#Maybe I shouldn't be so proud because it's not really improvement if it was extreme referencing
swiftadrift · 6 months
Collected the images of Sasha Waybright I'd drawn over the years and you can see the stages of my human art development in them... wow
I start rambling beneath the cut sorry
I thought I'd drawn like 3 images of fully-coloured humans and 2/3 of them would be Sasha but no.. I had 7 and 5/7 are Sasha and they're all different styles (other two were Luz + Amity, and Ibuki Mioda)
Girl who I got so obsessed with that my human artstyle is mostly based on her...
ALSO improvement?? I don't wanna post all of it but like
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I did a screenshot redraw from Toadcatcher a while back so I thought I might as well try another Toadcatcher screenshot and guys??? Guys... I didn't redraw the background this time around but it still looks SUPER cool
Both were very heavily referenced from the original scenes with my twist on them so it's probably nothing at all, I'm just so fascinated with the differences!!
I tried a different style of lineless that isn't the one I normally use and I think it looks so much better for this, and her expression and the shading got much more confident and sure
And I mean it was super heavily referenced to clarify both times I remember tracing the original before going over a second time in my style
But I think I've got the hang of it now... so I might start posting human art soon alongside my cats haha!
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I did this one too I'm not as happy with it but I'm still pretty happy (still referenced, I have actual drawings that aren't referenced I promise they're just sketches)
I'm working on my human art and it's showing!! I'm so elated
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darkkitty1208 · 11 days
on fic writing and fandom: where am i going forward?
So. It's a bloody dull Friday and I'm writing this post--have been meaning to, for a while--because I can't stop thinking about it. It's just a few (a lot, actually) thoughts I've had in my mind the past few days that I've decided to spill into a single post, which turned out far longer than it needed to be, but nothing too important. Under the cut.
I've been a fanfic writer for a while now. Not a long time by any means, but a while nonetheless. My first fic--which is now orphaned like a few of its brothers for undisclosed reasons, though if you're an og you might be able to guess why--was dated back to the 18th of November 2021. 3 years later and I've got a humble 89 works and counting (the orphaned works and unposted wips unincluded). I can safely say I've improved quite a lot since then.
Where are you going with this, then, Kitty? Surely you aren't here just to brag about your writing progress?
Well. Not exactly. But I'll start with this: I guess what I'm trying to say is I've lost the spark.
You know. The old feeling. That boost of serotonin you get after you finish a piece you're proud of, or when you get lovely reviews on ao3, or when you get a kudos email, or a new mutual, or some wild tags under your silly post. The spark. I haven't felt it in a long time, now. The last time it's been so palpable was... I'm not sure. Probably last year's October. That was a lot of fun. I was most prolific in fic writing, that year. It shouldn't feel like a long time ago. Because it wasn't.
Don't get me wrong. I love all this. All that's going on right now. The comments I'm getting--even if fewer than I had before--and all the other interactions, I appreciate and enjoy and love them so, so much. And writing my newer fic projects are well exciting. But it just isn't the same anymore. I'm afraid it never will be.
(Maybe it has something to do with the lack of interactions lately. Maybe? I don't really know, either. I'm sure we're all well aware the fandom is past its peak, and with the current developments in the MCU I am frankly unsurprised, but I dunno.)
I guess that's part of the reason I've been less active lately. I've been inactive as a whole this year, admittedly, and disappearing far too often for far too long (and I notice some of my friends are, too). I just didn't get the same joy from being in a fandom like I had when I first started this blog, or my ao3 account.
In hindsight, I've probably been a little too dependent on fandom to provide me serotonin. The past few years have been hard, the years before that, too. Life just keeps kicking me in the arse time and time again. I guess I've been using fandom and fic writing as a coping mechanism, and once I've had my fill, the joy dies off to something a little more dull. Like a gum I've been chewing for too long that the sweetness has since worn off.
Honestly? I don't want it to be this way. I want to live without being so dependent on my presence online. I want to live without only knowing joy through internet interactions. I've got to learn to. It sounds silly, but it's true. (I think I may be slightly chronically online, oh no. x'D)
So naturally my first instinct is to distance myself a little. I contemplated quitting, but I can't do that. I don't see myself ever doing that, no matter how many times my brain convinces me that I might.
When this year started, I had set some goals for writing. One of them was to write for more whumptober prompts than I did last year or complete them all. I did like 21 prompts or something last year. Of 31. Within a little more than a month. While still balancing all the life stuff I had going on. This is, if not obvious, an extremely ambitious goal. I am not insane. I don't know what I was thinking. I can't possibly do that now, can I? Not with all the stuff that's been happening.
Can I?
Yeah, no. Definitely not.
See, that's another thing: writing. Probably the thing I'm trying to get at in this post but otherwise derailed completely from. Fuck my brain.
I'm sure many of you have noticed that I've been writing significantly less. I still post, obviously, but not as much as like, last year when the number of works I had went from a few to far too much. That had helped me improve quite a lot, actually, but those days I barely slept because I just insisted to replace my sleep time with Writing Shit For The Gays. It was pretty unhealthy now that I look back at it. My sleep schedule is still shit now but, yk. Some things just never change.
I was really, really caught up on wanting to be good at writing. Like, really good. I wanted to make awesome things. I wanted to write like a real fucking pro. Like all the more popular fandom authors I look up to. I want to be like the big dogs in fandom. It sounds so silly. I did everything; sprinting daily, setting a minimum of 500 words writing sessions every day, trying new writing styles, churning out works after works, writing for prompts and events and gifts and the like. I was enjoying it, yes, but was it really something I did for myself? Or was it because I wanted to please other people or impress other people for their validation, which is something I'm entirely too dependent of? Was it for the numbers?
Well. It was more for that than for me, I realised a little too late.
So yeah. Fuck wanting to be good. I want to write for the hell of it. I want to write something that's for me. Not what the majority of the fandom or other people want to read, but for me. Which is why I absolutely loved writing works like just a matter of time, how to kill a god, or how to become a god, because they're not meant for other people but myself. (Ironically that last work is a gift but, yk. I still liked it.) I know I joke about self-projecting a lot, but it's been seriously helping me rediscover the joy of writing that doesn't come from the incessant need to be good or perfect or focus on producing more and more and more. It makes me feel like a kid again. Also, I'm only realising this now but I'd rather get like 5 people who enjoy reading my works so much and express them to me rather than 100 people who silently thumbs up at me and then go away to consume another fic or demand more. (All this to say I still love interactions, it just shouldn't be my no. 1 priority to get them when writing fanfics.)
But yeah. None of those works are perfect. They're not meant to be. But they're mine. They're me. They represent me. And it's so, so great to feel that in writing. I've been so stuck up on being some sort of content machine. I'm doing this for myself, how could I forget? I've been saying this since the beginning, I don't know why I'm still struggling to do it. God. It's ridiculous.
Anyway. That's that. This has become a very long ramble. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk. And for letting me waste your time, if you make it to the end of this post.
