hjbender · 5 years
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The merthorki comic (and Loki’s babies) are finally here! View it uncensored at AO3 (please heed the tags and warnings).
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basikalsayatua · 5 years
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Mermaid Au and just an excuse for me to draw a mermaid Thor and Jotun sea-snake Loki.  Someone please write more fanfic on the Thorki Mermaid Au!!!!
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hjbender · 4 years
Ooh you know your meraid thorki comic. What if, in the distant future where Loki's kids are about 5-6, Odin shows up because things aren't going well in the dolfolk kingdom and Odin tries to see new territory but accidentally stumbbles across Loki and Thor with their children.
Oh wow, that would be shocking (literally and figuratively, I’m sure Thor might let off an errant bolt or two just seeing his father again)! I haven’t really decided how Thor’s parents are going to find out about the family he’s made with Loki. Frigga would be understanding, of course, but would Odin? Perhaps in time.
(I know Odin’s a royal prick, but I secretly headcanon that he has a serious weakness for babies, kind of playing on his canon portrayal of “ooh look, a free baby!” in regards to Loki in the first Thor film. But I digress.) Maybe once he sees his seven grandchildren, his barnacle-encrusted heart will melt and he’ll welcome Thor (and Loki) into Asgard. This is sort of a fairy tale, so there’s gotta be a happy ending somewhere, right?
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hjbender · 5 years
I'm pretty in love with your Merthorki fic, so is it possible to get an update on the Mer-Thorki family? How is the runt doing? Did Thor's parents ever find out? How's Mama Loki dealing with caring for all those babies?
Ah thank you, anon, I’m so glad to hear you like that AU! I don’t have anything new to report just yet, but I’m hoping to update the adventures of sea snake sorcerer Loki and merman Thor and their seven little merbeebs this coming mermay!
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hjbender · 4 years
Aaaaahhh. Your Merthorki is so amazing! Those babies are so darn cute! Do you have names for them?
Re: #merthorki
Sure I have names for them! Sleepy, Sneezy, Happy, Dopey--
...wait. That doesn’t sound... let me get back to you on that
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hjbender · 4 years
I’m confused, if during my time with researching on animals, don’t sea animals lay eggs in their egg sack like serpent loki?
I think most oviparous (egg-laying) sea creatures use the egg sac method of laying eggs, especially invertebrates like squid, snails, jellyfish and octopi. (Want to see something incredible and possibly horrifying? Norwegian divers come across a massive squid egg sac.) It kind of makes sense, keeping all the little ones together where they stand a better chance of survival, but I think there are quite a few sea creatures who lay eggs individually, like sea turtles, and bury them in holes.
Some sea snakes do this. Reproduction varies widely among the species, with some sea snakes birthing live young while others lay eggs. Here’s an excerpt from this article on sea snakes, which is a fascinating read even if you’re not doing research for a merfolk AU:
The true sea snakes may be oviparous (lay eggs) or ovoviviparous (live birth from fertilized eggs held within the female’s body). The Laticauda is the only oviparous group of true sea snakes. These snakes lay their eggs on land.
All sea kraits mate on land and lay their eggs (oviparous) in rock crevices and caves on shore. A female krait may deposit from 1 to 10 eggs before returning to the water.
For sea serpent Loki (and my whole #merthorki AU), I made him ovoviviparous, meaning that his babies hatched from individual eggs inside his womb and were then born live, one at a time. (Most types of sharks and rays have babies this way, too.)
While I personally like to base my fanfiction and headcanons on facts as much as I can, at some point I–and by extension, everyone who reads my stuff–must sometimes just suspend disbelief and embrace the fantastic. After all…
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hjbender · 5 years
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Uh oh. Little lightnings in Loki’s belly! What in the seven seas could this possibly mean?
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hjbender · 5 years
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The Mating Coil
Serpenians have a different way of making love than Thor’s people. While Dolfolk mating is typically hard and energetic and performed in multiple brief episodes, Serpenians prefer to clasp their partners in a strong but flexible coil and slither against each other for a while before finally engaging. Bellies and chests are especially sensitive, and rubbing these parts against their lover’s is highly arousing. The Serpenian method is a slower, more sensual, intimate form of mating. Sometimes it will take close to an hour for Loki to climax, but the buildup to that moment is glorious, and his orgasms are often so powerful that they leave Thor’s arms and shoulders covered in bleeding scratches, his belly raw from rubbing, and his lower half aching from the tight grip of Loki’s tail.
