#Michael: *awkward silence*
jdoesnothing · 3 months
some faith stuff from may!!
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its been a while since ive posted some faith stuff!! heres some drawing i made on the last day of my ceramics class loll.
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bomber-grl · 11 months
Mike Schmidt relationship headcannons !
Pairing(s): Mike Schmidt x Gn!Reader
Note! Has some plot | This is my relationship headcannons for movie Mike, stating this because I just might make video game Michael Afton headcannons aswell in the near future
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Very closed off and not looking for a relationship
He had hired you to take care of Abby when he was away and that’s how you two began getting closer.
Not the best conversation starter, however when you gave him the opportunity to speak about the dream theory he starts going on about it.
Then he apologizes and begins feeling a bit unsure and awkward.
It never really advanced from there and he’d almost constantly apologize and reassure that he’d pay you soon, but you never really cared for it.
Really peaked his interest when he realized that Abby had really grown to like you and began inviting you to do things with the both of them.
You, of course accepted and eventually Mike had started developing feelings for you.
Just as you did for him.
He didnt act on them at first.
Primarily Because he doesn���t see himself in a relationship, especially not with someone like you with him.
You were amazing, and he was a sad grown man who had to care for his little sister, and not even in a way he saw proper.
So of course he shuts it down, telling himself it’d be better off that way.
However, some way, somehow you got involved with Freddy’s pizzeria and you not only managed to save him but also Abby.
Then from there it just went uphill.
He got a better job, better pay, and is able to connect with Abby easier.
Not only that but the custody battle has been leaning in his favor.
He had no one to thank but you.
You’d take Abby to school, occasionally cook for them, and you were always reliable.
One fateful evening you and Mike were just hanging out in the living room.
Talking and just watching whatever was on TV.
Then he brought up your relationship, and stated that he’d really like to start one with you, a romantic one, that is.
You of course, said yes, and he was relieved and happy at your reaction.
But then Abby came to mind, what would she think?
You asked him this almost immediately.
But he reassured and said that the final push was actually when Abby hinted/teased her older brother about your potential relationship, then ran off.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and an awkward atmosphere hung in the air but then Mike went to hold you hand and it made it semi better.
The next morning you almost immediately told Abby and she was so happy.
Which really relieved the both of you.
Things had changed, albeit subtly.
And although Mike wasn’t the most physically affectionate, probably due to him being pretty much touched starved and traumatized.
He tried his best to convey his affection towards you with teasing and joking around.
You’d often just enjoy the others company and bond mostly with Abby around.
If you were to ever do something even a little bit flirty around her she’d immediately be grossed out.
Which was funny, and was mentally noted to ever do again in her presence, even if it was just a kid friendly comment.
Your guy’s first kiss was pretty intimate
I mean Mike had never seemed much interested in kissing or doing anything further down the road.
However, after a particularly draining day, and horrible weather outside, Mike had offered you to stay for the night.
Abby was so excited and the three of you played with her just a little bit over her curfew then sent her off to bed.
When you were finally able to be alone, Mike, very awkwardly and a bit bashful, offered for you to sleep in his bed.
You, like the amazing person you were, rejected and said that it was fine and that he should just sleep there.
Not completely understanding that Mike didn’t mean separate, but together.
Once he bashfully explains that all you can do is mutter out an “oh” and go along with it.
Pretty awkward as you both just lay down as stiff as rods in silence.
Then you guys begin talking.
And it’s just you two talking about whatever at like 2 a.m, trying your best to keep it down.
If you decide to be bold and make a move by asking if you could cuddle with him, then he’d hesitantly agree.
Again, not because he hates you, but because he’s an awkward guy.
So once you’re settled in each others arms you start talking about each others traumas and mostly hidden things.
It’s the sleep deprivation getting to you guys.
Well once you’re both finished venting and just being vulnerable you decide to make a move and lean forward, giving him plenty of time to move if it’s not wanted.
But he didn’t, and the clash of your lips followed soon after and how drawed out it was won’t be mentioned by either of you either.
Things not only start changing and he’s side hugging you more (publicly)
Although not really into pda
And be more affectionate (as he can)
I’m sure at one point you get so comfortable with one another that although awkward moments occur, most of them spent together is just you saying cringe stuff and making him regret ever making it out alive of Freddy’s.
From then on, not only do you tease and get a worthwhile reaction but he’s always hugging and giving you cheek kisses in private.
He’s also grown fond of cuddling, just because of how close he gets to be to you.
If you were to ever tell him he’s hot.
He’d get really taken back but then laughs it off and says whatever.
(Saying this because I know those fans of him exist 😭)
Honestly it’s kind of hard for you to tell when he’s being sarcastic or not😔
He’s always making snarky and joking remarks and hard to tell when he’s just being his sassy self.
Honestly home dude is just trying his best and his relationship with you really lightened up his life even more.
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Note! Should I make a pt 2 with Mike as your husband?
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irishmammonagenda · 4 months
"Solomon?" You ask, eyes unblinking like a lizard as you stare at your favourite Rat Bastard. "You know how you're immortal?"
Solomon turns to you in mock shock, "Really? Why I never wouldve guessed."
You deadpan. "It was a serious question."
Solomon smirks his usual evil smirk, which to anyone else observing would look like a pleasant smile. "Yes, and what about me being immortal, MC?"
"Well, did you ever know Merlin?" You tilt your head as Solomon's smile falters for a split second before he fixes it.
"Yes, I knew Merlin."
"Before or after you became a Rat Bastard?" You ask him, eyes trained on his pretty smile. (evil grin)
"Well...I may or may not've been good friends with him..."
"Do you think I could meet him?" You ask, bouncing one of your legs after you sit down on Solomon's workbench.
Solomon moves towards you, something flashing in his eyes for a split second before his hands find their rightful place around your waist. "No."
"Why not?" You pout.
"Because I'm the only famous sorcerer in your life." He states, that something flashing in his eyes once more. Something animalistic. If Solomon was a demon, you were sure his demon form would sprout out.
"What about Maddi?" You raise an eyebrow.
Solomon scoffs. "You hate Maddi. You put on a mask with Michael's face on it, and then tried to drown her in a ditch."
You shrug. "I'm just mad the bitch didn't drown."
"She did damage her oesophagos though." Solomon smiles evilly, actually evilly this time.
"So why can't I meet Merlin. I want his autograph." You bring th conversation back to the topic at hand, your flustered gaze trained to where the Great Sorcerer holds you by the waist possessively.
Solomon scoffs once more, grey eyes narrowed in on you. "And why do you want his autograph?"
"Because he's the greatest sorcerer to ever live? Duh."
Solomon's grip tightens at that. His brows furrow.
"...No he's not." The silver-haired sorcerer replies after an awkward moment of silence.
"Yes he is."
"No he's not." Solomon glares at you, grip tightening once more, it's almost painful. "I can give you my autograph if you yearn for one that badly. End of."
"But-" You pout, eyes flickering with the flame of mischief, wanting to see how far you can take this.
Solomon's eyes snap up and down your body before meeting your gaze, forcefully he moves closer to you, you lean back until he's directly in your face and your back is up against the surface of his workbench.
You feel his hot breath on your ear as he whispers, "The next words out of your mouth better be 'I love you Solomon!' or I'm not hearing them."
Your breath hitches, you suppress a grin, "It's just that-"
"Not hearing it."
"Emrys is just so cool-"
Solomon flicks you on the head for that one. He moves away from your ear so he can look at your face. Grey eyes instinctual and crazed.
"My darling apprentice....you don't want to know where this is headed." The Witty Sorcerer grits out, emphasising the word 'my' like it's an ancient incantation.
You stiffen, you've really done it now. There was no way you could keep teasing your favourite Michelin Star Murderer and come out unscathed.
A dark purple surrounds the sorcerer, are those flames?!
You pout, looking into the crazed feral eyes man who's about to lose control. You'd have to stop being a gremlin and take responsibility.
"Sol...I love you." You say, and you mean it.
And like clockwork, rhe dark purple flamey aura disappears, Solomon's grip loosens on you, he moves a little farther back, allowing you to get up off the surface of the workbench. His usual Rat Bastard smile returns, and the crazy feral look in his eyes diminish, never fully going away.
You raise an eyebrow teasingly, "So that's a no on meeting Merlin?"
Solomon sighs exasperatedly, love ever-present in his expression, "Forget Thirteen, you'll be the death of me."
You laugh, "Back to your Alchemy lesson now?"
Solomon chuckles. "Back to my Alchemy lesson." He nods, taking his hands off of you and walking over to his cauldron.
You follow him like a lost puppy, unaware of the extent of the danger just a few moments ago. Not danger you were in, of course, like Solomon could ever hurt you. But the rest of the realms?....well that's a different story....
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Never wake a sleeping dragon....
Never underestimate the obsession love that Solomon the Wise has for his Darling Apprentice.
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hotchfiles · 5 months
↪ QUIS UT DEUS? ─ chapter one.
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pairing: hotch x fem!consultant!reader. summary: murders committed using catholic symbology gets emily to convince hotch it's time to ask for an expert. luckily for you, you're the expert. content warnings: canon typical violence. religious themes. spoilers to season 4. mature themes. word count: 1.5K
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    In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti…
    “Amen.” If you weren’t paying attention and side eyeing him at that exact moment, you might’ve lost the way his lips moved following the ritual, no word actually leaving his mouth. 
    The black haired man didn’t look too comfortable, but didn’t look out of place either, he knew the cues, he spoke the words on automatic it seemed. It amused you to observe people’s behavior on holy grounds, that was part of the reason you asked to meet in silver spring.
    “Catholic, Mr. Hotchner?” Your question is met with a low scoff, the type only those with a bad bad history with the church gave you. “That much, huh?”
    “My parents were.” The answer is simple and you think it might stop at that, but he shakes his head and scoffs again. “I was an altar boy for years before I left for boarding school.” You nod. 
    “Ah. I've met some of you in my research.” Some of you. Church babies, altar boys. Spoon fed the bible from birth while watching everyone around sin. Sin becoming a term to reflect on what they hated. 
    “And you? Catholic?” 
    “Oh no. Never been.” You don’t explain much, aware Emily probably told him of your time in Rome, where the two of you met. “Your UnSub is though. Either devoted to Saint Michael or knows enough about his roles to look like one.” You note, being reminded of the pictures Emily sent you, big stab wounds, a small scale tipped to one side, the words Hebrews 9:22 written in blood. 
    Hotchner doesn’t reply, making a mental reminder of the new information, he looks around the place as you both leave the church and it hits him, Silver Spring’s St. Michael the Archangel parish, the church you chose as a meeting place. 
    He wouldn’t usually accept consultation for cases, especially from outsiders. And to be fair, the BAU doesn’t usually need any, Reid alone has more knowledge than anyone Hotch has ever met, and despite the humbleness he tends to show, Hotch himself can take care of the general book knowledge if Reid doesn’t step up to it. But he trusted Emily, and Emily spoke more highly of you than of anyone. Honestly, he was also trying to make amends after not having her back during the Matthew case they had not long before. 
    “She's in town giving lectures, it’s an asset we have easy access to, so why not use it?” Were her final and most convincing words before Hotch nodded in agreement, watching Emily make the call that led to the meeting. 
    He thinks now, as he’s driving both of you to Quantico, that maybe Emily should’ve been the one here, his attempts to strike conversation falling flat as you don’t even remember the last time you had to make small talk with someone, it felt awkward all of a sudden, as if you were on a date. 
    “I'm so sorry, I'm not too good with… People.” You blurt out after a long minute of silence, your neck suddenly warm from embarrassment. 
    Hotch side eyes you, brows lifted in confusion. You seemed much less confident in the car now than what you showed him of you minutes before back at the church. He figures you felt confident talking about your area of expertise and that he could relate to easily. “Did you notice anything else by the pictures Emily sent you?” 
    The switch of topic makes you sigh loudly in relief and you mentally thank him for brushing your silliness off. “He’s using different pieces of catholic dogma and putting it together, but most of the symbology eludes to Michael, the stabbing looks like a sword, the tipped scale indicates judgment, the verse he chose doesn’t cite Michael but talks about sins being forgiven by the shedding of blood… He’s the judge and executioner of his victims.” You try not to sound excited as you ramble on, it’s a terrible thing to witness, the pictures were grotesque and would’ve made you sick on a normal day, but the cherry picking of symbols the murderer seemed to make fascinated you. 
    “So you believe it’s a man?” 
    “Oh! I–I don’t know? I just assumed… Is that misogynistic?” You mumble the last part more to yourself, but it’s loud enough to make him chuckle and you look at him quickly to make sure it’s not mean spirited. 
    It’s definitely not. But it is amusing from a profiler perspective, he’s so used to defining serials’ genders by their crimes he hasn’t thought about misogyny being a factor to those assumptions in a long time. 
    “Brutality suggests male. But posing looks remorseful, theatrical…” His grip on the wheel tightens, two victims by now, feet crossed, arms wide open. 
    “If there were more allusions to the crucifixion, yeah, but I–” You take your phone out to look at the pictures once more, an attempt to seem less abstract in what you’re about to say. “No crown, no nails, this isn’t about Christ, it’s about punishment–I mean, I think.” You’re not usually self conscious about your knowledge but inferring characteristics and desires to someone by looking at a crime scene was not your specialty. 
    “To further point they were judged and executed…” Hotch nods, understanding where your line of thought is going and completing it immediately, not leaving you much time to doubt yourself. 
    “A very shameful execution.” 
    You both spend the short ride from Silver Springs to Quantico going over the symbology present, you tried to help here and there with the associations of what you saw to who could’ve done it, even though that was not what you were called in for. Strangely enough—for him at least, Hotch didn’t seem to mind your guesses, they were educated ones.
    And it was interesting to hear someone speak with such passion about religious aspects without any of the fundamentalism. It was definitely something he wasn’t used to.
    “Mi amore!” Are the first words you hear as you enter the famous bullpen from Emily’s texts, her arms surrounding you in a tight warm hug you haven’t felt in years—it hits you then how long has it been. You weren’t able to come and mourn Matthew with her, his parents weren’t fond of you either (Lord almighty, you didn’t even go to church with them!) and you were busy with your lectures.
    “Hey troublemaker, how’s it going?” Your question is muffled in the hug, your hands clasping together behind her back.
    The reunion doesn’t last long, curious eyes set on you two and a rather impatient Hotch leading the way to what you learned was the conference room.
    The briefing room. The round table. Emily told you about it when she first got into the BAU.
    You end up sitting between Emily and who you would bet was Spencer—there’s this sweet kid working with us, he’s super smart, annoyingly smart, but so sweet, he reminds of Matty when we were teens—the lanky boy was the only one with what seemed like naivety enough in his eyes to be the one Emily mentioned back then. 
    Aaron sat in front of you almost, serious, stern, very different from the few chuckles you got from him in the car. This was unit chief Hotchner, the subtle difference was fascinating.
    “Alright, as we know, DC is in trouble, second murder in three weeks.” blonde and gorgeous, you believed that was JJ, there had been no time for introductions, all you could do was try to remember the e-mails and few phone calls you shared with Emily the past years. “Richard Beckett, married, no kids, 27. He works for his father's car dealership.” 
    Pictures show up on the screen, showing the man when he was alive. It’s a punch to your gut, just minutes before you were fascinated by the way this real person was murdered. You’re glad you had a light breakfast by the way your stomach turns.
    “Monica Dawson, divorced, no kids, 53. She’s a counselor at a local school.” The woman continues speaking, with more pictures on the screen. And then pictures of their deaths, side by side. The fascination is completely extinguished then. “Both were stabbed countless times with a large blade. Left in abandoned warehouses posed in a cross position, a tipped scale on their side. Both naked. Both were heavily drugged.”
    “They didn’t have kids, is that a coincidence?” You hear Emily speak up and suddenly you can see all their brains working.
    “Could that be the linking between them? The victimology is all over the place.” Derek. Oh. You’ve heard of Derek. You’ve seen pictures of Derek. He needs no introduction. 
    “Reid, Morgan, go talk to the first victim’s widow. Rossi, JJ, Ms. Dawson’s ex-husband can give us insight on her life. Emily and us—” He gives you a look and you understand he means you, nodding in reply. “Will head to the DC police precinct.” The way Hotch gives orders is effortless, not only his job but his vocation. 
    Everyone listens and agrees quickly, moving and leaving the table, even Emily is fast on her feet, even though she won’t leave without you and him. You stay still, stiff, eyes glued to the screen.
    “Are you alright?” His voice is soft, laced with worry, genuine worry. You didn’t even notice he had stayed behind, but you nod again at Hotch, a question burning at the tip of your tongue.
    “Do you still believe in God, Mr. Hotchner?”
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sp0o0kylights · 2 months
Part One / Part Two / Part Three (You Are Here)
Complete Thing on A03
Sure enough, Jason Carver had brought a priest. 
The idiot himself stood next to the guy, smugly grinning like a hunter posing with his prized buck, a small crowd already gathering. 
Opposing them was Michael Wheeler, hands planted on Hellfire’s table and back up like a pissed off cat’s, mouth moving faster than Eddie thought possible.
He couldn’t hear what Wheeler was saying. 
Frankly did not want to know what Wheeler was saying, and could only do his damndest to intervene before Mike tanked the situation entirely. 
Gareth and Jeff flanked him, both tense as hell. Neither had backed down though, standing tall and holding ground even as Jason pulled more and more people into his little spectacle. 
Lucas and Grant on the other hand, were standing off to the side.
They weren’t cowering exactly, but both were definitely wincing as Gareth opened his mouth to add his own two cents. 
Given the scowl on the priest, it was probably something nasty, 
‘Fuck.’ Eddie thought, teeth clenched, as Jason drew out his arms, making an even bigger production for his little audience. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’ 
The worst thing of all? 
Dustin managed to reach the group before anyone else did. 
Wheeler and Emerson might have low charisma, but Dustin had a particular combination of snark and a know-it-all attitude that really pissed off authority figures. 
(And Eddie would know, given he was the reigning champion of pissing off authority figures.) 
He did, however, slide in right in time to hear the priest respond. 
“I don’t care for your tone, young man. Jason here has some concerns over your club and I have to agree, what I see is quite,” The guy paused, jowls jiggling as he looked over their table, clearly eyeing Hellfire’s logo. “alarming.” 
 At least wasn’t an actual sermon.
Not yet, anyway. 
Eddie came up right inbetween Mike and Dustin, intending to make himself out to be the new target for all to aim at.  
There was an art to making yourself the sole owner of everything evil in this world, and Eddie had learned it all, trial by fire style.  
“Carver is full of--” Mike snarled, and thankfully was cut off—not by Eddie, or the hand he’d just clamped onto Mike’s shoulder—but by Harrington. 
Who sauntered right up as if he was joining everyone for dinner, and not walking into a circus act.
“Hello Father.” Harrington said, voice warm and welcoming.  “Would you like some of our cookies? We have a sample platter.” 
“Oh--Steve!” The priest blinked, actually blinked, that he was startled to see Hawkins’ golden boy appear next to him. “I’m sorry but no. I’m ah, here for other reasons.”
He paused so long it was nearly comedic before tentatively asking; “ Are you with this table?”
Like the guy couldn’t see the same Hellfire logo plastered across Steve’s ridiculous jock chest. 
Eddie opened his mouth to give a resounding no, Hellfire shirt or not--when Mike of all people put an elbow into his side. 
As if Eddie was the one who needed to be silenced.  
“I am.” Steve put an arm down on Dustin’s shoulder, squeezing it in a way that looked like fond encouragement (but what Eddie was pretty sure was actually a warning in the same way the hand on Mike’s shoulder was.) “I came to help out my friends and fundraise.”
Then he beamed, face lighting up with the full Harrington charm, giga watt smile and all. 
Now the priest just looked awkward. 
“You’ve apparently been fundraising for what I have been told is a…Satanist Club?” 
It was hilariously delicate, how the priest said it. Like now that a respectable member of Hawkins was here, he had to be more careful about what words he used. 
Eddie would have interrupted then.  Retake the reins and do what he did best in terms of making everyone forget about everything but him--except Carver was rounding on Harrington, and well.
He was always a fan of the rich eating each other. 
“You cannot seriously be with these--these,” Jason’s eyes darted to between him and the priest, before physically reigning himself in. “hooligans, Harrington!” 
“I’m sorry.” Harrington said, and whatever Jason had been expecting to get hit with, it wasn’t “good ol’ boy” southern charm. 
He blinked, taking on the air of a kicked puppy who couldn’t understand why someone would be so mean as he glanced around the crowd.  “I think I'm a little lost here.” 
Jason clearly wasn’t prepared for that either. 
“This table is for a storytelling and math game.” Steve spoke slowly, in the same way one explained things to a toddler. “You have to roll dice and add the numbers up to do anything."
“It’s not a game, Steve.” Jason spat back. “It’s an evil trick made to tempt the susceptible minds of children to the dark arts!” 
Personally, Eddie was amazed Carver even knew the word susceptible let alone be able to properly use it in a sentence. 
(He tried to open his mouth to say so, and once again got elbowed, this time by Gareth. 
The look he gave his younger friend could have melted steel beams.)
“That’s what this is about?” Harrington slid his arm off Dustin's shoulders, leaning back to look at the priest and the people around them in a show of blatant disbelief. “You think the nerd club is related to satanism?” 
It was Eddie's own tactic--arguing that D&D was “using academic skills” and “making math fun!" not that Hellfire had ever been successful using it.
Of course, they weren’t Hawkins golden boy either. 
Jason sputtered. 
“It has monsters and--demons in it! It makes children do spells and sign over their souls!” He flung a hand out, for the first time acknowledging Eddie by pointing at his shirt. “Just look at that! It’s awful!”  
"Hey." Eddie said, hand going over his very well drawn dragon.
“I once had to stop an argument about how much weight a wooden bridge could hold.” Steve countered, hands moving to his hips. “I only got them to stop by agreeing to take the kids to a library so they could look it up.” 
He squinted, in Carver's direction, deadpanning; "I take it you think the library is evil now too?"
“The name of the club is called Hellfire!” Jason shrieked, sounding more like an angry teakettle than anything dangerous. 
“Look I get that it sounds scary,” Steve said, the tiniest hint of pity entering his voice, “but they’re trying to make math problems and English essays sound cool. It’s the same reason Father John here calls our annual haunted house Hell House, isn’t it? So people go in it to begin with?” 
Harrington turned to look expectantly at the priest, and Eddie had to admit it was an excellent way to both pander to the guy and sound like Jason was making a big deal out of nothing. 
Perhaps, he’d stay quiet after all. 
(Even if it went against Eddie’s entire being to do so.)
“Well, yes, but--” Father John had clearly picked up on the fact he was losing this particular argument, but plowed forward regardless. “Those activities are supervised by the church…” 
“This is evil Harrington, and you should know better to promote it.” Carver tacked on, like this was a two bit comedy sketch. 
