#Massage for colic relief
lilleluv · 1 year
How To Give Massage To A Baby: A Step-By-Step Guide
Massage can be a great way to bond with your baby and promote relaxation and sleep. Massaging your baby can also help with digestion, circulation, and muscle development. But how do you give a baby a massage? Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started. Step 1: Choose the Right Time and Place: Choose a time when your baby is relaxed and not too hungry or full. A good time might be…
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bwoahtastic · 10 months
I loved that ask about Nico having a terrible pregnancy and Seb being really reluctant about Nico and Toto's relationship. That family in all its iterations is so sweet and I just love them. If I remember correctly, didn't we have Mick as the Toto/Nico baby? What about Mick, a few weeks old, having really bad colic and Nico and Toto being so stressed because he just. will. not. stop. crying.
They're so tired, and feel like such awful parents for being unable to help their baby who sounds like he's in so much pain. Seb is still pretty iffy about the whole Nico of it all, even if they did bond a bit during Nico's pregnancy, and feels really weird about having a little brother who is younger than his own kids, but Max and Charles are very excited about there being a new baby in the family, so Seb takes pity on his dad and Nico, and comes over to help.
And by some miracle, Mick quiets down when Seb holds him. Mick absolutely adores Seb, and Seb can always get him to calm down, even after he's been screaming the house down for hours and hours. It's a huge relief for Nico and Toto, who finally get some sleep, and are able to do a few things around the house, like cook and do laundry, but at the same time (because I love torturing Nico) Nico feels incredibly insecure about it. He's trying so hard to be a good mother, he already feels like he messed up the pregnancy phase, even though it wasn't his fault, and now his sort of stepson is able to soothe his baby when Nico can't. It would really upset him and he'd try to keep it from Toto, but of course, it would only make things worse
Oh plss Nico struggling so much during tbe pregnancy and Seb,is apprehensive and a little shit but steps in to help and makes sure Toto is home more because Nico needs him no matter how much he tries to downplay his struggles
Then little mick is born and even seb has to admit its one cute pup lol! But yeah he is still weirded out thst it's his half brother and younger than the pups he had with Kimi. Charles and Max are super curious about the pup tho and miss grandpa so Kimi makes Seb come when they visit even though Seb is #sulking.
They arrive and its chaos, Toto looks exhausted and Nico has clearly been crying and little Mick is sobbing his little heart out no matter how Nico gently rocks him. Seb is more experienced than nico and Toto who never dealt with a newborn and the tummy pains they get and he gently takes Mick, shushing him and massaging him just right to help the pain and Mick quiets down, conks out against Seb's chest because the baby is exhausted too.
Seb telling Nico and Toto to get done what needs to be done and Kimi quietly helps them eith cooking and the laundry to make aure they get some sleep, all whilr Seb rocks little Mick and shows Max and Charles their tiny uncle
Poor Nico feeling awful! He feels tired and ugly, all crusty and still fat which is not true ofc but he hates being imperfect for Toto, and then what is even worse is.thst he clearly sucks at being a momma...
Nico not talking to Toto about it cos he frankly doesn't know what to say but Toto notices Nico doesn't really fuss over Mick as much anymore, keeping his distance and seeming awkward but whenever he asks Nico claims to be fine.
Seb is getting a little sick of solving their problems but he can see Nico is dealing with some post partum issues and knows how hard it can be, still hurting and suddenly having to deal with a tiny little human. Seb teaching Nico all th3 little tricks thst worked foe Max and Charles and being sure to compliment him (a tiny bit reluctantly) and telling Toto he better give nico compliments too!
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hinazain · 23 days
Is it Colic or Gas? Infants Discomfort
As a new parent, deciphering your baby's cries can feel like solving a mystery. One common source of infant discomfort is either colic or gas. Let's break down the differences to help you understand what might be troubling your little one.
Colic: The Persistent Crier
Colic is often characterized by excessive crying in an otherwise healthy baby. Typically, colic shows up around two to three weeks of age and can last until around three or four months old. These crying spells often happen in the evening and can last for hours.
While the exact cause of colic remains uncertain, it may be linked to gastrointestinal discomfort, overstimulation, or immature digestive systems. Babies with colic may clench their fists, arch their backs, and have difficulty calming down.
For more info about baby care, visit baby care bundle!
Gas: The Gassy Tummy
Gas, on the other hand, is a common culprit for infant discomfort. Babies swallow air while feeding, which can lead to gas buildup in their tiny tummies. This trapped gas can cause discomfort and fussiness.
Signs of gas discomfort include pulling up legs, squirming, and passing excessive gas. Fortunately, gas discomfort typically subsides after a bowel movement or a good burp.
Differentiating Between the Two
While both colic and gas can cause distress, there are some key differences:
- Duration: Colic episodes tend to last longer and occur at predictable times, while gas discomfort may come and go more sporadically.
- Crying Patterns: Colicky babies often have a distinct crying pattern, whereas gas-related discomfort may occur after feeding or during digestion.
- Response to Soothing: Babies with gas discomfort may find relief through burping or passing gas, while colicky babies may remain inconsolable despite your best efforts.
Tips for Relief
Whether it's colic or gas, there are strategies to help alleviate your baby's discomfort:
- Gentle Massage: Rubbing your baby's tummy in a clockwise motion can help ease gas pains.
- Burping: Make sure to burp your baby frequently during and after feedings to release trapped air.
- Comfort Measures: Try swaddling, rocking, or using white noise to soothe your baby during colic episodes.
Want more tips about baby care, Visit here!
When to Seek Help
If you're concerned about your baby's crying or discomfort, don't hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician. They can offer guidance and support to ensure your little one is healthy and happy.
Understanding whether your baby is experiencing colic or gas can help you respond with the right soothing techniques. With patience and care, you'll navigate this challenging phase together.
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thangampmrc · 1 month
Nurturing New Lives: Common Health Issues in Newborns
The birth of a newborn is a significant event, brimming with happiness and awe. However, the journey of parenthood comes with its share of challenges, especially when it comes to the health of the newest family member. Welcoming a baby into the world is a transformative experience, and while it brings immense joy, it also introduces parents to a myriad of uncertainties.
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Understanding these common health concerns equips caregivers with the knowledge needed to provide the best possible care for their precious bundle of joy. With an eminent team of doctors, Thangam Super Specialty Hospital in Palakkad provides integrated care in a wide spectrum of pediatric specialties. We are guided by our commitment to excellence and high standards of patient care, providing the best health care to all from the neonatal period to adolescence. 
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore ten common health issues that newborns may encounter and provide valuable insights on how parents can address and navigate these challenges.
