#Mikey Saber
zee-rambles · 8 months
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Listen, I cannot stress this enough! Rise NEEDS visibility more then anything else! If this review is good! Spread around like a wildfire! Rise does not have enough good press! We need more people to know of and give this show a chance! Watch the video first, if it’s favorable, then make sure it reaches a huge audience! BREAK THAT YOUTUBE ALGORITHM!
You can also support Cell Spex’s video HERE!
The more these videos get recommended the better. Heck, it was a YouTube video that got me into Rise in the first place! Support other Rise artists! If Danny Phantom fans haven’t given up, neither should we. It took a SMALL group of Hey Arnold fans to get the jungle movie back. Let’s make history! It’s not fair that all the other TMNTs got five seasons and we didn’t even get two full ones! Rise. Deserves. Better. WE deserve better!
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snackugaki · 2 years
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tryptophan induced tmnt au bullshit: leo as the unofficial worldwide beat saber champion
EDIT: it’s fucking... 「側にいるから」. かかかかかかか I missed the dakuten marks in 「がんこ 」from another comic, I swear I know how to write I’m not tired this time but I am filled with 2 kinds of meat, 4 types vegetables, 5 kinds of fruits in varying stages of its original form, and more starchy complex carbohydrates than god pls i try
but frankly it’s what my dumbass gets for thinking it can hold more than one language at a time
EDIT 2: .... 直しまた I fixed it, it was getting on my nerves tanginang pisting yawa... yo cansada
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which ocs would most likely get into a tummy growl contest (and who would win)
Well since gizmo is way to shy about it to do it (he would win tho)
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It would be thunder saber captin slink Mikey and Russell.
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And the winner would be saber!
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mikey-the-mischevious · 6 months
BEAT SABER Song: Final-Boss-Chan by Cammila (Camilla???) @aprilthefiercequeen@raph-reign17@leontheluxuriousone@donvonryan
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kissingwookiees · 1 month
i’m a ‘spent a long time thinking about and assigning hockey teams for each member of the tmnt to root for’ kind of nerd
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sweeneydino · 2 months
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Slime Attack! Raph Ver.
Your favorite turtles are waiting for their slimes 🐢
Gonna slime info dump a little below
Gave big ol' Rise Raph a tabby slime because they are very friendly and love to boop – they are literal slime cats – and idk about you, but I think rise raph deserves the cuddles. And they come with the added bonus of their plorts being a high commodity for athletes, with only a little drawback. If you know, you know.
Since 2012 Raphael has Chompy, whose a fire turtle basically, the fire slime seemed a good fit. They are rather affectionate but also require a hot place to stay, i.e an ash trough and they BURN. Just burn some trash and boom, food for the firecracker. Their plorts would be a nice snack for chompy, plus a cuddle buddy.
The affectionate part is only because these little shits keep jumping on and following me on the range, and while I do love them, they do tend to get themselves killed.
2003 Raph got the Saber slime, as someone– yknow who you are– suggested! They are similar to the tabby slime as they are cat-like, but unlike them, these guys are food possessive. And thought to be extinct, but that's not important. They will roar, scaring any other slimes, just to get food. Or to just announce their arrival. These guys parkour, too, so now Mikey's got a roadblock.
2003 Donnie might be kind of sad he didn't get one but there's always another chance.
And finally, 1987 Raph with the mischievous ringtail slime!
...do I have to explain?
These fellas bring my carrot farm every ounce of shame as they stare with those shifty eyes back at me, and all I can do is continue feeding them over... and over... and over again...
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Oh, and they turn to stone too, but nothing little money can't fix.
