#Mikey ballerina au
albaqae · 1 year
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I’m stuck in AP music theory and I tried to understand and was so lost EVEN THO I HAD NORMAL MUSIC THEORY SOPHMORE YEAR so drew some comfort turtles :)
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ninjaneonleon · 8 months
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(last seen at the tmnt au comp u _ u )
Mikey almost fell over backwards when the frantic looking Leo counterpart appeared in his vision. Casey, of course, was no help. She just laughed as he stumbled over his own feet and tried not to fall. In the end he just floated back to his feet properly with a small pout.
“Oh, sorry,” the Leo (Leon? Yeah, that worked for now) said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “I just really need to find my Donnie, he’s, uh, not very stable with others.” He held up the photo he was brandishing a little more for emphasis.
The photo in question showed a version of Donnie that was very different to the brother Mikey knew and loved. Not only was he notably paler, his usual jade colouring going almost pastel, he was softer somehow. Rounder. He was also wearing a beautiful feathered tutu, had small white wings and was en pointe. That Donnie looked like he was all set to dance in Swan Lake, maybe even as Odette considering the feathered crown he had in place of a headpiece.
“No, I haven’t seen him. Hey, why do you say he’s unstable?” Casey asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement. Eugh boy, if Casey got it in her head that she wanted to try sparring with this unstable ballerina Donnie, there would be very little Mikey could do besides try to hold her back. Maybe if he got the Donnie back with his Leo, he’d be calm enough to not take Casey up on her obvious excitement.
“He’s, uh, well he’s very much got a swan brain?” Leon offered with a sheepish laugh. “Half the time he’s fine, the other half…”
“Oh, he gets violent and territorial?” Mikey had a few encounters with swans in the past. They were dangerous bastards who can and will mess you up. “Eugh boy, that’s definitely not someone who you want to leave alone. Leave it to me, I can help you find him.”
“Wait, you can?” Leon lit up with a relived grin. “How?”
“Like this.” Mikey held his hand out towards the photo and got a feel for Swanatello’s (heh, Swannie, that was a perfect name for him) energy. Once he as sure, Mikey plucked that very unique feeling chain from the air. He studied it curiously. “Huh. This is a very old feeling connected to him. Well, anyway, I can track him for you. Just follow me, we’ll get your Donnie back,” he promised, not letting go of the chain.
“Thank you so much,” Leon said enthusiastically. I’m worried he’s either gonna freak himself out or hurt someone.”
“Has he got memory problems or something?”Casey asked, following after Leon and Mikey. “Our Donnie can be violent but he’s very good at directing that away from people. Most of the time.” She shuddered, probably remembering the sago pudding incident. Mikey didn’t want to dwell on that.
“Yeah, he’s sort of been claimed by this mystic lake to be its guardian?” Leon offered with a shrug. “It means that he barely remembers anything before, and on his bad days, he doesn’t recognise us at all. He might look small but he’s just as strong as ever.” Based on the way Leon rubbed his arm, he clearly knew just how strong Swannie was.
“Claimed by a mystic lake? I might be able to help keep him calm for a while, if you wanted,” Mikey offered. If he could make sure Swannie could still sense the lake, he might stay calm enough to not hurt anyone during this whole thing.
“Anything would be helpful, thank you Mikey.”
They walked together for a little while, following the pale coloured chain, until Mikey spotted Swannie. He was looking around frantically, his feathers all puffed up from how worked up he was getting. Okay, Mikey totally had this.
“Casey, wait here. Leon, you too. Let me see if I can calm him down.” As he spoke, Mikey let a wave of magic wash over him. When it cleared, he was in his own tutu (orange, of course) and had his pointe shoes on. Oh yeah, that was awesome, he totally nailed the dramatics there. It might have been a while since Mikey had done any serious dancing but luckily, his body remembered exactly what to do.
He called for Swannie’s attention by putting a spotlight on himself and on Swannie, one only they (and Casey and Leon) could see. Then he let some music start to drift around, again, done so it didn’t bother anyone who was want involved.
Swannie looked over immediately, but when he heard the music, he seemed to relax. Perfect. Mikey made his way over, travelling in time to the music and throwing in some of his own choreography, warming himself up slowly. He and Swannie met in the middle and for a moment, they danced together.
It was simple enough to weave in some magic to their dance. A nudge to the mystic hold on Swannie’s soul, finding the link back to the lake, a touch of mental magic in the form of white smoke gathering around them to make sure he could feel the lake and feel it was safe, and tada! One fully conscious and aware Swannatello.
“Mikey?” He asked slowly as Mikey let the illusions die down.
“Not quite. I’m a different Mikey, buuut your Leo is right over there.” Mikey gestured over his shoulder to where Casey and Leon were waiting.
“Leo!” Like a bullet out a gun, Swannie shot over to Leo and clung to him, getting an awed hug in return. Oh yeah, Mikey was good.
“Nice going, Mikey,” Casey said with a grin. She clapped Mikey on the shoulder. “Wanna stick around with these two for a bit?”
“Yeah, if they’ll have us,” Mikey said, watching the twins get quite emotional as they hugged. “I think they could use some familiarity here, and besides, I wanna dance more with Swannie.”
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aralisj · 2 months
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Pas de Deux || The Bear Ballet AU
It is highly unlikely that I'll write anything - this is just a random concept that came to me in a daydream. Enjoy some loose thoughts under the cut though.
Donna as a Dance Mom™ would be perfectly in character. She's constantly reviving her glory days as a ballerina on the corps of Chicago ballet. She resents her children for making her give up her career, potentially giving Nat body image and self esteem issues, and pushing Mikey and Carmy past their breaking point… Also her whole aura screams cunty ballet teacher cursing and smoking during class.
Mikey takes over Donna's studio after a career ruining injury (and subsequently gets addicted to painkillers).
Carmy gets a scholarship to study ballet in Europe, then returns to climb the ranks and eventually become a principal dancer in the New York ballet. The plays on his name and the ballet Carmen are fucking exhausting and end in a shouting match more than once.
New York asshole boss is an old school ballet master. I'm picturing Vincent Cassel in The Black Swan, vicious and overbearing, giving Carmy shit for his height, and being a "Sergei Polunin wannabe" with his tattoos and his smoking.
Sydney dances from a young age, inspired by her mom. She gets very badly injured and steps aside for a while. She followed Carmy's career closely and saw him dance on her trip to New York. After a miraculous recovery from her injury, she takes up dance again and joins the studio - Carmy sees her as the only one on his level. Her dream is being a prima ballerina (and dancing a pas de deux with the Carmy Berzatto wouldn't hurt either).
