#Martin Newlin
Top 10 fictional characters you can't stand?
In no particularly order
1. Bill Compton
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2. Billy Hargrove
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3. Sarah Newlin
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4. Clay Morrow
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5. Gemma Teller
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6. George Foyet
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7. Henry Creel
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8. Martin Brenner
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9. Sam Merlotte
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10. Lincoln Potter
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90smovies · 5 years
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Scala programming help- Functional programming language help
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Scala programming help- Functional programming language help
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Are you struggling to cope with Scala programming language features, including Tuples, Functions, Macros, and others? Cannot you finish Scala assignments before the deadline? If so, no need to worry anymore.
At Qualityassignmenthelp.com, we have recruited top-notch and highly experienced Scala programmers.
Our Scala assignment helpers are well-versed with the students’ requirements and expectations of universities. They know methodologies that can hone your assignments and grades.
Scala programming assignment help
Scala is a universally acknowledged functional programming language. Like SML and Clojure, Scala is also a functional programming language. Knowing the importance of the Scala language, students all over the globe are getting Scala courses.
Professors assign Scala assignments to hone students’ skills in this language. Unfortunately, some students cannot complete their jobs due to lack of time.
For such students, our Scala assignment help is nothing less than a precious gift.
SO what is Scala
Scala is a remarkably concise, logical, and compelling programming language that results from the combination of both object-oriented and functional languages.
Features like Tuples, Functions, and Macros make Scala a programmers’ friendly language. Running of Scala programs on a java virtual machine makes it even more compatible, versatile, and favorable.
Scala (pronounced as “ska-lah”) is a universally useful programming language planned by Martin Odersky. The plan of Scala began in 2001 at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Scala was delivered freely in 2004 on the Java stage. It is intended to be compact and addresses the reactions of Java. Scala source code is arranged to Java byte code, and the following executable code runs on a Java Virtual Machine. The most recent arrival of Scala is 2.12.8.
Prominent features and facts about Scala
Credible Scala programming helpers find themselves responsible for teaching and clarifying the basics of Scala.
Auto-Inference: Scala naturally induces type data. The client provides type data just on the off chance that it is essential.
  Mutable and Immutable Variables: Using Scala programming language is easy and getting Scala programming help from us is fun. Scala permits us to make any factor impermanent or unchanging at the hour of the announcement.
  No Semicolon: Semicolon goes about as a separator in the vast majority of the advanced programming languages(C, C++, Java, and so forth) and is a compulsory character to be composed after each explanation. Notwithstanding, Scala needn’t bother with a semicolon after each proclamation. Newline characters can isolate scala explanations.
  Import articulations: It isn’t essential to compose all import explanations at the program’s start. Bringing in classes in Scala should be possible anytime.
  Features of Scala: Apart from all OOP highlights of Java, Scala has highlights of utilitarian programming dialects like Scheme, Standard ML, and Haskell, including currying, type deduction, permanence, languid assessment, and example coordinating.
  Functions and Procedures: In Scala, capacities and techniques are two distinct substances and are not utilized reciprocally. Ability can restore any sort and contains = sign in its model.
Scala Final year project help
Scala being scalable, object-oriented, Compatible, and interoperable, has many ideas and innovations to offer for students. Universities assign Scala final year projects to students to hone their skills in Scala.
We at Qualityassignmenthelp.com provide affordable, time-bound, student-centric, and grades-driven Scala final year project help. Students that face difficulties in their final year project find us a trustworthy partner as we work rigorously to turn their ideas into efficient Scala last year’s project.
Why you should avail our Scala programming help services
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We offer affordable Scala assignment help
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sufficientlylargen · 7 years
I think we should all take a moment to appreciate JSFuck, Martin Kleppe’s method by which you can write arbitrary javascript code using only the six characters [, ], (, ), !, and +.
How it works:
Because we have [], we have the empty array and the ability to index things with other things. We can immediately construct undefined by [][[]].
! turns anything into a boolean. So ![] is false, and !![] is true.
+, used as a unary operator, casts anything to a number. So +[] is 0, and +!![] is 1. Of course, we also have + as a binary operator, so you can get any other number just be chaining - 5 is +!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![], for example.
Adding an empty array to something turns it into a string, because javascript is terrible. So since ![] is false, ![] + [] is the string ‘false’.
This means we can make individual letters:  (![] + [])[+[]] becomes ‘false’[0] becomes ‘f’.
Building an alphabet:
At this point everything becomes about getting more letters. We’ve already built false, true, and undefined, as well as all integers, so we can build any string as long as it only uses characters from ‘0123456789adefilnrstu’.
Characters so far: ‘0123456789adefilnrstu’
Those characters are enough to make ‘find’:  (![]+[])[+[]] + ([][[]]+[])[+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]] + ([][[]]+[])[+!![]] + ([][[]]+[])[+!![]+!![]]
Well, [].find is a method of arrays, so [][”find”]+[] is a string that starts with “function find() {” (there’s more to this string, but in some environments like firefox there are newlines and in some there aren’t, so we can’t reliably get the rest).
Characters so far: ' ()0123456789acdefilnorstu{'
Now we can spell “constructor”, so we do ([]+[])["constructor"] to get the String type; String[”name”] is the string “String”.
Characters so far: ' ()0123456789Sacdefgilnorstu{'
The S and g were all we were missing for toString. Number.toString takes a base, so e.g. 17[”toString”](36) returns 17 in base 36, which is “h”. We can do this for every number 10-36 to get all lowercase letters.
Characters so far: ' ()0123456789Sabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{'
Going Global:
[][”find”][”constructor”] is Function, the function type. Applied to a string, this yields a function whose code is that string. This means that we can execute any javascript as long as we can write it. In particular, we already have enough letters to call Function(”return this”)(). This gives us the global object (called ‘global’ in node, ‘window’ in the browser), which means we can now call any global function if we can spell it. We’re nearly there!
Finishing the set:
Finally, we can now access global[”escape”] and global[”unescape”]. escape(”(”) gives us “%28” and thus the % sign, and now we’re done: we can make any hex number, prefix it with %, and call unescape on it. For example, unescape(”%27″) is a single quote, unescape(”%7e”) is a tilde, and so forth. Every single ascii character is now available to us.
Characters so far: ALL
Putting it together 
So now, given any javascript, you can compile it into an enormous, unreadable mass of ()!+[]s! All you have to do is encode it grossly, wrap it in a Function() call, and call the resulting function!
In practice, there are lots of optimizations - you don’t have to build the full unescape sequence to get ‘N’, for example, because +[![]] is NaN so “N” is the relatively short (+[![]]+[])[+![]].
For reference, alert(0) looks like this:
and alert(”Hello, world!”) is 18,616 characters long.
And now you know!
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP PERL Interview Questions and Answers
Perl Interview Questions for freshers and experienced :-
1.How many type of variable in perl Perl has three built in variable types Scalar Array Hash 2.What is the different between array and hash in perl Array is an order list of values position by index. Hash is an unordered list of values position by keys. 3.What is the difference between a list and an array? A list is a fixed collection of scalars. An array is a variable that holds a variable collection of scalars. 4.what is the difference between use and require in perl Use : The method is used only for the modules(only to include .pm type file) The included objects are varified at the time of compilation. No Need to give file extension. Require: The method is used for both libraries and modules. The included objects are varified at the run time. Need to give file Extension. 5.How to Debug Perl Programs Start perl manually with the perl command and use the -d switch, followed by your script and any arguments you wish to pass to your script: "perl -d myscript.pl arg1 arg2" 6.What is a subroutine? A subroutine is like a function called upon to execute a task. subroutine is a reusable piece of code. 7.what does this mean '$^0'? tell briefly $^ - Holds the name of the default heading format for the default file handle. Normally, it is equal to the file handle's name with _TOP appended to it. 8.What is the difference between die and exit in perl? 1) die is used to throw an exception exit is used to exit the process. 2) die will set the error code based on $! or $? if the exception is uncaught. exit will set the error code based on its argument. 3) die outputs a message exit does not. 9.How to merge two array? @a=(1, 2, 3, 4); @b=(5, 6, 7, 8); @c=(@a, @b); print "@c"; 10.Adding and Removing Elements in Array Use the following functions to add/remove and elements: push(): adds an element to the end of an array. unshift(): adds an element to the beginning of an array. pop(): removes the last element of an array. shift() : removes the first element of an array.
