longliverockback · 4 months
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Meat Puppets Too High to Die 1994 London ————————————————— Tracks: 01. Violet Eyes 02. Never to Be Found 03. We Don’t Exist 04. Severed Goddess Hand 05. Flaming Heart 06. Shine 07. Station 08. Roof with a Hole 09. Backwater 10. Things 11. Why? 12. Evil Love 13. Comin’ Down    • [silence]    • Lake of Fire —————————————————
Derrick Bostrom
Cris Kirkwood
Curt Kirkwood
* Long Live Rock Archive
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mojackpod · 10 months
Episode 253 Meat Puppets "Monsters" is up now wherever you get your podcasts.
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lawomanphoto · 1 year
May 20, 2022 Meat Puppets at the Regent in Los Angeles, CA
May 20, 2022 Meat Puppets at the Regent in Los Angeles, CA #meatpuppets #regent #losangeles #livemusic #concert #dtla #christyborgman #lawomanphoto #onthisday
Photo by Christy Borgman
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radiolewes · 2 years
Vapour Trails #189 6th October 2022 "Phoenix Nights, and Mornings, and Afternoons."
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badculturefilms · 2 years
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Grassy Sound at Super Dark Days at Rare Form 9/10/22 #superdarkcollective #superdarkdays #rareformbrewing #localteamplaysgojibebop #grassysound #tinythedream #djdrummernk #meatpuppets #nickmilevoi (at Rare Form Brewing Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiXydWFA67F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cyberpunkonline · 7 months
Fear, Loathing, and Meat Puppets in the Cyberpunk Neon Glow: Is This the Natural Evolution of Dark Patterns?
In the vibrant tapestry of cyberpunk narratives, the grim specter of "meat puppets" looms large amidst the neon-drenched dystopia. The term encapsulates beings devoid of free will, their autonomy hijacked by nefarious puppeteers through the tendrils of technology. As we navigate through the entangled webs of our digital era, the eerie parallels between the cyberpunk meat puppet and the real-world menace of "dark patterns" emerge from the shadows, sending ripples of disquiet through the techno-societal landscape.
The term "meat puppet" has been etched into the cyberpunk lexicon through various mediums, painting a dire picture of a future where the essence of humanity is threatened by the encroachment of digital dominion. In the seminal work "Neuromancer" by William Gibson, and the cerebral intrigues of "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson, we delve into worlds where the human mind and body can be hacked, manipulated, rendering individuals as mere vessels for external control.
Mirroring this, the concept of dark patterns in digital design is a rudimentary step towards a meat puppet reality. Dark patterns are deceitful design elements that steer users into making unintended decisions, subtly commandeering their online behavior. The idea reflects a Snow Crash-esque narrative where memes or digital viruses infiltrate cognition, turning individuals into conduits for certain ideas or actions.
The silver screen, with movies like "Ghost in the Shell", and the pixelated realms of "Cyberpunk 2077", echo these themes, exploring the grim nexus between human autonomy and digital control. They hint at a world where the sinister use of technology can usurp human agency, paving the way for a meat puppet society.
Series like "Black Mirror" and "Altered Carbon" extend this narrative, portraying futures where the sanctity of human consciousness is at peril, where dark patterns could morph into more overt forms of control, pushing humanity closer to the edge of meat puppetry.
As our real-world society gallops towards a future shimmering with digital promise, the shadows of dark patterns stretch long and ominous. The proliferation of manipulative design in online platforms, coupled with the viral spread of memes molding public opinion, reflects the cyberpunk portrayal of a world teetering on the brink of meat puppetry.
The dance between dark patterns and meat puppetry isn’t just a fictional fear, but a cautionary narrative urging us to scrutinize the ethical dimensions of our digital interactions. The advancements in AI, neural interfacing, and the ubiquitous data harvesting are both a boon and a bane, holding the potential to either elevate or erode our human agency.
The journey from dark patterns to a meat puppet reality may still be unfolding, but the cyberpunk genre serves as a grim compass, cautioning against a future where the strings of puppetry are woven with each click, each shared byte of data, each meme that burrows into the collective psyche.
As we hurtle through the cybernetic frontier, the tales of meat puppetry intertwined with the menace of dark patterns serve as a stark reminder of the ethical quagmires awaiting us. The cyberpunk neon glow, while entrancing, casts long, dark shadows, urging us to tread wisely lest we morph into the very meat puppets we fear, our strings pulled by the dark patterns lurking in the digital alleyways.
