#Soothing techniques for infants
lilleluv · 2 years
How To Give Massage To A Baby: A Step-By-Step Guide
Massage can be a great way to bond with your baby and promote relaxation and sleep. Massaging your baby can also help with digestion, circulation, and muscle development. But how do you give a baby a massage? Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started. Step 1: Choose the Right Time and Place: Choose a time when your baby is relaxed and not too hungry or full. A good time might be…
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kids-worldfun · 4 days
8 Tips and Tricks for Calming a Colicky Baby
Soothing a screaming, colicky baby is never an easy thing, but there are a few key strategies that can, indeed, bring some relief with patience. Colic refers to excessive crying in a perfectly healthy infant. Its cause is not known, but many of its effects can often be relieved by certain techniques used on their baby by parents and caregivers. Here are eight tips and tricks that may…
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t-tomuras · 1 year
cw; Girldad Suguru Geto, family domesticity / children, fluff. Canon is what I make of it honestly. wc 857
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He wakes to the first sounds of fussing, quieting your half asleep whine and gently tugging you back into the comfort of the warm covers with a gentle, “I’ve got it.” Soft smile on Sugurus lips from how easily you acquiesce, brushing away the hair that had fallen into your face to give you a chaste kiss despite how sure he was you’d already been pulled back into the undertow of slumber. 
He couldn’t blame you, siring a new life was more than exhausting enough and being a jujutsu sorcerer hardly offered paternity leave so you’d been doing so much on your own. More than he wanted to but you’ve never complained even with how heavy the handful you’d taken on with caring for his two adoptive children on top of your own. All loved equally as if there were no difference in their relation, in both of your eyes there wasn't. 
Padding quietly from your shared room as he fully pulls up loose joggers in his haste. Taking the time to peek in on mimiko and nanako in their shared room for now, making sure they were sleeping soundly before heading across the hall to their newest sibling. Sliding the shoji door open, met with soft whining and the beginnings of watery cries than what he’d heard over the monitor. 
“Shh shh, daddy’s here,” cooed softly as Suguru reaches the crib in 5 easy strides with long legs, careful hands cradling the tight swaddle at the base of his infants neck and bottom. Lifting her with ease and cradling her close to his chest, gently bouncing as he shushes her until the pathetic cries bleed into content gurgles. 
Opting to settle her body in the crook of his arm as he slides the window to her nursery open. Refreshing breeze rushing into the room, gentle gusts capturing sheer curtains and causing them to billow out fluidly before returning to rest. 
There’s a look of awe on Sugurus face as he bounces the precious bundle in his arm with soft shushing even after she’s calmed in his hold. Swaying as he makes his way to the cushioned rocking chair you’d insisted upon and he so happily obliged, poking at the pudgy cheek of his newborn as she rustles near fitfully to free herself from the binding. Stretching while she fights going back to sleep in her fathers arms, making him chuckle at just how much like you she was. 
How you both act as if you just need another moment with Suguru, to enjoy his company, to steal the time he so willingly offers without complaint. She loses the battle, yawning followed by wet lips making soft smacking from the little spit bubble she blew from nonsensical babbling but her tiny fingers wrap around his thumb when Suguru dries her face. 
Firm grip clamping tightly around more than just the single digit, holding fast to his heart with how quickly she drifts back into slumber in his care. Writhing in her swaddle as if to tuck closer into the warmth her father’s chest radiates, cementing him to his spot because how could he move? Disturb his precious little girl that he made with you? 
Giving him reason to smile in the dreary and tragic life he’s led thus far, that even if the curses he absorbs taste horrid on his tongue the home cooked meal he’s met with upon his return rids it from his memory. That the sweet treats he sneaks the two children asleep across the hall before they finish their homework is enough to bear the process of his technique one more time and another after that. 
That pressing his lips to their crown, his infants forehead, and your plush lips is one of life’s greatest pleasures. That your smiles are the ones that keep him going. 
The ones that allow him to do the same. Softer and more genuine in quieter, selfishly stolen moments with his child like the one he etches into his memory now. Rocking slowly as he hums a tune he’s heard you sing with the girls more times than Suguru could count as he lets heavy lids slip shut to enjoy the curated peace. The soothing sound he creates comes slower until Suguru is sure she’s fallen into a rem cycle, continuing to rock and wonder what a little mind like hers could conjure during the dreaming hours. 
And, come daylight, you wake alone in your too big bed after feeling along his empty and cold side of the mattress. Stretching out with that whine that you do before tugging on his discarded shirt and forgotten sleep shorts, following the same path he’d taken in the wee hours of the morning; peeking in on the girls who play quietly in their room before you check on your newborn. 
Stumbling upon the heartwarming scene of him fast asleep, snoring softly with his head hung in a way you know he’ll be sore for later as Suguru hunches over his child. Dutiful and committed even while unconcious. These were the stolen moments of your own that you cherished. 
Quiet, content, peaceful.
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vermilionsun · 4 months
If you are still open for requests..how about Ais and Kuras (or pick which one) with a child/children?
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Of course!! Don’t hesitate to send in more if ya want <3
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Father figure of the year
✩ Pretty chill in general
He's the type of dad who will let you have a good time but also make sure you're staying safe.
✩ Always there to lend an ear or offer advice… or constructive criticism—
You can always count on him to give you straightforward and honest advice, even if it's not what you want to hear. Even though he may not always agree with your choices, you know that his intentions are always good and that he genuinely cares about your well-being. Ais may not show his emotions openly, but his love and support for his child would be unwavering.
✩ Seems to know exactly what to say in any situation.
Whether you need help with a problem or just want someone to talk to, he is always there for you (with judgment /j)
✩ Don't even bother to lie to him.
He can see right through any facade and will always know when you're not being completely honest. His ability to detect deception is uncanny, but it also makes him a trustworthy confidant. Besides, what even did you do that made you think the consequences would be that bad? (Or even exist?) Partying? Smoking? Drinking? Drugs? Sex?
✩ “Lame. When I was your age I was way worse—”
✩ CRAZY parent lore.
And he mentions it so casually every time. Like, he's seen (and done) it all before. Nothing seems to faze him in the slightest.
✩ He's the kind of guy who would drop everything to help his kid, no questions asked.
✩ On the other hand, if we're talking about babies…
He might be a bit (completely) clueless when it comes to diaper changing, feeding schedules, or soothing a crying infant. However, his willingness to learn and his dedication to being the best parent he can be are admirable qualities.
✩ He's the type of person who will spend hours researching the best parenting techniques and tips.
✩ He gets the hang of it pretty quick.
✩ He is incredibly patient to the point where it becomes a bit scary. 
From reading bedtime stories to playing endless games of peek-a-boo, a cheerleader, a rock, a shoulder to cry on—he's all in when it comes to being a parent. 
✩ If anyone dares to think about touching his child, they'll never see the light of day again.
24/7 confusion
✞ This begs the question of whether the child would be half-angel.
Let's assume so, because it becomes ten times funnier.
✞ Absolutely  b e w i l d e r e d  in the beginning.
✞ “...Why does it cry so much?”
Another question that often arises is, "Is there something wrong with it that I can't see?" He's just… confused. He doesn't really understand babies. Kuras is used to living a fast-paced, independent lifestyle, so the idea of being responsible for a helpless infant is overwhelming for him.
