#May 14 2022
larrytimelines · 2 years
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Holivia in London, allegedly on May 14 2022 (x)
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abybweisse · 2 years
Yana ending Brad's arc with the last chapter and moving on ( to Undertaker or straight to the Finni and snake). Do you think it's likely? Because it's certainly a cruel thing she would enjoy doing.
I recently answered an ask like that (or was it just comments on a post? I can't find an ask about it) and said it's not likely she would end the coverage of Baldo's and Lau's assignment so abruptly.
A cliffhanger that big (not even knowing Baldo's immediate fate until reports are given to our earl) shouldn't be kept for years, and that's what would happen if the next chapter immediately switched gears to Finny and Snake.
That might cause a serious uproar among the fandom. Even bigger than Agni's death, because at least there was some closure there.
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card-of-the-day · 2 years
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Today's Card Is: Park Place
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joeymiya · 2 years
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His empire of dirt!!!<3 wee need aa restraining order against each other anyways here’s the captions for the second pic
michael’s inner self looking tormented: WHY?
William after his parents died: They hate to see a girlboss winning!
Michael on the side: *soul leaving his body*
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crimsonheart01 · 2 years
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Saturday May 14, 2022
Apologies for the radio silence last Saturday. It was a big week for me. I quit my job of 13 years. I was poached by a competitor and offered an amazing new opportunity, so I was busy not reading. however, I made up for my lack of reading last week for ALL the reading this week.
If you read any of the stories on this lists, please make sure to show love to the authors by liking and reblogging their content!
A reminder to everyone that my blog houses 21+ content. This post isn’t any different. I’m not adding in the specific tags or warnings for each rec here but know that they can house adult content as well.
✨ If you are under 21, please DNI.✨
1.  In The Dark by @frannyzooey​​
Pairing: Ezra (Prospect) x Fem!Reader
I adored the tension and pining in this fic. It was lovely. I can still feel my heart beating out of my chest at these two sneaking a few minutes together in the crowded bookshop. Phew, babes. I’m still sweating from the preciously perfect anxiety! I also love the way you’ve captured Ezra’s easy going personality, the way he’s absloutely comfortable no matter what, even when he’s feeling high strung. Ugh, beautiful, perfection!
2.  Partners In Crime by @mandosmistress​​
Pairing: Pedro Across the Street x Fem!Reader
HOLY SHIT WOW OH MY GAWD! Everyone needs to read this. E V E R Y O N E. You don’t even need to care about the fandom or Pedro Pascal. JUST FUCKING READ THIS. The dynamic, the story, the plot, the S E X! Oh gawd, everything about this is amazing. I blew through this the second I found and I’m going back again this weekend. It’s too good. I would pay the good monies for this. Go read it. Seriously, READ IT.
3.  Everything and More by @dincrypt​​
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
THIS SERIES HAS BROKEN ME. ITS CHANGED ME. ITS MADE ME YEARN IN WAYS I DIDN’T KNOW I NEEDED. I’ve always been pro sugar daddy, but jheeeeezzeeeeeeeeee babes. Din is a Daddy with a capital D. I’m literally hanging on by the thinest thread for the next update. I might die of a coronary just waiting. The slow burn, the work up, the everything. You’ve weaved absolute magic with this story. A DADDY ON THIS LEVEL! It’s what we all need and deserve! I can’t wait to find out the twists you definitely have coming our way. Learning about Din at the same pace as our reader is anxiety inducing BUT SO MUCH FUN AT THE SAME TIME!
4.  Another Way by @theewokingdead​
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
I haven’t finished this series yet, but it is absolutely lovely. I love the give and take between our reader and Din. Watching their relationship grow, form and develop has been wonderful. I love this take on the whole situation Din has been dealt and the way that they’re so into each other but hesitant at the same time. I can’t wait to finish this series and see where you take them. I love these two with my whole heart, I really do!!!
