#Mars terrestrial planet
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Next few weeks we will be discussing the most wanted information among astronomers. Life on other planets! Our favorite topic!
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COMIC - Cosmic Mysteries: Black Holes
(Heliosphere: Under the Sky is an original solar system project with personified stars and planets)
Space facts!
Black holes are mysterious. They are huge concentrations of matter packed into very tiny spaces.
A black hole is so dense that gravity just beneath its surface, the event horizon, is strong enough that nothing - not even light - can escape.
Black holes can be stellar or supermassive.
However, continued studies propose intermediate (middle ground mass), primordial (formed with the universe), and ultramassive (in the case of TON 618).
Black holes (NASA) | Sagittarius A* (Space.com) | Ultra-massive black holes (Universe Today)
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baking-cha05 · 11 months
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smak-annihilation · 11 months
now that CO2 has been detected on Europa, here is a video about potential alien life by sciencephile the ai, it's incredibly well done and covers a lot that usually isn't covered. There are a lot more habitable places in our own solar system than one would think
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nasa · 1 year
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Let's Explore a Metal-Rich Asteroid 🤘
Between Mars and Jupiter, there lies a unique, metal-rich asteroid named Psyche. Psyche’s special because it looks like it is part or all of the metallic interior of a planetesimal—an early planetary building block of our solar system. For the first time, we have the chance to visit a planetary core and possibly learn more about the turbulent history that created terrestrial planets.
Here are six things to know about the mission that’s a journey into the past: Psyche.
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1. Psyche could help us learn more about the origins of our solar system.
After studying data from Earth-based radar and optical telescopes, scientists believe that Psyche collided with other large bodies in space and lost its outer rocky shell. This leads scientists to think that Psyche could have a metal-rich interior, which is a building block of a rocky planet. Since we can’t pierce the core of rocky planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars, and our home planet, Earth, Psyche offers us a window into how other planets are formed.
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2. Psyche might be different than other objects in the solar system.
Rocks on Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Earth contain iron oxides. From afar, Psyche doesn’t seem to feature these chemical compounds, so it might have a different history of formation than other planets.
If the Psyche asteroid is leftover material from a planetary formation, scientists are excited to learn about the similarities and differences from other rocky planets. The asteroid might instead prove to be a never-before-seen solar system object. Either way, we’re prepared for the possibility of the unexpected!
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3. Three science instruments and a gravity science investigation will be aboard the spacecraft.
The three instruments aboard will be a magnetometer, a gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer, and a multispectral imager. Here’s what each of them will do:
Magnetometer: Detect evidence of a magnetic field, which will tell us whether the asteroid formed from a planetary body
Gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer: Help us figure out what chemical elements Psyche is made of, and how it was formed
Multispectral imager: Gather and share information about the topography and mineral composition of Psyche
The gravity science investigation will allow scientists to determine the asteroid’s rotation, mass, and gravity field and to gain insight into the interior by analyzing the radio waves it communicates with. Then, scientists can measure how Psyche affects the spacecraft’s orbit.
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4. The Psyche spacecraft will use a super-efficient propulsion system.
Psyche’s solar electric propulsion system harnesses energy from large solar arrays that convert sunlight into electricity, creating thrust. For the first time ever, we will be using Hall-effect thrusters in deep space.
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5. This mission runs on collaboration.
To make this mission happen, we work together with universities, and industry and NASA to draw in resources and expertise.
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the mission and is responsible for system engineering, integration, and mission operations, while NASA’s Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Services Program manages launch operations and procured the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket.
Working with Arizona State University (ASU) offers opportunities for students to train as future instrument or mission leads. Mission leader and Principal Investigator Lindy Elkins-Tanton is also based at ASU.
Finally, Maxar Technologies is a key commercial participant and delivered the main body of the spacecraft, as well as most of its engineering hardware systems.
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6. You can be a part of the journey.
Everyone can find activities to get involved on the mission’s webpage. There's an annual internship to interpret the mission, capstone courses for undergraduate projects, and age-appropriate lessons, craft projects, and videos.
You can join us for a virtual launch experience, and, of course, you can watch the launch with us on Oct. 12, 2023, at 10:16 a.m. EDT!
For official news on the mission, follow us on social media and check out NASA’s and ASU’s Psyche websites.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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timberwind · 2 months
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Diamantane Hills, Snohualmy (Rainier II)
Snohualmy is a terrestrial moon roughly the size of Mars, a Lowell-Birch type terraform, a world dominated by glassy soletta-carved handramit valleys and cold, dry haranda highlands(1). It was once a planet in its own right, billions of years before the first transhuman explorers walked its deserts. In its brief heyday, the megayears before the final migration of the system's gas giants to their wide present-day orbits threw the Tiandonias system's closely packed orrery of inner planets into disarray, it may even have hosted a deep global ocean(2). Snohualmy was spared the fate of many of its sister worlds - ejection from the system and a subsequent trillion-year circuit race across the disk of the Milky Way - by a chance encounter with the waterworld Rainier. That fateful close flyby bent the little world's trajectory just enough to capture it into an wide retrograde(3) orbit of the significantly more massive waterworld, in a manner not entirely dissimilar to the slingshot maneuvers that Dawn Age spacecraft used to gain and shed orbital velocity in their journeys across Old Earth's solar system. Many larger worlds have captured moons like this: famous examples from the Early Interstellar period are Triton, icy moon of Neptune (Solar System), and Arash, terrestrial moon of Eff (Tau Ceti).
Pictured is the city of Diamantane Hills, a huddle of hab complexes and marshaling yards sitting on the dry valley floor at the head of the Samarkand Vallis - a great outflow channel system carved in the distant past by one of the catastrophic floods that marked Snohualmy's equivalent of old Mars' Hesperian era. Although a little stunted compared to the bustling cities of the coasts and handramits, it forms an important hub for the maintenance of mining and terraforming automation atop the Tanaka Plateau, as well as the last stop on the western limb of the Trans-Snohualmy Trunkline road-rail-pipeline link before final ascent to the loading docks of the Tanaka Launch Loop.
(1) It's not entirely desert, mind: there's also one major sea roughly at the sub-Rainier point - the somewhat unimaginatively named Nearside Sea - which covers approximately 12% of the surface area of the moon. The anti-Rainier hemisphere's five major lakes account for a further 1%.
(2) Now mostly lost to processes driven by the brief post-capture period of extremely violent tidal heating as Snohualmy's newly planet-centric looping eccentric orbit rung down to a near-perfect circle, as well as subsequent attrition from escape and sequestration processes over the last 3 Gyr.
(3) Snohualmy orbits Rainier counterclockwise relative to the direction of spin of its parent planet. This is a fairly surefire indicator for a moon being captured in and of itself - moons that form in-situ tend to have formed from a common disk of material that spins in the same direction as the final planet does.
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thehiddenoctave · 11 months
How Mars becomes Venus
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The only planet that struggles with temptation is Mars. Venus is not temptation because Venus loves the self-destructive quality of pleasure and love, burning the eye with beauty and cutting the tongue with sweets, destroying the body to arrive at the soul through pleasure.
Mars fights off anything that threatens it, from physical enemies to psychic enemies, so it hates temptation because such things threaten to destroy the very thing it tries to protect. But here's the funny thing about Mars: by resisting temptation, they become the tempting thing. What happens when you resist alcohol, candy, ejaculatory sex etc.?
Does your body and mind not become stronger and more beautiful and more delicious? And in becoming so, do you not tempt others to their destruction? By fighting fear, they become fearsome. Much like a warrior, who wears the skulls and drinks the blood of all he defeats, he becomes an even greater force through the combination of all these conquests. In alchemy it is said that Venus is externally solar but internally corrosive/terrestrial, where as mars is the opposite, being externally corrosive/terrestrial but internally solar.
Of the many interprations, here's is one:Venus starts off lustruous (solar) but overtime wastes itself into dullness (corrosive); Mars starts off dull (corrosive) but builds itself into luster (solar). Someone born with Mars placements today, may even reincarnate with Venus placements cuz of how well they attain soma.
But the thing about having Mars nakshatras, is that you are simultaneously made manifest with a degree of lustre (soma; the pearl etc.) but also still with a resistance to indulgence as you are still martian. Mars naks are superficially venusian in that they love aesthetics but... they are internally martian in that they resist induglence and don't like getting tempted - instead they prefer to be the tempting thing that provokes others into throwing their soma onto the mars native so they can drink it and add to their luster.
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cosmicdumpling · 12 days
a star is born » jeong yunho
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SUMMARY: When “Space Ace” Jeong Yunho, renowned for his brilliance both on Earth and beyond, crosses paths with you, a resolute journalist whose heart is as fierce as her curiosity, sparks fly. Your journey together through life and love unfolds amid cosmic challenges and earthly dilemmas, crafting a love that echoes across the stars and transcends time and space itself.
Inspired by the songs Die With A Smile and Next To You.
PAIRING: yunho x fem!reader
GENRE: romance. fluff, angst, drama, suggestive; sci-fi-ish.
⚠ WARNING/S: suggestive themes (making out, allusions to sex; no smut as usual), very very fluffy at first only to have heavy angst midway through, character death, pregnancy, scenes showcasing anxiety, hyperventilation, and grief
THEME/S: astronaut!yunho, journalist/anchor!reader, also a parent au; dad!yunho and mom!reader. jake (en—) cameo! en-tinys riseee
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It all began after a mission to Mars.
Operation Red Dawn was a turning point for humanity. As Earth's climate deteriorated, scientists and researchers turned their gaze to Mars, seeking a new frontier. Mars, with its stable environment and potential for terraforming, became the focus of this ambitious mission. The goal was to deploy the first automated weather station on its surface— a small but crucial step in unraveling the mysteries of its atmosphere. The data gathered would lay the groundwork for future colonization efforts, offering a glimmer of hope for a new beginning where Earth was faltering.
The mission was an undeniable triumph, largely due to the leadership of AstraTech's best set of mission specialists— the Aurora Taskforce for Elite Extra-terrestrial Zenith Unit.
And of course, at the helm of this mission was none other than Commander Jeong Yunho, AstraTech’s golden boy.
Even from a young age, Yunho's brilliance was undeniable— an exceptional child who became an even more exceptional man. His early spark only grew stronger as he navigated through high school, college, and beyond, consistently outshining expectations.
Sure, Yunho was stellar on Earth, but it wasn’t until he became an astronaut that he expanded his abilities to— quite literally— outer space. Thus, gaining the nickname, Space Ace.
Now, he led missions as a commander, his reputation solidifying with each successful venture. Operation Red Dawn was just another testament to his capabilities, another legacy to leave behind.
The excitement surrounding the mission has already been palpable; and coupled further with AstraTech announcing the crew's first public appearance since the mission drew massive attention, media outlets buzzed with anticipation.
You knew everyone was eager to cover the story, but it wasn’t until you arrived outside the venue that you realized the true scale of the frenzy.
The event has drawn a global audience, with news stations from every corner of the world converging on the event. What was once an orderly press area has turned into a chaotic sea of cameras, microphones, and people eager to get any form of statement. The sun beats down mercilessly, its heat reflecting off the concrete and making the air shimmer. You stand among a throng of reporters; a mix of seasoned journalists and fresh faces, each waiting in the oppressive heat for the chance to get a word with the infamous crew, or by any chance— with its Commander, Jeong Yunho himself.
“Can you believe the turnout?” one reporter asks from the crowd, his face flushed and sweaty. “It’s like every news outlet on the planet decided to cover this.”
“Yeah, it’s overwhelming,” another replies, fanning herself with a notebook. “And don’t even get me started on the international teams. They’re everywhere.”
You shift your weight, trying to find a sliver of shade, but the heat is relentless. Sweat trickles down your neck, but you hardly notice. This isn’t just about getting the story first—it’s about your passion. Ever since you were young, you’ve wanted to be a journalist, someone who uncovers the truth and reflects it back to the world. Being here, witnessing this moment, feels like a step closer to that dream. Covering a historic event like this, a mission to Mars under Commander Jeong’s leadership, is more than just reporting; it’s documenting a monumental leap for humanity, a crucial effort to address Earth’s deteriorating climate.
Just then, the doors suddenly swing open, and the crowd surges forward with renewed energy. A cacophony of voices rises in unison, punctuated by the flash of camera lights. Amid the chaos, you catch sight of the crew making their way through the throng. You spot him instantly— Commander Jeong— looking relaxed, calm amidst the chaos; a picture-perfect representation of a commander who’s just returned from a history-making mission. 
As he approaches near your side of the mob, you can feel the anticipation in the air. He stops for a moment, his eyes scanning the sea of reporters, and then he begins answering questions with his trademark poise.
“Commander, how do you feel about Operation Red Dawn's success?” a voice shouts above the clangor.
Yunho’s response is measured and thoughtful. “It’s a monumental step forward for all of us, but this is just the beginning. There are other and bigger things that we can accomplish given time and more resources.”
Clutching your notebook and recorder, you scan the scene, searching for an opening amidst the chaos. However, it’s hard to do so when reporters around you are hurling questions like bullets, trying to make an impactful statement and get some answers. The scene is a chaotic whirl of voices and camera flashes, making it nearly impossible to understand anything. Even Yunho begins to struggle— squinting against the blinding lights and trying to stay balanced as the crowd presses in on him, their desperation creating a disorienting push.
Annoyed from all the mobbing, you call out with a hint of sarcasm, “You’d think after a long journey to Mars, you would give him a little personal space!”
The comment creates a brief, surprised pause among the crowd. Even the other crew members stop talking, turning their attentions towards you— some holding back a laugh, while others too stunned to react. Yunho’s eyes, sharp yet amused, lock onto yours. Despite being under his naturally commanding gaze, you don’t waver; the look on your face as unrelenting— unapologetic. A small, almost imperceptible smirk tugs at Yunho’s lips as he nods toward you. 
“You got a question, journalist?”
You raise an eyebrow, standing firm in the face of his commanding presence. “Plenty. But let’s start with the big one: What’s next for the Space Ace now that Mars is behind him?”
The crowd hushes, surprised by the sudden interaction. Yunho, equally intrigued by your boldness, chuckles. 
“Well, I guess I’m looking for my next adventure… back here on Earth.”
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A few weeks later, you find yourself at an exclusive gala, one you almost didn’t attend because frankly, these events were more pomp than substance. 
But this gala, celebrating AstraTech’s recent success, had a guest list that was impossible to ignore, and as always, your job came first.
The ballroom is glamorous, with chandeliers glittering above and soft music playing in the background. You weave through the crowd of high-profile guests, balancing a glass of champagne as you survey the scene. Journalists like you are scattered around, each trying to look casual while hoping for a chance to corner someone important.
You spot him instantly.
Jeong Yunho. 
Standing by a window with his hands tucked casually in his pockets, he’s deep in conversation with another member of his crew. He looks different from the last time you saw him— gone is the space suit, replaced by a sharp tuxedo that fits him almost too perfectly. Yet, even in this sea of formality, his calm and composed energy stands out, and it annoys you how effortlessly charming he seems. 
You debate whether to approach him, but before you can decide, he catches you staring. His gaze meets yours across the room, and to your surprise, he grins.
Suddenly, you feel heat rising to your cheeks, but you shake it off, raising your glass slightly in acknowledgment. He gives a slight nod in return, but doesn’t move to approach you. 
If he isn’t going to make the first move, you will.
With purposeful steps, you close the distance. 
“I see you’ve decided not to hide from the press tonight,” you tease, sipping your champagne as you come to stand beside him.
He chuckles, his eyes glimmering with amusement. “I’m not sure that’s possible with you around.”
You roll your eyes, but can’t suppress a grin.
“Fair enough. Seems like I’m the only one with enough guts to get you talking.”
He tilts his head, clearly entertained by your confidence. “It’s not that. You’re just... interesting.”
You blink, not expecting that. “Interesting?”
He leans slightly closer, his voice lowering just enough to send a shiver down your spine. “You don't take the obvious route. Most people would've asked me a dozen questions about Mars by now. You haven't even mentioned it.”
You shrug, trying to keep your composure. “Maybe because Mars isn’t the most interesting thing here tonight.”
His smile widens, and you feel the tension in the air shift. There’s a playful glint in his eyes now, a clear sign that you’ve piqued his interest. 
“And what is?”
You give him a cheeky smile, “Well, you’ll have to stick around and find out.”
For a moment, neither of you speaks, the weight of your words hanging in the air like a challenge. Then, Yunho extends his hand, his expression softer but still carrying that hint of amusement. 
“I suppose we should officially introduce ourselves then. Jeong Yunho.”
You shake his hand, your grip firm. “Y/N.”
His grip lingers just a second longer than necessary, and when you both pull away, there’s an unspoken agreement that this is just the beginning. He smiles, warm and disarming. 
“It’s a pleasure, Y/N. I’m looking forward to whatever happens next.” 
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Months have passed since your interactions with Yunho became a regular occurrence. There’s no strict label on whatever this thing between you is, but there’s an undeniable shift. The playful teasing and shared glances are starting to feel more charged, more meaningful, no matter under which circumstance you find yourselves bumping into each other.
You’re at the AstraTech headquarters today, this time exclusively invited to cover the impending launch of a new rocket— a huge milestone for the space program. As you make your way through the hallway, checking your notes for the coverage, you’re not paying much attention to your surroundings. That is, until you round a corner a little too quickly— and collide with someone solid.
You stumble slightly, but a steady hand grabs your arm before you can lose your balance. “Easy there.”
You look up.
Of course, it has to be Yunho. 
He’s dressed casually, wearing an AstraTech ID around his neck, his usual calm smile on his face. His hand lingers on your arm just long enough to make your heart skip a beat before he lets go.
“You really do have a habit of sneaking up on me,” Yunho quips, raising an eyebrow as you straighten up.