✞ Incredibly good once he figures it out.
Despite his initial confusion and overwhelming feelings, Kuras quickly adapts. Kuras is always on call to help with midnight feedings and diaper changes, making sure the baby is well taken care of around the clock.
✞ “Uh… honey? The baby is floating.”
Cue Kuras calmly walking into the room and safely guiding the baby back to the ground with a knowing smile. It becomes a common occurrence in the household. 
✞ Eventually takes on the role of mentor, teaching the child how to control their powers and use them for good.
✞ Slightly strict
Believes in setting boundaries and enforcing rules to ensure the well-being and safety of his children. He considers discipline an important aspect of parenthood, as it helps instill good behavior and values in his kids. He may come off as harsh at times, but it all stems from a place of love and protection. Kuras wants his children to grow up knowing right from wrong and understanding the importance of structure in their lives.
✞ Comfort
He listens without judgment, allowing his children to express themselves freely. Kuras encourages open communication and fosters a strong bond based on trust and respect.
✞ Don't even bother to lie to him part 2
If you try to sneak out, he'll be waiting for you at the door, arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. You can try to pull one over on him, but chances are, he'll see right through it. It's better to just be honest and upfront with him, because he always seems to know what's going on.
✞ Consequences
Although Kuras seems disappointed at times, he knows that it is all part of the process of growing up and learning from mistakes. He understands that his children need to make their own choices and face the consequences of those choices in order to become independent and responsible adults. Kuras tries to offer guidance and support, but ultimately allows his children to take ownership of their decisions and experiences.
✞ Always puts his children's needs above his own.
✞ Being the doctor he is and a parent can be a challenging juggling act. Kuras, however, manages to balance both roles with grace and dedication.
✞ T r i p l e t s
✞ If anyone dares to harm their child, he will stop at nothing to protect them. Fuck repentance and forgiveness; Kuras will seek justice with a vengeance that knows no bounds.
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flowersandbigteeth · 5 months
I think I need a part 2 of the baby creatures because its absolutely ADORABLE!! What about driders, centaurs, orcs, and merfolk?
Thinking about monster babies is so soothing ^_^
The first one is here
Merfolk are born with little tails that take time to gain the strength needed to get them around, so their parents mostly carry them as infants. They are born with an extra fat layer, making them extra chubby, but also to keep them warm in the deep ocean. When they are old enough to swim on their own, most baby merfolk prefer to swim around in a school so they can play and for safety. They have an inherent understanding of the vastness of the ocean and prefer to play near their parents. While they are young, their parents prefer to keep them away from the shallows as there is danger of being spotted by a human or reef shark. Instead, they prefer to keep them in caves, floating kelp, or high sea grass where they can hide easily.
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Centaur babies, like humans, take time to develop. Though their bodies are capable of carrying weight when they are born, their brains aren't developed enough to put two and two together, so they are carried for the first six months of their lives. For the first few months, they tend to stay in the fetal position, snuggling in nests or on their parent's back, until their vision and core strength develop. However, once they are on their four feet, they are tiny menaces. They have all the energy and good sense (none) of a toddler but with four strong legs to carry them where they want to go. It's the job of the entire herd to keep them out of trouble. They are easily startled and will retreat to a nearby adult if scared, but they love physical activity. Since they take so well to athletics, centaurs start training their toddlers as soon as they can walk to keep them occupied. Their first training is usually small gathering expeditions, where a few centaurs will escort all of the children to the forest to learn what mushrooms, berries, and nuts are edible. That's followed by runs that grow increasingly longer to learn scouting and camouflage techniques so that they can take their turn on patrol when they are old enough.
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Driders are born with their eyes closed and a soft carapace. Their parents generally keep them in a web nursery while their skin hardens, and they eventually open their eyes. Young driderlings are precocious and curious, driven by their natural hunting instincts to explore. When they are small, they can't yet weave or chew through their parent's webs, but they enjoy observing whatever their parents happen to be doing. They are even happier if they are allowed to help. It takes them a bit to obtain the grace and stealthiness normally associated with Driders. When they are little, they are very clumsy and need help from their parents to figure out which leg goes where. They come of the age to be relatively independent when they are able to escape their nurseries, meaning their teeth and claws have developed as well as spinnerets to help them get wherever they want to go. They are astute students when it comes to weaving, writing, and hunting, with a natural lean towards perfectionism. When they are older, they tend to be more solitary. While they enjoy drider society, they are driven to create safe spaces within it for themselves and can be alone for long periods of time without a problem.
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Orc babies are expressive and needy. They crave physical touch and interaction to keep them engaged or they get bored and naughty. They need lots of toys to develop their motor skills and learn to crawl earlier than human babies from their excitement to follow their parents around. They hate being in their cradle unless they are asleep and prefer to be in the same room with their parents while they work. They take well to other Orcs in their family, excited to meet new people. Orc society is cooperative, so they learn at a young age to depend on others and seek out company. In a well-guarded Orc village, little Orcs are allowed to roam around as they please as soon after they learn to walk because the village works together to keep them safe. Older siblings or cousins feel a responsibility to keep an eye on the little ones, and often, young Orcs will form little packs to run around the village collecting cookies from indulgent mothers and grandmothers. Little Orcs enjoy crafts, group games, and getting into mischief together. Orc parents encourage them to play independently, developing relationships that will become more and more important as they grow.
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shmowder · 3 months
I love thinking about how each healer would comfort their s/o differently, like they’re all healers but manage the emotional aspects of pain in different ways. to me, once he’s attached to u enough, daniil could probs be very soothing if he wanted to be and if the situation called for it. calm whispers, “it’s ok, i’ve got you. I know it hurts but I will make it all go away”, featherlight touches that almost feel dreamlike. artemy is like the silent but calming presence that feels reliable and like home, yk? a glass of water that’s always full, gentle back rubs, layers of blankets that make you feel like there isn’t a worry in the world. I love them both so much, especially as someone who is always ill and or injured lmao. would love to hear ur take tho! love u lots!
i love you lots too anon. i might not know you but i do love you. lots.
Different ways they'd comfort you
[ Comfort, Fluff, Can be either platonic or romantic ]
[ Bachelor, Haruspex, GN Reader]
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Daniil Dankovsky
It is common knowledge that the bachelor doesn't have the best bedside manners. His eloquent speech can take a sharp turn if provoked. Be it the accidental condescension or the occasional sarcasm, there are so many reasons why he'd be placed approximately at the bottom of the figurative list of people to seek comfort from.
And yet, you do.
He doesn't know how to deal with tears, which leads to his lack of tact as the only thing he can manage to say to you is to stop crying.
Is he saying it to you? It's worded like an order, much like he'd tell a patient to stop sneezing whilst aware it's an involuntary bodily reaction. Crying is an almost petellar reflex to intense emotions, high stress, overwhelming joy, or consuming despair.
Doctors grow jaded with time, the daily exposure to patients experiencing what could be considered the worst days of their entire lifetime simply does that to someone. Many people die before your eyes, you simply have to keep going and go check on the other patient waiting in the next room over.