“When I played it we just saved some poor town from a bad guy who set it on fire.” Steve rolled his eyes. 
Then he leaned in, converting his voice into a stage whisper that somehow projected it, giving the impression that everyone around them was listening in on a secret. 
“The doctor said it was a really good way for Dustin and Erica to process the mall fire. He’s a specialist--my mother managed to convince him to fly down to help all the kids who got hurt.” 
Eddie was 100% sure that was total bullshit, but the mere mention of Harrington's mother had seemed to have an effect on the people around them.
 Like Steve had invoked the name of an old but beloved God, not always benevolent but definitely memorable. 
“She’s always been a champion of helping when you can.” Steve spoke to the priest, like they were having a conversation between just the two of them. “Encouraging people to volunteer and helping fundraise.”
“She has been." Father John said, in the kind of instant way one does when they don’t want to offend a very large donor.  "Tell your mom I look forward to her coming back from her--ah, trip.”
 With an awkward glance to the table, he added; “...I suppose I don’t see how math comes into play?” 
“Oh it’s right from the start. Hey Jeff, come here, show Father John how you have to do a bunch of calculations and stuff to make a character.” 
“Ah--right.” Jeff sprung to life, moving around the table to Steve.
“We uh, we start with this character sheet…” 
“Eddie Munson runs the club.” Jason interrupted, before Steve could get Jeff to going.
“He’s right there! Does he look like this whole thing is just an innocent board game?” 
This was a last ditch effort, and it was clear by the chattering that had started circling amongst their audience that everyone knew it. 
Unfortunately, it was a good one.
This was the downside to making yourself a target. Once a bad guy, always a bad guy--particularly in the eyes of the PTA. 
“Munson?” Harrington dismissed with a scoff. “He’s harmless.” 
Which was news to most of their audience given the amount of attention Eddie suddenly had on him, but it was fine. 
He was used to the disapproving stares and glares, and gave his best award winning smile in response. 
Jason looked at Harrington like he’d lost his mind. 
“He has skulls on his fingers for fucks sake!” 
“Jason.” Steve admonished, in a perfect mimic of an upset southern mother. “Language.” 
Carver's jaw dropped, face purpling in rage.
Steve ignored him, turning back to the Priest. “I don’t know what's gotten into him but I’m sorry Jason’s wasted your time, Father.” 
“Munson is a drug dealer!” And ah, here came the Hail Mary move, Carver's one and only trump card.
“We all know he’s a drug dealer, and he’s using this--this game, to give drugs to kids!”
“Really?” Steve turned. “Lucas, what happens if I ever catch you smoking weed?” 
Lucas answered instantly. “You’re going to make us run laps at five in the morning.” 
“For a month.” Dustin added, with an exaggerated shudder. 
It would have been too much--except his disgusted face sold it. 
“Eddie’s just loud and wants to be a rockstar.” Harrington said, like this he was harmless.
No one on Steve's side of things had ever thought of Eddie as harmless.
 “I’ve babysat these kids for years and Eddie was a huge help in making sure no one in high school messed with them.” He continued, like they were some sort of team or friends even.
(Like Eddie hadn't been at Harrington's throat all day, pissy and defensive.)
“We have a real bullying problem right now. Funny enough,” Steve’s nailed Jason with a look, “I keep hearing that it’s coming from the basketball team.” 
“What are you implying?” Jason asked darkly. 
“Just that it’s funny how nobody got caught fighting when I was team captain.” Steve returned. 
God the man was such a bitch. Eddie kind of wanted to kiss him a little. 
Okay, more than a little.
“I get you have some kind of beef with Munson, but let’s not drag a bunch of people into it. Especially not Father John.” Harrington was playing up to the mothers around him now, dismissing Carver entirely as he did so. “He’s a busy guy.”
“Very.” Said Father nodded solemnly. “I do not appreciate being pulled into a high school squabble.” 
Jason’s mouth swam through shapes, words stuttering out of it. “This isn’t, thats not--”
“We can talk about this after church on Sunday.” Father John interrupted, the finishing blow to Carver's little show.
“You came all this way, at least have a cookie on us.” Steve said with an appeasing tone, reaching an arm back behind him.
Quick on the uptake, a cookie appeared in his hands. 
He offered it out to the priest, who took it happily.
"Okay, who wants cake!?” He called, in a clear and obvious dismissal of Jason. 
Who stood there, like he couldn’t believe what just happened. 
His eyes slid to Eddie's, fists clenched tightly at his side, hatred pouring off him so strongly one could almost taste it.
Eddie winked at him.
(Unknown to him at the time, Jason had also looked at Steve--and Steve would wink too.)
Steve Harrington, who Eddie had been an absolute ass all day too, had looked Jason Carver, a Priest and half of Hawkins in the eye and announced that he, Eddie Munson, was a good person at heart.
It made Eddie want to vomit a little when he thought about it too hard.
“I know this is horrible timing,” Robin said, sidling up as the crowd finally dispersed, “but I really, really need to talk to you.” 
Eddie turned, head full of far too many thoughts and ready to tell her such, when he caught sight of Buckley's face. 
Was reminded, by the sheer nervous, ‘horse about to bolt’ vibe, that he owed it to Robin as a fellow queer not to be a dick about her accidental outing.
Even if all he wanted was to preen in the wake of Carver’s defeat. 
‘See Mothers of Hawkins? Your own golden boy just gave me his stamp of approval!’ 
A mental image that immediately changed to Steve Harrington’s name stamped on his ass and dammit he had to get ahold of his thoughts before he fell down rabbit holes like this--!
“Back there, at the stairs,” Robin started, voice dropping low, and Eddie didn’t miss the way her eyes kept seeking out Steve, like he was some kind of safety net--which he probably was. “What um--what did you hear?” 
It took a lot of guts to come talk to him, knowing what he'd overheard--particularly given they'd just fended off the church.
He'd never exactly underestimated Robin Buckley, but then, he'd never expected this level of badassery from her either.
“Eddie?” Robin prodded again, chewing hard on her bottom lip.
“Sorry, distracted.” Eddie waved a hand behind himself. “Not everyday the King decides to defend your honor to a priest.” 
With a little bow, he offered his elbow out to her, a clear signal to take it and let him escort them away from unwanted ears.
In a show of bravery, Robin took his elbow and let him lead, even as she frowned up at him, looking like she was about to say something.
Likely it was in defense of Harrington, but Eddie had been interrupted enough for one day. 
“You and His Highness over there really should be more aware of your surroundings." He started, voice low. "Lucky for you, you’re among friends. You and Dorothy both.” 
He reached a foot out, tapping Robin’s own. 
Right on top of a doodled pair of tits. 
Robin let go of his elbow and glanced down, before flinging her head right back up, panicked.
“If you’d like I can pretend I never heard a thing.” Eddie interrupted, dropping his voice into the gentler tone he reserved for delicate conversations.
People were always surprised by the lengths he went to make sure someone was comfortable--but then, people also forgot how often Eddie heard things he shouldn’t. 
People didn't take drugs just for fun, after all.
“Or I can offer a friend of a friend discount on my wares,” He put a finger to his lips, miming smoking with one hand while he opened his vest with the other to flash the little pink triangle pin that sat inside, announcing his own sexualities status.
“and we can, say, discuss the differences between radical and social feminism while admiring the fine forms of Susan Sarandon and Peter Hinwood?”
The smile he gets is two parts relief, one part genuine delight and Eddie grinned right back at her, flicking his vest closed.
“I did not take you for a Peter Hinwood type.” Robin said it hesitantly, still waiting for the other shoe to drop. “Thought you’d find Tim Curry’s…acting skills, more to your taste.”
“In the case of Rocky Horror? I am Tim Curry.” He announced, loud and proud (well for this kind of conversation at least.) 
He was rewarded by the tension finally melting out of Robin’s shoulders. 
(This, Eddie reflected, is what he should have been doing this entire time, instead of getting tied up in knots over Harrington and turning into some kind of non-conformist tyrant.) 
“Do you actually know the differences between social and radical feminism?” Robin challenged, braver now, and Eddie knew then and there he’d been successful in assuring her her secret was safe.
That she was safe, with him.
“Guess you’ll have to find out.” Eddie said, giving a playful nudge to her shoulder. 
Baths in the laugh he gets for it, and for the first time today feels like he’s finally on firmer ground.
They chatted for a moment longer, making a loop on the very outskirts of the gym, voices hushed when it came to things that small town ears shouldn’t overhear--but of course, Robin couldn’t just leave things at that.
“Hey Eddie?” 
“Can you do me one more favor?”
“Anything for you, my favorite feminist.” 
For the first time since this conversation started, Robin managed to sound firm. 
“Stop referring to Steve as a King.” 
She rushed ahead, anticipating being cut off, and thus Eddie is hit with a wave of words, none of which he’d ever thought he’d hear in relation to thee Steven Harrington. 
“He’s working really hard to get away from it, the whole King thing and how he used to be. I don’t know what all he did to like--you guys,” She flapped her hand in the general direction of Hellfire, “and I know he wasn’t an innocent bystander, but I kinda realized over the summer that I blamed him for a lot of things that were in my own head, and that he wasn’t--he was never as bad as I thought he was and he's still trying to make it up to me anyway.”
Robin trailed off, seeming to try and piece out what she wanted to say next without giving away the whole farm. “It’s not some act, Eddie. Steve’s really trying to change.” 
Which yeah.
Eddie could see that, now. 
Maybe not before but…
“Okay.” He said, after a long, long moment. “No more King Steve. Got it.”
The smile he got for that also felt like a victory, even if it was wrenched out of him.
Two hours and a dispersed crowd later, Eddie found himself once again stuck in his own head. 
The facts were thus:
Steve Harrington was a good dude. 
He used his good dude-ness to save Hellfire from a literal priest, right smack in front of God and Principal Hairy Ass both
All of Hellfire actually liked him 
According to Robin Buckley, Steve was entirely fine with “all us triangles” quote/unquote 
Eddie was jealous.
He was self aware enough to admit it, alongside the fact that Jason Carver aside, maybe Eddie had been the villain today instead of Steve. 
Which meant he not only owed Harrington an apology, but he owed it to both of them to work out his own stupid shit before it blew up in his face and cost him all his friends.
(He’d have called this move “pulling a Harrington” before today but now that feels mean, which Eddie supposes signals he’s grown as a person or some shit.) 
So now he sits on Steve’s beemer, knowing the move will likely antagonize the ex-jock but equally knowing he’s planning on jumping off the car the second the guy comes near, and that the move itself will get Harrington to listen to him the second he’s done supervising whatever Hellfire’s youngest is doing.
(Eating leftover cookies like the older members are as they finish packing up, Eddie assumes.) 
Ducking out like he did had allowed him some much needed time to think things though. Figure out what he was going to say--without an audience present.
He’d apologize publicly if he had to. But being vulnerable is hard, and given the way his friends had been acting, Steve isn’t the only person he owes an apology to. 
For now, he’ll begin here, without an audience. 
Eddie doesn’t get to plan for long--only gets to rehearse a few lines of his little spiel when a pointed cough jerks him back to reality. 
There stands Steve Harrington, a fat wad of cash in one hand and a box in the other.
Like a man sent to the gallows, Eddie leapt off the beemer, squaring his shoulders. 
He could do this.
 Apologize-- and mean it. 
Not that Steve gave him the chance to. 
“The guys told me to give this to you.” He said, holding out the cash. Then he took a breath, like he was preparing to go to war, and added; 
“I know you weren’t happy with me being here, and you probably don’t want this, but Dustin said you really liked cinnamon brownies so I made you some.” 
The box was now held out alongside the cash, proof that Steve had tried to start this whole thing off on the right foot. 
Eddie stared at it, then at Steve. 
Felt the guilt chew on his gut just that much harder.
“I have been shitty to you all day. Why are you giving me this?” 
Steve shrugged. 
“To be fair I didn’t exactly make it easy on you either. You said jump and I said ‘watch this’.” Steve laughed, a small, almost self depicting sound. “Dustin’s been on my ass all day about it.” 
Of course he had. 
“Mine too.” Eddie admitted. “It's his tone, I swear."
Carefully, Eddie reached out, accepted the box and the cash. 
“Thanks by the way. For the stuff you said about me earlier.” 
Steve grimaced, cheeks tinting a (lickable) red. “Yeah sorry, I--”
“No not--not that stuff.’ Eddie said, mentally hauling his thoughts back in line, fiddling with the cash. “The stuff about being a good person. No one’s uh. Said that. About me.”
Not except for Wayne, but Harrington wouldn’t know nor care about Eddie’s uncle. 
Steve shrugged. “I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.” 
He’d argue that, except something was off. 
It took Eddie a moment to place it--that the wad Steve handed over was way too big for the little bake sale they’d just attended. 
He tucked the box under his arm, quickly counting the stack with a smoothness only drug dealers and bank tellers could manage.
“It’s all there, I promise.” Steve told him simply, but without judgment. He sounded like he expected this and that didn’t sit right with Eddie either. 
Not that he could do anything about it because he’d just counted up didn’t make any sense. 
Not trusting himself, Eddie stacked it back together, before counting it all again. He was faster this time, trying to figure out among all the ones, fives and tens how the hell they had managed to sell that many cookies. 
Particularly considering the most expensive thing was one of the cakes and he’d watched Steve sell it for fifteen dollars. 
So why were there three twenties sitting in the stack? 
“Either you up charged the absolute shit out of someone’s mom, in which case I congratulate you, you sneaky devil,” Eddie said slowly, “Or you put extra cash in here.” 
Steve blushed properly this time. 
Eddie zeroed in on his face, watching as Steve rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, trying to pull his charming mask into place.
He didn't quite manage it.
Hadn’t even been wearing it before now, Eddie realized suddenly.
This entire conversation Steve had a realness to him that Eddie had never really seen. 
Had maybe not wanted to see, from someone like Harrington. 
“I don’t know what you mean.” Steve protested, like a kid who’d been caught with a hand in the cookie jar. “That’s what we charged.” 
“You are a terrible liar.” Eddie accused, hand trembling. “We can’t take this, man. This is a almost two hundred dollars.” 
Way more than what they’d need for Gen Con. It was enough to get them two fuckin’ hotel rooms! 
“If It helps any, I didn’t do it for you.” Steve’s blush slid into something more genuine, as he nodded his head to where Hellfire was spilling out of the gym doors, laughing and shoving one another. 
“They deserve to have a good trip.” He added, eyes fond as he watched Dustin and Mike squabble over how to fold Hellfire's banner.
It made his whole face soften, the harsh features of his jaw turning into something that was so adorable Eddie wanted to bite through it. 
“Do you want to come?” Someone said, and it took both Steve’s startled look and a second long pause for Eddie to realize that someone was him.
Stupid, stupid, stupid-! 
“To the convention?” Steve asked, looking doubtful. 
Pity that Eddie was already nodding, like his brain and his body were at a total disconnect.
Maybe aliens had finally taken him over. Or a demon. 
(Demonic possession could frankly explain a lot about today, Carver’s weird little power play aside.)
“Dude you don’t even like me.” Steve said. “Why would you want me to come along?” 
“I dunno Harrington. All of Hellfire seemed to like you, and not just my freshman.” Eddie countered easily, gliding right over the fact that he himself did like Steve.
Way more than he should, and that right there was half of Eddie’s problem. 
“They have pretty good taste in things.” He waived a hand, as if this wasn’t a complete 180 from how he’d acted all day. “I could understand if you didn’t want to slum it with us nerds though.”
Steve rolled his eyes. 
“I’ve been slumming it all day with you nerds, if you haven’t noticed.” 
“Yeah? What’s your verdict on us?” 
“Not as bad as you could be.” 
Eddie tilted his head back and laughed. “High praise from the King!”
He felt bad immediately after, and made himself promise to be more mindful about Robin’s ask--but  thankfully Harrington didn’t take it hard. 
(Habits, Eddie knew, were hard to change.
Took a lot of careful attention to change. 
He had a long road ahead of him, and he hoped this little olive branch put him a few miles down it.) 
Steve awarded him a small smile. “I haven’t been the King for a long while, man. But if you guys have an opening, I think I wouldn’t mind being a knight or whatever.” 
“Ste-eeeve Harrington, defender of the realm.” Eddie nodded once, decisively. “I can see it.”
He tucked away the cash, and thus missed how Steve looked weirdly contemplative at that. 
Raised his head and stuck out a hand. 
Tentatively, Steve took it. 
“Welcome to the club, Harrington. We meet on Fridays. Bring snacks.” 
“Cookies okay?”
“Going by Gareth’s judgment, they’re more than okay.”
Eddie smiled and Steve smiled back, and God how he hated how fucking cute Harrington’s face was. 
Particularly since he now got to think of the guy as “Steve” without feeling weird about it. 
As in his possible, potential, friend Steve.
What a fucking trip that was. 
“Oh, and Steve?” He called, the thought hitting him as Steve turned to welcome the group making their way to the beemer.
Steve had let his hand fall, turning to open the front door of the Beemer with a cocked eyebrow.
Eddie flicked a finger out, lightly tapping the Hellfire logo. “Tell Lucas I’ll get him another shirt. That one’s all yours, big boy.” 
If there was a pink hue to Harrington’s cheeks, he was blaming sunburn. 
(Two months, six days, and one meddlesome asshole named Henderson later, and Eddie would find out that Steve had in fact, been blushing.
He’d be furious at Dustin’s involvement, if it hadn’t directly led to Eddie finding out Steve’s blush did in fact go down his chest.
And his happy trail.
And his--
Men do not kiss and tell. 
Not to fucking freshmen, anyway.) 
THERE IS A GEN CON, "THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED BECAUSE DUSTIN IS A MEDDLESOME SHIT" BONUS BUT it's on A03 cause it was long enough to be its own post and I wasn't gonna add it to this one. You can read it here LINK
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amomentsescape · 1 year
Slashers Saying "I Love You" for the First Time Headcanon
A/N: This was meant to be the last post for Slasher Summer, but I have a recent request that will be posted next week <3
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Michael Myers
Michael is clearly a man of few words
Showing affection in general is virtually impossible for him
So the night that you decided to lay it all on the table was one of confusion and sadness
"I love you," you had said softly
You had finally mustered up the courage to look at him after this, and he just stared back at you through the mask
You could feel the tears swelling up into your throat, your stomach growing queasy
He tilted his head at the falling tears
"I knew this was pointless. You don't feel a damn thing for me."
You went to stand up, but he just grabbed your wrist firmly, not letting you budge
You grew a bit angry at this
"Why am I still here if you feel nothing for me?!"
He pulled you closer to him
And you suddenly heard him speak quietly in a deep, rough voice
"You're the only life I'd never harm"
You felt your face soften at this
He isn't very good at verbally saying he loves you
But now you know he does
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Jason Voorhees
Jason doesn't really speak much like the aforementioned man above him
But he is better with at least showing you that he cares
He always protects you, brings you anything you request
He has even gone out of his way to pick you flowers from the forest floor
They had some blood on them, but the sentiment was there
So when he came home later than normal one night, you about passed out from the relief
"Jesus, I thought something happened to you!" you hurried. "Don't ever do that again. I love you too much to just sit here and worry."
He grew incredibly still at this
Your face felt warm when you realized what you had said
You shifted your gaze down, only to feel his cold arms wrap around you tightly
He held you for quite a while like this, trying to show you that he felt the same
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Freddy Krueger
You found yourself in Freddy's arms like you did every night
He was rubbing your back gently, trying to help you out of your slump
Today hadn't gone very well for you
With screaming customers, clumsy hands, and a migraine, work was about as calm as a hurricane for you
However, Freddy's presence alone was enough to relax you
Which was funny considering who he was
"I love you..." you murmured quietly
You continued to relax into him, only for his rubbing to stop
You opened your eyes suddenly when you realized
"Um..." you started
You finally met his gaze and saw the biggest grin on his face
"Well, it's about damn time," he rasped. "And I love you too."
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Thomas Hewitt
Another man with little to say
He's a bit too shy to ever say those three words first, so when you finally broke and said them, he couldn't help but feel excited
You were cleaning a deep gash in his shoulder from a victim fighting back
He didn't move a muscle as he watched you do your magic
You sighed at him, and he made a grunting sound to insinuate his concern
"I just don't like seeing the people I love hurt like this"
You hadn't realized what you said until you felt his body stiffen
You suddenly froze as well
After a moment of awkward silence, you finally raised your gaze
When you managed to meet his eyes, he quickly pulled you into him, his heart racing against your ear
You laughed a bit at this and hugged him back, feeling a weight lift off of your shoulders
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Bubba Sawyer
You had been out in the Texas heat with Bubba trying to help clean up after the family's latest... endeavor
However, the 100 degree weather was certainly doing a number on you
You took a seat on the porch steps and closed your eyes, trying to build up enough energy to carry on
After a few minutes, you felt a sudden jolt of cold on the back of your neck, making you jump
When you looked up, you saw Bubba kneeling in front of you
You realized that he had placed an ice pack on your back
"Thank you," you spoke quietly
He continued to stare at you with concern in his eyes
"I'm okay," you reassured. "I promise."
You reached out your pinky to him in hopes of solidifying this promise
However, he grabbed your hand and placed it on top of his chest, making you feel his heartbeat
You looked up at him and saw slightly teary eyes behind his mask
You felt your heart flutter
"I love you too," you responded softly
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Brahms Heelshire
Brahms was currently being a bit bratty with you before bed time
He wasn't one to deny your kisses, but he was very determined to not go to bed tonight
"It's late, Brahms," you argued, leaning in to try and give him his goodnight kiss
But he just kept turning his head away, dodging all of your attempts
"I'm not even tired," he tried to fight back
You groaned. "Fine. Then you can just go to bed without your kiss."
You went to stand up but was immediately tugged back into the bed
"Stay," he said
You shook your head. "I'm exhausted, Brahms. I want to sleep."
After a few moments of consideration, he finally broke and tilted his head to you
You happily leaned in to kiss him, only to feel his lips forcefully push against yours
This kiss was much more heated than expected
"What was that for?" you asked
He tucked himself further into the covers, smiling intently
"I love you. Goodnight!" he said, pulling you into him
You just laid there dumbfounded, not even sure Brahms knew what he had just said
"I love you too..." you finally responded moments later
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Norman Bates
You were currently crying and frantically pacing around
The latest motel customer was dead and bleeding out into the floor in front of you
Norman had been standing on top of him, a dirty knife gripped tightly in his hand
Norman was also frantic right now, trying to explain himself
"He was harassing you, (Y/N)! I couldn't let him treat you like that."
