#Maureen stabler
countrymusiclover · 25 days
Detective Stabler's Daughter
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Y/n begins her Senior year of college in a Criminal Profiler class but she doesn't expect the professor to be so cute. They begin forming a romantic connection without her father Elliot Stabler knowing till she gets abducted. So Detective Stabler and Reid will have to team up together.
1 - Professor Reid
2 - Coffee Thank You
3 - The First Date
4 - Calling the BAU
5 -
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list - send an ask to be added @hiireadstuff @person-005 @kmc1989
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elliot-olivia · 2 years
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I got five kids. If it were me, I’d let the world burn to protect any one of ‘em.
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thena0315 · 4 months
Stabler Family Dinner [4x04]
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bensonstablers · 7 months
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Law & Order: SVU | 1x03: ...Or Just Look Like One
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svuobsessed · 2 months
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Elliot Stabler X Olivia Benson X Victim freshman Reader
Request: Hey can I request a victim of rape reader whos a freshman and she’s friends with Maureen and stabler and benson are on the case and Elliot doesn’t know about her being friends with Maureen it’s brought up.
So sorry for the wait!
Third person pov...
In the vibrant halls of Manhattan's bustling Hudson University amidst the throngs of eager freshmen, resided Y/N L/N an innocent and vulnerable soul.
Unassuming and quiet, she had found solace in an unlikely friendship with Maureen Stabler in their drama class together.
They had been working with the other members on their play, Y/N had been stressed so she'd gone for a late night walk.
On a crisp autumn night, as Y/N made her way back to her dorm from a late walk for some fresh air.
As she walked a chilling hand reached out from the alleyway, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the darkness. Fear coursed through her veins as she struggled against her assailant's grip.
The attacker, a masked figure, pressed a cold blade against her skin, threatening her life. As she struggles in his grip he slaps her making the teen go silent and stop moving.
"Quit it or you die" he threatens her holding his hand over her mouth.
As the assailant fled, Y/N lay trembling on the pavement, her mind reeling from the trauma.
After calming down after the attack she eventually got safetly back to the dormitories, as she walked through the door her room mate Maureen Stabler was sat in bed.
She had been waiting for Y/N to return. "N/N! I was worried" she says getting up from her bed and waking over to the
H/C girl, once she got closer she saw the fear on the Freshmans face.
Her E/C eyes filled with unshed tears.
"Y/N?" Maureen was worried, holding her friends arm she shook Y/N out of her thoughts.
"Maureen, hi" when she looked up, Maureen worried when she noticed a red mark appearing on her face, the teen went to touch the spot but Y/N flinched.
Maureen stopped dead, her eyes wide as she looked at her friend, the H/C girl was looking at the ground. "N/N did something happen?" She asks the girl.
Y/N breathes in shakily, slowly she looks up at Maureen, tears in her eyes. "I was raped" she whsipers tears falling down her cheeks.
Maureen gasps before pulling her friend into a hug, holding her as she cried and told the girl what happend.
Meanwhile, at the bustling office of the Special Victims Unit, Detectives Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler were briefing their team on a series of disturbing attacks targeting young women.
The unmistakable modus operandi led them to believe that a serial predator was at large.
Olivia and Elliot arrived at Hudson University, they had been told of a rape that occurred, a Freshman called Y/N
L/N was raped and had only just told the teachers.
One of her friends who wished to remain anonymous told a teacher because she was worried for her friend, the teacher then called SVU and let Y/N know that two detectives will be speaking to her.
As they canvassed the halls, Stabler's gaze fell upon a vibrant flyer for a Drama Club performance. The name Maureen Stabler jumped out at him, stirring an uneasy sensation within him.
Benson, sensing Stabler's unease, discreetly inquired about Maureen. "Maureen had mentioned about a new friend called Y/N" he told his patner, Liv patted his shoudler.
"It'll be okay El, we'll catch this guy" she reassured the worried man, Elliot smiled tightly at Liv, they then ask a student walking past, who pointed them towards a rehearsal room.
As they walked in they saw a group of students each working together to create the stage backgrounds and practising their rehearsal. "Hey Police" calls Elliot and Olivia as they walk in holding up their badges.
One of the students walk over. "Hey who do you need?" He asks clearly one of the elder students, Elliot looks at him before answering. "We're looking for
Y/N L/N" he says, the teen points him in the right direction.