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onionninjasstuff · 9 months
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Woke up from a vision in a cold sweat with this idea and rushed to draw it. I'd imagine donnie would TOTALLY make a form of lethal beat saber, "for the showmanship of course" ~ uvu ✨
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so real. that one rottmnt episode but he's stopped by mikey setting him on fire
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sha-biest · 1 year
[Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - AU] Summary: A good future version after the Krang are defeated and the end of the world is postponed. But not everything that shines is golden and life isn’t always easy as a mutated ninja turtle!   CW: Blood/Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Loss of limbs
Written Story by Co-Creator @rosesofenvy ❤ Crossover with @thegunnsara [Ref Sheets] Michelangelo | Donatello | Leonardo & Raphael [Comic] Fused Ninpo: Raph & Donnie | Fused Ninpo: The Sun God [Comic] The Best Prank [Art] Mikey | Leoichi  [Story Content] Donnie & Leo losing arms | Leo post arm loss | Donnie talks | Mikey captured  [Fan Kids] #Ammi  Amaterasu Hamato: Mikey’s and Gen’s created child Ammi’s Creation | Older Ammi | Ammi’s abilities | Ammi & Uncles | Crazy Ammi #Saber  Saber Hamato: Leo’s and Yuichi’s adopted child Saber appears | Leo worries | Cold and Alone | Leo found Saber | Doubts & Happy Ending | Older Saber
#Tsuki  Tsukuyomi Hamato: Mikey’s and Gen’s created child Tsuki’s Creation
#Izzy Isabella Hamato: Donnie’s and Kendra’s lab accident child [Relationships] #Angenlo [Mikey x Gen] | #Leoichi [Leo x Yuichi] | #Kendratello [Donnie x Kendra] | #Rasey [Raph x Cassandra]
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
“Chosen Family” [hiatus] [Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - AU] Summary: Splinter is struggling with his four newly acquired Turtle babies and comes across Carol. Although their first meeting is more than bumpy, they find out that they have a lot more in common as parents and Carol realizes quickly that she can’t toss the family out of her apartment. Their Co-parenting adventure begins! #ChosenFamilyAU
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• “Mom, I can explain” [finished] [Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Post Movie - Prequel to “Golden Future”] Summary: Leo got pulled from the portal of the prison dimension and with their home wrecked April sees no other choice but to call her Mother for help. Everyone is injured and tired and Carol is there to mend some of their wounds- physically and emotionally.
CW: Blood/Injury, Hurt/Comfort
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• “Dragonous” [discontinued] [Villainous - AU] Summary:  Everybody is turned into dragons, lizards or other mythical creatures. Dragons are extinct in Flug's time and nobody knows why. He wants to be the one to find out and in his mad quest, ends up traveling to the past. GENERAL INFORMATION Art Program: Paint Tool SAI Tablet: Wacom Cintiq 22HD Language: German, English
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elliebass · 4 months
I'm only me when I'm with you — fb.
"Stop moving, Mikey!" Ellie ralhou com o amigo enquanto tentava acertar o nó da gravata. Ele havia colocado na cabeça que queria usar o traje idiota para a sua apresentação no show de talentos, e Ellie havia aprendido a dar nós nas gravatas do pai e do irmão para os cultos de domingo. "Sabe, Ellie, é nessas horas que eu lembro que você é uma garota." Ele disse em tom de piada. Ela odiava quando eles faziam comentários do tipo, especialmente nas últimas semanas. Era garota o suficiente para dar dicas para eles chamarem outras garotas para sair, mas garota demais para andar de skate com eles. Garota o suficiente para transarem escondido no meio das madrugadas, mas talvez não garota o bastante para que oficializassem a relação. Epa, pensou, percebendo que a última parte havia sido direcionada demais à um deles. Ela ignorou a presença marcante de Mat ali, encostado em uma das árvores dentre a rodinha de amigos no pátio do colégio. Estavam esperando a diretora chamar todos para o auditório. Ela estava meio incomodada desde que ouviu uma das garotas comentando que Matías Riegler estava cada dia mais bonitinho, Ellie percebendo que nunca mais tocaram no assunto fidelidade desde aquela primeira vez juntos. Talvez ele não quisesse aquilo, afinal, talvez realmente a atração por Ellie não passasse disso, uma atração, ponto. "Sabe quem definitivamente não esquece que você é uma garota?" Mike perguntou depois de afrouxar um pouco o nó que Ellie propositalmente apertou demais. "Charlie Shepherd. Ele perguntou de você, disse que estava ainda mais gata e queria saber se estava solteira. Comentei com o Mat sobre isso, né Mat?" Foi preciso muito para Ellie não dar um sorrisinho maldoso satisfeito. É, que Matías soubesse que outros caras estavam interessados nela. Charlie, principalmente. Ellie mentiria se dissesse que a volta do garoto à cidade não tinha mexido com ela... havia sido sua primeira paixonite, afinal, seu primeiro beijo... e já não sabia mais se Mat iria querer alguma coisa de verdade com ela. Ela acompanhou todos os olhos que seguiram até o Shepherd do outro lado do pátio, depois voltou o olhar para o Riegler. "I know. He asked me out after english class, this morning."
