#Maybe if i post snippets i can force myself into finishing one (1) chapter
iindigoeyed · 10 months
i dont have anything at All for kagami week and i wish i did BUT… here's snippets from these things to prove that i AM writing it at a snail's pace
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Several Sentences Sunday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 26 will be posted soon.
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Currently 25 chapters completed: 973.1K Words; Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
{Previous snippet linked here}
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 26 because at the end of Chapter 25, the Diaz family had just returned to the U.S. and after they made it home, Eddie checked his voice mail and there was a message from his cousin about an attempted delivery of a SpedEx package for Buck. Buck had no idea who it was from and he worried about it all weekend into the New Year.
They attended Maddie's and Chimney's New Year's Eve party which turned out to be an engagement party for them but they told their found family they got married while they were in Italy and that Buck adopted Chris on Christmas morning. Everyone questioned them regarding why the didn't tell anyone about their nuptials but they reassured them they're going to have a vow renewal ceremony in May of 2024 so they can all celebrate with them. But they didn't tell them they put a bid on a house in Italy and they aren't planning to until they believe the time is right.
On January 2nd, Buck accepted the package from the SpedEx delivery driver and after he opened it and viewed the contents, he collapsed and became unresponsive and unconscious right after Eddie entered the room.
Here's another snippet from Chapter 26 and it's more of Eddie's 9-1-1 call with Linda.
‍“Eddie!  Listen to me.  I know it’s hard but I need you to remain calm.  Are you listening?”
He is but right now, he’s focused on Buck’s angelic face and to him it looks like he’s sleeping but he knows he’s not.  As his mind starts to spiral, he thinks of all the years they have yet to live along with the plans they have set for their future.  They’re supposed to travel the globe together so they can walk on sandy beaches in Hawaii, travel to Alaska in the dead of winter while it’s 40 degrees below zero, take a ship to Antarctica so they can see the penguins and he hasn’t mentioned it yet but he wants them to go to Sydney, Australia.  He knows they have spiders so big they’ll make them leave but he believes as long as he’s there with his husband, they’ll be ok.
The panic in his chest tries to escape his lungs for the fourth maybe even the fifth time but he swallows and forces it to go away until he can deal with it sometime later.  When he realizes he’s been quiet too long, he replies, “Yes, I—I’m listening.”
“The 141 is still stuck on the interstate but I’ve dispatched another RA unit that’s closer and they’re in the adjoining subdivision.  Their hospital transport got cancelled and they just notified dispatch they’re on their way back to their station but I’m sending them to you.  You should hear the sirens any second.”
He nods even though she can’t see him, then replies, “Ok, but… please, please tell them to hur—ry.”
“They’re coming as fast as they can.  Stay on the line with me, ok?”
“Ok.” He responds as his mind spirals at 100 mph and it’s in a tug of war with his heart because his instincts are telling him it’ll be better for him to wait for the RA unit because the closest hospital is about 10 minutes away and since the I-110 is backed up on both sides, it’ll take him twice as long to drive there and it’ll be even longer if he has to take the streets.
“I need you to keep talking to me.  You said he’s unresponsive?”
“Does he have history of a heart condition?”  She knows the answer but she has to ask him for the recorded line.  She was at work the night Buck got struck by lightning and even though she didn’t take the 9-1-1 call, the entire dispatch center was on full alert when Captain Nash explained they had a firefighter who had been struck and they were three minutes out from the nearest hospital.
“Yes, he—he was struck by lightning last year and he—he…”  He stops talking because he’s on the verge of hyperventilating and the panic lodged in his throat is attempting to claw its way out but he inhales a big gulp of air and breathes past it, then he continues.  “He died for—three minutes and seventeen seconds.  That’s how long his heart stop—ped… I know be—because I counted.”
“Don’t worry Eddie, the 128 is enroute and I’m being told by the paramedic on duty they just entered your subdivision.”
Eddie’s crying and he knows it but he doesn’t care.  He emphatically admits, “He… can’t—go… he’s my heart, my every—thing!”
Linda can hear the pain in Eddie’s voice and she wants so badly to be there for her friend.  So, she looks at Sue, who's listening in and gets the nod she was waiting for then says, “It’s ok Eddie.  Just listen to the sound of my voice.  Everything is going to be ok.  Can you hear me?”
“Yes—yes… I can year you.  How much lon—ger before they’ll get here?”  He asks through broken sobs.
“They should be there in less than one minute.  Do you hear the sirens?”
Can Eddie hear the sirens or is he too distraught? 👀
Will Buck make it to the hospital or will he leave Eddie all alone? 🥹
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-25 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
Chapter 26 will be posted soon.
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martsonmars · 2 years
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Hello friends! First SSS of the year for me. Also an early post because I want to write after sleeping and maybe some validation early in the day will help 💖 I have six snippets from six WIPs to share (only the fifth one written today, which makes me sad because I really wanted to share new new words, but it's okay) and I want to talk about them, so I'm throwing everything under the cut with the tags.
You can vote for the WIP you'd like me to continue the most (except Like We Had A Clue, because I know people are waiting for an update and it would skew the vote hahaha). Pick one of the other 5! Though as always I'll follow inspiration and not what the people want.
Love you all <3 hope you're taking care of yourself in these trying times.
1. First EGF WIP. I have many ideas for EGF, but considering a) possible writer's blocks, b) exams, c) other non EGF related WIPs, I honestly don't know how much I'll manage to write. This one is the most “urgent” one because it's a collab with @aroace-genderfluid-sheep and he's already done so many cool things for it and I'm so excited!!! The snippet I'm sharing is all I've written for this fic. Oh well!
“You could've at least sent us to Dante's inferno. That would've been intellectually stimulating.”
“This place is plenty stimulating.”
Of course it is. It's a fucking sex dungeon.
2. Second EGF WIP. I shared something from this already. There's hope I'll finish this one because it's short, but knowing myself I can't make promises hahaha.
“I’m sorry,” they say. Their voice is deep and smooth, like I imagine a cello would sound if it could talk. “I don’t think I can have dinner with you tonight.”
I can’t hide how much it stings. Of course my monster under the bed would come out just to reject me.
3. Like We Had A Clue. Chapter 5 is outlined in detail but I'm still struggling so much with it. Have some sentences I might have shared already in the past because I wrote them months ago!
“Are you trying to trap me, Snow? Keep me here to make food for you forever?”
“What if I am?”
I raise an eyebrow. His hand is still on my arm. He lets it fall.
4. WIP I shared from a couple of weeks ago. I want to have fun with this so I'm not forcing myself to write it, but I also really want to finish it. It's a struggle, always 🤣
(There's nothing innocent about four thousand words of Fangvald having a pity wank after Cherry spat on his face and demanded to know the true motives behind his betrayal.)
But it's fanfiction. Exploring fictional worlds and fictional characters and fictional relationships.
It would say nothing about me if he hadn't also linked two of my longest 4am rants about loneliness and deserving love.
5. Mystery WIP. I started plotting it yesterday and I've already lost steam. We'll see if it ever gets written.
25/12, 11:27AM
basiltea: Of course I'll help you.
basiltea: You can't be trusted to handle this alone and make it work.
Excalisbury: I LOVE YOU
basiltea: I'm just saving you from yourself.
6. Picture book story! The issue with this one is that I have to rewrite it completely. I have @johnwgrey's super useful notes, but I hate rewriting and editing with a burning passion, and this story needs so much work it hurts. But I'll do it!
Of course Snow had no reason to trust him. The fact that Baz had decided he’d never even try to hurt him again couldn’t erase five years of antagonism. Especially because Snow didn’t know about his change of heart. (It would’ve been ridiculous. Hey, Snow, I decided I don’t hate you anymore. Quite the opposite, instead. Can I kiss you?)
That was a lot. I feel like Simon and Baz are possessing me because I want to write SO MUCH, I literally can feel the words pushing to get out, but the second I open a doc it all fades out. Ugh. Hopefully I'll be more motivated in the morning.
So many no pressure tags for you lovelies:
@wellbelesbian @urban-sith @tea-brigade @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin @facewithoutheart @palimpsessed @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @forabeatofadrum @fatalfangirl @prettylightsbigcity @whatevertheweather @jbrrring @confused-bi-queer @moodandmist @bookish-bogwitch @letraspal @dragoneggos @captain-aralias @takitalks @excalisbury (stealing your @ for Simon's Discord username hahaha) @otherworldsivelivedin @cutestkilla @ileadacharmedlife @gekkoinapeartree @bazzybelle @basiltonbutliketheherb @messofthejess @ivelovedhimthroughworse @nightimedreamersworld @artsyunderstudy @foolofabookwyrm-activated @ionlydrinkhotwater @yellobb @orange-peony @ic3-que3n @whogaveyoupermission @katmiscellanious @yeonjunenby @erzbethluna @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @shrekgogurt @raenestee @onepintobean @stitchyqueer @hushed-chorus
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strangerays · 3 years
Nothing in Particular Update #2
It’s the Nothing and Particular and Everything update part two: the electric booglaloo. This one is long, so strap in.
It’s been a while since I wrote an update for this story. To be honest, this one gave me a lot of stress, but here I am! Writing this story feels like it is going very slow. I keep telling myself I’ve made a lot of progress (which is true, I have) but for some reason it doesn’t feel like I have? This is likely just my own insecurity. To be frank, I can’t believe I’m still writing this story. If you had told me in February that I’d still be writing this when the weather got warm, I would have laughed.
I am SO excited that I will finally be able to focus on writing now that I’m out of school. I’m afraid to speak the rough deadline that I’ve given myself for this story (the end of August-early September) but now that I’ve spoken it into existence, I hope I can finish! (I hope I can stop watching dumb videogame playthroughs and listening to The Magnus Archives and get something done)
Here is a link to the story introduction and previous update!
TAGLIST (ask to be +/-); @wannabeauthorzofija @a-completely-normal-writer @baguettethebooklover​ @corkytheguar @writeherewaiting
Here is a big one: I’ve been trying to write this story for myself. I started writing Ray’s story from a place that was personal to me, but I feel like, as that part of myself has begun to heal, I’ve started to think about what a reader would want out of the story. I’m realizing that this is my story so it has to be what I want. Drafts are drafts for a reason, so I’m going to try to get better at letting myself explore what is fun to me.
I always thought I was a discovery writer (I still sort of think I am) but as I’ve finished small sections of the story, I am finding that it’s very helpful to do a rough outline of scenes in upcoming chapters. (I also recommend turning to this if something doesn’t work and you need to retrace your steps!) Just helps me feel more organized!
