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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2017
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from the Pokemon anime
1. Infi
2. J
3. Jenny
4. Juanita
5. Lizabeth
6. Luisa
7. Malin
8. Meray
9. Merilyn
10. Miranda
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coji79 · 10 months
どうも肌の弱い美容師です。 元々肌が弱く昔から気を使っているのですが、そのせいか年齢の割にシワもなく見た目が若いらしいので、気を使っててよかったな感じてます。 そんな僕の最近ずっと使ってて肌の調子が良いなと感じている物があります。 それがこちら MERAYのクレンジングバターです。 こちら肌質によって好きなタイプのクレンングが選べます。その中のバタータイプになります。 詳しくはこちらに書いてるので参考にどうぞ。 こちら定期購入もでき、定期購入にするとかなり格安で使用のできるクレンジングになります。 定期購入���期間も選べます。定期購入ですが毎月ではなく2ヶ月に1度などと自分の使用量で期間はある程度選べます。僕の場合毎月だと余るので3ヶ月に1度などでしています。 定期購入の場合良いのは買いに行かないでいい。ただし場合によっては家で予備ができてしまう恐れがあります。 サロン…
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merzifontarihi · 2 years
Meray Yağ Fabrikası'nda yaşanan üzücü kazada hayatını kaybeden Hüseyin Ay'a Allah'tan rahmet, ailesi ve yakınlarına başsağlığı ve sabır dileriz. Kazadan yaralı olarak ayrılanlara da acil şifalar diliyoruz.
Meray Yağ Fabrikası’nda yaşanan üzücü kazada hayatını kaybeden Hüseyin Ay’a Allah’tan rahmet, ailesi ve yakınlarına başsağlığı ve sabır dileriz. Kazadan yaralı olarak ayrılanlara da acil şifalar diliyoruz.
Meray Yağ Fabrikası’nda yaşanan üzücü kazada hayatını kaybeden Hüseyin Ay’a Allah’tan rahmet, ailesi ve yakınlarına başsağlığı ve sabır dileriz. Kazadan yaralı olarak ayrılanlara da acil şifalar diliyoruz. via IFTTT
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mehreenkhan · 3 months
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I’m looking after myself and the days are slowly sliding into nothingness so keep your chins up. Even the miserable half-hour every fortnight is better than the complete absence of beloved faces, so I look forward to the Thursday that will bring its respite to the days of hopeful waiting.
Faiz’s Letters to Alys, 1959
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Why you gotta hurt reader's mom like that 💔 she seems like a very good mother, really wish she never died 😔
Idk I didn't even plan it really but then I was listening to this bollywood love song with like a super sad melody and I was like -😭😭😭 but only on the inside.
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annemaynova · 1 year
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compassionate and empathetic, passionate and thoughtful, Ellie is not as much the pushover she appears to be. This is a good thing, for as a duke's daughter, many have sought to endear themselves to her for their own gains. Years prior, she'd made a deal with her late mother's husband, Duke of Reeds, that she would be permitted to remain single until her 35th birthday, after which, she would marry someone of his choosing. Now, a mere few weeks before her 35th birthday, she is abducted by Mindflayers, and embarks on an adventure.
As a seasoned adventurer, hero and actress, Ellie manages to avoid fights, get creatures to kill themselves, and places her faith in those who may not entirely deserve it---yet.
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bonniehooper · 2 years
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Top Picks of 2022
My Top 25 New Favorite Actresses - #21: Mehwish Hayat
Introduction to Her: Ms. Marvel
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freakywonbin · 13 days
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twovampswalkintoa · 9 months
It is you I struggle most to write a farewell for. Four letters sit beside me with blotted ink and poorly worded well-wishes that you will have no interest in hearing.  
You are the oldest of my childer, including mortal years, of which I must. I must acknowledge the many plans I had for you. You were to be my son, but you begged that you become my equal and yet I am still unable to look you in the eye. You, of all the men that have tried to take his place, look the most like him. You have the same curl to your grimace, the same lilt in your native tongue. I wanted to teach you how he wrote, how he spoke, how he walked. I wanted to reincarnate my son in you. 
I wish I had done the selfish thing in keeping you for myself. I wanted you to stay with me. I still do. It pains me every time we speak, knowing that you chose this path and became your own man. It is selfish and cruel of me to wish you never had the autonomy to escape me, and yet I wish it regardless. 
It keeps me human, this guilt, more than Irina does. More than my boys do. Many of our kind stare at me, now in my sixth century, and cannot comprehend how I can withstand to sleep with mortals in my bed. They are repulsed by my humanity and yet they are desperate for my secret. 
You are my secret. 
My unliving, unending son. My longest, most agonising love. I cannot extricate one form of affection from the other. I cannot escape feeling. I never wished to. 
I will die soon. You will not know when - I know you are the most out of touch with the way our Blood resonates with things yet to come. I wanted one more decade to put my affairs in order. I fear I have made more than one mistake as of late, mistakes I already made with you and Irina. I fear I will not survive the carnage twice. 
Things have changed since I wrote the others’ letters. 
Stay safe. I love you.
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jem-jam · 10 months
will no longer be reblogging stuff for 'two vamps walk into a' here as i have a blog for it now - if you like the vtm/vampiric aesthetic stuff then i'd head to @twovampswalkintoa.
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novelsinpdf · 1 year
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coji79 · 2 years
何度かブログにも書いているセレクタブルスキンケアのMERAY こちらは現在WEB特別割引価格で購入は可能です。 今までは購入がオンライン限定だったのですが、僕もこちらを利用しているのですが、あまりも良いのでサロンで特別に購入できるようにしました。 今回はお店で購入できるのMERAYのBUTTERになります。 こちらのバターですが特徴ですが もちもち肌+超低刺激設計。ゴールデンホホバオイル65%以上配合で、手に吸い付くようなもちもち肌を実現し、 毛穴汚れもすっきり除去。 また肌へのやさしさをいちばんに考えて、 界面活性剤 0.5%…
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
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mehreenkhan · 6 months
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15 August 1952:
Your letter came today. I feel happy today after a mild attack of a blue period lasting over a few days. It must be the weather. It is more like spring than summer. The mornings are vaguely cool and disturbing like the first breath of love and the sun in the early hours brings more colour than heat. In the evenings the breeze seems to bring the breath of the seas and the skies seem to close not on drab prison walls but on distant palm- fringed beaches. And it is sad like all beauty that is within your sight and beyond your grasp—like all beauty that you know to be an illusion.
An excerpt from Faiz’s Letters to Alys (Saleebein Meray Dareechay Mein)
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shehsart · 1 year
I'm also pissed off at the fact that I made a purchase and they said the transaction didn't happen and asked for cash but I checked my account just now and it shows that it did :/
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