#batim fans how are we feeling right now
berlingotesque · 4 months
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Average Bendy enjoyer experience right now.
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reel-fear · 2 months
Bendy And The Power Of Representation
So those graphic novel pages huh? Seems I posted my cover post at just the right time because literally minutes after I was informed the preview pages came out and uh. This is Buddy and Norman!
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Oh dear... I'll put the full graphic novel pages down below but I have so much to say on how awful this is it'll need several posts. However, right now I want to mostly talk about representation and briefly touch on why it's so damn important + inform others about the current shit Mike and Meatly are saying about the books n such.
Now note: All the things I'm saying below are based on my personal experience, maybe some people don't care about seeing the representation of their identities in the media they consume. Maybe some will think I'm merely being dramatic and I might be but I'm not lying when I say I personally believe being represented and seen in the media you consume can be one of the most wonderful feelings in the world.
Look I'm not here to argue with people who think that Norman in particular was never meant to be a person of color, I would argue he is very coded but the points I'm making here are not about how Norman particularly had to be black. The point I want to make is the lack of diversity in our cast in general and how Norman's design has heavily dwindled it considering most people [including myself] rightfully assumed he was at least one of three black characters in our cast. Not according to this though and looking at the the rest of the pages our chances of seeing any kind of decent diverse character designs dwindle more.
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So firstly... Buddy a character who has been said to experience discrimination for being Jewish, lacks any kind of ethnic features at all. That's... Cool but yeah I think this shows a rather grim future for the character designs as a whole.
Also, Norman... As I mentioned he was largely assumed to be black due to his southern dialect, his voice, and other factors. But nope, he's a generic white guy. With... Gross looking hair tbh...
Sadly this is not the first time the topic of poor representation has come up concerning Bendy either.
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[note how he disregarded the other mentioned minorities and specifically cites LGBTQ+ characters]
This sucks as a response but sadly considering Mike's recent behavior it seems to fall in line with the Bendy team's general lack of care towards representing anyone who isn't straight and white.
So how did Mike respond to all of this? Well...
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TDLR - "Who cares if the Graphic Novel we're selling to our fans for full price sucks, we now no longer consider the books canon."
This is horrible, I know Mike and Meatly are only really in this for the money, the fact BATIM is in the state that it is proved that, but they really couldn't have been less obvious about it?
So basically when it benefited them, AKA when it meant people would have to buy the books to understand important lore like Boris' identity... [the character you spend all of chapter 4 trying to rescue] They were considered canon... At least the author sure thought so.
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Hell even in the tweet Meatly made here he doesn't say the books aren't canon, he just says they're not needed to understand Bendy's world. Now Mike is using that as a shield instead of doing the right thing and saying "You're right, the poc in our fanbase deserve better we'll have it fixed right away!" Like most reasonable people would considering how his studio has literally been accused of bigotry, poor rep, and general lack of diversity before. Why risk making more people avoid this franchise?
Also just... Imagine how insulting it would be to be an author who helps flesh out so much of this world and gives its characters depth like NONE of the games have managed to do, filling in plot holes, creating a timeline for events, etc... Then because they couldn't bother to change the graphic novel for ur story to be better they instead throw out all ur writing and declare it non-canon.
If I were her to put it bluntly I'd feel insulted and horrible. Why make her do all the work of making sure her works align with the timeline and game's canon if they're not part of it?
I can't speak for her obviously but Meatly and Mike know of her account, so speaking out against this could very much risk her being fired or at least not allowed to work on Bendy anymore... So I would take all her tweets on this situation with a grain of salt. She very much is not in a position where she could be honest if she was against this.
So with all that history now, the question I'm sure many are wondering is... Why does this even matter? Who cares how diverse the characters are when it doesn't affect the story?
Well for one thing, if you think like that consider having more empathy for your fellow human beings but also it does affect the story. One of DCTL's themes is about the bigotry of the period it is set in.
Now the Bendy team has managed to make the discussion of this book centering around their bigotry which is ironic in a way I almost find funny... Though this entire thing is just a bit too hurtful and upsetting to find any humor in, at least for me...
But another thing is representation can bring people such joy when it's done with care. It really shouldn't be understated how far it can go to make people feel more comfortable in their own sense of self to have a franchise choose to represent them and their experiences. I know this from personal experience.
Now if you've been following me for a while, you know I'm a big fan of Transformers. I no longer engage with it much due to baggage from the fandom's awful treatment of me, but before I left I remember being able to witness the release of Transformers: Earthspark first few episodes.
These introduced the Maltos the family who meets the Transformers and serve as our protagonists and guess what?
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It's a family of Filipinos!
Now look I'm not Filipino, but I am half Mexican and I have a lot of love for that part of me. So seeing the representation of any Spanish culture in this franchise I loved made me so happy! I remember just watching the first episode I was happily telling my partner how fun it was to see people like me and my family in a world I love!!
But it didn't end with the Maltos in fact... There was another character who spoke to me, their name was Nightshade. Their pronouns are They/Them and they spoke about it on the show! Not just mentioning it and moving on but actually sitting down to speak about their experiences...
This clip in particular really turned them into an absolute favorite among fans and well... I'll let you see it for yourself.
This scene... Fills me with a joy I cannot describe. It is the creators of a franchise I love telling me they see people like me and find the stories of people like me important enough to include in this series. There really is nothing like being able to say there are Non-Binary characters in a franchise I have so much love for. I was far from the only one too.
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This is amazing, this is wonderful, this clip and character were moving to so so many people and...
This is a joy the Bendy creators have no interest in giving their audience. They don't care how you feel as a queer and/or black person, which... Hurts...
I... Discovered I was trans while in the Bendy community... It was where I learned the word Non-Binary and started using it for myself. To me Bendy will always have that connection... But the devs themselves seem to hate the idea of being forced to actually represent that in their games... And I still haven't really gotten over that pain or betrayal if I'm being honest.
With Norman now being portrayed as white here, we are down to two black characters. Thomas [who Meatly has claimed is white in the past] based on a vague conversation with Sammy in DCTL they could easily ignore... And Jacob.... A book exclusive character which according to Mike means he is non-canon.
If we don't count Thomas' vague talk with Sammy about disrespect as confirmation he's black [which the devs don't seem to think so] then we have one black character in all of Bendy... And he recently got retconned into non-existence. Great.
Look... The Bendy fanbase has always been full of wonderfully diverse designs for the staff and even more diverse people creating them. Bendy's fandom was built with the work of queer people from all kinds of places.
If the Bendy team continues to show how little they care for anyone who isn't straight or white... I wonder who they are counting on to buy this book or in general financially support their franchise?
I know right now, I am furious, I am hurt and I most certainly don't feel like buying a book that's currently just a massive fuck you to the fans and I hope I've expressed why I feel this way in an easy-to-understand way here...
Either way, I will not be forgetting this anytime soon and I hope the fanbase does the same. Maybe just maybe, if there's enough backlash to this series of horrible decisions they'll learn better.
Right now, it's kinda of our only hope for a better future, and if you know any poc who are into Bendy right now... Maybe consider making sure they're feeling okay.
I know from experience how much this sort of thing hurts, to have the creators of a world you love straight up tell you they don't intend to fix the fact no one in their stories represents your identity or life...
What I'm trying to say is...
This is a really low point for Bendy and its fans... Even more for the poc who have to witness such ignorant and careless attitudes from Mike and Meatly towards their feelings.
Please don't forget them when you discuss these tweets or this situation. That's exactly what Mike and Meatly want right now.
For them to be unrepresented and therefore... Unheard.
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inkdemonapologist · 2 months
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nobody asked but since I've seen a lil chatter on the DCTL Graphic Novel on tumblr too, here's the thread I posted on twitter, speaking as someone who's done a little freelance work as a comic artist, under the jump:
Main thought about the DCTL graphic novel preview is: yeah, I've made designs like that when I was being paid by the page and expected to just throw in extra design work for free and I have a deadline and no time to scour the source material or really put my heart into the design No shade to the artist; every complaint I have about the pages we've seen is that this looks like someone who was just working (quickly) from a script. The artist is likely not a Big Fan, so they only know the info and descriptions they're given. And the artist's portfolio shows they're capable of the kind of designs and dynamics this comic needed. its possible they phoned it in for no reason, but feels more likely to be "not enough time/not paid enough/not given enough info to give it that level of care." Which, don't get me wrong; an important level of craftsmanship and care is missing and im not gonna blame the artist but i AM gonna be a hater abt it lmao It's not just about designs; the convo with Joey is another good example. It's a literal illustration of the things Joey said and did in that scene, but it's missing the point -- that scene is our introduction to the way Joey throws Buddy off-balance. That energy is missing. And that's the sort of thing that needs the script to convey this purpose well to the artist, that needs the artist to have time & freedom to invest in portraying it, that needs time & investment & knowledge to ask for adjustments at early stages and get the page right one more note: begging batim fans 2 think abt the plot of DCTL and realise why "maybe we will not make the creepy guy who dies at the end a black man in this" is perhaps a reasonable choice. like im a fan of poc norman headcanons too but pls recognise this would be a tough call!! anyway, genuinely cannot wait to see how off sammy is gonna be in this lmao. will he be a mid non-design like norman or will he be conventionally handsome or will he get graphic novel dave miller vibes b/c hes an antagonist? will we get the fabled black hair sammy??? i cant wait
TL;DR I strongly suspect this was an issue of not enough time/not enough money. That design looks nothing like the description of Norman, right? Like, there's hundreds of different AU designs of all shapes, colours and sizes that you could create that would still look like Norman Polk, but somehow they managed to make a character that isnt ANY of them, lmao??? So... how could that happen, unless nobody gave the artist a description of Norman? Or if they did, how did that design make it past anyone else, unless there wasn't time for revisions or a system worked out for revisions, unless whoever was managing the comic project thought it was fine if the designs didn't fit with the descriptions in the book? If everyone is doing their job, then the artist is given the information they need without having to go do unpaid YA novel research before they can start drawing. That's why you have a writer adapting it!!
Anyway I could yell about this for 15 years so I'm going to shush for now BUT I JUST FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT IT LMAO.
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starcocaine · 2 months
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Who the fuck is this? Seriously, ever since I discovered this monstrosity, I've been feeling disgusted. My friend informed me about this design, and despite it not being 100% official, the damage is still done.
