#Mike is somewhere grumbling
Steve: boys. For the last time. I’m not marrying your club leader.
Dustin: but mooooom he’s COOL! You’d LOVE HIM!
Will: he’s… he’s really nice.
Lucas: if you at least meet him we won’t bother you for extra rides for a month.
Steve: f i n e. But we aren’t getting married. Where did you too even-
Eddie sprawled out with candles and roses: Evening M’lady~, fancy seeing you here.
Steve: cover your eyes children, I’m going to commit five different felonies.
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sideeve · 8 months
SO WET ! !
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MIKE grumbles as he trips over one of Abby’s stuffed animals. the last time he laid eyes on a clock, it was 12:36. it’s been two hours since then. he was sure Abby was asleep already which he was glad about. he had you all to himself.
“babe.” he grumbles, taking his jacket off and discarding it somewhere around the room. although you were sleeping, he knew you wouldn’t be bothered if he woke you up for what was in store. he stripped himself down to his boxers, crawling on the bed.
“i know you can hear me.” his breath tickles your ear as he leans into you, making smile creep on your face. “you can’t pretend to be asleep with me.” he turns you on your back, kissing down your neck. a smile slowly creeps on your face. he had no time to waste. he missed you.
“worth a shot.” you giggle, voice still groggy. you knew what time it was from how ambitious he was being. making less work for him, you unclasp your bra, throwing it away. “fuck, i missed these.” one hand kneads one of your breasts as his lips latch onto your nipple.
“i’m not going to tease you tonight only because i’m impatient.” Mike kicks off his boxers and you shimmy out of your panties. he stands at the end of the bed, pulling you by your ankles closer to him. as look at his middle, you see a bead of pre cum dripping from his hole.
he slowly slides in, letting you adjust to his size for a few seconds before selfishly pumping into you. he felt like he had no time to wait. he needed his hard earned release now. “fuck…” he groans, bending down to kiss you, the spark between you two feeling familiar in his heart.
after a few pumps, his pace quickens, his hips snapping into your cervix with fervor. “m-mike.” tears accumulated at your water lines from not being able to let out your moans, afraid of waking his sister. “i’ve got you, baby.” he nips at your bottom lip.
his thumb draws tight circles on your clit. it was like soft torture.
“come, baby.” he chuckles lightly. your back arches, your legs shaking around him as you hit your climax, him following not long after.
you close your eyes, gaining your sense back from your high. “how was your night?” you chuckle, leaning on your elbows. “you don’t even want to know.” he lets out a breath.
“can i stay inside you tonight?”
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taglist ;; @worldsgreatestsinner
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lighthouseas · 1 year
will sneaking mike in through his bedroom window so they can make out. and it's all well and good yk they're giggling and kissing but then hopper decides to check on will because it's like 11 pm and he's making so much noise and, in a bout of desperation whilst hopper is opening his door, will shoves mike off of his bed and onto the hardwood floor so hopper can't see him.
and like. hop knows INSTANTLY what's up (he already knows at this point that will and mike are dating) because will has a dopey lil smile on his face and a hickey forming on his neck and his clothes are all ruffled right. but hopper plays it off, asks will if he's okay, will says he is. alright then. hopper leaves. he knows mike is definitely somewhere in the house. probably with a forming bruise from the bump he heard.
unfortunately, will shoving mike off of the bed so abruptly did, in fact, give him a bump on his forehead, so he goes downstairs to get ice for it.
hop is downstairs, too, sipping coffee and watching as mike pulls a bag of peas from the freezer (mike doesn't notice him at first) and subsequently grumbles a, "hey, mike. fall off the bed again?" from the dining table. mike very nearly shits his pants.
(hop let's him stay, though, on the condition that there will be no "funny business".)
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undreaming-fanfiction · 4 months
Thinking of a modern AU when the kids get to be kids after it's all over and they go to the movies, they play games, hang out, all that. And of course, Steve drives them everywhere. He vouches for them in front of their parents, watches them like a hawk, tries to tell them about the adult stuff he's learned so far and chases Robin and Nancy to give them info on uni application and the things he feels he's too dumb for. Still, when Robin and Nancy are away and one of his kids needs something, he'll grab that legal document and either stare at it long enough to get a migraine or begins hounding the smart people who stayed in Hawkins (Mr. Clarke is Steve's go-to person and Mr. Clarke won't say it, but he's so proud of Harrington's progress).
So, Steve's life is basically nonstop work and babysitting (with lots of complaints and grumbling from the teens), they ask him to drive them somewhere and he'll bitch about it, sure, but he will get up after 4 hours of sleep and do it anyways. Dustin often reprimands Steve for not taking care of his health, but he doesn't see why.
When Encanto comes out, El really, really wants to see it, and how can Steve say no to her? He drives the whole gang to the movie theatre (some of them stacked on top of each other, some in the trunk on a pile of blankets) and decides to join them. He doesn't really like animated stuff, but Robin loves these movies and he wants yet another reason to call her and talk through the night.
He didn't expect to enjoy the movie so much, but it's colorful and catchy. The songs are nice and the characters are relatable. He makes a lot of mental notes to discuss with Robin. He thinks she will love Mirabel.
And then "Surface Pressure" starts playing and Steve wonders why he suddenly feels like crying. "I'm pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service" hits especially hard. He's just sitting there and feeling incredibly stupid for tearing up at flying glitter-covered donkeys.
When they leave the movie theater, everyone is pretty excited and discussing which characters and songs they liked the most (even if some feel like rolling their eyes at a kids' movie, El's excitement stops them from doing that). They all start discussing to who they relate the most, El feels with Mirabel for being left out and different, even if she actually is the only one who has a gift, Will dares to utter that he really sympathizes with Dolores, Dustin loves Bruno for trying to fix the cracks in Casita.
And then they turn to Steve and someone makes a jab at him, saying he resembles Mariano the most. Steve is ready to shrug it off, there's some truth in that with what happened to his relationship with Nancy, but El just shakes her head and says: "No. Steve is our Luisa."
Everyone goes silent. There's a lot of hmmming and "well, he did get up to drive us when he had a night shift..." and "we could have just biked...". Steve tries to make them feel better about it, joking that he really has nothing better to do, but the drive home is full of whispering, and the party actually diligently thank him when they leave his car.
The next day is Sunday and Steve is ready for his usual routine, making himself busy until someone needs something. But there's a knock on the door to his small apartment and when he opens it, he sees his group of kids, proudly presenting a tray of muffins and two cartons of orange juice.
Out of all of them, it's Mike who speaks up. "Nancy said you often forget to eat breakfast," he states in his usual annoyed tone. "She also said that you like chocolate muffins, so we are here to ensure you don't die from hunger. Now move, I'll get the glasses and plates."
Steve just watches in awe as they swarm his flat, Will smiling at him and producing a DVD of the latest Spider-man movie. "This one was a tip from Robin, she says you haven't seen it yet."
Max is standing in the kitchenette with her cane, watching the pile of meds Steve has to take after his injuries with disdain. "This has to take forever for you to find what you need. Don't argue, I remember how shitty it was for me. Let me help you build a chart and thank me later."
El and Lucas are rearranging Steve's couch and placing pillows in front of the TV so everyone can sit comfortably. El also ensures the blinds are closed so Steve's eyes don't have to fight against the light.
And if that all wasn't more care than Steve has known in years, Dustin grabs his elbow and sits him down, threatening him with violence if he even thinks about working on Sunday.
As the opening titles start, Steve is surrounded by six teenagers in his tiny and cheap flat, chewing on a subpar muffin with an orange juice that probably never saw the actual fruit, and he thinks that there's no greater happiness than this.
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steddie-there · 1 year
Eddie notices it first at Dairy Queen.
It's the first time since leaving the hospital that he's been somewhere with the whole party that isn't Steve's house or the Hoppers-Byers cabin. The younger children crowd the counter, talking over each other as they count their money and decide what to get, while the older teens and adults hang at the back, looking at the menu. Then Erica steps over to Steve and says something Eddie can't quite make out. He nods, winds his way through the gremlins, and places his order. When his name is called, he picks up two cups of ice cream and hands one to Erica, who takes it with a smirk and a comment Eddie can't make out, although it has Steve laughing and shoving playfully at her shoulder.
Eddie turns then to look at the other kids but none of them even seem to notice that Steve has seemingly paid for Erica and not them. It's confusing because Eddie is sure Henderson, at least, would be kicking up a fuss about it. Not even Robin says anything.
But, then again, maybe Steve owes Erica money. Or he lost a bet. Eddie is aware how fierce the younger Sinclair is in collecting on her debts, having made the mistake once and once only of asking her to buy him a soda. So, if no one else is bothered, neither is he. He shrugs and enjoys his sundae.
But then it happens again the next week at Baskin Robbins.
And again two weeks later.
When the last ice cream truck left in Hawkins comes through Steve's neighborhood and the only one to get anything is Erica - at Steve's expense, of course - and the other kids don't even grumble beyond wishing they hadn't blown all their allowance at the arcade, Eddie decides he's had enough.
"Okay, what is it with this ice cream thing???" he bursts out as they all settle back down next to the pool.
The burble of conversation stops as everyone turns to look at him, then glance around at each other.
"What ice cream thing?" Mike finally asks, genuinely confused.
"What ice cream... the ice cream thing!" Eddie splutters. "The thing where Steve always buys Erica ice cream and none of the rest of you munchkins seem to care!"
There's a collective ohhhh of understanding, but Eddie is still completely in the dark. He gestures for someone to explain.
"It's because of Operation Child Endangerment," Dustin answers, casual, like it's a normal, non-question-inducing answer.
Eddie scrunches his brows together and lets out a confused bubble of sound at the same time that Steve buries his face in his hands and groans, "I thought we agreed not to call it that."
Erica laughs and wags her finger at him. "Uh, no. Just because you demanded we change it doesn't mean we agreed to."
"...little lost here. What's Operation Child Endangerment?" Eddie asks, glancing sideways at Steve. He can see, between his fingers, that the other boy's face has gone bright red.
Steve groans again and sinks forward to let his head hang by his knees.
And so Eddie finds out everything about the summer of '85 and Starcourt mall. He already knew the basics, but he's still fascinated. Horrified. Impressed.
He watches Steve through the whole retelling, jumbled as it is by the kids all interrupting each other to add something they thought was being forgotten, and feels his heart ache inside his chest for the beautiful boy across from him. Watches him hunch his shoulders when Erica explains the deal they made, the one that's got her free ice cream for life. Watches him puff up a little with pride when Dustin describes him knocking the Russian comms operator out cold. Watches him squeeze Robin's hand when she mentions the Russian torture and drugs. Watches him tug El into a hug when Jonathan talks about having to cut into her leg.
Eddie watches Steve - brave, loyal, loving Steve, who won't break a promise or a deal even after he most certainly could - laughing with their friends, taking their ribbing and teasing them in return, ruffling Dustin's hair and splashing Erica, almost starting a party-wide splash fight.
Eddie waits until everyone is distracted by Max chasing Lucas across the pool after his cannonball knocked her from her floaty, various advice being shouted to both, then moves to sit next to Steve on his pool chair.
"That was, uh, a lot," he says quietly.
Steve bites his lip, turns a little away from the chaos in and around the pool, although his eyes still track the chase, Max having almost cornered Lucas. "Yeah, yeah it was," he replies, just as quietly.
"Pretty impressive," Eddie tells him, knocking their shoulders together.
Steve shrugs. He snorts as Max finally catches Lucas and dunks him a couple times before they both dissolve into laughter.
Eddie bumps his shoulder again. "Seriously, dude, you gotta know how cool you are."
"I guess," Steve says, still not looking at Eddie, fidgeting with his hands instead.
Eddie thinks he knows what thoughts might be running around inside Steve's head, so he puts a hand over Steve's. The jittery motions still under his touch. "Hey, you got them out of there. You didn't know what you were walking into and you all got out alive. I call that pretty badass."
Steve finally turns to him. The look in his eyes makes Eddie want to pull Steve close, hold him until that look disappears. But he doesn't, just squeezes Steve's fingers.
The corner of Steve's mouth ticks up, just a little. "Thanks, Eddie." He looks like he might say more, but suddenly Dustin lets out a whoop and they both turn to the pool. Jonathan, Nancy, Robin, and Argyle have started a game of chicken, Nancy on Jonathan's shoulders and Robin on Argyle's.