It was true that he had been making inappropriate remarks towards you, making you feel uncomfortable the whole time he had been staying here
But you didn't think murder should have been the first solution
Hell, you didn't even know Norman was capable of something like this
It made you question everything
"You just killed someone, Norman! Jesus, is he even the first one? Is this what you were going to do with me once you didn't need my help anymore?!"
Norman's face dropped at this, and he let the knife fall to the ground
"What?! No! (Y/N), I love you. P-please..."
You could feel your heart drop at this
God, was he really just trying to protect you? Something about those eyes made you want to believe him
You slowly began to walk over, his sad eyes watching you
When you finally got in front of him, you pulled him into a strong embrace
"I-I think I love you too, Norman."
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Billy Loomis
It was just another typical house party you managed to drag Billy to
He didn't mind these types of gatherings usually, but lately, he only really went to them if he planned to kill everyone there
So actually going as himself felt a little odd
But he'd do it for you
And now here you were, tipsy and dancing all over him
He liked your attention for sure, but he hadn't drank nearly as much as you since he was your ride home
"C'mon, Billy!" you tried convincing him. "Dance with me!"
He just let out a light chuckle at this
"I'm not really in the dancing mood, babe," he responded
You pouted at him cutely. "Pleeeease? Don't you love me?"
He felt himself freeze up at this
You two hadn't used that L word yet
But he quickly shook this off
He smiled. "Of course I love you."
It was your turn to freeze up. You didn't realize what you said until he repeated it back. You suddenly felt 100% sober
"Really?" you asked
He rolled his eyes. "Damn right."
You smiled brightly
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Stu Macher
Stu ran out of the now silent house with adrenaline pumping through his veins
When he finally saw you waiting for him, his face broke out into a wide grin
"How did it go?!" you asked urgently
He just let out an excited laugh
"Babe, it was perfect! I got 'em all in just 10 minutes!"
You giggled happily with him as he wrapped you in his arms, swinging you around with him
"Did I turn off the lights at the right time?"
He nodded urgently. "It was absolutely perfect! God, I love you."
He squeezed you into him tighter, but all you could think of was what he just said
When he realized you weren't holding him back, he pulled away and looked at you concerned
"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" he asked
You shook your head. "Stu. You just said you loved me."
He looked even more confused. "Yeah, cuz I do...?"
Stu didn't understand why this was such a surprise
So after a few moments, the shock finally wore off
"I love you too," you responded
His smile only grew even more. "Good!"
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Eric Draven
"Jesus," you muttered to yourself
Eric simply laughed at this
"It's not funny. You could have gotten yourself killed!"
He raised his brow at this
You groaned. "I know, I know. You can't die, but this must not have felt very good!"
He smirked. "Been through worse."
"Yeah, and if you do this again, I'll find a way to kill you for the second time."
He just watched you with a content smile
He couldn't help but feel warm at your constant doting
He hated to make you worry every night, but coming home to see that relieved look on your face made everything worth it
You were the only thing that actually made him feel alive nowadays
"I love you, you know?" you finally sighed
He could feel his eyes burn at this
It had been so long since he felt loved by a person, and here you were admitting it to him
You looked up at him after a moment of silence
"Are you gonna say something, or do I just look stupid now-"
"I love you, (Y/N)."
You smiled. "Good. Just another reason for you to be careful coming home to me."
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st-eve-barnes · 10 months
Leverage (Michael Gavey x fem Reader)
Chapter 3
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Summary: When your ex threatens to release some very personal videos you are left with no choice but to do what he asks: seduce the biggest nerd on campus, Michael Gavey. Will you rock his world or will he fundamentally change yours?
This chapter: You try to bring Michael out of his shell but he's not making it easy on you. After a few confessions at the pub things get heated. First kisses and first oral (male receiving). Touch starved sub Michael.
Word count: +4200
Warning for the entire fic: 18+ for explicit content and language. Kissing, oral sex (male receiving), dry humping, hand job, fingering, p in v sex. First kiss and loss of virginity. Experienced reader. Enemies to lovers vibes.
Fluff, smut and of course angst (my favorite combination! lol) I haven't watched Saltburn yet so all characters in this fic except for Michael are my own.
Read the first chapters Here
All my fics are also on AO3
The pub felt overcrowded, too warm and too loud and the majority of visitors was drunk or halfway there. This right here was exactly why you had stopped going out every week. You’d only been here fifteen minutes and you already missed the comfort and silence of your room.
It was hard to imagine these people in front of you were among the best and smartest students in the world and were supposed to be the future of the country. It was clear you were all doomed.
You took another sip from your Bacardi Breezer and scanned the room for Michael but there was no sign of him yet. When someone placed a soft hand on your shoulder you turned around with a hopeful smile but it faded as soon as you saw who the hand belonged to. 
“Oh, it’s you,” you sighed.
Ben leaned in much too close for your liking to be able to talk to you over the music,”How’s it going?”
“It was going great until just now,” you replied, trying to ignore him and praying for Michael to arrive any minute now.
“Let me rephrase that,” he smirked,”How are things going with you and Michael?”
“It’s going, don’t worry about it.”
“You sure?”
“Yes,” you nodded, looking into his eyes,”I had to improvise a little but I’ll make it work, don’t worry.”
“It better, you know what’s at stake.”
“Yes, I fucking know, okay,” you snapped, shooting daggers at him,”You fucking pathetic asshole.”
Ben just laughed and you were ten seconds away from slapping him in the face when you noticed Michael stepping through the door.
He looked like a fish out of water, hands shoved into his pockets, eyes cast down to the floor as he tried to make his way through the crowd and tried to avoid bumping into people. When he noticed you his lips curled into a small smile and he gave you a little awkward wave. You couldn’t help but smile back and you rushed over to him, and as far away from Ben as you could.
“Hey,” Michael nodded, avoiding your eyes and biting his lip anxiously. You had never seen him this nervous before. He looked like he was about to bolt any minute now and you couldn’t exactly blame him.
“Hey,” you give him an encouraging smile,”Can you at least try and look like you want to be here?”
“Sorry,” he sighed,”It’s just…yeah, sorry.”
“It’s okay, I know this probably isn’t your thing. But thank you for doing this, I really appreciate it.”
“Not doing it for you,” he said quickly,”Just don’t want him to get what he wants.”
“Well, regardless, thank you for coming tonight,” you gave him a grateful smile and leaned in to wrap your arm around his shoulder for a swift hug. Michael froze when you pressed your body against his.
”I should get you a drink, help you relax a little bit,” you said after you leaned back.
“I don’t drink,” he stopped you.
“Oh, okay well, then this is going to be harder than I thought.”
“I’m just…not used to this,” he tried to explain.
“Define this.”
“All of it,” he gestured.
“Okay,” you sighed.
He gave you a sad smile and you actually felt had for him. You realized it must have cost him a lot to step out of his comfort zone tonight, yet he was here, just like he had promised you, to help you deal with Ben. Whatever his motivations were, he was proving that you could count on him.
“Okay,” you gave him another smile,”Why don’t we find a quiet spot to sit somewhere? Get away from the crowd for a bit?”
Michael nodded in relief and followed you to the bar until you found a spot away from all the noise but still close enough for Ben to see you both.
You ordered drinks and tried your best to bring Michael out of his shell, which proved harder than you thought.
“So what do you do for fun then?” you asked.
“Fun?” he shook his head with a little smile,”Fun is nothing but a distraction, I mean look at them…I can practically hear their brain cells deteriorating, one drink at a time.”
You couldn’t help but laugh,”Okay, but you don’t need to be drunk to have fun.”
“I’m here to graduate and secure the best future I can for myself, that’s the only thing that matters,” he continued to ignore your question.
“Right,” you sighed.
“We don’t all have mummy and daddy’s money to fall back on,” he explained, letting his eyes meet yours,”As you know, I think.”
You nodded,”Yeah, unfortunately I do. It’s just me and my mum, we’re not bad off but…ever since dad died it hasn’t been that easy, money wise.”
“I’m sorry, that must have been a hard loss to deal with,” he spoke softly, his sudden empathy taking you by surprise.
You shrugged,”Thanks. It happened years ago, it’s fine, I’m used to it by now.”
Just as you were starting to give up your attempts at keeping the conversation light Michael turned the question back around. “So, what do you do for fun then, Y/N?” he asked. 
He seemed relieved when you responded with a smile.“Me? I don’t know, I hang out with friends, we go see movies or get something to eat mostly. Sometimes we go out and I get a little drunk. But not too often, wouldn’t want to kill those precious brain cells.”
Michael laughed at that and then shook his head,”Very funny.”
“I know,” you teased, making him smile some more and you felt proud at finally making him feel a little more relaxed.
“What else?” he asked, now actively doing his best to keep the conversation going.
“Sometimes I take a guy back up to my room,” you blurted out, causing Michael to blush.
“Of course you do,” he nodded.
You took another sip from your drink while you kept your eyes on him,”You ever taken a girl up to your room, Gavey?”
He shook his head with a grin,“Is that your clever way of asking me if I am a virgin?”
“Are you?”
He blushed again and avoided looking at you.
“You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to,” you quickly added, realizing you were probably overstepping but he just nodded his head.
”It’s okay,” he shrugged,”I mean…it’s not like it’s a secret. I’m a virgin, there. Happy now?”
“It doesn’t matter what I think, as long as you’re happy with that choice. I mean, several of my girl friends are virgins, it’s nothing to be ashamed of and it’s not as uncommon as you’d think.”
“Really?” he asked, seemingly comforted by your words.
“It’s not that big of a deal anyway,” you continued,”Having sex with someone isn’t going to fundamentally change you, it’s just sex.”
“Trust me, for someone who hasn’t had it…it’s not just sex.”
You nodded with a soft smile,”Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“And…don’t you think that it should fundamentally change you?” he then added,”Being with the right person, I mean…otherwise what’s the point?”
“The point is to cum, Michael,” you answered bluntly and he laughed at your words, almost choking on his drink.
”Sex is fun, anything else is just what books and movies would like you to believe,” you added,”It’s not like that in real life.”
“You don’t believe in true love then?”
“True love?” you shook your head and laughed,”Oh please, you do? You actually want to wait for the right person to come along before you have sex with someone? What if she, or he, never comes along?”
Michael just shook his head,”First of all, it’s she. And second of all…I guess I’m better off alone than with the wrong person, don’t you think?”
You rolled your eyes,”You’re so naive.”
“And you’re so bitter,” he answered quickly.
“Yeah, well, having Ben as an ex will do that to you.”
“Maybe you should think twice before fucking someone then,” he blurted out.
You looked at him,”Okay, that’s kind of rude.”
“What? Am I wrong?” he continued,”How well did you even know him before you slept with him? And how many other guys like him were there?”
“That’s…none of your fucking business.”
“What? I showed you mine but you’re not going to show me yours? That means the answer is plenty, I guess,” he answered his own question and you wanted to punch him. Who did this guy think he is?
”You shouldn’t be so willing to spend time with assholes,” Michael then added.
“You know what, you’re absolutely right, Gavey,” you gave him an angry look and moved away from him and out of your seat.
“Shit,” Michael sighed,”Wait…fuck, I’m sorry.”
He rushed after you and reached for your hand, pulling you back to him,”Wait, please, don’t go, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I just…I don’t know how to talk to girls.”
“You can’t keep using that as an excuse to be a dick.”
“I know,” he sighed,”I know. I'm sorry.”
He was still holding your hand in his and much to your surprise it didn’t feel unpleasant, quite the contrary. You squeezed his hand and he let go instantly, as if he just realized he was still touching you.
“Sorry,” he whispered.
“It’s…fine.” You weren’t sure if he was still apologizing for his words or because he grabbed you but you realized it didn’t matter. Your urge to flee was gone now.
“Sit back down with me?” he asked,”Please?”
You nodded and followed him and you both sat down again, in silence.
“I’ve never even kissed anyone,” Michael blurted out after a while.
“You haven’t?” you asked, genuinely surprised,”Why not?”
He blushed but smiled, clearly embarrassed by his own confession,”Girls just don’t look at me and see something they want, I guess.”
“Maybe you should try being a little nicer then,” you pointed out.
He shook his head,”I used to be…nicer, it didn’t matter. They take one look at me and bail so…now I don’t even bother.”
“There’s nothing wrong with how you look,” you tried to reassure him but he gave you a knowing look.
“Come on now, I already called you a bad liar once, don’t make me say it again.”
You shook your head but smiled.”Okay, fine, so the clothes could use an upgrade and…maybe you’re not conventionally handsome,” you tried to explain and Michael just started laughing.
“That’s the most polite way I’ve ever been called ugly.”
“You’re not ugly!” you objected,”That’s my whole point, it’s like…oh, it’s like Adam Driver, you know that Star Wars guy?”
“You're really asking a nerd if he knows Star Wars?” he teased you.
“Okay, so Adam Driver isn’t conventionally attractive either but he’s got tons of fangirls everywhere who adore him.”
“Yeah, well, my fangirls seem to be absent, for now.”
You smiled and let your eyes meet his.”You have really pretty eyes,” you then confessed,”And you’re really tall and lean. Girls like that. And your hands are…really nice and…your lips look very soft.”
Michael was blushing hard now and he looked away from you but his lips curled up into a warm smile.”Thanks,” he whispered.
“My point is you’re not ugly, Michael,” you added,”And I’m sorry if people made you feel that way.”
He sighed with a smile,”Thank you. It’s just…I thought it would have happened by now, you know, that first kiss. It’s stupid and I don’t even care but…I just wish…”
“Do you want to kiss me?” you blurted out.
He shook his head with a shy smile,”No, I don’t want your pity kiss, it’s fine.”
“It wouldn’t be like that.”
“Oh, really? What would it be like then?”
“Well…we’re trying to convince Ben we’re fucking, right? If he sees us kiss that might make it more believable. So it’s not a pity kiss, you’d be helping me out with the plan. It’s a win-win.”
He stayed quiet.
“But it’s okay if you don’t want to,” you added,”If you want to wait for the right person, I get it, no pressure…”
“No, I don’t,” he interrupted you, quietly, as if he was surprised by his own words,”I mean I…want to…I want to kiss you.”
“You sure?” you checked.
He nodded eagerly, putting a smile on your face.
“I’m sure,” he confirmed,”I just…I don’t know…how to do it right.”
You turned to face him and allowed yourself to really look at him. His beautiful sincere eyes and that deep blush on his cheeks, the way his mouth twitched nervously as he tried to avoid your eyes but also couldn’t stop himself from wanting to look at you. You had never in your life met anyone like Michael, he was insufferable at times but he was also the purest soul you’d ever met. 
And you wanted to kiss him with every fibre of your being.
“It’s okay,” you reassured him,”We’ll start slow. Look at me.”
His eyes met yours and you could tell he was struggling to keep direct eye contact, he was so flushed already and you hadn’t even touched him yet.
“Keep looking at me,” you asked firm but gentle.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed, breaking eye contact.
“That’s alright,” you gave him an encouraging smile,”Maybe we should…take these off.”
Your hands reached for his glasses and you carefully took them off and placed them on the table next to you.
“Is that better?” you asked.
“You’re all blurry now.”
You smiled,“Well, I’ll just have to get a little closer then.” 
You inched closer to him on the couch and Michael turned so you were both facing each other. You were so close to him now you could feel his warm breath on your lips.
“This better?” you asked softly,”Can you see me now?”
Michael nodded nervously, his blue eyes locked with yours.”I see you,” he whispered.
“Good,” you smiled and then you both just stared at each other, letting him get used to being this close to you.
After a little while you carefully moved your hand up to gently trace your fingers over his cheek. His breath hitched at the contact.
“It’s alright,” you whispered and gently cupped his cheek in your hand,”Don’t be nervous, it’s alright.”
Michael’s eyes closed for a moment as he leaned into your palm. You ignored the way your heart melted at the gesture. Then you leaned in closer, his nose gently bumping against yours before you leaned in further and kissed him softly. It was just a peck of your lips against his but it was enough to set off a very unexpected spark in you.
You looked at each other again. Michael’s gaze was hungry but he didn’t move, patiently waiting for you to make the next move and guide him through it.
“Just follow my lead, okay?” you whispered.
“Hmm,” he nodded.
You kissed him again, just as soft as the first one but this time you opened your mouth slightly to move your lips against his and he reciprocated immediately. 
His lips were incredibly soft, as you has expected, and he tasted of mint and the sweet fruity soda he’d been drinking and he kissed you as if you were the best thing he'd ever tasted. When you carefully teased his bottom lip with your tongue he was quick to do the same, slipping his tongue into your mouth and deepening the kiss.
He didn’t need much more guidance after that. His technique might be clumsy and he was a little over eager but he was also a goddamn natural. You felt dizzy from how good it felt to have his lips on yours and after a few minutes you were panting into his mouth and had to stop yourself from crawling into his lap. 
What was happening?
You were clinging to his neck with both hands, needing to touch him but he still hadn’t touched you back. His hands were nervously digging into the fabric of the couch as he whimpered into the kiss.
“Put your hands on me,” you breathed,”Please, Michael.”
He whimpered again at the sound of his name from your lips and then his hands were on your waist, pulling you closer to him as he teased your tongue with his and kissed you even deeper.
You were drowning in him. All the other guys you had kissed before were nothing but a distant memory and you’d give them all up in a heartbeat if you could just remember this one kiss. 
Who knew nerds could kiss like that?
You weren’t sure how much time had passed but after a while you leaned back to get some air, your lips red and swollen and still aching for more of him.
Michael’s entire face was flushed a deep red and he was breathing so hard it was making you lose focus.
“Fuck,” he breathed,”Was that…was that okay?”
You couldn’t help but laugh and you pressed your forehead against his and nodded while biting your lip.
When Michael noticed he leaned in and bit your lip as well, then pulled you in for another long, slow kiss.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered afterwards,”God…what have you done to me?…I don’t want to stop…I just…please can we keep kissing?”
You innocently kissed his cheek and then moved your lips down, kissing and licking the curve of his neck and his collar bone until Michael whimpered into your ear. His hands firmly clinging to your back.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Michael was cursing under his breath.
“What’s wrong?” 
“I’m..I’m hard,” he confessed with another whimper,”Fuck, I’m so fucking hard.”
You just smiled at him,”Yeah, a few good kisses will do that to you.”
You continued kissing his neck, relishing in the soft little moans spilling from his lips and then you noticed how he was bucking his hips up, seeking for contact that wasn’t there, desperate for some friction or relief.
You moved one hand over his hip and then down to his inner thigh, the huge bulge in his pants was growing right before your eyes and it made you absolutely feral. You hadn’t planned for this at all, you’d just wanted to kiss him and maybe tease him a little bit. But having him squirming under your hands now and moaning so desperately into your ear you realized you wanted to give him so much more.
“You want me to take care of it?” you whispered into his ear, caressing his erection slowly. Michael just moaned and buried his face against your neck while he nodded his head.
“I’m going to assume you’ve never had a blow job before,” you whispered to him,”Would you like one?”
He looked up into your eyes, shock all over his face as he breathed,”I…no, I haven’t…obviously I…fuck…Are you for real?You would…you would do that? With me?”
“Do you want me to?” you asked softly.
“Yes,” he breathed,”God, fuck yes…yes. Please. Please.”
You pulled out of his arms, making him whine in frustration at the loss of contact but it was forgotten quickly when you took his hand and dragged him with you towards the bathrooms. 
Ben smirked at you both as you passed by him but neither you or Michael noticed.
You pushed Michael inside one of the stalls and locked the door behind you.
He was quick to grab you by your hips and push you up against the door while he kissed you again. You reciprocated eagerly, letting your hands caress all over his messy hair, down to his chest and then his stomach.
When you started fumbling with his belt Michael started cursing again, trying his hardest to keep it together. His hands moved over your ass and tried to push up your dress but you stopped him.
“What?” he asked, disappointment all over his pretty face.
“This is about you tonight, not me.”
“No, I wanna touch you, please, let me touch you,” he whined.
“Not tonight,” you pulled his pants down, freeing his erection and it made the both of you gasp out loud, for very different reasons. He was big, exceptionally big, and really beautiful, and so fucking hard. You knew he must have been desperate for that sweet release.
You bit your lip and leaned in to whisper into his ear,”I want to put my mouth on you, Michael, is that okay?”
He nodded quickly, his breathing picking up again. ”Yes, yes,” he whimpered,”Oh god, please…please. It’s so painfully hard, just…just touch it please.”
No guy had ever begged so beautifully before and it had you down on your knees so easily, your eyes looking up at him while you carefully placed your hand over his length and started jerking him, slowly. He sighed in relief at your touch, eyes closing in a blissful moan.
You couldn’t help but smile up at him.”You’d better not cum on me within two seconds, Gavey,” you warned him with a teasing grin.
Michael laughed in between heavy breaths,”Can’t make any promises.”
And then your mouth was on him and all he was left with were heavy moans and whimpers as he fought very hard not to burst on the spot.
His hands were nervously balled into fists until you grabbed them and guided them into your hair, giving him something to hold onto. He caressed your scalp so gently it was pulling at your heart strings and distracted you from what you were doing for a moment. 
You took him deeper into your mouth, all the while jerking the rest of him in your hand. Michael’s fingers tightened into your hair while his hips bucked forward desperately. The moans spilling from his lips were enough to make your cunt throb for him but you had meant what you said. Tonight wasn’t about you. You just wanted to make him feel good and you knew he wasn’t going to last long anyway.
When you started moaning around his cock he was done for and he finally gave in, holding the back of your head while he fucked up into your mouth with hard short thrusts, making tears spill from your eyes and the next thing you knew he was spilling into your mouth with a muffled cry. 
He wanted to pull out but you didn’t let him, keen to swallow every last hot drop and make him cry even more.
“Oh god, oh holy shit, that was…fuck, that was so good,” he was babbling again and trying to catch his breath, coming down from his high and you smirked while you wiped your mouth.
He was quick to pull you back up into his arms and into a deep, hungry kiss.
“Fuck,” he breathed, licking into your mouth,”I can…I can taste myself on your tongue…that’s so fucking hot.”
When he cupped your face he could feel the tears on your cheek and he pulled back, looking at you while he gently wiped them away.
“Made you cry,” he whispered and then he leaned in to place a few soft kisses on your cheeks, taking his time to gently kiss your tears away,”Sorry…I’m sorry.”
His soft and sweet caresses almost made you want to cry for real.
You grabbed his wrists and leaned back,”It’s okay, they’re not real tears, having a dick shoved down your throat will do that to you.”
“Oh. I didn’t…hurt you, did I?”
You smiled softly and shook your head,”No, you didn’t hurt me, Michael, you’re good.”
You wanted to step back but he was quick to place his hands on your hips and keep you in place. His eyes were staring at you, satisfied and tired but also still hungry and you smiled softly and shook your head.
“No, not tonight,” you whispered.
