#Alexandrite Dragon
thewittyphantom · 7 months
Someone found a hilarious misprint of someone's fingerprint on their Alexandrite Dragon.
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bluebird-lake · 3 months
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normalmonsterfight · 1 year
Hello! Here is are some monsters I’d like to submit (along with some reasons why I like them):
- Stray Familiar: Cat
- Interstellime: It’s so cute
- Metaphys Armed Dragon: One of the first cards I had when I started playing the game
- Alexandrite Dragon
- Wolf: So descriptive and the flavor text is fun
- Gunkan Suship Shari
- All three World Chalice normal monsters (Beckoned by the World Chalice, Crowned by the World Chalice, Chosen by the World Chalice)
- Bitron and Digitron: I’m a sucker for Yugioh Vrains
- Ultimate Flag Beast Avan Wolf and Ultimate Flag Mech Tough Striker: Light Machines is my favorite Rush deck to play
That is all but I will probably return with more
Seconds for Alexandrite Dragon, Metaphys Armed Dragon, Crowned by/Chosen by the World Chalice, and Digitron, the rest added!
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stupidsexygrizzop · 2 years
if i had a nickel for every actual play campaign that had dragons in charge of a large part of the world and steampunky magitech run by a morally questionable ai i’d have two nickels
which isn’t alot but its weird that it’s happened twice
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dragon-gem-au · 1 year
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Dragon Gem AU Alexandrite - clothing ref
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thecupidwitch · 4 months
Elements And Their Correspondences
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Direction: North
Time: Midnight
Season: Winter
Color: Green, brown
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Ruling planets: Venus and Saturn
Tarot Cards: Pentacles, Coins
Tools: Pentacle, salt, stones, dirt, crystals, wood, flowers
Cystals: Emerald, Jet, tourmaline, quartz, onyx, azurite, amethyst, jasper, peridot, granite.
Animals: gopher, bear, wolf, ant, horse, stag, deer, dog, cow, bull, bison, snake, worms, moles, voles, grubs
Herbs: Oak, cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, primrose, sage, grains, patchouli, nuts, magnolia, comfrey, vetivert, moss, lilac, lichen, roots, barley, alfalfa, corn, rice.
Rules: Grounding, strength, healing, success, stability, sturdiness, steadfastness, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, wisdom, nature, animals, plants, money, prosperity.
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Direction: West
Time: Dusk
Season: Fall
Color: Blue, Indigo, Sliver
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Ruling planets: Moon, Neptune, Pluto
Tarot Cards: Cups
Tools: Ocean, sea glass, cup, bowl, seaweed, hag stones, cauldron
Cystals: Moonstone, pearl, silver, aquamarine, amethyst, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, fluorite, coral, blue topaz, beryl, opal, coral
Animals: fish, snake, frog, crab, lobster, eel, shark, dragonfly, seahorse, dolphin, sea otter, seal, whale, alligator, crocodile, beaver, octopus, penguin, salamander, turtle, starfish, koi, coral, barnacle, manta ray, manatee, jellyfish, nautilus, heron, duck, geese, crane, swan, water birds, ammonite, dragons, serpents
Herbs: seaweed, aloe, fern, water lily, lotus, moss, willow, gardenia, apple, catnip, chamomile, cattail, lettuce, kelp, birch, cabbage, coconut, cucumber, comfrey, eucalyptus, gourd, geranium, grape, licorice, lilac, pear, strawberry, tomato
Rules: emotion, intuition, psychic abilities, love, unconscious mind, fertility, self-healing, reflection, lunar energy, deep feelings, curses, death
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Direction: South
Time: Noon
Season: Summer
Color: Red, Orange
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Ruling planets: Sun, Mars
Tarot Cards: Wands or Swords (depends on belief system)
Tools: Athame, candles, swords, wands, dagger, lamp, flame
Cystals: Carnelian, red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, agate, rhodochrosite, gold, pyrite, brass, fire opal, lavastone, tiger's eye
Animals: Lion, snake, coyote, fox, ladybug, bee, shark, scorpion, horse, mantis, tiger
Herbs: Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, allspice, basil, cacti, marigold, chilis, garlic, mustard, nettle, onion, heliotrope, hibiscus, juniper, lime, orange, red pepper, poppies, thistle, coffee, jalapenos, lemon, cumin, saffron, coriander
Rules: Energy, will, destruction, strength, courage, power, passion, lust, sexuality, anger, war, new beginnings, protection, loyalty, transformation, action, movement, achievement, creativity, desire, willpower
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Direction: East
Time: Down
Season: Spring
Color: Yellow, gold, white, light blue, pastels
Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Ruling planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus
Tarot Cards: Wands