Cases ranging from a newly teething infant experiencing mild discomfort with an overly concerned mother to a young newly wed person, about to receive the devastating news in the form of a positive test results confirming the suspicions about a terminal illness.
The trivial problems of the daily life simply pale in comparison.
You pour your heart out to him and his first instinct is to look for a solution, not realising the importance of simply venting.
He doesn't understand why you keep coming back to him exactly, especially after he messes up each time. Adding fuel to the fire, the only thing he manages to do is make you feel worse than you've felt before talking to him.
When life gets him down, he gets up, dusts himself off, and tries again. Simple as that. He refuses defeat;Daniil will never concede.
It's just what he's used to. His sharp tongue rarely spares him, and unlike other people, Daniil can't simply walk away from himself when his mind won't shut up as it constantly nitpicks on every single one of his mistakes and shortcomings. He is subjected to having to deal with himself every hour of the day.
You're asking him for something which he cannot even give to himself. Isn't it unfair? How could he extend you warmth and comfort when he can't even provide it for his own self.
It was easier to simply repress it all, to focus on the main prize above his head and ignore everything else.
Time after time you seek him out during your most vulnerable moments and he messes up. He feels insufficient, inadequate for this delicate role.
But you don't stop nor ever learn, you take whatever little kindness he's able to provide and treasure it.
Daniil hates feeling inadequate.
You make him want to try harder.
And so he learns, seeks books and guides. Clumsily attempts several techniques, works hard to reconnect with the emotions he has ignored all his life, with the sympathy he buried deep down.
With empathy.
Most importantly, he learns when to shut up.
Daniil is almost embarrassed by how effective his attempts at comfort became once he just closed his mouth and let you talk without interruptions, once he stopped listing solutions and learned how to listen.
To imagine how you must be feeling, to attempt to contextualise it and paint a semi accurate picture in his mind. To feel even a fraction of your pain.
And you see his sincerity behind the stiff expression and awkward shoulder patting. The way his eyebrows scrunch as he attempts to come up with an adequate sentence that could lessen your pain, or at least acknowledge it.
Daniil Dankovsky struggling for words is not a sight easily forgettable.
Gradually, he becomes better at reading your emotions. Realising what it is you truly need at the moment, be it words of encouragement, a hug, some time alone or just to talk shit together about the source of your pain, be it a person or else.
Physical contact isn't something he is very accustomed to either. You don't get many hugs in Thanatica, handshakes, however? yeah, there are plenty of those.
It's not just you he learns to console through this, but himself too. It was a pleasant side-effect that should've been obvious in handsight, yet he overlooked somehow.
He's better at regulating his own emotions, his infamous temper visits less and less frequently. Instead of simply getting up after falling down, he takes a moment to catch his breath now. He thinks of you, his motivation, of how he should probably go back home and have dinner with you rather than keep reattempting this failing experiment over and over.
Daniil comforts you with the same novelty of someone who hasn't known much comfort in his life. It's raw and callow at times. He's clearly putting in the required effort and more, overcompensating for his previous shortcomings.
He makes it known that you're not alone.
That this, too, eventually will pass. You've managed to overcome so much before, you'll survive this, too.
It's not easy, it never will be. Life is hard, so accept his offers of help. Let him carry your portion of responsibility while you get on your two feet, he'll be diligent.
Daniil might not be very good with vulnerability or emotions, but he has got everything else you could need. He will learn, never stay stagnant or let failure deter him. Whatever you require, he will accomplish and more.
Because he cares for you deeply.
The sight of you in pain is simply too much; he'll become restless and attempt to fix the situation in any way possible. He will make the pain go away. He is a doctor goddammit, and his degree has to amount to something in these situations.
It has to.
Artemy Burakh
Daniil learns to lovingly cradle your face and gently wipe the flowing tears. To reassure you that everything will be okay, he promises.
As early as he could remember, his father, Isidor, was always authentic with his emotions and feelings. Even more than most men were comfortable with showing during this time period.
Isidor taught him not only to listen to his heart, but to take it seriously. Emotions are what makes living worth living, what right do we have to supress them? If tears want to flow, then let them. If you care about someone, then cherish them.
The kin respected their own bodies and intuition, a burden shared is a burden halved, a joy shared is a joy doubled. They looked out for each other, they mourned with their neighbours and celebrated their friends achievements as if their own.
Generous in their love and sorrows.
They never subscribed to the notion of individualism or keeping up appearance, the put-together apathetic facade this new age is making people wear. The pointless masquerades and supressing emotions, the need to pretend that humans were something above the sensitivity of mammals.
That the heart was simply a machine.
These lessons were embedded deep within Artemy, to be proud of what he feels, to never ignore a single feeling nor diminish his own needs. He was loved, deeply during childhood and he carried that love with him everywhere he went.
It made him stand out during his years of travelling, his blunt authenticity made him memorable.
War is never easy, much stronger men became husks of themselves in front of his own eyes in the army. Artemy witnessed the fall of commanders with hearts of steel.
No matter how apathetic and uncaring anyone seems, their hearts are always laid bare before him on the surgery table, their lips always end up calling for their mother as Artemy extracts the ninth bullet from the deep wound in their thighs.
Yet his resolve never faltered no matter how grim his daily life became, his well of empathy never dried up. Because the answer to life difficulties was never to rawr and bite it back, you can't just be brave and bite the wind back.
His softness kept his mind intact. The love nurtured within him from a young age was what protected him during those years of madness. War couldn't break him, despair could never trick him, he trusted his body and heart far too much to fall into these traps.
If anything, his tested resolve only strengthened. He stubbornly digged his heels into the dirt below and refused to abandon hope.
You need to be soft in order to be truly strong. To allow the waves of emotions to pass through you like a river instead of constantly swimming against the tides.
No situation ia too hopeless, no pain is permanent. There is no dignity in suffering, there is no bravery in hurting.
Artemy is more aware of other's emotions than people realise. It's a children's game to imagine himself in someone else's shods and picture what they might be feeling. He just rarely mentions it or puts it to use.
People don't like it when you point out their emotions to them, he learned that the hard way. If someone wants to feign ignorance or remain unaware of their own feelings, than it is simply not his business.
He immediately notices it when your mood starts to shift. Of course he does; you're an important person in his life.
But you'll need to speak up for him to be able to address the elephant in the room. If you're not upfront or dismiss his questions about how are you feeling lately then he won't push the subject or attempt to force answers out of you. He'll respect your decision and wait until you come to him out of your own volition.
Artemy is a reliable support beam in this town, much like his father once was. Be it the kin or else, people entrust him with their moments of need and weakness. The kin seek him out during times of strife, he fullfills the Menkhu role earnestly.
Whatever you're facing seems much more manageable with him supporting your back. Catching you whenever you fall and allowing you to rest, sharing his wamrth with you when the world outside is too cold and cruel.
He makes you feel loved through his actions and words.
His smile is especially reassuring, the hardned face of someone who has seen far too much of humanity's cruel and sadistic side. Who has witnessed the worst of the worst of people and could still fearlessly love afterwards.
You'll be held in his arms, hugged and craddled for as much as you need. His body feels strong, you feel safe. He whispers words of wisdom, be it prayers to the earth to watch over you or reassurance that you're more than enough, that stronger than you know, that you'll always be more loved than any sense of despair could overwhelm you.
