#Martyn inthelittlewood mention
dmwrites · 2 years
So, I was thinking about in-game/storyline reasons for Bdubs not uploading his pov of Limited Life, and it kind of spiraled from “maybe he’s an npc this season” to “well grian would have to do the administrative work to make a bdubs npc I guess” to “well Martyn’s vtuber lore…”, so now there’s this thing. Uh, enjoy?
Cleo heard a familiar throat clearing from behind the tree she and Scar were trying to cut down, and called out to whoever was on the other side of the river.
“Ah, Cleo, hello!”
Cleo smiled cheerily at Bdubs, who was approaching them. Scar waved Bdubs over, and they all started working on chopping down the same big dark oak tree.
“Another life series already, can you believe it?” Cleo asked. She couldn’t help but smile- the sun was warm, her friends were all around her, and a new opportunity for good, wholesome murder.
It was natural, the way that she, Scar, and Bdubs fell into an alliance. They were good together, a kind of natural blend of sarcasm and thirst for violence.
But something wasn’t quite right. She shrugged it off at first, thinking it was the general overhanging anxiety of a clock ticking down to death. But no, it wasn’t until the second boogeyman was chosen that she began to realize exactly what was wrong.
When Bdubs had killed Skizz, not even a minute after he had been named boogeyman number two, Cleo hadn’t been paying attention to him. She had been laughing at Scar, and helping him out of the pond he’d fallen into after being rammed by a goat. But when she looked up, to see a death message in chat and Bdubs standing, axe still raised, that same, broad smile on his face.
There was a moment of stillness, where Bdubs stood there, staring off into the space that Skizz had occupied only moments ago. His head then jerked to the side, and he laughed.
“Ah, Cleo, hello. Ah, well, that’s done now.”
Cleo laughed at his laissez-faire attitude, but couldn’t shake the feeling that she’d seen something from Bdubs that wasn’t right.
“Bdubs! You killed Skizz!” Scar exclaimed, interrupting her thoughts.
Bdubs didn’t respond to that, just smiled broadly as Skizz came over the hill again, swearing up a storm and making everything even more funny.
As much as she’d like to forget the weirdness she felt about Bdubs, it was impossible, since he was right there, cheering her on, joining Scar in calling her Mom. He was being odd, in ways that wouldn’t have mattered to anyone but her. He didn’t wear armor until Cleo gave him some. Whatever was suggested, he happily agreed to. He had that big ol’ classic Bdubs smile, but it was the eyes. There was something missing from his eyes- like they had gone dull and lifeless, like a statue or doll.
“Hmm? Yes, Mom?” Scar was sitting on the top of the mountain, resting for a moment, and gave a cackle as he spoke.
Cleo elected to ignore that for the time being. “Does something seem a little… off… about Bdubs to you?” She eased herself down next to him.
Scar frowned, and Cleo had to appreciate that Scar, for all of his misgivings and silly nature, took her seriously when it was needed. The two looked towards their rudimentary farm land, where Bdubs was doing some final bits of crop harvesting before the sun fully set. The last rays of sunlight glinted off of the many clocks that hung off of his body. He was planting seeds in a uniform, practiced way, focused on his task without the usual whimsical and jumpy gait to his step.
“No, not really.” Scar said slowly. “But, I will say… isn’t it odd that his skin doesn’t change? We all get reset every season, but he… it’s like his last life season never really left him or something.”
Cleo frowned. Last Life was always close to her mind too, but it had never left any… physical marks. Bdubs looked like a sore that never healed.
“Oh, also, he said this thing I thought was kind of, well, I wouldn’t call it out of character, and it was a throwaway comment at best I suppose, but when he and I were trekking the server with our horses and wares, he said he was content to just watch me, like some kind of hidden camera show. Watching my life. Like he’s just a camera for me. And he’s always egging on my terrible ideas.”
“But he’s always like that- he’s a ‘yes, and’ man. You know that.” Cleo said.
“You’re the one who seems to be worried- why don’t you go talk to him then? I don’t want the family to be broken up so quickly. We already lost Dad.”
Cleo smacked Scar lightly up the backside of his head. “Shut it, boy.”
She did wander out to Bdubs, who was just finishing up the final seed plantings.
“Ah, Cleo, hello!” Bdubs stood up and beamed at her.
“Are you okay, Bdubs?” Cleo asked. “Enjoying your time so far?”
