#Matadero Madrid
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Self-portrait, fading into light
Madrid, Spain -- 5/22/12
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arcimboldisworld · 7 months
La Regenta - Matadero Madrid 25.10.2023
La Regenta - Matadero Madrid 25.10.2023 #oper #uraufführung #spanien #madrid #teatroreal #teatroespañol #laregenta #barbaralluch #marialuisamanchado #leopoldoalas #clarin #rezension #musicwasmyfirstloveanditwillbemylast #operalover
Einer der spannendsten Orte für Kunst und Kultur in Madrid ist wohl das weitläufige, sehr schöne “Matadero Madrid. Centro de creación contemporánea” – hier gibt es viel zu sehen und zu erleben. 2010 wurde der grosse Saal Fernando Arrabal eingeweiht und – lucky us – hatten wir das grosse Glück die Uraufführung der Oper “La Regenta” von María Luisa Manchado Torres hier zu sehen, eine Koproduktion…
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Matadero Madrid: Las exposiciones que no te puedes perder en este meses de agosto y septiembre
Matadero Madrid se define como un gran centro de creación contemporánea, abierto a todas las disciplinas artísticas. Creado por el Ayuntamiento de Madrid en 2006, tiene por objetivo favorecer el encuentro y el intercambio de ideas no sólo entre los artistas, las instituciones y los agentes culturales entre sí, sino también con el público.
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Matadero Madrid. Vista nocturna
El centro se ha convertido en un espacio integrado en la vida cultural madrileña. Un centro de referencia a nivel nacional por su carácter interdisciplinar, la búsqueda del diálogo entre las artes y el objetivo de sentar las bases y entender la cultura contemporánea actual y futura.
Laboratorio de creación Está conformado por diferentes espacios que albergan tanto entidades públicas como privadas. Algunos de ellos especializados, como la Nave de Música o la Cineteca, que agrupan la mayor parte de la programación del centro dedicada a la música y el cine. Y otros espacios donde todo confluye en esa línea de búsqueda de diálogo, de fusión y de creación de nuevos formas de expresión artística.
Tal es el caso de las Naves Matadero, Centro Internacional de Artes Vivas, que se define como espacio de creación y pensamiento contemporáneos. En él tienen cabida desde las artes escénicas o visuales, hasta la literatura, el cine o la filosofía.
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© Elena Alonso. Instalación. Abierto por obras
También la Casa del Lector, donde su programación se guía por la idea de que el lector no sólo lo es de palabra escrita. El lector lee el mundo y el arte en un acto de comprensión e integración con el mismo, ya sea literatura, cine o artes visuales.
Y es que esta es una de las grandes peculiaridades de Matadero y lo que lo hace un verdadero laboratorio de creación, un lugar de ebullición artística y cultural que se asienta en espacios como Abierto por Obras.
Distintos espacios con un objetivo común: la cultura Intermediae fue el primer espacio abierto en Matadero, allá por el año 2007. Esta entidad se centra en la mediación con la comunidad, a través de la creación de redes colaboración, incentivando al diálogo y la participación. Mientras, Extensión AVAM tiene por objeto dar visibilidad a las producciones de los artistas a través de las mismas vías.
La Central de Diseño es también uno de los espacios más antiguos de Matadero, gestionada por la Fundación de Diseño de Madrid nace con el objetivo de agrupar todas las disciplinas dedicadas al ámbito del diseño.
Factoría cultural frece su apoyo y servicios a proyectos de emprendimiento dentro del campo de las industrias culturales y creativas.
Además de la programación de sus espacios, Matadero destaca por convertirse en una plataforma para creadores tanto locales como internacionales a través de nuevos formatos de producción cultural.
Un ejemplo es El Ranchito, que se basa en convocatorias, espacios de trabajo y residencias de artistas, cuyos resultados se exponen públicamente.