“You’re the one who almost ran me over this time,” You say, brushing off the embarrassment, “You shouldn’t stand in the way of a woman on a mission.”
Yunho gives you that look— half amused, half intrigued. “And what mission would that be today, journalist?”
“Getting an exclusive on the new rocket you guys have,” you reply, eyes narrowing playfully. “Or, you know, not getting trampled by an astronaut.”
He laughs, the sound rich and warm. "Are you sure your mission isn’t to fly the rocket yourself?"
You roll your eyes playfully. “I’m not exactly part of the space crew, am I?”
“Maybe you should be. You’ve already got the guts for it.”
“Yeah, sure,” you smirk, meeting his eyes, “Because covering your every move wasn’t enough of an adventure already.”
Yunho laughs softly, his gaze lingering on you for a beat longer than usual.
“You really make things a lot more interesting,” His tone is low, and there’s something in his voice that makes your heart skip. You tilt your head, your voice playful but edged with curiosity. 
“Oh? And what exactly makes me so interesting?”
He leans in closer, the teasing smile still on his lips, but there’s a serious undertone to the way he’s watching you now. “Maybe it’s how you don’t back down, even when I expect you to. Or maybe it’s how you talk to me like… I’m just Yunho. Not ‘Space Ace’ or anything else.”
Your breath hitches, and you feel the room around you dim as everything focuses in on him. You were always good at playing it cool, but this— this was different. There’s something raw about the way he’s speaking, something that stirs your heart.
You meet his gaze, your voice quieter but firm. “Maybe it’s because I see the real you.”
Yunho blinks, clearly taken aback, but he doesn’t pull away. Instead, a warm, genuine smile spreads across his face, and there’s no teasing in his expression anymore— just pure affection. 
“I like that.”
For a moment, the noise of the room fades. You’re both so close now that you can see the faint reflection of the light in his eyes. You can feel the warmth radiating off him, and suddenly, the playful back-and-forth that always defined your interactions feels like it’s building up to something bigger.
He steps closer, just enough that the space between you feels deliberate. 
“Why do you always seem to find me in the busiest places?” he comments lightly, his gaze flickering between your eyes and your lips, “It’s a shame, really. I’d hoped we could do a lot more talking.”
You tilt your head, matching his playful energy, “Maybe you’re just easy to find. You do stand out, Commander.”
“Or maybe you just can’t resist checking up on me,” Yunho grins, his posture relaxing as he leans against the wall beside you. 
You chuckle, “I’m a journalist. It’s literally my job.”
“Hm, is that all this is? Just work?” He says, his eyes twinkling with amusement. 
His words catch you off guard, and you feel a mix of emotions swell inside. The banter, the teasing— it had always been your way of dancing around the unspoken. Now, though, it feels like he's asking for more.
“Maybe it’s more than that,” you admit, your voice steady despite the flutter in your chest.
Yunho leans in a fraction closer, his voice lower now, “More, how?”
Your breath hitches, and you feel the tension building between you both. It’s like the entire bustling headquarters fades away, leaving just the two of you standing here in this quiet corner.
“I don’t know,” you say softly, your confidence wavering for just a second under the weight of his gaze, “you tell me.”
Yunho’s smile softens, and for a moment, he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he gently reaches out, his fingers brushing against a few stray strands of your hair. The touch is light, but it’s enough to make your heart thud in your chest.
“I think we both know what this is,” he says quietly, his tone more serious now. “And I don’t think it’s just work.”
He moves the stray strands of hair from your face, tucking them behind your ear in a way that feels both natural and electrifying at the same time.
“I guess we’ve been dancing around this for a while,” Yunho adds, his thumb lightly brushing over your cheek as he retracts his hand.
“So what are you suggesting, Commander?”
He smiles, that same teasing glint in his eyes, “Maybe we stop pretending it’s just friendly banter.”
You hold his gaze, waiting for him to continue. Yunho steps closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. “How about something a little more... official?”
You can’t help the small smile tugging at your lips, “Are you asking me to cover your next mission or something else?”  
His laughter is soft, but his gaze never wavers.
“Definitely something else.”
There’s a moment of silence, the two of you standing close; a little too close to just be another public figure and journalist working together. You can feel the shift between you, the playful banter giving way to something deeper.
“How does a date after duty sound?” His grin widens, and he leans in just enough that you can feel the warmth radiating from him. 
“Are you ready for that?” Yunho asks, his voice barely above a whisper now.
You meet his gaze with a quiet smile.
“I think I’ve been ready for a while.”
And just like that, the unspoken understanding between you solidifies, a silent agreement that this is something real. Something you’re both ready to explore, beyond the teasing remarks and shared glances. The look you share says it all— you’re in this together.
Whatever “this” may be.
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The night sky stretches above, stars flickering like tiny, distant lanterns. You and Yunho lie side by side on an old blanket, tucked away from the rest of the world. It’s become one of your unspoken rituals: escaping under the stars, where everything feels lighter, where the weight of everyday life melts into the quiet hum of the night.
"Well, here we are again," Yunho says, breaking the silence with a grin as he laces his fingers with yours. "Aren't you tired of stargazing yet?"
You chuckle, nudging him lightly with your shoulder. "Not when it’s with you, Space Ace."
He laughs at the nickname, rolling onto his side to face you. “Flattery will get you everywhere.”
You stretch your arms over your head, gazing up at the stars with a contented sigh.
"It’s not flattery if it’s true. Besides, don’t you feel like you belong up there?"
Yunho props himself up on one elbow, looking at you curiously. “Up where?”
"Among the stars," you say, turning to meet his eyes. "You’ve always been a little too stellar for Earth."
He raises an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth quirking up.
“Stellar, huh? I’ll take that.” He taps your nose lightly. “You know, some of the crew believe in this old myth that when you die, you become a star.”
You let out a soft laugh. “Oh yeah? What would you be? A twinkling little dot or something more dramatic?”
He leans in a little closer, his voice low and serious but with that mischievous spark.
“If I go, I’ll be the brightest one up there, so you can always find me.”
You roll your eyes playfully.
“So humble, Jeong Yunho.”
“I’m serious!” He chuckles, though there’s a softness to his tone. “When I’m gone—hopefully not anytime soon—I’ll be up there, keeping an eye on you.”
You snort, trying to keep the mood light despite the tenderness of the moment.
“Okay, well, what if I don’t want to be watched 24/7? Stars don’t have to do that, you know.”
He gives you a mock scandalized look, “Wow, rejecting my eternal star-watching service already? Harsh.”
“Well, I like having you down here better anyway,” you say, leaning closer to rest your head against his shoulder. “If the world ends, I’d rather you were next to me, not twinkling up in the sky.”
Yunho smiles at that, pulling you into a warm embrace.
“If the world ends? It’s just you and me, starlight. Who cares about the stars?”
You laugh, though there’s a tenderness in your voice. "And what if the Earth rumbles and I’m stuck here, and you're in space doing your astronaut thing? Then what?”
Yunho gives you a dramatic sigh, wrapping his arms tighter around you. “If I have to, I’ll commandeer a rocket, burst through the atmosphere, and fly straight back here. Even if it’s the middle of a mission.”
You burst out laughing, imagining Yunho casually hijacking a rocket mid-spacewalk. 
“Please don’t get fired for me.”
He chuckles, brushing a stray hair from your face.
“Hey, they don’t call me Space Ace for nothing. I’ll manage.”
You look up at him, grinning. “Of course you will. You’re the Commander Jeong “Space Ace” Yunho, the guy who makes impossible things happen.”
He raises an eyebrow, pretending to consider your words. 
“Like getting you to go out with me? That was pretty impossible.”
You roll your eyes, nudging him again. “Hey, I was totally charmed.”
“I know you were,” he teases, but his voice softens. “But in all seriousness, no matter where I am—here, up there—there’s no place I’d rather be than with you.”
You reach out, pinching his cheek with a playful grin. “And what if I end up becoming the star first? Will you still find me?”
Yunho leans in, pressing his forehead against yours, placing a quick peck on your lips before his voice lowers into a whisper. 
“Always, starlight.”
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“So, how many children do you want?”
Yunho cocks an eyebrow at your query, glancing at you with amusement. 
“That quick?” He grins, his eyes sparkling mischievously as he leans in a little closer. 
“We’ve literally been together for three years,” you point out, moving around to sit more comfortably. “And we just got married.”
Yunho can’t help but chuckle at your cheekiness. 
The soft glow of the bedside lamp bathes the room in a warm light as you and Yunho sit side by side on the bed, still dressed in the remnants of your wedding day. His tie hangs loosely around his neck, his sleeves rolled up as he stretches out, leaning against the headboard with a contented sigh. You can’t help but smile as you watch him, your heart swelling with joy at the realization that he is, finally and officially, your husband.
“True, but the correct question is how many children you want, starlight,” Yunho counters, “I’m not the one who’s going to carry a child in my belly, after all. It’s your body, so you decide.”
You quirk an eyebrow, pretending to be deep in thought. 
“Hmm… Then… What if I tell you I don’t want any children?” you tease, testing the waters.
“Absolutely fine by me,” he replies without missing a beat, his tone soft but sure. “I can get a vasectomy too, so we can steer clear of any accidents.”
You burst out laughing at his serious yet laid-back response. The thought of spending the rest of your life with him already fills you with an overwhelming sense of warmth and love.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” You chuckle, slipping your hand into his, “I want… hmm… A boy first, and then a girl. And then we’ll name them—”
Your words hang in the air, and you both look at each other as the abrupt silence comes. You can’t help but laugh after a few moments, the warmth between you growing even stronger. The room feels small and intimate, just for the two of you, as if the world outside has faded away. In this shared moment, all that matters is the bond you share and the dreams you’re building together.
“—Any names in mind?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
Yunho shakes his head, “None. You?”
“Well then,” Yunho says with a mischievous glint in his eye, “should we just concentrate on trying to make one first?”
“Jeong Yunho—!” you exclaim, your cheeks flushing at your own boldness.
“You started it, Jeong Y/N,” he responds as he crawls over to hover over you slightly with a fond smile on his face. For a moment, you’re stunned, and the sound of your new name rolling off his lips sends butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“Can you believe it?” Yunho says after a beat, his voice softening as he reaches out to take your hand in his, his thumb gently caressing the back of it.
You shake your head, a smile tugging at your lips. “It hasn’t sunk in completely yet,” you admit, your voice barely a whisper as you look at him, overwhelmed by the tenderness in his gaze.
Yunho shifts closer, his hand cupping your cheek as he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“I love you, my starlight,” he murmurs, his breath warm against your skin. “And I am so happy to be married to you.”
“I love you too, honey,” you whisper back, your heart swelling with love as you gaze into his eyes. “To outer space and beyond.”
He smiles, a soft chuckle escaping him as he pulls you into his arms. “To outer space and beyond,” he echoes, his voice full of promise and love.
As you lie there in his embrace, the world quiets around you. You feel his heartbeat against your chest, steady and reassuring, and the weight of the day finally begins to sink in. 
You’re married. You’re his, and he’s yours. 
And as you close your eyes, the stars outside twinkle faintly, as if aligning just for the two of you. In that moment, everything feels perfect. The universe, vast and infinite, has never felt smaller— because now, in Yunho’s arms, you have everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
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Jeong Junho is like a Supernova, Yunho says; birthed by two binaries orbiting so close when they merged into a single star, that he likes to refer to as the two of you.
He is the spitting image of Yunho, though his eyes hold a certain spark that feels entirely his own. He’s only four, but in those brief years, he’s managed to fill your life with more joy, chaos, and love than you ever thought possible.
The afternoon sun casts a warm, golden hue over the grassy hill where you, Yunho, and little Junho have spread out a picnic blanket. You and Yunho are sprawled out on it, the basket between you filled with all the snacks your son had insisted on bringing. Junho’s laughter echoes through the open air as he runs around, his small legs moving as fast as they can in his excitement.
Yunho watches with a soft smile, his eyes twinkling as he looks from your son to you.
“He’s got your energy, you know,” he says, nudging you playfully. “I thought I was prepared for it, but…” He trails off, shaking his head with a chuckle.
You smirk back, leaning on your elbow. “Oh, please. He’s all you, Commander. I’m just the one who manages to keep up.”
Junho, hearing his name in conversation, runs back to the blanket with a dandelion clutched tightly in his hand.
“Look! A wish flower!” His eyes are wide, full of wonder. He blows on it, the seeds floating into the breeze, scattering around you like tiny stars.
“What did you wish for, buddy?” Yunho asks, pulling Junho into his lap as he settles down next to you.
Junho’s face scrunches up in thought, as if deciding whether or not to share his wish. Then he grins.
“I wished that we could do this every day!” He looks between you and Yunho, his little face glowing with happiness. “And maybe… get a puppy?”
You and Yunho exchange a look, both trying to stifle your laughter. “A puppy, huh?” you say, ruffling Junho’s hair. “That’s a big wish.”
Yunho tilts his head, pretending to consider it seriously. “Well, if you’re good, maybe we can talk about it.”
Junho beams, satisfied with the response, before bouncing off to chase more dandelions. You watch him, heart swelling at how carefree and joyful he is.
“I’m starting to think we’re going to have to actually get a puppy,” you murmur, leaning into Yunho’s shoulder. His arm wraps around you instinctively, pulling you closer.
“Hmm, I don’t mind.” Yunho smiles, his voice warm. “As long as he’s this happy, I’ll consider it.”
The two of you sit there, wrapped up in each other, watching Junho dart around with endless energy. There’s a deep sense of contentment in your chest—a feeling that everything, in this moment, is exactly as it should be.
Yunho presses a kiss to your temple, his hand resting on yours.
“You know,” he starts, his voice soft, “I didn’t think I could love moments like these so much. But with you… and Junho…” He glances at you, his eyes filled with warmth. “You make life more beautiful than I ever imagined.”
You feel your heart flutter at his words, a rush of warmth spreading through you.
“I feel the same way,” you whisper, looking up at him. “Every moment with you two is a gift.”
Just then, Junho comes barreling back toward the blanket, plopping himself down between you and Yunho, tugging on both your arms to pull you into a group hug. 
“Family sandwich!” he declares, giggling as he squeezes himself between you.
You and Yunho laugh, letting yourselves be squished together, your arms wrapping around each other and Junho. It’s messy and fun, filled with the kind of lightheartedness that only comes when you’re surrounded by the people you love most.
As the sun begins to set, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, you all lay back on the blanket, staring up at the fading light. Junho’s tiny hand slips into yours, and Yunho’s fingers entwine with yours on the other side. You’re all connected, and it feels perfect.
“This is what I always wished for,” you say softly, glancing at Yunho, who looks back at you with the same soft, loving gaze.
“Me too,” he replies, leaning in to kiss you gently on the forehead. “Me too.”
And with that, the three of you stay there, watching the sky darken, the stars slowly emerging, twinkling down at the little family that feels more magical and complete every passing day.
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The mood inside AstraTech’s central operations room is tense, the air charged with a mix of anticipation and dread.
Every movement, every breath, feels exaggerated in the thick silence that blankets the space. The lights are dimmed, except for the glow of screens that display a chaotic blur of numbers, charts, and trajectories.
Yunho sits alongside his crew: Jongho, San, Mingi, and Wooyoung. Each man wears an expression of grim determination. Across the room, the scientists—Hongjoong, Yeosang, and Seonghwa—stand at the front, their usual calm replaced with an edge of urgency. 
“This is it,” Yeosang begins, the tension in his voice betraying the magnitude of what they’re facing. A holographic image flickers to life in the center of the room. It's the asteroid. Cold, jagged, and terrifyingly massive, it spins slowly, a silent harbinger of doom.
“This is the anomaly at 1648,” he says, his tone heavy. “It’s the size of Texas, coming toward us at 22,000 miles per hour.”
San, who’s rarely shaken by anything, leans forward in his seat, eyes narrowing as he studies the hologram. “So, what are we talking? An extinction-level event?”
Yeosang hesitates for a split second before nodding. “Yes. If we don’t stop it, the impact will wipe out life on Earth as we know it.”
Mingi’s jaw tightens, his usual carefree demeanor long gone. “What kind of damage are we looking at?”
The room goes even quieter. Hongjoong takes over, his voice cool and analytical despite the weight of his words. “Complete destruction. This asteroid isn’t just going to cause a localized impact. This is a global killer. It hits the ocean, the resulting wave will be three miles high, traveling at 1,000 miles per hour. California? Gone. Japan? Gone.”
He lets the silence hang before continuing. “Half the planet will be obliterated by the heat blast alone. The rest will freeze to death during the nuclear winter that follows.”
Yunho’s fingers tighten around the edge of the table. He steals a glance at his pilot, Jongho, who meets his gaze with an unspoken question: Can we really do this?
“How long?” Yunho asks, his voice steady despite the tremor of unease creeping up his spine.
Yeosang glances down at his tablet before answering. “We have 18 days before impact.”
“Eighteen days,” Wooyoung echoes, his usual playful tone replaced with disbelief. “That’s not a lot of time.”
“No,” Seonghwa steps in, clearing his throat, “which is why we’re calling in every favor, every resource we have. We need a plan, and we need it now.”
San leans back, crossing his arms. “So, what’s the plan? We shoot a bunch of nukes at it, hope for the best?”
Hongjoong shakes his head. “Nukes won’t work. The asteroid is too big and moving too fast. Any attempt to break it apart would just result in multiple catastrophic impacts instead of one.”
Yeosang pulls up another hologram, this time of a conceptual drilling rig attached to a rocket.
“We’ve been working on something else. This is the Helios Drill. This is a feat of engineering designed by AstraTech to handle the asteroid's unique conditions, puncturing beyond its rocky surface. We need to use this to drill into the asteroid, plant a nuclear device deep within its core, and detonate it. The explosion will alter its trajectory just enough to miss Earth.”
