#Mathilda Bells
bugsims · 7 months
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god laughs at me
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Through Mamie's Eyes
Recently I visited the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home.  Curator William Snyder provided us with a tour. I loved learning the Eisenhower story through Mamie’s eyes. William Snyder curator of the museum provided our tour. We saw the boyhood house where President Eisenhower grew up, then we toured the library and museum, plus, we viewed the memorial where he and…
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spir4nts-lun4r · 1 year
hi ✩
I'm not new to Tumblr but this is a new account, so here's a get to know me ig;
I go by crowen on here
I'm 17 y/o
I'm already gladly infatuated with someone so please refrain from any flirting
I am deeply in love with music, poetry, books, good films, the universe of cinema in general and black coffee.
I feel very connected to space, stars and the moon especially, hence the space themed username.
I am heavily fixated on solitaire and have been for about 2 years now. It haunts my every thought and I associate everything I do or say to solitaire.
my favourite tv shows are bojack horseman, queens gambit, sherlock holmes BBC, anne with an e, young royals, umbrella academy, heartstopper, gilmore girls, I am not okay with this, the end of the f***ing world, fleabag, everything now and life is strange (not a show but feels like one)
my favourite films are the perks of being a wallflower, girl interrupted, fantastic mister fox, coraline, moonrise kingdom, all the bright places, the edge of seventeen, call me by your name, asteroid city, watership down and dead poets society.
my favourite books are solitaire, loveless, the Harry potter series, the perks of being a wallflower, a good girls guide to murder series, Mathilda, the secret garden, metamorphosis, the bell jar, the narnia series and les misérables.
I major in biology, physics, chemistry and math but I suck at most of it, I'm not really good at studying generally, but biology and chemistry is pretty interesting otherwise.
I really like cats, crystals and insects, I particularly like to collect dead insects and pin them into frames for my room. I also collect animal bones for similar reasons.
I'm pretty sure I have depression among other issues but it's rather complicated to get a diagnosis and medical help because of some personal issues, so yeah that's fun lols.
I kin tori spring, bojack horseman(not a flex.) , chloe price, charlie kelmeckis, mia polanco, sydney novak, remus lupin AND sirius black(the marauders fandom versions), anne shirley, susana kaysen, theodore finch, fleabag, nadine byrd, ladybird, matilda wormwood and alyssa foley.
i also own another blog solely dedicated to poetry and maybe eventual writing (I really love literature a lot), the blog is called @aionios-monaxia
that's all for now lmao good luck to anyone with the patience to read it all, bye ★*・゚⋆ ༄
btw, please send me anons I find them very entertaining!
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camille-lachenille · 1 year
Elvish names
A list of names of our world translated in Quenya and Sindarin you can use for your fanfics, just credit me if you pick one.
I tried to stay as close as possible to the original etymology of the names but there are sometimes several meaning possible for a component and, the lexicon in both Quenya and Sindarin being relatively restricted, I often had to compromise with the closest synonym I could find or play with the figurative meanings. I always tried to keep the main idea/element of a name, and that’s why I give so many options for some translations. I also tied not to use any fan creation/neo-Sindarin to be as close as possible to the original lore but there are two instances where I hadn’t much alternative so, be sure to read the notes for Chloe and the Latin etymology of Rosamund if you want to use the languages strictly as Tolkien wrote them.
The names are all given with the feminine, the masculine and the neutral form. The first in the list (until Rosamund) are completely gender neutral in their translation and it’s up to you to decide if it sound more masculine, feminine or neutral. All the other names can be declined using various gendered suffixes or words at the end. Every element will be given in English each time but here is a list of the most common suffixes so you can play around with the names by yourself.
Neutral: -wë = suffix for names; quén = person, individual, being; hína = child
Feminine: -iel = feminine suffix, daughter; -ien = daughter; -wen = maiden
Masculine: -ndo = masculine suffix; -ion = son
Neutral: -u = suffix for names; pen = someone, one, individual; hên = child
Feminine: -iel = feminine suffix, daughter; -il = feminine suffix; -wen = maiden, woman
Masculine: -on = masculine suffix; -ion = son
(Noble heather/moors) =>
Quenya: Araoricon (ara- =noble & oricon=heather)
Sindarin: Artalath (ar- =noble, talath=flat lands, plain)
(Brave/hardy bear) =>
Quenya: Turcamorco (turca=strong, powerful in body & morco=bear), atl. spelling Turkamorco (turka instead of turca)
Sindarin: Bellgraw (bell=strong in body & graw=bear), Bellmdelin (medlin=honey-eater, bear-like)
Dorothy/ Theodora/Theodore
(Gift of God) =>
Quenya: Valanna (vala=god & anna=gift) Valanwa (anwa=gift)
Sindarin: Balanoneth (balan=god & oneth=giving), Rodononeth (rodon=god)
I think that, for this name, it would work to replace the generic “vala” by the name of a specific Vala if the parents prayed one to have a child. Ex. Ivononeth (Ivon= Yavanna in Sindarin) or Vánanna (Gift of Vána). Also works with “Eru” instead of the generic words for “god”
(My God is an oath) =>
Quenya: Ainovanda (aino, god & vanda=oath/pledge), Valavanda (vala=god), Eruvanda (I'm not sure any Elf would put the name Eru, the equivalent of God with a capital g, in their child's name but it's the closest in meaning to Elizabeth)
Sindarin: Balangwaedh (balan=vala & gwaedh=oath), Rodongwaedh (rodon=vala), Erugwaedh
(Loud/famous battle/to fight) =>
Quenya: Rimpaotha (rimpa=loud & otha=war)
Sindarin: Bruidagor (brui=loud & dagor=battle), Bruidagra (dagra=battle)
I strongly doubt any sane Elven parent would call their child like that, but it sounds relatively plausible for a baby born during a time of war (maybe a baby born during the crazy First Age?).
(Mighty battle) =>
Quenya: Melehtaothawen (melehta=mighty & otha=war & -wen=maiden)
For this one, I used three elements to compose the name because it didn’t sound right otherwise, but it’s not entirely right according to the naming rules in Quenya.
Sindarin: Belaithdagra (belaith=mighty & dagra=battle)
Like the precedent name, I doubt it would be very common, but it might work as an epessë (chosen name/nickname) for a warrior
(Sea drop) =>
Quenya: Limbairë (limba=drop & airë= sea), Limbairen(airen=sea)
Sindarin: Limigaear (limig=drop & gaear=sea), Limigaer (gaer=sea)
(Victory of the people) =>
Quenya: Aparielië (apairë=victory & lië=people, folk), Túrelië (túrë=mastery, victory)
Sindarin: Tûrgwaith (tûr= mastery & gwaith=people)
(Bright fame) =>
Quenya: Alcarima (alcar=glory & -ima=fair)
Sindarin: Agarbain (agar=glory & bain=fair), Agargalad (galad=radiant, bright)
(Horse protector (Germanic) OR rose of the world (Latin)) =>
Germanic etymology:
Quenya: Roccovarilë (rocco=horse & varilë=protection)
Sindarin: Rochthand (roch=horse thand=shield)
Latin etymology:
Quenya: Eälótë (lótë=flower, blossom & eä=world) Eämerillë (merillë=rose (fan invention)), Ilúvelótë (ilúvë=world)
Sindarin: Merilamar (meril=rose & amar=world)
(Noble illustrious/brilliant) =>
Quenya: Aralcarindo (ara-=noble & alcarin= glorious, brilliant & -ndo=masculine suffix), Aralcarinon (-on=masculine suffix)
Sindarin: Araglorion (ar-=noble & aglor=glorious, brilliant & -ion=masculine suffix, son)
Feminine form:
Q. Aralcariniel (-iel=feminine suffix)
S. Aragloril (-il=feminine suffix)
Neutral form:
Q. Aralcarinwë (-wë=neutral suffix)
S. Aragloru (-u=neutral suffix)
(Protector of men/defending men) =>
Quenya: Alatyanér (alatya- =to ward off, to protect & nér=man), Sandanér (sanda=shield)
Sindarin: Beriadir (beria=to protect & dîr=man), Thandir (thand=shield)
Feminine form:
Q. Alatyanis (nís=woman), Sandanis
S. Beriawen (-wen=woman, maiden), Thandwen (this one can also be used as a title/warrior category as it literally means Shieldmaiden)
Neutral form:
Q. Alatyawë (-wë=neutral suffix), Sandawë
S. Beriau (-u=neutral suffix), Thandu
(Bear son/king/warrior) =>
Quenya: Morcotar (morco=bear & -tar=king), Morcomehtar (mehta=warrior), Morcoion (-ion=son)
Sindarin: Grawaran (graw=bear & aran=king), Medlinaran, (medlin=honey-eater, bear-like), Grawhador (hador=warrior), Grawion (-ion=son), Medlinion
Feminine form:
Q. Morcotári (tári=queen), Morcoien (-ien=daughter)
S. Grawrían (rían=queen), Medlinrían, Grawiel (-iel=daughter), Medliniel
Neutral form:
Q. Morcoquén (quén=person, individual), Morcohína (hên=child)
S.  Grawpen (pen=one, somebody), Medlinpen, Grawhên (hên=child), Medlinhên
(Free woman) =>
Quenya: Fairenissë (fairë=free & nissë=woman), Fairënína (nína=woman), Fairewen (-wen=maiden), Fairënis (nís=woman)
Sindarin: Lainbess (lain=free & bess=woman), Laingwen (gwen=maiden, woman), Lainil (-il=feminine suffix)
Masculine form:
Q. Fairënér (nér=man)
S. Laindir (dîr=man), Lainon (-on=masculine suffix)
Neutral form:
Q. Fairëquén (quén=person, individual), Fairewë (-wë=neutral suffixe)
S. Lainpen (pen=one, somebody), Lainu (-u=neutral suffix)
(Blooming, fertility, spring) =>
Quenya: Löawen (löa= time of blooming, “spring” & -wen= maiden), Lótëaiel (lótëa=blooming, flowering & -iel= feminine suffix)
Sindarin: Ethuiliel (ethuil=spring & -iel= feminine suffix) Lostadil (lostad=blooming & -il= feminine suffix)
Note that lostad is a fan invention/non-approved by Tolkien so this is not the name for you if you are trying to stick as closely as possible to the language rules.