5.  This Oneshot by @menofchaos​
Pairing: Coco Cruz x Fem!Reader
MAYANS F A M I L Y!!!!!! Ahhhhh, it’s been so long since I’ve read anything Mayans related and I’m so glad that this was the oneshot that I got to dip my toes back into the water with. I have 0 idea of what’s happening in the show currently, but to me, this captured everything I needed to know. The stress, the search, the violence, THE LOVE! Coco is my soft, sad boy and I love that in this he’s worried about the reader. He just wants her to be safe, regardless of anything going on between them. I adored this. 
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dmwrites · 2 years
The mountains are old. Weary and tired. Time and erosion have taken to them like parasites, breaking down the stone and the dirt, softening the peaks into soft curves. The mountains have skin made of trees, which live their own lives in slow and then violently quick bursts.
Even old, they are grand. The fog knows this. The fog, swirling and ever-changing, rises to kiss the tops of the mountains. Caress the crumbling rock and dance over the tree tops. The fog is young and dies quick, gone back into the sky to forget. But it always comes back, and there is always familiarity in how it moves through the mountains.
The mountains seem taller when the fog comes. Perhaps stretching as far as it can to feel the cool fingers of the fog, comforting and wonderful. The fog loves the mountains, even if they can’t stay for long. And even so old, so broken and worn, the mountains know they are loved.
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dailyscottficrec · 2 years
May 14th, 2022
Alone Always by static_abyss
Author summary:
Five times Scott felt alone, and the one time he didn't.
Reasons to love the fic: My notes on this fic are simply "ahhhhhhhhhhh" and I stand by that. This is absolutely devastating. All of the parts are so good, though I was especially taken with the nogitsune part. It explores so many of Scott's relationships and the last one is so absolutely heartbreaking since we know what's coming.
Please let the author know if you enjoyed the fic!
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1morteveryday · 2 years
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134/365 👣
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dewitty1 · 2 years
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Took @super-ultra-mega-kami-guru-blog to the airport so he can visit his dad (and attend his step-brother's wedding) for a week. The house is too quiet. ヾ(*´ー`)ノ
Consequently, I really hate other drivers.( •̀ω•́ )σ
My father is a relic from a very different (and disgusting) world. The things he says sometimes? I literally can't even...(๑•॒̀ ູ॒•́๑)
It's been raining here quite a lot, which, even though it's bad for work production, I still love it.(ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
I finally took a half day off work, and got my little patch of grass cut (though our mower died), and planted all my pots and tubs! My patio is now basically ready! Much excite to sit outside and chill with something to read.ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
I'm almost at a follower milestone. Idk if I want to buy you all some art or something? Hmmm... And if I do, should it be Drarry or Wolfstar? Or something else? Decisions, decisions. (๑>ᴗ<๑)
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klaudia2646 · 2 years
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This is the first time little man goes out of state. He had so much fun. We had to go to Target that Saturday to get some things we needed for him including a stroller. He had a great time at the library.
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larrytimelines · 2 years
Holivia in Civita recently - posted on May 14 2022 (x)
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abybweisse · 2 years
Beyond Bard's arc, do you think Ada might be relevant to the story?
Maybe not so much to our earl and Sebastian's story, beyond any help she provides to Baldo, but possibly to humanity's story within the Kuroverse.
If she survives, she might continue to help people, mostly by helping to popularize Florence Nightingale's ideas about nursing and hospitals.
That's why I'm curious to see whether Ronald would give her a shinigami pass, if she is fatally wounded.
If the big Mother3 theory prediction holds out, Ada might be instrumental as one of the survivors picking up the pieces in the aftermath of the twins' final confrontation (and Sebastian claiming our earl's soul as payment for completing the contract).
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geezerwench · 2 years
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BTS MBTI Lab Photo Sketch
May 14 2022
Kim Seokjin
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A sunlit dress, and careful steps to carry me to you. I'll hold you close now. But I think you're the end of it, my freedom and the violent, cloudless sky.
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druggeddraccus · 2 years
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cobbler good.
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-Deuxmoi via twitter on May 14 2022
LMAO we all already know this, with the album literally dropping next week, but ok.
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