Jude’s character has got to be one of the most difficult personalities I’ve ever written. Putting her beside Ray just makes it harder. Where Ray is secretive and keeps to herself, Jude is ready to unpack her entire life’s story to anyone. I find that I really have to slow down when writing their interactions. I know this is going to be nowhere near perfect in the first draft, but I think it is a main contributor to my slow writing.
I really like this little narrative I’ve created in the background of the main plot with Ray and Lonan. I love writing these scenes because it’s a way for me to use Lonan when he’s not actively with Ray and to show why Ray is predetermined about things at certain points. Also I love their friendship so much <3
CONGRATULATIONS TO ME on starting to read again because I forgot how much of a help reading other people’s stories can be when you’re struggling with your own oml
I now have a set timeline for the story! Takes place ~4-5 months.
I did that thing where you write a letter from the characters’ perspectives and that was kind of fun
Also just for fun I thought I’d add in that I spent an hour and a half last week filling up a page in my sketchbook with diagrams of the plot. It feels good to be a mad scientist
*At this point, I’m only sharing writing that I am really proud of in order not to spoil the story! This is because I am unsure whether I want to publish this story someday. With that said, that does NOT give you permission to steal my ideas!
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In the last week of summer, I did everything I could to avoid post-vacation blues. I rode my bike along the gravel roads with no destination, wore my dark sunglasses to people-watch, and fed salami to the minnows that floated on the cusps of boulders. Usually, I sat still for so long that my elbows turned a deep shade of red and the blood in my toes buzzed.
New pockets seemed to open up in Point Blink every day. And with them, came new people. Most of them were older – a middle aged woman who caked her lipstick on, an uncle estranged from his brother, a couple who had miscarried. I hadn’t forgotten about the kids at Mothouse. It was impossible not to think about them. It wasn’t just that I’d never seen them before.
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The girl’s limp cigarette bled a trail of smoke that seeped into my Vans. My shirt folded like skin over my bed post. Haunted the room – foiled my mauve sheets and teased my locks. Swept the curtains apart and heated the oak floor. Beams of moonlight leapt to my bookcases; highlighted the posters from various podcasts and bands that I listened to. Wind whistled when I was too still. She forced me to look outside, onto the dark cul-de-sac lit by the reflections of forming rain puddles. No matter whether I sat at my desk or burrowed under my sheets, I felt out of place. She made my bedroom louder. She made my bedroom quieter.
I decided it would probably be best if I never saw her again.
To be honest, I don’t remember much about writing this chapter because it was over a month ago (sorry) but I’m still quite happy with the prose! This comes in after Ray sees Jude for the first time at Mothouse. Based on a first impression, decides that she might want be friends with Jude.
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If you spend any long amount of time with someone, you’ll become a thief to their behaviors. If I stared long enough, trees began to replace all of the people we’d ever seen. Oaks had roots that serpentined the ground like children splashing in the bay, pines with needles like spindly old hands, maples with hollows like watchful eyes – all things Lonan had taught me to observe.
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Then there was the sea – violent and knowing as it romped within bays and alcoves. She had eaten me many times before, both my father and Lonan too. Gulped them as if they were shining plastic wrappings left behind after a meal. I spited her for inviting me once again. I reached up again to grapple with the next rung. It twisted and offered a low whistle.
In these two chapters, Ray is on a photography trip with her class. This is the first time she’s been on this annual trip without Lonan. She left that morning with a goal of being independent and learning to get on with one of the only people she has felt close to. I realize now that the Ghost excerpt sort of sounds like her dad and Lonan have drowned?? Which was not my intention??
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“Do you believe in ghosts?” A raspy voice teased from behind me. Cigarette smoke tickled the words, like they were stuck together with jelly inside of her. The question wasn’t particularly calming, but it strengthened my grip on reality. As if the foiled leaves, bark, and dandelions had sprung from the ground and begun to float, they came crashing back down.
I was made of stone.
“I’m not a ghost,” Jude said. “If I was, a ladder would be a pretty counteractive way to outrun me. I could just float up there and haunt you.”
“Maybe you’re a ghost,” she asked, her voice distant.
I shifted my grasp up and down the sides of the ladder. “What?”
“Don’t you believe in ghosts?”
I was reading back some of Ray and Jude’s conversation and there are so many snippets of dialogue that make me laugh because I totally forgot I wrote them... but UGhhH I don’t know if I want to share them because I don’t know whether or not I want to try and publish the story someday. Speaking of that, it’s sort of because it’s so personal to me? I don’t know (this is for future me to pursue) Honestly though, reading these back has made me really happy :)
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I wanted to shake her by the shoulders. She acted as though Point Blink could breathe – as though corpses in the cemetery might pull the grass away like dead skin, neighbors would draw blades, and blood-salt would stain her clothes rather than that from the sea. “Trust me, they’ll forgive you. But, I’m just saying, most people around here don’t care nearly as much as you think so. Most of them are way older anyways, so they’re tired of us.”
“Is that you complimenting yourself?” Jude asked.
“Not intentionally,” I said, “but I will take it.”
She laughed. “You shouldn’t be so nice to strangers.”
I wasn’t trying to be. I just didn’t think I wanted her to dislike me.
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“I don’t think it’s a bad thing or a good thing,” Jude said. “Being good gets you tucked into a thousand different memories. Being good makes you live a lifetime.”
I almost laughed, but then I wondered what I was to her now. “I don’t talk to lots of people.”
“Sometimes there aren’t many people to talk to. But I thought you would have loads of friends.”
I wasn’t sure what to say to that. “I thought you would too.”
Alarm like grief lit her eyes, but she laughed. I did too.
“You hardly know me,” she said quietly.
Then the girls explore some old newspapers and letters in a fire tower! Spooky fun!
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This isn’t a major spoiler as it’s literally in the blurb I wrote, but Ray and Jude are caught (targeted..??)  in a fire. Ray is brought back to a field where she is questioned.
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He was quiet for several moments while he painted a picture with what little details I had given him, then said, “It’s unfair. I think that’s why it hurts.”
“Because we almost got hurt?”
“No. Because it came true.”
His gentle, ragged voice made me think I could tell him anything. Sometimes, I think that, even then, he knew I left something out.
Ray talks to Lonan after the fire... She’s being a bit dishonest about what actually happened.
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I remember how the barest amount of red light glared across Lonan’s entire scalp and washed his boyish curls magenta from the roots out. When Jude leaned back on the counter, she melded into the darkness.
This chapter is just part of the narrative that I created with Ray and Lonan’s friendship. There isn’t much I want to spoil from it, but I liked this paragraph!
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“We didn’t do anything,” I said.        
“Someone did. Why won’t you believe me?”
 “I think I would remember whether or not someone was there with us,” I said, “even if we didn’t have the picture.”
This was untrue. I hung lots of photos in my room. A long time would pass before I went to a restaurant again, or a specific coven on one of the beaches, or an outfit that I wore, and I would look into one of my pictures and remember it, and then I would be quite angry with myself that I had almost forgotten that thing forever.
“I don’t think you understand what I mean,” Jude said. I didn’t like the way she’d lowered her voice. She sounded different every time I saw her. She reached out her arm so our photos were side by side and our fingers were almost touching. “I don’t think you want to.”
Ray finds herself alone in the school’s dark room with Jude. Based on the contents of one of her photos, she tries to convince Ray that there is more to the fire than what meets the eye.
CHAPTER: (this one is untitled)
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I didn’t mind that he followed me everywhere. Even when he was quiet, I didn’t find it strange to be around him. We sat silently through films and went on walks. Once, he had fallen asleep while watching The Iron Giant in my bed. I didn’t know if I should wake him up once it ended. I tried not to stare at him. He’d rolled onto his side and bundled himself in one of my blankets covered in stars up to his shoulders so only his small face poked out like a baby owl’s. His soft breath messed his dirty gold coils. They were at their longest. Except for the ebbing light from a candle on my desk, my house was asleep – Lonan needed to go home.
For the first time, I wondered if anyone cared where he was.
Another small part of the little friendship narrative! (This really is the part of the story where I get nostalgic for my childhood, isn’t it) Ray starts to discover more about Lonan’s home life in this part of the story, but there’s not much that I think I want to reveal about that for now.
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Why did I feel so paranoid? I found myself staring out the window, into the film of blue that the late sun shown onto the grass and trying to remember what summer felt like.
My main problem was that I didn’t know how to talk to Jude unless it was about Sugarfell. I ran from the hush of cigarette smoke behind closing doors and heard her loud voice in conversations. Even though there might have still been a part of me that wanted to be friends with her, I didn’t have much to base that feeling off of. I could have spent hours clicking the little pieces of her that I had together, but the crux of it was that I would never know Jude unless I forced myself to.
For some reason, that really scared me.
I spent all week trying to think of what to say to her. By Friday afternoon, I still had nothing.
I left off writing with Ray actively avoiding Jude’s little investigation into the arsonist. Ray doesn’t want to be involved in this because she feels that it will throw her sense of normalcy off course. She really just wants to learn how to adapt to a life without her best friend. (It doesn’t help that she’s got fresh trauma)
What will Ray decide? I don’t know. We shall see. (just kidding I know)
Sorry this update was longer! I think I would like to start updating more often than once a month just because they would be shorter and those of you reading this won’t forget what happened in the last update. There are thousands and thousands of words that didn’t show up in this update because - like I said - I don’t know whether I want to publish this story ever?? I’ll probably talk more about this in a separate update.
Thank you so much to those of you who read about my story! I hope you enjoy it!
p.s. btw I now have a myWriteClub account! You can check it out here and stalk me as I tragically fail my writing goals!
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goatsandgangsters · 4 years
do you have any writing tips pls 🥺🥺
Ohhh big question! I’m flattered that you want my writing thoughts, anon!
So. Are we talking about tips on getting through writer’s block/sitting down and actually writing? The mechanics of writing itself, the individual sentences and word choices? Developing a plot? Characters or dialogue? Drafting and revising? If there’s a specific part of the process that’s angsting you, let me know, I’m happy to say more on that. For now I’ll try and touch on as much as broadly as I can.
Writing is a process, a craft, a practice. A joy and a trial. The act of hitting some keys with your fingers but also making something out of nothing. Which is to say—it comes with practice, it can be frustrating, it can be rewarding, and however you’re feeling about writing, you’re not the only one.
Inspiration/actually sitting down to write:
I find that writing is like exercise. Yes, in the sense that it takes practice to build up those muscles, but MORE IMPORTANTLY writing, like exercise, makes me groan and go “but that’s haaaaard I don’t wanna doooooo it, what if I just siiiit here insteaaaad.” And then I grudgingly get started. And I start to get into the rhythm. And then “oh goddammit. This DOES feel good.” I’ve still never experienced a runner’s high, but I have experienced “no I don’t wanna write. well I guess I’ll write. oh hey I’m writing. oH HEY!! I’M WRITING!!!” Sometimes you just need to push yourself through to start.