But Thor wouldn’t have it any other way. Now that he’s learned how to slow down and mate gently with Loki, hardly a day goes by when they can resist each other’s embrace. And the fact that Loki is pregnant does nothing to damper his libido. In fact, the bigger Loki’s belly grows, the more sensitive to touch it becomes. There’s nothing Thor loves more than to bask with Loki, belly to belly in the afterglow, and feel the tiny flutters of their babies between them. After all, this was how they were made.
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hjbender · 5 years
What does sea serpent loki's sausage look like? *GASP* Or sausages... does he have hemipenes???
He certainly does! Here’s a graphic depicting the anatomy of Loki as he appears in my merthorki series:
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He’s a little bit different in my sailor AU (a Serpenian for merthorki and an Isslange for sailor AU) but they’re both sea snake merfolk species and have a lot in common.
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hjbender · 5 years
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In a cool, shady grotto, Thor built a comfy nest of shells and sponges for Loki to lounge on. It’s a welcome retreat for when the babies are really squirmy and sparky. ⚡
Non-animated version here
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hjbender · 5 years
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Loki uses his sorcery to see what’s inside him and... big surprise!
The #merthorki series
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hjbender · 5 years
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Squelch squelch 💦💦
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hjbender · 5 years
What foods is pregnant mer!loki going to crave? Human foods that make thor set up treaties with humans? Or just sea foods? And will thor build a sea shell bra for Loki? Bc its pretty and I imagine he would be jealous of other fish looking at Loki.
Take a deep breath, anon, ‘cause we’re diving in 💦
Tagged: underwater domestic fluff, mpreg, pregnant sea snakes, ambisexual merfolk, interspecies sex, lemon, pregnant mersex, worldbuilding, merfolk biology, large cock, hemipenes, lactation kink, humor; 2090k words
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After the discovery of Loki’s pregnancy, Thor began preparing in earnest for anything and everything leading up to that momentous day. His people, the dolphin folk, were prone to strange symptoms when they were pregnant, and food cravings were a common occurrence. He vowed to do his best to keep Loki comfortable and happy during this time.
Loki was unconcerned. He was a sea snake after all, not one of the Dolfolk, and he fully expected to bypass all of the odd behaviors Thor described. Considering how well-developed his babies looked when he first saw them swirling in green mist above his cauldron, he was probably well past those stages anyway.
But that wasn’t the case.
“My people carry their offspring for over a year,” Thor explained, stroking Loki’s belly as they lay tangled together in a soft, comfortable bed of sea ferns. “Considering how extraordinary ours will be, it might take even longer.”
Loki sat up with wide eyes. “An entire year?”
“At the very least.”
His pupils shrank into horrified slits.
Over a year being pregnant? He couldn’t possibly last that long! The six little hybrids he carried in his belly already appeared to be full term. He was expecting this to be a short pregnancy followed by a quick, easy birth. A few good pushes and splish splash sploosh, out pop six wriggling tadpoles who instinctively knew how to swim and scavenge and survive on their own. Not that Thor planned to let them do that. No, the Dolfolk raised their young and lived with them for most of their lives, Loki knew. They had large extended families and their social structure was close and complex.
Loki, on the other hand, had never met his parents or any of his siblings. The Serpenians were a solitary, self-sufficient race who came together only during mating season once every few years. Pregnancies lasted a mere couple of months, then they birthed their snakelets in shallow waters and promptly abandoned them, allowing them to make their own way. Some of the young fell prey to the many predators and dangerous things that lived in the sea. The survivors endured and reached maturity, forming the new generation. Serpenian babies were born tiny but they were hardy and full of instinct. There wasn’t cruelty or malice behind these traditions. It was simply the way of Loki’s people, how things had been done for millennia.
But the babies Loki carried weren’t entirely Serpenian. They were part Dolfolk and they certainly shared their father’s gift for harnessing electrical energy, even at this early stage in their development. It made Loki wonder; if his babies were already this developed, then what were they going to do until they were born?
The answer was grow. Grow, emit occasional bursts of bioelectric power, and make their mother’s hormones fluctuate more times per day than the tide.
