows a great amount of luck and opportunity throughout a natives career. 
Those who have Venus in the fourth house fall in love with the boy/girl/neighbor next door. Those who have Venus in the third house are the boy/girl/neighbor next door everyone has a crush on. 
Venus in the ninth house may find true love and a life partner during their college and university years. 
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d4rkpluto · 3 years
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬 𝔬𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔳𝔢
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❦ people with many scorpio and virgo degrees are very good lie detectors.
❦ people with sun and moon in the twelfth house tend to be the most secretive and people barely know about them. like barely.
❦ people with taurus in the eighth house tend to get hurt by words a lot.
❦ cancer in the 8th house, MUMMY ISSUES! add the scorpio moon, MUMMY ISSUES 10000X!
❦ when libra/7h placements aren't self-aware they might revolve their lives to love, and it might be the main thing they talk about, thus making everyone around them bored.
❦ remember my astrology eye sanpaku theory? well i remembered that pisces is also ruled by jupiter, so pisces risings are most likely ones to have sanpaku eyes as well, least like if they have it in other angular houses like 4th, 7th and 10th.
❦ uranus aspecting venus culture is literally saying the random thing and people falling in love with it.
❦ the lowest degree planet in your natal chart shows you what you have to work on, for example i have uranus in 2 degrees, and have it in the third house, so i have to work on the way i deliver things, (can be seen as very blunt, straight-forward and cut-throat) and stop talking so fast.
❦ people with libra in the third house can be seen to have very delicate/pretty voices.
❦ people with mercury aspecting neptune might be seen as people who lie a lot, or do lie a lot. while, their voices are dreamy.
❦ having aries in the fourth house can equate to potential generational wealth.
❦ people with mars in the second house might like very spicy/hot food and people with neptune in the second might like a lot of sea food.
❦ neptune in the fifth/eighth house = shower sex.
❦ a lot of sagittarius risings have the bratz doll look, (and no i'm not doing this to boost my ego) but look!
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(mila kunis, lailisa manoban and anne hathaway)
❦ and it's mainly because their eyes are big, one of the biggest features on their faces along with their plump lips, their eyebrows are arched and they have a doll-like head shape too.
❦ people with lilith in the 7th house can have a rebellious and bitchy fandom (being a bitch is the way!)
❦ the sign in your ascendant indicates what kind of characters you might favour, i have sag rising and i realised i like characters who have bow and arrows, e.x, alec from shadow hunters, allison from teen wolf and hawkeye from avengers.
❦ majority of the times, pisces risings are hard to identify because of their scorpio in the tenth house, (if they dont have gemini in their fourth).
❦ check where your neptune is, the aspects its making, what is in your 12th house and where pisces is for you to know what tv shows you actually like. (neptune represents visual communication)
❦ for example, i have neptune in the second house and i realised that i like shows that give me comfort, or i have a lot of comfort movies or series where the characters are very rich; with scorpio in my twelfth i like shows/films that include sci-fi, tarot, gore, horror etc. i have pisces in my third, and i like to watch shows with other people around me and have funny commentary on it, and one of the aspects i have is neptune trine lilith, implying my like for very dark and brutal visual theatre that got to do with women empowerment, like salem.
❦ where the ruler of your first house is, is where you're most protective over. for example, ruler of the first house in the fourth house could imply that you're protective over your family or mother; ruler of the first house in the eleventh house could imply you're protective over your friends and your community.
❦ like i said in my aries in the first house post, a lot of aries risings have diamond head shapes.
❦ folks with mercury aspecting lilith are most likely to say words that surprise people in a way it disgusts them, if it's the aspecting person's intentions. they really know how to use their words to bring out a reaction from someone.
pluto ❦
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