rondoel · 6 years
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Day 2: Crossover AU
Overwatch/Star Wars!
10 years after liquidation of Overwatch - intelstellar organisation maintaining peace - two former members reunite in important mission: to rescue prince Hanzo who got ahold of informations crucial for destroying empire ( ᐛ ) و
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nerbull · 6 years
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July 12th: Crime AU/trope
Genji just fucking killed someone. I… have no more context. He needs a hug. Does he deserve it? I wouldn’t know.
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marmoue · 6 years
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McGenji AU Week - Day 2: Crossover
like everyone else, i've been rly into detroit: become human recently so i went ahead and did the thing
Twitter Ver.
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cognitivecapricorn · 6 years
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And last but not least to cap off AU week I am supplementing with a Chefs AU. Genji is a professional chef while McCree is a baker and they the good times just roll in from there. 
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overwatchworks · 6 years
McGenji AU Week: Day 5
No Other Solution AU
Jesse and Genji had been on plenty of missions together back when they were in Blackwatch, and they made a good team. Jesse remembered all the good times they had, and the bad, of course. They had gone through it together, and it made them close. Then, Blackwatch had been uncovered, and later disbanded, Overwatch following not far behind. Jesse had thought it was for the better, having left before things could go from bad to worse, traveling the world and still making trouble wherever he went. 
Now, though, Overwatch had made a small comeback, and Jesse had answered the call, albeit hesitantly. He wasn’t sure who all would be returning to the organization, but he was pleasantly surprised at how many old faces had been there to meet him. There were plenty of newbies too, all excited to try and help right the wrongs in the world again, and Jesse was happy for them. However, the thing that surprised Jesse the most was seeing Genji again. 
The ninja had left on the vague notion of ‘finding himself’, then disappeared without a trace. Jesse had been worried about him, but he thought Genji needed the time to adjust to his new body. The cowboy knew what the ninja had been through, what he had suffered, the thoughts and memories he battled with on the daily. The Genji that had answered the recall was far from the one that had left, both in looks and behaviour. He was finally happy, content with his form and sure of himself. Genji had forgiven and become a whole new man. 
Jesse had been greeted-or rather assaulted-with a running hug, Genji throwing himself at the cowboy and laughing. Jesse had almost teared up at the sound, hugging Genji back fiercely and laughing along with him. They had gone inside to share stories of the past seven years and their travels, talking into the early hours of the morning before finally retiring to their own rooms. 
It had been nice, catching up with his old friend, but they had yet to broach the subject of their old romance. Perhaps Jesse was optimistic in calling it that, but they had definitely been more than just friends in Blackwatch. They had recently been sent on an intelligence mission together, though, and Jesse figured they would have time to talk some more when it was over. 
Currently, Jesse was waiting for the receptionist lady at the hotel to give him his room key, Genji waiting behind him with his arms crossed over his chest. She finally looked up at him and gave him a small, apologetic smile.
“Okay, so...I’m afraid we only have single rooms available at the moment.”
Jesse glanced back at Genji, the ninja giving a shrug of one shoulder.
“We have been stuck in smaller before. I just want a bed to sleep on.” He murmured lightly, Jesse raising a brow and turning back to the reception desk.
“That’s fine, ma’am. We’ll take it.”
“Alright. Your room will be 31, down the hall there to the left.” The woman told them, handing Jesse a set of keys. He tipped his hat in thanks, then followed her directions, Genji on his heels.
“Yanno, this kinda reminds me of the old days. Stoppin’ at out of the way places an’ just barely makin’ it in after a mission.”
“It is rather nostalgic.” Genji hummed, Jesse hearing the smile in his voice. The cowboy got the door open, and they walked in, dumping their bags on the floor. 
Jesse glanced at the single bed, the only thing in the room besides a small desk with a wooden chair. He didn’t quite know how the night would pan out at this rate. Genji fell onto the bed with a pleased sigh, hands going up to unlatch his mask. That was another thing that had changed about Genji; he showed his face much more often now around friends.