Jaundice, a condition marked by yellowing of the skin and eyes, is a common occurrence in newborns due to elevated Bilirubin levels. While often a normal part of the newborn period, severe cases may require phototherapy to aid in the breakdown of Bilirubin. Vigilant monitoring by healthcare professionals ensures timely intervention, providing reassurance to concerned parents.
Colic, characterized by prolonged periods of crying and fussiness, can be emotionally challenging for both parents and baby. Often linked to digestive issues, strategies such as gentle tummy massages, changes in feeding routines, and creating a soothing environment can help alleviate colic symptoms and provide relief.
Diaper rash, a common skin irritation in the diaper area, can cause discomfort for infants. Maintaining a dry and clean diaper environment, using hypoallergenic wipes, and applying diaper creams with zinc oxide serve as effective preventive measures and soothe the baby’s delicate skin.
Newborns are susceptible to respiratory infections such as colds or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Creating a germ-free environment, practicing meticulous hand hygiene, and seeking prompt medical attention for respiratory symptoms are crucial measures to safeguard a newborn’s respiratory health.
Feeding challenges, whether with breastfeeding or formula, can impact a baby’s nutrition and weight gain. Seeking guidance from lactation consultants, ensuring a proper latch, and collaborating with pediatricians to address feeding concerns contribute to the overall well-being of the newborn.
Common skin conditions like baby acne, cradle cap, or eczema can affect newborns. Using mild baby-friendly skincare products, keeping the skin clean, and consulting with a pediatrician for persistent issues contribute to the effective management of these conditions.
Proper care of the umbilical cord stump is crucial for a newborn’s health. Keeping it clean and dry, using mild soap and water, and monitoring for signs of infection ensure the stump heals promptly and without complications.
Infrequent or difficult bowel movements can be distressing for both parents and infants. Constipation in babies can be influenced by various factors. For breastfed infants, a lack of sufficient fiber in the mother’s diet might contribute to constipation. Similarly, formula-fed babies may experience this issue if the formula is not properly mixed or if it’s not suitable for the baby. Dehydration, stemming from inadequate fluid intake during breastfeeding or formula feeding, can lead to harder stools. The introduction of solid foods may also prompt changes in bowel movements as the baby’s digestive system adjusts. While medical conditions like hypothyroidism can be a rare cause, they are often identified through newborn screening programs. Additionally, limited physical activity and a naturally slower bowel transit time can play roles in constipation, emphasizing the importance of encouraging gentle movements and tummy time for newborns. If concerns arise, consulting with a healthcare professional is key to understanding and addressing the specific factors contributing to constipation in each case. Ensuring adequate hydration, incorporating gentle tummy massages, and consulting healthcare professionals if concerns persist are essential steps to address and alleviate constipation in newborns.
Reflux, characterized by spit-up, is a common concern for newborns. Feeding in an upright position, burping the baby frequently, and keeping the baby elevated after feeds can help manage reflux symptoms. Consultation with a pediatrician is crucial for determining the appropriate approach.
Irregular sleep patterns, night waking, and difficulty establishing a sleep routine are common challenges for newborns and parents alike. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, creating a conducive sleep environment, and practicing safe sleep guidelines contribute to better sleep for both babies and parents. In this journey of parenthood, knowledge becomes a powerful tool. Armed with an understanding of these common health issues, parents can navigate the early days with confidence, providing their newborns with the care, attention, and love they need to thrive. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and embrace the joy of nurturing a new life.
Why Thangam Multispecialty Hospital in Palakkad
For a quarter of a century, Thangam Multispecialty Hospital in Palakkad has exemplified unwavering excellence in healthcare, becoming a beacon of trust and reliability in Palakkad. Renowned for its outstanding team of medical professionals and state-of-the-art treatments, the hospital consistently incorporates cutting-edge technology to provide unparalleled medical care.
With a rich legacy built on trust, Thangam Hospital renews its commitment to excellence, ensuring a future characterized by continued dedication. We have a team of experienced Neonatologists, Pediatricians, and Pediatric surgeons who specialize in Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Endocrinology, Pediatric Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, and more. We make certain special care for all the children being treated here and thus we maintain the round-the-clock availability of the Pediatricians, to make sure that your child is always in safe hands. With every facility in place and managed by the best Pediatric doctors in Palakkad, our Pediatric & Neonatology department commitment resounds in its unyielding focus on delivering the most dependable child healthcare services, solidifying its position as a cornerstone of health and well-being of each of our patients.
Thangam Hospital’s 25-year journey underscores not only its impressive history but also its ongoing pursuit of advancements in medical care, reflecting a dedication that goes beyond the past and extends into a promising future.
Schedule an appointment with us to know more about the diagnosis, management, and treatments of newborn diseases
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alusa12 · 2 months
The Benefits of Infant Massage for Bonding and Development
Infant massage is a time-honored tradition that involves gently stroking, kneading, and caressing a baby's body to promote relaxation, comfort, and overall wellbeing. This ancient practice, which has been passed down through generations in various cultures, offers numerous benefits for both babies and their caregivers. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of infant massage, how it enhances bonding between parents and babies, and its positive impact on infant development.서울출장안마
The Practice of Infant Massage:
Infant massage involves using gentle, rhythmic strokes and techniques to massage a baby's body, typically using natural oils or lotions to reduce friction and provide nourishment to the skin. The practice can be traced back centuries to cultures such as India and Africa, where massage has long been recognized as a powerful way to promote health and wellbeing in infants.
In recent decades, infant massage has gained popularity in Western societies as parents and caregivers seek natural and nurturing ways to connect with their babies. Certified infant massage instructors often teach parents specific techniques and routines to use with their babies, providing guidance on safe and effective massage practices.서울출장
Benefits of Infant Massage:
Infant massage offers a wide range of benefits for both babies and their caregivers. Let's explore some of the key advantages:
Bonding and Attachment: One of the most significant benefits of infant massage is its ability to strengthen the bond between parents or caregivers and their babies. Through the nurturing touch of massage, parents can communicate love, affection, and security to their infants, fostering a deep sense of connection and attachment.
Enhanced Communication: Infant massage provides an opportunity for non-verbal communication between parents and babies. As caregivers massage their babies, they learn to interpret their baby's cues and signals, such as facial expressions, body movements, and vocalizations, promoting responsive and attuned caregiving.
Relaxation and Calmness: Massage has a soothing effect on babies, helping to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and calm the nervous system. The gentle touch and rhythmic movements of massage can help infants feel safe, secure, and content, leading to improved sleep quality and overall wellbeing.
Relief from Discomfort: Infant massage can help alleviate common discomforts experienced by babies, such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain. Certain massage techniques, such as gentle abdominal strokes and leg cycling, can help stimulate digestion, ease gas bubbles, and provide relief from gastrointestinal discomfort.