He keeps your body rested and well-fed, freshly cut fruits he coax you to try. Warm soup he shamelessly brings a pot of to your door each day in case you didn't have lunch, pouring you a glass of water whenever the two of you sit down. He is very attentive to your basic needs.
Your mind, however, he doesn't know a remedy for. He's deeply sorry that you've been dealt an unfair hand in this life, Artemy will ease the pain as many times as it takes. He will usher the monsters and whispering shadows away, he will guide you to the light whenever the corners of your mind get too dim.
Because he never takes your happiness for granted, he treasures every single day when you're sound of body and mind. He knows to count his blessings.
And it's worth it in the end to see you smile again. It's worth all the fussing and hard work, it's worth everything in this world. Loving you is worth it.
He's thoughtful, gentle, and patient. He listens to your tales of sorrow, lets you pour your heart out to him, and stain his clothes with your tears as he keeps a hand on your back. Telling you he is here, by your side and he is never going anywhere else.
He will remain here, protect and watch over you until his hair turns grey and his skin wrinkles.
Holding your hand in his, running his thumb over your skin, intertwining your fingers together as he pulls you closer.
Kissing the temple of your head, vowing your safety, whatever your cost may be.
Let him share your burden, entrust him with your pain. He will be strong enough for the two of you, he will be as soft as a feather to cushion your fall.
And everything will be okay.
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missfrieden · 10 months
Tech as a father Chapter 22
Now that one is a tad bit longer, but it is meant to tug on your hearts.
Chapter 22: Trying to be strong
Frustration washed over Tech as he tried everything to calm Orion's fussiness. He'd checked the diaper multiple times, ensured the room was at the right temperature, and attempted various soothing techniques, but nothing seemed to work. Orion's cries pierced the air, and Tech's parental instincts went into overdrive. Desperate to bring some relief to his son, Tech decided to try one last thing. He reached for his datapad and quickly pulled up a colourful and engaging cartoon meant for infants. Holding it within Orion's line of sight, he pressed play, and the screen filled with vibrant animations and gentle melodies.
To Tech's immense relief, Orion's cries began to subside. The infant's eyes widened in fascination as he watched the animated characters dance and sing on the screen. His little hands reached out, as if trying to touch the moving images. Tech, while still concerned about relying on screens too much, given how attached he is to them, felt a sense of relief wash over him. If this was what brought his son comfort, he was willing to use it sparingly. As Orion became engrossed in the cartoon, his cries were replaced by soft coos of delight. Tech watched his son with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity, wondering what it was about the animation that captured Orion's attention so effectively. Though he knew that real world experiences and interactions were crucial for Orion's development, sometimes a little help from technology could provide a moment of respite for both father and son.
Orion seemed completely captivated by the colourful animations on the datapad screen. As he snuggled closer to Tech's chest, his tiny fingers instinctively reached for the nearest thing, his own foot. With a contented sigh, Orion began to chew on his little toes while still keeping his eyes locked on the screen. Tech couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight. His son's curiosity and ability to multitask, even at this young age, never ceased to amaze him. That Orion shows similar traits than him, he even is a bit further in a few developmental stages than noted in many articles. He carefully adjusted the angle of the datapad to ensure Orion's view remained unobstructed, all the while making sure his little foot-chewing session was safe.
As Orion happily munched on his foot, Tech marvelled at the innocence and wonder of infancy. He cherished these moments with his son, knowing they were building the foundation of their bond. Tech was determined to provide Orion with the best possible upbringing and was grateful for the chance to experience parenthood in its purest form. Tech carefully placed Orion down to prepare his bottle. As he returned with the bottle and settled back into his bunk, he pulled one leg up to prop his datapad, which was playing the animated show to entertain Orion. Cradling his son in one arm, Tech offered him the bottle, and Orion eagerly began to suck on it. He dozed off intermittently, only to wake up and continue drinking from the bottle before dozing off again. It was a soothing rhythm that they had both grown accustomed to, a routine that brought them closer with each passing day.
As Orion lay in Tech's arms, his eyes fixed on the animated show playing on the datapad, Tech began to softly whisper stories about Amanda to his infant son. He recounted tales of her bravery and fearlessness, describing how she often went against orders to do what she believed was right. Much like the Bad Batch. He spoke of her determination and unwavering loyalty to her comrades, emphasizing how she had always been there to protect and support those she cared about.
Orion might not have understood the words, but he could feel the warmth and love in his father's voice. The stories were a way for Tech to keep Amanda's memory present and to let Orion know about the remarkable woman who was his mother. It was a way for them to connect, even across the vastness of space and time, as father and son shared these precious moments together. Tech carefully turned off the animated show on the datapad, redirecting Orion's attention to a series of pictures. He scrolled through the images, each one capturing different moments with Amanda. There were pictures of her in her fearless moments on the battlefield, leading her former squad, and even one from the day they had found her on Callo.
But the one that Tech lingered on was the one taken inside the ruined temple. Amanda was holding Orion in her arms, their faces close together, their eyes locked in a tender gaze. It was the first time she had been able to hold their son after months of separation, and the joy and love in her eyes were palpable. Tech softly traced his finger over the image as he narrated the story to Orion, describing the moment when mother and son had been reunited, the overwhelming emotions they had all felt, and the unbreakable bond between them. Orion listened, his tiny fingers reaching out as if trying to touch the image of his mother. Even if Orion may not understand.
These moments of sharing Amanda's memory were important to Tech. They were a way to keep her presence alive for Orion, even though she couldn't be with them physically. It was a way to ensure that their son would always know the love and strength that defined his mother. As Orion peacefully drifted into slumber, Tech gently placed him down on the makeshift crib formed by the breastfeeding pillow. The room was quiet, the soft hum of the ship's systems providing a backdrop to the emotional moment that followed.
Tech's expression shifted from the tender look he had while talking to Orion to one of deep introspection. He reached up and pulled down his goggles, his gloved hand rubbing over his face in a tired, pensive manner. In the quiet of the room, with his infant son asleep beside him, the weight of his feelings resurfaced. He missed Amanda more than words could express, and seeing Orion grow up without her was a constant reminder of that loss. The pictures he had just shown his son had brought forth emotions that he usually kept under control. The ache of her absence was always there, lurking in the background, and sometimes, like now, it surged to the forefront.
Tech knew he had to be strong for Orion. He had to be both mother and father to their son, but that didn't mean he couldn't allow himself moments like this, where he let the grief and longing wash over him. With a deep, shaky breath, Tech wiped away a stray tear that had escaped his eye. He knew he had to stay strong for Orion. He had to be there for their son, just as Amanda would have wanted. But in the quiet of the bunk area, with the sleeping infant beside him, Tech allowed himself to mourn their separation, if only for a few precious moments.
Hunter's keen instincts had alerted him to the unusual emotional state of his usually composed brother. “Tech? Are you okay?” When Tech shook his head and Hunter caught sight of the picture of Amanda holding Orion, he understood the source of Tech's turmoil. Without hesitation, he sat down beside Tech and gently pulled him into a comforting embrace. Tech leaned into his brother's embrace, finding solace in the simple act of being held. He knew that Hunter, more than anyone else, more than even he himself, understood the complexity of his feelings. The comfort and understanding in Hunter's arms allowed Tech to let his guard down, just for a moment.