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theromanticcorner · 2 years
Klimt llega a Madrid como nunca antes se había visto en MAD (Madrid Artes Digitales)
Klimt llega a Madrid como nunca antes se había visto en MAD (Madrid Artes Digitales)
Madrid Artes Digitales (MAD) abre este próximo viernes 4 de marzo sus puertas en la Nave 16 de Matadero Madrid, con la exposición inmersiva basada en las obras del artista austriaco Klimt. Este nuevo espacio, que cuenta con 2.000 metros cuadrados, es el centro de desarrollo de cultura digital más grande de España, y el segundo más grande de Europa. De esta manera, MAD apuesta por generar un…
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carabanchelnet · 2 years
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📌Yolanda Díaz, en un Matadero “abarrotao”: “Nuevo contrato social democrático”, “No queremos distopías. Queremos ser felices” 📌El coletas era el menos hijo de puta 📌Las fiestas ‘neohippies’ en Ibiza: un riesgo para la isla a golpe de tambores, puestas de sol e Instagram 📌Únete a la Marea Contra el Gas 📌8 beneficios de la marihuana medicinal 📌Los bulos económicos de Feijóo 📌Más Madrid exige explicaciones a Telemadrid sobre la eliminación de la cobertura del Orgullo 2022 📌Ayuso, tres años poniendo la educación madrileña patas arriba https://carabanchel.net
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voces25 · 1 year
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Somos iguales Somos diferentes Somos la humanidad La ciudadanía mundial Somos unidad Hermandad #carnival #Madrid #matadero #Madrid rio #latinoamerica #latino #latinos #bolivia #españa #Spain #tradicion #folk #folklore #musica #defile #parade #carnival #carnevale (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co0bahJjAPtMdNC-XjRxv8kgCpSmr8bEidx9oU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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publicobsessions · 1 year
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cristinabcn · 2 years
"Carnación" ese oscuro objeto de deseo
“Carnación” ese oscuro objeto de deseo
Teresa Fernandez Herrera Prensa Especializada Antes de ponerme a escribir esta crónica sobre el último trabajo de Rocío Molina que pude ver ayer en la sala Fernando Arrabal de las naves Matadero, he sentido una enorme curiosidad por ver lo que ya se había escrito sobre Carnación, ya que ha llegado a Madrid precedida de estrenos en la última Bienal de Venecia, donde fue premiada con el León de…
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gerarrrrdddd · 2 years
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rojacatmisa · 2 months
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Starting over In Madrid
Chapter 3 : Calmly panicking 
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
Chapter 1 ➤ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➤ Clearly on a bad slope
Holà, this is chapter 3. Not sure about the trigger warnings but I don't think it needs one. I think the way I want to tell my story works better by leaving some suspense. Let's say it's a slow burn and obviously and they will make out one day, so at a time there will be some explicit but not crude scenes.
Reminder : I'm french. Don't hesitate to tell me if there there's very strange sentences or things you don't get. Sorry I hope to get better by writing.  
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"That one’s actually very good, Hayley !" The camera screen displayed the goalkeeper in the air, her jumping body suspended as she grabbed the ball in her gloves. Droplets of sweat nimbed her forehead and spread all around her. Her thick brows were frowned in the effort. In addition to her beauty, what made the photo stood out was the technically tricky to capture action of Misa s’moving body. 
Things were surprisingly going well at the Ciudad. Nothing had changed between Misa and I and as I was getting very fond of my job so I had commited for it to stay that way. We were having photo lessons almost every day after training sessions, occasionally joined by the northern girls Sofie, Freja and Caroline. But most of the time, it was the three of us that sat in a pitch corner, talking for hours until the staff would finally kicked us out of the stadium. 
"Thanks Nicky! I’m thinking about buying a camera, I love photography for real!." Boasted Hayley. 
"You should, teacher says you’re ready". Hayley had indeed proven herself an implicated student. She had applied my technical advices but she had also been willing to experiment on her own. As a result, she showed a taste for moving models and lights effects. Sometimes she would take neat actions with sharp details, sometime she’d rather set the presets to create blurry scenes where the bodies outlines melted in the background. 
As to Misa… well Misa’s photos were Misa’s. She was having a hard time to concentrate and her taste level was really questionnable. She would put too much grain or contrast. Every shots were oddly framed. When I tried to guide her toward subtler artistic choices, she had said "Pero me gusta el efecto !" or "Vale Nicky, but I am the artist" with her now well known over the top manners. Misa was much: pretty, athletic, funny, goofy… and stubborn. She was doing everything at a hundred per cent, perhaps except listening.
So, I was rather irritated when she sat on the grass, ostentatiously sulking because I had not complimented her own work. Hayley, of course, wasn’t helping. "Maria Isabel hasn’t done her homework but wants to be praised!". 
"I did but teacher doesn’t like me !" She moaned. 
"Maria Isabel should be in detention." I said calmly. 
"Por qué !? No !" She shot me an offended look and grumpily crossed her arms on her chest. 
"Porque no escuchas nada and teacher is fed up." I was clearly enjoying myself at teasing Misa with the most calm. 
"You don’t like my style, that’s all." She laid on her back, arms still crossed. Hayley walked over her, bent and angled the camera into her face and started taking pictures of the moody girl. "It’s because you don’t have one sweetie" She said. Misa opened her mouth wide, outraged. She rolled over on her belly, hiding her face from Hayley unceasing photoshoot. "Come on Misa! I’m sure you can do better, you’re not even trying!" 