“Of course! I am greatly enjoying this time with my friends!” Bdubs’ face wasn’t changing. He was talking and his mouth was moving, but his eyes still were just that same kind of glassy deadness. It struck Cleo all at once, suddenly, what exactly was wrong. It was the uncanny valley effect that she sometimes got when she made a statue too realistic. Bdubs didn’t look like he was living. It was impossible to tell, most people wouldn’t ever see it, only feel that weird anxiety.
“You’re not the real Bdubs.” Cleo said, trying very hard to keep the tremor out of her voice.
Bdubs’ mouth opened and closed for a moment, those eyes still just as wide and happy as it had been since she’d first seen Bdubs on this sever.
“Ah, yes, Cleo.”
“You say that every time I say your name.” Cleo whispered.
Joel and Jimmy must have wandered off, leaving Grian in the ruins of the mansion (which Cleo secretly giggled about). Grian was typing on his commutator, assumedly some admin stuff to do with the server, but looked up and smiled as Cleo approached.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Sorry to bother you, but I think something is… off about Bdubs.”
For a moment, a flash of recognition and panic appeared in Grian’s face, then smoothed back out. Grian was good at lying, but Cleo had been dealing with misbehavior and liars for a lot longer then he’d even been alive.
“I don’t know w-”
“Don’t bother lying to me, you’ll just embarrass yourself.” Cleo cut him off abruptly. Her head was pounding- she was right, something was wrong. And Grian knew what it was. “What happened to Bdubs?”
“Cleo, that is an administrative issue, not a player issue. That information is private and between only those who need to know.” Grian was talking fast, and his communicator kept beeping- resetting a whole mansion wasn’t an easy task, clearly. He was clearly distracted. “Bdubs being an npc this season is not- oh no.” Grian groaned at his mistake. He closed his communicator and took out his sword. “Okay, so let’s just pretend that I didn’t say that.”
“You really think you can frighten me into silence, little bird?” Cleo crossed her arms and puffed out her chest. She was very scared, she knew how Grian was when he was backed into a corner. And she didn’t even have diamond armor.
“Cleo, listen. I respect you, and I know you care a lot about Bdubs. But let this one go. It’s not… it’s complicated, okay? No one can know, not ever. It’s too…” Grian looked her over, coming to some kind of decision. “Listen, I may not scare you, but I will kill you. If this gets out, I will slaughter you over and over until your out of the series. With no remorse. I promise this.”
Cleo held her ground for as long as she could, jaw set, brain frantically screaming at her to go. “Fine.” She finally said. “It stays here. For now.” She turned and walked away without another word, mentally preparing for an arrow to the back. But nothing came, and she walked until she was beyond the still-smoldering dark oak forest. She could see her allies, Scar and not-really Bdubs, on the mountain, but she couldn’t go there. Not yet.
So she walked in the flat area around spawn, just kind of wandering, mind racing. So Bdubs was some kind of npc- she vaguely knew what that meant. Non-playable. But how could a person be non-playable? It did seem like he has certain things that he said and did- a yes, and man to the extreme, which wasn’t too far off from the man she knew anyway. She had to wonder if being boogeyman hasn’t been part of the script, if that’s why he’d killed Skizz the instant he’d be chosen. But was that even what npc meant?
“But why have an npc?” She murmured to herself, wandering by a small cave opening.
“What did you just say?”
And faster then she’d ever seen him move, Martyn barreled out of the cave entrance, a wild look in his eyes. It was odd to see her old soulmate, and she almost expected a twinge of pain when he tripped over a rock in his hurry over to her.
“Cleo, please- did you just say npc?” Martyn was almost shaking, and held out his hands to her. She’d never seen him look so rattled.
“I- yeah.” She cringed, remembering Grian’s threats. “But that’s just between you and me. What, do you know something about that?”
“I- oh my god.” Martyn ran his fingers through his hair. “We need to talk right now. If you know what npc’s are, that changes everything. I- wow.”
“What on earth are you on about, Martyn?” Cleo asked, anxiety rising in her once again.
“I don’t know.” Martyn said. “Well, I do, kind of, it’s just… can we talk?” He gestured to his cave.
“I- yeah, I suppose so.” Cleo replied. It was almost funny, how they were teamed up together by necessity once more. But this seemed a lot bigger then their own souls. Cleo thought of Bdubs and his empty, wide eyes, and it steeled whatever resolve she had inside her.
