Matters of the Heart
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"Why?"  I groaned rolling over throwing a pillow across the room at my alarm clock.  It was 5:30 in the morning and I was not in the mood to get up.  Not only was it Friday,which meant it was the end of the week and I was exhausted, but I had a massive English final and to top it all off I was feeling pretty crappy. As I sat up, rubbing at my tired eyes I couldn't help but notice the aching of my limbs,my scratchy throat and my stuffed up nose.
I knew I needed to get up though,so I reluctantly left the warmth of my bed and trudged down stairs,  finding that I was the first one awake.
For a few minutes the house was silent,and I relished it,knowing that by the end of the day I was going to have a pounding headache. It was at that moment when I started mentally kicking myself for fighting with my big brother Shawn when he had suggested getting a flu shot a month earlier. He wasn't happy, and it took a fair but of convincing,but eventually he let it slide. I hated needles, and he knew that.
"You look like you're about to fall over Aimee," Shawn appeared suddenly, laughing when I jumped slightly in fright, coming over to where I was leaning against the counter.
I looked up and smiled half-heartedlly.
"I feel like it!" I groaned.
"Hug?" he asked opening his arms for me to step into. Ever since I could remember we had always shared a hug first thing in the morning.
It was a ritual,  and just because I was now seventeen and a senior in high school didn't mean that I didn't love it.
"Aimmee, you feel warm," he spoke, resting his hand on my forehead as I leant into him "Why don't you stay home today Sweet Pea?" he asked as I waited,  snuggled in his arms for my coffee to finish brewing,sniffling every so often.
"Can't," I sighed,  " I've got a massive test first period for English," I told him before swotting his hand away.
"Well at least make sure you take some Tylenol,  and have plenty of water," He told me, as I grabbed my coffee,  ready to leave the house.
"Shawn,I'm not a baby!" I huffed,rolling my eyes.  I hated it when he went all over protective on me,  especially when it came to my health.  Of course it was just my luck that he and our other three housemates and his best friends,Brian, Dave and Connor were all well respected doctors at the local hospital's Emergency Department.
He hummed in response, clearly not impressed with my answer, but didn't push it. Normally he would've put his foot down and told me point blank I wasn't going. I knew I still had a ways to go though as I still had to get past the others. 
I considered them to be brothers to me, just the same as Shawn, so I was very close with all of them. Consequently they were all extremely protective of me,  something which I hated, as I really wasn't too fond of anything medical. I'd had a couple of bad experiences when I was younger that had put me off hospitals.
" Brian and Dave, just left, and Connor's on call," Shawn told me as I grabbed my house keys. "I'll be home tonight. Bri and D will be home by lunch, so call one of them if you need to come home early. " He kissed my head before opening the door for me,  and telling me to 'have a good day'.
Several hours later, and the day was turning out to be worse than expected. I had just come out of second period, and my head was throbbing, my throat aching as the pain killers I had taken earlier had long since left my system.To out it simply I was feeling like the walking dead.
"I love you babe,  but you really are looking a bit rough hon." My best friend Emma spoke as she came to meet me outside the classroom.
"Let's just go sit down, " I begged as the halls started to fill. We walked in silence, not saying much, but as we were making our way through the doors to the lunch room I suddenly became very light- headed.  White spots obscured my vision as I made a grab for the closest object, the side of the door.
"Are you okay Aimee?" Emma asked, coming to a stop behind me.  Do you need me to call Shawn?"  She asked as I tried to keep myself upright.
"He's at work call Brian or Dave please." I managed to get out, between sharp breaths, as she led me to a lunch table. As soon as she had me seated and stable she pulled out my phone from my bag and called. I could hear talking, but was too focused on not passing out, or throwing up to actually pay attention.
"Dave said he's on his way right now," she spoke making me sigh in relief. At least now I knew that if I fainted I would be in the presence of a doctor or doctors given that Brian was home now too.
"We may as well go up to the office, " she suggested taking my bag from me, and giving me a sympathetic smile. We trudged slowly up to the office building, and once I was there the school nurse made her leave, taking me to her office where I lay on the cot in silence, trying to will away the dizzyness that was now causing the room to spin even more. 