They watch, laughing, as the girls wrestle until they both go tumbling into the water together and come up spluttering. Steve's head is thrown back, his shoulders are shaking with giggles and Eddie feels a grin stretch across his face.
He leans forward to rest his chin on Steve's shoulder, his hand still over Steve's, a teasing tone in his voice when he says, "So, hey, I was wondering. What would it take for me to get free ice cream for life from Steve Harrington?"
Steve turns his head and Eddie pulls back so they can look at each other. And that's all they do for a long moment, Eddie's breathing speeding up when Steve's gaze drops to his lips.
But all Steve does is turn his hand in Eddie's grip, so he can tangle their fingers together. He squeezes Eddie's hand, then stands, grinning, tugging Eddie up with him.
"C'mon," Steve says, pulling Eddie over to the pool before jumping in with a splash. Eddie ducks away from the water, grinning like a fool. When he catches Erica's knowing smirk, he just shrugs helplessly and follows Steve in.
Maybe he owes Erica some free ice cream, too.
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astrobei · 1 year
for @quinnick: kiss prompt #4 - lips barely touching
The car is out of gas. Will is about ten seconds away from maybe-dying (again). Mike Wheeler has been abnormally quiet today.
At least of late, one of those things is more abnormal than the others. 
The car is always out of gas. Will doesn’t know when the last time they’d filled it up was, but he does know that it’s not his problem trying to figure it out. That’s Hopper’s deal. Or his mom’s, maybe. Or Nancy’s, or Jonathan’s, or–
Whatever! The point is that the car is out of gas, Mike and Will are stranded at the currently closed general store, and they’re probably about to die.
“Mike,” Will tries, for maybe the hundredth time. “It’s not your fault, okay, it could’ve happened to anyone–”
“Yeah,” Mike grumbles miserably, as they round the corner, from aisle four – cleaning supplies and household items – into aisle five – canned goods. Most of the shelves are empty, turned over. Mike picks up a can of pickled green beans, pulls a face, and puts it back on the shelf. “But it didn’t happen to anyone. It happened to me.”
Will takes a long, deep breath in through his nose. God forbid Mike Wheeler ever let anything go. “You didn’t know,” he huffs anyway. “It’s not your fault.” The store is dark, which is great for being able to roll your eyes without Mike seeing. Will’s flashlight sputters, briefly, the bright circle of light flickering in and out of view. He smacks it against his palm once, twice, and it steadies. “Seriously,” Will adds, as Mike slows to a stop in front of him. “Stop beating yourself up. So we have to wait for a ride. Big deal.”
Mike turns around to face him. His expression is mostly unreadable in the dark, but Will’s flashlight catches the edge of it – worried, a little guilty. “Yeah,” Mike says softly. “Except there are things everywhere and waiting for a ride is just– we’re sitting ducks here, okay,” Mike frowns. “I don’t like it. It feels like tempting fate.”
“Well, the simple fact of my existence feels like tempting fate sometimes,” Will jokes. It works, for a split second – Mike’s furrowed brows smooth out into something halfway amused, and he makes a noise that might be a laugh.
“Not funny,” Mike says anyway. His lips twitch.
“You laughed!” Will insists, smiling. His voice carries down through the hallway in a vibrant echo. “I know you did!”
“Shut up,” Mike whispers, looking away. “Would it kill you to keep your voice down?”
It might. Somewhere in the back of Will’s mind, he’s vaguely aware that they’re not safe here, out in the open, and that the whole point of them coming inside instead of waiting in the parking lot was to hunker down until Jonathan and Nancy could get another car here to pick them up. And also, preferably, get some gas.
Somewhere significantly closer in Will’s mind, though, is the knowledge that this is the most Mike has said – and the closest he’s come to laughing – since the car had stalled on the way from the cabin to the general store ten minutes ago, and Mike had just barely had time to pull into the abandoned parking lot before it had stopped altogether. He knows Mike doesn’t like this – being caught off-guard, out in the open. Even minute changes in the plan – which you’d think they’d all be more prepared for, considering the way things have been going lately – get Mike a little keyed up.
And the sorry, borderline pathetic part is this: despite it all, despite the ever-present threat of danger, and the impending sense of doom that’s been hanging over their heads for what seems like forever, Will feels vaguely pleased with himself anyway, seeing Mike hold back a smile instead of forcing one on his face.
So yeah, it might kill him, if he kept his voice down. That’s okay. Will thinks it would be worth it, sometimes – the danger and the doom and everything else – to hear Mike laugh.
God, what’s wrong with him? That’s embarrassing. That’s so embarrassing.
He shakes the thought off. “Whatever,” Will says instead, praying the cover of darkness is hiding the blush that’s rapidly rising to his cheeks. He angles  the flashlight away from them anyway, just in case, and Mike’s face falls back into silhouette. “You know I’m right. You’re doomed just by being here with me.”
Mike shakes his head. “You know I don’t think of you like that.”
Will frowns. “Like what?”
“Like– like a bad luck charm,” Mike waves his hands around. “Or whatever.”
“I didn’t say bad luck charm,” Will exclaims. “Ouch! Stop putting words into my mouth.”
Mike grins. “Would you rather have, uh,” he picks up the nearest can to him, something small and vaguely gray, “tinned sardines in your mouth? Tinned sardines in water? Oh, gross. Never mind, actually.”
“I would rather not,” Will decides, even though the shelves are so bare that they might have to suck it up and take home the tinned sardines in water after all. “Would you like some, uh. Tuna?”
“I guess we know why there’s so much fish,” Mike sighs, leaning heavily against an empty shelf. “Nobody wanted it.”
“You mean the ten people outside of our circle of friends that are still left in Hawkins? Yeah,” Will scoffs, then sets the can back down with a soft clink. “I guess not.”
Neither of them say anything for a moment. It’s quiet in the store, the room dark and lit faintly by Will’s flashlight and the display in the corner. It lights Mike up a faint blue, catches the edges of his jaw and where his hair is curling softly over the hood of his jacket. 
Will’s flashlight sputters again. 
When it comes back on this time, it’s more faint than it was before. It’s dark in here, Will realizes, a bit belatedly. Like, really dark.
He takes a deep breath and shuffles closer to Mike, just a little, like the shape of his body all leaned against the empty shelves is a grounding force. Mike gives him a look that Will can’t quite decipher in the dark.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Will breathes out. The proximity is helping, a little. “Just– waiting for our ride.”
Mike leans in a bit closer too, places an arm under Will’s elbow. It’s a light touch, nothing forceful, but the semblance of support is there. “You sure? You look a little pale.”
Sometimes, Will hates how well Mike knows him. He doesn’t get antsy in the same way Mike does in situations like these, but he’d be lying if he said they didn’t affect him at all. It should be expected by now, the automatic fight or flight. 
For some cruel reason, it still isn’t. “You can’t even see me,” he says, but lets himself lean into the touch anyway.
“I can see enough,” Mike says easily. “Do you want to sit down?”
Will shakes his head. The only thing worse than waiting out in the open is sitting out in the open. At least when you’re standing, you can run. “No. I’m fine.”
Will can’t see Mike either, but he’d be willing to bet real money – that he doesn’t have – that he can tell exactly what Mike’s expression looks like. The pause grows, swells and swells and swells, until Will is sure Mike is going to say something–
There’s a clattering outside.
Instantly, Mike’s hand tightens its grip on Will’s elbow. “Did you hear that?”
“Yes,” Will hisses, twisting around to try and see through the windows. “Of course I heard that, Mike.”
“Do you think that’s–”
“No idea,” Will whispers. With no small amount of reluctance, he tugs his arm out of Mike’s grip. He misses the warmth of it almost instantaneously, and the tugging in his stomach is only amplified by the way Mike automatically leans in behind him, places a hand on his back to replace the absent touch, like it was never gone at all. Will swallows, and flicks the flashlight off. “Now be quiet.”
“The windows are boarded up,” Mike says, decidedly not being quiet. Will wonders where the Mike Wheeler of fifteen minutes ago went – the one that was sulking and fidgeting in silence the whole way down the first aid aisle. “They’re boarded up, so nothing can get in. Right?”
“We got in,” Will points out, which Mike seems to realize at approximately the same second he does. It’s getting a little hard to think, with Mike so close to him.
Will really wishes Mike would pull his hand away.
“Right,” Mike whispers, breath ghosting gently over the back of Will’s neck. “Okay. That’s fine. That’s fine.”
Fine, Will thinks. That’s one word for it.
Another clattering. It’s closer this time.
Will freezes.
Jonathan and Nancy are probably about ten minutes out. Twenty if they had to go back to the Wheelers’ for the other car. So they’d probably be fine if they stuck it out here, because the chance of something happening across them now, in the brief period of time where they’re stuck without a ride, in a building equipped with close to nothing that could help, is small.
Small, but not nonexistent.
Will isn’t really feeling inclined to take that chance. “Come on,” he says, then spins on his heel, grabbing Mike’s hand and tugging him in the opposite direction. “Come with me.”
Mike follows easily, stumbling slightly with the sudden movement. “Wh– where are we going?”
“Just come on,” Will says, then tugs Mike around to the back of the store. He yanks open a door, and shoves him inside. “Get in.”
“Whoa,” Mike says, as Will tumbles in behind him. “Will, what–”
“Would it kill you to be quiet?”
“Sorry,” Mike says, then does, at last, fall silent.
Immediately, Will wishes he hadn’t said that. It’s dark in here – even darker than out in the front of the store – and the only noise is the faint hum of a generator, somewhere behind the walls. It’s grating and stilted. Will wonders when the last time it had been repaired was.
Plus, it’s really–
It’s really fucking dark in here.
Will lets out a long, slow exhale, and reaches out to feel for the wall beside him. His palm comes into contact with chipped paint and he follows the shape of it down, lowering himself onto the ground.
“Will?” Mike says, and Will is in half a mind to say that thing about being quiet again, but–
It’s dark. It’s really dark.
“Yeah,” he says, barely audible even to himself over the faint hum of the generator, and the louder hum – demanding, prominent, persistent – of his blood rushing through his ears. “I just– sitting. I’m sitting.”
There had at least been some light out in the front, but this storage closet might as well be a void. It smells vaguely of dust, something stale and unknown and probably untouched for who-knows-how-long. Will takes another deep breath in.
“Where?” Mike asks. “I don’t want to step on you.”
Will cracks a smile. “Here,” he says, and holds a hand up in the air. “Right here.”
There’s a quiet shuffling sound as Mike moves closer, and then Will feels fingertips brushing against his. Mike latches on immediately, gripping tighter onto his hand and sits down in front of him. 
Will still can’t see anything – he can’t see anything – but he can feel Mike’s presence like it’s a tangible thing.
Mike could let go of Will’s hand now. Now that he’s found him.
He doesn’t, though.
“Hey,” Mike says, then there’s another faint shuffling noise. “Where are we?”
“Storage closet.”
“Huh. How did you know it was here?”
Will cracks another smile, despite himself. “My mom worked here, remember? For, like, years.”
“Right,” Mike laughs, and then he’s moving closer, knees bumping against knees in the dark. “I forgot. It doesn’t feel like the same place.”
“Tell me about it,” Will sighs. He’s probably breathing in dust and debris and soot and all sorts of gross stuff, but he can’t find it in himself to care. He presses his knees against Mike’s a little harder, just because he can.
“I remember,” Mike starts, readjusting his grip on Will’s hand – fingers interlocked, a firmer grip – “she’d give me free candy from the front counter. Whenever I came in with my parents, I mean. My mom was so confused about why I kept asking to tag along to Melvald’s with her.”
“That’s not fair,” Will laughs. “She never let me have any candy.”
“You were a menace all hopped up on sugar,” Mike points out. “I knew how to behave myself.”
That’s a damn lie, and they both know it. “Liar,” Will says quietly, leaning his head back against the wall. “You’re such a liar.”
“Maybe so,” Mike hums. “But I’m still the one who got free candy, so–”
“Mike!” Will shoves lightly at his knee, and Mike’s answering laugh fills the small space instantaneously. It’s loud – too loud, because they’re supposed to be hiding, goddamnit – but the nagging little voice at the back of Will’s head is vanquished almost as quickly as it came. “Shut up.”
Mike, as always, ignores him. “Why don’t we turn on a light?”
“The fuse is probably blown,” Will responds. “If there’s even a light in this stupid closet.”
“I mean this, idiot,” Mike says, and then clicks the flashlight back on. The batteries must be dying, because it flickers to life weakly, steadying out into a dim yellow-white. “Obviously.”
