#Medical rehabilitation
pulasanpena · 8 months
Punggung Bengkok. Apakah normal?
Prevalensi nyeri punggung terus meningkat seiring dengan pertambahan usia serta penyebabnya pun bermacam- macam. Namun kini, nyeri punggung mulai menyerang individu dengan usia yang lebih muda seperti dewasa muda atau remaja.
Sekarang kita akan membahas salah satu penyebab nyeri punggung pada kelompok usia remaja dan dewasa muda yaitu scoliosis. Mungkin istilah ini tidak begitu asing karena masuk kedalam kurikulum pembelajaran siswa SMA.
Skoliosis berasal dari Bahasa Yunani scolios yang berarti bengkok. Keadaan ini ditandai dengan bengkoknya tulang belakang bisa menyerupai huruf S atau C. Keadaan ini seringkali ditemukan pada remaja akibat posisi duduk yang kurang baik serta beban tas berlebih. Oleh karena itu, kini banyak sekolah yang tidak mewajibkan siswanya membawa beban berlebih di tas sekolah dengan kebijakan pengadaan loker sekolah atau penggunaan ebook serrta media digital lain sebagai media pembelajaran.
Skolisis dapat menyebabkan nyeri punggung yang berakibat pada berkurangnya produktivitas hidup penderita walaupun pada beberapa kasus tidak didapatkan gejala. Keluhan lain yang ditemukan adalah sakit kepala dan keluhan neurologis lain jika scoliosis yang diderita tidak ditangani dengan baik. Keluhan gangguan estetika juga ditemukan pada beberapa kasus karena letak pinggul atau bahu yang asimetris pada penderita scoliosis.
Pemeriksaan scoliosis bisa dilakukan dengan melihat ke-simteris-an tulang belakang dengan mata telanjang atau dengan pemeriksaan radiologis untuk menilai besarnya derajat kemiringan atau kurvatura skolisosis.
Tidak semua scoliosis harus diberikan penanganan secara agresif. Pada scoliosis dengan kurvatura <20% dapat dilakukan observasi disertai edukasi melalukan olahraga untuk menguatkan otot punggung. Pada scoliosis dengan kurvatura 20-40% dapat dilakukan pemasangan brace atau korset.
Skoliosis juga sering ditemukan pada kelompok pekerja kantoran akibat posisi duduk yang tidak tepat seperti yang telah disebutkan diatas. Inilah pentingnya edukasi posisi ergonomis untuk mencegah keluhan musculoskeletal di masyarakat terutama kelompok pelajar dan pekerja.
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suvidhahospital · 11 months
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adrianasgnn · 1 year
Episode 14-Nursing Documentation [Video]
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parasiticstars · 15 days
potentially a hot whump writing take but the bad caretaker label is stupid. like...., okay because theyre not a perfect all-in-one therapist/PT/doctor/self sacrificial Mary Sue ass angel who Never Does Wrong Ever, that means they get to be lumped in with genuinely shitty/backstabbing/mercurial ""caretakers""? (I hate the word carewhumper stfu) it's unrealistic and impossible to preform those standards. give caretakers room to be human too.
anyways shout out to caretaker characters who arent perfect, who are trying their best but lost, dont know medicine or the fucking DSM5 or how to undo years worth of trauma responses for things they dont know about, are hypo empathetic or otherwise have difficulty connecting with who they need to take care of, who run out of patience; caretakers who resent the duties forced on them or even the subject of said duties, who are burnt out, who wish the situation never happened, who are aware of their inadequacy but know this is the hand that fate dealt them and they have no choice in it.
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synchlora · 4 months
bro I know we've all heard abt cloth mother vs wire mother but working in animal care its become so obvious everywhere
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7 months later & looking great!
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and this is the picture I put on our rental application. Who can say no to that face 🥲
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world-of-wales · 2 years
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11 FEBRUARY 2020 || The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William visited Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC) Stanford Hall in Loughborough along with the Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall.