Mingi raises an eyebrow. “Drill into it? While it’s moving at 22,000 miles per hour?”
“Exactly,” Hongjoong confirms. “It’s risky, but it’s our best shot.”
A heavy silence settles over the room as the enormity of the task begins to sink in. It sounds like something out of a nightmare.
Jongho breaks the silence with a pragmatic tone. “So, who’s going to handle the drilling?”
Yeosang exchanges a glance with Seonghwa before speaking.
“We don’t have a crew in place yet, but we do have a new small group of young pioneers who’ve been training for deep space drilling missions. We started having them around two months ago. They have the expertise to operate the drilling systems we have specially made for missions like this and manage the warhead deployment as well. They’re not astronauts, but they are the best we can get for this task. Talk about timing."
Seonghwa nods, "We'll handpick the best one we have yet, and train him further. We’ll integrate him with your team and ensure he's fully briefed and trained for this mission.”
Wooyoung, usually quick with humor, remains somber. “So, we’re sending some young pioneers and astronauts into space to save the world?”
Yunho leans back, running a hand through his hair. “We’re sending the best team we have because the alternative is unthinkable.”
Mingi smirks, trying to lighten the mood. “Well, I’ve always wanted to intimidate some juniors. Add that to the bucket list.”
But no one laughs. The weight of the mission crushes any attempt at humor.
“We’ll train them,” Hongjoong adds, his tone all business. “And we’re counting on you all to make this work. You’re the best team we’ve got.”
Yunho straightens, nodding. The room buzzes with quiet resolve. There’s no option but success.
“Alright,” Jongho speaks up, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade. “We’ve done the impossible before. Let’s do it again.”
Yunho, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, and Jongho exchange determined glances, while the lead scientists continue to strategize. They know the stakes. This mission isn’t just about saving themselves— it’s about saving everyone.
And just like that, the mission is no longer just an idea on a hologram. It’s real. It’s happening. And there’s no turning back.
“We’re going to need more than just luck on this one,” Yunho murmurs, standing and facing his crew. 
“But we’ve done this before. It’ll all be alright.”
He says, but the promise is as loud and clear as any battle cry.
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Yunho stands quietly in the doorway of Junho's room, the soft glow of a star-shaped nightlight casting gentle shadows across the room. His son is fast asleep, his small body curled beneath a blanket patterned with stars, clutching his favorite stuffed animal tightly to his chest. For a moment, the world outside seems to fall away—no asteroid, no looming mission. Just the steady rise and fall of Junho’s breathing, calm and undisturbed.
Yunho moves closer, kneeling beside the bed as his heart swells with both love and heartache. He leans down, pressing a soft kiss to Junho’s forehead, careful not to wake him.
“Sleep well, buddy,” he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. His fingertips linger on the edge of Junho’s blanket, as if trying to memorize this moment—something to hold onto when he’s out in the cold, vast emptiness of space.
As he stands, Yunho’s gaze drifts toward a framed drawing sitting on the nightstand—a picture Junho had drawn not long ago. It’s simple, childlike: a family of three holding hands beneath a big yellow sun. Mom, Dad, and Junho, written in wobbly letters across the top. Yunho smiles softly, his chest tightening as he takes in the small details— how Junho drew him with a cape, like a superhero, and how he gave you a crown, as if you were royalty.
With a deep sigh, he turns and walks down the hallway toward your shared bedroom. The house feels quieter than usual, and yet Yunho’s mind is louder than ever. He steps inside the room, where you lie peacefully under the covers, your hair slightly tousled against the pillow. His eyes linger on you for a moment— so calm, so beautiful, so utterly unaware of the weight the world's about to bestow onto the both of you. A part of him wishes he could crawl into bed, hold you close, and pretend like tomorrow wasn’t coming.
Yunho carefully sits on the edge of the bed, trying not to disturb your sleep. He glances toward the bathroom, but hesitates. Instead, his eyes sweep across the room—your shared space, filled with memories.
The picture frame on the dresser from your honeymoon, the small vase of dried flowers he bought you years ago, and the little notes you sometimes leave for him tucked in odd places, like his jacket pocket or inside his lunch bag. Each one a reminder of the life you’ve built together, a life he never imagined he would have.
He remembers the early days, back when you were just a journalist who had caught his eye. He used to admire you from afar, watching as you passionately pursued the truth, fearlessly asking questions that others wouldn’t. Back then, he hadn’t thought much about marriage, let alone having a family. But here he is now, years later, with a home, a son, and you— his world. The thought of leaving it all behind, even for a mission as critical as this one, weighs heavily on him.
The mission is about survival. It’s about making sure that Earth is still there for you to continue smiling, for Junho to continue growing. But it feels impossible not to think about what he’s risking— what he’s leaving behind.
He stands up slowly and heads to the bathroom, the rush of water breaking the silence as he steps into the shower. The warm droplets cascade over his skin, but they do little to wash away the tension building in his chest. Yunho leans his head against the cool tiles, eyes closing as he lets the water run over him, thoughts of you and Junho swirling in his mind.
A future without Earth... without the laughter that fills your home, the warmth of your touch, the joy of watching Junho grow— he can’t let that happen. He won’t let that happen. He has to ensure that Earth survives. Not for himself, but for you, for Junho, for everyone.
When he finally steps out of the shower, toweling off, he feels a strange sense of clarity. Yunho knows the mission is dangerous— potentially fatal— but his resolve is firmer than ever. He’ll do whatever it takes to make sure there’s a tomorrow, a world for his family to live in.
Unbeknownst to him, you’ve stirred from your slumber from the few moments he has his back turned. The first sign of your presence is the gentle embrace of your arms wrapping around his waist, a comforting reminder of your closeness in the quiet of the night.
“Hi, honey. Welcome home,” you murmur softly, your voice barely audible as you cling to his back, your arms wrapped around his waist. There’s a gentle warmth between you, a quiet exchange of comfort that only comes from years of intimacy.
Yunho turns slowly, careful not to startle you in your half-asleep state. The sight of you, drowsy and soft in the low glow of the bedside lamp, tugs at something deep inside him. His expression softens immediately, and he leans down slightly to meet your tired gaze. 
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Your voice is a sleepy murmur, barely above a whisper, but laced with concern. You rest your chin on his chest, rubbing your eyes as the haze of sleep slowly fades from your features.
His hand instinctively comes to rest at the back of your head, his fingers threading gently through your hair.
“You were sleeping so soundly,” he says, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“You should wake me up whenever you come home,” you insist, a small frown tugging at your lips. The worry in your eyes is unmistakable, a reflection of the long nights you’ve spent waiting for him, knowing the dangers that linger with his every mission. “I want to see you, talk to you about your day.”
Yunho’s lips curl into a tender smile, though there’s an underlying heaviness to it. He takes in your features—every curve, every soft line etched into his memory—before he speaks. “I want to talk to you too,” he admits, his voice quiet. “I just didn’t want to intrude on your rest.”
Your expression softens, but you’re not ready to let the moment go. “Well,” you start, nestling your head against his chest, even as he reaches for his shirt. “Now that we’re both awake... talk to me, hm?”
Yunho chuckles softly, the sound a balm to the lingering tension in the room. You poke your head through the fabric of his shirt, making him laugh as you interrupt the task. He cups your cheeks, his large hands gentle as he leans down to kiss your lips—lightly at first, then a little firmer when you don’t pull away.
“Of course, starlight,” he murmurs against your lips, a familiar term of endearment that never loses its magic. “Come now.”
With a soft shuffle, Yunho guides you both back to bed, pulling the covers up over your bodies until the weight of the world feels just a little less crushing. He wraps his arms around you, drawing you close until your back rests securely against his chest. His face buries itself into the crook of your neck, where the soft, lingering scent of vanilla greets him.
For a few moments, there’s only the sound of his breathing and the gentle rise and fall of your chest. The peace you’ve created together— a quiet cocoon from the chaos outside— should feel comforting. But you sense the tension in his embrace, the subtle hitch in his breathing. It’s enough to know that his mind is far from at ease.
“You smell like vanilla,” Yunho finally says, his voice soft and muffled against your skin. “Is that your new perfume, or did Junho convince you to bake cookies again?”
You smile, the heaviness in the room easing slightly. “Both,” you reply, a playful lilt in your voice.
Yunho chuckles quietly, his breath warm against your neck. “I like it,” he murmurs, placing a soft kiss on the curve of your shoulder. But behind that tenderness is something deeper, a weight he hasn’t yet shared. His hold on you tightens ever so slightly, as if he’s trying to memorize the feel of you, to hold onto this moment a little longer before everything changes.
And you, knowing him so well, hold him back just as tightly.
A few moments pass, and just as you begin to think that he’s fallen fast asleep, you feel him pepper kisses against your neck, his hands caressing the skin of your stomach where your shirt had ridden up.
“You’re still awake?” You say, voice hushed as you chuckle at his antics, which he continues to do even as you’ve turned to fully face him. You watch him— your hand in his, raised to his lips as he places soft kisses on your knuckles, lashes fluttering prettily against his cheek before he looks up at you from under them.
The thing about being intimate with Yunho is that it’s all very much natural. From the way he kisses the tip of your ring finger— adorned in your matching gold bands, to the way he lets go just enough for the tip of your finger to glide against his lips, to the way he catches it between his teeth just enough for you to feel a little sting.
It’s natural; the way you gravitate to him, a hand on his jaw, pulling him close to kiss him with fervor— the way he grabs you tight, pulls you onto his lap as he backs further into the headboard, and tugs you flush against his chest to feel you impossibly closer to him.
“Mmh… Yun—” You’re cut off with a gasp, the feeling of his large hands caressing you gently but desperately, as if he’s looking for something to hold on to. One hand steadies the back of your head, the other gripping the skin of your waist.
The kiss is electric, charged with a fiery blend of love, longing, and an unspoken desperation. His lips move against yours with an urgency that leaves you breathless, your hands tangled in his hair as his skin presses against yours, heartbeat in sync with your own. For a moment, it feels like nothing else exists— just the two of you, suspended in time, hearts beating as one.
But beneath that intensity, there’s something else. Something you can’t ignore. It gnaws at you, a quiet unease building in the pit of your stomach, whispering that something is wrong. You try to shake it off, but the feeling lingers, insistent.
Then, as his lips move down your jaw, trailing across your skin, you feel it— the wetness on his cheek, mingling with your own heated skin. It’s subtle at first, just a hint of moisture, but when his lips return to yours, you taste the unmistakable saltiness.
He’s crying.
“Yunho,” you whisper softly against his lips, your voice a mix of concern and disbelief. Your hand moves to cradle the back of his head, fingers threading through his hair in a gentle attempt to ground him. But he doesn’t pull away. If anything, he clings to you even more tightly, his kisses growing more fervent, more desperate, as if he’s trying to lose himself in the feel of you.
You can feel his heart pounding against yours, faster than usual. His breath hitches, a ragged sound, as he continues to press kisses along your collarbone, his hands gripping you like he’s afraid you might slip away.
“Yunho,” you murmur again, more firmly this time, gently guiding his face away from your skin. Your eyes meet his, and the sight nearly breaks you. The touch snaps him out of his daze, eyes wide as his hands come up to wipe the wetness on his cheeks— surprise evident on his face as he realizes that he’d been tearing up unintentionally.
His face is streaked with tears, his usually bright eyes clouded with something deeper— something heavier. Your heart clenches at the sight of him, the image of his tear-streaked face a painful reminder of how much he’s carrying. It’s clear that something is weighing on him heavily, something beyond his usual strength.
“What’s wrong?” you ask softly, your voice trembling slightly with concern. The depth of his distress is evident, and it cuts through you like a knife.
The silence that follows is thick and heavy, wrapping around you both like a suffocating blanket. You can feel the shift in the atmosphere, the unspoken fears and worries hanging palpably between you. Your heart races, a tightening knot of anxiety as you wait for him to speak.
He looks at you like you’re the only thing keeping him tethered to this world, but also like he’s already mourning something he hasn’t said out loud. His lips tremble as he opens his mouth, but no words come out. Instead, he lowers his forehead to yours, his breath shaky against your skin as his tears fall silently between you.
“Yunho, please, talk to me,” you implore, your voice barely above a whisper. The urgency in your tone reflects the desperation you feel, wanting to bridge the gap of silence that seems to grow wider with every passing second.
He slowly sits up, his movements slow and deliberate, as if every action is weighed down by the burden he carries. You mirror his actions, pushing yourself off of his lap to sit next to him, your gaze fixed on his face as he struggles to find the right words. The seconds stretch into an eternity, each moment heavy with the anticipation of what he might reveal.
The look in his eyes is one of intense inner conflict, as if he’s grappling with how to convey the depth of his anguish. His hesitation is palpable, the silence growing thicker as he searches for a way to articulate what’s troubling him. You hold your breath, feeling the weight of the moment, as every passing second seems to stretch into infinity.
Finally, Yunho takes a deep breath, the decision to share his burden evident in the way he grips your hand. The moment is tender yet heavy with unspoken fears, a reminder of how deeply connected you both are, even in the face of uncertainty.
“I and the rest of the crew are to be deployed in a week. It’s an important mission. Confidential, actually. I was going to talk to you about it in the morning.”
The words hit you like a sudden jolt, your heart skipping a beat at the gravity of his announcement. Despite his attempt at nonchalance, the undercurrent of dread in his voice is palpable. 
“Is it dangerous?” your words come out as a whisper, your voice trembling slightly as you grapple with the fear rising in your chest.
“It is,” he admits, his tone heavy with the weight of reality. “But it’s something we have to do.”
The fear in your heart intensifies, a cold, clenching sensation that threatens to overwhelm you. It’s the first time Yunho has ever admitted to the danger of a mission in such a manner, and it does nothing to the heaviness that begins to build up in your chest.
“Can’t you say no?” you plead, your voice strained as you struggle to keep the tremor out of it. Your mind races with the terrifying thought of him facing danger, and the possibility of losing him seems almost too much to bear.
Yunho shakes his head, his gaze unwavering. “We have some trained pioneers to help us with it, but they need the best crew for this. It’s the world at stake.”
The gravity of his words hangs in the air, a stark reminder of the enormity of the situation. You try to voice your concerns, your words catching in your throat as you fight against the suffocating grip of fear. The thought of him being in harm’s way is a crushing weight that makes it hard to breathe.
“It’s going to be difficult but I’ll be back,” Yunho says gently, his voice laced with a soothing promise as he squeezes your hand. “I promise.”
The promise is both a balm and a burden, a small beacon of hope amidst the sea of uncertainty. Yunho pulls you into his arms, his warmth enveloping you in a cocoon of comfort. You bury your face against his chest, drawing solace from his presence as you let the tears fall. His embrace is a fragile sanctuary in the midst of the storm of emotions that threatens to consume you.
“Are you mad?” Yunho asks softly, his tone tender as he brushes a strand of hair from your face. The gentle query is tinged with concern, an effort to ease the emotional tumult between you.
“No,” you reply, though the unease in your voice betrays your true feelings. The words feel inadequate, mere whispers against the roar of your fear.
“I think you are, starlight,” Yunho says with a sad, knowing smile. “We promised to be honest about our feelings, remember?”
“I don’t want you to go,” you admit, your voice wavering as you cling to him, your hands gripping his shirt as if trying to hold onto him as tightly as you can. “What if I lose you, Yun?”
The question lingers in the air, a heavy, haunting echo of the fear you can barely contain. The uncertainty of his departure looms over you like a dark cloud, and the thought of losing him feels almost too unbearable to confront.
“You’ll always have me,” Yunho says, his voice filled with unwavering conviction. He holds you tighter, his embrace a firm promise against the fears that plague your mind. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be with you.”
“I know,” you whisper, your voice breaking through the tension that fills the cramped room. The dim lighting casts long shadows, making the space feel even smaller, as if closing in around the weight of the conversation. 
“But that’s not a real answer to the situation right now. You said it yourself. You have experts for this. They’re trained for it,” you continue, your heart aching with the desperation of trying to grasp a solution. “Why do you need to go?”
Yunho’s face is etched with a mix of anguish and resolve, his normally calm demeanor slipping away under the pressure of your words. He looks down, his eyes clouded with uncertainty, as he struggles to articulate the depth of his reasoning. 
“Because… because it’s not just about the mission,” he finally says, his voice low and strained, “It’s about ensuring there’s a chance. Making sure everything is done right.”
His words hang in the air, heavy with meaning and unspoken fears. The reality of the situation crashes over you like a tidal wave. You see the determination in his eyes, a fierce commitment to his duty that you have always admired, but the thought of him facing such imminent danger fills you with a dread that is almost paralyzing. You can’t summon anger— only a deep, hollow ache that makes it hard to breathe.
“Don’t cry, please…” Yunho’s voice is tender, his hands reaching out to gently brush away the tears that streak down your cheeks. His touch is both soothing and heart-wrenching, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions raging inside you. His own eyes glisten with unshed tears, reflecting the profound sadness that fills the room.
“Just… promise me you’ll come back to me,” you plead, your voice trembling as you clutch at the fabric of his shirt. Your fingers dig into the material, seeking any semblance of comfort as you make your desperate request. The weight of the promise hangs between you, a fragile thread connecting your hearts.
Yunho’s expression softens, a blend of sorrow and resolve in his eyes. He leans in, his breath warm against your skin as he presses a gentle kiss to your cheek.
“I will, starlight,” he whispers against your ear, cheek pressed against your as he hugs you close to him, his voice barely above a murmur. “I always do.”
You nod, your throat tight with emotion as you try to steady your breathing. “Okay,” you manage to say, your voice breaking as you snuffle and gulp to regain control. “Okay.”
