#Crowned by the World Chalice
normalmonsterfight · 1 year
Hello! Here is are some monsters I’d like to submit (along with some reasons why I like them):
- Stray Familiar: Cat
- Interstellime: It’s so cute
- Metaphys Armed Dragon: One of the first cards I had when I started playing the game
- Alexandrite Dragon
- Wolf: So descriptive and the flavor text is fun
- Gunkan Suship Shari
- All three World Chalice normal monsters (Beckoned by the World Chalice, Crowned by the World Chalice, Chosen by the World Chalice)
- Bitron and Digitron: I’m a sucker for Yugioh Vrains
- Ultimate Flag Beast Avan Wolf and Ultimate Flag Mech Tough Striker: Light Machines is my favorite Rush deck to play
That is all but I will probably return with more
Seconds for Alexandrite Dragon, Metaphys Armed Dragon, Crowned by/Chosen by the World Chalice, and Digitron, the rest added!
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comicaurora · 7 months
So based on that last ask with King Arthur is he choosing to fall in love with Gwen even if she has a high chance of falling for Lancealot? If so, it's tragic. Doomed to love another that won't fully love you back.
Does Arthur even just tell Lancenalot to get the hell put of the kingdom some loops?
I think it's more like-
You become aware of your existence somewhere around the age of 3. You were born under mysterious circumstances you don't know the details of. The first time through, you were growing up in a castle. Lately you find you are growing up among peasantry.
Maybe you have brothers. Maybe you have a sister. Maybe you're an only child. Your family is distant either way. They speak welsh. They speak latin. They speak french. They speak english with american attempts at british accents.
The first few times through, there wasn't a sword. Now it's a consistent presence - a shimmering blade stuck in a plain anvil or a large boulder, haunting your hometown or a nearby forest glade. It looks different every time, feels different in your hands. It was made for you.
There are more trials every time. In the first stories the crown was yours from birth. Lately it's been further and further away, behind more tribulations and tournaments and beasts to slay. More guidance from the ageless old man you remember from the earliest days, the welsh days. He's different every time. Everything's different every time. And still nothing changes.
The crown is yours. It's inevitable. And when the crown passes into your hands, it carries the kingdom with it. It's yours now. And it's going to thrive! You hardly need to do anything. Heroes flock to you and pledge themselves as knights, then spend the decades tearing off on wild quests and adventures, getting into the kind of trouble that serendipitously always keeps the kingdom safe. The adventures feel familiar, but never quite play out the same way. Chalices, black knights, fairy women, questing beasts. You rarely see them for yourself. You're too important, after all. You're the kingdom's beating heart.
You have a queen. You don't spend much time with her. It's jarring how much she changes every time. You hate how much it surprises you the times she genuinely loves you; you never really get to enjoy it. The kingdom doesn't run itself, even if just having you around seems to make the forests grow thick and the rivers run clear. Mostly you spend time with her when you're rescuing her from abduction. You very rarely have children together. You miss them.
It didn't used to end in fire, but lately it never ends in anything but, and you never know when it's going to start. You're never home when it starts, but you spend so much time out tending the kingdom or questing anyway. But you always learn too late - treachery. Your knight, your vassal, your bastard child, your lady love. Camelot is burning. You watch your life's work precede you into the grave.
You die. You sleep under the mountain. You dream. It's quiet.
Somewhere in the world, a writer picks up a pen, and you become aware of existence somewhere around the age of 3.
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nebulaafterdark · 2 months
Sooner Or Late
Aegon Targaryen ii x Velaryon(Strong)!Reader
Summary: Y/N flees to the north before the start of the war. When it is over, Aegon will stop at nothing to get her back. Based off this request 18+ ONLY implied dubcon, mental illness & violence
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Long before the dragons dance, Y/N is promised to Aegon. As a result, Rhaenyra sends her only daughter to the North in hopes of securing an alliance and to keep her half brother at bay.
His desire for the princess Y/N is deprived, even Alicent could not comprehend it. In the years Y/N is gone, Aegon yearns for her, a longing set deep into his bones.
Y/N finds real love, without sharp edges. His name is Jonathan Stark, after whom their son is named. His body now hangs like a trophy in Aegon’s garden.
The war brought one tragedy after another. Her mother and three, if not four, of her brothers were slain.
As for the greens, only Aegon and Alicent remain.
Y/N was taken back to King’s Landing, upon Aegon’s victory. She is to be his prize. As a warm welcome, he strung up her husband and allowed her to watch the light fade from his eyes.
Jon is spared the sight of his father’s remains, shielding his eyes with his mother’s dress as she whispers to him.
“I love you more than anything in this world.” She tells him, “no matter what becomes of me, you mustn’t be afraid. You must be strong.”
His hold on her tightens as they are forced into the throne room to meet the king. A man his mother has no love for. The man who killed his father.
“Ahh, good, you’re here.” Aegon grins, rising from his perch. “We need to prepare you for dinner.” The front of his robes are stained with blood.
Her husband’s blood.
“I will admit, I was not expecting two guests. Luckily, the coronation will not take place until the morrow. Which gives us time to fit robes for our boy.” The King smiles at Jonathan.
Y/N clutches her son closer as he begins to cry. “Shh.”
“Tell me now, dearest, what is his name?”
“His name is Jonathan.”
“Jonathan.” Aegon looks to the boy, clinging to his mother. “A fine name for a prince.”
“T-thank you, your grace, but I am not a prince.” The boy sniffles.
Aegon bends forward to his eye level. “You are now. In one day’s time, your mother will be crowned queen of the seven kingdoms and you our heir. Now that you are here we will be a proper family.”
“I had a family.” Jonathan reminds him.
Y/N tucks the boy farther against her side.
Aegon sighs, standing to face Y/N. “There, there, my darling.” He dries her tears with a blunt swipe of his hand.
“Please don’t hurt him, he doesn’t understand.”
“I am not going harm him.” Aegon scoffs. “He grew inside your womb, same as our children will.”
“Ours?” Y/N breathes, clutching her son’s hand. Aegon has well and truly lost his mind.
“I’m going to be your father now.” Aegon tells Jonathan. “There will be no more talk of the man who tried to steal your mother from me. Do you understand?”
Jonathan nods, against his mother’s dress.
“Good,” Aegon inhales deeply, wrapping them both in his arms. “Welcome home.”
“Why are you doing this, Aegon?” Y/N asks, staring out the window to the garden.
“You were promised to me.” He tosses his chalice against the wall, stumbling toward her. “You will marry me. You will love no one but me! That is why Stark is dead, that is why his body will hang until only his bones remain.”
“How can you be so cruel?” Y/N cries, wrapping both arms tightly around herself.
“This is a kindness, my dearest love.” Aegon says draping his arms over hers, “in time you will see. You’ve lost your way. But you will learn, I will teach you.”
She has to get away. “Please-”
He sneers. “You will do a fair share of begging in our lives together, there is no need to start prematurely.”