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PERL Interview Questions and Answers 11.How to get the hash size %ages = ('Martin' => 28, 'Sharon' => 35, 'Rikke' => 29); print "Hash size: ",scalar keys %ages,"n"; 12.Add & Remove Elements in Hashes %ages = ('Martin' => 28, 'Sharon' => 35, 'Rikke' => 29); # Add one more element in the hash $age{'John'} = 40; # Remove one element from the hash delete( $age{'Sharon'} ); 13.PERL Conditional Statements The conditional statements are if and unless 14.Perl supports four main loop types: While, for, until, foreach 15.There are three loop control keywords: next, last, and redo. The next keyword skips the remainder of the code block, forcing the loop to proceed to the next value in the loop. The last keyword ends the loop entirely, skipping the remaining statements in the code block, as well as dropping out of the loop. The redo keyword reexecutes the code block without reevaluating the conditional statement for the loop. 16.Renaming a file rename ("/usr/test/file1.txt", "/usr/test/file2.txt" ); 17.Deleting an existing file unlink ("/usr/test/file1.txt"); 18.Explain tell Function The first requirement is to find your position within a file, which you do using the tell function: tell FILEHANDLE tell 19.Perl Regular Expression A regular expression is a string of characters that define the pattern There are three regular expression operators within Perl Match Regular Expression - m// Substitute Regular Expression - s/// Transliterate Regular Expression - tr/// 20.What is the difference between chop & chomp functions in perl? chop is used remove last character, chomp function removes only line endings. 21.Email address validation – perl if ($email_address =~ /^(w¦-¦_¦.)+@((w¦-¦_)+.)+{2,}$/) { print "$email_address is valid"; } else { print "$email_address is invalid"; } 22.Why we use Perl? 1.Perl is a powerful free interpreter. 2.Perl is portable, flexible and easy to learn. 23. Given a file, count the word occurrence (case insensitive) open(FILE,"filename"); @array= ; $wor="word to be found"; $count=0; foreach $line (@array) { @arr=split (/s+/,$line); foreach $word (@arr) { if ($word =~ /s*$wors*/i) $count=$count+1; } } print "The word occurs $count times"; 24.Name all the prefix dereferencer in perl? The symbol that starts all scalar variables is called a prefix dereferencer. The different types of dereferencer are. (i) $-Scalar variables (ii) %-Hash variables (iii) @-arrays (iv) &-subroutines (v) Type globs-*myvar stands for @myvar, %myvar. What is the Use of Symbolic Reference in PERL? $name = "bam"; $$name = 1; # Sets $bam ${$name} = 2; # Sets $bam ${$name x 2} = 3; # Sets $bambam $name-> = 4; # Sets $bam symbolic reference means using a string as a reference. 25.  What is the difference between for & foreach, exec & system? Both Perl's exec() function and system() function execute a system shell command. The big difference is that system() creates a fork process and waits to see if the command succeeds or fails - returning a value. exec() does not return anything, it simply executes the command. Neither of these commands should be used to capture the output of a system call. If your goal is to capture output, you should use the $result = system(PROGRAM); exec(PROGRAM); 26. What is the difference between for & foreach? Technically, there's no difference between for and foreach other than some style issues. One is an lias of another. You can do things like this foreach (my $i = 0; $i { # normally this is foreach print $i, "n"; } for my $i (0 .. 2) { # normally this is for print $i, "n";} 27.  What is eval in perl?   eval(EXPR) eval EXPR eval BLOCK EXPR is parsed and executed as if it were a little perl program. It is executed in the context of the current perl program, so that any variable settings, subroutine or format definitions remain afterwards. The value returned is the value of the last expression evaluated, just as with subroutines. If there is a syntax error or runtime error, or a die statement is executed, an undefined value is returned by eval, and $@ is set to the error message. If there was no error, $@ is guaranteed to be a null string. If EXPR is omitted, evaluates $_. The final semicolon, if any, may be omitted from the expression. 28. What's the difference between grep and map in Perl? grep returns those elements of the original list that match the expression, while map returns the result of the expression applied to each element of the original list. 29. How to Connect with SqlServer from perl and how to display database table info? there is a module in perl named DBI - Database independent interface which will be used to connect to any database by using same code. Along with DBI we should use database specific module here it is SQL server. for MSaccess it is DBD::ODBC, for MySQL it is DBD::mysql driver, for integrating oracle with perl use DBD::oracle driver is used. IIy for SQL server there are avilabale many custom defined ppm( perl package manager) like Win32::ODBC, mssql::oleDB etc.so, together with DBI, mssql::oleDB we can access SQL server database from perl. the commands to access database is same for any database. 30. Remove Duplicate Lines from a File use strict; use warnings; my @array=qw(one two three four five six one two six); print join(" ", uniq(@array)), "n"; sub uniq { my %seen = (); my @r = (); foreach my $a (@_) { unless ($seen{$a}) { push @r, $a; $seen{$a} = 1; } } return @r; } or my %unique = (); foreach my $item (@array) { $unique{$item} ++; } my @myuniquearray = keys %unique; print "@myuniquearray"; PERL Interview Questions with Answers 1.  How do you know the reference of a variable whether it is a reference, scaler, hash or array? There is a ‘ref’ function that lets you know 2. What is the difference between ‘use’ and ‘require’ function? Use: 1. the method is used only for modules (only to include .pm type file) 2. the included object are verified at the time of compilation. 3. No Need to give file extension. Require: 1. The method is used for both libraries (package) and modules 2. The include objects are verified at the run time. 3. Need to give file Extension. 3. What is the use of ‘chomp’ ? what is the difference between ‘chomp’ and ‘chop’? ‘chop’ function only removes the last character completely ‘from the scalar, where as ‘chomp’ function only removes the last character if it is a newline. by default, chomp only removes what is currently defined as the $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR. whenever you call ‘chomp ‘, it checks the value of a special variable ‘$/’. whatever the value of ‘$/’ is eliminated from the scaler. by default the value of ‘$/’ is ‘n’ 4. Print this array @arr in reversed case-insensitive order @solution = sort {lc $a comp lc$b } @arr. 5. What is ‘->’ in Perl? It is a symbolic link to link one file name to a new name. So let’s say we do it like file1-> file2, if we read file1, we end up reading file2. 6. How do you check the return code of system call? System calls “traditionally” returns 9 when successful and 1 when it fails. System (cmd) or die “Error in command”. 7.  Create directory if not there Ans: if (! -s “$temp/engl_2/wf”){ System “mkdir -p $temp/engl_2/wf”; } if (! -s “$temp/backup_basedir”) { system “mkdir -p $temp/backup_basedir”; } 8. What is the use of -M and -s in the above script? Ans: -s means is filename a non-empty file -M how long since filename modified 9. How to substitute a particular string in a file containing million of record? perl -p -i.bak -e ‘s/search_str/replace_str/g’ filename 10. I have a variable named $objref which is defined in main package. I want to make it as a Object of class XYZ. How could I do it? use XYZ my $objref =XYZ -> new() OR, bless $objref, ‘XYZ’; 11. What is meant by a ‘pack’ in perl? Pack converts a list into a binary representation. Takes an array or list of values and packs it into a binary structure, returning the string containing the structure it takes a LIST of values and converts it into a string. The string contains a con-catenation of the converted values. Typically, each converted values looks like its machine-level representation. For example, on 32-bit machines a converted integer may be represented by a sequence of 4 bytes. 12. How to implement stack in Perl? Through push() and shift() function. push adds the element at the last of array and shift() removes from the beginning of an array. 13. What is Grep used for in Perl? Grep is used with regular expression to check if a particular value exists in an array. It returns 0 it the value does not exists, 1 otherwise. 14. How to code in Perl to implement the tail function in UNIX? You have to maintain a structure to store the line number and the size of the file at that time e.g. 1-10 bytes, 2-18 bytes.. You have a counter to increase the number of lines to find out the number of lines in the file. once you are through the file, you will know the size of the file at any nth line, use ‘sysseek’ to move the file pointer back to that position (last 10) and then tart reading till the end. 15. Explain the difference between ‘my’ and ‘local’ variable scope declarations? Both of them are used to declare local variables. The variables declared with ‘my’ can live only within the block and cannot gets its visibility inherited functions called within that block, but one defined as ‘local’ can live within the block and have its visibility in the functions called within that block. 