Improved Sleep Patterns: Regular massage has been shown to promote better sleep patterns and sleep quality in infants. The calming effects of massage help regulate the baby's circadian rhythms, leading to more restful and rejuvenating sleep for both babies and their caregivers.
Stimulated Development: Massage provides sensory stimulation and tactile experiences that support healthy development in infants. The gentle pressure and movement of massage help stimulate the baby's nervous system, promote body awareness, and enhance sensory integration.
Enhanced Growth and Weight Gain: Research has suggested that regular massage may contribute to improved weight gain and growth in preterm infants. The nurturing touch and skin-to-skin contact provided during massage can help stimulate appetite, improve digestion, and support healthy weight gain in babies.
Regulation of Stress Hormones: Massage has been shown to reduce levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, in both babies and their caregivers. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, infant massage can help regulate the baby's physiological responses and support overall health and wellbeing.
How to Practice Infant Massage:
Practicing infant massage is a simple and enjoyable activity that can be incorporated into daily routines. Here are some tips for getting started:
Choose a Quiet, Comfortable Environment: Find a quiet, warm, and comfortable space where you and your baby can relax without distractions. Dim the lights, play soft music if desired, and ensure that the room temperature is comfortable for your baby.
Use Natural Oils or Lotions: Choose a natural oil or lotion that is safe and gentle for your baby's delicate skin. Opt for organic, cold-pressed oils such as grapeseed, coconut, or almond oil, or use a fragrance-free baby lotion.
Start Slowly and Observe Your Baby's Cues: Begin by gently massaging your baby's legs, feet, arms, and hands, gradually working your way up to the chest, back, and head. Pay attention to your baby's cues and responses, such as facial expressions, body movements, and vocalizations, and adjust your massage techniques accordingly.
Use Gentle, Rhythmic Strokes: Use gentle, rhythmic strokes and techniques to massage your baby's body, avoiding any areas that are sensitive or tender. Use a light, but firm touch, and maintain eye contact with your baby to enhance bonding and communication.
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aarogyanaturals · 3 months
Baby Massage Techniques for Relaxation and Connection
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments of calm and connection with our little ones can be a challenge. However, there’s one simple yet profound practice that has been cherished for centuries across cultures – baby massage. Beyond its soothing effects, baby massage fosters a deeper bond between parent and child, promoting relaxation and overall well-being for both.
In this guide, we’ll explore the art of baby massage, from its numerous health benefits to specific techniques you can incorporate into your daily routine. Whether you’re a new parent or a seasoned caregiver, these gentle touches can enhance your connection with your baby and create cherished moments of relaxation together.
Benefits of Baby Massage
Let’s first understand why baby massage holds such significance in nurturing the parent-child relationship:
Bonding: Baby massage provides an intimate opportunity for parents to bond with their infants through physical touch, eye contact, and soothing sounds. This skin-to-skin contact fosters a sense of security and attachment between parent and child.
Relaxation: Just as massages calm adults, they have a similarly calming effect on babies. The gentle strokes and rhythmic movements promote relaxation, reduce stress hormones, and encourage better sleep patterns.
Stimulation: Massage stimulates the baby's senses, promoting sensory awareness and cognitive development. Through touch, babies learn about their bodies and the world around them, laying the foundation for healthy sensory processing.
Boosts growth: Massage with a nourishing oil such as Rapiwalk, nourishes skin, muscles and soft tissues. Increases their blood circulation. Massage makes the baby playful and increased activity of the baby along with effects of massage help in gaining strength in muscles and bones and promote growth.
Relief from Discomfort: Massaging techniques can alleviate common discomforts such as gas, colic, and constipation. Gentle abdominal massage, in particular, can aid digestion and provide relief from tummy troubles.
Enhanced Communication: Baby massage encourages communication between parent and child, even before the baby can speak. By tuning in to their cues and responses during massage sessions, parents deepen their understanding of their baby’s needs and preferences.
Techniques for Baby Massage
Now that we understand the benefits, let’s explore some simple yet effective techniques for baby massage:
Choose a Quiet, Warm Environment: Find a comfortable, warm space free from distractions where you and your baby can relax together. Dim the lights, play soft music if desired, and ensure that the room temperature is comfortably warm.
Use RapiWalk Baby Massage Oil: Before starting the massage, ensure that your hands are clean and warm. Use a natural, pure herbal baby massage oil such as RapiWalk oil to lubricate your hands and minimize friction on your baby's delicate skin.
Start with Gentle Strokes: Begin with gentle, light strokes across your baby's body to introduce them to the sensation of touch. Use long, smooth strokes on their limbs and circular motions on their chest and tummy, always maintaining gentle pressure.
Focus on Each Body Part: Pay special attention to different parts of your baby's body, such as their arms, legs, back, chest, and tummy. Use a variety of strokes, such as kneading, rolling, and pressing, to stimulate circulation and relax tense muscles.
Massage the Hands and Feet: Don’t forget to massage your baby's tiny hands and feet, which are rich in nerve endings. Gently rotate and massage each finger and toe, paying attention to the spaces between them.
Bonding Through Eye Contact and Talking: As you massage your baby, maintain eye contact and talk to them in a soothing voice. This verbal and visual connection enhances the bonding experience and reassures your baby of your presence and love.
Be Responsive to Your Baby’s Cues: Pay attention to your baby’s cues during the massage session. If they seem uncomfortable or fussy, adjust your strokes or take a break. The goal is to create a positive and relaxing experience for both of you.
End with a Calming Routine: Conclude the baby massage with a calming routine, such as gentle rocking or cuddling. This helps transition your baby into a relaxed state and prepares them for sleep or quiet time.
Buy Now
In a world filled with distractions and demands, baby massage offers a precious opportunity to slow down, connect, and bond with our little ones. Beyond its physical benefits, such as relaxation and stimulation, baby massage nurtures the emotional bond between parent and child, laying the foundation for a lifetime of love and connection.
As you incorporate these baby massage techniques into your daily routine, remember that every touch is an expression of love and care for your baby. Embrace the simplicity and beauty of this ancient practice, and savor the moments of connection and relaxation it brings to you and your little one.
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meenaperfumary · 3 months
Best Premium Quality Lavender oil and Perfumes
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Best Premium Quality Lavender oil and Perfumes
Lavender oil is used in the manufacture of bath and body care products.
This oil is also used in household cleaners, and laundry detergents
Having a strong aroma and sedative effects this oil aids in relaxation and in reduction of anxiety and stress.
Used in aromatherapy to reduce tensions and bring mental balance and emotional harmony.