“What do you want?”
Has he not made it abundantly clear? “You.”
“I am only a woman. You understand that, do you not?” Y/N scoffs. “There is nothing I can give you another cannot. Why chase me? Why hunt me down when you could’ve had anyone?”
“I realize we have our differences, but there is no other woman capable of evoking such passion in my heart. I love you, I loathe you. You frustrate and entice me.” He nips at her neck. “It was always going to be you, sooner or late.”
“I had a life, Aegon.”
“Now you will have a new life, with me.”
As days pass, Y/N allows her mind to wander. To escape the vessel in which it’s held; far enough that she doesn’t feel. In time, it begins drifting farther and farther out to sea.
Aegon plays with Jonathan, lifting him high on his shoulders, the way her husband used to.
Jonathan takes a liking to him. Anytime he asks about his father, he is met with a sigh.
“Do you see that pretender anywhere around here?”
Jon shakes his head.
“And you never will.” Aegon snickers. “There is no need to keep asking, as you know it upsets me.”
The boy lowers his eyes, “yes, father.”
“You are a Targaryen. Not a Stark.” Aegon taps his chin, “all of this will be yours one day.”
Aegon is a madman, but he does seem to care for them, in his own demented way.
Y/N loathes herself for even thinking it.
A few weeks after, her belly begins to round with Aegon’s child. Y/N nearly forgets why she is here. Why she has to float away.
Aegon is all but tethered to the tiny bump, kissing it each day as it grows.
Jonathan is the only reason Y/N holds onto hope. Though sometimes, she can hear his father calling from the garden.
Aegon is speaking to her then, plush lips moving over perfect teeth.
It catches her off guard, the look of him. A fallen angel, cast out by the gods. So like her mother. Y/N desperately misses her mother.
Aegon smiles as she caresses the side of his face, ignoring her distant gaze. He knew she would come round, eventually.
“Why do you think my mother hasn’t come to see me?” Y/N asks, with wide, sad eyes.
Oh…you poor, poor, thing. Aegon kisses her outstretched hand. She does not remember, nor does it matter. It’s best not to upset her. “I am sure she will turn up sooner or late, my dearest love.”
She believes him, she has to.
Part 2
Aegon Taglist: @niyahnotnia @narwhal-swimmingintheocean
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cambion-companion · 7 months
Dinner Date
Sorry I haven't written in a while! I have several anon asks requesting something small for a dinner date with Raphael, inspired no doubt by the lovely Mr. Wincott's contribution in the livestream!
With a little twist because I haven't explored what it would be like delivering the crown to the cambion.
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"What could be more exquisite than watching the hero of Baldur's Gate walk to me, fresh in the moonlight." Raphael leaned forward in his seat, the cool night air and cricket song belaying the tension in his taught frame.
He smiled as you approached and sat at the wooden table, the warm brown eyes of his human guise sparkling in the candlelight. "You've proven to be quite the asset, my dear. A fortuitous investment, indeed."
"Raphael." You greeted, your stomach doing obnoxious flips as it always did in his presence. "I brought you a little souvenir, as I'm sure you already know."
"Indeed I am." Raphael purred, his eyes scanning you person with keen intent. "I had front row seats, as it were. Your victory was marvelous. You played your part well."
You grunted, not flattered by the way he treated it all like an elaborate theater production. You hefted the wrought iron crown out of your bag of holding and placed it, glittering, upon the table.
The weight of such an artifact drew both your gazes, and all that could be heard for several moments was a soft zephyr stirring the trees and the sound of frogs and crickets harmonizing to the summer night.
The candle sputtered in the breeze and you looked to Raphael only to find his eyes already locked on your face.
He spoke with an intensity you'd not yet become familiar with. "Well done." He swirled deep red wine in his crystal chalice. "I wish you'd reconsider becoming business partners."
"You say it like we'd be equals." You scoffed, knowing full well he'd love nothing more than to gain your soul for his collection. You shook your head and took a sip of your own drink. "I think not, Raphael. As much as I like you, I'm not that stupid."
"I'd be disappointed if you gave in easily." Raphael raised a hand and the crown vanished in a swirl of golden embers, their brief light reflected in your widened eyes. "I do so enjoy the chase, and you are such a lush prize."
You have the cambion a wry smile, a touch of fondness to the curl of your lips. "I'll admit, it would be disappointing if after this we never saw each other again."
Raphael nodded and beckoned a waiter, never removing his gaze from your face. He looked for all the world like the cat who got the cream. "What is the phrase you mortals are so fond of? Ah, yes." He gestured grandly as he spoke, illustrating his words with his hands. "I fully intend on having my cake, and I will eat it too."
Later that same night, Raphael had whisked you away back to his House of Hope. You'd expressed mild displeasure at being taken back to Avernus but he'd quelled your complaints with a look.
Raphael reclined in a grand chair, almost a throne in appearance, his leg crossed over the other. His human skin had been shed in favor of his larger, sharper devil form. He raised two fingers, snapped them, and conjured the crown of Karsus to float between where you stood and he sat.
"Now we are somewhere more appropriate, I require you to complete our contract."
You pursed your lips together, knowing the answer before you spoke the question. "How, exactly?"
Raphael paused for dramatic effect. When he spoke next it was a command, not a request. "Crown me."
The crown felt cold and heavy in your hands when you took it, the weight extending to your very soul as you approached where Raphael sat.
You slowly lifted it and placed the intricate metal piece gently onto his heady, being careful to accommodate for the thorny spiral of his horns. It slid perfectly atop his dark hair, you couldn't help but admire the way it looked. "As though it was made for you." You said aloud, not noticing the words come out of your mouth.
A large, clawed hand cupped the back of your neck, hellfire eyes burning into you. "As surely as your very soul was for me." Raphael purred and dragged you down for a searing kiss.
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midnightsapphire · 2 years
here’s a small snippet of my Hades x Persephone au with Aemond! I’m having so much fun writing this but I need help coming up with a title :c any help would be appreciated! 
Aemond Targaryen, first of his name, rider of the largest war beast in all of Westeros, Vhagar, Prince Regent, Kinslayer. The list was growing endless as Aemond cast his single eye along the burning castles of Harrenhal, the orange flames that cast a glow against the blue sapphire he no longer felt ashamed of hiding away behind the leather eyepatches. He let out a victorious laugh atop his beast as his arms spread as wide as the wing’s of his dragon, relishing on the victory he had achieved for the crown, for his family, for his king. 
He watched as the people screamed, pleading with him to show mercy as they watched their homes, their fields, their livelihoods be swallowed in a gust of orange as Vhagar swept low enough to breath her hellflame along their borders. Aemond made note of their fear-stricken faces, the curses thrown at him, the bodies falling with every moment. 
Dare he say he relished in the destruction that followed his shadow. 