Masculine form:
Q. Löando (-ndo=masculine suffix), Lótëando
S. Ethuilon (-on=masculine suffix)
Neutral Form:
Q. Loawë (-wë=neutral suffix), Lóteawë
S. Ethuilu (-u=neutral suffix)
(Wealth/fortune/prosperous, guardian/protector/lord) =>
Quenya: Almacundo (alma= good fortune, weal, wealth & cundo=guardian, lord)
Sindarin: Maelighir (maelig= wealth, abundance & hîr=lord)
Feminine form:
Q. Almaheri (heri=lady)
S. Maeligrodel (rodel=lady, high lady)
Neutral form:
Q. Almaquén (quén=person, individual), Almawë (-wë= suffix for a person)
S. Maeligpen (pen=one, somebody), Maeligu (-u=neutral suffix)
(Healthy) =>
Quenya: Alwarien (alwa=healthy & -ien= daughter, maiden)
Sindarin: Alwiel (alw=healthy & -iel=feminine suffix)
Masculine form:
Q. Alwando (-ndo=masculine suffix)
S. Alwon (-on=masculine suffix)
Neutral form:
Q. Alwawë (-wë=neutral suffix)
S. Alwu (-u=neutral suffix)
(Peace ruler) =>
Quenya: Rainëtur (rainë=peace & -tur=ruler), Rainëtar (-tar=king)
Sindarin: Idharan (îdh=peace & aran=king, noble, lord)
Feminine form:
Q. Rainëtári (tári=queen)
S. Idhrían (rían=queen)
(Farmer, lit. soil-worker) =>
Quenya: Ceminér (cemi=soil & -nér=man), Kemenér (kemen=earth), Rernér (rer-=to sow)
Sindarin: Caedir (cae=soil & dîr=man), Cevendir (ceven=earth)
Feminine form:
Q. Ceminís (nís=woman), Kemenís, Ceminissë (nissë=woman)
S. Caewen (-wen=maiden, woman), Cevenil (-il=feminine suffix)
Neutral form:
Q. Cemimólë (mólë=work, labour), Kemenmólë
S. Caedrabu (drab-= to work, to labour & -u=neutral suffix), Cevendrabu
(Sunshine) =>
Quenya: Arien (canon name for the Sun, lit. sun-maiden), Anarcalina (anar=sun & calina=bright), Ancalë (name of a Tengwar letter, litt. radiant one)
Sindarin: Anorwen (anor=sun & -wen=maiden), Anorglân (glân=bright, shining), Glawiel (glaw=sunshine & -iel=feminine suffix)
Masculine form:
Q. Anarion (lit. son of the sun; name of the youngest son of Elendil and second king of Gondor)
S. Anordir (dîr=man), Anoron (-on=masculine suffix), Glawion (-ion=son)
Neutral form:
Q. Anarwë (-wë=neutral suffix), Anarhína (hína=child)
S. Anoru (-u=neutral suffix), Anorhên (hên=child)
(Light) =>
Quenya: Calaiel (cala=light & -iel=feminine suffix), Calaien (-ien=daughter, maiden), Calinaiel (calina= light), Calinawen (-wen=woman, maiden), Calina
Sindarin: Caladiel (calad= light & -iel=feminine suffix), Galadil (galad=light, radiance)
Masculine form:
Q. Calando (-ndo =masculine suffix), Calinando, Calaion (-ion=son), Calinaion
S. Caladon (-on=masculine suffix), Galadon, Caladion (-ion=son), Galadion
Neutral form:
Q. Calawë (-wë=neutral suffix), Calinawë
S. Caladu (-u=neutral suffix), Galadu
(Beloved) =>
Quenya: Meldawen (melda=beloved & -wen=maiden)
Sindarin: Melliel (mell=beloved & -iel=feminine suffix, daughter), Mellwen (-wen=maiden, woman)
Masculine form:
Q. Meldando (-ndo=masculine suffix)
S. Meldir (dîr=man)
Neutral form:
Q. Meldawë (-wë=neutral suffix)
S. Mellu (-u=neutral suffix)
(Bee) =>
Quenya: Nioniel (nion=bee & -iel=feminine suffix)
Sindarin: Glitânil (glî=honey & tân=maker & -il=feminine suffix, daughter)
There is no word for bee in Sindarin so I smashed together honey and maker and it’ll do the job.
Masculine form:
Q. Niondo (-ndo=masculine suffix)
S. Glitânon (-on=masculine suffix)
Neutral form:
Q. Nionwë (-wë=neutral suffix)
S. Glitânu (-u=neutral suffix)
(Ruler/princess) =>
Quenya: Aranel (aranel=princess)
Sindarin: Brethil(brethil= princess, litt. queen-daughter), Riel (riel=princess)
(Lily, flower) =>
Quenya: Indiliel (indil=lily, flower & -iel=feminine suffix)
Sindarin: Ellothiel (elloth=flower & -iel=feminine suffix), Lothiel (loth=flower)
Neutral form:
Q. Indilwë (-wë=neutral suffix)
S. Ellothu (-u=neutral suffix), Lothu
(Bear) =>
Quenya: Morcowen (morco=bear & -wen=maiden)
Sindarin: Grawil (graw=bear & -il=feminine suffix) Medlinil (medlin=honey-eater, bear-like)
Masculine form:
Q. Morcondo (-ndo=masculine suffix)
S. Grawon (-on=masculine suffix)
Neutral form:
Q. Morcowë (-wë=neutral suffix)
S. Grawu (-u=neutral suffix), Medlinu
So here is the complete list. As I said at the beginning, you are welcome to pick a name or two for your fanfictions, but CREDIT ME if you do so. I spent hours and hours on this list and I won’t have my hard work stolen. And I’d like to see who these names will become as characters, too. You can either put a link to this post or tag me. I am Camille_LaChenille on AO3.
If you made it this far, congratulations! I also take requests to make Elvish names. Send in my askbox a message with one or two real world name or a general idea of the meaning you'd like, and a brief descrition of your character (gender, origin, social role/status, ) as well as the language you'd like the name in. I will give you two options you can chose from in a week or so. For an Elf who had to change their name from one language to another (think First Age Quenya ban), precise it and I'll give one name in each language.
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Ok, so I actually did finish all of my Inktober drawings last year but I never actually scanned them because I got disheartened. But I was thinking about art again, and how fuck it I should just put the rest of them up! But my scanner decided to shit itself tonight and I was getting all upset about it because fuck it I was finally gonna do the thing and now this happens? Why was I even bothering?