Yunho pulls away slightly to cup your cheek, his touch both comforting and bittersweet. His eyes search yours, trying to convey the depth of his feelings in this fleeting moment. As you begin to wipe away your tears, he moves in closer, his lips meeting yours in a tender, lingering kiss. The kiss is a mix of passion and sadness, a final, intimate connection before the uncertainty of his departure.
You close your eyes, allowing yourself to lose yourself in it, letting the last few drops of your tears fall as you savor the warmth of his embrace. The kiss deepens, fueled by the intensity of your emotions and the urgency of the moment. You cling to him, pouring all your love and fear into the kiss, trying to imprint this moment into your memory.
Yunho’s hands are steady on your waist, holding you close as if he never wants to let go. His touch is firm yet gentle, a silent promise that he will carry your love with him wherever he goes.
As you pull away slightly, your breaths come in shallow, ragged gasps. Yunho’s eyes meet yours, filled with a mixture of tenderness and apology. He gazes at you with a deep, almost aching love, as if trying to memorize every detail of your face before the inevitable parting. You hold onto him, your fists clenched against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your fingers.
Without a warning, you swoop back in, kissing him with more fervor. Yunho’s taken aback for a quick moment, his hands coming up to hold you steady by the waist as you fidget on his lap. He’s quick to return the passion, pouring his heart and emotions into the kiss you share. Your hands begin to find the buttons of his dress shirt, undoing them as quick as you can— as if time’s ticking half as fast as usual.
Because you feel like it is.
Yunho slips out of his shirt, parting from the kiss just to remove yours from your body as well. He flips you over, laying you on your back, wanting to be as close to you as he could. You welcome his warmth wholeheartedly, clutching onto him as if your life depends on it. As if you’re about to lose it if you don’t. 
For a moment, the rest of the world seems to disappear. The looming storm of his departure is pushed aside by the intensity of your connection. Yunho’s fingers gently brush against your skin amidst the rush of the moment, his touch a soothing balm against the ache in your heart. 
As he cages you in his arms and one thing leads to the other, you feel the profound weight of his impending departure, the crushing finality of his decision. 
But in this fleeting, bittersweet interlude, you find a small measure of peace, clinging to the hope that somehow, against all odds, he will return to you.
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The morning air feels thick with unspoken tension as you and Junho accompany Yunho to the launch facility. The enormity of the moment presses on your chest, but you try to remain strong for both of them. Junho clutches his star-shaped plushie tightly, a small token of comfort, as he walks beside Yunho, trying to match his father’s long strides with his tiny legs. When you arrive at the departure point, Yunho squats down, ruffling Junho’s hair gently.
“Hey, buddy,” he says softly, his voice catching in his throat. “You’re gonna be a good boy while I’m gone, right?”
Junho nods, his little face serious as he hugs his father tightly, burying his face into Yunho’s neck.
“I’ll be good, Papa. Come back soon, okay?”
Yunho squeezes him harder, eyes glistening with emotions he keeps locked away for times like this.
“I will. I promise.”
When Yunho finally stands, his gaze shifts to you. Your heart aches as he reaches up to gently caress your cheek, the warmth of his touch grounding you in a moment that feels like it’s slipping away too quickly. The worry you’ve tried so hard to hide is all too evident, and he sees right through it.
“You’ll be fine without me,” he says with a small, reassuring smile, but you can hear the crack in his usually calm voice.
You don’t speak, because you know if you do, the dam will break. Instead, you throw your arms around him, hugging him tightly, breathing in the familiar scent of him, hoping it lingers long after he’s gone. When you finally let go, he turns to leave, but your hand instinctively tugs at his arm. 
Without hesitation, you pull him into a deep kiss, one that speaks of fear, longing, and all the words you couldn’t say. His lips press back against yours, equally passionate and filled with the same bittersweet mixture of love and inevitable departure. It’s a goodbye neither of you wants to acknowledge, but both know is necessary.
When you finally release him, Yunho smiles softly, his thumb brushing gentle, reassuring circles against the skin of your cheek. It’s a touch meant to soothe, but all it does is make you cling to the moment, unwilling to let him go.
“Come back to me, okay?” Your voice cracks, the tears you’ve been holding in finally spilling over. “You have to.”
His lips hover near yours, the warmth of his breath mingling with your own as he whispers, “I’ll always come back to you, starlight.”
You had always been the one who brought him warmth and hope, even in the darkest of times.
Without you, he would have been lost in the void. His fame and success might make him a "star" in the eyes of the world, but it's your love that makes him feel truly seen, grounded, and understood.
Yunho believes that no matter how far away he is, even in the deepest reaches of space, it's you that will always lead him home. So while the universe may see him as the star, he knows that his light is just a reflection of the love you've always given him. To him, you will always be the true starlight— the light that gives his existence meaning, even as he shines.
He presses a final, fleeting kiss on your lips— short, yet filled with the depth of everything he can’t put into words.
With a heavy heart, Yunho pulls away, and you can feel the shift, the inevitability of time drawing him farther from you with every second. He gives you and Junho one last, lingering look, his smile soft but full of emotion.
“I love you both,” he says, his voice thick with sincerity. “So, so much.”
And then he’s gone, disappearing into the flurry of technicians and AstraTech officials, his towering figure blending into the sea of mission personnel. The distance feels immediate, as though the space between you has already widened to the vastness of galaxies.
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The launch facility hums with tense energy as the final preparations unfold. Inside, Yunho walks into the mission briefing room, the shift in atmosphere stark. The team is assembled, each member’s face a mixture of steely resolve and hidden apprehension. This is no ordinary mission— this is a critical leap for humanity’s future, and everyone feels the weight of it.
Yunho, now fully suited up in his space gear, stands at the head of the table, his eyes scanning the room. The weight of what he’s leaving behind presses against his chest, but he steels himself. There’s no room for distraction now.
As Yunho surveys the scene, his eyes settle on Sim Jaeyun, the young deep space drilling pioneer brought in for this mission. Despite his youth, Jaeyun was chosen for a reason. Aside from his notable performance among the trainees, his years of experience in his family’s oil drilling business had honed his skills and familiarity prior with critical devices and processes. His expertise was crucial for the success of their plan.
Yunho observes Jaeyun meticulously conducting his equipment checks. The young man’s hands move with precision, but Yunho catches the subtle tremor in his grip, a sign of his nerves. Yunho approaches and gently taps Jaeyun’s shoulder to get his attention.
“Oh— Commander Jeong!” Jaeyun startles, bowing deeply and accidentally dropping some of his equipment. Among the scattered items, Yunho notices a family photo that has fallen to the floor.
“At ease, Sim,” Yunho says with a reassuring smile, recognizing a bit of his younger self in the young man before him. He helps Jaeyun gather the equipment, and Jaeyun returns a grateful, sheepish smile. 
Yunho smiles, reminded of the bashful look on Junho’s face everytime he would catch him talking to his toys.
“You’ve got a family?” Yunho inquires, his tone gentle but firm. The family photo had caught his eye, reminding him of the sendoff where he’d seen Jaeyun standing with a woman and a small child. The image of Jaeyun kissing them goodbye had stayed with him amidst the crowd of families bidding farewell at the launch facility.
Jaeyun looks up from his work, his expression steady but revealing the weight of the mission ahead.
“Yes, sir,” he replies, “My wife and I had our son not long ago. We haven’t been married long either. We were young and, well, didn’t always make the best choices. But they’re my biggest blessings.”
“A newborn?” Yunho asks, his curiosity tinged with empathy.
Jaeyun nods, a faint smile touching his lips. “Yes, sir. A boy.”
Yunho's expression softens. He knows exactly how Jaeyun feels— the tight knot of fear and hope that comes with leaving behind a family for something bigger than yourself. He had felt the same before his first mission after marrying you. After Junho was born, that feeling had only intensified. 
“I know what it’s like, having someone waiting for you,” Yunho says, his voice low but filled with understanding. “It’s hard, but you’ve got to keep your head clear. Stay sharp. We’re counting on you.”
Jaeyun holds his gaze, the flicker of anxiety in his eyes slowly replaced by determination.
“Yes, sir,” he replies, his resolve settling in. He grips his tools a little tighter, focusing on the task at hand. 
Yunho pats his shoulder, offering one last reassuring look before stepping back. They both knew the stakes, and they both had people counting on them.
The mission briefing concludes in a brisk, no-nonsense manner, and the team scatters to their stations with practiced precision. As they prepare, the spacecraft rests in eerie stillness on the launch pad. The last slivers of sunlight cast a golden glow across its metallic surface, while the asteroid looms in the distance like a shadow, massive and indifferent, a reminder of the stakes they face.
The air in the command center is thick with tension, though not a word is spoken. It’s a calm that comes with familiarity, the team having rehearsed these steps a thousand times. This time, however, everything feels heavier—the weight of Earth's fate resting squarely on their shoulders.
Yunho stands at the forefront of it all, his face set in an expression of quiet determination. His gaze sweeps over the control panel, watching as systems blink to life.
“All crew, roll call,” Yunho's voice comes through the comms, steady and composed, despite the gravity of the situation.
"Orion, standing by," replies Jongho, his voice clipped and focused. From his station, he methodically runs through the spacecraft’s navigation systems.
"Vega, systems green across the board. Engines at optimal levels," reports San, his hands already working across the ship’s internal systems, fingers tapping at the console as he monitors for any sign of malfunction.
"Luna, comms clear," Wooyoung’s voice filters in, light but precise. He sits at his console, ensuring a steady flow of communication between the spacecraft and ground control. His fingers twitch occasionally, a sure sign that beneath his calm tone, there’s a swirl of nervous energy.
"Nebula, all tech systems functional," Mingi adds, voice tinged with that signature calm as he works on ensuring the advanced equipment is prepped for whatever the asteroid throws at them.
"Atlas, ready on drilling equipment," Jaeyun says, his voice steady, completing the final check-in.
Yunho takes a breath, letting the quiet hum of the engines ground him. Every part of the ship, every person on board is in sync. It’s all come down to this moment. They're ready.
“Copy that,” Yunho responds, eyes locking on the asteroid growing larger in the viewport. His heart pounds, but his voice remains steady as the countdown begins.
“T-minus 10... 9... 8...”
The engines start to roar, vibrating through the ship, a force that everyone feels down to their bones.
“7… 6… 5…”
They know what’s at stake. Each of them has a role to play, and they’ve trained endlessly for this. Still, the uncertainty hangs like a storm cloud on the horizon.
“4… 3… 2…”
For just a moment, Yunho’s mind flashes to the stars, to the nights spent gazing at them with you by his side. He can almost hear your voice, the warmth of your presence grounding him in the chaos. He grips the armrests of his chair, letting the thought of you push him forward.
The spacecraft launches, a deafening roar echoing through the command center as it breaks free from the Earth, surging into the dark void where nothing is certain except the mission. The rocket’s engines blaze against the darkening sky, leaving a trail of fire and smoke. As the vehicle ascends, the team inside adjusts to the weightlessness of space, their focus sharpening as they approach their target.
The spacecraft continues its journey, navigating the cold, uncharted reaches of space with precision and care. The asteroid, now a prominent feature on their instruments, draws closer, its massive presence commanding the attention of the crew. The atmosphere inside the spacecraft shifts from the initial exhilaration of launch to the tense anticipation of the task ahead. Every maneuver, every adjustment, is executed with meticulous accuracy.
The spacecraft hovers in position above the asteroid, the vast expanse of space stretching out in every direction. Inside, the crew is methodically checking their systems. Yunho stands at the control panel, his gaze sweeping over the array of monitors.
“Orion, status report,” Yunho calls out.
“Navigation systems are calibrated and ready,” Jongho replies from his station, his focus sharp.
“Vega, how’s the engine?” Yunho asks.
“All systems green,” San responds, his fingers flying over the console.
With systems confirmed, the team prepares for the next phase: drilling into the asteroid to secure the nuclear warhead. 
“Helios Drill, ready for deployment,” Jaeyun reports, his voice steadier than before.
Yunho moves to his side, scanning the monitors. “Proceed.”
The Helios Drill extends from the belly of the spacecraft, its metallic arms reaching out like the claws of a massive beast, designed to pierce the asteroid’s unyielding surface. As it makes contact, the drill's pointed bit begins its rotation, slowly burrowing into the asteroid’s rock-hard shell.
Inside the ship, the rhythmic thrum of the drill vibrates through the walls, a constant reminder of the tension outside. The asteroid's composition is dense— tougher than expected. Yunho can feel it, the slight resistance shaking through the control panels as he monitors the progress.
“Depth check,” Yunho orders.
“We’re making steady progress, Commander. About thirty percent into the required depth,” Jaeyun responds, his eyes glued to the data streaming across his screen.
The asteroid’s surface begins to push back— an indication of unstable rock layers. The ship shudders slightly as the drill struggles against the resistance. Jaeyun’s fingers fly over the controls, adjusting the drill’s settings, compensating for the erratic pressure.
“Hold steady,” Yunho says, his voice calm despite the rising tension. The asteroid is a ticking time bomb, and the drill has to reach the target depth to plant the nuclear warhead securely. Failure isn’t an option.
Jaeyun grits his teeth, sweat forming on his brow. “Adjusting rotation speed. This layer’s denser than we expected.”
The vibrations intensify, and suddenly, a red light flashes on Jaeyun’s console. His breath hitches. “Commander, we’ve hit a critical pressure point. The drill’s power feed is fluctuating. If we push too hard, we risk overloading the system.”
Yunho’s eyes narrow, weighing the options. They’re running out of time, but overloading the drill could cause catastrophic damage to the ship or the mission itself.
“Can we reroute power from auxiliary systems?” Yunho asks, already scanning the control panel.
Jaeyun’s hands are shaking, but his mind is sharp. “I can try, but we’ll lose some engine capacity. It’s risky.”
Yunho makes the call. “Do it. We need that depth.”
Jaeyun nods, his fingers moving in rapid succession across the console. The ship hums as power reroutes, and the drill stabilizes, resuming its steady descent into the asteroid.
Minutes stretch into an agonizing eternity. Every meter the drill descends feels like a victory, but the clock is ticking. Finally, after what seems like hours, the drill reaches the required depth. The monitor blinks green.
“We’re in,” Jaeyun announces, letting out a breath of relief. “Ready for warhead deployment.”
Yunho gives the signal, and Jaeyun activates the release mechanism. The warhead, nestled securely within its casing, lowers into the freshly drilled cavity. But just as the warhead begins to descend, alarms blare— a sharp, shrill sound that freezes the crew.
“Warning: deployment mechanism malfunction,” the system’s voice drones, emotionless but dire.
Yunho’s stomach drops. “Status report!”
Jaeyun’s face pales. “The release system’s jammed. It won’t deploy remotely.”
Yunho curses under his breath. “Can we fix it?”
San’s voice crackles over the comms. “Backup systems are failing too. We’re experiencing irregular pressure fluctuations, Commander. We’ll need to deploy it manually.”
The words hang heavy in the air. Manual deployment means suiting up and stepping onto the asteroid’s surface— a dangerous and potentially lethal task, but there’s no other option.
Yunho’s jaw tightens. “Prep for Extravehicular Activity. I’m going.”
Jaeyun looks up, eyes wide. “Commander, let me come with you. This is my system. I know how to fix it.”
Yunho meets his gaze, a mix of admiration and concern. He knows Jaeyun is capable, but the risks are astronomical. Still, they don’t have time to argue. He nods. 
“Suit up. You’ve got five minutes.”
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The office buzzes with its usual frenetic energy—phones ringing incessantly, papers shuffling, and the low hum of conversations creating a familiar rhythm. You’ve grown accustomed to the chaos, the deadlines, and the high-stakes pressure of being an anchor. But today, amidst it all, something feels different. There’s a weight on your chest that you can’t quite shake, though you try to push through, focusing on the endless stream of news updates flashing on your screen.
Just as you start to type up a report, your phone vibrates on the desk. A call from a number you don’t recognize. Despite the uncertainty, a surge of anticipation compels you to answer, driven by a lingering hope that, against all odds, it might be Yunho reaching out.
“Hello? Y/N speaking,” you answer, keeping your voice steady, professional, despite the noise around you. But before you can settle back into work, the intercom crackles to life.
“Hello, Mrs. Jeong. This is AstraTech HQ. Commander Jeong has asked to be connected to you through a call. This call will only last for five minutes. I’ll be putting him on the line now.”
Before you can react, A brief click resonates through the receiver, and then Yunho’s voice, warm and familiar, fills your ear. 
“Hi, starlight,” he says, his tone a comforting balm amidst the clamor. “Can you step out of the office for a moment?”
The shift in your mood is immediate and profound. Your heart races, a flutter of hope and anxiety intertwining as you clutch the phone tighter. 
“Are you home?” you ask, your voice betraying the excitement and worry surging through you, your hands instinctively grasping the phone tighter. “Honey, are you home?”
Yunho laughs. You can almost see that cheeky smile of his.
“Just do as I say, will you?”
Confused but eager, you rush out of the office, weaving through cubicles and past colleagues who look up in curiosity. Your mind races with thoughts of Yunho finally being back, and you burst into the fresh air of the street, scanning ahead. 
“Okay, okay! I’m out of the office. Where are you?”
“Wave at the sky.”
You laugh nervously, glancing around as if expecting to see him somehow materialize in the sky. “What?”
“Wave at the sky.”
“Yunho, what kind of prank is this?”
“Are you waving?”
You raise your hand, waving in the general direction of the sky. “I am.”
You can feel him smiling even if you don’t see him, “I’m currently waving back at you from space.”
“I just missed you, starlight,” Yunho says softly, the warmth in his voice cutting through the static. “Will you promise to come and greet me every day and every night?”
Your heart aches at the tenderness in his voice, and you nod, even though he can’t see you. “Of course.”
“Alright, you better,” Yunho chuckles, and you can almost picture the smile on his face. But then his tone shifts, becoming more somber. 