It had been long after the death of Rhaenyra Targaryen, the Realm’s Delight, the Half-Queen no longer. The entirety of the Black’s reign whipped off the face of Westeros, a shell of an alliance that was never to be spoken in the King’s presence should they wish to keep their tongues, generously speaking on their part. The rule of Aegon the Second was rocky, but wholly accepted as the reign of the “true king” rose with Aemond’s assistance in allying themselves with the most powerful houses, keeping their own close and ridding the world of those that opposed them. 
“My brother, you’ve graciously returned!” Aegon slurred, his hefty cups of wine spilling with every word as he waved his hands graciously at the sight of his armor cladded brother, covered with soot and grime from the grueling fires that once again found itself on the ground of the Riverlands. Aemond bent the knee to his brother, casting his winged helmet at his side as he bestowed a sealed paper to his brother, that unceremoniously pushed the whore off his lap as he snatched the paper, lilac eyes skimming over it’s words as he felt a sickly smile grow on his face. 
“The fools had finally bent the knee.”
“They had no knees left to bend when I had stepped foot on their lands.” Aemond confirmed as he stood tall once again at the foot of the throne, his head held high as he glared at the whore that laid at Aegon’s feet, letting out a soft gasp and diverting her gaze away from the glimmering sapphire that ordained his face. 
“Perfect, they should remember with fire and blood who is truly meant to rule the seven kingdoms.” Aegon snickered as he stumbled upon the throne again, leaning his cheek along the top of his fist as he swallowed more swigs from his chalice, narrowing them at Aemond’s from above the rim. 
“Take it. Harrenhal.” Aegon spoke seriously, his head tilting as he eyed his brother. The ever dutiful son, the golden child, the one their mother clearly favored when he had bestowed the head of Daemon Targaryen after their fitful fight above God’s Eye, effectively ridding the world of the Rogue Prince and his blood worm, Caraxes. “You.. always had a knack for ruling, a taste for duty. Take it as it is, the barren wasteland. A gift from one brother to another.” He said with a brush of his hand. 
“It is no longer of any service to me when you have stripped the land bare of its forests and homes. Consider it.. your very own little underworld.” 
Thus he had become Aemond Targaryen, first of his name, rider of the largest war beast in all of Westeros, Vhagar, Prince Regent, Kinslayer, Ruler of the Underworld.
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Back when the world was whole, it was presided over by the Celestial Twelve. Each held a Relic that bestowed abilities onto it's chosen Warden and provided life and magic through the land and for a while, there was peace. But greed and jealousy corrupted the people and wars broke out over the Relics. Then the Great Fracturing occurred, ripping the world into twelve shards, extinguishing the powers of the Twelve from the world completely, and the Relics were lost to time. Without the powers of the Twelve, the world was plunged into a centuries long Dark Age, suffering from famines, plagues, and wars. Until 500 years after the Fracturing, when all across the world, new Wardens began emerging from the shadows. But without their Relics, their abilities were useless. Enter the Guardians, people born with a connection to the Wardens who were tasked with protecting them as they searched the world for their Relics. For centuries, Wardens and Guardians worked in tandem to search for the Relics, but as they kept returning unsuccessful and the disasters got worse, tensions rose and bubbled over and the powers of the Twelve were once again lost. Now, 1000 years after the Fracturing, Wardens and their Guardians have started to appear again just in time as worse disasters have started to ravage the world. But with the world rife with danger and in such disarray, truly restoring the Twelve seems more like an impossible goal than reality.
The Turnwheel of the Twelve Saga is a WIP collection of 13 interactive CYOA stories all taking place in the fictional world of Astelle, a world that was once lush with life and magic, now relegated to dry empty deserts and dense industrial pollution. Each of the books follow different characters on their journeys to recover the respective Relic.
Note: Because this is still a WIP, some names of characters or places may change during development. Also, this blog serves mostly as a hub to reach all of the other planned books, so there won't be much original content added here and just reblogs.
Genre: Adventure, Romance, Fantasy Post-Apocalyptic
Rating: 18+
Tracked Tag: #turnwheel of the twelve
Current Book: Chalice of the Scales
Status: Writing Book 1
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Book 1: Chalice of the Scales ( @chaliceofthescales-if )
Book 2: Ballad of the Maiden ( @balladofthemaiden-if )
Book 3: Sword of the Lion ( @swordofthelion-if )
Book 4: Tome of the Moon ( @tomeofthemoon-if )
Book 5: Fruit of the Twins ( @fruitofthetwins-if )
Book 6: Ring of the Heavens ( @ringoftheheavens-if )
Book 7: Horn of the Ram ( @hornoftheram-if )
Book 8: Mirror of the Sea ( @mirrorofthesea-if )
Book 9: Vessel of the Waterbearer ( @vesselofthewaterbearer-if )
Book 10: Sickle of the Harvest ( @sickleoftheharvest-if )
Book 11: Key of the Archer ( @keyofthearcher-if )
Book 12: Crown of the Dark ( @crownofthedark-if )
Book 13: Return of the Twelve ( @returnofthetwelve-if )
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tylermileslockett · 11 months
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“I begin to sing of ivy-crowned Dionysus, the loud-crying god, splendid son of Zeus and glorious Semele. The rich-haired Nymphs received him in their bosoms from the lord his father and fostered and nurtured him carefully in the dells of Nysa, where by the will of his father he grew up in a sweet-smelling cave, being reckoned among the immortals. But when the goddesses had brought him up, a god oft hymned, then began he to wander continually through the woody coombes, thickly wreathed with ivy and laurel. And the Nymphs followed in his train [10] with him for their leader; and the boundless forest was filled with their outcry.” (-Homeric Hymn, translated by H.G. Evelyn white)
DIONYSUS (die-uh-ny-sus)  the god of wine, vegetation, festivity, and on a darker note, madness and frenzy. Here we see our jovial deity riding a leopard and wearing a leopard skin, holding aloft his sacred wine chalice in one hand, and his pine cone tipped staff "Thyrsus". Below him dance his attendants in the cult of Dionysus, the Sileni, satyr, centaur, woman dancer, and bull and woman, with a centaur playing the Aulos (two head flute pipe). In the upper left-hand background, we can see hanging grapes for the wine, and below; a darker representation of Dionysus; the mad frenzy. Here we see the Maenads; "raving ones,” women followers who drink and dance into violent frenzies. In Euripedes’ play, "the Bacchae'', the Maenads, in a state of delusion, tear apart their own king Pentheus, limb from limb, thinking him a lion. Even poor Orpheus, the greatest lyre player of all, was torn apart when he refused to play for them in a state of mourning after returning from the underworld without his wife, Eurydice. 
Support my book kickstarter "Lockett Illustrated: Greek Gods and Heroes" coming in early 2024.
