#Michelle McNamara
books-and-cookies · 2 years
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* wow
* this entire story is just bonkers
* it's essentially a case study on the Golden State Killer, one of the most prolific serial killers i've ever read about, written by a woman who poured years of her life into trying to figure out his identity
* i had watched the HBO documentary, which got me interested in the story, but the book was a whirlwind
* it's unreal to me how someone can do so much harm and only get caught 30+ years later
* Michelle's dedication to this case is genuinely humbling, and there's something so profoundly human in her writing
* i'm so sad she didn't get to see him caught, she sadly passed away while writing this book
* if you're interested in true crime in any way, this is a must read
* 4/5⭐️
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girlzoot · 9 months
My mother was, and will always be, the most complicated relationship of my life. Writing this now, I’m struck by two incompatible truths that pain me. No one would have taken more joy from this book than my mother. And I probably wouldn’t have felt the freedom to write it until she was gone. —Michelle McNamara/I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer
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rivenreverie · 1 year
When Michele McNamara said
What is the lasting damage when you believe the warm spot you were just sleeping in will be your grave? Time sands the edges of the injuries, but they never lose their hold.
and then this quote is all you can think of ever time you read books on trauma or safety. She got it.
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twicedailyquotes · 1 year
It’s chaos. It’s all random, it’s horrifying and if you want to try and reduce the horror and reduce the chaos, be kind. That’s all you can do.
Michelle McNamara, quoted by Patton Oswalt
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leiathejules · 1 year
Eu Terei Sumido na Escuridão, de Michelle McNamara [Resenha]
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Faz muito tempo que não escrevo nada sobre o que leio, mas o impacto que este livro, “Eu Terei Sumido na Escuridão” teve sobre mim me fez pensar que seria bom escrever sobre.
Quando decidi parar com meu blog e abandonar as parcerias com editoras e aquela obrigação inerente de ler o que eles propunham e falar sobre, senti um alívio, uma satisfação incrível em poder ler o que queria, no ritmo que queria e, o que era melhor a época: sem contar nada pra ninguém.
Algumas vezes tive diante de mim leituras que me preencheram de diversas formas, mas que, por um motivou ou outro, sentia certo entrave na hora da falar sobre - talvez um stress ou descontentamento residual dos meus quase dez anos de blog - e acabava deixando de lado.
Mas desta vez é diferente.
Comecei a ler “Eu Terei Sumido na Escuridão”, da autora Michelle McNamara, publicado no Brasil pela Vestígio, sem ter nenhum background sobre o que se tratava, sem ter lido a sinopse, ou seja, estava livre de expectativas de toda e qualquer forma.
E como isso foi bom.
Em seu livro, a autora relata sua busca a um assassino em série que, apesar de ter passado mais de dez anos ativo, e ter cometido, segundo as investigações policiais, cerca de cinquenta estupros e dez homicídios, acabara ficando um pouco a margem da atenção da mídia, sendo pouco discutido.
No livro a autora detalha o modus operandi do criminoso, que invadia as casas durante a madrugadas para cometer seus crimes, após passar certo tempo analisando o local e estudando suas vítimas (após os ataques, e olhando em retrospectiva, as vítimas e alguns vizinhos conseguiam detectar objetos faltando ou fora do lugar, pegadas no quintal, cerca “amassada” parecendo ter sido pulada).
O primeiro casal que visou foi acordado com o clarão de uma lanterna de lente quadrada ofuscando seus olhos.
Algumas vítimas, relatavam ainda terem recebido, nas semanas que antecederam ao ataque, ligações em horários esparsos, em que a pessoa do outro lado da linha desligava imediatamente após atenderem ou então ficava em silêncio, com a vítima apenas ouvindo uma respiração, como se o criminoso estivesse monitorando os horários em que haveria alguém na casa.
A autora descreve a escalada da violência, com o criminoso - que a autora chama de Assassino de Golden State, termo que populariza através de um blog na internet que ela mantinha, sobre crimes não solucionados - passando do abuso sexual da vítima, sempre uma mulher sozinha, ao ataque a casais, e, conforme os crimes ganhavam destaque na mídia e após uma tentativa de ataque frustrada, o assassino passando a executar suas vítimas após a agressão sexual. Quase como se aquilo que antes o satisfazia não fosse mais o suficiente: à medida que ele aprimorava suas técnicas e se mantinha impune, suas “necessidades” também mudavam.