At eight weeks, three-quarters of the way through a typical Serpenian pregnancy, Loki’s sex drive suddenly increased tenfold. Thor was tremendously pleased by this and was ready at any given moment to offer his body to appease Loki’s needs. He had always admired (and envied) Loki’s hemipenes, the impressive pair of organs that everted when he was aroused, but it was the sweet little slit below them that he truly loved to lavish with attention. It wept for over a week, constantly producing a slick mucus that aided their lovemaking and allowed Thor’s pointed, 18-inch prehensile cock to seat itself completely inside Loki, causing his belly to bulge with its mass.
In this state of carnal euphoria, Loki would remain coupled with Thor for hours at a time, his tail wrapped around Thor’s while his sheath clenched tightly and milked Thor’s seed from him, eliciting as many as a dozen orgasms in a single hour. Because Thor could move his penis at will, he was able to selectively seek out Loki’s many erogenous spots and repay the pleasure. It was especially titillating to see Loki’s belly shift with his organ’s movements. Loki both praised and cursed Thor for his beautiful, beastly anatomy, weak moans of ecstasy on his quivering lips.
But even in the throes of intercourse, he still managed to retain a maternal concern for his unborn offspring.
“Oh, Thor, the babies,” he panted, heaving lungfuls of bubbles into the water as Thor’s cock writhed ruthlessly inside him, hitting all of his sweet spots at once. “Don’t hurt the babies!”
“The babies are safe,” Thor murmured. He stroked Loki’s back soothingly and nuzzled his neck as they lay belly to belly with one another, rocking against the sandy seabed. “They are sealed in your womb, and your womb will protect them. Do not fear. I cannot harm them.”
Loki pulled back a little to look down at his stomach, his small bump tingling with electrical activity. “But I can feel them moving. They’re jumping and wriggling and there’s so mu—ah! So much energy they’re producing!”
“They are simply excited that their mother is excited,” Thor said with a breathless smile. “After you climax, they will settle down and sleep once more.”
Loki smirked breathlessly and pulled Thor close. “Perhaps we can rock them to sleep.”
Thor growled in agreement and slowed his thrusts, rolling his hips in smooth, serpentine motions, just as Loki had taught him.
They made love in this way for another half hour until neither could last another minute. They climaxed together, Thor coating Loki’s overfull sheath with his seed; it leaked out around his softening cock and turned into cloudy white tendrils in the water. Loki collapsed into the sand, sated and happy, and the stirrings inside him gradually quieted.
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At sixteen weeks, Loki was possessed by cravings. Soon Thor spent more time out hunting for treats than in his mate’s company. He worked tirelessly to bring Loki anything he wanted, often robbing fishermen’s traps and stealing from their nets. It was dangerous, Thor knew. The alliance between men and merfolk was tenuous at best and treacherous at worst. If he were caught, there was a slim chance he would be released. He would be forced to fight for his freedom and possibly his life. Though he was getting better at controlling his powers, he knew he could shock only a small crew to incapacitation. A larger crew armed with poles and pikes and clubs… that worried him.
And Loki worried for him as well. “Whatever you do, stay away from the Sandmaster. If you’re caught by him, you’ll never escape.”
Thor frowned. “The Sandmaster?”
“You’ll know him by his ship.” Loki’s knuckles popped as he wrung his hands. “It’s called the Sakaar, and it’s painted gold and blue and red. His nets are unbreakable. His traps bear the name of Gast. Stay away from them, Thor. Don’t even go near them. Promise me.”
Thor nodded slowly after a moment. “I promise.”
Loki continued to fidget. “It’s not just the Sandmaster you need to watch out for. I hear his brother keeps merfolk prisoner at a place called Knowhere Island. He collects them like trophies. He’s always looking for rare sea creatures to add to his menagerie. His ship is the Tivan and it has a black hull with white trim.” He placed his hand on his growing belly and gazed at Thor seriously. “I cannot raise our children alone, Thor. I need you. Our babies will need you. Please, stay away from those humans. I can do without lobster but I can’t do without you.”
Thor smiled at Loki tenderly and swam over to plant a kiss on his forehead. “Do not fret, Loki. I give you my word I shall return to you.” He passed his hand over Loki’s swollen midsection and sent a warm, comforting pulse of electricity to his sleeping babies. “To all of you.”
And he always did.
Thor never saw the Sakaar or the Tivan on his hunts, but he did come across a line of traps on the seafloor bearing the name of Gast. The contents were exactly what he was looking for—giant crustaceans that would feed Loki’s cravings for the next four months—but he recalled his beloved’s warning to him and the promise he’d given him. And Thor turned and swam as fast as he could.