“You are a great father Tech. You and Amanda did what was right, to keep Orion as safe as possible. And maybe one day you can be a family. Just like Cut and Suu.” Hunter's words were both reassuring and understanding. He reminded Tech of the difficult choice that Amanda had made, a choice driven by her love for their son and the necessity of keeping his true heritage a secret. The reminder that there might be a chance for them in the future, though distant, brought a glimmer of hope. As they sat there in silence, Tech held onto that hope, knowing that his squad and especially his brother would always be there to support him, whether it was in facing danger or dealing with the emotional weight of their past.
Chapter 23
Reblogs are very welcome and I am open for feedback, as english is not my first language, so maybe my sentences may be weird sometimes, or I write a word wrong even with google, or I use a wrong word for an item.
Tag: @spectacular-skywalker @aalizazareth @neyswxrld @clonethirstingisreal
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Designing Fabric Prints for Kids: A Comprehensive Guide
Creating fabric prints for kids involves a unique blend of creativity, functionality, and an understanding of children's needs and preferences. Designing for this demographic requires careful consideration of colours, patterns, themes, and the safety of the materials used.
One of the most exciting parts of designing for kids is drawing inspiration from a variety of sources. Popular children’s books, cartoons, nature, and even children’s own drawings can serve as wonderful inspirations. For instance, characters from beloved stories can be transformed into vibrant prints, capturing the imaginations of young wearers.
Design Techniques
Designer fabric prints for kids often involve playful and dynamic patterns. Techniques such as digital printing allow for high-quality, detailed designs that bring illustrations to life. Patterns can range from whimsical and abstract to more structured themes like animals, space, or underwater scenes. Incorporating elements like interactive textures or glow-in-the-dark features can add an extra layer of excitement.
Color Psychology
Color plays a crucial role in kids' fabrics. Bright, cheerful colors like yellows, reds, and blues are often used because they are visually stimulating and can positively impact mood and behavior. Understanding color psychology helps in choosing hues that are not only attractive but also beneficial for children's emotional well-being.
Safety Considerations
Safety is paramount when designing for children. This means ensuring that all materials are non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and safe for delicate skin. It also involves designing prints that are durable and able to withstand frequent washing without fading. Safety certifications and compliance with international standards are critical components in the manufacturing process.
Latest Trends
Staying updated with the latest trends in children’s fashion helps keep designs relevant and appealing. Currently, trends like sustainable fabrics, educational prints (such as alphabets and numbers), and gender-neutral designs are gaining popularity. These trends not only cater to modern parenting values but also provide added educational value.
Listening to parents and kids about what they like or dislike can significantly inform the design process. Engaging with the community through surveys, focus groups, and even social media can provide insights that help create more targeted and successful fabric prints.
1. Understanding the Market and Audience
1.1 Demographic Insights
The first step in designing fabric prints for kids is understanding your target audience. This includes children of different age groups, ranging from infants to pre-teens. Each age group has specific preferences and needs:
Infants (0-2 years): Soft, pastel colors and simple, soothing patterns are ideal. Designs should focus on visual stimulation without overwhelming the baby.
Toddlers (2-4 years): Bright colors and playful patterns attract this age group. Designs often feature animals, nature, and simple geometric shapes.
Children (5-8 years): More complex and themed designs are popular, including characters from favorite books, movies, and TV shows.
Pre-teens (9-12 years): Preferences shift towards more sophisticated and personalized designs, including favorite hobbies, sports, and more mature patterns.
1.2 Parental Preferences
While children are the end-users, parents are the buyers. Therefore, understanding parental preferences is crucial. Parents look for:
Safety: Non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and durable fabrics.
Functionality: Easy-to-clean and maintain fabrics.
Educational Value: Prints that stimulate learning and creativity.
Aesthetics: Attractive designs that blend well with home décor.
2. Sources of Inspiration
2.1 Nature and Animals
Nature and animals are perennial favourites for kids' fabric prints.
Jungle animals (lions, elephants, monkeys)
Marine life (fish, dolphins, sea turtles)
Insects (butterflies, ladybugs, bees)
Flora (trees, flowers, leaves)
2.2 Storybooks and Fairytales
Characters and scenes from beloved storybooks and fairy tales provide endless inspiration. These designs can transport children into magical worlds, fostering their imagination and love for reading. Popular themes include:
Classic fairy tales (Cinderella, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood)
Adventure stories (pirates, space exploration, knights and dragons)
Mythical creatures (unicorns, mermaids, fairies)
2.3 Educational Themes
Fabrics that incorporate educational elements can be both fun and beneficial for children's development. These can include:
Alphabet and numbers
Shapes and colours
Maps and Geography
Science and space themes
4 Modern Pop Culture
Staying current with popular culture is essential. Incorporating themes from trending movies, TV shows, and games can make fabric designs more appealing. Always ensure you have the proper licensing for character designs from popular franchises.
3. Design Techniques and Tools
3.1 Hand-Drawn Illustrations
Hand-drawn illustrations add a personal and unique touch to fabric designs. Artists can create intricate and charming patterns that resonate with children. Techniques include:
Pencil sketches
Watercolor paintings
Ink drawings
3.2 Digital Design
Digital tools offer versatility and precision in designing fabric prints. Popular software includes:
Adobe Illustrator: Ideal for creating vector graphics, which are scalable without losing quality.
Photoshop: Excellent for detailed illustrations and photo-based designs.
Procreate: A favorite among illustrators for its intuitive interface and powerful features.
3.3 Combining Techniques
Combining hand-drawn elements with digital enhancements can result in unique and high-quality designs. For instance, an artist can sketch characters by hand and then scan and enhance them digitally.
4. Color Psychology and Choices
4.1 Understanding Color Psychology
Color psychology plays a significant role in fabric design, especially for children. Different colors evoke different emotions and reactions:
Red: Excitement and energy, but should be used sparingly to avoid overstimulation.
Blue: Calming and soothing, great for bedtime fabrics.
Yellow: Cheerful and happy, but too much can be overwhelming.
Green: Relaxing and associated with nature, ideal for learning environments.
Pink: Often associated with femininity, but also warmth and comfort.
Purple: Imaginative and creative, perfect for stimulating creativity.
Neutral Colors: Soft whites, beiges, and greys are calming and versatile.
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4.2 Gender-Neutral Colors
Modern trends favor gender-neutral designs to appeal to a broader audience and promote inclusivity. Colors like teal, mustard, and grey can be combined with playful patterns to create appealing unisex designs.
5. Safety and Material Considerations
5.1 Non-Toxic and Hypoallergenic Materials
Ensuring the safety of fabrics for children is paramount. Fabrics should be free from harmful chemicals and dyes. Organic cotton, bamboo, and other natural fibers are excellent choices due to their hypoallergenic properties.
5.2 Durability and Maintenance
Children’s fabrics should be durable to withstand frequent washing and wear. Consider materials that are:
Machine washable
Resistant to shrinking and fading
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alittlespacepwincess · 8 months
Infancy is marked by a range of unique behaviors and experiences. Here are some nuances you might consider adapting to your lifestyle:
1. **Exploration and Curiosity:** Embrace a sense of wonder and curiosity about your surroundings. Engage with simple toys, textures, and colors to stimulate your senses.
