#Max Vision Solutions
alex51324 · 2 years
Just finished watching Our Flag Means Death, which is a great show and you should watch it, and read this article where the showrunners talk about how they have a 3-season story arc planned, and they are optimistic about getting to actually make that second season.  
And then I checked out the our flag means death tag here on this hellsite, and I feel like it’s a good time to point out that the second most-important word in “entertainment industry” is “industry.”  That is to say, many of the people involved do have what you might call an artistic vision; however, the shows that get made are the ones that people actually pay to watch.  
It doesn’t actually help to say, “I need season 2 of this program like I need air,” and then tell people where they can pirate* it.  
(*Yeah, yeah, irony, yuk it up.)
Granted, the proliferation of streaming services is making it more and more difficult to legally watch everything that you want to watch, on a reasonable budget.  My solution is what I call the “All you can eat buffet approach”:  make sure you get good and hungry before you go, wear your elastic-waist pants, and go for the expensive stuff first.  
That is, don’t treat streaming services like a utility, that you pay for every month and then it’s there whether you use it or not.  Treat it like an occasion: subscribe for a month, watch the stuff you really want to watch, then cancel before they bill you a second time.  (Put it on your calendar, set an alarm, whatever, so you don’t forget.)  Keep rotating through the different services, and you can watch just about everything you want to watch, with a monthly entertainment budget in the $10-$15 range**.  
(**This is US-centric advice, obvs--if the stuff you want to watch is not available where you live, that’s a different problem that I am not qualified to address.)  
I’ve done this with Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and now HBO Max.  None of them make it at all difficult to cancel, or to resubscribe when they have new stuff you want to watch--you don’t have to jump through any hoops, or talk to a person.  Generally, you go into your account and click “cancel,” then they ask you to pick your cancellation reason from a list, they show you one screen where they try to talk you out of it, you click “yes, I’m sure” and then you’re done.  
This is, I emphasize, a completely legitimate way to use these services.  (They even have “watched everything I wanted to watch” on the list of cancellation reasons.)  You don’t have to keep making new email addresses or any shit like that--just use the same one; sometimes you’ll even get a free month or something for being a Returning Customer. 
The disadvantages of this method is that it isn’t free, and you have to do some planning ahead & exercise some patience.  What you get in return is that you are an actual paying customer, and therefore your programming preferences count.  If the only people who pay to watch TV are senior citizens, then the only shows we’re going to get are the ones that senior citizens want to watch.  
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Will and the car on fire (theories)
*this is just under the assumption this is Will in the pic and not some other character. Which is still very possible .
Why it could be Will (it's for sure possibly not)
But, most of the rebuttals saying it's not Will are iffy. Cause we really don't have much evidence to point to any 1 character. Like the hair counterargument: that the hair is too long to be Will's .Will's s4 body double has a similar hair tuff on the back of his neck. And we know st uses camera shots of the back of Will's neck/silouette ,in past seasons . So doing so here could make sense. And Will of course is the most associated with fire: using fireball for Will the wise in s1 (3 times), the will the wise drawing from s2 had flames on his cloak, Will being being burned in s2,etc.
So...Will looking at lightning. And (Will?) looking at fire. Both have a dark full body sillhouete and red in the forefront .
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We also see this character is possibly wearing a watch like Will?
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And i've been hearing this a lot here ... but southern california (where the Byers are) does have a lot of trees lol. Not sure why people think otherwise.But, regardless a trip from cali to Hawkins would most certainly have some forrest.
*Also, any movies I’ll be mentioning (in the theories , below) were stated to be inspiration for ST.
So theories...
Theory 1) It's Joyce's car ( and it was rigged  to explode/look like an accident by Brenner or Lonnie). And Will wasn't there but sees it in a nightmare cause it's already happened/or it's a dream vision of the future.
Evidence:  CAR TROUBLES: Joyce’s car model was infamous for exploding in car accidents-being sued by the state of Indianna before the start of the series. We also have Alexi tell murray about a way to cause cars to explode-and turn people into dust (and make it look like an accident). Brenner’s name means “to burn” and he already hurt 1 mother to keep a subject -so not out of the realm of possibilities for him to hurt Joyce (and make it look like an accident to try and get Will and or el). 
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In s3, we have Jonathan and Hopper try and fix  the car-and after this cars explode with people inside. Jonathan lifts the car hood- and notices someone rigged nancy’s car . Than,  right after,Billy’s car lights on fire with him inside. With Hopper (he also lifts the car hood) and joyce barely escapes the lit car (but she may not be so lucky next time).
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 We also have Joyce tell Will 3x she’s going to be ok... which is a bit overkill if she will be OK ... 
And, notice during the hoodlift we see Will observing- which is similar to Alexi watching and warning them before hand that the car (with Joyce inside) will explode. So it’s possible foreshadowing since Will may predict the future and was was paralleled to Alexi.Alexi ‘can we watch lonnie toons now?. Will : can we play d&d now?
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movie inspos: 
It’s hinted s4 will be around Will’s b day: In gilbert grape- Arnie after his b day, has his mom die, and a fire was stagged that lit his mom on fire. ( Before this,Arnie was also raised by his older brother Gilbert cause his dad wasn’t around). stoker-  kid’s parent dies in staged car ‘accident’ on her bday (this allows ab*sive relative closer to kid-since dead parent banned him from seeing kid). The kid  was taught how to hunt, by dad. And is also a painter and bullied at school (like Will). what dreams may come-painter blames themselves for fam dying in freak car accident- the relative was getting a present for them when it happened. so they blame themselves. The descent- also had (right before a b day, the main character’s fam dying in a car accident) .And the sole survivor/family member of the deceased hallucinates a shadow chasing her in a empty hospital hall. Get out-photographer (jonathan)blames himself for mother dying in car accident.
There’s also a lot of other films where the kid (for no logical reason) blames themselves for their mom’s/parent’s death: goodson, dream catcher, analyse this,etc. Of course ... this could simply relate to max and el having survivors guilt after the mall killed their family members (in a fake ‘mall fire’). However, a fake out fire causing  family to die (in s3)  could be foreshadowing for it actually happening in s4?
rigged car explosions: scarface -have guys try and bomb a car with kids and parent inside. backdraft -guy raised by older brother had 1 parent die in explosion and sees the freak explosion occur- later in the film someone rigs a car to explode and masks it as a  freak car accident. Same thing occurs in godfather- he sees family member die in rigged car explosion. The dark knight- rigs car to explode. batman v superman- calls superman a demon and says they need to burn the witch that bore him (aka his mom).
dreams (if in the past): Never ending story (reffed in s3)- starts with kid with bowl cut saying he had another dream about his mother who died. Peanut butter solution- kid has visions in dreams about people he knew who died in fire.  this next movie (emily rose) is  said to be Joyce byers inspo according to Winona - has (kid with 2 personalities) have nightmares from the past  of her and her mother burning in a car fire. while screaming/sleep walking she burns windows with her hands -accidentally using her powers. Some people suspect the videogame “life is strange’ is show inspo too- it has character named max caufield with a ‘never maxine rule’, etc. Anyways in the game prequel queer chloe, who plays d&d, would have dreams/nightmares of her nice parent’s car accident . Despite , chloe not being present for the car accident. After the parent’s death,  she’s stuck with her mean step dad.
dreams (if predicting the future): Will says in s3 Will the wise can see into the future. We also see Will/Will the wise via a dream predict Hopper was in danger-saying  to Joyce “he’s going to die”.  In ‘12 monkeys’ and ‘Rebel Robin st novel’ they mention the myth of cassandra- who could make accurate future prophecies , but was cursed to never be believed by those she warned. In 12 monkeys- he tries warning others of a dreaded event in future- and it’s dismissed as  him being mentally ill. Since, Will’s other abilities were dismissed as his ptsd in s2-and with the Byers fam having a family history of mental illness (they may not believe him over such a prediction). In ‘the ring’-the  movie opens with the guardian saying the boy is drawing the car accident that killed his mom -as a psychological coping mechanism. Only for the teacher to say he made that drawing before his mother’s death (and it’s revealed later the boy is psychic). Terminator 2- sarah conner says she is having future visions, which include explosions, and everyone dismisses it as her being schizophrenic. Like how in s2 a scientist said about Will “let’s see if this boy is a wizard or a schizo”.
If joyce survives the accident she may be hospitlized (and unable to have legal custody). In black swan the girl (with 2 personas) -blames herself for what happened to Winona Ryder’s character (who is in a coma after a car accident. They had had a verbal fight before the accident). In girl with the dragon tattoo- the main character (who is compared to a phoenix and dragon) has 1 parent burned in a fire- and after this her kind guardian is hospitilized so they can no longer take care of her- and she is placed with an ab*sive foster dad (who resembles her bio dad). If Joyce was in a coma - it would further parallel her to terry- and be another willel parallel.
 if dead: Tokyodrift- mom loses custody, and dad who is a mechanic and abandoned the family years ago, later gets custody. Super 8-mom dies in freak accident- douche dad gets custody. Book of henry-mom dies pre-film, ab*sive dad got custody. Outsiders- parents die in car wreck, relative gets custody of teen who he slaps etc.In black swan-girl who blames herself for Winona’s accident is stuck living with ab*sive parent. good son- mom dies, stuck with violent and manipulative relative after this.
Of course-joyce may be fine. And Lonnie may just visit for Will’s b-day and ruin shit that way.
Theory 2) It's an undercover government car that Will uses his powers against in self defense... or in anger after they hurt someone he loves.
Joyce about ‘Will the wise’: If he’s so wise, why does he need the fireballs? Why can’t he just outsmart the bad guys? Will: cause the bad guys are smart too. Joyce: so he needs the fireballs? Will: Yeah, to burn them to a crisp.
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* the fact-this flashback happens at a funeral of a Byers, could also be narratively significant as foreshadowing.
Gov agents in s1 are  called “the bad-men” so Will may use fireball on “the bad-guys”(government agents) . Fire has been used on all the other adversaries relating to the upsidedown-so why not the gov agents (aka human villains) next? 2 movies on the inspo list caught my attention: firestarter & carrie (which are both stephen king adaptions with psychic kids who have fire abilities). 
Firestarter- she has pyrokineseis (firepowers) . And unlike every other psychic in the film- she is the only psychic that doesn't get nose bleeds (aka mini brain hemorages) from using her powers (Will). We know el and kali gets nose bleeds.  
(Anger): She only unleashes her fire abilities on gov agents after they kill her parent...
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*And uses a literal “fireball” on them.
Could also be another willel parallel. kali about the US gov:" They took your mother away from you!" El str*ngles man from gov agency that incapacitated her mom . El before str*ngling him: " you hurt mama".
(self defense): While  in carrie  she kills people who tried to run her over with a car. And causes the car to explode.
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Also, in s3 Steve does technically cause a car to explode to protect Nancy from being run over by a car (so maybe foreshadowing?). I believe, tumblr user ‘bran-who-writes-theoretically” was the first to point out the Carrie/car on fire parallel.
* This car scene could also be added to the list of Willel parallels. El  in s1 uses her powers to flip a government-car upside down. And looks back at it. And it’s a ref to the film Et. So Will causing a government -car to explode and flip upsidedown (referencing carrie) could be a parallel. 
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Of course El flipped over a car in s3 to attack the Soviet agents and protect her friends too ( right before losing her powers). Sort of like Steve using his car as a weapon in s3 to protect his friends. so who knows, if not Will, maybe El (wearing a ponytail) got her telekenesis back and she flips the car and it explodes ? To be honest, I just find this explanation too boring, cliche, and predictable. And I still hypothosize the mindflayer took her telekensis (but not her other powers). Since in d&d mindflayers have ‘mage hand’ (what el is called) and ‘telekenesis’/ along with the ability to steal powers from other life forms. But, we’ll see...
Theory 3) The car flips (maybe caused by a deer jumping in the road) and it blows up after the crash- with Joyce inside. And maybe Jonathan survives it/ Will wasn’t there but had a nightmare /vision about it?