Tina is a self taught dancer and Mikey brings her in to teach beginners classes and ballroom dance.
Richie is just there (canon compliant lmao). He picks up some stuff over the years but not enough to teach. He eventually becomes essential to running the place, booking venues and running social media for the studio as it grows into a high level academy (think Eva Nys on TikTok)
Nat abandoned dance completely right as she could have turned professional (Donna never forgives her) but she returns as a manager for the studio once things start to get serious after Carmy's return.
Pete LOVES ballet but can't dance at all.
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uncannyalien · 7 months
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I come bearing amenities for our little AU competition. Good luck ;)
- REBOOT: Second Chance AU Donnie
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[Woo two asks in one, babeyy! @kaysdenofchaos bc your guys are in here too!]
Jade followed Mikey around the many areas of the competition’s location, the young turtle holding their lower right hand so they wouldn’t get separated. Jade scanned the crowd as they walked. There were turtles absolutely everywhere, but none of them matched the image on the paper.
Jade halted, Mikey stopping after tugging on their arm.
“Do you see something, Jade?” The box turtle asked. He stood on his tip-toes and attempted to look around the sea of alternates. But Jade’s height proved to be superior.
“I see your brothers!” Jade signed, raising a third arm to point off in the distance.
“Oh, nice! They can help us look for that ballerina Donnie!”
The two friends cut through the center of the room, Mikey sticking close to Jade’s side.
“It’s weird seeing so many versions of us.” The orange teen stated. “Why do a lot of them look so…hurt?”
He wasn’t wrong.
There were many creatures here that looked like Mikey and his family, some with missing limbs, bags under their eyes, strange outfits in various stages of disrepair, and plenty of scars all around. What had happened to them all?
But now was not the time to dwell.
Jade waved above the swath as she led Mikey across the room and Raph finally turned around and spotted them.
He was tall like her, but only going up to their neck. The alligator snapper beamed as the two arrived, red markings from his mouth curling with the movement. His tail wagged against the floor.
“There you two are! We lost ya after we found Donnie! Who is right… oh, come on!”
Raph turned around to spot Donnie deep in conversation with one of his alternates.
This Other Donnie wore a long striped shirt over black fabric and a band of shiny metal plastic atop his head. The softshell opened the shirt to reveal a collection of glowing green objects, framing them with his other three-fingered hand in an open gesture.
Perhaps it was the frighteningly familiar shade or the unusual smell, but something deep within Jade knew those items were not to be messed with. While they were adjusting to reading visual and auditory cues of emotions in others, it was clear that Donnie was too transfixed by Other Donnie’s offer.
Raph walked up behind his brother and scooped the softshell in his powerful arms, politely declining before carrying the protesting scientist away.
“Raph, come on! Do you know what I could do with that?”
“Yeah, I do. Destroy the world or somethin’. I’m the eldest, I’m saying no.”
“I can’t believe you’re playing the older brother card!” Donnie wriggled but failed to escape Raph’s grasp. “Despite what you may think, I am not planning for global destruction once I obtain uranium!”
He kept talking while a thin, metallic arm slipped out from the turtle’s battle shell. It stretched toward Other Donnie who gave a piece to the tiny hand, a grin on his face.
Oh no.
Jade strolled over and grabbed the robotic arm, snatching the object(which emitted a disturbing aura), and returned it to Other Donnie. Other Donnie bid his farewell while the Donnie Jade knew stared at them with a wide mouth in disbelief.
“Traitor! I won’t forget this betrayal, Jade! You can forget about me making you a phone now!”
“A what?” Jade signed in reply but was distracted by another group of alternates interacting with Mikey and Leo.
Four more turtles. The same colors. But, very different.
The orange one was the tallest of the four, wearing multiple layers of clothing including a strange white poof on his bandana-wrapped head. In his hands was a metal sheet with some circles that smelled… oh Stars what was that?
Mikey and Leo spied the items with wagging tails, Mikey’s feet tapping frantically against the floor.
“Oh, hey Jade,” Leo commented, not even turning around to look at them. “This other Mikey’s got some cookies. Want one?”
“Leo, you know Jade can’t eat!” Mikey reminded his older brother, smacking the slider on his arm.
“Whaddya mean they…oh, right. No mouth.”
“Four chocolate chip, please!” Mikey chirped and the Other Mikey handed the turtle his prize. Those at least smelled nice and were pleasant to look at. The ones on the other side of the pan were… were they even edible?
Jade glanced up and spotted an Other Raph in a black shirt flapping his hand sideways with a look of skepticism.
“As for the others…” Mikey mused, and Leo blinked at the box turtle. “Do they have peanuts?”
“Nope!” Other Mikey answered. Mikey tilted his head back and took in a deep breath.
“Hey, Raph!”
Raph, who had since swayed Donnie into a light sleep, perked up and ambled over.
“Oh hey, cookies!” The snapper noted.
“Wanna try this one?” Mikey asked, pointing to the questionable substance in Other Mikey’s hands. Raph nodded enthusiastically.
Mikey removed one of the other ‘cookies’ from the sheet, held it up, and Raph snatched it from his fingers, Donnie snoring softly in the turtle’s arms.
Jade felt their hearts drop.
How? Why? How could he…? Jade panicked.
“Mmm! Never had something like it! Keep at it, man!” Raph flashed his toothy smile with no signs that the sketchy food had even affected him.
“Aw, thanks! See you guys around!” Other Mikey replied and waved as he walked away and joined his brothers, all of whom seemed just as flabbergasted at Raph’s feat.
What in the Stars is this place?
[Thanks for the asks! Hope to see y'all around!]
Jade's adventures in the TMNT AU Competition part 1
You can read Remember Forever here!
Remember Forever Masterpost
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pastell0v3 · 2 years
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pinned post remake. again.
IMPORTANT: 18+ accounts do not interact with the following:
most tbhk x readers (theyre k i d s)
all warriors of hope x readers (i love them and its fine bc im a k i d (EDIT: WHEN I SAY KID I DONT MEAN RLLY YOUNG I MEAN LIKE TEENAGER DONT ATTACK ME-), but 18+ dont interact with those!)