That said, sometimes you don’t need to push yourself to start. Sometimes it’s better to let something sit. It’s okay to pivot to another project if you’ve stalled out on one. I saw a post once that called this “crop rotation” and I think that’s true. Sometimes the challenge is getting started, but even when you can’t get started, the time away can be valuable, because it allows you to return with fresh ideas and fresh ideas.
I love using Fighter’s Block for when I can’t get started. It curbs my perfectionist tendency to write the same first sentence over and over again by forcing me to write consistently and quickly without refreshing tumblr between every sentence. Once I’ve got a paragraph, I’ve got enough of a rhythm going to keep writing on my own. You can use it for longer stretches of time, but I find a couple rounds of 200 word count goals is enough to get me through the inertia of getting started.
Read a lot:
Reading makes you a better writer. You will absorb aspects of the craft in the process—sentence structure, rhythm, plot beats.
Then think about what you read. Think about what works. Think about what doesn’t. Notice sentences that you love—not by meaning but by sound. Think about how the story is told, how the plot elements come together, how the themes operate, how the narrative is structured. Did the flashbacks works or were they superfluous? Did you love the metaphors and descriptive language, or did it feel vague and unhelpful? What parts grabbed you, what parts didn’t?
Being able to identify what does and doesn’t work in someone else’s writing will help you apply it to your own. It will also help you craft your own voice and style.
Use writing tips as a challenge, not a rule:
We’ve all seen those “writing rules” like don’t use adverbs, don’t say feels or thinks, don’t say said. Never listen to writing “rules”; instead, see them as a writing “challenge.” You don’t need to jettison every single adverb or permanently strike certain words from your writing. Sometimes, an adverb is the best word. And sometimes it isn’t.
These tips are useful, but not as hard-and-fast rules that must be obeyed every time under every circumstance. Instead, use them as tools to challenge you to think about your writing in new ways, to see if there’s a better way to say something (and maybe there is and maybe there isn’t), and to bring a freshness to the process.
I actually do really like to challenge myself to minimize feels and thinks. “He feels sick to his stomach” will pretty much always be less powerful than “His stomach lurches.” But sometimes feels and thinks work better, either because I need quick exposition or because it specifically emphasizes a thought or a feeling as perception. Again, it’s not about rules. It’s about challenging your habits to breathe new life into your writing. 
Revising tools:
if you’re a tactile person and you own a printer (which I am but I don’t), I like to print out a draft and sit on the floor with a pen and a highlighter and highlight anything that sounds clunky or that doesn’t quite fit. Then I massage those specific sentences, looking for other ways to say them, and narrow in on those parts rather than trying to edit everything overall.
The hemingway app method (as long as you know you’re allowed to disagree with it) can be good to catch certain things. Sometimes I use it and think “yeah that sentences IS too long and awkward, I should rephrase it” and sometimes I think “nah, that sentence is long but it’s controlled and it works.” Sometimes it’s useful in pointing out that I used the word just way too many times; sometimes I’ll keep my adverbs thanks.
Retyping the entire thing in another word document is another revising trick. So is reading the entire think out loud to yourself (your actual ear will catch awkward rhythms or typos that your inner voice glossed over).
(Note: I don’t do all of these all the time. I revise with whichever method I happen to be feeling at the moment)
Character interactions:
Overly expository character interactions are probably my #1 writing pet peeve. People don’t say what they mean. They don’t calmly and carefully and eloquently articulate exactly what they feel. If your characters are conversing in well-practiced monologues where they’re able to objectively analyze and express their exact feelings, it’s not believable. It’s also not fun for the reader, because Explanations of Emotions are being used as a stand-in for actual emotions.
Example: You don’t have a breakdown because you’re stressed about losing your job and you had a fight with your sister and you’re also the protagonist who has to save the entire world. You have a breakdown because you can’t find your fucking pen. It was here a moment ago, you know it was, you put it THERE because that’s where you PUT things but now it’s gone and the pen is gone and you can’t even find the fucking pen so how are you going to save the world and everything is going to SHIT because you can’t FIND your goddamn pEN.
Your character is probably not even an expert on their own feelings, let alone able to objectively explain them to someone else. There are things we can’t make ourselves say out loud. We deflect. We put all the big feelings into small things. We squeeze someone’s hand and say come on, let’s make dinner because you can’t say everything is going to be okay I promise you and I love you so much and one day you’ll see that it’ll all work out.
What are your characters saying with their body? What are they saying with what’s left unsaid? And when are they saying something Else that’s really about Them? (“You did what you had to do,” character A assures character B, because character A’s own guilt weighs on them. They’ll never say this out loud. They don’t even need to specifically think “just like my own guilt, which weighs on me.” We know it by what they say, about other people and about other things, because these are the times when you’re really talking about yourself)
Also, the size of the emotion displayed does not translate into the size of the emotional impact on the reader. A big sweeping declaration of I love you shouldn’t be used as a stand-in for real chemistry or a moment of love that is specific to those characters. An absolute sobbing breakdown isn’t inherently more tragic for its size. You don’t need torture porn to evoke angst. Emotions are a lot more subtle than that. Using a caricature of emotion in the extreme often cheapens the emotion for the reader, rather than enhancing it. 
Other assorted tips:
Write notes! Sit up at 3 AM and write down a snippet of dialogue in a note on your phone! Jot down the plot idea for later! Note the phrase you heard someone say that sounds like it would be a good title.
If you can’t figure out how to end your story or your section or your chapter, it might be because it’s already over and the story has finished telling itself. If the beginning doesn’t feel right, if it feels slow and clunky, it might be because your starting place is too early. If the character interaction feels wrong or the scene isn’t going right or you can’t make that line of dialogue work, the problem is probably about 5 or 10 lines up where you took a wrong turn.
An em dash—like the one I used here—separates out a part of the sentence that couldn’t be a sentence on its own. Semicolons join two independent sentences together; this is an example.
The dialogue tag is part of the sentence. Correct: “I love dogs,” he said. or “I love dogs.” Incorrect: “I love dogs.” he said. or “I love dogs,” He said.
That’s everything that comes to mind immediately. If there’s another part of the process that you want me to focus on, let me know! I’m happy to go more in-depth on specifics! 
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lightwormlol · 4 years
4.5 stars.
Okay, so! This was the first book I was able to finish in 2021. I've kinda been in a reading slump, and struggling to get past the 30-50% of books. I think its because I took essentially 3 months off my normal (daily) reading schedule and have been prioritising other things (health, fitness, job applications etc) - I think it's a testament to how addicted I was to this that I finished and consumed this at the rate I did! I recently went back and added some things to my ACOWAR review. To briefly summarise, I feel that, at the time I read it, it kind of gave me what I needed, but it definitely isn't getting a re read - my love for feysand has definitely lessened over time, but honestly i'm not that mad at sarah for this, as I find that whenever I've passed the sexual tension part of relationships in books, I tend to get bored of the domestic bliss. Like, leave that shit for an epilogue and keep it at that? As someone generally averse to relationships, but there is definitely a grace period for how long I can actively be smitten with a couple... before it becomes sickly. Taking all this into account, I honestly was nervous for this book, its release date totally took me by surprise, and I read it on a whim. As a Nessian shipper (I mean we didn't really have a choice after acomaf but to delve into the world of fanfic to keep us going) - this book gave me most of what I wanted and needed from them! I think,(some) kudos to SJM, for not disappointing in their relationship. This was definitely a character > plot driven story. In terms of the plot, I wasn't really invested until around the 38% mark? I'm not sure if I was adjusting to the writing style (lots of dramatic. sentences. that. are. so. abrupt. Nesta Archeron. Death etc) - or if it was bc I hadn't read an SJM book since the novella, which I basically skimmed. I was obviously reading for Nessian, but I didn't really feel intrigued by the wider plot (death gods, the human queens? Given I had lost my previous obsession with the world/ have outgrown 'fandom' culture, that made me actively update my knowledge, I couldn't remember a lot!) I think its clear that SJM excels character driven stories, but I think her worldbuilding and execution is significantly better in the throne of glass franchise. Now, I did say this was a character driven story. This is mostly regarding Nesta, Cassian and Azriel. I loved pretty much any interaction they had! I love a good training montage. Ngl though, I think, unless you possess an ardent love for Nessian, you're not going to be particularly wowed by this, if you've read heir of fire, or even acomaf. I obviously am never going to be able to be objective, because I've loved nessian so much from 2017-now, but I loved the dynamic those two (and three - friendship wise between nes/cass/az). One of the highlights of ACOWAR for me was the snippets of Az, showing tenderness, and opening up to the newer members of the inner circle (and i'm excluding any hint of an Elriel ship because FUCK THAT LOL) For me, the tip with SJM books is: once you outgrow them/the particular mode of narrative style, is to not anticipate anything other than a character driven story, albeit one riddled with smut. I personally am a romance heavy reader, so I'm honestly deconditioned to it at this point, (like, when I see reviewers scandalised I'm like... wow, the amount of trash I have consumed in the last five years loool.) While I disagree with the fact SJM marketed this series as y/a (or maybe it wasn't her per se, but the key booksellers definitely did this for her) - I think its clear enough now she's descended into the adult/borderline erotica genre.(very mild imo). I personally like to adopt a policy of skimming sex scenes when I find the dialogue cringy (most the time it is lets be honest any talking is v second hand embarrassment). Cassian and Nesta were definitely better than Rhys and Feyre post chapter 55 though! I was so glad there weren't a million moments of Cass/Nesta betraying their arousal with their scents, in front of everyone (like feysand, the voyeuristic pda pricks they are). I found the slowburn ish nature of their relationship great, and I actually think if you're a virgo/emotionally stunted reader, you will be happy with their relationship dynamic. It contrasts with the daemati sexual snark of acomaf, but it felt right, and authentic. This book was a journey of personal growth, for Nesta. It is clear SJM loves books about strong women, and maybe thats what makes me love this book so much. I think, out of all the archeron sisters, I love Nesta the most. This is for my Rose Calloway fans, my misunderstood, somewhat cold/left out girls, who are less receptive to being vulnerable. If you're a slowburn fan, it's not Mariana Zapata levels of slowburn, imo it's the perfect combo. Addictive enough that I don't want to put it down, but not so fast moving that I couldn't believe it. I loved the sex without emotion relationship they had!! This is honestly never done in mainstream n/a fantasy, unless its a caricature of a 'slut' that normally rivals the main character, lmao. Even if their inner conflict was p transparent, this gave me everything I needed! I know this is vapid lol but I also love the physical dynamic between the two, they just look so good together, the amount of fanart I'm going to reacquaint myself with after this review!! I adored seeing Nesta grow, (even if towards the end I kind of resented her sudden acceptance into the inner circle, i get SJM loves her and just wanted a fluffy ending, but, as a Nesta like character, it's awkward and stilted on her end to adjust to the inner circle like this - i mean, hugging rhys, really??)