“Don’t waste the batteries,” Will says at once, trying to grab for it. “Come on, Mike–”
“Jonathan and Nancy will be here any minute and then we can go put in new batteries,” Mike says, holding it easily out of reach. “No point sitting in the dark, right?”
“Mike,” Will tries to protest, but it’s useless. Mike’s made up his mind.
Slowly, and a little far away, Will realizes what Mike is trying to do. He’s not being subtle about it, but subtlety has never been Mike Wheeler’s strong suit. He’s always been exuberant, quick and spontaneous with his actions, and this is no different. Sitting up close, closer than would be strictly necessary in any other situation. Turning the light on, despite the dying batteries. Telling Will about coming here as a kid, all those years ago. Making him laugh. Diffusing the tension.
Jesus, and he’s still holding Will’s hand.
A wave of affection washes over him, sudden and overwhelming enough for Will to feel borderline nauseous.
This isn’t fair. This isn’t fair. Mike can’t just sit here and touch their knees together and hold Will’s hand, and–
“Look,” Mike is saying, and then he’s holding the flashlight under his chin and grinning. “Don’t I look freaky?”
In all honesty, Mike looks fucking hilarious. The direct light casts long shadows across the dips of his cheekbones, the shapes of his eyelashes distorting wildly as he blinks. “No,” Will snorts, rolling his eyes. “You look ridiculous.”
“Really?” Mike grins, in a way that means he knows just how ridiculous he looks. “Not even a little?” He waggles his eyebrows, and the resulting effect is so comical that Will can’t help the laugh that bursts out of him, sharp and sudden and real.
“Mike,” he chides, for the millionth time. “You’re going to kill the battery.”
Mike looks way too pleased with himself. “Worth it,” he says anyway, as he sets the flashlight down. It evens out the sharp angles of his face, now that it’s farther away, lights his cheeks and nose and eyes up into something softer, more open.
Something about the steadiness of Mike’s expression is brighter than any source of light. Suddenly, it’s too much. Suddenly, it’s blinding. 
God. He’s so screwed.  “For what?”
“Getting you to laugh,” Mike says, simple and easy, like he’s reciting times tables instead of proceeding to turn Will’s entire world upside down on its pathetic little axis.
Will feels his lungs stutter on his next inhale. He looks away. “Don’t do that.”
The gleeful expression falters on Mike’s face. “Don’t do what?”
“Don’t,” Will says, “don’t– you’re being so– so–”
Mike looks caught somewhere between confusion and amusement. “So what?”
“So,” Will tries again, and then Mike moves closer, and the difficulty of articulating a halfway decent sentence immediately increases tenfold. “So.”
“So,” Mike echoes, shifting so the side of his thigh is pressed up against the side of Will’s. He’s being slowly backed into the corner, but the thought isn’t terrifying like it might have been five minutes ago. Suddenly, Will is overwhelmed in a completely new way. “So what?”
“Nice to me,” Will gets out. “Stop being so nice to me.”
Mike pauses, then says, incredulously and half-laughing– “What? Why?”
Bad choice of words. “You heard me,” Will says anyway, because he’s nothing if not stubborn. “You’re being too nice.”
“I should hope so,” Mike says. “I mean, you’re my friend.”
Maybe Will is imagining it, but the sentence feels unfinished. Like there’s a second half to it that Mike is keeping for himself: You’re my friend – right?
The obvious answer here is that yes, Mike is his friend. But that answer feels unfinished too, like a lie by omission. Will tries to imagine it, doing these things with anyone else – what it would be like if Dustin was holding his hand, or if it were Lucas sitting next to him this close.
The conclusion he comes to, almost immediately, is that it would be weird.
It would be really fucking weird.
That feels like– something. An admission, maybe. Because the fact of the matter is that things with Mike have always been like this, and they’ve never been like this with anyone else, and Will doesn’t think they can be like this with anyone else without it being the most unsettling thing that’s ever happened to him.
The silence, he realizes, has gone on just a second too long.
“Yeah,” he blurts out at last. “Yeah. Obviously.”
Something settles over Mike’s face. “Will–”
“Forget I said anything,” Will backpedals, a little bit desperate. “Never mind. Be as nice to me as you want.”
Mike bites down on his lower lip. It looks like he’s holding back a smile. “As nice as I want?”
Oh, no.
“Sure,” Will tries. “Do your worst.”
Mike lets out a shaky exhale. He presses in further, leans in closer until their shoulders are almost touching. “How about this?”
“That’s not nice,” Will says weakly. “That’s just an invasion of personal space.”
“Seems pretty nice to me,” Mike mutters under his breath.
Will inhales sharply. “Mike.”
“What are you– doing,” Will whispers, stumbling over his words, just slightly, as Mike places a hand on his arm.
Mike’s gaze does not waver. “Is this okay?”
Is it okay? Will thinks his brain might be halfway to leaking out through his ears. This is–
This is–
“Yeah,” he hears himself say. “Yeah. Great.”
“Okay,” Mike whispers. He’s so close now that Will could count all the freckles spattered across his nose, if he wanted to. He could, and the thought is dizzying, dizzying – suddenly, it’s not the claustrophobia that’s making him feel like this. It can’t be, because Mike is in front of him, and he’s so close that Will could just lean forward and–
He could just–
“Mike.” And maybe he’s a bit of a broken record, but he can’t come up with any words other than his name. He clutches at Mike’s knee and meets his gaze and prays – to whatever deity allowed him to get trapped in a storage closet with Mike Wheeler two inches away from his face – that Mike Wheeler will find the courage in him somewhere to close the fucking gap.
He doesn’t, though, which is a sign that the universe must be majorly fucking with him. Not yet, anyway. Not anywhere near as fast as Will needs it to be – if this is what he thinks it is, it’s nowhere near fast enough.
In actuality, what it is is excruciating – the way Will’s heart is beating so loud that he’s sure Mike can hear it, in the proximity. The slow circles Mike is tracing over his other hand – the hand that he’s still holding. He’s so close that Will can discern the warmth emanating off him, the familiar scent of soap, can feel Mike’s eyes trained steadily on his mouth, and yet–
Either Mike is actually moving at a speed of one nanosecond per minute, or time has slowed to a near-stop around them. Mike’s grip on his hand is agonizing, caustic in all the places where they’re touching, each slow circle of Mike’s thumb against his wrist driving him slowly and steadily out of his mind. Do it, Will thinks, like maybe if he thinks it loud enough, Mike will be able to hear him. Do it, do it, do it.
Mike’s lips touch his.
The world stops moving.
It must, anyway. Or maybe it’s just that Will doesn’t think he’s breathing anymore – he doesn’t know if he can find it in him to remember how. All he’s aware of is this: Mike’s hands on his arm, his wrist. Mike’s leg under his own palm, warm and steady and pressed up against him in a smooth, unyielding line. The pressure of the wall behind him, the strands of Mike’s hair brushing against his face, and Mike’s lips – gentle, gentle, gentle, and nowhere near enough.
It’s like Mike is waiting for something. Waiting for Will, maybe.
God, okay.
Fuck it, Will thinks, from somewhere far off in his own head. Fuck it. Fuck this. 
“Will,” Mike whispers, pulling back a precious few millimeters, and that’s it. That’s all Will can take.
Will lifts his hand off Mike’s leg, raises it to his wrist and tugs. Mike topples into him with a small gasp, Will falls backwards into the wall, and then they’re kissing.
God. Okay.
Mike steadies himself quickly, braces a hand on the wall behind them and leans in, firm and enthusiastic. His hand, Will notices, faintly and with no small amount of affection, is shaking. Just slightly. Will’s trapped between them again – Mike and the wall – but this time he can’t find it in himself to care even the slightest bit. As if there’s anywhere he’d want to go that wasn’t here, as if he’d want to be somewhere without Mike’s hand carding through his hair, or without his lips moving softly against Will’s own, or the noise he makes when Will presses forward, too fast, too eager, too betrayed by his own fluttering pulse – something like a laugh, trapped deep in his chest.
Suddenly, it’s not enough. It’s not enough. It’s–
“Mike? Will?”
In a flash, Mike pulls away, wide-eyed and pink-cheeked and breathing like he’s just run a marathon.
“Yeah,” Mike calls, voice cracking just slightly on the syllable. “We’re in here!”
“So,” Will says, aiming for nonchalance. He fails immediately. His voice cracks too. Great. “That–”
Don’t freak out, he thinks. Please don’t freak out.
Mike, to his credit, is not freaking out.
“Yeah,” Mike says, voice a little high-pitched but surprisingly even. He clears his throat. “Um. Yeah. You were–”
“Yeah,” Will finishes, rather lamely. He’s grinning like an idiot. He doesn’t even need to look at himself to tell. His expression is mirrored, perfectly, flawlessly, brilliantly, on Mike’s own face.
The closet door gets thrown open, and there’s a blinding, sudden light– “What the fuck,” Mike exclaims, squinting and throwing a hand up in front of his eyes. “Nancy?”
Jonathan peers around her shoulder. “What were you guys doing in here?”
Don’t look. Don’t look. Don’t–
Will can’t help it. He looks at Mike, and they immediately burst into laughter.
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brooooswriting · 1 year
heyo lovely HOOMAN I hope you are doing well
Do you think we can get another part for situations?
If not everything's fine
I have a lovely day
Situations 4
Situations 1, Situations 2, Situations 3, situations 5, situations 6, situations 7
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The next morning you woke up at 4 am with Jenna on top of you, her head nuzzled into your neck while your arms wrapped around her waist. You couldn’t help but blush when you realized how comforting and domestic this felt, like it was made to be. After a bit longer, you decided to get up and make breakfast for everyone as you knew that Paul, Jenna and Mike had to work today. Carefully rolling the girl off, you went and changed into a jogging trouser and a top before walking to the kitchen.
You decided to make some eggs for your friends, Avocado Toast for all of them and some vegan pancakes for Jenna and yourself, meanwhile you brewed some coffee and tea before setting the table. You liked stuff like this, taking care of people, especially your friends. After everything was set and done, you decided to wake them up, only Jenna waking up alone before you even had the chance to wake anyone up. “Good morning darling, how did you sleep?” You asked her as she went to hug you, “better than in a long time” she grumbled while you laughed as you hugged her. “Here, I made some breakfast “ you told her as you parted causing her to mumble a small ‘thank you’. “I’m gonna go wake the others, some of them have to work soon” so you went and woke all of them.
“So what’s your plan for today?” You asked the brunette when you settled down next to her, the others were getting ready to come into the kitchen for breakfast. “I have a shoot for ‘hot ones’ at about 1 pm and that’s it for today. What’s your plan?” You quickly checked your calendar before answering. “Nothing actually. I’m off work today and I have nothing planned” you grinned happily as you didn’t have off a lot.
“Good Morning love birds” it was Mike who happily entered before letting himself fall on to the chair next to you. “This looks good, what do we have?” You laughed slightly as he goggled the food, trying to hide the blush that spread when he came inside. “Eggs and avocado toast” you answered busying yourself by purring coffee into his mug. “Morning guys” Paul and Joey entered, both clearly not morning people as they dragged their feet behind them, their shoulders sacked and their eyes barely open. “Morning Star-shines” you and Jenna laughed before also purring them a cup of coffee.
It was silent for a moment as everyone ate their breakfast before your name was called from somewhere in the apartment, Mia’s voice rang through the kitchen causing your eyes to roll back and to your surprise Jenna’s too. “I’ll be back” you told her as you stood up letting your hand rest on top of her shoulder slightly squeezing before walking off.
You found the girl in the guest bed room, a towel wrapped around her but her hair still dry. “What do you need?” You asked her as you stood in the doorway. “Oh wow, you’re very friendly” she sarcastically answered causing you to roll your eyes again. “The shower doesn’t work” she told you which only earned her a sigh. “Fine, go shower in my room” you didn’t feel like fixing the shower right this moment as you’d rather spend your time with your friends. So you parted ways again as she walked to your bathroom while you returned to the kitchen. “The shower didn’t work” you informed them and sat back down, talking to Jenna and Mike as the rest was still half asleep.
When nearly everyone was done, Mia decided to join sitting unnecessarily close to you. Jenna rolled her eyes as she grabbed her plate to bring it to the kitchen, you following her. She stood in front of the sink aggressively washing the plate which confused you so you stood behind her looking over her shoulder. “You alright? You don’t have to wash the plate, I have a dishwasher you know” you carefully told her as your body was pressed against hers so you could take the plate from her. “I should go” was the only thing she said before quickly walking to your room, you stood quite confused.