Tools: Feather, wand, staff, incense, broom, bell, sword, pen
Cystals: Amber, topaz, citrine, jasper, agate, pumice, alexandrite, amethyst, fluorite, mica, clear quartz
Animals: Birds, flying insects, spiders, bats
Herbs: Bergamot, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, sage, dandelion, bluebell, clover, frankincense, primrose, lemongrass, pine, aspen, yarrow, violets, vervain, myrrh, dill, anise, aspen
Rules: Intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, logic, thought, communication, truth, inspiration, intuition, memory, creativity
Tip jar
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ad-caelestia · 11 days
❌ Curse Correspondences ❌
Agate - for use on a target who has entered a space uninvited, i.e. someone breaking into your home or vehicle
Alexandrite - causes obsession and delusions
Amethyst - causes sensitivity and self-destruction
Astrophyllite - causes those who have died at the hands of another to torment the target from the grave
Diamond - causes blindness, confusion, and disorientation
Diopside - lowers inhibitions and causes secrets to be revealed
Emerald - causes greed, selfishness, and isolation
Flint - causes conflicts
Garnet - leeches energy from a target
Kunzite - induces vulnerability 
Kyanite - used to infiltrate a target’s mind
Meteorite - used as a catalyst in baneful magic
Obsidian - used for general aggressive magic
Onyx - causes nightmares and mental torment, and is used to break up relationships
Opal - used to store negative energy, and then to be given to a target
Ruby - used to focus your intent on a target
Black - law, justice, manifestation, sorrow
Red - force, energy, confrontation, jealousy, anger
Greenish Yellow - strife, discord, illness, conflict, jealousy, greed
Magenta - catalyst
Ague Weed - confusion 
Angelica Root - misery, strife, distress, discord
Asafoetida - drives enemies away
Bayberry - depression
Bindweed - binding
Blackberry Root - distress
Black Salt - misery, strife, distress, discord
Bladderwrack - illness
Bloodroot - substitute for blood
Blueberry - confusion, strife
Boneset - distress, confusion
Cayenne Pepper - anxiety
Chicory - discord
Chili Powder - discord, misery, strife
Cinquefoil - discomfort
Clove - stopping gossip
Cramp Bark - pain, illness
Dogbane - deception
Dragon’s Blood - destruction, strife, misery
Hemlock - discord, sadness
Henbane - illness, discord, melancholy
Jezebel Root - wickedness, ending relationships, punishing unfaithful lovers
Knot Weed - binding
Lemon - sourness, bitterness
Lemon Verbena - a boost of power, ending relationships
Lime - sourness, bitterness
Lobelia - discord
Mace - misery, strife
Mandrake - misery, strife
Mistletoe - isolation, confusion
Mullein - spirit work, nightmares
Mustard Seed - strife, discord
Myrrh - a boost of power
Nightshade (Belladonna) - discord, illness
Onion - strife
Patchouli - illness
Poke Root - confusion, discord
Poppy Seed - discord
Rue - misery
Safflower - destruction
Spanish Moss - bad luck
Slippery Elm - ending relationships
Stinging Nettle - jealousy, envy, discomfort
Sumac - bad luck
Tobacco - a substitute for any baneful herb
Tormentil - distress, harm, discord
Vetiver - silence
Wormwood (Absinthe) - misery, strife
Yew - spirit work
Yohimbe Bark - impotency
Mars - power, force, energy, war, conflict, jealousy
Saturn - law, justice, chaos, revenge
Neptune - confusion, illusion, chaos
Pluto - death, mystery, crisis
Lunar Phases:
Waning - binding, banishing
Dark - destruction, banishing, justice
Black - power, manifestation
The target’s name written on paper
The target’s signature
An item that belongs to the target
Other Ingredients:
Cigarette butts
Broken glass
Lemon/lime juice
Shark teeth
Catfish spines
Murex seashells
Flying Devil Oil
Dead insects
Black sand
Disclaimer: I do not condone the unethical practice of collecting or harvesting animal parts, or forcefully obtaining taglocks. This is just a list of theoretical correspondences and I am not responsible for the actions of others.
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the-mortuary-witch · 2 months
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Hermes is a Greek god who is known as the messenger of the gods, the god of travelers, and the god of commerce. In Greek mythology, Hermes is a son of Zeus and the nymph Maia, and he is often depicted as a swift and clever god who is able to move quickly and silently. As the messenger of the gods, Hermes is responsible for transporting messages and news between the gods and mortals, and he is also known as the god of thieves and cunning. Hermes is often portrayed as a young and athletic figure, with curly hair and a mischievous or sly expression.
Appearance: Hermes is often depicted as a graceful and athletic figure. He is typically portrayed as young and handsome, with curly hair and a mischievous or sly expression. He is often shown wearing a traveller's hat or cap and winged sandals, which enable him to move quickly and silently. He also often carries a caduceus, a staff entwined with two snakes, which is a symbol of his role as a messenger of the gods.