“Come on, why not? Aren’t you horny as fuck right now? Don’t you want me to…touch you?” he leaned in to place a soft lingering kiss on your lips,”Don’t you want me to fuck you?”
You almost gave in right then but you pulled away and shook your head.”Shouldn’t your actual first time be in a soft, comfortable bed with candles and sweet music?” And someone you actually love?
He smirked,”You just sucked me off in a dirty bathroom stall and it was the best experience of my life, you think I care about music and candles?”
You couldn’t help but laugh.”I think you’ve had enough firsts for one night.”
You pushed him back and he didn’t object this time even though his face was clouded in obvious disappointment.
“Next time then?” he asked hopeful and relief flooded his features when you smiled and nodded.
How could you refuse him anything when he looked at you like that? 
You leaned in to place a soft lingering kiss on his lips, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach,“Yeah, maybe next time."
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radiant-reid · 1 year
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Summary: Reader knows there’s something going on between JJ and Spencer but she trusts him that that’s just the way they are... until he goes to LA
i cannot find the request for this, ugh !!! 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (Angst)
Word Count: 3.7k
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Y/n had let it go after that night.
"You're not seriously upset about this, are you?" Spencer asks incredulously once the apartment door clicks shut. 
It had been an incredibly awkward car ride together, twenty minutes home in complete silence. He hates when it gets cold and distant between them, even though he usually causes it by neglecting to discuss his feelings, but this time, he's fired up. Y/n can't read if he's dumbfounded or shaken. 
Although often synonymous, there's a difference here. If Spencer's dumbfounded, he thinks her suggestion is ridiculous and totally, 100% wrong. It would be offensive wording but best for the preservation of their relationship. If he's shaken, then she's correct, and he's coming to terms with the significance of that discovery himself.
Y/n sighs as she spins around to face him, her plan of making a beeline to the bedroom falling through. "That was flirting. She was flirting with you, Spencer." She tells him firmly. 
Spencer shakes his head, stunned by the allegation she's choosing to repeat. "She was- are you okay?"
"Don't make it about me." She instructs. 
"It's about you when you're talking..." Crazy is the word he stops himself short of saying- they both know it. He breathes deeply to calm himself. "She wasn't flirting with me." He maintains. "We're friends." 
Y/n shakes her head. She knows he needs it explained to him, simplified to an extent, but upholding his position so staunchly doesn't make her want to do that. "You don't have to best track record for knowing when people are flirting with you." 
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks, his eyes narrowing. 
There's a specific incident she's referring to, but there's been more than a few annoying instances when she's left standing at his side fuming. She's aware he doesn't do it on purpose. Spencer's not an asshole purposefully trying to make his girlfriend jealous by accepting flirtatious behavior from other women, but he's handsome. And unfortunately, not immediately rejecting advances makes it seem like he's interested.
"Spencer." She had told him when she finally pulled him off to a slightly quieter corner of the bar the team was in. "Her asking you what you're doing this weekend isn't her having an interest in your Korean film festival."
Spencer had been much better at getting it since then. He profiles a bit more cynically, purposefully looking for indicators that someone's interested in him. 
Not tonight.
It was Michael's first birthday which, of course, meant it was a big celebration- BAU style. Spencer attended like the proud godfather he was, making sure every single one of JJ and Will's friends knew their son's achievements. 
What should have been a lovely day would have turned into a discussion about them having their own kids when Y/n expressed how attractive Spencer looked while he held Michael's hands so the boy could practice walking. 
But no. 
Instead, they're standing on different ends of the kitchen island, both uncompromising in their views because of more than a few moments at the party between JJ and Spencer. 
"She was flirting with you, Spencer." Y/n holds firm. "Touching your arm, giggling at your jokes, whispering stuff to you." She lists the frequently used tactics that she witnessed. She's become accustomed to them working on Spencer, but he has always admitted, upon later reflection, that the motive was more than friendly.
He can't believe it this time, and he quickly gets defensive. "Just because you don't think I'm funny doesn't mean everyone doesn't."
Y/n scoffs, irritated he would twist it so spitefully to play the victim. "Seriously?" She deadpans, waiting for him to react better. 
"It was an inside joke." Spencer tries a different tactic that only has her eyebrows raised again. He sighs dramatically, gripping the edge of the bench. 
"This is ridiculous." She states. 
"I'm glad you see that too." He argues. "JJ was not flirting with me."
His insolence further fuels her anger. "Even Will looked uncomfortable." Y/n hits back.
"She's my friend." He repeats. "We are their friends. JJ and Will have been married for years. They've lived together and raised a son for even longer. I'm their sons' godfather. She's been my friend for more than a decade. There's nothing malicious going on."
It didn't feel like that. And that was likely because Y/n had only gotten to know them years following their friendship's establishment.
Maybe he's right. It's feasible that Y/n just hasn't found her place in the dynamic. "Are you sure?" 
Spencer senses her walls coming down, and he steps closer to her in a few tense strides, cupping her cheeks in a way that makes her melt. His eyes soften until there's no anger remaining. "Yes, my love. I promise there is nothing romantic between JJ and I." He assures her.
It's so sincere. Spencer has always been a persuasive talker, and it's gotten him out of dangerous situations.
Maybe the deep gut feeling she has is off. There's no way to know what happens behind closed doors, but JJ and Will appear to be happily married. Her life seems completely fulfilling. It makes no sense for her to have a crush on Spencer. 
So she's determined to shake it off- for Spencer, her own sanity, and their relationship. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to such a drastic accusation."
"No, no. Hey, I will always listen to your feelings." Spencer reminds her softly. "I'm sorry I didn't immediately hear you out. It was just unexpected. I would hate for you to stop talking to me about your emotions if you think I'll shut you down."
"Thank you, and I'm sorry," Y/n replies.
His words are massively relieving, and her negative thoughts aren't weighty. "I love you, Y/n."
She smiles softly. "I love you too."
"Can I kiss you now? I've been wanting to for hours." He begs, thumbs stroking over her cheekbones. He's elaborating a little but for good reason.
"Please." She agrees. 
His fingers curl around her head while he leans down to kiss her, not breaking it until they're both out of air. Everything's okay.
And so Y/n had let it go after that night.
She was with him through everything. Dealing with his mom, Mexico, prison, and the long recovery after that. She was with him through thick and thin, even when Spencer had given up on himself. He'll never understand what he did to deserve her love, but it means everything to him. She's the calm presence in amongst his chaos.
No issue in their relationship has been too hard to tackle when they worked together through Spencer's personal problems so well. Nothing between them seemed insurmountable since Spencer's life was so tumultuous.
When he gets home from his case in LA, she's in the bedroom, checking his suit for Rossi's wedding the next day is in perfect condition. The ironing is crisp, not a single wrinkle on the fabric.  
He usually calls out when he enters the apartment door, both so she'll reply, and he'll know what room to navigate to, and so she doesn't freak out about hearing footsteps on the floorboards. 
This time, he doesn't. 
It's like his brain got torn out and is still sitting on the floor of a little jewelry store in downtown LA. His thoughts remain entirely occupied by the previous day's events. Even though the jet home was long, he didn't sleep for a second. It's 7 am East Coast Time now, but it feels like just a second ago, his world got rocked.
"You're back!" Y/n grins, still unaware of the grave news he's bearing. She searches through her jewelry box for a piece to complement her dress. Her final moments of blissful ignorance. "Okay, so I was thinking you might need to nap before the wedding since it'll probably go late- I mean, you know Rossi."
"Y/n." Spencer whispers, trying to stop her from spreading joy and being the life in his life. He absolutely does not deserve that, as he lies by omission. He speaks weakly on purpose, wanting to listen to her excited ramble despite knowing he needs to be honest and say something that will crush her.
She doesn't hear him, and hasn't looked at him hard enough to see his devastation. "But your suit is good to go. I've got some other stuff to do, so have a nap, and I'll have lunch ready when you're up."
"Y/n!" He snaps much too loud. 
Her eyes flick to his, and she knows something drastic has changed. Her stomach drops in dread as the air in the room turns stale.
"What?" She asks cautiously, voice wavering. Her heart thumps in her chest. "What is it, Spencer?"
"JJ said..." Spencer trails off, looking straight past his girlfriend. He's not brave enough to look at her directly. 
No more explanation is needed for it to click. 
Her whole world gets shattered instantly, everything she built with Spencer, every dream and hope she had with him, is destroyed in a second. 
Her stomach stays dropped so low it feels like it's weighing her down and that she could be physically sick. She feels paralyzed until tears start streaming down her cheeks. 
"Oh." She whispers, although it's as loud as a jet engine in the silent room. "Wow. Okay."
Spencer wanted more than that. He wants her to scream at him, telling him he should have stopped thinking he knew everything and listened when she was suspicious. Spencer would take any range of passionate emotions over the silence she's giving him as she processes it. He begs with his eyes for her to tell him what she's feeling. 
It's to no avail. 
He thinks he's getting somewhere when she stands up, that maybe she'll hug him or enquire about the cut on his hand. 
"What happens now?" Y/n asks, ignoring her own tears and his. She always cups his cheeks and wipes them up gently because seeing him in pain pains her. That's how love works.
"Y/n..." She needs him to say more that time. Her soft-spoken name leaving his lips is bad news.
She forces herself to nod and swallow down her distraught tears. "It's okay. I know." It would hurt to hear him admit it, but she might think he's not a coward. 
Now Spencer's paralyzed, watching his nightmare play out in front of him, and he's incapable of preventing it, of making her stay. 
Her delicate, shaking fingers unclasp her necklace, and the 18k gold chain with an 'S' pendant burns a hole in her hand before she thrusts it into his. 
It's warm against his cold hands, a sign it's not where it should be. It's supposed to be daintily sitting on Y/n's chest, near her heart, for the rest of forever.
"No." He finally says, gasping a breath out. "What are you-"
She cuts him off before he talks for too long and causes her to remain so in love with him that she can overlook a massive problem. "You love her." She voices what they've been dancing around. It's an ugly, hurtful truth. "You might be in love with me, but you love JJ more than you should."
Spencer shakes his head, frantically denying the claim they both know is factual. As awful as it is, he's thought about a future with JJ on more than one occasion and during a long-term relationship. It's not that he wants to be with her- which would be a complicated mess and break everyone involved hearts- but something between them remains unresolved. All because of two tickets to see the Redskins.
Y/n speaks before he can, tilting her head upward as she tries to brush back some of her tears. "Don't lie to me, Spence. Please don't." 
He figures he owes her that much. Nothing he could say would fix the torpedo that ripped through their relationship. So he doesn't protest or fight for their relationship as she readies to leave him.
"I'll go now and get some stuff once you've gone out." She decides.
Her stuff which means she's planning on separating everything, and he'll never see her things again. Never mind the possessions- he might never see her again.
There's no point in making a case for her to come to Krystall and Dave's wedding when she only knows them through him, but Spencer isn't sure how he'll be able to sit through a ceremony and speeches and dinner and drinking and dancing- where everyone's feeling the love- when all he would have been thinking about is how it should be his turn next. It sounds like torture.  
Spencer stands there, horrified and helpless, as she slips past him. "Goodbye, Spence." 
And just like that, she's gone. 
It's surreal. 
Surely- surely- the love of his life hadn't just walked out the door and left him. That can't have happened.
He doesn't even feel overly tired, but he must be so sleep-deprived that he's imagining things. Having visions is a less scary thought than Y/n leaving. 
The surreal feeling and eerie silence deepen, and he quickly collapses on the couch from overwhelming fatigue, hoping the past hours have been a terrible nightmare. 
When he wakes and calls out for Y/n, quickly realizing she's not there and his worst fear has come true, Spencer sobs. He cries so much through getting ready for the wedding that his cheeks are blotchy, and his eyes blood shocked as he looks at himself in the mirror. He looks terrible, but he feels so much worse. It's emptiness. His eyes look dull, his hair scruffy, and his heart aches. 
Her dress is still there- dark blue that compliments his suit, but it's matchy-and it hangs in the wardrobe on a coat hanger from the dry cleaner, taunting him. Spencer's hand comes to cup his mouth as panic and nausea rock his stomach. Y/n should be wearing the dress and beside him the whole afternoon while they celebrate love. Something's amiss, and he hopes no one calls him on it because he will, without a doubt, break down in sobs.
Germs feel permanently on him, and he's guilt-ridden. Sure, JJ's words in LA weren't his fault, but- fuck- he should have said something to stop the love of his life from walking out under the wrong impression that he loved someone else.
He makes a beeline for Penelope at the bar to avoid being around JJ and get some alcohol in his system so that maybe everything will hurt less.
She looks pretty, but Will gazes at her like she hung the moon, and Spencer quickly realizes he could never feel that way. Her glances across the room at him piss him off, whereas Y/n's would make him blush.
"No Y/n?" Penelope asks, looking disappointed when he walks over alone. 
That's the reaction his amazing potentially-ex-girlfriend inspires in his friends. People love her for her warmth and humor, and Spencer's sure the team is grateful someone's making him smile. 
"Unfortunately not." Spencer grimaces as he gets the lie out. "She's sick." Or, more likely, bawling her eyes out at her friends because her boyfriend is a jerk, Spencer figures. He would feel worse for lying if it were possible. 
"Oh damn, I have heard there's a bad flu." Penelope easily believes the lie.
"What are you making?" Spencer asks, redirecting the conversation to the cocktails she's expertly whipping up. 
The wedding is small, which Spencer's sure is appropriate for a fourth or third round 2. It feels wrong to be there without Y/n. If he's eventually going to have one of these with her, surely he should be looking at the flower arrangements while she notices hair options. Not judging, just getting ideas.
It would be nothing like JJ and Will's wedding. Y/n would hate a surprise wedding with no choice in decor or food, even though it's romantic in theory.
He could never marry someone like JJ. He could never marry JJ. 
She's a real person. That seems to be a fact he keeps forgetting when he thinks about a future with her. She can't be the idealized version of her from his 24-year-old self's fantasy, and with her sitting no more than 20 feet from him, he's positive she's not who he's compatible with.
It's worse at the speeches. Emily stands with perfectly crafted words, and Spencer's almost in tears when the story verges from being Dave-and-Krystall specific.
"...that this was fate." His running thoughts halt at Emily's words. "...that their marriage was in the stars."
That's him and Y/n. They lived a block from each other in DC but had to travel three and a half thousand miles across the Atlantic Ocean to meet. That's fate. He recalls her laughter when he joked that the universe got sick of them not finding each other and forced them together. And the subsequent, love-filled conversation where they decided soulmates, and twin flames, must be real because they are the embodiment of the term.
Rossi is always a high-roller at Vegas casinos. There was no doubt he'd meet a blackjack dealer. It's not fate the way he and Y/n are fate.
He's always been sure she's the one, but this is the ultimate determining tool.
They have to be together. Spencer and JJ had bottled up their crushes without voicing them for more than a decade, and that's why it messed with his brain so much. Emily talking about confessions taking time to work out is not about them.
His fingers play with the tablecloth as he drafts a speech of his own, one that will set things right. He's too antsy to enjoy the rest of dinner or dessert. All he's thinking about is how soon he can leave- of course, after wishing the happy couple well. 
Spencer knows where she is. The doorbell camera already notified him when she had arrived at their apartment, which might now be an invasion of privacy.
It's a bit of a drive to get home, and he's thankful he stopped at one cocktail so he wouldn't do something stupid, like yell at JJ in front of their friends. As mean as it sounds, he doesn't have emotion to waste on her. It's all poured into love for Y/n. 
He doesn't have time to wait for the elevator, taking the stairs three at a time.
"Y/n!" He calls out as soon as he swings open the door. His heart pounds in his chest thanks to his poor athleticism, but mostly because this is the most important thing he'll ever do in his life.
"Yeah?" She replies, her voice coming from the bedroom as she steps out
She looks heartbroken seeing him, destroyed by the damage he caused over the last ten hours, and there's no way this can be how he leaves her, that this can be the last time he sees her.
"Don't say something that hurts." Spencer can tell Y/n's trying to be firm, but she's begging. There is no way he can ever hurt her.
"I won't." He swears. It's tense, and he feels award standing there. "Y/n, I-"
"I told you." She reminds him, referencing one conversation he's been thinking about. She was so good at dropping it after he offered her unknowingly untrue reassurance. Her plan to let him do the talking flies out the window, and she can't help releasing the brewing emotions. "I knew she loved you and hoped you didn't love her back. And now everything is fucking mess, and I just didn't think that you would do that."
"I don't love her that way." Spencer declares, and he doesn't feel guilty because he's not lying.
Y/n rolls her eyes. "You owe me the truth."
He tentatively steps closer, and she doesn't stop him. "I don't look at JJ and see my future. She's not the person I think about when I see an old couple walking down the street. I don't know the songs she listens to when she's sad or the correct amount of syrup she likes on her pancakes. I don't know the number of her childhood home or favorite piece of art in the Met. I'm not sure if she sings in the shower or if she ties her shoes with two loops. And I don't want to know any of that. You're the only person I ever want to know that personally. I don't love her the way romantic love works. But I didn't know that until I met you, and the very first day, I realized it was different. I know you said that, and I am so sorry I convinced you not to listen to your gut."
Y/n's crying by the end of his beautiful, naturally spoken words. He rushed to get it out, and she processes it for a minute. "Okay." She decides, accompanied by a choked sob.
Spencer frowns because he can't read her properly. "Okay?" He repeats softly. 
She steps forward, which has to be a good sign. "I need you to kiss me now." 
Spencer's crying too slightly as he closes the gap between them, cradling her face like he might shatter her in his palms. "Okay." He whispers, closing the distance between their lips without wasting another second. It's heavier than usual, holding a thousand unspoken words, but it feels like a resolution.
He holds her long after they've run out of air, finally feeling like he can breathe now that he's home.
"I am so in love with you." He tells her. "There is no one else I could ever be with."
She smiles softly back at him. "I'm in love with you too." She replies. "And this suit... you look very handsome."
He smiles widely. "You're the most gorgeous girl in the world." She doesn't bother reminding him that she's been crying and looks washed out. Spencer will forever insist that she is perfect. "Can I take you to dinner? Because I have missed you."
She nods. "I'd love that. And I have the perfect dress."
Tell me what you think
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How the Killers from DBD would react to you slapping their ass.
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Hey guys! Welcome to my silly DBD headcanons, this was just for fun, worked with a great buddy of mine @despacitobandito! <3 They helped me and we overall had a great time making this together so I hope you all get a good laugh out of this. Also! Apparently more killers have come out since Unknown’s release that I didn’t write down during the making of this, sorry for missing any new killers! Other than that, I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 390
CW: Crack headcanons, nothing graphic, some reactions you’d expect from a slasher, contains killers up to Unknown!
Evan MacMillan - Trapper
• Insulted that you would ever touch his fine juicy ass.
Philip Ojomo - Wraith
• “Oh..!” You both are really awkward afterwards. Like just awkwardly staring at each other in silence.
Max Thompson Jr. - Hillbilly
• He’s genuinely startled by you slapping his ass, a little flattered probably.
Sally Smithson - Nurse
• Your hand phases through her and she slashes the shit out of you.
Michael Myers - Shape
• The thousand yard stare before he’d stab you in the face.
Lisa Sherwood - Hag
• *Minecraft skeleton noises.*
Herman Carter - Doctor
• *Farts electricity and electrocutes you.*
Anna - Huntress
• Stops humming. Run. Dude just run.
Bubba Sawyer - Cannibal
• Squeals and cries, you touched his no-no square.
Freddy Krueger - Nightmare
• Turns into literal dust because that’s what he deserves.
Amanda Young - Pig
• Instant bear trap, you don’t even get to find the key, as soon as it’s on, it snaps.
Jeffery Hawk - Clown
• Burp and fart combo.
Rin Yamaoka - Spirit
• You cut your hand since she has a glass shard sticking out of her ass cheek.
Frank, Julie, Susie and Joey - Legion
• They all gang up on you and kick you on the ground, JoJo style.
Adiris - Plague
• She pukes on you, like a baby.
Danny Johnson - Ghostface
• He liked it so much that he hunts you down for you to do it again.
Kazan Yamaoka - Oni
• Feels his masculinity being threatened and he hunts you every game to beat you violently.
Caleb Quinn - Deathslinger
• You traumatized the old man.
Pyramid Head - Executioner
• Execution via guillotine.
Talbot Grimes - Blight
• Immediately tries to vore you but he can’t as he doesn’t have movement in his lower jaw.
Charlotte Deshayes - Twins
• Victor shoots out of her chest and mauls you.
Ji-Woon Hak - Trickster
• Promoted to side hoe and discord kitten that manages his social media; you’re forced to listen to his music on loop on Spotify. There is no escape.
• “S.T.A.R.S.” *blows you up.*
Elliot Spencer - Cenobite
• “I came.”
Carmina Mora - Artist
• Screeches and crows swarm you.
Albert Wesker - Mastermind
• Look of pure disappointment before he hooks you. “Look but don’t touch.”
Tarhos Kovács - Knight
• “Oh good heavens!” *His and him gang mori you.*
Adriana Imai - Skull Merchant
• She cyberstalks you and cancels you on Twitter/X.
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky - Good Guy
• Punted across the whole damn map.
• Snap, crackle, pop.