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heeeelllooooo! im Lily (irl), but please call me "Odd" or "Horizon!" I also go by the names of characters i kin/am, they are listed below <3
i am a minor, 18+ users/blogs ask to follow or simply do not interact
i am an artist, writer (and i hope to make my own stories when im older!!), i also create xenogenders + neopronoun ideas!
i go by she/her/hers/herself, gli/glitch/glitches/glitchself, bun/bunny/bunnies/bunnyself (she/her most preferred but i still do go by the others)
i love rottmnt, tmnt 2012, batim, cuphead, danganronpa, ddlc, undertale + deltarune (fun fact, ut/dr is what got me onto the internets!), babtqftim and way more
i kin ibuki mioda, berdly, noelle holiday susie (deltarune), jataro kemuri, (probably) muffet the spider, (probably) alphys, (probably) mettaton, (probably) allison pendle/angel, donatello
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in around 2020 was when i made my first account online i think- i know i know, not a long time. anyways, i believe I made that account on quotev.com (i had a roblox account from 2018 or 2019 but I'm not counting that). like i said, undertale was what got me interested in the internet and knowing lore of shows and games etc. it was the first thing I was really drawn to- it didnt get me many friends but i still loved it, i just felt lonely at times because even my crush at the time wasnt that interested in it, and even now I feel like my bestie(s) feel forced to like what i like (i mean, i turned a girl who loves hello kitty into fnaf fan!). same with my past crush, i always talked about what i loved but to be fair, he was the same.. when i figured out deltarune was a thing, i was. in. LOVE. though it kinda had a negative effect on me because i had roleplayed as susie online a bunch and that ruined my personality.. but i guess it also helped me find who i really am, so thats good (it was to the point i was sure i washer and i would get upset if someone dressed as her or roleplayed as her on roblox- and before this i had something similar with chara where i thought i was them and then this person i knew said he was sands and thought that would make me like like him. like bro. you cough in my face 24/7 i aint gonna have a crush on you.)
but anyways, ill stop rambling hehe
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i write for...
danganronpa (all characters besides woh unless reader is a kid or its platonic. includes monokuma/cubs + monomi/usami but theyre gijinkas and the cubs aren't rlly young (like they'd be 17 or smth))
rottmnt (only donnie, Leo and mikey (im sorry id write for raph i rlly like him but idk how to write his character well..))
tmnt 2012 (donnie only- might be ooc bc i haven't finished much of the 2012 ver yet)
our life beginnings and always (cove, Jeremy (underrated smh), baxter (i dont rlly like him but ik how much yall do so 💖💖 ill suck it up), Shiloh (obvi older like bruh-)) (havent finished our life so sorry if its kinda ooc or sumthin)
fnaf (all sb, glitchtrap , fazbear frights humans 1-7 + humanoid versions of animatronics (fetch, eleanor, yellow thing (spring bonnie), ballora (nurse (or was it dentist..?) and ballerina vers are the same)), funtime foxy (performer + taxi(?) driver vers are the same))
undertale/Deltarune (susie, ralsei, kris, berdly, noelle, rouxls kaard, spamton, addisons, muffet, au sanses, mettaton)
mha (monoma neito, denki kaminari, yuga aoyama)
tbhk (sousuke mitsuba, hanako/amane yugi, kou minamoto, akane aoi (boy), ryujirou tsuchigomori, tsukasa yugi, natsuhiko hyuuga)
i can do..
and mmore to be added !!!
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 2 years
So in your FNAL AU, what do the animatronics look like? I know you changed up Golden Freddy’s look to turn her into Goldie but what about the other animatronics, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy? What do they look like in your AU now?
Well they’re not the same animatronics as fnaf.
In fnal, the six animatronics are
Leo the singer- the Freddy stand in
Raphie the pirate-the foxy stand in
Donnie the rocker-the Bonnie stand in
Mikey the farmer-the chica stand in
Goldie the ballerina-the golden Freddy stand in
Stripes the puppet- the marionette stand in
The first four were designed to look like each turtle they were made for, but with a theme, so they each where an outfit for that theme.
Goldie (april) I’m currently working on and I have a design for stripes (Casey)
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harmonytre-reblogs · 3 years
“This is how I think of “shipping”: When you start shipping someone, it starts out as a little sailboat. As hints are seen (in the actual show, movie, book, game, etc.), the sailboat slowly grows larger. When it becomes canon, the boat becomes a giant pirate ship with cannons (get it?). If the people suddenly break up, that means the ship ran into a giant Broken-Love-Iceberg.“
-me (HarmonyTRE)
(P. S. All of these I ship platonically too, and the younger couples are only wholesome. NONE of these I ship in more than romantic ways. And some of them I don’t ship now, but shipped when I was younger so they feel nostalgic. So if the ship seems odd, it’s probably that asdfghjkl.)
Fandom/show/movie/game/short film/etc.
Never Draw
Commission Only
Other Media (short films, comics, etc.)
Live Action
Steven Universe AUs
Undertale AUs
Not Finished/Caught Up
(long, so I’ll put under the cut)
Never Draw:
Frisk/Sans (fr.ans)
Keith/Lance (kl.ance)
Shiro/any of the minor paladins
Papyrus/Chara (?)
Papyrus/Sans (fon.tcest)
Steven/gem ships
Steven/Pink Steven
Commission Only (won’t do for requests, challenges, etc.)