I know many people acknowledged Norman as someone black. And I've agreed most of the time even though in my au I never actually made him black, lol. But I agree on this one. He should be black. Literally, the whole fandom agrees on this one. Yet hear me out- I am not mad since his VA wasn't black at all, color really doesn't matter to me. But what bothers me so much is that he's simply hideous, ALL OF THEM.
They are so many talented artists that you have no idea just how many they are. They had options, many more. Just now, I saw the most jaw-dropping, beautiful- breathtaking fanarts of these same characters. I wish I could tag them all.
I just don't know what to say anymore. I've been such a huge fan of batim since 2017. I was a weird kid since I never stopped talking about it. And I don't mean this as a flex, I'm trying to say that batim has truly been my most precious thing ever. I can't explain how much I loved this back at the time, I still do.
It's been a while since I started to lose my way in the whole lore. Ever since batdr dropped, I haven't been able to catch up. And I must say, ever since they said that a movie, graphic novel and many other books would drop. I just knew I couldn't have high expectations on something like this.
And Jesus christ. I guess we were all right about this one. I really hope they do better, I really do. All I know is that I fear for Thomas Connor, Sammy Lawrence, and Wally Franks. They are absolutely my favorite characters, and even though I have my own impression and headcanons about them, I just pray to the Lord for them not to be THAT bad.
I only had to say this, lol. I needed to vent, whatever happens, I guess there's not much I can do anyway.
P.S. I made this drawing. This is my design of Thomas Connor, lol. Fun fact is that Thomas and Norman are my favorite characters.
I ship those two, btw... Norman x Thomas sounds fun.
What do you think about this in general?
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halfusek · 1 year
man. batdr archives. what
i hate them
sorry im gonna go full on hater mode here because oh my god? oh my god
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i’ve got a sneaking suspicion that this came out now as damage control for the AI thing because 1. it wasn’t included in the game all along like BATIM’s archives were and 2. this tweet
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like was it thrown together in such a rush that they forgot a whole ass character?
or it is a joke and was a planned action half a year after the game came out but eh who knows
either way this is not what i’m here to rant about (cuz im sure this is gonna turn to a rant)
it’s about bad writing, bad exposition and bad game design. buckle up!
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i see what they mean with the smile being a challenge to create, you can see in countless animations for fansongs how different artists tackled that and for one i think they did that very well
however. why the clothes exactly? is it just a meta reason with no reasoning in-universe whatsoever?
and look i’m not a fan of the ink demon having a voice (though i respect the craft behind it, the voice actor is very talented, it’s just a personal preference) BUT if you made the ink demon talk you should by logical extension either make toon bendy talk as well or explain why the hell he’s talking? i can see it being distracting but there are characters that have squeaky annoying voices in games and they’re fine (and it’s not like toon bendy is around the player for a super long time)
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i dunno what logic this whole thing operates on anymore but if joey commissioned the ink machine then it should be his and arch gate got all his shit after he passed away so idk what retrieve is supposed to mean here
but it could just be badly written sentences and the archive is full of those (once again making me think that the thing was done in a rush)
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that’s fair i guess
yall did make him look like a generic demon tho
i mean... it could be worse? if the goal was to make him look out of place then it was achieved but idk if it’s actually a good thing
i do like the bit about Wilson influencing how things look under him being in control of the cycle (though they have a very silly definition about what the cycle is but more about that later)
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dude. the beast bendy design was already bad in BATIM and they made it even worse in BATDR like what TToTT
its just an angry mountain of muscles, the batim design at least had that leg injury thing going on which made moving with front arms make more sense, this dude right here is just a big inky gorilla (and not in a good way)
playing as the final form in on itself isnt a bad idea, does sound quite fun, personally tho i did not enjoy the very ending on the game
i dunno it just felt weird and all the other characters randomly appearing and the lost ones attacking being so awkward and ink demon acting as if they could kill you... nah man i wasn’t feeling it
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okay so lets get this straight
cycle = a series of events that repeat
breaking the cycle would mean doing something different and stopping the cycle from continuing (so what... wilson was doing actually)
saying that making it restart again is what breaking it means is just??? no?
“satisfying face reveal” welp. each to their own XD
i see their purpose theme and thats neat and all but man do i hate how henry in this game is just. there and how some stranger is the person helping him get out of his horrible fate like its sooooooo unsatisfying
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yeah she got more personality ill give her that
but she’s not a beacon of hope. she’s a beacon of tearing away the satisfaction of defeating a villain that we as the player worked hard towards
and uh... isn’t getting thrown into a horrible dimension full of monsters that audrey isn’t familiar with and is supposed to be freaked out about a bad moment to introduce a familiar face? like from a writing perspective, because it happens nearly instantly as chapter one starts
shouldn’t audrey be unmotivated then and struggling to figure out the world on her own? the player should also be haunted at this world, like it’s a horror game bestie ! don’t make me comfortable
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well glad to hear the confirmation on that batds is happening in pararel to batdr
but his involvement in the main story is honestly such a nothing burger
is he there just so you can put batdr on the “can you pet the dog” site?
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oh ok so what you’re basically putting down here is that he’s a boring perfect extremely rich guy, wasn’t even a bad father, completely stripping wilson’s arc of depth, cool, was afraid there would be something of substance powering the backbone of the plot of this game
and saying that both joey and wilson are worse people because theyre cringefail at business XDDDDDDDDDDD
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ok here is something that im glad they addressed because ive been wondering about it - how audrey forgot that joey was her dad and how did she end up working at arch gate then
i suppose it implies that there’s something we might still learn/theorize about it, like for example if it was the machine drawing her in or gent wanting to get the machine back and manipulating things into place from behind the scenes
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i really wonder how you can enter in and out the ink realm unnaturally but good to mention why he looks like that if he’s supposed to be nathan’s son
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you cant just say that a character was important to the story, its not gonna happen from words
how is she important exactly? she just talks and uh.. helps audrey make the drink that makes you fall asleep? man that section of the game was Weird
i do want to like her, she seems nice and there could be interesting things to her backstory but as for the plot she really didn’t do much, sorry, betty
if you wanna say that pushing the plot forward by giving audrey that drink and then alice appearing outta nowhere and kidnapping here is a good big contribution then idk what to tell you... its such a bad way to make the plot progress, it was so confusing because characters were behaving as in forced to do Things to Progress the Plot (especially Audrey drinking that thing at all like seriously girl?? and Alice appearing comically at the last sip like wooooooow are you for real)
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ah. so they were attempting a redemption arc
[saying this he didn’t threw aside the large rock. he was right to be holding the large rock]
this sucks man! what did joey help correct exactly? created more ink people to suffer eternally? wow, dude, thanks
also lmao what learned from his mistakes, did you HEAR his dialogue at the end of batim?? (an audrey can be heard right after that scene as well so isnt his whole change of heart supposed to be happening around here + allison has already been added to the squad)
it’s just... it’s just such bullshit man
you can make us like joey as a character but don’t you fucking dare make us like him as a person
bad. just bad
(aaaaaand this is the part that made me realize i wish the archives just. weren’t added! wow! i’m even surprised with myself with how much I Don’t Like them)
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WHAT flaws??? hello??? please give it a big thinking and tell me what flaws does Audrey have im shaking and crying
also is her “deep dark past” supposed to just be like bEINg JoEY DRewS DAUghtER OOOoooOOo? lmao. wow so dark wow so deep
i dont know why this story needed a fresh pair of eyes because the story is that audrey is joeys daughter and that wilson is nathan archs son and that bendy is bendy. wow so deep so dark and complicated!!!!!!!11!!111
also whats the point of fresh eyes if you welcome us with familiar faces?
also sorry to break this to you but its not hard to stand out from the kinda cast that is presented to us in this game. sorry i cant decide if i care more about audrey or random employee number 24 with a random problem that i have 0 reason or time to get attached to. i seriously cant decide
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suuuure we were so muddled xD oh you got us so good you sneaky little cheeky little quirky little
cant fucking believe we almost had a proper nathan arch jr and a secret one eyed villain that there was so much hype about and theories that they obviously tried to deliever here
its speculative but. knowing that they take inspiration from fan theories - they admitted to it and ex employees said so, i think we would have to be in some serious denial to think that @lucky-dreamfisher​‘s one-eyed bendy theory wasn’t meant to be represented here with wilson’s character
this story makes so much LESS sense based on what you said! aaaaaaaa we were so close to greatness
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what is so wrong with not resetting the cycle then?
not that im a fan of how wilson was approaching things, he very clearly wanted to make himself the ruler of this realm and have power over everyone but sounds like that sure beats living under ink demons reign?
but also idk if this is entirely true like in batim chapter 5 we can see that lost ones were capable of making that lost harbour and sammy is later mentioned to have mastered a special ability too so??
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i wish we learned more about the pit because it sounds quite interesting and we were working hard towards getting there and finally didnt get to see it at all (a shame! very unrewarding to the player)
im not gonna comment on reverting here cuz its a serious mental thing im not knowledgable about
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i haaaate this
you... this is not how exposition is done!
show don’t tell?? how about SHOW don’t TELL??
what in the goddamn. you can’t just pull that outta your ass and say yep. this is how it is. bro. dude.
im referring here to the ink machine bit, the previous sentences can actually be seen in the story
but the design does not reflect what is written here
and they are doing so much of that in these archives, this telling of the story in a place that is not meant for telling of the story, you do that IN the STORY. rarghrgrh
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surprise i found another nice thing: confirmation on that alice was the one who mutilated the butcher gang, cuz i dont think that was ever confirmed before but at least you can find implications of that in the game so its fine to outright confirm that here, good job about that
i dont know what theyre on about carley, she doesnt really look like that to me and ive looked at her model in the archives, in the files and at peoples renders of her and i just dont see it
but i guess it might mean it was like a suit that someone got stuck in- FNAF?!>!!>!?
