#Micah yujin hcs
ohthat-sucks · 1 year
Micah Yujin hcs
Songs that were listen too while making this.
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Slight NSFW maybe but mostly fluff I think
★Micah is they type of dude to grab your waist to move you out his way while whispering "excuse me angel~" in your ear.
★Whenever your cuddling your legs are always thrown over each other messily and he won't let you go till you physically have to pry him off.
★When you're out in public he always has his hands somewhere on you, let it be your hand, waist, or shoulder he just needs to be touching you someway.
★When doing the deed he's the type to start of gentle but when he gets closer to his orgasm he goes ruffer and pounds into you so hard your guts get rearranged.
★the shaft is his skin color just a tad bit darker, semi dark pink tip with veins running from the base up to the tip.curves upwards is about 7,1/2 inches and has a bit if girth to it.
★ His morning voice is deep and raspy while he whines in your ear when its time to get up as he pulls you closer to him with his hand around your waist.
★Price DOES NOT matter with this man unless he deems that the price of something is to low and wants you to pick out something more expensive.
★ He will make you breakfast in bed on the weekends, but let you do it for him and his heart will melt as he falls deeper in love for you.
★He DOES NOT care about your size or body what's so ever. He fell in love with you for you and not your body. Big, small, ass, no ass, no tatas, big tatas he does not care at all.
★He absolutely loves when you play with his hair when you lay together. It makes him feel warm and fuzzy on the inside and theres this one spot on his head that if you rub or scratch it he WILL whimper.
★ He'd get you a plush of himself for when he's not able to stay with you and it will play the song he made for you when you press over where the heart would be.
★Whenever he drives places he puts his had on your thigh and squeezes lightly because why not.
★He WILL randomly bite you out of no where because why not. His fangs are one of his favorite things and how could he resist biting you when you look so tasty.
★He let's you paint his nails and let's you do little drawings on them. He also gets so happy when you wanna match nail colors with him.
★Speaking of matching, he will go out of his way to buy you matching clothes to wear in public or in the house. It makes his heart flutter.
★His knees gets weak when he sees you and skrunkly getting along. Because of how caring you are and how you except his fur baby.
★He loves to have outside movie nights under the sky and will buy a whole giant thing if property for the both of you.
★He would spend every last drop of his money on you and let's you use his card whenever you need.
★He loves you with all his heart and his biggest fear is losing you so he hated when your genuinely mad at him for a long period of time and will do anything to fix it.
★No matter if you are awake or sleep whenever he needs to leave the house he gives you a kiss and a hug like it's his last day on earth.
★Micah is the type of boyfriend to teach you stuff cause he's a nerd. And if you wanna know how to do something with your PC he'll teach you.
★When your making out and you tug on his hair or pull him in by the neck he will whimper( he's so baby girl<3)
My little peanut brain can't think of anything else rn but I'll make a part 2
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the-magicians-blue · 2 years
hi!! Usually I'd stay anon but it's more personal not, same person who asked for the comfort fic for Micah <3
Curious, do you have any general headcanons for him? :0 I really do adore the way you write, can't get enough of it rn <3
:0 well hello there! Its a pleasure to met ya! I’m glad you like my writing cause I always end up second guessing myself 😅 I’m gonna do a bulleted list this time as something quick since I’m working on a few other requests
Things About Micah That Just Make Sense in my Head 💚
On days where he’s super busy (to the point were he can’t even text you much) he leaves little files on your computer to decode.
Often its just cute little messages like “I hope you had a good day angel <3” or “A lil something to keep your skills sharp. Can’t have my rival lose their edge ;)”
If you’re into something other than coding he wants to hear all about it. He doesn’t care if he doesn’t understand a single thing you’re look excited and it’s adorable to him so he’s happy
He doesn’t tell you but he hid a little voice box in the dinosaur. It plays the song he wrote for you when pressed
He has it box set up so it pings him when you finally find and press the button. It puts a smile on his face every time he gets a notification that you pressed it again. It lets him know you still love the song
The one thing he can’t bake is macaroons, he just can’t get the little cookies right and he gets so salty every time he tries
He has a folder locked away behind several firewalls of screenshots of you that he edited hearts and other mushy stuff onto
The high security is strictly so you never see any of it
Likes K-pop but not in a fan boy kind of way. He’s just got some songs from different bands floating around in his playlist
He does know the dance to Russian Roulette by Red Velvet though…
He can’t keep a straight face with bland/bad tasting food. You’ll always know if he eats something he doesn’t like he just can’t help it
He owns cat ears. I shouldn’t have to explain why
He likes when you wear his clothes. But if you’re bigger than him he’ll go out and by his same clothes in your size and spray his cologne on them for you
If he can’t find his clothes in your size he’ll just buy clothes that have both of your sizes so you’ll match
Speaking of matching he wants matching pajamas so bad. And yes Skrunkly must be included
Its just so he can take cute photos together
He’d definitely do a whole little photoshoot of the three of you in matching pjs for a Christmas card
The card isn’t going to anyone he just wants the photos
Loves state fairs. Good food, games, and roller coasters? Yes to all of it
He feels the the need to show off at the different games. You’re not leaving until he gets you one if those giant stuffies
He’s a big ole crybaby, you doing anything sweet for him brings him to tears so fast
Especially if you’ve planned out a whole day to spend together. You spent time to plan a whole DAY with him???? He’s so happy he’s sobbing
He loves you so much it kinda scares him. He worries that he may come on to strong or may end up doing something to scare you off or one day you might get tired of him. But you’re here now so he’s gotta be doing something right.
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continentalblue · 1 year
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dating micah yujin hc!
🟩 He really has no sense of boundaries. What's yours is his. What's his is yours. It does get a little tiresome looking for your socks only to realize that he's wearing them.
🟩 He sings you to sleep every night. Each day he carefully workshops verses until he's certain that you'd like them 💚 As you fall asleep, he gently strokes your cheek as he softly sings you all the things he likes about you.
🟩 Sometimes when you're gone he hugs one of your plushies and pretends that they're you.