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mad-hunts · 29 days
this is a random late night thought, i know, but i'm just thinking about how the orderlies in arkham must react to finding barton cuddling with his bunkie in the morning if they had a nightmare orrr they both needed to get warm (like i believe i've mentioned previously on here before). like, idk what gave me this impression, but for those of them that just don't give a shit about their job rather than the abusive a-holes (i honestly feel like these are the two main categories of orderlies that work at arkham, NGL)...
i really do feel like they'd do something like place bets between themselves as to whether they think something is going on between certain inmates or not. and when they're either proven right or wrong, they exchange the money they bet on it. because these people unfortunately could not care less about the fact that in barton's case (and possibly in other's cases), he literally does it as a means of survival / to have a source of comfort most of the time because that place is god awful
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pulasanpena · 8 months
Carpal Tunnel Syndrom
Awalnya aku membuat akun tumblr sebagai pengalihan dari kenyataan alias curhat, tapi setelah dipikir lebih matang lebih baik digunakan sebagai media yang lebih bermanfaat. So, pertama mulai membahas mengenai CTS.
Apa sih itu CTS?
CTS atau Carpal Tunnel Syndrome adalah suatu penyakit akibat tekanan atau iritasi pada saraf medianus. Prosesnya mirip dengan kejadian saraf terjepit atau HNP, namun saraf yang terkena pada CTS adalah saraf medianus yang mempersarafi bagian tangan dan jari jari sehingga gejala yang muncul adalah perasaan kesemutan, nyeri, baal atau kebas dan hilangnya kekuatan otot di tangan serta jari yang terkena.
Gejalanya bervariasi ya dari yang ringan hingga berat sampai mengganggu aktivitas. Banyak penderita CTS yang tidak berobat mungkin karena dirasa masih bisa ditahan atau karena gejala yang timbul akan menghilang saat penderita mengistirahatkan tangan yang terdampak. Sehingga angka kejadian CTS yang dilaporkan sangat rendah.
Saraf medianus dimana sih? kok bisa mengalami iritasi?
Saraf itu ibarat kabel ya, Jadi bayangkan manusia seperti robot yang penuh kabel, nah saraf ini adalah kabelnya manusia. Saraf medinaus melintas dari ketiak hingga ujung- ujung jari telunjuk, ibu jari, jari tengah dan jari manis. Terdapat satu lokasi dimana saraf ini melintasi tempat yang sempit yaitu di terowongan karpal (sehingga nama penyakit ini adalah CTS atau sindrom terowongan karpal). Di lokasi yang sempit ini terjadilah iritasi pada saraf medinus.
CTS terjadi akibat iritasi saraf berulang biasanya diakibatkan gerakan berulang menekuk-meluruskan pergelangan tangan seperti pada pekerja pemecah batu, pembuat rujak atau gado- gado dan sebagainya. Keluhan ini bisa hilang dengan mengistirahatkan pergelangan tangan namun dapat muncul kembali jika melakukan gerakan repetitif kembali.
Penanganan yang paling awal tentunya dengan mengistirahatkan tangan yang terdampak, langkah selanjutnya bisa dengan mengkonsumsi obat antinyeri atau vitamin saraf. Namun alangkah baiknya jika seeking medical advice terlebih dahulu sebelum mengkonsumsi obat apapun terutama jika gejala yang muncul sudah masuk ketagori gejala berat. Perlu diingat bahwa setiap obat yang dikonsumsi memiliki efek sampingnya masing- masing terlebih jika dikonsumsi dalam jangka panjang sehingga perlu lebih berhati hati.
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suvidhahospital · 11 months
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adrianasgnn · 1 year
AIIMS nurs2 [Video]
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hopeful-hugz · 9 months
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Space-Time Medical, Mental Health and Rehabilitation Centre- STM for short- is the multiversal health care facility and hospital that Hope co-owns and runs with a bunch of her alts. The facility is specifically designed to treat those with previous trauma or difficulties with medical, mental and scientific malpractice or abuse. Providing a safe space for them to get the help and treatment they need or want, but are too scared / traumatized to go to a regular facility about. It goes so far as to have mobile doctors that can be sent out for those who can't or won't go to the facility itself but still need or want the help.