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slashersidewhore · 2 years
Slashers! S/O seeing them maskless for the first time
Slashers x gn!reader
Including Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair,
Requested: yes
Warnings: mentions of killing, beefy murder boyfriends, sprinkle of angst, that cute shit
Michael Myers
I think seeing him without a mask would take awhile, he’s not one to reveal much about himself
It would probably just be out of the blue as well
You’d be chilling on the couch, reading or going on your phone or something
Although you never really heard him approach you’d feel his… presence
Glancing up and caught off guard by the fact you’re looking at skin, not an emotionless face of blank white
Probably drop whatever you’re holding from the shock of it
Michael has a large scar across his eye, (and depending on which timeline this is in, maybe also burns)
I see him as someone who isn’t self conscious of looks, despite the mask wearing
The mask is a representation to how he feels in a way, blank, I mean we all know he’s not unattractive by any scale
He wouldn’t say anything either, just stand there staring at you waiting
If this OG Myers, your silence is irksome
If this is RZ Myers, your silence is indicating he’s made the wrong move
Either way both versions are somewhat comforted when you slide off the cushions to make your way over
Warm palms gently caress the sides of his face
Don’t think he’s gonna close his eyes and lean into your hand all cutesy though, no way
He’s just staring, expressionless, into your eyes
Maybe he serves a classic head tilt
Kinda like silently asking, “what do you think”
Of course you’d just smile and lean in for a kiss
It’s slightly one sided but that’s okay, you love your brick wall
Jason Voorhees
Honestly, it was probably an accident
Like he gets some kind of injury, or something similar in the facial region
So naturally when he’s finished with his… “work”, he goes to fix it up
And in order to do that, he removes his safeguard
Jason knows he was seen differently as a kid because of his deformity, the mask is his safety net, a way to look at his reflection without becoming sick
So when it’s perched on the bathroom counter top, and you come waltzing in, let’s just say he imagined this differently
Never wanted to see you without the hockey mask
Even to kiss, he would just place the plastic to your skin
But now it’s just…
It’s really awkward
I’m not even gonna lie
Y’all just standing there, eyes wide staring at one another, you could hear a pin drop
He lunges for the mask but is stopped by a hand clutching his own
You probably didn’t even mean to do it, your body just reacted naturally
Now Jason can’t meet your eyes, he’s staring at the ground in shame
Not wanting to push any boundaries and touch his face, you just tug on the hand in your grasp
Slowly but surely, he meets your eyes
He looks, very comfortable, like lord take me now level uncomfortable
He expects disgust in your eyes, and is caught off guard by the stars twinkling in them
His entire body relaxes
He shoulders drop, his hand clasps with yours finally
And the two of you continue to gaze at one another
Although this time, instead of it being awkward, it’s love
Thomas Hewitt
I’d imagine if Tommy trusts you, at some point he’d let you take it off
It would probably be after a long day, everyone is tired
Especially Thomas
He’d been working in the Texas heat for hours, and no matter how tough this man is, we all need a break eventually
You’re sat in your shared bedroom, on the bed, something keeping you occupied
In strolls the man himself
He’s clearly exhausted, even showered still smelling of the usual sweaty musk
Taking a seat on the mattress beside you, his hair is partially over his face as he angles it to you
The silence is peaceful, even with his usual heavy breathing
Your hands gently caress his leather covered cheeks, leaning in to press a kiss to the bare skin of his forehead
As you go to pull away, ready to turn in for sleep, a much larger hand lands on one of your own
Big, wide, and a dark blue eyes watch your expression shift as his hand guides yours to the straps at the back of his mask
Now, Tommy didn’t sleep with his mask on
That’s a safety hazard
But, he only ever took it off once it was dark in the room, and always put it on before you woke up
The current apprehension in his eyes was melting away as you gradually began to smile
And Tommy just loved seeing you smile
Unbuckling the tough straps, you were quick to lay the now unnecessary item somewhere beside the two of you
Hoyt must be one dumb son of a bitch if he’s calling the face before you ugly
He has no nose, more than a few scars you’ve heard about before scattered across his delicate skin
You can practically hear his heart beating out of his chest
In attempts to quell them, you grin, pressing a soft kiss to his chapped lips
Although this only makes it beat faster
Vincent Sinclair
Bo’s fault
Like 99.99%
Vincent isn’t shy, he’s just reserved, let’s be clear
But that doesn’t mean he feels completely confident in himself, especially when it comes to you
So imagine one day you’re just trying to find Vincent
And instead of silence you’re beginning to hear shouting, specifically Bo’s shouting, echoing down the hall
Then a sharp clank of something breaking
This only quickened your pace until you were standing in the kitchen as well
Vincent was kneeling over his once whole mask, now split down the middle
“Bo can you give us a minute”
You didn’t bother to pull your eyes from the man on the floor, placing a soft hand on his back as you heard footsteps leave the rom
Long, dark hair covered his features, body slouched in a way that couldn’t be comfortable
He never wanted you to see him like this
He knew he wasn’t blessed with visual beauty
He just didn’t want you to inevitability leave when you discovered what he always hid away
But your hand was firm on his back, careful yet making sure you he knew you were there
“Vincent, do you want me to leave?”
Honestly yes
He probably does want you to leave
Get this over with and let him realize he’s alone again
But for some reason he slowly shakes his head no
The palm on his back moves past his hair, cradling his disfigured jaw
You don’t jump from the odd texture of the scarring, nor the bumps and ridges
It anchors him enough to face you, prepared for anything
Although he wasn’t prepared for the little smile on your face
Or the way you shuffled closer so you could place a gentle, chaste kiss to his scarring
Requests are open!
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shallowseeker · 3 months
things I love about Cas and archangels
- cas traps raphael in holy fire and leaves him there, insults raphael often, promptly gets into fist fight with him even when he’s gonna lose (s5, 6)
- cas throws a molotov cocktail at michael in s5, in s15 he turns around and traps michael in a ring of holy oil, then entices him into an all-out brawl so he can mind whammy him
- after an awkward fall, cas’s dick and stoic demeanor intimidates gabriel into stunned silence, there are no jokey one-liners to be had, maybe a first for gabe (s14)
- cas gray rocks lucifer so hard lucifer probably wishes they’d get into a fist fight so he can kill cas again (s14), even when he wryly insults lucifer, cas is protected by his connection to jack and it’s a hilarious kind of immunity
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drvscarlett · 3 months
About You Pt 10
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
About You Series
A/N: the calm before the multi 21 lore. are you ready for it??? i would like to know how you guys feel about this
Taglist: @spideybv28@randomcuboidshape @mehrmonga @casperlikej @cliosunshine @honethatty12 @randomgirlnumber-13 @sugyomama @ririyulife @skywalker1dream @vicurious28 @khaylin27 @0710khj @its-elias-world @vizzzashley @allisonwoods @taytaylala12 @miarabanana @ceciii-b @lindsayjoy444
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2012, Winter break (December)
Even if Y/N was set on confessing after the Brazilian GP, she couldn't find Sebastian anywhere. She was a little bit upset by the loss of opportunity but Jenson assured that there may be another chance to do that again.
It was Christmas Eve when Sebastian Vettel appeared in front of her apartment. She was shocked that when she returned home after her morning jog, Sebastian was sitting outside her apartment door with a duffel bag. It gave her a deja vu of when Sebastian first won his WDC and he was out there waiting for her in her childhood home.
"You could have called me, what if I wasn't here"Y/N reprimanded.
"I called Michael and he told me the trip wasn't due till January. You are obviously not with Jenson as he is spending Christmas with his family. You are also not going home because I don't think you made up with your brother yet"Sebastian enumerates with a grin.
"You know everything about me, don't you"Y/N shakes her head.
"Well there are some things I still don't know about you"
Y/N frowned. With the amount of time spent together, it was obviously weird for Sebastian to miss out some details about her life especially with how attentive and updated Sebastian can be.
"Then go and ask away so you can satiate your curiosity" Y/N gave a green signal.
"This is more than the usual question and answer portion Y/N" Sebastian's tone was serious.
It was another rare occurrence. Sebastian was always the guy that laces his words with lightheartedness and some cheeky remarks. Seeing him go into his serious mode made Y/N put down her cup of hot choco.
"You know you could tell me anything"Y/N confirms.
Of course, Sebastian doesn't know it but Y/N is panicking. She wonders if Sebastian had already picked up her feelings and what if he doesn't reciprocate them. Things can go very awkward between them real quick.
"I wanted to ask something, please don't lie and just be real"Sebastian started "How do you feel about me?"
The blunt statement has Y/N taking a step back. She could hear a pin drop between the silence of the two of them. Sebastian seems to be waiting her answers and she was too scared to say the wrong words.
"You're my bestfriend Sebastian" the safest answer she could produce
"I know that but.."Sebastian closed his eyes "isn't there anything else you feel for me?"
What does he want me to say, Y/N mentally asked herself. She wonders if Sebastian was baiting her to tell her feelings. She is overthinking how this is all a very bad idea to do especially when Christmas is just a few hours away. Y/N couldn't simply deal with being heartbroken on Christmas day.
"Listen Y/N-"
"Seb I-"
The two chuckled as the tensions dwindles with the way they both spoke at the same time. It was like a perfectly timed comedy joke between the two of them.
"Let me go first and then I'll hear you out"Sebastian took the lead.
Y/N noticed how Sebastian's proximity has been closer with the way he gently held her hands. Her heart was pumping because she might be onto something special.
"I love you a lot"Sebastian laid it out, plain and simple.
"It has been a while since I harbored feelings for you. I am a coward and I have spent so many months and years trying to deny my feelings or running away from them but in the end I ended up looking for you every single time. Its you and it has always been you"
The words were english but it seems so foreign for Y/N's ears. She felt as if she was in an alternate reality because it seems unreal that Sebastian reciprocates her feelings.
"You like me?"Y/N repeated
"Like seems to be an understatement when I have been pining for you for years"Sebastian shyly admits "I think I love you now"
Her eyes looked at him to see if there was any malice or any false sense of hope that she can detect. She couldn't find any as his eyes were speaking to her genuinely.
Is this what love feels like?
"I understand that this is a lot for you to take in and I won't force things to work out if you are not ready. I am willing to wait and I am willing to make an effort to show you that I am sincere with my wishes"Sebastian started to ramble.
It was a funny sight because the usual overconfident driver was in a mess of words in front of a girl. Y/N gave him a kiss on the cheeks to assure him.
"I have feelings for you Seb"Y/N confessed "I have tried to tell you how I feel but it never seems to be a good timing and now you beat me to it"
Y/N could swear that Sebastian's pupils went wider as she was speaking. The look of disbelief in Sebastian's point of view is visible with his facial reaction.
"So are we like now together?"Sebastian awkwardly asked
There was still the pressing matter that Y/N's family is Mark aka Sebastian's teammate and his rival. It was still a little bit complicated if they will add the relationship into the mix.
"We can take this slow right?"Y/N wondered "I just don't want to rush things with all the tensions and problems"
Sebastian has already resigned with that idea that he has to keep the relationship on the low. But he was contented with that because now he knows how the both of them feel.
"We will take it slow then"
2013, Winter break (January)
"There is something different about the two of you"Michael noticed.
Sebastian felt like a deer caught in a headlights when his idol has suddenly popped out of the blue and had a pensive expression on his face.
"Maybe we are just adjusting to the alps altitudes" Sebastian joked.
Michael's eyes darted between Sebastian and Y/N. As a racing driver, it was like a second nature for him to be attentive of his surroundings as the slightest change could mean a lot to the whole competition. He believes that his years as a driver has given him keen insights to know if some relationships changed or leveled up.
"You confessed"Michael realized.
The evident blush on Sebastian was enough confirmation that Michael needs. He was absolutely thrilled by this information and he couldn't wait to tell his family all about it. They have been rooting for them for years.
"It happened Christmas eve and it sort of happened"Sebastian explains "But we're not currently with the labels as we are taking it slow so Mark doesn't freak out too much when we tell him"
"Tell me you confessed first"
"I did, how did you know that?"Sebastian was confused.
Michael just let out a loud laugh. He may have to call some of the grid drivers to tell them that they better prepare their money as they have lost big time. He was fairly certain that Sebastian would be the one to initiate a conversation and confess first.
"Good to hear, you just made a lot of us happy"
For Sebastian, it just felt surreal how he is conversing about Y/N as a special lady in his life. He felt giddy by the thought of it as he longingly looks at Y/N, who was currently playing with Gina and Mick.
"You are so down bad for Y/N"Michael observed "Young love"
"Was this how it feels when you met Corinna?"
When Sebastian tells you that Michael is his idol, he means that in every aspect. He admires him as a fantastic racing driver, as a family man, and even as a loving partner. He wanted to gain some insights as he didn't want to fuck up his relationship and Michael seems to have a good standing with how Corinna and him are going strong after all these years.
"How do you two manage your relationship?"Sebastian asked.
"I am very lucky as Corinna is very understanding and she would always love me through the good times and bad times. Being in a relationship with a driver is difficult as everything is placed under deep scrutiny but Corinna she loves me too much to be afraid of that"
Michael sits up straight as he felt like he was giving important life advices to his younger self.
"You really like Y/N, don't you?" Michael knew the answer to this.
"I love her at this point Michael"Sebastian's voice has no ounce of hesitation.
"Then let me tell you that you should always cherish her"Michael pointed out "Be loyal to her and fight for her. You never know what's coming but do this and its a guarantee that it will work out"
Their gaze drifted back to Y/N who was engaged in a snow fight with the kids. The thought in Sebastian mind crosses about maybe one day he will have kids of their own and they'll be having family trips like this with the Schumachers.
"If you two build a family, you better name the first born Michael"the older driver joked.
2013, Circuito de Jerez
It felt like a full circle moment when pre-testing season starts in Jerez. Seems like it was just yesterday that Y/N first encountered Sebastian in this same track and now a lot has changed.
"Penny for your thoughts?"Sebastian asked.
He gave her a kiss on the forehead as he gave her a cup of coffee. There was a certain lightheadedness that Y/N experience with the way Sebastian has been acting lovey dovey to her.
"We met each other in this circuit, do you remember?"Y/N informs.
There was a hint of confusement in Sebastian's face.
"As far as I could recall we first spoke in the Australian Grand Prix" Sebastian pointed out "I never knew you were already an admirer even before that point"
The teasing never seems to stop with Sebastian with his shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
"Go ahead and laugh but I'm not the one who confessed"
"That's fair I guess"Sebastian shrugged.
The two of them enjoyed the sound of the cars going around for the testing proper. It felt crazy how there is another upcoming season before them and Y/N could only pray for the the best.
"How are you feeling?"Y/N wondered "It seems like yesterday you're like that driver without a seat and looking to impress some teams with a single drive"
"Yeah I suppose it can feel weird that my future competitor might be somewhere over there" Sebastian thoughtfully stated.
"I'm sure Red Bull is dominating another season"Y/N is a boost of confidence for Sebastian.
The two of them spent the afternoon together as they watch some F2 drivers test their cars. Different teams definitely noticed the mix of the contrasting orange and navy uniform side by side with each other. It didn't take long before it reached Mark's intel.
2013, Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit
It wasn't until the Australian Grand Prix that Mark was able to meet Y/N in person. He have tried his best to reach out to her during the pre-testing season but she was surrounded by Sebastian or dragged into meetings with McLaren.
He really needs to speak to Y/N because he fears that she might be putting herself in a tricky situation.
"Y/N" The exhausted Mark finally saw her with a group of McLaren mechanics.
There was no Jenson or Sebastian anywhere near her so he might have a chance to speak with her freely.
"We need to talk, this is urgent"Mark's tone was a mix of begging and a command.
"Mark, you are not supposed to be here"one of the mechanics stepped up "Y/N we can call security if you-"
"That won't be necessary Ed, he is my brother and we'll just take a quick walk"Y/N interrupted.
The mechanics looked at Mark before meeting Y/N's gaze once again. They seem to be unsure about letting their employee go to the Red Bull driver regardless if he is her brother. But Y/N gave an okay signal and they left them all alone.
"You haven't spoken me for so long and now you are forcing me to talk to you"Y/N's voice was dull and without any excitement. Clearly she is still hurt by everything that transpired.
"I have been a bad brother, I know that"Mark admitted.
"Thanks for the obvious"
"But I'm here again because I don't want to be bad brother anymore"Mark added "I don't have the guts to see you feel more pain after everything I put you through"
Y/N stops on her tracks, she seems to understand that Mark knows something. She was scared that he might forbid her from forming any further relationship with Sebastian.
"You have to stop seeing Sebastian"
"What?"Y/N was furious "Who gives you a right to who should I and should I not date, this is so low of you Mark"
"Y/N please listen to me, I have my reasons to why you have to do this. Just listen to me"Mark was exasperated.
He is in the mental dilemma of telling her sister the plain truth of what he saw in Brazil. It will definitely crush her to know that she may be a third party in the relationship. Or he could not tell her and allow her to find out herself in the future which means more pain.
She may hate Mark forever but as an older brother he has to do this.
"I have heard you two have been going on and about but believe me Y/N, Sebastian is up to no good"Mark explained.
"You are just saying this without any grounds"
"Would you believe me if I told you things?" Mark rebutted.
There was a silence between them. Mark knew that he lost Y/N's trust a long time ago because of their unnecessary fighting. He doesn't know what he could do to make her trust him again.
"Did he ever tell you about what happened in Brazil 2012?"Mark wondered.
Y/N wavered as she realized that it was also that time that she was looking for Sebastian but he was nowhere to be seen. She felt curious to what Mark is implying with his statements.
"Stop speaking in riddles and tell me"
"You should ask Seb about it"Mark pushed "I cannot witness you to be in more pain than what he puts you through already"
The younger Webber cries out in frustration. She was so sick of Mark speaking vaguely and planting seeds of doubt in her head. She was finally happy and now Mark is ruining everything again.
"I don't understand any of this"Y/N was frustrated "Just tell me what's going on"
"Y/N I'm so sorry but I-"
"This is all just bullshit isn't it"Y/N lashed "You are just saying these things to further complicate things and prevent us from dating. Stop trying to fucking control my life Mark"
The exchanges of words reopened wounds that haven't healed. It was the first time that Y/N saw Mark tear up because of her words and she immediately regretted what she said.
"I am just doing what I know to protect you Y/N. I never meant to hurt you."Mark was fighting his tears but failing "I hope that when you know the truth then you can understand why I am doing this"
"Mark wait.."
But the Red Bull driver already walked away briskly.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 11 months
Castiel & Winchester!reader (platonic)
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: You get to meet everyone’s favorite Angel, and the two of you become besties.
Warnings: kinda strays from canon in places, I don’t have the episodes memorized guys.
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“You take care of her, ok?”
Up to this point, Castiel hadn’t taken much notice of the youngest Winchester; she wasn’t one of the vessels, so she was in no danger, and of little importance.
But at Dean’s words, Cas finally seemed to see you. You were just a kid, growing up around so much danger. And now Dean was placing you in his care.
“I will,” he promised both Dean and himself.
You didn’t say a word as Dean and Sam left. You understood why they had to go, and you had to stay; they were trying to hide from Michael and Lucifer long enough to formulate a plan, but if they were found, you would be a liability. You knew Castiel was the most capable being to protect you, but seeing as you didn’t know Cas very well, you weren’t exactly comfortable with this arrangement.
You didn’t know when you would see your big brothers again; aside from hell and Stanford, rarely had a day gone by where you weren’t with Sam and Dean.
“So what now?” You asked finally, and Castiel seemed to snap out of his daze.
“Now I take you somewhere safe.”
The day passed uneventfully, which Cas took as a good sign. What wasn’t a good sign was the fact that Cas couldn’t think of a single thing to say to you, and he could tell the silence was making you antsy. Well, that and the fact that your brothers were on the run from two archangels.
He found a motel in the middle of nowhere to stop at, and he waited rather impatiently while you got some sleep. The further he could get you from Sam and Dean, the safer you would be, but Dean had decided non-angelic modes of travel were safer, as archangels weren’t that familiar with backroads and crappy motels.
Cas woke you up early, surprised when you seemed exhausted—wasn’t four hours enough? That’s what Dean claimed he got. You followed Cas regardless, although your eyes were drooping before he even started the car.
For the next several hours, Cas couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that he was forgetting something. He kept doing a mental checklist—he had you, you’d slept, you’d showered, you had your phone, you had extra clothes—but it did nothing to rid him of the feeling. The last thing he wanted was to mess this up, the boys had been so reluctant to part from you. What was he doing wrong?
Cas turned his head to look at you when you spoke. He had barely heard you, as you spoke slightly above a whisper, your voice timid and hesitant. Were you scared of him?
“What is it?” He asked.
“I—um…I-I know we’re in a hurry, but, um…could we get some food?”
Oh no.
“I knew I forgot something,” Cas hissed under his breath, sighing in annoyance. You, who hadn’t been able to make out his words and only saw the annoyance, instantly backed off.
“I-I mean if there isn’t time I-“
“No, no,” Cas insisted. “Of course we have time, you need to eat. I’m sorry, I forgot.” A thought crossed Cas’s mind. “Did you eat yesterday?”
“Um…no,” you replied, still timid.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I-I didn’t want…um, I know that you’re-you’re trying to help me get away so-so I, um…”
You seemed unable to form full sentences, and Cas once again wondered what he was doing wrong to make you so nervous.
“If you need anything, I want you to ask,” Cas interrupted.
You just nodded and went back to looking out the window. Once Cas got you fed and back on the road, he made himself a promise. He had to do better, even though it was awkward and he had no clue how to talk to you. Clearly the silence of the last two days had made you nervous, so intimidated by the angel protecting you that you didn’t even want to communicate basic needs.
“I’m sure we’ll have you back to your brothers in no time,” Cas began.
You smiled weakly at him. “Yeah. And you can get back to your angel stuff.” You ducked your head suddenly. “I’m-I’m sorry you got stuck babysitting. I know you’d rather be finding a way to defeat Lucifer and Michael with Sam and Dean.”
Cas was silent for a few seconds.
“Well, it’s true I would like to help them. But keeping you safe is more important.”
You scoffed, “Me? Why?”
Cas was surprised. “We all care about you. We don’t want you caught in the crossfire.”
“And why would an Angel care what happens to me?”
“Because you’re my friend.”
That brought you up short.
“I…I am?”
“Of course.”
“I-I thought…” again you were unable to look at Cas. “I-I just kinda thought that you agreed to this to placate Sam and Dean…be-because you need them on your side.”
Cas wasn’t sure whether to feel bad for you or be offended. “You thought that?” He could tell that his hurt was bleeding into his tone. You noticed it too.
“I-I mean you’re an angel,” you quickly explained. “You have way more important things to worry about than me.”
“So…so you thought that I didn’t care about you…and you didn’t blame me for it?”
You just shrugged.
Cas didn’t know what to say. He most certainly couldn’t just fix your self image issues, he wasn’t equipped for that, but he could at least assure you of one thing.
“Well it’s not true. I do care about you, and that’s why I’m here. I want you to be safe.”
You didn’t respond, but Cas could see the smile you were trying to hide.
Something clicked after that. Cas didn’t know what it was, or how it happened, but suddenly the awkward silence between the two of you disappeared, replaced by non-stop conversation.
He told you all about heaven and some angels that had been his friends, you told him all about your human experience, and explained to him some general human things that he still hadn’t managed to grasp.
“So…tweeting is no longer just about birds?”
“Nope, now it’s an internet thing. I don’t think we should get you into that, though.”
“That’s probably wise,” Castiel agreed.
All too soon, things changed again. After a couple of weeks on the run, you again became withdrawn and quiet. A whole day went by without a single word spoken before Cas finally decided to address the issue.
“You’ve been quiet.”
When it became clear that this was the only answer Cas would get, he persisted.
“What’s the matter?”
“I’m worried,” you sighed. “And I…I miss Sam and Dean.” Cas heard the strain in your voice when you mentioned your brothers.
“They’re fine, they called just last night. I’m sure you’ll see them again soon.”
“It’s been weeks, Cas, and we’re no closer to an answer. It’s starting to seem like…like we’re just gonna run until we burn out.”
“You can’t think like that,” Cas said.
“Why not, if it’s true?”
“It’s not,” Cas insisted. “We have to have faith.”
“In what?”