16. How do you navigate through an XML documents? You can use the XML::DOM navigation methods to navigate through an XML::DOM node tree and use the get node value to recover the data. DOM Parser is used when it is need to do node operation. Instead we may use SAX parser if you require simple processing of the xml structure. 17. How to delete an entire directory containing few files in the directory? rmtree($dir); OR, you can use CPAN module File::Remove Though it sounds like deleting file but it can be used also for deleting directories. &File::Removes::remove (1,$feed-dir,$item_dir); 18. What are the arguments we normally use for Perl Interpreter -e for Execute -c to compile -d to call the debugger on the file specified -T for traint mode for security/input checking -W for show all warning mode (or -w to show less warning) 19. What is it meant by ‘$_’? It is a default variable which holds automatically, a list of arguments passed to the subroutine within parentheses. 20. How to connect to sql server through Perl? We use the DBI(Database Independent Interface) module to connect to any database. use DBI; $dh = DBI->connect(“dbi:mysql:database=DBname”,”username”,”password”); $sth = $dh->prepare(“select name, symbol from table”); $sth->execute(); while(@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()){ print “name =$row.symbol= $row; } $dh->disconnect 21. What is the purpose of -w, strict and -T? -w option enables warning – strict pragma is used when you should declare variables before their use -T is taint mode. TAint mode makes a program more secure by keeping track of arguments which are passed from external source. 22. What is the difference between die and exit? Die prints out STDERR message in the terminal before exiting the program while exit just terminate the program without giving any message. Die also can evaluate expressions before exiting. 23. Where do you go for perl help? perldoc command with -f option is the best. I also go to search.cpan.org for help. 24. What is the Tk module? It provides a GUI interface 25. What is your favourite module in Perl? CGI and DBI. CGI (Common Gateway Interface) because we do not need to worry about the subtle features of form processing. 26. What is hash in perl? A hash is like an associative array, in that it is a collection of scalar data, with individual elements selected by some index value which essentially are scalars and called as keys. Each key corresponds to some value. Hashes are represented by % followed by some name. 27. What does ‘qw()’ mean? what’s the use of it? qw is a construct which quotes words delimited by spaces. use it when you have long list of words that are into quoted or you just do not want to type those quotes as you type out a list of space delimited words. Like @a = qw(1234) which is like @a=(“1?,”2?,”3?,”4?); 28. What is the difference between Perl and shell script? Whatever you can do in shell script can be done in Perl. However Perl gives you an extended advantage of having enormous library. You do not need to write everything from scartch. 29. What is stderr() in perl? Special file handler to standard error in any package. 30. What is a regular expression? It defines a pattern for a search to match. 31. What is the difference between for and foreach? Functionally, there is no difference between them. 32. What is the difference between exec and system? exec runs the given process, switches to its name and never returns while system forks off the given process, waits for its to complete and then return. 33. What is CPAN? CPAN is comprehensive Perl Archive Network. It’s a repository contains thousands of Perl Modules, source and documentation, and all under GNU/GPL or similar license. You can go to www.cpan.org for more details. Some Linux distribution provides a till names ‘cpan; which you can install packages directly from cpan. 34. What does this symbol mean ‘->’? In Perl it is an infix dereference operator. For array subscript, or a hash key, or a subroutine, then its must be a reference. Can be used as method invocation. 35. What is a DataHash() In Win32::ODBC,  DataHash() function is used to get the data fetched through the sql statement in a hash format. 36. What is the difference between C and Perl? make up 37. Perl regular exp are greedy. what is it mean by that? It tries to match the longest string possible. 38. What does the world ‘&my variable’ mean? &myvariable is calling a sub-routine. & is used to indentify a subroutine. 39. What is it meant by @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK? @ISA -> each package has its own @ISA array. This array keeps track of classes it is inheriting. Ex: package child; @ISA=(parent class); @EXPORT this array stores the subroutines to be exported from a module. @EXPORT_OK this array stores the subroutines to be exported only on request. 40. What package you use to create windows services? use Win32::OLE. 41. How to start Perl in interactive mode? perl -e -d 1 PerlConsole. 42. How do I set environment variables in Perl programs? You can just do something like this: $ENV{‘PATH’} = ‘…’; As you may remember, “%ENV” is a special hash in Perl that contains the value of all your environment variables. Because %ENV is a hash, you can set environment variables just as you’d set the value of any Perl hash variable. Here’s how you can set your PATH variable to make sure the following four directories are in your path:: $ENV{‘PATH’} = ‘/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/home/your name/bin’. 43. What is the difference between C++ and Perl? Perl can have objects whose data cannot be accessed outside its class, but C++ cannot. Perl can use closures with unreachable private data as objects, and C++ doesn’t support closures. Furthermore, C++ does support pointer arithmetic via `int *ip =(int*)&object’, allowing you do look all over the object. Perl doesn’t have pointer arithmetic. It also doesn’t allow `#define private public’ to change access rights to foreign objects. On the other hand, once you start poking around in /dev/mem, no one is safe. 44. How to open and read data files with Perl? Data files are opened in Perl using the open() function. When you open a data file, all you have to do is specify (a) a file handle and (b) the name of the file you want to read from. As an example, suppose you need to read some data from a file named “checkbook.txt”. Here’s a simple open statement that opens the checkbook file for read access: open (CHECKBOOK, “checkbook.txt”);' In this example, the name “CHECKBOOK” is the file handle that you’ll use later when reading from the checkbook.txt data file. Any time you want to read data from the checkbook file, just use the file handle named “CHECKBOOK”. Now that we’ve opened the checkbook file, we’d like to be able to read what’s in it. Here’s how to read one line of data from the checkbook file: $record = ; After this statement is executed, the variable $record contains the contents of the first line of the checkbook file. The “” symbol is called the line reading operator. To print every record of information from the checkbook file open (CHECKBOOK, “checkbook.txt”) || die “couldn’t open the file!”; while ($record = ) { print $record; } close(CHECKBOOK); 45. How do i do fill_in_the_blank for each file in a directory? #!/usr/bin/perl –w opendir(DIR, “.”); @files = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach $file (@files) { print “$filen”; } 46. How do I generate a list of all .html files in a directory Here is a snippet of code that just prints a listing of every file in teh current directory. That ends with the entension #!/usr/bin/perl –w opendir(DIR, “.”); @files  = grep(/.html$/, readdir(DIR)); closedir(DIR); foreach $file (@files) { print “$filen”; } 47. What is Perl one-liner? There are two ways a Perl script can be run: –from a command line, called oneliner, that means you type and execute immediately on the command line. You’ll need the -e option to start like “C: %gt perl -e “print ”Hello”;”. One-liner doesn’t mean one Perl statement. One-liner may contain many statements in one line. –from a script file, called Perl program. 48. Assume both a local($var) and a my($var) exist, what’s the difference between ${var} and ${“var”}? ${var} is the lexical variable $var, and ${“var”} is the dynamic variable $var. Note that because the second is a symbol table lookup, it is disallowed under `use strict “refs”‘. The words global, local, package, symbol table, and dynamic all refer to the kind of variables that local() affects, whereas the other sort, those governed by my(), are variously knows as private, lexical, or scoped variable. 49. What happens when you return a reference to a private variable? Perl keeps track of your variables, whether dynamic or otherwise, and doesn’t free things before you’re done using them 50. What are scalar data and scalar variables? Perl has a flexible concept of data types. Scalar means a single thing, like a number or string. So the Java concept of int, float, double and string equals to Perl’s scalar in concept and the numbers and strings are exchangeable. Scalar variable is a Perl variable that is used to store scalar data. It uses a dollar sign $ and followed by one or more alphanumeric characters or underscores. It is case sensitive. 51. Assuming $_ contains HTML, which of the following substitutions will remove all tags in it? You can’t do that. If it weren’t for HTML comments, improperly formatted HTML, and tags with interesting data like , you could do this. Alas, you cannot. It takes a lot more smarts, and quite frankly, a real parser. 