“Now, listen carefully. On my computer… you know the password, right? Just so we’re clear, it’s still hotteok23, capital letter H, and your face recognition works too. The same goes with my cards and bank accounts; mine, yours, and Junho’s day of birth. The insurance and all of the other important files are stored in the folder named space poop, and I know, it sounds ridiculous, but it’s all there. You’ll know what to do with everything in the folder once you open it.”
“Why are you telling me this now?” you say, the unease in your voice unmistakable. Your heart sinks as the unsettling weight of his words begins to settle in. “Yunho, what’s going on?”
His silence speaks volumes, and the weight of his words begins to settle in, thick and suffocating.
“I just wanted to make sure... that you hear it from me.”
The air feels heavier, each second ticking louder in the silence between you.
“What’s going on, please…” Your voice cracks, a tremor of fear lacing through it, but before Yunho can respond, you feel a tug on your sleeve.
“Is that Papa?” Junho’s small voice cuts through the tension, his wide eyes filled with hope. You swallow hard, trying to keep the tears at bay as you nod.
“Yes, sweetheart, it’s Papa,” you whisper, and Junho beams up at you. “Do you want to talk to him?”
Junho eagerly takes the phone, and you watch, heart aching, as his innocent joy fills the moment with bittersweet warmth. 
“Hi, Papa! Guess what? I got five stars at school today!”
Yunho’s laughter is warm, but tinged with something deeper. “That’s amazing, buddy. Can you wave at me?”
Junho giggles, glancing up at the sky. “I can’t see you, Papa!”
“But I can see you,” Yunho replies softly. “I’m waving from up here. Are you waving back?”
Junho waves enthusiastically, his small hand outstretched to the sky. “I am!”
You can’t hold it in anymore. Silent tears spill down your cheeks as you watch your son, his innocence a sharp contrast to the heaviness weighing you down. Your heart feels as though it’s breaking, and when Junho notices, his brow furrows in confusion.
“Mama’s crying,” he whispers into the phone, glancing up at you with concern.
There’s a pause, then Yunho’s voice returns, gentle but steady. “Junho, listen to me. Can I trust you with something?”
“Of course, Papa,” He says in a small voice, nodding as if Yunho can see him at the moment.
“Whenever mama cries, I need you to kiss her tears away, okay? Be a good boy and take care of her for me. Promise?”
Junho nods earnestly, pressing a kiss to your cheek before whispering, “I promise.”
The moment stretches, thick with emotion, as Junho hands the phone back to you. His little fingers cling to your skirt, eyes filled with innocent worry. You take the phone, your hand trembling.
“Yunho,” you whisper, your voice breaking. “You promised.”
“I know,” he murmurs, his voice raw with emotion. “I’m trying. I’m doing everything I can.”
You know he is.
Yunho always pours his heart into everything he does. He’s always said he wants to do his best rather than be the best, and it's that very mindset that has made him excel in every challenge he’s faced.
You just never imagined you’d find yourself hoping, just this once, that he wasn’t the most capable person for this mission.
“I miss you both. So much.” His voice falters slightly, as if he’s trying to find the right words. “I know the mission’s... difficult. But it’s something I have to do. For you. For Junho.”
You close your eyes, clutching the phone as if it could tether you to him, as if it could make everything alright. 
“I love you,” you whisper, the words fragile and aching.
“I love you too, starlight,” Yunho says, his voice soft but resolute. “To outer space, and beyond.”
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“Yunho.” Mingi’s voice is strained, his concern palpable as he pulls the commander aside. In a quiet corner, away from the chaos, he leans in, his tone low but urgent. “You don’t have to do this. It’s the kid’s responsibility to handle the task. If you go with him, we risk losing both of you.”
Yunho, though visibly listening, continues to prepare his equipment with a focused determination.
“He has a newborn waiting for him at home. I can’t stand by and let him face this alone.”
Mingi shakes his head, frustration mixing with his worry. “And what about you? You have a family too. He’s here to support us; he knew what he was signing up for.”
“Jaeyun was trained for this, but this mission is beyond anything he’s faced. The asteroid’s interference is severe, and he’s already under immense stress. If anything goes wrong, he won’t have the expertise to fix it alone. I need to be there to ensure it’s done right. Knowledge of outer space or not, it’s safer if I’m there with him.” Yunho replies firmly, his resolve unyielding. The flicker of fear in his eyes is evident, but his decision is resolute.
At his next words, his voice turns softer, and there’s a more somber look in his eyes, “If there’s a chance I can keep him safe and ensure the mission’s success, I have to take it.” 
Mingi sighs, letting the silence linger for a while as he forces himself to relent, “Come back in one piece, commander. We need you back here.”
Yunho meets Mingi’s gaze, the weight of his commitment clear. He nods, though the uncertainty of the mission hangs heavy in the air.
“Do you think we might die, Commander?” Jaeyun's voice trembles, barely above a whisper. He clutches the manual deployment device to his chest, his eyes wide with raw fear just as he stands next to Yunho, preparing for descent. 
“I keep thinking about my family. I don’t know if I said goodbye right. I should have taken more pictures with my son. He’s so little... and my wife... I told her I—” His voice cracks, a sob escaping despite the pained smile on his face, “I told her I’d be back. I promised I’d come home. I— I should have done more. I didn’t—” 
His words dissolve into a heart-wrenching silence, his face contorted with anguish as he struggles to control his trembling hands.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, kid. Calm down,” Yunho says, his voice steady as he grabs Jaeyun by the shoulders. “You’re not going to die, okay? You're going to see your son grow, and you're going to come home to your wife.”
“For now, focus on the task at hand. If we fail to see this through, you risk losing your family,” Yunho interrupts, his tone firm just as Jaeyun’s breathing stabilizes. “You're going to be okay. I’ll be right with you, I promise.”
Jaeyun nods despite the tears threatening to fall from his eyes, feeling a sense of security from Yunho's words alone, not because he's the world's greatest commander, but because something in the way Yunho looked at him told him he meant everything he said.
With that, the airlock hisses open, and they step into the void, tethered to the spacecraft by a thin lifeline. Below them, the asteroid’s jagged surface looms, indifferent to the lives it threatens. Yunho and Jaeyun descend together onto the asteroid’s unstable surface, both tethered securely to the spacecraft. The gravity here feels strange, a tug that’s neither Earth nor space, and the asteroid’s jagged terrain shifts uneasily beneath their boots.
As they approach the asteroid’s surface, Yunho and Jaeyun struggle against high gravity and increasing debris. Their suit’s shielding system is designed to deflect such impacts, but the constant barrage takes a toll. The heat from the asteroid’s surface is another challenge, with temperature fluctuations causing additional strain on the suit’s thermal control systems. Their suits’ alarms blare intermittently, warning of rising temperatures and pressure imbalances, visor fogging up as sweat beads form, making it harder to see. Despite these challenges, they remain focused on the task at hand.
The warhead casing looms ahead, half-buried in the asteroid's crumbling exterior. Jaeyun moves with practiced precision, his gaze flicking between his tools and the volatile surface, while Yunho scans the surroundings, ever-watchful for signs of instability.
"Stay close," Yunho instructs, his voice calm despite the ticking clock in his mind. He knows they’re working against time—against fate, even.
“Commander, do you have a status update?” Wooyoung’s voice comes through the comms, strained but hopeful.
“Atlas is securing the warhead now,” Yunho replies, his voice steady. “The surface is unstable.”
Jaeyun nods, focused on his task. “I’ve almost got it. Just need to bypass this last circuit.”
As he works, the asteroid groans ominously. Beneath their feet, the ground shifts—subtle, but enough to make Yunho’s heart jump in his chest. He kneels next to Jaeyun, his eyes narrowing as he watches the younger engineer deftly reroute the damaged deployment mechanism.
A minute passes. Then two. Everything seems to be under control—until it isn’t.
Without warning, the ground trembles violently. Cracks spiderweb across the asteroid’s surface, and Yunho feels a sickening lurch in his gut.
"Commander—!" Jaeyun shouts, scrambling to keep his balance as the asteroid shakes.
Yunho’s hand shoots out, grabbing Jaeyun’s suit to steady him. His eyes sweep across the scene—the warhead is almost ready, but the asteroid is crumbling faster than anticipated. Dust and debris kick up around them, and the tremors grow worse by the second.
But as the ground beneath them trembles, Yunho’s instincts scream. Something's wrong. The asteroid’s unstable surface shifts again, a violent quake that rattles their footing. Dust and debris swirl in the weightless vacuum, and Yunho grabs Jaeyun by the arm, steadying him.
The surface cracks and groans, the tremors growing worse. Yunho’s eyes dart to the warhead, still not fully deployed. It’s too slow. They’re running out of time.
Yunho’s mind races, analyzing the situation. The mechanism is malfunctioning—there’s no way they can finish the automated sequence before the asteroid crumbles. The warhead has to be detonated manually.
He grips Jaeyun’s arm tighter, eyes locking with his. “Atlas, pull back.”
Jaeyun’s eyes widen in shock. “No! Commander, if I leave, it won’t deploy! We can still fix this!”
“Jaeyun.” Yunho’s voice hardens. “It’s not going to hold. I’ll stay and deploy it manually. You need to get back to the ship.”
Jaeyun’s breathing hitches, his mind whirling. He looks at the warhead, at the rapidly deteriorating asteroid, and then back at Yunho. And he knows—Yunho is right. But that doesn’t make it any easier.
“This is the only way,” Yunho says quietly, but with finality. “You know it is.”
The devastation in Jaeyun’s eyes mirrors the dread in Yunho’s heart, but there’s no other choice. He’s made his decision. The mission has to succeed, and Jaeyun has to survive.
Jaeyun swallows hard, his voice trembling. “I’m not leaving you here.”
Yunho's voice softens, but his grip is firm as he guides Jaeyun toward the tether leading back to the ship.
“You have to. That’s an order.”
Jaeyun’s hand trembles as he grips the tether, his heart hammering in his chest. He hesitates for one last second, looking back at Yunho, desperation etched into every line of his face.
“Copy that, sir.”
With that, Jaeyun pulls himself away, the tether drawing him back toward the spacecraft. Every inch feels like a betrayal, leaving Yunho behind. But he knows he has to. Yunho gave him no choice.
Yunho watches Jaeyun retreat, his heart burdened by the gravity of his choice, despite it being conscious. The emptiness of space seems to mirror the void inside him. 
Yunho has lived fully, loved deeply, and built a life worth coming back to. Yet, as a tear trickles down his cheek, he realizes that he is leaving behind so much more— a future brimming with moments and memories waiting to be shared. But, deep down he knows that if he doesn’t see this mission through, there will be nothing left to return to. His grip on the deployment device tightens, a silent promise to safeguard the lives that depend on him.
“ATEEZ Unit,” Yunho’s voice crackles through the comms, his heart heavy. “Move to a safe distance and prepare for detonation. I’m staying behind to ensure the warhead deploys.”
Silence follows—thick and suffocating, as if the crew hasn’t yet processed the weight of his words. But when they do, the comms erupt in disbelief, the static barely masking their shock.
“Commander, is there truly no other way?” Mingi’s voice breaks through, strained, clinging to a desperate hope.
Jongho cuts in, his usual composure faltering.
“There has to be something else. We can’t leave you here without exhausting all the options we have.”
Yunho closes his eyes, taking a breath to steady himself. His voice remains calm, but the inevitability in his tone is undeniable.
“I’ve gone through every alternative. This is the only way to guarantee the mission’s success and keep everyone safe back home. We’re out of time.”
A long, heavy silence follows. Yunho can feel their resistance slipping away as the reality sinks in.
Wooyoung’s voice comes through, controlled but filled with grief.
“Understood, Commander. If this is your call, we’ll follow it. We trust you.”
San’s response comes next, quieter but no less heartfelt. “We’re moving to a safe distance now. You’ve led us with everything you have, and we know you made this decision with that same integrity.”
The spacecraft’s engines rumbles to life, their hum reverberating faintly through Yunho’s suit. He feels the vibrations as the ship began to pull away, the distance between them growing with every passing second. The soft glow of the ship’s lights grows smaller, swallowed by the infinite black of space..
The silence is deafening as Yunho turns back to the warhead, now alone. The ground trembles beneath him, cracks growing wider, the asteroid collapsing faster. He moves quickly, fingers flying over the manual controls. The countdown sequence begins.
He thinks of Junho, his bright smile, his innocent questions about space... Yunho had promised he would come home, that he would stand by his side as the boy grew, guiding him through life’s hurdles. But now, here he is, on the edge of everything, poised to break that promise.
Could he have been selfish? He wonders, thinking about Jaeyun, knowing the young man would have followed orders to execute this himself if Yunho had commanded, despite his own fears. Yunho had the chance to step back, to delegate. Jaeyun could have taken the risk alone.
Would Junho hate him for this? The thought stung. He knows that there’s a sliver of a chance that Junho might never understand why Papa chose the stars over a safe return home.
And then, there’s you. The thought of your face— strong, fierce, and full of love— pierces him in the chest. You had always been the anchor, the one who grounded him when he lost his way in the cosmos. Yunho thinks of your voice, the way it cracked when you laughed, how it could soothe him even when words were unnecessary. He thinks of the way your eyes sparkled when you talked about dreams for the future, a future Yunho was threatening to leave behind.
Would you forgive him for this choice?
The question weighs on him, pressing into his chest like the asteroid’s gravity. You deserve more than this fleeting goodbye. The two of you had built a life together, created a family— a family he’s now at risk of abandoning. The image of you sitting at the kitchen table with Junho, waiting for him to come home, flashes in his mind. The weight of it all presses harder, but there's no turning back.
Yunho stares up into the endless black expanse of space. He imagines the stars above, far away from the chaos and destruction. The cold of space seeps into his bones, but it’s nothing compared to the warmth of his memories.
For a fleeting moment, doubt creeps in. He could have gone back. He could have handed this over to someone else, saved himself for a future with you and Junho. But deep down, he knows. 
He couldn’t have left this to anyone else. He had to be the one to make sure they all stayed safe. His family. His crew. 
Yunho presses the button, the countdown echoing in his ears. 
He exhales slowly, his breath shaky.
Your face flashes before his eyes. That smile. That love.
Junho, laughing, waving at the stars.
His chest tightens. His heart is ready.
And then, with a quiet, tear-streaked smile, Yunho whispers into the comms for the final time.
“Hey. Look up for me, yeah?” 
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“Is the report in?” you ask, trying to mask the anxiety in your voice.
The studio buzzes with last-minute preparations, the air thick with tension. You sit at the news desk, your hands clasped tightly as you await the signal. The flickering lights cast a soft glow on the desk, where the prompter's script waits for you. 
“Yes, we’re about to go live,” comes the reply.
The director gives a nod, and the red recording light on the camera blinks on. You adjust your posture and take a deep breath, glancing at the prompter as it begins to scroll.
The screen behind you fades from the Global News Network logo to your somber face. You clear your throat and begin to read, each word a new revelation.
“Good evening,” you start, your voice steady but strained. “This is Jeong Y/N from Global News Network, reporting a critical update on Operation Starfall. On September 1, 2024, the world watched with anticipation as the renowned Aurora Taskforce for Elite Extra-terrestrial Zenith Unit undertook a high-stakes mission to intercept an asteroid on a collision course with Earth.”
You pause, your eyes skimming over the next line, feeling a knot tighten in your stomach.
“We have just received confirmation that the mission was a resounding success. The warhead planted on the asteroid to alter its trajectory was successfully detonated, averting what could have been a global catastrophe.” You take a shallow breath.
“However, amidst the triumph, one of the 6 crew members deployed for the mission has been reported dead.”
Your heart sinks as you read the next line, the weight of the news hitting you hard.
“Commander Jeong Yunho, displaying exceptional bravery and selflessness, reportedly made the ultimate sacrifice during the mission. He remained behind to manually deploy the nuclear warhead, tragically losing his life in the process.”
The words feel heavy on your tongue, each syllable a painful reminder of the reality you’re grappling with. You try to maintain your composure, but the emotional weight is nearly unbearable.
“This is a moment of deep reflection for us all,” you continue, struggling to keep your voice steady. 
“The world mourns the loss of a hero who embodied courage and dedication.” you continue, your voice trembling despite your efforts to stay professional.
“Stay tuned to Global News Network for comprehensive coverage and updates on Operation Starfall,” you say, your voice breaking, the world seemingly spinning even slower as you say your last line. 
“This has been… Anchor Jeong Y/N… reporting live.”
The camera's red light blinks off, and the studio falls into a heavy silence. The studio lights burn bright, searing through the haze of your emotional turmoil. As you conclude the broadcast, the final words escaping your lips feel like a leaden weight, dragging you down. The prompter’s words fade into a blur, and your vision swims with tears. You take a step back from the desk, feeling the ground tilt beneath you.
The studio, once a controlled environment, now seems disorientingly distant. The room spins as the reality of Yunho’s sacrifice crashes over you like a tidal wave. You sway unsteadily, your legs buckling beneath you.
Before you can collapse, a concerned murmur erupts from the crew. The studio’s bustling energy shifts into urgent activity as crew members rush towards you. Hands steady your arms, guiding you gently to the floor. The world around you becomes a whirlwind of voices and faces, their worry palpable.
“Y/N, are you okay?” one voice asks, but it seems muffled through a veil of dizziness.
“Someone get her some water!” another calls out, the words blending into a distant echo.
You struggle to focus, but all you can see is Yunho’s face— his smile, his eyes filled with warmth and love. In this moment of intense emotion, all thoughts of the studio, the broadcast, and the world around you dissolve into a singular memory of him. His laughter, his touch, his unwavering commitment— everything you loved and lost intertwines with the darkness encroaching on your vision.