- Rev1
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The universe keeps sending me signs to exercise but has it considered:
*long lazy whine*
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“Sibling Rivalry, Part 1,” Superior Spider-Man Team-Up (Vol. 1/2013), #2.
Writer: Christopher Yost; Penciler and Inker: Marco Checchetto; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Joe Caramagna
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Marvel 616#Superior Spider-Man Team-Up#Scarlet Spider#Kaine#Kaine Parker#Superior Spider-Man#Cover Gallery#Some of y’all may have already figured this out but I guess this is the part of the article where I discuss any biases I might have#….tbh I’m not a big fan of the Superior Spider-Man story line#funnily enough I had only a vague idea that this story arc happened before I did my first read-through of Scarlet Spider vol. 2#(although just based on the concept alone it kind of…weirded me out)#and these next two issues confirmed for me that this arc wasn’t my cup of tea#and that distaste was cemented when I did my Spider-Man read-through#Mr. Yost’s writing is almost good enough in spots to make me care about Otto’s character development but just….did it have to be#while meatpuppetting Peter’s body???#like my dislike started off as petty as ‘he’s mean Kaine; I don’t enjoy this’#before progressing more ?!?!?!?!? regarding some of the issues of consent during this arc#like does Peter know the uncomfortable stuff that went down with Jackal in this story? (which is a major ‘what the heck’ moment in general)#and Anna Maria is a bright spot in this arc and I love her character independently of this whole debacle but ????#the whole implications of that relationship just make me a bit uncomfortable#anyway don’t mind op rambling in the tags#the likelihood of me finding anyone irl who would listen to me say such things without looking at me like I’ve grown a second head#are pretty small so please excuse me while I scream into the void
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longliverockback · 1 year
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Meat Puppets Rat Farm 2013 Megaforce ————————————————— Tracks: 01. Rat Farm 02. One More Drop 03. Down 04. Leave Your Head Alone 05. Again 06. You Don’t Know 07. Waiting 08. Time and Money 09. Sometimes Blue 10. Original One 11. River Rose 12. Sweet —————————————————
Cris Kirkwood
Curt Kirkwood
Shandon Sahm
* Long Live Rock Archive
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minyboy · 3 months
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Let's see, terrorizes town, murders father, forces mother to hang herself out of grief and she has no control over her tiny body the whole time... sounds about right.
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twotiime2 · 10 months
ugh ii ju2t 2napped at my lead de2iign for no fuckiing rea2on
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badculturefilms · 2 years
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Local Team Plays Goji Bebop at Super Dark Days at Rare Form 9/10/22 #superdarkcollective #superdarkdays #rareformbrewing #localteamplaysgojibebop #grassysound #tinythedream #djdrummernk #meatpuppets #nickmilevoi (at Rare Form Brewing Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiXyDjHAcHx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mangor · 1 year
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carrotkicks · 2 months
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you aren't dazai...
tumblr user @iwritenarrativesandstuff got me thinking about dazai becoming Fyodor's next meatpuppet. probably won't happen but extreeemly fun idea nonetheless
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aftergloom · 2 years
GOOD DAY! Is there any updates coming to the Three Princes fic? Not sure if you've mentioned it previously BUT I AM OBSESSED WITH YOUR WRITING AND THE CHAPTER WITH FERAL HAS BEEN REVISITING FREQQQQQ
Hope you're well - sorry if questions about updates ruin your vibe.
Thanks, Anon! Savage's chapter doesn't have a set deadline and I've got two other stories in higher priority to finish/work on before it gets touched. That might mean two weeks or two months from now. Hard to say.
I've heard the best way to let my muse know you want something updated is to reblog the shit out of it, however.
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semischarmed · 8 months
Guess, Part 2
The word still rang in Shane’s head. He felt lightheaded, as if speaking the word brought it into truth. Months. Noah had been like this for months. This wasn’t some clone or copy or illusion. That was the horror in it. This was Noah, for all intents and purposes. His roommate’s actual flesh. 
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“Noah was such a jerk in high school…” Arthur recalled without a hint of pain. In fact, he seemed to revel in it. “Such an asshole- it was only right he was my first”. Arthur leaned over, giving Noah’s cheek a lick. “Wasn’t like I had a lot of choice- the body is one thing, but drilling my strings into someone’s mind takes a lot out of me, leaves me vulnerable.” The nerd snuggled up to Shane’s roommate, running his hands over the man’s musculature. “That’s why I love karma so much.” He let out a moan as he tapped Noah’s forehead. 