Overtime that expanded to the general public as well, establishing hospital "terminals" in various universes that can connect to the larger off-world medical centre located in a pocket universe of the owners' own creation.
Nowadays it's one of, if not THE biggest multiverse-accessible health facility currently out there (though certainly not the only of its kind) and has the reputation to back it up. It's partnered with several other hospitals, facilities, pharmacies and even the Super Smash Brothers Tournaments as both an item and medicine supplier / creator. But also as a place that can offer backup medics, doctors and other professionals to those who request them.
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Hope herself works as a private doctor for STM, taking on clients looking more for a family doctor or wanting more secluded treatment. Though she occasionally works in the ER when they need the help, or reaches out to contacts and patients outside the facility too.
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🕯️ Funnily enough, it came about OOC as my happy place from when I was younger. Those of you that know me well know I've been chronically ill since I was about three and a half and have slowly gotten more and more illnesses and issues on top of that as time has gone on. Same with the fact I've been figuring out my own mental stuff at a slow but steady pace. I've experienced a lot of heavily traumatizing stuff, to the point where I only started going to doctors and stuff on my own within the past few years.
STM was the happy place I started the beginnings of when I was pretty young. A way to help me feel better about the hells I went through. I wasn't at the scary hospitals and doctors' offices, I was at my safe one.
Once I got older and started writing? When Hope took the direction of medical work? I decided I wanted to share that safe haven with the world, so I do so in hopes STM help them as much as it helps me.
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cakeinthevoid · 1 year
Part 5 — This Edible Ain't Sh—Oh Boy (The Look — Metronomy)
Content: Medication side effects (pain) and injury (mentioned)
By the time Carrie had finished their breakfast, their soft rock playlist had nearly been exhausted. They rifled through their music library on their phone to queue some other genres while waiting for Willow.
Willow was a rather slow eater. They were methodical, seeming to eat the parts to any given meal in a specific order. 
So when Willow had begun gradually picking up the pace, Carrie immediately knew something was off. Their hand began to tremble. Then it wasn’t long before keeping the spoon in hand was a visible struggle. They fought admirably to keep a neutral expression, but the frustration bled through.
It wasn’t a mystery what was causing this, either. 
“If you’d like to take a break, you can. I’ll save your food in the fridge if you still want it.” 
That’s what Carrie did for those first days when Willow began taking the medication just before breakfast. Then Carrie tried a change in the schedule and Willow eagerly adapted. Since then, medicine was first thing in the morning so they could eat after the worst of the side effects faded.
Willow clenched the spoon tightly. It only made the shakes in their hand worse. They really were stubborn.
Carrie sighed quietly. “I keep telling you I have udrophoon. It will help with the side effects of—”
Willow’s spoon clattered on the table as they suddenly dropped it and pushed their chair out to leave.
“Willow…” Carrie got to their feet at the same time as them. They were always opposed to udrophoon. Again, Carrie had some ideas as to why they would be, not all very pleasant, but if it could ease their daily suffering…
Willow was heading determinedly to the stairs, escaping to their room. At least, they were; One moment they were rushing out and the next, they nearly keeled over. They barely caught themself on the console table against the wall.
“Oh Lord—” Carrie rushed to their side, but Willow pushed themself off the thin table, knocking over a potted plant, and stumbled back in the direction of the stairs.
Carrie let the plant roll off the table in favour of catching Willow by their upper arms from behind. “You’re not gonna make it up the stairs,” they said, trying to guide them to the living room. 
Willow tore out of their grasp, whipping around to face Carrie. Carrie had been doing their job for much too long to flinch at the enraged look on their face. 