“So, where to start…”
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radioactive-mouse · 7 months
i keep thinking about like. how the brutality levels vary between seasons and how secret life is the natural culmination of everything these people have been through and the watchers pushing everything to extremes. i’m going to try to articulate how crazy this makes me
3rd Life: god. 3rd life was a clear cut war. we haven’t seen a season since where nearly everyone has such an intense devotion to their chosen faction. the fact that there’s no precedent that they’re coming back next season, the fact that as far as they know, dying means staying dead, makes just how much they’re willing to go down with the ship that much more heartbreaking. grian ended the season exactly how it was played by damn near everyone else— i love you, i would do anything for you, i would rather die than keep going without you. the season of widows.
Last Life: and then they come back. and then ending things isn’t an option. and all of a sudden it’s not a war, it’s a death match, and damn is the competition is vicious. deaths are more often than not a vague, impersonal thing— not get away from my king, my husband, my charge— just the flash of a knife and a quick sorry, just playing the game! if 3rd life told you to hold the ones you love close, defend them to your last breath, last life urges you to burn that love out of your chest entirely.
Double Life: but everything slows down eventually. no more dying for the one you love— just learning to live with them. double life is about knowing that when you die, you will go together, hand and hand into the dark. a soap opera, the players joke. a small kindness, the universe replies. again, pearl wins the same way everyone else lost— no, not yet, please, just give us a little longer together, i’m not ready, i’m so sorry—
Limited Life: but the clock, unyielding, ticks ever onward. and god, everyone is starting to feel it. that sick, nauseating feeling of dread creeping up on them: what if it never ends? what if this is it, this is all that’s left for us— tearing each other apart over and over and over again, and for what? for a show? to feed those hungry things lurking in the dark? we’ll give them a show. bombs rain from the sky, the world shaking under the weight of it. there isn’t a thing left by the end that’s not rubble. we’re all doomed! the players cry, laughing with nothing but nihilistic, unrestrained joy. none of it matters! we come back again, and again, and again, have a little fun with it! light the fuse, collateral be damned. when death means so little, what’s the point in pretending they don’t take a little joy in it? we settle this like grian and scar before us, scott jokes, armor and weapons tossed to the side. are you insane? martyn thinks, remembering the hollow look that would wash over grian’s face when he thought no one was watching. it ruined him. it will not ruin me. this is a death match for a reason.
Secret Life: and here it is. the natural conclusion. this season is candy colored, the map dotted with cute pink houses and silly builds, the players all running around doing these ridiculous tasks. it’s so easy to forget how bloody this season was. unclosing wounds, bruises that don’t fade, the sting of fire or falling from a simple misstep. the hurt never goes away, but it gets easier to ignore— distract yourself with something silly to pass the time: spyglasses and frogs and the ugliest house you’ve ever seen and matching leather jackets and the doghouse and the relationSHIP and a weird tunnel full of doors and secret soulmates and god it’s almost, almost, enough to forget how much it all aches, how much the grief weighs on you, how many times someone you love has died, sometimes to your own blade. almost none of the grudges you hold are real by now, not really. not when you’re going to live and die with these people for as long as the hungry, many-eyed things delight in your suffering. you love each other, in the strangest way— sure you’ve all killed and betrayed each other in a thousand different ways, but at the end of the day, they’re all you have. clinging to each other in the face of the vast, unknowable horrors that drive you to slash each other to pieces. it’s still a game, after all. they’ve gotta figure out how to be good sports about it eventually.
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goodtimeswithgrian · 10 months
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at least the big dog doesn't have to share the single bed now, right? woof woof...
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z0mbiew00d · 3 months
“Martyn doesn’t hold on to past alliances unless it’s Ren” Is a take I see relatively often and everytime I’m just baffled at how wrong it is
Is Ren the main one he holds on to? Yes, of course, but he’s not the only one. Early Double Life he hangs around with Jimmy for a bit and they make aha jokes, he allies with Scott and Cleo in Limited Life after the soulmate/ally thing, he teams up with Jimmy again in Secret Life and once both his allies died when he came to the warden fight he asked Cleo what happened first, showing he still holds onto them and trusts her.
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blueishspace · 11 months
A small graph of the spectrum of Grian Watchers relationship.
Lacks a lot of stuff but yeah...
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To be clear, I like all combinations there are just some that tingle my soul.
(yes I know I mispelled mischief, also might make a more complete version if you give me ideas or smthing)
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daily-property-police · 10 months
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Day 328- You don’t understand it’s the funniest thing in the world to me.
