#Merry Christmas to all of you!!!
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The FNAF animatronics aren’t evil,, just jolly
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lotus-pear · 9 months
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"i haven't worked you like a dog yet, as promised"
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attleboy · 9 months
happy holidays and merry christmas from the digital circus!! enjoy these complimentary wintry postcards to commemorate your [eternal] stay!! :D
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illuteridae · 9 months
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when all of life’s accounts have been settled up….
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lovelooksgudonu · 9 months
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sharing this draft since I got a lot of encouragement. This was supposed to be my Avatrice Christmas art. I did plan to post it fully rendered, but oh well
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hasello · 9 months
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Merry Christmas everyone! Or have a great day! Either way I hope you’re having a good time.
I really tried to not be late but I got sick just before Christmas and had no energy to finish this. I got a few asks about how would the cousins spend Christmas time so here you go, hope that answers your questions. Also thank you for the lovely wishes, you’re all awesome and I love you! ❤️
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kk1smet · 9 months
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“Give me a nice thing,” Harry said that night.
Draco blinked up at him, sleepy and lazy, like a lizard in the warm. “This is the happiest I’ve ever been,” he said.” - Nice Things, aideomai
Here’s a little gift for everyone here ♡ I’d like to think that often, Draco would stop, pause, and think, it’s a sheer wonder that they get to be together like this.
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martyfive · 9 months
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happy crimas
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azfellco · 1 year
Rare footage of Crowley pre-fall
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phanslut · 9 months
not to ruin your day or whatever but dan and phil did indeed go to a spa in japan, just like they proposed dab and evan should for their honeymoon :)
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junosmindpalace · 9 months
☾ ft. tetsuro kuroo
☾ sfw. because who doesn't find the tradition amusing? 920
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somebody on the nekoma boys volleyball team thought it would be funny to hang mistletoe above the clubroom door. it was all in good fun, taking advantage of a year old holiday tradition to laugh at the embarrassed and defensive expressions of his fellow teammates as they tried to escape from the obligatory kiss in a fluster.
it was kuroo. kuroo was the somebody who thought it would be funny.
it was actually holly, and he’d explain the differences in the plant without anyone asking or caring, but the tradition still stood. his mom had asked him to rummage around in a box tucked away with old decor to see if she could find anything remotely festive to celebrate the holiday season. as he was rummaging around through bunches of tangled strings of fairy lights with dead bulbs and old gingerbread kits, his eyes brightened in curiosity as he retrieved a small plastic holly plant from the very bottom of the pile. 
and he’s sure glad he went through with his plan to bring it into school, too, because the look on yaku’s face as he grew red with anger and shouted over his embarrassment at walking under the plant with lev was absolutely priceless. 
“now the two of you gotta kiss.” he laughed as he leaned against the lockers, arms crossed over his chest. yaku gave him a murderous look. 
“we aren’t doing anything!” 
lev, too amused with admiring and flicking the mistletoe (which was shorter than him), didn’t pay much mind to yaku’s disgust, though if had noticed, he probably would’ve taken a disappointedly offended stance at his suggestion. 
“guess you’re in a festive mood, kuroo.” kai muttered as he glanced at him with a sort of nervous smile, removing his jacket. kuroo chuckled. 
“just thought it would be fun. i thought you of all people would get a kick out of it, yamamoto.” kuroo turned toward his junior with the distinct blonde mohawk, who only scowled at him from over his shoulder as he opened his locker. 
“you better watch your back, kuroo. you’re next!” he pointed an accusatory finger at him, still disgruntled over the fact that he had (nearly) walked into the club room in sync with kenma. kuroo scoffed. 
“like you could get me!” 
“yeah? stand under the doorway, then!” yaku chimed in, shooting him an irritated glare. kuroo’s eyes darted between him and the mistletoe at the door. there was only a brief pause in between before kuroo strided toward the door and lingered at the threshold, teasingly taking steps in and out of the club room. yaku hissed. 
“see? can’t get me.” he smirked, and with that, the rest of his body, along with his face, disappeared behind the wall and heading to unlock the gym. 
on his return back, kuroo puffed out a breath of fog and shivered. it had snowed the night before, leaving a strong chill in the dry air, and he was eager to get inside the club room as quickly as possible to where the heat was. 
just as he was about to step inside, however, he heard a voice, and immediately recognizing it, his heart somersaulted in his chest.
“kuroo!” it cried, and it sounded close too, so close that kuroo instantly felt his face warm when he turned around and was immediately met with your face only inches from him.
your cheeks were rosy from the cold, even despite a scarf wrapped snug around your neck and a hat keeping your head warm. your jacket also zipped up to your chin, and he couldn’t help but grow increasingly nervous with every passing moment he spent looking at your eager expression. 
it only took kuroo a single semester’s worth of partnerwork for him to grow utterly hopeless around you--and everyone knew it. it was hard for anyone to miss his clumsy demeanour or tinted cheeks around you, so much so it was a miracle that somehow you hadn’t picked up on all the signs. 
fumbling with his hands, tripping over his words, prolonged eye contact; he shrinks when he thinks about how he's reduced to a klutz around you.