The two detectives find the two girls, they were sat together painting a background for thr play, as they two laught, Benson and Stabler then walked over to the girls.
Smiling Liv held out her badge, Y/N looked worriedly at the two, Maureen looking at her friend holding her hand.
"Hi Y/N right, I'm Olivia this is Elliot we are with Special Victims" she told the girls, she smiled at them.
Y/Ns eyes widened before she turned to look at Maureen. "You told them" she says her voice quiet. Maureen looked at her friend quilt across her face as she nodded.
She then took the H/C girls hand. "I'm sorry Y/N but they can help you, I told you my Dads a detective" at that Y/N nods. Maureen gives her a smile.
"This is him, he helps Victims of rape, they will catch the guy" she explains to her friend, Y/N sighs. "I tell you everything" she says to Benson.
She then told the detectives what happend with Maureen's holding her hands.
Together, Stabler and Benson delved into the investigation, their professional prowess intertwined with personal ties.
As they unraveled the threads of the attack, they discovered a twisted plot involving jealousy and a desire for revenge.
In the end, justice prevailed, and the perpetrator was apprehended. Y/N's ordeal had been traumatic, but the support of her friends and the unwavering determination of Detectives Benson and Stabler had seen her through.
Her and Maureen kept their friendship during the ordeal, Y/N was grateful that she had such a friend.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry it took me so long to write this, didn't have any ideas until now, as usual sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word count : 1020
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incorrectbensler · 1 year
Kathy: Just a couple of single gals getting single slices of cake.
Maureen: Mom, you’re not single!
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specialfanficunit · 6 months
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Day 23 of #SVUHeartForTheHolidays❤️
Prompt #19: EO visit a Christmas Tree Farm & Prompt #97: Hot Cocoa
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thisismehappy · 1 year
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Maureen and her dad
Don't you understand? You're innocent, but the world, it's what I see day in, day out. You want to sneak out in the middle of the night, have a little fun with your friends. I end up picking up your body parts in the middle of Jersey.
SVU 1x06 Sophomore Jinx
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detectivejrdude583 · 1 year
Sunburns and squabbles
chapter 2
summery: How Olivia Benson, Elliot Stabler, Amanda Rollins, Dominick Carisi, and Grace Muncy all ended up on a family vacation together would never be known.
Actually, it would. It was quite simple really: Elizabeth Stabler forgot to mention the name of her girlfriend.
Or: The story of a vacation with way too many people, with way too many things going on, and oh great now we have to make an ER visit.
Not specific to any one paring, rather several pairings and friendships
words: 2403
Warnings: none
Everyone filed onto the bus, for how many people there were it wasn’t super crowded, and rather quickly everyone had found a spot, Jesse had wanted to sit with her mother, and it was very nearly an issue, but she settled for sitting with Billie in the row across from Sonny and Maureen’s husband, the two of them having apparently used to work together.
Everyone was still moving quite slowly as the sun was just barely up, and there were pillows and blankets from everyone scattered around as every did their best to be as comfortable as possible on their long drive. Amanda claimed a window seat while Olivia got the aisle. The bus was set up so there was one row of seats that would seat two people, and another row that would seat three, so everyone was sitting beside someone other than Maureen who took up an entire three-person row to herself, swearing she was going to sleep the whole time.
“WIFI and password in on the wall, bathroom is in the back, if you get car sick take a barf bag, and we will be stopping periodically but if you need an extra stop for any reason just say so” Elliot instructed standing at the front of the bus, ready to start driving.
Everyone settled in their seats as Dickie and Eli were tasked with passing out breakfast, which was mostly sandwiches and cups of fruit, but fairly quickly everyone had their food and drink, the back of every seat had a flip down table like you would find in an airplane, so there was no trying to awkwardly try and balance your food on the tops of your legs.
Once everyone was settled and ready, they began the long drive, they wouldn’t even be reaching the beach that night, rather they would be stopping and staying in a hotel for the night since Elliot had decided it was better than everyone trying to fly to Florida.
Muncy was still a little in shock about the surprise vacation with her boss, she had met Lizzie’s siblings before, and had only heard their father referenced as ‘dad’ so it wasn’t like she had a way to really put it together, a little warning would have been nice though.
Olivia on the other hand wasn’t even thinking about it, and Amanda was finding the whole situation quite amusing.
