#Astro big 3
sillybruja · 4 months
venus 2H/8H/Taurus/Scorpio
venus in 2H/8H /Taurus/Scorpio venus - always ending up being the other woman/man, or entering a connection with someone who JUST got out of a meaningful relationship (rebound energy af) or with someone who is entertaining others. these really are the "chosen" placements, but that's usually7 because they entertain people who entertain others & their person has other options🤷‍♀️ But it is something with this placement's energy that makes their person's decision to "choose" them a no-brainer. While venus in 8H/2H/Scorpio/Taurus might intercept their person's other relationships, it is typically expected that their person drops everyone for them due to their natural alluring energy, mystique, love, romance, etc. People with these placements might find themselves feeling low, unwanted, unimportant, not chosen, etc -- when dealing with the wrong people. But with the right people , these individuals are practically worshipped in their relationships. This placement attracts a lot of jealousy too -- particularly jealous of you because they want your partner, your style, looks/body, money, etc.
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xneptunianx · 2 months
Lilith conjunct Ascendant/Lilith in the 1st house
Hi everyone! My name is Amber, I’m 22 & this is my first astrology post. I’ve been studying astrology for 7 years now and I’m excited to share my knowledge and experience with astrology with you. This is a long one, so get ready.
I have this placement myself in the sign of Pisces conjunct my Pisces Asc in the 1st house with my modern chart ruler Neptune heavily aspected. (I study sidereal astrology with whole sign houses) so writing it was pretty interesting. If you would like to know about my personal experience with this placement, let me know and I’ll create a separate post about it.
Disclaimer: Any other aspects to your Lilith as well as your ascendant & your chart ruler(s) will affect how this aspect will show up. It’s also important to know that the tighter the orb/degree, the more prominent it will be. If you get triggered easily, please take care of yourself and read another time. Trigger warning is put before sensitive subjects.
Alright, enough rambling. Let’s get into it!
❥ Who is Lilith?
❧ She was Adam’s first wife, she was casted out of the Garden of Eden by God for defying Adam.
❧ She was shamed, ridiculed & rejected for her strong will, rebellion/defiance & liberal attitude towards sex, independence & wanted more than anything to be treated as an equal to Adam.
❧ After being casted out of Heaven, she went on to have an affair with Satan and was crowned the Queen of Hell.
❥ What does Black Moon Lilith represent?
❧ BML is not a celestial body or an object, it is a mathematical point but its energy is still very much prominent.
❧ It represents either/or the fascination/obsession, denial/rejection of whatever topics that are associated with the sign and house it is in.
❥ What is the ascendant?
❧ The ascendant sign, also known as the rising sign is the critical, angular point of the 1st house.
❧ This represents your physical body, appearance, 1st impression, innate nature & mannerisms.
❧ In the Placidus house system, it is the beginning of the 1st house. In the Whole Sign house system it can vary in degree and very rarely land in the 12th or 2nd house.
❧ The ascendant sets up the rest of your chart. If you have BLM in the 1st house without the conjunction to the Asc, this energy will still manifest. It just won’t be as prominent.
❥ What is a conjunction?
❧ A conjunction is an aspect. Aspects are used to show the relationship and dynamic between planets/objects in a chart.
❧ Conjunctions are when two or more planets/celestial bodies/angles are right next to each other in the birth chart, blending and empowering the energies associated with them together.
❧ Angles are the Ascendant (ASC), Descendant (DSC), Imum Coeli (IC) & Midheaven (MC).
❥ I like to think BML as a mix between the outer planets: Neptune, Uranus & Pluto. Especially, Pluto.
❥ When someone has BML conjunct the Asc/in the 1st house this gives the native a mysterious, captivating, alluring, darker aura & presence.
❥ If the BML is conjunct the Asc in the 12th house (usually the case in the Placidus house system) the energy will be there as well but it will be deeper in the subconscious and may be harder to harness this energy in a productive way.
❥ The 12th house is the house of confinement, suppression, hidden enemies, the subconscious & self undoing (addictions for example).
❥ However, the 12th house also rules dreams, spirituality & the unseen realms as it is is ruled by Neptune and naturally is governed by Pisces. Therefore this may manifest similarly to Pisces Asc in certain ways.
❦ Physical Appearance ❦
❥ BML hardens energy & adds a darker, more intense energy. Especially when it comes to the softer ascendant signs such as Taurus, Libra, Cancer, Virgo & Pisces as a few examples.
❥ Some astrologers say that BML does not affect physical appearance but in my experience, I have noticed a few common denominators which are listed below:
❥ Those with this placement usually have a darker appearance, even those with a lighter complexion/light colored eyes. The eyes may be darker in appearance due to the energy that BML exudes.