Os detalhes de como o criminoso atuava são de arrepiar os cabelos, a autora teve acesso a milhares de documentos, inclusive depoimentos das vítimas contando a pressão psicológica que o assassino impunha a elas.
A mais cruel, pra mim, consistia em o assassino, após abusar da vítima, vendada, ficar em completo silêncio, de modo que, quando a vítima respirava aliviada, imaginando que ele já teria ido embora, ele se aproximava de repente, fazendo-se sentir presente novamente.
Outra característica de suas ações era dominar os maridos/namorados das vítimas, fazendo com que as mulheres os amarrassem e que eles ficasse deitados, de bruços. O criminoso então colocava louça, como uma xícara e um pires sobre as costas do homem, dizendo que, se ele ouvisse o barulho da louça se mexendo, mataria a mulher.
O livro tem uma prosa cadenciada, informativa, factual, disposta de forma que a cada página somos guiados pela narrativa extremamente competente da autora, e conseguimos imaginar os fatos como aconteceram e temos uma visão de tudo como se estivéssemos acompanhando as investigações de perto, torcendo pelo desfecho positivo do caso, como apenas os melhores livros da literatura policial podem nos proporcionar.
No caso de “Eu Terei Sumido na Escuridão”, a autora, Michelle McNamara, não viu sua conclusão, tendo falecido enquanto dormia, alegadamente de problemas causados pelo stress trazido pela investigação que conduzia para o livro.
O trabalho foi finalizado por um editor, contratado pelo marido da autora, e por companheiros dela, que compartilhavam com ela a missão de trazer a tona a identidade do Assassino de Golden State.
Recomendo fortemente a leitura, as duas primeiras partes do livro são escritas de forma genial, e as demais, apesar de terem ficado inconclusas dado o falecimento da autora, complementam o cenário de forma competente.
Segundo li, o livro deve virar uma docusserie da HBO. O livro foi adaptado para uma docussérie já disponível na HBO Max.
E, para um desfecho ainda melhor, o Assassino de Golden State foi finalmente preso, em 2018, graças a resíduos de DNA deixados nas cenas dos crimes.
Ficha Técnica: Eu Terei Sumido na Escuridão Michelle McNamara Editora Vestígio 352 páginas Título original: I'll be gone in the dark Tradução de Luis Reyes Gil
Compre o livro na Amazon*
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thomdoesthings · 2 years
Just finished I'll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara
I don't talk about it much, but I have a pretty big interest in true crime, especially the unsolved. And this book is one of the best non fiction books I've ever read. Terrifying and chilling, definitely one I'd recommend. Especially the updated edition, which finally puts it all to bed
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
The complete lack of a black protagonist in Life is Strange is disappointing
We've got 5 games and not a single game has gotten a single black protagonist.
I do love the series, but even I can see  a problem. A complete lack of black characters in the franchise. 
Found these two great articles that delves into the problem
Link 1
Link 2
None of the main characters are black. None of the secondary characters are black and the only black characters they have are side characters or background characters.
Like there was no reason whatsoever why Rachel, Warren, Kate, Steph, Ryan, Cassidy, Finn, Jacob, Sarah Lee or Chris couldn't have been black. Hell, there is no reason why Max, Chloe or Rachel couldn’t have been black.(although personally I would've loved it if Rachel was Indigenous)
And the black characters we do have is really bad in terms of representation.
Wells, a drunk and crooked  principal.
Hayden, a stoner and member of the Vortex Club
Drew North, a bully jock who got in the drug trade
Charlotte, a likable character, but who's anger is consuming her and blaming others around her, tho I understand where she is coming from, but her characterization tends to be reminiscent of the unfortunate angry black woman stereotype. And just so happens to own a pot shop...
Ms Grant, Mikey, Penny, and Joey the Nurse seem to be the only positive black characters in the series.
And we still have not gotten a single black protagonist in the franchise.
I find it weird that we seemingly have little good black representation that isn't just associated with drugs.
Like I’m not trying to say DONTNOD, D9 or Square Enix are racist or anything, but I’m saying they need to do better when it comes to representation. 
We were robbed of a black main character for Life Is Strange and are instead getting a cash grab sequel with Max who might as well be a completely new character seeing as how they’re throwing away everything that Max experienced and learned and everything we loved from LIS 1 to make it.
But considering how the fandom treated Sean and Daniel and their story, I can only imagine the disgusting hate a black protagonist would get in an extremely white franchise.