Evidence: in s1 Jonathan sees a dead deer that was hit by a car. This could be symbolic : because it related to Jonathan mentioning the hunting story with his dad and how he cried for a week cause he liked the film Bambi. Which in the film : Bambi (a deer) has his mother k*lled. And after his mother’s death, he’s taken in by his douchey dad who was M.I.A for most of his life ,until his mom passed away. And the hunters are the bad guys in the film . In ‘get out’ the photographer , Chris,blames himself for his mother dying in a car accident - and he sees a dead deer hit by a car -and the dying deer was used to symbolize the guilt he has over his mother’s  death. in ‘the long kiss goodnight’ a character is driving home with a friend- they swerve and hit a deer and 1 of them is ejected from the car into the forrest. But their friend is unconscious in the car and it quickly explodes on the road. The survivor turns and sees the car in flames- disoriented they stumble and kill the dying deer. And it’s left ambiguous if they were helping the deer end it’s pain or if it was vengeful-hunting (since it caused the car accident that killed their friend). Cause their face was emotionless from shock.
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Even in the st novel "suspicious minds' rabbits- like jonathan was forced to kill on the hunting trip with his dad (around his b-day) represented the bond between mother and child.And the mother sacrificing herself for the baby-to not get k*lled (by Brenner).
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-so maybe?? jonathan before he gets the pizza job/car (may have his car break down , like hinted it would in s3).
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 So him and Joyce share the car (once his car stops working) and the accident happens while Jonathan is behind the wheel -with Joyce. And after this he gets the job at surfer boy pizza. Billy was a surfer boy and that memory was used to think about his mother who is no longer around (once he's stuck with his ab*sive dad after moving away from Cali). While Jonathan moved to Cali after his mom passed-maybe stuck with Lonnie.Jonathan's actor in recent pics has a blonde mullet - which sort of resembles joyce/Billy's og hair. This may be why he starts doing dr*gs - which is pretty out of character for him- but it could be a coping mechanism(like in the s4 films). One of many examples was 'enter the void'- the older brother was surrogate parent to their lil sibling and after a car accident k*lls his parents , he starts doing dr*gs to cope. Also ‘hunger games’ was on the list- and Katniss (who was a surrogate parent to her litle sibling, like Jonathan is to Will) in the sequel, saw her family die in an explosion. And it really broke her emotionally.
I've mentioned this before but Billy is used to parallel and foil Will and Jonathan. And it may be more than a ... what if Lonnie had custody scenario. But to show how Lonnie (like most ab*sers) will later bring out the worst in the kids (once he does have custody). Like how s3 has Will mimick lonnie with the baseball bat (and we see in s3 Billy being bullied by his dad to play baseball and flashbacks showing him mimicking Neil). I've also discussed how there's a theme with pretty much every character mimicking their parent- for better or worse.
Killing a deer would certainly hint at Jonathan's possible character regression (and mimicking Lonnie to a certain extent). if he not only blames himself for Joyce's death. But is also stuck with his ab*ser.
The animal k*lling motif , and after that, mimicking an a b*sive father is already shown with el. Brenner , in s1,tried to make her k*ll a cat (using her powers) and she refused (similar to the s1 rabbit hunting story of Lonnie forcing Jonathan to k*ll a rabbit ). But in s2, she uses her powers to k*ll a squirrel (and like a deer- it's typical hunting game). Than in s3 el does literally everything Brenner ever asked of her- she spies on people and repeats the words back (like brenner told her to do), she becomes a weapon to ‘fight the commies’ (which was said to be the reason he k*dnapped her in the first place), and when looking into the void to see the mf (she mirrors the words brenner told her - when he made her go into the void to face the demogorgan).
And some s4 movies are literally about being trapped in a house with your ab*ser and slowly losing your mind because of the ab*se and gaslighting- lighthouse , black swan , good son, are prime examples. But movies like scar face , girl with the dragon tattoo, and book of Henry touch on this theme a bit as well. And ordinary people- is about a guy who survived a vehicular accident but his relative in the same accident didn't- and it causes him alot of issues /survivor's guilt.
The shadowy figure could just be Will in the shot - seeing it in a dream before or after it happens?
Theory 4) Will sees a future vision or has his ’now memories’ of someone else's car.
Evidence: i guess the s4 shot parallels El (in s3) spying on Billy while he’s hurting Heather. During that spying scene: the shot is of El near Billy's car. So it’s possibly a diff willel parallel?
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If not Will. Who knows ...if El’s telekenesis is gone maybe her spying abilities strengthened and look different because of it (and now she can see background details)?
Theory 5) it's Lonnie's car and Will escapes from the trunk and uses his powers in self defense
Evidence: I’m pretty iffy on this one. This goes back to how people suspected Lonnie took Will in s1 (and could be foreshadowing). Even the recent rebel robin book-has characters say Lonnie probably took Will. Jonathan suspected Will may be at Lonnie’s - so checks Lonnie’s car trunk (to see if Will is there). We also see how the mf in s3, knocked people out by dr*gs/str*ngulation, ties them up, and throws them in a trunk (to k*dnap them). Or how the cops raided jonathan’s trunk- which had stuff to track the demogorgan (and the demogorgan parallels Lonnie) . And after looking in Jonathan’s trunk-they suspected something fishy is going on.
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*heather was described as “another me” by Will- who was thrown in the trunk.
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movies: “tangled” was on the s4 list- and had an ab*sive parent later try and kidnap their kid ,and that parent ends up dying. in girl with the dragon tattoo (the girl associated with dragons & phoenixes-  lights her  ab*sive bio dad on fire. In ‘drop dead fred’ (girl who is in love with childhood friend, named Mikey, who she met at age 5) lights a imaginary version of her ab*sive parent on fire - while in a trippy memory world. Chrissy accidentally lights her ab*sive relative (nickname “daddy”)  on fire in self defense- in a trippy hell memory scape. in ‘long kiss goodnight- the girl with 2 personalities (Will/will the wise) was kidnapped and put in a trunk and escapes by jumping into a quarry. Not sure if that could relate to a flashback or something else? like in ‘don’t breath’ the older sibling who essentially was a surrogate parent to the younger sibling-mentions how their dad left the family, and her parent would throw her in the trunk for hours as a punishment.
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sirenofthetimes · 3 years
Every Proposal on Gilmore Girls Was Absolutely Unhinged
This show was rich in couples, swimming in conflict, and desperately lacking in healthy communication. Which made for some batshit marriage proposals! Let's go:
Christopher to Lorelai in Season 1 ep. 15: Christopher Returns
In Christopher's first appearance on the show, he rocks up to Stars Hollow on his motorcycle at the end of the previous episode, out of the blue, and in this one archetypes are made clear: he establishes himself as the irresponsible deadbeat single dad to Lorelai's hardworking, mature yet still fun single mom. They have a weird dinner with everyone's parents where his parents, Straub and Francine, are shown to be even more uptight and awful than Richard and Emily can be. A lot of fighting and yelling and relitigating past choices ensues. Then Lorelai and Christopher go off to have emotional, nostalgic sex on her childhood balcony, and off the strength of that, he walks into her kitchen the next morning and blurts out that he wants to marry her so they can be a "real family". They barely see each other. They know hardly anything about each other's current lives. This is the first time he's visited the town they've been living in since Rory was a child and yet. A marriage proposal. Naturally, she turns him down, but we have not heard the last of Christopher Hayden.
Max to Lorelai in Season 1 ep. 21: Love, Daisies and Troubadours
This relationship was used mostly to discuss Lorelai's commitment issues, the difficulties of dating as a single mom, and have her fight allegations of her being promiscuous (which are not true, she can be very sexually conservative) by having her do something risky like try to date one of her daughter's teachers at the stuffy private school that also exists in her parents' world. So despite them having okay chemistry, they haven't really dated much and broke up after two months before getting back together shortly before the night of the proposal. Max comes by the house to pick Lorelai up and finds Luke there getting his toolbox and relaying the news that Rachel broke up with him (because she has a basic level of intuition and picked up on his feelings for Lorelai). Max and Luke have a very cringy dick measuring contest, Max (in possession of similar intuition) assumes Luke and Lorelai dated at some point but it's not season 5 yet so she's not legally allowed to admit she's into Luke. They argue, Max expresses frustration that their relationship can never seem to get off the ground, and what does he propose as a solution? Yoking their lives together in blessed matrimony. Lorelai is justifiably frustrated and tells him that's not how you propose, that a proposal is supposed to be special and grand. She lists "a thousand yellow daisies" as an example how to truly pop the question and the next day Max arranges for that famous logistical nightmare romantic gesture at the inn, then says some flowery bullshit on the phone and because it's the season finale and emotions are high, Lorelai accepts. Though later, right after her bachelorette party, she runs away and calls off the wedding. They meet a couple more times for closure, and then the relationship is truly dead.
Jackson to Sookie in Season 2 ep 13: A-Tisket A-Tasket
Sookie and Jackson's budding relationship has actually been pretty nice to watch up until this point. They have a fun balance between awkward but cute flirting and comical bickering about produce. But there's something in the area's water supply that makes people unable to clearly express their wants and needs in a romantic relationship so when Sookie doesn't respond how Jackson wanted her to to him saying his lease was up and asking her what she thought, he sulks. The sulking manifests itself in him not bidding on Sookie's basket at the bid a basket auction so she confronts him to see what's up and they actually manage to have a decent conversation about what moving in together would mean. And that could've been a nice ending for that storyline. But shacking up together? Out of wedlock? Impossible. So at their picnic for two, Jackson fakes Sookie out and says he doesn't want to talk about moving in together any more... because he thinks they should get married. Sookie, reeling from that whiplash, accepts, and since the rules of TV beta couples states they must move faster than the main will-they-won't-they couple at all times, they get married, stay married, and continue struggling to effectively talk through big life decisions,with some admittedly nice moments in between.
Lorelai to Luke in Season 5 ep 22: A House is Not a Home and Season 6 ep 1: New and Improved Lorelai
Lorelai and Luke are in kind of a weird place at the moment, with Luke upset with Lorelai for considering selling the Dragonfly to a corporation owned by one of her father's contacts, which would have her traveling and consulting instead. While she's not too serious about it, she's enjoying being courted by the company, but this is in complete disregard for the giant house Luke bought without telling her or the kids he's thinking about having that he also hasn't discussed with her so it's causing problems. This is forgotten however with the news that Rory wants to take time off from Yale after receiving some rare negative feedback, and that Richard and Emily are letting her stay with them after just telling Lorelai they would help her force Rory back into Yale. So when Lorelai walks into the diner lamenting the fact that Rory is making a decision independent from the vision Lorelai had for her life, and Luke comes forth with a nonsensical plan to, again, force Rory back to Yale, Lorelai is touched that she finally has someone on her side. And since she's a veteran of the season finale marriage proposal, she celebrates having her partner agree with her by asking him to marry her. He accepts in the next season's premiere with no hesitation, but eventually their tendency to hide things from each other to not ruin their relationship.... ruins their relationship. Shocking.
Zack to Lane in Season 6 ep 16: Bridesmaids Revisited
Zack is on a bit of a redemption tour after ruining Hep Alien's showcase in front of a major label by throwing a tantrum about Brian potentially writing a song for Lane. This random burst of jealousy sends him on a power trip that has him throwing out their set list and screaming at his band mates until a fight breaks out and the band and him and Lane split up. But when he sees Lane in the music shop some time later putting up a flier advertising her drumming services to other bands, the thought of her daring to potentially continue living her life without him spurs Zach into action. He convinces Brian and Gil to get the band back together and they're in if Lane's in. And his way of getting Lane back is to walk into Luke's while she's working, go off on some tangent about how he doesn't feel good, and propose in front of a huge crowd of gossipy small town people. Lane must have smacked her head on some antique furniture that day because although she at least stops to ask if he's thought about this, when he presents her with the pawn shop ring he got that "belonged to like an Elk or a Moose or something", she accepts and walks right into marriage and babies land and right out of development that would make sense for her character or be interesting.