❥ May give a little bit of Neptunian energy if it’s conjunct in the 12th house (dreamy, ethereal. think siren energy).
❥ They may have darker colored hair & sometimes thicker hair (not always ofc, genetics matter).
❥ Regardless, they may have a darker aesthetic, wear black or darker colored clothes.
❥ If not the case, they are just attracted to styles & aesthetics that bring a sense of empowerment, liberation & control. Whether that’s dressing unconventionally, modestly or revealing. It can go either way.
❥ They may decide to dye their hair a darker color if their natural hair color is lighter. Also, those with the placement may even decide to dye their an unnatural color.
⚠️‼️TW: Mentions of sexual trauma/SA, depression, self-harm, ED’s. Please, take of yourself.‼️⚠️
❦ Personality & Struggles ❦
❥ If you have this placement you may have struggled with bullying, rejection, being overly sexualized or ridiculed and projected onto by others. People may view you as bitchy, arrogant & ruthless.
❥ You also naturally exude sex appeal regardless if you are trying to present yourself as such. This is especially tough if you have trauma surrounding sex & sexuality.
❥ This placement at its worst manifestation is in line with SA, coercion and manipulation by others or even towards others. Although, the native is usually on the receiving end of this.
❥ May also struggle with su!c!dal thoughts/ideation, addictions among other forms of self destruction.
❥ They also struggle with asserting themselves and setting boundaries due to fear of rejection, ridicule & hostility. People project a lot of their fears and anger onto to them.
❥ They also have a tendency to attract possessive, obsessive and controlling friends & partners that want to put them in a box.
❥ The more these people try to tame & control them, the more the people with this placement will want/feel the need to rebel.
❥ May have problems with women/feminine figures in their life.
❧ If they are a woman/feminine, other women/feminines may be envious/jealous of them and their captivating energy.
❧ Regardless of their sexual orientation they will most likely struggle with men/masculine figures over-sexualizing them, degrading them, disrespecting them, overstepping their boundaries & projecting their fantasies onto them.
❥ Especially if they have a Venus or Neptune ruled ascendant or if Venus and/or Neptune is prominent in their chart.
❥ Examples:
❧ Taurus/Libra Asc (Venus). Pisces Asc (modern ruler is Neptune, traditional ruler is Jupiter).
❧ Heavily aspected, on an angle (Asc, Dsc, IC, MC) or in an angular house (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house). Especially Neptune as Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and it rules dreams & fantasies.
❧ Also, Mars & Pluto prominence: Scorpio Asc, Mars (traditional ruler) & Pluto heavily aspected, on an angle/in an angular house for control, manipulation, hostility and/or violence.
❥ These energies also apply to men/masculines as well but it may manifest a bit differently as stated below:
❧ If they are a straight man/masculine they may struggle with expectations and demands towards women. Especially in a partner.
❧ They may even have the tendency to be misogynistic. Alternatively, they may seek out feminine partners that defy traditional roles in relationships as they respect and admire that.
❥ Daddy issues are usually a thing with this placement, both in feminines and masculines. They struggle with expressing their feminine energy.
❥ As the ascendant/1st house deals with the physical body, they may have struggles with self image issues such as an eating disorder/ or general insecurities surrounding their appearance and body. Sometimes, this can manifest as physical health issues/disorders as well.
❥ Alternatively, the most positive manifestation of this placement is being obsessed with themselves and their appearance, in a positive way. Although, that too can turn toxic.
❥ Being a leader and paving the way for liberation & justice especially when it comes to femininity and sexuality.
❥ Not only that, they pave the way for others to express their authenticity and challenging social norms and what is deemed acceptable by society.
❥ In general, the native may become obsessed with cultivating a persona that they deem powerful & influential even though it may not fully align with who they actually are and what they want.
❥ They may even become obsessed with negative attention just as much as positive attention.
❥ “Haters make me famous.” “All press is good press.” & “The end justifies the means.” are mottos they may live by or at least inspires them.
❦ If you have this placement, a great way to harness this energy is following your authenticity. Standing up for yourself and what you believe in.
❦ Forms of self expression such as fashion, music, drawing or other forms of artistic expression will help to release any negative emotions and struggles you may be dealing with.
❦ Acceptance of one’s authenticity & facing your fears and inner demons is essential. The more you try to suppress who you really are, the more Lilith will challenge you.
❦ Don’t be afraid to seek therapy or talk to a loved one if that’s an option for you.
Hope you guys enjoyed this post. Let me know if it resonated and leave me suggestions for more posts!
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sativaonsaturn · 2 months
ask me! <3
i wanna do some detailed posts on personality placements; sun, moon, mercury, mars, venus! (can include houses)
send in your requests :)
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soulful-lving8 · 10 months
Part of fortune in Taurus
$ notes for you $
You excel in & find joy /satisfaction also in goals that you'll use the slow and steady path that requires methodical steady effort. You like quality,things that'll last.