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daisy-mooon · 2 years
Divorce quartets dynamic is fucking funny this season. Scott and Martyn decided to move in with each other and steal Cleo's brand of being Mean Girls. Pearl passive aggressively asking Martyn if he has Tilly and Martyn going "oh yeah I cremated her :)" and throwing gunpowder on the floor. Martyn telling BigB not to trust Pearl because if "the moon is high, you might die". Cleo gaslighting Pearl into being her ally and then when Cleo asks for books Pearl straight up lies and starts punching BigB so he won't tell her. Cleo and Martyn having the world's most awkward conversation and Cleo going "you and Scott are... sort of survivery". Pearl standing on a tree and staring at Scott instead of walking up to him like a normal person. Scott spending an entire episode making his and Martyn's house look cute and designing their shared storage system to only suit him and leaving Martyn to cope. Cleo doing their very best to ignore them all and juggling Scar and Bdubs forcing her to adopt them, allying with the entire server and the Bad Boys turning their base into bread and killing them whilst Pearl is like thirty blocks away and blatantly not helping. Most divorced polycule EVER. I am studying their relationship under a microscope.
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its-muffin-tyme · 2 months
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mielkae · 1 month
thinking about wounds/lore traits that refuse to heal during respawn because of the emotional weight they carry for the player. thinking about the same event leaving scars for one, but not for another.
Joel with burn scars on his hands and face that never fade. Etho's never been one to show much skin, but the glimpses he gets are pale, unmarred by the fire.
Scott wove poppies into his and Jimmy's hair. Matching crowns to signify a love that was meant to last. After third life, they seem to grow from his hair, and bleed when he pulls at them, red dripping down his face. Jimmy admits his crown had been misplaced.
Jimmy holds Tango back when the ranch burns. He assures him it's fine, it was an accident, he knew what he was doing, but double life was 3 games ago and Tango can see the burn scars haven't faded.
Martyn's back is littered with axe wounds. Cleo favors tank tops. He can't look at the smooth, pale green skin of her shoulder blades without feeling sick.
(I hate you, the words scream silently at her, pale white lines carved into the inside of her thigh. Pearl wants to ask him. She's scared of the answer.
She doesn't wear bikinis anymore)
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goldstargloww · 10 months
canary curse things. thinking about canary curse things
i'm hesitant to say the canary curse has been broken—what, no, of course it has been, jimmy died second instead of first, and the canary curse is all about dying first— okay hear me out i swear i make sense
my thought is that patterns can change. patterns aren't always static ones. just because something new happened this time around doesn't mean the pattern's been broken, it may have just changed its rules a bit.
joel had a pattern of having no true allies up until double or limited life, where it instead became a pattern of being isolated, for example
now, before we get into the canary curse specifically, let's talk about some other patterns
scott and martyn tend to drag themselves as well as their allies up the leaderboard. they both tend to outlive their allies. grian tends to kill his allies. ...i feel like i should put more here but that's all i can think of right now
now, the way i see it, is scott, martyn, and jimmy in particular all have some sort of weight to them. positive meaning they drag themselves and their allies up the leaderboard, negative meaning the opposite. scott and martyn have a positive weight, whereas jimmy has a negative one.
what i think's happened here is that martyn and jimmy's weights have tugged on each other, and as a result, martyn turned yellow and red first instead of much later on, and jimmy died second instead of first.
jimmy's pull is strong, i think, and so he tends to die first every time. just because he tends to die first every time doesn't make that a rule, though - it just makes it a pattern, one that's been broken. the pattern that hasn't been broken, though, is jimmy being one of the earliest to die, and jimmy dragging his allies down the leaderboard with him.
jimmy died first in 3rd life, and dragged scott down to 10th, and scott finally turned yellow right before jimmy died. jimmy died first in last life, and dragged mumbo down with him, and they were a similar color pretty much the whole time. jimmy died first in double life, and dragged tango down with him. jimmy died first in limited life, and joel died quickly after. jimmy died second in secret life, and dragged martyn's color down with him.
martyn, though, doesn't die yet, because of his positive weight. he's often tugged further up the leaderboard, and so while jimmy may drag his color down and martyn ends up first yellow and red, martyn still manages to stay afloat.
martyn is stubborn is the thing, lmao. he stays alive out of spite and just because he wants to, and so he does, and he makes sure he does. now that the stakes are higher and one wrong move could mean losing everything, he's being a lot more careful than he was earlier on.