Lance/Allura (Allurance, Cotton Candy, Mr. and Mrs. Blue Lion)
Au Sanses (unless listed, and only if they have clearly different personalities, appearances, and names)
Allura/Shiro (Shallura)
Voltron: Legendary Defender
!Pidge/Lance (Plance)
Keith/Allura (Kallura)
Hunk/Shay (Hunay)
Romelle/Matt (Romatt)
Pidge/Hunk (Punk)
Hunk/Romelle (Hunelle)
Keith/Axca (Kaxca)
James/Ina (Leiffin)
Keith/Pidge (Kidge)
Ryan/Nadia (Kindia)
Lotor/Allura (Lotura)
Krolia/Tex (Krolidad, Krolitex)
Zarkon/Honerva (Zanerva)
Krolia/Kolivan (Kolivan)
James/Veronica (Jamonica)
Miraculous: The Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
!Marinette/Ladybug/Adrien/CatNoir (Love square, Marichat, Adrinette, Ladynoir, Ladrien)
!Alya/Nino (DJWiFi)
Mylene/Ivan (Myvan)
Penny/JaggedStone (Jaggenny)
Plagg/Tikki (CheeseCake)
Nathaniel/Alix (Nathanix)
Steven Universe
She-ra and the Princesses of Power (SPoP) {Double Trouble, Glimmer, Entrapta, Wrong Hordak}
!Glimmer/Bow (Glow, Glimbow)
Seahawk/Mermista (Seamista)
Entrapta/Hordak (Entrapdak)
Catra/Adora (Catradora)
Scorpia/Perfuma (Scorfuma)
Spinerella/Netossa (Spinnetossa)
*Star vs. the Forces of Evil (Marco, Janna, Tom, Star}
!Branch/Poppy (Broppy)
Phineas and Ferb
Phineas/Isabella (Phinabella)
Candace/Jeremy (Candermemy)
Baljeet/Ginger (Baljinger)
!Ren/Nora (Renora)
Sun/Blake (BlackSun)
Pyrra/Jaune (Arcos)
Weiss/Neptune (Iceberg)
Velvet/Fox (Zootopia)
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Troy/Benson (Trenson)
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
The Dragon Prince
My Little Pony (MLP)
!Fluttershy/Discord (Fluttercord)
!YonaYak/Sandbar (Yonabar)
DerpyHooves/DoctorWhooves (DerpyWhooves)
PinkiePie/CheeseSandwhich (CheesePie)
Ember/Thorax (Emberax)
Sunburst/StarlightGlimmer (StarBurst)
HTTYD (How to Train Your Dragon) (any show besides Race to the Edge, because I haven’t seen it)
Hiccup/Astrid (Hiccstrid)
Fishlegs/Heather (Feather)
Toothless/Nubless (Nightlight)
Pokemon {seen all but seasons 8-15, 21+}
!Jessie/James (Rocketshipping, KojiMusa, JAJL)
Ash/Misty (Pokeshipping, Sakashipping, Gakishipping, Bikeshipping, Sushishipping, AAML, Twerpshipping)
!Serena/Clemont (Geekchicshipping)
Lana/Sophocles (Sparksurfershipping)
Butch/Cassidy (Neoshipping)
Serena’sSylveon/Clemont’sBunnelby (Fairybunnyshipping)
Brock/Lucy (luckshipping, squintshipping, blushshipping)
NurseJoy/Nicholas (from Celebi episode)
May/Drew (Contestshipping, ShuHaru, DAML, Mew, Day)
Togedemaru/Pikachu (SpikyPika)
Brock/Wilohmena (Sissyshipping)
Glitch Techs
Zahra/Five (?)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Sokka/Toph (Tokka)
Zuko/Katara (Zutara)
Katara/Aang (Kataang)
Suki/Sokka (Sukka)
Rise of the Guardians
Big Hero 6
Gogo/Fred (Gogozilla)
HoneyLemon/Tadashi (Tadahoney)
Your Name (Kimi no na Wa)
A Silent Voice
Leap! (Ballerina)
Victor/Felicie (Felictor)
Inside Out
Anger/Disgust (Angust)
Wreck-it-Ralph (and Breaks the Internet)
Felix/TamoraCalhoun (Hero’s Cuties)
Branch/Poppy (Broppy)
Hotel Transylvania
Jonathan/Mavis (Jonavis)
Smurfs: The Lost Village
Judy/Nick (WildeHopps)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (and 2)
SamSparks/FlintLockwood (Sparkswood)
Lego Movie (and 2nd)
Megamind/Roxanne (Megarox)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
!Toriel/Sans (Soriel)
Undyne/Alphys (Alphyne)
Muffet/Mettaton (Muffaton)
!Nice Cream Guy / Burgerpants (Nicepants)
Sans/Grillby (Sansby)
Gaster/Asgore (Kingdings)
Toriel/Asgore (Asgoriel, Torigore)
Asgore/Rudy (?)
Grillby/Muffet (?)
Royal Guards
Noelle/Susie (Suselle)
Henry Stickmin
Henry/Charles (Chenry, Stickvin)
Riddle School
Other media (short films/comics/etc)
Live Action
Juliet/Shawn (Shules)
The Space Between Us
The Goldbergs
The Greatest Showman
The Librarians (tv series)
!Cassanda/Ezekiel (Casekiel)
Eve/Flynn (Fleve)
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Alex Inc.
JD/Elliot (Jelliot)
The Office
Pam/Jim (PB&J)
Drop Dead Diva
Stranger Things
Mike/Eleven (Mileven)
Nancy/Jonathan (Jancy)
Joyce/Hopper (Jopper)
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
Steven Universe AUs
Feral Beast Steeb
Pink Steven AU
Cactus Steven AUs Blog
LISTEN ALL NIGHT (suf-fering)
Undertale/Deltarune AUs
Timetale AU (Punny Skele-scientist, Allesia the Hedge)
Sans/Alphys (Salphys)
Paper Trail (lynxgriffin)
Susie/Noelle (Suselle)
Overtale (yuramec version)
Sans/Toriel (Soriel)
Sans/Napstablook (Napstasans)
Sans/Toriel (Soriel)
Payryus/Mettaton (Papyton)
Alphys/Undyne (Alphyne)
Sans/Toriel (Soriel)
Sans/Grillby (Sansby)
Gaster/Alphys (Bi-entists)
Rain/Imposter (platonic)
Not finished/caught up
Fruits basket{season 2}
Tohru/Kyo (Kyoru)
Wild Kratts {quite a lot to catch up on}
JimmyZ/Koki (Joki)
My Hero Academia/Boku No Hiro Academia {recent season}
!DenkiKaminari/KyoukaJirou (Kamijirou)
IzukuMidoriya/OchakoUraka (Izuocha)
EjirouKirishima/MinaAshido (Kirimina)
ShoutoTodoroki/MomoYaoyoruzu (Todomomo)
FumikageTokoyami/TsuyuAsui (Tokotsuyu)
MashiraoOjiro/TooruHagakure (Ojitooru)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) (TMNT) {half of final season}
April/Donatello (Apritello)
Leonardo/Karai (Leorai)
Mikey/Renet (Renetangelo)
The Flash {recent 1-2 seasons}
Barry/Iris (Westallen)
!Kaitlyn/Cisco (Snowmone, Snowvibe, Killervibe, Frostvibe, Vibefrost)
Joe/Cecile (Joecile)
Digimon Tamers {missed quite a lot because my brother watched without me}
Juri/Takato (Jurato)
Rika/Ryo (Ryuki)
Kingdom Hearts
Once Upon a Time (OUaT)
CaptianHook/EmmaSwan (CaptainSwan)
Belle/Rumpilstiltskin (Rumbelle)
Regina/Robin (OutlawQueen)
Doctor Who
TheDoctor/Riversong (Twiver)
Amy/Rory (Ponds)
God Friended Me {just part of 1st season}
Heroes {just starting season 2}
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another-tmnt-writer · 5 years
The Masterlist (Officially)
We had a masterlist very briefly, but there were some fic recs mixed in there, so here’s a real one finally haha. 
This blog is SFW only. We do NOT write Smut of any kind. 