You have excellent taste.keep choosing quality over quantity.
There's no shortcut to long lasting success or change
You innately know how to be optimistic about life
You are sensual so you know how to indulge and rest,since the sign opp Taurus os Scorpio you could have Scorpio In one of your big 3 (sun moon rising) identify and cultivate the positive scorpio traits
Use the depth of understanding and perception/ intuition for spiritual growth
You must have patience, because what you want in a lasting way does not materialize instantaneously, but it arrives by means of several transmutations. understand that destruction is part of the process of creation
Establish firm structures,embrace your unique path with a sense of purpose, spiritual growth
Use your sensitivity for descernment not to be negative picking up negative energies of others
recognize the beauty of all things in your environment. enjoy the things that express your most sincere values and principles,learn to rest when you need it,move to action gradually and slowly, but with enough firmness to be able to feel calm and safe. It is this slowness of action that helps you relax and regain strength to continue
The need for personal love and the expression of affection and sensitivity is very important to you. Love yourself,think positively,love joyfully, create authentic intimate relationships,don't hold a grudge, so as not to lose your focus..You like to live life in the fullness of its beauty and everything pleasant, learn to keep what is true and valuable. That is why you are very slow to change, but what you have will be significant and lasting.
learn to live and let others live, learning all the richness of life for yourself.live in peace to appreciate all the good things that life has to offer. By doing so, you gain more and you relax better by surrendering instead of fighting. This way you will find the peaceful existence that you so desire.
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inshelliesworld · 7 months
Your Star Story
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Reblog to tell me your Star Story & tag your moots if you want to know theirs!
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charnellecatastrophe · 5 months
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It's really like finding a long lost twin
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boyrobott · 1 year
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if angels aren't real then explain these images to me
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astro-tag-9 · 6 months
heyyy!! hope u are doingg well!
I would like to participate and i hope see it cause i really wanna know XD
so me: sag sun, Libra moon, cancer rising
and him: Taurus sun, aqua moon, Leo rising
MIGHT be controversial, but Shrek and Fiona 💚💚
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Big 3 Ask Game!! Follower Milestone
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Hello my lovelies! We recently reached 100 followers on here (can't believe I've only had this blog for a month...) and I'm so excited to do my first ask game :) You guys are helping me make my dream of doing energy work full-time come true. Seriously, it's an honor.(My regular services are 25% off until this game closes! Check my pinned post for more details)
Status: Answering Asks
What you give me: Your Big 3 (Placidus, Sun Moon, Rising), and a color!
What will happen: I will give you a quick short analysis on your big 3, what it means together, and a tarot card to represent your next steps for today!
Rules and Reminders
Reblog this post
Followers only. No anons please
Send everything in the asks.
Check Status to see if the game is still open
Not everyone may be answered
include the sun emoji in your ask to verify that you read the full post : and i'll get to you quicker :)
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astro-wixch · 1 year
Astro Obs for the FIRE SIGNS
Im not an astrologer. These are just for fun. Please take what resonates only.
I do not own the rights to this image
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🔥Can often be cold natured. They love the heat! Winter time is the worst season for them and because of this they may struggle with seasonal depression.
🔥Have so much energy. Energy for days, weeks even.
🔥Tend to have the best humor bc it’s stupid humor. These are the friends that laugh at you when you fall 😂 but then proceed to help you get back up because they’re loyal like that.
🔥Tend to have explosive tempers. Often are physically violent or have a lot of physical energy in general. Sports or working out usually help them to burn all that extra energy.
🔥Many of them either play a sport or several sports, or they have in the past
🔥Mostly great dancers and entertainers all the way around. The life of the party type of people.
🔥The most resilient of all the elements. Things just seem to glide off of the shoulders of heavy fire placements. It’s like, they smack the shit outta you and then they’re over it 😂 meanwhile, the person who didn’t slap the shit outta you when they should’ve (water signs) is still obsessing about revenge tactics lmao. Aries, Leo & Sag have moved on. But Cancer, Pisces, & Scorpio have have already planned the murder, wake, & funeral
🔥Fire risings always look like they tryna fight somebody 😂 or like they’ve had 5 cups of coffee and a red-bull in 2 hrs, there’s usually no in between.
🔥Very impatient. Drive like lunatics but somehow still seem to be breathing lol.
🔥Assertive. Knows what they want and goes after it which can be intimidating towards others.
🔥Typically loves spicy and fast foods as they’re always on the go!
🔥May be drawn to activities revolving fire or the blood’s version of fire: adrenaline. These are the thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies.