🟩 He often challenges you to beat him at random hacking challenges. Every time you lose, he kisses you as his 'prize.' Every time he loses, you kiss him as your 'prize'. It's a good system.
🟩 He often uses Skrunkly as an excuse to talk to you, aka, "Skrunkly sat on your lap so I will too, angel!"
🟩 He loooooooooves it when you wear his clothes. Even if his clothes are too small for you, he deliberately buys larger clothing items just so that you can wear them.
🟩 He totally gets you rings that match his, especially if they're those matching heart rings.
🟩 His favorite thing ever is to lie in bed, cuddling you, and talking about anything and everything. Not only are you so wonderfully warm in his arms, he also loves hearing what you have to say. Your voice makes him feel warm inside.
🟩 He loves it when you do his hair, or even when you just play with it. It makes him feel all tingly.
🟩 He literally never calls you by your actual name, it's always the most ridiculous nicknames ever like "sugar plum pumpkin". He only ever says your name when he's being completely serious.
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differenteagletragedy · 5 months
I'm sorry if someone else has asked, have you played Error143? I would love to someday get HCs for Mr Micah Yujin
-- I finished just moments ago, so these are more first impressions but I want to talk about this guy
-- DLC spoilers ahead btw, just gonna mash everything together
-- This guy fell for you IMMEDIATELY. Hard and fast, but like SO fast. A cute little hacker taking the time to mess with him? Done. It's over. This is it. He is in love, and his heart will never want another.
-- After the first time he talked to you he was giddy like you would not believe. He probably literally had to lie down on his bed and kick his little feet, he was so excited.
-- Absolutely had to have a conversation with Skrunkly about you. Probably texted the group chat too. He is OVERWHELMED BY EMOTIONS.
-- First love, last love. He's obviously never had these feelings before, so it honestly is a little overwhelming, but in the best way. He has trouble focusing while he's working, trouble sleeping because he can't stop thinking about you.
-- He got your favorite food delivered like two seconds after you hacked him lol, he's going to be holding himself back from doing so much more. He's thinking about all these romantic gestures but he doesn't want to come off as too intense, you know? But he's definitely opened a flower delivery service site about 2-3 million times and was THIS CLOSE to ordering your favorite flowers for you but he stopped himself.
-- Thinks about how he'd propose on Day 2. You can't even really fathom how bad he has it.
-- If you asked him to move in at some point during his visit, he'd say yes. No hesitation. He works remotely, you've got room for Skrunkly, everything is good to go. Yes please, he very much would like to move in, thank you so much for asking.
-- But obviously if you want to take things slower, that's good too! But please let him visit often, because it's going to be so hard for him to go back home alone and leave you. Does he cry on the flight back? Yeah, maybe!
-- If you don't move in together right away, then joint custody of Nugget is going to something you both have to take very seriously. The first time you visit him and you pull out your lil dino baby? He was already a goner way before this lol and there's really no way that he could fall for you any harder, but this might do the trick.
-- Oh oh but what really gets him is when you meet Skrunkly? Besides you, that cat is the light of his life. Please take a moment to consider the effort it would take to do a themed photo shoot with a cat and turn one of those photos into that poster. That's the kind of cat dad he is. So if kitty takes up with you, like if after a few days he walks in the living room and you’re lying on the couch with Skrunkly curled up purring on your lap? It's over.
-- He pats himself on the back whenever he manages to come up with a smooth line, because the guy really just lucks into them. He's SUCH a nerd (I say affectionately). The first time he calls you "angel" with a straight face, internally he's like "MICAH LOOK AT YOU GO!!!!"
-- That's why he calls you that ALL the time, because he's so proud that he can do it.
-- He's also practiced doing tricks with his split tongue (he's the biggest dork in the world). He'd like get the giggles doing it too, but it'll be worth it during the maaaaaaake oooooout.
-- RESPECTFULLY if he has a split tongue AND a tongue piercing then it wouldn't be much of a stretch to think there are other body mods/piercings elsewhere.
-- He joked about your love language, but once you told him he did his research. Looked for examples on how to show love in that way, looked at more examples, took notes. If he can (sorry physical touch friends, I'm not the one who did the research but this seems tough for a long distance relationship), he'll make a point of showing you love in your preferred way.
-- Please for the love of god steal this man's clothing and wear it for him. You hop on a video chat wearing his hoodie and he can't think straight for 2-3 weeks.
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sanderchu · 2 years
micah x reader who buys him a custom cat plush of skrunkly!
Cat look alike
Reader: Gn!reader
[writing] or hcs
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Your face lit up once you saw the call symbol pop up from your truly. You picked it up without hesitation to see no one other than Micah on the call looking at the camera. “There’s my angel~” Micah hummed at you making you smile and wave. “Hey Micah” you said kinda low, not a bad low but definitely not your usual tone. Micah didn’t want to jump to conclusions so ignored it and let it slide. “How are you?” He questioned as he noticed you practically zone out on your monitor but not at him, something else. “Fine” you mumbled as you kept focusing on your screen.
“Angel is something up?-“ Micah asked just deadass confused. That got you, you stopped zoning out and looked at him, rubbing your eyes. “Yeah Just doing something” you smiled at him before resting your head on your hand finally now staring at him. He noticed you back to your normal state so once again let it slide as you guys had an amazing call. A few times skrunley popped in to say her little cat hellos. It was cute how she knew who you were even on the other side of the screen. She always meowed in amusement at you and hardly wanted to leave making Micah call you her mom/dad and that you both are raising an amazing cat baby.
The call lasted as long as it usually does but it was getting late so had to wrap it up. “Alright as much as I want to hear about your gas station scenarios” you yawned, “I need to rest I have work” you said with a sleepy smile. “But angelllll” Micah whined like always, “not buts, Goodnight” you chuckled him. “Be sure to look out for the mail in a few days” you said before hanging up and leaving him hanging to rest your eyes.