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bil-daddy · 5 months
Salutations Mr Bildad, Bildad the Shuhite, Bildaddy sir.
I'm so so sorry to bother you, or be a nuisance, but everything is getting on top of me lately and you give excellent advice.
Basically, the last 12-18 months have been awful - I'm acutely aware that in terms of what's happening in the world I'm pretty blessed 🙏🏻 However within around 12 months experiencing; a miscarriage, 4 bereavements, one parent being rushed into hospital, the other needing surgery (both are doing Ok now thank God 🙏🏻), two surgeries of my own within six months - neither of which have improved what they should have, chronic pain, multiple diagnoses - most of which were unexpected & should have been diagnosed a looonnnnggg time ago, reactions to any& all medications, finding out physio will be necessary for the rest of my life, a very upsetting break up, discovering people who were supposed to be friends can't be trusted...... Let's not forget financial issues due to being unable to work as result of illness etc .... I am losing hope that things are ever going to get better 😔
I'm so so sorry for offloading all this on you but work said they could no longer offer counselling which is infuriating because the counsellor was amazing! Sadly she isn't taking on any private patients for several months so we had to discontinue sessions for the foreseeable 😔
I'm so sorry but I don't really have any other people to talk to right now, my fiancé was my best friend so in a sense it's almost a double loss? Sorry this is pretty pathetic 😪
Yikes. And here I thought @blameless-job had it bad.
So, first off, let me tell you how sorry I am for all your losses. Any of which on their own are extremely painful, but all at the same time? Nobody should have to weather a storm like that. I am so proud of you, just for being here. You're incredibly strong for what you're surviving, even though you shouldn't even have to survive it in the first place.
So don't apologize cause there's nothing pathetic about reaching out for help when you're going through something--or multiple somethings, in your case. In fact, it's exactly the thing you need to do. A lot has been dumped onto your plate, so it makes sense you need to offload it.
I know your former counsellor isn't able to help you at the moment, but maybe they can refer you to someone else, because you deserve a professional (in psychology, not shoemaking and obstetrics) to help you through these tragedies. They might be able to get you a referral.
(If you want to try to find a counsellor on your own, there's NHS Therapy Services in the UK, and SAMHSA National Helpline in the US.)
In the meantime, though, I'll do my best.
If you're worried that things are never going to get better, you shouldn't be. I mean I understand why you are, but the fact is, as dark as this is to say, you might actually be at your lowest point right now. Which means, as awful as things are right now, things can only go up from here.
You got some new diagnoses, which suck to have, especially when they should have been caught earlier, but now that you have a diagnosis, you can start getting treated.
You're six months out from two surgeries and haven't gotten better, but in six more months, or even six weeks, you might start to see some improvement. Plus, once you start the phsyio therapy you now know you need, you can troubleshoot with the physical therapist on how to make more improvements on the issues you had surgery for, as well as the chronic pain. The physical therapist might also be able to refer you to a counsellor as well, if your previous counsellor isn't able to give you one.
But that's just the physical stuff.
It's the emotional stuff that hurts more. Losing loved ones, be it to death, breakup, or just realizing your friends aren't really friends. That kind of pain is even more difficult to deal with.
For the bereavements, it might be helpful remember the good times you shared with these people and the things you loved most about them. They may be gone now, but those memories aren't and they're even more valuable now that they are the parts of your loved ones that are still with you.
And when you're living your life, and you see or hear something that reminds you of them, like a favourite song, or the kind of car they used to drive, that's another way they're still with you.
You might cry the first few, or few hundred times you remember them, but after awhile you'll start smiling more and crying less when you think about them.
For the miscarriage, it's a bit tougher, since you're grieving what could have been, rather than what was. But it's still a loss as valid as any other loss of a loved one, so you have every right to grieve it as such. You have my deepest sympathy for the loss of your child. And the miscarriage is why your fiancé and you are no longer together, you have my deepest sympathy for that, too.
It would be easy for me to say "the trash took itself out" when it comes to ex-fiancés and fake friends, but much harder for you to actually feel that way.
You have the right to grieve the friendships and your relationship ending. To miss them even though they hurt you. To feel hurt, and betrayed, and angry, and still love them anyway, even if you can't be around them anymore. It's okay to hate them, too, if you need to. Not forever. But in the short term, it can be cathartic and exactly what you need.
It'll take time for all these overwhelming and conflicting feelings to fade, and it's possible they'll never completely be gone. But you will learn to live alongside them until you forget they're even there.
You will feel better, I promise you. Een if the light at the end of the tunnel looks like a distant star right now, you'll reach it.
So have an ox rib (platonic) for the journey
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Hope this helps, even just a little. Mutuals, feel free to send good vibes @ashbunny2027's way
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9w1ft · 11 months
I really don't get the Gaylor/Kaylor drama-fest over Taylor bearding with Travis. Travis is a million times better as Karlie's understudy than Joe ever was, in fact Travis is probably the closest to a perfect understudy for Karlie that Taylor is ever going to find if we're being honest.
He's tall, he's handsome as hell, he obviously loves sports, he's polite, he's kind, he's talented and he's extremely successful in his own right, all traits that are perfect for a beard that is meant to mimic Karlie and that also means that he's a perfect backdrop for Taylor to project traits of Karlie's that he may not necessarily have on to, like with all these new tabloid fluff articles coming out in the last couple days about how Travis is a chivalrous gentleman who's extremely protective of Taylor's mental and physical health and that he's not intimidated by Taylor's fame in the slightest and is actually really proud of Taylor's success and is in fact planning on coming straight from Rome Missouri to Argentina to watch Taylor perform when her tour starts back up in November.
He's seriously as close to perfect as a beard that's meant to be a stand-in for Karlie is ever going to get and shouldn't that be the *only* thing that we should care about if we're here to support Taylor and/or Karlie? I thought Gaylor/Kaylor was supposed to be about being supportive to Taylor and/or Karlie whether they ever leave the closet or not, not about acting like Gaylor/Kaylor is an ideology and that Taylor and/or Karlie are betraying us by not doing exactly as we think they should because we have specific expectations on the way we think they should live their lives?
well i think that for a lot of people, it might be a mixture of fatigue and the juxtaposition of her bringing in travis whilst releasing 1989 tv, which is an album a lot of people associate with taylor’s single era (even though the back half was populated by tayvin and hiddleswift), so there’s this idea that taylor might have been able to go back to or improve upon / do better than she did the first time around. and then it can get a little philosophical or existential.. ‘why does taylor need to be with a man’ ‘she doesn’t have to do this, it sets a poor example’ ‘why can’t she just be single’ ‘she’s letting a man overshadow her work’ or any number of gender role issues, or maybe she stands or associates with people who are known for being problematic, and you’re left wondering why.