As you sink into the floor, your breathing comes in shallow, uneven gasps. The hands around you offer comfort, but they are faint compared to the vivid memories of Yunho. You see his smile, hear his voice, and feel his presence as if he’s reaching out from beyond the stars.
In this final, poignant moment, as consciousness begins to slip away, the only thing that remains clear in your mind is a haunting sense of his eternal presence. 
The last thing you remember before the world fades to black is the feeling of being wrapped in the warmth of his love, transcending the distance of space and time.
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You don’t have anything left of Yunho.
Not his body, not his ash, not a single strand of his hair.
All you have is Junho and the memory of him in your head.
There were plenty of comments online, some sending condolences and others expressing admiration for your strength. Everybody knew the story— the dreamy romance between the legendary astronaut and the fastidious journalist. It felt like a fairy tale until it wasn’t. Some even criticized your station for having you report on what had happened to your own husband, but at the time, there wasn’t a choice. It had to be done, and you were the only one capable of telling his story.
Still, time had been nothing but cruel to you and Yunho, and the world had witnessed every agonizing second.
At that, you just can’t help but wonder. Did he know? 
Did Yunho realize he would have to sacrifice himself before he even left? What was he thinking in his last moments? Was he alone? Was he scared?
The questions cut deep, each one like a fresh wound, but the last one hurts the most.
Yunho was never afraid of anything.
But now, the thought of him being scared in his final moments shatters you in ways you weren’t sure you could survive. Your broken heart breaks all over again.
San approaches you quietly, his expression heavy with grief as he gently pulls you into a hug. “He was a very, very brave man, Y/N. We have him to thank for everything.”
You nod into his chest, unable to find words. “Thank you, San,” you manage to whisper, pulling back. “But it doesn’t change the fact that he’s gone.”
“If not for him, the world would be gone too,” He reminds you softly. 
His words hang in the air, repeating in your head. 
The world is alive because of him. 
Yunho had always been sure of that— always sure of his capabilities, sure of his team, sure that whatever happened, he could handle it.
Still, he had to make sure Earth would go on, that you and Junho would have a place to live, and time to live the rest of your lives.
But how are you supposed to live from here on, knowing he’s no longer right next you?
The weight of it all presses down on you, so heavy it feels like you might break under it. The air feels too thick to breathe, and your chest tightens as if your very soul is being squeezed, piece by piece. It’s an ache that starts deep inside— one that no amount of comforting words or empty sympathies can heal.
You stumble outside, away from the stifling formality of the ceremony and the well-meaning people who don’t understand how hollow their condolences sound. The night air is cold against your skin, but it does nothing to calm the storm raging inside you. With every step, your legs feel weaker, as if the ground beneath you might give way at any moment. Finally, you collapse onto a bench, your hands gripping the edge so tightly your knuckles turn white.
And then, the sobs come.
They burst out of you, uncontrollable and raw, like a flood breaking through a dam. The tears blur your vision, and for a moment, it feels like the world around you is as shattered as you are. The sound of your own crying is the only thing you can hear— a harsh, aching noise that fills the emptiness around you. You want to scream, to let the whole universe know how unfair it all is. How Yunho didn’t deserve this. How you didn’t deserve this.
You should’ve been planning a future together, growing old together, watching Junho grow up with his father by his side. But instead, you’re here, alone, trying to pick up the pieces of a life that no longer makes sense.
The sobs wrack your body, echoing into the quiet night, filling the emptiness with the sound of your grief.
And then, a voice— soft, hesitant— breaks through the sorrow.
“Mrs. Jeong?”
You look up, your vision blurred by tears, hastily wiping your face with trembling hands. As your eyes clear, you see a young man standing nearby. His face is pale, his chest heaving as though he’s been running— not just physically, but running from something deeper, something he can’t quite face.
He walks toward you with awkward, hesitant steps, his posture stiff as he tries to hold himself together. You can see it in his eyes— the guilt, the grief, the way it weighs down on him like it’s too much for one person to bear. His breath is uneven, shaky, and the rise and fall of his chest betrays the calm he’s struggling to maintain.
As he reaches you, he pauses, standing just a step away. His hands fidget nervously, fingers twisting together as though they’re searching for something to hold onto, something solid to keep him from breaking apart. For a long moment, he just stands there, his lips trembling as if he wants to say something but can’t find the words.
Then, finally, with a voice heavy with remorse, he speaks.
“I… I’m Sim Jaeyun. Code name Atlas. I was the driller who worked with Commander Jeong,” His words hang in the air, raw and tentative. He doesn’t look at you, his gaze fixed on the ground as if he can’t bear to meet your eyes.
He takes a shaky breath, his voice faltering as he continues, “I just… I want to say…” He chokes on the words, his shoulders shaking as he forces himself to speak. 
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Jeong. He died because of me. I— I was a coward, I didn’t have the guts to see my job through to the end, and he… h-he was too full of heart to force me to do it. It should’ve been me.”
His voice breaks completely, tears falling freely down his face as he falls to his knees right in front of you. “It should’ve been me, not him. If I didn't cower before him, he wouldn't have taken the fall for me. I could have convinced him better.”
For a moment, all you feel is the familiar pang of anger— not at Jaeyun, but at Yunho’s unwavering sense of duty, at his martyrdom. He could have taken a lesser mission, something with lower stakes. But Yunho chose Starfall because he knew, that if anything went wrong, he’d be the one to sacrifice himself even if it was not his place to.
One life for the sake of humanity.
For the sake of you and Junho.
As much as it infuriates you, you know that’s who Yunho was. That’s what made him the world’s Space Ace, the hero who saved Earth.
That’s what made him yours.
The silence between you stretches, thick with grief and unspoken words. Jaeyun stays sobbing on his knees, his chest still heaving, but slower now, like he’s trying to get control of himself. You can feel the weight of his guilt pressing down, just as heavy as your own sorrow. He fiddles with his fingers, twisting them together as if he’s bracing for the worst.
Finally, you break the silence, your voice quiet but steady, the words coming out softer than you expected. 
“Yunho would’ve done it either way,” you say, knowing it to be true with every part of you. Jaeyun flinches at the sound of Yunho’s name, but you keep going, your tone gentle as if trying to soothe him. 
“Come sit down. You’re getting soot on your slacks, and Yunho hates that.”
For a moment, Jaeyun hesitates, as if he’s not sure he deserves the seat beside you. His eyes are still wet with tears, and his lip quivers, but he nods, sniffling quietly as he wipes his face with the back of his hand. Slowly, he moves toward the bench and sits down next to you, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He keeps his gaze low, still fiddling nervously with the soot on his pants, brushing it off as though it’s something he can fix.
You watch him for a moment, the way he looks so lost and vulnerable, his fingers trembling slightly as he wipes at the smudges. A weak chuckle escapes your lips, though it feels foreign in your throat. 
“He’d probably send a rock down from the sky just to make sure you showed up to his wake with clean clothes.”
The faint humor is like a balm in the thick air, and you see the corners of Jaeyun’s mouth twitch slightly. It’s a small, tearful smile, barely there, but it softens the hard edges of his sorrow. His red-rimmed eyes flicker to yours, gratitude mingled with his grief, and for a moment, the two of you share a brief sense of understanding— different burdens, but the same pain.
Jaeyun’s fingers still for the first time since he sat down, and you both fall into a gentle, almost peaceful silence. The night air is cool, a contrast to the raw ache in your chest, and for just a moment, the world outside feels a little farther away.
“Before he…” He pauses, sniffling, “Before the warhead detonated, he told us, look up for me, yeah?”
Jaeyun says, his gaze distant, staring up at the night sky. 
“Back then,” he starts, voice barely above a whisper, “I thought it simply meant he was asking us to remember him. But now… I’ve realized it could’ve meant so much more.” 
His lip trembles, and he grips his knees, grounding himself as the emotions wash over him.
“I thought about it when you said he wanted to be reincarnated as a star during your eulogy.”
The mention of the eulogy stirs a fresh wave of pain in your chest. You remember standing there, the words falling from your lips like fragile glass, trying to make sense of the immense loss. You had said Yunho was the brightest star in the universe, and if there was any justice in the world, he’d return as one— forever watching over you and Junho. But the void he left was suffocating.
Jaeyun shifts again, looking down at his fingers, as if the soot he’s brushing away will somehow make sense of everything. His voice cracks as he continues, “I thought maybe he wanted to be remembered as the man who saved the Earth. Or the man brave enough to give his life up for the world.” He laughs bitterly, his fingers trembling more violently now. “That’s what everyone says, right? He’s a hero, the one who saved us all.”
You look at him, feeling the heaviness in his words. He’s struggling, drowning in guilt and grief, the weight of Yunho’s sacrifice pressing down on him. And in his eyes, you see a reflection of your own heartache. But it’s his next words that nearly shatter you.
“But in the end,” Jaeyun whispers, his voice barely audible now, “all he wants is to remind us that he’ll always be here, after all. We just have to look up.”
It’s too much. 
The rawness of his words cuts deep, and you feel the tears threatening to fall again, the ache in your chest tightening until it’s unbearable.
“He’s always here. That’s what he wanted us to know,” Jaeyun repeats softly, his gaze following yours to the sky. “That’s what he wanted you to know.”
The tears you’ve been holding back spill over, hot and relentless, burning down your cheeks as you struggle to keep your sobs quiet. You press a hand to your chest, as if that could somehow stop the pieces of your broken heart from scattering any further.
Jaeyun glances at you, his eyes brimming with his own tears again, and there’s a moment of shared grief between you— two people who admired Yunho, in different ways, but both devastated by his loss.
But in some small, heartbreaking way, Jaeyun is right. Yunho is still here. Not in the way you want, not in the way you need, but in the quiet moments, in the stars above, in the memory of his love.
And that’s all you have left to hold onto.
You and Jaeyun share a few brief moments of silence before he asks permission, saying he’s to go back inside and take care of his post at the guest seating for Yunho’s wake. You thank him for his efforts, and ask that he deliver your thanks to the rest of the crew as well.
The silence Jaeyun leaves behind is fragile, almost suffocating. You sit there, lost in the echo of his words, staring up at the dark sky as if searching for a glimpse of the star Yunho might have become. The photo of Yunho feels heavy in your hands, the edges worn from being held too much.
Before the loneliness can fully settle, you feel a gentle tug on your sleeve. Junho quietly climbs onto the bench beside you, wrapping his small arms around your waist. He says nothing at first, just leans into you, staring at the picture in your hands. The quiet companionship in his presence makes your heart ache in a different way— bittersweet and tender.
“Is Papa really a star now, Mom?” Junho’s voice is soft, barely above a whisper. His eyes are wide and curious, still too young to fully understand, but old enough to know something’s missing.
You smile weakly, brushing a hand through his soft hair. “Yeah, sweetheart. He’s up there, watching over us.”
Junho’s gaze shifts from the photo to the night sky, his little face scrunching up in thought. “Do you think he’s smiling at us? Like in this picture?”
Your throat tightens, but you nod. “I think so. He’s probably smiling that big, bright smile of his, just like he always did.”
Junho pulls away slightly, sitting back to look at the sky, his small hand resting on your belly— on the life that grows there. “Do you think he can see Yunhee, too? Even though she’s still in your tummy?”
The mention of Yunhee tugs at your heartstrings, and your hand instinctively moves to cover Junho’s. 
“I think he can,” you murmur, your voice barely steady. “I think he’s looking out for all of us. He’ll be there when she’s born. He’ll make sure she knows how much he loves her.”
Junho is quiet for a moment, still gazing up at the sky. Then, almost as if on cue, you feel a gentle flutter in your belly— Yunhee’s little kick, as if she’s responding to her brother’s words. It’s subtle, but enough to catch your breath. You place your other hand on your stomach, feeling the soft, almost reassuring movement.
Junho gasps, eyes wide with wonder. “Did she kick? Is she listening?”
“She is,” you whisper, a smile breaking through the sadness. “She knows her big brother is talking to her.”
Junho grins, leaning down to press his cheek against your belly. “Are you looking, Yunhee?” he whispers, his voice full of innocent hope. “That’s our papa. He loves us very much. He saved the world for us, so you could be here.”
The words, so simple and pure, nearly undo you. Tears well up in your eyes, but this time they’re softer, more gentle. Junho’s small, earnest voice cuts through the overwhelming grief, reminding you that even in loss, there’s still love— still life.
You look back up at the sky, and for a moment, you can almost believe Yunho is there, watching over his family, smiling that big, bright smile.
“Yunhee’s lucky to have you as her brother,” you say, your voice thick with emotion, but warm. “And we’re both so lucky to have him.”
Junho lifts his head, looking up at you with wide eyes full of innocence. “Do you think Papa misses us too?”
You nod, unable to speak for a moment as you swallow the lump in your throat. “I think he misses us every day,” you whisper. “But he’s always with us, Junho. He’ll always be with us.”
Junho nestles closer into your side, resting his head against your shoulder, and the weight of his small body grounds you, keeping you tethered to this moment. The sadness lingers, but beneath it, there’s a quiet warmth; an unshakable bond that holds you together, even when the person who was the heart of it is no longer here. Junho’s soft breaths mingle with the cool night air, and despite the tears that blur your vision, you find yourself gazing up at the sky. 
Amid the vast expanse of darkness, a single star twinkles— faint, but unmistakably bright. You don’t know if it’s Yunho, if such things even exist beyond the stories we tell ourselves to cope. But right now, you need to believe. 
Your hand trembles as you lift it, the gesture instinctive, as if reaching out to someone you can no longer touch. Your fingers hover in the air, stretching toward that single star.
“Hi, honey,” you whisper, voice cracking under the weight of all the things you wish you could say.
The tears fall freely now, unstoppable, but for the first time in a long while, they don’t feel quite so heavy. There’s something else mixed in with the grief— an acceptance, a love so deep it transcends the loss. You can feel it in the way Junho clings to you, in the soft flutter of Yunhee beneath your hand. And you can feel it in the silent connection between you and that faraway star.
So you wave.
It’s a small, simple gesture, but it carries everything— every goodbye, every memory, every moment of love that will never fade, even in the absence of the man who was its center.
The star flickers, as if in response.
And in that fleeting moment, with the night sky above you and your children beside you, you let yourself believe that somehow, Yunho is waving back.
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KIA’S NOTE: Phew. This was a heavy one. This fic was inspired by the songs Next to You by Chris Brown & JB + Die With a Smile by Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga, as well as the movie Armageddon and an episode from 911 Lone Call.
DISCLAIMER! Despite this being fictional, I tried to make it realistic and also did some research on the details but obviously, the events in this fic are more fictional than real, so please don't take them too seriously. Most of the events, devices, and ops were made up to tailor to the plot. I am also, in no way, an expert in Astronomy, hence what I wrote does not entirely reflect real-life operations.
Still, I hope you enjoyed reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it; it was definitely new and challenging for me, so I'd love it if you guys lmk what you think!
P.S. I am in Yunho brainrot, so forgive me for posting so much Yuyu fics 😭 I’m going to try my best to put out new works for the other members soon too!
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kafkasapartment · 10 months
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A rare 18th century planetarium, silvered drum plate engraved with "Principal Affectations of the Planets", tables of the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, and their details such as distance from the sun, periods, etc., as well as tables for the satellites of Saturn and Jupiter, and finely engraved zodiac calendar scale at border; plate mounted onto drum with geared mechanism, the whole turned by a manual hand-crank with ivory handle. Central coppered brass sun with silvered engraving of sun's face, five planetary arms with ivory planets and satellites, 1 1/2 inch terrestrial globe with 12 hand-colored engraved paper gores, the earth and moon rotating on separate geared mechanism with 2 rotating discs, showing the phases of the moon, the moon's path, and the time of day. Signed on the engraved silvered drum plate, "Made for Rich. D. Aldridge, Esq. by John Handsford, Bristol.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Shatabhisha & The Rahuvian Urge to Lie
In the light of several of you guys telling me about your experiences with Shatabhisha nakshatra natives who were pathological liars and overall terrible people. I thought I'll do my research 🤪😌and what I found astounded me.
Shatabhisha is ruled by the planet Rahu, which is known for its mysterious and unconventional nature. Rahu is associated with the shadow, the unknown, and the supernatural. In Vedic astrology, Rahu represents desires, ambitions, and illusions. It can bring both good and bad results, depending on its placement and the overall horoscope. Therefore, the lord of Shatabhisha can bring a mix of energies and influences, such as intuition, creativity, eccentricity, and spiritual growth, but also confusion, deception, and hidden enemies.
Shatabhisha is the final concluding Rahuvian nakshatra and I feel like the concluding nak of each planet is the most extreme manifestation of its energies but also the point where it transcends beyond itself.
Shatabhisha is associated with the deity Varuna, the god of cosmic and moral order. Varuna is also linked to water, emphasizing the purification aspect of this nakshatra. The connection with a thousand flowers signifies the blossoming of spiritual potential. Varuna (god of the rains/ cosmic & terrestrial waters, sky and earth). also, the mystical healer and the lord of “maya” or illusions. varuna is also sometimes referred as the “dark sun”, he influences the west direction and is active after sunset.
Given that the deity of Shatabhisha is the Lord of Illusions/Maya and Rahu is itself a shadow planet associated with deception, lies and illusions, its no wonder that these natives are often prone to lying.
Pathological lying is defined as "the compulsive urge to lie about matters big and small, regardless of the situation."
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SZA, Shatabhisha Moon, Vishaka Sun is known for being a pathological liar
Here is a video exposing her lies. Tbh SZA lies about things that are so unnecessary and obvious??? she once said that BTS ignored her at an event when there's video proof of them interacting and hugging each other 😭😭She has lied about her real hair, fake freckles, her age, used to say she was a marine biologist, being allergic to fruit & more. It’s mostly little lies that literally don’t even make sense why she is even lying about it.