The days passed by and still nothing. Micah didn’t exactly forget but did watch out on a down low before asking you about it. He sat down in his kitchen eating cereal but suddenly in the silence of his kitchen he heard his door bell. He turned to the area of the door and got up with a mouth full. He opened the door and instead of seeing someone he saw no one until he looked down. On the ground was an unlabeled box with only the words “For Micah Yujin”. In curiosity and of course he was his package, he picked it up and bought it inside to his kitchen counter. He grabbed a small kitchen knife and sliced it open with one swip. He opened the box to be greeted by styrofoam. He took all of off making his package be revealed.
His face awed at the sight he found. He took it out the box, it was skrunkley but plush size. He took in every chibi detail in the plush and admired every bit of it. He saw something on the tag of the plush so he held it and read it. ‘Hope you like this nerd <3 -y/n aka your angel’ Micah smiled as he held the plush tightly in his arms as he pulled it in for a hug.
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luvring · 2 years
off topic but after reading your micah yujin bf hcs (the minecraft one specifically) I imagined like after possibly YEARS you get married and after like irl marriage Micah prepares a server FOR ANOTHER MARRIAGE like its just u,him,ur and his friends vibing on a server (U DONT KNOW SHITT ABT WHAT OTHERS R PLANNING)
Then they decide to give u a task or a quest or smth idk and they prepare the wedding ceremony's place as u struggle,after coming back tho YOU COME ACROSS A WEDDING CEREMONY HALL (before there was something cheesy planned by Micah probably,idk like a tiny puzzle he prepared for you and as you go along you read the signs he wrote,THEY'RE ALL FUCKING SAPPY AND WHOLESOME)
U r now married both legally irl AND on minecraft,u bet he celebrates both of those events' dates even after YEARS AND YEARS
— minecraft wedding with micah hcs
micah has been planning this longer than you think. he's been laying down the steps while you were asleep or busy with work.
^ burying chests in places you've visited and made bases in—at world spawn, your first house, that one super big ravine that shocked the both of you, etc etc
as for the reasoning for sending you off on a quest,, it'd probably be something like, under the guise of getting all the achievements and needing resources. or he's literally just like, here's a quest for an incredible secret prize from me ;))
^ you going "oh do i get to marry you again?" as a joke and he laughs like "oh? you want to make it official again? renewing already?" but he can feel his heart rate increase
you end up reading his thoughts on different events both in the game and in real life. you know for someone who already had irl wedding vows, this guy sure has a Lot more to say.
^"this is the stuff i had to cut out so my vows wouldn't be 3 hours long." is somewhere in a book by the way. he's real for that!
( ^ still manages to write his mc vows with a book and quill. finishes the book after you say i do)
imagining there's signs at every location too with cheesy pickup lines that he's used on you in the past. the most iconic ones (the ones he genuinely spent time to think of and planned when to drop on you) plus the casual ones he'd drop throughout the day
he does something silly in a double chest like strategically placing flowers in a heart shape with diamonds/something special in the middle
micah downloads specific mods on both of your desktops to make sure that you can get the Perfect Experience
^ i'm thinking mrcrayfish's furniture mod and pam's harvestcraft kind of deal if those are still updated. i have no idea i haven't played minecraft in a Long time
you realize it looks familiar and like,, he definitely tried to mimic the original wedding venue in the game. it's actually kind of shocking how familiar it feels
I Know You Have Cats. there's a cat that's supposed to be skrunkly/skrunkly's long lost relative, um,,, skrinkly. for sure. every pet is in the audience!
micah setting up fireworks to go off, your friends shifting and throwing flowers at you, etc etc
^ has a big firework show during dinner at night. literally sprints around so he gets hungry and can eat cake
oh my god sorry but like,, you guys all being in a discord call singing and it's the vc lag would be funny. a memory for sure. but there's also those proximity based mic mod things (i watched sykkuno) which would definitely make it all more realistic!
makes a whole thing of crafting beds and putting them next to each other
makes sure there's a time slot somewhere for screenshots . there has to be a folder made and shared for screenshots of the wedding and it has a silly name i think.
^ would not hesitate to print the photos because he thinks they're cute and also a little silly. puts them with the real wedding photos and scatters them around your house
^ sorry but you having an irl wedding photo that's professional and gorgeous then a (still gorgeous) minecraft screenshot right next to it. shaders and everything like that is so perfect to me personally.
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hearts4mitsuba · 2 years
Fandoms and characters I write for :D
Sally Face
Blooming Panic
John Doe
•John Doe
•Micah Yujin
The Goldfinch
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
•Glam Freddy
•Glam Chica
The Owl House
Stardew Valley
Genshin Impact
•any Adult/Teen(raiden+yae only /p)
Helluva Boss
• Stolas
Metal Family
•Red guy
•yellow guy (p)
•probably will do other characters that I don’t remember as well
Saiki K
•Nendou (p)
Don’t fall for flint
Things that I will and won’t write for ^^!
Will do:
• male reader
•character x reader x character
•character x character
Won’t Do:
•anything proshipping related
•fem reader
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paperg0blin · 2 years
Soulmate Au: First Meeting- Xyx
Based off of @robobarbie’s answer of how the LI’s would react to seeing colour while locking eyes with MC (their soulmate) for the first time!
Briefly Starring Error143’s loveable goofball Micah Yujin and our favourite FFXIV enthusiast CEO, NakedToaster ;)
Slight change in the AU where everyone loses their ability to see colour from the age of ten, just so it makes sense to describe the colours MC sees (because if they’ve never seen colours, think about it- how the hell would they even know which colour is which if all they’ve seen is shades of grey?)
Also, reader is 25 in this and i can’t for the life of me figure out a fitting HC name for him so his name is still gonna be Xyx in this one, folks!
You’d never really been the type to focus on the whole ‘soulmates’ thing- sure, it was inconvenient to suddenly lose all sight of colour at the ripe young age of ten, only to have to spend your entire life in black, white, and shades of grey until you found ‘the one’ but really, was it that important? You knew what colour looked like, and while it was beautiful, you’d almost forgotten it already. It had been hard to adjust at first- as it had been for every ten-year-old in the world who suffered the same fate from the moment they woke up on their birthday morning- but it wasn’t unbearable.