I think, if I had to compare this to any other SJM book, I would say Chaols book (though I obviously preferred this). That being said, I felt less attached to new characters in this book than I was in even Chaols book (and even then ngl I remember nothing?) Obviously I loved what it represented, as a trio of traumatised women. I just, didn't love this the way I loved other inner circle members! I get that they gave Nesta exactly what they needed, a family that doesn't hold the history of her sisters, who she doesn't have to worry about holding preconceived notions of disappointment. I loved this for her! Even then.. I just wasn't attached to either of them. I found their interactions cute - but boring. Towards the end, when their stories/pasts are revealed, I couldn't help but cringe slightly, I can't put my finger on why, but I just didn't buy it. Maybe it's the brit in me but I couldn't be moved by this slightly forced bonding moment.. which was so anticlimactic. My 'aww how cute' tolerance is defo deserved for characters whose tropes I love. Maybe they just didn't fit into this list. Maybe I'm just being a cow here?
Now, let's speak about the real star of the show.... A FUCKING MAGICAL HOUSE FRIEND??? YESSSSSSS. IF YOU ARE AN ILONA ANDREWS INNKEEPERS CHRONICLES FAN, U WILL LOVE! How was the animation of this somehow more touching than all of nesta's other friendships combined? Exactly what I ordered, thank you. This trope somehow touches more than any material bonding!! The cute witch x house dynamic (also maybe howls moving castle vibes?) I loved the trying to reach the target of 10,000 steps (a little Celaena HOF). I think this, heir of fire and acomaf are my favourite SJM books for this reason. Gripes: I definitely had some personal gripes with how other members of the inner circle treated Nesta (rhys i'm looking at you. Disappointed doesn't even cover it.) I inherently take offence to any elain scene, as i'm so over bland characters whose existence is reduced to wanting to fucking plant flowers?? like?? really? To go from moriel to that is such a downgrade, even if I fell out of love with Mor due to the way she snubbed Nesta (you're a 500 year old being and you can't see someone is clearly traumatised?). I adore Az so much, but if it aint polyamorous, I cannot see any pairing with Elain making me happy. (wouldn’t mind gwyn though) I think the whole mating bond that I do not want is a good dynamic, but I really hate that everyone has to be mates in this world. I don't think we were that surprised, but it would've been nice if the somehow, idk, developed a strong bond over time, without it being preordained? Like, even if they do not all actively stay with their mate, given how disproportionate mates are among the general population, what's the likelihood 6 members of the inner circle (including lucien) have mates?
My advice? Read this book if you love nessian and the acotar world in general, but don't expect the world building to be consistent with greater fantasy series'. This style of story is obviously what to expect. She writes what she likes, and if her fantasy is this - then who are we, as readers, to expect otherwise?
Final rating: 4.5 (no, i'm not objective, but objectivity does not exist if you are a real, human being, lol)
Original Characters: 5/5 (nessian/az/house wise) 1/5 (feysand - really over how they essentially take over the very end of the book - ugh, I wanted nesta's arc to be wholly separate from them) Writing style: 3.5 Cringe Scale: Low, with the exception of some dialogue. New Characters: 2 Plot: I went into it with a 2 and came out with a 4. Not in terms of complexity, but in terms of how addictive and enjoyable this reading experience was! (less)
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xianglingslesbian · 4 years
way of kings, Satsuki’s moving castle (👀), Daiki’s basketball (👀👀), oh no he’s hot, and unstoppable force/immovable object pls
ah hihi! ty for the ask!! <3 this got very long so i am putting it under a cut
the way of kings
this is basically just a knb stormlight au lmaooo. i actually dont have much yet its just a vague outline and the main character placements. i also have to work out a LOT of stuff bc. heralds. i’ll list the placements i have for now!!
kaladin - hyuuga OR aomine i really cannot decide smh. EDIT HOLY SHIT MIDORIMA IS THE PERFECT KALADIN 
adolin - kise bc you cant tell me that ‘“fight me!” adolin said’ isn’t PEAK kise energy
shallan - .......izuki. puns? puns. also yay for shared insecurity complexes and refusal to address their own mental health
dalinar - kasamatsucchi <3 he has the eyebrows and the blue uniform don’t @ me
jasnah - uhh araki, solely because i didn’t wanna change au!jasnah’s gender. otherwise 100% would have been midorima
sadeas - imayoshit :) everyone flip off the manipulative bastard
renarin - kurokooooo!! okay but the idea of a person construed as weak finding their own way in the world is really similar b/w these two
sylphrena - momoi <333 syl rlly do have momoi energy tbh
i do have a couple more placements BUT idk where ur at in the series and it could be a potential spoiler so i’m gonna shut up now. tagging @serenesavagery bc i think she’d like this ily saori
satsuki’s moving castle
ok here’s an AU i actually have shit planned out for (and some chapters written) lmaooo it’s a momoi/riko howl AU!! riko = sophie + momoi = howl is rlly fun to write lol. also aomine is calcifer bc let’s be real that tiny fire demon was basically just demon!aomine. the chapter titles in this one are gold tbh i’m really proud of them -- examples are, “Do YOU Want A Charming Stranger To Sweep You Off Your Feet? [Not Clickbait]” and “Riko Aida Presents - Being Old Sucks, Part 1/? (Also, There's A Demon But That’s Not Important)”.
tiny snippet: 
Riko could feel the stirrings of heat in her cheeks as Satsuki pressed against her, arm laying on her hand. 
“Let me,” she said sweetly. Dazed, Riko did so, moving aside so Satsuki had better access to the food. 
“Hand me a couple of eggs and some more bacon, please,” Satsuki instructed. Riko complied, doing her best to keep her composure. This was the wicked wizard Satsuki, not just any pretty girl - she had to be on her guard. 
Satsuki cooked much the same way Riko did, planting a few doubts in the now-aged girl’s mind. Eggshells in the eggs, blackened bacon… perhaps her cooking really was bad.
Then again, from what she’d seen of Junpei, he did have a tendency to exaggerate.
“no its totally not gay for a girl to cook over your shoulder what do you mean” - aida riko, circa 1920 (approx. when this is set bc it follows the ghibli movie)
daiki’s basketball
yes its an aomine-kuroko roleswap yes i like torturing myself because it comes w/the bonus of inflicting this upon my readers. it’s my first multichapter, and like ewbts it’s also half posted and then i realised how shittily i’d written it so i started rewriting smh. the only redeemable bit about v1 is the summary bc it’s good for my summary standards: 
tetsu had changed. tetsu was no longer his partner. but daiki saw that same spark in kagami, and even if he wasn’t one for sappy romantic stuff like tetsu, maybe this time… maybe this time the light he picked would stay with him.
im not crying you are
a small snippet: 
“Well, you like painting. Maybe paint a basketball on the school wall or something?” Satsuki suggested absently, still looking at the giant chocolate fountain. It couldn’t hurt to go in and try it, right?
“Thanks, Satsuki.” Daiki’s voice had a sudden spark to it, and Satsuki’s eyes shot wide as she realised what she’d said.
“No - Dai, wait! You can’t-” But he’d already cut the call.
Oh, God save Satsuki Momoi.
(yes. he did actually. paint the fucking school wall. god save momoi indeed)
oh no he’s hot
this is an older idea but one i still love tbh! i have to work around the setting bc i wanna set it in not-america 😂 i have a summary written up which describes it well so i will plug it: 
Everything was in place. Zuko would have adopted Izumi by this time tomorrow; would have met the demands of his company; would be a father, the best one that he could. He had to admit he was a little more than excited - it’s not every day that you get to be a father, and especially not to a firecracker like Izumi. Now, if only Izumi’s social worker weren’t this attractive… and if only he weren’t the same man that Zuko had been absolutely, abominably horrible to the previous week.
its a zukka modern AU in which zuko is running his dad’s company after ousting ozai, and the board pressures him to get an heir. ace gay bean zuko decides he’ll adopt instead. also azula/katara subplot with katara being an intern at azula’s hospital (NOT in charge of azula tho bc that can lead to some weird power dynamics). highkey slowburn romance tbh. zukka hate each other for only a bit, but the friendzoning is unreal lmao
immovable object meets unstoppable force
this is a set of legend of korra rewrite oneshots! basically im trying to fix all the colorism, sexism and other issues + give a better rep to korrasami bc lbr we deserved more development. also side character rights <3 
i actually have posted one fic of it here so i suppose this counts as a snippet? its pema/lin hahaha yay for lesbians
thank you so much for this ask i just really ran away with it i get excited talking about my projects and wow now i have fuel for daiki’s basketball again so that might just be the one i finish soonest <3 
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spell-cleaver · 4 years
Oo for the ask game: 1, 17, 19, 25? 🥺
Also just cuz i can: you are amazing mate!!! ❤️❤️
🥺🥺 aaaaah right back at you, Cory 💙
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
There are,,, a lot of stories I’m holding off writing,,,, and they call to me like sirens. 
BUT the main one I’m holding off is a wip with the wip title Kingdom Come. It is a fantasy au where Crown Prince Luke is “murdered” by Palpatine’s forces on a diplomatic mission, King Anakin spirals in grief and rage and Leia is called back to the palace to be the new heir and tries to insist that he’s not dead, while Luke survived the assassination attempt and is having a very bad time in his attempts to get home. There’s this one scene at the end that I adore to pieces.
I’ve been brainstorming it for literally years at this point... maybe 2 or 3 years... and I resolved myself to write it in March, but alas, looks like that other au that possessed me a week ago has cut in line.
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
*ahem*, other than that specific regrettable plot idea, I’d tell her to refamiliarise herself with how dialogue punctuation works, bc it does not work like that. Also, it’s Padmé, not Padmè.
And also just -- keep writing!! You will figure it out eventually and you’ll be very proud when you do.
19) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.? 
Blood, sweat and many tears.
It varies from fic to fic. Some of my earlier ones I didn’t plan at all, I just held it all in my head and experimented and kept writing. Some, like Sparks, became long and complicated by accident, so I’m scrambling with a bunch of sheets and notes trying to plot in hindsight where I accidentally went and where I wanna go (this is part of the reason that Sparks is so hard to write.) Eclipse, on the other hand, is the model for how I would like to do it -- lots of sheets and plans, showing different aspects (e.g., plot, character arc, cool plot points and references I want to throw in at some point) with their own views, written before I started writing and added to/expanded as I wrote.