“This dumb meathead was the perfect start. I slipped a bit of myself into a fold of his brain. Gave little hints here and there at first. The guy doesn’t question anything at all. Even his own thoughts. I started with little suggestions but eventually just started feeding him my thoughts directly to see how he would resist. Idiot thought they were his thoughts. By the time enough of me wormed in… ” Arthur leaned over, gently prodding Noah’s lips with his tongue. 
Shane felt himself burn with jealousy. Noah’s body let out an involuntary “ah”, as Arthur’s tongue greedily explored. The nerd moaned as he got more and more into it, now slowly rocking back and forth as he hungrily tasted Noah’s mouth. He looked back at Shane, before continuing, “By the time enough of me wormed in… he thought he was the one pumping his dick every night to the thought of sticking my strings inside his own friends and family.” 
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Noah’s face went flush as cracking noises were heard throughout his body. His entire body sagged limp before contorting in unnatural angles. After a few seconds of soft grunting, he began to speak to Shane directly, tears welling despite his vacant expression. “I’m too stupid to be a person. I.. need… Arthur. I need to think his thoughts, to speak his words. I need to be his muscle… his seed”.
Arthur half-pouted, half taunted as he pulled his cheek next to Noah’s, “See?” 
Sure, Noah might have been a bit dumb in high school, but in the years Shane had known him, the guy was not as stupid as Arthur kept implying. Worse still, it sickened Shane to see his best friend be forced to degrade himself. Shane could gag if he wasn’t so terrified. It wasn’t just his thick muscle or his pretty face. Memories, dreams, social life. Anything that could have ever belonged or will ever belong to Noah now bound to Arthur as well. Worst of it all, Noah was forced to feel the perverse pleasure Arthur felt in the loss of his agency. 
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Arthur beamed back. Noah’s did in turn, face dutifully reflecting its master’s feelings. Beyond the disgust with the newfound knowledge, Shane caught a glimpse of mischief in his roommate’s eye. Like there was something else Arthur had been withholding. 
Shane’s dick stirred as he saw Noah pull down his shorts, meaty cock now poking through the opening of his boxers. Fuck he’s hot. Seeing Arthur also begin to strip down promptly brought him back to reality. Escape.
At this, Shane realized there was no hope of resistance. He nervously let out a chuckle before trying to rationalize an escape. He eyed the door, only for the sight to be partially blocked by Noah’s large arms. With a predatory smile, the Noah meatpuppet licked his lips.
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“Dude, look at me. Look at him. You don’t need me…”
Shane gagged as he saw drool escape a euphoric Noah’s mouth. It dropped in strands, nearly viscous as it shone back. Noah’s fingers went to work, greedily violating their owner’s mouth as the coated themselves in the clear liquid. Arthur’s head hung back in pleasure as Noah began to grope his master’s body. 
“-d, do you mind if I speak through Noah here? Just feels right talking to you through this body,” Noah moaned. “Anyways, you’re fine just the way you are… hmmm, could probably use some more muscle but I just need you for Jesse, bro.”
“Jesse?” Shane was puzzled. He didn’t know a J- Wait. 
“Yeah bro, your bro. That Jesse.”
- - -
For a second time, Shane’s stomach dropped. Jesse? Shane barely talked about his older brother. Jesse had been a somewhat absent older brother. He was quite the adventurer, always going on backpacking trips, often braving the harsh wilderness with just the pack on his shoulders. Shane was puzzled, Jesse had only recently been back in town, temporarily staying at their father’s place. Shane hadn’t recalled ever mentioning his older brother. Shane shook his head in disgust, at the thought of Jesse being a puppet for this demon.
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“Don’t worry Shane,” Noah crooned playfully as he brought Arthur up to his body. The gym rat’s meaty arms caressed the nerd, slipping past the hips of smaller man a grabbing Arthur’s body possessively. “We’re giving our bro real special treatment.” At that, Noah’s hands began gently playing with Arthur’s flesh. They drummed across the nerd’s chest with an off-putting tenderness. The jock’s left hand then snaked behind Arthur, cupping the nerd’s ass before worming deeper. Arthur’s mouth opened involuntarily. Shane could see stars in Arthur’s eyes, no doubt from the sensory overload. 