2. **Communication:** Infants communicate through babbling, cooing, and facial expressions. Practice using these non-verbal cues to express your feelings and needs.
3. **Routine and Predictability:** Establishing a consistent daily routine can provide a sense of security and comfort. This includes regular feeding times, naptimes, and playtimes.
4. **Dependency on Caregiver:** Allow yourself to depend on a caregiver for certain needs, fostering a sense of trust and connection.
5. **Sensory Engagement:** Engage with different textures, sounds, and visual stimuli to enhance your sensory experiences. This can include soft blankets, soothing music, or visually stimulating toys.
6. **Sleep Patterns:** Emulate the sleep patterns of an infant, maintaining a regular bedtime and incorporating comforting sleep rituals.
7. **Self-Soothing Techniques:** Develop self-soothing techniques, such as using a baby binky or cuddling a favorite toy, to manage emotions and find comfort.
Remember, these are suggestions, and adapting them to your comfort level is essential. Each individual's experience with embracing infant-like behaviors is unique and personal.
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harmonyhealinghub · 10 months
The Unsung Heroes: Postpartum Doulas - Nurturing New Moms and Families
Shaina Tranquilino
December 11, 2023
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Becoming a parent is an incredible journey filled with joy, love, and countless challenges. While the focus often revolves around the miracle of childbirth, we must not overlook the significance of postpartum care for both mothers and their families. In this blog post, we will explore the vital role of postpartum doulas, shedding light on who they are and what their invaluable support entails.
Who are Postpartum Doulas?
Postpartum doulas are trained professionals who provide physical, emotional, and informational assistance to new parents during the delicate post-birth period. They offer compassionate care to nurture not only mothers but also their entire family unit as they navigate through the early weeks or months after childbirth. These skilled individuals are equipped with expertise in breastfeeding support, newborn care education, maternal recovery guidance, and overall postpartum well-being.
The Role of Postpartum Doulas
1. Emotional Support: Postpartum doulas understand that every mother's experience is unique and may be accompanied by feelings of uncertainty, exhaustion, or even overwhelming joy. With empathetic listening skills and non-judgmental attitudes, these doulas create safe spaces where moms can express themselves freely without fear of being judged. Their unwavering emotional support eases anxiety and fosters confidence in parenting abilities.
2. Physical Assistance: The physical demands of caring for a newborn can be daunting for any parent. Postpartum doulas lend a helping hand by assisting with daily household chores such as meal preparation, laundry duties, and light cleaning tasks. By taking on these responsibilities, they alleviate some of the burdensome workload from new moms' shoulders so they can focus on self-care and bonding with their baby.
3. Breastfeeding Support: One significant area where postpartum doulas excel is in providing breastfeeding guidance. They possess extensive knowledge about lactation, positioning techniques, and troubleshooting common nursing challenges. By offering practical advice and reassurance, they empower mothers to establish a successful breastfeeding relationship with their infants.
4. Newborn Care Education: From swaddling techniques to diaper changing tips, postpartum doulas are a treasure trove of newborn care wisdom. They educate parents on the essentials of baby care such as sleep routines, soothing methods, and recognizing signs of infant distress or illness. Armed with this knowledge, new parents gain confidence in meeting their little one's needs effectively.
5. Advocacy and Information Sharing: Postpartum doulas act as bridges between families and the vast network of healthcare professionals and community resources available to them. They help navigate this complex landscape by connecting parents with reliable information related to pediatricians, support groups, mental health services for mothers experiencing postpartum mood disorders, or even local parent-baby activities.
In our society that often focuses solely on the prenatal journey and childbirth experience, we must acknowledge the significance of comprehensive postpartum care. Postpartum doulas play an invaluable role in supporting new moms during this transformative period by providing emotional stability, physical assistance, breastfeeding support, newborn care education, and acting as advocates for their well-being.
As we strive towards nurturing healthier families overall, it is crucial to recognize the incredible dedication of postpartum doulas who work tirelessly behind the scenes. Their unwavering commitment helps new parents transition into parenthood with grace and confidence while fostering a loving environment where both mom and baby can thrive.
With that being said, the journey of welcoming a new life into the world is filled with both joyous anticipation and immense love. However, sadly, not all pregnancies end in the expected celebration. For families who experience the devastating loss of their baby during pregnancy or labour and delivery, navigating through grief can be an overwhelming and isolating experience. In these trying times, postpartum doulas play a crucial role in providing compassionate support and helping bereaved families cope with their grief.
Understanding the Role of Postpartum Doulas: Postpartum doulas are skilled professionals trained to provide emotional, physical, and informational support to families during the postpartum period. Traditionally known for assisting new parents after childbirth, they have now extended their expertise to offer guidance specifically tailored to those experiencing perinatal loss.
Compassionate Emotional Support: Losing a baby is a deeply personal and heart-wrenching experience that often leaves parents feeling isolated and emotionally shattered. Postpartum doulas who specialize in supporting families dealing with perinatal loss understand the unique needs of grieving parents. They possess remarkable empathy and compassion, creating a safe space where families can openly express their emotions without fear of judgment or misunderstanding.
These doulas offer active listening skills, allowing parents to share their stories, memories, hopes, and fears surrounding their lost child. By offering non-judgmental companionship through active mourning rituals such as holding ceremonies or participating in memory-building activities like journaling or creating keepsakes, postpartum doulas help parents process their emotions while honouring their baby's memory.
Physical Care and Recovery Support: In addition to emotional support, postpartum doulas also assist bereaved parents in managing physical aspects related to pregnancy loss. These may include helping mothers recover from labour, providing guidance on self-care practices and nutrition, or assisting with practical tasks such as meal planning, household chores, or arranging for support from family and friends.
Navigating the Complexities of Grief: Grief is a complex journey that affects individuals differently. Postpartum doulas who specialize in perinatal loss possess an understanding of grief's unique dynamics and can help families navigate its complexities. They provide vital resources and information about various grieving processes, counselling services, support groups, and other bereavement resources tailored to the specific needs of each family.
Advocacy and Education: Postpartum doulas also play a crucial role in advocating for bereaved families within healthcare systems. They facilitate communication between parents and medical professionals, ensuring their concerns are understood and addressed sensitively. Additionally, they educate families about their rights, options for memorializing their baby, and assist them in making informed decisions regarding funeral arrangements or obtaining keepsakes like handprints or photographs.
The pain of losing a baby during pregnancy or childbirth is immeasurable, but no parent should have to face this heartbreak alone. During these challenging times, postpartum doulas specializing in perinatal loss offer invaluable support to grieving families by fostering understanding, empathy, and compassion. By acknowledging the significance of their experience, these doulas help parents honour their baby's memory while navigating through grief towards healing and hope.
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simslegacy5083 · 10 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 8 Ep. 143: Vacation Vibes
While their elders were celebrating their last hurrah, Jack and Peachy had arrived on the beach for Luigi’s first play date with his cousins.
None of their infants had mastered the movement skill yet but they seemed happy enough to babble at one another from nearby playmats. What, their parents wondered, could the babies possibly be discussing that was so fascinating!? The group tossed out joke ideas as they dug into the burgers Peachy grilled up for them. Maybe they were gossiping about their respective pets? Comparing nursing technique vs bottle-feeding?