52. What is the output of the following Perl program? $p1 = “prog1.java”; $p1 =~ s/(.*).java/$1.cpp/; print “$p1n”; prog1.cpp 53. Why aren’t Perl’s patterns regular expressions? Because Perl patterns has backreferences. A regular expression by definition must be able to determine the next state in the finite automaton without requiring any extra memory to keep around previous state. A pattern /(+)c1/ requires the state machine to remember old states, and thus disqualifies such patterns as being regular expressions in the classic sense of the term. 54. What does Perl do if you try to exploit the execve(2) race involving setuid scripts? Sends mail to root and exits. It has been said that all programs advance to the point of being able to automatically read mail. While not quite at that point (well, without having a module loaded), Perl does at least automatically send it. 55. How do I do for each element in a hash? Here’s a simple technique to process each element in a hash: #!/usr/bin/perl -w %days = ( ‘Sun’ =>’Sunday’, ‘Mon’ => ‘Monday’, ‘Tue’ => ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wed’ => ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thu’ => ‘Thursday’, ‘Fri’ => ‘Friday’, ‘Sat’ => ‘Saturday’ ); foreach $key (sort keys %days)  { print  “The long name for $key is $days{$key}.n”; } 56. How do I sort a hash by the hash key? Ans:. Suppose we have a class of five students. Their names are kim, al, rocky, chrisy, and jane. Here’s a test program that prints the contents of the grades hash, sorted by student name: #!/usr/bin/perl –w %grades = ( kim => 96, al => 63, rocky => 87, chrisy => 96, jane => 79, ); print “ntGRADES SORTED BY STUDENT NAME:n”; foreach $key (sort (keys(%grades))) { print “tt$key tt$grades{$key}n”; } The output of this program looks like this: GRADES SORTED BY STUDENT NAME: al 63 chrisy 96 jane 79 kim 96 rocky 87 57. How do you print out the next line from a filehandle with all its bytes reversed? print scalar reverse scalar surprisingly enough, you have to put both the reverse and the in to scalar context separately for this to work. 58. How do I send e-mail from a Perl/CGI program on a Unix system? Sending e-mail from a Perl/CGI program on a Unix computer system is usually pretty simple. Most Perl programs directly invoke the Unix sendmail program. We’ll go through a quick example here. Assuming that you’ve already have e-mail information you need, such as the send-to address and subject, you can use these next steps to generate and send the e-mail message: # the rest of your program is up here … open(MAIL, “|/usr/lib/sendmail -t”); print MAIL “To: $sendToAddressn”; print MAIL “From: $myEmailAddressn”; print MAIL “Subject: $subjectn”; print MAIL “This is the message body.n”; print MAIL “Put your message here in the body.n”; close (MAIL); 59. How to read from a pipeline with Perl? To run the date command from a Perl program, and read the output of the command, all you need are a few lines of code like this: open(DATE, “date|”); $theDate = ; close(DATE); The open() function runs the external date command, then opens a file handle DATE to the output of the date command. Next, the output of the date command is read into the variable $theDate through the file handle DATE. Example 2: The following code runs the “ps -f” command, and reads the output: open(PS_F, “ps -f|”); while (){ ($uid,$pid,$ppid,$restOfLine) = split; # do whatever I want with the variables here … } close(PS_F); 60. Why is it hard to call this function: sub y { “because” } Ans. Because y is a kind of quoting operator. The y/// operator is the sed-savvy synonym for tr///. That means y(3) would be like tr(), which would be looking for a second string, as in tr/a-z/A-Z/, tr(a-z)(A-Z), or tr. 61. Why does Perl not have overloaded functions? Because you can inspect the argument count, return context, and object types all by yourself. In Perl, the number of arguments is trivially available to a function via the scalar sense of @_, the return context via wantarray(), and the types of the arguments via ref() if they’re references and simple pattern matching like /^d+$/ otherwise. In languages like C++ where you can’t do this, you simply must resort to overloading of functions. 62. What does read() return at end of file? 0. A defined (but false) 0 value is the proper indication of the end of file for read() and sysread(). 63. How do I sort a hash by the hash value? Here’s a program that prints the contents of the grades hash, sorted numerically by the hash value: #!/usr/bin/perl –w # Help sort a hash by the hash ‘value’, not the ‘key’. To highest). # sub hashValueAscendingNum { $grades{$a} $grades{$b}; } # Help sort a hash by the hash ‘value’, not the ‘key’. # Values are returned in descending numeric order # (highest to lowest). sub hashValueDescendingNum { $grades{$b} $grades{$a}; } %grades = ( student1 => 90, student2 => 75, student3 => 96, student4 => 55, student5 => 76 ); print “ntGRADES IN ASCENDING NUMERIC ORDER:n”; foreach $key (sort hashValueAscendingNum (keys(%grades))) { print “tt$grades{$key} tt $keyn”; } print “ntGRADES IN DESCENDING NUMERIC ORDER:n”; foreach $key (sort hashValueDescendingNum (keys(%grades))) { print “tt$grades{$key} tt $keyn”; } 64. How do find the length of an array? scalar @array 65. What value is returned by a lone `return;’ statement? The undefined value in scalar context, and the empty list value () in list context. This way functions that wish to return failure can just use a simple return without worrying about the context in which they were called. 66. What’s the difference between /^Foo/s and /^Foo/? The second would match Foo other than at the start of the record if $* were set. The deprecated $* flag does double duty, filling the roles of both /s and /m. By using /s, you suppress any settings of that spooky variable, and force your carets and dollars to match only at the ends of the string and not at ends of line as well — just as they would if $* weren’t set at all. 67. Does Perl have reference type? Yes. Perl can make a scalar or hash type reference by using backslash operator. For example $str = “here we go”;                  # a scalar variable $strref = $str;                           # a reference to a scalar @array = (1..10);                     # an array $arrayref = @array;                 # a reference to an array Note that the reference itself is a scalar. 68. How to dereference a reference? There are a number of ways to dereference a reference. Using two dollar signs to dereference a scalar. $original = $$strref; Using @ sign to dereference an array. @list = @$arrayref; Similar for hashes. 69. How do I do for each element in an array? #!/usr/bin/perl –w @homeRunHitters = (‘McGwire’, ‘Sosa’, ‘Maris’, ‘Ruth’); Foreach (@homeRunHitters) { print “$_ hit a lot of home runs in one yearn”; } 70. How do I replace every character in a file with a comma? perl -pi.bak -e ‘s/t/,/g’ myfile.txt 71. What is the easiest way to download the contents of a URL with Perl? Once you have the libwww-perl library, LWP.pm installed, the code is this: #!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::Simple; $url = get ‘http://www.websitename.com/’; 72. How to concatenate strings in Perl? Through . operator. 73. How do I read command-line arguments with Perl? With Perl, command-line arguments are stored in the array named @ARGV. $ARGV contains the first argument, $ARGV contains the second argument, etc. $#ARGV is the subscript of the last element of the @ARGV array, so the number of arguments on the command line is $#ARGV + 1. Here’s a simple program: #!/usr/bin/perl $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1; print “thanks, you gave me $numArgs command-line arguments.n”; foreach $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) { print “$ARGVn”; } 74. Assume that $ref refers to a scalar, an array, a hash or to some nested data structure. Explain the following statements: $$ref;                        # returns a scalar $$ref;                          # returns the first element of that array $ref- > ;                       # returns the first element of that array @$ref;                             # returns the contents of that array, or number of elements, in scalar context $&$ref;                            # returns the last index in that array $ref- > ;                  # returns the sixth element in the first row @{$ref- > {key}}            # returns the contents of the array that is the value of the key “key” 75. Perl uses single or double quotes to surround a zero or more characters. Are the single(‘ ‘) or double quotes (” “) identical? They are not identical. There are several differences between using single quotes and double quotes for strings. 1. The double-quoted string will perform variable interpolation on its contents. That is, any variable references inside the quotes will be replaced by the actual values. 2. The single-quoted string will print just like it is. It doesn’t care the dollar signs. 