Christopher to Lorelai in Season 7 ep. 7: French Twist
Ever since Lorelai walked out of her fraught engagement with Luke and into Christopher's bed, he has taken the reality of a woman coping with feelings of rejection by hooking up with the man she keeps stashed in the background for occasions such as these, and spun it into an elaborate romantic tale of two star crossed loves who waited their whole lives to be together. And when Sherry who, guided by the hands of karma, previously abandoned Gigi leaving Christopher to raise her on his own, writes a letter saying she's totally fine now trust her and wants Gigi to spend a few months with her in Paris, Christopher invites Lorelai along for a big romantic gesture trip. They spend most of it jetlagged, but Christopher remembers he's super rich now (as opposed to just being regular rich like before) and he bribes a restaurant to open early for the two of them. Lorelai, basking in the romance™ of it all, confesses her love, and Christopher pounces on that and starts in on a whole speech. Basically, even though he said he'd be willing to wait for Lorelai to fall in line with his vision, he doesn't feel like waiting any more. Lorelai, sensing where this is going, suggests they wait, as they've only been really dating for a couple of months. She also brings up Rory, figuring she'd want to be up to date and present any big changes. But Christopher waves those perfectly valid concerns away, stresses how long they've known each other, insists that they're meant to be, and fate has brought them together. And then comes out with it and asks her to marry him. Which are very intense words for Lorelai, an emotionally vulnerable woman who just broke off an engagement because her fiancé seemed overly hesitant to actually get married, to hear. We don't see her accept, but there's a scene of them returning home where he calls her "Mrs. Hayden" (as if she would ever change her name), and their marriage immediately began to fall apart like wet tissue paper.
Logan to Rory in Season 7 ep. 21: Unto the Breach
It's the end of Rory's time at Yale, and on the heels of her New York Times fellowship rejection, rejections from other newspapers across the country, and the fact that she rejected her one job offer for better things that did not come, Rory's future is wide open and unstable. On the other hand, Logan is completing his character transformation from irresponsible party animal trust fund kid to hardworking and responsible trust fund kid, accepting a job offer for an internet company in San Francisco. The question emerges: How will the young couple handle this next phase of their lives? And when Logan shows up at Lorelai's house in the previous episode, he comes with a solution. He wants to marry Rory and take her to California, and he wants Lorelai's blessing to propose. She gives it, though not without trepidation, and Logan does propose. In the middle of the graduation party Richard and Emily are throwing for Rory, he gets up in front of everyone and takes out the ring. Rory is caught completely off guard and takes him outside to talk about it, where he reveals that he got the job, picked out a house for them to rent, researched newspapers where she could apply to work, and even planned activities for them to do in their spare time. The original plan being that she would say yes to his proposal without knowing all this and walk blindly into her new, pre-arranged West Coast life. But Rory needs time to process the idea of marrying Logan immediately after college, and on the day of her graduation, she declines. Logan decides if he can't marry her, there's no point in being with her at all, and the two go their separate ways, to eventually meet again in a years long affair, for some reason. Though I barely acknowledge the revival.
Honestly, the only proposal that truly makes sense is Lorelai's to Luke in the revival but I won't discuss it here because a) again, the revival basically doesn't exist to me and b) they should've married during the original run of the show.
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Maximus if you are still accepting ! The problematic face who brought us together!
give me a character and I'll answer
do I like them: I love that horrid little shit
5 good qualities:
Does Max even have 5 separate good qualities? Hmm......
1. Brilliant - Max is obviously a genius, and will whip up amazing machines to save the day......if he feels like it.
2. Imaginative - this goes hand-in-hand with brilliance, but Max comes up with out-of-the-box solutions, and dreams up machines no one else could even imagine.
3. Witty - especially in Soule's Inhumans and Ewing's Royals, the most recent Maximus characterization is this very sarcastic, witty person who is very fun and entertaining to read, and honestly kinda charismatic, even if he's a complete bastard.
4. Determination - you've really got to admire how Max just keeps reaching for that crown, not matter how many times he gets slapped down.
5. He loves his family - despite all the torture, mind-control, attempts to kill them and general fuckery, I do think that Maximus, on some level, does kinda love his family in a very twisted way. I also think he wants what's best for Attilan (or at least he believes he does), as he's been willing to help the Royal family in a lot of recent stories.
3 bad qualities:
Gosh, only three?
1. Ruthless - Max will do anything for power, including holding his family hostage, selling half his people to the Kree, murder, mayhem, torture, all sorts of awful shit. All that matters is the glory of King Maximus!
2. Cruel and vindictive - in contrast to Black Bolt's constant mercy, Maximus hurts Black Bolt every time he has a chance and gets a tiny bit of power over him. He's, uh.....not a very good brother. He also goes out of his way to hurt other family members, and generally anyone who pisses him off.
3. That whole thing with Medusa is creepy and gross, and I'm glad that recent writing has had Max completely back off on any romantic interest in her. Now he's just a power-hungry, all-purpose jerk.
favourite episode/etc:
-Inhumans: Right of Birth has a more sympathetic Maximus, who befriends an old man (that unfortunately ends badly), and who is very clearly mentally ill. Not just old-school megalomaniacal mentally ill, but actual hallucinations, and showing how he suffers from his illness.
-Inhumans limited series by Paul Jenkins - a Maximus who is both horrible and sympathetic, and very fun to read.
-Silent War - magnificent bastard sneaky plotting Maximus.
-War of Kings/Realm of Kings - goofy mechanic Maximus, who talks to Groot and builds weapons of mass destruction and is almost wholesome, if not for the weapons of mass destruction thing. Starts the trend of Maximus being....not exactly a good guy, but someone who is willing to help the family in his own way, even if you can't trust him at all.
Future Foundation - Maximus is freed from his cell by Ahura, raids the fridge, wears a robot's skin, helps build a portal and gets shrunk and stuck in a jar. It's very entertaining.
Inhumanity/New Avengers/Time Runs Out - Maximus runs around doing secret sneaky missions with Black Bolt, then inevitably back-stabs him and runs off to join Thanos' Cabal.
Soule's Inhumans - chaotic Maximus holds Black Bolt hostage, runs around with Triton, the Unspoken and Lineage, builds a giant robot with Kludge. He came out to attack people, and he is honestly having such a good time right now.
Inhumans: Once and Future Kings - baby Max who is less terrible than usual, and who at one point absorbs some of Spiderman's psyche and becomes extremely protective of Aunt May.
Ewing's Royals - some actual great development and almost a little hint of redemption, as Maximus is revealed to be receiving visions from his future self, and seeks to prevent a horrible future for his people. He also seems to have lost some of his mental illness by the end, an interesting future development that gets completely squandered by Cates' shitty Death of Inhumans. But don't worry, he's still a terrible person.
otp: Someone who can handle his bullshit, ideally someone as awful as Max himself. Maybe Max/Black Swan, they seemed flirty in New Avengers. I've read some fic with Max/Namor, and while I think Namor is much better than Maximus, I can enjoy this as an AU pairing.
brotp: Max and Groot, Max and Kludge:
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ot3: No idea, really.
notp: Max/Medusa or Max/Crystal
best quote: There are so many, he gives great speeches in Silent War, and is incredibly witty in a lot of the newer stuff. But for now, I'll go with: “God is dead, fellow Inhumans! God remains dead! And we have killed him! Is not the greatness of this deed too great even for us? Yes! You’re right! Why stop now? Let’s steal God’s car!”
head canon:
-A few early stories have suggested that Maximus is faking mental illness to get out of trouble, but I think he is legitimately mentally ill. I also think he was already somewhat unstable before Black Bolt rattles his brain, and that just brought his existing illness to the forefront.
-I don't think Maximus ever truly loved or even sexually desired Medusa. She was always just a shiny toy to take away from Black Bolt. As soon as Medusa and Black Bolt are separated in the comics, Max quickly loses any interest in her.
-Sometimes Max makes little inventions for the family, little toys for the kids, and no one can figure out whether they are dangerous or not, so they just get shoved into the Chamber of Devices with the other dangerous stuff. He's made a couple of point-and-click adventure games for the kids that Ahura has secretly tried to play, but the logic of gameplay makes no sense.
-I think Max is genuinely fond of Ahura, he loves that Ahura was thought to be "crazy" like him, and probably wants to win Ahura away from Black Bolt. "See? Your father mistreats us both, you should love me, your wonderful favorite uncle!"
-Like Toad, I think Max enjoys video games. In fact, he's probably become one of Toad's voice chat online friends. Black Bolt lets him do it, because anything to keep Max occupied and out of trouble.
-I either head-canon Max as being completely asexual, just not interested at all, or pansexual and up for anything, I can't decide.
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justgenshinstuf · 3 years
Hi! If you're still free for requests, I'd love a continuation of the exploring dragonspine hcs, for (uhhh everyone but let's say) Mona, Diona, Lisa and our new boy Xiao - Anon from the last ask 💛
Yay! Thank you for your request and here you go <3
(for other parts check the “exploring dragonspine” tag)
Exploring Dragonspine pt.3
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She hates every second of it.
In no way is she adapted to such cold. Her outfit obviously is not acceptable for this kind of weather, so she has to wear an ugly big coat provided to her by the Adventurer’s Guild.
She also lacks nutrition, considering her limited diet. Some basic food is obviously provided by the guild too, but eating some dried meat and goulash after weeks and weeks of salads is a deadly strike for your stomach.
And when you are hungry even a simple gust of wind can chill you to the bone, and long mountain camping becomes unbearable on a physical level.
The result is she usually whines and complains a lot. Probably even too much, considering all the problems can and should be solved, but experience is just overall unpleasant. She never gives up though or even falls behind. It’s like she can get fuelled by the irritation alone.
What’s worse, she can in no way carry out her astrological readings. It’s usually too cloudy to see the sky during the night and that’s when you don’t stay in some cave. And in the blizzard it’s often impossible to make out the person standing next to you let alone the stars.
On the sunny days when all is seemingly fine the problem is finding water that hasn’t turned into muddy blocks of ice. But if Mona gets lucky to find a running mountain river or even a small melted puddle it’s truly worth it. She says herself that the pure waters of melted snow are optimal for hydromancy, that’s how it’s done the old-school style.
She finds her new motivation in desire to reach the mountain top. To be able to carry out a long deep reading being so much closer to the stars. For her this experience is worth the suffering.
Being the one to usually complain about anything and everything Diona surprisingly loves the snow.
It’s usually hard to get her so openly excited about something, but snow crunching under the boots and puffy snowflakes slowly falling from the sky do the trick. It’s like she finally lets herself act like a kid.
She is not afraid of the wilderness of these places at all, her cat instincts fully sharpened, little cat-ears twitching at every suspicious sound. Her survival skills are something to learn from truly.
Snow storms ruin the experience though. Diona is not comfortable hiding in some stupid cold cave for long, so if the blizzard calms down by the nighttime she will insist on moving out and continuing the expedition.
Thankfully she can be a decent guide, using her night-vision. “Haha, primitive ones, you can’t even see in the dark!”
As you can guess, this plan doesn’t work for everyone. And if you don’t want to wander around in complete darkness led astray by the wind and snow, paralysed by sheer cold eating you up from the toes, relying solely on a fussy tiny cat-girl, for SOME strange reason that is TOTALLY NOT obvious, there is a way around it.
It’s possible to calm Diona’s temper a bit by simply making her stay by the fireplace for some time. Add some warm drinks or even milk and some casual hugs and Diona will calmly dose off for a few hours.
How to wake her up to go into the windy nightmare of a trip again? Well, you will have to find that out for yourself. A little tip - Diona actually likes to be carried around (but don’t we all?).
At times, when she gets too tired of trying to keep up with the rest, mind you, much taller teammates, she can simply jump up on your back, no questions asked. So be ready to look out for the claws.
Cats will always be cats.
Lisa is probably the least outdoorsy person you can imagine. The fact she agrees to go out of her cosy library is a miracle on itself, but Dragonspine? No one will believe you if you tell this.
The truth is, she has a certain private interest in that place, that she wouldn’t reveal this easily. Maybe it’s something about the ruins of an ancient city buried under the snow and the relics it’s inhabitants left behind? Or maybe it has something to do with Durin’s remains and Albedo’s research? As Lisa likes to say herself: “Every woman has a secret”.
An unaware bystander may get a heart-attack seeing Lisa rock her usual outfit in this weather, walking around effortlessly in high-heals like she’s flowing above the snow. The trick is actually pretty simple, she wears a tiny warming Seelie captured in a little bottle as a necklace.
Being both the laziest and the smartest person in Mondstadt, she finds all kinds of clever ways to ‘cheat the system’. For her, creating some obscure method of battling cold on the go is always a better option than prolonging the trip even for a minute.