and separate from that, or sometimes in addition to it, i think that this line of thinking can hurt or impact you even more if you perceive travis as being in the way of your personal win condition. if your win condition is taylor coming out, a new beard is in the way of that. if your win condition is kaylor publicly reconciling or kaylor coming out, a new beard might make you apprehensive the longer it drags on.
but for myself, i agree with a lot of what you are saying and i think in some sense it could be taken as a glass half empty glass half full type situation. if you let go of an expectation and just take it for what it is, there’s a lot to appreciate about it. different people have their different ways of living and this way of thinking about things doesn’t really work for certain people.. i just tend to think that kaylor (and gaylor) becomes a lot harder of a pastime to have when making a lark of misery isn’t something one is able to do. a lot of people recognize that it’s not for them and move on and that’s important, i think. and i think that the process of people coming to that realization en masse is what the drama fest you mentioned is. tide comes in, bunch of people stick it out during low tide, some decide it’s not for them, go back out with the tide at some point, etc.. some people climb up on a rock and say they don’t like the beach but don’t want to go back out with the tide, some people find a nice tide pool to hang out in, some people come in and out again and again etc etc.. i just hope that over time people are able to incorporate things into their life that help them live their own lives better, instead of the opposite.
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Do you blame yourself?
I don't blame myself -- I don't think anyone should blame themselves in the same way we would blame people if they committed a serious crime. I am more curious about why I am like this. (What makes a person "like this"?)
I am also not as confident as I appear in some other areas. For instance, I don't know nearly as much about the topic as I seem to and am really very sure of the things that I don't know. This is the source of "incredible arrogance," I guess -- not having a strong enough sense of how little I know. There are some things I think I know that aren't true, but I've got some really good evidence for them, as I've been explaining.
I have a strong sense of self-deprecation, or at least that's what I tell myself. But I'm also an odd person, like there are things that I am not like -- not being an extreme introvert, I guess, or not being overly interested in self-improvement. I do have some qualities that are very unusual, in the sense that if I were a person, I would see me as the strange person. In a certain sense, I'm proud of all these things. But I also think that I'm weird in a negative way -- an odd thing to do or be.
That said, I guess I am doing a kind of thing that is very odd -- trying to use rationality to understand things that don't make sense, or to make sense of things which are often experienced in ways that seem incoherent. When my mind can't make sense of something, and so it starts generating stuff to explain the thing, and I think I see what it means, it feels like I'm doing the right thing, and I'm not just saying random, confusing things I don't believe. And then my mind works out the details and finds things that I did believe that explain my thinking, and suddenly I'm a believer too. But I don't feel that this is a very reliable process. (This is where the idea of "the book is smarter than I am" comes from -- when it does something weird that I can't easily make sense of, I feel that I'm smarter than the book and so it's wrong, and I should have seen something like this when I looked at the book beforehand.)
The sense of self-deprecation has two sides: I try to see the weirdness in myself as a special, rare kind of weirdness. On the other hand, my sense of who I am is that I'm normal. That may be because I feel that my weirdness is very noticeable, and so there's something "wrong" with me. I feel like it's really quite impressive how normal I am, how little weird I am. But then, normal people aren't particularly impressive in terms of weirdness either. It may be that the "most impressive" kind of weirdness is the kind that other people won't even notice.
If this is what it's like to be unusual, then I should probably get much more used to it, because we do see it all the time. (Or maybe I shouldn't, as we seem to see people as a certain way not because of some mysterious thing about that person, but just because of some stuff about the world that was always there.) I don't know if I should feel better or worse about this realization.
If I'm normal then, I'm probably still very good at some things. (When people praise me for being "good at math" I just don't get it.) I was pretty bad at math at one point, but I've got a lot of skill and ability to practice, and I guess that counts for something. If I wasn't so great at math I wouldn't be able to make the kinds of arguments I've been making. I don't want to put a number on this -- it seems like if there is one, it would be huge, and also probably not in the right place (the scale of IQ). If there isn't a number, it's probably not too far from where my actual ability stands.
Of course, there are ways I'm more normal than others. For instance, I don't have a huge interest in self-improvement, or in trying to understand other people. Some people say these things are good traits, but to me they are strange, and make people look weird. I think people will see me as a strange person.
I think this is the part where I don't blame myself, but also the part of me that wants to get to be like this is very happy, and this part of me has the power to make the "wrong" decisions. It seems like I should be responsible in some way for this fact, but I'm not sure what.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hi again! Last time I asked smth (pretty recently), you typed me as ISTP 9w8. But I wcrually wanted to give you more info, and maybe get you insight on a possible type? When I was younger - ages 13-15 - I was typed as ENFP 2w3 (tritype 269/279). However, since it's been a few years and I've matured a bit (plus I, admittedly, struggle to trust my own judgement and I've drifted away from the group that typed me) I was hoping for some insight? <- this would suggest a strong 6w7 influence more than 2
[...] -This wasn't actually the first point that came to mind, but it feels the most important because it feels like it might be Fi-leaning? That would be that when it comes to self-representation in any form (writing, art), I don't like half-assing it. I mean, occasionally I'll add little flares to characters that are meant to represent "me", but even then, they're frequently just "exaggerations" of traits I gave. (i.e., a character I made who is a performer for her community - I'm nowhere near that, I've never performed on a stage. [...] <- do you self-insert into all your stories? Sometimes that is Fi, but I also know an ISTP who has to identify with all her characters.
I also often put said characters in life circumstances similar to my own, giving them similar backstories, etc <- this could indicate some Si (drawing upon my own life for storytelling)
-I struggle a lot with "organization" and "cleanliness" in general, mostly because as long as my environment is littered with actual dirt or trash I don't see much of point to intense organization. If I can find what I need at some point (even if I find a bit later than expected), it's fine. However, in those rare moments I work up the sudden motivation to rework things (usually when I'm putting something off or can't find smth better to do), I take great pride in it. But it's small things, like my room, doing menial chores on time, or just other small things other people (esp. my mom) seem really good with naturally. <- this could indicate low/or inferior Te (I neglect this and don't care, but it makes me feel proud to do it sometimes)
I also, to be blunt, don't see many of the Te leadership qualities in myself, as I don't enjoy bossing people around without reason. <- bluntness can be either high T or low T. This also rules out core 2 for you, since 2s know how other people "should" be doing things and are quite forceful in inserting themselves into their lives.
Maybe also low sp? <- maybe, yes
-Said reasons usually pertain to feeling attacked or overwhelmed. I consider myself rejection-sensitive, so sometimes it's from feeling unwanted or uneasy about "being liked" (despite believing a very "f-ck you haters" attitude, and also believing if what someone does/believes doesn't hurt people, we shouldn't judge them for those things). <- this sounds like attachment, so it may be more evidence for 6. (caring a ton about whether people like you, and adopting a f-ck off attitude as compensation for insecurities). But yes, "if what they are doing doesn't hurt people, it's none of my business" indicates high Fi.