"I may have one last idea to help Misa get it…"Both head turned to me." There is a photo exhibit at Matadero Art Center just now. Maybe we should give it a try. And Misa will find what she likes." 
"That would be great !" Said Hayley. She had stopped taking pictures and was now sat besides the goalkeeper. Misa moved to the side. "I already know what I like" she said frowning. We stared at her, eyebrows raised. "All right, we’ll go to your museo…". She sat up still pouting. "But before…" She stood up and reached out to me with an incredible speed. She easily heaved me in her arms and had me laying on my back before I got to know what was happening. "Misaaaa what the fuck ?!"
Misa, on all four over me, smirked and pined me to the ground with her strong hands. "Let’s switch roles ! Hayley come over and take some silly photos of Nicky for a change !" I was laughing hard and… getting aroused by Misa topping me. Her firms grasp and her weight were burying my hands into the grass. A naughty smile appeared on her beautiful face. "Let me go !" I shouted. I was breathing hard from struggle against her and from growing frankly excited. Hayley clicked madly on the camera trigger. She couldn’t see Misa’s penetrating gaze. Was it me or was she breathing harder too while keeping me lying down didn’t seem to cost her in the slightest? I closed my eyelid, too aware of the lens focused on me to look Misa in the eyes. Too turned on by everything that was going on… appart from the oppressing clicking noise and Hayley’s presence. 
"I think we’re good and that it will be ugly, I promise" I heard Hayley. I felt the pression of Misa’s hands disappeared. I opened my eyes to find she had straighten up. Her legs on each side of my waist, she was peering down at me intensely. "I think you deserved that" she said, satisfied. 
"I don’t think I deserved that much" I responded, catching my breath. 
"You two, go get a room it’s becoming embarrassing ! Cuidad is closing, we have to leave". I had almost forgotten Hayley. Her voice was taking me back to reality. We both smiled nervously. 
Misa got up, held out her hands to help me standing. As I took them she pulled me a bit too strongly, I lost balance and landed against her. My mouth touched the base of her neck only a second. She smelled a mix of sweat and perfume. She steadied me in her arms an instant. "I just saved the teacher, does it mean I’m no longer in detention ?" She released me. She hadn’t lost her smirk. 
I composed myself again and took my authoritarian tone at once. "You are grounded for a month, both of you ! And in detention at the museum without question!"  
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I called Angela on the evening. I felt the urged to talk. Not especially about me. I just wanted to feel the connection with my best mate again but surely the conversation topic went on my new footballer friends. 
"… and you’ve given them photo lessons almost every day ? Wow, Nicky I didn’t know you had that kind of patience !" 
"How you would you know Angela, Madrid is changing me. I am a much more sensible and patiente personne." 
"Still hard to believe… Anyway, I’m glad you hang with them. I like this Hayley, fuck the clause I would have seen you getting together. She has a sensitive fiber like you and seems fun !"
"humm, no Hayley’s a friend." I was laying down in my bed, calling Angela for at least an hour and a half now. I pictured Hayley in my mind. In derry, she was the total package and the two of us were really getting along well. But as pretty as she was, I wasn’t attracted by her. I was, despite all my efforts, always caught up with my attraction to Misa. Her poor photographer skills and moody behavior were so endearing to me and I felt more and more charmed by the goalkeeper’s whole personality. 
"Nicky are you there ?" I didn’t realized I had stopped listening. 
"Sorry ? What ?" 
"I was saying I admire you, just being friend with such hotties ! I couldn’t !
"Yeah, incredible right ?! I closed my eyes, I was sure Angela had heard the nervousness of my tone.  
"Oh no Nicky! Which one ?!" I smiled. It felt good she knew me so well.
"You won’t believe me…" 
"Spit it out !"
"It’s Misa…" I was gazing at the celling, my absent smile widened as I spoke her name. 
"Misa?? But she seems… I mean you don’t seem to have a lot in common."
"I know, anyway I shouldn’t even think about it…"
"But you do… ?" 
I heavily sighed. Misa’s smirking face appeared in front of my eyes. "Yes… but I also think about the clause, the fact that I’m bound to it, that my working visa depends on this job that I love, and so is my lease…"
"Ok ok Nicky it’s alright, calm down. You’re finding a girl cute, what a big deal? You’re at least allowed that ! You are not doing anything wrong, you’re not doing anything at all, relax !" 
"You’re right" As usual, Angela had found the words to reassure me. "But still, fucking clause !" I sweared. 
"Fucking clause…" echoed Angela. 