Retiring Jack picked Toni’s brain for advice on being a stay-at-home parent, as Peachy and Tori compared notes on the various milestones their babies had reached or were working towards. It was a lovely time, and they all agreed to do it again soon when they at last had to head on to their next stop.
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Going from the sunny shores of Sulani to their rental high atop snowy Mt. Komorebi was a drastic change of scenery.
August would be joining them all in the morning, but Paul and Nikita were already at the cabin. Jack stayed out to enjoy the crisp mountain air with them, while Peachy and Luigi rushed inside to stay warm. Paul and Nikita reminisced about how much different this vacation felt to the last time they were all together in Selvadorada. The quartet of parents looked forward to a long weekend of fun with their tiny men in tow.
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By the time everyone was ready to come indoors it was quite late and past the normal bedtime of both very sleepy babies.
Paul got Denton down quickly with his thousandth reading of the favorite bedtime story he’d made sure to bring along. He was doing much better than Peachy who dearly missed the mobile built into Luigi’s crib at home. His story of cops and robbers was not a hit, however, with time and a soothing tummy rub his overtired little man finally drifted off to dreamland in this strange place.
Peachy’s perseverance earned a congratulatory kiss from his husband for a job well done when Papa Jack came in to check on his two favorite boys.
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Before the four old friends went to bed themselves, they gathered by the cozy fireplace to play simbles and catch up on each others lives.
It felt good to be together again and they were all looking forward to enjoying all Komorebi had to offer and celebrating Paul’s entry into adulthood.
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Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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bitterfates · 1 year
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It had been only a handful of weeks since the Shirasagi household welcomed their newest addition, and already they were exhausted and in need of outside help. A loyal and always available friend, Yumu had volunteered to come over and do some light cleaning and other chores around their house, and Hara had taken advantage of her distracted mind to sneak into the newly-constructed nursery.
He was supposed to be doing some sort of chore assigned offhandedly by his godmother, but he couldn’t stop himself from coming in to watch his baby sister sleep. She was so tiny and cute and soft that his protective instincts were out in full force. Before she was born, he would have gone to see one of his beloved friends and doted on them to soothe his urges, but now he just had to know she was safe and secure at all times, even going so far as to change his daily habits and sleeping patterns to maximize his time around her. He’d had all sorts of safety tips and other infant care techniques drilled into him, so he felt somewhat compelled to try them out.
Hara’s parents had been a little worried, knowing how seriously he was taking his self-imposed “brotherly duties”, but they trusted in his fellow Scions —- one more than the rest, to be fair —- to keep him grounded and help him focus on other things when necessary.
So far, nothing eventful had happened while Hara was with her beyond a suddenly-filled waste cloth or a fussy cry for food, but he had handled all the minor situations with relative ease. He confidently believed that the precious being that had only recently come into his life would never be harmed, as long as he breathed.
…And if certain other precautions and advanced spell-weaving assisted in strengthening that hope without his knowledge —- created and implemented out of love by the many people who loved him —- then all the better.
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Douglas Vandergraph believes our most important team is our team and home. Healthy children develop healthy sleep habits at a young age and music can help.
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Putting young children to bed at night is often a demanding task for any parent. Everyone has their own practice. Some appreciate total silence during a child’s bedtime, while others enjoy singing lullabies, storytelling, or playing sleep music for kids. Several claims can surely be made for the numerous ways of comforting an infant or child to sleep. Read on to know more about how playing music for infants and children at bedtime is beneficial:
Bedtime music has a calming effect on kids:
Children who listen to soothing music before going to bed have seen a remarkable improvement in their duration of sleep. They go through a more peaceful, deeper sleep and wake up less at night. Acting as a trigger, letting them know that it is time to sleep, bedtime music is an ideal way to add a sense of familiarity that can leave a child feeling safe and more relaxed. Besides, these children exhibit better focus and attentiveness during the day and have a normal and even heart rate all through the day.
Health benefits:
The reason why sleep sounds and lullabies are so useful, is the physiological impact they can potentially have on children. Our bodies are known to react to the pace and rhythm of the music we listen to, therefore, slow, gentle, rhythmic music slows down our heartbeats and enables deeper, quieter breathing. The rocking rhythm of a lullaby is close to a child's heartbeat, and the tranquil sounds are vital to soothe a baby after a day of loud and frenzied sounds. Unhurried music will lower ‘threat responses’ in babies, so they are less likely to be triggered, making their bedroom feel more secure.
Superior sleep quality:
A study on the impact of soothing background music on the quality of sleep learned that children who listen to relaxing background music at bedtime had superior sleep quality. Another research determined that calming classical music is a helpful intervention in easing sleep disorders. Nurses in maternity wards use this safe and easy to learn technique to treat sleeplessness.
Eases stress:
Music is known to lower stress levels and since stress is one of the prominent causes of sleep disorders, listening to music can induce sleep. Children today have to confront an extremely competitive environment with heavy school workloads and extracurricular activities. This adversely impacts their ability to sleep peacefully. Thus, anything that can lower their stress at bedtime will ensure better sleep.
Enhances brain development:
Many institutes that work on children’s health endorse music experiences during early childhood because, through music, toddlers can better understand their feelings, learn to interpret patterns, work out problems, and explore the world in vivid ways. Most importantly, sharing music experiences with their loved ones makes young children feel treasured.
It is a good practice to put on your chosen lullabies/background sounds about half an hour before your child's bedtime, letting them soak up the music and relax, before putting them to rest.
#sleep #putmybabytosleep #baby #babygirl #babyboy #babysleepmusic #sleepmusic #babyhealthandcare #babyhealth #childsleep #sleepmusicforbabies #sleepmusicforchildren
---This video is not intended to replace proper medical care. If you have concerns please immediately consult your child's doctor.----
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thenannysolution · 6 days
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Why a Night Nanny for Newborns Could Be Your Best Support System
parenthood. A night nanny for newborn can offer invaluable help, ensuring both you and your baby get the rest you need. These specialized caregivers focus on the unique needs of infants, providing overnight care that includes feeding, diaper changes, and soothing techniques. With a night nanny, you can enjoy uninterrupted sleep while knowing your baby is in capable hands. Whether you need help adjusting to a new routine or require additional support during a busy period, a night nanny can be an essential resource for new parents. Explore how a professional can make a difference in your early parenting experience.
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dental-healty · 8 days
First Tooth Eruption in Children: A Guide for Parents
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First Tooth Eruption in Children: A Guide for Parents
The first tooth eruption is a significant milestone in your child’s development. As a parent, witnessing your baby’s first teeth emerge can be both exciting and challenging. This guide will help you understand the teething process, recognize the signs and symptoms, and provide tips for soothing your child during this crucial period.
What is Tooth Eruption?
Tooth eruption refers to the process of a baby’s teeth breaking through the gums. This usually begins around six months of age, although it can vary. The first teeth to appear are typically the lower central incisors, followed by the upper central incisors. By the age of three, most children will have a full set of 20 primary teeth, also known as baby teeth.
