#Metaphys Armed Dragon
normalmonsterfight · 1 year
Hello! Here is are some monsters I’d like to submit (along with some reasons why I like them):
- Stray Familiar: Cat
- Interstellime: It’s so cute
- Metaphys Armed Dragon: One of the first cards I had when I started playing the game
- Alexandrite Dragon
- Wolf: So descriptive and the flavor text is fun
- Gunkan Suship Shari
- All three World Chalice normal monsters (Beckoned by the World Chalice, Crowned by the World Chalice, Chosen by the World Chalice)
- Bitron and Digitron: I’m a sucker for Yugioh Vrains
- Ultimate Flag Beast Avan Wolf and Ultimate Flag Mech Tough Striker: Light Machines is my favorite Rush deck to play
That is all but I will probably return with more
Seconds for Alexandrite Dragon, Metaphys Armed Dragon, Crowned by/Chosen by the World Chalice, and Digitron, the rest added!
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i have images for every archetype on the list now, but i lost track of time and ended up staying up way too late. oops.
Don't worry about having missed the submission window or something like that! No matter how many submissions I get, i'll figure out some way to make it work. and once i decide when to stop taking submissions, i'll be sure to make it clear to everyone when that will be ahead of time.
here's the current list, by the way! key: bold: someone has specifically submitted it and it will not be deleted except in special cases italic: i put it in myself and there is the chance it will be deleted to make the number of entrants more convienent Since i copypasted it the formatting may be messed up a bit. sorry.
there's also a document where i keep this info and more up-to-date so check that out
/Assault Mode @Ignister A.I. Abyss Actor Aesir Alien Ally of Justice Altergeist Amazement Amazoness Amorphage Anti Ancient Gear Ancient Warriors Appliancer Arcana Force Armed Dragon Aroma Artifact Arts Angel Atlantean Attraction Batteryman Battleguard Battlin’ Boxer Battlewasp Beast Gear Beetrooper Black Luster Soldier Blackwing Blaze Fiend Blue-Eyes Borrel Branded Bujin Burning Abyss Buster Blader Butterspy Bystial CAN:D Cat (Rush Duel) Charmer Chemicritter Chronomaly Chrysalis Cipher Clear Cloudian Code Talker Codebreaker Constellar Constructor Crusadia Crystal Beast Crystron Cubic Cyber Angel Cyber Dragon Cynet D/D Danger! Dark Contract Dark Magician Dark Scorpion Darklord Deskbot Despia Destiny HERO Destruction Sword Digital Bug Dinomist Dinomorphia Dinowrestler Djinn Dododo Dogmatika Dracoslayer Dracoverlord Dragon Ruler Dragonmaid Dragunity Dream Mirror Drytron Duston Earthbound Edge Imp Eldlitch Elemental HERO Elemental Lord Elementsaber Endymion Entity Evil★Twin Evil Eye Evil HERO Evilswarm Evolsaur Evoltile Evolzar Ewekai Excutie Exodia Exosister F.A. Fabled Fairy Tail Fire Fist Fire Formation Fire King Flamvell Floowandereeze Flower Cardian Fluffal Fortune Fairy Fortune Lady Fossil Frightfur Frog Fur Hire G Golem Gadget Gagaga Gaia Galactica Galaxy Gandora Geargia Gem-Knight Generaider Genex Ghostrick Ghoti Gimmick Puppet Gizmek Gishki Gladiator Beast Gogogo Gold Pride Gorgonic Gouki Goyo Graydle Gravekeeper’s Guardian Gunkan Gusto Harpie Hazy Flame Helixx Heraldic Beast Heroic Hieratic High Tech Dragon Hole Ice Barrier Icejade Igknight Impcantation Infernity Infernoid Infinitrack Invoked Inzektor Iron Chain Jinzo Jointech Junk Jurrac Kaiju Karakuri Kashtira Knightmare Koa’ki Meiru Kozmo Krawler Kuriboh Labyrinth Laval Libromancer Lightsworn Live☆Twin Lunalight Lyrilusc Machina Madolche Magical Musket Magician Girl Magikey Magistus Magnum Overlord Majespecter Majestic Malefic Malicevorous Mannadium Masked HERO Marincess Materiactor Mathmech Mayakashi Megalith Mekk-Knight Meklord Melffy Melodious Mermail Metalfoes Metaphys Mikanko Mist Valley Monarch Morphtronic Music Princess Mythical Beast Myutant Naturia Nekroz Nemeses Nemleria Neo-Spacian Nephthys New Order Ninja Nimble Noble Knight Nordic Number Numeron Odd-Eyes Ogdoadic Ojama Orcust P.U.N.K. Paleozoic Pendulum Magician Penguin Performage Performapal