Personality: he is known for his quick wit, cleverness, and mischievous nature. He is often portrayed as a god of communication, travel, and commerce, and he is known for being able to move quickly and silently. Hermes is also known for his love of pranks and tricks, and he is often depicted as a god of thieves and cunning. Despite his playful side, Hermes is also considered to be a wise and understanding god, and he is often depicted as a god of wisdom and knowledge.
Symbols: caduceus, shepherds pipes, travellers hat, lyre, rooster, talaria, winged helmet, tortoise, and satchel or pouch Talaria, and petasos
God of: messenger of the Gods, heraldry, omens, poetry and fables, trade, travel, boundaries, thieves, education, psychopomp, wealth, luck, roadways, animal husbandry, sleep, language, and known as the divine trickster
Culture: Greek
Plants and trees: palm tree, crocus flower, Greek strawberry trees, hydrangeas, chrysanthemum, almond tree, iris, and marjoram
Crystals: alexandrit, amethyst, smoky quartz, hematite, agate, orange quartz, amber, citrine, peridot, quartz, malachite, ruby, bloodstone, and orange topaz
Animals: hummingbirds, tortoise, hare, cattle, hawk, goat, fish, ram, snake, and rooster
Incense: frankincense, myrrh, saffron, and dragon’s blood
Colours: gold, red, silver, copper, yellow, orange, grey, light blue, and green
Number: 4
Zodiac: Gemini
Tarot: Judgment, The Magician, The Fool, The Hierophant, The Hermit, The Star, and Suit of Swords
Planet: Mercury
Days: Wednesday, April Fools Day, 4th of every month, Hermea, Noumenia, Pompaia, Heliogenna, Anthesteria (maybe), Asklepia (maybe), Olympeia (maybe), Bendideia (maybe), Panathenaia (maybe), Eleusinia (maybe), Zeus Epoptes (maybe), Genesios (maybe), and Theseia (maybe)
Parents: Zeus and Maia
Siblings: N/A
Partners: Aphrodite, Brimo, Daeira, Peitho, Persephone, Penelopeia, and Palaestra
Children: Evander, Pan, Hermaphroditus, Abderus or Abderos, Autolycus, Eudoros, Angelia, Myrtilus, Palaestra, Aethalides (Argonaut), Arabius, Bounos or Bunus, Cephalus, Cydon, Pharis, Polybus, Prylis, and Saon or Samon
• Winged sandals: according to Greek mythology, Hermes had a pair of winged sandals that he used to fly around the world.
• Caduceus: the caduceus is a staff with two snakes wrapped around it, and it is a symbol of Hermes and his role as a messenger.
• Thieves and tricksters: Hermes was often associated with thieves and tricksters, reflecting his role as a god of cunning and wit.
• Commerce and trade: he was also associated with commerce and trade, and was often invoked for success in business or financial endeavors.
• Messages and communication: Hermes was the god of messages and communication, and he was often invoked for help in sending or receiving important information.
• Travel and transportation: as a messenger and a god of travel, Hermes was often associated with the sea, rivers, and roads, and was invoked for protection and safe passage.
• Poetry and arts: Hermes was also associated with the arts, particularly music and writing, and was said to have created the first lyre, which he gave to Apollo.
• Magic and witchcraft: he was often associated with magic and witchcraft, and was believed to possess some magical powers himself.
• One of the more popular myths of Hermes is the myth of him stealing Apollo’s cattle as a baby. Hermes was freshly born, escaped his crib and stole his half-brother’s herd of cattle. In order to avoid getting caught, Hermes plays some devious and clever tricks, though the tricks he plays depends on the myth-teller. At some point on his journey with the cattle he finds a tortoise whose shell he turns into the very first lyre. Inevitably he gets caught by Apollo but the sun god is so charmed by the lyre that he allows Hermes to keep the cattle or at least forgives him.
• Not only this myth, but others depict him as a trickster who enjoys a good prank.
• Hermes was known to be the patron god of Arcadia as he was born in Mount Cyllene in Arcadia according to Homer.
• Hermes is also a psychopomp, a traveler between the realms of the living and dead who aides souls headed to the Underworld.
• He was notably charming, even as a baby, considered a darling of the gods where many of the deities in the pantheon would teach or entertain young Hermes.
• Hermes was said to have invented wrestling and racing.
• He is often depicted as both young and old, as a mediator between god and man, and as a dream bringer. It’s possible that this ties into his involvement as an initiator for young adulthood.
• The Hermea were festivals held in honor of Hermes.
• Hermes’ staff or wand, the caduceus (staff with two snakes wound around it), is often mistaken for the Rod of Asclepius (staff with one snake wound around it).
• Inventor of fire: Hermes is credited with inventing fire, which he used to cook the stolen cattle.