Warming potions, gliding potions, energy potions, fire potions, anything you can think of Lisa has a potion for. And even if she doesn’t, it takes her a few minutes max to come up with the solution. “The sooner we’re done, the sooner we come back. I’m not planning to miss my five o’clock tea.”
If you encounter a puzzle, Liza will solve it for you almost instantly. While you waste your time and warmth looking through old books in desperate need to translate some runes or pace around searching for some clues, all the doors open before Lisa and all the magic barriers fall.
It kind of steals the excitement of riddles, so if you like, she might let you solve it yourself from time to time, just don’t make her wait for too long.
She prefers to keep her usual laidback attitude, avoid unnecessary battles, act efficiently and not waste her energy on something not worth her attention. However her maximum productivity is reached when it’s time to return back home from the expedition.
Lisa can actually just use one of her magic tricks to teleport back to the library almost instantly, but it takes a bit too much energy even for such a skilled mage. Besides, she would never leave her sweet little apprentice all alone.
One may say he looks too displeased and totally unhappy to be here but you are well familiar with Xiao to know that’s just his resting face.
He is not concerned by the weather conditions in the slightest, not the rain, not the wind, not the sheer cold. It may seem it gets to him at times. “It’s not. Only mortals can be affected by such minor inconveniences”.
He stays as distant as always, following you on the nearest mountain side or silently dashing through the tops of the trees. Sometimes you can’t even see him, but can always feel his presence.
Xiao patiently keeps the watch during nights, hiding somewhere in the darkness by himself. He never joins you or even enters your tent or a cave you chose to stay in unless you specifically ask him too.
Peeking at him from behind while Xiao sits silently by the fire you can sometimes catch a glimpse of him enjoying the warmth and sound of wood slightly cracking.
He never shows his emotions, nor would he admit to have any in the first place. But sometimes he goes deep into his thoughts, looking around the snowy peaks, listens closely to the wind.
Is it sorrow in his eyes? Or maybe longing? Nostalgia? Is he thinking about some long-lost friend? Just don’t let him catch you staring or he will surely disappear again, looking over you from somewhere you can’t see.
“I have no interest in this place. I’m only escorting you on your quest, so don’t even think about asking questions.”
If you try throw a snowball at him, it might end poorly for you. Better try to explain the concept to him first, that is if you care to have your arm intact. He will claim to have no time for such silly things and the usual bla bla serious adepti stupid mortals kind of deal. But if you still want to start a snowball fight be ready for a snowball war, or even a snowball death.
“You are too carefree. Unlike for me, this place can be very dangerous for you. You don’t want to know about all the dark entities hiding below the snow and ice of this place, it bares many secrets and many lost souls. That’s why I’m here. To protect you”.
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tarryloesinne · 2 years
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Teen and up audiences
Adventure, Action, Science fiction, Mystery, Drama, Semi-Canon
Ben Tennyson, the hero of Earth, will have to face one of his most complex challenges.After a difficult confrontation with Albedo, his Omnitrix develops a strange and painful defect. He must rely entirely on Gwen, Kevin, and Grandpa Max to find a solution to the problem, while trying to uncover Albedo's psychotic plan, deal with a serious intergalactic problem, and ensure their own physical and mental integrity.
This story features an alternate version of the Ultimatrix's insertion into Ben 10's story at the end of Alien Force, highlighting each character's characteristics, developing pasts, and bringing new insight into the workings of the Omnitrix.
01. Hidden from whom?
02. What Happens in Milliseconds
03. Inside the bubble
04. Feline-Concrete-Grandpa
05. Fight or flight
06. Beyond what you see
07. Occipital
08. Doing what needs to be done
09. That which has not been said…
10. Heart of stone
11. A fit in the schedule
12. Masks
13. Old friend
14. Behind the walls
15. Off plan
16. Despertare
17. The Game of Kingdoms
18. Starting to make the connections
19. Impact
20. The journey
21. Usefulness
22. Internal fight
23. Crystal-clear truths
24. Floors
25. PTSD
26 Guess who arrived for dinner?
27. From one side to the other
28. Ergo sum
29. Galvanic Guardians
30. Please wait...
31. Shattered
32. The meaning of the word
33. Blind vision
34. Three days
35. Spiky choices
36. Shields of the soul
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queenlilith43 · 3 years
The Eldest Curses
So we know of the eldest curses. We know they are the oldest child of a Prince of Hell. But what do they do? What powers do they hold? And how far do they have to fall?
In this post I'll go over some theories and all the information we know about them, confirmed eldest curses, and their respective parents.
I'm sorry if my hate for Asmodeus comes out, but as my friend @patalliumapples said, "You hate Asmodeus so much and it’s so funny to me. Like I hate him too but it seems like he personally murdered your family and it’s so funny."
Tags: @apple-bottom-jeansx @the-blackdale @murderbabies @unorganisedbookshelf @revati3008 @patalliumapples @tenacioushubb @hardlymatters @pjo-tsc-trc-otherthingstoo if you gave me a theory idea you'll be tagged later in the post.
What We Know
Eldest curses are the oldest children of any given Prince of Hell at a moment. So if a Prince of Hell has seven kids alive, the oldest one will be his eldest curse. However, this is unlikely, because they die easily. The magic is too much for them to handle.
There are two confirmed eldest curses living right now: Magnus Bane and Tessa Gray.
Magnus Bane
Age: Anywhere between 380-400 years old
Parent: Asmodeus
Powers: He's very powerful, but any specific powers based on his demon parent? Not really. Unless you count sexy as a power.
Contact with Demon Parent: Magnus has met Asmodeus several times. He summoned him when he was very young, and the regretted it. Then there was the Crimson Hand, his little demon-worshipping cult. Magnus ran into Asmodeus again in The Red Scrolls of Magic and City of Heavenly Fire, but hasn't been under his sway . . . Yet.
Tessa Gray
Age: 147-ish, born in 1862
Parent: Belial
Powers: Tessa, being half Shadowhunter, is special. She doesn't have many regular warlock powers, but she can shapeshift into anyone she likes. However, after absorbing the power of the angel Ithuriel, it's harder for her to change. It's also not a good idea for her to shapeshift when she's pregnant, as found out in Ghosts of the Shadow Market.
Contact with Demon Parent: She has not talked with Belial. Her children, James and Lucie, have had contact several times throughout the Last Hours, but she herself has not talked to Belial. Belial did consider possessing her, but between Ithuriel protecting her and his sexism, it's unlikely.
The Other Stuff
Eldest curses are supposed to be powerful. They're literally demon royalty, and Magnus and Tessa's uncle is Lucifer. Just think on that.
So I'm just gonna talk about some stuff Asmodeus brought up in The Red Scrolls of Magic. I was going to analyze some quotes but it just was taking me too long and I was getting too angry at Asmodeus. My solution is to just do a brief summary of what he said.
Eldest curses have some powers. We don't what, but I can gather they were made to rule. (On iron thrones as Asmodeus said, which is very specific)
And Asmodeus sure loves his. Why? Because he's a manipulative son of a bitch that's why. (The hate is strong right now.)
Asmodeus has had a lot of kids, because he's the demon of lust, but Magnus is very powerful. He's strong, and Asmodeus wants to mess with him to take control of him.
And now onto the theories!
And the crackpot clowning starts here.
@the-blackdale came up with the theory that some ✨ necromancy ✨ will be in order and Magnus dies at some point, but comes back to life in TBVOTD.
@murderbabies suggested that to summon Lucifer needs blood to be summoned. Blood of an eldest curse, most likely, because we know warlock blood has some powers. I really don't think it would rivers of blood, but enough to draw a small sigil. (As we know from Chain of Iron all the Princes have a sigil that might be used to summon them.)
@patalliumapples and I have the headcanon Raynor is actually Sammael's son, but it's unlikely to actually be canon. Still, a nice thought.
I think Aldous Nix, the warlock from The Bane Chronicles who making a Portal to Pandemonium, is an eldest curse. Maybe Belphegor. He is dead now, but before that, he was at least 1000 years old. That was before Sammael did his little Incursion thing, and that means there had to be a very powerful demon to get to the surface to be his father. So possibly an eldest curse.
Basically assume every warlock is an eldest curse unless confirmed otherwise.
So combining the two theories from @the-blackdale and @murderbabies is that maybe the death or at least one eldest curse would be needed to get Luci back into this world. They paint a sigil with that blood, and bring Lucifer in through it. Not sure when necromancy would be in order, but maybe Asmodeus would bring his son back to show him what they had done.
@revati3008 brought up that maybe Max is an eldest curse who was placed strategically so Magnus would adopt him. And who did this? Asmodeus. Because he wanted to manipulate his child.
Just imagine that. Asmodeus holding the knowledge of their child's parentage over Magnus and Alec's heads. Sounds like something he would do. This would also be even more causally cruel if Max is an eldest curse, because most of those die under the weight of their own power.
But that's super-likely because of a vision Magnus had in TLBOW and also based solely on vibes.
And then the good ol' key theory. @tenacioushubb is the mastermind of this one.
The core idea of this theory is that the eldest curses are analogous to keys. And these keys are needed to unchain Lucifer from a prison. This theory does require Luci to be chained up, but this could explain why demons are coming from Pandemonium in the first place. Lucifer being chained up (probably in Pandemonium) would be the source of all the demon energy. Him coming to our world would be the "wicked powers" aspect of that series.
Also, as @patalliumapples pointed out to me, maybe this how Asmodeus is going to use Magnus. Though this stems from something I noticed before, and ties into something I call the "Castle Theory" which is legit just based off some lyrics from Halsey's Castle.
Sit down and grab some popcorn this one's complicated and very crack pot.
So here are the lyrics that inspired me:
I'm headed straight for the castle
They wanna make me their queen
And there's an old man sitting on the throne
That's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean
I'm headed straight for the castle
They've got the kingdom locked up
And there's an old man sitting on the throne
That's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut
Straight for the castle
I've said before this song has the same vibes as Clary going into Edom to rescue Jocelyn and the others. This will come up later.
Focusing on Magnus-he already was going to be made to be a king. In one of his dreams in TLBOW, Magnus dreamt of ruling a ruined world. Those chains on his arms from the thorn were there, too.
In The Red Scrolls of Magic while Asmodeus was info-dumping on us, he mentioned the eldest curses were "meant for thrones of iron." Which was so random. Why specify iron? We all know it's deadly to faeries, what does he want?
So I looked up what iron is supposed to do in the Shadowhunters Codex because I didn't know if there was anything else it did. Whelp, turns out a nickel-iron alloy called meteoric iron (normally found in meteors) is a good magic conductor, along with most iron being toxic to the fae.
And my mind was spinning. Rushing to check the Bane Chronicles, I looked at what the Hotel Dumort was built of. It actually was demonic metal, but I'd you had enough iron that can conduct magic,
So if Magnus sits on a throne of iron with enough demonic magic in him, it could unlock Lucifer down there.
Another theory that a few people have brought up is Magnus being possessed by a demon. I feel like it would be a demon Asmodeus sent to posses Magnus, not himself, but at least Asmodeus is smart. He has some sort of brain, unlike Belial, who just acts like he does, and then fails.
Last theory is something I'll do another post on because it needs a LOT of research to back it up.
This theory is that the eldest curses are similar to the Nephilim from the Bible.
These Nephilim were the children of fallen angels on earth. Same as the eldest curses. Though these Nephilim were giants, hundreds of feet tall.
But in one of Magnus's many visions, he dreamt he was tall. And this was after sitting on that throne, after ruling his own world.
Again, more research needed, but I think it could explain their power.
Feel free to add your own theories and thoughts! If I missed any canon info that could be helpful also tell me and I'll edit the post so it's included.
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feeling-weirdy · 3 years
Prompt: White Vision observing his memory data
“May I?” 
The colorful imposter reached toward him, causing him to recoil in disgust.  Perhaps he had been correct.  Upon awakening, confusion had clouded his judgment.  He had been given orders:  Destroy the Vision.
He was more than capable of handling such an order until he was met face to face with his equal in every way.  Suddenly, the order was no longer understood.  Who was the true Vision?  This sythezoid seemed to be more knowledgeable and willing to fill in more blanks than those that woke him from his slumber.