This oil can be inhaled through a vaporizer that can aid in the treatment of cough and respiratory infection.
Having anti-microbial properties this oil can be applied on sprains or muscle injuries.
Lavender oil can also be used as a natural cleaning agent and one can mix it with baking soda to make an all-natural antibacterial scrub for one?s bathroom and kitchen.
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Benefits of lavender oil
Lavender essential oil eliminates nervous tension, anxiety and mood disorders.
This oil relieves pain from needle insertion or joint pain and rheumatism, sprains, backache, and lumbago.
The oil can help one get immediate relief from various skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, and wrinkles.
The regular massage of hair and head through diluted lavender oil may promote hair growth and keep your hair healthy.
This oil stimulates the mobility of one?s intestine and stimulates the production of bile and gastric juice that may help treat stomach pain, indigestion, flatulence, colic, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Lavender oil can provide immediate relief to people with respiratory disorders.one can easily get free from colds and flu, throat infections, cough, asthma, whooping cough, sinus congestion, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and laryngitis.
It enhances blood circulation and can be used to treat hypertension.
This oil also stimulates urine production, which helps restore hormonal balance, prevent cystitis and relieve cramps and other urinary disorders.
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So make it a point to procure Lavender Essential oil from a leading online source and make the most of the purchase? view more
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papasmicstand · 5 months
I've finally finished my longest fic, Struggling to Procreate the Unholy Bastard! It's been a long time in the making, hope you enjoy.-
Chapter 20- What You've Done, You Cannot Undo
Copia and the ghouls aren't the only ones to discover the paternity of the new additions. What will that mean for you? (Rated E, no trigger warnings in this Chapter, but check AO3 for the full list for this fic.)
Arriving at the ministry you released an announcement introducing Giulia and Saviero Emeritus.  It wasn’t long after you had unpacked at the abbey that the clergy came to see the newest additions.  Secondo and Primo were two of the first to stop by.  Secondo gave Copia gruff congratulations, and a slap on the back.  He offered him a cigar as he awkwardly held Saviero.  Then cursed to himself upon seeing the blatant resemblance between Terzo and the small infant.  Primo was a natural, cradling Giulia and walking her around the halls showing her all of the plants along the way.  He brought a special tonic as a gift that he swore would cure colic if you had the need.
Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil were the next to arrive.  Immediately Sister was relieved to see that both babies had the eye.  But she gasped when she saw Saviero’s wispy black hair and even Nihil, who was mostly blind shared a look with her.  Sister shot you an accusatory glare, but you feigned innocence.  They kept the visit short.
After his visit, Secondo stalked over to Terzo’s office.  He did knock on the door this time, still traumatized by that encounter a few months ago.
“Whoever it is, fuck off!” Terzo yelled, lost in the feelings he was experiencing.
Terzo had been so wound up lately, he had invited his favorite ghoul to help him with some stress relief.  He was sprawled out on a portable massage table and Omega had his thumbs working deep into the tight muscles along Terzo’s spine.  Oh, and his cock was also massaging him… from the inside.  A slow deliberate pull that had him practically delirious with sensation.
“I’m not going away, put your dick away and talk to me,” he grumbled.  “This is serious.”
Cock-blocker .  Omega pulled out in irritation, and worked on stuffing his massively hard cock back into his pants.  Terzo dressed roughly, super pissed off at this point, then helped Omega fold up the table and move it to the far wall.  Terzo took a seat uncomfortably behind his desk, and Omega in a nearby chair.
Secondo heard the scuffling around and bristled, imagining what was going on inside.
“Come in you gigantic pain in the ass,” Terzo beckoned.
“Stronzo, you really did it this time.” was his greeting as he slammed the door behind him.  Then he looked around, “You know every time I’ve been to this office you’ve never been actually working?”
“Good afternoon to you too,” Terzo sighed.  “What is up your ass?”
He scowled at Omega, who took the hint and stalked out the door.  When they were alone he continued, “Primo and I just visited Copia and the babies.”
“And?” he asked.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.  You can’t deny it.  Saviero especially looks exactly like you.  Fucking idiot.  Why did you do it?” he fired at his younger brother.
“Maybe you could shut the fuck up about things you don’t understand.” he growled.  “If I hadn’t… helped… Copia and Sister Y/N wouldn’t be together.  He would be stuck with Sister Bailey.  They tried for two years on their own with no success, so we made an arrangement.”
“So you’re all idiots,” he chastised.  “Imperator will find out, this won’t go without punishment.  And don’t act like you don’t have feelings for her.”
“Don’t say anything.  Can’t you just be happy?  The Emeritus line continues,” he shrugged.  Sadness creeping around the edges of his eyes.
“And you are fine with Copia raising your children?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Get the fuck out of my office, we’re done talking.  I can’t believe you interrupted me for this.”
“Terzo,” Secondo’s white eye was glowing with anger, “I swear to Satan.  Stop thinking with your penis for five seconds and MAKE. BETTER. DECISIONS.”
With that he huffed out and slammed the door.  Terzo sat back simmering in frustration and wincing as his movements caused his blue balls to ache.
Sister Imperator scheduled a meeting with Terzo and Copia.  Another fucking meeting.  The two men were tired as they sat across from her trying to stay focused.  Adjusting to twins was taking a toll on the Emeritus men.  They settled at the long table and began.
“Well, it’s been quite the eventful week.  How are the babies doing?” Sister directed the question to the Cardinal.
“They are doing quite well with their feedings, but they don’t sleep for very long at one time,” he offered.
“That’s to be expected at this stage.  And is their mother feeling better?” she continued.
“Yes, yes.  She is glad to be home.  It’s much easier to heal in your own space.”
“Um, sorry to butt in, but is there a point to this meeting?” Terzo interrupted.  “I was hoping to take a nap.”
“Am I wasting your time?” Imperator snapped.  “You and your lack of self-control are why we’re here so I suggest you get comfortable.  I wanted to talk to both of you about the paternity of the twins.”  She paused trying to read the men, but they both just looked irritated.  “Copia, you have eyes.  I assume you know what I’m referring to?”
“Yes, I have eyes.  Both of my children have the same white eye that I do.  What’s the problem?”
“Saviero looks identical to your brother.  The children are obviously his.”  She gestured to Terzo.  “Terzo, do you deny that you fathered these children?” Imperator implored.
Copia tried to shoot him a covert warning glance.  Terzo hesitated, but he knew they were caught.  And, if he was honest with himself, he wanted Sister to know he was the father.  “I would never deny them.  I am the father of the Emeritus heirs.”
The Cardinal was silent. 
“Copia, don’t make me test these children, take their blood.  Just acknowledge the elephant in the room.  You are clearly not the father.”