At a minimum, though, I always need some sort of plan XD
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
Now that Heir is finished on AO3 and posted, I’m posting this snippet -- spoilers for The Heir, Chapter 15 under the cut
No. He couldn't let Luke go. Naboo was in the Mid Rim, parsecs away from Coruscant. He would not let his son leave him alone here—he needed to protect him.
Luke was all he had.
The only person he cared about. Padmé's son, who deserved the galaxy and would be given the galaxy. Luke was his son, and he would not be parted from him the way—
The way he'd been parted from his mother.
He thought of her, then.
Gentle hands on his head, a soft voice, calling to him across the sandy streets... He thought of her fear every time he'd go podracing, he thought of her acute attention when patching up every scratch and bruise, he thought about how she'd put herself between him and Watto's beatings, always, his steadfast protector in that most miserable of lives.
He thought about how, when Qui-Gon had come to free him, she hadn't hesitated, hadn't held on to him. She'd let him make the choice she must have known he would make—had watched her only source of happiness vanish in the distant hope that out there, he would be free.
Anakin hadn't understood it at the time. Not truly. He'd barely understood it years later.
But, thinking of Luke, thinking of Naboo, and Sabé, and Padmé... he understood it now.
Luke had been so happy on Naboo. He would be so happy on Naboo.
Above everything—above the Empire, above the Force, above himself—Vader wanted Luke to be happy.
And that meant, he realised, throat choked up and suddenly grateful that he could no longer cry, he had to let Luke go.
Okay this is a little more than a paragraph BUT. I’m really proud of it -- this section was written long before the ficlet was, from the moment that I knew how I wanted to end Heir, and I was emotional.
Thanks so much for the ask, friend!!!
writing asks here!
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flightysquip · 5 years
any tips on getting back to a fic you haven’t written anything for since uhhhh last year?
ahh i’m so AWFUL about this myself.  this is why nanowrimo works so well for me, it generally forces me to output a lot and finish projects.  however, as far as my advise with wips, at least with what i do:
1. reread what you’ve written so far.  this might not be necessary for you, of course, but my memory is absolutely atrocious.  this helps me remember what dynamics and plot points i’ve already touched on.  it also helps me fall back into my writing style, and tends to kickstart ideas in my head about where to go/how to progress
2. find some external tools for motivation.  what helps me a lot is making playlists and obsessively listening to them, but sometimes finding images that fit your characters/ships, or memes, or tv shows/movies, or even reading (*i usually find that reading fic when trying to write doesn’t help me though, so ymmv on that, but books written by people who’s writing you respect--the only reason i don’t go the fic route is that like i am transparently prone to mimicking writing styles--that’s really what writing is, let’s face it--but i find it ickier/less morally sound to mimic another free content creator, ESPECIALLY if they’re writing the same ship or concepts as me, than mimicry of, say, some established published author)
3. get yourself a hype partner.  the fun thing about fanfic is the communal aspect to me, the fact that you’re creating for people who are naturally predisposed to enthusiastic enjoyment.  obviously the communal nature of fandom has died out a lot now compared to how things were before, unfortunately, but i’ve still managed to meet some cool people who share my enthusiasm and enjoyment of fan content, so i hold out hope it’s still possible.  i know some people like to lead with the ‘will you beta what i’ve written so far’ thing, and that’s good if that works for you (and it’s probably more socially acceptable to ask for editing assistance than outright saying “please hype my writing right now”), but since i don’t even want to think about editing until i’ve completed my first draft (whether that’s per chapter or per full work) that doesn’t work for me personally.  but find yourself someone, someone you trust and with compatible enough overlapping interests, who you can gush about your latest wip with.  maybe it’s just exchanging plot points and ideas.  maybe it’s giving them a snippet of what you’ve written so far.  let them hype you up.  there’s no shame in seeking out kindness and validation, and it can absolutely be the kick in the pants you need to hear someone say “this concept rocks, i want to read more of it!”
4. alternatively, if you prefer a less personable approach, you can post a few concepts and ideas on your blog.  let people comment or interact or ‘like’ your ideas.  this really works better though if you aren’t so concerned with spoiling people, of course (granted, you can tailor the posts too to exclude spoilers.  vaguepost about your plot!  it’s your blog, no one can stop you)
5. prioritize your writing.  some people find structure helps--setting a specific time a day to just sit down and focus specifically on writing.  your story is worth telling, and you’re worthy of allowing yourself the time to write it.
6. all words are good words, and the amazing thing about the written word as opposed to spoken is you can always go back and rearrange or delete or change things.  word-vomit into your document and try not to worry about quality.  nothing is ever going to be as pure and perfect as the theoretical fic in your head, but until we can make machines to plug directly into our minds and dump our subconscious shipteases into our readers’ heads directly, we’ll have to settle for the messy art of transposing these beautiful dynamics into imperfect, tangible words.  you can always edit.  it doesn’t matter how impractical or ooc or cliche the first take is.  you can fix it.  a bad first draft on a chapter doesn’t invalidate the polished chapters you’ve composed before
anyway, honestly, i cannot stress enough, your story has value, your words have value, your ideas have value, and the world will be a better place with the addition of your story.  the joy that fanfiction brings people globally is worth more than a lot of people may want to admit.  you’ll never know what person might be out there right now, searching for the exact concept, writing style, ship, and dynamic as you’re composing, and the more work your pour into your craft, the more net-joy you will produce in the world.  creation is powerful and the fact you’ve already started, never mind how long ago, proves that you, too, are powerful.  you are powerful, you are valuable, you are worthy, and you are going to create wonderful things.  the worth of your work is inherent, simply by virtue of coming from you.  and if you think about it, isn’t that pretty amazing?  isn’t it incredible, that you have the capacity to not only imagine worlds and plots and dialogue and interactions, to build universes that others can enjoy, that you not only have the capacity to imagine, but the tools with which to communicate those ideas to an audience?  whether that’s an audience of one or hundreds, your story matters.
and i’m proud of you, for being vulnerable and brave and strong enough to go through the rigor of writing.  the world needs the story that only you’re capable of writing.  go out there and kick some ass.
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emdop · 5 years
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“We are here and alive in our corner of time, forevermore” -- The Maine, Forevermore
Being a Disaster Writer and Other Updates
Sing This Love Update // Word Count: 63,803
Need a refresher on this story is about? Click here
Goood God I need this book to be done. I’m ready to call it finished, but there’s still a lot I haven’t written yet. I think it’s because I’m so excited to get this book out into the world. I love these characters dearly and I want other people to know them. Anyway, here’s a small snippet
Someone’s bare footsteps sound behind me and I turn to see Jet wearing only threadbare sweatpants embellished with a New York college logo. His shoulder-length hair is in knots, but he looks more composed than myself, donning raccoon eyes and wrinkled clothes.
“You want some breakfast?” he asks, heading straight for the kitchen.
“You’re up early,” I comment, standing. I leave the couch to follow him, but keep the rainbow-striped blanket wrapped around me. It trails behind me like a colorful train as I enter the kitchen. Bummer, I think to myself, I didn’t pack a blanket… maybe I can sneak this one with us on tour.
“We’re leaving in two hours and I have a little more packing to do,” he says, reaching into a cabinet for an over-sized bowl. To see him without the stage makeup and the wild clothes makes him more real. A tiny nick in his eyebrow probably from a childhood scar endears him to me even more
“That’s right, you haven’t even started,” I say, catching on to his subtext.
“Technically there are things in my suitcase,” he dismisses. He pours cereal into the bowl.
“Huh, are they leftover from your last tour?”
His silence screams yes as he adds milk to the cereal. “Maybe.”
I have two other projects I’m working on and I want done soon, but who knows when I’ll force myself to put some words onto the page.
Project 1: an essay about a recent book I read and how it exemplifies some issues in YA fantasy. It’s full of cursing and literary analysis. Let me know if you want to be tagged in the post when I finish it.
Project 2: Wolfstar fanfiction. My fic is directionless and a swirling pot of angst and porn. I was going to do monthly updates for it, but guess who didn’t post another chapter in September? MMEEE. Anyway, if you do want to read the four chapters I have posted, here’s a link
Tag list: @gaylordlavender, @milkyway-writes, @queercon-ic, @me-between-the-lines, @lvecrezias, @ditzysworld​, @chalky-charlie​, @zaequeenoflazy​
DM or reply to be added/removed from the tag list
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mareyshelley · 5 years
Since we’re 20 days into August, how about 1-20 of the writers ask meme?!?!?!?! #imtheworst 😄
This is madness, let’s do it.
1. Favourite place to write.Anywhere I can get comfy and either put my feet up or curl up with a blanket.
2. Favourite part of writing.All. Of. It. I love having an idea and being able to bring that to life.
3. Least favourite part of writing.I don’t really have a part I don’t like. It can be frustrating if a scene isn’t working, but then I work around it and it’s fun again.
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals?Not really? I do like playing some music, usually something with the right lyrics or sound/feel for what I’m writing. So I’ll stick on a playlist to write, but that’s about it.
5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most.It depends on the kind of story I want to write. I think every book/author I’ve read and enjoyed rubs off on me, but then some influence me more if I want to write something in that vein. Poe’s one of my favourite writers, but he only tends to influence my Victorian/Edwardian and more Gothic stories. He influenced The Image of Her more than anything.
6. Favourite character you ever created.I have a bunch for original works, but my favourite OCs from a fic are Azrael and Pruflas from this Lucifer series. I like Herz too but he’s a dick, so.
7. Favourite author.Edgar Allan Poe. That’s why my URL’s Mary Shelley. Recently I’ve been reading Erin Morgenstern and Brandon Sanderson, if you want more recent (and living) authors.
8. Favourite trope to write.The Monster Within. It’s my favourite of all the Gothic Tropes™ and I use it a lot. It’s like Jekyll and Hyde or Frankenstein and the creature.It’s the idea of, instead of the monster being an outside threat (as in regular horror) the monster is our own creation, something that comes from within us. In The Image of Her, Belle thinks the threat might come from the creepy old house itself, or the servants who’re never around, or the ghost boy, or her Byronic husband, but Surprise! Turns out she was the scary thing all along. In Lovelier Colours is a bit more obvious. It’s told from the POV of vampires who literally kill people. But are they really monsters? When you get a character’s POV, if it’s done right, you get to know them as a person. Is this old-fashioned, love-sick fool really a monster? (Yes, he kills people.) But is he really when he went to such lengths to save the woman he loves? (Yes.)Echoing Hearts is more subtle, but it still has this. Belle has a darkness of her own that speaks to her and tells her to do awful things. She’s literally hanging out with the Darkest Dark One to Ever Dark, Wish!Rumple, but he isn’t telling her to do anything bad. All of that comes from within Belle herself.Anyway, it’s my favourite trope and you’ll never stop me from talking about it or writing it.