Quickly enough, you’d taken to the idea that a monochromatic life could still be an exciting and fulfilling one if you made it so. Thus began your search- not for your soulmate, you figured if they were really fated for you the way you’ve been told, they’d come to you naturally- but for the best life you could live before that point. Studying vigorously to earn the best grades you could, yet keeping as active a social life as possible throughout your school and college years, all the while still maintaining that same eagle-precise aim at your end goal- having the best, most stable lifestyle you could so that when you eventually did meet this so-called soulmate, you would have the time to put as much effort and love into them as possible. And if you didn’t? Well, then you’d still have an impressive and successful life ahead of you. Soulmates still aren’t a big deal, you thought.
It’d been a Friday-night bar crawl with your coworkers when it happened. You’d all dashed back home to change after the gruelling final end-of-year meeting with your boss- he wasn’t the problem but god, the amount of meetings the poor man was forced to lead due to his position were exhausting and he’d clearly hit his limit tonight. The tall, pink-haired, spectacled young CEO you’d finally met and started working with at the gaming company you’d joined after your transferral to their Melbourne branch in Australia was…interesting, to say the least. You’d taken him as a slightly strange, withdrawn man at first- somewhat aloof and enigmatic, you barely saw him around the office for the first few months- and Micah, the only other programmer on the same level as you served as your first friend in the company, and one you’d be joining tonight. He’d joined a little earlier than you, as an intern who’s place had been solidified in the company due to his impressive skillset- despite being 3 years younger than you at age 22, he seemed to be on another level of education. Despite his professional exterior and extensive programming knowledge, you’d ran into him once outside of work and discovered he was actually the complete opposite outside of work settings- sweet, funny and a relaxed goofball. You’d grown to be close friends, and had been on bar-crawls to the same few places several times during different holiday seasons…which is what made this time all the more confusing. How hadn’t you seen him before?
It was the fourth and final bar you’d all settled on- a lively, not-too-rowdy place deep in the middle of Melbourne, prettily lit with a combination of string and neon lights. Large chalkboards shouting colourful names and descriptions of all of the night’s New-Year’s events was displayed above the bar, and you’re already buzzing as one of your coworkers pushes another glass into your hand, pulling you excitedly in the direction of a karaoke area. You find a place to sit as the bass of the speakers reverberate through the floor and up your body, and suddenly you can feel everything. The cold of the glass in your hand, condensation trailing sluggishly down your fingers. The somewhat-sticky table you’re leaning on and the warm, cracked leather of the seat you’ve chosen.
God, this feels good but you need to get outside.
You’re well aware that you’re already tipsy, but not so much that you can’t control yourself. When you get up, there’s no wobbling or dizziness- and that’s enough to get you dodging around all the other patiently waiting, probably drunk bar-goers with a warm, pleasant buzz flowing through your body and a grin on your face as you visualise your plan to distract your coworkers and grab the mic when it’s thrust up in the air by the previous holder, who’d just finished possibly the loudest belting of Britney Spears’ ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’ you’ve ever heard. You spin back around to search the constantly growing crowd for them again- meeting a few pairs of hopeful, alcohol-glazed eyes searching for the very thing you’ve avoided in the process…until it happens.
Holy fuck.
You thought it’d be some bright flash for you and THEN there’d be colour- it’s been like that for a few people you know, but no. You blink, and there it is.
The first thing you notice is the lights- burning a pleasant mix of yellow, orange, purple, pink and blue into every corner of the bar you cast your eyes onto, pushing the idea of distracting your friends to the back of your head as your eyes wander around the spot in the crowd they’d previously been trained on, searching for whoever’s eyes you’d met that had caused this.
Your gaze passes through a few people until you catch a particularly dazzling pair of green- wow, you’d almost forgotten that was your favourite colour- eyes, framed with thick, dark eyelashes and what you think is slightly smudged eyeliner- and the owner of them is looking directly at you, with the same expression of dazed wonder you think you must’ve had a second ago. Your heart quickens as your eyes pass over him for a second, and oh my god. He’s beautiful.
From what you can see he’s tall, with thick, tousled brown hair falling slightly into his eyes, tanned skin and full, slightly-parted lips, adorned underneath with a pair of dark green snake-bite piercings and a matching hoop earring on his right earlobe. He visibly swallows, the black cord necklace looped around his throat moving slightly, and his gaze briefly flickers around the room in disbelief before quickly setting back on you as he barks out a laugh, his expression melting into a soft, cheerful grin as he weaves his way around the crowd, eyes barely leaving yours as he moves closer.
Your body unfreezes (when did it freeze in the first place…? you don’t have time to wonder.) and you blindly hand the mic off to whoever grabs it first, and you walk to the front of the stage as he extends a hand to you. It’s noticeably larger than yours, and your stomach flutters as he laces his fingers through yours ever-so-gently, the other hand holding your upper arm as he helps you down from the stage. It’s only when you’re standing on the actual floor that you realise he’s just over six feet tall and somewhat towers over you- a fact that he obviously enjoys as his grin widens a little, cheeks flushing slightly as you smile back up at him. He’s somehow even prettier up-close, and he rubs a thumb over the knuckles of the hand he’s still holding as he speaks.
“Hey there.” immediately, a shiver trails up from the base of your spine as the deep, husky purr of his voice reaches your ears, and he chuckles through his nose at the way your cheeks burn a little darker. You huff out a laugh through your grin, responding with a much quieter ‘Hey’ in return, still somewhat dazed by the sudden return of colour to your previously monochromatic life. He looks around for a moment, searching for something around the room before his grip on your hand tightens a little and he steps back, eyes flickering back down to you. “Don’t suppose you’d like to get outside for a bit? Seems like we have a lot to talk about, don’t we doll?” the sudden pet-name use makes your cheeks darken even further and you nod.
“Lead the way.”