Elliot could admit that when Lizzie first came out, he did not react well, but he regretted that deeply and him and Lizzie had several conversations about both how he did react and how he should have reacted, and they had moved past it together. And now he found himself on vacation with one of his girlfriend’s subordinates.
Amanda glanced behind their seats to see Jesse curled up against her pillow propped up on the window, fast asleep, her breakfast untouched.
Olivia turned to look at whatever Amanda was “Rough night?”
Amanda turned back to her own food, “Oh yeah, I think the only person who got enough sleep last night was Billie”
“Has Jesse told you anything more?”
“No, we’ve tried, I don’t know what is going on with her” Amanda felt rather inadequate that she couldn’t even figure out what was going on with her own child.       
“I can try talking to her this week if you want” Olivia offered, Jesse may feel more comfortable talk to someone who wasn’t her parent.
“You can try, if you can get anything helpful out of her, I will be forever grateful, I don’t know how she is going to handle going back to school” Amanda didn’t want to think about that when just getting her to go into a different room was a challenge. Billie was going to be attending a summer day camp, and sleep away camp was a possibility for Jesse, but in the end, they ended up not signing her up as she was adamantly opposed to being away from home, Amanda and Sonny tried to explain that there was no changing her mind is she said she didn’t want to go, but she continued to say she wouldn’t want to go, so she did not get signed up. 
Noah was going to dance camp for an entire month, but it was local so other than a couple of overnight events he would be staying at home, it was an auditioned camp but he already gotten in and actually received a scholarship, which while Olivia was fully prepared to pay for the camp it was always nice to save some money.
Eli was home for the summer, doing a pre-college summer program before his senior year, it would get him some college credits before he went off, plus it would spruce up his college applications which he had just begun thinking about.
The drive itself went about as smoothly as it could in the beginning, the bus was filled with mostly quiet conversations as everyone was either waking up or falling asleep.
Amanda was slumped over much like Jesse, drifting in and out of sleep, Maureen stayed true to her word and was curled up in her two seats with quiet snores. Lizzie was also fast asleep, her upper half rested part of the way on top of Muncy who was scrolling through her phone looking like she was reading something, Kathleen who was in the same raw as them had her laptop hooked up to the WIFI and was doing something on that. Noah and Maureen’s two boys were playing a game together on their row. Eli had taken the first opportunity to get some sleep, looking much like when his father was falling asleep in a chair, sitting up straight with his arms crossed and head bowed, Dickie next to him was just staring out of the window. Sonny and Carl- Maureen’s husband- were speaking quietly, Sonny regularly glancing over to keep an eye on his children.
Olivia savored the silence, she knew as the day went on everyone would more than likely be hopped up on sugar and the volume inside the bus would be much higher, but for now she was content with sitting and listening to the quiet existence of her family.
Amanda muttered something under her breath in her sleep and Olivia brushed a hand over her hand to quiet her back down, tucking the blanket tighter around the sleeping woman, smiling when she looked to the row behind them to find Jesse looking almost identical to her mother.
The first stop of the drive was made about 3 hours in, the bathroom in the back of the bus made it so they didn’t have to stop as often, but Elliot figured it would be good to let everyone out to stretch their legs, Billie, despite being the youngest one there, was doing remarkably well during the long car ride, now part of that of course was Amanda making great efforts to pack her bag with things that would keep her entertained, but all in all she was doing really well, and didn’t wake up her sister next to her.
When they came to a stop most people who were sleeping stirred, slowly coming back to the world.
“Why are we stopped?” Lizzie groaned sitting up in her seat, rubbing at her eyes.
“We’re just stopped at a park for a little while, we’ll go and stretch out our legs, everyone needs to get off the bus for at least a little while, we’ll start back again in about half an hour” Elliot instructed- truth be told it was very possible that his passengers didn’t need a stop at all, but rather he himself was the one in need of a stop.
Everyone slowly got out from under their blankets and turned off their devices to get off of the bus, most people happy to get out for a moment, Jesse was still fast asleep and Billie was about to reach over to wake her up but Sonny stopped her “I’ll sit with her, there’s no real reason to wake her up”
“I can stay with her it’s alright” Amanda said, she didn’t want to stop Sonny’s fun.
“Why don’t you both go out there, and I will sit with Jesse” Olivia volunteered, Billie tugging on both her parents’ hands in agreement.
“You don’t need to do that Liv” Amanda said.