“Let me drive you” you leaned against the doorframe as she collected all her things. “You don’t have to, your friends are here and hot ones is pretty far away” she now stood in front of you with her stuff in her hands, “well, everyone except Mia has to go to work anyway and if I have to choose between her bitching around because I like hanging out with you and actually hanging out with you, even if it’s just driving around then I’d pretty much rather drive with you” you explained messing around with the skin on your fingers. “Stop doing that” she scolded you hitting your fingers away, “and get ready, we have to leave in about 20 minutes” she continued with a smile causing you to smile too. “Alright ma’am” you grinned and went to change into some jeans and a bottom up, putting your hair up before joining everyone back in the kitchen.
“Alright, Jenna and I have to go. Everyone has to leave with Mike as he has a key” you told them as you put on your shoes. “Bye guys, it was nice to meet you” the actress smiled as she grabbed her bag, “bye” you called out as you led the smaller girl out of the apartment with a hand on her back. “My car’s in the garage” you informed her when you stepped into the elevator pressing the bottom. “You really don’t have to drive me” you grinned while slightly shaking your head, “you really can’t let people help you huh” which caused her to grin and shake her head.
You walked up to your truck, opening her door before getting in yourself, “wanna dj?” You asked as you tipped in the address she told you before. “Can I? It’s no problem if you wanna do it” she was being polite, but deep down she didn’t want anyone else to do the music which caused you to chuckle. “No, you can. It’s fine and I mean we have a long drive ahead. But we may have to stop for gas on the way” you added as you exited the garage.
You decided to stop at the nearest gas station where you also got her her favorite drink and some snacks as the drive was for about an hour and a half. “Here, I got you some stuff” you told her as you gave her the bag. “Thank you” you smiled at her before driving off again. It was the nicest drive you’ve had in a while, one moment you were listening to music, the next moment you were screaming along and the next one you were talking about everything and nothing. The feeling inside of you was indescribable, you felt like you belonged.
“We are here, I think” you said as you parked the car in front of a building with several security guards outside. “Have fun and text me when I should pick you up” you checked your phone real quick as you talked nearly missing the ‘oh’ that fell from her lips. “What?” You were confused, didn’t she wanna ride back with you? “Nothing, it’s just- I thought that you were gonna come inside with me, but you don’t have to- I was just being stupid” she rambled as she played with the rings in your fingers that laid on the console in the middle. “No, you’re not being stupid! I just didn’t wanna assume anything and I thought that if I come inside they’re gonna think we’re a couple and I didn’t think that would you want that” now it was your turn rambling as you watched how her hand played with the rings on yours. “Let them assume what they want, there are worse things that they could assume anyways. But I’d be really happy if you joined me, these things make me nervous and you tend to calm me” she was cute like this, Shy and slightly unsure but also just adorable.
Without another word you exited the car and opened her door. “Let’s go my Lady” you held out your hand to help her out of the truck which she happily took. But to your surprise she also didn’t let go of your hand when you walked to the building, it made you blush and your heart quicken. She took you inside the building and you sat on a chair next to her for about 2 hours while she was getting her makeup and outfit done.
“How do I look?” She asked when everybody else exited the room and it was just the two of you. She wore a beautiful black top and trouser with a updo hairstyle and some jewelry. She was breathtaking, the most beautiful person you’ve ever laid your eyes on, you could barely find the words. “Perfect” was the only thing you trusted your voice with. “Really? I’m not sure about the top” she told you as she looked down at her shaking leg causing you to walk up to her, sitting next to her again. “Are you alright?” Your voice was low and comforting as you carefully laid your hand on her shaking leg, slowing it down to a stop so she could busy herself with the rings again. “I’m nervous, what if I can’t handle the spice or do something stupid? What if he asks uncomfortable questions?” She was caught in the ‘what if’ loop and clearly didn’t quite come out of it anymore as she kept talking. “I can tell you one certain thing to alll the what ifs you judged talked about, I will always be on your side and I couldn’t care less about you doing something ‘weird’. I like you the way you are and it will stay that way, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks like that, so don’t worry that much oke? rather think about what you want to do after this” you looked at her the whole time, admiring her and everything about her. She smiled at you before kissing your cheek softly, lingering longer than one normally would before she was called.
You were allowed to sit behind the cameras and watch her, the whole time you were giving her a thumbs up when she was nervously looking for you. It seemed to calm her every time and to be honest, she was doing awesome, she answered the questions in an interesting way and handled the spices like a champ. “So Jenna, we have one more question and I think that is one that a lot of people have asked lately, because pictures like these went around a lot lately and everybody wants to know: who is this girl? And who is she to you?” You froze, it was a picture of you guys hugging, the one you saw in the news. You could already see your bond disappeared. “Well, she saved me so I hugged her to thank her. There is nothing between us, just that” your heart broke that moment, was that the only reason why she came over and stuff? Because she felt like she had to do it after you saved her? Your thoughts were going in a circle and you decided that you needed some silence so you walked to the only place you knew here: Jenna’s changing room.
After Jenna answered the question she looked over to your, now empty, chair, her brows furrowed. When you were gone she immediately got more nervous but now she had to go thru with it. She’d find you and talk to you after she’s done. “Hi, sorry to disturb you but do you think you could tell Jenna that I’ll be waiting in the car?” You asked one of the nice ladies that did her outfit as you picked at the skin of your fingers. “Sure, I’ll let her know as soon as she’s done.” After you thanked her, you made your way outside leaning against your car trying to calm your racing mind. Maybe she didn’t mean what she said, is what you told yourself over and over again but your mind couldn’t help but find other reasons. It went until the actress joined you at your car.
“I’m sorry it took so long” she told you as she stood next to you, you only nodded to deep in thoughts to answer. “Yeah, alright. Let’s just drive” you told her, starring ahead. The beginning of the drive was quiet, nobody talked and the music was so quiet that it was barely audible. At least until an 75 minutes into the drive when Jenna spoke up, “pull to the side pleas. I want to talk” you did what she told you as you didn’t want to argue.
“What’s going on with you? You suddenly disappeared and now you’re not even saying a word. I thought this was a fun thing, you said you liked to spend time with me” she turned to you as she talked. “That was when I thought we were actually something. You don’t have to hang out with me just because I saved you. I would have done it for everyone, like I said I didn’t even recognize you back then, so don’t to this because you think you have to” your voice wasn’t like she knew it, it was hard and mad instead of it’s normal softness. But now she knew why you were mad, she didn’t know what to say back then and was scared that she’d ruin what you guys had. “Y/n, it’s not like that” she started but you only rolled your eyes and continued to drive. “Yeah, sure. I just wish you would have been honest” you said as you drove off the highway. “I didn’t know what to say alright? I was scared” she was frustrated, it was evident in her voice and the way she held her shoulders. “Scared of what? Of telling me the truth?” You were now parked in front of her house, just waiting for her to get out. “No, I was scared of ruining what we have” she explained but you couldn’t help but giggle. “That turned out pretty will, didn’t it?” You were being sarcastic which made her mad. “You’re not even taking this seriously! You know, one moment you’re telling me you’ll always be there for me and you’ll like me no matter what and the next moment you act like this”
It was silent for a moment both of you thinking about how this could end. “You should probably get inside” your voice was dry, while your eyes were unfocused just starring ahead. “Y/n…” the girl next to you mumbled but you only shook your head. But that still didn’t make her move, “will you please just leave man?” Your voice also showed your frustration. “No! I wanna talk about this, I don’t want you to be mad at me” both of you didn’t quite know what to do it what to say, it was just quiet again.
You were picking at the skin again which caused Jenna to grab one of your hands with hers and intervene them tightly, “don’t do that, you’ll bleed again.” You couldn’t help but calm down as she touched you causing you to turn to her as she did the same.
Your eyes flickered towards her lips for a moment while hers did the same. Both of you were slightly leaning on until your lips softly brushed, your hands still intervened on her lap as your hand came up to rest on her jaw, your thumb softly stroking the skin. There wasn’t much movement and the kiss was rather a brush of lips than anything else but it still felt right.
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jellyfishbeansontoast · 10 months
10 things I hate about you
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair
ok this is the first part of the series so i hope you enjoy!! a massive thank you to @demxters for literally everything to do with this <3 Word count: 1023
“I’m gonna do it” Mike declares at the lunch table, sliding into his usual chair in the process.
“Do what?” Lucas asks. 
Mike looks around quickly before leaning into the group, “Ask her out.”
“Who? El? Good luck with that one.” Dustin teased. 
“What do you mean? Do you not think she’ll say yes?” hurt and insecurity flashes across Mike’s face, his previous confident demeanour disappearing. 
“Oh I’m sure she’ll want to say yes but she’s not allowed until Y/n starts dating, Hopper’s rules.” 
Mike almost chokes on his sandwich “but she’s like really scary, has she ever even dated anyone?” he looks around the group in desperation “Maybe she’ll say yes anyway? Hopper doesn’t have to know?”
“You can try your luck if you want” Dustin nods his head to a vending machine at the back of the cafeteria where El’s standing, cursing at the machine. Mike stands up, anxiously wiping his palms on his trousers before walking towards El. He turns to the group before he reaches her and mouths a hurried ‘wish me luck’.
“Need assistance?” 
“It won’t give me my stuff” she grumbles.
“Yeah you kind of have to-” he shakes the machine until the chocolate bar that was previously teetering over the precipice finally falls to the bottom, he retrieves the bar and hands it over to the now much happier girl in front. 
“Thank you Mikey! I owe you, do you want some?” He’s caught off guard by the nickname, coughing and spluttering in a way he can only imagine is wildly unattractive, just what he needs right now. 
“No, thank you though,” he fidgets with his hands “I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me somewhere-” he takes a nervous breath “like a date?”
“I’d love to,” Mike almost cheers aloud but realises it’s too soon for celebration when he notices her chewing on her lip “but Hopper won’t let me till Y/n starts dating, and there’s no way she’ll date anyone, she’s scared off like every guy who’s ever asked.”  
“I get it, don’t worry about it.” he mumbles, feigning indifference. She smiles apologetically and they begin to make their way to the table, the rest of the group pretending not to have watched the whole interaction. 
“So?” Dustin elbows him in the ribs as soon as Mike sits down, although he’s sure he already knows the answer.
“Hopper” Mike replies in a dejected whisper, careful not to let El hear, after all he doesn’t want her feeling bad for something she can’t control.
Dustin’s face contorts almost as if he’s in pain. “Woah you okay over there?” Lucas calls from the other end of the table, earning a few snorts of laughter from around the table.
“Shut up I’m thinking”
“Oh that’s what that is?”
The curly haired boy holds up a finger in retort, cutting him off from any further rude remarks. “What if-” he begins, a sly smile sneaking onto his face as he looks between El and Mike “we got someone to date Y/n, then according to Hopper’s rule you two would be free to date and we wouldn’t have to hear Mike pining about you anymore.” He directs the last comment towards El. 
Mike hangs his head, a furious blush spreading over his cheeks “I don’t pine.”
“Sure you don’t.” 
“But we don’t have anyone who’ll date Y/n” El points out.
“So quick to doubt my plan” he shakes his head with a playful tut, “Steve.”
“Steve?” comes the incredulous response from everyone around the table, even Will who had refrained from taking part in the plan making so far. 
“What? You don’t think I can bribe him? The man needs the cash and also, I saw him checking out ‘Sixteen candles’ for himself the other day.”
“We’re gonna pay someone to date my sister?” 
“Got a better idea?” 
She shakes her head resignedly “Fine, but she can’t find out, I don’t want her getting hurt.” Dustin imitates zipping his lips before the conversation turns to something DnD related. 
“Steve” The older boy looks up at the line of teenagers forming in front of him “ We need your help.”
Steve looks around the almost empty Family Video store checking for customers “You want me to rent an age restricted film for you again? I’ll do it one last time but don’t come to me when it freaks you out like the Poltergeist did, I warned you”
“We don’t need a movie.” Dustin cuts in.
“Oh? What do you want then” He rests his elbows on the counter, settling his chin on his hands. 
“We need you to date Y/n.” 
“No chance, anything else I can help you with today?” Steve folds his arms across his chest. 
“You haven’t even heard what’s in it for you” he complains. 
“I heard the last man to try and take Y/n out on a date ended up with his car keyed and his tyres slashed,” He flits his eyes towards his car in the parking lot “that can’t happen to my baby.”
