#Melvin Zed
wanlingnic · 5 months
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Character design/concept art I did for How to Be Human!
Designing the protagonists, based on the author's directions, was my favorite part. My intention was to ensure kids could - with just a glance - immediately understand their personality!
As always,big shoutout to the Authors, Zed Yeo, and Tan Yi Lin, and Editors Melanie Lee and Melvin Neo!
The books are in the process of being released now - so it might take a few months before all 6 books appear at your retailers.
If you're in the UK, check your listings on on W H Smith.
If you're in the USA, the books will be released be on Amazon.
If you're in Singapore - get them wherever good books are sold!
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melvinzed · 5 years
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bluboothalassophile · 7 years
Could you do a fic where Raven and Jason are deciding who to invite to there wedding and they get an unexpected guests or guests
I don’t know if this turned out how you want, but I had fun writing it and I hope you enjoy it! =)
Families of the Bride & Groom…
“Okay, so you have the Bats, I got Harley & Ivy,” Ravensaid.
“We’ll keep them separate,” Jason suggested.
“Mmm, which of us is getting Constantine?” Raven askedlooking up from the guest list. She and Jason had sorted out the guest list oftheir wedding weeks ago. Somethings were obvious, like the Bats were Jason’s family,Roy his best man; she had Harley, Ivy, Victor, and her family.
Others were a bit more challenging, like Constantine. Constantinewas like Jason’s uncle, and he was like her dad. No, Constantine wasn’t givingher away; that honor went to Victor Stone. Still, Jason and she had friends insimilar circles.
“You get him, he’s your dad,” Jason said.
“Are you sure, I mean, I know how much he means to you,”Raven pointed out.
“Yeah, I get Chas though,” Jason decided. “Zed already toldme; way before I even met you, how my wedding would be divided,” he shrugged.
“She didn’t leave you a master list, did she?” Raven asked.
“No, because I laughed at the mere thought of gettinghitched. When I asked who would be dumb enough to marry me, she threw hersketch pad at my head. She also told me I wasn’t marrying an idiot,” hegrumbled.
She smirked. “Zed at least knew I wasn’t an idiot.”
“Are you kidding little bird, pretty sure she saw you comingleagues away before we even crossed paths,” Jason chuckled looking wistful. “Soyeah, I was never getting Constantine, I get Chas.”
“Alright, maybe he and Vic can sort out who’s giving meaway,” Raven decided.
“Good luck,” he snorted.
She groaned as her head rested on the table. At theinsistence of her aunt, her uncle, and her grandfather, this wedding had turnedinto a circus event. A big Catholic wedding (Of course this was after Damian hadspilled the beans on her and Jason’s original wedding plans. So now they werehaving a family wedding at Uncle Jack’s insistence it was going to be a CatholicCeremony, else it’d be Jewish, at Alan’s insistence; Raven had found the middleground by just saying, Catholic wedding, Jewish party), Lucifer was paying, andhe had even selected the church. Yes, God was invited to this wedding, thoughRaven was praying he didn’t show.
“So, I have; Alice, Jack, Alan, Mary-Beth, Billy, Jessica,Mazikeen, Lucifer, Gabriel, Amenadiel, Azrael, Timmy, Teether, Melvin, Harley,Ivy, Constantine, and Vic; think God shall smite us or come to the wedding?”Raven said looking up from the papers.
“If he shows I’m punching him.”
She snorted, “Luci will probably pay money to see that.”
“You got them, I got Alfred, B, Cat, Dick, Mar'i, Jake, Tim,Steph, Cass, Babs, Duke, Damian, Terry, Helena, Roy, Lian, Chas, Artemis, Bizarro,Kyle, Donna,” he started.
“No, you can’t have Donna,” Raven said looking at her list. “Donna’smy maid of honor, you know, because…” she shrugged.
“Ah, right,” he nodded.
“You want Linda?”
“No, Linda’s with Lucifer, you have Linda,” he said.
“Hm… how about Garfield?”
“He’s coming to the wedding.”
“Because he’s my friend.”
“He’s an ex!”
“Jason, two words: Rose Wilson!”
“So not even close to the same thing,” he muttered.
“You invited Rose, she invited Joe, and if you can have RoseI’d like Gar there.”
“Fine you can have Garfield,” he sighed.
“And Garth.”
“Why don’t we just invite the entire hero and villain community,shut off this list debate?” Jason suggested.
“This was so much easier before we had to have a wedding!” Jasongroaned.
Raven sighed in agreement. Because their plan was simple,they would take a few family and friends to the courthouse, get married, thenhave the party with friends and family. Apparently though, that wasn’t allowedwith Damian Wayne; nope, the little Arabian Prince had gone overboard andannounced that this union would be proper with all the family there. No one inthe Bats had seen Damian so insistent on that point; honestly, he was the lastperson anyone expected to care about this matter.
Their door was thrown open which had Raven and Jason lookingup as Damian walked in, he was looking mighty haughty about something. Whichhad her eyes narrowing.
“I see you are going over the reservations for the guests,”he deduced.
“I hate this, what was wrong with our wedding plans!?” Ravendemanded sharply.
“Too simplistic, and this is a long awaited union.” The teensnapped with an authority he didn’t have.
“What Wait!?” Jason and she shouted. It wasn’t like theywere Bruce and Selina who had danced around each other for decades! And she andJason hadn’t been ducking each other, they were just friends first. The datingthing was a fluke that had accidentally worked out to this point. But the demonspawn (not her) had decided they needed a wedding; a big wedding since Jason proposed.
“You two imbeciles had avoid this for years,” Damian snapped.
Raven glared at him.
“Now, I came to request that I be allowed a plus one,” hestated.
“And who are you inviting!?’ Jason sputtered.
“A date.”