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britt-kageryuu · 3 months
In another world/timeline/dimension/universe:
Mikey comes out of Donatellos lab, "Hey Guys, I just found something weird!" Donatello is annoyed at this. Leo and Raph decided to just watch incase they need to dodge a tool, or something.
"Mikey, how many times do I have to tell you, to stay out of my lab!?" Donatello says in exasperation.
"Well your computer is better to watch videos on, but that's not the point. I found something weird with your Computer," Mikey replies, "Let me show you!" He drags Donatello back into the lab, Leo and Raph follow behind out of curiosity.
Mikey pulls up a video on Donatellos computer. It showes a 3D model of Rise Leo, in blue swim trunks, blue crocs, his mask with long trans tails, and an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt, playing a Beat Saber type game. He's singing along to the song and looks just a second away from dancing instead of playing the game.
"You found someone using a turtle model to play games? Is that it?" Donatello asks.
Mikey shakes his head and pulls out his phone, "No, I was like, 'I'm gonna subscribe, and watch more on my phone later.'" He opens Youtube on his phone and searches for the channel. "Only I can't find this channel, or any of the videos when searching on my phone, Dude!"
Mikey hands his phone to Donatello, to show a search page that doesn't show the channel on the computer, despite having typed in the exact name of the channel/video title.
"Mikey, did you accidentally connect to a different reality, through YouTube, on my computer?" The purple coded turtle asked slowly, while trying to process this odd discovery.
"And the video you chose to show us is an alternate Fearless? Why not their Raph?" Raphael asks a little annoyed but amused. Leo elbows him in the side, "Hey, you haven't said anything about this either!"
"Red doesn't stream very often," Mikey shrugs, before going to the channel to the Rad Angel playlist, "and alot of them are work out streams, so not as fun to watch." Now the screen is showing a 3D Rise Raph model in workout gear doing guided basic stretches. Raphael goes wide eyed at the site of the large spikey turtle in red.
Donatello moves Mikey out of the way, "I'm going to look this over to see if you did anything." Mikey lets out an annoyed shout, "I'm not fully blaming you Mikey, maybe something happened when those other turtles visited us last. Now kindly leave my lab, all of you!" He shoves them out of the lab, and locks the door behind them, before returning to the computer.
Donatello spends a few minutes, not really finding any problems or anything that would be harmful to his equipment. So he decides to binge his way through some of the videos and VODs. He'll tell his brothers it's safe, and perfectly fine to continue watching this...later, after taking lots of notes on this alternate reality were they are VTubers.
This might, or might not be canon. If it is, well it's a way to introduce crossovers later. If not, well it's just a bit of fun writing.
I could not figure how to write Leo in this short, I don't know why.
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colibrie · 1 month
More jedi turtles! Again, all thanks and credit to @trilobitepunch for the spectacular art and inspiration.
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja jedi (working title)
"Leo?" Mikey whispered, his heart skipping a fearful beat when his elder brother failed to respond. Swallowing hard, he carefully edged forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with his sibling, one eye on the armored duo while the other ran over Leo's form in search of injury.
No blood stained his clothes. No scratches or bruises marred his pale green skin. Yet their absence didn't prevent his heart from racing, rabbit quick beats slamming an SOS against his ribs as Mikey looked at his brothers face.
Leo, charming, affable, funny Leo, was gone. His expression was as blank as a piece of fresh paper, mouth hanging ever so slightly open as though he'd forgotten how to close it. Dark eyes that usually danced with mischief and mirth, sulked and steeped in petulance or sorrow, that blazed and smoldered so brilliantly in frustration and in wamth, had become empty and hollow. His dialted pupils were blackholes staring off into some fathomless mid-distance, chest barely rising and falling with the shallowest of breaths.
"Say. Something," the smaller armored figure hissed.
Where Leo was blank, this one could not seem to keep still. His facial features kept twisting and churning rapidly, flickering and warping too fast for Mikey to fully comprehend. Waves of dark energy rolled from his quivering shoulders, a potent brew of rage flavored with grief and disbelief that had acid creeping up the back of Mikey's throat. Horrendous pressure bore down from seemingly every direction, an unstoppable force that demanded the unmoveable to get out of its way or be subsumed.
"Keep it together Don," the big one rumbled, burnt eyes sliding predator sharp between Mikey and Leo and his companion. "Donnie..."
"Donnie" did not acknowledge his companion, attention lazer locked on Leo. The red glare of his saber added a slightly crazed sheen to his eyes and a corner of Mikeys brain, used to looking for the tiniest details, absently noted the way the red picked out beautiful highlights of purple. The greater part of his mind told that part to shut the shell up.