He pulls you forward so you’re by his side as he weaves through the crowd again, releasing your hand and arm in favour of wrapping one of his own firmly around your shoulders as he leads you. A burst of pleasantly cool air hits you in a wave as the man opens the exit door for you, the arm previously around your shoulders sliding down your spine to gently guide you down the steps and across the outside decking to a quieter corner lit with similar gold string lights to the interior, as well as several scattered lanterns on the tables. He turns to face you again, leaning back leisurely against the wooden railing, drinking in the sight of you with a soft smile. “God, look at you…” he murmurs fondly- and when you start to stare at his face for what feels like the hundredth time tonight, you realise, with a smile, that he has freckles.
He cocks a brow and questions your stare, that soft grin morphing into a beautifully teasing smirk that flips your stomach in a way it probably shouldn’t for a man you’ve just met, soulmate or not, and when you react to his teasing with just a quiet, admiring comment on how pretty his freckles are, it’s his turn to get embarrassed. He’s heard compliments on his appearance, sure- from people who couldn’t even see any colour on him, no less- but hearing a compliment on something like freckles, spoken so softly, so genuinely, and from his soulmate no less?God, how is he supposed to cope?
He diverts the topic of his embarrassment ‘expertly’ (you notice, but you don’t say anything, as much as you’d like to embarrass him further and see just how dark his cheeks can burn. You think you quite like the shade of red on him) to what most would consider the ‘boring’ topics- the basics.
He gives you his name, and you give him yours- he repeats it after you tell him, and the deadly combination of the both the little smile that quirks up the corners of his lips just so, and the way your name sounds coming from that husky, baritone voice is enough to make you love your name ten times more. You swap numbers and find out he’s a lawyer, and four years older than you at 29. he shows you pictures of his cat, (that he vehemently denies IS his, using the excuse that ‘it’s just a stray’) he walks you down the steps and points out the sleek, shiny motorcycle he rode here on, jingling the keys suggestively at you and asking if you’d like a ride when you’re both a bit more sober. You laugh it off at first, telling him that you’d be too nervous, you’ve never been on a bike- only to choke back your words (and almost on your own spit) when he promises to ‘take good care of you’ with that same intoxicating grin.
Man, fuck the alcohol. You feel twice as drunk just being near him, and by now there’s so much fluttering in your stomach that you might as well be opening a butterfly farm down there.
You know you’ve been talking with Xyx for ages- the twinkling string-lights are draped over a large, circular black clock hung up outside on the wall, and when you briefly glance back at it (only when he’s not looking of course, you’d never want this utter beauty of a man to think you were bored of him) you note that you’ve somehow been rambling with your soulmate for over two hours.
Yet all the same, time still seems to have flown past and before you know it, you spy your coworkers tumbling, one after the other, out of the fire exit- cheering and laughing boisterously as they head out to the deck and spot you with the man. At this point, he’d just been admiring your earrings (at least that’s the excuse he’d used, but when he tilts your chin up, tucking your hair behind your ear to ‘get a closer look’ and grinning at your newly-burning cheeks, you know it was probably just an excuse to touch you. And you’re not complaining- not when he’s so gentle with you.) So when they all see you standing so close to this mystery man, looking so comfortable and happy- far more than you’d ever been when anyone had approached you before, your coworkers were unfortunately quick to put two and two together.
Micah, ever the ballsy one in your workforce, bursts through the posse and strides over with a telltale shit-eating grin- as he’s walking over, you have to hold back a laugh as you finally realise how obnoxiously neon his entire outfit is. Especially now that he’s in full colour, he’s extremely pretty, but you don’t think anyone could ever hold a candle to the man standing next to you. His amber eyes are twinkling with a familiar mischief as he gets closer, an expression on his face that you’ve only ever seen when he plans on making fun of you. Affectionately, of course- Micah’s never been a malicious person, but you don’t want to risk anything ruining this moment.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here? Don’t tell me the very person who infamously declared ‘soulmates aren’t a big deal’ constantly, and only ever focused on work, finally found their soulmate? Sure seems like a big deal with how close you’re already standing, is this handsome gentleman gonna be your New Year’s kiss this year?” he nudges him gently with an elbow and a teasing grin as your already-red face darkens further and you shove him lightly, snickering as he stumbles a bit further back than you intended- probably due to the deadly amount of alcohol you know he’s probably already consumed. After a good amount of experience drinking with Micah, you’re honestly surprised he’s not dead with the level of tolerance he has.
“Micah!! First off, i focus on work so i’d have a good life by the time i met my soulmate- which by the way, yes he is. And i just met him a couple of hours ago Micah, don’t be weird.” you shake your head at him but you’re still smiling, and that’s enough for him to bounce back with another cheeky comment- apparently they all knew you’d only known him for two hours, because they’d spent half the time drinking and the other half staring out of the window at the two of you, making bets on who would make the first move on literally everything. You cringe at the mental image in your head, and then remember Xyx is still standing next to you, chuckling in amusement at the scene in front of him. You introduce them to one another and they shake hands amicably, Micah throwing another suggestive comment about the way he thinks you two should spend New Year’s together before sauntering back off to join the rest of your coworkers, who are apparently staying for the countdown.
You turn back to face Xyx, who has returned to his original position of leaning back against the railing. His gaze is already trained on you when your eyes meet his again, and you slightly wonder if he’d ever stopped looking at you. His smile turns teasing again, but there’s a pinkish tint to his cheeks as he talks. “So, am i going to be your New Year’s kiss?”
The sudden question flusters you- you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been thinking about it, even before Micah’s not-so-subtle comment, but you’re not sure how to answer. He seems to misread your hesitance however, and stands back up from his relaxed pose, expression turning serious and a little more gentle than before as he reaches out to touch your shoulder lightly. “Look, it’s alright if you wanna take things slow. There’s no pressure. I get it, you know? I mean sure, we’re soulmates and all, but we did only just meet tonight, so i completely get it if-” he’s rambling a little now, seeming unsure of whether or not he’s made you uncomfortable, and your heart melts a little at the genuine care he’s showing, and how quick he was to pick up on your hesitance, even if it wasn’t the type of hesitance he thought it was.