• Protector of flocks: Hermes is also known to protect shepherds and their flocks, ensuring their safety and fertility.
• He likes rock music because of its high energy, energy drinks (especially red bull and original monster), elephants, yellow things, bergamot, dogwood, and vanilla.
Create a dedicated space on your altar or in your home for Hermes, with objects associated with him, such as the caduceus, winged sandals, or a statue of the god. Make offerings to Hermes, such as incense, food, or small trinkets. Set aside time each day to connect with Hermes through meditation, prayer, or journaling, and ask for his guidance or assistance. Take up activities that are associated with Hermes, such as writing, traveling, or communicating.
"Great and wise Hermes, messenger of the gods, I call upon you to be with me now. Guide me on my journey, and fill me with your wisdom and wit. Help me to communicate clearly and effectively, and to approach each new challenge with confidence and ease.”

“Hail Lord Hermes, swift as the wind, cunning as a fox, and wise as the stars.
I open myself to your presence and await your guidance. So mote it be."
• A strong desire to learn, especially in the areas of communication, travel, or creative expression.
• Increased synchronicities or occurrences of things that are related to Hermes, such as twinning (seeing identical numbers), winged sandals, the caduceus, or the symbol for Mercury.
• A feeling of being inspired or compelled to take action, particularly in a situation that requires quick thinking or communication.
• Recurrent dreams or visions involving Hermes or objects associated with him, such as winged sandals or the caduceus.
• Sudden onset of good luck or fortunate opportunities, especially in areas related to communication or travel.
• An increased sense of curiosity or playful energy, such as a desire to explore new places or learn new skills.
• A feeling of being guided or protected, as if a benevolent presence is watching over you.
• An increased sense of intuition or insight, as if Hermes is guiding your thinking or decision-making.
• Rocks, specifically stacked rocks from the roadside.
• Koumara.
• Petasos (winged helmet).
• Talaria (winged sandals).
• Naturally shed feathers.
• Animal skins.
• Silver or golden objects.
• Food and drinks: white or red wine, olive oil, water, citrus fruit, honey, strawberries, milk, chocolate, wheat, lemons, almonds, cinnamon, coffee/energy drinks (especially red bull and original monster), candy, ramune, foreign foods, candies, or drinks, cheeses, shepherds pie, mutton, pork, beef, eggs, cookie dough ice-cream, blackberries, apricots, chamomile tea, beer, pineapple, bread, and milk mixed with honey.
• Statues/depictions of him.
• Herbs: cinnamon, feverfew, mint, dill, mustard, parsley, angelica, poppy seed, and coriander.
• Souvenirs/objects from trips.
• Incense: frankincense, myrrh, saffron, and dragon’s blood.
• Zodiac or astrology related items.
• Souvenirs from your trips.
• Coins and money (unique or foreign).
• Silver/yellow/orange/red candles.
• Stamps.
• Turtle shaped objects.
• Sunglasses.
• Depictions/imagery of cattle’s, turtles, rams, hawks, hares, rooster, guard dogs, and snakes.
• Dice.
• Maps.
• Flowers: crocus flower, hydrangeas, and chrysanthemum.
• Wands.
• Musical instruments.
• Rock or indie music.
• Foreign items.
• Write poetry.
• Play pranks, I won’t advocate for harsh pranks, personally, but he is known as a trickster so do with that what you will.
• Travel, he is the patron god of travellers.
• Watch a funny show or movie.
• Watch travel videos.
• Play or watch sports, he is known as a god of athletics and during his festival days people would play sports.
• Pray to him.
• Go to the gym or otherwise exercise, he has been cited as the patron deity of gyms.
• Learn astrology.
• Learn about agriculture and animal husbandry.
• Practice public speaking.
• Write His stories, poems, or jokes.
• Donate to homeless shelters.
• Honour the dead.
• Honour his children and his companions.
• Build a cairn, DO NOT STACK ROCKS IN NATURE as it disrupts the natural environment! However, feel free to build one on your porch or in your house with rocks you may already have.
• Watch a comedy special.
• Write letters and send them.
• Learning how to make drinks (wine, alcoholic mixed drinks, juices, etc).
• Traveling.
• Celebrate Hermea, I was unable to find a set date-range for these festivals. Some suggested around the beginning of August, possibly due to his conflation with the Irish god Lugh’s holiday Lughnasadh; others suggested May 15 due to the Roman god Mercury’s holiday Mercuralia. That said, he was known to be worshipped during other holidays in Greek tradition alongside other deities.
• Write stories.
• Exploring areas.
• Working.
• Making a money bowl.
• If able, learn a new language, if unable to do that listen to music in a foreign language or watch a movie or show in a foreign language.
• Learn about the Underworld and His role as a psychopomp.