ONCE AGAIN, WE DO N O T WRITE SMUT!!! AT ALL!!! If you send a request with smut in it, the fic (in any form) will not be written because you failed to read and respect the rules. 
For example: We will not “just ignore the smut part and write the rest of it.” We will not write it at all in fact, nor may you resubmit it.
We also do not write:
Turtles x Reader
Quarantine with the Turtles - What Quarantine would be like with the turtles
The Quarantine Chronicles - When you’re quarantined at the lair, each of the turtles has a different plan to keep you entertained. 
Leo x Reader
Get Home Safe - College AU -  After a messy breakup, your ex isn’t over you. But when he starts acting weird, Leo will stop at nothing to make sure you get home safe.
You Fell From the Sky - 2 - You come from a world where the turtles are fictional, but seeing them in person just hits different...
Matching Marks - You finally find out what your unusual soulmark means, but not quite in the way you expected...
Can I Kiss You? - The continuation of Matching Marks (Can be read separately) in which you get to know your soulmate a little better...
She Made You Hot! - The boys find your versions of them on the Sims.
Clay or Charcoal? - You help Leo with a little self-care day.
Leo x a Blind S/O
High School Musical - High School AU
Break a Leg - High School AU, sequel to High School Musical
I Need You
Look at Me - Leo gets a little insecure and needs some reassurance from his best girl.
The One in Blue - Prince!AU
Looking for Donuts - You’re hanging out at the NYPD when a very unexpected visitor wanders into the breakroom.
Stir Crazy - When you’re in the hospital, it’s driving Leo crazy that he can’t go see you.
Now, Forever, and Always
Leaders in Blue - Your aunt, Chief Vincent, might know a little more about your secret boyfriend than she lets on...
Stay. Please.
Back from Beyond - After waking up from a coma, Leonardo finds that your memories of him and his brothers are a little scrambled. 
Almost Identical
Spilled Coffee
Countdown - Soulmate AU
Cold-Blooded - When it’s cold out, the turtles, especially Leo, need a little extra love to keep them warm.
Raph x Reader
Truth or Dare? -  When Mikey needs another actor for his film project, Raph gets roped into it. He didn’t, however, expect for his costar to be so cool.
The Butterfly Girl - Desperate and running out of options, the turtles call upon the Steel Seven, the world-renowned league of superheroes, for help. Never did Raphael think one of them could ever care about him the way you seem to...
Opposites Attract -  You and Raph are different. So different that he doubts something between the two of you could ever work, and yet, that doesn’t seem to be stopping his blossoming feelings...
Good Enough - When an argument with Raph uncovers his insecurity, you set him straight.
Raph with a Deaf S/O
Raph with an S/O who plays the Ukulele
Homecoming - High School AU
Are You Dying? - You’re on your period and Raph is a little freaked out.
Little Witch
Doll Face
Betrothed - Prince!AU
No Idea - Soulmate AU
I Brought Soup - When Raph is sick, you’re on babysitting duty while the turtles are away.
Come Back to Me - Being the human girlfriend of a mutant turtle can be stressful sometimes, especially while he and his brothers are out on patrol. 
Beauty and the Beast
Keep Ya Safe
Don’t Change for Me
Hold Me
Babysitters Extraordinaire - Raph finds you babysitting your nieces and learns the magic of childcare firsthand.
Not the One
Raph and the Ballerina
Shell and All
This One’s Mine - When you meet Casey Jones for the first time, Raphael makes it clear that you’ve already been claimed.
Happy New Year!
Sharpie Promises - Soulmate AU
Donnie x Reader
Friends? - You’ve known the turtles for months, but Donnie is ignoring you and you don’t know why, so you set out to get to the bottom of it.
The Girl from the Billboard - Donnie brings his girlfriend, a model, down to the lair to meet the rest of his family.
Donnie x a Tall S/O
Emperor’s New Clothes
Like Magic - Prince!AU
Home Before Midnight - When Donnie makes his brothers human for the night and meets his Princess Charming at a high school party, will his Cinderella story get a happy ending?
Haunted - You’ve been trapped between living and dead for months, but maybe Donnie can figure out a way to get you back to normal...
Fireflies - Soulmate AU
I’m Fine
Congested and Contested - You’re too stubborn to admit you’re sick and Donnie just wants to take care of you. 
Mikey x Reader
Happy Birthday - For the boys’ birthday, you decide to spoil Mikey and finally get him the art supplies he deserves. 
A Work of Art - After weeks of watching you paint, Mikey finally works up the courage to introduce himself.
Palm Reader - When Mikey is distressed over his status as mutant, you reassure him that he’s perfect just the way he is.
YES I LIKE YOU - When all else fails, you finally tell Mikey exactly how you feel in no uncertain terms.
Living Colors - When you meet your soulmate, you finally find out what a beautiful, colorful world it is. 
You Bring a Baby to the Lair
You Dye your Hair Their Color
Comforting their S/O During a Thunderstorm
Watching Coco
What Kind of Girls They’d Fall For
Their S/O is a Ballerina
Their S/O’s Kid Calls them Dad
Submissions (Written by our lovely followers)
Oblivious Raphael
Shell Shocked
The Right Place
Sick - Raphael
Requiem for Assassins
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mychemicalficrecs · 5 years
Hi so I've read 2 my chem sports AUs recently (All We Need Is Daylight by Helena_Hathaway and Getting the Gold by frankiesin) and I loved them surprisingly a lot because My Chemical Romance and various sports are not something you'd expect go together. I'm wondering if you know of any other sports AUs?
Hi Nonny!
There's a few Sports AUs I know and if you don't mind High School Sports AUs, there's quite a few of those as well!
Sports AUs
All We Need is Daylight by Helena_Hathaway, Frank/Gerard, 240k [WIP], Explicit. Frank is thrust all too suddenly into a new life, one where he's not warmly welcomed. He's the best goddamn hockey player he knows, though, and he's not going to let anyone take that away from him. Or at least, not until his world comes tumbling down.
Getting the Gold by frankiesin, Mikey/Pete, 9k, General Audiences. It's Mikey's first time as an Olympic coach, and he's navigating the new role pretty well until he meets the men's swim coach. Pete's gorgeous, funny, and entertaining as hell, but Mikey's pretty sure he's already got a boyfriend. Also featuring Mikey and Lindsey being Super Bros, and way too many baby athletes in need of supervision.
you wanna get it for free by akamine_chan, Ray/Mikey, 2k, Explicit. Ray's a wrestler, you see...
Pages In Your Passport by inlovewithnight, Mikey/Pete, 15k, Explicit. Pete pursued soccer instead of music. He has a good long run in the game. Then in 2010, he meets this guy in a band.