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no way. no fucking way
we got robbed what ToT
he was removed in favour of WHAT???? AMOK????
dude there ill be real. there’s barely anything that is worth keeping there instead of having him play a bigger role
and im not even that big on sammys character! hes one of my least liked characters personally even! but at least there is something more to him and just man after 5 years you could have given him more than just a dumb wilhelm scream joke, that almost feels like a spat in the face lmao
thanks for again confirming something though with that flow thing, as we noticed sammy uses gaps in the wall in batim chapter 2 to travel around the place
why not have him teach audrey the flow ability? imagine how could that would have been
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im just baffled this exist but sammy apparently had to be cut out
moving on
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my brother in christ why are you making it a mystery if she will appear, she literally appeared in every game so far with quite major roles
also... what layers? sure in batim with her story (susie’s story) there sure been some layers, susie’s story in batim is probably aside from joey’s story the deepest character arc they got
but alice in batdr? she’s there to play a stupid game she set herself up to lose, get mad at that (eh?) shoot you and die
what layers, really
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but also idk i found the fight annoying and random, you could throw it out and not much of value would be lost, put sammy back in
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idk if id describe the ink demon as putting the player on edge because he doesnt actually roam the place
you see a grey overlay on your screen and you need to hide or you die... which gets tiring fast and annoying
you totally could still have lurker (even if just restricted to some areas) as a free roaming monster
and the unlikely ally thing is just so bland like yeah he’s there, we know nothing about him aside from that he eats hearts, incredibly charming fella 
not thrilled by his design either but that issue i already had with the first trailer but i guess they just sticked with that
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bendy devs not use mental illnesses as derogatory terms challenge
i like the crab boy design, he’s sillay
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bro forgot a texture tho
so yeah not. happy with the archives
sorry if im like overly negative but ive honestly tried to give this sequel (because despite what they were saying it IS undoubtedly a sequel) my best assumptions and it turns out its nearly all the worst assumptions
its annoying, im annoyed
they should hire a writer to help them get this mess together, maybe get adrienne in on it, i dunno, because clearly if they need to be specific and not leaving things open like in batim, then they arent managing very well
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they even fucking killed harold
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inkabelledesigns · 3 months
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I know I'm posting a day late here, but Happy Birthday Bendy! February 10th, 2024 marks the 7 year anniversary of when Bendy and the Ink Machine came out. And boy, has it been a wild ride. Normally I would reserve this for my Bendy sideblog, @angelofthepage , but I'm posting it here because this is where I started years ago, and I want some of those people who don't see that blog to have a chance to see this. Because you guys are a part of this story.
In about three months, seven years ago, I was in finals hell, working through my process book for my packaging design class in one of the dorm lounges while my roommate had taken the room for herself again. And the only thing keeping me sane was putting Can't Be Erased and Build Our Machine on loop as I worked. BATIM only had two chapters out, and I didn't know everything about it, but I was so intrigued by what its deal was. I took one look at Sammy Lawrence and I wanted to know everything about him. Something about this barely started game, the idea of your characters coming to life to kill you, it thrilled me, intrigued me. It was something I was really afraid of, being so attached to my characters and putting so much of my identity in my art. And while the story isn't really all that much about cartoons themselves being alive, it gave me something else that ended up changing my life.
Over that summer, I would become obsessed, and for the first time in years, I let myself be a fangirl again. And maybe one day I'll pull up the timeline and tell you how it all went down. But right now, after all the celebrating of yesterday, I just wanna take a moment to appreciate the last seven years. All the people I've met, all the friends I've made. All the experiences we've had together, big and small. Some have been incredibly close, and others have been people I still smile about whenever I see them on my feed, even if we're not all doing stuff in the same fandom anymore. There's some people I've fallen out of touch with that I likely won't ever see again that I miss. There's some I'll be lucky if I never see again. There's the official voice actors for Dark Revival, which I've had the pleasure of working with on community things here in the fandom. I regularly moderate their livestreams (or Lovestreams as we call them) where they sign prints and interact with us fans (and sometimes I'm tech support, once an ink machine technician, always an ink machine technician xD). I'm honored to call a lot of them my friends, we've had some truly wonderful conversations. I've spent a lot of time in a variety of servers, trying to uplift people and make for a positive fandom experience for everyone, fans old and new. Sometimes it lands me in interesting places, like helping out over on the Inky News channel. The host, Brandon, invited me over to guest star on his anniversary stream yesterday, and in the past I've been fortunate enough to showcase my art on two of his interviews, one with Dave Rivas and one with Adrienne Kress. Sometimes it lands me on fun projects, like working on a fan game, and for the first time it's not as a voice actor! I'm a writer. I've had my work uplifted in turn too, meeting people who value me for me and also cheer me on when I try new things (sometimes entirely new mediums like doll customizing). I got my first helpful constructive critique in this fandom, and it was something I ASKED for. That is a huge personal milestone! I have a really complex and twisty set of feelings about critique, and finally, I feel better, because someone helped me start to unravel that just by being themselves and being thoughtful. It's inspired me to want to be better in how I handle critique and problem solving with others.
I spent so much of my life putting my self worth in other people's hands. I thought I would never be good enough to have friends who didn't treat me like garbage. I thought I'd never be a good artist in any sense of the word either. But I was wrong. I've grown. I'm valued, I'm wanted. I don't have to hide parts of myself to be desirable. Sometimes being the silly, goofy, fangirl that is Kat is enough. My art is enough, my ideas are enough, my flavor is tasty, and I am a goddamn treat. And after so many years of not knowing that, I'm glad I finally do. And it's all because of the people. It wasn't ever that my flavor was bad, it's that I hadn't found people with a taste for it yet. Bendy's greatest gift was giving me a fresh start, a chance to meet new people, good people, and for that, I'm forever grateful. Even though things have changed, I'm glad I met each and every one of you, you all taught me something valuable along the way, and I think about those experiences we shared often.
I won't lie to you, I've been rather frustrated with Bendy lately. And I think a lot of it has to do with the games not truly having grown with me. At some point our paths deviated, and there are elements of what's come and what's coming that are getting away from what really enticed me about the very first entry, the things I valued most in it. But in some ways, analyzing that has led me to figure out what made that first game so special. It was human. It was a character focused game, and each of the characters, while vague, gave us just enough about themselves that we could feel for them, get invested, imagine, maybe even sympathize. Everyone is a tragedy, but they're all different flavors of tragedy. And it was seeing people explore that, seeing people write these characters in ways that were so human, that really built a connection. For some people, Bendy is another indie horror experience. For others, it's something to indulge in that hits hard on a personal level. In many ways, it attracts a lot of us who feel like misfits. It's many things. But to me, the magic was in the people. The people in this universe, and the people in its real world community.
It has solidified my belief that people should play with fiction however they want, no matter how far it deviates from the canon, no matter how weird it is. Go be interpretive, go tell your story, go be free to make what speaks to you! (All I ask is that you're thoughtful about tagging it so people can make smart choices about engaging with it.) All stories are worth telling. Even if no one gets into it, having told it makes a difference.
Whether you're someone who's been there from the beginning, or someone that's new to Bendy, I hope you're all having fun. Whether you've finished exploring the world or you've just begun, I hope you've found something valuable. Thank you, for coming along for the ride. Here's to many more fun experiences and stories, be they official or be they in the fandom. Happy Bendyversary!
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lucky-dreamfisher · 1 year
Hey! Just finished playing BATDR and love reading your theories. I'll admit, im confused about one thing. How do the lores between the book and games not line up?? They both make sense to me and look like they work together.
Basically nothing from DCTL or TLO has been referenced in the game. None of the characters or events in the books are referenced in any way and you lose nothing by not reading them.
DCTL builds up the character of Dot with Buddy strongly believing that she will come back and save them all, and TLO makes a big deal out of the antidote to the ink which can be used to turn the ink creatures back to humans. None of it is in the game.
In the books Thomas is said to lack formal education, but in BATDS Wally calls him a "College Kid"
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Thomas also says that Joey owns the rights to everything Gent creates, but that's not true according to the games.
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In BATDR, Gent owns the rights to everything.
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Joey's personality and goals are also very different. In the game we're told that Joey's motivation for creating the inkworld was to torture Henry, but in TIOL he talks about wanting to create this all along for the purpose of entertaining the masses. We also see him personally kill people, including children. None of this is ever mentioned in the game, though it's a big thing to sweep under the rug if you're giving a character a redemption storyline.
And finally, Sammy has a coffin in BATIM, but in the book he physically transforms into ink with his whole body, and TLO established that transformed people are still alive and can be changed back into humans with the use of an antidote. So Joey's choice to keep Sammy trapped in the ink world is essentially keeping a human being prisoner, who could've been set free at any moment if Joey chose to let it happen. That doesn't really line up with the narrative about his supposed change of heart in BATDR.
To sum it up, the books now feel like merch. Something you can buy if you're a fan of the franchise and want to own something from it, but not something you're intended to use for lore and theorycrafting purposes.
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scarletgemstone · 1 year
batim fan made dialouge swap au sammy part 1
disclamer i own nothing everything belongs to the rightful owners please go and support them and be nice
also don’t if anyone has done this yeet but this just for fun
sammy” hahah i see you there a new fly in my web well come along now little sheep lets see if your worthy to sing with the composer”
(when henry walks out of the cage)
sammy”step out of your cage little sheep it’s a whole twisted world out there”
sammy” it took so many of them to make me perfect anything less than that was left behind i had to do it he made me”
sammy”now we come to the question do i kill you? do i rip apart to my hearts delight? the choies of the handsome are unbearabel how’s a guy to choies?”
sammy” yes i will spare you for now acaulliy i even help you get out dose’nt that sound nice? but i just need a few small favors done for me first return to the lift my little sheep we have work to do”
sammy” i’ll make it simple bring me the value parts the wheels and the power cores you do know i can always change my don’t make me reget my choies to spare you”
sammy”try not to make the searchers mad they don’t like people taking there things”
sammy” once a upon a time there was a composer who made beauitful music some say he had the voice of an angel and might have been in love with one and he was loved by all no matter what joey said or anyone said”
sammy” there was a time where everyone knew my name they say i was a great composer jack always said ‘they had a bounce’ to them that i was going places’ it feels so long ago but thoses days can come back dreams come true sammy....dreams come ture”
sammy” you see those cutouts little sheep? please place them in the lift and bring them to me after all ever composer needs an aduiance”
sammy” susie always said i had talent she always was a good liar but still she was once a very beautiful and charming woman such a lovely smile”
sammy” well done my little sheep but that switch connacts to the ink pump that gose all the way to my offiecs so to stop the fleeding of the satirs you’ll have to get there but try not to dead”
sammy”have you ever wounder what the outside world is like i’ve always  wanted to see the sun again but i don’t think i can ever get out are you ready to leave my little sheep? freedom awaits you (long mad laughter)
 did you really think i let you steal from me?! did you think i’d let leave no henry! i know who are and you won’t stop until you do what’s right!! you don’t understand what i sacrific or what we all were denied what i had to do to have him set us free! now come down and bring me back my boris i need him to make me compleat so i can have my freedom and be prefect again don’t you get it?!! give him to me!!!! better yet i’ll take him .once.your.died!!!”
thats all for now 
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dimonds456 · 3 years
20 First Lines
Tagged by @novantinuum, and this looks like fun! I’ll give it a go!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories.  See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
The order here will go from most recent to oldest.