“You will have to see, but as father said I was too young Icouldn’t have a plus one, so I have come to ask that you adjust the plans.” Damianlooked a bit bashful then.
Jason groaned as his head fell back. “Fine, fuck, fine!”
No shenanigans at this wedding Damian,” Raven warned.
“I would never!” he sputtered. Raven rolled her eyes.
“So, this plus one, add it to your side of the aisle Jay,”Raven decided.
“Why couldn’t you just take the Bats? They like you more,”he grumbled.
“You want Lucifer?”
“I’ll take the Bats.”
“I thought as much,” she sighed.
“You two have not finished the guest list?” Damian scowled.
“We’re at the divide and conquer phase of this,” Jason countered.
“Tt, should have finished this weeks ago,” he chided.
“You are welcome to sort this out for us!” Raven snapped.
He actually balked before hurrying out of the apartment.
“So, I got the demon spawn’s plus one, do you have God onyour side or not?”
“Yeah, I’ll take God if He shows. And damn that sounds weird.”
“The Supers, why are we inviting the Supers?”
“The same reasons the Flash and Arrows are coming,” Raven answereddryly.
“Fuck this was easier when it was just you and me to thecourthouse.”
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jackbkwiq · 7 years
Copying the description of the video because it has a bunch of great links for great youtubers : PATREON► http://patreon.com/the1janitor ONE TIME DONATION► https://goo.gl/Bk8TPh  Check out these YouTubers! ContraPoints: http://youtube.com/contrapoints Kat Blaque: http://youtube.com/transdiyer Marina Watanabe: http://youtube.com/marinashutup  Akilah Obviously -- http://youtube.com/smoothiefreak Ash Hardell -- http://youtube.com/heythere005 anubis2814 -- http://youtube.com/anubis2814 BadMouseProductions -- https://www.youtube.com/user/xaxie1 The Benjamin Dixon Show -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMCi... BlissfulMelancholy -- http://youtube.com/channel/UCiKQfBdTM... The Bronx Blogger -- http://youtube.com/tonyfigg chrisiousity -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn1b... Cracked -- http://youtube.com/cracked David Pakman Show -- http://youtube.com/midweekpolitics Danny Korcz -- https://www.youtube.com/94sidekick demotivatoropinion -- http://youtube.com/demotivatoropinion Dick Coughlan -- http://youtube.com/dickdynasty666 ElectricMayhem87 -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt2b... Folding Ideas -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyNt... Franchesca Ramsey -- https://www.youtube.com/chescaleigh Gaby Dunn -- https://www.youtube.com/nofungabydunn Garrett -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGwV... Gwen_No_Fear -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDIM... Hannah Witton -- http://youtube.com/hannahgirasol hbomberguy -- http://youtube.com/hbomberguy Innuendo Studios -- http://youtube.com/mrskimps Jay Smooth -- http://youtube.com/illdoc1 Kelly Kitagawa -- http://youtube.com/liverpoollights Kevin Logan -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCK5... Laci Green -- http://youtube.com/lacigreen Lady Columbia -- http://youtube.com/LadyColumbia Meghan Tonjes -- http://youtube.com/tonjesml neonfiona -- http://youtube.com/neonfiona J. Rose -- https://www.youtube.com/jadedculture Just Between Us -- http://youtube.com/justbetweenusshow Kristi Winters -- https://www.youtube.com/user/drkmwinters Libertarian Socialist Rants -- https://www.youtube.com/user/Electric... Lindsay Ellis -- http://youtube.com/chezapoctube Michael Rowlands -- http://youtube.com/mrthemusicmanmichael Nathan Zed -- http://youtube.com/thethirdpew Olivia Snarksalot -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIzy... Owen Macdonald -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3BU... Peter Coffin -- http://youtube.com/petercoffin Philosophy Tube -- http://youtube.com/thephilosophytube Pop Culture Detective - http://youtube.com/rebelliouspixels Ranting Feminist -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQlN... ReyRoSho -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCceu...  Rikki Poynter -- http://youtube.com/rikkipoynter Riley Dennis -- http://youtube.com/justindennisyt Rowan Ellis -- http://youtube.com/rowanellisvideos Secular Talk -- http://youtube.com/seculartalk Shaun -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ6o... Thom Avella -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw-4... Tre Melvin -- http://youtube.com/thisisacommentary Tyler Oakley -- http://youtube.com/tyleroakley Vlogbrothers -- http://youtube.com/vlogbrothers Zinnia Jones -- http://youtube.com/zjemptv
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melvinzed · 5 years
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Affiche pour le Bloody Weekend 2020.
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melvinzed · 5 years
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Pochette refusée pour l’album des Ludwig Von 88, “Pour en finir avec le futur”
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melvinzed · 6 years
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Egon Dundee. (Melvin Zed. 2018)
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melvinzed · 7 years
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melvinzed · 5 years
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ARCHEOLOGIST OF THE WASTELAND A documentary by Melvin Zed First screening, November 2019 - TOKYO.
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melvinzed · 5 years
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Le jeu Zombie A Social Club, adapté du roman “le Club des punks contre l’apocalypse Zombie” de Karim Berrouka, le chanteur des Ludwig von 88 !
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melvinzed · 7 years
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The Thing, affiches pour la soirée du FIST (2014)
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melvinzed · 7 years
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Cover for a DVD/BR release of Brian Yuzna’s SOCIETY ! Edited by Ecstasy of Films.
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melvinzed · 7 years
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Cover for the novel “Blue” by Joel Houssin.
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melvinzed · 7 years
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Affiche pour la soirée Ciné Let’s Play de l’association Saute Requin de Rennes.
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melvinzed · 6 years
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BLOODY WEEK END 2019. Affiche by Melvin Zed.
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