-I have, what I've come to realize, is a notable dislike towards pessimistic attitudes towards humanity and the future (whilst also having strange feelings about individuals). Like, as a collective, I crave for progress, the betterment, and overall happiness of humanity - and I find it extremely annoying when people say things like "people can't/don't change". We can change, everyone can! And we'll some people won't, that doesn't mean you should discard the collective. <- this is honestly your best argument for NFP. Idealism, anger at "reality," annoyance at negativity, others' refusal to believe others can grow and change and improve themselves.
However, in the same vein, I...struggle to really connect with individuals, at least when emotions aren't involved. And don't misunderstand - I've realized that I felt so conflicted because despite feeling a disconnect, I still found myself enjoying talking to and discussing things with people I barely know - I can be friendly. But where a lot of people would consider that friendship, I don't - at least, not fully. I feel like to truly be friends with someone, you need an emotional bond. Or at least, that's what I find most comfortable. <- a strong social instinct within the Enneagram type / feeler stuff.
-A lot of my general interests are more abstract/spiritual in nature. Spiritual topics (astrology, numerology, tarot), typology, psychology - however, obviously sensing people can have these interests. So I wanted more perspective - I enjoy these things because they not only help give me a sense of identity (selfish, I know, but I like labeling myself - it helps me feel like I "know" myself), but also make it easier for me to "get" people. I feel like it's easiest for me to connect with people when I'm talking about these topics (once I work up the courage too, anyway >//>). I also just enjoy knowing how these things affect people's worldview and reality, as I want to understand as many people as I can as I want to be respectful. <- general N interests, yeah.
-I have mixed feelings towards change and the future in general. On one hand, I crave positive change, like seeing others and myself improve, and eagerly await a good future. <- strong N
However (due to a LOT of external factors), I also have great anxiety - worrying I won't make it. Generally, I avoid thinking about the future for this reason - this especially applies to things like higher education. I hate the question "so what about college?" because I don't wanna say "I don't wanna go". I'd love to go! But that's so much money and so much time paying it off, that it doesn't seem worth it, because then I'll be stuck in debt. Things like that give me anxiety, yknow? Practical matters is where I've felt insecure for a while. <- this isn't sp-blindness, but it could prove low/inferior Si, yes.
-I feel like I'm very odd socially. Like, I know I said I'm an introvert, but I really, really enjoy socializing. At least, in the goofy, fun way. When I can just hyperactive, over-the-top, and generally just go "off the rails" is when I'm happiest socially. I love saying off-the-walls stuff, making silly noises and confusing people (all in good fun!) Teasing and being mean is practically a love language. Of course, this demeanor is also a part of a big insecurity too, though - that I'm too much to handle. I seem to flip between trying to make myself trying to be nice, palatable, and polite and then back to over-the-top, excitable, and quirky/intense. At times, the former will end up turning into intense hurt when I feel ignored/like people don't care (rejection sensitivity).
This sounds like ENFP 6w7 with a strong 7 wing (fun, loud, humor, draw attention > insecurity, am I too loud?, I need to be nice!).
-I feel in general I might be SP-blind? The most recent example is when I waited a week to go to the doctor's for a pain I kept having because I was nervous about going in and just wanted it to "go away on it's own", but I'm also just not the best with daily tasks and "self-care". I don't really keep track of important things - like my monthly cycle, last time I showered, what I eat in a day - but moreover, I just have a poor relationship with my boundaries. I only recently (upon request of my partner, past few months) have been trying to get more in-touch with my boundaries. Part of it for me is that I don't know where a lot of my boundaries are, and that in general I only know something makes me uncomfortable once it happens a lot of the time. <- I would say so/sp and inferior Si. The latter stuff is very common in ENPs (neglect of their physical body, of remembering stuff, etc) with or without strong sp. Only knowing if something makes you uncomfortable once it happens is Ne over Fi.
ENFP 6w7 / 692 so/sp, IMO.
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carpisuns · 3 years
I love drawing and I always try to improve!! But I''ve been losing motivation lately because I try to draw stuff that might be pretty easy for other artists but I struggle with them A LOT.
I KNOW I shouldn't compare myself to others if it's gonna demotivate me but I just can't help it! I see other VERY talented people draw AMAZINGLY and feels so impossible to do and it makes me feel like I don't know how to draw at ALL
I also tried digital art but I don't get how people do it. Maybe it's because I don't have the best app? Most of the better digital art apps aren't free so I'm only limited to the free ones.
Plus I draw with my finger on my tablet.
And I installed a digital drawing app on my laptop but I suck at it. HOW DO PEOPLE DRAW ON A LAPTOP???
I just, need some motivation? And maybe some art tips?? I struggle THE MOST with fingers/hands and well drawing bodies. When I look at something and try to draw it exactly how it is I can do it! But drawing whatever I like (without it being a picture in front of me) is a HUGE challenge for me...
I'm really sorry to bother you... But you seem really nice so I felt like I could ask you that hehe
Have a great day!!
i totally feel you. im in the exact same boat! idk how other people perceive my skill level lol but i struggle A Lot! it takes me a lot of time and effort to get my art to a point that i feel okay about sharing it. even stuff that seems simple probably took me a while haha. and i know that feeling of looking at other really amazing artists and feeling kind of crushed that you can't be like them. it's really hard not to compare and get down on yourself. but since you're gonna be comparing anyway lol try to compare your work with your old work, to appreciate how far you've come! that helps me. i have some EXTREMELY cringey art still on my blog and you really don't have to go that far back in the tag to find it alskdfjaljsfd like stuff that im SUPER embarrassed about now but i can't bring myself to delete them bc it's kinda nice to be able to go back at say, "i was really proud of this drawing when i made it but wow, that is. Terrible. u know what u call that? ✨growth✨"
the truth is, there will always be people who are better than you at art, and that's ok! don't sweat it. art of various styles and skill levels can still be enjoyed. and you will only get better! my advice is to not put too much pressure on yourself. improvement will come naturally as you just keep drawing and try to have fun with it.
it's also helpful to keep in mind that you are not the only one who struggles or feels inadequate. i'd venture to say that most artists feel that way, even popular or highly skilled ones! recently an artist that i really admire and consider the biggest art goals told me that their finished drawings have many layers of sketches and corrections and experimentations underneath. art takes effort for everyone, even your art senpais! ofc, certain things will come easier as you get better, but good artists are always pushing for improvement and expanding their skills so you'll probably always feel a bit out of your comfort zone and it's good to try to develop a healthy mindset about growth/development now
hahaha i used to draw with my finger on my phone too before I got a drawing tablet. i prefer digital art because i totally abuse that undo button lol but it's fine if you prefer traditional art! i know some really amazing artists who do a lot of paper and pencil drawings—@tizzymcwizzy comes to mind!
Lol I also struggle with hands and bodies and I also have a super hard time drawing from my imagination! So I don’t 🤠 I use references for like every single thing I draw, and if you have to do that too, that’s ok! In fact, using refs is a good thing. Hopefully someday I won’t have to rely on them quite so heavily but using refs is always good practice! That’s how you learn what things look like and how to draw them lol.