Copia was angered by the prodding.  “I don’t understand the point of this meeting.  Is this just to hurt my feelings?  The children are of the Emeritus line, Y/N and I will be raising them, again I’m asking what is the problem?”
“The problem,” Imperator kept pressing, “is that the whole clergy is talking.  I told your Prime Mover that if she was unfaithful that the punishment would be quite severe.  Now it is time to follow through.  If she is not punished the siblings will think that none of our rules matter.”  She leaned back in her chair.  “But… I am happy that she produced two children.  She did quite well in that regard, so due to this I am feeling unusually generous.”
Copia looked up with hope, thinking maybe she would be reasonable for once.
“If you’ll remember, the punishment for a Prime Mover’s infidelity is female circumcision.  If we went forward with that procedure she would never be able to indulge in the sin of lust in the same way again.  I’m not sure if she could handle it to be quite honest.  She seems to be quite needy.”  She paused, choosing her words carefully and looking at Copia who was biting his tongue to keep from lashing out at that last comment.  “I don’t actually want that for her, I’m not a sadist.  I have thought about an alternative solution over the past few days and consulted with Papa Nihil, Saltarian, and the elder clergy.  That’s why you are here.”
“You have our attention, I assure you.” Copia said through a clenched jaw, holding his breath.
“Terzo, the clergy didn’t initially think you were cut out to have a Prime Mover.  However, everyone knows you are in love with Y/N and you fathered her children.  We would like her to become your Prime Mover-”
“No, it’s already a no,” Copia couldn’t help but stop this in its tracks.
“Don’t worry Copia, you would be free from the obligation of having a Prime Mover.  You wouldn’t have to be with Sister Bailey or any of the other sisters for that matter.  And you could still give Y/N a punishment, it would just be less severe.”
“That’s not why I’m objecting!  Don’t you see that I love her, is that so hard to understand?!  And she does not deserve any punishment.”  
“I think this sounds like a perfect idea,” Terzo was on board immediately.  
“Shut it, figlio di puttana,” Copia growled.
“Of course she deserves a punishment,” Imperator countered.  “Perhaps some form of humiliation or a term with the chastity belt.  It’s been awhile since we used that.”
“A chastity belt would interfere with her role as MY prime mover.  Maybe just some physical labor?” Terzo mused.
“There is always work to be done, that is for sure,” Imperator and Terzo were talking as if all of this was no big deal.
“Stop.  Talking,” Copia spit out through gritted teeth.  He had to force his jaw to unclench.  “What if we pretend we are rational adults for once?  Sister Y/N and I have taken vows before Lucifer.  We are not some casual hookup.  You tried to separate us once, you will NOT do it again or you will lose us both.” 
Imperator just gave him a death stare, she had prepared for this reaction.  “Hmm…. interesting that you say that.  The clergy and I actually anticipated your unhappiness.  As such we have prepared the following.”  She handed the Emeritus men each a copy of the declaration.  “We will give your Sister three choices.  You must agree that that is very charitable.” She then read from her own copy the options aloud-
1) Sister Y/N takes the role of Papa Emeritus III’s Prime Mover.  A minor punishment will be invoked for her infidelity.  Cardinal Copia may choose the punishment, but it must be approved by the clergy.
2) Sister Y/N and Cardinal Copia maintain their union, but are banished from the ministry.  Cardinal Copia renounces the possibility of ever becoming Papa.  The children remain at the abbey.
3) Sister Y/N and Cardinal Copia maintain their union and remain at the ministry, but she must go through with the original punishment of female circumcision.  She will be physically incapable of receiving sexual pleasure.
“This is absolutely ludicrous.  What makes you think you’d have any claim over the children if we left?” Copia asked, referring to the second option.
“Well, we’ll ensure that Terzo has documents showing that he is the legal father.  And the clergy would make it clear to any court that Sister Y/N is the unfit parent.  A philanderess out on the street with no money or resources?  Who is also mentally unstable with a history of self-harm?  It will be clear that the children need to be here.”
“You’re forcing her to your will.  I thought you weren’t a sadist?”
“Of course, I’m not.  Just restoring order.”  Sister leaned back in her chair.  An evil smirk spread across her face.  Checkmate.
Last 3 chapters on AO3.
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littloobabyproducts12 · 6 months
The Benefits of Aromatherapy in Baby Massage | newborn massage oil
Welcoming a new child into your existence is a fantastic journey packed with valuable moments of connection and care. One stunning practice that enhances this bond is toddler massage, and whilst coupled with the healing wonders of new child rub down oil infused with aromatherapy, it creates a symphony of blessings for both the baby and the caregiver. In this exploration, we are able to discover the myriad benefits of incorporating aromatherapy into baby rubdown, emphasizing the enthralling traits of newborn rub down oil.
                Aromatherapy and Baby Massage: A Perfect Pairing for Serenity
Discover the profound impact of mixing aromatherapy with child massage, fostering an environment of serenity and well-being:
Sensory Delight:
   Introducing aromatherapy to child rub down engages the senses on a deeper stage. When coupled with the use of new child rubdown oil, each stroke turns into a sensory delight, growing a serene and enjoyable enjoyment for the infant.
Enhanced Relaxation:
   Aromatherapy, with its calming scents, brings a further layer of relaxation to baby massage. The use of fragrant newborn rub down oil transforms the rubdown into a soothing ritual, lowering pressure and promoting an experience of calmness.
                         Newborn Massage Oil: A Gateway to Tranquil Bliss
Explore the paranormal qualities of newborn rub down oil, transcending it from a mere medium to a gateway that results in tranquility:
Gentle Hydration:
   Newborns have delicate skin, and the gentle hydration provided through newborn rub down oil is crucial. This oil nourishes and moisturizes, leaving the infant's skin smooth and supple.
Calming Aromas:
   Infused with calming aromas, newborn rubdown oil contributes to a serene environment. The soothing scents envelop the baby, developing a cocoon of calmness throughout the rubdown.
Nutrient-Rich Formulas:
   Many newborn massage oils boast nutrient-rich formulas. With vital oils carefully blended, those oils provide natural nutrients and antioxidants, selling the general health of the child's sensitive pores and skin.
Bonding Through Touch:
   Beyond its physical effects, newborn massage oil complements the tactile experience. The fragrant factors foster a deeper connection among the caregiver and the toddler, turning each rub down right into a heartwarming bonding session.
Benefits of Aromatherapy in Baby Massage: A Deeper Dive
Explore the specific benefits that aromatherapy brings to baby massage, shedding light on the enhancing qualities of newborn massage oil:
1.Improved Sleep Patterns:
   Aromatherapy has been associated with improved sleep quality. By incorporating newborn massage oil with calming scents into the bedtime routine, a more peaceful and restful sleep for the baby becomes attainable.