The Circuit by stoplightglow, Frank/Gerard, 24k, Teen And Up Audiences. In the world of competitive motorcycle racing, nothing is more prestigious than the Grand Circuit Tour. Americans everywhere gather to watch as the twelve best racers in the nation compete for the title of Circuit Champion and $100,000. Gerard Way is no stranger to the race. When he was a teenager, his name was practically legend - but after disappearing without explanation six years ago, he's become little more than a relic of the past. Now, at age twenty-six, Gerard is back on the Circuit with something to prove. It's Frank Iero's first year on the tour, but he's more than ready. No one has seen a kid blast through the ranks so fast since Gerard Way first appeared on the scene a decade ago. With a cocky attitude and the whole country swooning over him, nothing can slow him down. The stakes have never been so high. Welcome to the Fourteenth Annual Grand Circuit Tour.
Down And Dirty by dear_monday, Frank/Gerard, 3k, Explicit. Gerard's own beloved cherry-red Harley has pedigree in fucking spades, sure, but she's seen better days, and she just doesn't have the power to outrun Iero and that revolting custom paint job. The matching helmet painted to look like a jack-o-lantern is just too much. An AU wherein the boys are dirty bikers, inspired by the recently-released photos from the Japanese Rolling Stone shoot.
shut up and drive by Trojie, uglowian, Patrick/Mikey/Pete, 139k, Teen And Up Audiences. Pete Wentz is the grid girl, Andy Hurley loves him (not like that), and Jared Leto is the bad guy. A.K.A.: the bandom The Fast and the Furious AU that literally no one asked for.
Another Cog In The Murder Machine by ace_writez, Ray/Mikey, 3k [WIP], General Audiences. Mikey's life is set. He's going to get a basketball scholarship for university and then play in the big leagues. All he has to do is get team captain his last year of high school. But he runs into some competition when another good player also tries out. Suddenly he's not so sure he's going to make it. Ray is also trying for a scholarship. As the star quarterback of Belleville High for three years, he's gunning for a fourth. When a situation at home suddenly drags him down, and a certain boy at school catches his eye, he finds himself at a crossroads. Two boys. Two sports. One school, and one story.
Day Seven: Half Dressed - Frerard by LeatherlipsIero, Frank/Gerard, 3k, Mature. Frank reached out his hand for the stranger to shake, "I'm Frank, let me buy you a drink as an apology?" He smiled again when the stranger grabbed his strong and callused hand with his own soft one. "Thank you, but it's my fault, honestly." The strange and pretty man tried to explain but Frank didn't care. "I insist." He said and sent the beautiful stranger a half smirk with half-lidded bedroom eyes, which had the poor boy blushing in seconds. Score.
Olympians by krissykane, Frank/Gerard, 3k, General Audiences. Frank is a shooter who has (somehow) made it to his second Olympic games. There he joins the crowd at a fencing event and sees a certain Team USA fencer for the first time.
Take One For The Team (Excuse Me If I'm Rude) by frenchpirate (Whiskey_n_speed), Mikey/Pete, 25k, Explicit. “So, your coach,” Gabe started, change of subject, thank god. “Yeah, what about him?” Mikey asked and glanced over at Pete who was heading towards the coach locker rooms, dragging a net of footballs after him. “You never told me he was hot. I’m pretty sure that’s withholding indispensable information. I should’ve signed up for the soccer team.” He said halfway jokingly, and William scoffed and rolled his eyes. “What, he’s not-“ “He so is. He’s like totally – small and handy,” He made a smooth explanatory hand-motion. “I want to fit him in my pocket.” * (Or; twenty eight scenes about skipping school, douchebag friends, post-college parties and way too much soccer)
Boxer!Fic by iamdali, Frank/Gerard, 47k, Explicit, General Audiences. After med school, Gerard had this idea of what life would be like. The idea now probably seems more than ridiculous, but still it’s what he clung to in order to drag himself through those gruelling morning hours after an all nighter of studying or writing some preposterously long paper on some disease or medical break through or why whatever part of the human body does whatever it does, and what happens when it doesn’t.
It's Not A Side Effect Of The Triple Axel (I'm Thinking It Must Be Love) by mizubyte (b_dsaint), Mikey/Pete, 10k, Teen And Up Audiences. If not for Alicia, Mikey never would have stepped on to the ice, let alone become a figure skater. Now, over 15 years later, Vancouver is Mikey's last chance for Olympic Gold. If he doesn't get distracted by snowboarder Pete Wentz, that is.
If The Skates Don't Fit by halfeatenmoon, Lindsey/Gerard, 12k, Teen And Up Audiences. Lyn-Z thought her rollerderby team might have a chance of winning some games this year, until she discovered that the new girl she'd recruited to the team was actually a man named Gerard. With a week to go until the first match against their long-time rivals, the Cobras, Lyn-Z and her teammates instead steal one of the Cobras' players - Maja, who has been feeling underappreciated since her side was joined by a new star. Maja's a great player, but it's a challange to learn to skate with a new teammate with only a week to go, especially when she still has some unresolved issues with her old captain.
Split lips hurt by toxic_fox, Frank/Gerard, 769 words, Teen And Up Audiences. Every Thursday, at six o’ clock sharp, frank goes boxing. He loves the adrenaline, the rush he gets from fighting, the blood, the pain. He kind of likes the kind medic as well.
Uppercut by mcrhomo, Frank/Gerard, 3k [WIP], Teen And Up Audiences. Frank is dealing with a lot in his life, including body dysmorphia. When he signs up for a boxing class to lose weight, he meets Gerard, and his whole life is turned several different ways (for better and for worse).
I Believe You're The Enemy (Game On) by imanemostan, Frank/Gerard, 2k, Mature. Constant affairs kept secret by frank and gerard, on different laser tag teams playing against each other. weirdly enough, both their schools have an official laser tag team. How will they ever be able to keep this a secret?
I Just Want You by Bridgetti, Frank/Gerard, 2k, General Audiences. Frank teaches Gerard to skate.
It's All In the Game by happilysurviving (orphan_account), Frank/Gerard, 46k [WIP], Mature. Even jocks have issues. Especially the closeted ones who have friends they have to kick off their football teams. And it gets even worse when they have to kick them off because of a homophobic coach. But of course that's only the beginning as this is Dan Howell and he always has to have larger problems on top of the ones everyone else would believe to be impossible to handle. Having Frank as his best friend certainly doesn't help or the head gossip guru in town as his mother but it could be worse, right? I mean he could be in love with an opposing team's quarterback... Oh wait.