I felt like I was on one of those spinny rides they have at amusement parks.
I wasn't really paying attention to the time or my surroundings so it startled me slightly when I heard the nurse's voice and realised that she was no longer in the room with me.
"She's in here. She drifted off about ten minutes ago, the poor darling," she tutted as the door opened. Dave stepped into the room, dressed in scrubs, his ID badge identifying him as a doctor at the hospital still attached to his pocket. Clearly he had just come from work.
"I'm sorry I made you leave early," I apologised,  coughing.
"Aimee, don't be ridiculous, you know the guys and I would drop anything any time you need us honey." I knew it was true. They had lived together since their intern year, and when I moved in I basically gained three other family members.  It wasn't much of an adjustment though as I already saw them as older brothers, so I knew he meant what he was saying.
"So you're not feeling too good ha? " he asked, coming over to the cot, and giving me yet another sympathetic smile.
"You could say that," I laughed at the gross understatement before, letting out a few harsh coughs, making Dave's brow furrow.
He took my hand, and pulled me into a sitting position slowly.
"I feel dizzy," I mumbled, holding his hand more tightly.
" You're okay, it's probably just your Eustachian Tubes. If they get blocked, it messes with your balance, and can make you feel dizzy," he explained calmly as he waited for me to get my bearings. Once I felt normal enough to stand,Dave took my bag,  and led me out to his car, keeping a supportive hand on my lower back the entire time.
"How long have you felt sick?" he asked switching into doctor mode almost immediately as soon as we stepped out of the office. "Aimmee?" he asked again as we got strapped in.  It was only then that I realised I hadn't answered his question.
"Since last night," I admitted,  leaning my head on the window.
"You really should have gotten the flu shot," he spoke a few minutes later.
" D, don't lecture me,  you know I hate needles!" I grumbled, turning to glare at him.
"I'm just saying." He held his hands up in defense.
"Well just don't say!" I snapped back.  "Sorry, " I added when I saw the look of shock. " I get mean when I'm tired."
He smiled, nodding in response, but didn't say anything, instead turning the car on and heading for home. Something which I was greatful for as I wasn't in the mood to talk.
The next thing I was aware of was my door opening slowly and Dave rubbing my arm gently.
"Aimmee, we're home honey," he spoke as I squinted, readjusting to the light. He was patient as I got out of the car, and made my way inside, helping me into the warm house and straight upstairs to my room.
"Take this," he spoke, handing me some decongestant for my cough and some aspirin for my headache. 
I made my way slowly over to the bed once I had taken the given medication, curling up as Brian walked in with a soft smile, still dressed in his scrubs, stethoscope round his neck. "Hi sweetheart, I just want to take your temperature." he told me  coming over to the bed, with a thermometer in hand, sitting beside me.
"I'm going to turn the heating up,  and get a few more blankets," Dave told us before leaving the room.
"Sit up for my Aimee," Brian spoke, pulling the covers back.
"No," I whined, rolling over to try to avoid it.
"Come on Aimee, it'll only take a minute," he promised as Dave returned and came over, helping to roll me over. True to his word it was only a minute later that the machine beeped and I heard them both hum.
"You got yourself a substantial fever hon. I want you to get into a singlet. You can have a thin blanket if you're feeling cold, but the more we reduce the outside heat sources the better."
"You shouldn't be having to look after me," I huffed as I got out of bed in order to remove my excess clothing. "You haven't even removed your stethoscope or the gel from your hair, " I pointed to the way his hair was still spiked back with gel,  knowing that when Brian got home, removing  it was always the first thing he did, kind of like washing the day away.
"How about you let me worry about that hey?" he suggested, before laughing as I nearly fell, trying to remove my school pants, leaving me in just bike shorts and a crop top. Once I was changed he got me situated, propping up pillows to help with my cough.
"Thanks," I mumbled. "Hey where'd Dave go? " I asked noticing for the first time that he wasn't in the room anymore. 
"He had some paper work to catch up on," This wasn't unusual as Dave was the Head of the Emergency Department, with Shawn, Connor and Brian working as his deputys, helping to lead the charge as the hospital is one of the biggest in the country,getting code blacks several times a month.  