But fuck that! I have a camera! I took acceptable pics with my phone and here they are, approximately a year late but here! The Thing has been Done! I have accomplished my goal for the night and not let myself feel defeated about it. So what we have here is:
Kitty camping in the wild and exotic Living Room
I was watching Coraline so it followed
My pen cup! It once contained a small stuffed otter I named Mon-a-nee, and now contains my most frequently use art supplies. @prismatic-bell and the slightly cursed little pompom cat you gave me in school lives here full time ^__^
And Mathilda the farmer lady cat, who grows silvervine and mint and her wife breeds fancy show mice.
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Round 2 most popular villager results:
Round 2 is over, and both New Leaf darling Marshal and New Horizons darling Raymond have been eliminated! Sorry to any of you who had money on either of them taking the whole competition.
Round 3 will begin March 28th. I think round 3 is when the choices are really gonna start getting tough, there are a lot of matchups coming that I think will be very close. After round 3, submissions will open for three villagers to make a comeback, so stay tuned for that!
also it was my birthday today ! lets get some animal parties down in the replies 🦉🧁 🦝
Biggest sweeps (85% and over):
Molly 93.2% / Monty 6.8%
Lucky 90.1% / Lucy 9.9%
Jeremiah 88.6% / Jane 11.4%
Merengue 86.6% / Mint 13.4%
Kiki 86.1% / Kitty 13.9%
Ione 85.9% / Jacques 14.1%
Mitzi 85.7% / Miranda 14.3%
Sasha 85.5% / Samson 14.5%
Sylvana 85.4% / T-Bone 14.6%
Lily 85% / Lionel 15%
Closest Matches (55% and under):
Dom 54.7% / Dotty 45.3%
Ellie 54.4% / Eloise 45.6%
Zucker 54.4% / Zell 45.6%
Viché 54.2% / Victoria 45.8%
Grizzly 54.1% / Gwen 45.9%
Knox 53.8% / Koharu 46.2%
Curt 53.6% / Curlos 46.4%
Pippy 53.2% / Poko 46.8%
Bam 52.8% / Baabara 47.2%
Raddle 56.2% / Raymond 47.4%
Fuchsia 52.3% / Gala 47.7%
Frita 51.7% / Frobert 48.3%
Bow 51% / Boots 49%
Marty 50.6% / Mathilda 49.4%
Shino 50.5% / Sherb 49.5%
Hamlet 50.2% / Hamphrey 49.8%
Middle of the pack:
Petri 84.3% / Penny 15.7%
Bunnie 84.2% / Bubbles 15.8%
Maple 83.9% / Marcie 16.1%
Purrl 83% / Quetzal 17%
Punchy 82% / Puddles 18%
Vesta 81.9% / Ursala 18.1%
Bianca 81.5% / Big Top 18.5%
Ribbot 81% / Rilla 19%
Rolf 80.7% / Rooney 19.3%
Butch 80.1% / Camofrog 19.9%
Sunny 79.9% / Stu 20.1%
Melba 79.1% / Megumi 20.9%
Chrissy 78% / Chow 22%
Lolly 78% / Lopez 22%
Poppy 78% / Portia 22%
Tangy 77.4% / Tasha 22.6%
Coco 76.7% / Cookie 23.3%
Agnes 76.3% / Ace 23.7%
Skye 76% / Snake 24%
Hornsby 75.1% / Huggy 24.9%
Papi 75.1% / Pango 24.9%
Shep 75.4% / Scoot 24.6%
Ankha 74.8% / Anchovy 25.2%
Alice 74.7% / Aisle 25.3%
Pekoe 74.1% / Peck 25.9%
Rodeo 74.1% / Rocco 25.9%
Audie 73.9% / Apple 26.1%
Bob 73.5% / Blanche 26.5%
Cherry 73.1% / Chelsea 26.9%
Cleo 72.6% / Cobb 27.4%
Carmen 72.5% / Canberra 27.5%
Pecan 72.1% / Peaches 27.9%
Reneigh 71.9% / Rex 28.1%
Roald 71.8% / Rio 28.2%
Tad 71.8% / Tammy 28.2%
Kyle 71.4% / Leopold 28.6%
Tom 71.1% / Tucker 28.9%
Daisy 71% / Cyd 29%
Hazel 70.9% / Hans 29.1%
Chai 70.6% / Chabwick 29.4%
Whitney 69.8% / Wendy 30.2%
Pashmina 69.7% / Patty 30.3%
Freya 69.5% / Freckles 30.5%
Kabuki 69.4% / Ken 30.6%
Nana 69.1% / Nate 30.9%
Norma 69% / Nosegay 31%
Fauna 68.9% / Felyne 31.1%
Erik 68% / Epona 32%
Gayle 68% / Genji 32%
Bertha 67% / Bettina 33%
Muffy 66.7% / Nan 33.3%
Cube 66.6% / Cousteau 33.4%
Vivian 66.6% / Wade 33.4%
Bones 66.4% / Boomer 33.6%
Phoebe 66.1% / Pierce 33.9%
Goldie 64.9% / Gladys 35.1%
Tutu 64.9% / Tybalt 35.1%
Chevre 64.8% / Chief 35.2%
Apollo 64.7% / Annalisa 35.3%
Tia 64.7% / Teddy 35.3%
Bruce 64.3% / Bree 35.7%
Lulu 63.7% / Mac 36.3%
Tipper 63.7% / Tiffany 36.3%
Caroline 63.3% / Carrot 36.7%
Ketchup 63.3% / Kid Cat 36.7%
Wolfgang 63.3% / Woolio 36.7%
Goose 63% / Greta 37%
Soleil 62.9% / Spike 37.1%
Beau 62.8% / Bea 37.2%
Clay 62.5% / Claude 37.5%
Ruby 62.5% / Rudy 37.5%
Fang 62.2% / Eunice 37.8%
Amelia 62% / Anabelle 38%
Sprinkle 61.8% / Static 38.2%
Rosie 61.7% / Roscoe 38.3%
Pietro 61.4% / Pinky 38.6%
Diana 60.7% / Dobie 39.3%
Stitches 60.6% / Stella 39.4%
Deirdre 60.2% / Deli 39.8%
Walker 59.9% / Weber 40.1%
Biskit 59.6% / Billy 40.4%
Hugh 59.5% / Iggy 40.5%
Maggie 59.5% / Maddie 40.5%
Opal 59.5% / Ozzie 40.5%
Bella 59.1% / Belle 40.9%
Henry 59.1% / Hopkins 40.9%
Ed 58.9% / Elina 41.1%
Cephalobot 58.6% / Celia 41.4%
Drago 58.6% / Drift 41.4%
Flo 58.4% / Flash 41.6%
Flora 58.4% / Flurry 41.6%
Olivia 58.3% / Octavian 41.7%
Marina 58% / Marshal 42%
Julian 57.3% / Julia 42.7%
Joey 57.1% / Joe 42.9%
Azalea 56.8% / Avery 43.2%
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lonelystarlet · 8 months
“in what ways do you express coquette?”
what are your main inspirations and in what way do you express your personal concept of coquette?
i have a personal concept which is the lonely starlet concept (i have some posts about it!). it’s heavily based on The Weeknd’s second mixtape Thursday. i have been apart of other subcultures such as goth and grunge so these have an effect on my style. i also wish i was a rockstar’s groupie back in the 60s or 70s so that impacts my style too.
what media and people directly influence your look and lifestyle?
music is a huge part of my identity and style. i get inspiration from the music and aesthetics by artists such as Lana Del Rey, The Weeknd, Marina, Stevie Nicks, Courtney Love, Melanie Martinez, Halsey, Taylor Swift, Siouxsie Sioux, Kali Uchis, Taylor Momsen, etc. i also get inspiration from other icons such as Pattie Boyd, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot and Liv Tyler.
characters from movies and tv shows also influence my style. some of them are Quinn Morgendorffer, Veronica Lodge, Dolores Haze, Daisy Jones, Brooke Thompson, Daphne Blake, Cher Horowitz and Mathilda Lando.
finally, list some of your coquette basic staples.
red lipstick, clear lipgloss, heart-shaped sunglasses, chokers, cardigans, platform boots, mary janes, lace cami tops, tennis skirts, flare jeans, band shirts, gingham dresses, bardot tops, headbands, bows, stockings, winged eyeliner, messy hair, denim jackets, bell sleeve tops, friendship bracelets, frilly socks, denim shorts, pinafore dresses, shawls, crystal necklaces
thank you @cinnamonspicevanilla for tagging me! this is such a cute idea!