1. Beautiful Morning
Steven awoke to blinding sunlight shining in his eyes. He squinted, bringing a hand up to block the rays as he tried to assess his surroundings.
2. Another Universe Down Below (SU x UT)
He had just turned 15 a few months ago.
3. Half a Puppet
Steven could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he watched Connie fight. She had jumped into White’s head like the angel she was, immediately running in to assist in talking to White.
4. A New Start
Cold. Bright. Fast.
That was the world which sometimes presented itself, whenever Steven chose to open his eyes.
5. Door, Lock, and Key
It was late at night. They had warped back late, as the sun was already gone below the horizon, but now, it had been hours later. The beautiful moonlight shone through Steven’s bedroom windows, painting his warm-colored room in cooler tones.
6. How to Train Your Monster (SU x HTTYD)
Connie was 11 years old when she moved to Beach City, or well, nearby to Beach City. She had been the quiet, shy, awkward kid who loved pretending to be a part of fairy tales, rescuing the royal from peril and battling monsters on the way there. She imagined that she knew how to swing the fine tip of a sword, or launch an arrow with such a precision, she’d be known throughout the world.
Dead Body Reported
CONNIE: Well that was fast.
PEARL: What’s happened? Who died?
PERIDOT: …urnext.
SPINEL (yelling over her in shock): AMETHYST?!
AMETHYST (from beyond the grave): Barely even thirty seconds in! >:(
((Okay but low key I still love that one because of how bonkers it is. And not even I knew where it was going. It was GREAT.))
8. Stolen
Here I am in the future.
Here I am in the future, and it’s bright.
Nothing to fear, no one to fight.
I see
The light
As dark takes flight
Happily ever after, after all.
9. Red Isn’t Violence; Pink Is
Anger had a way of bringing out the extremes in someone. Anger fueled determination, and competitiveness, and oftentimes could be the key to strengthening relationships with people. It was funny like that, as everyone always seemed to think of anger as a negative emotion. But, was it really?
10. Broken
It was quiet. The silence was comforting, but not what he was looking for. Not yet.
11. Bubbled (SU Time Travel AU)
It had been a long, slow trip, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the last of the Ruby guards boarded their Roaming Eye. Amethyst, exhausted, released her shapeshifted form of Jasper, wiping the sweat from her brow. She and Steven both started laughing in relief.
12. A Second Chance
SPINEL: Any second now, she'll be back. She's just getting everything ready... a new garden, maybe! I just need to be patient, that's all.
13. The Choice (Demons Inside AT) ((BATIM AU))
Darkness could only be dark with light.
Emptiness could only be empty while there existed something else.
There would be no warmth without cold, nor good without evil. That was something the demon had known his whole life, but had never really understood until now.
14. Awaken - Mystery Skulls (fan fic / interpretation)
He rose up, looking around. The world around him was dark and dreary, no lights in sight. His back was against the wall, and his body felt heavy. He blinked. He was looking at what looked like a cliff face, but it was growing from the wall by his feet.
15. Demons Inside: The Rewritten Fanfic (PART 1)
It was late at night. The clock on the wall tick, tick, ticked away, the time reading right around 2:15 A.M. It was quiet, an eerie noise that didn’t fit the studio very well. Well, all minus the ticking clock.
16. Edgar's Nightmare
It was dark. There was very little light, and the majority of it came from these little lamps hanging down from the ceiling. The other half of the light came from one part of this large cavern, over by the only exit- by a little workshop. Right now, though, that light was turned off.
The witch was away.
17. Bendy's Nightmare
It is a beautiful day. Light shines down upon rolling, soft grey hills. There are a few fluffy clouds in the sky, but that cannot spoil the mood.
18. Angelic Arrest- A Sillyvision Cartoon [script]
Alice Angel is hiding behind a cloud as she watches a fellow angel approach. This other angel trips over a thin wire, sending him face-first through the clouds. Alice laughs, but then stops when the other angel flies back up, frowning.
ANGEL: Alice Angel. I should have known it was you.
19. King Dice in: A Christmas Carol (Chapter 1)
It was a crisp winter day. The snow blew across Inkwell Isle, freezing the land in its cold grip. Everyone was outside, however, chatting amongst each other, singing carols, and welcoming distant family onto the island.
20. Demons Inside- BATIM Fanfiction (but the first ver of it)
It was late at night. The lights in the studio had all been turned off, Joey had gone home, and Boris and Alice were sleeping soundly in the little room downstairs Joey had made for them. A single light flickered, quiet and dim, the light reflecting off a small Ink Creature sitting all alone.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The first thing that stuck out to me was that I tend to start with a fact. Someone was this age, the weather was this. Often, I specifically stated the time of day. It's night so often, go to sleep, all of you.
Next, I talked about the setting. The characters get introduced later. I need to establish where we are and what's happening naturally before the characters go messing with anything.
The second most common thing I did was say something philosophical. I did this when I was about to start toying with an idea, like anger being represented by the color pink instead of red.
T;dr, I need to get more creative with my openings lol
My favorite opening line was probably "The Choice" actually. I don't really know why, I just like the way it flows.
I don't know 10 other fic artists on Tumblr, so I'm gonna say that if you write fic and wanna try this, go for it. Consider youself tagged by me. :)
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geek-gem · 4 years
I finished BATIM finally
I’m not gonna listen to music while making this just......I literally did this reaction...but with my eyes widened....when the credits started rolling.
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Just.....yeah.....spoilers in case and me rambling about my experience. Gonna add the keep reading thing since there’s a lot here.
So chapter 4 I died to the Butcher Gang twice, I threw a empty can of Bacon Soup at that spider guy and then I escaped to live. In Chapter 5...I think I died to the Ink Beast maybe 7 times. I felt like I lost count and I don’t wanna say 8......
Let me get to the point. I’m a FNAF fan and I’m gonna sound stupid. Unless I look deeper into certain things...this is way more confusing than FNAF.....just....that was the ending?
That’s what got people upset? I was expecting something much more extreme but it was more like confusing unless just...….I know I said spoilers....but it’s just.....did the game just restart? No or did Henry die? It’s like a confusing movie ending that’s what I was thinking. 
So that was Bendy And The Ink Machine...….I still like the game. But that was just kind of so weird. 
Please prove me wrong because I’m theorizing did Joey start doing satantic shit to bring the cartoons to life? Including in one of the recordings(I was also noticed by the Projectionist but I escaped) he sounds like he’s actually an asshole. 
What the Hell happened to this building I’m in....it’s fucking huge. Especially that Steam achievement's title, “Hell And Back” just....it’s weird.
Okay on to other things. Funny thing during the boss fight in chapter 4 with the attraction. I was just avoiding him and wondering what the Hell was I supposed to do....then I saw the axe and realized I was stupid......I got hit four times by the guy but I lived. 
Also let me just say Henry Stein is a badass mother fucker. This man could be in his 50′s probably. But holy shit the amount of shit he goes through and he still keeps on going. I mean holy fuck. In fact I think the WW2 veteran head canon might be canon. Because I mean this guy is thrown around, he falls down, how the fuck is a man his age still going? Yes we may joke about plot armor. But in all seriousness I shouldn’t look at someone in their 50′s as frail. Because fucking damn is he in good shape if he goes through all of this.
I wanna admit I find it cool finding out Meatly is the voice of Henry so that’s cool.
Another thing I will admit. I found it sad seeing the Projectionist get killed like that by the Ink Demon. Including seeing Boris die. Despite I have seen images and stuff of Boris being this boss. It’s sad to see that was the fate of that Boris. 
I think Allison and Tom were cool. They seem like nice characters. I also did like the part where it’s the three of us fighting the Lost Ones and these other creatures. Great use of the axe and me trying to defend them. 
Another funny thing I’ll admit when I got closer in Bendy’s or the Ink Demon’s throne room. I wanted to say it at the right time. But I literally said, “We’re in the endgame now” a stupid meme and or whatever.....
It was an interesting experience playing this. Anyway I’m glad I was able to finish it. Basically now I can do all spoiler shit now. Also my good friend @kaijuguy19​ we’ll probably be very happy to know about this. Considering he’s more of a fan than me. Maybe he can help me out on some stuff. 
Because I feel accomplished I finished the game and can solidify myself as a fan. 
Again just a weird ending. Despite the experience was nice. Gonna say I didn’t wanna waste time when I saw that Bendy hand grab that boat and I kept making sure to kept going in that ink river. Including luckily I didn’t die during the part with Sammy during that boss fight. I’ve seen a thumbnail of his face and was expecting him to be grabbed by that giant hand or whatever the Hell.
I still like BATIM but such a weird ass ending.
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pistachiolan · 5 years
Egos Mob AU: Additional List
Here is The MasterList that contains stuff that does not have much to do with the main storyline or was brought up in the asks: I. Frequently Asked Questions II. Headcanons III. Fanwork IV. Taglist (if you wanna be added ask me!)
AU Creators: @pistachiolan & @murder-schmurder
1. Will other egos/characters be in the story? - Right now we don’t plan on adding any other egos, be it Jack’s or Mark’s or anybody else’s. As for characters, they appear as we go.
2. What’s Marvin’s gender? - They are genderfluid, meaning their gender can change: male, female, both or neither. Usually, they don’t care what pronouns you address them [he/she/them] if they do feel like using a certain pronoun that day - they will politely ask for it.
3. What about time and place of the events? - Well, we didn’t want to limit ourselves to a certain country, but it’s a place in the northern hemisphere, with port, forest and river. The time is present or even slightly futuristic considering existence of BING, but some aesthetics can appear like from ’20 and ‘30.