He pauses suddenly, jade-coloured eyes flickering over your form a little more anxiously than before, as if he’s gauging every little detail of your body language, and you bring a hand up to place it gently over the one he’s still got on your shoulder. “You haven’t said anything uncomfortable, it’s okay. I’d honestly be lying if i said i hadn’t thought about it, even before Micah made his stupid drunk comments towards us.” and with that, his whole demeanour seems to shift as his shoulders visibly relax and his expression melts back into a soft smile.
He breathes out in relief, glancing away almost shyly for a moment in silence before speaking again. “…Thank you. Really. I wasn’t sure if i’d already made you uncomfortable, i’d hate it if i’d messed something up so soon.” His voice is a little quieter this time, but soon enough his lips are curling back that devilish smirk, and he closes the distance a little more, the hand on your shoulder dropping down with the other to bury themselves loosely in his front pockets instead as he leans down a little. “So, you were thinking about kissing me already, doll?” The pitch of his voice drops to a low purr, and you find yourself averting your gaze in an attempt to quell the heat building in both your cheeks and stomach. But that only seems to egg him on further and he chuckles again, re-tucking a loose strand of hair behind the same ear he’d been looking at earlier. “Oh? Don’t tell me you’re getting shy on me now, it’s so close to the countdown after all. You’ll have to make a decision soon, won’t you?” You lift your head back up and look at the clock, and sure enough- 11:58pm. Your eyes widen, meeting his again, and your heart nearly stops at the look on his face. In a good way- it doesn’t match his previously teasing tone because it’s so, so gentle. He takes his hand away from your face and leans back on the decking, eyes still locked with yours- and you know he’s going to let you make the final decision. There’s no pressure, you remember from his earlier words that he won’t react badly if you want to take things slower.
But do you?
You step forward and hop up nimbly to sit on the railing next to him. You need to make a decision quickly, you know you do- there’s barely a minute and a half left, but it’s so hard to make a quick decision when everything feels like it’s moving in slow motion with his man. But you’re comfortable. You’re safe. Just from spending a mere two hours with Xyx, you already know for certain that you’ll never, ever get tired of him and the way he makes you feel. You’ve been smiling for so long your cheeks ache painfully, but you can’t stop it from widening when you meet his gaze again.
“…How the hell did i get lucky enough to meet you tonight, out of every time we could’ve met?”
The sentence slips out before you realise you’ve said it out loud, but the sudden surprise that flashes across Xyx’s face, alongside the dark flush spreading up his cheeks and ears is so worth it. Especially when the chuckle that comes after sounds so warm.
“I don’t know, but it’s one hell of a way to start the New Year, isn’t it?” he murmurs, watching you eye the clock. Before you even register what the time is, you hear the sudden chants.
You glance back at him, watching his eyes seemingly glitter in the various golden lights strung around nearby.
Your heart skips a little, as you run through every possible scenario in your head.
He still doesn’t move. He’s waiting for you.
…Can you really kiss him?
God, you want to. Is it too soon?
Fuck it. You can’t imagine a New Year’s going as perfectly as this one, and you aren’t about to waste the opportunity laid out so beautifully in front of you.
You snap back out of your thoughts and look at him again- he’s still waiting patiently.
You turn to him a little more, reaching out to cup his cheek in one of your hands and pull his face towards you.
He’s quick to respond- a flash of surprise in his eyes is soon replaced with yet another of those gentle smiles that turn your insides to mush.
He closes the distance first- you wrap your arms around his neck as he threads his fingers through your hair, pulling it away from your face and cupping your cheek just as tenderly as he’s kissing you. The kiss itself is something beautifully simple- you block out all of the clinking of glasses, the shouts and hell, even the fireworks- in this little bubble you’ve both created. It’s gentle and sweet, a little longing, and you’re delighted to find that his lips are just as soft as they appear. he’s standing in front of you now- you don’t remember how he got there from beside you, did he move?- but it doesn’t matter, because one of his hands is holding your waist firmly, the thumb of the other hand rubbing tender little circles into your cheek, and such a soft, domestic little action makes you giggle fondly into the kiss. He chuckles in return, pulling back a little to lean his forehead against yours. You stay like that for a moment before he pulls back and rubs the nape of his neck a little awkwardly, averting his gaze.
“So, uh…this may be bad timing, but i was actually planning on going home right after the countdown. It might be New Year’s, but i’ve still got a case to handle tomorrow afternoon- well, uh. I guess technically today?” he smiles sheepishly and you snicker, rolling your eyes as you hop down from the railing. “I’d call you an idiot for staying out at a bar for this long, but that decision did bring us here tonight, so i can’t say i’m mad.” you grin up at him and he returns the expression, huffing out a laugh through his nose.
“Aha, see? Some stupid decisions can have positive outcomes. Now, uh…” he pauses momentarily, fishing his keys out of his back pocket. “I don’t suppose you happen to live nearby? I think we’ve more than sobered up enough, i promise i’m a very responsible driver, despite my decision to come out here tonight.” (realistically you’re not but shhh. this is fiction. let the hot biker lawyer take you home)
You think for a moment, letting the image of Xyx taking you home fill your thoughts. God, what a perfect way to end the night. So you nod, and his expression brightens even further as he gestures grandly to the steps leading down to the parking lot. “After you, love.”
You try to ignore the slight buzz that the sudden nickname gives you as he follows you to the bike, unlocking and opening up a storage area inside the seat and passing you the second helmet he pulls out from it, (just pretend he has one for the sake of the story) and as you yelp in surprise when he scoops you up gently and sits you on the bike himself, you hear a deep, amused chuckle come from under his own helmet as he climbs on in front of you. He glances back again, flipping up his visor to look at you properly- and you’re surprised to find his previously mischievous, excited expression replaced by a warm, reassuring gaze.
“Try not to be too nervous, yeah? I did promise i’d take good care of you, after all. Hold onto me and you’ll be alright- just like this.” He reaches for your hands and wraps when around his waist, chuckling a little when your grip tightens immediately. “Ready?” you nod wordlessly, not trusting your own voice to give a proper response, and he promptly kicks it into gear with a flick of his wrist, the engine roaring in your ears. You squeak in surprise, burying your face in his back, and you feel him chuckle again as he pulls out of the parking lot smoothly.