"Leo, we need to go," he mumbled under his breath, one hand sliding up to grab Leo's shoulder. "We need to go right now."
Leo remained blank, limbs locked and limp like a droid without a power source.
"Leo, please!" Mikey begged, panic dripping ice cold down his shell as the big one shifted restlessly. He stepped back, trying to drag his brother towards the safety of their ship. "We need to- MOVE!"
The last word came out in a half mangled shriek as the big one lunged, one red saber igniting and swiping out in a brutal arc that forced Mikey to shove Leo away as hard as he could to avoid getting dismembered.
"You two ain't goin anywhere," the big one growled, towering over them.
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coyotecam · 2 years
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Hyperfixation sandwich! All of this is the og slime rancher cause the xbox is still broke! (╥︣﹏᷅╥)
Here are their slimes and favs imo BIG OL' RANT BELOW!
All in order of favorite to least favorite.
Mikey: Hunters (his favorite cause same <3), tangle, honey, tabby, and pink -- the type of player to just have an entire enclosure of pink slimes and tried to keep tarrs as angry pets. My friend said Mikey would try to feed the echoes to the slimes to see if they would glow and would squish them till they make farting noises. Oh also has all the outfits for the little guys!
Raph: Sabers(After that all of his largos were saber combos) crystals, rock, tabby, lucky, tabby, and puddle slimes(2nd fav) -- the completionist only second to Donnie, collected a bunch of puddle slimes, goes out of his way to give all the slimes toys, and feeds all feral slimes they come across.
Donnie: Glitch and Quantum slimes are his favorite cause the slimy texture of any other slime is icky(same bro same). His ammo other slimes are rad, dervish, and rock. -- seriously...? ugh science guy def cosplays Viktor and he's his favorite character, has all the blueprints unlocked and the entire map is covered with inventions. Number 1 Completionist has everything to 100% and spent way too long trying to find gilded ginger (cries into my singular glided ginger that took 10+ hours to get)
Leo: Phosphor (he says it's mosaics but he gets blown up too much they make funny faces tho), mosaic, quicksilver, fire, boom, crystal slimes. -- has all the damaging slimes and just kinda runs into the enclosures absent-mindedly and just dies (sweats profusely) filled the grotto with echos, and also tried to feed them to slimes.
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sannyladyz · 4 months
parece muito o Sergei colocando ideias erradas na cabeça do mikey kkk
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A ruiva é o Sergei.
A freira é a Deliah.
E a menina o Mikey.
O termo "genocídio branco" é frequentemente usado por alguns grupos de supremacistas brancos para descrever uma teoria da conspiração que alega que a população branca está sendo intencionalmente substituída ou exterminada por pessoas de outras raças ou etnias. Essa teoria é baseada na ideia falsa de que políticas de imigração, diversidade e inclusão são parte de um plano para eliminar a população branca. 🤓☝🏻
ADM: isso é bem a cara a dele sKsjsoahdekekksks, eu acho que ele acredita muito nessa teoria..
Sergei: o Mikey precisa saber disso...
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So what inspired each character
I'll go with the designs first then there personalities if someone asks again. I also can't find all the artist that did these but just to make sure that everyone knows I don't own these pics so I can't answer any questions about them.
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adampalharine-art · 1 year
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Dia 030
Leo e Donnie viviam se engalfinhando, xingando, fazendo pegadinhas de mau gosto um com o outro e algumas vezes quase se matavam no processo, até parecia que se odiavam. Mas era apenas coisa de irmãos, no fundo eles apenas sabiam que o outro estava sendo chato por querer atenção, por aquela ser sua forma de dizer "eu te amo" já que nenhum deles realmente sabia como pronunciar aquelas palavras, porque nunca as havia ouvido.
A situação com Mikey era diferente, seu irmão estava realmente querendo matá-los, estava realmente enfurecido e com desejo de sangue. E do jeito que as coisas iam, ele conseguiria.
Donnie desliza sobre a bancada derrubando todos os seus projetos inacabados no chão, ele rola para o lado agarrado a barriga gemendo alto, sentindo o ferimento antigo pulsar, se continuasse daquela forma, os pontos abririam e ele sangraria até a morte. Leo antige a parede ao seu lado, deixando o formato de seu casco na parede antes de ir ao chão.