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divkazkdovikde · 9 months
the ultimate guide
percy jackson and the olympians
the demigod diaries: the diary of luke castellan (takes place 5 years before the lightning thief)
- the lightning thief
- the sea of monsters
- the titan’s curse
- the battle of the labyrinth
the demigod files: percy jackson and the stolen chariot
the demigod files: percy jackson and the bronze dragon
the demigod files: percy jackson and the sword of hades
- the last olympians
the demigod diaries: percy jackson and the staff of hermes
the heroes of olympus
the prophecy of the seven, the whole gang
- the lost hero
the demigod diaries: leo valdez and the quest for buford
- the son of neptune
- the mark of athena
the demigod diaries: son of magic (non-canonical, contradictory to the events in the house of hades and the blood of olympus)
- the house of hades
- the blood of olympus
percy jackson and the chalice of the gods
6th book of percy jackson and the olympians, taking place after the events of the blood of olympus, and before the trials of apollo
+ more to be announced, 7th book of pjo: the wrath of the tripple goddes, release date 24/9/2024
the trials of apollo
- the hidden oracle
- the dark prophecy
- the burning maze
- the tyrant’s tomb
- the tower of nero
supplementary works:
- camp half-blood confidential (background facts about CHB)
- camp jupiter justified (story of claudia)
the sun and the star
takes place after the events of the tower of nero, nico and will’s book
the kane chronicles
in the same universe as chb chronicles, takes place around the same time as heroes of the olympus
- the red pyramid
- the throne of fire
- the serpent’s shadow
supplementary works:
- survival guide
- brooklyn house magician’s manual
demigods and magicians
percy jackson and the kanes crossover, shortstories
- the son of sobek
- the staff of serapis
- the crown of ptolemy
magnus chase and the gods of asgard
in the same universe as chb chronicles and the kane chronicles, takes place around the same time as the trials of apollo
- the sword of summer
- the hammer of thor
- the ship of the dead
supplementary works:
- hotel valhalla: guide to the norse words
- 9 from the nine worlds
alright, that’s a wrap, i’m currently rereading the whole percy jackson, (halfway through the blood of olympus now, hehehe), and the only reason why i made this is because i’m a big nerd deep in my heart and needed to do this for my sake and my sake only. i also have insomnia, it’s like 2am rn. but you guys can use this guide too, i’m nice like that
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beesmygod · 10 months
just hear me out. then you can tell me if im insane.
in bloodborne, there is a unique piece of head wear called "the crown of illusions". it serves a single purpose: to open an illusory wall revealing the location of an otherwise entirely hidden NPC, annalise, queen of the vilebloods.
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the crown is dropped after a boss battle and you are intended to put it on immediately after the fight so that the fake wall can be revealed in a cut scene. they did NOT want you to miss this mechanic. otherwise, why not simply have the throne room blocked by a fog gate? its fine for other bosses, right?
this mechanic is never used again. this is insanely weird because 1. there are other illusory walls in the game specifically in the chalice dungeons (twice, i believe, in the lowest possible levels). however, they function like standard fromsoft illusory walls and are revealed by hitting them with a weapon. the crown does nothing. and 2. there is otherwise no satisfactory explanation for this mechanic at all.
i have often expressed my frustration that when things dont "line up" in fromsoft games its chalked up to dev error or some flavor of "its all dreams/made up" which i refuse to entertain unless its the last possible explanation barring literally all others. this stupid crown has been bothering me for years because of how seemingly inexplicable it is. this has been doubled by the fact that the crown is not unique; alfred leaves a crown of his own (and must have had it to enter the queen's chambers) at the end of his quest and the titular sages of the "sage's hair" item are depicted as wearing crowns.
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visually, the sage items are based off the real life concept of catacomb saints (and, in fact, i think "saint" would have been a better translation over "sage" considering this, but thats neither here nor there), hence the gems and jewels and crowns and shit. that part makes sense to me just fine. but where else would this illusion mechanic have been used?
ill tell you where: in the secret 4th layers of the "canon" (non-root) chalice dungeons!
canonically, there is only one chalice dungeon with a 4th layer, otherwise they all end at layer 3. this also intrigued me bc of its irregularity in a system of "dungeons" that are almost entirely copy-pasted rooms; why choose a completely random chalice in the middle of the sequence have an extra layer?
i came up with my own explanation for this that works a treat: the chalice in question, lower pthumeru, has rom the vacuous spider as its THIRD LAYER boss. rom is a boss you would have first encountered outside of the dungeons who has a unique ability: to block rituals and secrets from sight. the rom you fight in the main story is hiding a secret ritual and killing her reveals the ritual to the world. the rom you fight in the dungeons is hiding a secret layer of the labyrinth wherein the hunter will find a truly terrible secret: the source of the beast blood.
we now know this fourth layer IS narratively intended to be a secret layer...because EVERY story-related chalice dungeon had a secret 4th layer! they are "fully functional" if not a bit odd/broken (but not NEARLY not to the point of other hacked dungeons) but with bosses that either fucking suck or are placeholders (...or im coping lol). but look at this: ive timestamped this video at the point where the 4th layer elevator "reveals" itself!
other boss room exits are simply blocked by a fog wall (or, if you're on the last layer, it dead ends and you use the lamp to warp out). this "fade in" effect is the illusory reveal effect! as the linked post from the eternally fascinating hard work from r/tombprospectors reveals, there is some weird ass shit in these layers. enough that i started a red string wall of madness to try to keep track of it all. its not even weird stuff in a game dev way, i mean weird in a plot and lore way. its awesome lol.
the 4th layers were only discovered within the last 2 years. i am confident now about the mechanics of how this was intended to work, but still shaky on the ~lore implications~. what were kings and saints only permitted to see and access? what were they privy to that the rest of the populace of the dead civilization was not?
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My PJO fandom story
I first heard about Percy Jackson and the Olympians when I was like eight. I’d started reading The Kane Chronicles, and saw that in other books written by Rick Riordan. I was more interested in Egyptian mythology over Greek mythology at that time, and we didn’t have the books at my school library. When I was twelve, I saw several of my friends reading the books and still didn’t understand what all the hype was about. I thought it was overrated, so I looked it up to see if I was right. I saw the first book was The Lightning Thief, and a friend of mine had the entire series at her house. Naturally, I asked to borrow it, and naturally, I became hooked the moment I read the first sentence. I finished all the books in the span of two months and began The Heroes of Olympus series afterward. I cannot believe I ever thought I would hate those books.
So far, these are the Rick Riordan books I’ve read, in order of when I read them: The Red Pyramid, The Throne of Fire, The Serpent’s Shadow, The Son of Sobek, The Staff of Serapis, The Crown of Ptolemy, Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods, The Lightning Thief, Sea of Monsters, The Titan’s Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth, The Last Olympian, The Lost Hero, The Sun and the Star.