“It’s no problem, now go and let Billie run around for a bit” Olivia shooed them until they were off the bus and Billie had spotted a playground and was demanding to be pushed around on the tire swing.
Olivia rather than going to sit in her same seat went to sit in the seat Billie was previously occupying, next to Jesse. Sometimes it was almost startling how much Jesse was like her mother, in her mannerisms and her looks, and sometimes Olivia thought she could hear a hint of a southern accent when she was saying certain words.
Jesse stirred in her seat and Olivia could tell she was waking up, as if she could sense the fact her parents were not nearby. Jesse’s eyes opened and darted around looking for someone, but they found Olivia and the panic drained away.
“Hey honey, you get some good sleep” Olivia said softly.
“Where are momma and uncle Sonny?” She asked, not at all answering Olivia’s question.
“We’re stopped at a park for a little while, we’ve been on the road for a little over 3 hours, your parents are out playing with Billie”
Jesse turned to look out her window, confirming that in fact her parents were out with the others.
“Did you not get much sleep last night” Olivia knew the answer, but getting Jesse to talk about it on her own would be more effective than trying to interrogate her.
Jesse shook her head, biting her lip like her mother did when she didn’t want to say something “Momma slept in the bad with me, and uncle Sonny too, they switched”
Olivia nodded but realized rather quickly that Jesse was going to continue talking “Why did they sleep with you, are you feeling alright”
Jesse just shrugged “I wanted them to”
“Why did you want them to honey” Olivia reached out to run a hand over Jesse’s face.
“I don’t want to tell you” Jesse said.
“You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, but you know there are certain things you have to tell adults so they can keep you safe”
Jesse nodded, she knew what Olivia was talking about, her had two former SVU detectives for parents “I know, I don’t want to tell you because I don’t want to make momma sad”
Olivia wasn’t sure what to make of that “You know you're very important to your mother, and to your uncle Sonny too, I'm sure they want to know what is going on with you, even if it might make them a little side”
Jesse nodded and it was clear she had listened to Olivia’s words, which was progress if nothing else.
“You want to try and eat some of your breakfast?” Olivia encouraged.
Jesse fully sat up in her seat, her breakfast was still sitting on her tray in front of her. She considered both the fruit and the sandwich before ultimately deciding on the sandwich, she ate slumped against Olivia’s side, Olivia having moved one of her arms to wrap around her.
Outside everyone else had sort of stayed together, the kids- and some of the adults lets be real- were running around on the playground, being out in the sun was doing wonders to wake everyone up, and the ice cream truck that was parked there certainly played a part as well.
Elliot looked around for his girlfriend, noticing her absence, she wasn’t one to tended to wander, but then again, she might have taken a call for some reason.
“She volunteered to stay in the bus with Jesse” Sonny who was standing nearby noticed his searching.
Elliot nodded, that made sense, he didn’t know about what was going on with Jesse, but he did know from having his own 5 children that if one of them needs sleep and they’re getting it that you do not wake them up unless absolutely necessary.
“You're not actually upset about me not telling you Liv would be here are you” Lizzie asked Muncy as she ate her popsicle.
“No, I'm not upset, I mean it definitely threw me off, but I can’t really do anything about it, and she doesn’t seem to be bothered by my being here” Muncy assured her, and it was the truth, she was going to have to find out who Olivia was to Lizzie eventually, she just jumped in headfirst- or was pushed in from behind, depends on how you look at it.
“By the time we actually get where were going you're going to forget she’s your boss” Lizzie was sure of that fact, because she knew Liv, and Muncy knew Captain Benson, the change in mindsets was always clear.
Eli pushed the tire swing with Seamus and Billie on it, spinning it fast enough that they were satisfied, but not so fast that their tony bodies were going to go flying off, they were trying to avoid any ER visits during the vacation, and one before they even got to the beach would be setting a new record.
Amanda had a feeling Jesse had woken up in the bus, and since she had already gotten Billie ice cream it was only fair to grab something for her, so Amanda grabbed was she knew was Jesse’s favorite: an orange creamsicle.
She walked onto the bus with it, finding that Jesse was in fact awake, propped up against Olivia not really doing anything. “I got you a creamsicle”
Jesse smiled at her mother, reaching out eagerly to take the treat and Amanda was glad to see she had eaten some of her breakfast. She looked at Olivia to check if there was anything she should know that she got out of Jesse, but her face told her it could wait.