Willow was breathing heavily, teeth bared, and glaring viciously at Carrie. 
“I know,” they said calmly. “I know.” They huffed a breath of air that was too dark to be a laugh. “Trust me, I know, but I’m not just going to let you collapse and risk hurting your ribs worse. They’re. Not. Healed.” Their voice was firm. “Understand?” 
Willow shook with barely contained rage and medicine tremors, hands balled into tight, shaking fists. They were beginning to hyperventilate.
Carrie brought their hands up slowly, palms out in a placating gesture. Willow’s eyes flicked down to them and back up to their face—and took a stumbling step back.
Carrie felt something inside them ache, as it did for every patient they took in, but continued their gesture. 
They brought their hands to their own ribs and traced the areas where Willow had breaks and fractures in their ribs. “Your ribs probably hurt like a flamin’—hurt a lot,” they amended. “You need to control your breathing, like this.” Carrie demonstrated steady breaths. “Not too deep. Just breathe with me. Better yet, breathe with me on the couch.” They pointed carefully in the direction of the living room.
Willow was wavering, swaying on their feet a little. Despite that, in true Willow nature, they held their glare. 
“Willow. I won’t be catchin’ you like a damsel in distress,” Carrie said, knowing full well they would. “So please let’s rest on the couch.” Then a thought stuck. It was ridiculous but it might be enough.
Carrie cocked their head. “Lay on the couch and you can choose the music?” 
Willow’s gaze sharpened. Carrie was almost certain that the only reason they still stood for another full minute just glaring angrily at them while they were moments away from falling over was for appearances sake. 
They’ve seen it before: they wanted to maintain an image. Institute patients had little control over their care, and so they took what they could get. If being difficult means they would feel a little better on the inside while receiving much needed care, then Carrie would deal with that.
Finally, finally, Willow stepped back, turning to the living room, but held Carrie in sight. They made their way unsteadily to the couch, but Carrie kept their distance instead of hovering too close. 
Willow paused before the couch for a beat before cautiously sitting down. They had schooled their face into impassiveness, but Carrie saw the way their shoulders relaxed—how they curled over slightly with relief as they sank into the cushions. 
It must be exhausting to keep up a front all the time when it was so clear they just wanted to completely relax. Carrie settled into the armchair next to the couch and wondered if they ever would feel safe enough to do so in front of them one day. 
Baby steps.
Carrie was pulling out their phone when Willow suddenly tensed again, digging their fingers into the couch and sucking in a sharp breath. They grimaced in pain, riding out what Carrie knew to be the seizing of their internal muscles. They hissed a breath through their clenched teeth, eyes burning holes into the ceiling. 
“I know, it really sucks.” Willow transfixed their fiery look on Carrie, as if to say ‘really?’ 
“Ok, it really, really sucks but maybe lay down? The music might help? Give you something else to focus on?” They held out their phone to Willow.
Willow just looked at it, hands still gripping the couch with enough force to tear through the fabric if they had claws. They cringed at another wave of pain, clearly wanting to curl into themself more, but resisting. 
Carrie lowered her arm. They weren’t helping them like this. Frankly, they were doing more harm than good for Willow at this point. Too much, too soon, they thought again.
“Here,” they placed their phone unlocked on the coffee table arm's reach from the couch. Then they got to their feet. “I have to clean the kitchen anyway. Tap the red square for music and the triangles to change songs.” 
They were already on their way to the kitchen when they added, “Just call me if you need help” and only realised the stupidity of that statement when they were picking up the fallen potted plant from earlier. 
But when they turned around, they saw Willow already laying along the length of the couch, curled into a vague s-shape, and scrolling through their phone. 
Carrie turned back around to clean the kitchen, lest Willow saw them watching them act even a little relaxed, Lord forbid. So Carrie tidied up. Just before starting to wash the dishes, they heard the faint sound of a synth riff.