3. The double-quoted string can contain the escape characters like newline, tab, carraige return, etc. 4. The single-quoted string can contain the escape sequences, like single quote, backward slash, etc. 76. How many ways can we express string in Perl? Many. For example ‘this is a string’ can be expressed in: “this is a string” qq/this is a string like double-quoted string/ qq^this is a string like double-quoted string^ q/this is a string/ q&this is a string& q(this is a string) 77. How do you give functions private variables that retain their values between calls? Create a scope surrounding that sub that contains lexicals. Only lexical variables are truly private, and they will persist even when their block exits if something still cares about them. Thus: { my $i = 0; sub next_i { $i++ } sub last_i { –$i } } creates two functions that share a private variable. The $i variable will not be deallocated when its block goes away because next_i and last_i need to be able to access it. 78. Explain the difference between the following in Perl: $array vs. $array-> Because Perl’s basic data structure is all flat, references are the only way to build complex structures, which means references can be used in very tricky ways. This question is easy, though. In $array, “array” is the (symbolic) name of an array (@array) and $array refers to the 4th element of this named array. In $array->, “array” is a hard reference to a (possibly anonymous) array, i.e., $array is the reference to this array, so $array-> is the 4th element of this array being referenced. 79. How to remove duplicates from an array? There is one simple and elegant solution for removing duplicates from a list in PERL @array = (2,4,3,3,4,6,2); my %seen = (); my @unique = grep { ! $seen{ $_ }++ } @array; print “@unique”; PERL Questions and Answers pdf Download Read the full article
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whatchawatchingq · 5 years
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Witchery (Witchcraft, La Casa 4), dir.  Fabrizio Laurenti (as Martin Newlin). **
Enjoyable enough to watch, and at times makes some pretty bizarre choices, but ultimately just not quite good enough to cross into the “yeah, good enough” let alone “LDP” three-star realm.
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evoldir · 7 years
Course: Berlin.PythonForBiologists.Oct2-6.deadline
Dear all, we have the last 4 spots left for the course "Introduction to Python for biologists", 2-6 October 2017, Berlin (Germany). Application deadline is: September 2nd, 2017 Please visit our website to register : http://bit.ly/2sKrLja Instructor: Dr. Martin Jones (founder, Python for biologists). http://bit.ly/2mo0O5J Course overview Python is a dynamic, readable language that is a popular platform for all types of bioinformatics work, from simple one-off scripts to large, complex software projects. This workshop is aimed at complete beginners and assumes no prior programming experience. It gives an overview of the language with an emphasis on practical problem-solving, using examples and exercises drawn from various aspects of bioinformatics work. After completing the workshop, students should be in a position to (1) apply the skills they have learned to tackling problems in their own research and (2) continue their Python education in a self-directed way. All course materials (including copies of presentations, practical exercises, data files, and example scripts prepared by the instructing team) will be provided electronically to participants. Intended audience This workshop is aimed at all researchers and technical workers with a background in biology who want to learn programming. The syllabus has been planned with complete beginners in mind; people with previous programming experience are welcome to attend as a refresher but may find the pace a bit slow. If in doubt, take a look at the detailed session content below or drop Martin Jones ([email protected]) an email. Session content Monday 2nd – Classes from 09:30 to 17:30 Session 1 – Introduction In this session I introduce the students to Python and explain what we expect them to get out of it and how learning to program can benefit their research. I explain the format of the course and take care of any housekeeping details (like coffee breaks and catering arrangements). I outline the edit-run-fix cycle of software development and talk about how to avoid common text editing errors. In this session, we also check that the computing infrastructure for the rest of the course is in place (e.g. making sure that everybody has an appropriate version of Python installed). Core concepts introduced: source code, text editors, whitespace, syntax and syntax errors, Python versions Session 2 – Output and text manipulation In this session students learn to write very simple programs that produce output to the terminal, and in doing so become comfortable with editing and running Python code. This session also introduces many of the technical terms that we’ll rely on in future sessions. I run through some examples of tools for working with text and show how they work in the context of biological sequence manipulation. We also cover different types of errors and error messages, and learn how to go about fixing them methodically. Core concepts introduced: terminals, standard output, variables and naming, strings and characters, special characters, output formatting, statements, functions, methods, arguments, comments. Tuesday 3rd – Classes from 09:30 to 17:30 Session 3 – File IO and user interfaces I introduce this session by talking about the importance of files in bioinformatics pipelines and workflows, and we then explore the Python interfaces for reading from and writing to files. This involves introducing the idea of types and objects, and a bit of discussion about how Python interacts with the operating system. The practical session is spent combining the techniques from session 2 with the file IO tools to create basic file- processing scripts. Core concepts introduced: objects and classes, paths and folders, relationships between variables and values, text and binary files, newlines. Session 4 – Flow control 1 : loops A discussion of the limitations of the techniques learned in session 3 quickly reveals that flow control is required to write more sophisticated file-processing programs, and I introduce the concept of loops. We look at the way in which Python loops work, and how they can be used in a variety of contexts. We explore the use of loops and lists together to tackle some more difficult problems. Core concepts introduced: lists and arrays, blocks and indentation, variable scoping, iteration and the iteration interface, ranges. Wednesday 4th – Classes from 09:30 to 17:30 Session 5 –Flow control 2 : conditionals I use the idea of decision-making as a way to introduce conditional tests, and outline the different building-blocks of conditions before showing how conditions can be combined in an expressive way. We look at the different ways that we can use conditions to control program flow, and how we can structure conditions to keep programs readable. Core concepts introduced: Truth and falsehood, Boolean logic, identity and equality, evaluation of statements, branching. Session 6 –Organizing and structuring code We discuss functions that we’d like to see in Python before considering how we can add to our computational toolbox by creating our own. We examine the nuts and bolts of writing functions before looking at best-practice ways of making them usable. We also look at a couple of advanced features of Python - named arguments and defaults. Core concepts introduced: argument passing, encapsulation, data flow through a program. Thursday 5th – Classes from 09:30 to 17:30 Session 7 –Regular expressions I show how a range of common problems in bioinformatics can be described in terms of pattern matching, and give an overview of Python's regex tools. We look at the building blocks of regular expressions themselves, and learn how they are a general solution to the problem of describing patterns in strings, before practising writing some specific examples of regular expressions. Core concepts introduced: domain-specific languages, modules and namespaces. Session 8 –Dictionaries We discuss a few examples of key-value data and see how the problem of storing them is a common one across bioinformatics and programming in general. We learn about the syntax for dictionary creation and manipulation before talking about the situations in which dictionaries are a better fit that the data structures we have learned about thus far. Core concepts introduced: paired data types, hashing, key uniqueness, argument unpacking and tuples. Friday 6th – Classes from 09:30 to 17:30 Session 9 –Interaction with the filesystem We discuss the role of Python in the context of a bioinformatics workflow, and how it is often used as a language to “glue” various other components together. We then look at the Python tools for carrying out file and directory manipulation, and for running external programs - two tasks that are often necessary in order to integrate our own programs with existing ones. Core concepts introduced: processes and subprocesses, the shell and shell utilities, program return values. Session 10 Optional free afternoon to cover previous modules and discuss data via Gmail
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karmatrendz · 4 years
Text description provided by the architects. With the demand to design a fragrance store by Mels Brushes, the office of Estúdio Mineral, together with Plante Comigo, proposes the LOJA ESSÊNCIA. To create the concept of the project, a path was taken to articulate and to develop an understanding of the word essence, which comes from the perfumery sector, but also is often used in an architectural context.