and let me just reiterate for a second - he's stubborn. once he's got an idea, he's locked onto that idea until he gets it done or literally can't anymore. martyn will drive himself up the wall before he gives up on something and even then he'll need convincing or more likely a distraction. he didn't give up on ren in third life til he died and couldn't do anything anymore. he didn't give up on trying to kill scott in last life til he died and couldn't do anything anymore. he didn't give up on getting a diamond chestplate in secret life until he got it despite how much it cost him in the end. outside the life series, even, i'm rewatching rats right now- martyn will try to climb a wall over and over and over until he gets it or something gets in the way. he'll be texturing a model and complain to chat about how painful it is and still decide to spend the next hour and a half getting the damn thing done even though he should've logged off for bedtime 2 hours ago. (yes martyn i am calling you out, enjoy)
and so martyn doesn't die! he's yellow first, he's red first, and all other red names die, but martyn doesn't. because yeah, maybe he's impulsive, but he's in this for himself and himself alone and there's no way in hell he's dealing with a wither and a warden that's just killed three people. (he did try and steal the kill though. martyn do you remember what happened last time you tried to steal the kill, you fell into the void and died)
jimmy isn't as stubborn. jimmy's a lot more forgiving, a lot more lenient, and as much as he's being more aggressive this season, he's reckless about it and impulsive and his reputation isn't helping him here.
jimmy lets things happen to him. as upset as he might act about it, he never actually does anything about it, and it gets him killed. he's afraid to break the rules, he's afraid to make people uncomfortable or upset or hurt, he starts genuinely tearing up at the thought of pulling a bait and switch on skizz, and that's the kind of thing martyn does on a daily basis lmao
jimmy is forgiving and passive, martyn and scott don't forget so easily and aren't afraid to make people upset, grian's somewhere in between.
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the-l00ker · 3 months
I love how all the winner of the life series could essentially be the main character of their own story.
Grian, the obvious, the original, there in the series because of him they're going through death games because of him and he's the only one who remembers the first one and is the only one who remembers the initial reason why they're there.
He was not doomed by the narrative. He doomed everyone else in the narrative and he asked to watch them die over and over again it's his fault he is the Doom in the narrative.
He's like a psychopathic main character trying to make everything right but it's not working out
Scott, because if Grian isn't the main character then it's Scott.
He figured out what Grian what Grian was BEFORE THE OTHER EVO MEMBER DID-
He knew that something was fucked up and he went against the Boogeyman causing him to move down a placement every other game. To be infected with coral diseases, and give his soul mate intentionally mental harm so that they'd hurt themselves to spite him.
He does everything for his friends, even if they don't remember. He does what he can for his husband, even as he watches him fall for a man other then him everytime.
He's making SACRIFICES for Grian mistakes, making sure that the next winners dont wake up in a cruel soulless void like he did.
Pearl, waking up after winning only to find out that the man she'd been made to hate so much actually let her win, and let her know the truth, and it's her own BROTHER'S FAULT/BESTIES FAULT THAT SHE HAD TO ENDURE ALL THAT.
She's now left with thought of what happened after Evo, how she hated someone that care so deeply for her safety that he literally committed suicide, and how her brother/bestie betrayed her.
Martyn, has been dealing with the voices inside his head for ages now. It is recognised by the previous winners so Scott teams with him to set him free.
He is now left, the winner of a game that he never wanted to play, a broken man. What happened to Ren? What happened to Evo? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M A LISTENER?!
It's Grian's fault that he has to deal with the voices in his head? Scott a man who cared for him so much he betrayed in an instant because of the voices he couldn't control? He'd Crawley thrown pearls to the side when it was clear she needed him most?
He has to now look Jimmy in the eyes, knowing what they are and who they used to be and continually failing to protect him, only spurred on by the fact that Scott never gave up on Jimmy too so why should he?
Scar, being the initial Collateral Damage to Grian's doings, once he wins he'll have to grapple with the fact and face his new reality. Like an ordinary man being hit with 10 to 15 trains.
He sacrificed himself in the first game for what he thought was his forever partner, his soul mate, only to be cheated on 2 games later? He was isolated and seen as a liability. You'd have to look pearl in the eyes and recognize their past actions of both torturing themselves and another.
The only man who had faith in him was Scott, allowing him to win that game but at what cost? Did he really have to know?
He's tired of not understanding... And the watchers will use his envy, hatred and raw confusion to there advantage, Grian's foil.
Cleo, seen as the underdog yet brash ally, she clawed her way to victory easily, within a day even.
She's immune to the Watchers effects, as you can see how the other winners were left poisoned.
Her friend Grian, the reason why she's here.
Scott, someone who tried to save her, by giving her knowledge.