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glacialswordsman-a · 4 months
@poswiecenia | how about i just scream and cry and throw up huh
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Kaeya stepped forward quickly as he saw how Mathilda slumped down against the log, having attempted to reach a hand out before remembering the bundle he had in his arms. He looked at her with terrible concern, his expression completely marred by anxiety as his hands readjusted themselves carefully around the babe.
The Baeur Clan… He remembers how mother used to teach him about the clans that served them and protected them, having her son learn more of his people before the day he must lead. The name rang a bell, but a lot of faces have already been lost to the miasma of his memories.
A gasp left him as Mathilda winced and seemed to be laboring to keep living. “A-Aunty, please…” he begged. Begged for what, though? There is nothing that can be done. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as his feet shuffled awkwardly. This wasn’t fair. This shouldn’t be happening to her. This shouldn’t be happening to them. Why were they hated so?
As the woman frowned at the mention of Crepus, Kaeya knew that there was nothing left for him to do, his shoulders slumping in resignation as his eye fell to the grass. He cannot force her. He learned that early on. He felt helpless, hopeless, useless. What good is he as a prince if his people still suffer and scream for salvation?
His eye landed on her skin as she showed him, and he knew that no matter what he can try to do, he cannot save her. Her curse would take over soon. Tears threatened to pool in his eye, but he stood resolutely, gulping them down as he gazed at her with a terribly saddened gaze.
“… What is your name, aunty? I want to remember it; want to remember you. Then one day, I can tell them—and let them know how much you loved them.”
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This is gonna be the pinned post where I list all the polls as they go up! So it's gonna change! Give me a minute if im slow to update this post because I'm BUSY. I have THINGS TO DO.
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Shitty tournament diagram pls enjoy my terrible handwriting.
Active polls:
Round 2:
Shino v Bruce
Chief v Audie
Amelia v Sunny
Meow v Apollo
Pierre v Walt
Vesta v Bob
Butch v Coco
Bam v Beau
Kabuki v Lolly
Kitty v Ankha
Tangy v Purrl
Willow v Bow
Petri v Molly
Sasha v Shep
Fauna v Lopez
Sherb v Chevre
Skye v Kyle
Marshal v Cheri
Etoile v Pietro
Olivia v Marina
Agnus v Pekoe
Gayle v Roald
Goldie v Whitney
Merengue v Margie
Dotty v Judy
Muffy v Cherry
Sprinkle v Chai
Stitches v Rosie
Punchy v Diana
Cephalobot v Lily
Ketchup v Lucky
Gladys v Maple
Completed polls:
Round 1:
Nindori, Wolfgang, Marshal, Hans, Epona, Frita, Ed, Eugene, Ace
Croque, Drift, Bertha, Ankha, Eunice, Bonbon, Hopkins, Diva, Leopold
Ozzie, Analog, Anicotti, Roscoe, Stitches, Cranston, Kiki, Megan, Boris
Megumi, Pancetti, Drake, Zucker, Etoile, Ione, Gen, W. Link, Deena
Rizzo, Pecan, Leonardo, Hugh, Alice, Henry, Chai, Cyrano, Curlos
Flurry, Vivian, Genji, Fang, Kit, Wendy, Azalea, Tammy, Beau
Tasha, Pango, Sprinkle, Kidd, Egbert, Barold, Lobo, Del, Pate
Mott, Peck, Robin, Margie, Chops, Hippeux, Big Top, Flip, Annalisa
Woolio, Rodeo, Rodney, Lulu, Nate, Eloise, Bam, Beardo, Cleo
Inkwell, Paula, Sheldon, Shep, Lucha, Sandy, Jeremiah, Bill, Benedict
Mint, Elmer, Tia, Dobie, Lucy, Betty, Goose, Sasha, Muffy
Sue E, Stu, Petunia, Lyman, Bella, Gloria, Doc, Bruce, Jane
Rolf, Sylvana, Melba, Tammi, Lionel, Murphy, Frett, Samson, Coco
Cupcake, Limberg, Fruity, Dotty, Iggly, Bluebear, Louie, Annalise, Olivia
Vladimir, Rudy, Sven, Shoukichi, Liz, Purrl, Holden, Moe, Dozer
Angus, Broccolo, Blaire, Dizzy, Jay, Frobert, Norma, Lucky, Renee
Tex, Violet, Skye, Sly, Medli, Otis, Kody, Reneigh, Graham
Nosegay, Maddie, Quillson, Shari, Teddy, Sunny, Sally/Hazel, Walker, Snake
Nan, Peaches, Madam Rosa, Lily, Dora, Freya, Cole, Iggy, Bettina
Shino, Spork/Crackle, Scoot, Pompom, Flossie, Knox, Dom, Frank, Anabelle
Pashmina, Piper, Octavian, Lolly, Drago, Bree, Bessie, Alli, Benjamin
Sherb, Tutu, Rooney, Rocket, Diana, Pinky, Curly, Mitzi, Admiral
Tucker, Velma, Sterling, Nibbles, Baabara, Flash, Champ, Joey, Chief
Stella, Wade, Punchy, Poko, Ike, Pierce, Aurora, Boyd, Canberra
Puck, T-bone, Opal, Mallary, Bob, Hank, Blanche, Cyd, Axel
Ketchup, Kevin, Monique, Francine, Astrid, Bitty, Antonio, Hamphrey, Becky
Klaus, Meow, Hector, Hamlet, Belle, Filly, Clay, Emerald, Cobb
Plucky, Valise, Mathilda, Mac, Cephalobot, Ken, Carrot, Filbert, Claude
Victoria, Willow, Zoe, Ursala, Moose, Olaf, Grizzly, Gwen, Chico
Marty, Phoebe, Maelle, Keaton, Freckles, Katt, Carmen, Judy, Cece
Savannah, Poncho, Stinky, Gayle, Billy, Elise, Bangle, Bud, Avery
Truffles, Zell, Tabby, Shinabiru, Petri, Ricky, Maggie, Raddle, Flora
Prince, Tybalt, Vesta, Patricia, Chow, Nana, Chevre, Gonzo, Chadder
Oxford, Jitters, Peanut, Jacques, Felyne, Aziz, Claudia, Apple, Apollo
Miranda, Molly, Tom, Marcel, Clara, Harry, Bones, Maple, Cesar
Quetzal, Whitney, Winnie, Joe, Ganon, Patty, Bea, Mira, Groucho
Ribbot, Sparro, Ruby, Midge, Biff, Marina, Anchovy, Papi, Camofrog
Quinn, Pierre, Spike, Merry, Gladys, June, Gruff, Olive, Carmen
Paolo, Lulu, Vic, Juubei, Lopez, Gala, Deidre, Elvis, Gabi
Sprocket, Static, Marcie, Marlo, Goldie, Julian, Felicity, Huggy, Ellie
Rowan, Viche, Twiggy, Greta, Puddles, Penny, Cally/Sally, Bow, Chuck
Penelope, Slyvia, Pekoe, Peewee, Fuschia, Leigh, Jambette, Masa, Boots
Simon, Weldon, Queenie, Kitty, Curt, Amelia, Agent S, Pigleg, Alfonso
Rocco, Toby, Tiansheng, Rhoda, Hambo, Naomi, Bunnie, Hazel, Audie
Rollo, Yodel, Kyle, Tipper, Flo, Kabuki, Candi, Colton, Broffina
Tiffany, Weber, Gaston, Chelsea, Elina, Bubbles, Boone, Buzz, Agnes
Peggy, O'Hare, Yuka, Monty, Chester, Cookie, Celia, Koharu, Butch
Sydney, Rory, Wart Jr., Pudge, Kid Cat, Merengue, Fauna, Pippy, Cube
Rex, Timbra, Tank, Rasher, Cheri, Faith, Ava, Huck, Chabwick
Poppy, Roswell, Pietro, Phil, Hopper, Kitt, Clyde, Erik, Boomer
Twirp, Rod, Rosie, Rhonda, Rio, Portia, Julia, Coach, Cousteau
Tangy, Tarou, Tad, Hornsby, Daisy, Deli, Buck, Chrissy, Al
Rilla, Snooty, Marcy, Cherry, Biskit, Carrie, Bianca, Caroline/Bliss, Aisle
Soleil, Tiara, Roald, Jakey/Jacob, Friga, Gigi, Charlise, Derwin, Cashmere
Raymond, Walt
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misiwrites · 1 year
Mayblade Day 10
[previous: chapter 1 & 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9]
CHAPTER 10 prompt: maid characters: hiromi, max, mathilda, emily, giancarlo, mao, rei, takao, yuuya (+ mentions of others) pairings: max/rei, hiromi/takao
Tsuki, the prodigious one-person textile factory, did indeed finish all the bake sale costumes on time. When the day of the event came, Hiromi put on a maid dress of pink and white and baby blue, complete with an apron and a little headdress.