“It’s not too bad here. Remember that time we went to that motel and the heating wasn’t working?” Genji asked, a small smile on his face and eyes closed. He was the picture of peace. Jesse stared at him a moment, then forced himself to huff a laugh before it got awkward.
“Yeah, then it started ta snow. Good times, good times.”
“Maybe not good times, but it certainly makes for a good story.” 
The cowboy chuckled and kicked off his boots, then sat down on the edge of the bed. Genji tipped his head back to look at him, eyes warm with memory.
“We kissed for the first time that night. Do you remember that?” Genji murmured, his fingers running over the quilt covering the bed absently. Jesse stared at the old wooden floor beneath his feet, hands clasped in his lap.
“Yeah. Kinda hard ta forget somethin’ like that.” He answered softly, a smile playing on his lips as he recalled that night. 
It had been cold, and they were huddled together to conserve what heat they could. One look had been all it took to share what they were both thinking, and the next they were leaning in. The kiss had been over in a blink, but it was still one of the best Jesse had ever had. He had seen a softness in Genji that he never knew was there, and he’d been helplessly in love ever since. 
Genji’s hand suddenly tapped against Jesse’s thigh, his fingers flexing and offering an invitation. The cowboy glanced at Genji, his expression as open and patient as he always was now. Jesse couldn’t help but smile, and he took the offered hand, feeling the various indentations and mechanics whirring beneath the surface with his thumb.
“I liked it. You were always so good to me. Better than I deserved.” Genji told him, sitting up now and facing Jesse on the bed.
“Nah, don’t say that. Ya’ve always been a sweetheart, it just took a lil’ more time to get ya there before. Ya had good reasons to be angry an’ cold. You were hurt in more ways than one, an’ I’ll never blame ya for bein’ upset about it.”
“I know you wouldn’t. But I am still sorry I didn’t treat you the way you deserved. I would like to change that now, though. If you...If you are okay with that. I can love you the way you should have been loved this whole time.” Genji whispered, Jesse’s fingers stilling in their quest over the warm metal and synthetic skin of the ninja’s palm. He looked up, Genji sporting a calm but hesitant demeanor, waiting. Jesse laughed breathlessly, then pulled the ninja into a hug. His ninja.
“Darlin’, ya’ve always been more than I deserve.” He sighed, squeezing Genji to his chest happily. Jesse had never stopped loving him, and hearing that Genji felt the same made his heart soar. 
The ninja hugged him back fiercely, his face tucking into the crook of Jesse’s neck. The cowboy couldn’t stop smiling, and when Genji finally pulled back, he saw the expression was mirrored. Genji then took Jesse’s face in his hands and pulled them into a kiss. It was gentle and lingering, different years ago but those lips were still the same, still soft and expressive and so perfect. Jesse chuckled softly into their kiss as Genji leaned back and brought them both down onto the bed, his scarred cheeks darkened with a blush. His hat fell off when the ninja’s hands slid into his hair, their lips parting only for Jesse to drag them down Genji’s neck to peck lovingly at whatever he could reach.
“Yanno, I love it when ya get all flustered like this. Yer such a cutie.” The gunslinger mumbled, feeling Genji’s fingers card through his hair as he rested his cheek against warm synth skin and cybernetics.
“Ah, there it is. The infamous Jesse McCree pet names.” Genji giggled, tipping his head down so he could meet Jesse’s eyes. The ninja’s were molten gold, full of love and adoration. Jesse had never felt so warm.
“So...There’s only one bed.” He finally reminded Genji, sitting up and pushing his hair back out of his face. The ninja smirked and pressed himself up against Jesse’s back, arms wrapping over his shoulders. Genji planted a kiss to his temple, then nosed against his cheekbone.
“You say that like it will be a problem.”
“I get the feelin’ it’s gonna be anythin’ but that.” Jesse laughed, Genji grinning and pressing his face into the crook of his neck, hands tightening their hold over the gunslinger.
“Me too, cowboy. Love you.”
“Darlin’, I love ya too.”