Was knowledge not what he was after?
Vision nodded reluctantly, moving closer as the man before him reached out his hand, placing his digit on the data chip embedded in his forehead.  Upon contact, it whirred to life.
It was too much.
Waves of memories that didn’t feel like his own crashed over his mind like a never-ending wave of pain and uncertainty.  Numbers, images, places, zettabytes of data uploaded to his mind.  Hard drives upon hard drives of information forcing his internal data to reach max capacity. 
A man, much like the man standing before him, floating down from the air, Ultron, the creator of the body he now had possession of, a heroic team of avengers, a kiss, a death, a stone being demolished.  It never ceased.  Flashes of light, images of moments, and at the center of it call was the auburn-haired woman he had nearly killed just moments ago.  None of it made sense.  Everything in his mind screamed at once, fighting against the prime directive he was given.
The memories that ran through his mind told him a different story than the one he was told when he awoke.  He floated motionless, unable to fully process the imagery that was cascading through his mind.  Finally, they stopped.
Wide-eyed, Vision contemplated what he had witnessed.  Not fully capable of understanding, but willing to digest the new information that had been uploaded to his internal memory bank.  He studied the man before him, certain now that this particular model was not the real Vision. 
The memories he now retained gave him the answer he was searching for.
“I am Vision,” he admitted, certain that his solution had been the correct one.  Once he was able to investigate further, he was sure that any leftover confusion would no longer plague him.  Looking towards the ceiling, Vision flew upwards, crashing through the plate glass that sat above them with ease. 
He had to get out of here.
He had to understand.
Delving deeper into the memories sent a great deal of pain throughout his body, but to fully understand he would have to go through them one by one.
“I wouldn’t expect someone like you to understand.”
“What is grief, if not love persevering?”
“Is that paprikash?”
“I just feel you.”
“You could never hurt me.  I love you.”
Words exchanged between him and this girl flooded his mind, causing his flight path to be off balanced.  He wouldn’t be unable to fully dissect these memories while flying. 
Settling on a rooftop near the outskirts of Westview, Vision began to go deeper into the flashes that crept into his mind.  He sat, gripping the sides of his head to help hold himself together.  This was too much.  Had it been a mistake to learn the truth?  He felt no emotion for what he saw but was certain an emotion was what he was supposed to feel.  
He saw her and...nothing.
That couldn’t be right.  Even with the emptiness he felt within him, he knew there the probability of that fact being correct was extremely low.
Vision sat back, forcing himself to concentrate on the auburn-haired girl.  Who was she to him?  These memories told him one thing, but...was that the correct path?  While he felt nothing now, he certainly felt something at one point in time.  He could feel it.
Watching silently as the rest of the red veil dissipated, he curiously watched the skies, narrowing in on the girl that plagued his mind.  Even from this great a distance, he could see her pain.  Something detrimental had happened, perhaps connected to the ones that woke him.  His lip curled as he watched her.  In time, she flew into the sky, coming towards him.  His chest tightened, a curious feeling with no explanation as to why the reaction occurred.  The girl had no idea he was even on this rooftop, a fact made evident as she passed over him.  
His eyes steadied on her, narrowing as she slowly disappeared into nothingness.
Though he did not fully understand it, she was clearly important to him in some previous life.  But what was she to him now?  Perhaps it was time to find out.
Check out my other drabbles here or feel free to request some!    
Part 2 can be found here!
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lnevada · 3 years
DF S2E2 Things You Missed
Or that I'm obsessed with.
First, a retraction: Having rewatched the first season more closely, I realized Ray figured out a similar solution/plot in a convoluted stream of consciousness of not really connected but loosely connected ideas on his own in S1E23, just as he did last episode. This can probably be considered a new established formula and running joke in the series (at least they're acknowledging Ray's intelligence more).
On to the new stuff!
Ray finally wore JORTS. Silly.
This is only the second or third time Ray has used the "Danger Force, ASSEMBLE" line. (A MCU reference).
Bose has to wear a baby harness to an amusement park.
Ray is such a capitalist. Despite having unlimited wealth (I assume, through the city's budget for superheroes), he is so stingy.
And Miles is such an anti-capitalist! I adore his leftist rants. Too few and far between, but I guess they pack more weight that way.
This is the first time anyone has stopped and waited patiently for Miles to process his vision (and make sure he's not drained/shaken by them). Makes sense it would be his sister, but its still progress. I expect everyone to start doing the same (*wags finger warningly*).
Among Us references. Ugh.
Schwoz in his boxers is a reference to some old movie, but more importantly a repeated joke that Jasper was given in S4E19 (pretty sure that one). Which just reminds me of how good of friends those two were!
Even though Ray 'yells' at him/hurts his feelings, when Bose gets scared he turns to Ray and is visibly shaken by not understanding what's going on. (Again, reminiscent of Jasper, but the mentorships are slightly unique.)
Needles get bigger every time. Cute.
*Wait a minute! Schwoz recommended the blood test. Don't gaslight Ray! Also, I knew it wasn't Schwoz because he did his science thing. And it can't be Ray because, well, no one can mimic Ray.*
"I like it when they run." A callback to Piper's line in S5E15 I Dream of Danger (and recalling Ray/Piper's mentorship).
"Ray-by" - why is he so cute? Also, pinball/victory dance.
1000 rooms in the Man's Nest is a lot. But more so what I would have expected from the Man Cave and reminds me of, say, the Tardis. Unrealistic, but now there's infinite possibilities to build new sets and explore the Man's Nest further in future episodes (without relying on the four or so new ones we see in this episode). It's always cool to explore the living spaces of MCs.
Ray...speaks another language? Fluently?! (Good job Cooper!) So does Miles (at least a farewell)? We're just now bringing this up? (Also, Chopa needs to speak more Spanish, conversationally. And everyone being bilingual, at least partly, kind of makes Bose learning 3, or however many in the quarantine special, a little less impressive.) Alternatively, if Mika can learn French or multiple European languages, the whole team would be able to act as translators for half the damn globe! They could go anywhere!
Unfortunately, RT being in Helper Monkey probably should have been obvious. I definitely didn't catch any of it on the first watch.
Does Ray wear the antlers the entire time? How annoying for filming.
They are not being held prisoner. They are in jail because they're criminals/mutations that would scare and/or terrorize the town. They're at the Man's Nest because Ray's lazy, so they don't overcrowd the Swellview prison and they are more contained by Scwhoz's tech. It's that gray area you work in as a vigilante superhero. Keep up Chopa (whose back and forth mood swings between wanting to be good and wanting to act morally questionable give me whiplash and prevent her from being my favorite; although my theory is they make her swing back and forth to prevent her from being too much like Max Thunderman's character; or maybe they're just trying to write her as complex?).
I don't judge you darling, I'm all for it. But also, 'just in case', lmao. Great line delivery.
I was going to say, hey eating is Ray's schtick, but then he came back and shoved the piece of cake in his mouth, so we're good.
As an unrelated aside, I had the epiphany of, how many African American twin teenagers could there possibly be in Swellview? Meaning that if Miles and Mika are going around telling civilians they are twins in uniform, it would be fairly easy to narrow down their real identities if one wanted to. However, that gets thrown out the window with Chopa barely covering her face as she walks past the video cameras and dies her hair RED! How many Hispanic teenage girls in Swellview have the reddest red hair possible? Loopholes! what secret identities?
Also, also: It makes me sad that the only kid who doesn't have a unique, banter-filled mentor/sibling-like/cool, older uncle relationship that I can point to with Ray is Mika. She's kinda trying to fill in for the role of 'mom' in the group but, due to her age, it doesn't always land (for me). So instead, she just kind of scolds Ray (which everyone does) and continuously brings up her intelligence. I just hope that as the seasons drone on the two can find common ground.
Bandages on the necks. (continuity)
No one is going in the trash rocket!! (And I thought we ran out last episode?)
Chest Monster saying Scooby Doo's catch phrase + the SD chase sequence in the hallway.
The Hybristophiliac in me is being fed by this episode (if you're under 21, don't google that ;)~). Go off Ray! (Also, I think this episode tracks with Ray's trajectory for getting increasingly more vigilante in nature and more violent in his tendencies/proceedings with villains. That, or he really does hate Drex.
There is nothing 'dad bod' about Ray (nothing wrong with one though). They are dad clothes though. Again, I'm not mad, it's just facts.
I super appreciate that cut back to Ray's reaction after Chopa blows Drex away. Just showing how proud he is of his wards.
I already bragged on how much I love seeing each kid face Drex and win!
They had that actor monkey doing all sorts of stuff this episode. I hope he got all the treats! And everyone on set was nice to him.
Cooper flexing in the scene with Rick Twittler is just silly. Stop trying to one up the villains! You're distracting me from the plot!
Also, Chest Monster is a part of this family now. He's my favorite, forget everyone else.
Another cardio joke! And yet, these two guys are the most fit people on the planet, what gives!
Sending all of the school up to space (where it would realistically disintegrate) is a little dramatic, but makes for a good visual.
Theory time! I know this is late, and the new episode is tomorrow, but I have speculations to get out!
Of all the directions I expected this special to go A) I didn't realize Henry wouldn't show up until the tail end of part 3 or part 4 (he'll be in like 3 scenes, what gives? Why hype it so?) and B) I could never have called going to space. Ray's line confirming they're heading to space seemed a little unnecessary/forced. I assume Schwoz will get them back to earth?
Drex: I mentioned in the last post how Drex feels severely underpowered this episode/special. I think from a production standpoint, this is because he was the big bad in Henry Danger. Henry had to overcome Drex and save the world to reach his full potential as a superhero/character. Rt was too, but he only appeared once whereas Drex was a rule of 3 situation. RT is meant to be a big bad in Danger Force's canon. Drex is only a minion/distraction and minor threat, so he's easier to defeat. From a canon perspective, I think the fact there are more superheroes and they all have powers that they can now control for the most part means they can handle Drex pretty well. This is still no excuse for the continuity error confusing whether Drex recovered his indestructibility or not (I'm certain he should have it, but I suppose the kid's powers are long distance and bypass it?).
Part 3: Part 2 almost felt like an extended episode. There were so many scenes, and character moments, and new things learned (the Man's Nest), and it moved the plot along. Especially if Henry doesn't show up to somehow bring the group back to earth, I really hope Part 3 doesn't feel like a filler episode. The first two have been great, so hopefully the momentum doesn't slow down until after the special.
Format: I guess we're dropping Mika as our omniscient narrator/main character? I loved having her be in the know and narrating in past tense (and bringing importance to her character). It told us bad things were coming but also that everyone (or at least Mika) survived. Without the narrator, the audience is in the dark, we don't know if everyone survives, and it makes it harder to theorize what will happen in the last two episodes :( . The format totally changed between parts 1 & 2.
Villain team up: Rt is smart but has no brawns. He needs Drex to fill in the role of fighter (even if he has an army of upgraded viruses). There are more superheroes, so there needs to be more villains for the kids to face. I hope there's a purposeful villain team up and a big show down rather than Drex getting a 'redemption arc' because he's stuck with the group and has to help them return to earth. We've been through so much with Drex that I'm hoping he doesn't suddenly turn 'good'.
*Ray: Remember how I said 'no one can mimic Ray'? I still think this is true. Ray/Cooper is pretty in it in the final scene and is acting normally. However, both times I watched the episode, it bugged me to no end that he went from trapped in the cell with no way out to in full uniform coming up the tube. We don't see him released/escape, or blow a bubble. Just a hard cut away from his character and then he appears in a new scene with the kids. Speaking excuses that can't be proved because the audience doesn't see it happen.
We know RT is returned to his own body by the end. I don't think RT is possessing Ray. Unless, he can divide his consciousness into multiple places/beings (like Ultron in the MCU) or RT has made 'smarter' viruses that can mimic people/not appear outwardly like viruses. Again, I don't think this is the case. I think this would be too confusing for a kid's show to make Ray 'bad' without context and in such a sneaky form. Maybe they ran out of time at the end of the episode and just had to get Ray into the main room.