9. Least favourite trope to write.I don’t really have an answer for this. If I don’t like a trope, I don’t write it.
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.I Choose You. It’d probably have some Beauty and the Beast element and be historical, maybe with a hint of fantasy. I’m thinking Edwardian. With magic. The main guy has to have a scar. There’s no reason for that. I just want it. That’s the setting and one (1) character. That’s all you’re getting. I can’t do all the work.
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish.I get an idea. I start writing the idea. I make notes on where I want the characters and plot to go, as I’m still writing the idea. I make a Table and plot out the idea as I’m writing it. I finish writing part of the idea, and I make you read it, and then I reread the idea. Then the idea is done. That’s it. I write it from start to finish. Sometimes I’ll have an idea for future scenes, or I’ll suddenly get an idea for a bit of dialogue or narrative for an upcoming part, but I never write out a full chapter until the one before it is finished. It’s easier to write stuff in order so I know where the characters and relationships are.
12. How do you deal with self-doubts?I don’t. I let it build up and try to ignore it until I can’t anymore and end up dying inside.
13. How do you deal with writers block?I don’t really get it. If I’m unsure of what to write next for a story, I just move to a different WIP and that usually helps. But I never just… can’t write anything at all.
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book?I don’t do a lot of research for fantasy stories, but if I’m writing a period piece, then that’s when I’ll do the most research. And I’ll research stuff I don’t even need to research. I get distracted doing that and 84% of what I learn doesn’t even get used in the story.
15. Where does your inspiration come from?I wish I knew. Inspiration comes when I’m not looking for it. It can come from reading something else, or even writing something else. It could come from listening to a particularly good song, or when I’m forcing myself to come up with an idea because gdi I will write a Mermaid AU if it kills me. The inspiration for those ideas comes when I just start asking questions. What kinda setting do I want? If it’s a fanfic, which version of Rumple do I want to upset this time? Etc.
16. Where do you take your motivation from?I guess my motivation just comes from the fact that I love writing. I love literature. I read all the time. I study it. I always want to write, even when I’m tired or feel Not Good. Loving it is all the motivation I need.
17. On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?There isn’t really an average. It depends on my current WIPs, my mood, how busy that day is, the scene I have to write. On a good day I can do maybe 1k words, or just a few hundred on a bad day. As long as I’ve done something, I’m happy.
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?I put the old thing that I wanna revise/rewrite/kill in a 2x1 table, then I read through that as I rewrite it. So the old piece and the new piece are next to one another, and I can copy and paste from the old piece if there’s anything I wanna keep. Or, I straight up delete everything, cry, and start again.
19. First line of a WIP you’re working on.
He would have to marry soon.
That’s the first line of a WIP I’ve been working on for months. I’m determined to finish it, I just need time.
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
“How do we finalise this deal?” Belle asked, determined not to back out now no matter how stunned her certainty made him. “Should we sign somewhere?”
“No, no,” he said, finally making his decision. He curled his hand around her neck and a warmth spread across her chest. “There are better ways of finalising a deal such as this,” he added, all mirth and merriment replaced with a deep, gravelly tone. “One thing all marriages need to make them binding.”
Belle stared up at him, her cheeks flushing hot, and stepped closer. 
“What?” she asked breathlessly.
“This.” Rumplestiltskin pulled her to him, holding her against his chest, and kissed her.
That’s from the same WIP. It’s all just the first draft, so it’s unedited.
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sqsupernova · 5 years
Author Post — sultrysweet!
We sat down with @sultrysweet to talk about roots and touchstones, their process, and their Supernova adventure!
What inspired your story?
I really wanted to explore more of Emma and Regina’s dynamic in season 2 while trying to focus on the more mysterious and dark tones of season 1. When I really narrowed it down to tone, I realized how well Emma and Regina trying to get along in a newly awakened town might sync up with the same mysterious, investigative and “will they, won’t they” aspects of The X-Files. After that, things just sort of fell into place.
How do you form your stories? Do you outline beforehand or write by the seat of your pants? Do you write linearly or out of order?
I approached this story in a few different ways, as I do most of my fics. One way of writing doesn’t always work for me and sometimes I write as I go while other times snippets of potential scenes pop into my head and leave me ready to launch into whatever’s forming or stop and create the context for that snippet.
With roots and touchstones, I started with a very bare bones outline. I would jot down whatever parts of season 2 I wanted to use to help build Emma and Regina’s relationship and then included the classic, 90s Mulder and Scully poking around. Most of the time, I plan before I write. Sometimes I plan for as much as half of the story, chapter by chapter, and other times I only have enough to know the beginning and end of my story. With every single one of them, I end up revisiting the plan and making various changes.
Then there were times with this fic when I struggled to write more than a paragraph over the course of several days. So, I decided to jump forward in the story. I started writing scenes at future points several chapters ahead of where I felt stuck. I wrote whatever scenes came to mind at the time because that’s what seemed to inspire me, and ignoring inspiration for the sake of finishing one scene over another hasn’t served me well in the past.
What in your fic are you most proud of?
Oh, wow. I don’t know! The whole thing, I guess? I’m just surprised I not only combined two of my favorite things (X-Files and Swan Queen) in writing, which is my number one passion, but I also completed it on time. At the very last minute, but I made it! :D
Is there anything you'd change now?
I don’t think I’d change much except maybe that I would have started writing earlier. If I had, I might have been able to do more with the story as it is now and maybe could have added a little more at the end. But I also guarantee you that anytime I go back and re-read any of my stories, I always find something I want to fix. It could be as small as changing punctuation or it could be the desire to re-write an entire sentence. I usually find a flaw in my work somewhere, but I just attribute it to changing writing styles and being hard on yourself.
How do you deal with writers' block?
I don’t always handle writer’s block in the most productive ways. A lot of times I just take a step back and don’t write for a while, but it’s not like I relax during that time. That’s what I should be doing. Going easy on myself to help let the creativity back in, but usually I’ll end up thinking too much about how little I’ve written and that I need to do something.
But one of the solutions I’ve found for myself is to write other things if that’s where’s my muse takes me, which is how I started writing a few sections of a fic or two out of order. I have a terrible habit of not going with the flow, but some situations require exactly that. It’s  something I have to work at every day. 
Was this Supernova experience different than your typical writing experience?
Usually I don’t write on a deadline. I write what I want, when I want and for however long the inspiration strikes. If the inspiration leaves for months, or even years, at a time, I focus on something else until it comes back. With Supernova, writing with a deadline forced me to work a little harder each day toward my end goal. Time management is a true skill that I don’t really have, but Supernova pushed me in ways I’ve never really been able to push myself.
Any advice to other writers who might want to write a longfic, or participate in Supernova next year?
Pace yourself! While there are many opportunities to sprint, which you should definitely take, know that this is a marathon. Take a break when you need it...and don’t forget to hydrate. ;)
You can read roots and touchstones on AO3, along with sultrysweet’s other works! And don’t forget to feed the author!
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hydrospanners · 6 years
Justw ondering what your writing process is like?
It’s me, ya girl, coming at you with an answer twenty years after you asked the question!!! Sorry for the delay; I’m actually really excited to answer this! And I’m excited to be excited to answer this!!!
I am a Perfectionist, Anon. It is not a good quality. For most of my life, I was so petrified by the possibility of someone seeing something I hadn’t polished within an inch of it’s life that I wouldn’t even acknowledge I had a process. I wouldn’t mention I was writing something until it was completely done out of fear that they might want to talk to me about it when I hadn’t finalized everything and I might not represent my very best possible creative work. Also I never really thought of myself as being enough of a writer to have a process. That seemed too good for the likes of me!
But here we are now, in the Year of Our Thor 2019, and I am psyched to tell you every detail of my process and show you a side by side of my first draft and final product!!! That is so much progress for me, Anon, and I didn’t even realize I’d made until you sent me this so thank you!!!
(This is going to be long--please hold your gasps of surprise--so I’m putting the rest under a cut. Seriously I just finished writing this post and it’s an absolute BEAST.)
So my process!! I’m actually trying to make some changes to it to be more supportive of my efforts to kick the Perfectionist habits, but right now it basically looks like this:
1. There is an idea. Often times it comes from a question, like “How would Rea deal with what I’m feeling right now?” or “Is this a problem in space?” or something like that. Other times it comes from a snippet of dialogue that occurs to me while I’m listening to a song or watching tv or driving or in the shower or something. Sometimes it’s as minor as a gesture or a mood. Sometimes I’m just trying to exercise a certain muscle as a writer. This fic sprang up out of me wanting to work on describing settings. Wherever it comes from, I have the idea. I open a new Google doc and I slap down as much of the idea as I have developed.The lines of dialogue or the question I want to answer or just a few sentences about what I want to show or what I’m trying to achieve.
2. Time passes. I might work on the fic in feverish fits and starts, obsessing over it for three days and then ignoring it completely for three weeks. I might not look at it at all. The fic sits fragmented in my WIP folder and marinates. Usually this happens for about 1-3 years after the fic’s initial conception. I’m not joking about this. I think my average time for completing a fic is 2 years. The reason for that is the aforementioned Perfectionism.
3. I get tired of looking at in my WIP folder and/or I commit to some kind of special event/holiday thing. Fictober rolls around and I go on a kick of completing and editing the stuff in my WIP folder or I just get annoyed with myself for not completing things or it’s suddenly Arbor Day again and I have that tree-related fic I started two years ago that I could finally finish! This is when I buckle down and Write The Damn Thing. Once it’s written, I do an immediate edit and then I try to sleep on it for at least one night before going back and editing again. After that I usually like to sleep on it at least one more night before hitting publish. Sometimes I don’t have the self-restraint for all of this or I’m doing an event where I’ve committed myself to publishing something every single day, so the timeline gets compressed to a few hours between edits instead of a full day.
As for my writing set up, I’ve really leaned in to writing wherever I am and whenever I can. That’s more or less why I only write fic in Google Docs even though I passionately love Scrivener. (All my original work, which is more involved, is done on Scrivener.) 
I do a lot of writing in the quiet, early hours at work when I don’t have work to do. I do probably my most efficient writing when I hit a diner or coffee shop after work and settle in with my iPad and a snack. I can’t distract myself with doing chores or playing games like I do at home, and working on my iPad makes it annoying to switch tabs and apps and do other stuff while I write. Plus I’m eager to get home and take my pants off so that motivates me to let Perfectionism go and write something bad just to hit my goal so I can leave. At home, I’m usually on the couch with my iPad because I get too distracted at my desk on my PC with two enormous screens making it so easy to do other stuff instead of write while telling myself I’m doing other stuff at the same time as writing.