The dress was frilly, flowy and had puff sleeves, the skirt bell-shaped in a way that made her waist look small. Perhaps it was a bit too anime for her general tastes, but even she couldn’t resist how cute it looked. The part that she wasn’t quite as enthusiastic about was a pink buckle choker she was meant to wear around her neck, but belts seemed to be Tsuki’s trademark and she didn’t have the heart to refuse it after all the hard work Tsuki had put into making the costume for her.
The costume proved popular with other people as well; the compliments started coming the minute Hiromi and Salima began putting up the vendor stall for 1-A in front of the school. The baked goods were mostly handmade by students and their families, now swarming in to bring their freshly baked products to display. Bey Town High had never smelled as good as it did that Saturday.
At this point, it didn’t even surprise Hiromi anymore when the people in charge of the stall for class 1-B arrived and one of them turned out to be Max. The other was a girl with short pink hair, Mathilda. She hadn’t changed her clothes yet, but Hiromi could tell she would look aorable in the dress. Mathilda was like a doll, slightly shorter than Hiromi and cute as a button.
“I feel like we are cursed to become friends,” Hiromi told Max while he was helping Mathilda assemble the stall opposite 1-A’s.
He grinned at her across the aisle between the stalls. “Yeah, I have that kind of effect on people.”
Fifteen minutes before opening the school gates to the public, a van drove over with a cargo of pies and buns from a local bakery and Hiromi volunteered to help carry and distribute the goods to all the different class stalls according to the inventory, nine in total crisscrossing on both sides of the pedestrian aisle. Since the first-years were at the very end of the aisle, they had a nice view of an open area where the public would be entertained by whatever shows the clubs had come up with for the event.
When she returned to her stall, Hiromi saw the 1-B vendor getting ready across her. In an identical dress to hers but with pastel orange in place of her pink, it was Max counting the change in the tin box placed on the counter. No sight of Mathilda anywhere.
Okay, well. He was bold, she had to give him that.
The bake sale ran smoothly. Hiromi enjoyed serving customers and got a lavish amount of flatteries for the cute look, something she wasn’t used to at all and made her self-conscious yet happy; she was glad everyone else wore the same cute dress, for she couldn’t have dealt with sticking out on her own.
Emily came over with one of her sports friends in tow. The latter decided to buy an entire cake, but Emily said she had to keep a close eye on her calory intake because of the enhancement program and couldn’t eat sweet pastries. What a bleak existence, Hiromi thought but didn’t comment anything beyond “I see” out loud.
“Oh, no.” While her friend was busy with the cake, Emily had been surveying the aisle. Now she frowned. “The Casanova is here. Hiromi, pretend you’re dead, quick.”
“What?” Hiromi tried to lean over to see what she meant. “Who?”
“The Tornatore guy. Probably caught the scent of girls in short skirts from a mile away. I’m out of here, catch you later.”
In a moment, Hiromi understood what she meant: a guy with fair hair appeared to be moving from stall to stall, stopping to chat with the vendor girls, borderline leaning into their booths with no intention to buy anything. So he was flirting with them all in turns, based on the Casanova nickname?
Hiromi didn’t pretend to be dead. She’d been emboldened enough by the Shell Killer and Hiwatari Kai shenanigans to not be fazed by a guy approaching her. Instead, she assumed the most charmingly fake customer service smile and greeted him with a “Hello, how can I help you?”.
Giancarlo Tornatore’s pale blue eyes lit up at the sight of her. “Hey, you’re new,” he said in a nasal voice.
“I recommend the pecan pie. It’s locally produced, all green.”
“Where have you been hiding up to now, lass? You’re from A.” He’d found the plaque featuring the class name. “Huh.”
“Personally, I’m partial to banoffee pie. There’s a pinch of salted caramel in it, too. It’s delicious.”
“The type to play hard to get, aren’t you? I like that. It’s feisty.” Giancarlo flashed her a sleazy smile.
Hiromi’s fake grin widened further, her face threatening to split in half. “Too bad - our booth doesn’t seem to have anything for you, sir. Maybe next time.”
He gave up faster than she’d expected; Giancarlo settled with winking at her, grinning, and turned away. Then gave a long, hard look at Max who waved at him from behind the opposing stall, smiling as bright as the sun. In Giancarlo’s defense, he did seem to weigh his options for a bit, as if seriously considering whether he wanted to go for it or not… before moving on and leaving without another word.
“Ouch.” Max raised a hand over his aproned heart. “My fragile ego just took a hit.”
“Guy’s got poor taste.” Hiromi snuck a few crumbs of the banoffee pie into her mouth in stealth. She’d reserved one to buy for herself – she hadn’t lied, it really was her favorite.
The next familiar faces to pass by were Mao and the purple-haired boy from her club. Mao was thrilled at the sight of the 1-A stall, beaming from ear to ear. “You have banoffee pie! Yes!”
“You have great taste.” Hiromi smiled back at her.
“I’ll take two. And you!” Mao turned to the 1-B stall, arms spread wide. “Max! Come on darling, show me – get out of there, I want to see your legs, boy. Woo!”
She clapped in excitement as Max did step out of his booth to do a little pirouette in front of her, the dress twirling around him. The maid costume did suit him oddly well, and he looked like he was enjoying it, too. Now Hiromi wanted to twirl as well, see the pink and blue hem open like an umbrella around her.
Alas, she had customers to serve. Hiromi packed the banoffee pies into a plastic bag and handed it over to Mao. “There you go.”
“Thank you! These will last me at least five minutes.” Chuckling to her own indulgent tendencies, Mao turned to the boy she was with. “You getting something, Rei-nii?”
He stood by the other stall, his back and long ponytail to Hiromi, evidently taking his sweet time choosing. “Yeah, yeah.”
“There’s cheese croissants here. We could take some to Rai-nii.”
Max leaned out of his booth, pointing at some of the assorted pastries. “All these donuts are amazing, for your information. These heart-shaped ones have a raspberry jam filling. I just had two mocca ones…”
“Are you supposed to be eating the inventory?”
“Ssshh, nobody needs to know.”
A new batch of customers rolled in, and Hiromi sold almost all the remaining pies. While stepping out to rearrange the goods and replace the empty space left by the sold-out pastries, she noted that Mao had already left but the purple-haired boy still remained, apparently still undecided… or maybe not. He sure looked like he was just there to chat with Max.
It was looking obvious now that this was the person she’d seen Max texting before – or attempting to text. She’d also seen him linger around the wushu club twice already. Hiromi pretended to have trouble finding the perfect placement for some random pretzel, all the while spying on the boys over her shoulder; she couldn’t hear what they were saying anymore but Max, who already looked like an angel in the effeminate costume, wore the damn smitten smile of a giddy girl talking to her crush on his face. Fragile ego has been patched, I assume.
After a while, Mao came around a second time, this time with Ayaka. She couldn’t believe Rei was still choosing, grabbed the back of his shirt, and dragged him out of there.
They had one hour left of the bake sale. Whenever the stream of customers dried up, Hiromi spent the time watching the performances taking place at the opening next to their stalls. By far the most impressive one was a combined dance and acrobatics performance by what Hiromi could only assume was the circus club, because who else would have been able to do such tricks with a hoop of metal and bowling pins that were on fire. There were only two performers and they looked so much alike, they had to be siblings, if not twins. Their number was over far too soon, and Hiromi clapped along with the rest of the spectators.
When the acrobats were replaced by Brooklyn doing card tricks to children, Hiromi took out her phone to check the notifications. Then she checked her socials, then did the dailies in one of the mobile games she played. Then, once out of digital entertainment, she ended up passing the time playing around with the skirt. She wanted to get it to twirl as nicely as Max’s had.
She started out small, moving back and forth to make the airy fabric move in fun ways. Eventually, meaning only seconds later, it escalated into her spinning uncontrollably in the confinement of her booth; when the space got too narrow, she stepped outside – and stumbled, her head swimming and feet tripping all over themselves as she went. She wobbled like a drunk, fell backwards, and crashed right into someone. That someone caught her by the shoulders.