By integrating the foundations of contemporary architecture – the natural and the artificial – the whole project highlights their duality, while also maintaining their distinct and contrasting coexistence. On one hand, natural ceramics are used to emphasize organic characteristics, beckoning towards earth, raw brick and the powerful craft work of pottery throwing. Furthermore, the ceramics’ landscaping emphasizes their natural aspect even further. On the other hand, materials from industrialization processes with strong technological appeal are employed. For instance, Corian is used on the counter tops, the shelves consist of metal plates and the lighting itself is in white finish. The use of the white color, a symbol for purity and perfection, unifies all materials used. Therefore, Mels Brushes products are set on a white background, being highlighted in this environment by the neutral basis of the color.
Contrarily, the ceramic panel installed on the walls is composed of ceramic tiles and skirting, which usually have trim at their base for a better finishing with the tile ceramic floor. However, in this store, the application of the ceramic skirting is transformed into wall covering, configuring a panel that brings movement and dynamics into the space. For the finishing of the countertops, the traditional ceramic hollow elements, known as cobogós, were applied. Commonly used to filter sunlight and allow natural ventilation, we sought to reinterpret its original function and instead employed it as a lighting element, gently lightening the floor in order to guide the visitor.
The proposed landscaping moves away from common sense as it uses plants as a complement to the space experience. Thus, the variation of the plant species marks the relationship between rustic and delicate. Different species of Tillandsias were adopted in the composition, as it is a type of aerial plant that brings lightness, versatility and great delicacy. The species of the genus Euphorbia, from the succulent family, gives an eccentric tone with its fleshy leaves. As a final touch, a focal point is created with a leafless mango-jasmine plant covered with moss and lichen on its stem.
Arquitetos: Estúdio Mineral Location: Mangabeiras, Belo Horizonte – State of Minas Gerais, 30210-120, Brazil Area: 366.0 ft² Year: 2019 Photographs: Henrique Queiroga, Atamar Lorrani Manufacturers: Altena, Autodesk, Cerâmica Martins, Coral, DuPont, Duratex, Lepri, Newline, Trimble Navigation, puntoluce Lead Architects: Atamar Lorrani, Filipe Castro Clients: Mels Brushes Landscaping: Francisco Mascarenhas Lightning : Templuz Woodwork: Santa Cecília Locksmiths: Boutique Férrea Countertops: Corrieri Brasil Work Of Art: Galeria Murilo Castro Collaborators: Cristiana Bahia, Stephanie Vo, Camila Carvalho
Mels Brushes Store by Estúdio Mineral + Plante Comigo Text description provided by the architects. With the demand to design a fragrance store by Mels Brushes, the office of Estúdio Mineral, together with Plante Comigo, proposes the LOJA ESSÊNCIA.
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edivupage · 6 years
Announcing the Finalists for The 2018 Tech Edvocate Awards
We are pleased to announce the finalists for The 2018 Tech Edvocate Awards. On August
31, 2018, the winners will be announced. Finalists can access their award seals by clicking here.
  Best Lesson Planning App or Tool
Profile Planner
  Best Assessment App or Tool
Google Classroom
Evo Social/Emotional by Aperture Education
  Best Early Childhood Education App or Tool
KIBO – The STEAM Robot Kit for Children 4 – 7
Canticos Los Pollitos (Little Chickies) App
Levar Burton Skybrary Family
  Best Literacy App or Tool
PBS Parents Play and Learn
Microsoft Learning Tools
Lexia Core5 Reading
  Best Math App or Tool
ABCmouse Mastering Math
ExploreLearning Reflex
  Best STEM/STEAM Education App or Tool
KOOV Educator Kit by Sony
Vernier Go Direct® Sensors with Graphical Analysis 4 @VernierST
FlinnSTEM Powered by IMSA Fusion
WhiteBox Learning
Science A-Z
ExploreLearning Gizmos
  Best Language Learning App or Tool
Voces Digital
Sprig Learning
  Best Virtual or Augmented Reality App or Tool
HoloLAB Champions
  Best Personalized/Adaptive Learning App or Tool
ABCmouse Mastering Math
AVer CP3Series Interactive Flat Panel
Lexia PowerUp Literacy
Curriculum Associates i-Ready Mathematics and Reading
  Best Coding App or Tool
CoderZ by Intelitek
  Best Gamification App or Tool
Play Brighter
  Best Learning Management System
  Best Blended/Flipped Learning App or Tool
Odysseyware ClassPace
  Best Assistive Technology App or Tool
Learning Ally
  Best Parent-Teacher/School Communication App or Tool
Base Education
  Best Collaboration App or Tool
Newline Interactive
ADVANCEfeedback by Insight ADVANCE
Project Pals, Inc.