As you can see!!! I spend most of my “writing time” just trying to make myself at all!!!! It’s really daunting to overcome the fear of writing something bad and big parts of me would rather not write at all than endure the pain of failing at creating what I want to create so thanks Perfectionism!!!
I also have a really, really bad habit of editing while I write. I won’t say I’m the world’s worst editing-while-writing writer but I’m definitely top 100. (Bottom 100?) It’s a huge reason why I have those 1-3 year gaps between start and finish and why my first drafts come out so choppy. My inner editor has me rewriting before I’ve even finished writing and redirecting and it’s so disheartening I can only do it in fits and starts and you can clearly tell the places where I took a two month break before coming back to a fic.
But I’m working on this!!! Like I said, I try to go out and write as much as possible because the desire to be at home without pants on often overpowers my fear of Being Bad and makes it so much easier to give myself permission to write badly. That is the goal. Write Badly. I’m working on it and I’m making progress but I have a long way to go still. For now I have to rely heavily on supports like controlling my environment but one day I will be able to write absolute drivel on demand!! The dream!!!
And now, for your entertainment and to celebrate the fact that I am now somehow able to do this at all, I give you the first draft of the forsythias chapter from fill my lungs with sweetness, including the masterful original title:
Doc slips his hand from the inside of his jacket as he rounds the corner and walks straight into the steel-melting heat of Kira’s glare. Or maybe that’s just the extra sun. Hard to tell on Tatooine.
“Done shopping, Your Highness?” She asks, rolling her eyes at him before she’s even finished asking the question. “Think we can fit saving some lives into your busy schedule?”
Doc just laughs, patting the little bulge in his breast pocket. “People expect a dashing hero when they’re being saved, Junior. I’d hate to disappoint.”
“No one cares how waxy your mustache is when they’re bleeding out,” Kira says. “Ugh. Let’s just go.”
Vii is waiting for them by the speeder, having an improbably good-natured chat with a Gamorrean at least three times her size. They seem to be actually smiling at her, which is something he knows from medical school is technically possible but never expected to see. Kira’s inching her fingers toward her laser sword, always ready to leap headlong to the worst possible conclusion, but Doc waves her off.
He congratulates himself that, despite the withering look she gives him, Kira lets her hand fall. She trusts him at least as far as Vii’s well-being is concerned.
(He isn’t sure how he feels about how everyone seems to know just how deep his interest in her well-being goes.)
“Making friends?” He calls out, keeping his walk casual and slow and his hands clearly visible and clearly far from the blaster at his hip. The Gamorrean’s smile fades at his approach, replaced with the kind of slow-moving suspicion Doc is more used to seeing there.
Vii, however, does not stop smiling. Instead, she turns that smile on him. Brighter and more blinding than both of the suns combined.
“Gorzzak was just telling me about some problem spots in the canyons,” she says, her voice as light and tinkling and utterly sincere as ever. “Nice of them, isn’t it?”
And the thing that he still can’t believe, no matter how many times he sees it, is that it really is nice. Because he’s sure that Gorzzak really did point out all the spots he would normally use to lure unsuspecting travellers into ambushes. He’s sure that Gorzzak, even with only three neurons to rub together, has been absolutely dazzled by the obvious shine of Vii’s heart, just like everyone is.
Doc swallows, his throat starting to feel unbearably thick. Probably from all the sand.
“Very nice,” he agrees. “But I’ve got something even better.”
“How is your mustache wax a gift for—“ Kira stops as she catches sight of his eager grin, her face screwing up in an expression he’s starting to think she saves just for him. “Disgusting,” she mutters, her voice low enough that Vii won’t hear. It isn’t the best-kept secret, but Kira, for all her faults, loves Vii too much to shatter her illusion of secrecy like that. Not even to make a dig at Doc.
Vii watches as he reaches into his breast pocket, her expression openly anticipating the surprise, her glowing eye wide and perfectly prepared to be delighted with him. It’s such a refreshing change of pace, how eager she is to be happy with him. To like him. She never makes him work for it and honestly he doesn’t always know what to do with that.
But right now he does.
He produces the little flask of oil with a flourish and his signature self-satisfied grin. Kira would call it his sleazy smirk, but how can he be expected to think of Junior when he’s got Vii in front of him, beaming like this wretched planet’s third sun.
Doc doesn’t entirely understand everything that happens to him when she radiates like this. When she unleashes the full force of her joy on him and he feels thoroughly cooked from the inside out.
“It’s the good stuff,” he explains. “Imported from Corellia. I’ve only been once, but I remember everything was coated in a fine layer of oil so they probably know a thing or two about making it. Anyway, I know how the joints can lock up with all this sand around. Thought you could use some… lubrication.”
This last point is made for Kira’s benefit, and her revolted snort does not disappoint him.
“The doctor is on call, Gorgeous. Anytime you need oiled up, my hands are ready.”
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killyourrdarlingss · 2 years
1, 41, 96 go
Fanfic/ writing asks. || Send here
Oh this is going to be fun :3c
1. Do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
Oh, definitely just hoping I'll get to the end, but sometimes I write the end first, and then it's weird because I know the ending so now I need the actual meat of the story and... Hm. It's an interesting process.
It's just bad because I never plan anything, which is why I force myself to never write chaptered fics because I have NO commitment and I know I'll just end up dropping it which is super unfair to anyone who reads my work and yeah it's just not really fair in my opinion.
So I'll post snippets, wips, and sometimes just ficlets or drabbles to show people, yes I'm still writing but gosh is finding a proper full piece to be proud of hard !! But usually it always comes to me eventually! 💕
41. what is the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
Definitely "Polysomnography", the one I had written a long, long time ago about a character with chronic nightmares that were being induced by his cannibalistic roommate.
It's still up on my Archive somewhere, it's genuinely just such a weird fic I never finished it? And I know it got a lot of love but I mean, maybe ?? I'll rewrite it at some point... It was an okay idea but it was definitely strange.
Not sure if I'm really into darker things anymore either, I like slowburns and soft ships... 2013 me was onto something else is all I'll say, a very different person than I am now:)
96. romantic/social sideplots: interesting or irritating?
Like not to be dramatic, but I actively avoid these works.
It's okay if it's like MINOR side ships/relationships but look, i'm writing/reading for a reason... The moment I see a work has multiple povs/ships/sideplots I lose so much interest and I don't personally want to write a million ships in one work.
You can definitely write them well, you can but the bottom line is I think it gets messy, and honest to God? It reminds me of the old fanfic.net days where people would just ship everything and put every ship in, looking at you Naruto fic days, or honestly like YA Novel style, like the mortal instruments.
So it's okay if the characters interact with other characters, have long conversations, heart to hearts, literally would be so bad if they didn't Lmao --
I just think it's definitely easier to keep stuff clean and have the main ship and other ships can have minor mentions !
Easiest fix? Have minor mentions of the other ships, and if you want to touch on them, make your work a series and you can also write for them without clogging your main plot ! Bam there you go :))
Thanks for the ask, this was really fun !♥️
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ichibri · 7 years
Writing Tag
I was tagged by @pilindiel (Thx :D & It’s good to be back)
Responses under the cut!
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
It’s a play on how in Bleach Ichigo’s sisters call him Ichi-nii. I always saw Ichigo as a brother figure and wished he was my brother instead of the jackass of an older brother that I have, so it’s IchiBri cause Bri is the first half of my last name.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback?
Wrong Place, Wrong Time. Which is honestly surprising cause it was my first sh/eith fic and I’m still in awe that so many people continue to follow it and leave comments every chapter.
3. What is your AO3 profile icon and why did you choose it?
It’s the same as my tumblr icon cause I adore Shiro and I love how pretty his eyes are in it.
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
All of them. Like honestly, when someone comments all the time, they become a dear friend to me. I have so much gratitude for them that I just want to shower them with love.
5. Is there a fanfic you keep going back to read again and again?
There’s some old Grimm/Ichi fics I absolutely loved in high school that I still reread every now and then.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
Including author subscriptions, it’s 41. And I’ve got 73 bookmarks.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Magical, maybe?? Or slightly magical, like modern aus with demons or witches or time travel. Most of my original stuff is modern fantasy/supernatural/monster stuff too.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total?
18 subscribed to me as an author, 251 story subscriptions, and 300 story bookmarks in total
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
I’d love to write some really dark, twisted shit. But yeah, not super into the whole ‘fiction equals reality’ argument that many people like tossing around. I’m lucky enough to avoid an/ties in the v.ld fandom so I’m not gonna push my luck.
10. Is there anything you’d like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Outlining and sticking to a damn plot. I wing everything and change so much it’s not even funny. It’d be so much easier if I could sit down and plot out a story before starting it, but I’m too impatient for that.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Normally popular ships. Call me vain, but I prefer the bigger audience that comes with popular ships.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day?
13. How many stories do you have saved in/ with your writing program?
As in like wips? Cause not counting one-liners or jumbled ideas tossed together, then about 6. But if overall, then everything I’ve written since freshman year of high school, so a lot.
14. Do you write down story ideas or just keep them in your head?
I write them down in a note pad app on my phone cause they normally come to me when I don’t have pen/paper. I’ve been known to wake up in the middle of the night with an idea, type it out on the app, and find garbled nonsense the next morning, lol.
15. Have you ever co- authored a story?
Kinda. More like co-authored an au, where we came up with it together and wrote our own separate takes on it.
16. How did you discover AO3?
A bit after I got into Bleach, I was looking for more fics cause ff.net just didn’t have many for the pairing I wanted, and I noticed quite a few authors were moving to AO3 so I checked it out.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
No, but I’m super grateful for the readers I have.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Not in particular, but there are plenty of well-written, poetic fics that inspire me to write. Cause the best inspiration for me is reading others’ fics. But encouragement wise, that comes from my fandom friends. And my mom, lol. She reads everything of mine whether it’s fandom or not.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Don’t compare yourself to anyone but who you were yesterday. The writers you’re looking up to have been writing for many years, even decades. With tons of practice and an open mind willing to learn and develop, you’ll find your style and what works for you. Trust me, one day, you’ll look back and see how much you’ve grown, and you’ll feel immense pride in how far you’ve come. But first, you have to give yourself that time to grow.