“Hey, wow wow, look out!”
Blood drained from Hiromi’s face at the sound of that voice. She turned just enough to see Takao’s face. For what felt like an awkward eternity in her imagination but must have lasted only a second in reality, their eyes were locked into each other’s.
Then she moved away, hastily, despite the world still nauseatingly spinning inside her skull. What were the chances of her bumping into Takao there and then? Probably close to zero, yet that was exactly what she’d just done.
“Sorry,” she mumbled and knew her face had gone beetroot red. She swiftly returned to her booth and sat down on the lone stool, breathing in slowly through her nose in an attempt to calm down and clear her head. Why did she keep embarrassing herself like this? And why did Takao have to, like, exist? He made her feel so many chaotic things in her small heart.
Max, on the other hand, had started laughing over on his side. “I totally get you, the skirt is addictive,” he told her. Then he proceeded to greet Takao – and Kane and Zeo who tagged along, of course, Takao wasn’t ever alone anywhere – and ask if he was there to buy something.
In addition to her classmates, Hiromi heard a fourth voice start talking, one she didn’t recognize. “Hello, I’m from the photography club! Could I snap a few pictures for the school paper?”
Hiromi stood up and saw a short, thin boy with plain brown hair and a camera hanging from his neck. It was rare to even see anyone carry a camera around in an era where phones had all but replaced such trinkets and many others.
The camera boy didn’t seem very impressed by the sight of Max who was preoccupied chatting Takao and the rest up. He turned to Hiromi instead. As soon as their eyes met, his were filled with one-sided recognition that said absolutely nothing to her.
“Ah! You!”
“Me?” Hiromi raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, who are you?”
The boy, who was dressed oddly formally in a suit-and-tie attire reminiscent of Professor, came over to her stall. He spoke fast and with inexplicable agitation to her: “Excuse me, my name is Yuuya. I’m from the photography club and we haven’t exactly ever met face to face, but I saw you – a week or two ago, I think? You were at a park in the east district, weren’t you? The large one with the pool. You were with Hiwatari—”
Hiromi yelled. Or it wasn’t so much a yell as a prolonged “ah!” sound to drown out Yuuya’s voice. Hopefully for ever.
“No I wasn’t,” she immediately said.
“Oh… Is this not you?” And the pesky photographer boy took out his phone and, to her horror, showed half a dozen paparazzi-like shots of her and Kai in the park together.
“Wha— Why do you have these? Isn’t it illegal to take pictures of people without their consent?!”
“Um… No, in public spaces it’s not, miss.” It was Yuuya’s turn to become flustered. “Sorry, I only took them for personal use. But it is you, isn’t it?”
Hiromi coughed.
“No,” she said and pulled at the collar of her dress.
Yuuya looked at his phone. Then he looked at Hiromi again.
“You are not Hiwatari Kai’s girlfriend?” he then asked.
She shoved a hand in front of his mouth.
“No, I’m absolutely not,” she hissed at Yuuya’s face, leaning in closer and mustering all the intimidation she could while wearing a frilly pastel dress in a stall full of cakes. “Don’t say that ever again and don’t show those pictures to anyone. Actually, I want you to delete them, okay? Understood?”
He nodded with so much vigor, his head would likely have come off its hinges soon if Hiromi hadn’t let him go a second later; once her hand left his mouth, the boy let out a heartfelt sigh of relief.
“Good,” he said, soothed. “I really thought he had gotten a girlfriend for a while there. All right.” He put the phone away and grabbed the camera proper again. “Anyway – could I snap a few pictures of you for the school paper, miss?”
This, she gave her consent to. But she felt sick to her stomach for a good while afterwards, feeling like her heart was about to climb up her throat and out of her mouth any second now.
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bugsims · 2 months
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the bells family was SUPPOSED to have a family christmas in this gorgeous little christmas lot, but there was a blizzard, and half of them nearly died! 👍 i love the sims!
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courfee · 1 year
tagged: get to know me
tagged by @ryder-the-writer thank you so much for tagging me i love you :3
rules: tag 10 ppl u wanna get to know better
relationship status: single and very much happy that way, its figuring myself out time (am however married and betrothed to some people which is quite lovely)
favourite colour: ??? i do not know. it used to be red, then there was a time when i wouldnt leave the house without at least one piece of green clothing, then i discovered yellow. if i have to say a colour id probably still tell you red, just cause its easiest
stuck in my head: Beethoven’s Ode to Joy
last song i listened to: ....beethoven’s ode to joy. last song i listened to on my own phone was the school song from the mathilda musical tho
3 favourite foods: chocolate, onions (in stuff, usually not on their own but i do sometimes like to snack on a slice of onion when cutting it for stuff), and maybe baked red bell peppers? idk
last thing i googled: probably ‘paula linke der kraken’. its a really good song, go listen to it
dream trip: genuinely just visiting all my friends. i do really wanna go back to the scottish highlands tho
no pressure tags: (i think a bunch of you have already been tagged anyway): @iceprinceofbelair @killianthefirst @chiefguideandcentre @ye-olde-trojan-horse @lunahuntwriting @aithusarosekiller @messrsage @http-starboy
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Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 37
Matt Mercer instantly fumbles the intro ...
No more Gorgeous Lady Fingers? Oh no ... honestly though, it was maybe A LITTLE too suggestive. That said, to an extent this whole skit could be considered a little too innuendo-y ...
Ashley ... WHAT?!!! I'm with you guys, that was ridiculous ...
The Thumb? Thicc with 2 Cs, apparently. I love how pissed off Laura is at how pathetic her character is.
Bells Hells logo ... ooooooooooooohhh ... and it's chiselled in wood! Travis, as Chetney: "That's superior craftsmanship."
Matt: "On that note ..." wow, he looks SO DONE already ...
Oh man ... Matt's recap gives me TOO MUCH foreboding, I can't stand it!
Chetney just wants to leave immediately and I really can't blame him. This place is FUCKED.
Whoa ... so, what? What does THAT mean? Who sees what? Orym: "We're in hell." Yup, there we go.
Ah, so the whole place STINKS of necromancy. Yeah, that's about right. Delilah MUST be here.
Imogen wants to get berets. Hmmmmm ...
Vex ... Imogen: "Yeah, I think that was her name." XD
Stealth check ... Laura rolls a Nat 20 on the Whitestone dice. Whoa ... looks like it's pretty sweet rolls across the board. Nice.
So ... EVERYTHING'S made out of the same creepy stone shit ... okay ...
Liam rolls a Nat 1 ... oh yes, that classic Halfling Luck, he gets to reroll that one. 17! Yay!
When is a door not a door? When it's in THIS fucked up place ... okay, so FCG suggests they use a SWORD. Yeah, that'll work ... Ashton decides to use a WINDOW instead. Much better.
The window us ALSO bullshit. Yeah, that's about right too.
Sam has put a spiritual cord on his flask. Hmm ... Liam: "Very Chekov."
So now things are MOVING. Paths are shifting on them as they go through the city ... not good. Matt says this is going to require a SKILL CHECK ... four successes? What happens if they fuck THIS up?
Travis starts singing Thriller. Matt: "This city does not seem to like classic hits."
Orym tries to Flea Jump over it. SERIOUSLY, dude? Oh, well at least he gets a decent view ... fuck, this shole place is just ALIVE, at least after a fashion.
Okay, the tree is EXTRA creepy. And there's A LOT of nooses on it ...
Liam rolls a 23 on dexterity, which means Orym DOESN'T cut himself to shreds getting over this mess.
Sam: "Bones are the wood of man." Travis starts grinning.
This stuff is REALLY BONE. And now it's BLEEDING. Yeah ... seriously, you wanna KEEP that shit?
Travis: "Roll a house-handling check."
Oh, so now all of this hinges on how good Liam does ... no pressure then ... DAMN SON!!! Killer rolls!
Orym is going to ATTACK THE BUILDING to stop it from cutting them off. And now it's BLEEDING ... although that does seem to have worked. And now he's having to run for his life. Nice escape, Liam!
Creepy little boy apparition!
Mathilda? WhoTF is Mathilda?
Wait ... IS THAT who Laudna used to be?
Oh shit ... this is totally sounding like some seriously fucked up traumatic moment from Laudna's childhood and I hate it. And I was totally right. That is just unpleasant.
Creepy apparition now sounds DANGEROUS to me. Let's not fuck with that.