Frerard Football Team AU For Which I Could Not Think of a Title by franks_hands, Frank/Gerard, 5k, Teen And Up Audiences. In the locker room and at practices, Frank was noisy, bordering on obnoxious. He seemed to bounce off the walls sometimes. He didn’t know about personal space.
of cute boys and rollerskates by etselec, Mikey/Pete, 1k, General Audiences. “I’m teaching you how to skate,” Mikey nearly fell as he removed Pete’s arms away from him. He squeezed his hand instead, “so our next date it won’t be as awkward.” “Date?” Pete asked. “Well, we’re holding hands already, aren’t we?” Mikey smiled at him.
Hand in Mine, Into Your Icy Blues by sundrowned, Frank/Gerard, 28k, General Audiences. Gerard is the captain of the hockey team and his overbearing father is the coach. When a new boy named Frank joins the team, Gerard has to decide weather to follow his father's orders to stay away from the boy or choose his own path.
Skating In A Ttutu by runaway_killjoy, Frank/Gerard, 51k, Teens And Up Audiences, Explicit. Frank has to move towns with his mom. He's disheartened to realize that teenagers are judgemental and manipulative no matter where you go. And no one gets judged quite as bad as the ballerina/skater boy who isn't even 5ft. Skater boy AU prompt, Frerard
Powderpuff by Gorgeous Nerd (gorgeousnerd), Frank/Gerard, 2k, Explicit. It isn't like Frank's opposed to powderpuff football. The timing's just kind of bad.
Get Up And Go by inlovewithnight, 6k, Teen And Up Audiences. Mikey Way: Ultramarathon Runner.
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sultrysirens · 6 years
Nightshade [Masterlist]
The Animal Inside ♥ - Donny x reader oneshot smut piece ;D
Acceptance - Oneshot AU in which the boys go public after the events of OOTS.
Sizes - Raph/Jo and Mikey/Lisa in a lineup to compare their heights.
The Durtle Ticks ♥ - Size comparisons. ;D
Adult Turtles ♥ - Work in progress; the brothers lined up as I slooowwwwly give them official references for my own use.
TMTT - Teenage Mutant Turtle Tongues! A visual headcanon reference.
TMNT Family - As a 1-year anniversary celebration, I drew a crappy compilation of my fic characters!
Turtle Tat - A vector recreation of the matching turtle tattoo both Mikey and Leo bear, as close as I can understand it. Free to use, with credits!
Spell - The brothers playing Dungeons and Dragons. Part of Inktober 2018.
Headcanons - A series of personal headcanons about our favorite mutant turtles.
Headcanons, NSFW Edition ♥ - How the guys fuck.
Sex Ed - Small bit of info about how vaginas work.
Rating System - How I rate my works.
Lair Blueprint - Me trying to create a blueprint of the Lair from OOTS. It’s...difficult.
Lair Screenshots - Screenshots taken from OOTS and its featurettes, with notes written all over them. By far my most popular post.
Karai - Analysis of Karai, concluding that she won’t be appearing in my fics.
Zoey - A recounting of an abandoned character idea I had, which I hope will be uplifting for other creators out there.
Playlists - YouTube-compiled playlists for my fics. Currently only Raphelyn and Michelisa playlists available.
Halloween HCs - How the guys dress up for Halloween.
Alt Sex HC ♥ - An AU-type sex headcanon for the guys. Doesn’t exist in my fics, but might exist later in an AU sequence.
OC Headcanons - Info on my OCs, Jocelyn and Lisa, as prompted by an Anonymous ask.
Main Fic Masterposts:
The Dancer ♥ - RaphaelxOC fic, featuring Jocelyn, a POC ballerina. Also found on AO3!
The DJ ♥ - MichelangeloxOC fic, featuring Lisa, an aspiring DJ. Also found on AO3!
Blue Blood - ConnorxOC fic, featuring Evie, a military-trained homicide detective in L.A. Also found on AO3!
Timeline - When each individual chapter was posted in real time, for ease of hopping between the fics.
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My Best Friend’s Wedding (SERIES): (Y/N) is the maid of honour at her best friend Pete’s wedding. Problems being: she’s hopelessly in love with him, and the woman he’s marrying is a horrible person who’s made it her mission to make the week of the wedding as awful for (Y/N) as possible. Part Two. Part Three. Part Four. Part Five. Part Six (Tails Version). Part Six (Heads Version).
I’m Here To Protect You (Vampire AU): After meeting a dark and mysterious stranger, (Y/N) becomes entangled in the world of the supernatural.
Chasing Cars: Pete sings to (Y/N) while on a picnic.
When The Party’s Over: (Y/N) is used to partying her weekends away. When Pete finally asks her why she does, she admits that it’s because she can’t handle the loneliness of being at her apartment. He promises her that she’ll never be lonely every again.
Jeopardy: (Y/N) has had enough with Pete’s bad habit of cheating.
Halloween Writings:
Your Costume’s Not Very Good (Vampire AU): It’s Halloween night, and Pete decides to go out in his true vampiric form, much to (Y/N)’s chagrin.
Spiders, Beards And All Things Hairy: Terrified of spiders, (Y/N) calls Pete over to help when she spots a enormous one in her bedroom. But he’s not as heroic as she hoped him to be.
Light ‘Em Up: (Y/N) comes home with a ballerina box from a garage sale. Pete’s convinced that it’s haunted.
Christmas Writings:
Pucker Up: Frank and Gerard are convinced that Mikey and Pete are perfect for one another, so they make it their mission to get the two of them under the mistletoe.
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minniethemoocherda · 7 years
Leoraiweek Day 5: Fire and Water
A Leorai atla/ Zutara au. Leo: Katarra Karai: Zuko Raph: Sokka April: Aang
Based off the second episode were team avatar first meet Zuko.
The door to the ship opened in an assault of ash and smoke. I shielded my brothers from the blast as three figures marched down the ashen ramp to corrupt the pure snow.
“AAAARRRRGGGGHH!” Raphael cried as he ran to attack the invaders, causing my heart to lurch in worry my brother. Before I could even think about joining him the fight was over as the supposed leader of the group knocked him aside with barely a glance. I fought the instinctive urge to help my brother as I knew it would leave my brother and my village defenceless.
The leader came a halt near the end of the ramp, finally letting me close enough to see their face. At this distance I could see the sharp yet feminine features of her face that held almond golden eyes that were a colour unlike anything I’d ever witnessed before. Her stance was firm and proud, showing the strong stature of her body that combined elegance with force. Even the scar that attacked her left eye and cheek seemed to embellish her beauty. When she came to stand barley inches from my face the surprise was impossible to keep off my face as I realised that I was gazing upon the daughter of the fire lord Karai.