“It was just the tyres” corrects El, her nose wrinkling in disgust at the pet name usage for Steve’s car.
Dustin leans across the counter, coming face to face with Steve, “I saw you check out Sixteen Candles, what would people think of King Steve renting out a chick flick?”
“King Steve is long gone, now I hang out with kids” he sighs dejectedly. 
It’s Mike’s turn to beg “Please Steve, Hopper won’t let me date El until Y/n’s dating someone, you’re our only chance.”
“What’s in it for me?” finally they’re getting somewhere.
Steve groans, already regretting what he’s about to do. “I’ll do it.” The group cheer in sync “But only because this lovesick thing you two have going on is disgusting” 
“Yeah yeah, thanks for your help.” 
Taglist: @johnricharddeacy
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intothedysphoria · 3 months
Because Neil was an abusive bellend, which we all know, Billy was never able to celebrate his birthday between the ages of 7 to 18. And before that it still felt overshadowed by the presence of Neil looming over him.
His eighteenth was a little bit different.
He’d been dating Steve for almost three months and things had been going very well, considering a month before they’d gotten together they’d beat the shit out of each other. The only thing was is that Steve INSISTED on knowing his birthday. He was a giving sort, always wanting to do something special.
Billy told him he didn’t do birthdays, never had never would. Steve grumbled something like “We’ll see about that.”
It was a nice day for March, shit compared to California but it was the best Hawkins was going to get. Neil had pissed off somewhere. Probably the best present he was going to get.
And of course Harrington fucking turned up on his doorstep at 6AM. Susan was still asleep. Max should have still been asleep but neither of them had slept a whole night in a while. More surprisingly, she was dressed and not in some shirt she’d borrowed from Billy that was too big for her.
Of course Max had told Steve his birthday. The little fucker.
Morning was surprisingly ok. Steve let him drive the Camaro as fast as he wanted, despite previous insistences that it was “a fucking death trap Hargrove.” They had pizza which Billy hadn’t had since the move. It was nice. Peaceful.
Then noon hit and Steve dragged him to the Byers. Not his mansion of a place. The Byers. The place that had almost been taken over by aliens. Romantic.
Joyce Byers opened the door, wearing a party hat. Billy briefly considered faking amnesia. No Mrs Byers, I don’t know who you are. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience caused. Bye then.
But he loved Steve and honestly, Joyce reminded him of a slightly more dishevelled version of his mom.
Most of the balloons seemed to be Bar Mitzvah themed, which was later explained to be because Will had recently had his and those were the only balloons in the house. Both Jonathan and Will were there. El, who still kind of terrified him. Max, somehow. Henderson. Sinclair. Mike Wheeler (ugh). And for some reason, Hopper.
Begrudgingly, Billy had to admit that it was fun. They had a water balloon fight, Billy got to pick all the music, he actually got given his own cake and Joyce gave him a mom hug, which may have made him cry.
Hopper tried to talk to him, which was slightly awkward considering he was well aware of Billy’s view on cops. Still, he was alright for a pig.
And then there was Steve. His genuine, sweet boyfriend who’d obviously came up with this whole thing. They held hands under the table like twelve year olds when the cake came out.
He’d had worse birthdays.
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mushrubes · 5 months
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Masterlist | Five nights at freddys masterlist |
Requested : no
Based on character ai {��Mike Schmidt by @/ykangel}
Pairing : best friend!Michael Schmidt x female!reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type :  fluff
Word count : 1.5k
Content: best friends, mutual pinning, slightly ooc + non canonical
Have a great day !! 
After entering Mike's apartment, bearing your usual upbeat and cheerful demeanour, you began to pester him incessantly, eyeing the papers he was fumbling with. "Mmhn," He grumbled dismissively, seemingly annoyed as he lightly pushed you aside, "What do you need? Can't it wait?" Despite his facade of annoyance, you could still sense the slightest amusement in his voice. "It's nice to see you too." you teased, nudging him slightly as you walked in, placing the bag of food on the counter. "You doing alright?" your voice was soft and genuine. "Mmhn," Mike mumbled, turning away from you, not looking up yet from where he was fiddling with his papers. Despite his grumbling, you were certain that, just like always, he did in fact enjoy your playful teasing. "Just doing a bit of work. And no, not really." He muttered in an unbothered way. "What'd you buy?"
"Got your favourite takeout. Gathered you hadn't eaten yet." you smiled softly, taking it out, and sorting out everyone's plates. "That was considerate of you." Mike grumbled, not sounding all that sincere, though he had a grin on his face. After glancing back at his papers, he looked at you straight on as you set out the plates. "So why'd you come over? You wanted to see my face or something, Sunshine?" he raised an eyebrow. "Is it a crime to visit my best friend?" you teased, ruffling his hair gently as you placed his plate down. "Hm." Mike mumbled, attempting to pull away slightly, though he gave in and stayed put, leaning back against the counter as you ruffled his hair. "You're a pain in the ass, you know that?" He muttered, sounding as unbothered as he could, though still grinning.
"You love me really." I chuckled, kissing the top of his head. Mike grumbled softly as you kissed his head, though he kept that warm grin. "Mmhn." He didn't show it but he did love when you made those sorts of gestures towards him. "Love's a strong word. I tolerate you at most." he responded but the grin on his face and the admiration in his voice. "Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you do, moon." you chuckled, grabbing Abby's plate to take to her. "I'll leave you in peace for a bit." you suggested. "Do you really have to?" Mike mumbled softly, not sounding all that pleased after you mentioned that you were leaving. "You know I enjoy your company, right?" He had a slight smile on his face, even if that smile was more fond than mischievous or flirtatious, but surely you knew that he liked your presence by now right?
"Do you want me to sit with you?" you asked softly, grinning at him. "Mmhhnn." Mike mumbled, not answering you directly but instead seeming to consider the offer quietly. It wasn't that hard to tell that he really did want you to stay, and you knew that even if he didn't outright say it. "Yeah… I'd like that." he said softly, glancing up at you from where he was leaning against the counter.
"Alright. Let me go give Abby her food and I'll be back."
Mike finally finished up the paperwork and left his work behind as he joined you and Abby on the sofa, watching films. Abby seemed happy in your arms, comfortable and content with your comforting embrace. As for Mike, he was also content to be back amongst the two of you, watching as the two of you engaged in your little cuddle session. While he might not have said anything, the gentle way he watched you both made it clear that the sight was one that he found endearing, if not a little heartwarming. "You finished?" you asked, careful not to wake the sleeping girl on your lap. "Mhm. Just gotta put all of this somewhere," Mike murmured softly, looking over at the stack of papers and files he had set aside. Mike picked up the pile and placed it to the side, before walking over to the two of you. "She's really gotten attached to you, yknow?" Mike mumbled softly, glancing at Abby.
"I'm not surprised considering how often I'm over." you laughed softly, gently playing with her hair. "Yeah, I suppose that's true." Mike mumbled softly, glancing at Abby and smiling slightly. He didn't seem to have anything against the bond that you both shared, instead, he seemed happy at the two of you growing so close. Despite how aloof and cold he could occasionally be, you knew that deep down he was just a gentle soul, one that cared deeply for his loved ones. "You really love her a lot, don't you?" Mike muttered, his eyes now on you as his face clearly softened. "I love both of you a lot." you admitted quietly, resting your head on his shoulder."Mmhhnn." Mike mumbled softly, glancing down at you as you rested your head on his shoulder.
You knew from his tone, as well as the gentleness with which he looked at you, that he was more than touched by your words. Mike reached forward and gently brushed a little bit of your hair out of your face, tucking a few locks behind your ear. "You've done a great job at raising her on your own, Mike," you assured, leaning closer to him. "Mhm." Mike muttered softly at your compliment, a small smile creeping onto his face. You were right though, Mike really had done a wonderful job at raising his little sister, he was doing his best to give her the same childhood he had always wished he could've had. "I didn't do it all alone though." Mike mumbled softly a moment later, slightly nodding towards you. "You've been there for us too"
"And I always will be, Mike." you muttered lovingly, kissing his cheek. "Mmhhnn," Mike murmured softly as you kissed his cheek, his cheeks slightly reddened as you did so. The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, letting the calmness of the moment simply wash over you. Eventually, though, Mike spoke. "Sunshine?" he gently called. "..yeah?" I responded, my voice small. "Would it be alright if I… Uh… Nevermind." Mike mumbled softly, hesitating a moment and averting his gaze from your own. There was clearly something on his mind, however, he was hesitant about saying it out loud. "No, you can tell me, it's okay." I assured gently, rubbing his arm. Mike hesitated a moment, before finally taking a deep breath and looking you straight on. "Do you, uh… Would you like to maybe… go out with me? Just the two of us?" He mumbled softly, though it seemed obvious that what he was truly asking was if you would be his girlfriend.
"Mike Schmidt, are you asking me on a date?" you asked, unable to hide the massive grin making its way on your face. "Y-Yes. Yes, I am." Mike mumbled softly, his cheeks slightly red now as he looked away from you out of shame. It might not have been the smoothest, most romantic proposal ever, but Mike did get the main point across; that he wanted you to be his girlfriend. He couldn't really keep a straight face as he waited for your response. "I would love to go on a date with you, Mike. I'd love to be yours, my moon." you admitted softly, caressing his cheek as you called him your nickname. Mike blushed softly as you called him 'moon', he always did enjoy it when you called him that. "Really?" He mumbled softly, looking at you with the same fond and gentle expression that he always did when looking at you. "You really want to be mine?" He whispered, his tone of voice a bit surprised but also one that held a hint of hopefulness in it.
"Opposites attract." you teased, laughing softly as you kissed his nose. Mike grinned softly as you kissed his nose, his cheeks still slightly red from embarrassment. "Well, when you put it that way…" He chuckled jokingly. With that, Mike reached forward and gently pulled you in for a kiss. It wasn't just any kiss though, this was one filled with affection, that of true fondness and love for you. Mike was yours now, a truth he was more than happy to agree to, and so, he kissed you softly and lovingly. "I love you too." Mike mumbled softly, his arm now resting around you as he pulled you close to him. The two of you were finally together, it was as if a part of your life that was missing had finally slotted into place, making it all the more complete with the both of you being a couple. It had taken a while but finally, you had both managed to make it to this point, and so now you could go forth and tackle anything that life threw your way, just as long as you had each other.
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kennahjune · 6 months
Some Platonic Stancy + Mike for The Heart
Nancy Wheeler, who cuts her hair short for the first time in 1984 and keeps the short hair going for the next three years until Ted Wheeler makes some bitchy comment on women with shirt hair.
Nancy, not usually the one to people please, ignores the comment. She and Mike both get them often from Ted, shit about Mikes hair being long and hers being short. So she ignores them.
Until their mom joins in with the comments, however subtle they may be.
So, Nancy starts growing her hair out. Mike, however, goes about his life with his hair. He’s never home long enough to really care about the comments— always at the cabin or with the Party somewhere.
Enter the year 1988, and Nancy has successfully grown her hair well below her shoulders. It’s pretty. She gets compliments on her curls and beautiful brown color all the time.
But she hates it.
She fucking hates it.
Three years of having her hair shirt had gotten her used to having it off of her neck. And now that it’s so long, well…
Nancy Wheeler has never had a problem with sensory issues. That was more Mike’s thing— always having to cut the tags off his clothes and downright refusing to eat certain foods— but her hair on her neck makes her want to vomit.
And sure— she can simply put it up, keep it in a high bun and off her neck.
But just the knowledge of it being there makes her sweat. Makes her want to itch the skin off of her neck.
She feels bad for making fun of Mikes hate for tags.
Now, enter year 1989 pursued by Steve Harrington, fresh out of cosmetology school.
Steve had been doing his own hair since he was little and sat with his mom and grandpa at the vanity in their dressing room (because of course the Harrington’s have a dressing room). He’d sit and watch as his mom curled her hair— or straightened, depending on her mood. He’d sit in his grandpa’s lap as he showed little Steve all the different products and tools, letting Steve chip in and help style his hair.
It was a passion handed down from Steve’s moms side, the love for hair. And he planned on finally doing something with it— even if it wasn’t exactly what his parents wanted. (Though they learned to live with it— he did start his own hair salon, after all.)
Now, where does Steve play into this scene?
Well— it starts on a Tuesday afternoon in late July.