4. Will Jack be in the story? - No. For the personal reason, we prefer not to include real people in this AU
5. Are there/Will there be any romantic or intimate relationships in the story? - As the story starts, Marvin, Anti and Jackie are in open poly-relationship, however, it’s not the main point of the story nor will be any romantic relationship. As for others... we will just have to see, no spoilers :)
6. Who is Jacques/Angus/Connor/Bing/Shawn? - Jacques is French artist who appeared in series like Passpartout - Angus comes from OLD series on Jack’s channel called: The Survival Hunter - Connor (The Announcer) is an ego whose voice appears in series like “Japan World Cup” or “Stories Untold”. Connor is a name I came up with - Bing (Bingsepticeye) is a fan character, that was created as Jack’s version of Mark’s Google (Before Mark’s Bing appeared) - Shawn Flynn is a character from BATIM, Jack did the voice for him in the game. (None of those characters has canon name /except for Shawn/ or design so all of them were designed by me.)
7. Are all artworks on your blog related to the Mob AU? - No, I do other stuff as well, this is my art blog, all Mob AU stuff will be tagged as #egos-mob-au
8. What confirmed non-ego characters are in the story so far? - Deceased, but mentioned in the story: Mr Brody (Chase’s father), Trent, Olivia and Marcus (Chase’s siblings), The Sisters (Crime Organisation that Anti previously worked for), Jackie’s mother - Alive: Mary (One of JJ’s spies), Sarah&Sam+Stacy (Chase’s kids and ex-wife), Diana (Jackie’s sister)
9. Where can I find the survey where I can choose my favourite character in Mob AU? :) [ RIGHT HERE ] [ Results so far ]
10. Are we gonna see how the non-ego characters look like? - Everything in due time :)
11. Can I write a story/draw something/make an edit/Share a theory or headcanon/etc based of off your Mob AU? - OF COURSE! Both I and @murder-schmurder absolutely love seeing what people can come up with, so please tag us so we can see it! :)
Chase: [His Rules] [Fun Fact] [Feeling of Betrayal] [”Day Job”] [Loyality] [How often Chase sees his kids] [How often Chase sees his kids 2.0] [Did death of Chase’s mother made him distance himself from his kids?] [Rough] [Sad Mob Boss Portrait] [Regrets] [How he changed] [What IF]
Henrik: [Fun Fact] [Joke a day keeps the sinus infection away]
Jackie: [Fun Fact] [Fighting Boyo] [Before joining the Family] [Smile champion] [Proof]
Marvin: [Fun Fact] [Marvin’s gender: here, here, here, here] [Other masks] [Highschool uniform] 
Jameson: [Fun Fact] [Love for JJ] [How did he get into the Family] [Family Secrets]
Anti: [Fun Fact] [The real character sheet for Anti] [Anti’s disease?] [How did he become IT guy] [Anti’s jealousy] [Anti’s origin] [Stress-reliever] [Twitchy] [Jail?]
Jacques: [Fun Fact]
Angus: [Fun Fact]
Bing: [Fun Fact] [hugs for BING!] [Bing watching his Creator]
Shawn: [Fun Fact] [DEJA VU] [DEJA VU 2.0] [Drunk] [Soft Shawn]
Connor: [Fun Fact]
Sarah: [yay]
Other Characters: [Why didn’t Olivia take over?] [How did Mr Brody look like?] [Who are The Sisters] [Jackie’s sister] [What happened with Olivia?] [Actress Mary] [Jackie’s sister pt2]
Group HCs: [Inner Circle] [Scars] [Mr. Brody’s kids] [Is Marvin Chase’s brother?] [What happened to Mr Brody’s wives] [Muscle difference] [Rules 2.0] [How did AntiMarvelSepticeye happen R15 Ship] [ The Messiest Triad in The City R15 Ship] [Sad Henrik R15 Ship] [AntiMarvelSepticeye Dates R15 Ship] [The Sisters and Anti] [Chase and Stacy] [Anti vs Jackie- Who was more deader] [Boring Dinner R18 SHIP] [Marvin and Stacy view on SchneepleBro R15 Ship] [Fears] [Henrik and Stacy having lunch] [Inkwell/Shaques fluff SHIP]
Crack HCs: [Anti & Shawn in the car] [What happens with Marvin’s dresses] [Hugs] [Who is more likely to] [OUTDATED MEME] [COFFEE] [Mob AU Egos meet Regular Egos] 
Eyebrows Saga: [Jacques] [Schneeplestein Brothers] [Wild Jackie appears] [JJ] [Jackie] [Marvin] [Henrik] [Anti] [Jackie+Marvin] [Bing] [Chase] [Angus] [Shawn] [EVERYBODY except Connor] ............ [Connor] [If you wanna witness nigtmare]
[Speedpaint of CoverArt]
So I wanted to showcase some awesome works that people made based on this AU! Thank you so much for all of you, that’s incredibly flattering to see people getting inspired by something we created :)
[Henrik] by @hetalitale
[Chase] [Marvin] [Henrik] [Jackie] [Anti] [JJ] [AntiMarvelSepticeye R15 Ship] Moodboards by @alexisthedevilsfox
[JJ] [Marvin] by @sar-kasstic
[JJ] by @little-beetle-is-sad
[Chase] by @hellothisiss33dot
[Chase] by @deaths-presence
[BING] by @jackspeedickey
[Marvin] by @din0draws
[Marvin] by @alexisthedevilsfox​
[AntiMarvelSepticeye: sketch & colored] by @dorkydinoart
[AntiMarvelSepticeye] by @eternalconcerto
[MobAU Boys] by @queenies-writing
[Chase] [AntiMarvel] @thespiterabbit 
[JJ] by liza_animations
[Marvin] by scarlett_valotte
[Chase] by arrt_dude
[Mob AU Inspired Story - The Garden: Part 1 ] by @squirrelestanon
[Mob AU Inspired Story: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3] by @little-beetle-is-sad
[Mob AU: Aunt Bea] by Oncewasmine
[the blood on your hands] & [silent] by @dead-inside-mcgee
[Schneeplebro & Inkwell/Shaques in Mob AU] by @alexisthedevilsfox
[mob au according to me and a bunch of poorly drawn stick figures] by @dead-inside-mcgee
[Shawn in action] delivered by @dorkydinoart
Incorrect quotes: [Henrik&Marvin] [Marvin] by @dorkydinoart
@a-humble-narcissus @thesinginggal @kate807 @mihaela-tbg  @isa-ghost @fleecal @alexisthedevilsfox @the-rampaige @epicseptic @snow-lavender @lythariwolf @hetalitale @blueoakstar @acidcatfreak @the-silent-screamer @apersonwholikesdragons @written-by-taylor @estaticplaywrite @glitchbicth @fairyblue-alchemist @nerdislovenerdislife @awkward-bullshit @littleluversblog @call-of-memories @mashabaranchik @sophiefrye22 @southerndragontamer @raven-clues @anqshusxx @tangl3d @metautske @a-septic-mind @din0draws @icouldhaveabettername @stuck-in-a-l-o-o-p @1esor2 @theblackphoebe @allons-ychey @celticmess @adarosewrites @sar-kasstic @chitaj @victory-cookies @admirethesky @thevampireauthoress @egowithoutstrings @enderoid @impossiblerebelblaze @novelistgeek @deaths-presence @eternalconcerto @anothermarkiplierfan @septicart-appreciation @thecatchat @strange-guardian @impossiblerebelblaze @hellothisiss33dot @my-analogical-romance
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inkyrealities · 5 years
Time to Set Them Free
A parody of NerdOut’s Endgame song Whatever It Takes. Henry, Wally, Sammy, Susie, Norman, Shawn, Allison, Thomas, Grant, Lacie, Buddy, and Dot all got out in time, but Henry, Norman, Grant, Buddy, and Dot returned to help Joey set things right (the rest are doing fine). Warning: This is a bit long. ————— (As the piano introduction begins, we see shots from the first trailers for Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5. Cut to the Sillyvision Survivors [Henry, Wally, Sammy, Susie, Norman, Shawn, Allison, Thomas, Grant, Lacie, Buddy, and Dot] quitting in ones and twos. Cut to Joey watching a car pull away.) Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. Time to set them free. (Cut to Henry, Buddy, Dot, Norman, and Grant standing outside the studio, Henry holding Joey’s letter.) Grant: Of the Joey Drew crew, we’re among the twelve last, But only five came back to confront the past. The devil nabbed our colleagues and he turned them into monsters, Then he went and twisted their minds through the words of a false prophet! (We see the remaining staff being turned into various ink monsters. Cut to Aaron [the band conductor] donning a mask made from a Bendy cutout.) I’ve learned that history can’t be erased. All the memories of the lost ones, yeah we got them all on tape. So let’s put an end to the demon’s Gospel of Dismay, We’ll free their souls from this hellish prison of black, white, and gray! (Cut to Norman and Boris wading through a flooded hallway, the ink up to their knees.) Norman: Prayers, can I get an amen? Toons trapped deep in the devil’s den. Gotta get them out, we’ll find a way To let the Toons see the sun, we won’t die today. (Suddenly, the Projectionist appears. Norman and Boris run, the former firing the Tommy Gun at the monster. Eventually, he shoots out the lens, blinding it and letting Henry deliver the killing blow with his axe.) Monsters want our souls, they just won’t let us be. Even my projector is alive and trying to kill me. So flow the ink, we cannot be stopped, wow. Tell me who’s laughing now. We’ve got a shot, it’s time to turn the lights out. (Cut to Buddy, walking down a hallway with Bendy at his side, when they are ambushed by several Searchers.) Buddy: Walking alone through the halls There’s blood on the walls Can’t ignore the demon’s calls So many of our friends What did it do to them? (Tears well up in his eyes as he dispatches the Searchers.) Don’t know if Joey’s earned a second chance But hope to atone drove him to call us five back Give the devil his due You know that dreams do come true! (As the last of the Searchers disappears into ink, he picks up Bendy and continues his trek. There’s a brief shot of the Boris corpse from the Chapter 1, followed by scenes from the second Chapter 5 trailer.) Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. Time to set them free. (Cut to a third-person view of the chase scene from the end of Chapter 2.) Henry: Is escape possible? Well, we have to try. Yet even so, I still find myself wondering why Why the demon forced me to run and hide Devil darling’s become something I don’t recognize. (Cut to Henry, Buddy, and Bendy hiding inside a Little Miracle Station. Henry pulls Bendy into a reassuring hug as Buddy peers out, only to jump back as the Ink Demon pounces. Thankfully, the door remains shut.) But we will not let this horror show be televised From the depths, we will arise We won’t bend or break, so don’t bet on our demise We are alive—immortalized! (Cut to Dot standing on a catwalk, looking down at a vat of ink. We see images of Matt [Bendy’s voice actor], Rick [Boris’s voice actor], and Lauren [Joey’s secretary]. This is followed by Lauren laughing wickedly as she emerges from the Ink Machine as Malice.) Dot: Twelve survivors, all that’s left Matt, Rick, and the rest, I can’t forget Won’t leave ‘til we can bring them home Those little Toons we love and know (We see shots from the second Chapter 4 trailer. Cut back to Dot, closing her eyes and diving into the ink vat. A moment later, the true Alice surfaces, looking the way she does in game.) I will not bow before a fake Just one path left to take No, I’m not afraid to pay the price, My soul to give Alice life! (Cut to Joey sitting with the others in the safehouse, looking remorseful. Henry, Bendy, and Boris attempt to comfort him.) Joey: Listen, all I wanted was to give my characters life Everything that happened is my fault, so I gotta make things right Get them outta here, there’s a way, I know I just have to believe Only takes a pencil and a dream But I got to think of how we’re gonna bring the devil down! (Cut to Joey in his office, watching Henry, Buddy, Norman, Grant, and the Toons enter a secret elevator. The moment they’re gone, the Ink Demon breaks down the door. Joey turns to him, a sad smile on his face.) Like the prophet says, for love, sacrifice is needed The beast wants to claim my soul, he must be cheated. I’ll give up any chance I had at freedom to keep the Ink Demon bound. Rewind! (A pentagram drawn in ink on the floor lights up. Everything resets to how it was before the arrival of Henry and company, with one difference—the Toons are no longer present.) Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. (Know we must believe.) (Cut to the outside of the studio, where Henry, Norman, Grant, Buddy, and the Toons are watching the sun come up. Wally, Thomas, and Lacie’s vans pull up, with Sammy, Susie, Shawn, and Allison on board. Henry takes one last look at the studio as he and the others get in. As the song ends, we see the vans drive away, leaving Joey Drew Studios behind for good.) Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. (You know we must believe.) Time to set them free. ————— Notes: I imagine the characters as resembling the designs of Aileen-Rose, as her art tends to have sort of a Disney-ish feel to it. -Character matchups: +Grant as Captain America: Grant is voiced by Will ‘DAGames’ Ryan, who wrote Build Our Machine, possibly the most famous BATIM fan song in existence. In Whatever It Takes, Captain America is voiced by JT Music, who wrote another popular BATIM fan song called Can’t Be Erased. +Norman as Thor: In Whatever It Takes, Thor is voiced by FabvL, the only other singer to have a BATIM song (don’t know about Divide, who did the chorus, but he wouldn’t count anyway). Likewise, Norman is the only other in-game character who only appears as a recording (I’m not counting the Projectionist as an appearance). +Buddy as Hawkeye: Hawkeye did not appear in Infinity War, and Buddy only appeared in the tie-in novel. +Dot as Black Widow: She is the only female character to return, and like Buddy, she only appeared in the novel (prior to Endgame, neither Hawkeye nor Black Widow had a movie of their own). +Joey as Iron Man: This version of Joey is a good guy, trying to make up for his mistakes, not entirely unlike Tony. +Henry as the Hulk: The Hulk is the only option left. XD -If anyone wants to do a comic or video of this, be sure to credit me! :)
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
what did you think of batdr?
So, grain of salt, at time of writing, I have not played or watched BatDR all the way through; I got it liveblogged to me by a friend (which honestly was an ideal experience) and then watched some cutscenes. INITIAL FEELINGS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
When BatDR’s release date was announced, I told friends that I thought it was going to be a pretty tight balancing act – if BatDR was REALLY GOOD, it could kill the enthusiasm for the fandom; yknow, a lot of times when you get what you actually want out of a story, the fervour fades. If BatDR was REALLY BAD, I could become too embarrassed about this franchise and not enjoy playing in it anymore. It has to be the perfect balance of messy and unresolved, but not TOO sloppy or thoughtless, and unfortunately for my ability to stop thinking about it, I think it kinda nailed it. BatDR has some heartfelt and startlingly compelling ideas that it executes sort of incoherently, which makes it FASCINATING.
The joke I keep making is that it’s not a sequel, it’s not a prequel, it’s a fanfiction. And I don’t mean that as a diss – it has a fanfic off-the-rails willingness to commit to a wild, self-indulgent take and just go with it, and I think that’s great. But it’s also sort of… disconnected from the original BatIM, in a way? It doesn’t follow BatIM’s themes at all when you think about it. Conflicts and questions in the original game (the downfall of the Studio, Who Was The True Creator Of Bendy, etc.) are strangely brushed aside in this game, rather than developed or resolved. 
Which is why you get weird things like, there’s a REAL ACTUAL NEAR-PERFECT TOON BENDY wandering around, but the original BatIM characters (Joey, Henry, Sammy; people you’d expect to have some kind of big feelings about a true toon Bendy) don’t ever get to interact with him because their feelings on toon Bendy aren’t the point here. BatDR explains what the loop in BatIM was, but that’s not something you discover yourself, because the loop is obsolete now – it’s just explained briefly in order to get to the real focus of this game, Joey Drew having a daughter. Even before you get to timeline questions/possible inconsistencies, the game feels less to me like an actual sequel that builds on the previous game, and more like a neat AU with its own headcanons bouncing off of and interpreting the previous game. 
Anyway, some random specific thoughts that come to mind:
They really coulda done something with the family theme if they’d just had Wilson go ahead and say who he was early on. Why did that have to be a surprise? I don’t think saving it really added anything.
Everything about Audrey being Joey’s daughter is AMAZING and I can’t stop thinking about this. Absolutely fascinating development. Have a lot of conflicting feelings on how this was handled but THATS FOR ANOTHER POST; I really do like this, though.
I RLY LIKE THE DESIGNS FOR HENRY AND JOEY. I was surprised to find that the way my brain parsed them was like, they’re the designs for the BatDR AU. Like BatDR is a new fan showing off their designs for their crew, and I’m drawing fanart for their cool AU.
The Ink Demon/ Bendy stuff uh, resolved very strangely. Am very into Bendy and the Ink Demon being the same entity but wish that had been explored a little more!
I actually like Sammy’s cameo(s). I’ve always gotten the feeling that the creators of BatIM were never entirely sure what we all saw in Sammy, so if they didn’t have anything they were particularly hyped to do with him, I think cameos were the right call. The Subject 418 moment is PERFECT. NO NOTES. His 5 seconds before getting shot at the end is like, it’s silly that he died immediately and we all joke about it, but also there’s an element of OH, IM SO GLAD HE GOT TO BE HERE FOR THIS for me, too.
GENT being all OOOOO LOOK AT ALL THEIR SUPER UNETHICAL SCIENCE, LOOK HOW SINISTER THEY ARE is kinda uninteresting to me. Something like, a single audiolog going “huh, that’s weird, when GENT left for their new building, all the ink left, too….” would be way more unsettling than explicit confirmation of GENT taking over and doing lethal human experimentation. And like, idk, I feel one of the things that made BatIM compelling was that it had all these spooky tropes, but motivated by a startlingly mundane desire – people believing in a cartoon so strongly that it accidentally veers into unhinged science and dark occult worship along the way. As soon as they’re just doing normal unethical science with ambiguous motives that seem totally disconnected from the studio, it becomes kinda generic.
Nothing about Wilson is coherent, to the extent that I honestly wonder if the original plan for Wilson was different and he had to be shuffled around for some reason.
What else happened in this game….. Im glad alice got a murder party but I don’t know why she’s here. That One Scene with her and Allison feels very fanservicey but not in a bad way lmao.
Probably other stuff but I think this post is long enough!!
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disneyphantomlover · 5 years
Time to Set Them Free
Submitted by @magicalmonsterhero 
A parody of NerdOut’s Endgame song Whatever It Takes.
Henry, Wally, Sammy, Susie, Norman, Shawn, Allison, Thomas, Grant, Lacie, Buddy, and Dot all got out in time, but Henry, Norman, Grant, Buddy, and Dot returned to help Joey set things right (the rest are doing fine).
Warning: This is a bit long. ————— (As the piano introduction begins, we see shots from the first trailers for Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5. Cut to the Sillyvision Survivors [Henry, Wally, Sammy, Susie, Norman, Shawn, Allison, Thomas, Grant, Lacie, Buddy, and Dot] quitting in ones and twos. Cut to Joey watching a car pull away.)
Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. Time to set them free.
(Cut to Henry, Buddy, Dot, Norman, and Grant standing outside the studio, Henry holding Joey’s letter.)
Grant: Of the Joey Drew crew, we’re among the twelve last, But only five came back to confront the past. The devil nabbed our colleagues and he turned them into monsters, Then he went and twisted their minds through the words of a false prophet!
(We see the remaining staff being turned into various ink monsters. Cut to Aaron [the band conductor] donning a mask made from a Bendy cutout.)
I’ve learned that history can’t be erased. All the memories of the lost ones, yeah we got them all on tape. So let’s put an end to the demon’s Gospel of Dismay, We’ll free their souls from this hellish prison of black, white, and gray!
(Cut to Norman and Boris wading through a flooded hallway, the ink up to their knees.)
Norman: Prayers, can I get an amen? Toons trapped deep in the devil’s den. Gotta get them out, we’ll find a way To let the Toons see the sun, we won’t die today.
(Suddenly, the Projectionist appears. Norman and Boris run, the former firing the Tommy Gun at the monster. Eventually, he shoots out the lens, blinding it and letting Henry deliver the killing blow with his axe.)
Monsters want our souls, they just won’t let us be. Even my projector is alive and trying to kill me. So flow the ink, we cannot be stopped, wow. Tell me who’s laughing now. We’ve got a shot, it’s time to turn the lights out.