The books that I still have to read: The Singer of Apollo, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, The House of Hades, The Blood of Olympus, The Chalice of the Gods, Wrath of the Triple Goddess (Coming September 2024!), The Hidden Oracle, The Dark Prophecy, The Burning Maze, The Tyrant’s Tomb, The Tower of Nero, The Sword of Summer, The Hammer of Thor, The Ship of the Dead, Percy Jackson’s Greek Heroes, The Demigod Files, The Demigod Diaries, Camp Half-Blood Confidential, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Ultimate Guide, Camp Jupiter Classifed - a Probatio’s Journal, Hotel Valhalla - Guide to the Norse Worlds, Brooklyn House Magician’s Manual, Daughter of the Deep
POVs these books are in:
The Lighting Thief: Percy Jackson, First Person
Sea of Monsters: Percy Jackson, First Person
The Titan’s Curse: Percy Jackson, First Person
Battle of the Labyrinth: Percy Jackson, First Person
The Singer of Apollo: Percy Jackson, First Person
The Last Olympian: Percy Jackson, First Person
The Lost Hero: Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Third Person Omniscient
The Son of Neptune: Percy Jackson, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Third Person Omniscient
The Mark of Athena: Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Percy Jackson, Third Person Omniscient
The House of Hades: Hazel Levesque, Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Frank Zhang, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Third Person Omniscient
The Blood of Olympus: Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Reyna Ramirez-Arellano, Nico di Angelo, Third Person Omniscient
Chalice of the Gods: Percy Jackson, First Person
Wrath of the Triple Goddess: Percy Jackson, First Person
The Hidden Oracle: Apollo/Lester Papadopolous, First Person
The Dark Prophecy: Apollo/Lester Papadopoulous, First Person
The Burning Maze: Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos, First Person
The Tyrant’s Tomb: Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos, First Person
The Tower of Nero: Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos, First Person
The Sun and the Star: Nico di Angelo, Will Solace, Third Person Omniscient
Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods: Percy Jackson, First Person
Percy Jackson’s Greek Heroes: Percy Jackson, First Person
The Demigod Files: Percy Jackson, First Person
The Demigod Diaries: Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez, Dr. Claymore, First Person or Third Person Omniscient
Camp Half-Blood Confidential: Third Person Objective (?)
Camp Jupiter Classified - a Probatio’s Journal: Claudia, First Person
The Red Pyramid: Carter Kane, Sadie Kane, First Person
The Throne of Fire: Carter Kane, Sadie Kane, First Person
The Serpent’s Shadow: Carter Kane, Sadie Kane, First Person
The Son of Sobek: Carter Kane, First Person
The Staff of Serapis: Annabeth Chase, Third Person Omniscient
The Crown of Ptolemy: Sadie Kane, First Person
Brooklyn House Magician’s Manual: Carter Kane, First Person
The Sword of Summer: Magnus Chase, First Person
The Hammer of Thor: Magnus Chase, First Person
The Ship of the Dead: Magnus Chase, First Person
Hotel Valhalla - Guide to the Norse Worlds: Magnus Chase, First Person or Third Person Objective
Daughter of the Deep: Ana Dakkar, First Person
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
・Your relationship with Dany had already been established
・You were her sworn sword as well as a dragon seed
・Dethra was one of the dragons who had grown up in the outskirts of Old Valyria. The creatures that now haunt the ruins hadn’t noticed the scarred dragon.
・There are rumours of smaller dragons that live around the world, but in this time, rumour outweighs truth. And no one knows what is a lie and what isn’t 
・You had arrived with Dany at Winterfell, on the back of your own dragon.
・Dethra, currently the biggest dragon is Westeros. Her skin a mix of gold and silver. Her colours made her scars look even more gruesome. She was as old as you, her years hiding in Valyria made her jumpy and hyperactive.
・But she and Drogon seemed keen on each other
・And when Drogon had accepted Dethra, Dany had accepted you.
・So when you and Dany had flown to Winterfell, greeting the Starks, and the gathering Houses, everything changed
・There was a feeling that Sansa hadn’t felt in years. 
・A yearning. A need ... desire. 
・Daenarys’ beauty was astounding. A true Targaryen in the flesh. 
・Alluring, that was the word Sansa had arrived at. Dany was alluring. And she wanted her. 
・To Sansa, you were a fearsome sight. Someone who didn’t take any crap from anyone
・As well as being a dragon-rider, you had visions. 
・And in one of your visions, you saw three heads on the Iron Throne. One you knew well, white-haired. Dany. Surprisingly, you saw your own head ... it had a golden crown ontop it
・And then there was ... someone with red hair. 
・A woman. 
・You instantly knew who it was. 
・Jon was smitten with Dany, and although Dany did find him attractive, the moment she set eyes on Sansa, she knew who she wanted
・Like her forefather, Aegon the Conquorer, Dany too decided to have two wives 
・And you agreed. You would be by Dany’s side until your dying breath. 
・She had a fierce kind of love for you, one that was passionate and unyielding 
・So when you agreed to have Sansa as well, her heart beamed 
・It took a lot of politics to get close to Sansa, not just physically, but emotionally. 
・She had walls up, and it took a while for her to show her true feelings 
・And she was shocked with the proposition. She grew up being taught that marriage was between a man and a woman. Only two in marriage. 
・But the thought of that freedom, to choose more than one person. To have a different dynamic. 
・And why couldn’t she? People had played with her, her whole life. 
・So Sansa decided it was time to take back her power utterly and completely
・The union and betrothal between her and Sansa shocked the Seven kingdoms 
・Cersei heard the news while she sat in her chambers in King’s Landing. A chalice of red wine full to the brim. 
     “They cannot be serious?” 
・Yes. You three were serious. 
・You had no social or political standing, so in the eyes of the public, you were a mistress to both Dany and Sansa
・But you were just as important as either royal
・Sansa still didn’t want to bend the knee. As shocking as that may be, Dany understood. Winterfell had been a pawn. Torn back and forth between players. 
・And with the growing threat of the White Walkers, Dany allowed Winterfell to be its own kingdom. 
・Viserion and Rhaegal were curious about Sansa, they actually started to like her. Drogon was too busy helping Dany win battles. 
・Dethra was wary of any other person but you
・Even Dany had to work hard to get Dethra to trust her 
・Jon was hurt that Dany chose Sansa over him. But he held no ill-will 
・They was too much oncoming danger for people to feel sad over matters of the heart
・Dany calls you “my heart” in High Valyrian: “Issa prūmia”
・She calls Sansa “red queen” in High Valyrian: “Mele dāria”
・ Sansa calls Dany “sweetheart” 
・And Sansa calls you “lady death” jokingly, but ... she definitely means it. But as a petname, she calls you “darling” 
・You call Dany “my queen”, even though she tells you not to. You always do. 
・Sansa’s name from you is “ Perzys” which is “fire” in High Valyrian
・You and Dany are constantly teaching Sansa new phrases in High Valyrian, and after a few weeks, Sansa asks you to actually teach her
・That’s how you grow close, being taught something connects one person to another. A teacher and a student. 
・Sansa had felt saddened by the fact that Dany and yourself have dragons. At times, yes she does want one herself, but it’s also the fact that she had a bonded companion. Lady. She misses her dearly. 