Relief from Discomfort:
   The soothing residences of newborn rub down oil, mixed with the healing results of aromatherapy, provide relief from soreness, whether or not it's because of colic or teething. A mild rub down with fragrant oil will become a herbal and comforting answer.
Stress Reduction for Parents:
   Parenting, in particular for brand spanking new dad and mom, may be disturbing. Aromatherapy in children rubs down advantages now not only the baby however additionally promotes rest and stress discount for parents, fostering an advantageous and harmonious circle of relatives environment.
Enhanced Skin Health:
   The nourishing houses of newborn rubdown oil make contributions to enhanced skin fitness. The brought aromatherapy ensures that the infant's skin now not only gets vital hydration however also enjoys the healing blessings of carefully selected scents.
          Choosing the Right Newborn Massage Oil: A Guide to Sensory Bliss
Selecting the correct new child massage oil is paramount for a sensory-rich and glad experience. Consider those factors whilst deciding on the right oil to your child:
Natural Ingredients:
   Opt for new child massage oils with natural substances. Look for blends that encompass essential oils recognized for his or her mild and calming homes, making sure a natural and safe sensory revel in.
Hypoallergenic Formulas:
   Newborns have touchy pores and skin, so select hypoallergenic formulations that decrease the danger of inflammation. Hypoallergenic newborn massage oils are gentle and appropriate for even the most sensitive skin.
Soothing Scents:
   Consider the scents infused into the newborn rub down oil. Opt for calming aromas including lavender, chamomile, or calendula, known for his or her soothing consequences on each skin and the senses.
Texture and Absorption:
   Pay interest to the feel of the oil and its absorption price. A lightweight and easily absorbable newborn massage oil ensures a smooth and fun rubdown revel in without leaving a greasy residue.
    Incorporating Aromatherapy into Your Baby's Massage Routine: Practical Tips
Embark on a adventure of practicality with these suggestions on seamlessly incorporating aromatherapy into your toddler's rubdown routine using new child rubdown oil:
Create a Calming Environment:
   Set the degree for a relaxing rub down by using a growing chilled environment. Dim the lighting, play soft tune, and select a quiet time while each of you and your toddler are comfortable.
Warm the Oil:
   Before beginning the rubdown, warm the newborn rubdown oil on your fingers. This guarantees that the oil is comfortable in your child's delicate pores and skin and complements the aromatherapy enjoyed.
Gentle Massage Strokes:
   Use gentle and rhythmic rub down strokes. The mixture of touch and aromatherapy creates a sensory-wealthy enjoy for your baby, selling relaxation and bonding.
Follow Your Baby's Cues:
    Pay attention to your child's cues for the duration of the massage. If your toddler suggests signs and symptoms of discomfort or disinterest, be responsive and adapt your technique. Aromatherapy in infant rubs has to be a high-quality and exciting revel in for each determined child.
Conclusion: A Symphony of Serenity and Connection
In the end, the fusion of aromatherapy and infant rub down, complemented through the mesmerizing qualities of newborn rubdown oil, creates a symphony of serenity for each caregiver and toddler. Beyond the physical advantages, this holistic approach nurtures emotional bonds, improves sleep styles, and decreases stress. As you embark in this sensory-wealthy journey along with your little one, cherish every moment of connection, knowing that the harmonious mixture of touch and fragrance is fostering a profound sense of nicely-being. Embrace the attraction of aromatherapy in baby rub down, and allow the soothing scents create a lasting symphony of serenity in your property.
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stonermt · 8 months
Enlist Some Points For Psychological Facts Of Infant Massage
Infant massage is a holistic practice that encompasses more than just physical touch. Its profound psychological impact lies in the emotional connections it fosters. In addition, this tender interaction during massage sessions creates a world of feelings and sensations for both the infant and caregiver. It's a powerful form of non-verbal communication, reinforcing the emotional bonds that lay the foundation for a child's future well-being and mental health. The gentle strokes and nurturing presence weave a tapestry of love, trust, and security in an infant's developing psyche.
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What Are The Foremost Facts About Infant Massage?
A baby massage is necessary for the baby's growth and development, which does not only provide physical growth but also mental and psychological growth for the baby and the massager. Let's delve into the significant facts for the same.
1. Enhances Bonding
Infant massage Bowmanville is a transformative practice that goes beyond physical touch. It fosters a strong emotional relationship, increasing the baby's attachment to the caregiver. The newborn receives a deep sense of love and adoration from this tender touch, which strengthens the bond between them and their carer and fosters trust and security.
2. Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Infant therapy, with its gentle and rhythmic touch, induces a sense of calm, diminishing stress hormones in both the baby and the caregiver. This harmonious environment promotes tranquility and alleviates anxiety, fostering a more serene and emotionally nurturing atmosphere within the home.
3. Promotes Better Sleep
Infant massage contributes to improved sleep patterns in babies. The gentle, soothing touch promotes deeper and more extended periods of rest. This relaxation effect is conducive to regulating sleep cycles, resulting in a better overall quality of sleep, which is essential for the healthy development and well-being of the child.
4. Enhances Cognitive Development
The gentle, consistent touch during baby therapy plays a crucial role in enhancing cognitive development. This tactile stimulation actively engages and strengthens neural pathways, fostering a rich environment for early learning experiences. As infants explore their world through touch, they lay the foundation for cognitive growth, developing essential skills and knowledge vital to their future development.
5. Alleviates Symptoms of Colic
Baby massage offers relief for colicky babies by effectively reducing excessive crying and fussiness. Through a gentle, soothing touch, it eases digestive discomfort and minimizes gas-related discomfort, providing much-needed comfort and tranquility to both the baby and their caregiver. Besides, you may take sessions of power yoga in Bowmanville, ON, if you're going through some physical or mental conditions.
Make The Bond Stronger With Your Baby By Infant Massage!
Infant therapy isn't just a luxurious pampering session for babies; it's a powerful tool for enhancing their psychological well-being. From strengthening the bond between caregivers and infants to promoting better sleep, reducing stress, and boosting cognitive development, the psychological benefits are far-reaching. It's a beautiful way to nurture not only your baby's body but also their mind and soul. Except for infant massage, if you need a therapeutic massage, post-natal massage, sports massage, or want to treat some other conditions, the best option is none other than StoneRMT. So, why wait for a long time? Call them right now!