There would be other traps. Nothing was worth risking his life over. Very soon he was going to be a father; he would have a family to take care of, a mate that would need him, little ones to raise. He wanted to be there for them. And by Aegir’s scales, he would be.
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Sometime around the six-month mark, Loki returned to his lair after a day spent browsing the reefs to find Thor waiting with a grin and a curious garment to bestow him.
“It’s for your comfort,” he explained, slipping the beautiful sea silk and abalone-embellished brassiere around Loki’s flat chest. It was unusually loose in the front. “We call it a brace.”
Loki was puzzled by the oversized fit. “It’s very lovely, Thor, but what in the Seven is it for?”
Thor blinked. “It’s… for when your milk comes in.”
Now it was Loki’s turn to stare. “I beg your pardon?”
“Your milk. You”—Thor’s smile flickered weakly—“when your breasts swell and begin to produce milk. You will surely be sore from feeding six babies several times a day, and this will prevent you from moving about too much. And, er”—a slight blush crept across his cheeks—“it will deter unwholesome gazes. You are sure to be engorged as your date approaches, and certain males are aroused by the sight of a mother’s full breasts. The brace will offer a modest cover if you attract unwanted atten—what is so funny?”
Loki stopped chuckling and took a breath. “Oh, Thor. Serpenians don’t give milk!”
Thor’s excitement deflated faster than a popped blowfish. “Wh… but.” His eyes drifted down to Loki’s chest. “But you have nipples.”
“So do you. And like yours, they will yield nothing, I’m quite sure.”
To say Thor was sad would be a hilarious understatement. He was devastated. “But… but our babies,” he whimpered. “What will they eat? How will they survi—”
“Oh, Thor, Thor.” Loki smiled patiently and glided forward, wrapping his tail around Thor’s and resting his arms on his shoulders. “Dear Thor, fretful father-to-be. Our babies are sea snakes. Or at least part sea snake. They will be born with teeth. They will survive as I did, eating small creatures and plants. You worry needlessly.”
The heartbroken look on Thor’s face did not fade. “But I was… I was looking forward to taking care of them. Of you holding them close and feeding them. That bonding. I didn’t think. I never knew you…”
Loki snickered as Thor struggled for words, stroking his fingers through his flowing golden hair. “They shall be cared for. You and I will hold them and feed them by hand, and they will develop the family bond that is so important to your people. They shall know both our worlds and yet belong to one of their very own. Don’t despair, Dada. Everything will be fine.”
Thor grinned meekly as Loki kissed the corner of his bristly mouth. “Well, I… was also rather looking forward to playing with your breasts. I mean, er, massaging them, of course. Making them feel better. And I could help you get rid of any, um… excess supply.”
Loki arched a brow, already intrigued. “Hmm,” he purred, “so you are one of those awful, unwholesome males who is aroused by the sight of a mother’s full breasts, are you?”
“Only yours, Loki,” he answered, but his smirking face was a red as a boiled crab.
Loki laughed and locked his hands together behind Thor’s head, flicked his tail, and pulled Thor toward the dark bower of his kelp bed. “Why don’t we give it a try, then? Milk or no milk, you could still make a meal of me.” His tongue darted out and playfully brushed against Thor’s lips.
Thor went cross-eyed for a moment. He shook it off with a brilliant smile and slipped his arms around Loki’s waist, feeling the six products of their love press warmly against him.
“No, I will make a feast of you,” Thor rumbled, reaching down between them and palming Loki’s genital slit, finding it already slick and engorged.
Loki grinned sharply and pulled Thor backward into the waving stalks of kelp. They disappeared with a flash of blue and green tails.
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hjbender · 5 years
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“Come slither, thunderfish.” 
Looks like Thor is about to learn a thing. 👀 💦
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hjbender · 5 years
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Happy Mermay! Here’s merman Thor courting sea snake Loki (because he really likes sea snakes). 💚
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hjbender · 5 years
I can just imagine Thor giving Loki’s big round belly sooo many kisses and soft belly rubs.
It’s so weird you should mention that, anon, because I just so happen to have a crappy rough sketch I did on 5 May (the first sketch of pregnant mer!Loki) and Thor is doing exactly what you said, and when I read this ask I was like… okay, we’ve got some cosmic mind-melding going on here so now I’ve gotta post it. Here it is, anon, just for you!
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