L: Como... Estamos perdendo? - questionou a tartaruga de orelhas vermelhas usando a espada de apoio para voltar a ficar em pé.
Donnie sabia porque, Draxun foi meticuloso em treinar seus filhos, ele queria guerreiros, queria os melhores e sabia que cada um deles tinha suas qualidades e defeitos. Não foi a toa que sempre deixou Donnie acompanhá-lo em seu laboratório, ou porque torturou tanto Raph prendendo o mais velho naquele quarto minúsculo e escuro, ou porque insitia em fazê-los seren tão brutos uns contra os outros, principalmente com Leo. Ele queria eliminar as falhas e enaltecer seus talentos e o talento de Mikey era o instinto.
O caçula se movia como uma vibora, ele sabia que os irmãos eram bons em curta e média distância e por isso fazia questão deusar as correntes da kusarigamas para mantê-los longe e sabia também que deixar os dois juntos não era uma ideia boa por isso sempre arrumava uma forma de arremessar um dos dois para longe enquanto lodava com o outro.
L: Deverias bater retirada. - admitiu ao ver as ataduras manchadas do irmão, o ferimento estava abrindo.
D: Ele vai ir atrás de nós... - Donnie cambaleia. - Papai... ensinou como controlar os poderes místicos a Mikey... Lembra?
L: Desde quando?! - Leo saltou para o lado evitando as laminas das foices.
M: Desde que eu fui o unico a apresentar algum interesse e habilidade para tal! - esbravejou o caçula. - Você Leo, só queria saber de brincar! Queria fazer as coisas do seu jeito! - Mikey consegue envolver a tartaruga de orelhas vermelhas com as correntes o arremessando do outro lado da sala.
D: Nardo! - Donnie tenta ir a seu amparo, mas Mikey já estava em cima dele.
M: E voce? Papai gostava que tivesse interesse alquimico, mas... - o caçula acerta um chute forte na ferida de Donnie, que ve pontos vermelhos surgindo atras de seus olhos conforme a dor o paralisava e o derrubava. Ele cospe sangue e sente o ferimento aberto e sangrando. - Um corpo frágil demais.
Leo surge atras do pequeno o agarrando num abraço de urso, erguendo-o no ar.
L: Falando desse jeito! Até parece que você era o favorito do papai! Argh!
M: Eu? - Mikey usa o peso de seu corpo para puxa Leo para o chão e se livrar de seu abraço. Pondo-se em pé rapidamente e sentando sobre o peito fo irmão mais velho, acertando seu rosto com socos - Raph era o favorito! Obediente! Forte! Sem medo de nada além de seu comandante! - a cada pausa ele acertava outro soco, a cada impacto o mundo rodava cada vez mais para Leo. - Nós somos falhas!
Quando pensou que ia perder a consciência de vez, Mikey para, arfando e se levanta. Leo escuta seus passos, mas estava desnorteado demais para saber o que o irmão fazia. Donnie por outro lado, assistia enquanto o irmão era espacado, sem conseguir reagir já que gastava toda a sua energia se esforçando para se manter consciente enquanto sangrava até a morte. Ele viu o caçula caminhando até o meio da oficina onde a espada de Leo havia caido a tomando em mãos.
M: Somos falhas... Não conseguirmos ser nem aquilo que fomos criados para ser. - ele volta caminhando até Leo, pisando sobre seu plastão e apontando a espada para a sua garganta. - E você sabe o que devemos fazer com as falhas.
Donnie tenta, tenta rastejar até o irmão, se esforça para impedir o que estava por vir. Ele nunca se perdoaria se acabasse daquele jeito, afinal era tudo sua culpa. Seus ouvidos começam a apitar, sua visão fica turva, ele tenta gritar, mas a voz não sai de sua garganta, ele estende a mão tentando alcançar a lâmina que decia sobre o peito do irmão, em vão.
Mas ela não completa o trajeto, um enorme vulto vermelho atinge Mikey o arremessando do outro lado da sala. Donnie não entende, até que escuta.
R: Não somos falhas! - aquela voz, ele pensou que tinha alucinado quando a ouviu chamar seu nome algumas noites antes.
Até foi procurou o irmão mais velho com esperanças de poder conversar com ele, o encontrando em alguma espécie de coma. Mas agora, ali estava ele, ajoelhado ao lado de Leo o ajudando a sentar e se escorrar na parede.