Well as usual I am simply Rambling lol!! Hope at least something in that was helpful 😂 (can you see why I am not cut out for twitter 🙂 DHJSKS)
Best of luck, u got this! Be patient with yourself, keep drawing, and enjoy creating! You are awesome 😎👉👉
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serenityseventeen · 3 years
Love & Letter: To The Thirteen Boys I've Loved Before
The Fifth Letter
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To: Kwon Soonyoung
From: Y/N
Hello, Soonyoung.
It hasn't been long since we've known each other. I know that now, after the semester of Junior year ends, we won't be able to see each other. The only way I was able to see you was because we took a performing arts class together this semester. Next semester, after winter break, I'm taking music.
I want to tell you this but even now, during winter break, I'm still not sure. Maybe if we had more time to spend together, I would have the courage to talk to you and develop a better relationship with you. I'm not sure if you know, but I think I liked you. Or, I admired you at least.
Soonyoung, you may be the craziest boy I've ever seen in my life. When I took performing arts with you, you were timid at first, which I found cute. Now, you have no trouble talking to me at all. I realized that once you talk to a person once, you can talk to them a million times again. Thank you for talking with me.
You're cool. Whenever someone in the class feels discouraged because the teacher is being strict, you always remind them that it's fine and you nicely correct them. That happened to me too. I know that I'm probably not that good at dancing but because of your help, I could find the difference of very small details like which angle I'm facing, the angle of my hands, all that. You're sharp and concise when it comes to dancing and that makes you cool.
I appreciate you for helping me dance. I'm quite a hard worker so whenever I couldn't get something right, I would keep practicing. Everyone would be resting at the side when it was time to rest, but I couldn't rest unless I perfected a move. Thank you for always dancing with me. I know you're always tired after dancing but you manage to make it seem as if you're always full of energy and sometimes, you really are filled with energy.
I think the reason for falling for you was because of your personality and how you took care of everyone. You were a kind guy that wasn't afraid to stand up for other people. My heart especially fluttered when I saw you asking the teacher to stop yelling at the students for not getting the moves right. I like you a lot and respect you too, Soonyoung.
I also really liked how you danced. I still remember that first time our teacher put on some random music and asked us individually to freestyle. Almost everyone didn't know what to do so we just moved our bodies. I'm pretty sure I looked like a complete idiot while freestyling at first, right?
Well, compared to you, all of us seemed like complete noobs. The way you read the music and moved your body to the beat and rhythm of the song you heard for the first time was mesmerizing. Whenever I think about it, my jaw always drops. You were so cool and my heart was racing. Your hand movements were sharp and the amount of body control you had was truly amazing, Soonyoung.
That's the true reason why I wanted you to teach me to dance. That's the true reason why I asked you to watch my freestyle. I admired you so much, Soonyoung. I really respected you and your dancing. I felt so inspired by it.
I just know it, that day when I walked up to you in the classroom, fumbling with my hands, I must've looked like a complete weirdo, right? Since we didn't talk much, I didn't expect you to remember my name. I don't know if you saw me blushing, but I was.
“I have a request... Can you watch my freestyle?”
Your flustered expression was really cute. Your eyes widened a little and I think I saw your ears turn pink too. You went like “hm?”
When you watched my freestyle, I'm sure you were disgusted, but I'm thankful that you didn't walk say because it probably looked as if I had no potential to be a dancer (yes, this made me fall for you as well). You helped me learn to read beats and continued to tell me which parts of my freestyle were good. You taught me a lot of things regarding freestyle and quickly, I was able to find my style and improve overall as a dancer.
You also started recording me dance. I was shy at first, but I'm thankful you did it. I don't know if you still have the videos on your phone because we don't communicate outside of school, but I hope you don't have the ones when I was still beginning to freestyle!!! Gosh, it's like haunting me just thinking that you still have the videos!!!
I also want to thank you for this hehe... During the days when we were given free time to dance, talk, and practice, I saw you dancing to SHINEE. I want to thank you for that. I was just practicing my freestyle but then you invited me to learn a dance by SHINEE. When I first saw their dance, I was immediately hooked. You then taught me slowly, step by step, for the days when we had break time. Now I know so many SHINEE dances that I've begun learning to dance to different kpop songs in my room.
All this time, I've just been talking about how kind, caring, and cool you are because that's what I thought of you. You were so cool, Soonyoung. I admired you but I also know that I liked you. To me, you felt like a friend but at the same, it seemed like weren't close enough to be that. We were hovering in the middle of classmates and friends.
I'm pretty sure that you don't think of me the same way I think of you. To you, I'm probably like a pupil. We got along well though. I got to see your cool side through dancing and you also had a shy side too. When you finish performing your freestyle and realize everyone's looking at you in awe, you get so shy. I don't know but I find that so cute.
It was a bit of a pity that I only saw you once every few days a week. I wanted to see you more often and possibly, we could have been dancing buddies too. I've learned to love dance because of you. If only... Sadly, we aren't in the same classes this semester. I sort of predicted it.
The school is pretty big so seeing you isn't easy. Plus, aside from learning dances together and caring for each other as classmates, we didn't have anything special, did we? I mean, whenever you moved my arms while behind me, I'm pretty sure that I was the only one who had my heart racing. Seriously, you shouldn't do that to people! I don't think you're aware of how attractive you are, Soonyoung.
Each time you hover behind me and take my hands or stand behind me to help me adjust my arm's position, I always get flushed with butterflies. Like, you could do it from the front, but the back brings you so much closer to me that I get so flustered. Every. Single. Time.
You're close enough for me to smell your scent, hear your breath, and feel your breath on my neck. It's extremely ticklish too. Do you know that I like you!?
I find it to be a pity that we didn't have any classes together aside from the dance class. If we did, maybe we would have gotten a bit closer to each other. I don't only want romantic relationships that's not even my goal with you. I want to be your friend and dance buddy but we still aren't close enough for that, are we?
So, if I ever happen to bump into you again whether it's in the hallways or by pure coincidence, I don't think I'd be able to say something to you. Sorry, Soonyoung, I'm a coward. I'm constantly driven by the negative thoughts and the possibility that you don't think of me as a friend or dancing buddy but just someone who learned a dance from you. I'm still extremely grateful to you though and I won't care if your true intentions for teaching me were to train yourself. I still like you a lot even though I'm sure it'll fade.
To me, you don't seem like a bad person. You seemed to always be passionate and genuine about dancing. You're kind too. I liked you a lot because you were genuine, passionate, bright, and kind. You were cool, inspiring, and showed me so many new things.
I know this letter to you had mainly just been contaminated with me telling you how grateful I am toward you, but trust me, this is a love letter to you. I did like you. I liked you because you showed me new things and because of all your other qualities. I don't know, I'm a confusing fool.