Steve Harrington had been cleaning the house while listening to his dads old records on the dingy record player in the living room. The knocking was barely heard over the volume, even with how frantic it was. The only reason Steve— who had lost most of his hearing in his left ear— heard the knocking was because whoever it was nearly knocked a picture off the wall.
So he opened the door to Mike and Nancy Wheeler on his front porch.
Mike looked almost bored, but he gave Steve a smile and a ‘hello’ before dragging his sister in by the arm.
Nancy looked worse-for-wear; her eyes seemed sunken and the eye-bags were darker than he’d seen them in years. He hoped it wasn’t new nightmares.
“Come on in, I guess,” Steve grumbled while Mike made himself comfortable in the living room. He wasn’t actually mad, just playing into a running bit he’d had going on with the mini Wheeler for nearly two years now.
“Watch it, Harrington.” Mike pointed at him. “You’ll loose a paying customer.” But the kid was smiling wide.
Steve scoffed. “‘Paying customer’ my ass, Wheeler! You barge into my home, make me trim your hair, call me an asshole and leave!” Steve himself was grinning wide.
Mike waved him off but Steve heard the giggle he failed to hide.
Nancy stood awkwardly on the living room carpet in the button up she’d stolen from Robin, white tank top, and cut-off jean shorts. She’d been taking a bit of fashion tips from Eddie recently. She found she liked the denim a lot more than skirts in the summer.
Steve finally gave her his attention.
“Hey Nance! What’s up?”
Nancy felt herself relax with the easy smile Steve gave her. She cleared her throat.
“Um— well, Mike said you trim his hair for him every once in a while and I know you just finished school and everything so—“
“You want a haircut?” he cut off her ramble. He and her both have picked up the rambling habit from Robin. “It’s about time, Wheeler. The long hairs cute and all but… so… not you, oddly enough.” He stood with his hip cocked and a thoughtful hand on his chin supported by the arm wrapped around his middle.
Nancy sighed roughly through her mouth and dragged a hand down her face.
“Oh my god, you don’t even know! I can’t stand having it so long— it’s so itchy and scratchy and annoying and not to mention high maintenance! Like yeah it looks good but seriously what is the point other than pain?”
Steve snickered and Mike threw his shoe at her to get her to stop.
“Come on you two, the dressing rooms upstairs.”
In the dressing room, Mike was sat at the vanity first. Steve had gotten Nancy a glass of water and told her to sit on the couch at the back wall and relax.
She tried her best, sipping the water and enjoying the view of the woods in the backyard from the window next to her (even if those woods held darker memories than they should).
She examined the room closely while Steve scolded Mike for using Ted’s shampoo/conditioner (because of course the bastard uses a two-in-one) while Mike pleaded he was desperate after running out of his own stuff.
The floor was tiled for easy clean up, the only carpet being the one under the couch Nancy sat on. The couch was plush leather, the cool touch a welcomed change from the July heat. The walls were a baby pink so light it almost looks white, covered in well-placed posters and photos and even stickers that were stuck on.
The vanity and the couch weren’t the only furniture in the room; a coffee table in front of the couch, a small two-drawer dresser next to the vanity, and nice, tall dresser back by the door. There were plants on the windowsill, flowers in pots on the dressers.
The windowsill was one of those fancy ones that Nancy liked so much; the ones that were like seats with drawers/cabinets underneath. The seat was decorated in an abundance of pillows and blankets.
It was a cozy room, and Nancy found herself zoning out and finally being able to ignore the invading bun on the back of her head. She tuned out the boys’ bickering and just stared at the window. Not through it. Not in it. At it. Examining each speck of dust on the glass and staring her reflection in the eyes.
Until a hair fell loose from bun and tickled her neck. And she almost threw her water at Mike who had sat next to her in her haste to get it off.
“Hey, hey! Nance!” Steve grabbed the water and Mike placed his hands around her neck, effectively stilling her and calming her.
“Hey, yeah, over here.”
Nancy looked at Steve. She kind of wanted to throw up.
“How about we finally get ride of all that length, yeah?”
She’d never heard a better question in her life.
Nancy told Steve to do whatever the hell he thought needed to be done. Steve told her he’d go to just above the shoulders and she agreed.
Mike took a spot on the windowsill, reaching into the cabinet underneath and grabbing a very worn book. Nancy hadn’t realized how much Mike came over to Steve’s before.
“Mike you’re seriously reading that again?” Nancy heard Steve ask. Watching him in the mirror, she saw him never look away from her hair once as Mike replied with a bitchy,
“It’s a good book! I thought you liked The Outsiders!”
Nancy snorted. Of course it was The Outsiders. Nancy remembered watching it with Mike, Will, Dustin and Lucas in the basement of their house when it first came out in March of ‘83.
“I didn’t know you liked The Outsiders, Steve,” she remarked. Nancy saw a red blush ride to his cheek in the mirror.
“It’s a good movie,” he muttered defensively.
Mike snickered. “Yeah— he watched it for the plot. The plot meaning shirtless Darry and half-naked Soda—“
Nancy thought Steve was going to chop her ear off and with how fast he turned around to yell at Mike.
Nancy herself sat cackling in the chair, watching Steve get defensive over his junior year fictional crushes.
When all was said and done, Steve gave Nancy a new shirt from the closet in the dressing room (that she failed to notice earlier). It was a simple yellow dress shirt. Steve said it was one of his moms. She was sent to shower and told to use the shampoo and conditioner on the third shelf in the bathroom.
When she had finished and walked back downstairs to meet the boys, Mike had already changed from his simple t-shirt to a black tank top with a dark blue buttoned flannel. Everyone kept clothes at Steve’s except Nancy, it seemed.
She made her way to Steve and sat her old shirts on the couch. With her hands free she pulled Steve into a bone-crushing hug. Steve was quick to reciprocate, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.
“Thanks so much,”Nancy whispered into his ear. “This helped me so so much, Steve.”
“Anytime, Nance. You know that.”
And she did.
When Nancy and Mike left the Harrington house with a wave to Steve and a promise of letting him know what everyone thought, Nancy had never felt lighter— both physically and mentally.
That night, Nancy slept like she hadn’t in years.
Her hair wasn’t to bad on her neck with the new length. It wasn’t making it itchy or scratching at her cheeks wrong.
She didn’t have to have her mom braid it before bed to keep it away, ultimately ending up with a headache the next day because she could never sleep with her hair up.
No. When Nancy Wheeler went to bed, she woke up feeling refreshed and energized. No rash on her neck from scratching at it in her sleep.
When Steve heard about this later that same day, he pulled her into a hug and promised he’d cut her hair as much as she needed him to.
Nancy felt much better than she had in years.
And if she got Mike that sparkly, purple D-20 he’d been eyeing in the shop? Well— consider it a thank you.
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ravenmccookies · 9 months
Lil Vamptrap x reader drabble I made purely as a one shot kill against spacie but it took like 4 hours to write sooooo
||warning: kidnapping and hypnosis i guess||
The dead leaves crunch under your boots as you wander aimlessly through the pitch black forest. You had lost the dirt road hours ago, along with your good friend Michael. Mike heard rumors about a creature roaming the woods at night and wanted to check it out, but reasonably didn’t want to go alone. You thought you had seen something off the path and decided to investigate, but you couldn’t find it. Next thing you knew you were lost in the dark undergrowth of the woods. 
Cicadas buzz in the distance, and ravens and owls keep to themselves in the trees. It was mostly quiet, almost too peaceful. You try your best to avoid roots and thorny bushes as you search for the way back, but eventually a root snags your foot. Your eyes shut as you brace yourself for the fall, but it's interrupted halfway. You feel a soft yet cold hand clamp down on your wrist, keeping you from falling face first into the thorns. As you’re pulled up back to your feet, you look up into the stranger’s eyes. You’re met with a pair of bright yellow eyes looming above you. From what you can make out in the darkness, he had to be at least 8 feet tall. 
He speaks in a deep, soothing voice, “Hello, what brings you out on a beautiful night like this?”
As you explained to him how you had gotten separated from your friend, you noticed that his hand hadn’t let go of yours since he caught your fall. Despite the darkness, he seemed to be watching your every movement as you fumble with your words.
“Well, I think I saw a young man walking by earlier. Would you like me to walk you to him?” The tall, shadowy figure offers.
“Sure, lead the way.” You sigh. You really didn’t have much of a choice. It was either getting more lost or letting this stranger lead you back to civilization. He keeps his firm grasp on your hand as he leads you through the woods, which seemed to get more dense as time went on. You couldn’t help but feel wary of him, it felt more like he was luring you somewhere with the promise of reuniting you with your friend. You decided that some questions needed to be asked.
“Who are you?”
“You may call me Springtrap, and what is your na–”
“Why are you out here?”
He stops walking, pausing as if to choose his words correctly.
“I was just enjoying a nightly stroll.”
You could tell he was lying. Nobody goes this deep in the forest for a walk, let alone at night.
Minutes later, he leads you to a large clearing. Stars speckle the dark canvas of a sky, with the full moon being the center of it all. As the two of you step into the moonlight, its silver glow reveals your escort. He was a tall, animatronic rabbit with long fangs and was wearing a black cloak. Behind him in the distance stands an old stone castle that looked abandoned and no Michael in sight. 
Before you can speak up, his arm wraps around your chest while his free hand clasps over your mouth. He holds you to his chest as he walks backwards to what you could only assume was this horrible thing’s lair. He grumbles in annoyance as you kick and thrash in his grip in an attempt to break free. After minutes of you flailing as he slowly tries to drag you away, he groans in annoyance as he moves his hand from your lips down to your chin. He tilts your head up to meet his gaze, and you can’t bring yourself to look away. His eyes were oddly soothing to look at, putting your mind at ease. All the different shades of yellow, gold, and orange in his eyes blended beautifully together. You can’t move your body to fight back as he scoops you up with ease. Your mind feels fuzzy as he walks to the castle, and the last thing you hear before you black out is a deep purr coming from his chest.
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scentedpepper · 3 months
Missions, Malaise and Migas Pt. VI | Leon Kennedy
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5 Pt. 7 Final Part
Fandom: Resident Evil
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Male Reader
Summary: Leon and Y/N have some underlying issues. Ones they tried to warn DSO about.
Content Warnings: None
Other Pairings: Luis Sera x Reader
Author Note(s): dr. mike kinda...
Leon's not sure how this happened.
Moments ago, he was staring up at the ceiling, the fans blades spinning round and round as you and Luis converse in the dark, unbeknownst to his conscious body. And now, he was hiding in the trunk of a car with the lengthy man, his feet pathetically shoved into his face.
He doesn't pay attention to the mumbling Spanish cuss words underneath Luis's lips, too uncomfortable, too irritated with his posture and the stuffy area to care. Instead, he's attempting to pay attention.
There's voices outside and there's people rummaging around in the front of the car. He can hear their footsteps, the bumping of legs into the sides, the shifting around the contents, pulling things out and carelessly tossing them to the floor.
Two men, and it's obvious from the slang-like Spanish that's escaping their mouths that they're infected. One in particular chattering on about getting all 'these pricks' and throwing them in one big room for everyone to feed.
He wants to vomit.
Instead, he presses deeper into the vehicle, lowering his body further to avoid hitting his head against the top, listening intently to their activity, allowing his eyes to close in the dark, calming his body down.
He contemplates springing out of the vehicle now. The lack of knowing makes him uneasy because you're around here somewhere, hiding, just like them. You're in danger, they're looking for all three of you and here he is, sitting under the armpit of Luis, the sound of spores coming from a distance.
It seems like it's been eons when finally, the shuffling comes to a stop and the grumbling voices grow fainter. He's almost ready to breathe when the footsteps abruptly stop.
"Hey. " The man slurs. "I wonder how the others are doing. "
"Oh jesus, Alejandro, keep it in your pants. ”
"Nah, I'm really wondering, " Alejandro continues. "You hear some of 'em shot bullets this morning?"
Leon feels his nerves chill.
"I wonder where that could be?"
"Who gives a fuck? Come on. "
"One minute. I'm just gonna radio and let them know we checked this area out. "
The sound of static and then buzzing.
Then, silence and then, noise.
Gurgling, choking noises. Like someone has water stuck in their esophagus and Leon can only think of one thing that would cause that.
He doesn't move, waiting, listening intently as the radio slips onto the floor with a thud, then the choking sound soon stops and there's no sounds to follow. Nothing. No more footsteps.
He waits a while longer before hearing the rustling of the branches. A deer or a random animal.