• The story of Him stealing Apollon’s cattle always makes me laugh, so if you’re feeling down maybe read about that or watch a video about it.
• Eat food from a foreign country or watch cooking videos with recipes from foreign countries.
• Make a bucket list of places you’d like to travel (doesn’t necessarily have to be other countries. It can be within your own country or in your own state, or maybe there’s places in your own town/city you haven’t checked out yet that you’d like to go see).
• Learn some geography.
• Listen to or make a devotional playlist for Him.
• Play some board games or card games or dice games
• Learning how to send letters and packages.
• Stand up comedy and memes.
• Roller skating.
In some spiritual and religious traditions, it's considered appropriate to consume an offering that has been given to a deity or other spiritual entity. Some cultures believe that consuming an offering is a way to honor and show commitment to the deity, as well as to express gratitude for the deity's presence and blessings. In the case of consuming an offering to Hermes, some might believe that this is a way to deepen one's connection with the deity and to show respect and devotion. However, it's important to note that not all spiritual and religious traditions view the consumption of offerings in the same way.
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sideblogdotjpeg · 15 days
hi everyone im really really normal isnt it really cool and normal that sol held onto this little metal name plate like it was the most precious thing he owned and carried it around with him all the time, even as a synth knight soldier, a little metal plate that had his name "solum" and was the only thing that tied him to who he is and where he comes from. "this is the only thing i had when i came to the waterpark, just this word". just one half of the plate. how did he know "bufo" was his last name? how did he know that metal plate was his? how did he know? when sol almost dies in king of dragons he dreams of a swamp that hes never been to. and its cool and normal that sol carries fragments of a person hes never been around with him forever, a history and a family and a context of what he is he doesnt even understand, that is and isnt his
and isnt it really cool and normal that sol was an abandoned and forgotten nobody in the waterpark, and then he was brought to launchpad and told he *was* somebody, he was an extension of another person, its boy wizard *and* frog pal, "familiars always smell like he person they work with", and then "the gloves are not the same i dont know whats going on what am i what am i", and then "humanoid animals are often viewed as cute by other humanoids and could be used to perpetuate mothership propaganda", and then "why clone me im just a frog im nobody", and. the memories of childhood and sense of identity that launchpad and the synth knight program offered him crumbled down overnight. hes not a synth knight and he was never a frog pal and if hes not mothership than what is he outside of that? except the kicker is that he *was* mothership, more than anyone else; "theres always the consideration that you were made in a mothership lab". that he is just an extension and a copy of somebody else.
and its so cool and normal that sol, from the very beginning, an unnamed desire that alexandrite tapped into, that almost lost him to the network, "you... could find my family? ... i have a few things id like to say to them for sure". sol finds out hes a clone and one of the first things he says was "i think that mightve been the closest thing to a dad ill ever have". brad and bron. sol wants to know swag so bad, he wants to impress him, he wants swag to like him. he practices in front of a mirror meeting him. when they finally meet face to face all sol can say is "i hate the fact that you exist". and still he fights so hard for swag. swag exists and sol is two of a kind now. sol doesnt know what he is anymore. sol sees flashes of clones at the edges of his vision. this is as close to a family as he can get. and swag was a wanderer who wanted to see the world outside his home, but sol was always looking *for* his home. sol fought for swag, but at the end of the day. swag daniels the ship of theseus. "what happens to the people who were trying to transport that got replaced by alexandrite? where does that matter go? / it disappears". "youll always be a part of me, you *are* me, how can i let you go?". sol bufos spore network, a representation of who he is, someone defined by his connections and bonds to other people. and thats the thing that ends up saving that last fragment of swag who survived, and kept on fighting to stay as the original sol bufo. swag still never got to take sol to moonstone .
anyway. cool and fun. sol bufo frog with the most twisted and mangled sense of self in the whole entire world. sol bufo who thinks of himself in terms of other people, who was by design an extension of someone else. sol who fought so hard for the family he just found out he has, and loses it in an instant. sol bufo who keeps on asking "who am i". "no matter what, you are solum bufo. and you are a good frog"
so. im normal about it
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val-ritz · 1 month
they're truly outrageous, and i just realized i can pin posts now
Hello! If you're here because I made an offhand remark in 2020 about getting a fistful of rubies for $20, I was simplifying very slightly. The lot of rubies that I got are now going for about ~$28, and you can find them here on gemsngems.com.
Do your own due diligence! I've had good experiences with them, I was able to corroborate those experiences with some other reviews online, but your mileage may vary.
Q. What's the deal with this company?
A. Best as I can determine, gemsngems is a wholesaler operating out of Bangkok. They supply mass-produced lab-grown gemstones. Because they're operating out of Bangkok, note that international shipping times are probably going to be your enemy. I had to wait for my zircons for like six weeks.