"As do I, so get some sleep. Just shout if you need anything, I'll be in the lounge drowning in paper work." He smiled as he pulled the quilt up around me and walked out the door.
I woke to whispers a while later, not knowing where I was, or what time it was for a few moments.  When I felt the gentle touch of a hand on my forehead,  and then my wrist,  I came back to reality.
"She's still too warm," someone whispered.
"Aimmee?" I recognized the voice as Brian. Slowly I managed to open my eyes, squinting, and letting out a small moan at the instant headache the newfound light was giving me.
"How you feeling hon?" he asked, sitting on the bed, and rubbing my arms gently. He had changed into sweat pants and an old teeshirt since the last time I was awake, his hair now flopping over the right side of his face.
"Cold, sore, tired...," I listed off, trying to fight the urge to cough again. I just wanted to roll over and curl back up.
"How 'bout you come down stairs and have something light to eat, get some fluids into you,  and I'll heat up a hot water bottle for you?" he suggested, standing up from the bed.
I really didn't want to, but I knew I really didn't have a choice, and that no matter what I said, he would make me.
"Fine," I sighed, slowly sitting up, and following him and Dave at a snail's pace down the stairs.
"Why'd you go to school?" he asked as I got settled on the couch.
"Had a test I couldn't miss," I answered between another set of bone rattling coughs.
"That doesn't sound good." He folded his arms and eyed me carefully.
"Yeah well, it doesn't feel too good either."
"Will you let one of us listen to your chest?" he asked, probably already knowing the answer.
I shook my head. He left it at that, and went to get some food for me, also heating up the hot water bottle as promised. When he returned he made me eat a piece of toast and have some honey lemon tea to help soothe my sore throat, before finally letting me go back to sleep. That was where I was when my brother stepped into the house, I don't know how many hours later.
"How are you feeling?" Shawn came to sit on the couch with me, still dressed in his scrubs.
"Pretty crappy." I sniffed leaning into his side, and relishing the warmth.
" Brian,when was the last time she had medicine?"  he asked, pressing his palm to my to head.
Brian poked his head into the room from the kitchen. Probably having been preparing dinner, as they all took turns usually.
"About five."
"So about an hour ago," Dave surmised, coming over to sit on the other side of me,and looking at his watch.
"You're still feeling warm Princess, I'm going to go get some wet washers. You're having the flu shot next year Princess." he called as he left the room.
"But Shawn!" I whined, he knew how much I hated needles.
No,we are not having a repeat of this. Wouldn't you rather avoid this if you can?"
"You don't even know it's what it is. How long does it last though?"
" Seven to ten days, give or take. That's if it is the flu though," he qualified from the other room.
"I am sick of feeling sick," I grumbled as I chucked yet another batch of tissues into the bin that Brian had left beside the couch for me.
"Well maybe you'll think about that next time I say it's time to get your flu shot," he sassed, coming back into the room with several cold washers. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, he always had to be right!
"I saw that!" Dave laughed, poking my side and winking.
"Saw what?" Shawn asked, looking between the two of us.
"Nothing," I answered with a smile, trying to convey my innocence. " But seriously Shawnie, I know being a doctor is practically in your DNA,  but could like not use this moment to do a 'I told you so. '," I huffed, throwing my weight to the back of the couch again.
He and Dave just laughed, before they worked together, placing the clothes around my body- under my arms, on my forehead, even my feet.
"You know if you let one of us take a look at you,  then we might actually be able to help you," Connor spoke from the door, arms crossed,  it was the first time I'd seen him all day. He looked tired, but somehow there was still a teasing glint in his eyes.
"No," I answered immediately, shivering at the thought.
He sighed coming to sit on the edge of the couch.
"We're not going to do anything to hurt you honey,  but you've been sick for over 24 hours now, and nothing is changing."
"Not all doctors are nasty, cold people like your previous one," Shawn added with a gentle smile,  reaching to take my hand in his. "Besides, I'm your brother and I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, we all took an oath not to do harm."