Donnie ainda não conseguia acreditar, nem mesmo quando Raph foi até ele, as sobrancelhas curvadas em preocupação direcionada ao ferimento aberto. Seus lábios se apertaram e ele engoliu em seco.
D: Raphie? - ele viu o irmão pegar algo e sorrir de forma tristonha.
R: Vai doer.
D: Hã? - o "TEC" familiar do botão do maçarico atige os ouvidos do Donnie e então a dor. Ele grita a pleno pulmões enquanto Rapha cauterizava a ferida, depois disso tudo ficou preto.
Day 030
Leo and Donnie were always fighting, cursing, making pranks in bad taste with each other and sometimes they almost killed each other in the process, it even seemed that they hated each other. But it was just a brother thing, deep down they just knew that the other was being annoying for wanting attention, for that being their way of saying "I love you" since none of them really knew how to pronounce those words, because they had never heard them .
The situation with Mikey was different, his brother was really wanting to kill them, he was really enraged and lusting for blood. And the way things were going, he would.
Donnie slides across the workbench knocking all his unfinished projects onto the floor, he rolls onto his side clutching his belly moaning loudly, feeling the old wound throb, if he continued like that the stitches would open and he would bleed to death. Leo hits the wall beside him, leaving his hoof shape on the wall before dropping to the ground.
L: How... Are we losing? - questioned the red-eared turtle using the support sword to get back on its feet.
Donnie knew why, Draxun was meticulous in training his children, he wanted warriors, he wanted the best and he knew that each of them had their strengths and weaknesses. No wonder he always let Donnie accompany him in his laboratory, either because he tortured Raph so much by locking the oldest in that tiny, dark room, or because he insisted on making them so serene brutes against each other, especially Leo. He wanted to eliminate flaws and celebrate his talents and Mikey's talent was instinct.
The youngest moved like a viper, he knew that the brothers were good at close and medium distance and that was why he insisted on using the kusarigama chains to keep them away and he also knew that leaving the two together was not a good idea for that reason. he always found a way to throw one of the two away while muddling with the other.
L: You should withdraw. -he admitted when he saw his brother's stained bandages, the wound was opening.
D: He's going to come after us... - Donnie staggers. - Dad... taught Mikey how to control mystical powers... Remember?
L: Since when?! - Leo jumped to the side avoiding the scythe blades.
M: Since I was the only one to show any interest and ability to do so! - yelled the youngest. - You Leo, just wanted to know how to play! I wanted to do things your way! - Mikey manages to wrap the red-eared turtle with the chains, throwing him across the room.
D: Nard! - Donnie tries to go to his protection, but Mikey was already on top of him.
M: And you? Dad liked that he had an alchemical interest, but... - the youngest hits a hard kick on Donnie's wound, who sees red dots appearing behind his eyes as the pain paralyzes him and knocks him down. He spits blood and feels the wound open and bleeding. - Too fragile a body.
Leo comes up behind the little one grabbing him in a bear hug, lifting him into the air.
L: Talking like that! It's like you were Daddy's favorite! Argh!
M: Mine? - Mikey uses his body weight to pull Leo to the ground and free himself from his embrace. Getting to his feet quickly and sitting on his older brother's chest, hitting his face with punches - Raph was the favorite! Obedient! Strong! Afraid of nothing but their commander! - with each pause he landed another punch, with each impact the world spun more and more for Leo. - We are failures!
Just when he thought he was going to lose consciousness for good, Mikey stops, panting, and stands up. Leo hears his footsteps, but he was too bewildered to know what his brother was doing. Donnie on the other hand, watched as his brother was slashed, unable to react as he expended all of his energy struggling to stay conscious as he bled to death. He saw the youngest walking to the middle of the workshop where Leo's sword had fallen, taking it in hand.
M: We are failures... Not being able to be even what we were created to be. -he walks back to Leo, stepping on his plastron and pointing the sword at his throat. - And you know what we should do with the flaws.
Donnie tries, tries to crawl to his brother, tries to stop what was coming. He would never forgive himself if it ended like that, after all it was all his fault. His ears begin to ring, his vision becomes blurred, he tries to scream, but the voice does not come out of his throat, he reaches out his hand trying to reach the blade that landed on his brother's chest, in vain.
But she doesn't complete the path, a huge red figure hits Mikey throwing him across the room. Donnie doesn't understand, until he listens.
R: We are not failures! - that voice, he thought he had hallucinated when he heard her call his name a few nights before.