“In Sam and Dean. We—you have to trust that they’ll to anything—anything—to get back to you. They’ll find a way, and you’ll see them again soon.” Cas promised as he pulled the car into yet another motel. He stepped out, and you with him. You were quiet for a minute before—
“Hey…hey Cas?”
You hesitated, staring at the angel for a moment before making a decision. You lunged forwards, wrapping your arms around your new best friend.
Castiel smiled as he brought his arms around you, holding you as though he could hug away all your worries and loneliness.
“Of course, little one.”
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orionlain · 11 months
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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏: link
𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐧
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫, 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫, 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: reader is of age note: do not let his dick fool you he is a bad man
𝐖𝐢𝐟𝐞? 𝐍𝐨, 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
As you went in, William had his arm around your body which was covered in a towel. He held you close, while your wet feet slowly stepped onto the carpet. From an outsider's point of view, William seems like a friendly older man helping his son's friend. But you knew better. And he knew better too. Only Michael would stare at you two, with a small flash of alarm in his eyes, while the rest of the kids stare at the television. His father gave him a smile, which felt genuine, but Michael felt an uneasy feeling he couldn’t explain. Williams' smiles always left him unsettled. Always had him thinking. It had been since he was young. And this was no different, as he sat on the couch powerless. 
As you went into the bathroom to change from your purple swimsuit, you heard the door locking behind you. You glance to the source of the sound, there stood William eyeing you up and down, leaning against the tiled walls. “Now. I wanted to be with you privately.” He says, deeply in his baritone voice. 
“Didn’t want to have a conversation with all those interruptions. Can you blame me dear?” A rich chuckle left out of his mouth. It sounded comforting, but the way he peers at you could say otherwise. He gradually walked closer, and once he was finally near you, his stare went down to your doe face. “I just wanted alone time with you, love. That’s all.” 
You nodded to his words, however it almost made you nervous. But you can trust Mr. Afton. Right? He was such a nice man. His praise, and his charm. His touch, and his words. You can trust him. Right? 
“Do you need help with those straps?” He said kindly, his figure towering over you. Dwindling you so much more– his company becoming domineering. You look up at him, and give him an awkward nod. “That be.. Uh, great.” He hums in response and comes closer to you, putting his fingers right near the tight ribboned straps on the shoulder. You could smell the wisp of cigarettes and whiskey from him, reminding you of the time he made you moan in the kitchen months ago. Reminding you of the time of how he deflowered you on that damn table. You look down to the ground, trying to shake off the thought, but you could feel your cheeks becoming heated. It also didn’t help that you could smell the scent of his cologne. Expensive, refined and strong. Fitting for him. 
As he unties the straps of your swimwear you could feel yourself being backed against the marble countertop where the sink resided. The space between you two is becoming less and less. The deafening silence between you two is becoming more and more. The only sounds were your breath and the rustling of fabric within his hands. “You know..” William suddenly said, breaking the tension. 
“I missed you.” You immediately look up to him as he says that, your eyebrows in a confused furrow. “Missed me.?”
“Yes. Missed you.” He answered, with a smirk on his face. He then chuckles harshly, “God, I missed you.. I missed your face, your smile, your eyes. That scent. That voice. I missed it all– I was loosing my fucking mind.” Your mouth agape, as you continue stare eye to eye. 
“Do you know how hard it is for me? Do you know how much I crave you? God.. Every night without you, I was stroking myself thinking about you. Thinking about that first time, where I saw your pretty face in tears and your pretty body all covered in marks.” 
He started to hastily take the straps of your swimsuit, as he continued to hushedly speak. Impatient. Starved. “I dreamed about you, you and your lips screaming my name. Your eyes rolled back, your hands trembling, your thighs all slick and wet. Love, do you understand how I have to take you again? 
Nothing came out of your mouth. But you stared at him, face all red and body against the counter. Like the time he trapped his body against you to take the flour from the cabinets. Like the time he held you against the kitchen table. He took the last strap off, and finally your top was exposed. He stared at your chest for a good second, until he looked up at you. A smile spread upon his face, but it wasn’t a polite one. A more, perverse one. It was a wolf in bunny clothing. 
“William, I-” And before you could even speak in response to his question, he held your wrist and planted his lips against yours. Hungry. Famished. He continued to kiss you as you were pressed against the sink, while you breathed heavily. You could feel his hands trailing up on your body, and immediately starting to rub your tits in up and down motion. “Fuck.” He mumbled in between kisses, “Fuck, fuck. Christ! Do you know what you do to me? I’m a bad man, doll. You shouldn’t tease bad men.” 
You kissed back, trying to keep up but William kept on going deeper into your mouth. “I-I teased you?”
“Yes. You teased me. You teased me, when I saw you in that cute little white sweater and skirt of yours. You teased me, when I saw you in that purple swimsuit. You teased me when my son was all over you!” His hand on your wrist becomes even more tighter, and his words turn into harsh sentences, as he kisses you more and more. He laughed, sinister sounding. “I need to take you. I love pretty things, darling. And, you are a pretty thing I want to take. I have to.” 
“Will you let me, darling?” His voice suddenly turned into warm honey, as he gazed into your eyes. His mouth was still close to yours, but pulled away. You could see the trail of saliva between you two. His eyes, gray and piercing, almost sweet looking. But that sweetness was laced with venom. He knew it. You didn’t. 
You nod. He hums, and chuckles. “That's it, that’s my pretty girl.” He then put you against the counter, and plated his lips on your neck. Putting kisses one by one, trailing down from your collarbone, then down your chest. Marks all over you. It was a claim. It was a possession. His head was now near your lower torso, kissing your lower abdomen, then his mouth near your inner thighs. “I wonder how you taste.. Will you taste as sweet as I remember? Hm?” 
He then put your bikini bottom to the side, and started to insert his fingers right in. It was as tight as he remembers. 
“Oh darling.. I’m so glad. You really didn’t let anyone fuck you after I did.” He chuckles, and starts to move his fingers back and forth in and out motion. “H-ha.. M-Mr. Aftonn!” 
“Already whimpering? My, my.. You’re still so sensitive, even after all these months?” You nodded shyly but you continued to whine. Almost falling apart by just his hands. He laughs, amused from seeing how quick you were to give in. He then starts going into a faster motion, and puts his lips against your pussy. Putting his tongue, licking up and down. Your fingers clenched against the rim of the counter, your eyes watering as you pant. You could feel some of the pressure going against your clit. “Needy, needy. Aren’t you?” He tutted, still having his face between your thighs.
You could feel your feet standing up on its toes, as you grasp the sink. The noises coming out of you were lewd and filthy. He continues to chuckle from your reactions. “Oh bunny, I don’t think you’ll ever moan like this with a boy your age. They won’t ever make you feel this good. No, no, not like how I do.” 
You shake your head no. He was unfortunately right. You could tell that this was a man so experienced, dealing with your body which was untouched and untainted. Will a boy in your high-school hit your g-spot continuously with just his fingers? Will a boy your age make you squeal and squirm just from his tongue? Maybe, but it was much more certain that pleasure will come when an older man fingers and licks you stupid. All the while as you were hazed, he continues to plunge his tongue more, shaking his head down and up. “Mr. Afton— ghh, a-ah! ah- I’m gonna—“ 
You felt yourself tensing up, and your eyes water. The pressure getting worse, it was pleading for release. “You going to cum, hm?”
“Yes– yes! I’m gonna– cum! Mhm!” You practically plead under his touch and mouth. You couldn’t handle it. His tongue goes back and forth, while his thumb stimulates your clit. All you could do was whine helplessly as he worked on you. 
“Aww..” He stopped. “Too bad.” 
You felt his fingers and his tongue pulling away from you. You let out a sharp gasp, with tears streaming down your face, desperate and wanting from your ruined release.. “N-no.. no.. I was so close.”
“You think you deserve to cum, hm?” He laughed, as he pats your cheek in a mocking manner. “I don’t think you do. Not after being such a teasing little slut.”
“You’ll cum. But only when I tell you to.”
As soon as he says that, he grabs your body and makes you face your back. Your stomach laying onto the sink countertop, with the mirror in view. You could see yourself, flushed and dazed, almost dumb from his touch. Were you that easy?
“Look at you, sweetheart.” He said, a tone smug and proud. “So dazed. Your pretty little head couldn’t take much of it, yeah?”
You nodded, humiliated from his words sent to your ear in a whisper. He hums in approval, pleased to see you so obedient, so cute for him. Then, he wraps his fingers around your neck. His calloused touch against your soft skin, making your back jolt. You could feel it tighten around you. While it does, your eyes widen, looking at him in the mirror, seeing that cruel grin on his face. 
“When I’m done with you, I assure you, you won’t be able to say anything but my name.” He says, in a quiet voice behind your back, you couldn’t see him, but you could hear the lust coming out from his words. Immediately, he puts himself inside you- touching the deepest part. You let out a loud moan— eyes all crossed and teary. 
“Ah, ah, ah.. Shh. You don’t wanna let my kids hear you, do you? Keep quiet.” 
His hands tightened around your neck, almost choking your moans out. You could feel your chords restricting, your eyes being all fogged up, as you look into the mirror at your disheveled state. Every thrust, every inch sent a tingle down to your stomach, all the while his other hand covered your mouth. The noises coming from your pussy were obscene, loud– it was embarrassing. You felt shameful– but god, why did it have to feel so good? 
You could feel yourself turning pale, a bit lightheaded from the cut off air. “Look at you, turning a pretty shade of blue, hm?” He mocked.
Even if it was humiliating, you could feel more heat pooling down in between your legs. How could a man so seemingly polite, be so filthy with his words? He laughs at your response, going faster at you. The pace was brutal, hitting every ridge of your insides. You could feel yourself clenching around him, as you gripped the rims of the sink. He grabs your face, forcing yourself to look at the mirror as you get pounded against the counter. His touch is harsh and cruel, as your cheeks pucker up. 
“You see that?” He hummed, as he made you look at the glass. You see your state. Dazed, drooling, whimpering, whining. “That's the face of a little slut. A tease who likes to fuck older men, and pant just from a simple touch.” 
He pushes against you more, hitting your g-spot. “The face of a whore who knows that no boy her age will make her scream like I do. The face of a pretty little thing who knows that her best friend can’t fuck her like I do. The face of my girl who belongs to me.” He said against your ear, fanning his breath. He peppered your cheeks with soft kisses as you kept on whimpering and crying. 
“Mr. Afton- it’s so good! It's so-so– a-ah! S-so deep– so much!” You said between pants, a bit muffled from his hand covering your mouth. Tears streaming down your face. “I know, darling, I know.” He says sweetly, contrasting from the harsh grip and fucking he’s giving you, he kisses your tears away, licking them up on your cheek. 
He took his hand away from your mouth, taking the other away from your neck. Allowing you to finally whine and babble under him. Writhing beneath him as your breasts are pressed against you, your hands fumble against the surface, immediately reaching to grab the faucet. More tears fall down your face, as you feel his fingers interlocking with your hair, you could feel your scalp burning as he grabs it. You let out a sharp gasp- your breath becoming shorter every second. 
“That's it, cry for me, baby.” You keep on moaning out, all you could do was mumble his name over and over again. The only thing that was in your mind, was the way your pussy is being filled, the way his dick rides you in and out, the way your eyes were all crossed and teary for him. “Such a good girl, taking me so well. You were made for me.” 
“I can feel your pussy milking me– are you gonna cum, sweetheart? Hm?” He chuckles, you could see him in the mirror, towering your trembling body. “I-Im gonna cum–c-cum- Mr. Afton!” 
“Go ahead, pretty girl.” You immediately spilled all over him, the fluids dripping your thighs. His name being let out from your parted lips, your body shaking against the cold surface. But he keeps on going– oh god, he’s still going? You should’ve learned from your mistakes last time, you should’ve known that Afton wouldn't let you go for one round, but here you are, feeling your overstimulated insides thrusted in and out. 
“Noo- no- please, please, please–” You said in broken whines. “It’s so much, I can’t take it-” You feel your cheek being slapped, it wasn’t harsh, but it definitely made you let out a shriek. 
“Ah, ah, that’s not how it works. You keep on taking it like a little slut. Go on. Keep taking it.” He demanded, even trailing his other hand near your clit. Rubbing it up and down, just to get your body to shake more and more. Your words become even more incoherent, you let out only pleas and his name. “Mr. Afton! Mr. Afton- is that all you can say, darling?” He chuckles, amused from your needy state. 
“What a pathetic little thing. Earlier on, you were begging to cum when I was fucking you with my tongue- now you can’t take it anymore?” He taunted, his words feeling fire to your skin. “You don’t know what you want, do you, whore? You just get all so dumb and slutty for me.” 
You let out more whines in return, you could feel your head resting against the skin, as your drools seeped onto the surface. Your eyes were hitting the back of your head, your grip on the faucet being looser as you got used. His hand circles on your clit, eliciting even more sharp gasps, causing you to get tighter. His grunts can be heard behind you. 
“G-god.. Your cunt is getting real tight. M-mhm.” The first time you hear him break into a moan. You felt so good around him, he couldn’t get enough of it. If you weren’t in such a dumb state, you would’ve felt a bit proud for getting that reaction out of him. 
Both you and William, pant and whine. Bodies colliding, sweat rolling down from the face, lips parted and out of breath. You were in a much more ruined state though, as you looked at the mirror, body all splayed out and marked. Neck ridden with hickeys, thighs covered in bruises. Tears streamed down, as you felt your head becoming empty each second. All of his work on you. 
“I hear you getting louder again. So noisy. I can’t take it- it's so much! Do you hear how desperate you sound? How much of a slut you’ve become?” He laughs, but you could tell the brutal pace had an effect on him too. His breath became much more heavy, his hand around hair gripping a bit harder. He continues to go at full speed, his head against the back of your neck. “No man will ever make you feel this much, hm? You need this. Say it. Say it, whore.” 
And even in your incoherent, fucked silly state, you parted your lips and whined out to him as he commanded. “I need this– I need it.. No boy– no boy will make me feel this much– t-this- ah- good! I need you, need, need, please Mr. Afton- please, W-William!” 
“That's right. And you wont be such a slutty fucking tease, right? You’ll be a good girl for me?” He hushed, going in more and more. Rubbing your clit fast. “I’ll be a good girl– I’ll be good, I’ll be good! Please, please please– I need to-” 
“Cum?” He finished your sentence, with a wide smirk on his face. You frantically nodded your head and he hummed in approval. “Look at yourself in the mirror, as I count down.” 
“1.” His fingers stroked against your clit in circles. You see yourself, hiccupping with sobs.
“2.” His mouth against your neck, biting you as it spills a bit of red. You see yourself whining, your throat sore and weak.
“3.” His last thrust inside of you, hitting you deeply. You see yourself, mouth agape and eyes all stunned. 
You let out a loud whine. Your hands fumbling to grab his dress shirt, as you moaned into the sinks surface. Legs shaking, and hands trembling, feeling your body all becoming jelly and weak. You felt yourself slowly sliding down to the floor all tired and used. William puts a towel around you and makes you look up at him, with a big smirk on his face. “Good job darling. Now.. I think it's time to come along, no?
You nodded your head tiredly. And stood up with a stumble, the towel grasping around you. He opens the door for you, as he grasps your back softly. You came outside of the bathroom, and there sat Michael on the couch, sleeping peacefully. You feel the older man's hand on your shoulders as you look at his son, Williams' dark smile directed towards you, making sure he knows that you’re his. He whispers into your ear, “Don’t let Michael ever fool you, that I’m taking you away from him. Using you. That's a lie.”
Only he knew if it was.
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iwashieonhiatus · 10 months
"𝗗𝗔𝗗𝗗𝗬'𝗦 𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘!"| 𝗕𝗟𝗟𝗞 (girls' dads)
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ft. bachira, reo, michael, barou, rin.
a/n: BLLK AS DADS IS BACK! Working with children is softening me and I can only think of them as dads!
❣️​ BACHIRA ❣️​
You checked on your two children, since Bachira insisted he would teach your daughter how to ride a bicycle, but there was a worrying silence. When you got to the backyard, you didn’t know whether to laugh or be indignant. “Meguru! You promised to teach her!” You screamed and your daughter came running up to your legs. “She has to learn visually first.” Bachira replied, smiling as he played on the bike too small for his size, and your daughter told that she hadn’t learned, since her father didn’t get off the bike. You got into a fight with him and he stuck his tongue out at both of you, calling the little one a “mini loose-tonged!”.
You walked towards the whisper, wondering what it would be, until you found the youngest daughter sitting on the couch, arms crossed and face frowned and Reo kneeling on the floor, hands clasped together and a sad expression. “What’s going on here?". Reo looked at you, glassy eyes and pouting. “She doesn’t want to play with daddy anymore.” You raised an eyebrow and your daughter answered, still with her arms crossed. “I’m not a baby anymore, Dad!” and Reo turned to her, indignant. “You’re still my baby!” she got off the couch and Reo followed her, interrogating her with “Why don’t you play with your daddy anymore?”, “Don’t you love me anymore?”, “Daddy loves you so much that’s why I wanna play with my baby!”, letting you observe that awkward interaction with a smile on your face.
“Michael, don’t look at her like that!” You whispered, snuggling one of your daughters into your lap while Michael held the other in his arms. Apparently, they had discovered favoritism and had chosen sides. “They were so attached to me, and now she just wants to know about you. She doesn’t even remember that he has a father!” He had a pout and was still rocking the other twin carefully so as not to wake her. “She understood her father is a bore.” Michael gasped, moving closer to you. “Take it out now! I’m the coolest dad in the world. Take it out!” He spoke a little louder. They both woke up and started crying. He looked at you and you put the other twin in his arms. “It’s a chance to show what a cool dad you are, Michael. Luck!” and left, leaving him with his copies.
“Do it calmly and gently, shortly, otherwise the dirt will be left behind.” Barou teach his daughter how to sweep, the pink apron written ‘king’ and the daughter with a copy written ‘princess’, she would nod in agreement, doing as her father instructed and you would watch the two of them from the couch, thinking about how he was turning her into a mini cleaning freak like him, or, she had already been born with it and he was just getting better.
You woke up scared, lying on the couch and without your daughter in your arms. You ran around the house until you found Rin rocking and singing while she slept, clutching his uniform. You smiled at the scene; Even though he arrived late and tired, without taking a shower, he made time for your daughter. You hugged him, resting your head on his shoulder, your eyes heavy with fatigue and he kissed your forehead, whispering a “you did well”. The comfort of the moment making you relax, hugging him and your daughter.
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© iwashie 2023, please do not translate, modify or republish my works
(divider➝ @cafekitsune )
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jungkookstatts · 2 years
When She Loved Me
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[Summary]: How does one live when life is bound to end? 
[Theme]: Terminally Ill Reader, Non Idol AU, CEO Jungkook AU, Engaged AU, Married AU
[Rating]: 18+ for sexual themes and innuendoes, a truly heart wrenching piece. Please read with caution and with full intent to break your own heart. 
[Word Count]: 11,265
[A/N]: I truly broke my soul with this one. If you really want to cry, listen to my muse for this piece: “When She Loved Me” by Sarah McClain (yes, the one from Toy Story) or "Stuff We Did" by Michael Gaicchino (from UP)
It’s spring — your favorite time of year. The air is brisk, but the sun warms his skin despite the chill in the air.
He watches the cherry blossoms fall dramatically as the wind pushes through the branches of the trees. They flow through his hair, catching on his clothes and his skin. 
He thinks about you as they whirl around the city, wondering if you’re able to see the blossoms through your window.
Jungkook doesn’t have to check into the hospital anymore. He’s become a regular there. In fact, he’s come so often, he knows the names of all the nurses on your floor. Jungkook is a friendly guy, and he’s come to know each nurse quite well.
Your personal nurse, Nurse Sandy, greets him as he makes an appearance on the 4th floor. Jungkook gently wraps his hand around the knob to your room, just about to push it open until she speaks.
“You won’t find her in there, love,” she smiles. She finishes cleaning up an area on a movable cart before she officially turns his way. “She’s up on the roof,” she points to the door at the end of the hallway.
“Ah,” Jungkook shyly bows in thanks. His hand comes up to rub the hairs at the back of his neck. There’s a sense of slight slight awkwardness in the air from his mistake. 
“She’s been up there for a while,” she explains.
Jungkook simply nods before telling her that he’s going to join you. She lets him go, watching the grown man make his way towards you.
He catches you leaning against the metal bars encasing the rooftop. Your arms are folded against the railing, and your leg is crossed over the other as you stare out into the openness of the city. He can imagine your face — eyes closed and a content smile on your lips — as the breeze takes over your body.
You’re beautiful, even standing with your back faced to him; even with a cart of fluids attached to one side of your body, and an oxygen tank placed on the other. Nothing can take away from you.
“You can say something, you know,” you break the silence.
Jungkook feels his heart nearly leap out of his body. He didn’t know how long he had been standing there. Or how long you knew he was standing there. Embarrassment floods his cheeks as he clears his throat.
“S-Sorry,” he laughs. Jungkook makes his way over to you, leaning his arms against the metal just as you are.
“The weather is perfect, Kook,” you sigh in content. When he looks to you, his imagination is confirmed reality: your eyes are closed and your lips are lips pulled up in the most delicate way. A clear tube stretches across your cheeks, but it doesn’t take away from your beauty. You’re you, and he finds himself staring in admiration as the cherry blossoms flow around your delicate frame. It’s like they’re pulling you into the spring.
“Your cheeks are cold,” he observes. The redness of your nose and the red skin at the corners of your eye do little to hide from how the weather effects you body.
“Are they?” He watches you open your eyes, gently touching your cheeks with your fingertips. “Oh—I guess they are. I hadn’t noticed,” you smile. “Winter is still in the air, but I couldn’t just sit in that room and watch the blossoms fall from the window.”
“I got a scarf if you want,” he suggests.
You attempt to refuse, but he’s already pulling it out of his bag and gently wrapping it around your neck and shoulders. He’s careful with the cords, not wanting to damage or ruin anything as he wraps you in his clothes.
Once he has situated the scarf a few more times, he’s looking at you, a content smile on his face. He loves moments when you let him do this—when you let him engulf you with his warmth. It makes him feel special.
You’re leaning against his chest in the next few moments, wrapping your arms around his waist and sighing against his chest. You missed him. Even though you he visits you everyday, you miss him in every moment he is gone.
Jungkook rubs your back, one of his hands pressing your head into his chest as he places a kiss on top of your scalp.
“How long have you been out here?” He asks you.
“Since this morning.” His chest rises from your words. You stop him with your own, knowing what he was about to reprimand you for. Don’t worry, I ate,” you chuckle, poking his chest. You knew that was going to be his next question. “Nurse Sandy has been out here with me for most of the day, waiting for you to come and give her a break.”
Jungkook chuckles, holding you closer against him when a strong breeze blows against the two of you. He protects you from it, turning you gently so his back shields your body from the wind.