At least let us check your temperature again and eat something."
I looked down ringing my fingers before looking back at them all.
"Okay, but can we watch a movie after?"
It was now several hours later,and the movie (Monsters, INC.) had finished, and we were all in bed, but I lay awake tossing and turning, unable to find a comfortable spot. I could feel that my fever had gotten worse, I was sweating, but freezing, I had aches and pains, and my whole body felt like lead. On top of that I now had a weird stabbing pain in my chest that was getting worse, and it was freaking me out. At first I thought it was just from all the coughing, but when it wasnt getting better after a solid half an hour of trying to ignore it, I knew something was wrong.
I got up slowly, and made my way down the hall to my brother's room, opening the door, seeing him splayed out on the bed, shirtless and snoring.
"Shawn?" I whispered, hoping to wake him, but it didn't do anything.  "Shawn?" I tried again, this time shaking his arm a little bit, still nothing. Finally I was about to give up when I heard a voice from outside.
"Aimee?" Connor asked, stepping into the doorway, his face illuminated by moonlight flooding through the window.
"Con," I sighed relieved.
"What's wrong? " he asked as I came to stand next to him, him pulling me into a hug.
"My heart hurts," I hicupped into his chest.  "My heart hurts," I repeated.
"Okay,calm down," he soothed, rubbing my back, and starting to lead me back downstairs, but not before shaking Shawn awake, and telling him to wake the others, all of which came into the lounge room minutes later, rubbing tiredly at their eyes.
"Now what sort of pain is it?" Connor asked,sitting next to me, and taking my pulse, as the others watched.
"It feels like I'm being stabbed here, " I told him holding my hand over my chest. Their brows furrowed.
"Does it hurt more when you're lying down or sitting? " Dave asked, coming over to me.
"Standing and lying down," I answered.
"How long has it been hurting?" Brian asked, feeling my forehead once again for the fever. "Her fever has spiked," he muttered, "Right I need to listen to your chest for a minute Poppet," Dave spoke standing and running to his room.
We sat quietly as we waited for Dave, me trying to get a hold of my emotions, as Connor sat beside me, rubbing calming circles on my back.
"I  don't like this," I mumbled leaning into Shawn's side so that my face was in his neck, my voice muffled.
"You're doing great though Princess."
"But what if it's something bad?" I whispered, looking up at my brother.
"Aimee, I can't promise you anything right now, but I do know that you have four people here with you that are going to look after you. Right now, your only job is to let us do our jobs okay?" he smiled pulling me into him more tightly.
"You alright Princess?" Dave asked kneeling down beside the couch.
"No," I whispered the tears coming back as he went to place the stethoscope to my chest.
He sighed before dropping his arms and looking at me. "What are you scared of Sweetheart?" He didn't look angry, merely concerned so I told the truth.
"I don't like hospitals, or doctors," I admitted feeling stupid.
"Look Princess, I know you haven't had the best experiences with them in the past, but right now we really need to figure out what's going on.Try to remember that it's just me okay, just D, one of you're annoying big brothers. Don't think of it negatively, just think of it as we're trying to make you feel better," he suggested.
"Can you explain everything?" I asked, my voice breaking a bit.
"Of course,everything will be at your pace, okay?"
I nodded, showing him that I understood. " Is it okay, if I lift this up, so I can listen to your heart and lungs?" he asked tugging at my sweater lightly. I nodded again, holding Shawn's hand just a little bit more tightly.
"Just think, you're really quite lucky, it's not everyday that you get the Head of the Emergency Department doing a personal consult for you," Shawn said.
"That is true." I smiled despite everything.
"I know I'm the best," Dave laughed, as he stood up to listen to my lungs.  "Deep breath in for me." I did as asked, waiting impatiently for it all to be over.
"There's definitely some crackling, especially on the left side of the lungs, and I'd like to double check, but it sounds to me like there's some inflammation around the heart," he spoke, allowing me to lean back.
"What, what does that mean? " I asked, my heart rate spiking again.
"If I'm right it means that the virus has effected the layers of your heart. Basically the tissue has gotten inflammed and is rubbing together. That's what is causing the pain."