Q. Hey, some of these ruby entries are looking more like $400 for one instead of $20 for ten. What gives?
A. The corundum this supplier has comes from three processes: flame fusion, hydrothermal synthesis, and Czochralski pulling. Flame fusion is cheap and easy, you cram some powdered aluminum oxide and some impurities into a plasma torch and bam, you've got rubies, or sapphires, or spinels, or padparadscha, or whatever. The resulting stones are good enough for me, which is why I bought them.
The hydrothermal process uses a big-ass autoclave to simulate the natural process by which these crystals formed. A saturated solution is put in and allowed to become supersaturated by slowly cooling it. Seed crystals are added to entice things to grow, and you've got pretty damn good stones. Notably, this can be used for things like beryl. It's more time and energy intensive, and that jacks up the price, but the result is basically indistinguishable from natural gemstone.
Czochralski pulling takes a seed crystal and puts it on the end of a puller rod that's dipped into a crucible of molten whatever. The rod is very slowly and precisely pulled upward, resulting in a monocrystalline "ingot" of that whatever. If you're trying to build a laser, don't, but that's kind of the only reason you'd need a gemstone with this kind of purity and structure.
Long story short, if you only need the rocks to look at like a dragon, you're fine with the cheapest option.
Q. Hey, why is there alexandrite listed in the corundum section?
That's simulated alexandrite. It's a corundum that's been doped with a colorant that changes hue from pink to green based on what angle you view it from. You can actually get true beryl alexandrite from this site, but since it's a beryl stone, a great big hunk of it's gonna be pricey, because of the above lecture.
Q. Do you actually have those rubies?
You bet your ass.
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galacticnikki · 22 days
A Baby Witch's First Grimoire
Grimoire Entry 19 - Crystals For Promoting Confidence
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⚠️Obligatory Disclaimer⚠️
Crystals are not a substitute for modern medicine.
Apache Tears
Black Jade
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Scheelite
Cherry Tanzurine
Chinese Writing Stone
Chocolate Calcite
Chrysanthemum Stone
Crazy Lace Agate
Dalmatian Jasper
Dragon Stone
Fairy Stone
Garden Quartz
Golden Healer Quartz
Green Garnet
Green Kyanite
Green Onyx
Green Tiger Eye
Healer's Gold
Himalayan Quartz
Honey Calcite
Imperial Topaz
Japan Law Twin
Lemon Calcite
Maligano Jasper
Mango Quartz
Miriam Stone
Noble Shungite
Ocean Jasper
Orange Aventurine
Orange Calcite
Orange Kyanite
Orange Selenite
Orca Agate
Peanut Obsidian
Pink Calcite
Pink Halite
Polychrome Jasper
Purple Opal
Red Jasper
Red Quartz
Red Tiger Eye
Ruby Fuchsite
Ruby in Kyanite
Ruby Zoisite
Shaman Stone
Sonora Sunrise
Strawberry Quartz
Sulfur Quartz
Tiger Iron
Titanium Quartz
Tourmalinated Quartz
Truffle Chalcedony
Tsavorite Garnet
Yellow Opal
Zebra Calcite
Feel free to check out my master post for more information!
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ghostedflakes · 6 months
Alright long post about Sol Bufo, death and the intense dread I feel about the future of Swag Daniels.
Throughout the campaign, Sol has built a very complicated connection to death. Obviously his connection to the fungal network is part of that but it's been building since the beginning. He has his first near death experience in the ep.4 “A Frog in the Fog”. The next time he gets this close to “death” is in episode 13: “Alexandrite”, when Alexandrite almost takes him over.
Episode 27: “King of Dragons” is where everything changes. All in one episode Sol forms a connection to Shroomrot, watches him die and then nearly dies alongside him in the mud. After this episode, Sol establishes a connection to the fungal network, his first encounter with the idea that death is not an end but a cycle. Shroomrot was a sad loss of course but the network becomes a comforting connection for Sol. Then episode 29 happens “Crown of Dreams” and it’s a mirror of Sol’s experience in ep.27 but much more grim. Sol in this moment comes the closest he’s ever been to death and all he can do it watch helplessly as his friend gives himself up to save his life. Calder giving his body to Ultrus was not a death but it was a profound loss and it likely held more guilt for Sol than any other experience in his entire life. It is this point that Sol decides he never wants to be that helpless again. His switch to Way of the Long Death Monk is fascinating because it’s an assertion of his resolve to always bounce back but also a further acceptance of the Fungal Network and the comforting association it has to death. And things start to look up for Sol, he meets Swag, he battles Utlrus and is nearly un-hitable, and they get Calder back. All’s well that ends well for Sol Bufo.