As it turns out the time, they spent at the park was coming to an end and slowly a bunch of sweaty people filed back into the bus ready to continue the long drive.
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pagingdr-iverson · 1 year
So I’ve given up looking to find somewhere to ask. Whatever. I figured I can’t go wrong asking here. Hopefully people will know wth I’m talking about. I’ve read more EO fics then a lil bit in a very short amount of time, yes. But I’m looking for one in particular. I can remember some of it vividly. Kathy’s GONE she just LEFT when the twins was like 3 months or something don’t remember we don’t like her anyway though. There’s a scene in the fic though where she comes back for some of her crap I think and the kiddos aren’t impressed as she was kinda ignoring them. Maureen or Kathleen gets mad and storms off from Liv and either is pulled or tackled out the way of harm by liv hurting whichever child it was knee (they need the hospital and a few stitches) and Liv hurts her hip. But of course doesn’t let the doc check her out til way later. I think her hip bone was like cracked or something not too bad but still painful and El feels all bad. ANYONE know what fic this is? I’d like to read it again but I can’t remember the title for the LIFE of me. Help? Please? Thanks.
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countrymusiclover · 21 days
2 - Coffee Thank You
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Part 3
Detective Stabler's Daughter
Tag list - send an ask to be added @hiireadstuff
It had been a few weeks since I started my classes and I was doing fairly well in them except for the newest assignment in Professor Reid’s class. Kathleen wasn’t really concerned with the class like I was. Re-reading over the notes I had taken I had zoned out the fact that he had ended class for the afternoon and everyone else was leaving until my sister shakes my shoulder. “Hey! Hey Y/n. Class is over.” 
“It is. Uh sorry.” I looked at her, noticing that she had her backpack on her shoulders standing in front of me. 
I glanced back down at my messy notebook. “Hey, I'll meet you later. I have some questions to ask the professor.” 
“Okay. Hopefully you won’t come off as a serious college student in your last year.”
I sent her a glare. “Kathleen.”
“I just want to have some fun with my sister.” She walked down the aisle and out the large door. 
Walking down the rows until I reached his desk he was putting his notebook away in his bag getting ready to leave. “Professor Reid, could I ask you some questions about our newest assignment?” 
“Of course.” He set his bag down back on the large desk. “What are your questions?” 
Sitting my bag down on the ground tile I scanned over the questions I had written down. “I’ve been looking over the assignment but I don’t understand how we are supposed to profile these past cases.” 
“Being a profile isn’t easy. But let’s look at the situation I gave you.” He suggested eyeing my papers. 
I nervously nodded, handing him my papers. “Okay.” 
“The situation reads : A man abducted three blonde girls and held them captive in a basement. He forced these girls to have sex with him and if they refused he held them down and he used a medication to make them go blind as punishment.” He read over the assignment description. “Tell me your thoughts on why this guy chose this punishment or what type of pattern this would fall under.” 
I clicked my tongue avoiding his gaze since I was nervous that I might be wrong. “The reason for punishment was that he wanted to be in control of the girls and if they didn’t find attraction towards him then - he used it to make them feel the pain he felt.” 
“And what do you think the trigger was?” Professor Reid asked me. 
Brushing hair out of my face I paused for a few minutes before answering him. “The trigger likely could have been that he had a girlfriend or a girl he was interested in that looked like the girls. And she rejected him, not finding him attractive.” 
“Exactly. You’re exactly right.” He smiled at me. 
I raised a brow. “Really?” 
“Yes. Now if you just write all that down and bring it on the day it’s due. You’ll get a good grade.” He cheered me on handing my notes back to me. 
I took it from his outstretched hand. “Thank you, Professor Reid.” 
“You’re welcome, Ms. Stabler.” He swings his bag over his left shoulder heading towards the doors. “I’ll see you in class.”
“Wait. Professor Reid, how can I thank you - um more properly.” 
He paused in his steps. “Oh I don’t think that is necessary.” 
“Well I think I should do something. Considering most of the professor's that I've had aren't always open to questions and have told me that I should be able to figure it out on my own.” I explained to him putting my notebook back up and shrugging my bag over my shoulders. 
My professor clicked his tongue. “Well I suppose it's okay. Just nothing too serious.” 
“How about going for coffee near campus?” I suggested with a slight smirk on my face. 