"Is it dangerous?" I panicked feeling the blood drop from my face.
Connor looked at me before answering carefully. "It can be, but chances are that it's viral Pericarditis,  so it should resolve within a few days with minimal intervention." he explained gently.
"Per, whaty-what?" I asked, feeling more confused than ever.
"Pericarditis,  it's the medical name, " Brian explained, all of them them laughing at my sheer confusion.
"So what now?"
"Well as Calum said we need to check- get some x- rays to confirm, and while we're there we'll investigate everything else that's going on.  It's almost certain you've got the flu, and that's what has caused it, so we   need to get that sorted for everything else to get better," Shawn explained.
I groaned, letting my head drop into his lap,  unfortunately this created the urge to cough, and with every cough that I let out, the burning,  stabbing pain only intensified.
"We really need to get you to the hospital," Shawn urged seeing my discomfort, before bending down and picking me up, cradling me in his arms.
The other dashing upstairs to get into clothes other than pyjamas, and grab their badges. None of them seemed to care that they weren't in scrubs, and when I asked Shawn if it mattered he responded with "As long as we have our badges with us,  it's okay. It's not mandatory to wear uniforms."
Once they were ready, they bundled me up in blankets, Shawn insisting that they protect me from the cold winter air, even for the short walk from the house to the car. I tried to be helpful, and support some of my weight as Shawn carried me to the vehicle, but I just didn't have any energy,  and every time I moved, it hurt. Eventually I gave up, having tried to shuffle into my seat, twisting the wrong way and sending a shot of pain straight through my chest.
"Just let us do the work," Dave stopped me as I tried again,holding my arms, and bringing me to a holt, and so from that point on I was something of a jelly fish. Except for the shaking, I could barely stay still the whole drive, my legs trembling of their own accord, no matter how hard I tried to stop them.
"You'll be alright, " Connor commented,  giving me a much needed hug as he helped me out of the car 20 minutes later.
By now I was feeling straight up petrified, and the worst part about it was, all four of the guys knew it. And there was absolutely nothing I could do.
"Come on," Shawn whispered, leading me slowly towards the hospital entrance.
Inside, they led me straight past the admissions desk, briefly filling one of the nurses in as we made our way into the room, Shawn helping me gently onto the single bed.
"Not anyone I don't know," I begged, holding onto Shawn, as the others moved around the room,  collecting things and setting up equipment. I tried not to pay attention as I could already feel the anxious knots forming.
"You know we're not meant to be treating you Princess, at least not here, we're family," he responded, kissing my hand, while grabbing a gown from a draw and passing it to me, turning around so I could get changed,the others not paying attention.
"Actually Shawn," Dave spoke once I was dressed in the hideous cloth, "The pit is in overdrive, I had five new admissions just in the last half hour of my shift, and the other doctors are overloaded, I really don't think anyone will mind, and if they do they can take it up with me as the Head of the Department. She needs to be seen to, especially if our suspicions are right, " Dave interrupted, patting my arm gently.
"Aimee?" Brian called, getting my attention. "We'll take this really slowly hon, but we need to hook you up to a couple of things, okay?" I nodded, managing a smile as they went about starting to attach everything.  A blood pressure and heart rate monitor, which I knew, a mask,  which Shawn was quick to explain that I needed as I tried to remove it. "Leave it there baby, you could really do with the extra oxygen at the moment. You're heart is racing, and your blood pressure is also a little higher than it should be. Heart rate 120, BP 130/90," he called to the others as he watched the monitors that were now displaying my vitals. 
"That's a little higher than it should be Aimee, just try to relax, I know it's scary, and I know that all the lights, and the noises won't be helping,  but I promise you, you're in the best place right now, " Connor promised, coming over, and warming his stethoscope up in his hands before placing it against my chest.
The machines attached to me started beeping, as my heart rate picked up again, only making me feel more anxious and agitated.The guys seemed unfazed though, Brian quickly shutting them off with no trouble. " It's just an alert to tell us that you're vitals are higher than they should be," he explained when he noticed me watching his every move.