・So, when winter’s night, you and Dany brought Sansa down to the courtyard in Winterfell and presented her with a whole litter
     “Gods, what is going on?” She exclaimed.
“We notice things, my love,” Dany cooed, walking up behind the red-haired Queen and put a hand on her back. 
    Sansa started to cry then. Tears slipping from her glistening eyes. The pups yelped and whined. 
 You walked up beside Sansa and wiped away her tears, kissing her cheek. “You can have as many as you like.” 
・Sansa was overcome with glee. She took in all five of the Direwolf pups. You and Dany had scowered every country, every land, crevice and hill. 
・It was Rhaegal who had found the pups. Yes, he was going to eat them, but you got there just in time, on the back of Dethra. 
・Sansa loves when Dany braids her hair. She took on the Dothraki tradition that both you and Dany follow. Braids are added everytime you win a battle, and when you lose ... your braids are taken. 
・To ensure that you and Dany are right for her, Sansa took you both to the crypts. She told you about her family and watched for your reaction
・The empathy and sympathy radiating from you both struck Sansa in the heart
・And without asking for one, there was a sign. A black raven’s feather, at the feet of her father’s crypt. 
・You had seen it and picked it up, feeling it between your fingers 
・Sansa’s chest flooded with warmth, and she knew you two would be hers, forever. 
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
Hares on the Mountain by The Local Honeys
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
  ✧ Queen (Sansa) x The Queens’ Advisors (You) x Queen (Dany)
  ✧ Touch Either One Of My Girlfriends And You Die x3
  ✧ Hot-Headed Intimidating (You) x Royally Intimidating (Dany) x Cold Intimidating (Sansa)
NSFW🔞minors dni! 
・Sansa was slow to sex at first. Neither you or Dany pushed her to do anything she didn’t want to do
・But Sansa soon realised that sex with a woman was completely different to sex with a man
・Soft touches and light moans
・Sansa was a bit self-conscious at first, but you whispered compliments whenever you saw her frown
・You and Dany were used to each other’s bodies. You both knew what the other liked, what made the other arched their back and moan with pleasure
・Sansa found out that she was a soft dom that likes firm boundaries and obedience from her sub
・Dany likes to be ordered around in bed. She felt the most pleasure when dominated; fingers in her mouth, hair-pulled. 
・Sansa likes to dominate you the most. She likes being soft with Dany, but firm with you. There’s something wild in your blood that she wants to overpower
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normalmonsterfight · 1 year
here's some Normal Monsters i think are cool! (mostly just ones that i like the artwork of)
Power Pro Knight Sisters Chosen by the World Chalice Wattaildragon Gem-Knight Garnet Alexandrite Dragon Mekk-Knight Avram Luster Dragon 7 Colored Fish Suppression Collider Frostosaurus Angel Trumpeter Galaxy Serpent Guardragon Justica Crowned by the World Chalice Doll Monster Miss Mädchen Doll Monster Bear-Bear Dragon Core Hexer Divine Dragon Ragnarok Digitron Rabidragon Metaphys Armed Dragon Flash Knight
I might have more later.
also, one question. If a monster is Normal/Pendulum, but it does have a Pendulum Effect, does it count for the list? If so, i'd like to nominate Dragonpulse Magician and Hallohallo.
All added!
I'm a little mixed on Normals with pendulum effects, but for now I'll allow it unless a significant number of people feel it's unfair.
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salmonsandypants · 3 days
This fully breaks from cannon, but after seeing another post about The Man in Black somehow forming from the combined essence of Aiden and the Crowned Panther, I think a little divergence would have offered a cool interpretation.
What if the Panther's concentration had failed, and all of the mushroom/lantern spirits and a bunch of the mist spirits hadn't gotten out of the glade. Every spirit and the remnants of Puffs and Bevan were all trapped when the bomb went off. Whatever pieces of all of these multitudes of spirits of the natural world, spirits of the manufactured world, and the mortal man were all amalgamated and reconstituted into the Man in Black.
It captures his aesthetic to some degree, his domain to another, and it also builds upon his known mythology. He has a hidden name, of course, but how has he managed to accumulate so many monikers and titles? How is he known to be so powerful? How is he so singly aligned with the spirit world, so against the machinations of humanity, but tied and attuned to a symbol of mortal civilization—the road?
So, what if he wasn't really a single spirit, but the union of thousands of spirits.
[Also, mechanically, any one of the "ghosts" was able to kill a creature with just a look, and even the mist spirits could do 1 radiant damage apiece per attack, and the Crowned Panther had some considerable array of magical and physical abilities—although apparently a bit lacking in HP. Aiden had a pretty solid low-to-mid CR stat-block, too.]
All of these forces, all aware that their forest was dying, all facing the immediate threat of interlopers, all being sundered by powerful magicks, and finally poured into a container available to hold their essence. The mortal chalice near to hand.
The Clearing didn't go this way at all, but why not have a bit of fun with some wild alternate takes?
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Light In This World | Ch.1
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Waking on satin pillows and Egyptian cotton sheets is a dream many would love to never wake up from. To snuggle in irrefutable warmth and softness as you slowly awake to take in your surroundings. The blossom breeze streamed in from the open balcony, the gold detailing in the ceiling, and the canopy curtains hanging from the top. The light tinkling of the mini record within a music box replays in alarm. You have awoken to find you are no longer in your bed, let alone on the Earth you’ve become familiar with. 
“You have awoken.” A young woman speaks, confidently outmatching your own, behind the shroud of the curtain. The curtain sways only emphasizing the statue-like woman who stands in a small space from the foot of the bed. 
“I-i have? Where am I?”
You sat up resisting the urge to sink back into the mattress that cradled you minutes before. Your heartbeat quickened as your conscious thought sought to answer your questions. Kidnapped? Adopted? Hit by some wealthy person who hoped to keep this silent? The possibilities were endless, frightening as they were real. How many people awaken in a building with the architecture they cannot pinpoint, in such lavish conditions. 
As if sensing your growing fear the woman pulled back the curtain slowly; treating you like the scared creature you were. She offered a small smile as she slowly reached her palm out to you. 
“You are in a world far from your own and…there’s a lot you have to learn.” 
Deep down it was a given that this was the beginning of a journey and that taking her hand was the equivalent of clicking the start in an adventure game. Nonetheless, you grabbed her freckled hand intertwining your fingers as she pulled you into the world beyond.
“So you mean to tell me…that I’ve been summoned to this other world…for the slim possibility that I can be your prophesied light?”
“And for my first act you want me to dip my hand in a molten rock–?”
“--To reveal if I’m your fated ‘light’?” 
“Ah okay well I think I’ll see myself out now then.”
“Not possible.”
Sure enough, when you tried to open the door it refused to budge. You turned from the door slinking toward the window of the private space, letting your head rest upon it as you gaze at the world beyond. It was full of life. Treetops disappearing within the clouds, creatures resembling dinosaurs ridden by people—it was a visible truth that this was not your world. Yet you were expected to save it. 