I feel like being dishonest is a broadly Nodal trait (no offence u guys lmao) and SZA's chart is dominated by Nodal naks. She has Venus in Mula, Mars in Swati, Jupiter in Ardra to make matters worse she has Ketu in Ashlesha (Ashleshas can be hella manipulative) and Vishaka Sun & Mercury (Vishaka is a rakshasa gana nak which means these natives are veryy self serving)
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Jameela Jamil, Shatabhisha Sun, Ketu in Swati
Tbh I can't keep track of everything Jameela has lied about because she lies a lot. Here's an article that goes into it. She has a thing for claiming she has suffered from or is currently suffering from a ton of different illnesses (mercury poisoning, celiac disease, a rare tissue disorder, a breast cancer scare, she's deaf in one ear, severe peanut allergy etc) and just a ton of other sketchy stuff in general lol
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Halsey, Swati Rising & Mercury (She also has Hasta Sun)
Halsey has always claimed to be half black when in reality she is 1/4th black (her dad is half black), she allegedly suffers from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Sjogren's syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, POTS etc i don't want to speculate about someone's health but whenever someone talks about having more than 2 serious chronic conditions, it just feels hella sus??? She said she was kicked out of her house as a teenager by her parents but someone who went to highschool with her apparently exposed her saying that wasn't true and that she left on her own to pursue music. Halsey also claimed to have been some sort of edgy misfit outcast in highschool and the same person said she was actually pretty popular and was very good at Art
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Victoria Beckham, Venus conjunct Jupiter in Shatabhisha and Ardra Rising
She is certainly not the only one who has tried to convince us that her chest looks the way it does because of a push-up bra. But Victoria Beckham overdid it with her lies. She had been denying for years that she had undergone surgery for a breast augmentation. But then, one sunny day in July 2009, she slipped up. It happened before an L.A. Dodgers baseball game, where Victoria was given the honor of throwing the first pitch. She walks off the field, and says loudly in her mic that she is a bit worried her pitch would displace her implants. Boom! The truth was out! Her D-cups remained intact, but the damage to her reputation was done. Some years later, the former Spice Girls member had a reduction, and she now claims she regrets of having had the surgery in the first place. She also very recently claimed she grew up super working class when its pretty much public knowledge that she's from a vvv wealthy background (her nickname is literally Posh Spice?? like girl???)
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Taylor Swift, Ardra Moon, Ketu in Ashlesha
This has turned into one of the biggest social media scandals in Hollywood in the past decade. It all started with the notorious line in Kanye West’s song Famous: ‘I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex/Why? I made that b**ch famous”. Swift’s reaction to these derogatory lyrics was …well… swift and brutal. She complained about being victimized by West and him taking the credit for her success. But then the Invincible Kim took matters into her hands. She broke the internet by posting a Snapchat video of a conversation between Swift and West, in which Swift was saying she had no problem with the lyrics. That was a huge blow as Swift had been whining for weeks about how she had insisted on being “excluded from the narrative.” Sister, if you really wanted to be excluded from the narrative, you should have said that first thing when the rapper called you to ask for your consent!
She also acts like some country gal when her dad is a stockbroker and she grew up on like a 200 acre farm and had her career handed to her lol
I feel like Nodal girlies love to play victim, along with Moon dominants & Ashleshas
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Tyga- Ashlesha Moon conjunct Ketu
He grew up in a rich family in LA but claimed to be from the 'hood lol
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Robert Pattinson- Ardra Moon
He has admitted that he lies all the time in interviews lol tbh its kinda funny
Here's an article about it. my fav bit is the one time he lied about hating the circus because he saw a clown die as a kid lmfao
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Grimes, Shatabhisha Mercury
Grimes lied about throwing a snowball at Queen Elizabeth II's motorcade when she was visiting Vancouver. Somebody pointed out that on that day there was no snow in the city, so it was impossible for her to make a snowball, let alone throw one.
 She lies about bizarre things that she doesn't even need to bring up. Like, telling Rolling Stone magazine she had to get over her fears and conceive X by having unprotected sex and letting Elon cum inside her. Later, the Isaacson book proved it was IVF 🤡🤡
She has also been accused of having lied about being homeless in the past
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Lana Del Rey- Ardra Sun
There is an old interview with some guy who studied with her and he said she used to lie all the time lol It was really interesting to see someone in her inner circle kinda reflect on that. His name is Ron Pope. He said
“Actually, I knew her in New York many, many years ago, when she was still going by her real name, Lizzy Grant. And I thought that she was endlessly fascinating, because she was always kind of expressing herself by being a character. She would tell you a story and you're like, "I don't think that's true, but I don't care."
Well, after we were introduced, she told me that she grew up in Arkansas in a trailer park, and was raised by her grandmother. But I'd already known that she was from a family of means in New York. So I was just like, "Huh, you don't say, Arkansas, trailer park." But it was like being around a performance artist. It's not like they're a pathological liar or something, they're just a person creating a character.”
Lana lied about her age at the beginning of her career and to this day she says she grew up poor and is "white trash" when she went to a private boarding school as a teenager ???
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Lady Gaga, Swati Moon conjunct Ketu
Gaga once told that she was bullied in school to the point of being thrown into a trash can because she was "eccentric and theatrical", when in fact she went to one of the most expensive schools in New York (which makes unlikely that something like this would go that far).
There was a bit that she claimed her aunt possessed her and wrote a poem, which she showed to her fans on live stream; someone googled that poem and found it online.
When Amy Winehouse died, Lady Gaga told a reporter she couldn't speak a thing for 48 hours.
When recording the scene where Maurizio is killed, the only thing that went through her mind was "What did I do?"; also, she claims that she spoke with Italian accent for 6 months after the footage was finished.
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Kylie Jenner, Ashlesha Sun, Swati Moon
she lied about not getting plastic surgery for yearssss, claiming she just gained weight or whatever lol
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Sara Ali Khan, Ashlesha Sun, Shatabhisha Moon
She's descended from royalty on her father's side, her mother comes from a very influential family, both her parents are successful actors, she went to fkn Columbia University for her undergrad yet she claims to be a "normal middle class girl" and says that she does not pay for mobile roaming cause its too expensive?? 😩😂and she is known for her PR stunts lmao, just a few days ago she was "spotted" helping underprivileged people when its sooo obvious that she called the paps to film her lmfao
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Zayn Malik, Shatabhisha Venus & Rising
When Zayn Malik quit One Direction, he claimed it was so that he could shy away from the spotlight and lead a normal life. I don't know about you, but most 22-year-olds aren't releasing solo albums. Considering Malik debuted his first solo track only a week after leaving the band, it appears as though he lied about the reason for leaving. Especially since he's released a lot of solo music. In an interview with Billboard, he came clean about One Direction not being what he expected. So, I guess he just got fed up with the boy band life, huh? He could've just been honest from the beginning, though. 
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Steve Rannazzisi, Ardra Sun & Moon, Venus in Ashlesha atmakaraka
The League actor Steve Rannazzisi lied about being in the World Trade Center on 9/11. He originally had an elaborate story about that tragic day prompting him to pick up and move to Los Angeles to pursue his comedy dreams. But in September 2015, Rannazzisi said:
I was not at the Trade Center on that day. I don't know why I said this. This was inexcusable. I am truly, truly sorry.
As he says himself, this is a pretty "inexcusable" lie. I will say, though, at least he came clean about it. When it comes to honesty, better late than never.
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Galileo Galilei- Shatabhisha Sun, Ashlesha Rising
Galileo was more convinced that Earth revolves around the sun. This led to his trial in 1616. Galileo obeyed the church order to end all discussion on the matter. But after 16 years, he published a book that the Catholic Church could not accept at the time.
I thought I should include him because this is such a huge example of telling the truth?? even at great personal odds?? imagine being the one to stand up to the goddamn church in an era where everyone was convinced the sun revolved around the earth lol??
it goes to show that not everyone with certain placements will turn out to be liars and deceivers.
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Kurt Gerstein- Shatabhisha stellium, Saturn, Ketu and Rising
Kurt Gerstein was a deeply contradictory figure, who's life and work bear examination as an example of how a deeply flawed person can still try to do admirable things.
Born to a virulently authoritarian and later aggressively pro-Nazi father, he grew up in strongly ultranationalist circles. At university, at his father's behest, he joined a far right student association/fraternity.
At the same time, he became involved with the Confessing Church, an organisation dedicated to fighting back against Nazi influence in the Protestant churches, who's membership included a number of prominent German resistance figures. He spent a small amount of time in prisons and in camps for distributing anti-Nazi material, but his father's influence allowed him to escape serious punishment.
In 1941, he joined the SS, in his own words "acting as an agent of the Confessing Church." Shortly beforehand he discovered his sister in law had been murdered as part of what we know as Aktion-T4, the genocide of the mentally ill and physically disabled. His plan was to get inside, find whatever evidence of crimes and atrocities he could, and get them published for all the world to see.
Due to his experience in pest control and water purification, he was made head of the subsection of the SS responsible for supplying Zyklon B, an industrial rat poison, to a variety of sites in Poland. When he asked what the obscene quantities of poison gas could possibly be being used for, he was invited to witness the camps himself.
He attempted to tell the world of what he had seen at Belzec and Treblinka, telling a Swedish diplomat, a Swiss diplomat, A Dutch resistance man, and anyone else he could get his hands on, but nobody really took notice.
He spent years trying to get the story out, until in 1945 he surrendered to a French officer, telling him everything in the hope that his testimony could be used to prosecute senior Nazis and camp officials. He was given a hotel room and a typewriter and told to write his report.
After he was done, he was treated as a war criminal and transferred to a military prison where he was found hanged in his cell, likely driven to suicide by what he viewed as the final failure of his task.
After his death, his report has continued to be used as one of the definitive accounts of the Holocaust, being used in the Nuremberg Trials, the Eichmann trial, and the trial of David Irving.
Once again, it is possible to have these placements and still tell the truth and stand up for the truth. our birth chart reveals our natural tendencies, what we must do is rise above them. and contrary to popular belief, we can rise above our nature.
I hope this was interesting xx
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quiltofstars · 1 month
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The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter on August 15, 2024 // George Konkov
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togglesbloggle · 9 months
🔥The ice giants
Oh, this one's tricky. Do people have strong enough feelings about the ice giants for opinions about them to be unpopular? Even NASA doesn't care enough about them to send a spacecraft more than once in a blue moon. I think I'll try to weasel out of this one with the opinion 'all planets are interesting, even Neptune,' on the grounds that uninterestingness is itself the dominant opinion.
The midcentury explorations of the solar system were, in retrospect, kind of crushing for the human imagination. We went from totally unbounded speculations about the diversity of worlds- imagining robust ecosystems on Venus and Mars as late as the 50s and early 60s- to a series of photographs showing cratered, dead, atmosphere-less worlds. And 'realism' became accepting these photographs, building a story of the cosmos that is not just sterile but quite simple, treating the solar system as conforming closely to low-complexity models of planetary formation. Gravity collects micrometeorites and gas particles in planetoids and moons according to the ratios predicted by temperature and distance from the center of the accretion disk; terrestrial worlds close in, gas giants further out, ice giants further still. The planets sort themselves by density, with interior deformation or sortition based on thermal gradients, radioactive decay, magnetic forces; moons find a stable orbit or don't, and that's that.
But the thing is, once you actually get past that superficial Voyager flyby-photograph, these worlds all tend to have dramatic and exciting particularities of their own. Look at Pluto! Look at Titan! Look at Enceladus! Look at Ceres! Probably the most boring and well-studied planet I can think of is Mercury, and even that has cool stuff like solid ice at the surface.
Part of this is just noticing over time that the interface between planets and space (that is, their surface) is not always or even usually the most interesting part of them, and assumptions to the contrary are an understandable but misleading form of Earth-chauvinism.
And a larger share of it, I think, is just that once you get something substantially larger than an asteroid, the combined influence of so much volume, so much mass, and so much time just tends to amplify the variance of your system incredibly far beyond what you'd expect from your 'terrestrial, gas giant, ice giant' template. The model is actionably useful, don't get me wrong, and worlds rarely vary so much that they outright break their category. But nothing the size of a moon or planet is actually simple, and nothing on the scale of four billion years is actually stable. And so each of these things, no matter how straightforward the template, will gradually tilt and totter its way within an unfathomably large space of possibilities to something that is practically speaking unique, and which reveals something new about the cosmos that you can't find anywhere else.
If the ice giants seem simple, it's a reflection of our methods and our technological limits, not the planets themselves. We are, generally speaking, absolutely terrible about investigating gaseous worlds on their own terms- and maybe we simply don't have the right tools or the right questions yet to figure out what makes Neptune and Uranus special. But it's only a matter of time.
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yoga-onion · 8 months
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Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (5)
Wuxing – the connections between the Five Dragon Kings (Ref) and the Five Elements philosophy 
To better understand the origins of the Five Dragon Kings and the ancient Chinese legend, it is worth mentioning the wuxing of natural philosophy, which states that all things are composed of five elements: fire, water, wood, metal and earth.
The underlying idea is that the five elements 'influence each other, and that through their birth and death, heaven and earth change and circulate'.  
The five elements are described as followed:
Wood/Spring: a period of growth, which generates abundant vitality, movement and wind.
Fire/Summer: a period of swelling, flowering, expanding with heat.
Earth is associated with ripening of grains in the yellow fields of late summer.
Metal/Autumn: a period of harvesting, collecting and dryness.
Water/Winter: a period of retreat, stillness, contracting and coolness.
The wuxing system, in use since the Han dynasty (2nd century BCE), appears in many seemingly disparate fields of early Chinese thought, including music, feng shui, alchemy, astrology, martial arts, military strategy, I Ching divination, and traditional medicine, serving as a metaphysics based on cosmic analogy.
The wuxing originally referred to the five major planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Venus), which were thought of as the five forces that create life on earth. Wu Xing litterally means moving star and describes the five types of Qi (all the vital substances) cycles through various stages of transformation. As yin and yang continuously adjust to one another and transform into one another in a never-ending dance of harmony, they tend to do so in a predictable pattern.
The lists of correlations for the five elements are diverse, but there are two cycles explaining the major interaction. The yin-yang interaction, which by increasing or decreasing the qualities and functions associated with a particular phase, it may either nourish a phase that is in deficiency or drain a phase that is in excess or restrain a phase that is exerting too much influence (see below):
The Creation Cycle (Yang)
Wood feeds Fire
Fire creates Earth (ash)
Earth bears Metal
Metal collects Water
Water nourishes Wood
The Destruction Cycle (Yin)
Wood parts Earth 
Earth dams (or absorbs) Water
Water extinguishes Fire
Fire melts Metal
Metal chops Wood
The Huainanzi (2nd BCE) describes the five colored dragons (azure/green, red, white, black, yellow) and their associations (Chapter 4: Terrestrial Forms), as well as the placement of sacred beasts in the five directions (the Four Symbols beasts, dragon, tiger, bird, tortoise in the four cardinal directions and the yellow dragon.
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ヒト型爬虫類 (5)
ここで、五方龍王の起源、そして古代中国の伝説をよく理解するために、万物は火・水・木・金・土の5種類の元素からなる、という自然哲学の五行思想について触れておきましょう。 5種類の元素は「互いに影響を与え合い、その生滅盛衰によって天地万物が変化し、循環する」という考えが根底に存在する。 
水は、冬の雪に覆われた暗い大地の中に潜む新しい生命の可能性と静寂の時期。 漢の時代 (紀元前2世紀頃) から使用されてきた五行説は、音楽、風水、錬金術、占星術、武術、軍事戦略、易経、伝統医学など、中国初期の思想の一見バラバラに見える多くの分野に登場し、宇宙の類推に基づく形而上学として機能している。 
五行の相関関係は多様だが、主要な相互作用を説明する2つのサイクルがある。陰陽の相互作用は、特定の相に関連する資質や機能を増減させることで、不足している相に栄養を与えたり、過剰な相を排出したり、影響力を及ぼしすぎている相を抑制したりする (以下参照):
火が土 (灰) をつくる
『淮南子』(紀元前2世紀)には、五色の龍(紺碧・緑、赤、白、黒、黄)とその関連性 (第4章: 地の形)、五方位への聖獣の配置(四枢の四象徴獣、龍、虎、鳥、亀、黄龍)が記述されている。
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blessed1neha · 1 year
What is Atmakaraka & How it effects the native
Planet of the soul, or atma karaka
Have you ever heard of Atma karaka?
Let's begin our study of this idea, which is a part of Jaimini astrology.
In comparison to the other planets in this natal chart, Atma karaka, or the planet of the soul, has moved through its sign the most times.
You must analyse the degrees of each of the seven planets and calculate the largest degree while paying close attention to the minutes in order to ascertain it.
In our paragraph, the relevance of the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu is not considered.
Since the Sun will always be the constant indication of the soul in the horoscope, we have found the planet with the highest degree in the chart, which will serve as the temporary Atma karaka for this life.
It is important to remember that everyone's temporary Atma Karaka will be different in their charts. For one person, it may be a planet at 29 degrees, while for another, it may be a planet at 9.
The planet with the highest degree will reveal the soul's deepest aspirations for this terrestrial existence.
Additionally, according to Atma Karaka, one can comprehend a native's karmic destiny and the experiences they must go through in order to realise it.
Atma karaka is thought to imply a higher level of soul growth if it is a malefic, or a naturally unfavourable planet like Saturn, Mars, or the Sun. This means that the soul has chosen a more challenging karmic job for this incarnation.
Additionally, if an individual's Atma karaka is benefic, such as Jupiter, Venus, the Moon, or Mercury, then many aspects of life will be very simple for them.
Analysis of the Atma Karaka
The sign of the zodiac in which it is positioned, the house of the horoscope from Lagna, as well as the signs that it dominates, must all be examined and analysed.