Phantasm Spiral Phantom Beast Phantom Knights Photon Plunder Patroll Poker Knight Prank-Kids Predaplant Prediction Princess Prophecy PSY-Frame Purrely Qliphort Raidraptor Red-Eyes Reptilianne Rescue-ACE Resonator Rikka Ritual Beast Rokket Rose Dragon Royal Rebel’s Runick S-Force Salamangreat Scareclaw Scrap Sevens Road Shaddoll Shadow Flower Shinobird Shiranui Simorgh Six Samurai Sky Striker Skysavior Solfachord Speedroid Spellbook Sportsdragon Spright Springans SPYRAL Star Seraph Stardust Starry Knight Steelswarm Strike Dragon Subterror Sunavalon Super Quant Superheavy Samurai Supreme King Sushi Fairy Swordsoul Sylvan Synchron T.G. Tachyon Talismanic Tearlaments Tellarknight Tenyi Thorn Prisoner The☆ The Agent The Weather Therion Thunder Dragon Time Thief Timelord Tindangle Toon Topologic Traptrix Transamu Tri-Brigade Triamid Trickstar Tron True King True Draco U.A. Ultimate Flag Umbral Horror Unchained Ursarctic Utopia Valkyrie Vampire Vanquish Soul Vaylantz Vehicroid Vendread Vernusylph Virtual World Vision HERO Void Voidvelgr Volcanic Vylon War Rock Warrior Watt Wind-Up Windwitch Witchcrafter World Legacy X-Saber Yang Zing Yosenju Yubel Zefra Zoodiac Zubaba ZW -
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yugiohcardsdaily · 7 years
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Metaphys Armed Dragon
“Usually visible despite its phantom existence.”
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fyeahygocardart · 8 years
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jundeccentmil · 5 years
Some Card Game Headcanons
Favourite Monster: Armed Dragon LV10 Favourite Spell: Lightning Vortex Favourite Trap: Call of the Haunted Favourite Type: Fiend Favourite Attribute: Fire
Jun takes great pride in his skill to play many different decks with vastly different playstyles, and uses that to his advantage in the pro leagues. His unpredictability gives him an edge over any opponents who try to figure out a counter strategy to his. Most of his decks fit one of two categories though:
The cards that made him Thunder He still plays the three archetypes that got him through the Academy in any combination, mostly using Ojamas as support for VWXYZ or Armed Dragons or even both. Over time he's added new support for each archetype, some of which was custom made specifically for him. "This Time For Sure" is his favoured setup in this category, a pure Ojama - Armed Dragons deck, and also the deck that got him his first victory against Judai. Ace Cards: Armed Dragon LV10, Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon, VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon, Ojama King Key Card: Ojama Pajama
Reuniting with old friends After going pro Jun decided to revisit the theme of his first ever deck, even using a lot of the same cards he'd abandoned as a child. When Synchro Summoning was introduced into the game, he was the first ever person to use the new mechanic in an official league duel while playing a light-and-dark-themed Dragon/Wyrm deck - "Chaotic Balance". This deck would later evolve into his Metaphys deck, titled after the card "Metaphys Ascension". Ace Cards: Light and Darkness Dragon, Dark End Dragon, Light End Dragon, Metaphys Executor, Metaphys Horus Key Card: Metaphys Ragnarok
Regardless of whether it fits the theme or not, Light and Darkness Dragon is a card Jun puts in every deck he plays. As his most treasured card, he considers it a good luck charm, even though he’d deny believing in such superstition when asked.
Other decks he plays/has played:
Felgrand - created in response to an invitation to a tag duel tournament by Seto Kaiba
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nero-the-fallen · 8 years
Deck Recipes
Seeing as how dueling is constantly shifting, turning, and modifying, I figured there’s no harm in sharing this info.
First off, for those new or unknowing: A deck recipe is the term given to the specific cards a player uses to build their deck. Each player tends to have a name for their own theme. Never understood the origin, but them’s the breaks.