"Aimee?" Connor called, resting his hand under my chin, and turning my head gently so that my focus was on him again. "Ignore all that sweetheart,the guys will sort that out okay, all I need you to do is focus on Luke and I okay?" he smiled when I nodded, before helping me to sit up. "Breathe in for me Aimee, and out, and again," he spoke as I took shaky breathes, holding Shawn's hand in a death grip.
"There's definitely some wheezing there.  I'd like to get a chest x-ray, and start you on fluids," he told me as he moved the stethoscope away, and allowed me to lay back again. "I'll order the x- ray now, you should be able to have it done in the next half an hour," he added as he went to the computer in the corner of the room, and pressed a few buttons.  "Done, they'll page us when they're ready for you," he smiled.
"Right, is it okay if I have your left hand Princess?" Dave asked stepping up to the side of the bed. I only realised what he was dining when I  saw the tray that he had placed down next to my side.
"No," I cried, panicked, realising that it was a needle, and other equipment, necessary for an I.V. "Can't you just give me something to make me better?" I asked desperately wanting to avoid an needles at all costs.
He sighed, taking in my stressed appearance." Three days ago an anti- viral may have worked, but somebody decided to be a difficult patient," Shawn looked at me pointedly as we all laughed."but now," he continued "not so much. Even with the anti-viral your body would have struggled.  So now that the virus has taken hold your body really needs the extra help. Fluids included, " he explained, as Dave picked up the wipe from the metal bowl, wiping my hand down. I couldn't help the shudder that ran through my body, I had always hated the smell of hospital disinfect, and the sterilization wipes were no better.
"Sorry, he murdered as he finished, and chucked the wipe into the bin next to the bed. " Ready?" he asked, looking to me as he positioned my hand and opened the packet housing the needle.
" Do I really have to?" I asked, looking up at my brother, hoping he would help me out. Instead, he rubbed my back before agreeing with Dave.
"Sweetheart, you're in pain baby, this will help with it okay. It'll give you some relief,listen to me. Take a breath, listen to my voice.  'll sit up here and hold you. It'll be over in a second and then that's the worst over. Okay. Dave's a pro," he insisted,  gesturing for me to move over so he could hop up onto the bed. He smiled encouraging allowing me to snuggle in.
"Don't cry Princess, " Dave murmured,wiping softly at my face with a tissue to dry the tears that were now falling. "On three, " he warned, causing me to bury my head in Shawn's neck. "One, two, three," I felt the pinch, of it breaking my skin, but it was nowhere near what I had been expecting, and I found myself looking up in surprise.
"Not so bad right," Shawn laughed.
"The expectations are always worse than the reality," Dave added, as he attached the tubing,  and removed the tray from the bed. "You're all set little one, " he told me as he finished hookingme up to the fluids, and pain relief, before kissing my head.
For the next half an hour we sat in relative silence,  all exhausted given that it was still so early. Finally Connor got the call to say that they were ready for me at radiology, Dave offered to take me so the others could get food, and Shawn could sort my admission papers. At first I wasn't too happy at the idea, but when Dave promised that he wouldn't leave my side I relaxed, and let him transfer me to a wheel chair, leading me down the maze of corridors.
"D," I asked as we came to a stop outside a lift.
"Yes? " he asked, bending down so that he could hear me more easily.
"Why do Cheetahs have spots?"
He didn't answer me for a minute, but then he started laughing, "Oh my goodness, I think the pain relief is starting to take effect."
" I feel fine now." I shrugged as the doors opened and he wheeled me in, still chuckling.
"I bet you do Princess, I bet you do."
The x- rays were quick and easy, only taking about ten minutes, after which Dave took me straight back up to the room.
"Someone's pain meds have taken affect!" he announced as he stopped just inside the door, and helped me to my bed.
Brian looked up from where he was sitting on the small chair in the corner doing paperwork and smiled. " I can see that, her eyes are huge, how much did you give her?" he laughed, standing up,  and coming over to the side of the bed.
"What do you mean? " I asked as Brian pulled a light from his pocket.
"You're pupils, they're extremely dilated. "
"What are you doing?" Shawn asked as he and Connor walked in.