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jellyfishkingg · 5 months
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cozysip · 1 year
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*✶ cozysip alternative fc series : sophie turner edition
sierra mcclain : 29 years old - african-american  
michelle hendley : 32years old - white - trans woman
zuri reed : 27 years old - african-american  
katherine mcnamara :  27 years old  - white
pelin uluksar :  28 years old  -  turkish
ellie bamber : 26 years old - white
bridget satterlee :  24 years old - white
natacha karam : 28 years old - lebanese and irish
template by @oppalus  
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acecroft · 2 years
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girlzoot · 9 months
For advice I turned to the retired detectives who’d worked on the case, many of whom I’d come to consider friends. The hubris had been drained from them, but that didn’t stop them from encouraging mine. The hunt to find the Golden State Killer, spanning nearly four decades, felt less like a relay race than a group of fanatics tethered together climbing an impossible mountain. The old guys had to stop, but they insisted I go on. I lamented to one of them that I felt I was grasping at straws. “My advice? Grasp a straw,” he said. “Work it to dust.” —Michelle McNamara/I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer
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superreader30 · 8 months
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Anyways back to Potomac and reading my true crime book
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in-sightpublishing · 2 years
The Greenhorn Chronicles 27: Mac Cone on North American Show Jumping History (2)
The Greenhorn Chronicles 27: Mac Cone on North American Show Jumping History (2)
                      Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: December 1, 2014 Web Domain: http://www.in-sightpublishing.com  Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Journal: In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal Journal Founding: August 2, 2012 Frequency: Three (3) Times Per Year Review Status: Non-Peer-Reviewed Access: Electronic/Digital & Open…
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likeawolfatthemoon · 9 months
books read in 2024 📚
💖 > 👍 > ✅ > 👎
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett ✅
The Guest List by Lucy Foley 👎
Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt 💖
Pageboy by Elliot Page 👍
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab 💖
Don't You Dare by C.E. Ricci 👎
Sure, I'll Join Your Cult by Maria Bamford ✅
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson (1/3) 👍
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy 💖
Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar ✅
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang 👍
The Lemon by S.E. Boyd ✅
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears ✅
Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister 👍
Kill Joy by Holly Jackson (.5/3) ✅
The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner 💖
Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann ✅
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 💖
Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson (2/3) 👍
The Grace Year by Kim Liggett 👍
The Girls by Emma Cline 👍
Dyscalculia by Camonghne Felix 👍
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn 💖
As Good as Dead by Holly Jackson (3/3) 👍
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins ✅
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig ✅
The Diviners by Libba Bray (1/4) 👍
I'll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara 💖
The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer ✅
Educated by Tara Westover 👍
The Butcher and the Wren by Alaina Urquhart 👍
The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins 👍
The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones 👍
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell 💖
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thesiltverses · 11 months
Folks, Chapter 34 of The Silt Verses is out now.
Just as a heads-up, the episode proper begins at the 1:45 mark; after some discussion over the past couple of weeks, we agreed that it would be responsible to include an audio content warning at the start, since this episode's overall storyline unavoidably centres on the depiction of civilian victims of military rocket strikes - which we imagine is a topic that feels much too close to home for many of us right now.
The episode was of course written and recorded much earlier in the year, and the context within the show is entirely different to the horrific real-world bombardments currently taking place in Palestine, but we completely understand that some listeners may want to avoid this kind of storyline entirely right now, and we want to ensure we're fully respecting that.
You can read the full warning here, alongside the full episode transcript.
We really hope you enjoy the listen, and if you have any concerns or questions around the episode content or how we present it, please of course just ask - it's really important for us to be doing right by our audience, and we take our duty of care seriously.
Thank you so much for listening, as ever, and take care of yourselves.
This episode features Michelle Kelly, Méabh de Brún, Alison Campbell, Jimmie Yamaguchi, Ishani Kanetkar, Laurence Owen, and Lucille Valentine.
Additional voices by Daisy McNamara, Steven Zivic, and Lucien Spooner.
Content warning (notes)
This episode features imprisonment, forced transformation and violent death (1.45-6.45), explosions (17.25-18.45), sustained depiction of civilians dealing with the impact of a military rocket attack, gunshots (28.55-29.25), fire and peril (30.25-33.45), discussion of displacement and murder (38.55-39.45).
Transcript: https://www.thesiltverses.com/transcript-chapter-34
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