It is also feasible to obtain a chart of the native's wants by using the Atma karaka for Lagna.
Thus, if you have
Sun Atma Karaka
The inherent Atma karaka, or soul, is symbolised by the sun.
However, the signs of the temporary AK and the permanent AK might also appear together in a single natal chart.
The sun represents manly noble vitality, power, and strength.
The fact that a person entered this world with the intention of developing as a person via the acceptance of responsibility, inner strength, and self-confidence will be discussed here if the temporary AK coincided with the permanent one on the map.
A person with such an AK will not be able to stand on the sidelines; instead, he will need to develop his leadership qualities and take others around him under his wing. This is because the Sun is the King of the planetary cabinet by nature.
Additionally, the Sun in this position arouses a desire for a blissful, spiritual life.
The native will start down the path of spiritual growth and be able to guide others, perhaps even their loved ones, if their chart has the Sun in the AK sign and other favourable placements and aspects are present.
Additionally, the Sun represents the father, therefore one of the karmic obligations for those with a temporary AK Sun will be to foster better relationships with their fathers and, generally speaking, with older men, such as bosses.
The planet sun is brittle.
Along with strength, it will provide someone a lot of energy—typically more than they need—and tension in life.
Additionally, the Sun is the karaka of health and when it is strong, it can bestow wonderful health and strength upon the native.
Such a person would typically have a fiery constitution, or pitta, and a powerful digestive fire. He or she will also typically have a healthy, well-developed body.
negative characteristics
Selfishness, haughtiness, vanity, dominance, and pride will characterise this AK.
Since this will be one of this AK's karmic obligations, the native will have to overcome these obstacles.
Moon Atma Karaka
The moon stands for maternity in general and the feminine in particular.
Moon as AK creates a desire for comfort, contentment, and happiness.
Additionally, true happiness is internal and home.
The soul has chosen to experience unwavering love in this life, much like a mother's love for her child.
A person entered this world in order to understand the intensity of emotions and the honesty of true connections.
He will be intrigued by ideas like respect, caring, service, and care.
People with this AK may be troubled by their own minds and may exhibit uneasiness because the Moon is the planet of the mind and desires.
One of the karmic obligations for those with an AK Moon is to foster closer ties with their mothers.
The experience of parenthood will be another karmic responsibility for you to complete; depending on the gender of the native, you will play the role of mother or father and be the one to set the direction for their lives.
the potent attributes
Such an AK will be compassionate, charming, and soft.
These are the best kind of family men.
it's a drawback
can be characterised as touchiness or extreme attachment to the subjects of one's feelings, such as family.
A person with an AK Moon has a challenging mission ahead of them: learning to differentiate between real and fake love, caring for others without expecting anything in return, and learning to give the benefits of that love and care to the Almighty.
Such a native may have to endure disappointment from loved ones, but it will be crucial to learn how to retain emotional composure and humility in such a circumstance.
When analysing AK, it is important to take into account the zodiac sign that the Moon was in at the time, as well as the house that the horoscope falls under from the Lagna.
It is also important to pay close attention to the chart from the Chandra Lagna, as this will provide a twofold indication of the native's aspirations and help the horoscope be "read" and interpreted more accurately.
Mars, Atma karaka
Mars represents the militancy, strength, vigour, and fieryness of the male principle.
People with AK Mars will have a major karmic burden of controlling their rage, impatience, and growing claims against those around them.
Typically, these people are placed in a suitable atmosphere to develop their already strong character and their capacity for controlled tranquilly.
It is crucial that they learn to see lessons in their surroundings and teachers in their loved ones, as well as to express thanks for these lessons.
Such individuals possess a great deal of internal fire and may have pitta, which is a fiery constitution.
They often possess a robust, healthy, and fully grown body as well as a strong digestive fire.
Mars is the planet of action, but in a weak position it can produce the opposite, up to inaction with expectations from others. As a result, people with this AK must acquire willpower and work to see projects through to completion without giving up or moving to another.
A person can also become highly sensuous when they have AK Mars, especially if Mars is in both their own and Venusian signs.
The occupants of this position of Mars are recommended to restrain their libido.
However, a person's Mars will provide him the chance to become a good organiser and leader, athlete, and protector of the weak if he is able to conquer his impatience, rage, aggression, and anger and develops willpower and internal control.
Observing the concept of non-violence towards all living animals can be helpful in overcoming the powerful emotions that this AK causes, and vegetarianism will be especially beneficial.
I would want to discuss my practical knowledge and application of this Atma Karaka.
Most people initially think that Martian emotional outbursts are uncontrollable.
Yet it isn't.
Realising that you must stop suppressing your anger and instead learn how to properly express it is the first step in preventing its internal devastation.
The second phase, which enables a person to recognise and accept their Mars and learn to draw power from this stubbornly male force, can be taken with the aid of jyotish knowledge.
But philosophy and psychology can help by exposing the opposite side of this issue for individuals for whom even this is insufficient.
What are we actually capable of managing, one could wonder?”
Physiological functions of the body, when they occur, and in the future?
The decision we make regarding our thoughts and emotions is the only thing we can truly control.
A person can change one emotional response into another in order to end the first one. By initiating this process on his own, the person can choose to live a conscious existence in which he was not "pissed off" but instead had the choice of whether to be furious or not.
Mercury, the Atman karaka
The karaka of speech, intellect, logic, erudition, and adaptability is Mercury (Buddha).
The young prince of the planetary cabinet is Mercury.
Therefore, it bestows its person with a young aspect because it is the planet of the soul.
In addition, the local can look younger than his actual age up to a respectable age.
Buddha is a karaka of speech, which can cause some speech issues for the native.
For instance, the owner of this AK may speak very rapidly or incoherently, employ intricate turns in speech that are not always clear to others, or have other obvious flaws.
Writing, reading classical literature, taking oratory lessons, and singing are all effective ways to overcome these obstacles.
Additionally, it may be suggested that you write down your speech for later hearing, organise and summarise your ideas, and keep a journal.
AK Mercury provides
while learning can be multifaceted and not always useful, there is a desire to learn.
Such individuals may become overloaded with information due to their curiosity and ease of assimilation of new material.
However, if you choose your jobs properly and deliberately, the Buddha will offer you the chance to really comprehend and enjoy everything you do.
The AK Mercury can cause its owner to go to either of two extremes: they may become reclusive and introverted, or they may become overly chatty and unable to select a social group or topics of conversation.
If any of these things exist and show up in daily life, the native must learn how to construct communications effectively by paying attention to communication hierarchy and subordination since Buddha can provide some, perhaps inappropriate, "familiarity".
Mercury, the planet of illusions, can also introduce things like a "broken phone"—that is, a phone that is not working—into the life of a native.
A person may interpret information quite differently depending on how it was delivered to him.
Buddha as Atma karaka can provide either a poor or a strong memory, but there might be some selectivity involved.
When Mercury is at its finest, its owner can benefit from the abilities of a skilled "salesman," which are in high demand right now.
Atma Jupiter aka
Jupiter is the karaka of hope, wealth, understanding, good fortune, learning, and justice.
The Guru bestows the local with a gift for instructing and instructing others in his capacity as the Atma karaka.
Such a person is "bursting" with information, and he will have a strong desire to impart it to others.
However, the local should be conscious of tact and the futility of unnecessary advice from outsiders.
Recognise that the interlocutor needs to be prepared in order to cognitively perceive information.
Guru, like AK, won't deprive someone of information; they will unquestionably be sufficient.
However, when they are used and used in real life, problems sometimes occur.
A native with this AK may frequently feel arrogant and omniscient due to their own intelligence.
Overcoming this state will be one of the karmic challenges.
The most beneficial planet is Jupiter.
Even among the beneficiaries, it might be challenging to identify negative effects of its influence.
But even so, the Guru, in the form of Atmakaraka, will first point out issues that need improvement before recognising talents.
Excessive fanaticism in observing specific dogmas and norms is one of these "problem" areas.
The guru could present a little distorted view of life, through rose-colored glasses or with an excessively upbeat approach.
A person with AK Jupiter will also have a major karmic burden of learning how to manage money without becoming excessively wasteful.
The key is to strike a balance between the material and the spiritual without leaning too far in either direction.
Since the Guru is in charge of the children, the native with this AK might take the matter excessively seriously and not be in a rush for them to emerge in order to anticipate all the situations.
After working his Jupiter, a native with this AK is able to teach others, make a great parent, and provide information to society.
Venus, Atma karaka
Venus (Shukra) represents passion, love, marriage, creativity, and other types of partnerships.
Venus has a light, bright, pure, and imaginative vitality.
Nevertheless, it is also the energy of joy and bliss, and for those who possess this AK, one of their karmic obligations will be to restrain their cravings and uphold piety.
The proverb, "Take care of honour from a young age," certainly applies to these individuals because they are particularly susceptible to the temptation to live only for themselves.
The inner creativity of those with this AK will make an effort to manifest itself and be seen by others, although this may take time and may require teachings from the planet Venus.
In any event, Shukra as AK will make its owner feel connected to creativity and the arts.
Venus can be enhanced through creativity in any area of life, including flower-growing, culinary artistry, and even creative makeup.
Such persons should frequently travel to lovely, artistic locales with space for inspiration.
It is suggested that females pick an activity they enjoy, such as dance or sketching, and practise it on a daily basis with care.
No of how hard we attempt to discuss this AK, all of our arguments will revolve around love and relationships.
Such a person will find it difficult to believe and recognise the opposite feeling for him since he will either be extremely immersed in his sentiments, prone to idealisation, or so sceptical of others.
Shukra will benefit from being in a good position.
possessing impeccable taste, a sense of fashion, and the capacity to find beauty in everything.
In general, such people have a natural sense of beauty.
Venus, like AK, does not always make this talent apparent right away.
Natives can have somewhat odd tastes that aren't necessarily clear to outsiders.
Among other things, Shukra is in charge of the hormonal background.
For ladies, this means that taking care of your body, face, and taking baths and oil massages will undoubtedly strengthen and open your Venus.
Saturn, Atma karaka
Saturn (Shani), a hefty and chilly planet that rules over time and order, is the god of karma.
He is in charge of endurance, discipline, setbacks, challenges, pain, ailment, and grief.
When you meet someone with such an AK, the first thing you notice is his excessive seriousness, concentration, and occasionally even gloom.
Shani is responsible for a person's serious demeanour, propensity to keep his word and carry out plans that have been made in advance.
The native's look and even his facial expression are influenced by internal tension, which is the principal effect of this AK.
Others may read this expression as perpetual unhappiness or seriousness; it is a type of "mournful face" whose owner typically isn't even aware of it.
Such a person could appear older than their actual age because Saturn has an impact on appearance.
He can have a tendency to surround oneself with gloomy objects and wear dark and black clothing.
A native with this AK may attract others who are through life troubles; his primary karmic duty will be to kindly assist them.
Selflessness, selflessness, and service to others are not lofty ideals; rather, they describe a person with this AK's daily existence, particularly if he already leads a conscious life.
Shani, particularly in childhood, can cause feelings of loneliness and inner hopelessness.
These kids are typically raised by the family's elders and miss their mothers more frequently than other kids.
One of the responsibilities will be to conquer any inner anxieties that Saturn, as Atma karaka, bestows upon the native. These fears will primarily be connected to a fear of dying.
Additionally, this AK can cause issues with the skeletal system, joints, and different types of muscle and tendon stiffness.
Hoarding tendencies are another effect of Saturn's Atma karaka, thus it will be beneficial for such persons to schedule routine "reviews" of their possessions in order to clear the space.
As an Atma karaka, Saturn can grant its possessor a certain measured and slow pace because it is a heavy and slow planet.
Generally speaking, Shani values discipline and either rewards the native with it or punishes him by allowing total disarray to reign.
Depending on Saturn's favourable placement in the chart, such a person will either be extremely timely or perpetually late.
Regular yoga lessons, breathing exercises, pranayama, helping those in need voluntarily, and taking part in volunteer activities would be very beneficial for owners of AK Saturn.
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talonabraxas · 25 days
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Khamael , Archangel of Mars Talon Abraxas
Samael is the Archangel of Mars – prince of the fifth heaven, lord of war and pestilence, and angel of death and destruction. He is the Sathan (Adversary) who visited wrath upon Job, slew the firstborn in Egypt, and (as the Guardian Angel of Easu) wrestled with Jacob. As the Sathan he accuses men of their wrongdoings in the Divine Court. Samael should not be confused with the modern Christian concept of Lucifer or the Devil. Samael is not the source of all evil, nor did he ever wage war upon the Throne of God.
He was, however, cast down to Earth when he refused to bow to Adam as the Image of God. (He had previously sworn to never bow to anything less than God Himself.) Once here, he took Lilith as his wife and has acted as the Divine Accuser, Enforcer and Angel of Death ever since. While he is still very much in the employ of God, he persecutes and seduces mankind when he is ordered to do so.
(Some sources equate Samael with Shemyaza, the leader of the fallen Watchers from the Book of Enoch. This is likely due to both Samael and Shemyaza being punished for disobedience, yet each retaining their positions as celestial angels. However the angels share no other characteristics, and this similarity does not prove the two angels are one and the same.)
The ancient Gnostics elevated him to the position of Demiurgos (the Creator) and interpreted his name to mean “Blind God.” They also called him Ialdabaoth and Saklas. His form was described as a lion-headed serpent. He and his angels (called archons) had created the world as a prison where they could feed upon mankind’s suffering. Later forms of Gnosticism, however, did not equate Ialdabaoth with Samael.
Samael was at one point regarded as the Patron Angel of Rome – and it is likely in this aspect that we see him (as the Dragon with Seven Heads) engaging in single combat against Michael (the Patron Angel of Israel) in the Revelation of St. John.
More recent tradition has given him the name Khamael (Camael, Camuel, etc) – the result of mistranslating a Hebrew Samekh (S) as a Kaph (Kh). In this form he is regarded primarily as the Angel of War and Divine Severity.
Invitation to Samael
I invoke thee, Samael! Holy Archangel of the Martial sphere! I call upon thee within thy realm of Severity and Fear!
Samael, Powerful, Bloody, Sword-bearer, Bold, Untamed, Terrestrial Fire, against whom none can defend himself, thou who destroys the strong and powerful, Lord of fiery heat – and of the planet of blood!
Samael, who art the Adversary, accusing men of their wrongdoing. Fearsome warrior and divine enforcer! You who inflicted Job with sorrow, who slew the firstborn of Egypt, and wrestled with Jacob. It is you who bears the wrath of God unto the Earth! You who overthrow nations and cast kings down from their thrones!
O Samael, we have called upon you [here list the reasons you have called him in the past, if any, and the positive results that came from those workings]. For all of this we thank you!
Come thou forth and partake of these offerings, which we have prepared in thy honour and to the glory of Elohim Gibor. May you find them pleasing and empowering. I ask that you offer your blessings to my home and family, and bear our offerings and prayers of thanksgiving to the Divine Court. We petition thee for strength and protection in all of our undertakings, for defense of our home, and that the light of thy wisdom should guide and keep us at all times. In the name of Elohim Gibor. Amen.
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mysticstronomy · 5 months
Saturday, April 13th, 2024.
Welcome back,
There used to be a number of theories about how the Moon was made and it was one of the aims of the Apollo program to figure out how we got to have our Moon,' says Sara.
Prior to the Apollo mission research there were three theories about how the Moon formed. The evidence returned from these missions gave us today's most widely accepted theory.
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Capture theory suggests that the Moon was a wandering body (like an asteroid) that formed elsewhere in the solar system and was captured by Earth's gravity as it passed nearby.
The accretion hypothesis proposes that the Moon was created along with Earth at its formation.
The fission theory suggests Earth had been spinning so fast that some material broke away and began to orbit the planet.
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The giant-impact theory is most widely accepted today. This proposes that the Moon formed during a collision between the Earth and another small planet, about the size of the planet Mars. The debris from this impact collected in an orbit around Earth to form the Moon.
The Apollo missions brought back over a third of a tonne of rock and soil from the Moon. This provided some clues on how the Moon may have formed.
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'When the Apollo rocks came back, they showed that the Earth and the Moon have some remarkable chemical and isotopic similarities, suggesting that they have a linked history,' says Sara.
'If the Moon had been created elsewhere and was captured by the Earth's gravity we would expect its composition to be very different from the Earth's.
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'If the Moon was created at the same time, or broke off the Earth, then we would expect the type and proportion of minerals on the Moon to be the same as on Earth. But they are slightly different.'
The minerals on the Moon contain less water than similar terrestrial rocks. The Moon is rich in material that forms quickly at a high temperature.
'In the seventies and eighties there was a lot of debate which led to an almost universal acceptance of the giant impact model.'
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Lunar meteorites are also an important source of data for studying the origins of the Moon.
'In some ways meteorites can tell us more about the Moon than Apollo samples because meteorites come from all over the surface of the Moon,' adds Sara, 'while Apollo samples come from just one place near the equator on the near side of the Moon.'
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Before Earth and the Moon, there were proto-Earth and Theia (a roughly Mars-sized planet).
The giant-impact model suggests that at some point in Earth's very early history, these two bodies collided.
During this massive collision, nearly all of Earth and Theia melted and reformed as one body, with a small part of the new mass spinning off to become the Moon as we know it.
Scientists have experimented with modelling the impact, changing the size of Theia to test what happens at different sizes and impact angles, trying to get the nearest possible match.
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'People are now tending to gravitate towards the idea that early Earth and Theia were made of almost exactly the same materials to begin with, as they were within the same neighbourhood as the solar system was forming,' explains Sara.
'If the two bodies had come from the same place and were made of similar stuff to begin with, this would also explain how similar their composition is.'
Originally published on https://www.nhm.ac.uk
(Wednesday, April 17th, 2024)
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