"She's high on pain meds," Dave explained with a chuckle. "We may as well do the exam now, while you're not in too much discomfort."
"Okay," Weirdly I didn't feel as nervous as I did before.
"Wow, those meds got you good baby, this is the most relaxed you've been in a medical setting,  ever!" Shawn laughed taking my hand as he stopped next to me. " I didn't know pain meds effected you like this."
"Alright " Dave tapped my leg bringing my attention back.  "I just want to check your heart and lungs first little lady, can you lean forward?" I nodded allowing him to do what he had to do. 
"There is some slight wheezing,  but other than that and the inflammation everything sounds perfect. " he smiled. "Your heart rate has come down too," he noted looking to the monitor.  "That's good! So what else besides your fever, and the chest pain are you feeling?"
"What other symptoms do you have? " Connor clarified, standing next to Dave.
"Cough, runny nose, sore throat, chills, head aches, fatigue." I listed, laughing slightly when the guys mouths dropped a bit in shock.
"Why didn't you just let us help you?" Shawn asked, clearly exasperated.
I shrugged, "I don't know, I guess, I'd rather just deal with it on my own. Or that's what I did think until it started hurting," I whined,  "It feels like someone's stabbing me!"
"Let me have a look at your ears, nose and throat okay Princess," Dave spoke, ignoring the last bit of what I said. I was glad though because I just wanted to feel better. And the sooner he figured out what was wrong, the sooner he could make that happen.
"Well it's official Princess, you've got yourself a nasty case of the flu," he announced with what I thought was a rather unnecessary smile as he finished looking at my throat. "It's one of the worst ones I've seen in a while, I don't know how you're breathing through your nose, at all, or eating for that matter. Your throat is red."
"Yeah well, I'm not feeling that great right now,  trust me," I grumbled. "I just wish my chest would stop hurting.  "It stopped, and then it started again. "
"Radiology just sent through your scans, it's definitely pericarditis," Brian replied from the corner, causing me to groan.
"This sucks!" I whined, flopping back against the bed, "and it hurts."
"I know baby," Shawn spoke, clearly sympathetic.
"I'll put some more pain meds in your I.V okay,  it should help,  mbut really all we can do is relieve the pain, and keep you on bed rest until the virus runs it's course," he spoke gently as he readjusted the blankets for me, and put some more stuff in my I.V. "That should take too long to work. "
"Hop back in with me, I'm cold," I whined, pulling his arm so that he moved closer to the bed. I felt like all I was doing was whining,  but I just felt crappy.
"That'll be the fever, " Brian nodded. "You've had stuff for it though, so we just need to let it do it's thing. Provided it doesn't get too high, it actually helps your body get rid of the virus. "
"The beds barely big enough for one," Shawn laughed, still focused on me.
"I don't care," I whined continuing to pull at his arm.
"Fine,"  he sighed, hoping in next to me, and allowing me to curl up once more.
"So what have you learned from this whole thing?"  Shawn asked smirking from beside me as I struggled to keep my eyes open half an hour later.
I glared at him, causing all of them to laugh, "Go on, what have you learned?" he asked tickling my side.
" I don't know if I can say it, it hurts too much," I laughed, going along with the joke. He pouted.
"Hey no fair!" I argued, he knew that I couldn't resist it when he pouted, it had been that way since we were kids. "Fine, I should have listened to you, cause you know best," I grumbled, holding my chest as if I was wounded.
"Was that really so hard?" Connor laughed watching from where he was packing up excess wiring,  placing them back into their relevant draws.
"Yes, it was incredibly painful," I sassed back.
"Truth hurts princess!" Shawn laughed, pulling me into a hug.
"That it does," I agreed, resting my head on his shoulder again  and closing my eyes. Never again would I be so stubborn. But there was no need for them to know that, not yet anyway.