Tag : @whumpkinpie :}
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biwenmd · 2 years
Freaking out about the OSCEs or Step 2? There are great websites that will help you with your clinical examination performance. MSK examinations are especially important for rehabilitation medicine.
Here are the top two websites I still go back to:
geekymedics: Geekymedics have been around for a while, but I still go back to them once in a while. They have not only videos and great explanations for exams, but also for common procedures you will be asked to do on the ward. They have interactive checklists to make sure you won't miss a step.
The Stanford Medicine 25 (see link above): I've started watching Stanford's youtube videos to revise my clinical examination skills.
Honorable Mentions:
Oscestop: Oh, OSCEstop, how I loved your PDFs. OSCEstop now requires a subscription to see certain content.
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Mandana’s orthopedic consultation was not fun. Yesterday the neurologist offered to have his colleague look her over to make sure the back pain wasn’t an orthopedic issue. I was really happy to have another expert check her out before going ahead with the MRI.
What I wasn’t expecting was to be gaslit by an old white guy and his apprentice. From start to finish we were with him for 15 minutes. In that time I could only tell him a fraction of the problem and her medical history surrounding it before he declared Mandana perfectly healthy and “there’s nothing wrong with her” and “that’s just a sensitive spot on dogs, like between their toes”
She may not be in pain this morning but chronic back pain is something she has been dealing with since at least 2022. We’ve done massage, stretches, canine conditioning classes, acupuncture, chiropractor, red laser therapy, NSAIDs, Low Dose Naltrexone and now Librela. You can’t tell me I’ve been making it up this whole time and she’s actually fine. I watch her back twitch and her fur stand up in that spot. I feel the obvious heat coming from that area when she’s having a pain flare. I witness how she stops playing abruptly, avoids activity, has trouble sleeping and swings her head back towards her back when it hurts. I KNOW she is in pain.
So yeah I cried in the parking lot. I appreciate him checking her out. He didn’t charge me for the appointment even though I offered to pay. The neurologist is still moving forward with the MRI. He is a lot more convinced of her issues and that’s all that matters at this point. As far as pain management goes, the Librela injections are helping so much and she has her second scheduled for two weeks from now. She is able to do more and go longer without pain, so the MRI is to make sure we aren’t missing anything that could be made worse by her increased activity now that she’s feeling better.
I’m really hopeful the Librela will help and we can finally move past this. I know what it’s like to live in pain and it doesn’t matter if she can do mobility tasks or not I don’t want her limited because of this. Her appointment is scheduled for 8:15 am Thursday morning. She has separation anxiety at the vet so I made sure she will be first in line. I won’t be able to stay with her for the sedation in this scenario but she will be taken straight back to do the MRI so she won’t have to wait around in their kennels.
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akajustmerry · 4 months
it really is mind-boggling to me that the only reason i know about the Congolese and Sudanese genocides is because of the tireless work of grassroots activists and advocates posting on social media. I can honestly say that if I didn't have social media and didn't happen to be following Black authors and activists, I never would have known what was happening in Sudan and Congo because it is simply not being reported in the great majority of mainstream media. We're talking millions upon millions of PEOPLE enduring unimaginable pain and devastation with next to no official reporting. And yes that is in huge part due to the level of violence and displacement occurring that is preventing a lot of news from getting out of these countries, but it's also so blatantly due to anti-Black racism and the perception of African Nations as inherently savage and violent. But genocide is not and never should be normal for anyone anywhere. With that in mind, please keep Congo and Sudan in your thoughts. Check out Focus Congo for resources to help the Congolese people on the ground. Focus Congo's MO is a local organisation whose goal is to rebuild homes, rehabilitate land, and provide medical aid, education, and resources to Congo's most affected people. Also, Check out Keep Eyes On Sudan for how to help out and raise awareness of Sudanese people displaced by civil war. According to Sudanese TikToker bsonblast, donations to local food kitchens in Sudan are desperately needed to fight famine. If anyone has other resources specifically for helping Congo and Sudan, please add them and link them <3
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