“kuroo, hey! i'm glad i was able to catch you! i have these papers from minaho sensei that you missed when you were on your away game.” 
you extended a hand to hand him said papers, slightly crumpled in your freezing grip. he quickly took them from you upon noticing. 
“oh, thank you so much. i don’t know what i would do without—“ 
“ooooooou, kuroo, you sly bastard! you had to have planned that!” 
the two of you both looked in toward the classroom at a disgruntled, shirtless yamamoto, who seemed so distressed you were almost taken aback. kuroo narrowed his eyes.  
“what the hell are you talking abo—-?”
and then the green above his head caught his peripherals, and amidst the cold, kuroo started to sweat. 
the two of you slowly looked up in unison at the mistletoe, the mischief device of kuroo’s own division, gleaming in the sun. you had stepped onto the threshold under the mistletoe, resulting in the two of you now both stuck having to fulfill in a year old tradition. 
truly, it was a miracle you didn’t catch the signs. 
yaku’s eyebrow shot up in satisfaction, fulfilling kuroo's previous position with his arms crossed over his shoulder and leaning against the lockers. “got you.” 
the two of you slowly turn toward one another with wide eyes and flustered expressions. 
truly, it wasn't so much a miracle that kuroo didn’t catch the signs either.
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moo-blogging · 9 months
A Christmas treat to all my beloved readers: Levi and your daughter.
When your daughter was born, Levi was scared that his missing fingers and scarred face would scare your daughter away. He would always sit at the side of your bed, watching with such dovey eyes but never offered to hold the baby.
You kept encouraging him. You made him hold the baby. And you would spend hours pumping your breast milk just so Levi could feed the baby.
"It's the same, love," Levi would say as he bounced the crying baby in his arms, "just let her drink from you."
"Levi, it's not the same," pouring your warm milk into the feeding bottle, "baby needs her papa to hold her too. It's father and daughter bonding time."
It always warmed your heart when you watched Levi feeding the baby. He had a way with your daughter. The way he held her and the bottle at the right angle, the baby would instantly quiet down and suck in the milk. Her chubby fingers looked to small against Levi's rough ones.
After Levi had burped her, she loved to grab Levi's thumb. Whenever Levi wringgled his thumb, the baby would laugh. And Levi's eyes would soften. His lips would curved upwards.
When your baby grew into a toddler, you both had trouble keeping up with her wobbly legs and quick hands. She would run to anywhere and grab anything within reach. After discussions with Levi, it was decided that Levi would be on the floor with your daughter to keep an eye on her. Levi could not walk, but he could move around on the floor and he could react fast enough to grab your daughter who was always running towards the kitchen when you were cooking. Levi spent a lot of time with your active toddler, keeping her within the safe zone and playing toys with her.
Sometimes, you would walk into the exhausted father-daughter duo who was asleep on the floor. Levi sleeping on his side and your toddler slept like a starfish. Love looked like chaos and peace in your house.
Levi had never been to school and he felt more nervous than your little daughter in her new red and white uniform. He thought of all the worst things that could happen and had asked your daughter multiple times if she'll be okay in school.
Your daughter, excited to meet new friends, kept reassuring him half heartedly as she wore her little black boots. "I'll tell the teachers if someone picks on me."
"And what if the teachers don't do anything?" Levi passed her her little yellow school bag.
"I'll punch him in the face and come home." Your daughter gave him a thumbs up.
Levi smiled lovingly, "and I'll make sure you'll be alright."
You, who were heavily pregnant with your second kid, stood by the door. "Are you okay going to school alone on your first day?" You asked your daughter.
Your daughter, slinging her bottle over the shoulder nodded, "dada walked me there for 100 times!"
Levi had been walking your daughter to school as a practice because you couldn't walk long distance with your swollen belly. Levi could only do it when the road was less crowded because his wheelchair couldn't pass by. But worry not, Levi had set Falco and Gabi on the way in disguise to watch over your little girl.
But when the door closed, and your daughter set off to her school without looking back, Levi shed a tear.
"I swear she was just a little kitten in my arms yesterday. And now she's skipping to school."
You pulled Levi in, and kissed the top of his head. "You'll forever be her dada, Levi. She loves you."
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baggy-holmes · 9 months
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i was so good this year, santa came twice
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berlingotesque · 9 months
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Average Bendy enjoyer experience right now.
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gunthermunch · 9 months
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little-pup-pip · 9 months
Christmas with Bluey!!
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