I received a message from Hayley on the morning before the exhibition visit. 
My family are paying me a surprise visit just now. They came from Sidney I had no idea !!! This is crazy sorry for the museum I really wanted to go but I’ll spend the day with them. Im so happy 
I answered it was ok and to enjoy her family time. Then I texted Misa. 
"Hayley’s family’s just showed up and she can’t come. Do you still wanna go ?"
Misa’s text bubble appeared and disappeared a few times leaving me wondering what answer I was wishing for. 
"Do I have the choice ? I thought it was my punishment…" 
I grined, loving her playful side. Or was she … flirting ? 
"You’re right but teacher would rather you go to your detention willingly." 
"huh teacher wants a lot. What else teacher wants from me ?" 
I gasped. She was flirting ! My mind ran wild, imagining the numerous things I craved from Misa. I breathed out deeply, tried to focus again as I pictured myself fiery kissing her. I had to take control of my brain again. I had to bury the surging wave of desire I felt at the simple idea of Misa wishing to give me what I wanted. 
"Teacher wants you to have a good time" was the most diplomatic and sober answer I could come up with. I quickly added "See you then" to put a stop to that dangerous conversation. 
"I’d say let’s see what’s going to happen. See you Nicky"
Wow, she was going for real ! How the hell was I going to survive the afternoon ?! 
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I was gulping down hard when I joined Misa at the entrance of Matadero Arts Center of Madrid. I felt so tensed when we hugged but Misa appeared to be her usual self. Once again, she gave no sign that something was going on between us and once again I wondered if I hadn’t misjudged her intentions. 
We headed inside. The center was formed by many huge bricked houses which happened to be old slaughterhouses. None of the previous gloomy functions of the place has remained, it was now very pleasant to walk in the large aisles between the red buildings. In the middle of the afternoon, the sun was knocking hard on our heads. Misa was looking all around us, her hand above her dazzled eyes. "It’s a shame I’ve never been there before, living all these years in Madrid" 
We reached the exhibition hall a few minutes later. I bought the tickets. Misa was following me closely. She clearly wasn’t in her element as we moved forward inside the vast hall. The exhibition was called "Deportes: fotografía en movimiento" and shown various approaches of taking picture of athletes. I was surprised to see Misa very focused. She looked at each photo, paused a long time when she seemed interested or intrigued by something. 
"Misa, look at this one" The framed picture was showing gymnasts doing incredible acrobatic tricks. "Look at the geometric composition, that's what I was trying to explain about framing." Misa shook her head with enthusiasm. "I think I get it now, yes. But I have found what I want to do." 
She took my hand and led me to a more hidden corner where another series of photos were displayed on the walls. "Wait, what ?" I let out. There were cats and dogs on every pictures, and even a baby pig. "They are the athlete’s pets" She said happily. She hasn’t let go of my hand. "I think I want to photograph animals, or nature." She came to face me with the cutest smile, and thought I had severe doubts this was going to help Misa progress technically, I replied "Yes! Ok! Let’s give a try on naturalistic photography!". 
She smiled more widely, her hand still in mine, and her fingers softly stroked my palm while she loosened her grip. I started to panic. Her lips wore a more discreet smile as she watched me unsurely. She took a step forward. I had to react quickly but I didn’t want her to feel rejected. 
"Come on, I’m taking you to the park along the river. There is plenty of birds and plants for you to shoot." I grasped her hand back to take us out of the hall and out of the prickly situation. 
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However, as we arrived at the park, I realized I had put myself in an even more perilous condition. The sun was setting. A light breeze was blowing in the trees. Birds were melodiously twitting nearby. An empty bench shield from the view was waiting for us at the end of a very lovely flowery path. I tried hard not to look at Misa. She was walking close to me, unusually quiet. I dared to take a look at her. She caught my side-eye and a shy smile appeared on her lips. What did I do? She was probably getting all wrong, imagining I had picked such a romantic place on purpose! 
We reached the oh so welcoming bench. None of us spoke as we sat. I starred at the distance. I was feeling my heart pounding hard in my chest. Misa was looking at her laps, timid all of a sudden. I had to say something. 
"You should try to shoot those flowers for a start" I tried as a diversion. "The red and bleu ones that look like the Barça kit. See, I’ve learnt about football." I added wanting to diminish the growing tension. "Oh no Barça please…" She rubbed a hand across her face. I had clearly said the wrong thing. 
"Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you" I put my hand on her shoulder. Her long hair was partially hiding her face. "Do… do you want to talk about it ?" I said hesitantly. She tensed. 