In the end, we are probably just like strangers to each other, but that's okay. We only spent a semester together, meeting twice a week, so knowing you would have been equal to not enough time anyway. Because I'm sure you probably don't like me the same way I like you, I can rest assured in my head that this letter would just make you proud of yourself. Of course, you should be proud of yourself.
I'm glad that I met you even if it was just for a little while.
Time is seemingly hating me but I can end this letter off with a smile.
© serenityseventeen
6/20/21 - 7:10 pm
a/n: I'm going to post this love & letter series to my Wattpad as a separate book instead of in my seventeen imagines book. + I went down day6 memory lane and started listening to their songs again... I love them so much too + I'm excited for even of day comeback!!!
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm.
Your POV
The 57th expedition is two days from now and to make things worse, Hanji came over. She declared that as it is our only titan shifter's first expedition, we will be drinking tonight to celebrate. Although her motive was to experiment if Eren can get drunk, heichou strictly denied her requests since Eren is underage. I personally didn't want to drink because those men from when I was 5 were always drunk. "Drunk people are bad and dangerous" was a thought that was stuck into my head. Hence, I was planning to avoid their little party at all costs. It was morning at the moment and we were supposed to have breakfast. I made tea for everyone since I woke up before everyone else. I had already memorised how everyone had their tea, 2 spoons of sugar and milk in Oluo, Gunther and Petra's, 1 spoon sugar without any milk in Eld's, 3 spoons in mine and sugarless for Levi heichou. Eren didn't like tea. I had it all memorised because I tend to wake up before everyone else and thus, I always get the breakfast duty. I made pancakes for everyone and when I was done, I poured my tea in a cup and started reading the book. Every day, Levi would wake up early and sit with his own book and tea too. We would discuss the contents of the books when I go to clean his room. We would also share some of our personal issues to eachother and while I don't know how much it helps him, but it helped me ease up quite a but. Just as I was thinking these, he entered the dining hall as usual and took his cup which I had already filled with tea just the way he liked it. Eventually everyone else came around thus making it impossible to read because of the commotion. Hanji started blabbing about her experiments. Yes, she arrived yesterday and stayed the night in a spare room.
After breakfast, it was time for training. Levi heichou was giving me intensive 3DMG training recently since I already passed his strength trainings. We sparred more later, to test how much I had improved my strength and he won most of them due to his immense stamina which was impossible to match but I gave him a hard time though. In case of 3DMG, he decided that I wasn't making enough use of my agility and that I should be able to match his speed and accuracy. I was still learning his spinning move as I couldn't get a hang of that anyway. Today, we were supposed to have our last practice session as most of us will have hangovers the next day. Not me though. I'll just lock myself in mine and Petra's room. I've noticed by time that Petra tried to impress Levi heichou a lot. It kinda pissed me off because who even looks for emotional attachment when they might die anytime? And it's not like heichou was interested in her anyway. That's another thing I liked about him. He was serious about his career. I had always respected determination and I felt like there couldn't be a better mentor than him. However, something about it was bothering me. Levi heichou was making me feel things that I never felt before. It started with the way he looks during our training sessions, no, all the time honestly. I started having these urges to touch those muscles beneath his shirt, that showed slightly when he was sweaty after training, his clean shaven and extremely smooth looking cheeks and that extremely soft and silky looking hair. God knows how it would feel to run my fingers in there... Yes, that's exactly the problem. I shouldn't be thinking these. Things escalated when he convinced me to stop cutting myself, something even my parents couldn't do. It happened a week back.
One week ago
I was cleaning the floor in Levi's room while he was getting his paperwork done. "So, the protagonist is in a situation where he couldn't blame the antagonist as the antagonist had reasons to justify what they did too. It kinda resembles our world doesn’t it? I mean, titans don't have minds so, they can't really control what they are doing..." I was talking to heichou about the book I recently finished. "Hmm. However, one has to do what one needs right? The protagonist killed the antagonist at the end. It didn't matter if the antagonist had justification for what he did. It depends on who wins at the end. If the antagonist did, then the he would've been portrayed as the protagonist." heichou answered, not looking up from his paperworks. "Yeah. It's the weak who always loses." I muttered. "Not always. One can start off as weak but get stronger. That's what smart people who want to live do." Levi answered to that, before stopping for a moment and asking, "You mentioned that you want to live to make things right didn't you? What is the 'right' for you?". " I don't know, happiness? That's my goal." I answered. "Well, that's what we all want. Anyway, what's your plan to achieve that?" he asked. "I don't know, it started with getting strong enough to take care of myself but I don't really have an aim anymore." I answered, acknowledging it for the first time. "If you want happiness so much, why do you cut yourself? As much as I can recall, you told me, you did that to remind yourself that you're alive. If you don't have a plan, why remain alive at all?" he asked me, looking up from his paper works at me, raising an eyebrow. "Well, that's true... I don't know what I'm doing to be honest... Being alive honestly is pointless." I muttered as an answer. It was the truth. I had no reason to live.
"Oi brat, take my advice on this, you're an extremely skilled soldier. You think I am itching to be alive? I have a goal to be happy too and the fastest way towards it is a bullet in my fucking head. But, there's also another way, that is using my strength to do something for humanity, getting this war over for good and opening up a tea shop. My plan in this case is to stay alive and keep fighting. I suggest you to have the same plan. When this war is over if you are still alive, these people you saved will make a way for you. And trust me, cutting yourself won't help you at all because that only limits your agility as, trust me, I've got into enough fights to know how much every single cut hurts. It may not affect your performance by a lot but a mimimum percentage of performance issues can get you killed in expeditions. So I suggest you to stop with that shit and get your priorities straight." heichou advised me with a straight face. "So, you suggest me to try my best to survive? If I can get through this war, then the people will help me make a way?" I asked before pausing for a moment and stating, "I honestly didn't join the survey corps to make some dead people proud of me. I just wanted to die I guess..."."Well then, you're at an advantage both ways. If you die, you get to your goal. If you live, you get to your goal in long term too." he answered.
"Heichou, why did you join the survey corps?" I asked him out of curiosity. "Well, Erwin blackmailed me into it at the begining but later, I decided that my life was meaningless too and decided to do exactly what I advised you to do." he answered. He was right. If I survive, after the war with titans are over and the survey corps are disbanded, I'm sure they will give us all a way to live. However, will I always be alone? What's the point of living like that? No, wait, Uncle Erwin will be there... He's as good as family, so I'll be fine. Atleast as long as he lives. Maybe I'll even consider marriage... There are so many possibilities... Heichou was right. I had to survive or die in combat. Its good both ways. "(Y/N), if you really want to remember that you're alive at times, instead of cutting yourself, remember your interactions with your comrades. I'm sure you made an impact on a lot of them and you wouldn't be able to do that if you weren't alive." Levi ended his statement with that as I was leaving his room after cleaning. "Yes heichou. Thank you for the advice" I answered before leaving. An affect on my comrades, did he mean the way I intimidated them? But doesn't that mean that I'm an emotionless piece of shit? Or was he talking about my conversations with him? Did... Did I make him feel alive? Because, even if I hated to admit it, he made me feel alive. I felt like I didn’t have to hurt myself anymore.