(Cut to Buddy, walking down a hallway with Bendy at his side, when they are ambushed by several Searchers.)
Buddy: Walking alone through the halls There’s blood on the walls Can’t ignore the demon’s calls So many of our friends What did it do to them?
(Tears well up in his eyes as he dispatches the Searchers.)
Don’t know if Joey’s earned a second chance But hope to atone drove him to call us five back Give the devil his due You know that dreams do come true!
(As the last of the Searchers disappears into ink, he picks up Bendy and continues his trek. There’s a brief shot of the Boris corpse from the Chapter 1, followed by scenes from the second Chapter 5 trailer.)
Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. Time to set them free.
(Cut to a third-person view of the chase scene from the end of Chapter 2.)
Henry: Is escape possible? Well, we have to try. Yet even so, I still find myself wondering why Why the demon forced me to run and hide Devil darling’s become something I don’t recognize.
(Cut to Henry, Buddy, and Bendy hiding inside a Little Miracle Station. Henry pulls Bendy into a reassuring hug as Buddy peers out, only to jump back as the Ink Demon pounces. Thankfully, the door remains shut.)
But we will not let this horror show be televised From the depths, we will arise We won’t bend or break, so don’t bet on our demise We are alive—immortalized!
(Cut to Dot standing on a catwalk, looking down at a vat of ink. We see images of Matt [Bendy’s voice actor], Rick [Boris’s voice actor], and Lauren [Joey’s secretary]. This is followed by Lauren laughing wickedly as she emerges from the Ink Machine as Malice.)
Dot: Twelve survivors, all that’s left Matt, Rick, and the rest, I can’t forget Won’t leave ‘til we can bring them home Those little Toons we love and know
(We see shots from the second Chapter 4 trailer. Cut back to Dot, closing her eyes and diving into the ink vat. A moment later, the true Alice surfaces, looking the way she does in game.)
I will not bow before a fake Just one path left to take No, I’m not afraid to pay the price, My soul to give Alice life!
(Cut to Joey sitting with the others in the safehouse, looking remorseful. Henry, Bendy, and Boris attempt to comfort him.)
Joey: Listen, all I wanted was to give my characters life Everything that happened is my fault, so I gotta make things right Get them outta here, there’s a way, I know I just have to believe Only takes a pencil and a dream But I got to think of how we’re gonna bring the devil down!
(Cut to Joey in his office, watching Henry, Buddy, Norman, Grant, and the Toons enter a secret elevator. The moment they’re gone, the Ink Demon breaks down the door. Joey turns to him, a sad smile on his face.)
Like the prophet says, for love, sacrifice is needed The beast wants to claim my soul, he must be cheated. I’ll give up any chance I had at freedom to keep the Ink Demon bound. Rewind!
(A pentagram drawn in ink on the floor lights up. Everything resets to how it was before the arrival of Henry and company, with one difference—the Toons are no longer present.)
Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. (Know we must believe.)
(Cut to the outside of the studio, where Henry, Norman, Grant, Buddy, and the Toons are watching the sun come up. Wally, Thomas, and Lacie’s vans pull up, with Sammy, Susie, Shawn, and Allison on board. Henry takes one last look at the studio as he and the others get in. As the song ends, we see the vans drive away, leaving Joey Drew Studios behind for good.)
Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. (You know we must believe.) Time to set them free. ————— Notes: I imagine the characters as resembling the designs of Aileen-Rose, as her art tends to have sort of a Disney-ish feel to it. -Character matchups: +Grant as Captain America: Grant is voiced by Will ‘DAGames’ Ryan, who wrote Build Our Machine, possibly the most famous BATIM fan song in existence. In Whatever It Takes, Captain America is voiced by JT Music, who wrote another popular BATIM fan song called Can’t Be Erased. +Norman as Thor: In Whatever It Takes, Thor is voiced by FabvL, the only other singer to have a BATIM song (don’t know about Divide, who did the chorus, but he wouldn’t count anyway). Likewise, Norman is the only other in-game character who only appears as a recording (I’m not counting the Projectionist as an appearance). +Buddy as Hawkeye: Hawkeye did not appear in Infinity War, and Buddy only appeared in the tie-in novel. +Dot as Black Widow: She is the only female character to return, and like Buddy, she only appeared in the novel (prior to Endgame, neither Hawkeye nor Black Widow had a movie of their own). +Joey as Iron Man: This version of Joey is a good guy, trying to make up for his mistakes, not entirely unlike Tony. +Henry as the Hulk: The Hulk is the only option left. XD -If anyone wants to do a comic or video of this, be sure to credit me! :)
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inkabelledesigns · 5 years
Hey guys, Kat here, and today I have some stuff I’d like to talk about. My mental health has been very weak in the past month and a half, maybe longer, and I’d like to talk about it for a second. I know this isn’t usually the thing you come to my page for, and you’re not obligated to read it, though I’d appreciate it if you did. This is really important to me, and I feel sharing what I’m going through could be beneficial, we might be feeling the same way on some things.
Now I want you to know, before I go any further, that I’ve cried myself to the point of dehydration every time I’ve tried to write this, which is about twenty times between the audio recordings and the things I typed out, I stopped counting after that. I wasn’t in a stable mindset, and the internet doesn’t need to see me like that. I have a lot of posts that never make it online for that reason, the whole world doesn’t need to know what I think, I need to employ a filter.
But there’s a difference between having a filter and feeling like you don’t matter. And that’s a balance I’m still learning how to strike. I’ll be real with you guys, more than half the time, I feel like I’m worthless. There are lots of factors that tie into this. I struggle to be social, and often times unless I make the first move, no one chooses to talk to me. I always have to start the conversation, and I’m not good at that, especially when a lot of the time, I’m met with what I read to be disinterest. 
Notice my wording there, “what I read to be,” I’m saying that I recognize there may be a fault in my logic. I recognize that because I am on the autism spectrum, I have a very different lens on the world compared to most people, and because of my lens, I read things in ways not everyone might think to read them. I’m not great at recognizing social cues, I wish people would just be direct and say what they mean with me so that I understand what they need. But I’ve learned that we live in a world where we need to read into things to understand them, and when I read into things, sometimes it goes in a direction it’s not supposed to. This is especially problematic when talking through text online, where the tone is difficult to read and interpret. I’ve tried my best to be understanding, but sometimes I make mistakes, bad mistakes. It got me into so much trouble when I understood even less at the age of 14 when I first came online. People made fun of me constantly for things I couldn’t help, instead of helping me to navigate it. Socializing, my artistic skills, all of it, I was trained to feel like less of a person and didn’t have a way out that I could see at the time. And it continued well into adulthood. I still feel like I’m bothering people by wanting to ask them something in a DM or talk about something in a group setting. 
I feel bad for wanting to be human, some days I feel like I’m not human because I don’t act the same as everyone else. Because I’ve been labeled as too sensitive in a world where I think everyone is too mean. I cry a lot when people aren’t looking, I don’t want anyone to see me cry anymore. They’re just going to hurt me more. It’s slowly gotten worse, to the point where I feel like no one wants to know what I think, no one cares about me as a person, as an individual, just for what favors I can do for them or what jokes I can tell. I feel like people only keep me around to boost them up, and it doesn’t always come back around.
But I can’t say things like that, because my mind is a horrible liar, right? My friends do care about me, don’t they? Don’t they love me? Don’t they want me to be happy too? I know I want them to be happy, I love them, even if I don’t always know how to show it. And that’s what I need to have click, that right there. My understanding of love is different! I am an individual with a unique set of experiences that make me, well, me! And the way other people are, they’re them! They’re so beautiful and uniquely them! And because we come from different places, we express our love differently. Sometimes it’s through art, sometimes it’s words, sometimes it’s how excited we get to see each other, how much we spill our guts, sometimes it’s quiet handholding, sometimes it’s tiny stuff that we don’t notice at first. So I have to conclude that people DO love me, I just don’t always speak their love language, I don’t always know how to translate it so that I can understand what it all means. It’d be nice if there was a textbook for it, but there isn’t. We’re left trying to figure it out, can’t generalize an experience.
Sometimes we try to translate it. Online, I see a lot of people who determine their value with numbers, with subscriber counts and followers, and I wonder, why? Any number can be big depending on the scale. 10 people can be a lot of people sometimes! I’ve never felt a need for millions of people in my life, what I want for myself are a few genuine relationships, people that will laugh with me, talk with me, listen with me, people that I can invest a good amount of time in and know that it’s worth more than gold. I want to KNOW people, not just know of them but know firsthand how wonderful they are. I hope someone wants that for me in return, to know me. But humans don’t say things like that, we either spill everything online or say nothing at all, it’s too extreme. We’re so focused on a big picture, but the details are blurry, we miss so many roses to smell.
I don’t pay much attention to numbers, but occasionally I’ll notice them. One thing I am guilty of is checking my A03 inbox. As you may have noticed, I posted a fic recently, Too Many Eyes, which deals with my take on someone else’s content. One of the things I live for is hearing what people have to say about my work, about how it made them feel is my favorite thing. Because even though it’s brief, it means so much to me that my work got you thinking or got you to feel something, that’s such an amazing thing to do, isn’t it? So I read the tags on the few reblogs I get, I grin every time someone has something to say. It lights up my world, even if those things are so few and far between. I wish more people took a few minutes to say something thoughtful. Whenever something is said, I always make it a point to say something nice back. You helped me to feel good, so of course I’d want to do the same for you, what goes around comes around! 
Admittedly though, this fic may be a bad example. Not a single comment has been left, but I have received several lovely tags and a few private messages about it, and even though I’ve already said it, thank you again to those of you that said something and took the time to talk to me. You have no idea how much that means to me. Sometimes I get really insecure about my work, on top of my insecurities about who I am as a person, and I worry that my work is no good, or that people don’t really care about what makes it mine. Case in point, this fic deals with someone else’s content, a few someones who are well known in the BATIM community that are popular for very good reasons. They’re genuinely great people AND they have good work, a rare combination to find. But I worry people only like my take on it because it’s familiar to them from someone else’s work. None of my other works have received any attention since posting this fic. There was another fic I wrote that people seem to know me for, Raindrops and References, my most viewed A03 fic dealing with another popular content creator’s AU. My other works, the ones that were purely my content, never get as much support, if any at all. This happens with my voice acting too. What’s the role you all know me for on this page? Clara, from one of the many Nutcracker adaptations out there. Maybe you know I’m also Rouge the Bat in a lot of fan projects too, or that I used to run an improv group, but Clara is the one that gets notes, she’s the one I still see likes and reblogs for, something that I’m in that doesn’t feel like mine. Even if I wrote the script, did the voice, edited the audio, it doesn’t feel like it’s mine, it always feels like it’s someone else’s and they love that person’s work, not mine, because they don’t stay to look at anything else. And my fan art, same deal. I hardly ever post it, because as stated before, I was trained to feel bad about it. 