The ride home is exhilarating, to say the least. He doesn’t talk- neither of you do, because first of all you don’t need to, and even if you did you don’t think the two of you would be able to hear each other anyway- but the wind whipping around you, the fireworks and colours blazing throughout the city, and god, the lights- there’s so many colours, and you drink them all in as Xyx drives. Your hands don’t move from around his waist, your head still resting against his back- and even through your clothes and the wind, he’s warm against you. If you weren’t on a motorcycle, you think you could fall asleep like this. The sudden thought almost makes you laugh- you’ve barely known him for a few hours, yet you’re already feeling like this just by having him close to you.
He really is your soulmate for a reason, huh?
Eventually, you feel him slow down to a stop in a familiar area- it takes you a few seconds to realise where you are, due to the colour- but you’re home. He helps you back off of the bike, despite your protests that you’re perfectly capable of getting off yourself- and when you’ve both removed your helmets, you’re hit with a sudden pit in your stomach.
Damn, you really don’t want to leave.
You know you’ll see him soon- he seems fascinated with you, and you know you’re both just as comfortable and already eager to get to know each other further- but still, you know you’ll be thinking about him tonight. You’ll be shocked if you get any sleep over it, in fact.
As you’re losing yourself in your thoughts, you fail to notice the fond little glance he gives you until he reaches out to take the helmet back from you. His fingers brush against yours as he does, and that little spark of warmth returns.
He insists on walking you to your door, after all “What kind of soulmate would i be if i didn’t make sure you got in safe, hm?” and when you fish in your pockets for your keys you stop momentarily and turn back, only to lock eyes with that burning emerald gaze and warm grin you’ve grown so fond of tonight. He shuffles a little on his feet, rubbing the back of his neck again. “So, uh…i’ll i text you? My schedule can be pretty hectic sometimes, but i promise i’ll always make time for you.” and if you thought you were melting on the inside before? The way his tone turns so gentle for the promise at the second half of his sentence…completely liquefies your insides. You lean up, pressing a kiss against a warm, freckled cheek.
“I’ll be holding you to that, Mr Lawyer. Now get on home to that cat of yours and get some sleep, you’ll need it for your case. And, by the way?” he hums in question, cocking a curious brow. “Happy New Year, Xyx. You have no idea how glad i am to have met you tonight.” You mutter, keeping a fond gaze on the man in front of you.
He splutters for a moment, sun-kissed cheeks reddening visibly in the faint lamplight as he chuckles. “I- ah, God. You and your little bursts of sincerity. I supposed i’m going to have to get used to that, won’t i?” he smiles. “But really, i…i’m happy i got to meet you tonight, too. Really. Get some sleep, okay? And yes, i’ll run off home and get some sleep too, i promise.” he pauses again. “Happy New Year’s to you too, doll. Goodnight.” He leans forward, kissing your forehead sweetly before he goes to turn around- and then he doesn’t, because you’ve pulled him into a hug.
A hug that he almost immediately melts into, wrapping his arms around your waist securely and burying his face into your neck with a huffed-out laugh. He holds you close, and you have to stop yourself from face-planting into his chest and inhaling because holy fuck, this man smells so good. You grin as you faintly feel the steady thump of his heart against your chest, rivalling your own in speed, and bite down a squeak of surprise when you feel his hands move a little- and he’s rubbing soft little circles into your spine. God, the amount of times you’ve felt like you could fall asleep with his man within hours of meeting him should be illegal. You stand there, just holding one another for what feels like hours before either of your dares to pull away.
Over half an hour after he eventually does leave, after another few minutes of shy glances and promises of talking the next day and arranging a second meeting, and him blowing an obnoxiously loud and theatrical kiss to you from his bike- your heart is still thumping steadily in your chest. You’ve been sat by the front door the entire time, the events of the night still fresh in your mind. You’re almost at the point of passing out asleep by the door when your phone suddenly lights up- and you scoop your phone up embarrassingly fast, already knowing who it is. And sure enough;
Xyx: Goodnight, love. Cat says hi.
Attached at the bottom is a picture, and you grin widely at the sight. It’s a brief video, only three seconds long- of the sweet, fluffy little ‘stray’ he’d told you about, a familiar hand reached out to scratch them under the chin as they purr contentedly.
You: Goodnight, Xyx. Give Cat a little cuddle from me, okay? Sleep well :)
You get to your feet, stretching and massaging your cheeks to alleviate the ache from smiling so much as you head to the bedroom.
…Maybe soulmates do matter after all.
- bonus edit: i accidentally typed ‘licking eyes’ and ‘their soupmate’ and i had to pause to laugh at that mental image of Xyx licking his eyeballs like a chameleon and violently slurping soup up with MC.
i also forgot to mention Xyx’s utterly magnificent eyebrows in my description of him but to be honest, they speak for themselves.
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choocokookie · 1 year
Welcome to my shop
Requesting status: Open
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⇾ This is a canon x reader blog, so, no shipping requests.
⇾ There is no characters limit! Feel free to chose all of them if you wish.
⇾ Warn me if the request is SFW or NSFW. I will prioritize +18 works tho.
⇾ Be kind with me. Don't forget that the writer behind the account is a human.
⇾ I only write for Blooming Panic love interests and Micah Yujin.
⇾ I won't write about yandere/non con content or too freaky kinks
⇾ Specify if the reader is male, female or gender neutral.
⇾ Don't be vague. Exemple: "NSFW hcs of Toasty".
⇾ The characters will be described as AMABs.