Tracking Laudna ... please make this work. Oh ... sweet, Imogen, keep doing that!
The barn is USUALLY outside if town, but not today. Okay ...
Little girl Laudna/Mathilda seems quite adorable, actually.
Find the barn! Ah, there it is ... destination spotted! Now they just gotta get there. Oh! Second success! Nice.
Big tall thing! Beat the city! Roll good!
Travis: "Whoa, why can't we roll like that when we're actually fighting?"
Crazy shark fin bone thing becomes THE CLAW!!! NOT GOOD!!!
Narrow escape! 15 foot tall skull. Cabinet of Dr Caligari? Damn, I never actually saw that ...
Okay, they're in the barn. Into the hayloft ...
Weird little makeshift toys ... yeah, that's our girl, definitely.
Little Laudna/Mathilda again ... okay ...
So jf they get her away from Delilah ... could this work?
Hey, they're a little child's drawings, you can't say they suck!
Ashton Greymoore, child psychologist. Awwww ...
Whoa ... so it's a trap. AAAAAAHHH!!!
Ashton: "I don't know if threats work here, but I'm gonna make one."
Wood or stone? Ask Chetney! "The tongue never lies!"
Wow, this is starting to look like that super scary bit in the pit in The Ruins! They need to get out NOW.
Cutting some holes, small medium and large! Not really working. Chetney tries fire while FCG does a secondary sawblade with Spiritual Weapon. Works A BIT better ...
Oh, so that shit REALLY doesn't like fire, that might be a clincher ...
Constitution saving throws? NOT GOOD!!! They lose one hit dice?
Chetney has DYNAMITE?!!! SERIOUSLY?!!!
Ashton: "It didn't work?" OF COURSE Matt chooses THAT moment to make it blow up.
Imogen bruises her bottom.
Structure Frogger.
Not that way, FCG!!!
Ooooh, a clue! Follow the firelight!
Teenage Laudna spirit: "I'm a little busy now, I'm getting dressed." OH SHIT!!!
Ashton removes the necklace from the doll. The doll IMMOLATES. Hmmmm ... necklace might be a good clue, though.
Orym: "The barn tried to eat everyone. I'm just saying." Ashton: "But we got a necklace."
Whoa! Laudna's home, back in the day! Oh fuck ... and they're getting ready to go to the dinner ...
Yeah ... this is starting to feel like another trap.
Imogen, to teenage Laudna/Mathilda: "When it starts to get scary, just come find us." Oh man ...
Oh wow ... so Laudna was her MOTHER'S NAME!!!
They're not her parents! Imogen: "Remember us!"
Okay ... one FAILURE!!! NOT GOOD!!!
Imogen: "Delilah, we're coming for ya. We made a promise ... bitch!"
Oh shit! COMBAT!!!
Sword Burst! Nice!
Fearne's not REALLY gonna try Speak With Animals on these things, is she? Oh, Poison Spray ... against spirits ... hmmm ...
Orym + magic sword = badass.
Ashton gets rough with his hammer ... Chaos Burst! Sweet! And a Nat 20! DOUBLE sweet!
"Theatre ... of the Mind!"
14 points of Thunder Damage! Travis: "Whoa!"
Ashton: "Feels really good to hit somebody's parents."
Sacred Flame! Nice one FCG! 8 points of Radiant damage.
Sam uses his bonus action to plug D&D Beyond.
One of these things BURROW INTO FEARNE!!! Wait ... no effect? That's fucking WEIRD. Fearne is a BADASS.
Chetney gets the HDYWTDT, and STILL finds time to flirt with Fearne. Now THAT'S classy.
Okay ... looks likevoing to the tree is just an inevitability at this point. And now the path WANTS them to go there ... that can't be a good sign, can it?
Oh, that's right, if anybody hits zero hit points they're OUT! Heal them! Heal them!
Chetney and Imogen chug Potions of Possibility. Here we go ...
Taliesin, to Sam: "You're saying 'pump' far too much." Sam immediately starts saying it TWICE as much. Cue Arnie "pump it up!" impressions from Liam. (Because it's ALWAYS Liam.)
Fuuuuuuuuuuck ... it's Delilah! "Ah, fond memories."
Matt: "And we're gonna go to our break!"
Ashton and FCG dice guardians! Nice!
TLOVM season 2 sneaky peak! The Chroma Conclave attack! Fuck me that looks awesome ...
Ashley: "I stab you AGAIN!!!" Liam: "Oooh! That's two!" I love this Bard College of Tragedy skit! Ashley: "Just DIE already! Googe! Googe! The rest ... is SILENCE."
Okay ... here we go again ... showdown time!
What the fuck ... Sam, what yhe hell are you wearing NOW?!!! Gods, that's gonna be distracting ...
Whoa ... tree cage? That's GOTTA BE where Laudna is.
FCG tries to reason with Delilah. Delilah: "So you've ... come to give me THERAPY?"
Delilah calls FCG a "strange metal child". Ashton: "Aren't you technically OLDER than her?"
Chetney, no! Don't try to make a DEAL with this evil bitch! Delilah's not having it anyway.
Come on, she's lying her arse off ...
Oooh ... Travis gets some whispers, and Sam hasn't ad to plug now! XD
Imogen tries to communicate with Laudna, but Delilah's BLOCKING HER.
Know Your Enemy doesn't work here, not on a spectral being. Liam has to roll an insight check, instead.
Chetney: "We might be able to give Laudna back some life, although with her that's very much an air-quote."
FCG's actually ASKING Delilah how to break the bond. Okay, is that actually gonna work?
Delilah's actually giving them some proper exposition. I love how Ashley's full on LEANING INTO IT, she's SO fascinated ...
Ashton gets in a free dig at Percy as he's stating his case. XD
Delilah admits she finds this all terribly boring. Travis starts laughing his arse off.
Imogen tells Delilah she knows she's fading. Delilah: "Do you know where I'm fading to?"
Okay ... Chetney's TOTALLY bluffing Delilah just so he can get her to bring Laudna out. Roll deception check ... TRAVIS ROLLS A NAT FUCKING TWENTY!!! But Delilah rolls a 26 ... hmmm ...
Oh wait ... she's going for it anyway?
Laudna is revealed ... MARISHA IS COMING INTO THE STUDIO!!! Eventually ...
Matt is now directing this directly to Marisha as she's IN HIS CHAIR!!! This is STRANGE.
Laudna is very trapped still ... and now the branches are closing again and HE'S SENDKNG HER AWAY AGAIN!!!
Imogen just loses it and ATTACKS DELILAH!!! ROLL INITIATIVE!!!
Another sweet battle map!
Sam's right, they've totally forgotten what Delilah's actually capable of in a fight ...
Initiative order ... Travis, in DEEP Chetney werewolf voice: "FEAR ME ... Natural 1." Everybody cracks up.
Laura: "It's mental." Cue everyone saying "mental" in Sid Vicious style ...
Holy fuck ... raging, Ashton is gonna LAUNCH ORYM AT THE TREE with his hammer! This is either gonna be spectacular or bloody AWFUL.
Liam rolls beautifully ... and Taliesin blows it BIG TIME ... but Orym is STILL gonna make a run for the tree anyway.
There are two different conversations going om at once and I'm finding it VERY hard to follow ...
Oh dear ... Ashton takes 23 points of Necrotic damage!
Lair Action? NOOOOOOO!!!
The Nega Sun Tree! Sam's vocalisations are sending me big time. XD
Aaaaaaaaah! Stabby stabby! And most of it's aimed at Imogen ... but she has a Mote of Possibility! Yes! Only HALF damage!
Delilah blows them a kiss ... and summons skeletal warriors! Gah! Children of the Dragon's Teeth!
Chetney tears off the bottom half of his body to wolf out! XD he just SHRUGS OFF that damage ... and CHUCKS his chisel at Delilah! AND he hits her! Holy fuck!
Weird symbolic white wolf going awooo! Nice ...
He picks up his chisel and CHUCKS IT AGAIN!!! 21 TO HIT!!! 12 points of damage ... wait ... no, the Sun Tree is SOAKING UP the damage? Really?
FCG does Turn Undead! Nice! And ... yes! He vaporises FOUR if the skeletons!
Bonus action ... Travis: "Bone-us action?" Urgh ... I just took psychic damage from that ...
FCG casts Spritual Weapon ... and it lookes like Pate! Awwwwww ... 6 points of Force damage. The shield dissipates and Delilah actually TAKES DAMAGE!!!