But when I start thinking things like this, I have to go back and remember that it doesn’t matter what lots of people look at, because the thoughts that matter most are from the people it was made for. Tak and Star, behind the scenes and in public, have been so sweet about Too Many Eyes. I consulted both of them on the draft before I posted because I wanted to be faithful to their content as well as meet their approval, and to this day, they’ve given me the best compliment an artist could ever ask for, one so wonderful that I would frame it and hang it on my wall. And the other star, responsible for Inky Eyes Golden Heart, what she said publically on the fic itself, that line about how for the first time she felt like she was in her world, authentically, and was surprised by everything that happened in it, that it felt like everything she imagined for it, THAT right there, that was satisfying, that was the most wonderful feeling and I STILL go and read those words when I’m having a bad day. And the nutcracketeers, we’re all so eager to share, and the voice stuff especially, It’s a joy to pull out Clara’s voice and make everyone weak in the knees. Hell, any work I get to do with AJ is a joy, he’s asked for my help on a lot of projects, and it really tests my abilities. He’s a great castmate to have. THESE are the people I make things for, individual people, and equally importantly, myself. My work is one of my ways of expressing my love, expressing a lot of things. I have so many stories to tell that I want someone else to hear. And how could I forget Margin and Cyber? We’ve all had our fair share of craziness lately, but these two are the people I make stuff with the most, not for, but with, and they are the most wonderful partners in crime ever. It’s so great to have them! There are so many more from all these circles, so many more that I want to mention at other points in time because they’re amazing people and deserve to feel loved. As it stands though, this is getting a little long.
My point in all of this is that even though I feel awful, eventually I come back to realize that I’ve got something wonderful. I still don’t want to depend on people so much, I want to love my work for being my work regardless of what the public perception is. This is actually why I got into doll making in part. I’ve never been good at sculpture and wanted to prove I could do it, and it’s such a great media to work with, and it feels like it’s mine. I don’t need to care what anyone else thinks of it, I love it, and that’s what matters. I want to love my work in all its forms, and more importantly, I want to love myself. Because while there is a separation of art and artist, art is an expression of thoughts and emotion, it’s communication, and it’s a part of us. I want to love being me, I want to do what I can to share my love and have it be felt by those around me, and most importantly, I want to be healthy about it. There’s a lot of things I’m not healthy about. How much time I spend with the screen, not getting enough exercise, overeating because darn it I really love food, my perceptions of the world and the constant frustration with it, and all the other stuff talked about today. I want to be better, and happier. I’d like to have the courage to share a little more of what I love online, be it things I’m making or things I’m feeling, because I want to use what I’ve got to become better, and maybe what I’ve got can help someone else if I share it. Don’t know until I try, right? 
Thank you for listening to what I had to say. I hope that it gave you something to think about, and I hope that it gives you a new perspective when looking at what you can make. You are an individual, there are so many wonderful things about you. And even if the entire world doesn’t know it yet, the important thing is getting you to see it. We all need love, and we’ll all find it if we keep looking, but don’t forget to love yourself, okay?
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kaz3313 · 5 years
001 BATIM 003 Summer - rnm (I don't often see you talk about her lol)
Thank you for the ask! It’s 
OOOOOOOOoooo Summer!
You are right I do not talk about her nearly enough, even though she’s somewhere in my top 5 favs (top 3 counting only characters from the show)! Also I’m kinda talking about comic book Summer and show Summer (s)
So, as I stated up top, love her but when I started watching the show I didn’t like her too much (she was okay but I thought she was going to be flat stereotypical teen girl)But that was beginning season 1 (which she was a side character) and then Season 2 came along and I said “Hell yeah, she cool” and I started really loving her as a character! Wasteland Summer was also cool to see and I was sad to see her frozen with not much more exploration on her character.
Hmmm as much as I ship and love to do so…I really don’t with Summer. The one universe in the comics where she’s a lesbian I totally support and I low key ship the crackship with the car. Other then that though I think she’s doing well on her own. I personally don’t ship her with Ethan since based on what’s seen not really compatible (of course when did I care compatibility-Eh I just don’t see enough substance for em). I’ve seen a few arts with her and Jessica which is cute but not really my taste either.
Now to non romantic relationship-
Well I feel like her and Rick get along well in the end, whether that’s good or bad I’m not sure, but I really enjoy her relationship with Beth? Like at first it sucked, it really really sucked. But I feel as though it got progressively better (especially the end episode where they’re shopping and doing daughter mom things). I hope to see the relationship in the next season and even her to grow a stronger bond with her dad as well (since that ones been shaky too. Honestly she doesn’t have stable relationships with anyone platonic and romantic which Is sad)
Unpopular opinion…
Hmm a lot of people show her as badass (which I love me some good ol fighten Sum Sum) But some people, when doing so, make her exactly like Rick. Now I’m not disagreeing she has some parallels to him (she definitely does especially showcased in season 3) but I think people need to remember she IS a different person. She CAN be a genius and strong and whatever but she will approach situations with her own twist! I also see (in fics mostly) them blow Summer off completely or make her stereotypical teen (doesn’t talk to anyone about anything ever, always grochy, and if does appear in said fic is just on her phone) which is an interpretation that I don’t care for.
Hmm, again explore more her relationship with her family (asside from Rick since I think that has been showcased in Season 2 and 3 a lot). Maybe even her teen/school life since she doesn’t blow off school as much as Morty does.
Fav friendship, hands down her and Morty. I feel like, at times, the top can work really well together (although not always- but that’s the complication with relations thier not always perfect). I also hope in future eps she makes some cool alien friends or something. I think that would be fun!
Crossover ship? Ehhhhh? Her and Wendy from Gravity Falls? I saw it once (or twice?) in fic/art and they seem pretty decent together. They would make a nice couple and also I think they’d also be pretty good friends! Yeah badass red heads unite!
BATIM!!!! Oooooooo boy! Also I’ll be doing lil more descriptions for the characters then RnM one since your less familiar with these characters 😊
Fav character, that is tricky. Staying strictly to canon game Wally (pure janitor boy) or Bertrum (local narssarsist finds someone who’s got an even bigger ego and now thier partners or AKA the octopus ride). I like Wally because throughout the whole game he’s got tapes and they’re always nice and cheerful which is a nice lil break (or poik(perk) as he’d say) from the horror and darkness. Also the whole probable he’s Perfect Boris just makes him better (I love Boris). And Bertrum; well for one he’s an annoying cool mini boss, I like that both him and Joey had big egos but he had one AND he seemed like a decent guy, cool design in general, and he’s got his motavations figured out Joey gipped him and now Joey’s gotta pay. As for everyone’s interpretation and also my personal hc? All of them! Even that bastard Joey!
No least fav’s. Some times I don’t like certain people’s interpretation of a character but I really like them all. If I had to pick one I’d say Allison since I felt in cannon she was a bit bland. But really in cannon we didn’t have much to go off of many of the characters.
Fav ships (in no particular order btw and one more then said but whatever)
Henry X Joey (like how can you not ship the protagonist and antagonist? Doesn’t every fandom do that? But honestly why else would you come back to mean bosses’ studio after 30 years if you two hadn’t dated or at least had a lil but more then a friendship. Also angst train woot woo). 
 Sammy X Suzie (ahhhh. I love em so much I just hsjaownjw. And it’s almost cannon and SO MUCH ANGST POSSIBLE HEHEHHE) 
 Tom X Alison (cannon but very cute). 
 Wally X Shawn (bring me the pure boys! Honestly this ship is kinda ‘random’ but also is a lil popular and has a toooonnnn if cute HC’s.). 
Ink Sammy X Projectionist Norman  (I love inky angsty boys!)
Lacie X female OC ( I love when she has a noice girlfriend)
Who do I find attractive: hmmm not really anyone (in game)Like Inky Sammy buff so I guess him.
Who I’d marry: ghanakjsjsks??? Idk! No one?
Best Friend: preink-Wally, no questions. Postink- Boris (so still Wally) because I’d just hide in the safe house and play cards.
Random thought:
Unpopular Opinion: Sammy, Henry, And Joey are all around same age and they grew up together. Idk if it’s unpopular but I’ve seen a lot of times Sammy is younger then the other two.
Cannon OTP: Samsie isn’t cannon? Maybe? it’s definitely alluded to but the only thing cannon cannon is Thomas X Allison so I guess by default them. 
Non Cannon: Wally X Shawn please and thank you
Badass character: based on cannon,Bertrum? Like I said he’s a heck of boss fight. Maybe Henry cause he’s had to dealt with everyone’s crap. Projectionist because he literally fist fights the ink demon. Based on personal hc Lacie.
Epic Villian: Idk if he counts as epic but Sammy was an interesting villian. I feel like he should’ve been explored more (so does the rest of the fandom) but I feel like straight up trying to sacrifice
Pairing I’m not a fan of: I used to not like Sammy X Wally but now I think it’s kinda cute. Maybe Wally X Norman just HC they have a more father son bond but I’ve seen some stories where it’s not the case sooo, it really does depend on people’s personal story. I also don’t care for Alice X Bendy (but some content of them is cute and I still enjoy some of it).
Character I feel like they screwed up: Sammy they didn’t do to much with even though he had a lot of potential. Same with Allison and Thomas who were kinda just bland especially Allison.
Character I identify with: when hc I project a lot on Wally but i don’t identify with anyone imparticular.
Character I wish I could be: I’m going to take this as if I could be one of the toons (and not in game toons, since I’d be trapped and I’d rather not) Boris. Who wouldn’t want to be a wolf who just eats all day. Or Edgar (spider boy) because he’s so cute!
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