But, I don't think it's an accident that earlier in the episode Ray was gaslit by the kids. Mika and others claimed it was Ray who suggested the blood test to find Rick when it was blatantly Schwoz who did. Mistakes can happen in script and continuity errors are not always caught, but this seems like a big one that is blatantly thrown into the script to cause confusion for the kids/audience. Ray was not affected by RT at this point in time because he hadn't had contact with Rick. However, once he goes down into the dungeon and is trapped in the cell, he is left alone with Rick for an extended period which would be the perfect opportunity for Rick to mind control/possess Ray in some fantastical way. I think that if this was a smarter show, Ray would be possessed/controlled by RT in some way to distract the kids and keep Danger Force in space. So if this does manage to happen in some convoluted way, and say, Ray and Drex team up as villains to distract Danger Force, remember I called it here first!
Your word for the day is convoluted because of course the show is! Send me asks if you have your own theories for where the special is going and/or how it'll end! What has been your favorite part so far?
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“Fall” Skylar Storm Drabble, Lab Rats: Elite Force
Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force Masterlist 
Request Guidelines 
Warning: discussions of death
The world, her world, used to be so black and white. It should be black and white now still, if she would only chide herself a little harder, keep her focus. 
This is no time for doubt.
Doubt, nevertheless, remains. It cannot be ignored, building subconsciously since the day her world changed forever, the day she lost her powers. 
Before she had been a god. And like the Greek deities of human mythology, had raged through the cosmos, heralding golden ideologies of honor and heroism. Like giants coming down from the clouds, they build shelters and cities to care for the ants below, while simultaneously crushing a hundred under their clumsy foot, and laughing. 
Before, she was blind to the deep, morbid ironies of the strongholds she served. Now, now she is fighting to save something she’s no longer sure is worth saving. 
She looks at herself in the mirror and laughs, a broken bitter laugh. Everyone, depending on her, looks at her and has no question on who they see. But all she can find are splinters of the person she though she once was. 
How can she rise as a superhero, as the legendary Skylar Storm, when she’s finally learned what it means to be mortal? 
That was what saved her, when her mind was overwhelmed by the Annihilator. Her true, genuine friendships with Kaz and Oliver broke through if only a part of that iron will. She could not bring herself to kill them, and they did not abandon her when everyone else was willing to. 
The carelessness of the superhero world, something she never before considered, became a sore in her eye. And one by one, the true apathy she had been so conditioned to revealed the scope of its infection. The people they swore to protect they would kill for the slightest inconvenience, in the name of the greater good. But those justifications turn sour when normos are cubed for discovering Mighty Med when altering memories is more than a readily available solution. 
She herself never blinked an eye when she tried to explode Kaz’s head as a way to test her powers. Now, she cannot remember that moment without a twist in her gut. 
This is the institution that is crumbling before her eyes. The signs were old in the making, had she the vision to see them. But while man is well acquainted with the pattern of tragedy, her people had always dismissed their wisdom as being mere weakness. 
Powers ever growing, escalating, bringing this tightrope walk of peril to even higher stakes, but that golden crown, the abilities that separated the great and the lowly, were kept in natural, fragile balance. 
It cracked. Pioneers like the man dubbed “Brain Matter”, who sought to manipulate and create what had previously been random. He failed, initially, but there were others who manipulated this changing dynamic in different ways. Instead of relying on his unique traits, the Annihilator developed ways to wrench his foes of theirs. 
And then there came the greatest evidence of their blindness, the last rumble before the volcano’s eruption, the discovery that a mere powerless, mortal woman had manipulated the might of villains and heroes to bestow upon herself absolute control. 
It ultimately was only a single error on her part that was there to exploit, one chance to bring her downfall. Oliver and Kaz took it, succeeded. 
But while they struggled to contain the ambitions of Mr. Terror, there were those who saw that fracture in the balance and determined to shatter what remained. Mighty Med was destroyed, alongside the Secret Service Superhero Division and followed by Mighty Max prison. Rodissius’ children wreck unrestrained havoc in the streets, and Chaldera, her homeworld, is falling to rebellion and civil war. 
This is the fall of those who thought they were divine. 
She does not know her place in this new world, where saving civilians and saving superheroes are quickly becoming opposed purposes. In this chaotic void, survival is rising as the principle moral, the crowning jewel of ethics. 
And she, Skylar Storm, should be forging into the fray. 
But this world isn’t black and white. It’s muddied grey and brown and streaked scarlet with blood. The friendship of Kaz and Oliver burned to hatred. The sibling bond of Bree and Chase withered to apathy. Skylar’s loyalties are stretched far in different directions...
And she doesn’t know what this Skylar Storm, the one who’s been a hero, been a normo, who’s struggling to regain control over her powers, the one sinking low from the guilt of surviving while so many perished…
No, she doesn’t understand her at all. The girl in the mirror pieced together from creeds and comic book covers and yearbook photos…there’s a storm coming…yes a storm, and it’s falling on her head, on her head, on her head…
And this is the hero’s tragedy, not that they fail, but that everything they fought for has died anyways.
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theworldbrewery · 3 years
manual monday!
here at The World Brewery, we finally got our hands on that most basic of tools, the Player’s Handbook.
as a consequence, today I’m unpacking an oft-overlooked section of the PHB: “The Environment,” spanning pages 183-185 for those following along at home.
this section is professed as rules covering “the most important ways in which adventurers interact with the environment” in dungeons and dangerous places. so, naturally, it begins with the rules on Falling.
Unless your PCs can fly, falling can be a deeply dangerous thing. the rulebook mainly states that a creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10 feet fallen, to a max of 20d6 (read: after 200ft, you’re probably screwed no matter the change in distance). For context, falling 200ft will deal an average of 70 damage. For a low-level PC, that’s instant death; for a mid-level PC, it’s instant unconsciousness, but not necessarily insta-kill. Crucially, you also land prone, which means in battle, a hostile creature can attack (in melee) with advantage.
But most falls are not, in fact, 200ft. More often, a fall is 10, maybe 20--the depth of a pit trap, or a few stories if the party is in a cave system and goes down a vertical tunnel unexpectedly.
It does not, however, discuss how to handle rolling for these things. In the case of pit traps, the DMG does have handy guides on perceiving traps, but notably does not require a saving throw to evade falling. As far as the DMG is concerned, if you miss the signs of an imminent fall, you can’t avoid it. 
However, many DMs house-rule in a Dex save, either to avoid falling altogether, or to reduce the overall damage. In that case, I recommend Dex checks when a character is trying to maneuver around a trap or chasm, and Dex saves to potentially halve the damage of a fall by bracing for impact.
Every PC can hold its breath for 30 seconds, regardless of how bad their Con modifier is. The PHB does not specify whether or not a creature has to make some kind of check if they start suffocating suddenly, so as a general rule, I would go with no. That is, if a character is surprised in combat and the enemy holds a bag over their head, they still get their usual held-breath amount before they start suffocating. Use suffocation judiciously--it’s less a combat mechanic and more a feature of underwater passages, areas filled with natural gas, or other terrain effects.
When you run out of air, you do get at least 1 round before you drop to 0 HP and are dying. This has everything that comes with it, including Death Saves, falling prone, and all the rules of the unconscious condition.
Vision and Light
Vision is hotly contested, frequently brought up, and oft-misused. According to the PHB, we can divide light into 3 categories: Bright light, Dim light, and Darkness. In bright light, most creatures have normal vision; overcast skies, torches, and lanterns generally provide bright light. Dim light refers to twilight or dawn hours or the area around an area of bright light. Darkness is present at night, even when the moon is out, in unlit areas, or in magical darkness.
The rules of light intersect with the rules of obscured areas. Lightly obscured areas can be caused by dim light as well as weather effects like fog, or terrain effects like some foliage. In a lightly obscured area, creatures have disadvantage on perception checks--but a reminder that creatures with Darkvision are able to see normally when the obscured area is caused by dim light. Similarly, heavily obscured areas include darkness and more opaque versions of other obstructions (fog, foliage)--so again, creatures with Darkvision are not affected by the rules of heavily obscured areas when it comes to darkness. And that’s a good thing, too--because creatures are effectively blinded when trying to see a heavily obscured area.
Blindsight similarly is not affected by these rules of light and obscurity, nor are creatures with Truesight.
Food and Water
I’ll be honest, I don’t know any DMs who care about tracking food and water--largely because PCs can afford to stock up well on rations. However, there are moments when it can be useful: say the water supply was poisoned by an enemy, and the party is trying to survive without it. In the wilderness, they may need to find a water source before starting to accrue exhaustion-- which makes them weaker and weaker. Worse, when it comes to food and water, if you already have a level of exhaustion, going without food or water causes two levels of exhaustion to be added, rather than just one, so the effects are increasingly dire with time. Now, characters can usually ration just fine, but again--if food is eaten by a hungry pack of rats, or spoiled by a regional effect like intense heat, the rations may dwindle and characters could have to spend time dealing with that.
If that sounds intensely boring, no big deal! Either ignore the consequences of food and water entirely, or use them to lead characters to other storylines. For instance, running low on rations might make characters explore an area in search of wild game, and from there they stumble upon a den of Giant Elk...which have made their home near the entrance of a mysterious ruin. Seeking water might be dull until the local water source is being contaminated by evil magic, and the party has to find a solution or die of dehydration. Not to be overused, but these are certainly options to incorporate these rules.
Interacting with Objects
Most objects are up to the DM’s discretion--requiring a Strength check to move a rusted lever, for instance--but there are more guidelines when it comes to breaking objects: objects are immune to poison and psychic damage, but they can be attacked. The DM sets an object’s AC and hit points, and adds in any other caveats for damaging an object. When it comes to saving throws, they are immune to all saves except Strength and Dexterity, which they automatically fail. Objects break when they reach 0HP. Strength checks can also be used to break an object outright, using the DM’s DC.
In house-rule terms, a DM might also decide to add a check of Intelligence or Wisdom for a character to determine how to use an unfamiliar object. I would use something like that sparingly, though, since most objects are fairly intuitive and you don’t want to accidentally give a PC the power to use an item when it would normally require proficiency to use. In my own game, such rolls apply for properly using tools that a character lacks proficiency in, as well as situations where characters are faced with totally unfamiliar or even alien technology.
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livlepretre · 3 years
I don’t watch Legacies, but I’ve read that the excuse for Caroline not being in the show is that she is traveling the world to find a solution to save her kids from having to merge when they become adults. While that’s fine and all, I have to point out the missed opportunity to explore that fact that Caroline can’t live in Mystic Falls anymore! She can’t be seen walking around town because everyone will notice that she is still seventeen! I loathe the fact that Caroline has children in the first place, but I can acknowledge the angst and tragedy of not being able to spend time with your daughters in public because they are physically the same age as you. Of course Julie Plec will never address that because she hates vampires being vampires, but I digress
Agree, if Caroline is going to have daughters, let’s plumb the depths of the tragedy there, because it exists. (But: I never got to Caroline’s mystical pregnancy in show, so I have no idea how her undead body managed that, and I’m skeeved to the max that the twins are actually Alaric’s wtf)
BUT ANYWAY you raise such a good point about how Plec hates vampires being vampires! The early season tvd vampires are terrifying, because they are so other— Just, almost human but not in a really uncanny valley way. I like to think of vampire’s as being caught in this hell zone of having crossed through the veil of death but being unable to move fully forward into actual, natural death— their existence inherently breaks the natural cycle of life and death. And so they can look back on life, on humanity, almost like looking through a pane of glass, with their faces pressed up against the glass gazing in on this thing they can see but never again touch. And the longer they sit there staring in, the more their own breath fogs the glass and the more distorted their vision of humanity becomes, until they can look like a person but they can no longer really talk like a person or act like a person because they are so far removed from it. I really GOT THAT from the first two seasons. Like, Caroline getting turned was a TRAGEDY. Starting with season 3 there was too much emphasis on being a vampire is cool!
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a-book-dragon · 3 years
A.2.17 Aren’t most people too stupid for a free society to work?
- Anarchy Works, FAQ
We are sorry to have to include this question in an anarchist FAQ, but we know that many political ideologies explicitly assume that ordinary people are too stupid to be able to manage their own lives and run society. All aspects of the capitalist political agenda, from Left to Right, contain people who make this claim.