Present day
Levi heichou beat me this time as well after we sparred for 30 minutes. No one lasts that long against him. During the 3DMG session, everything was going well until suddenly captain Levi attacked me. He came out of nowhere and tried to cut me but I instinctively dodged and tried to escape him. I was shocked as I didn't expect something like that. He was as fast as I am in 3DMG and with his special techniques, he was faster. He slashed his blade against me again and to block it I used my own blade but the blade broke. I was scared that he might kill me and that's when he told me that he was testing how well I'd do in unexpected situations and he definitely wasn't satisfied with my skills.
Levi POV
She was pretty good at running away but she used one blade at the wrong angle when I slashed my blade at her. Ofcourse she didnt learn about what angle to use because Shadis didn't know some of the tricks I learnt underground. However I expected her to use two blades. That's just common sense and the fact that she panicked in a situation like this is unacceptable for someone as skilled as her. She has a lot if potential but stupid decisions like that will get her killed. "Do you have a brain of the size of a pea brat? Anyone with common sense would use two blades. Are you trying to get killed in any unexpected circumstance? " I shouted at her. She kept a straight face but I could see the embarrassment in her eyes. Serves her right. "Sorry heichou. It won't happen again" she said with determination. I'm not usually too hard on her because she doesn't disappoint me often so I let it go. I taught her the angles she should use. It would make her blades last longer. She practiced with complete determination but failed to get the spinning move done. Honestly, no one I trained was able to do that, so, I didn’t judge her. However, she wasn't the one to give up. I respected that about her as a mentor. It was time for lunch and Petra already cooked stew. We had lunch and I saw her head upstairs and come down with her 3DMG and blades. "Oi where are you going?" I asked her. "To practice the blade angle and the movements you taught me. I want to be able to get the spinning move perfected." she answered, saluted and left. I didn't expect her to be able to do it.
I went to my office to complete some paperwork and after about 2 hours, I heard the sound of her falling down with a thump and occasionally, frustrated cursing. I went to the window and saw (Y/N) falling on her face every time she tried but getting up to do the same nonetheless. "Damn, this girl will kill herself at this rate." I thought and felt a bit proud about being her mentor. I looked at her graceful moves through the air, which turned into a complete disaster whenever she tried to use the spinning move on the titan dummy. "There must be some problem with her balancing" I thought. I found her beautiful the day I first saw her. "Just another pretty face that's gonna be titan food" I thought. After she sparred with me and sat on my face, I think I blushed for the first time ever in my entire life. I didn't let anyone see though because it's inappropriate. Now that I see her potential and determination, she seems to be more than just another pretty face. She is what I'd call beautiful. I knew she deserved a normal life and yet she chose this uncertain life where death my come and where its impossible to have a family. She is a very brave person. I know some stuff about her past. How she was rescued from a brothel before being sold off in the underground. How she killed a Garrison member but was let out because she was a minor. I was curious about her given that I was from the underground too. As these thoughts plagued my mind, I suddenly understood exactly what was causing the problems with the balancing.
"Oi brat. Get down here." I called (Y/N) out, who was sitting on a tree, about to do the spinning move again. When she got down, I noticed that she got some minor cuts on her face. Atleast her instincts were good enough to make her use her hands to prevent her face from getting hit. "Yes heichou?" she asked, confused. "I have a fair idea about why you can't get that move done. Your body proportions are what's causing this." I told her with a calm voice even if talking about it made me uncomfortable. "I don't understand..." she muttered, clearly confused. "Your breasts are what's causing the issues. My body structure allows me to distribute all my weight at the correct points but as your body structure is different, the distribution gets disoriented as your breasts are the weights that make you slouch forward easily." I explained as calmly as possible. This was awkward. I saw a blush slowly creep upon (Y/N)'s cheeks as she muttered, "But they aren't too big...". " Well, the simplest errors can make it impossible to master this move. I'm not sure if you can do it but try using bandages to bind you chest and make the surface as flat as possible." I answered with a stoic expression, which was very hard to bring given that I have never talked to cadets about their breasts, and the fact that this particular cadet made me want to rip her clothes off didn't help at all. "Hai!" (Y/N) answered before running off towards the castle.
She actually did it. It didn't take any effort at all. I was right about the problems with body proportions. You came back after a while with an almost flat chest. It didn't look comfortable at all because she looked like someone punched her on the face. I, however, was impressed by her determination. And, the fact that she was able to get the spinning move done at one try. Ofcourse, it wasn't perfect, it had many flaws, but, it was an amazing feat as no one else was able to get this done. However, I knew that this wouldn't work well with her because being uncomfortable on an expedition isn't an option. "Oi, get down" I commaded her as she got down from the tree, pleased with herself. "Yes heichou?" she asked. "You won't be using this move. You're not feeling comfortable in bandages and that's as obvious as it can get. Just make use of the speed training we went through." I advised her. "Yes heichou!" she answered and as she was going off towards the castle, I spoke up, "Oi (Y/N)! You did well.". "Thank you heichou" she answered, giving me a rare smile. She really should smile more often.
Your POV
I came back being pleased with myself after getting a rare compliment from Levi heichou. After some very intense and not to mention, painful training for 2 hours 30 minutes that compliment probably was the best gift anyone could possibly ask for. I went back to Petra and my room to find Petra sleeping. I took a shower and went to take a nap. I was asleep but I was woken by feeling someone drag me out of the bed. I woke up and saw Hanji dragging me out. I tried to get out of her grab but Petra and Eren also held me firmly. I could've gotten away from Hanji easily but I couldn't fight with three people grabbing onto me. They brought me downstairs and Levi heichou was there too with a glass of alcohol in his hand. I was shocked to find him here and looked at Hanji and she explained that she dragged heichou out here so that he won't drink alone in his room, in Hanji's words, like a sad excuse of a human. Apparently he drank alone before expeditions. No matter how hard I tried to avoid drinking, Hanji was relentless. I had to drink a few sips of alcohol. As the alcohol started kicking in, Hanji convinced heichou to have a drinking contest. I had to admit that the alcohol made me feel light headed and more confident. I liked the feeling despite the horrible taste which is why I drank a bit more than I planned to. Then I remembered that my body weight was not enough to take it all but my head started spinning by then and I was slipping on and off my consciousness.