First Recipe: “Darklords, Dark World”
Main deck
Spells: 15
Lightning Vortex
Into the Void
Dark World Lightning
Dark World Dealings
Cost Down
Banishment of the Darklords
Mystical Space Typhoon
The Sanctuary in the Sky
Mystic Plasma Zone
Dragon Shield
Shard of Greed
Card Trader
Attraffic Control
Trap Cards: 13
Windstorm of Etaqua
The Forces of Darkness
The Transmigration Prophecy
Raigeki Break(2 copies)
Kunai With Chain
Half Counter
Darklord Rebellion
Dark Scheme
Divine Wrath
Nightmare Wheel
Forced Requisition
Monsters: 29
Goblin King
Damage Eater
Magna Drago
The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams
Lancer Archfiend
Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World
Snoww, Unlight of Dark World
Zure, Knight of Dark World
Dark Valkyria
Dark Blade the Captain of the Evil World
Magical Marionette
Sillva, Warlord of Dark World
Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
Darklord Edeh Arae
Latinum, Exarch of Dark World
Darklord Amdusc
White Night Queen
Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World
Chaos Hunter
Dark Armed Dragon
Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World(x2 copies)
Darklord Superbia
Darklord Asmodeus
Darklord Desire
Raviel, Lord of Phantasms
Extra Deck: 1
Coral Dragon
Side Deck: 4
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
Fiendish Chain
Spell Shattering Arrow
Gateway to Dark World
Dragon deck, Main Deck:
Spells: 13
Swords of Revealing Light (x2 copies)
Summoner’s Art
Red Medicine
Photon Sanctuary
Goblin’s Secret Remedy
Earthbound Whirlwind
Burst Stream of Destruction
Pendulum Shift
Attraffic Control
Trap Cards: 12
Pendulum Back
Mirror Force
Magic Cylinder
Half or Nothing
Dimensional Prison
Bottomless Trap Hole
Champion’s Vigilance (x2 copies)
Roar of the Earthbound
Pixie Ring
Dragon’s Rage
Bad Reaction to Simochi
Monsters: 26
Turbo Booster
T.G. Cyber Magician
Maiden With Eyes of Blue
Flamvell Guard
The White Stone of Legend
The Calculator
T.G. Catapult Dragon
Stealth Bird
Armed Dragon LV3
T.G. Jet Falcon
Earthbound Linewalker
Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
Armed Dragon LV5
Red Eyes B. Dragon (x2 copies)
Odd-Eyes Dragon
Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast
Armed Dragon LV7
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon (x3 copies)
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Earthbound Immortal Cusillu
Pendulums: 8
Stargazer Magician
Dragonpulse Magician
Oafdragon Magician
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Wisdom-Eye Magician
Nobledragon Magician
Timegazer Magician
Dragonpit Magician
Extra Deck: 13
Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Formula Synchron
T.G. Recipro Dragonfly
Underworld Fighter Balmung
T.G. Wonder Magician
X-Saber Wayne
Ally of Justice Catastor
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black-Winged Dragon
Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon
T.G. Halberd Cannon
Shooting Quasar Dragon
Side Deck: 4
Stardust Shimmer
Pendulum Call
Metaphys Armed Dragon
Junk Synchron
Noble Knights, Main Deck
Spells: 25
Swords of revealing Light (x3 copies)
Reinforcement of the Army
Last Chapter of the Noble Knights
Gold Sarcophagus
Dian Keto the Cure Master
Dark Hole
Swords at Dawn
Mystical Space Typhoon (x2 copies)
Book of Moon
Noble Knights of the Round Table (x2 copies)
Xyz Unit
United We Stand
Noble Arms of Destiny (x2 copies)
Noble Arms-Excaliburn
Noble Arms-Caliburn (x2 copies)
Magnum Shield
Mage Power
The A. Forces
Field Barrier
Traps: 13
Torrential Tribute
Mirror Force (x3 copies)
Malevolent Catastrophe
Magic Cylinder
Dust Tornado
Dimensional Prison
Solemn Warning
Call of the Haunted (x3 copies)
Monsters: 22
Lady of the Lake
Gewnhwyfar, Queen of Noble Arms
Junk Snychron
Dawn Knight
Noble Knight Gwalchavad
Noble Knight Bedwyr
Skilled White Magician
Noble Knight Medraut
Noble Knight Borz (x2 copies)
Knight Day Grepher
Noble Knight Drystan
Noble Knight Artorigus
Skilled Dark Magician
Noble Knight Peredur
Noble Knight Gawayn
Noble Knight Eachtar
Ignoble Knight of Black Laundsallyn
Dark Magician
Buster Blader
Black Luster Solder-Envoy of the Beginning
Extra Deck: 4
Ignoble Knight of High Laundsallyn
Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons
Artorigus, King of the Noble Knights
Sacred Noble Knight of King Artorigus
Side Deck: 8
Noble Arms-Arfeudutyr
Noble Arms-Gallatin (x2 copies)
Foolish Burial
Release Restraint Wave
Timegazer Magician
Stargazer Magician
And that wraps up the three decks I currently can easily find. I have a machine deck lying around, but eh, not in the mood to dig it up.
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normalmonsterfight · 1 year
here's some Normal Monsters i think are cool! (mostly just ones that i like the artwork of)
Power Pro Knight Sisters Chosen by the World Chalice Wattaildragon Gem-Knight Garnet Alexandrite Dragon Mekk-Knight Avram Luster Dragon 7 Colored Fish Suppression Collider Frostosaurus Angel Trumpeter Galaxy Serpent Guardragon Justica Crowned by the World Chalice Doll Monster Miss Mädchen Doll Monster Bear-Bear Dragon Core Hexer Divine Dragon Ragnarok Digitron Rabidragon Metaphys Armed Dragon Flash Knight
I might have more later.
also, one question. If a monster is Normal/Pendulum, but it does have a Pendulum Effect, does it count for the list? If so, i'd like to nominate Dragonpulse Magician and Hallohallo.