Except, Swag goes missing. The only connection he has to his origins gone to Alexandrite, who tried and failed to take him in ep.13. Sol didn’t go down, he didn’t do anything wrong, and yet Swag is gone. Life goes on, Sol refuses to go down and the next time he sees Swag is in a dream eerily familiar to the one he had in episode 27 as he was drowning in mud. Floating carefree in a warm swamp this time with Swag by his side. The things Swag says in this conversation are very concerning. He starts drifting away, he tells Sol that he is thankful for having met him. His language is so final. He's thankful for the time they *got* to spend together. He got to be a hero "in the end". And Sol tries to push back, reaffirming their future, telling Swag that they are still looking for him. "To keep everyone safe" he says. And Swag responds "You've been studying the bond of life and death so you have to know you can't keep everyone safe." He tries to say that Sol needs to let him go but cannot finish that sentiment until Ep. 57 "Cold Hard Truths".
Swag has accepted the end, but Sol refuses it. Just like how he refuses to go down. He keeps telling Swag that they will find him, help him but Swag already accepts his fate. Notice how in this episode Duck Team are revealed as Peregrines, people who affect destiny, forge their own way forward. Now remember that Sol is a clone, supposedly a copy of Swag and yet they do not share this title. Sol, despite his status as a clone, is his own person. He defied fate in his existence, the only complete clone of the original Sol Bufo, breaking away from Mothership, and now fighting actively against Alexandrite. I think it is Swag's fate to die but I also think it's in Sol's nature to reject that premise. In the last few episodes, Sol has been reminded that he has family besides Swag. Albin is his brother, Kenna is his little sister, Duck Team is his family. And in a way, this is all preparing Sol for a profound loss. So we'll have to wait and see. Will he be able to deny fate, to somehow save Swag? Or will he be fully confronted with loss and inevitably, that he did nothing wrong and yet Swag is still gone? Food for thought and also immense dread.
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I have been bitten by the Gemcyt bug caused by @chrisrin
I thus present to you Zedaph as Poudretteite as well as Worm Man as 'Pink Chalcedony' and a fusion of WM with @sweetest-honeybee 's Evil Xisuma design. (Mainly bc i had a better idea of a fusion btwn the two rather than with chrisrin's tango and impulse, but i might figure it out) Thanks for letting me use your design! It let me make Covelite!
And while there's some notes in the drawings, there shall be more below the cut!
Okay so I immediately jumped to Zed being a pink colored gem and stumbled upon a few options. I knew I wanted to pick 2, one to be Zed's gem and the other to be WM's supposed gem, and almost swapped their gem types before learning that there was a chalcedony on the show.
I think it is a fun thing to have Zed and WM insist they are totally not the same person (or gem in this case), and here we see that WM is shapeshifting the gem position around, and that could have worked... if it weren't blatantly obvious that he looks nothing like a chalcedony. I mean look at how close the different colored Pearls look, or Sapphire and Padparacha.
The base form I used for Zed is from a gem silhouette from 'The Answer', which was the only one to have those lil ball hands as the others had at least some semblance of regular hands. So I kept that detail and even made a joke about how Zed can still just pick stuff up, and that even carries over to the fusion
speaking of the fusion.
Other than a ZIT(S) fusion, the most obvious one is w/ Evil X. And I absolutely love Bee's design and brain went nyoom with it, expecially the fact that he's corrupted??? Hello???!??! We saw in the show w/ Jasper and one of the corrupted Jaspers fusing that it left remnants of the other's corruption on Jasper herself. I loved the idea that Zed could get lil sheep like horns post-first fusion with Evil X, so boom, it now exists.
(Also the lil spots carrying over makes it even more obvious Zed/WM are the same gem so haha lol)
As for the fusion itself, I saw that Evil X seemed to have dragon elements, and that fits perfectly w/ my personal headcanons of them being an ender dragon (hybrid), and then we have sheep hybrid zedaph, and what is a fluffy dragon? luck dragon!!!
The front legs are more dragon like, back legs more sheep like (claws and then hooves respectively) and then there is fluffy luck dragon tail! oh! and I had fun with making the mane of hair work as Evil X's fancy collar thing.
Their head is based a lot on Alexandrite's, with the two mouth thing going on. I thought it would go nicely with their concept and i think it works well.