Slowly, the hinges of the trunk hiss open and the sunlight blinds him for a quick second, casting a bright glow on his face before your shadow casts over it.
You look exactly as he expected you to be. With droplets of blood splattered over your face, nearly coating your hands.
But your eyes are calm and the only sign of disturbance is your chest moving with a greater heaviness than he's used to seeing.
He looks you over after struggling to get past Luis, taking in the way you stand, which parts of your body slump and he thinks your ribs might be causing you more pain than you've let on.
There's a brief moment when you meet his eyes, Luis is cursing in the background, tripping over his own limbs and at the angle you're standing there's wind whipping into your eyes from the opening of the outside storage shed. So maybe you're not seeing straight, or perhaps, all the hard labor of this job is finally getting to you but– your partner‐ well, you could've sworn there was concern in his eyes.
Leon doesn't get a chance to speak.
Before he can get something out, you're turning away, back around to assist Luis who's still trying to work himself out of the clutches of the compacted car.
Leon feels a pinch in his chest, so rapidly, his hands move, fingers curling at his side. You don't even try to say a word to him, let alone look at him. Like you're still bitter that he's here, lingering in the background to criticize you and your thoughts.
When Luis emerges from the car there's a dramatic hand on his heart, but it vanishes rather quickly and he's the one to talk first.
"You okay?" There's seriousness in his voice as he scans you up and down, his eyes meeting Leon's for a split second. "Not hurt, not nothing right?"
You give a firm nod, your face showing not an inkling of distress.
Leon isn't too sure that the response was feasible. But he watched you as you simply went off, to the dusty work table, shuffling around, grabbing things without a second thought. Papers, files, anything. They were haphazardly tossed inside an old backpack that was laid messily by the bench. You were packing the things like your life depended it, looking for any keywords that signaled "bio weapon" to you.
"We have a leak, Leon. Someone's spilling the information on Luis and other projects, not to mention the one for the US government. "
The man lets out a deep sigh and his voice is careful. The new patches of dirt on your face, the arrow holes that punctured the surface of your vest, blood dripping from your eyebrow, the loose strands of stitches that were hanging from your arm after being ripped out, they were all things that made him wary, tip toeing around you, more heedful than Jack and Jill jumping over a candle.
This conversation could and probably would go south at the blink of an eye.
You don't seem to notice his presence until his hand is on your shoulder.
You're zipping the bag up when Leon begins to approach you, his steps are slow and precise like he's stepping on weak floorboards and the outstretch of his arm is even slower.
"Y/N. " His tone is steadier than the shakes of his fingers as they come down onto your shoulder and he turns your body towards him.
Nothing can stop the agitation that pulses throughout your body when you gaze into his blue eyes, staring at him and feeling about ready to cave in his skull.
You're glaring, you realize this but nothing would make your mood budge.
"Lets find a space to sit. " He can tell by the flickering of your eyes that things aren't exactly steady, your mind is at a rapid pace. He saw the way you nearly killed yourself jumping from that landing, running down a hill with a few men on your heels and ripping into people like the idea of humanity no longer interested you. You're worse than normal and it's not just the stress, it's a lot. "There's some empty storage units down the road. We can take advantage of that and you can rest. "
"Rest?" Your voice is hard enough to cause a tremor to jolt inside his body and your face is twisted into something wicked. "Aren't you the one that was so urgent to get out of Luis' hotel room. " You gesture towards the man who's looking on at the two of you, his face contorted into concern. "And suddenly, I'm weak? You want to take a fucking breather?"
"You've done more than your fair share, " Luis throws in. "We're not in a rush anymore. "
"We are in a rush. " You insist. "There's people after us. " Your eyes flee back to the door as if they may suddenly appear. "They're after you. I won't let it happen. You nearly died last time the three of us found ourselves together. "
Something in his face softens ever-so-slightly at your declaration, the worry that twists in your tone. And you feel a small sense of relief flutter around in your chest when he takes your hands in his, the warmth, the reassurance.
"And we'll find 'em. It just means you need to recharge. "
Leons grip tightens on your shoulder but you don't seem to notice as Luis holds your attention. He almost wants to say 'I don't want you getting hurt' but there's a sense of vulnerability in that, so he stops himself, not crossing that line. Not in front of Luis, not in front of anyone.
"And we'll be dead if they find us first. All of us. " You quickly look back to Leon, a huff through your nostrils and a hardness to your stare. But then, Luis gently says your name, bringing your eyes back to him.
"Do you trust me?"
For a moment, you don't know what to say or how to even react. It's been so long since someone has outright asked, knowing the lengths of your career.
After a long beat, you respond. “Yes. “ Your voice is slow, low but there isn’t hesitance and there isn't uncertainty.
Leon seemed to be holding his breath as much as you were and when you finally let it out– he thought you were stupid. Just stupid.
Stupid, not intelligent. Stupid.
Out of all of the people you had to trust. Out of all the people in the world, why would you go out of your way to trust him.
His hold falls. A slight loosening.
To gain someone's trust is hard, to keep their trust, even harder.
Your partner didn't mean to do it, not really. It was such a fine line he walked with you every day. You couldn't tell if he had crossed it or not, even when Luis watched the two of you, the same thing on his face as your own emotions swam around in your body.
If I can trust you with my life, then why can't I trust you with the things that keep me up at night?
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theradicalscrivener · 2 months
Big Changes: Field Trip
Troy needs some time to get out of his head and out of the shed. This sounds like a job for a forklift and a heavy duty trailer!
(P.S. Ya boi's got Linktree and Bluesky now)
[First Chapter] || [Previous Chapter] || [Series Index] || [Next Chapter]
                “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Troy squeaked.
                “Of course!” Mike said
                “Yeah. You said you wanted to get out of the house for a bit,” Ike added.
                “Yeah, but…” Troy murmured and gestured towards his cock which he was currently sitting atop. “Shouldn’t we get a tarp or something?”
                The twins looked at each other and then back to Troy before responding in unison, “nah.”
                “Everyone can see it!” Troy whined.
                “That never bothered you before,” Ike replied.
                “That was before it was bigger than a car!” Troy protested.
                “Yeah? Now there’s more to flaunt,” Mike replied.
                Troy let out an incomprehensible sound that was somewhere between a dog whining and a troll gibbering.
                “Here. You’ll want to wear these,” Ike said, handing Troy a pair of goggles and a scarf.
                “Keeps the bugs out of your eyes and mouth,” Mike explained.
                Troy grumbled but dutifully geared up. For a moment, he could almost pretend that he was preparing to go for a ride on a motorcycle… except that his “motorcycle” was a mini-van sized schlong which was now resting atop a flatbed trailer being pulled by a truck.
                Getting Troy’s cock and balls on to the flatbed in the first place had been an ordeal. His cock was too massive to lift, and that was not even factoring in his swelling stones. The twins had had to rent a forklift and hoist Troy’s bait and tackle onto the flatbed one piece at a time!
                Once Troy was fully geared up, Ike hopped in the driver’s seat of the truck, and Mike hopped into the bed so he could watch Troy as they made their way across town.
                Troy hated to admit it, but it felt great to be out of that rental silo if even just for a little bit. He missed the sun and the breeze on his skin, and to a lesser extent, he missed being around people other than just the twins. Still… he wasn’t thrilled about being exposed like this. He was clad in just a shirt, goggles, and scarf. His face was covered, but that did nothing to keep him anonymous. There was only one guy out there with such a huge cock!
                Troy had become a little bit of a local celebrity. People had accepted that he was too hung to cover up, and they had even turned a collective blind eye to when he doused places with his spunk, but that didn’t mean that people weren’t keenly aware of who it was that was gunking up the city.
                Now that Troy was out in public, he found himself the center of attention. Other drivers would roll down their windows and gawk at the massive cock that was being paraded around town like the Weinermobile. They may have known that Troy had a huge dick, but until today, only Troy’s streaming fans knew about his recent growth spurt.
                Troy tried his best to keep it casual. He tried his best to act like he wasn’t mortified to be displayed like this, but he was trembling like a leaf from nerves. To make matters worse, his immense cock was fully boned the whole time. Pre dripped from his colossal cock head!
                As they made their way through town, traffic seemed heavier than normal. It wasn’t rush hour, and yet, traffic had crawled to a halt. Was there something going on in town? Well… something other than a parade float sized schlong, anyway.
                Traffic slowly inched forward. The axles on Troy’s flatbed groaned in protest. Troy’s fully boned cock was so huge that the tip of it now extended past his flatbed and rested on the tailgate of the twins’ truck. Pre dripped from his cock and splashed down into the bed of the truck, thoroughly soaking Mike’s shorts as he sat back and watched.
                Troy’s arousal slowly started to overtake his nerves. His mind started to feel hazy. His cheeks felt warm. His cock felt amazing. He was so overwhelmed that he didn’t even realize that the tip of his dick had extended into the bed of the truck.
                Mike pulled open the rear window of the cabin and quickly scurried in and took a seat beside his brother. The two of them exchanged a few hushed words before Ike pulled off of the main road and took the cock-wagon down the side streets.
                Mike leaned out the passenger window and crawled up onto the top of the cabin. By this point, Troy’s cock was so huge that the tip of it now extended past the bed of the truck and was pushing against the cabin. Mike found himself surfing atop the truck and staring down the steadily swelling slit of Troy’s massive cock.
                The twins were fascinated by this growth. Other than the week or so that they had left Troy alone, they had never known his cock to swell like this. Still… Troy’s current size was nothing compared to the hangar-filling phallus they had witnessed upon their return home, but if things continued, it wouldn’t be long before he reached that size once more.
                Mike leapt up and grabbed a handful of foreskin in each fist and pulled himself up and over the pre-oozing head of Troy’s cock. The warm, viscous fluid seeped out and completely coated Mike’s body as he scrambled over the tip of Troy’s cock. Part of him wanted to stay there for a second and enjoy the warmth and wetness, but even as he held on, he could feel Troy’s foreskin thickening in his hands. If he didn’t hurry, Troy’s cock would be much more difficult to scale.
                Mike quickly scrambled across the length of Troy’s swelling cock. At this point, the beast was so huge that Ike had to straddle both lanes to make room for the truck’s over-sized load. Troy’s cock alone more than filled a single lane of traffic, and his nuts had swollen so huge that they bumped against various vehicles that were parked alongside the street. With each foot the cock caravan progressed, car alarms blared and trash cans were shoved aside.
                Mike scurried up to where Troy was seated, knelt down, and gave Troy’s cheeks a quick pat to try and slap him awake.
                “Mmm? Huh?” Troy murmured.
                “Snap out of it. We need you to keep it together for a bit longer,” Mike said. His voice was uncharacteristically serious.
                “Keep it? What do you…?” Troy murmured, but his eyes slowly began to focus. As they did, his jaw dropped, and his massive cock gave a lurch of excitement. The sudden lurch was so intense that it almost sent Mike toppling.
                “What. The. FUCK!?” Troy yelped.
                “Oh… you probably didn’t even notice this last time,” Mike said.
                “LAST TIME!?” Troy squeaked so loudly that his voice broke.
                Mike looked to his side as if waiting for someone else to give a follow-up comment but quickly realized that he was flying solo for this.
                “Oh… um… So, when we got back, you were much larger than this, but! Don’t freak out. It went back down. So…” Mike explained.
                “Don’t freak out!?” Troy squeaked.
                Mike paused for a beat to let his absent twin chime in before stepping up to speak. “It should go back down once you cum. Just try and keep cool until we get out of the neighborhood,” he said.
                Troy was sweating bullets as he glanced around. He was so high off the ground that he was looking down at the roofs of the nearby houses. His cock was now larger than a city bus! His balls alone were the size of bungalows. His bait and tackle barely fit down the two-lane road.
                Mike could hear Troy’s breath getting shallower. He could even hear Troy’s heart pounding. If this continued, Troy would have a full-scale panic attack before they got to safety, and given everything going on, there was no telling what would happen then.
                Mike scooted over so that he was behind Troy, swung his arms around Troy’s shoulders, and rested his chin on Troy’s head. “Just relax…” Mike said softly as he pulled Troy in for a hug.
                Troy tensed up, but as Mike held him, he slowly began to relax. His heartbeat steadily slowed, and his breathing became more regular.
                As Mike rested his chin on Troy’s head, he stared out ahead. He could see that they were coming up to the end of the street. A T-intersection loomed ahead of them. On the opposite side of the intersection was a large, open field. The city park! That may just be large enough for them to help get Troy down from his latest surge! … hopefully, anyway.