Be it Leninists, fascists, Fabians or Objectivists, it is assumed that only a select few are creative and intelligent and that these people should govern others.Usually, this elitism is masked by fine, flowing rhetoric about “freedom,” “democracy” and other platitudes with which the ideologues attempt to dull people’s critical thought by telling them what they want to hear.It is, of course, also no surprise that those who believe in “natural” elites always class them-selves at the top. We have yet to discover an “objectivist”, for example, who considers themselves part of the great mass of “second-handers” (it is always amusing to hear people who simply par-rot the ideas of Ayn Rand dismissing other people so!) or who will be a toilet cleaner in the unknown “ideal” of “real” capitalism.
Everybody reading an elitist text will consider him or her-self to be part of the “select few.” It’s “natural” in an elitist society to consider elites to be natural and yourself a potential member of one!Examination of history shows that there is a basic elitist ideology which has been the essential rationalisation of all states and ruling classes since their emergence at the beginning of the Bronze Age
(“if the legacy of domination had had any broader purpose than the support of hierarchical and class interests, it has been the attemp to exorcise the belief in public competence from social discourse itself.”[Bookchin,The Ecology of Freedom, p. 206]).
This ideology merely changes its outer garments, not its basic inner content over time.
During the Dark Ages, for example, it was coloured by Christianity, being adapted to the needs of the Church hierarchy. The most useful “divinely revealed” dogma to the priestly elite was“original sin”: the notion that human beings are basically depraved and incompetent creatures who need “direction from above,” with priests as the conveniently necessary mediators between ordinary humans and “God.” The idea that average people are basically stupid and thus incapable of governing themselves is a carry over from this doctrine, a relic of the Dark Ages.
In reply to all those who claim that most people are “second-handers” or cannot develop any-thing more than “trade union consciousness,” all we can say is that it is an absurdity that cannot withstand even a superficial look at history, particularly the labour movement. The creative powers of those struggling for freedom is often truly amazing, and if this intellectual power and inspiration is not seen in “normal” society, this is the clearest indictment possible of the deadening effects of hierarchy and the conformity produced by authority. (See also section B.1 for more on the effects of hierarchy). As Bob Black points outs:
“You are what you do. If you do boring, stupid, monotonous work, chances are you’ll end up boring, stupid, and monotonous. Work is a much better explanation for the creep-ing cretinisation all around us than even such significant moronising mechanisms astelevision and education. People who are regimented all their lives, handed to workfrom school and bracketed by the family in the beginning and the nursing home in theend, are habituated to hierarchy and psychologically enslaved. Their aptitude for auton-omy is so atrophied that their fear of freedom is among their few rationally groundedphobias. Their obedience training at work carries over into the familiestheystart, thusreproducing the system in more ways than one, and into politics, culture and everythingelse. Once you drain the vitality from people at work, they’ll likely submit to hierarchyand expertise in everything. They’re used to it.”[The Abolition of Work and other essays, pp. 21–2]92
When elitists try to conceive of liberation, they can only think of it beinggivento the oppressed by kind (for Leninists) or stupid (for Objectivists) elites. It is hardly surprising, then, that it fails. Only self-liberation can produce a free society. The crushing and distorting effects of authority can only be overcome by self-activity. The few examples of such self-liberation prove that most people, once considered incapable of freedom by others, are more than up for the task.Those who proclaim their “superiority” often do so out of fear that their authority and power will be destroyed once people free themselves from the debilitating hands of authority and come to realise that, in the words of Max Stirner,“the great are great only because we are on our knees. Let us rise”
As Emma Goldman remarks about women’s equality,“[t]he extraordinary achievements of women in every walk of life have silenced forever the loose talk of women’s inferiority. Those who still cling to this fetish do so because they hate nothing so much as to see their authority challenged.This is the characteristic of all authority, whether the master over his economic slaves or man over women. However, everywhere woman is escaping her cage, everywhere she is going ahead with free,large strides.”[Vision on Fire, p. 256]
The same comments are applicable, for example, to thevery successful experiments in workers’ self-management during the Spanish Revolution.Then, of course, the notion that people are too stupid for anarchism to work also backfires on those who argue it.
Take, for example, those who use this argument to advocate democratic government rather than anarchy. Democracy, as Luigi Galleani noted, means “acknowledging the right and the competence of the people to select their rulers.”
However,“whoever has the political competence to choose his [or her] own rulers is, by implication, also competent to do without them,especially when the causes of economic enmity are uprooted.”[The End of Anarchism?, p. 37]
Thus the argument for democracy against anarchism undermines itself, for “if you consider these worthy electors as unable to look after their own interests themselves, how is it that they know howto choose for themselves the shepherds who must guide them? And how will they be able to solve this problem of social alchemy, of producing the election of a genius from the votes of a mass of fools?”[Malatesta,Anarchy, pp. 53–4]
As for those who consider dictatorship as the solution to human stupidity, the question arises why are these dictators immune to this apparently universal human trait? And, as Malatesta noted,“who are the best? And who will recognise these qualities in them?”[Op. Cit., p. 53]
If they impose themselves on the “stupid” masses, why assume they will not exploit and oppress the many for their own benefit? Or, for that matter, that they are any more intelligent than the masses? The history of dictatorial and monarchical government suggests a clear answer to those questions.
A similar argument applies for other non-democratic systems, such as those based on limited suffrage. For example, the Lockean (i.e. classical liberal or right-wing libertarian) ideal of a state based on the rule of property owners is doomed to be little more than a regime which oppresses the majority to maintain the power and privilege of the wealthy few.
Equally, the idea of near universal stupidity bar an elite of capitalists (the “objectivist” vision) implies a system somewhat less ideal than the perfect system presented in the literature. This is because most people would tolerate oppressive bosses who treat them as means to an end rather than an end in themselves. For how can you expect people to recognise and pursue their own self-interest if you consider them fundamentally as the“uncivilised hordes”? You cannot have it both ways and the“unknown ideal”of pure capitalism would be as grubby, oppressive and alienating as “actually existing” capitalism.
As such, anarchists are firmly convinced that arguments against anarchy based on the lack of ability of the mass of people are inherently self-contradictory (when not blatantly self-servicing). If people are too stupid for anarchism then they are too stupid for any system you care to mention.
Ultimately, anarchists argue that such a perspective simply reflects the servile mentality produced by a hierarchical society rather than a genuine analysis of humanity and our history as a species. To quote Rousseau:“when I see multitudes of entirely naked savages scorn European voluptuousness and endure hunger, fire, the sword, and death to preserve only their independence, I feel that it does not behove slaves to reason about freedom.”[quoted by Noam Chomsky,Marxism, Anarchism, and Alternative Futures, p. 780]
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waggener · 3 years
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Stone cutting machine characterize items that are principally used to cut little detail stone chunk materials, like marble, rock, fake stone, and so on Most recent stone cutting machine with 26-32 sharp edges, creation can up to 350-400 m²per day! Extension Cutting Machine Slide Type Pieces saw cutting machine with high cutting effectiveness, high creation, with the best cost. This Series of gear can smasher material which max feed size is under 500mm, pressure strength isn't in excess of 320 Mpa. There are numerous sorts of saws for stone cutting. Some are manual stone cutting machine and some are programmed span saw machines.
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Just A Babysitter. (Part Eight.)
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: mentions of death, blood imagery, mentions of hallucinations,
Context: No spoilers this time ;))
A/N: This is definetly the last part of the story, so I'm sorry it's so short, but thank you for showing so much support in regards to it, I never expected it to do so well.😊💛
Part One , Part Two , Part Three , Part Four , Part Five , Part Six , Part Seven
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For once, I manage to sleep, uninterrupted, for the entire day, my body trying its best to recuperate after the events of the day before, grief still rampant in my subconscience, though I don't dream at all, my head oddly empty. When I finally come to again, the air around me is freezing, goosebumps rising along my exposed skin as I sit upright, stretching out my cramping muscles as I go, my neck paining me from the awkward position I fell asleep in. It doesn't take long for the loneliness to set in again, quickly making itself known to me as quickly as possible, drawing a sigh of despair from me, my head aching from the amount of crying I did the night before, my body intensely dehydrated.
Deciding to get something to drink, I pull myself upright and walk back into the bedroom, not bothering to look back at the ashy remains that should have gathered on the cold, hard ground, my eyes swiftly adjusting to the darkened interior of my room as I go to the bed. On my way in, I cast my eyes to the side, where I left David's corpse, only to halt in my step when I notice the lack of a shadowy shape. It's gone.
Freezing in place, I stare at the spot, incredulous and confused, trying to think up a solution as to the missing vampire; did Michael and Star come back in the day to properly dispose of the bodies? No, they would've woken me up, and they would've taken the fourth, which I noticed is still in the main room. There is nothing in its place to signify it was ever there, no blood stain on the floor, no dirt where his boots trailed across the floor when I dragged him over, nothing. In confusion, I edge over to the spot, eyeing it suspiciously, my head spinning in its grieving state, the water forgotten as I leave the room, suddenly feeling unsafe alone in the cave. As I enter the main room again, however, I come to a halt, noticing that the braziers have been lit again.
Fear starts to creep into my mind, my muscles tensing as I move, ever so slowly, back into the large room, my eyes flicking all over the place to gauge where the intruder is, before coming to rest on the spot where there should be two piles of ash, only to see that the floor is completely ash-free. It's only when I hear a footstep behind me that I straighten, body ready to fight if it has to. I turn on my heel, my eyes swiftly finding the shadowy silhouettes of four people, each of which have heart-wrenchingly familiar frames. I don't say anything until they come into the light, at which point my heart skips a beat, my breath hitching in pain as I take in the people standing there, believing my brain is now hallucinating.
There, in all their vampiric glory, are David, Dwayne, Marko and Paul, faces lined with worry and concern, eyes all fixed on me.
I don't know what to think. A part of me, a minuscule part of me, hopes that this is real, that they're really standing there, waiting for me to react, but a larger, more rational part is telling me that I'm hallucinating, that the lack of water I've drunk is finally getting to my head, and that I'm in denial. My heartbeat is pounding in my ears, the sound deafening as the silence in the room drags on, my eyes flicking between them, refusing to believe that they're actually there, waiting for them to disappear and leave me alone with their vanishing bodies. I reach up and rub my eyes, trying to blink away the mirages in my vision, knowing I'm only seeing what I want to see.
"Come on, say something (Y/n)." The image of Paul speaks to me, blue eyes wide and fearful for some reason, the tall, blonde vampire watching me for a reaction.
I shake my head, unwilling to give in to the images in my head, trying to dislodge their shapes from reality.
"Please, (Y/n). Tell us what you're thinking, or how you're feeling, just say anything!" Marko pleads, biting his thumb nervously. I almost laugh at how accurately my mind remembers them and their mannerisms, but I still stay quiet.
Turning around, I stare at the wall, ignoring them as much as I can, trying not to cry again, taking very deep breaths to calm myself and my racing heart, anger flaring up in me when one of them speaks again.
"(Y/n)? Plea-" It's Paul again, but I don't let him finish, clapping my hands to my ears to block out the sounds.
"Shut up! Get out of my head! Leave me alone!" I snap at myself, slapping myself across the face in an attempt to bring myself back to sanity.
"What're you doing?! Stop, we're right here!" Marko's voice interrupts my muttering again, only to be cut off by my volatile tone once more.
"No, you're not! You're just hallucinations, you're not real! You aren't really there! Leave me alone!"
There is silence behind me, the quiet making me feel slightly relieved, believing the images to be gone, until I feel an icy hand placed on my shoulder, the sensation almost too real to be something my mind has conjured up. Under the touch, I stiffen, my muscles tensing in fear, half expecting it to belong to some intruder who has heard me shouting to myself, so I'm almost surprised to find David stepping around to the front of me, icy blue eyes scrutinizing my facial expressions.
Instantly, I start to writhe in his grip, crying out when he secures me in place with his other hand, the emotion finally taking over as tears of grief resurface, spilling over my cheeks again, my mind still fighting to stay sane.
"(Y/n), calm down! We're real, we're actually here! Look, you can feel me, can't you? You can feel this," The blonde vampire soothes me, lifting one hand to cup my face, the frigid temperature of his skin as familiar to me as anything, "And this."