Signs and Symptoms of Teething
The first tooth eruption can cause discomfort and irritability in some babies. Here are some common signs that your child is teething: - Excessive Drooling: Teething stimulates the production of saliva, leading to increased drooling. - Chewing on Objects: Babies often chew on objects to relieve the pressure on their gums. - Gum Swelling: The gums around the emerging tooth may become swollen and tender. - Irritability: Your baby may become more fussy or irritable due to the discomfort of teething. - Disrupted Sleep: The discomfort from first tooth eruption can cause sleep disturbances. - Loss of Appetite: Some babies may lose their appetite during teething due to sore gums.
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How to Soothe a Teething Child
While teething is a natural process, there are several ways to help soothe your child’s discomfort: 1. Gentle Gum Massage Using a clean finger, gently rub your baby’s gums to relieve the pressure and pain associated with the first tooth eruption. This simple technique can provide immediate relief for your child. 2. Teething Toys Provide your child with safe, soft teething toys to chew on. The pressure on the gums can be alleviated by these toys, making the teething process less uncomfortable. 3. Cold Compress Cold can help numb the gums and reduce swelling. You can use a cold washcloth or a chilled teething ring to provide comfort during the first tooth eruption. Be sure not to use anything that is too cold, as extreme temperatures can harm your baby’s delicate gums. 4. Over-the-Counter Remedies If your baby is particularly uncomfortable, you can consider using over-the-counter teething gels or pain relievers designed specifically for infants. Always consult your pediatrician before administering any medication during the teething process.
When to See a Dentist
The first tooth eruption is also a good time to start thinking about your child’s dental health. It is recommended to schedule your baby’s first dental visit around the time their first tooth appears, or by their first birthday. Early dental visits help in monitoring the development of baby teeth and establishing good oral hygiene habits from the start. During the visit, the dentist can check for any potential issues with your baby’s teeth and provide guidance on how to care for them. Regular dental check-ups from an early age can prevent future dental problems and ensure a healthy smile for your child.   The first tooth eruption is an important milestone in your child’s life, and while it can be a challenging time, understanding the teething process and knowing how to manage the symptoms can make it easier for both you and your baby. By staying informed and proactive, you can help your child navigate this period with as little discomfort as possible. For more detailed information on teething and pediatric dental care, visit our DentalHealty website. Read the full article
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johnadam98 · 20 days
What Are the Benefits of Having a Regular Newborn Sitter?
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Welcoming a newborn into your home is an incredibly joyous occasion, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. From sleepless nights to constant feeding schedules, new parents often find themselves overwhelmed with the demands of baby care. In such situations, the support of a regular newborn sitter can be a game-changer.
Understanding Newborn Sitting
What Is Newborn Sitting?
Newborn sitting is a specialized baby care service that involves hiring a trained professional to care for your newborn regularly. Unlike general babysitting services, newborn sitters possess specific knowledge and expertise in infant care. They understand the unique needs of newborns, including feeding, sleeping, diapering, and soothing techniques, which makes them an invaluable resource for new parents.
Why Is Newborn Sitting Important?
In the UAE, where many families are expats living far from their extended families, the need for reliable baby care services becomes even more crucial. With the support of a regular newborn sitter, parents can find the balance between their work and personal lives, ensuring that their newborns receive the best possible care.
The Benefits of Having a Regular Newborn Sitter
Professional Expertise in Baby Care
One of the primary benefits of hiring a regular newborn sitter is the professional expertise they bring to the table. Newborn sitters are trained in various aspects of infant care, including feeding schedules, sleep routines, and emergency first aid. This ensures that your baby is in safe and capable hands.
Baby care: Newborn sitters are well-versed in the nuances of baby care, from understanding the different cries of a baby to knowing the best practices for feeding and diapering.
Baby care UAE: In a region like the UAE, where professional baby care services are widely available, having access to such expertise can provide parents with much-needed peace of mind.
Consistency in Care
Consistency is key in the early stages of a child’s development. A regular newborn sitter provides a stable environment for your baby, which is crucial for their emotional and cognitive growth. When a baby is cared for by the same person regularly, they develop a sense of trust and security.
Newborn sitting: Regular newborn sitting ensures that your baby receives consistent care, helping them feel more comfortable and secure.
Baby care home service: Many newborn sitting services offer home care, which allows your baby to remain in a familiar environment while receiving consistent care.
Personalized Attention
Every baby is unique, with their own set of needs and preferences. A regular newborn sitter can tailor their care to suit the specific needs of your baby. This personalized attention is often difficult to achieve in daycare settings, where one caregiver is responsible for multiple children.
Baby care services: With personalized baby care services, your newborn’s individual needs are met, whether it’s a specific feeding schedule or a particular way of being soothed.
Baby care home service: Personalized care in the comfort of your home can greatly benefit your baby’s overall well-being.
Support for New Parents
The arrival of a newborn can be both exciting and overwhelming. New parents often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities while trying to adapt to the demands of baby care. A regular newborn sitter can provide much-needed support, allowing parents to take a break, rest, or focus on other important tasks.
Newborn sitting: Regular newborn sitting offers parents the opportunity to rest and recharge, which is essential for their well-being.
Baby care UAE: In a fast-paced environment like the UAE, having access to reliable newborn sitting services can be a lifesaver for busy parents.
Flexibility and Convenience
One of the significant advantages of hiring a regular newborn sitter is the flexibility it offers. Unlike daycare centers, which operate on fixed schedules, newborn sitters can accommodate your specific needs, whether you require full-time, part-time, or occasional care.
Baby care home service: Home-based baby care services provide the convenience of having a caregiver come to your home, eliminating the need for commuting to a daycare center.
Baby care services: These services are designed to be flexible, catering to the diverse needs of families in the UAE.
Peace of Mind
Knowing that your newborn is in the care of a trained and trusted professional can provide parents with immense peace of mind. Whether you need to step out for work, run errands, or simply take some time for yourself, you can do so with the confidence that your baby is being well cared for.
Baby care: The peace of mind that comes with knowing your baby is in safe hands is invaluable for any parent.
Baby Care UAE: Baby Care UAE, where many parents balance demanding jobs with family life, this peace of mind is particularly important.
Encouraging Parent-Child Bonding
While it may seem counterintuitive, having a regular newborn sitter can actually enhance the bond between parents and their baby. By taking care of routine tasks, the sitter frees up time for parents to focus on bonding with their child. This quality time is essential for building a strong parent-child relationship.
Newborn sitting: Regular newborn sitting allows parents to spend more meaningful time with their baby, strengthening their bond.
Baby care home service: With a newborn sitter handling day-to-day care, parents can enjoy stress-free bonding time with their baby.
The benefits of having a regular newborn sitter are manifold, from professional expertise and personalized care to the peace of mind and support they provide to new parents. In a region like the UAE, where many families lack the support of extended family, accessing reliable baby care services is crucial. Whether you’re looking for flexibility, consistency, or simply the reassurance that your newborn is in capable hands, a regular newborn sitter can be an invaluable asset.
Investing in professional newborn sitting not only ensures that your baby receives the best possible care but also allows you, as a parent, to navigate the challenges of early parenthood with greater ease and confidence. As you consider the various baby care options available in the UAE, the advantages of having a regular newborn sitter make it a worthwhile choice for any family.
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