“I hate being in there,” you mumble. He almost doesn’t here it, but if it wasn’t for the small break in the wind he probably wouldn’t have. “I wish I could sleep next to you again.”
“I know,” he kisses your head again. “You’ll get out of here soon. I know it.”
You don’t say anything. Instead, you rest your chin on his chest, staring up at him with curious eyes.
“What?” He laughs, tucking your hair behind your ear. It’s become thin, the nutrients it had just a couple years ago has been completely sucked out. But Jungkook doesn’t mind. As long as you don’t mind, he’s alright. Everything about you is beautiful. You could be bald or patching or have the worst allergic reaction on your skin from some of the medications you take, but he wouldn’t care. Behind all that is you, and he loves your soul with all of his.
“Nothing,” you give a small smile. It seems forced, but Jungkook pays no mind. He knows not to expect too much—your mind has been haywire lately, thinking and thinking and thinking. He knows you’re stressed and exhausted.
It’s been two years since you got sick. He’s been there the entire way, watching you change and get angry at the world and try your best to just suck it up and wait to get better. But he knows how hard you’re trying to be positive. He knows it’s the hardest thing to harbor when you’ve been waiting so long for just some good news.
But he also knows you need a rock to lean on; hell, he’d turn into one physically if that’s really what you needed. He’s been there for you as a shoulder, as a weight to keep you grounded. Though you might have a hard time seeing any positive in the world, he would always see something positive in you.
“You wanna watch that new anime?” Jungkook breaks the silence. “The one on Netflix you saw the last time we were browsing through shows?”
“Yes!” You exclaim. “I’m so glad you brought that up because it’s taco night in the cafeteria and I was so excited to bring back an old tradition.”
You’re referring to your taco and Netflix nights a while back before all this happened. It used to be your thing to do with him. Your “date night”, one could say. It’s been hard to get permission to bring in outside food from the hospital, though. So you were nearly jumping out of your bones, your heart monitor going crazy, when Nurse Sandy told you about taco night.
“They’re probably not going to be ‘Maria’s Flaming Taco’s’ good, because it’s crappy hospital food, but I don’t even care,” you explain. “I just want to be with you.”
Jungkook smiles at your reaction, the butterflies in his tummy doing nothing to hide the way your happiness fuels his affection for you. 
“It’s a date, then,”  he nudges his nose against yours. He plants a small kiss on your lips afterwards, allowing himself to feel you on his skin.
A part of his head tells him to savor it, because he never knows when the last time might be that he gets to kiss you so. But the largest part of him, the part that’s been keeping him together during all of this, tells him that moments like this will come again. That hope is in the air as spring brings about new life.
You’re going to be alright. Everything is going to be alright.
“How’s about this one?” Jungkook points to the shiny diamond below the clear casing. There’s a a collection of earrings, necklaces, and bracelets surrounding the specific jewel he points out.
“Hmm,” you hum, tucking your hair behind your ear as you stare down at the diamond. It’s huge — extremely dramatic in size and way too detailed. “I don’t think it represents us that well,” you candor.
“You’re right,” Jungkook sighs. He runs his hands though his hair in slight frustration.“I feel like we’ve been looking at these for forever.”
“I told you: I’m fine without an engagement ring, baby,” you coo. Your arms come to wrap around his own, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I know,” he groans. “But I wanted to do it properly. With a ring. On one knee. All that traditional sappy stuff.”
“Hey, I liked how you proposed,” you pout. “It was romantic.”
“We were in the shower, babe. I was like…2 seconds away from shoving my dick in you,” you fiancé mumbles the last part.
You laugh at that, softly clutching his arm before a certain ring catches your eye.
“Kook,” you gasp, pointing your finger at the gem. “Look at that one.”
Before he has time to respond, you’re already pulling him toward the ring. You point at it through the glass, gasping in awe at its beauty.
The ring represents your relationship with Jungkook perfectly. A small, plain band with a giant emerald-cut diamond paced at the center. It doesn’t have any of that extra stuff to it. Just a classic diamond on a classic band: a timeless ring that incorporates a little bit of you and a little bit of him.
“Are you looking to buy?” The clerk on the other side of the case asks.
Jungkook looks down to you, asking you with his eyes if you’re sure this is the one. You simply nod your head, a smile forming on your lips.
“Can we try it on?” He asks the clerk.
“Of course!”
The man unlocks the case, gently pulling the ring out onto the table.
“It’s a 4.20 carat,” he starts, pulling the diamond from the velvet floor it was ground to. “It comes in a range of 2 carat to 5 carat in case this one is a little high, or a little low for your intentions. Feel free to try it on and see what you think.”
Jungkook gently handles the diamond, putting his other hand out asking for your own. You place your fingertips on his, and your fiancé slides the diamond on your ring finger slowly.
He observes the ring on your hand. It’s a perfect look. Everything he was looking for and everything you wanted — a perfect mixture of the two of you in one object.
Jungkook nods, a small chuckle falling out of his lips when you shimmy the diamond around, catching the light as the diamond reflects it.
“Do I look like your fiancé?” You ask, intertwining your fingers with his.
“Fuck, yeah you do,” he laughs. “It’s perfect, Y/n.” Jungkook let’s go of your hand, instead choosing to hold your ring finger, examining it before he turns to the clerk. “We’ll take it.”
“Congratulations!” He exclaims. “Would you like this size? We can talk prices over here. Are you paying, sir?”
“We both—” you start. But Jungkook is quick to interrupt.
“I am, yes,” he says.
“Kook,” you scold him in a whisper. This ring is set at 65,000 dollars. There’s no way you’re letting him take care of this on his own.
“It’s alright,” he smiles down at you. “This was how it was supposed to go anyways. I buy the ring, you have no idea, then I propose, then you’re like: ‘Omg Kook! I can’t believe you chose such a beautiful amazing ring! You’re my hero!’,” he changes his voice to what you’d guess is a mocking of yours.
“Shut up,” you laugh at his interpretation.
“Seriously babe, I got it,” he kisses your forehead. “You’re marrying the CEO of the biggest software company in Korea. I got the extra cash.”
“Prick,” you pinch him. “Go talk sales. I’m gonna look around.”
Jungkook nods, letting you detach yourself from him as he follows the clerk behind the counter and into one of the rooms.
A very long a boring conversation goes on with the clerk for a while. Pamphlets and ordering arrangements, ring cases and polishes are given to Jungkook to choose from. He’s confident enough to make final decisions on it all. You already said yes, so he’s content in knowing that you’d definitely say yes when he does it all over again.
He’s inserted his blackcard into the machine when he hears sudden gasps and a yell for help from one of the employees outside of the room. 
“Oh no. A robbery?” The clerk looks out the door. He shakes his head in disappointment until someone shouts ‘call an ambulance’. 
Both the men are out of their seats and making their way to the main room in haste, eager to see what could be going wrong.
Jungkook looks for your face, and a panic settles in his stomach when he can’t find you. Quickly, he paces to the crowd, pushing through the people until he’s met face to face with yours on the ground, unconscious.
There’s blood leaking from your nostrils and one of your ears, the liquid dashing across your face as it continues to leak out of your body.
This can’t be happening. No way. Nooo way. You were just here, clutching onto his arm and laughing with him. What wen’t wrong?
“Get out!” He nearly screams at the people to move. The crowd moves, recognizing him as the man that was just with you a few minutes ago. Jungkook crouches next to you, placing a hand under your neck and another on your pulse.
“Y-Y/n, baby, can you hear me?” He asks.
Luckily, your heartbeat is there, but it’s very weak. Confusion and fearful adrenaline pumps through his veins when you don’t answer, just the dead weight of your head lulling while he gently holds it in his hand.
Before he can do anything else, there’s a paramedic crouching on the other side of you.
“Don’t worry,” she assures him. “We got her.”
There’s little time for him to respond, because two other paramedics push him out of the way, lifting your body as if it had no weight onto a movable bed. He follows after you and panics by your side until you’ve finally awoken in room 456 of the nearest hospital.
“Jungkook,” you whisper to him. It’s dark in your room. The sun has set and the lights were turned off long ago when Nurse Sandy brought in the projector for you two to use. You want to say your tacos were finished nearly two hours ago.
Now, your boyfriend rests, cuddled to your side on your small hospital bed, arms wrapped around you and head placed on your chest.
You two have been at it, watching “Way of the House Husband” since this afternoon. You’re almost certain he’s fallen asleep a few times, this being one of them.
“Love,” you gently shake him.
Jungkook stirs, his eyebrows crinkling and his hand clutching yours a little tighter.
“You have to wake up, Kook,” you kiss his head. “You’re not supposed to be here past 12.”
“Don’t care,” he mumbles against your skin. “I want to sleep next to you.”
“I want that, too,” you sigh. “But you know we can’t. I have treatment at 5am.”
At that, Jungkook sits up sleepily, crossing his legs on the spot he was laying. “They’re too harsh on you,” he says.
“What would you know, Dr. Jeon?” you laugh, poking his chest.
“5am is too early for chemicals and medicine and radiation and—”
“It’s okay,” you stop him. “I asked for that time slot, anyways. Get’s it done and over with so I can leave the rest of the day to spend with you.”
Jungkook smiles at that, but there’s a certain pang in his heart he doesn’t understand why he feels. His eye catches sight of your engagement ring on your finger, gulping at the memory as he holds it in his hand.
“Y/n,” he whispers your name, moving his thumb over your ring finger.
“Hm,” you hum.
“Do you think,” he starts. But the words are hard to get out. He doesn’t like flaunting his insecurities like this to you, especially about this matter. He should be strong, should be unwavering. But he can’t help it. “Do you think we’ll be able to live together again? To go back to it all. Like how it was before.”
You gulp at his words. You were worried about this question. Mainly because you don’t know the answer yourself. It’s something that pushes you forward everyday, something that gets you though the pain. Going back to your old life, marrying your best friend, starting a family and living life together. It’s everything you need to imagine to push yourself harder. To get better.
But recently, you haven’t been showing any progress. Your sickness is getting worse, and it’s something you refuse to tell Jungkook. Something that you’re hiding from him in hopes that if you keep it low, it will eventually smoothen out on its own. You’re just impatiently waiting for the day it does.
“I don’t know,” you candor. “But it’s all I think about. Memories of us before all this play in my mind constantly. I imagine our future all the time,” you squeeze his hand. “The both of us healthy and back to life.”
“I imagine it, too,” he sends a soft laugh. “I miss you, Y/n.”
There’s a lump in your throat at his confession.
It’s hard to live like this. So unbelievably hard.
Yes, you’re sick. And yes, it’s painful to go through the treatment process. But all of that is second to the pain your feel when you realize what you’ve done to him and all you s put him through.
You’re thankful your fiancé has made it nearly everyday to come to you while you stay cooped up in here. But you can’t help but feel selfish about it all. There have been times when you almost called off your relationship, the pain too much to imagine if he were to watch you pass or to watch you deteriorate until you do. How you know it would destroy him, how you know it already is.
It’s painful to see him clutch onto hope, to look at you as if it’s the last time he ever will. Though he thinks you cannot see it, you can. That look he gives you every once in a while, taking in your face, memorizing it when he thinks you’re not looking. It’s so hard to watch him go through all of this. He shouldn’t have to.
But Jungkook is relentless. He’s scared out of his wits about the possibilities of the future. But he knows you are, too. And he can’t leave you alone in your fear. He can’t abandon his love just because some pesky illness decided to create a little bump in the road.
“We should get married,” you confess.
“We are getting married,” Jungkook says.
“No, now. We should get married now, Jungkook,” you squeeze his hand again. This time, Jungkook looks at you differently. The soft glow of the moonlight shows your features to him, caressing your face with the light.
“I thought you wanted to wait until you got better,” he recalls.
“I don’t want to wait anymore, Kook. It’s been two years,” you gulp. “I want you as my husband.”
There’s a quiver in your lip when you utter the last sentence. The tears flood your eyes, and Jungkook is quick to pull you into his embrace.
“I want to be your wife, Jungkook,” you cry into his chest. “Before it’s too late.”
“No,” he sternly holds your shoulder. “Don’t say that, Y/n.”
“I’m scared,” you confess in a mutter.
Jungkook feels a soft drop from his own eye fall down his cheek. Fuck, if he wasn’t just as scared as you are. He’s terrified. But to hear you say it, he wants to protect you. He’d gladly take more fear, more terror and fright, if it meant you felt safe. If it meant you felt like everything was going to be okay.
“I know, baby,” he kisses your scalp. “But I’ve got you.”
“Ms. Y/l/n,” the doctor walks in.
Your mother is by your side, sitting on the chair. Jungkook is on the other, clutching your hand in his own at the sound of the doctor’s voice.
The doctor looks over at your mom, and then to Jungkook.
“Excuse me,” he starts, gently smiling at your fiancé. “This conversation has to be confined to family members. Please understand. It’s just conduct of the hospital.”
You gulp, looking up at Jungkook with a fear in your eyes. He gently smiles at you, though. Telling you it’s going to be okay, even without him there.
“I’ll be right out side,” he kisses your head. “Not going anywhere.”
“Okay,” you let out a shaky breath. Jungkook lets go of your hand, making his way out of the room. Your hand feels cold now that he’s gone, and you find yourself staring at the way he anxiously runs his hands through his hair when he exists the room.
He stands awkwardly as he waits for the conversation to be over. It’s been almost an hour of him pacing and sitting, and looking on his phone as thoughts consume his mind.
Everything happened so fast and so unexpectedly. What was just a happy day, the day you choose what form his promise would represent in a ring, turned unto a night full of fear. Not in a million years did he think the next few hours would be spent pacing, just as he is now, outside of a hospital room.
The door to your room opens, and the doctor steps out. The man gives Jungkook a tense smile before motioning his hand toward the room, telling him it’s okay to enter. Jungkook takes a deep breath, sitting up from his spot and appearing in the doorway.
He watches you from the door. Your mother has you in her embrace, her eyes closed as she holds you tight. He’s unable to make out her expression.
You’re muttering something to her, and she opens her eyes to meet with his. Your mom send a small smile his way until she’s back on you, telling you that he’s waiting for you.
You clear your throat, wiping at your face before you take a deep breath. You tell your mom it’s okay to let him in, and your mother nods at Jungkook, telling him he’s welcome.
“Is everything okay?” he asks you, gently sitting at the end of the bed.
Your eyes are red at the corners, and you lips are puffy in the way they always are when you cry. He feels a pang in his heart at your face. He’s never seen you in a state like this. It tempts him to let his own emotions flow, but this is not his time. You’re hurt, and he needs to be there for you.
“Yeah,” you nod, a small chuckle escaping your lips. “I’m just gonna have to stay here for a bit.”
Jungkook gulps at your words, trying to shoot the fear down.
“What’s going on?” he asks.
“I’m just a little sick, is all,” you grab his hand, playing with his fingers. “I’ll be alright.”
“H-how sick?” he dares to ask. It’s a small question, but one that felt so heavy to say aloud.
“Sick enough to say that this room might be my home for a little while.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Nurse Sandy shakes her head. “But you have been cleared.”
“Really?!” you exclaim, nearly hopping out of your hospital bed. The IV in your arm prevents you from leaping into the woman’s arms, and you’re stuck to squealing on your mattress.
“Just for two months,” she says. “And you still have to carry your oxygen tank and do your treatments in the morning and make sure that you’re coming in for check-ups.”
“I will! I promise I will—oh my god,” you gasp. Your hands come to cover your mouth as you think about what these next two months hold for you. “How am I going to tell Jungkook?”
“Maybe you can start by meeting him at home?” Nurse Sandy suggests. “Make it a little surprise.”
“That’s perfect!” you say, taking the IV out of your arm and tearing the sheets off your body. “Oh god, I’m so excited. Do you have a change of clothes?”
“Of course,” she laughs.
Nurse Sandy turns away, probably going to where the spare clothes are. Meanwhile, you’re left alone in your room, a racing heart and a mind imagining just how you’re going to surprise your fiancé. You know you’re still not doing well, but you’ve asked the doctor, surgeons, and nurses if you could just have a month or two to get married. Just a month or two to be outside of here while you tie the knot with your best friend. Honestly, you didn’t think you’d get any approval at all. You’ve already started planning a hospital wedding. But today’s news shocked you. You’re beyond ecstatic. You don’t even know where to begin.
“Put these on and meet me downstairs. We’ve got a schedule for you and an entire two months of supplies for you to take home. Plus an on-call personal nurse you can call at any time you need one at home,” Nurse Sandy says. She hands you a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that feel way too thin and large to keep any warmth in. But you’re happy to take them and get out of this stupid hospital gown for once.
“Okay,” you beam.
Nurse Sandy makes her way out, but you stop her before she has the chance to close the door.
“Nurse Sandy?” you call.
“Yes?” she stops, looking back at you from the doorway.
“Thank you,”
She gives you a smile, happy to see you cheer up.
“Of course,” she nods. “Next time I’ll see you, you’ll be Mrs. Jeon.”
You blush at the title.
“Hell yeah, I will.”
You feel the nerves shoot through your system when the hospital’s driver arrives at your apartment complex. It’s been two years since you’ve ventured in here. You wonder how much your home has changed. You wonder how Jungkook has been living in it all by himself.
It’s during the daytime, so Jungkook has probably left for work already. You feel excitement thinking about him again. You can’t wait to see his reaction.
The driver stops in front of the entrance, telling you that you’ve reached your destination. He comes around, pulling the door open for you and helping you pull out your oxygen tank.
“I’ll get the stuff in the back,” he says. You nod to him, your thumb harshly smoothing over the key fob Jungkook gave you about five years ago to his apartment.
With shaky hands, you press it to the inner door to the complex, and you sigh in relief when a positive beeping noise and the sound of doors unlocking rings in your ears. You press the handicapped button to the door for the driver, who carries a few extra oxygen tanks and bags of prescription medicines and other things you may need during your much needed time with your fiancé.
The driver thanks you, and you reply back to him before showing him the way to the elevator.
It’s a long ride up. 38 floors of apartments make the wait in the elevator all the more anticipating. You can’t wait to smell home again.
“It’s this one,” you say, nodding to room 3860 at the end of the hallway. Jungkook has a corner apartment, which mean’s it’s the biggest on the floor. You press the key fob to the lock, and it flashes a green light at you, telling you it’s been accepted.
The smell of home engulfs you. It’s just as you left it — everything organized and clean, the furniture and floors clear of clutter. There’s personal items on a few of the standing drawers, the ones you and Jungkook picked out together on vacations. You almost cry at the nostalgia. It’s hard to come here when it used to be so second nature to you.
You place your keys on your designated spot on the key holder on the wall. It’s right next to your fiancé’s name, and you smile thinking about him seeing your keys on your holder once again.
“You can just set them in this closet,” you point to the one near the door. It’s your’s and Jungkook’s coat closet. But given it’s late spring, you guess it hasn’t been put to much use lately.
The man leaves and makes his way out, telling you to be careful. You nod and tell him to thank Nurse Sandy one more time, to which he laughs and agrees.
The rest of the evening is spent exploring your home. It’s like you’re walking into one of your friend’s parents bedrooms when you were young. It feels like it’s wrong, feels weird because you’ve never explored that part of your friend’s home before. But there’s a familiarity to it anyways.
You sit on his side of the bed in your shared bedroom. You laugh because it appears as if he hasn’t touched your side at all. It’s made and the pillows are organized perfectly. The sheets are tucked in and the bedding is smoothed out as he’s been keeping it neat since the day you last ventured in here.
His side of the bed is unmade. The sheets are pulled from when he got up this morning, and the decorative pillows for his side are scattered on the floor.  
You take it all in, breathing in the smell of him that overpowers your bedroom. You miss this—waking up to hold him and going to sleep cuddled together. You wonder how he’s been going to sleep these days.
Your body starts to feel tired when you close your eyes, and Jungkook’s scent does nothing to help your weak body from falling into the depths of sleep. The bed has always been so comfortable, especially Jungkook’s side. It’s warm and curves into your body as you lay against the sheets. The smell of him wafting into your nostrils as you lay your head on his pillow.
It wasn’t you intention to fall asleep. No, you wanted to bake something sweet for him, put up some decorations or do something to make it special. But Nurse Sandy warned you about the effects of not being on IV constantly. Your body isn’t getting everything it needs to stay awake for long periods of time. But you were given a long list of to-do’s in order to keep your energy up. For right now, though, you forgo the list until you’re able to look it over and figure it all out with your fiancé.
Jungkook’s exhausted. He’s beat and he totally would have gone straight to you after work had he not been feeling completely gross. The plan is still to see you. But right now, he needs a shower.
His body is aching when he walks down the hallway to the 38th floor. All day he spent sitting in his desk, listening to sales pitches and hiring a few more people who he honestly could care less about. Needless to say, he needs a hot shower, a cup of coffee, and a dose of you in order to make his day feel right.
He takes a deep breath when he presses the key fob against the door. The briefcase in his hand swings when he pushes it open, immediately setting it down in the dip in the doorway. He almost closes his eyes when he enters his apartment, the darkness of the home from the set sun doing nothing to hide his need for sleep. But his heart leaps out of his chest when he sees a pair of familiar grey sneakers tucked in the corner of the entryway. His eyebrows knot together at the sight, his heart beating rapidly in his chest when he looks up to the key holder on the wall. There they are — your keys, placed simply on the hook with your name on it.
“Y/n?” he whispers. There’s a panic in his heart when he turns on the light. Why were you here? Is everything okay?
“Y/n?” he shouts. But there’s no answer.
Jungkook quickly rips off his jacket, his shoes messily thrown in the entry way as he runs into the kitchen. He shouts your name again, but there’s no answer.
Jungkook’s chest heaves, the silence and the lack of you anywhere makes his brain think of the worst possible outcome. Did you come here against the will of the doctor? Did you give up? Did you come here to greet him and it all go wrong? Did you collapse? Are you okay?
Jungkook pants heavily as he rips open the door to his bedroom. The lights are off and the lack of sunlight coming through his window makes things hard to make out. However, he quickly turns on the light, his lungs relaxing immediately when he sees your body softly tucked into his sheets.
“Y/n, baby,” he calls out your name softly. Jungkook kneels by his side of the bed, gently moving your tank in the process. He shakes you gently, and you stir at the feeling of his touch.
“Kook?” you groggily moan. Your eyes open in sight of him, a wave of disappointment flooding through you. “Fuck—I wasn’t supposed to fall asleep.”
“Are you okay? What’s going on? Why are you here?” he helps you sit up, his own body sitting next to your legs on the mattress.
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” you groan, your head falling into your palms.
“What surprise?” he tucks a chunk of your hair behind your ear. Your skin is hot, and he wonders if he should get the thermometer or take you right back to the hospital.
“Nurse Sandy let me go,” you explain.