“Where are you hiding her?” She ordered grabbing my grandfather Splinter in the process making me feel even more ashamed at finding the person who assaulted my family and lead the army killing thousands of innocent people beautiful. “She’d be about this age and be the master of all elements.”
At our confused silence she angrily threw our grandfather back at us, my brothers catching him before he could fall.
“I know you’re hiding him!” She yelled shooting fire from her hands that burned the air around us.
I once again cursed my brother’s hot-headed nature as he threw one of his sais at the princess which she dodged with ease.
“Oh yeah! Show no fear!” Mikey yelled beside me, throwing Raph’s other sai.
Catching it Raph charged at Karai with barely controlled rage. She fought him like it was a dance. Her limbs attacked and dodged with the precision of a ballerina and the power of a snake. I once again felt guilty as I was mesmerised by fire and beauty. Eventually striking a winning hit Karai knocked Raphael down so that he lay bloodied and bruised by her feet.
She slyly stood above him with a smile that could cut through ice. That victory was short lived however when his first sai retuned like a boomerang to strike her across the head, taking the helmet from her head to reveal closely cropped jet black hair that fluttered in the icy wind like the feathers of a ravenowl’s wing. Raph smirked a blood red grin at her anger as she raised her hand to hit him again when a girl riding a penguin jetted at her from behind.
The snow cleared to show the red-headed girl that we found in the ice this morning, her staff raised in defiance. The other soldiers came to attack her but she simply raised her staff and blasted them with a force of air in three quick successions. I could practically feel Donnie swoon behind me.
“You’re the airbender? You’re the Avatar!” Karai said in a tone of disbelief. “I’ve spent years preparing for this encounter, countless hours training and meditating. And after all of that you’re nothing but a child!”
“So are you” April said. It was true, they were both only teenagers.
Snarling Karai raised her fists towards the crowds in a deflective denial. I placed myself at the front of my people, preparing the shelter them from whatever she may do. Sensing the impending attack April stood between us and the fire-bender.
“If I go with you, will you let these people go?” She said calmly despite the fear she must be feeling.
I tried to protest but Splinter stopped me, silently telling me that I must think of the village first. It pained me to look on as Karai’s eyes widened in shock at her sacrifice before quickly covering it up with a harsh nod.
But as the soldiers led her up the ramp back into the prison of the ship I could stay silent no longer, unable to sentence an innocent life.
“Don’t do this!” I cried finding my eyes locked with those of the fire nation princess. Despite the distance between us I could see into her eyes as though she was right in front of me letting us see the understanding of honour and reliance that we both share. I felt the moment between us stretch as we bore into each others soul. And then the doors closed and the moment was over. However as I watched the ship sail away I somehow knew that this would not be our last encounter.
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 3 years
Decided to post a couple one shots of a fnal au I talked about in discord
For my fnal au
“ Donnie was at his fathers pizzeria with his friends and brothers celebrating their 6th birthday. He was just sitting at a table watching his friends and family. Raph was in a pirate costume chasing Mikey, Leo was right by his fathers side, as per usual, and april was staring at the golden bear ballerina animatronic. But where was- “ bah!” “ ah!”. Casey had snuck up behind him, wearing that stupid hockey mask he painted. “ got you, don!” He said, cackling. “ real mature, moron” Donnie replied, annoyed at his “ friend”. “ you’re just mad you got scared! Anyway, I need to give you your birthday gift, right?” Oh, yeah. Both april and Casey gave each of them gifts for their birthday. “ sure. Where is it?” Donnie asked. “ it’s.. uh.. oops. I think I left it in the car” Casey said, clearly feeling bad. “ whatever. You can just give it to me when we leave.” “ but it won’t be your birthday by the the time we leave! Don’t worry, I’ll just go get it” “ wait. You can’t go by yourself” “ well, you can’t go with me. It’ll ruin the surprise! Don’t worry, it’ll be quick” “ Casey, no, that’s too dangerous, just wait till later.” “ relax, Donnie! I have a hockey stick! Ain’t no one gonna mess with Casey Jones!” Casey said as he ran off. Donnie facepalmed himself, Casey had to be the dumbest kid he knew. Well, he couldn’t go after him. His dad would kill him. Guess he should just wait and chastise Casey for this when he gets back. Meanwhile, his dad asked Leo to go play with his brothers while he takes care of something. Donnie decided to wait for Casey. “ Casey’s been gone a real long time” Donnie thought, looking at the time. It had been over an hour! What was taking so long? Did something- his thoughts were cut off when his father told them it’s time to go home. Seemed kinda early. “ where’s Casey, dad?” Donnie asked.” He wasn’t feeling well, so your uncle fug took him home, now come along, donnatello!”“ that didn’t seem right to Donnie, but who was he to question his dad. He was about to leave, when he felt something behind him. “ ah!” He said when he turned around. It was just the puppet security animatronic, though. Donnie forgot it existed, he hadn’t seen it all day. It was trying to give him something. A present? That’s strange, it wasn’t supposed to give kids stuff, was it? Donnie looked up at the animatronics face, noticing it wasn’t wearing its usual clown mask. It was wearing.. it couldn’t be, could it? It.. was Casey’s mask that he was wearing earlier. That couldn’t be, could it? Did Casey manage to sneak it on the puppet when he wasn’t looking? That couldn’t be, Casey liked that mask too much to put it on some animatronic. So then why- “ let’s go Donnie” april snapped him outta his thoughts. “ oh, right” he responded turning away from the puppet. April waved to the animatronic, saying “ bye, Casey!” Wait.. no, April’s imagination must be acting up again. Donnie looked back one last time, to see the puppet waving back, red streams of tears on his face that Donnie swears weren’t there before….”“ it had been a few weeks, and Donnie hadn’t seen Casey. None of them had. Donnie had heard yelling from across the hall, and decided to listen in. It was uncle fug, yelling at his father, crying. Donnie had never heard his uncle yell. It was very scary. “ where is he?! Where is my son?! You had him under your watch and now he’s gone!” His voice was breaking. “ zayton, you must calm down! He is a rebellious boy. I’m sure the authorities will find-“ “NO! Yoshi! I’m not letting you get away with this! Not this time! My boy is gone and it’s because of you! I swear, if it’s the last thing I do, I will get these children as far away from your darkness as possible!” Uncle fug vowed as he stormed off. Donnie expected his father to look guilt stricken but.. he just looked.. annoyed. Donnie remembered his father telling him uncle fug picked Casey up, but that couldn’t be right. What was his father hiding?”
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