Pearl, an evil to ally. An unwary friend.
Martyn, her soul mate and by technicality ex, driven into madness.
Scar, He's Scared he's anxious and he knows just as much as she does. He feels useless because others have treated him as such. Her own son, plagued with self-deprecating thoughts.
And the watchers taunt, as she has to put the piece back together of what they've broken. So that they can overcome and win.
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codther · 6 months
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Fuck. Flower Husbands.
Rewatching 3rd Life and made it to Jimmy’s POV and this moment was so real.
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enderwoah · 10 months
ok i was wrong in this post about one thing and it was just the fact that lizzie was the one to die first and not martyn but. man.
the interesting thing is that jimmy not dying first feels like the result of...a couple of flukes.
jimmy ended up with an extra half heart at the veeery start of secret life due to martyn gifting it to him after the friendly punch. as such, he started off at the smallest possible advantage (but an advantage nonetheless) to everyone else. this pushes his ensuing deaths just the tiniest bit forwards, to the point where martyn goes both yellow and red just moments before he does. that was the first fluke.
the second fluke was him killing lizzie at the end of session five. it wasn't for a task, so it technically shouldn't have happened, but it went through anyways and lizzie ended up on red because of jimmy. by all technicalities, this means that lizzie shouldn't have been on red in the first place. and if you think about it, if lizzie wasn't on red, she wouldn't have been in the end trying to kill scott, so she wouldn't have fallen off the platform. but everything else that session, with the warden and the wither, would have happened in the same way due to them being tasks. so if lizzie wasn't on red, jimmy would have died first.
it's just...so interesting. the only reason jimmy wasn't first to red was because of what was probably a glitch (martyn instantly being jettisoned off of the platform in the end) and the only reason he wasn't first out was due to breaking the game's rules (killing someone without the instruction of a task). it's really no wonder that everything fell apart immediately after lizzie died; it broke the game's code. something glitched.
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twomanyfandomshelp · 6 months
I watched Scott’s Real Life video first because he and Joel are the main two I watch, which is ironic because of their ongoing in-game feud and very different personalities, video styles, general vibes, etc., but I digress.
My first thought when I saw the title was “Yay, another life series!” My second thought, upon seeing Joel standing in the circle, was “Oh my gosh, Joel, three SMPs at the same time? Why does he do this to himself?��� Then, after watching for a bit, I was like, “Okay, never mind, this an April Fools video, still fun though.” And then I proceeded to enjoy the silliness and binge everybody else’s videos.
Let me tell you, watching Martyn’s video before Scar’s and hearing Scar yell that he’d fallen out of his wheelchair, I was really worried, and I immediately searched for Scar’s video to make sure he was okay. I’m glad he’s alright, I bet that was scary.
On another note, do y’all consider Cleo’s win cannon? Cause I do! Go Cleo, she deserved this.
I’m kinda sad it wasn’t Joel or Jimmy though, I got really excited when I realized how well Jimmy was doing. He got, what, 7th place? The canary curse has officially been broken!
This post has gotten way longer than I intended. Oh well.
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junebugcraft · 1 month
[foaming at the mouth, rocking back and forth in a corner] i NEEEED to rewarch martyns third life perspective i need to rewatch it so baf
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dophaminezest · 9 months
I always wonder something, you know how Impulse always ends up getting killed by the winners hand in some way? Killed by Grian through Bdubs. Killed by Scott. Killed by Pearl because Pearl killed Bdubs. Killed by Martyn. Killed by Scar. it seems like Impulse himself its a messenger. a message, a message that the watchers have chosen their winner. it feels as if they mock Impulse each time. their own little messenger bird, to only send messages. a hummingbird. goes insane okay so anyways!! I'm so interested in your ghost hunters au!! and your art is so cool??? the colors are so good!! goes insane !! :3 -XP
Imagine if next season, impulse lost all of his lives because of himself, and he ended up winning 💀💀💀
Like green life, died cause he jumped from a high place
Yellow life, died cause he accidentally broke the block underneath himself whilst bridging
Red life.. died cause he killed himself at the end, at the end where he wins (he pulled a grian)
Jimmy killed impulse, killed him 3 times, and he won.
Watchers are shoketh, the two players they kept mocking, one of them broke the system, the canary took the crown
Also thankyou for the support!! I really enjoy making arts and au's, I appreciate it very much ^^
(I really appreciate when people interact with me via my ask box, idk to discuss about aus, art, ideas, etc etc. I just really like replying to them!)
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