Fearne sends Mister to find Laudna in the tree ... but first throw some flaming shit! XD 9 ... yeah, that's a miss ...
Whoa ... Fearne uses her red thread to STRANGLE Delilah and pull her to the ground! Nice!
Sam: "You remember when Marisha came back to the studio for 10 seconds?" Travis: "And she had, like, NO IDEA what was going on?" Sam: "She just looked terrified for all if us."
CALL RUIDUS?!!! WTF?!!! Liam: "Secret moon shit!"
Holy fuck, that shit was BADASS CUBED!!!
Orym parkours like a mad mother! And rolls a 13 ... balls. He tries again ... 17! Yeah! Not close, but he's up there now! Orym: "We're coming! I promise we're coming!"
Ashton just POWDERS that MOFO with his hammer. Then guns the Potion of Possibility.
Gah ... Lair Action again! Everybody but Orym!
The roots burst out so intensely they BUST MATT'S BRACELET!!! XD
Taliesin rolls crap and Ashton gets DRAGGED.
Sam, singing: "Huuungry vines!"
Orym, Ashton and FCG all take bad hits ... Ashley's panicking! Wait! Taliesin uses the Mote and lessens the damage ...
Liam has to roll to see if Orym holds on ... NATURAL 20!!! The group goes wild!
Oh fuck! FCG drops to 0 hit points ... HE'S GONE!!! FCG IS OUT of the Spirit World! Sam leaves the table to go join Marisha ...
Chetney uses FIRE!!! Burns some bad guys!
This is getting bad ... Liam looks SO STRESSED right now!
Mister chucks some vlzming shit at the Sun Tree ... because it's A TREE, it burns. A LOT.
Fearne starts using fire on it as well, aims for the roots. Cue the group chanting: "The roots, the roots, the roots are on fire!"
The tree is REALLY burning now, people!
Fearne fires her third fistful of fire at the tree and she's LOOKING RIGHT AT DELILAH while she does it! So badass ... "Oh I'm sorry, is that hurting you?"
Yes. Yes it VERY MUCH IS.
Laura debates whether to hit Delilah or the tree. Liam: "Don't worry, only a beloved character hangs in the balance."
Fucking Legendary Resistance ...
Liam takes another Acrobatic check ... NATURAL 20!!! Matt: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!"
Orym tries to cut through the cage ... the tree's already fucked up, so IT WORKS!!! Wait ... Laudna's been drawn deeper ... but the tree loses one of its Legendary Actions!
Delilah is fuvked up ... and she turns into a crazy evil THING!!!
40 points of Necrotic damage on Orym?!! Fuck ... wee man is GONE!!! Liam leaves the table too ...
Ashton chuvkd dynamite into the Tree ... BOOM!!! 3 D6 damage ... 12 points!
Gah ... fucking Lair Actions again ... she's shielded! Fuck! She casts Blight on Imogen, Laura has to save ... Nice roll! Wait ... HZLF damage us 21 POINTS?!!! Fuck ...
Chetney's up ... Travis, singing with frustration: "Ooooh ... nipples oh a hoooooooorse ..." casts Inflict Wounds! Rolls 15, uses the Mote and rerolls ... NO!!! NATURAL 1!!! ARGH!!!
Taliesin and Laura are whispering furtively to each other ... what are they thinking?
Fearne is really fucking the tree up BAD with fire now ...
Ashley: "All fight, D4, where are you ... WHERE THE FUCK?!!!"
Mister chucks his poop, snd Matt does his monkey impression ... gods, I really love it when he does that. XD
Delilah attacks Imogen ... she uses the Mote to force her to reroll ... Laura tells a NATURAL 20!!! AND MATT ROLLS A NATURAL 1!!! ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!!!
Oh dilemma ... use her last spell or save it to contact Pike? Everybody else: "EMPTY YHE CLIP!!!"
35 points of Lightning damage on the tree, she splits it open ... HOW DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS!!! Everybody LOSES IT!!!
Holy fuck ... Ddlilah just got DISINTEGRATED!!!
Everybody wakes up back in Pike's home ... Matt: "And THAT'S where we're going to end tonight's episode!" The whole (remaining) group goes NUTS!!!
Wait, so ... what does that MEAN?!!! Did they win? Is it over? Did they save Laudna? Is she back? Gods DAMN IT, Mercer!
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Auf nach Belle Mare
Wir frühstücken nochmal in unserem Hotel, bevor es heute weitergeht. Mathilda geht es wieder gut und sie verdrückt so einiges. Pancakes mit Nutella, Waffeln und eine große Schüssel Schokopops. Tobis Frühstück sieht eigentlich immer eher wie ein Mittagessen aus. Spiegeleier, weiße Bohnen, Würstchen und Falafelbällchen.🤐 Alles nicht meins. Ich bleibe bei Müsli und Obst.
Mit dem Auto geht es nach dem auschecken ca. 1,5 Stunden von der Blue Bay in den Norden zum Küstenabschnitt Belle Mare. Die Straßen sind super schmal und kurvig, der Straßenbelag löchrig, die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen für die Straßenverhältnisse viel zu hoch, Hindernisse wie Autos werden einfach mitten auf der Straße abgeparkt und die Überholmanöver der Einheimischen, nennen wir es, gewagt. Zumindest hält sich der Verkehr in Grenzen.
Wir werden mit Getränken im neuen Hotel begrüßt. Die Anlage ist sehr groß, das Zimmer dafür kleiner. Es gibt hier 5 Restaurants, 4 Pools, davon einen beheizten, Tennis, zwei Golfplätze, kostenfreien Wassersport (Wakeboard, Wasserski, Glassbodenboot, Schnorcheltripps) und einen Spa. Es gibt auch einen Kids Club, aber die betreuen Kinder erst ab 4 Jahren 🫠. Um es mit Mathildas Worten zu benennen, schade Marmelade.
Wir inspizieren das Zimmer und gehen zum Strand. Tobi kümmert sich dann erstmal um die Freizeitangebote, leider sind die Schnorcheltrips und das Glassbodenboot bis zum Wochenende ausgebucht und wir sind nur vier Nächte hier. Zum Wakeboarden war aber noch ein Slot frei und Tobi stürzt sich erst aufs Board, dann in die Fluten. Tilda und ich winken vom Ufer aus.
Wir entscheiden uns gegen ein Abendessen in der Hotelanlage und fahren mit dem Auto in ein kleines Dorf, etwa 15 Minuten entfernt. In einem Hinterhof scheint eine Familie ein kleines Restaurant auf ihrem Grundstück zu betreiben. Wir essen Fisch und Garnelen. Danach geht’s ab zurück ins Hotel. Ein Drink für die Erwachsenen in der Bar und ein Tänzchen für Mathilda, dann werden die Augen zugemacht.
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helpersofindie · 2 years
hi!! i was wondering if you had any suggestions for fcs with red hair that could pass as twins? one of them is male and the other is female. age wise they can be between 18-30. thank you so much in advance!!
thomas barbusca (19)
sadie sink (20)
kennedy walsh (22)
julia lester (23)
tess mcmillan (23)
mathilda mai (24)
annalise basso (24)
justin tinucci (24)
larry saperstein (24)
jake austin walker (25)
ellie bamber (26)
luca hollestelle (26)
leon seidel (26)
ciara baxendale (27)
katherine mcnamara (27)
niall cunningham (28)
jacqueline emerson (28)
madelaine petsch (28)
janet devlin (28)
cameron monaghan (29)
molly quinn (29)
sharon belle (29)
stephen joffe (31)
calum worthy (32)
i hope these help!
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ripper-street-thots · 2 years
Bennet Drake is a good friend
I'm on my nth watchthrough of S3 and just made the connection between something Drake says in S3E4 Your Father, My Friend and a Reid line in S1E2 In My Protection.
Drake identifies himself to a Mathilda in S3E4 by saying, "Uncle Ben, who bought you strawberry ices on Petticoat Lane each Sunday. [...] Each weekend, we would do the same, Mathilda, you and I. 'Strawberry ices with Uncle Ben' is what you would say."
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Back in S1E2, Reid comes on to his wife while she serves soup at the church, telling Emily, "These, er, places, will ever make me think of you. The bells clanging, the faithful falling to their knees. And you and I at home, careless of God, abed in our sweat. I would have those Sundays back."
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Drake babysat Mathilda so Mr. and Mrs. Reid could get it on. O.O
That's a good friend.
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