21. Do you plot out your stories or do you just figure it out as you go?
I plot out the first 3-5 chapters and the climax, but everything else is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And if it’s a oneshot, then I only have a general idea of what I want to write and let myself go whichever direction the words take me.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Yep. I’ll admit, I was hurt and pissed off at first. I ignored it, because they could have just as easily stopped reading if they didn’t like the direction the story was going. Like guys, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Writers are people too, and unless you commissioned the story, you have no say in the direction a writer takes it.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (Action, smut, etc)
Lol, I gave up trying to write smut when I realized I was ace, cause it’s just awkward as fuck, and I can’t stop laughing the entire time. But action scenes are kinda the bane of my existence. I think I’ve gotten down the basics and learning how to involve the 5 senses to make it more dynamic, but it’s still like pulling teeth for me. I prefer writing emotional vs physical.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
Wrong Place, Wrong Time. Sh/eith Ferngully au. Sh/eith Heart Adventures au. And two original short stories, one about a grim reaper taking the soul of a baby and another about a human falling in love with an ichthyocentaur (basically a mermaid & a centaur all in one). Oh and they're lesbians because fck yeah they are.
25. Do you plan your new projects before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
Yeah. I've got a huge list of projects/aus I want to do. My notepad app has so many snippets of different stories/plots it's not even funny.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
No. I crumble under pressure, and trying to reach a daily word count always leaves me feeling like shit. Some days I'm lucky to write a single sentence and others I'll go on for hours.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
God yeah. I've been writing stories since elementary school and it's hilarious reading what I thought was amazing back them. And even in just this past year, I've grown a lot and feel as though I've finally settled into a style that’s my own.
28. What is your favourite story that you have written?
Oh man, right now it's probably Grown-ups Come Back just because of how deep that cut me to write it. Like even now when I reread it, the emotions are still raw and I bawl my eyes out.
29. What is your least favourite story that you have written?
Ugh, Casper. It was a halloween extra for AToS, and it was rushed and forced and yeah, not super proud of it.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
With more novels under my belt and hopefully a steady-ish income coming from writing. Cause hopefully one day it can become my full-time job and I’ll be able to support myself off it.
31. What’s the easiest part about writing?
Coming up with plot points/scenes. It's super easy for me to think/write plot points, it's just connecting them together that gets a little challenging.
32. What is the hardest part about writing?
Keeping track of subtle actions. Like a character talking while holding a cup in their hand and then a page later the cup magically disappears cause I forgot I gave them a damn cup.
33. Why do you write?
Because I love it, and I'm good with written words. My oral communication skills suck, and it's frustrating to struggle with getting my thoughts to come out of my mouth properly and cohesively. But writing lets me say exactly what I want to and portray it in a desired way. Also I'm a deeply emotional person and exploring emotions through characters and stories helps to sort through my own and is my main coping mechanism for dealing with life.
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mistye-dawne · 7 years
actually you know what? 1-54 lmao. (or just whatever ones you want to answer.)
This took way too long cause my niece has been a wiggleworm all morning and I’m up and down chasing her ever 5 mins lol.
1. Favorite place to write.There is a park about an hour away from me that I go to, if able, when I’ve got writer’s block. I’ll walk about a mile into the forest and sit by a creek that runs into the river. It’s a trip but is worth the effort when I just really need an isolated place to think.
2. Favorite part of writing.Character creation. Even in fanfiction, I always change up the background/personalities a little to add my own touch and present them in a new light. I also love learning and researching so I’ll just look up random things and see if I can’t design something or someone around an idea or belief.
3. Least favorite part of writing.Editing… moving on. I guess I should say editing my own work. Sometimes because I wasn’t the happiest with how a chapter turned out and sometimes because I really don’t feel like re-reading what I just wrote 3 times over only to read it again later and still find typos and parts that just don’t flow quite right.
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals?I have to be listening to something. Music, tv, the ambiance of a coffeeshop, etc. Unless I’m at my favorite place I can’t write in silence, but even there it isn’t quiet.
5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most.Toni Morrison morrison is the first name that pops into my head just because I re-read at least one of her books each month.
6. Favorite character you ever created.Childlike Evergreen for an idea that I’ve been playing with. She’s so cute and nothing like her character as an adult lol
7. Favorite author.Kristen Cashore, author of the Graceling series.
8. Favorite trope to write.
9. Least favorite trope to write.
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about. 11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish.1. Take pen and paper. Write everything that come to mind then end up trashing more than half of it.2. Write nothing but dialogue to go with everything written in step one.3. Combine both into a word document.4. Edit and make look pretty for others to enjoy.
That’s actually how I do it. I will plot out and idea with rough imcomplete details. If something need dialogue to get it moving a have a seperate journal that I write nothing but raw dialogue in. I color code everything so that it’s easy to reference back to and see what goes with what. Then I literally just splice the two parts together including every possible word before editing and cutting most of it out.
12. How do you deal with self-doubts? I’ll go through some of my older pieces that I’ve never published/shared and compare it to my current work. Idk, seeing how far i’ve improved always give me a boost in confidence.
13. How do you deal with writers block?First, I walk away from a project because trying to force something out can ruin a piece and just spend a little time each day writing something, anything, just so that I’m always keeping up with my practice. I’ll also read a bit more and get out of the house more often cause my writer’s block stems from cabin fever most of the time.
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book?With my current piece that I’m writing. I took the idea of herbal medicine and looked up different plants what were used as medicines/ healing aids. Example: Belladonna, deadly nightshade, tincture was used to help aleviate thing like motionsickness, nausea, and even menstrual cramps. I thought it was interesting and since I was writng about dragon slayers and their perpetual uneasiness with transportaion, added into the story. In general though I always do a fair amount of research because I’ve not experienced all there is in the world and want to be able to make a connection with readers by presenting believable and accurate ideas.
15. Where does your inspiration come from?I’ve always felt more comfortable expressing myself through the written word and grew to love books and storytelling when I was little.
16. Where do you take your motivation from?Same as question 15?
17. On avarage, how much writing do you get done in a day?If I’m doing computer work, anywhere from 1500 to 2000 words. I could easily do more if I let myself, and I sometimes do, but I always walk away from it at some point during the day so as to not overexhert my hands since they already hurt my after a while of handwriting or typing.
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?For revisions, I can just cut and add in the document. If i doing a rewrite I will create a new document and write it side by side. I feel like i make more changes that way which is the point of rewrites.
19. First line of a WIP you’re working on.He wiped the sweat from his brow as he came upon her silhouetted form on the forest floor.
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.“What is you plan to accomplish with this stupid ritual?”
“Oh, I don’ even know it’ll work. I just read about it thought maybe I’d give it a go if the opportunity presented itself. Your cerlestial mage appearing was just that.”
21. Post the last sentence you wrote in one of your WIP’s.Lucy had been so caught up in herself that she failed to asking how Bickslow was holding up. 22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?Nothing is ultimately ever done for me. that’s propably why I’m still sitting on a collection of shortstories that I’d like to get published but haven’t yet.
23. Single or multi POV, and why?No preference. Both come fairly easy to me but I think that if done well, single POV provides the most entertainment.
24. Poetry or prose, and why?Prose. I’ve taken poetry classes and had to read said poetry in front of 100+ people in college. I still cringe when I tell that story…
25. Linear or non-linear, and why?
26. Standalone or series, and why?Standalone. I just can’t imagine writing multiple multichapter things centered around the same idea. Idk
27. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished? 28. And who do you share them with?Rough drafts are for my eyes only. Occasionally a beta when I find the need but that’s rare.
29. Who do you write for?For the sole purpose of manipulating the emotions of readers. Basically, I like to write trash that’ll make people cry when it suits me. Nah, I write because my head is full of all sorts of ideas and I just have to get them on paper so to speak. Sharing my creative writing is something new for me but so far, I’m not regretting that choice.
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.You showed me the world, then left.
31. Hardest character to write.Gray… never was a favorite of mine so I just can’t connect with him.
32. Easiest character to write.Lucy
33. Do you listen to music when you’re writing?Most of the time.
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?Handwritten. I waste a lot of paper and wish that I didn’t but it’s just most comfortable for me to handwrite the roughest form then expand the ideas on the computer.
35. Tell some backstory details about one of your characters in your story ________.
36. A spoiler for story _________.
37. Most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.You aren’t the man who will make or break me. I have learned those men do not exist… I do not need you in my life. But I really, really want you in it
38. Have you shared your outline of your story ________ with someone? If so, what did they think of it?Meh, I’ll talk to my brother about ideas sometimes. He’s not a writer but he’s a good listener and is one of the few people that actually seem to enjoy it when I talk about writing with him.
39. Do you base your characters of real people or not? If so, tell us about one.I do and my favorite one is based off of my best friend from college. This girl and I met a week before classes began and she really like how my name was spelled. We hit it off from there. I’ve actually written a story based off of that first interaction between us. She’s a family woman and has such a passion for teaching english. She’s got an attitude and does what she wants, but she was the mom friend that i needed because I usually play mom for my other friends lol
40. Original Fiction or Fanfiction, and why?Both. All of my original works are based off of real stories from real people that I know. My fanfiction is where my creativity shines though especially when working with a universe like Fairy Tail.
41. How many stories do you work on at one time?However many that suits me. My exception to this rule is only 1 multichapter fic at a time due to how much time and research I invest into the piece. I’m also far more critical about editing chapter versus oneshots.
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
43. Are you an avid reader?Yes. Reading is what makes the writer.
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.One semester I took a research class and had to design and conduct my methods and gather data. There was one part where we had to develop how we were to gather the data we sought and my instructor told me that it was hard for him to critique my methods because I had already done so in the proposal. I figure leaving a guy who writes for a living unable to write anything is a good thing lol
45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.Taking a creative writng class with people who don’t love writing as much as I do. To elaborate, we would be required to write something of our own creation and you could tell who loved writing based on the feedback they gave. I can’t begin to say how many people took to giving me grammar advice because they couldn’t think of anything to say about the content…
46. What would your story _______ look like as a tv show or movie?
47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story?Characters.
48. Favorite genre to write in.Adventure/drama
49. What do you find the hardest to write in a story, the beginning, the middle or the end?Always the beginning.
50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.Oh god. Please no. Umm when I was like 15 I started writng this story about elemental angels and they had to save the world or something like that. Idk, when I look back on it I think that it’s weird
51. Describe the aesthetic of your story _______ in 5 sentences or words.
52. How did writing change you?Writing has helped me to become more confident in myself and also helped me to cope and move forward from the abuse I lived through when I was little.
53. What does writing mean to you?Writing is literally what saved my life so it’s everything.
54. Any writing advice you want to share?Write. If it’s something you want to do then do it. You only get better the more you pratice it. If you don’t know what to write, try a word promt challenge and write about whatever comes to mind. Just let your ideas flow.
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