And then other details! I used the distance models style to show off the past reformations of Zed and WM. Also slight drawing mistake, in the lil comic of WM showing off his new corruption marks, he should be in his 'Early s5' design (I'll prolly go back and fix it in the morning fixed 'n added Covelite's colors). I picture the first fusion btwn the two being an adaption of when EX trapped WM in prison, then reappeared being good now to help him escape, but they needed to fuse to do so. (Oh i also used the distance models to do a lil size comparison)
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stone-stars · 6 months
sol at the crick is like. it's very new in my mind so i don't have That many details ironed out, but. okay so the setup of it is that swag, when he flees mothership, steals an egg. runs with it. knows he can't take care of a kid, especially with mothership after him, so he flees into the living wood and finds his way to the crick. entrusts sol to them (probably bumpy and jolene specifically, is my thought) the thing that's interesting abt it. to me. is that sol, as we know him, grew up really yearning for like, family and bonds. which is a huge part of crick culture. and not necessarily something he'd be lacking in this, but... also i don't think it's that easy. i think he'd still really want connection. and like. okay. i think bumpy and jolene would tell him abt swag. when he's old enough they tell him more details, that he's a clone and a little about mothership. for sol's safety more than anything. but i think that inserts this thought into his head that he's always kind of felt-- he's different from everyone else at the crick. makes him want to find out more. so he leaves to go to ezry. what if you were surrounded by the thing you wanted more than anything but it still never fit Exactly right. y'know. (also i think sol'd either just start a long death monk, be an ascendant dragon monk from training with big bev, or be a mercy monk who picked up healing from hanging out with so many druids.) (also x2 though i haven't thought that much of it bc i came up with this like an hour ago, this would be fun with changing up some elements of callie and calder's backstories too. i'm not sure exactly what yet tho)
any other..... sweats......... i have so many. i really like roleswaps in general, and i've been thinking of a handful where i swap up the timelines/roles of the different parties of adventurers. like. if you have melora/telaine/aryox, ulfgar/thiala/alanis, jolene/marabelle/cobb, the boobs, duck team etc... shuffling them around. like. okay you have the like, ancient trio where one of them becomes a god, right? what if that trio was actually jolene/marabelle/cobb instead, and jolene becomes a god. what if it's the boobs (insanely i think. i'd make hardwon the god. in this). or melora/telaine/aryox as the legendary heroes. or like, i'm really normal abt the calder helm deal and i have thought a lot about alternate timelines where callie or sol is forced to do something similar. sol with alexandrite. callie with oberon. after the recent eps i started thinking abt an au where callie is a diviner. earlier today i was yelling about pendergreens-ing gideon. but. i've also in general got a lot of eldermourne thoughts. i did at one point start to write smthn where fia, when she and irina were kids, pledged herself to irina as a paladin. it was like. fia as the only paladin of a demigod, neither of them knowing the weight of it. a connection like that matters, though, and the reason i started writing it was the idea that fia, when she was alone, would talk "to" irina. and irina heard her, like they were prayers.
oh i also for a while was thinking abt. aus where the boobs were the ones who were forced to time-loop instead of alanis. and the different ways it broke each of them. that was fun.
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chaos-bites · 10 months
Hey, hope you're doing well. I'm looking for devotional jewelry for Loki, and I know the main thing associated with him is snakes, but my family knows I'm not very fond of snakes so they would know something was up if I started wearing snake jewelry. What are some other associations you would suggest?
Hey, friend, I apologize for getting to this so late! I was never given a notification for this ask. 💀
I think some other great associations of his are ravens, wolves, horses, flies, dragons (as Jormundgandr is considered a dragon by some scholars), skulls, mistletoe, and fire! These are all things he is pretty heavily associated with. especially these days. Common SPGs (not historically proven but shared between many modern worshippers) that I also see are spiders and foxes. Some UPGs of mine are butterflies (to represent his mastery over change and transformation) and aspen trees (I actually don't have an explanation for this one; I just think they're cool XD).
As for associated crystals (and this is SPG; I don't know if Vikings used crystals, really; that is a good question for @broomsick !), I have seen the SPG of volcanic/sulfurous stones (obsidian, hematite, fire agate, onyx, etc.), serpentine, fire quartz, smoky quartz, pyrite, multi-colored/color-changing stones (labradorite, fluorite, alexandrite, bismuth, etc.), carnelian, and tiger's eye. I have a UPG of kambaba jasper, prehnite, garnet, green aventurine, malachite, and petrified wood.
I hope this helps you figure things out! You can always get jewelry that is crystal beads, such as an obsidian beaded bracelet. Such jewelry tends to both be really discreet and pretty! Have a wonderful day/night. 💚🖤
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fia-bonkginya · 2 months
Hi! I just got through c3 e 45 about a week ago so its very fun to see someone else taking psychic damage over it as well. Do you have a fave moment of c3 so far?
YIPPEE yeah i sure did have psychic damage!!!!
and ohhh man that's very very hard...!! everything about crown of dreams was fantastic. everything about the ultrus fight was fantastic. the reveal that foster was, in some ways, a gift from callie's mom!! the whole fight against the king of the dragons was SICK, i love how murph does combat. i loved the moments in the end of the ezry arc of alexandrite getting into their heads and their memories... all of callie's memories, tbh!! she's on the side of the wild!!!
basically the whole thing is great i cannot possibly choose <3
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