“I don’t want to. I just want to go home! Why should I risk losing my hand if I’m not who you want?!”
The young woman, who introduced herself to be Brie, sighed exasperatedly continuing to chip away at the angelic appearance you originally had for her. Makes you wonder how many other people she’s had this conversation with.
“Look. If it doesn’t work out we have plenty of medical staff more than capable of healing you before we send you back.”
“That’s not the point! Shouldn’t I have a choice about whether or not I want to loose my hand for my kidnappers?”
Brie shrugged, “Probably but they won’t let you…not if therethe chance of being their precious savior.”
She turned to her beverage, hurriedly sipping up the last in her chalice as you heard the door click unlocked. In a short time, you were surrounded by people dressed in simple white robes each bowing towards you and Brie as they guided you out of the room.
“Oh ‘Light’ it’s an honor to watch you be crowned!” 
“I hope you look kindly upon me ‘Light’!”
“Your so soft my ‘Light’!” 
Taking you through the castle you had been looking out from, swallowing your protests with praise and empty affirmations. Pulling you along, they danced along the lines of gentle and forceful, smiling happily as they followed Brie down into the lower levels of the castle. You tried to take in as many details of the castle as you could but it all seemed to blur together; except for one. It was a door in the deeper levels lit up by the ominous glow of two torches, scratches and red handprints decorated its wooden finish. You assumed the ones guarding it were knights considering their obsidian-black armor and the swords that adorned their figures. Before you could look anymore you were brought to another level this one requiring Brie to use a key to unlock the iron three meter-high door. 
Within the room were various glowing objects–vases, plants, gauntlets, necklaces but what stands out the most was the magma-looking cube in the center of the room. In no time at all the people in white held you down, outstretching your hand as they slowly pushed your hand toward the cube.
“No! No! Wait, please!” 
“It’s alright Light! Just need to check!”
“It’ll be fine just wait.”
“Yeah it’ll all be fine just. Stay, still!”
Flailing as hard as you could you let your eyes fall towards Brie, watching from the sidelines before turning her head away. You opened your mouth to call for her only for your hand to be enveloped by an intensely cold feeling. Fighting against your instinct to pull away the people in white held you steady watching as your hand disappeared within the cube. You closed your eyes refusing to watch your hand be melted away, even though all you could register was a biting cold. 
Finally, the group released you watching as you curled into yourself cradling your hand to your chest. The room was silent as Brie hurriedly rushed to your side to maneuver you so she could see your afflicted hand. 
“It's…them. They are the Light!?” She guffawed looking up at the group who all had their mouths open in disbelief. At her call you let yourself open your eyes worried you’d see the horror of your melted hand. 
“I-i’m okay?” 
You asked, more to yourself than anyone but Brie still nodded and held your hand rubbing the chunky bangle that appeared on your fourth finger. Leaning into her as you sat up you both stared intensely at the glittering gold, trying to decipher the inscription made with miniature diamonds. 
“W-what does that say? What language is that? I don’t–”
“Its the capital language of Rowana…it says (Y/n) (L/n) is the Light of the world.”
The group around you erupted into a fit of cheers, filling the echoing chamber with the sounds of joy. Even amidst their smiling faces you couldn’t help but let your sights fall on Brie who ran her finger over your hand as she looked at the inscription. 
“Well (Y/n) you’ve made it this far let’s hope you can handle the rest.”
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queenmarytudor · 1 month
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Mary I's Fight For The Throne
18th August - Mary makes her first Royal proclamation
Following Mary's jubilant entry into London, fights instantly break out between the mixed population of Catholics and Protestants. A priest who performs Mass has his chalice and vestments stolen, and "two or three hundred people assembled and made such riot that the mayor had been obliged to go in person to quell the tumult." 1 while on the 15th a "defamatory leaflet was scattered about the streets of the town:
"Noblemen and gentlemen favouring the word of God, take counsel together and join with all your power and your following! Withdraw yourselves from our virtuous Lady, Queen Mary, because Rochester, Walgrave, Inglefield, Weston and Hastings, hardened and detestable papists all, follow the opinions of the said Queen. Fear not, and God will prosper and help our holy design and intent; be assured that they have no great strength now, except two archpapists, Derby and Stourton; Arundel might be mentioned as the third, with the renegades (Sir Edmund) Peckham and (Sir William) Drury, chamberlain, who have no great power. As to the other personages in the country, of whatever condition they may be, they will assuredly prove tractable and conform to our belief, as we have seen by experience during the last seven years. But Winchester, the great devil, must be exorcised and exterminated with his disciples named above, before he can poison the people and wax strong in his religion. Draw near to the Gospels, and your guardian shall be the crown of glory!" 2
Hearing of this, and after already giving the Mayor and alderman of London "a writing to act and provide accordingly, and let it be known in the proper quarter, without making any solemn proclamation", Mary decides she must make an official statement. 3
On the 18th of August Mary makes her first royal proclamation regarding religion:
Her Grace, considering the great troubles and dangers that were brought forth in the past by the diversity of opinions and questioning about religion within the kingdom, and having learnt moreover that since her accession to the throne contentions have sprung up afresh owing to certain rumours and false reports circulated by wicked persons disposed to evil doing, has determined to make her resolve known to her faithful subjects, as follows:
First, her Majesty, being now in possession of her Imperial crown and estate pertaining to it, cannot forsake that faith that the whole world knows her to have followed and practised since her birth; she desires rather, by God's grace, to preserve it until the day of her death; and she desires greatly that her subjects may come to embrace the same faith quietly and with charity, whereby she shall receive great happiness. She makes known to her beloved subjects that out of her goodness and clemency she does not desire to compel anyone to do so for the present, or until by common consent a new determination shall be come to; but she forbids all and sundry of her loving subjects, of every age and condition, under the penalty of the law to stir up tumult or sedition among her people, on the pretext of upholding certain laws of the kingdom made according to the fantasies of men; but rather commands them to live quietly until fresh ordinances be made, because her Majesty desires, and strictly orders and commands, that all shall live in peace and Christian charity. Words of recent introduction, bandied as insults, such as “papist,” “heretic” and so forth, shall be dropped; and all men, by possessing their souls in the fear of God, and by a rightous life and holy deeds, shall truly show their desire to glorify God and His Word, as they profess in their reasonings and disputations to desire it. By these practices, and by honouring God, men shall live without fear and the tranquillity of the kingdom shall be maintained, whence her Grace shall derive great joy and contentment. But if any were to presume to hold conventicles in public or in private, and sow dissension among the people, her Majesty makes it known that she would do her duty in reforming their ways and punishing those who should be guilty of going against her laws.