That's all. Feel free to send any request to me ^^
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friday-the-400th · 1 year
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he/they pronouns
check here for my most latest and popular posts!
i do hcs and oneshots mostly, but i can do stories and such.
i like slasher, horror ,dsaf, dialtown, fnaf
what i’ll write for:
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-dsaf (any characters)
-error 143 (✨micah yujin✨)
-diary of a Wimpy Kid movies (any characters)
-ash williams (i simp for that badass)
-supernatural (any characters)
-slasher/horror characters (any characters)
such as:
-Rusty Nail
-The Sinclair Brothers
-Micheal Myers
-Jason Voorhees
-Billy Loomis + Stu Macher (poly or not)
-Thomas Hewitt
-Brahms Heelshire
-Billy Lenz
-Asa Emory
-Hannibal Lecter
-Harry Warden
Candyman/Daniel Robitaille
-Jack Torrence
-Norman Bates
-Kurt Kunkle
-Carrie White
-Tiffany Valentine
-Jennifer Check -whatever one you want, bro
_-------------------------------------------------_ new! -mike schmidt -scott pilgrim (any characters) -john wick -stranger things -saw (any of them excluding the new movie, because i haven't seen it yet.) -otto octavius! -spider man characters! (any) -marvel!
(male readers only usually and gn (im not good at writing for women)
-hc reader (soft!, shy!, ect
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this is my Twitter btw https://twitter.com/aziraphalesbff
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nerdyarchertea · 2 years
Me looking at everyone who said yay to Yandere Micah Yujin HCs: Y'ALL SICK AF! Same though.
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luvring · 2 years
— micah yujin boyfriend hcs 2
don't worry guys this one was not as long. (part 1 here !) also wow. a past anon..wow. heyy 😍 and the discord link is on the official itch.io page i think but !!
https://discord.gg/Smhppc7J :]
always sends you funny posts/videos he finds and makes sure to react to each one you send Him
^ has and will continue to send you videos where the 12 year old kid is matching initials as soulmates and you show up.
sends you pics of skrunkly (and him) basically on a daily basis. always captions it something stupid (/affectionate)
^ combining these two to discuss cat trends that you keep sending him so he goes OH THAT'S A GOOD IDEA
micah loves doing chores with you!! grocery shopping, Laundry And Taxes, etc etc. #QUALITYTIME i get it. you might not be Quick with him around but it's fun so i consider it a win
^ wants to try cooking new meals with you, especially any of your own cultural food ! if you can't cook then he Will offer to teach you
if you give him any jewelry he won't take it off (said by girl who does the same thing)
do(n't) play co-op horror games with him. will go in guns blazing then start yelling and running to you when he inevitably gets in trouble. actually pretty good when he tries but he doesn't try so what do we do now🤨
^ if you're playing a competitive team game and he's on your team,, there's a good chance micah will Sacrifice Himself very dramatically. if you sacrifice yourself he swears on your life to avenge you
would be very much (sends random text at 3am) (you respond) (wow i cant believe you're Awake?)
you must have a build-a-bear date. it is Necessary. personally i'd get sonic and tails together but you guys do you?
trying to get up in the morning w this guy...one of you is definitely not letting go and repeatedly asking for 5 more minutes until you're inevitably in bed for another hour
there's multiple times where you come home and find him hugging something of yours fast asleep. sorry. i am so sad
shakes you violently. do his makeup. sit on his lap and do his makeup. make him sit somewhere and stand in between his legs and do his makeup. do it . do i
micah is very good at knowing when he should be serious . if he knows you've had a bad day he does everything he can to make you comfortable and remind you he loves you — snacks, cuddles, watching the show you guys always watch, rambling so you can just listen, bringing skrunkly over, etc etc o(-(
currently imagining someone performing on the street, micah bowing and offering a hand, and saying "would you offer me this dance, your highness?" like i will burst into tears rn
i think when he hears an animal he repeats the sound. sorry this isn't boyfriend specific but like a bird cawing and him cawing back. meows at stray cats. you stopped walking 3 minutes ago and micah is still crouching on the ground trying to get its attention
he was not kidding about the maid dress thing. the Real trick is to show up in a matching maid dress/butler outfit. is micah frozen in place staring at you,, maybe
you know those stuffy riders. the mall animal rides. i'm not even going to finish this thought you know what you need to do.
grabs your shoulders and says smth like you're my ride or die before going on big carnival rides. like..thank you. makes some kind of competition out of it (who screams the most/least, etc etc)
^ makes little jokes about those couples in lines but would be that couple with you. "we're the exception, obviously."
have you seen that guy's abs. anyways. micah doing the push up kiss thing. you cheering him on because he "gets way stronger" when he knows his angel is there
if you dye your hair to match his/skrunkly he will explode. might cry a little idk
doesn't realize it sometimes but he stands in front of you to block the sun when it's super sunny
if you hurt yourself he kisses wherever it is. goodnight
bites u /affectionate
not to act like some old married couple or anything but he Will ask if you want to watch like, home renovation shows together. which i love btw. he gets very opinionated
uses the reversible octopus plushies
if you're sitting next to each other and micah notices you're tired he'll wordlessly pull your head to lay against his shoulder
would use one of those apps where you can send each other notes/drawings as a widget. will he write a cheesy pun or draw a penis That Is Not Up To Me
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luvring · 2 years
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husband!cove headcanons
cove with a pregnant reader
cove with his baby
school life headcanons
university headcanons
snowy honeymoon headcanons
cove with an mc afraid of water
cove with an inexpressive reader
cove with a nonverbal/selectively mute reader
cove with a reader who has happy stims
cove relationship headcanons
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ts cast with a trans/nb reader
ts cast with an mc on their period
nsfw hcs
misc. hcs ??
general hcs, two
different types of kisses
kuras falling in love
general hcs, some more
different types of kisses
jealous/needy leander
nsft hcs
leander falling in love
general hcs, two
vere/mc/ais hcs
vulnerable vere hcs
vere/ais with an s/o insecure about their relationship
different types of kisses
vere falling in love
general hcs, two, three
different types of kisses
vere/ais with an s/o insecure about their relationship
vere/mc/ais hcs
biker ais hcs
ais falling in love
ais with an easily flustered reader
general hcs, two, three
different types of kisses
home life with mhin
mhin falling in love
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MISC. lol
micah yujin with an affectionate s/o
minecraft wedding with micah
asra relationship hcs
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luvring · 2 years
this micah yujin boyfriend hcs post in my drafts is so important to me actually
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