                Ike drove through the intersection and onto the sidewalk. The axles groaned in protest and the bottom of the flatbed trailer scraped the road below and then ground against the curb. Troy had far exceeded the maximum weight capacity. It was a miracle that the flatbed hadn’t completely shattered under his swelling mass, but they weren’t out of the woods yet.
                The twins’ truck struggled and strained to drag Troy’s mass across the grassy field. At this point, the flatbed was offering little to no support. They were effectively dragging Troy’s cock and balls directly across the dirt. The act left a massive trench dug into the grass behind him… a trench that was getting wider and deeper with each foot that the now overburdened truck struggled forward.
                Once he reached a seemingly central location, Ike put the truck in park, hopped out, and began scrambling towards Troy’s nuts. Troy’s cock was now so large that there was no good way to scale it. Ike’s best course of action was to use the loose skin of Troy’s sack to give him enough purchase to scurry up and over. Unfortunately. Troy’s nuts were now as tall as a two-story house!
                Ike was in great shape, but even he was starting to feel the strain as he grabbed handful after handful of thick scrote and pulled himself hand over fist up the side of Troy’s colossal balls. By the time he reached the top, the layer of sweat covering his body caused his clothes to cling to him like a second skin.
                Once up top, Ike quickly began peeling off his soaked clothes and took his place beside his brother. Mike glanced over at his brother, noticed that Ike was nearly nude, gave a nod, and then began to strip as well.
                Troy, realizing that Mike was no longer holding him, started to come back to reality. He glanced around curiously and noticed that his cock was now the size of a row of townhouses, and his balls were the size of water reservoirs.
                “W-what the f-!” Troy began to yelp, but before the final word could get out, the twins stepped in front of him clad in nothing but their birthday suits. Their firm bods and fat rods were openly on display. Troy balked at the sight. His colossal cock gave an enormous lurch of excitement – a lurch that was so intense that it sent the twins staggering like Star Trek extras on the bridge. The twins barely managed to maintain their footing.
                “Like what you see?” Ike asked playfully.
                “But… what about…” Troy murmured in a half-hearted attempt to protest, but his eyes were transfixed on his smoking hot friends.
                “Shh… let us take care of that,” Ike replied in a soothing voice.
                “All you have to do is sit back,” Mike added.
                “Relax,” Ike added.
                “And cum,” they said in unison.
                Troy gulped. His eyes started to tunnel vision on those two hot bods and their amazing cocks and heavy balls. Troy was so horny that he couldn’t think about anything other than how hot the twins were or how much he wanted to cum.
                The twins stepped forward so that their rigid dicks were aimed directly at Troy’s face. Troy was too far gone to protest. He reached out and grabbed a thick dick in either hand and began to stroke the shafts. He pressed the heads of the twin’s cocks against his face and nuzzled up against the pre-drooling slits, painting his face with pre in the process. The feel of it was mind-blowing. Their cocks were so firm, but the heads to soft. The warmth of their pre cascading down his chin. The taste of it oozing into his mouth. The smell of cocks and pre flooded his nostrils. Troy was in heaven. He was so enthralled that he didn’t even realize that his cock and balls were still growing.
                The twins reached down and ran their fingers through Troy’s hair as Troy greedily licked at their cocks. Usually, they were the ones taking the lead, but today, Troy was absolutely ravenous. It was so rare to see him like this that the twins had to struggle to keep from cumming before Troy did!
                “Oh… H-he’s good,” Ike muttered.
                “I taught him that…” Mike replied.
                “You wish…” Ike moaned.
                Troy was running on autopilot. He was so horny that he just wanted cocks in and around him. He moved on from just licking at them to taking the head of the twins’ cocks into his mouth one at a time. He’d suck on one, pull back, and then focus on the other one, keeping both bros on edge the whole time.
                “We… taught him too well…” Ike gasped.
                “… plan B…” Mike responded.
                Troy let out a pitiful whine as the twins stepped back and pulled their cocks out of Troy’s grasp. The twins exchanged a quick glance. In that split second the twins locked eyes, they carried out a mental round of rock-paper-scissors to decide who got which end.
                Ike stepped forwards and put his cock where Troy could easily reach it. Troy happily wrapped both hands around the thick shaft and began to suckle the tip. Meanwhile, Mike side-stepped troy and knelt down behind him.
                While Troy greedily slurped at Ike’s cock, the twins gently coaxed him into position. Soon, Troy was on his hands and knees atop his own cock and balls. His face lifted towards Ike’s cock and his ass raised towards Mike’s.
                Mike’s cock was so slick with pre and spit that he didn’t even need to prep. His cock slid smoothly into Troy’s greedy hole as his brother’s dick dug into Troy’s hungry mouth. The twins pumped in and out of their mutual fuck-buddy while Troy’s cock and balls swelled beneath.
                “Are you sure this is a good idea?”Troy was so horny that it didn’t take long for him to blow. This was fortunate in part because his cock and balls were beginning to spill out of the borders of the city park and in part because the twins were already so close to cumming that if they didn’t get Troy off soon, they’d blow before they could finish the job!
                The trio called out in unison. Troy’s colossal cock shuddered and lurched as he felt Mike’s warm, thick spunk flood his ass and tasted the rich tang of Ike’s spooge filling his mouth. Massive, thick geyser bursts of hot cum erupted from Troy’s cock. He came again and again and again. Each spurt as large as the one before. He was cumming so much and so hard, and yet, it didn’t seem like he was making any headway! His nuts were filling so fast that he was just treading water! And at the rate he was cumming, he wasn’t going to be the only one treading! The pool of spooge on the ground was growing deeper by the second! The storm drains had already overflowed. The streets now ran white with cum! And yet, Troy kept spurting.
                It was hard to tell how long it took Troy to come down. The twins were spent long before Troy was. Both brothers slumped down beside their buddy and snuggled up against him as Troy continued to whine and moan and cum and spurt. Eventually, however. Troy’s dick fully deflated.
                “I don’t think we’re getting the deposit back on the flatbed,” Ike muttered.
                “Do you think the insurance will cover this?” Mike asked groggily.
               Ike was too winded to reply so he just shrugged.
                The three lay there in each other’s arms atop Troy’s colossal cock and balls. Troy’s bait and tackle had shrunk back down considerably… and yet.
                Mike and Ike glanced out at the tip of Troy’s cock and then back to each other. Troy’s cock head now rested solidly in the bed of their truck. It had gained probably another 5 feet.
                “We’re gonna have to tell him,” Ike said.
               “Wait until he wakes up,” Mike replied.
                Ike nodded in reply, and the trio went back to their mutual afterglow cuddle puddle. They laid there for a bit, blissfully unaware of the crowd that had gathered until a particularly terse voice split the air.
                Troy sat up groggily, rubbed his eyes, and looked down at the cum-flood he had caused. His eyes quickly fell upon the lady that had called up at him. It was the doctor who had been overseeing Troy’s treatment and testing. She was an intense person on a good day, but today she was especially terse.
                “Miquel!” She shouted.
                Mike sat up, looked sheepishly down, and replied, “… yes, mama?”
                “Inigo!” She shouted.
                It was now Ike’s turn to sit up. “… yes, mama?” He replied just as sheepishly.
                “Wait in the car,” she said.
                “… yes, mama…” the twins replied in unison.
                Troy watched his friends, awkwardly shimmy down the side of his schlong, and bashfully cover their exposed cocks with both hands as they dutifully ran towards a familiar car down the road.
                Troy then turned his attention towards the lady. “Uh… hi, doc…” he said, nervously.        
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I’ve been seeing a lot of posts complaining about mom Steve and I have thoughts.
Like, I agree with a lot of it. Honestly, fictional parents confuse me sometimes (especially when people write them stricter than canon), even when they aren’t teenage boys. Like Hopper? Absolutely cares about his kids dating. El is going to be fighting to bring Mike over for the rest of her life. They’re going to be 20-something with Hopper still trying to stick them in separate rooms. Even once they get married, Hopper’s gonna grumble about them getting to share a bed. (He’ll be more careful not to overstep with Joyce’s boys, especially Jonathan since he’s older, but Will is definitely going to get a speech about being the man in the relationship and treating your girlfriend with respect (and then a later, much more confused speech about treating your boyfriend with respect)).
Joyce? That woman has been through way too much shit to give a shit. Jonathan wants Nancy to sleep over? Done. Will’s gay? Not a problem, here are some condoms. El’s sneaking Mike through the window so Hopper won’t see? Joyce walks by and casually says “the back door is unlocked, you might want to try that instead.”
Sorry, I got sidetracked. The point is Steve. If he was gonna be like anyone’s parents, it would be my parents (“you’re doing nerd stuff alone at home on a Friday night? Don’t you have friends? Go to a party!”). But barring that, he’s definitely the older brother, even if they call him mom.
He doesn’t care if they swear! El says “frick” or “gosh darn” in front of him one time because she heard it somewhere and he sits her down and teaches her proper swear words so she won’t get teased in school. He rents the kids r-rated movies and then lies to their parents faces when they have nightmares. He hears them say something anatomically impossible about sex and ends up giving them a sex talk. He chaperones their parties because he’s cooler than an adult but still old enough to make sure no one’s drinking themselves to death, and then ends up cleaning puke out of the shower. He kisses his co-chaperone at the party (you can pick your favorite Steve love interest) and all the freshmen squeal and stare and he has to go hide upstairs.
He’s in his pjs in bed and gets a frantic walkie-talkie call from Dustin that they have to go to the store RIGHT NOW because he wants to buy something and the sale ends at midnight. Steve says no a million times but gets bribed into it when Dustin promises to watch a basketball game with him in exchange for the ride. (My little sister did this to me. She wanted to go to TARGET to buy SHEETS. She was a weird child).
Steve’s the one they call when they need something but can’t go to their parents. He buys them booze and condoms and fake IDs, all of which come with lectures on being safe and a million threats on how he’ll kill them if they act stupid. He picks them up from parties when they’ve overdone it. He bails them out of jail (Dustin or El would absolutely get themselves arrested somehow) and doesn’t tell their parents but brings it up every chance he gets for the rest of forever.
Yeah, they call him mom. They’re trying to annoy him, because that’s what little siblings do. And Steve is definitely their big brother.
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seecarrun · 2 years
“Soooo… Ben hung up a mistletoe in the kitchen doorway.”
Richie took a swig of his drink. “Oh yeah? Haystack’s finally come to his senses and is ready for a little Tozier loving, huh? Just needs a few convoluted excuses and rituals to make it happen? About damn time. Step aside, Red.”
Bev rolled her eyes and swatted his shoulder as Richie cackled. “Not for you and Ben, you ass!” she yelped. “You and you-know-who. I think a few convoluted excuses and rituals could do you both some good.”
Richie sighed and glanced across the room where Eddie and Bill were animatedly talking about something he couldn’t quite make out. “Not gonna happen. Eddie’s not exactly a whimsical Christmas traditions kinda guy.”
“That’s not true,” she insisted. “Remember last year? We went caroling.”
“You were wasted,” Richie answered with a smirk. “Bill had to pay off the cop to keep you two and Stan out of jail.”
She grinned at the memory. “I never knew the dreidel song had so many swears in it.” They grinned at each other. “But that’s besides the point. Go hover around it a little, see what happens.”
“No can dosville, babydoll. I’m not gonna waste my time.” He paused. “Now, if your boyfriend happens to mosey on by…”
Meanwhile, across the room…
“Why isn’t he going over there? You guys said he would be totally into it!”
“Bev’s w-working on it, Eddie, give her a chance,” Bill tried, but Eddie frowned and buried his face in his hands.
“This is so fucking stupid. Why did I listen to you all? Of course he’s not just going to hang out under the mistletoe all night waiting for me to come along and kiss him. Ugh. Scrap the whole plan, it’s pointless. Did you know mistletoe is a fucking parasite? It’s not even romantic.”
“Aw, Ed,” Mike sighed, coming up behind him and giving him a clap on the shoulder and a pitying smile. “Give it some time, man! We’ll get him.”
“This is so embarrassing, I’m—Wait, is he going over there for Ben?!” Eddie cried, pointing to where, sure enough, Richie had all but teleported under the mistletoe to give Ben a big, over exaggerated smooch on the cheek, to Bev’s clear annoyance and Ben’s obvious confusion.
Bill and Mike groaned, and Stan grumbled “Goddamnit, Richie,” somewhere behind them.
It was going to be a long, long night.
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