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ravibandarkar · 9 months
Understanding the Benefits and Tips of Using the Best Baby Massage Oil
Massaging your baby with suitable massage oil is an excellent way of helping your little one relax and enjoy a good sleep at night. Moreover, some massage oils have the right ingredients to enhance your baby’s skin and provide perfect skincare. Massaging your little one with moisturizing baby massage oil is essentially an ancestral practice that is fast gaining traction today among the new generation of parents as they are realizing the benefits of oil massage for their babies. Several doctors are also in favor of massaging your baby as they firmly believe that it contributes positively towards the growth and development of your baby. Using massage oil for your baby can offer numerous benefits, both for their overall physical and emotional well-being. However, it's important to choose the right type of oil and follow some essential tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for your little one. In this context, you may try Parachute Skin Pure 100 % Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, the best baby massage oil for its amazing benefits. It is imperative to know how to choose the best baby massage oil.
Benefits of Using Baby Massage Oil
You cannot ignore the multiple baby massage oil benefits. It is crucial for new parents to understand how beneficial it is to use a top-quality oil to massage your newborn baby. Let us explore the chief benefits of using good baby massage oil.
· Massaging your baby with oil is a wonderful way of promoting and cementing bond with them. The gentle physical touch and constant eye contact during the massage help bolster the inherent connection between the child and his or her parents. 
· Gentle massage can help alleviate common discomforts in babies, such as gas, colic, and constipation. It can also provide relief from teething pain and muscle tension.
· Premium brands of baby massage oil are perfect skincare product for your little one. They are safe to use and best for keeping your baby’s skin soft and rash-free.
· Your baby can get stronger bones and muscles as they grow if you maintain a regular oil massage regimen.
· Your baby can enjoy sound restorative sleep when you massage her with reputed baby massage oil before putting her to sleep.
· You can witness a gradual improvement in your baby’s cognitive development if you stick to the massage routine.
· The texture of the skin will become much better with regular baby oil massage. Stick to the routine and you can see the difference.
Tips for Massaging Your Baby with Oil
· You may opt for perfume-free massage oils. Popular choices include coconut oil, grape seed oil, and almond oil. Avoid trying mineral oil or never consider using petroleum-based items since they may not be beneficial or gentle on your baby's skin. It is best to do a patch test before using the oil.
· Do the oil massage in a warm, calm and tranquil environment so that your baby enjoys a delightful experience.
Always do the massage gently, using rhythmic and unhurried strokes. Stop massaging if your baby looks disturbed or uncomfortable.
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alusa12 · 2 months
The Benefits of Infant Massage for Bonding and Development
Infant massage is a time-honored tradition that involves gently stroking, kneading, and caressing a baby's body to promote relaxation, comfort, and overall wellbeing. This ancient practice, which has been passed down through generations in various cultures, offers numerous benefits for both babies and their caregivers. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of infant massage, how it enhances bonding between parents and babies, and its positive impact on infant development.서울출장안마
The Practice of Infant Massage:
Infant massage involves using gentle, rhythmic strokes and techniques to massage a baby's body, typically using natural oils or lotions to reduce friction and provide nourishment to the skin. The practice can be traced back centuries to cultures such as India and Africa, where massage has long been recognized as a powerful way to promote health and wellbeing in infants.
In recent decades, infant massage has gained popularity in Western societies as parents and caregivers seek natural and nurturing ways to connect with their babies. Certified infant massage instructors often teach parents specific techniques and routines to use with their babies, providing guidance on safe and effective massage practices.서울출장
Benefits of Infant Massage:
Infant massage offers a wide range of benefits for both babies and their caregivers. Let's explore some of the key advantages:
Bonding and Attachment: One of the most significant benefits of infant massage is its ability to strengthen the bond between parents or caregivers and their babies. Through the nurturing touch of massage, parents can communicate love, affection, and security to their infants, fostering a deep sense of connection and attachment.
Enhanced Communication: Infant massage provides an opportunity for non-verbal communication between parents and babies. As caregivers massage their babies, they learn to interpret their baby's cues and signals, such as facial expressions, body movements, and vocalizations, promoting responsive and attuned caregiving.
Relaxation and Calmness: Massage has a soothing effect on babies, helping to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and calm the nervous system. The gentle touch and rhythmic movements of massage can help infants feel safe, secure, and content, leading to improved sleep quality and overall wellbeing.
Relief from Discomfort: Infant massage can help alleviate common discomforts experienced by babies, such as gas, colic, constipation, and teething pain. Certain massage techniques, such as gentle abdominal strokes and leg cycling, can help stimulate digestion, ease gas bubbles, and provide relief from gastrointestinal discomfort.
Improved Sleep Patterns: Regular massage has been shown to promote better sleep patterns and sleep quality in infants. The calming effects of massage help regulate the baby's circadian rhythms, leading to more restful and rejuvenating sleep for both babies and their caregivers.
Stimulated Development: Massage provides sensory stimulation and tactile experiences that support healthy development in infants. The gentle pressure and movement of massage help stimulate the baby's nervous system, promote body awareness, and enhance sensory integration.
Enhanced Growth and Weight Gain: Research has suggested that regular massage may contribute to improved weight gain and growth in preterm infants. The nurturing touch and skin-to-skin contact provided during massage can help stimulate appetite, improve digestion, and support healthy weight gain in babies.
Regulation of Stress Hormones: Massage has been shown to reduce levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, in both babies and their caregivers. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, infant massage can help regulate the baby's physiological responses and support overall health and wellbeing.
How to Practice Infant Massage:
Practicing infant massage is a simple and enjoyable activity that can be incorporated into daily routines. Here are some tips for getting started:
Choose a Quiet, Comfortable Environment: Find a quiet, warm, and comfortable space where you and your baby can relax without distractions. Dim the lights, play soft music if desired, and ensure that the room temperature is comfortable for your baby.
Use Natural Oils or Lotions: Choose a natural oil or lotion that is safe and gentle for your baby's delicate skin. Opt for organic, cold-pressed oils such as grapeseed, coconut, or almond oil, or use a fragrance-free baby lotion.
Start Slowly and Observe Your Baby's Cues: Begin by gently massaging your baby's legs, feet, arms, and hands, gradually working your way up to the chest, back, and head. Pay attention to your baby's cues and responses, such as facial expressions, body movements, and vocalizations, and adjust your massage techniques accordingly.
Use Gentle, Rhythmic Strokes: Use gentle, rhythmic strokes and techniques to massage your baby's body, avoiding any areas that are sensitive or tender. Use a light, but firm touch, and maintain eye contact with your baby to enhance bonding and communication.
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vikasgoswami · 10 months
What are some common baby ailments, and how can I treat them at home?
It's important to note that if your baby is experiencing any health concerns, it's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a pediatrician. Home remedies can be helpful for minor issues, but for more serious ailments or if you're unsure about the best course of action, seek medical advice. Here are some common baby ailments and potential home treatments for mild cases:
Diaper Rash: Keep the diaper area clean and dry. Change diapers frequently. Apply a diaper rash powder or cream.
Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis): Gently massage baby oil or mineral oil into the scalp. Use a soft brush or a fine-toothed comb to loosen scales before shampooing. Shampoo with a mild baby shampoo.
Teething Pain: Offer a clean, chilled teething ring or a cold washcloth for your baby to chew on. Over-the-counter teething gels or pain relievers (following your doctor's advice) can help.
Fever: Maintain a comfortable room temperature. Offer plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Use age-appropriate fever-reducing medications if recommended by your pediatrician.
Common Cold: Ensure your baby gets plenty of rest. Use a cool-mist humidifier in the room. Offer small, frequent feeds and keep them hydrated.
Cough and Congestion: Elevate the head of the crib or bassinet slightly to help with breathing. Use saline nasal drops to loosen mucus. Try a baby-safe vapor rub on their chest or back (follow label instructions).
Earache: If you suspect an ear infection, consult a pediatrician. Keep your baby upright while feeding or sleeping. Offer pain relief medication if recommended by your doctor.
Colic: Try soothing techniques like gentle rocking or swaying. Create a calm environment with white noise. Consult with your pediatrician for advice on specialized formulas or medications.
Constipation: Ensure your baby is getting enough fluids. Offer age-appropriate solid foods with fiber. Gently massage the baby's tummy in a clockwise motion.
Vomiting and Diarrhea: Continue breastfeeding or formula feeding. Offer small sips of an oral rehydration solution. Consult a doctor if vomiting or diarrhea persists.
Always remember to monitor your baby closely and seek medical attention if their condition worsens or if you're unsure about the appropriate treatment. Additionally, it's essential to follow your pediatrician's recommendations and not hesitate to reach out to them for guidance on managing your baby's health.
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paramanaturals001 · 1 year
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Zingiber Foot & Body Massage Oil For Stiffness, Stress Relief, Pain Support
 Zingiber Foot & Body Massage Oil: Post pregnancy, “vata” is further aggravated due to hormonal changes, lack of sleep, etc. The ginger and the sesame oils in this body oil relax and re-energise.  
a. Foot, back and shoulder massage during and after pregnancy or full body application post bath instead of a moisturiser, when the body is stiff 
b. Foot massage before sleeping after a tired day. You can apply a few drops on baby’s feet too before cuddling him or her to sleep
c. For digestive discomfort during pregnancy or postpartum or for baby's colic.
The Parama Naturals' Zingiber Oil is so versatile that it has carminative and digestive properties even when applied. You can apply a little on your own stomach if you have flatulence. For baby - 2-3 drops mixed with moisturising oil on the baby’s tummy if he or she has colic, and also to boost their appetite
Parama Naturals offers the best premium natural skincare and wellness products. Our products are 100% natural, and we have a wide range of products for those looking to lead a more natural lifestyle.
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babycloudapp · 1 year
The benefits of baby massage: Bonding, relaxation, and more
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Baby massage is a gentle, soothing touch that can provide many benefits for both babies and parents. Here are some of the benefits of baby massage:
Bonding: Baby massage can help strengthen the bond between parents and their babies. The skin-to-skin contact and gentle touch can help parents feel more connected to their babies and promote a sense of closeness and attachment.
Relaxation: Baby massage can help promote relaxation and reduce stress in both babies and parents. The gentle touch can help release tension and promote a sense of calm.
Improved sleep: Baby massage can also help improve sleep for babies. The relaxing touch can help calm babies and promote restful sleep.
Relief from colic and digestive issues: Baby massage can help relieve symptoms of colic and other digestive issues. The gentle massage can help move gas and stimulate the digestive system.
Improved circulation: Baby massage can help improve circulation, which can promote overall health and wellbeing.
Developmental benefits: Baby massage can also provide developmental benefits. The gentle touch can help babies become more aware of their bodies and promote body awareness.
Overall, baby massage can provide many benefits for both babies and parents. It can be a great way to bond with your baby, promote relaxation, and improve overall wellbeing
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meenaperfumary · 4 months
Best Premium Quality Lavender oil and Perfumes
Lavender essential oil is obtained by distillation from the flower spikes of certain species of lavender.Lavender Oil is widely used in perfumes and aromatherapy for its wonderful aroma and excellent properties. The name lavender comes from the Latin root lavare, which means "to wash." Lavender may have earned this name because it was frequently used in baths to help purify the body and spirit. However, this herb has also been used as a remedy for a range of ailments from insomnia and anxiety to depression and fatigue. Research has confirmed that lavender produces slight calming, soothing, and sedative effects when its scent is inhaled. Lavender oil has the properties of being antidepressant, analgesic, antiseptic, cicatrizant, expectorant, nervineand vulnerary. Many people appreciate lavender (Lavandula angustifolia, or Lavandula officinalis) for its fragrance, used in soaps, shampoos, and sachets for scenting clothes. Lavender oil may reflect pale yellow to yellowish green color but it can also be colorless.?
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Best Premium Quality Lavender oil and Perfumes
Lavender oil is used in the manufacture of bath and body care products.
This oil is also used in household cleaners, and laundry detergents
Having a strong aroma and sedative effects this oil aids in relaxation and in reduction of anxiety and stress.
Used in aromatherapy to reduce tensions and bring mental balance and emotional harmony.
This oil can be inhaled through a vaporizer that can aid in the treatment of cough and respiratory infection.
Having anti-microbial properties this oil can be applied on sprains or muscle injuries.
Lavender oil can also be used as a natural cleaning agent and one can mix it with baking soda to make an all-natural antibacterial scrub for one?s bathroom and kitchen.
Benefits of lavender oil
Lavender essential oil eliminates nervous tension, anxiety and mood disorders.
This oil relieves pain from needle insertion or joint pain and rheumatism, sprains, backache, and lumbago.
The oil can help one get immediate relief from various skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, and wrinkles.
The regular massage of hair and head through diluted lavender oil may promote hair growth and keep your hair healthy.
This oil stimulates the mobility of one?s intestine and stimulates the production of bile and gastric juice that may help treat stomach pain, indigestion, flatulence, colic, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Lavender oil can provide immediate relief to people with respiratory disorders.one can easily get free from colds and flu, throat infections, cough, asthma, whooping cough, sinus congestion, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and laryngitis.
It enhances blood circulation and can be used to treat hypertension.
This oil also stimulates urine production, which helps restore hormonal balance, prevent cystitis and relieve cramps and other urinary disorders.
So make it a point to procure Lavender Essential oil from a leading online source and make the most of the purchase? view more
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