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suzukiblu · 6 years
Relationships: Jesse McCree/Genji Shimada Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Blackwatch Era, Blackwatch Jesse McCree, Young Genji Shimada, Permanent Injury, Ambiguous/Open Ending Series: Part 7 of McGenji AU Week Summary:
Jesse’s got more scars than his soulmate even before he joins Overwatch; even before he joins Deadlock. He was a rough and tumble kid with limited supervision who grew into a troublemaker who grew into a gang member who grew into a black ops agent--of course he’s got more scars.
When he was younger he used to keep score, but he’s too damn old to bother anymore. He’s the winner by far, and it’s obvious. Sometimes he wonders what it’ll be like when he meets his match; if they’ll want to know the stories of all those scars or be mad at him for marking them up or making them worry or won’t care at all.
He stops wondering the day he wakes up with more scars than he could ever count.
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silasthemutant · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jesse McCree/Genji Shimada Characters: Jesse McCree, Genji Shimada Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Marriage Proposal, Alternate Universe - No Powers Summary:
Jesse McCree is not very good at sticking to the plan.
Written for @mcgenjiauweek day three <3
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tiramisun · 6 years
Please can draw as McCree tickles armpit Genji ;Т :3
ooooh as tempting as it is, I’m really sorry but I can’t take any requests for now!
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mcgenjievents · 6 years
What should fic writers tag their works with? (Like on ao3 OR is there going to be a collection on ao3?)
Hi, thank you so much for your question :)
Anyone creating content for McGenji AU & trope Week should use the tag McGenjiAUWeek when posting it/linking to it on tumblr and/or twitter (you can also @ McGenjiAUWeek on twitter, that way we get a notification). As for ao3, we will set up a collection when we get a bit closer to posting dates. We’ll make sure to let you all know when it’s been set up.
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rondoel · 6 years
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Day 1: Fantasy & supernatural AU
Here we go, Winged AU where after having his lost wing replaced, Genji learns to fly again and Jesse helps because he knows what it’s like to be grounded
I thought I will manage to do few pages of comics for each day (cus I got story for each of these AUs) but I will not ;v; so here’s just small piece of it
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overwatchevents · 6 years
RT @McGenjiAUWeek: In case you missed it, the work produced for McGenji Mystery Maker was all posted on the 31st of December. It's got a variety of both sfw and nsfw, and there's both fic and art ♡ The creators will be revealed this coming Monday :) https://t.co/jgPgs5aMnq http://twitter.com/ovwevents/status/1081259421760663553
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nerbull · 6 years
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July 10th: Crossover AU/trope
I (like everyone else) don’t know anything about Death Stranding yet, but I’ll be damned if I don’t use it as an AU
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cognitivecapricorn · 6 years
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For McGenji AU week:
Short summary I had the idea they are both hitmen and their gangs are rivals so a bit of a gangster Romeo and Juliet thingy.
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overwatchworks · 6 years
McGenji AU Week: Day 6
Cannon Divergence AU, Talon Genji and McCree
Genji sheathed his blade with a smooth and practiced movement, Ryū ichimonji catching the moonlight before it was covered once more. He would probably be using it again tonight, but for the moment, things were quiet. Their infiltration of the Overwatch base housing Gerard and Amelie Lacroix was going smoothly, their newest experiment completing her mission and getting the essential kill they needed on Gerard. 
Genji heard the the steady clinking of leather shoes on cement, turning to face a smirking McCree. He was a vision in black, red accenting his coat and glowing from his metal arm, his hat set low.
“Always a pleasure to watch ya kill, darlin’.” McCree purred, the deep red of his enhanced right eye flaring as it gazed at the corpses littering the ground. The ninja didn’t respond, only tipped his head slightly. Everyone in Talon knew he was quiet and reserved, but McCree was one who he had allowed to know him a little better. 
Genji tugged the lip of his face mask down, his outfit skintight with little armour, made for movement and stealth. His lips and throat were scarred along with most of his body, memoirs of his dear and dead brother. Talon had found him on the brink of death, offered a way to fix him-as experimental as it was-and given him the means to carry out revenge. Genji felt fulfilled, in a way, some of his bloodlust sated, the rest taken out on assassinations for the organization.