🔥bonfires, burning things for release, pottery, welding, fireplaces, shooting ranges, sports of any kind, high steaks challenges, gambling, the lottery, racing, competition in general, fights and fighting, boxing, karate and other forms of self defense, dance & choreography, stunt actors/actresses
🔥These are your athletes, firefighters, welders, boxers, professional fighters, cops, actors/actresses, comedians, activists, stuntmen, entertainers, party hosts/hostesses, theatrical performers, leaders, trendsetters, trailblazers,
🔥Risings have so much hair. And it’s always so beautiful and unique. But typically it’s wild and untamable. Also usually have cat-like or slanted facial features.
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maid day was some time ago, so you should draw yourself in a maid outfit to celebrate
if your find with it of course
That's totally okay!!! In fact, some time ago, my friend Lake got me to work up the confidence to draw myself in a maid dress and so I did on a whiteboard!! And so i just digitalized that <33
So, happy Maid Day that was on May 10th, and shoutout to Lake my bestest friend doing Maid Week on @artyasumi <333
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Is this really what's gonna jumpstart my art career again- FHAJKHFASKSHFASJH??
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astroboyart · 2 years
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Source: Tezuka Goods Information (TEZUKA_goods, Twitter)
Tezuka Star System artwork, possibly originally artwork used in an official Tezuka Calendar.
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mossflower · 10 months
okay not dropping out 👍
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soulful-lving8 · 10 months
First house stellium!!!
* A stellium is a group of three or more planets in a single house, or sign of the zodiac. This can create an intensified focus on the energies of that house, as well as a strong emphasis on the planetary qualities associated with the planets in the stellium.
* A 1st house stellium can be an indication of a strong focus on the self, with a great deal of energy being devoted to the personal journey of self-discovery. The planets in the stellium will have an influence on the individual’s personality and life path.
* For example, a 1st house stellium of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus could be an indication of an individual with strong communication skills, as well as a strong focus on relationships. A 1st house stellium of Mars, Saturn, and Pluto could indicate a more intense focus on personal growth, as well as a determination to overcome challenges.
* an indication of an intense self-awareness and a strong desire for personal growth.
* With this much concentrated planetary energy, the version of yourself that you present to others and how you perceive the world will play a pivotal role in your life.
* Having your big 3 sun n ascendant in your first house is epic
* First house is a fire house rule by Aries and mars, it’s a personal house your looks, personality,energy,aura.
*When you have first house stellium multiple planets energy adds to your essence,magnifying many aspects of your personality,it’s an angular house so it affects your first impression, there is a signature style or physical attributes that stands out.
* with Pluto here you appear intimidating and aloof,
* So much energy will be concentrated in self expression,personality, physical appearance,approach to life,leading to a strong focus on developing or refining self
*you're compelled to make your mark with a bold & noticeable persona
* you have lots of persona
* each planet involved in the stellium bring its own energy,contributing to your persona
* you have an incredible charisma & personal magnetism
* you have presence & people feel it,utilize your charm positively
* you are in this life on a journey of self discovery & personal growth,you'll continually shape & enhance your identity , interest, ability & outward appearance
* it's a never ending process of self improvement,you'll realize more of your potentials with each experience but embrace the journey
* you are an inspirational role model
*you have loads of inner strength,invest it in pursuing your passions
* you need to maintain stamina & enthusiasm so take care of your physical & mental health
* with this stellium comes sensitivity to issues of self worth & confidence, it's essential you know your worth and have a strong sense of self by recognizing and believing completely in your assets & abilities
* align with communities & people that nurture your strengths
* born leader you have an aura of authority & confidence that attracts attention a commanding presence,you are not a follower you are a trendsetter,people instinctively trust your guidance.
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inshelliesworld · 7 months
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starsworldd · 1 year
hii, what are your thoughts on a pisces sun, aquarius moon and taurus rising girl? 🩷
hello! here is my reply, sorry for the late response!
pisces sun 💖 - these people are easy to engage with. they tend to be good at blending in with others but they may keep their creative talents behind the scenes. open-minded individuals who may also adopt an eccentric personality from time to time <3
aquarius moon 🤍 - these people have a really good sense of humor i find. even though these people know how to have fun, they still maintain a rational and level-headed vibe about them!
taurus rising 🪄- these people come across pretty nonchalant but internally care a lot to maintain their personal comfort (internal or physical). these people may also tend to be pretty single-minded in their pursuits. they have deep voices i find too?
overall - first thing i thought when i saw this was an outer space spa😭 i feel like you have some pretty niche hobbies/interests? maybe you’re also a spiritual person. you could be pretty direct in your speech and ideas too (something with writing maybe?). smart, creative, and relaxed.
hope you enjoyed!
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