All added!
I'm a little mixed on Normals with pendulum effects, but for now I'll allow it unless a significant number of people feel it's unfair.
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yugiohcardsdaily · 3 years
Posted Cards Master Post - 13
January 2018
Score the Melodious Diva
Serenade the Melodious Diva
Shopina the Melodious Maestra
Solo the Melodious Songstress
Sonata the Melodious Diva
Soprano the Melodious Songstress
Tamtam the Melodious Diva
Melodious Illusion
Crystal Rose
Ostinato (Japanese)
Amazoness Baby Tiger
Amazoness Call
Amazoness Empress
Amazoness Onslaught
Amazoness Pet Liger
Amazoness Princess
Amazoness Spy
Armed Dragon LV3
Armed Dragon LV5
Armed Dragon LV7
Armed Dragon LV10
Dark Armed Dragon
Metaphys Armed Dragon
Mermail Abyssbalaen
Mermail Abyssalacia
Mermail Abyssdine
Mermail Abyssgaios
Mermail Abyssgunde
Mermail Abysshilde
Mermail Abyssleed
Mermail Abysslinde
Mermail Abysslung
Mermail Abyssmander
Mermail Abyssmegalo
Mermail Abyssnerei
Mermail Abyssnose
Mermail Abyssocea
Mermail Abysspike
Mermail Abyssteus
Mermail Abysstrite
Mermail Abyssturge
Atlantean Attack Squad
Atlantean Dragoons
Atlantean Heavy Infantry
Atlantean Marksman
Atlantean Pikeman
Call of the Atlanteans
Legendary Atlantean Tridon
Poseidra, the Atlantean Dragon
Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince
Deep Sea Diva
Mermaid Archer
Fire King Avatar Arvata
Fire King Avatar Barong
Fire King Avatar Garunix
Circle of the Fire Kings
Fire King Avatar Kirin
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King High Avatar Garunix
Onslaught of the Fire Kings
Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode
Majestic Red Dragon
Majestic Dragon
Majestic Star Dragon
Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode
Malefic Stardust Dragon
Malefic Rainbow Dragon
Rainbow Dragon
Rainbow Dark Dragon
Rainbow Path
Black Dragon's Chick
Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon
The White Stone of Legend
Red-Eyes Toon Dragon
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon
Manga Ryu-Ran
Red Archery Girl
Toon Mermaid
Toon Summoned Skull
Toon Alligator
Toon Ancient Gear Golem
Toon Barrel Dragon
Barrel Dragon
Toon Briefcase
Shadow Toon
Toon Buster Blader
Toon Cannon Soldier
Toon Cyber Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Toon Dark Magician Girl
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yugiohcardsdaily · 3 years
Posted Cards Master Post - 15
March 2018
Hardened Armed Dragon
Winged Kuriboh
Winged Kuriboh LV9
Winged Kuriboh LV10
Transcendent Wings
The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh
Ultimate Insect LV1
Ultimate Insect LV3
Ultimate Insect LV5
Ultimate Insect LV7
Dark Mimic LV1
Dark Mimic LV3
Mystic Swordsman LV2
Mystic Swordsman LV4
Mystic Swordsman LV6
Silent Swordsman
Silent Swordsman LV3
Silent Magician LV4
Silent Magician LV8
Silent Paladin
Silent Burning
Silent Sword Slash
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8
Dark Horus
Metaphys Horus
Horus' Servant
Dark Lucius LV4
Dark Lucius LV6
Dark Lucius LV8
April 2018
Ra's Disciple
Silent Swordsman LV7
Stardust Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Black Rose Dragon
Black-Winged Dragon
Power Tool Dragon
Life Stream Dragon
Aroma Jar
Aromage Bergamot
Aromage Cananga
Aromage Jasmine
Aromage Rosemary
Aromaseraphy Angelica
Aromaseraphy Jasmine (Japanese)
Aromaseraphy Rosemary
Dried Winds
Humid Winds
Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World
Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
Brron, Mad King of Dark World
Ceruli, Guru of Dark World
Dark World Brainwashing
Dark World Dealings
Dark World Grimoire
Dark World Lightning
Gateway to Dark World
Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World
Gren, Tactician of Dark World
Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World
Latinum, Exarch of Dark World
Lucent, Netherlord of Dark World
Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World
Snoww, Unlight of Dark World
The Forces of Darkness
Zure, Knight of Dark World
Ghostrick Alucard
Ghostrick Angel of Mischief
Ghostrick Break
Ghostrick Doll
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fyeahygocardart · 10 years
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Metaphys Armed Dragon
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