Levi POV
Hanji thought that she would win because she was taller but she didn't know about my high alcohol tolerance. After an entire bottle, Hanji was done. It seemed that she had lower alcohol tolerance than I imagined. I had one more glass and I won naturally. I was pretty drunk and thought it's best to go to bed. Before I got up, (Y/N) puked. Everyone was a bit surprised as they didn't notice her taking on two glasses like an idiot. Since no one was sober enough to get her up to her room, I knew I had to do it "Tch! They had to get wasted now." Eren was already sleeping as he wasn't allowed to drink. "Ofcourse she puked. She didn't come down for dinner" I remembered. "Petra, get Eren to clean this mess up. I'm taking her upstairs and you're coming with me to clean her up" I stated with authority to a tipsy Petra. I took her to the bathroom in their room and made her sit on the floor. She was barely conscious. I waited outside for Petra to be done washing and dressing her so that I can pick her and put her to bed. Petra called me when she was done. I picked (Y/N) up and put her to bed while Petra was washing her clothes.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Your past will be explained now. It includes rape and underage sexual acts and, well, some seriously nasty stuff so don't read if it bothers you. Skip to the next chapter in that case.
"Heichou?" she called out weakly before I left. "What brat?" I asked keeping my usual bored face. "The first day we met, didn't you call me a privileged brat? How does it feel to know that the only thing your prostitute mother told you is that you're born to do exactly what she does? How does it feel when those men do things to your mother and all you can do is sit in the room and read a book to pretend nothing is happening? How does it feel when those drunk men touch you, do things that they did to your mother and hurt you like your body is splitting? How does it feel to know that your mother left you to these people and that you'll never see her again? How does it feel to be hit and cut by these men? How does it feel not being given water unless you drink the semen of those people? How does it feel when you gladly do it because you are so thirsty? You don't know anything about the life I had, heichou. When they told me I'm safe after taking me out of that horrible place, I believed them and I regret it because that man I killed wanted to do the same things I went through in that hell. He told me that I shouldn't mind because he assumed I enjoyed these back then. I enjoyed slitting his throat and gauging his eyes out. You knew nothing heichou " she said, her voice cracking as tears left her eyes. I looked at her, shocked by her sudden confession. I had no idea that she still remembered what I told her that day. I had no idea it hurted her feelings to that extent. Besides, as much as I knew, she never said anything about herself to the court or to anyone. As much as I knew, she didn't talk in her court case about murdering that man. She only did it for self defense. I looked at the weeping girl. She was a brave soldier and seeing her break down like that made me feel things I didn’t quite understand. It made me do something that I never did for anyone before. I sat on the edge of her bed, took her hand and said "Now you know how to fight. No one can hurt you now. You can trust yourself and if you want, you can trust me. I'm sorry about my behaviour that day. I shouldn't have judged you without taking a closer look." She gave me a shocked look after I said that. I gave her a small smile, and left the room. This was the first time I smiled after years.
To be continued
Taglist: @kingtamakimurder, @realityisoftendisapointing
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bubblegumstardust · 4 years
So it looks like Becky Albertalli wrote this over a week ago now but it's only just crossed my dash and I can't tell you how mad I am right now.
I hope everyone who contributed to making her feel so forced to come out before she was ready is ashamed of themselves right now. I was literally tearing up reading this.
Y'all talk about not outing people and letting them do it in their own time when they feel comfortable with it and then turn around and pull shit like this. What? Because you don't like her books or characters? Because of some stupid puritan view that if it's not written by an out and proud queer person, it's not valid and doesn't deserve to exist? Whatever your opinion on representation and own voices, NOTHING gives you the right to harass someone about their identity. You may very well be harming a member of the community you somehow think you're protecting or defending, and even if Becky was straight (as she herself believed all that time) it's an extremely shitty thing to do. What business is it of yours to know someone's sexuality or gender identity or literally anything else? Becky may be a public figure, but she's also a person and it feels like (not for the first time) some of y'all forget that.
This next bit is mostly relevant to how people reacted because they believed she was straight and to a lot of opinions I've seen from people on writing diversely.
I literally don't understand some of you some time. You want representation, but when someone tries to give it to you, you throw it back in their face because you decided it didn't come from the 'right' place. #ownvoices is important and we should always be looking to lift up and promote minority authors writing about their own identities, BUT, there is nothing wrong with straight person writing a queer character or a white person writing a character of colour or an able-bodied person writing a disabled character or LITERALLY ANY PERSON WRITING OUTSIDE THEIR OWN LIVED EXPERIENCES. That is something we should be actively encouraging and appreciating from people who want to do it, not something we should be tearing into them for. It's different if they write those characters offensively and the representation they include is harmful, but y'all are awful to people who actually give a shit and are writing these characters because they care as well.
Obviously I'm not saying you can't critique these things and if an author has overlooked something or included something offensive in their portrayal that they maybe didn't even realise, then of course they should be called out on it. But most authors who actually write diversely will do the research and put care into their portrayals because they really just want to give people the representation they want and deserve and why the fuck shouldn't they? Yes maybe they'll miss the mark and fall short sometimes but at least they care enough to try and to improve when they're told they've made mistakes with it.
You complain if they do it and you complain if they don't, so tell me what exactly is it you want? Because there literally seems to be no way to win and all you do when you tell someone they can't write about something they haven't experienced is give the people who don't want to include representation in their work a perfect excuse to continue like that rather than push everyone to be better and more inclusive.
I hope this acts as a lesson to some of you and you'll reevaluate or at the very least think twice the next time a situation like this happens (because I'm sure it probably will again).
Finally, I'm extremely saddened that this is how it had to happen for her, but I'm glad to have Becky as part of the bi community now and I wish her all the best 💖💜💙
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hi Charity! I'm the one who asked about 5 with a strong 1 fix. After your reply I wanted to reconsider if I really am a 5, so I wanted to compile some evidence for 5 and 1 and hopefully hear your opinion :) 
1: Once of the things that I relate to about 1s is being a frustration type because when I look back my initial reaction to a lot of thing is, well, frustration. Even when the change is overall positive but not *exactly* as I wanted, my first reaction is being crushed and dissatisfaction, and only after some time (maybe even short period of time like a few hours), I feel like my initial impression was an overreaction (not that I really express it, though) and everything is rather good. I am never satisfied enough with my work, and when I truly feel like I accomplished something, I feel like I shouldn't be proud of myself because there is a lot to improve therefore there's nothing to be happy about. [...] I can obviously tell what is the best possible outcome/perfection that I should be striving for but I don't obsess achieving something that is clearly out of my league at the moment, and I work at my own pace instead of forcing myself to be extremely productive at the sake of my own sanity or something...
To me, it seems like you're using logic instead of rigid perfectionism. "My expectations were unrealistic..." "I don't need to force myself to get it totally right..." "Sure, it could be better, but it's good enough." 1s don't see cutting themselves slack as an option; they feel compelled to make things right / perfect / without flaws, they are incredibly idealistic and often have unrealistic expectations of themselves and others ("I SHOULD/YOU SHOULD...") Sounds like you have flashes of perfectionism and self-deprecation, but are not governed by rigidity. You also don't seem to have black and white moral thinking in the way that a core 1 does ("my way / the Right Way to Be"); you're pretty flexible, open-minded, and laid back.
So yes, I would say 5w6 is accurate. You did talk about some 6ish super-ego traits / attachment even though you don't really want to attach. No 4 wing there.
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