“What?!” he gasps. “Why would she do that?”
“No,” you chuckle at his misunderstanding. “She let me go for two months. To be with you. To get married.”
“O-Oh,” he gulps. He can’t help the pulse in his heart that leaps at your words.
Fuck, is this a dream? Never in a million years did he think he’d get the chance to have you during your treatment. Hell, they’ve kept you under extremely strict rules for the past two years.
“I wanted to make it a surprise,” you whine. “But I came home and I smelled you and I just—I passed out. I’m sorry.”
Jungkook shakes his head, smiling at you while you groan in your mistake. He honestly is still processing it all. He wants to ask you to pinch him, to make sure this is actually happening before he wakes up from his dream and becomes upset.
“It’s okay, my love,” he kisses your forehead. “I’m honestly a little struck right now. Is this really happening?”
You nod your head, a content smile showing on your face as you speak. “I was just as shocked as you are. I mean, I’ve been asking for just a week or two to be out of there so that we can get married. But they’ve just given me the same answer every time, telling me that they’ll ‘see’ or that they’re not sure that it’s gonna be a possibility,” you hold his hand. “But when Nurse Sandy told me two whole months was approved…I knew I had to make it a surprise. It kinda backfired on me, though. Nurse Sandy told me I was going to be much more fatigued off IV, but I kinda took her words for granted. I was just so excited.”
“It’s okay,” he smiles, adjusting the clear tube across your cheeks. “We’ll take it slow.”
Jungkook holds your cheek, and you lean against at the feeling of his touch on your skin. 
You feel a little emotional. None of this was supposed to happen. Your sickness, the wait to get married, the pause in life. Everything was supposed to be normal, but now you find it all to be complicated and oh-so painful. You shouldn’t have to live like this. He shouldn’t have to live like this.
“What’s wrong, baby?” he whispers. Jungkook’s thumb wipes at the tear that dares to fall from your eye. You hold his hand to your cheek, keeping his touch against you.
“We were so regular,” you laugh. “Just two normal people,” a few more tears stream from your eyes, and Jungkook pulls you into his chest, shielding you from the pain. “But now this happened. And you have to go to bed alone every night. You have to come home to emptiness. Have to make trips just to see me. To deal with all my bad days; days when I can barely talk to you because it hurts.”
“Stop it, Y/n,” he whispers into your hair. “I’d do it for the rest of my life if it means I still get to have you.”
“It shouldn’t have to be this way,” you sob. Jungkook rocks you in his hold, his arms tightening around your gentle body as you cry.
“But it is,” he says. “This is life. It’s just a bump in the road. A big bump, but thank god I’ve got a bunch of different cars to test out which one makes it over first.”
You laugh at his comment. You want to stab his ego a little, but his comment warms you to the extent to where you don’t think you have it in you to do so. 
“I’m gonna take care of you, Y/n,” he simmers. “In sickness and in health, no?”
“Till death do us part.”
“It’s terminal,” the doctor says.
He watches your mom shake her head, her pearl earrings whipping against her cheeks at his words.
“It can’t be,” she says. “She’s never had something like this in her life! We don’t even have a genetic history—”
“It happens to the best of us, unfortunately,” he interrupts her. You’re sure he hears things like this from mother’s all the time. But you don’t care. It’s true. You’ve been living your life healthy for as long as you remembered. You exercise, eat healthy foods, train your brain…you even have an air purifier in every room of your home. How can this happen?
“Your sickness is in it’s second stage. It’s a 50/50 chance it will get worse or better within the next few months. But regardless, I will just lay the facts out to you. The illness will more than likely be the cause of your death. However, given that it is in its second stage, we are able to slow it down and give you a few extra years,” the doctor explains. “We can put you on the transplant list, but unfortunately, since you are in the second stage, it puts you down as less of a priority compared to those who have a worse illness or who need it immediately.”
Your mother scoffs, her eyes wallowing with tears at the doctors information.
Meanwhile, all you can think about is Jungkook. How the hell are you going to tell him? Would it even be fair to tell him? You don’t want him to be any more worried than he already is. Not to mention how it would absolutely kill you if he were to look at you everyday not knowing if it would be the last.
The doctor’s words are drowned out as you think of how you want to go about this. There’s scenarios playing out in your head. The thought of dying does not even matter to you. All you can think about is how you’re going to protect your love from reality.
“Can we not tell anyone?” you ask your mother quietly.
“What?!” she exclaims. “Y/n, we need to raise awareness or something,” she holds your hand. “Don’t you want to at least tell Jungkook?”
“No,” you say sternly. “I can’t do that to him. I love him too much to destroy him like that.”
“Well,” your mom lets out a shaky breath. A part of you feels bad that you couldn’t shield her from it, either. But someone has to know. And you’re strict on only allowing her to. “If that’s what you want, then I’ll play along.”
A small tear falls from your eye, and your mother wipes them off your cheeks. She coos you, telling you that it’s okay. But her words mean nothing. How is this okay when you will be gone quicker than you thought you would be? When your time with Jungkook has been given a limit?
“Just don’t tell him, alright?” you cry. “Don’t destroy him like this.”
The doctor clears his throat, telling him he is going to leave the room. He asks you if it’s okay to let your fiancé in, and you nod, quickly wiping your tears.
Jungkook makes his way in the door way, his chest tightening at the sight of your mom holding you tight.
“Is everything okay?” he asks you, gently sitting at the end of the bed.
Your eyes are red at the corners, and you lips are puffy in the way they always are when you cry. He feels a pang in his heart at your face. He’s never seen you in a state like this. It tempts him to let his own emotions flow, but this is not his time. You’re hurt, and he needs to be there for you.
“Yeah,” you nod, a small chuckle escaping your lips.
Your wedding was beautiful.
It was everything you could want and more. Family and friends, the venue you wanted, the color scheme perfect for the summertime. It wasn’t too hot, either. Perfect weather for early August.
Originally, neither of you wanted a summer wedding. But you had to make do with the time you had, and it turned out to be everything you weren’t expecting, in all the right ways.
You even got to walk down the aisle without your tank. Just your face and you in your dress, walking to your man with the biggest smile. Yes, it was a tough walk. But the minute Jungkook took your hand, you felt strength.
You married Jungkook. It was the most rewarding feeling to have him as yours. To slip on his ring and him slip on yours. It felt right. You felt at peace. For the first time in two years, you didn’t think about your diagnosis. Your mind and heart was full of you and him, and that is all.
Your first dance with him as his wife was filled with emotion. Yes, you had to take it slow—the effects of your sickness made it hard to do anything exuberant. But Jungkook let you rest your head on his shoulder. He held your hand and your waist, guiding you through it all as your husband. He held you as the song played in your ears, memories of graduating college, your first date, the first word you spoke to him, the day he asked you to move in with him, the day he proposed. Everything came to you, and you held him tightly as he danced with you in the memories.
The ride home was filled with tiredness. Truthfully, all you had planned was to eat tacos and watch Netflix. But as you sat next to your husband on the ride home, you realized you wanted to do more. Memories of when you two used to be spicy, when you used to have sex nearly everyday, come back to you. How much that has changed. The two of you have become nearly entirely different people. But you want to try tonight. You want to feel him again, no matter the strain. No matter what might happen. You want to hold your husband.
“I feel wrong doing this,” Jungkook rambles below you. You’re sitting on his lap, both of you in pajamas as some anime show plays in the background. “You sure you can breathe okay? Is this too much?”
“Jungkook,” you let out a frustrated sigh. “We’ve only been kissing for two minutes.”
“I know, but I—”
“If you don’t feel right, then we don’t have to,” you cut him off.
“No—I. That’s not what I meant,” he re-quips. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You’re not, Kook,” you stop. A big part of you feels embarrassed. Has this really become an entirely new experience? You’re frustrated and you feel a blush on your cheeks for even trying. Maybe he doesn’t want this. “Look, if you don’t want to have sex with me, that’s fine. But tell me now, because I’m not about to put my all into it if you’re just going to be worried the whole time.”
“Y/n,” he groans. Your husband runs his hand through his hair. Fuck, if he didn’t want to have sex with you. It’s be two years since he felt you like that. He misses holding you, feeling you around him as he makes love to you. But hell, he’s worried out of his wits. You can’t breathe like you used to. Not to mention the fragility of your body. What if he hurts you? He can’t imagine how bad he’d feel.
You let out a disappointed sigh. His expression telling you that he’s still considering it.
You begin to hop off his lap when his hands grip your hips, forcing you to stay.
“Y-You,” he starts, his thumbs rubbing circles on the skin of your hips. “You have to tell me if it’s too much. I’m being serious, Y/n. I’m worried and nothing is going to change that. But I want you...I miss you so much.”
You nod your head, a breath of relief flooding your lungs when he comes to kiss you again.
He’s gentle with his kisses, although much more sure than what it was just a few minutes ago. He holds your waist while his body gently falls forward. Your back hits the softness of the mattress, Jungkook’s body falling between your legs. You open them, inviting him in. 
He presses soft kisses on your cheek, trailing them down to your neck where he buries his head in the crevice of your skin. Hot hands push up your body. They take your shirt with it, his fingertips gently cascading over the swell of your breasts. You lift your chest up, allowing him to toss the fabric up over your head and onto the floor.
Jungkook’s breath stops in his chest. It’s been a long while since he’s seen you naked like this in front of him. Yes, he’s seen you naked countless times before, but he’s never seen you this thin. He’s never seen your skin so rough and patchy before. Thinking of all your hard times in the hospital, all the pain you went through, he kisses your skin with love as he admires you. 
Nothing could take away from how you make him feel. Not the redness of your irritated skin, not your ribs that poke out a little from the lack of nutrients, not the clear tubs that ties just below your chin and falls on your clavicle. No, you’re still you, and he holds you with care remembering just how much you’ve suffered. He wants to make you forget all of it.
Your cold hands startle him when they begin to push his own shirt up. Jungkook smiles down at you, giving you a kiss before he takes it off. Your eyes memorize his body, feeling his skin just as it was the last time you touched him like this. You sigh at the memories, how every one of them failed to recall just how it felt to touch him in real life. Nothing can compare to actually feeling him. Nothing can do justice to the velvet of his skin on your fingertips.
Jungkook gently leans himself back on his calves, sitting more upright as his fingers hook around the band of your pajama pants. He looks at you with permission, and you nod, giving it to him. 
The man slowly allows them to fall off your body, his eyes eating you up as you shiver from the cold.
He’s quick to warm you, though. After sliding off his own pants, he’s on top of you again, his arms holding you to his chest as he kisses the sweet spot on your neck.
“J-Jungkook,” you moan. Your husband simply hums at your arousal, his hips softly grinding onto yours when you wrap your legs around his hips. He still has his boxers on, the length of his cock straining against the fabric. It’s been too long since he’s felt you. Been too long since he’s made love to you. His dick is begging him to feel you again. 
“I need you,” you cry beneath him. 
Jungkook lifts his head from your neck, his forehead gently falling on yours while his lips cascade over your own. Your hands come to his jaw, holding him to your face as he closes his eyes. 
He’s memorizing your touch, memorizing how you feel and how you hold him. He’s memorizing the sound of your breath, low long you take between each one to inhale and exhale. The sound of your heartbeat and the sound of your fingers sliding over his skin. He takes you in as his heart wrenches in his chest.
Jungkook opens his eyes to be met with yours. They’re red around the edges and water begs to fall from your eyelids, but he kisses your cheek in attempt to tell you that he needs you, too.
He shimmy’s off his boxers, his cock springing free against his lower abdomen as he does so. It’s quick, and he’s back to your side the minute the fabric falls on the ground.
“I love you,” he whispers against your lips. “So much.”
You bite your lip, struggling to keep the tears in. He looks at you with so much love, so much adoration. You remind yourself that he is your husband, and a tear falls from your eye.
“Don’t cry,” he gulps. “I’ve got you.”
You nod against the palm that holds your jaw. He kisses your tear before he lines himself up with your entrance. You lock your arms around his neck, pulling him close to you as he slides himself in.
A gasp leaves your lips as he enters you. Although he’s slow, it’s been a long while since you felt the length of him. Your muscles aren’t like how they used to be, and you find it somewhat painful, even though he’s being gentle.
“Are you okay? I’m not hurting you, am I?” he pants in worry. You feel so good, so fucking tight, but that gasp you let out washed away any feeling he had down there for a second.
“Hurts a little, but I’ll be okay,” you smile. “J-Just—slow.”
Jungkook nods, the knob in this throat bobbing when he takes the base of his cock and guides it into you. He’s slow, just like you asked, and the slick of your arousal does a lot to make the second pump go much smoother.
“I-Is this a good pace?” he asks you once he delivers the fourth pump into you.
You sigh, your eyes closing as your head falls back. “Yes,” you pant. This is what you missed. You forgot how good it felt to have him inside you like this.
Jungkook nods before towering back over you. His forearms rest near your head as your legs wrap around his waist. He’s not harsh with you, just a medium pace and gentle thrusts in and out. The old him would have complained, would have needed something faster and more intense in order to get off. But the times have changed. It’s been so long, he honestly feels he could cum right now despite the low intensity. 
Jungkook rests his cheek against yours, his head leaning against your skin as he makes love to you. He feels overwhelmed, and his heart races at the thought of you. 
A tear falls from his eye when you run your hands through his hair, the hope in his heart nowhere to be seen when he feels the gentleness of your touch rake through his body. He sobs above you, that wall broken when you kiss his shoulder.
“Jungkook, baby,” you coo. “What’s wrong?”
Jungkook shakes his head, his arms closing in on your figure while his head buries itself in your neck. He thinks about you, about the first time he felt your touch, wondering if this is the last time he ever will. He lets the tears drop as his hand comes to hold the back of your head, the other sliding underneath your neck. He holds you close against his body, squeezing you tight in case you might escape if he didn’t hold you like this. 
The feeling of his dick in you does little as his heart breaks little by little at the thought of the worst. At the thought of this being the last time.
“I can’t lose you,” he croaks, his voice muffled between your skin and the sheets. “I love you too much to let you go.”
Your lips press together, that lump in your throat begging to rise.
“Come here,” you ask him softly. Jungkook slowly raises his head, his nose pressing against yours per your request.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you press a hand to his heart. “I’m gonna be here.”
Jungkook’s tears flow onto your face, and he can’t help but let out another whimper at the message you tell him. He wants to pretend you didn’t just say that. He wants to pretend you told him that you’re all better, that you’re not sick anymore. But he can’t help but clutch the hand that touches the skin over his heart.
“Y/n,” he breathes, his lips red and wet from all the emotion. “Let me see you, just for a little while.”
He refers to your tube, asking if he can take it off.
You nod to him, and Jungkook gently takes it off your face. The choked sob he lets loose at the sight of you breaks your heart. His lip quivers and his nose starts to run as he looks at you with pain in his eyes. He looks at you, memorizing you again and again. He looks at you as his wife, who has been there for him through everything, who has loved him through every stage of his life. He holds your cheeks, his head resting against your forehead as he rocks into you.
“I’ve got you,” you hold him.
Jungkook exhales, his nose rubbing against yours when you tell him so.
“I love you, Jungkook,” you promise. “You’re going to be okay.”
You passed in the spring.
The season took you in all its blossoms, engulfing your death with new life.
There were cherry blossoms at your funeral.
Nothing but trees and flowers engulfing the outdoors as he stood at the back of the ceremony. Nurse Sandy was there. He hated the way she looked at him as if she knew he would never be the same. 
He couldn’t bring himself to look at you. Not when you couldn’t flash him a smile. Not when you wouldn’t wrap him in your warmth and tell him you love him. He couldn’t look at you with the hope he harbored throughout the entirety of your sickness. It was no longer here. You were no longer here. 
He took a trip not too long after. The new life of spring was too much for him to handle.
You were no longer there with him. That house he spent two years building in hope that you would one day move into it with him as his wife was too silent for him to stay in.
Every inch of him yearned for you. He went through every grieving stage with the roughest of emotions. Clutching the necklace that held a small amount of your ashes around his neck, his heart suffering in agony, his mind playing memories of you over and over and over again.
His pain went over what his body could handle, causing him to turn into someone he didn’t know.
He stayed in upper Russia for a while, embracing the cold. Then moved to Aruba in search for the summer.
Only on your birthday three years later did he return home.
He could almost smell you off the plane, the familiarity of home raking through his lungs violently.
The place he once had made for you has now been occupied by a family in their mid 40s — a couple with two children and a grandmother living together. He smiles, glad that the house has been to some use.
He’s been paying rent on his apartment since he left. You’re still in there, all your belongings and all of your scent still lives within the comfort of his old home. Everything you organized — from the way you folded the laundry to the way you placed the trinkets on your desk — was all still there.
Your smell is gone when he enters his home. It’s dusty and dark. All but welcoming when he enters. There’s a spot with your name on the key holder plastered against the wall, and he tries his best to ignore the way your keys hang there when he places his keys in his own slot.
He’s made plans to sell the apartment by the time of his next trip. You’re not here anymore, and he’s starting to find it difficult to pay rent when he’s spending so much on living as a non-citizen in another country.
He unfolds the cardboard moving boxes in his kitchen, using the masking tape to seal the ends before he starts going through it all.
He starts with the kitchen first.
He sifts through all the shelves and cabinets, placing spices and expired noodles and sugar and flour in the trash. He cleans the sink and counters before he moves onto the dinnerware. The box beside him labeled “Jungkook and Y/n” stares at him with grief when his hands touch the delicate wood of your shared cabinet.
The fine china dinnerware you got as a wedding gift, the “Spider-Man” “Spider-Woman” mugs, the shot glasses with “bride” and “groom”,  your favorite spoon he never understood why it was your favorite when it looked only slightly different than the rest, all go into the box.
The living room is next.
Blankets and cup holders and remotes all go into a different box. He’s got movers taking the couches and coffee table tomorrow, so he tries to clean them off the best he can before he sells them in an auction. Pictures of you and him scatter the walls, small trinkets and souvenirs he got with you or gave you as a gift all go into the box.
His fingers tremble when he realizes what is next: the bedroom. You two shared it, but from what he remembers, you completely took it over. Finishing touches and decorations and picture frames. All of it you insisted would add “hominess” to his rather plain apartment. And he finds that you’re correct when he enters it and turns on the lights.
It’s dusty, and the lights flicker a little when he turns them on. But there it is. Your side of the bed hitting him right in the face.
He gently walks over to it, his fingers brushing over the duvet where you used to lay. He imagines you’re still here with him, ready to burst through those doors and tell him that you’re here with tacos and a new Netflix series to watch. He imagines what you’d say, where you’d touch him, how gentle your embrace would be.
When it comes to be too much, he turns away, focusing his attention on your bedside table.
A picture of you and him flashes back at him, and he feels a pulse in his throat when his finger slowly brushes the dust off the glass surrounding your face. You’re in your graduation gown, hair falling over your shoulders as you’re jumping onto his back. Nothing but smiles and happiness on your face. He remembers this day like the back of his hand. University graduation — one of the happiest days of yours and his life’s—before everything happened.
This is how he remembers you. Sweet and healthy. Nothing but confidence and laughs as you slowly took his heart into your hands.
He places it in his own box, choosing to keep it close to him as he travels around the world. There’s a few digital things and a lamp he stores away before he’s opening your drawer.
He expects to find nothing, but instead sees a stack of cards, all a little dusty, wrapped in a blue ribbon.
When he pulls it out, he turns the stack around and sees that they’re all addressed to him.
Jungkook stops his rummaging, a heart beat in his his chest as he sits down on the bed, examining the large stack of envelopes in his hand.
He reads his name in your handwriting, a thumb gently tracing over the ink before it softly unties the blue ribbon holding them together. He stares at the first one labled: “The first: to Jungkook”. He tears the seal. The envelope reveals a small page filled with your writing. He takes a deep breath.
My husband,
Jungkook pauses, the back of his hand coming to his mouth as the heaviness in his heart sinks all the way down to his feet. 
I wondered when a day would come where I could give this to you. But the more life goes on, I’ve realized these words would be of most meaning when I am gone.
I’ve known for a while I would not continue living life with you. My sickness gets worse with every passing minute, and I’ve since found myself on borrowed time. However, I am so beyond thankful.
All I wanted out of life was spend it with you. Being with you has been the best blessing I’ve received since the day I was born. Marrying you was more than I asked for, and I can go on with no regrets knowing that I get to die with your promise to me.
To say I have no sadness is a hard lie to tell. The thing that consumes my mind the most these days is how you will be when I am gone. How you will come home and how you will continue to live.
You have always loved with everything you had. I felt it with every word you spoke, every breath you took, and every touch you gave. I can only hope you will continue to do so as you did for me since the day we met. That you will find it within you to return.
I don’t know how long it’s been since I have passed when you’ve decided to read this. But for all the things I will not have the chance to say during every hard time in your life, during every morning and every evening, during every achievement and every failure, I want to say them to you now. I want you to come back and read this when you need me. When you need what you know I’d say. What you know is true:
I love you.
I love you and will always continue to do so. My body may be gone, but my soul still holds yours. It holds yours with every stage of my life, with every stage we went through. It holds you knowing that you were there holding mine. I’ve come to return your favor. 
Your hope you gave to me I now give to you. 
I know you will strengthen. I know you will live and you will live with everything you have, just like you always did. You’re my Jungkook. My husband. And I can only hope you feel me walking next to you as you continue to live.
I lived loving you, and i died loving you.
I will always love you. No matter what form my soul takes, it will be there to walk next to yours, to hold it and love it until we meet again.
The paper is crumpled in his hand, clutched against his heart and necklace as he screams into the air. The tears follow in transit, curling his body as he holds your words to his heart. He’s hysterical, the dustiness in the room filling his lungs as he sobs on your side of the bed.
Three years of holding it in, three years of pretending you were still here with him, pretending that it was all just a dream, release out of him in a painful wail. He’s remembering you, your voice playing in his head as he reads your letter. He can hear you telling him.
He remembers that morning. The last one before it happened. How you clutched onto his arm, smiling at him as you picked out a ring. He remembers holding you on the rooftop of the hospital, going through every season with you as he protected you from the wind. He remembers how you held him when he made love to you on your wedding night, how you said “I do” at your wedding. He can see your smile, the sound of your laugh. All of it he can feel.
The stack of envelopes nearly falls out of his lap, but in his fit of sobs, he is able to hold them close. He sifts through them, trying to wipe his tears in order to read them. But his heart only shatters to dust when he reads that they’re all addressed to him, one for each year, for each anniversary, until the 70th one. A part of him laughs, unsure if he will even make it another 70 years as a 34 year old.
Regardless, he runs his finger over the one that stares up at him, and he feels himself begin to heal when he reads:
“Our first Anniversary: to my Jungkook.”
[End. Do not copy. Original work of @jungkookstatts , 2023]
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