“I did not see you around. Care to tell me where you wandered off to?” The ninja asked quietly, his voice soft and throaty. McCree gave him a wicked grin, shrugging one shoulder lazily.
“I was lettin’ ya have your fun. ‘Sides, some ‘a these guys have bullet wounds, I’ll have ya know.” He told him, nudging a body with his foot carelessly. 
Genji didn’t know much about McCree, only that he was sharp, experienced, and one of the deadliest agents Talon had to offer. That alone drew Genji to him, and McCree undoubtedly had an affinity for him too. They were the most devastating team, sent in to any situation and leaving only corpses in their wake. Genji tapped his comm, alerting Akande of their position and status.
“The area is clear, ready for infiltration.”
“Good work, Sparrow, Deadeye. You never fail to impress. Continue into the facility, pick up agent Lacroix, then meet up at the rendezvous point for extraction.” Akande’s deep voice filtered through, clearly pleased with their work. Genji could care less what he thought, he was only there for the kills.
“Don’t be late.” Was all he offered before switching his comm to mute and glancing at McCree.
“Ya heard the boss.” 
Genji smiled coldly, putting his mask back into place and slipping into the base silently. He didn’t need to look back to know exactly where McCree was, his every move deliberate and in sync with his own. They raided the facility with the backup they were given, Talon soldiers and enforcers sweeping the building with snipers on watch outside. 
It was brutal when Genji released his blade once more, McCree shooting with his unerring accuracy behind him and taking down whoever the ninja didn’t reach in time. Blood washed Ryū ichimonji in a sickly crimson, the katana almost feeling as if it was vibrating with power. No one lived through their attacks, the group continuing further smoothly. 
Amelie Lacroix was silent and watchful when they made it to her room, a knife still clutched in her hand, covered in drying blood. She was kneeling on the bed next to her husband’s corpse, silk dress slipping off one shoulder and hair hanging loose around her face. McCree stepped towards her, Genji staying by the door and observing.
“You know who we are?” The gunslinger asked, Lacroix’s golden eyes darting to his face. She nodded once, her blank expression never leaving.
“We’re here to bring ya back to the headquarters for further conditionin’. You understand?”
Another nod, and McCree snapped his fingers, motioning to a few of the Talon operatives with them.
“Make sure she keeps up. Extraction ship comes in five minutes.” McCree ordered, the other agents moving in and taking hold of both of Lacroix’s arms. The woman moved like she was in a trance, Genji watching her pass through the doorway with a detached sort of distatse. He only felt sorry she wasn’t perfected yet, they could use another skilled assassin to watch their backs. 
“Been kind of a borin’ mission, huh?” 
The ninja turned to McCree, the man pulling out a cigar and lighting it unhurriedly.
“It was only an agent recovery.”
“Yeah, but you’d think this base would be better protected. Somethin’ tells me Overwatch is slippin’.”
“Then that is one more gain for us. Overwatch is a pain.” Genji huffed as he left the room, McCree on his heels. They made it to the rendezvous point in silence, then the gunslinger offered his cigar. Genji took it after a moment, letting the smoke drag past his lips and the flavour linger on his tongue. They tasted like McCree.
“Yanno, you’re a real fine specimen, Shimada.” The gunslinger murmured, Genji’s dark eyes sliding over to him with a smirk.
“I know.”
McCree chuckled at that, glancing up at the sound of the dropship engine. He stretched with a grunt, then stooped down to steal his cigar back and shift it to the side of his mouth. Genji watched him for a moment, then took his chin and forced the gunslinger to look back at him. McCree had that wolfish grin spreading across his lips again, and he gazed down at the ninja with a smouldering look in his eye.
“Ya need somethin’, sugar?”
“I’m going to take what I want.” Genji growled low, pulling McCree down and pressing their lips together roughly. The kiss was as messy and rough as they were, lasting just a moment. When Genji pulled back, McCree huffed a laugh, tilting the ninja’s chin up with a finger.
“A fine, fine specimen, darlin’.” He murmured, Genji licking his lips slowly before tugging his mask back into place to hide a sharp smirk.
“I know.” ~~
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