"You don’t know about the Clasico. We keep loosing against them every times and honestly, I’m used to it. It’s ok even though I’m doing my best but…" her voice trailed down as she took a deep breath. "Next Clasico is one week away and that’s the finale of the Copa de la Reina." She lifted her head to look me in the eyes. "I don’t know if I can take the pressure this time..." She was talking so openly to me. The fierce and funny goalkeeper was allowing her unsecured part to finally surface. And that was when I realized I cared for her. 
I took Misa into a hug. She sighed and buried her face in my neck. "You can do it Misa. I don’t know you for very long but I am certain that you can." She stayed there, her heavy breathing gently blowing my hair. "I really want to win!" She almost cried. "We keep doing better but we haven’t won any Spanish championship! Quiero ganar ostia!" She lifted her head again and I stopped hugging her. I was glad to see a frustrated grin back on her face. "You can do it! Hala Madrid! I feel part of the family now." I genuinely said to boost her up. She let out a soft laugh and ran her fingers through her hair. She took my hand again. "Gracias" she muttered. Her brown eyes found mine again. Her expression was so soft at this very moment. Her gaze went down to my mouth. I wanted to kiss her so bad. Her slightly parted lips quivered. My chest was about to explode as I slowly moved my face closer to hers.
At that precise moment, a loud buzzing sound came from Misa's pocket and had us both jump in fear. Misa straightened herself and took her phone out. I sled appart on the bench, breathing out a mix of relief and deep frustration. 
"Holà Jenni" Misa answered in a slightly irritated voice. "no, no conozco las noticias…" She rolled her eyes at me. I was too shaken to be amused by the situation. Misa and Jenni kept on talking on the phone. In fact, it was more like Misa was listening to an unstoppable Jenni. I wasn’t getting much of the quick flowing Spanish of Misa. Besides, I was once again buried deep in my thoughts. My heart and reason were battling heavily against each other. Misa was getting seriously annoyed the call wouldn’t finish. She was founding hard to even speak a world between the endless sentences of her best friend. She turned for me to read the word "Perdón!" on her lips several times as I scrolled mechanically on my phone. 
Minutes went by and night started to fall when Misa finally hung up. "I’m so sorry I should never have taken that call !" She sighted. I got up quickly "No prob. But it’s getting late, we should get going". Reason had won over heart for now. Or at least, chance had buy me time to really sort things out. Misa looked up at me, surprised. She hadn’t expected that. This time I didn’t dared to even take a glimpse at her. As I gave her no reaction, she let her head fall down in her hands. I heard her taking a deep breath before she finally stood up and started following me. 
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Lulled by the light swing of the train, a part of me had cooled down. An other part was going crazy for real. Misa was wanting me. A calm, almost pleasant panic was filling me entirely on the way home. 
Chapter 4 ➤ Hell Clasico Chapter 5 ➤ Valleys and peaks
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realmadridfamily · 3 months
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Mishel Gerzig attends the Madrid photocall for “ACQUA DI GIO” By Giorgio Armani at Matadero Madrid on March 07, 2024 in Madrid, Spain.
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Still-life through plastic sheeting
Madrid, Spain -- 2/5/11
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30 June 2016 | Queen Letizia of Spain attends the presentation of "Let Girls Learn" by US First Lady Michelle Obama at Matadero cultural center in Madrid, Spain. In this initiative Michelle Obama shares the stories of girls she has met in her prior travels and highlights new commitments to support "Let Girls Learn". Mrs. Obama encourage the audience to value their own educational opportunities, continue to strive for progress for girls and young women in their country, and take action to help the more than 62 million girls around the world who are out of school. (c) Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images
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luui61 · 8 months
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Mosaics by Daniel Canogar on the twin bridges of Matadero and Invernadero, in Madrid
Photo from Twitter
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unaciertamirada · 2 years
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Upside Down . . . #mataderomadrid #matadero #portrait #portraitphotography #portraitmood #fashion #fashionstyle #fashionista #sunglasses #bnw_raw #bnw_focus_on #bnw_magazine #bnw_planet #bnw_madrid #alternative_bnw #blackandwhite #upsidedown (en Matadero Madrid) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgmdjvADYM5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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carabanchelnet · 8 months
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📌Carabanchel, uno de los barrios más allá de la M30 que soporta la especulación de los fondos buitre 📌Matadero Madrid, Hispanidad 2023: Del 12 al 15 de octubre, programación musical 📌La Comunidad de Madrid elimina 17 árboles en Avenida de América para instalar ascensores y reordenar el tráfico 📌Yolanda Díaz hace avanzar la Economía Social en Europa y logra aprobar el primer texto sobre salud mental y precariedad laboral en la UE https://carabanchel.net
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