He finally agreed to that idea. “That's good.” 
We made our way across the campus just silently walking until we passed the entrance sign of the campus. His class was my last one on Thursday’s so I was done for the evening. It was a nice day when we reached the nearest shop where he held the door open for me to go in first like a gentleman. “Thank you.” 
“No problem. Ms. Stabler.” He replied following behind me where we sat down at the nearest round table. 
“One Strawberry Creme Frappuccino for you, Ms. Stabler. And a White Chocolate Mocha for me.” Spencer came back with two drinks in hand since I had told him what I wanted. He sat back down in his chair across from mine. 
I sat across from him hanging my bag on the back part, correcting him in the nicest way possible. “You should call - can call me Y/n if we go out for coffee like this again. I mean only if you want to.” 
“You’d want to go out for coffee again?” 
I sipped my coffee cup. “Maybe. Unless that’s super unprofessional in our situation.” 
“It’s more than that.” He tapped his fingers on the sides of the plastic cup. 
Taking a long sip from my coffee I wasn’t sure what had come over me. Yet I didn’t feel that nervous around him. “What do you mean?” 
“I can’t entirely understand how I feel about you. But I just - I think that I want to know more about you.”
Tilting my head to the side my curiosity came over me. “Like wanting to go on a date type of thing?” 
“Y-yeah. Only if you’re up for it.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“Hmm let’s see. Tell me something most people wouldn’t know about you just by looking at you.” 
Spencer thought briefly for a second tapping his fingers on the table before snapping his fingers at me. “I’m banned from casinos in Las Vegas, Laughlin and Pahrump because of my card counting ability.” 
“Woah. You really must be a genius.” 
He sent me a shy smile. “I graduated high school at the age of 12.” 
“That is incredible. And please don’t take offense to this but how do you not have a girlfriend or wife already?” 
He shrugged his shoulders, finishing the rest of his drink in his cup before sitting it down on the table avoiding my gaze waiting for my response. “Typically I haven’t been the best at talking to other people. I um - I feel like I always come off as weird or awkward talking to women  - which is way too personal when we haven’t even been on a date yet.” 
“One thing about me is that I am a Detective’s daughter.” I clasped my hands together resting my chin on the palms of my hands. 
Spencer raised a brow at me. “Can I know the detective's name? Unless that’s too invasive.” 
“Pfft it’s totally fine. My father’s name is Detective Elliot Stabler. He works for the Special Victims Unit here in the city.” 
He chuckled softly. “I already told you this in class but I do work for the FBI. Specifically the Behavioral Analysis Unit.” 
“That’s pretty impressive.” I smiled back at him. 
Spencer met my gaze with his brown eyes that deeply looked into mine when he asked the question that popped into his head and was making him super nervous on the inside. “At the risk of overstepping you can decline. But uh - would you maybe wanna go out with me tonight?” 
“We’d have to go off campus. But yes that sounds like fun.” I finished off my coffee throwing both of our drinks away then we headed back to the campus. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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pixiedane · 3 months
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Chapters: 17/18 Fandom: Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: Organized Crime, FBI Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Olivia Benson, Elliot Stabler, Maureen Stabler, Kathleen Stabler, Richard “Dickie” Stabler, Elizabeth Stabler, Elliot “Eli” Stabler Jr., Noah Porter Benson, Amanda Rollins, Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr., Jet Slootmaekers, Jamie Whelan, Carl | Maureen Stabler’s Husband, Bernadette Stabler, Ayanna Bell, Odafin “Fin” Tutuola, Stuart Scola, Tiffany Wallace, Additional Characters in Minor Roles Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Living Together, Domestic Fluff, Family Feels, Family Drama, Past Domestic Violence, Past Torture, Past Sexual Assault, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Canon-Typical Violence, Crack Treated Seriously, Declarations Of Love, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note
Time passed in stops and starts, a frenzy of activity followed by long stretches of waiting. The elevators opened and closed. Sirens blasted and lights flashed as ambulances pulled up outside.
Or, it's time to go home.
Chapter-specific warnings: medical trauma, suicidal ideation
The Never Ending Story
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thena0315 · 4 months
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Entire Stabler Family Photo
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bensonstablers · 1 year
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Law & Order: SVU | 1x18: Chat Room
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wildflowerswildhorses · 11 months
I wish I could go back to before I knew that Maureen is only 4 years younger than Amanda and Sonny
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