Epson iProjection App
Snowflake MultiTeach® (NUITEQ®)
Boxlight MimioFrame
  Best Tutoring/Test Prep App or Tool
Varsity Tutors
  Best Classroom/Behavior Management App or Tool
PBIS Rewards
NetSupport School
Impero Education Pro V7
  Best Classroom Audio-Visual App or Tool
Newline Interacitve
Epson BrightLink 710Ui Interactive Laser Display
Boxlight MimioFrame
  Best Higher Education Solution
  Best Learning Analytics/Data Mining App or Tool
Tableau Software
  Best Professional Development App or Tool
ADVANCEfeedback by Insight ADVANCE
  Best Student Information System (SIS) App or Tool
  Best Global EdTech Leader
Angela Maiers
Nathaniel A. Davis
Dr. Edward Tse
  Best Global EdTech Company
Epson America
  Best Global EdTech Startup
Orange Neurosciences
  Best K-12 School Leader
Yvonne Mackey-Boyd, River Roads Lutheran School, St. Louis, MO
Dr. Adam Hartley, Fenton Area Public Schools, Genesee County, Michigan
Shawn Wigg, Director of Mathematics, Duval County Public Schools
  Best Higher Education Leader
Nichole Pinkard, Professor, Depaul University, Chicago, IL
Anant Agarwal, edx, Cambridge, MA
  Best School District Technology Coordinator/Director
John Martin, Inter-Lakes School District, Meredith, NH
Dan Warren, Director of Technology Operation, Central Stores, and Printing Services at Des Moines Public Schools
  Best K-12 Teacher
Crystal Avila, Socorro High School, El Paso Texas
Cathy Haskett Morrison, Peel District School Board, Canada
  Best College/University Professor
Nicole Kraft, Ohio State University
David J. Malan, Harvard University
  Best EdTech PR Firm
PR With Pananche
J Harrison Public Relations Group
Nickel Communications
  The post Announcing the Finalists for The 2018 Tech Edvocate Awards appeared first on The Edvocate.
Announcing the Finalists for The 2018 Tech Edvocate Awards published first on https://sapsnkra.tumblr.com
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Scala programming help- Functional programming language help
New Post has been published on https://qualityassignmenthelp.com/scala-programming-help-functional-programming-language-help/
Scala programming help- Functional programming language help
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Are you struggling to cope with Scala programming language features, including Tuples, Functions, Macros, and others? Cannot you finish Scala assignments before the deadline? If so, no need to worry anymore.
At Qualityassignmenthelp.com, we have recruited top-notch and highly experienced Scala programmers.
Our Scala assignment helpers are well-versed with the students’ requirements and expectations of universities. They know methodologies that can hone your assignments and grades.
Scala programming assignment help
Scala is a universally acknowledged functional programming language. Like SML and Clojure, Scala is also a functional programming language. Knowing the importance of the Scala language, students all over the globe are getting Scala courses.
Professors assign Scala assignments to hone students’ skills in this language. Unfortunately, some students cannot complete their jobs due to lack of time.
For such students, our Scala assignment help is nothing less than a precious gift.
SO what is Scala
Scala is a remarkably concise, logical, and compelling programming language that results from the combination of both object-oriented and functional languages.
Features like Tuples, Functions, and Macros make Scala a programmers’ friendly language. Running of Scala programs on a java virtual machine makes it even more compatible, versatile, and favorable.
Scala (pronounced as “ska-lah”) is a universally useful programming language planned by Martin Odersky. The plan of Scala began in 2001 at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Scala was delivered freely in 2004 on the Java stage. It is intended to be compact and addresses the reactions of Java. Scala source code is arranged to Java byte code, and the following executable code runs on a Java Virtual Machine. The most recent arrival of Scala is 2.12.8.
Prominent features and facts about Scala
Credible Scala programming helpers find themselves responsible for teaching and clarifying the basics of Scala.
Auto-Inference: Scala naturally induces type data. The client provides type data just on the off chance that it is essential.
  Mutable and Immutable Variables: Using Scala programming language is easy and getting Scala programming help from us is fun. Scala permits us to make any factor impermanent or unchanging at the hour of the announcement.
  No Semicolon: Semicolon goes about as a separator in the vast majority of the advanced programming languages(C, C++, Java, and so forth) and is a compulsory character to be composed after each explanation. Notwithstanding, Scala needn’t bother with a semicolon after each proclamation. Newline characters can isolate scala explanations.
  Import articulations: It isn’t essential to compose all import explanations at the program’s start. Bringing in classes in Scala should be possible anytime.
  Features of Scala: Apart from all OOP highlights of Java, Scala has highlights of utilitarian programming dialects like Scheme, Standard ML, and Haskell, including currying, type deduction, permanence, languid assessment, and example coordinating.
  Functions and Procedures: In Scala, capacities and techniques are two distinct substances and are not utilized reciprocally. Ability can restore any sort and contains = sign in its model.
Scala Final year project help
Scala being scalable, object-oriented, Compatible, and interoperable, has many ideas and innovations to offer for students. Universities assign Scala final year projects to students to hone their skills in Scala.
We at Qualityassignmenthelp.com provide affordable, time-bound, student-centric, and grades-driven Scala final year project help. Students that face difficulties in their final year project find us a trustworthy partner as we work rigorously to turn their ideas into efficient Scala last year’s project.
Why you should avail our Scala programming help services
We have a robust mechanism to assist students
Qualityassignmenthelp.com provide 100% customer satisfaction
We offer affordable Scala assignment help
We have experience Scala programmers
Feel interested? Contact us
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psychosylumcom · 6 years
Unlisted Owner (2013)
The ‘Owner House’ has been vacant for several years because of its very dark history but with the recent series of murders, it has been taken to the next level. A family who just moved in has been murdered causing the curiosity of a group of friends to get the best of them. Deciding to break in and investigate with handheld cameras, would be the worst decision of their fun-filled night.
Cast & Crew:
Chris Ash – Chris Martin Levi Atkins – The Owner Chloe Benedict – Chloe Roth Jed Brian – Jed Groves Haidee Corona – Haidee Summers Gavin Groves – Gavin Landers Griffin Groves – Griffin Potts Tanner Hoke – Tanner Lewis Tyler Landers – Tyler Brian Mark Nation-Ellis – Mark Roth Amber Newlin – Amber Roth Andrea Potts – Andrea Mills
Director: Jed Brian Writer: Jed Brian
Mini Review:
I’m a sucker for any found footage movie, it doesn’t matter if it’s highly rated or if everyone else says it sucks. Unlisted Owner is definitely one that doesn’t suck. Just like any movie though you find things you dislike about it. My issue though isn’t with the quality of the film or really the storyline. My issue is the way the friends get along. Most group of friends usually have one butthole, this one has two. I personally couldn’t be friends with people that treated me that way, and when the one character kept having his camera taken from him. I just couldn’t do it. Besides that, though it was a really good film, you could tell they probably didn’t have a very high budget, but they made it work.
So if your a fan of the Found Footage genre and have Amazon Prime you really need to check this film out, plus it’s free.
Movie Rating: 4 out of 5
Unlisted Owner Stills:
Unlisted Owner (2013) | There Goes The Neighborhood Unlisted Owner (2013) Synopsis: The 'Owner House' has been vacant for several years because of its very dark history but with the recent series of murders, it has been taken to the next level.
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Scala programming help- Functional programming language help
New Post has been published on https://qualityassignmenthelp.com/scala-programming-help-functional-programming-language-help/
Scala programming help- Functional programming language help
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Are you struggling to cope with Scala programming language features, including Tuples, Functions, Macros, and others? Cannot you finish Scala assignments before the deadline? If so, no need to worry anymore.
At Qualityassignmenthelp.com, we have recruited top-notch and highly experienced Scala programmers.
Our Scala assignment helpers are well-versed with the students’ requirements and expectations of universities. They know methodologies that can hone your assignments and grades.
Scala programming assignment help
Scala is a universally acknowledged functional programming language. Like SML and Clojure, Scala is also a functional programming language. Knowing the importance of the Scala language, students all over the globe are getting Scala courses.
Professors assign Scala assignments to hone students’ skills in this language. Unfortunately, some students cannot complete their jobs due to lack of time.
For such students, our Scala assignment help is nothing less than a precious gift.
SO what is Scala
Scala is a remarkably concise, logical, and compelling programming language that results from the combination of both object-oriented and functional languages.