He finishes by pulling me into an embrace, crushing my body into his own, wrapping his arms around my shaking form as I cry into him, finally believing that this is really happening, tears of relief replacing the distraught ones from before, disbelief and happiness rampant in my mind. My hands clutch at his shirt and jacket, trying to feel how alive and real he is, feeling the taut muscles under his clothes and breathing in the smell that I've always loved about him. Three other pairs of arms wrap around me, their bodies pressing into mine as I continue to sob in happiness, their presences reassuring me, fending off the overwhelming loneliness and isolation that had previously set in, each of them catching me as my knees give out. A sudden wave of nausea sweeps through me, my body still trying to recover from the dehydration and shock, black spots dancing across my vision as I struggle to stay conscious, physically focusing on my breathing to make sure I don't hyperventilate. David pulls away, clearly having heard my suddenly heavy breathing, worry etched into his face.
"Come on, kitten, let's get you something to drink." He murmurs to me, gesturing to Marko to go to my room where he knows I have some water, quickly asking Paul and Dwayne to clear my armchair. Instantly, the three vampires rush to do their jobs, David swiftly picking me up, cradling me against his chest as he watches me, blue eyes soft and caring.
I soon find myself sat in my armchair with the neck of my bottle of water pressed to my lips, cool water spilling onto my tongue as Marko feeds it to me, a small smile on his face, the others watching me anxiously, Paul's leg bouncing nervously as it always does when he's unsure of something. As soon as I regain my composure, I look them all over, taking note of how untouched they appear, as if the last two nights never happened.
"How the hell are you three still alive?" I manage to get out, my voice hoarse from screaming.
"I used mind tricks to think they killed us all." David confirms, looking slightly smug with himself, as well as guilty, knowing he put me through a lot of pain.
"Why?" I inquire, frowning slightly.
"What do you mean, why?"
"Well, why did you convince them that you were dead? Why not just kill them?" I clarify, taking another sip of water.
"Because we need them to lower their guard properly before we take them on for real. Half-vampires can be more dangerous than us, simply because they haven't learnt to control their new strength. We also just wanted to be dramatic." The platinum blonde explains, wincing when I spit out the water in my mouth.
"You did all that just to be dramatic?!" I exclaim, annoyed at this confession.
"...Maybe." He says quietly, before defending himself again, "Mindtricking them was the only thing I could come up with when they first showed up. We heard the loud noise from the main room and only just managed to get out in time. We didn't want to risk the kids looking harder for us, so I messed with their heads to get them off our backs."
I think this through, seeing his logic but still upset over one thing.
"Ok, so why did you have to do the same to me? And who the hell is that?" I question, gesturing to the shrivelled body a little way away.
This time, Dwayne interjects, giving me an apologetic look even as the others do the same.
"That's Max, the head vampire, their original target. And as for your first question, your reaction had to be real for them to believe we were really dead, and they did. They stayed back for a bit to see if you would leave the cave. Hearing you really broke our hearts, it was terrible." The brunette admits, clenching his jaw at the memory.
"Yeah, I couldn't stand it." Marko agrees, biting his thumb again.
"We are never leaving you again so that we never have to hear those horrible sounds again." Paul chips in, coming over to me so that he can drape his lanky frame over the back of the armchair, his hair tickling my neck.
"Swear to me." My voice is decisive, needing that reassurance from them, needing to be sure that I'll never be alone again.
"We swear." David assures me, the others adding their agreements to his.
"Thank you." I say to them all, smiling at the four vampires, "What now?"
"Well, now that you know we're still alive and kicking, we can go give Michael and his friends a little surprise." Marko smirks, David chuckling at the younger vampire's eagerness.
"Of course, but we have a proposition for you first." The leader says, looking me in the eye.
"What is it?" I frown at his words, a little confused.
"We were wondering if you'd like to join us properly."
I'm silent for a minute, shocked by what he's offering, surprised that he thinks I'm ready.
"As a vampire?" The four of them nod, Paul starting to rub soothing circles into my skin, "Are you sure?"
"Of course we are. We think you'd make a great vampire, and you've never been too opposed to the idea either." Paul reasons, his hands continuing their motions.
"Well in that case, sure, I'll do it. It'll make a great surprise for them." I smirk, looking around at them as Marko hands me the jewelled bottle I know so well.
"Bottoms up."
The loud noises of the Boardwalk are harsh in my newly sensitive ears, but I manage to keep myself under control for the most part, even as the strong smells assault my nose, the bodies around me driving me insane. From my position leaning against my motorcycle, I watch the crowd, as if waiting for someone to appear, even though I can tell exactly who is approaching me just from the voice that accompanies them.
"(Y/n)? What're you doing here?" Michael asks, sounding confused and surprised at my appearance.
Clenching my jaw, I look over at him, keeping my expression neutral as I take in the brunette coming towards me, Star holding onto his arm as she walks with him, her own arm around the shoulders of Laddie, who looks happy to see me. As he nears, the young boy runs over and wraps his arms around my midriff, holding me tightly.
"I'm waiting for my friends." I respond coolly, returning Laddie's embrace gladly, as I know it'll likely be the last time it ever happens.
"Your friends? Who?" Star queries, sounding confused, a frown on her face.
"Oh, you know them very well." I promise her, looking over to my right, where I've just heard David and the boys emerge from the comic shop, Paul and Marko pushing each other around as they always do, "They've arrived, I'd better go. I'll see you around." I smirk, ruffling Laddie's hair as I go, pushing off my motorcycle and going to leave them, only to be stopped by a hand on my arm.
"Are you alright, (Y/n)?" Michael checks with me, expression confused by my attitude.
I turn back to him with a grin.
"Absolutely." I flash my eyes at him, relishing in the sudden fear in their faces before I leave them, joining the boys with a huge grin, laughing with them.
"This will be fun." David murmurs to me, wrapping an arm around my waist as he presses a kiss to the side of my head, the others moving in to give me a peck on the cheek.
"Oh, it will be. Let's mess with them some more." I suggest, giggling with them as we move off into the crowd, ready to torment the Emersons for the rest of the night.
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gonzales-mary · 3 years
Theories on Entrepreneurship
Harvey Leibenstein is a Ukrainian born American economist. One of his most important contributions to economic industry was the X - Efficiency theory or known as the Gap Filling theory. Harvey Leibenstein introduced the X - efficiency theory in the year of 1996. This theory focuses on how efficiency are maintained by individuals and firms under imperfect competion.
This theory has been one of the largest and most talked theory among entrepreneurs. It pushes them to be sufficient to get the maximum outputs form it's inputs, including the employee productivity and manufacturing efficiency. This theory acts as the gap filling of entrepreneurship in any economic activity such as the needs of the people.
X - efficiency theory has it's own advantage to tip the entrepreneurs for the ability that will connect them to the different markets through means of social media. Specially for this current generations who on social sites for their living. It gives them the idea to be more efficient business by running through advertisements, to getting influencers who could promote the product in a sufficient way.
Max Weber was a German sociologist who argued bureaucracy was the most efficient and rational model private businesses and public offices could operate in. His bureaucratic theories influenced generations of business leaders and politicians well into the 20th century.
While Weber's theory prioritizes efficiency, it isn't necessarily the best practice for leaders to implement. Weber was unlike most workplace leaders today. His theory of management, also called the bureaucratic theory, stressed strict rules and a firm distribution of power. He would've scolded today's managers, most of whom are open to new ideas and flexible work arrangements, for their leadership style.
"Precision, speed, unambiguity, knowledge of files, continuity, discretion, unity, strict subordination, reduction of friction and of material, and personal costs – these are raised to the optimum point in the strictly bureaucratic administration," wrote Weber. Many of Weber's beliefs discourage creativity and collaboration in the workplace, and oppose flexibility and risk.
John Maynard Keynes was a political economist of extraordinary optimism and vision. Who believed that governments have it in their power to solve some of the greatest illa of capitalism. Keynes refused to either believe in communism, or in the utter wisdom of the unfettered free market. Instead, he occupied a middle course, believe that governments could with a judicious injection of money and a rise regulation, smooth out the peaks and troughs to which all economies seem fatefully prone. He believed that what chiefly holds back countries is corruption, knee-jerk policies, and shortsightedness, but these three ills are corrected, then humanity can look forward to an age incredible and lasting wealth.
Keynes' masterpiece was written in 1936. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. In this theory it causes of unemployment, in the hope of reducing new solutions to this intractable problem of the 1930s, and of capitalism more generally. For keynes, the real problem of unemployment lay in a lack of demand because the economic was not proprely focused on, but it became the linchpin of keynes' theories. Keynes argued that it was insufficient for economicsts and policymakers simply to advise peoplt to accept suffering in the short term, It always have the solution. What was needed was intervention in the economy, by governments in order to break the cycle of economic depression, and restore prosperity. According to him the demand is to low that there was little point in supplying goods. Government should, for keynes, act as the primary shopper in the land, crearing demand until more widespread sources off-demand can return. Keynes critized governments for the way they typically respond to downturns. One of Keynes' objection is focus government spending was the question as who should pay the loans. Here, Keynes applied his theory of what became known as the "Multiplier Effect". By creating jobs governments would save some of the money they would've spent on unemployment benefits. And to increase the number of people employment would create additional spending power, and therefore it boost the economy and tax receipt.
Not only Keynes believe that national governments could succesfully manage economies, but keynes also believed that a global system of economic organization was possible. He argued that, the purpose of global trade, countries should subscribe to the creation of a new international standadized unit account: called The Bancor. Its a complex system of accounting, the adoption of the pseudo-currency would allow the internationally-recognized organization to impose fines to discourage them from running large trade deficits or surplases. But ultimately, the Bancor did not come about. But several of Keynes' other proposal, such as the establishment of the World Bank, and The International Monetary Fund to oversee and encourage world trade to be accepted and have to change the world. In 1946, aged only 62, he died of complications from heart attacks. In thirty years later Keynesian policies were adpoted across the capitalist world. Economiies saw record lows of unemployment, and record high levels of economic growth. Keynes' ideas became the new orthroxy, and were particularly attractive to the political left.
Marshall's theory of capital was designed to serve two main purposes: an integration of the theory of income distribution into a general theory of value and the closing of the gap between economic theory and business practice.
For the first purpose, capital was considered the reward for the services of a specific factor of production; for the second, a generic source of income, "all things other than land which yield income". This implied a certain ambiguity, because the two notions of capital were clearly inconsistent with each other. The final setting of the Marshallian system was characterized by the presence of three different theories of capital, kept together by a demand-and-supply determination of the rate of interest, which provided a link with the theory of money.
As a quantity-theorist, Marshall held a "real" theory of the long-period determination of the rate of interest, in the absence of monetary policy; but he thought that the current level of the rate of interest could be influenced by monetary factors. An active monetary policy would both affect the "real" interest norm and produce occasional deviations from it. This position, quite new, was a significant advance towards an integration of real and monetary theory.
Israel Kirzner, a British-American economist, was born in London and moved to the United States via South Africa. Kirzner is an expert on Ludwig von Mises' economic theory and methodology and is an emeritus professor of economics at New York University. Kirzner's research on entrepreneurship economics is well-known. He criticizes neoclassical theory for its concern with the perfect competition model, which ignores the entrepreneur's significant role in economic life, in his book "Competition and Entrepreneurship." Kirzner's work integrating entrepreneurial action into neoclassical economics has gotten more attention than almost any other late-twentieth-century Austrian concept.
In 2006, Kirzner was awarded the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research for developing an economic theory emphasizing the importance of the entrepreneur in economic growth and the correct functioning of the capitalist system. While Kirzner's theories have had a considerable impact on the field of entrepreneurship, he is best recognized for his perspective on opportunity spotting. A closer look at Kirzner's work, however, indicates that his entrepreneurial activity may be divided into two camps, one focusing on discovery and the other on production.
Kirzner's work can be divided into two categories: Kirzner Mark I and Kirzner Mark II, similar to Joseph Schumpeter's. Kirzner's main research interests include knowledge economics, entrepreneurship, and market ethics. Kirzner has remarked that he agrees with Roger Garrison's assessment that his work is in the middle, as opposed to recent, more radical viewpoints by Austrian School economists that deny the relevance of market equilibrium.
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