“What- I- Have- in- mind….” Arthur let out in grunts and half-breaths as Noah pulled out sticky fingers and pushed in another piece of himself. Defined hips began gyrating faster and faster “Is -more -than -a puppet…. A privilege” Noah grunted, a high-pitch whine escaped Arthur’s lips. “Oh Jesse!”
Arthur's whimpers increased in pace. “I'm gonna pack myself deep and tight inside that bod. He'll have to fit the full density of all my strings, of all my flesh... but I know that man will hold. Jesse's body has toughened worse. I can't wait to be inlaid inside that meat. Now it's going to do what it was born to do. To be my perfect vessel, thinking his thoughts for him, moving his body for him, jamming our strings inside more bodies. I can't wait for you to see Jesse's full potential, pulling and possessing and controlling other men... Shane, I can't wait to be your brother. “Jesse’ll love this! Once it’s my love pouring out of him. Once I'm tucked nice and safe inside that body of his... we'll be unstoppable.” 
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“He’s gonna be pulling the Chief’s strings, my strings… your strings“ Noah barely spoke, focus and athleticism diverted to speed. The pace was breakneck, whimpers became groans became yelps of raw pleasure.
“And you’re gonna put me in him!” Arthur and Noah roared in unison. The jock arched his back, lifting the squirming nerd. Arthur’s smaller form kicked his feet involuntarily as ropes of hot white shot out of him. The amount geysering out of the perverse union seemed far too much for either man. 
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Noah’s head slumped over Arthur’s clavicle while the nerd sampled the seed now coating his chest and stomach. He closed his eyes, in satisfaction. “You always taste so good when I’m shooting your batter out.” 
Arthur’s eyes focused back on Shane, as he dragged his body to Noah’s side, inching himself closer to Shane. 
Noah sat back up abruptly, head still slung forward. Arthur’s hand collected into a fist, causing Noah’s to follow. At that, the jock’s flush cock stirred back into life. Noah’s head still slung as his hands began grasping at his already glazed, meaty cock. Slight discomfort placed itself on the man’s mouth, as he began to knead it again. 
“I bet Jesse’s batter will taste even better… “
This was by all accounts a nightmare. Shane felt himself petrified. He pieced together some of Arthur’s MO. If Noah was any indication, Arthur had to dominate someone mentally before being able to puppet their bodies. The Chief, then, and the police force?
Noah had still only animated in an eery silence, aside from some slight groaning as his hands continued to stimulate his tired meat. “Seeing his son and I fuck raw in his own bed was enough. I just needed a few strings inside, anyway. Watching my strings come out of Noah, and wiggle before jamming into him. Forcing his body . His mind was easy after that.” Noah licked his lips, as Shane imagined the police chief doing the same. “And what police force wouldn’t listen to their own boss?”
Arthur continued in sinister glee, as he watched Shane piece together his plan. “That’s why I need you, for Jesse”. He moaned. “What man wouldn’t feel mind break at the sight of their own little brother defiled, perverted, mine.” Shane gagged involuntarily. Fuck. 
“W-well you said he was tough. How do you know he won’t resis-“
“My insurance? You think I’m starting with him? No. He’s not going to just be my puppet. He’s going to be me. String by string, neuron by neuron- this is going to be a process. We’ll need all the help we can get- I’ll worm into every person in this town if I have to. And you’re going to be my perfect little puppeteer. We can start with dear old dad.” 
Noah’s head shot up, sticking his tongue out before resuming its empty expression “Oh, and by the way, I lied.“
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Noah cummed again. His body only uttered one word- a word that shook Shane to his core. No pleasure painted Noah’s face this time, as Arthur revealed in the second helping of euphoria. Tired beyond tired, the sweaty jock slumped immediately back into the folds of the sofa.
Years. The word shattered Shane. It violated every emotion of memory of his best friend. Like a dagger twisting in his heart, he felt himself torn at the word. Every single aspect of “Noah”, fabricated. Every emotion, every bond, every secret between the two. It was all some sick facsimile of a friendship, a puppeteer’s twisted play. 
Still reeling from the revelation, Shane could barely process the next words spoken by Arthur. 
“Now for another game… I’m sure you thought it was weird how you liked my precious Noah flesh here all of a sudden… “ Shane felt dick harden by itself as a body deaf to his commands pulled closer to the two and sandwiched the Arthur between his and Noah’s sweaty bodies. This time, Shane felt himself speak ”Guess how long you’ve been mine.”
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- End Part 2 -
Will this have more parts? Who knows if or when, I hate writing haha
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