Features like Tuples, Functions, and Macros make Scala a programmers’ friendly language. Running of Scala programs on a java virtual machine makes it even more compatible, versatile, and favorable.
Scala (pronounced as “ska-lah”) is a universally useful programming language planned by Martin Odersky. The plan of Scala began in 2001 at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Scala was delivered freely in 2004 on the Java stage. It is intended to be compact and addresses the reactions of Java. Scala source code is arranged to Java byte code, and the following executable code runs on a Java Virtual Machine. The most recent arrival of Scala is 2.12.8.
Prominent features and facts about Scala
Credible Scala programming helpers find themselves responsible for teaching and clarifying the basics of Scala.
Auto-Inference: Scala naturally induces type data. The client provides type data just on the off chance that it is essential.
  Mutable and Immutable Variables: Using Scala programming language is easy and getting Scala programming help from us is fun. Scala permits us to make any factor impermanent or unchanging at the hour of the announcement.
  No Semicolon: Semicolon goes about as a separator in the vast majority of the advanced programming languages(C, C++, Java, and so forth) and is a compulsory character to be composed after each explanation. Notwithstanding, Scala needn’t bother with a semicolon after each proclamation. Newline characters can isolate scala explanations.
  Import articulations: It isn’t essential to compose all import explanations at the program’s start. Bringing in classes in Scala should be possible anytime.
  Features of Scala: Apart from all OOP highlights of Java, Scala has highlights of utilitarian programming dialects like Scheme, Standard ML, and Haskell, including currying, type deduction, permanence, languid assessment, and example coordinating.
  Functions and Procedures: In Scala, capacities and techniques are two distinct substances and are not utilized reciprocally. Ability can restore any sort and contains = sign in its model.
Scala Final year project help
Scala being scalable, object-oriented, Compatible, and interoperable, has many ideas and innovations to offer for students. Universities assign Scala final year projects to students to hone their skills in Scala.
We at Qualityassignmenthelp.com provide affordable, time-bound, student-centric, and grades-driven Scala final year project help. Students that face difficulties in their final year project find us a trustworthy partner as we work rigorously to turn their ideas into efficient Scala last year’s project.
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evoldir · 7 years
Course: Berlin.PythonForBiologists.Oct2-6
Introduction to Python for Biologists http://bit.ly/2sKrLja 2-6 October 2017, Berlin (Germany) Instructor: Dr. Martin Jones (founder, Python for biologists) http://bit.ly/2mo0O5J Course overview Python is a dynamic, readable language that is a popular platform for all types of bioinformatics work, from simple one-off scripts to large, complex software projects. This workshop is aimed at complete beginners and assumes no prior programming experience. It gives an overview of the language with an emphasis on practical problem-solving, using examples and exercises drawn from various aspects of bioinformatics work. After completing the workshop, students should be in a position to (1) apply the skills they have learned to tackling problems in their own research and (2) continue their Python education in a self-directed way. All course materials (including copies of presentations, practical exercises, data files, and example scripts prepared by the instructing team) will be provided electronically to participants. Intended audience This workshop is aimed at all researchers and technical workers with a background in biology who want to learn programming. The syllabus has been planned with complete beginners in mind; people with previous programming experience are welcome to attend as a refresher but may find the pace a bit slow. If in doubt, take a look at the detailed session content below or drop Martin Jones ([email protected]) an email. Session content Monday 2nd – Classes from 09:30 to 17:30 Session 1 – Introduction In this session I introduce the students to Python and explain what we expect them to get out of it and how learning to program can benefit their research. I explain the format of the course and take care of any housekeeping details (like coffee breaks and catering arrangements). I outline the edit-run-fix cycle of software development and talk about how to avoid common text editing errors. In this session, we also check that the computing infrastructure for the rest of the course is in place (e.g. making sure that everybody has an appropriate version of Python installed). Core concepts introduced: source code, text editors, whitespace, syntax and syntax errors, Python versions Session 2 – Output and text manipulation In this session students learn to write very simple programs that produce output to the terminal, and in doing so become comfortable with editing and running Python code. This session also introduces many of the technical terms that we’ll rely on in future sessions. I run through some examples of tools for working with text and show how they work in the context of biological sequence manipulation. We also cover different types of errors and error messages, and learn how to go about fixing them methodically. Core concepts introduced: terminals, standard output, variables and naming, strings and characters, special characters, output formatting, statements, functions, methods, arguments, comments. Tuesday 3rd – Classes from 09:30 to 17:30 Session 3 – File IO and user interfaces I introduce this session by talking about the importance of files in bioinformatics pipelines and workflows, and we then explore the Python interfaces for reading from and writing to files. This involves introducing the idea of types and objects, and a bit of discussion about how Python interacts with the operating system. The practical session is spent combining the techniques from session 2 with the file IO tools to create basic file- processing scripts. Core concepts introduced: objects and classes, paths and folders, relationships between variables and values, text and binary files, newlines. Session 4 – Flow control 1 : loops A discussion of the limitations of the techniques learned in session 3 quickly reveals that flow control is required to write more sophisticated file-processing programs, and I introduce the concept of loops. We look at the way in which Python loops work, and how they can be used in a variety of contexts. We explore the use of loops and lists together to tackle some more difficult problems. Core concepts introduced: lists and arrays, blocks and indentation, variable scoping, iteration and the iteration interface, ranges. Wednesday 4th – Classes from 09:30 to 17:30 Session 5 –Flow control 2 : conditionals I use the idea of decision-making as a way to introduce conditional tests, and outline the different building-blocks of conditions before showing how conditions can be combined in an expressive way. We look at the different ways that we can use conditions to control program flow, and how we can structure conditions to keep programs readable. Core concepts introduced: Truth and falsehood, Boolean logic, identity and equality, evaluation of statements, branching. Session 6 –Organizing and structuring code We discuss functions that we’d like to see in Python before considering how we can add to our computational toolbox by creating our own. We examine the nuts and bolts of writing functions before looking at best-practice ways of making them usable. We also look at a couple of advanced features of Python - named arguments and defaults. Core concepts introduced: argument passing, encapsulation, data flow through a program. Thursday 5th – Classes from 09:30 to 17:30 Session 7 –Regular expressions I show how a range of common problems in bioinformatics can be described in terms of pattern matching, and give an overview of Python's regex tools. We look at the building blocks of regular expressions themselves, and learn how they are a general solution to the problem of describing patterns in strings, before practising writing some specific examples of regular expressions. Core concepts introduced: domain-specific languages, modules and namespaces. Session 8 –Dictionaries We discuss a few examples of key-value data and see how the problem of storing them is a common one across bioinformatics and programming in general. We learn about the syntax for dictionary creation and manipulation before talking about the situations in which dictionaries are a better fit that the data structures we have learned about thus far. Core concepts introduced: paired data types, hashing, key uniqueness, argument unpacking and tuples. Friday 6th – Classes from 09:30 to 17:30 Session 9 –Interaction with the filesystem We discuss the role of Python in the context of a bioinformatics workflow, and how it is often used as a language to “glue” various other components together. We then look at the Python tools for carrying out file and directory manipulation, and for running external programs - two tasks that are often necessary in order to integrate our own programs with existing ones. Core concepts introduced: processes and subprocesses, the shell and shell utilities, program return values. Session 10 Optional free afternoon to cover previous modules and discuss data Available packages : 1) Course-only: includes course material and refreshments (530 euros; VAT incl.) 2) All-inclusive: includes course material, refreshments, meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), accommodation (795 euros; VAT incl.) Registration deadline: 2nd September, 2017. The full list of our courses and Workshops: http://bit.ly/2u3eUMV via Gmail
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