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spacenijntje · 4 years
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You don't know how long I have wanted To touch your lips and hold you tight
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poeticharmonylove · 6 years
The Heart Project: Week 1 ❤️
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Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. -Proverbs 4:23
Welcome to week one of The Heart Project. I’m so glad that you are here, alive and breathing. If you are new to my blog, welcome. Warms hugs and greetings to you. My name is Karen ✨😊. I hope your doing well on this beautiful day. The sun is shining as the birds are migrating together. With that said, let’s take…
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sapples-photography · 5 years
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Happy V-Day gang! A whole lot of loving going on today so make sure you get yours! ❤️😏😘❤️ ______________________________________________________ #valentinesday #love #dayLove #SapplesPhotography #matteroftheheart #lovebug #lovers #romance (at Kingston, Jamaica) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8j45FwhVbj/?igshid=i8mm1rvjrv6m
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kushicake · 7 years
one is a lonely number.
She kept talking about not wanting to go for shows alone. Not wanting to go anywhere alone.
Why are we so afraid of doing things alone ?
She turned to me and asked me if I had a problem eating alone.
When you're surrounded by people in twos, threes and mores, you're the one who dowsnt belong.
One is a very lonely number.
I know what she meant though. I like my solitude but I really don't like being alone.
So many people. Always making you feel alone.
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mdprecious · 8 years
What’s essential for worship today is not music and microphone, but the truth about Jesus and the help of his Spirit.
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fraupaulemann-blog · 6 years
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feminism is a girl's best friend 🙌🏼 ✊ #feminism #feministartist #femalartist #grlpwr #girlpower #blackandwhite #womensrights #graphic #graphicart #artwork #diamonds #flowers #sketchbook #matteroftheheart https://www.instagram.com/p/BntQBoghr9N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7a6mvbjsyjxj
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mysticjourneyz · 7 years
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#ontheradio #KFNX #matteroftheheart #spiritreleasement #love #psychic #peace #psychicreading (at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX)
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I am mindful during this #Solstice of Iyanla telling us before we were consecrated, don't pray this prayer unless you are serious about what comes with it: "Create In Me A Clean Heart, Renew in Me A Right Spirit!" The Sun Energy is very much a #MatterofTheHeart! The #SummerSolstice is ancient ways of honoring what is encoded in many of our religious expressions be it Holy Scripture or #Orisha Dance. The Sun is a part of your Solar System, whether you know you have one or not. ~ Selah ~ Selah is A Deliberate The Divine Pause! Today, honor your invitations to Selah & Salute The Holy, I Amness of YOU! - #TheRevCoach #SpiritualMidwife #TransformationDoula #ReBirthandEmergeTransformed
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awriterfrombk-blog · 8 years
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In matters of the heart and mind the two that can never get it together or just take so much damn time to coincide .... #goodmorning #instagram #instagood #shewrites #shequotes #shewritesinbk #brooklyn #matteroftheheart #mattersofthemind #repost #follow #writer #heartnmind #bookcomingsoon (at Bedford–Stuyvesant, Brooklyn)
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tahitianstarseed · 6 years
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#Whenitcomes #matteroftheheart #matteroftheheart❤️ #rightorwrong #rightorwrong💯 #rightorwrongtho #expandsunderstanding #expands #understanding #life #love #lifeandlove #lifelove #lovelife #understandinglife #understandinglove
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thetalesofakhalah · 8 years
Matter of the heart!
it hurts, really. in my pursuit to be a happier me, there're times I would succumb to my own emotional battle. tonight is one of those days. I failed. Am I disappointed with myself? Somehow, YES. I've been trying hard to put all those episodes behind yet today, it haunts me back. Reality sets in. It is bitter. I need to be stronger than now cos this is just a beginning and I need to expect more challenges that await me. Thats all for now. Till the next post.
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mysticjourneyz · 7 years
#love the #host of #matteroftheheart 💗 Can't express in words how much I love working with Carol Olivia ♥️❤️💖 #thank you to everyone who #listened to the #radioshow #Thanks especially to the everyone that called in 💋💕💋♥️ #tunein next week the subject of #theshow will be #pastliferegression and how it #heals #psychicmedium #tarotparty (at Mystic Journeyz)
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suoh-the-red-king · 9 years
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I’ve got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck Than any boy you’ll ever meet, sweetie you had me Girl I was it, look past the sweat, a better love deserving of Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat? No, no, no, you know it will always just be me.
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