Moreover, as we see that false rumours and reports are nourished and maintained by certain evilly-disposed persons who take upon themselves, without sufficient authority, to preach and interpret the word of God according to their own mind, in churches and elsewhere, publicly and privately, and by representations, by false printed books of recent composition, in rhymes, ballads and other foolish and unreasonable ways attack the ministers of God and the articles of the Christian religion which they have recently brought into controversy, which books, rhymes and treatises are given out by the printers and booksellers with evil zeal to sell them and make their profit, or rather with greed of unjust gain; her Majesty commands and strictly charges every one of her subjects, of whatever age and condition, that no one shall henceforth, under pretext of sermons or lessons, either in church, publicly or privately, interpret the Scriptures, or teach anything pertaining to religion, except it be in the schools of the university. Neither shall they print any book, treatise, dialogue, rhyme, ballad, comedy or argument except by special, written command of her Majesty, under pain of her displeasure.
Her Majesty strictly commands all and sundry that no one among her subjects shall presume by his own act to punish or rise against those who may go against the law, or against any who may have taken part by word or deed in the past rebellion made by the Duke of Northumberland and his accomplices; neither shall they take their goods nor offend them in their persons by violence or imprisonment or similar acts; but they shall refer them to her Majesty or her officers, so that they may be punished according to the law. Her Majesty does not wish to discourage any man from denouncing or giving information concerning those who may be guilty of the above-named offences against her own person or the members of her Privy Council, so that they may be punished as the law ordains.
Her Majesty enjoins upon all her subjects the observance of the said commands, and decrees that they shall everywhere bend to her will without reserve, and thus avoid her displeasure and the rigour of her wrath, giving her no cause for sorrow; being determined to leave no deed unpunished that may be committed rebelliously against the law, so that there may follow no troubles or disorders, but the laws be carried out to the letter.
Her Majesty hopes that her loving subjects will conduct themselves befittingly; and, in fine, she commands and strictly enjoins upon her mayors, sheriffs, justices, bailiffs, constables and other officers and public administrators to use all diligence in the observance and execution of her will and commands, and to see to it that they who shall wilfully break them be sent to the nearest public prison and kept there until notice be given to her Majesty or her Privy Council of their names and the fault imputed to them, together with their replies on examination; after which they shall receive their punishment according to the law, as an example to the rest. 4
On the same day, at Westminster Hall, John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland is found guilty of treason. After being released following Mary's entry into London, the "Duke of Norfolk, sitting under the cloth of estate, gave judgement". 5
The execution is planned for the 21st, however it is delayed a day once Northumberland recants Protestantism. He "received the holy sacrament, heard mass devoutly and performed all the customary acts of devotion according to the ancient religion, declaring loudly before those who were in the Tower that since he had forsaken God and the Church to follow the new religion he had done no good, and his actions had been unfortunate. He confessed publicly that he had continued in error for three or four years, and went so far as to approve the authority of the Roman Church, using words that avowed the said authority, as we have been told. He did not merely declare what is said above in the Tower, but repeated the same words on the scaffold, loudly, before the people. He recommended them to obey the Queen, whom he called good and virtuous, saying that she had attained the throne miraculously, by reason of her true right by inheritance, and that therein he acknowledged the hand of God." 6
On the 22nd of August "the Duke of Northumberland and Sir John Gates, late Captain of the Guard, and Sir Thomas Palmer, knights, were all three beheaded on the Tower hill, between 8 and 9 of the clock in the forenoon, and after their bodies and heads were carried into the Tower again." 7
1. Spanish State Papers, 16th August 1553
2. Spanish State Papers, 16th August 1553
3. Spanish State Papers, 16th August 1553
4. Spanish State Papers, 16th August 1553
5. Wriothesley's Chronicle
6. Spanish State Papers, 27th August 1553
7. Wriothesley's Chronicle
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Babalon: The Archetypal Feminine in Thelema
Babalon and The Tree of Life
In Thelemic mysticism, the figure of Babalon is deeply intertwined with the symbolism of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
This mystical diagram, adopted and adapted by Thelema from Jewish Kabbalah, represents the structure of the universe and the process of spiritual evolution.
Association with Binah
Babalon is most closely associated with the sephirah (sphere) of Binah on the Tree of Life.
Binah, situated at the top of the pillar of severity, represents understanding and is often seen as the archetype of the Great Mother.
In Kabbalistic symbolism, Binah is the womb where ideas are nurtured and given form. It embodies the concept of receptivity and is the source of divine understanding and intuition.
In Thelemic doctrine, Babalon as the personification of Binah embodies these qualities. She is the Great Mother who gives form to the divine will, nurturing and birthing the spiritual aspirations of those who seek enlightenment.
Symbolism of the Chalice
Babalon is often depicted as holding a chalice or a cup, which is a symbol rich in meaning within the context of the Tree of Life.
The chalice represents the receptive quality of Binah, ready to receive the divine influx from the higher sephirot, particularly from Chokmah (wisdom) and Kether (the crown).
This imagery aligns with the portrayal of Babalon as the sacred vessel of enlightenment and spiritual nourishment.
Path of Gimel
On the Tree of Life, the path connecting Kether and Tiphereth is known as Gimel. It is associated with the Tarot card “The High Priestess,” which is often linked to the figure of Babalon in Thelemic Tarot interpretations.
This path represents the descent of divine energy and wisdom into the more manifest realms of the Tree.
Babalon, as a mediator on this path, symbolizes the bridge between the divine and the human, guiding the initiate’s journey toward spiritual realization.
Integration within Thelemic Cosmology
Babalon’s placement on the Tree of Life is integral to understanding Thelemic cosmology.
Her position in Binah not only situates her as a pivotal figure in the unfolding of the universe but also as a symbol of the transformative process each individual must undergo in pursuing their True Will.
Through her, the aspirant is able to access deeper levels of understanding and connect more profoundly with the mysteries of existence.
Babalon and The Beast
In Thelemic mysticism, the relationship between Babalon and The Beast is a central and highly symbolic aspect of the doctrine.
This pairing not only represents profound mystical concepts but also plays a crucial role in the narrative and symbolism of Thelema.
Symbolic Representation of Babalon and The Beast
Babalon is often depicted as riding upon The Beast, a symbol rich in mythological and esoteric connotations.
In this imagery, she is seen as the embodiment of divine femininity, while The Beast represents the primal, untamed forces of nature and the material world.
The Beast is often associated with the figure of Therion in Thelemic texts, symbolizing the earthly and carnal aspects of existence.
The Union of Opposites
This relationship symbolizes the union of opposites – the spiritual and the material, the divine and the profane.
This union is a central theme in Thelemic philosophy, reflecting the belief in the essential unity of all things and the transcendence of dualistic perceptions.
Babalon, as the spiritual and divine force in union with The Beast, the embodiment of earthly power and desire, illustrates the integration and balance of these contrasting elements.
Babalon as the Guiding Force
In the imagery of Babalon riding The Beast, Babalon is often portrayed as the guiding or controlling force, representing the idea that spiritual insight and understanding should guide and direct material power and instinctual drives.
This depiction emphasizes the role of the divine feminine in directing the course of the material world toward spiritual ends.
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