He even went looking for his older brother in hopes of being able to talk to him, finding him in some kind of coma. But now, here he was, kneeling beside Leo, helping him to a sitting position and sliding down the wall.
Donnie still couldn't believe it, even when Raph walked over to him, brows furrowed in concern directed at the gaping wound. His lips tightened and he swallowed hard.
D: Raphie? - he saw his brother take something and smile sadly.
R: It will hurt.
D: Huh? - the familiar "TEC" from the blowtorch button hits Donnie's ears and then the pain. He screams at the top of his lungs as Raph cauterizes the wound, after which everything goes black.
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calabazafantasma · 5 days
Hola amantes de los krang y del dibujo!!!
Eh vuelto lo siento por si no eh actualizado es que me siento mal pero ya me estoy medio recuperando (o eso quiero creer) dios no les gustara saber lo que sufrí, este dibujo ya llevaba un tiempo en mi galería y si se fijan por la fecha verán cuando fue que lo hice bueno al punto.
Les presento a ¡¡¡JERRY!!!
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Jerry es un krang de la segunda generación de krang, el enclosiono en la segunda era ya casi pisando la tercera generación cuando se estaba haciendo la unión entre los krang y utrom por eso su apariencia tan pacifica, los krang qué nacieron en ese lapso de tiempo su apariencia no era tan intimidante por lo menos la gran mayoría aunque kronorag y krugnar (osea krang 2 y 3) si llegaron a ser un poco mas intimidantes para su época algo curioso es que Kronos no pertenece a la segunda generación ya que el es dos siglos mayor que sus hermanos mas o menos el es como de la primera generación.
Los krang al vivir muchos MUCHOS años (hasta eones) no pasaron por muchas generaciones solo pasaron por tres, la primera fue el comienzo del linaje real y la monarquía con su primer rey kratos conocido como el krang de la guerra, este rey llego a gobernar dos generaciones hasta la tercera donde le paso el mando a su hijo krugnar (osea al krang 3) al ser el único de los hermanos con sangre real.
Tal vez otro momento les explique mejor este tema ya que es muyyyyyyy extenso y asi explicaría porque Kronos NUNCA llegó a gobernar.
(ni siquiera era el líder en la película el era mas bien como un sub líder, es por eso que ni siquiera le hace nada al mas chiquito)
Bueno volviendo con el dibujo y el personaje
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Jerry es un krang de ojos rasgados esto por su parte utrom ya qué estos solían tener ojos así y mas por el hecho de tener pupilas cúbicas esto los diferenciaban de los krang quienes tenían ojos mas afilados y pupilas de gato
El es un krang alquimista y se especializa en el área de investigación y descubrimiento de fauna de los universos qué conquistan para utilizar eso al favor de ellos, tiene una cicatriz en el pecho por culpa de una misión en la que encontraron una planta la cual le arrojó ácido en el pecho eso no lo mato pero si le dejo una profunda herida y por lo fuerte que era el ácido su piel no pudo regenerar bien haciendo que la piel en la zona se vea transparente (asi que si técnicamente lo verde que se ve es por el empyrean en su organismo) el puede manipular ciertas plantas mas o menos como draxum claro siempre y cuando el lugar sea medianamente fértil como para que la planta pueda crecer.
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Para hacer a Jerry en su forma me base un poco en un gato si ven su silueta si se parece un poco, el si llego a trabajar con krugnar hasta tuvieron algo pero no hablaré de eso... Kronos lo odia.
El fue uno de los pocos krang que pudieron librarse del encierro a la prisión dimensional ocultándose junto a un grupo de mas krang en el titan lloroso
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Pensándolo bien Jerry si se llevaría muy bien con mikey.
El y su grupo durante el tiempo en que estuvieron escondidos en el titan lloroso tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer al padre de rico antes de que muriera por una enfermedad y en algún momento llegarán también a conocer también a rico quien para ese momento ya habrá redimido a los dos cavernicolas y al chicle masticado de krugnar
Y bueno nada este es el dibujo completo
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Creo que merecen mas contenido de este AU asi que empezaré a escribir algunos capítulos para ustedes solo que sin dibujos ya que eso me tomaría mas tiempo y no estoy en condiciones para dibujar ahora mismo y bueno nada espero que les haya gustado el dibujo y recuerden tomen cafecito pueden preguntarme lo que sea sobre este AU y yo estare encantando de responder adiós🎃☕
No es la locura, en realidad es el amor~
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