#Military Protocol
defensenow · 3 months
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magpiesvscanaries · 3 months
Gertrude is head of the SSRI don’t fight me on this
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lena kelley they could never make me hate you
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captainsjack · 1 year
every time an author mentions ethan’s supposed military background i immediately have to close out of the fic. girl ethan hunt would not touch the us military with a mile long pole. clearly you never sat for hours on you basement floor on cold ass tile straining your neck up to look at the tv & click through all of the characters’ background files on the mi1 dvd special features . u don’t KNOW him
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Uh, I think it's time for me to actually do this!
INTRO!!! FOR ME!!! (+ Important Info)
About me:
Trans (gender Flux, leaning agender)
Going through a name crisis again (js call me racc, Raven, Achilles or whatever tbh)
They/it/he interchangeably
I'm a minor
I age- and petregress :3 (often at the same time, when I'm in pet-/littlespace and u notice, please it/its pronouns :3)
Also I do art!!! I've got a separate account for that tho
All my important stuff is tagged under "Raccs trashcan" (hehe get it? Raccoons? They dig through trash? I'm 3 raccoons under a tre- okay I'll shut up)
PLEASE TAG ME!!! I'm serious, I love being tagged in shit. Picrews especially :3
FREE PALESTINE!!! 🇵🇸 (Please don't send me GoFundMe links, I can't donate! And with the amount of asks I get about this, sharing would not be effective.)
No bigotry
No NSFW (I'm a minor lol)
NO ABLEISM!!! I'm audhd, and I will come after you
Cutrent hyperfixations:
Call of Duty
Bikes (especially Kawasaki bikes)
More facts about me!
I'm participating in artfight this year!
I have two cats
I'm german, but live in the US
I'm a therian too!
Also I use :3, :D, >:] etc
I suck at socializing, so please forgive me for being extremely awkward at times
I'm about 90% sure I'm aro(-spec) and abrosexual :3
I've got them AAAAAAA (Autism, Adhd, Agender, Anxiety, Asexual (spectrum), Aromantic (spectrum), Avoids eye contact at all costs
Tma, Tmagp, Malevolent (the podcast), Bsd, Mh, Atla, Toh, Gravity Falls, Marauders (but fuck JK Rowling), Good Omens, Link click, CoD, Motorcycling (can't wait for 16)
And also some really good music:
Will wood (and the tape worms)
Modern Alibi <333
David Bowie
Cosmo Sheldrake
Arctic Monkeys
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jazuthevulcanprincess · 8 months
So, I havent seen many posts going around talking about this, and I had never heard of it before yesterday when I learned of it from a youtube video.
But I need yall to know about what is called the Samson Protocol or Samson Option
This is a Israeli Military protocol where, is Israel is threatened with non-existence in any capacity, they will use the nukes they may or may not have (as they carefully avoid confirming it politically) to wipe out the threat to the nation.
This gagged me so hard. They are serious about it too I firmly believe it as tbe only modern day nuclear alert issues was by Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War where they authorized 13 nukes to be used if the US would not come to their aid.
Its debated if they actually had the nukes but. Cmon. I don't wanna call their bluff.
This is devastating to think about in its implications for the Palestinians and Palestinian liberation and return. I feel like this nuke issue is why most of the middle east is not taking firm decisive mitary action against Israel, that and the whole US mitary is backing them.
Since I don't believe Zionists will give up their home for Jews without significant force, and since force threatens nuclear war, I do feel a bit hopeless about the future. How will Israel ever be held accountable for their crimes if they can just nuke anyone who disagrees with them?
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josefavomjaaga · 8 months
I think I've just seen on Youtube what may be the whole Austerlitz scene from Napoleon 2023 by Ridley Scott. And what weirded me out the most was the dimensions. Or rather lack thereof. Like, they made that huge show about signaling to each other with lights and even flags and my first thought was "Why bother? From the looks of it, Naps can't be more than 200m away. Why don't you just walk over and tell him?"
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deadendghoststory · 2 years
COD writers pls consider body worship in your fics. Feel like nudity would be very common and non sexual in the squad considering the housing situations during ops and the amount of times clothes have probably had to be cut off/taken off due to any types of wounds/burns. Getting that nudity in a whole different setting tho?? In a sexual one at that???? Body worship. Please. I am begging.
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itookyoudown · 6 months
ask game: high protocol
and YES this one is ACTUALLY ME this time
actually you know what you'd never ask me anything off anon you have no shame i've encouraged you too well. i'll retract my previous accusation, my apologies.
this is .. complicated you're getting an essay.
yes, i do think on occasion high protocol has a certain appeal. within something like the military's chain of command or royal court intrigue or vampire clan cultural practices or crazy cult commandments, okay sure yeah, the rituals and rules of high protocol can have a certain erotic edge that i enjoy watching play out. but i only really enjoy high protocol in that sense when there's a narrative awareness that it's all bullshit and it's just one big group manipulation game?
on a personal level, high protocol doesn't really work for me. it fucks up my inner perfectionist and my nature to be a helper. by all rights, it should work for me. i love me some rules and doing things right and helping others out, but i feel like in a high protocol situation all those natural urges get corrupted. and i have enough anxiety about being polite and doing social things correctly, i don't need to crank up that nightmare to a whole new level thanks.
high protocol also feels...rude to me?
i don't want to cook for someone or make them their coffee how they like it or fold their laundry or clean things because it's a RULE i do that because that's my first way to express love and show care. acts of service!! but as soon as it becomes a rule that means it comes with expectations and that means there's the possibility of doing things wrong or even failing or getting critiqued and get real i can't live like that.
lastly, high protocol crosses over too much with master/slave and it's probably my least favorite dom/sub flavor so we'll give this a...
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
(KINK RATING TIME!! Send me a kink and I’ll rate it!)
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defensenow · 2 months
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seithr · 3 months
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gpod morning everyone
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lena is the person i’d be if i stopped forcing myself to mask or over-emote tbh
god. yeah
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sovaharbor · 8 months
6 & 7 for sova pls 🤲
6. a headcanon about their family
so!!! i like to think his early childhood was spent in yakutsk, but after his grandfather's passing he and his parents went to live with his babushka (maternal grandmother) in a smaller village outside of mirny. he was and is still very much a babushka's boy; they would go on walks together to go bird-watching in the warmer months, and his father was the one who taught him photography so he could take pictures of all the birds he liked <3
7. a pre-canon headcanon
he bleached his hair for the first time when he was in secondary school, continued to bleach it throughout, then let his roots grow out a bit before he enlisted in the military post-secondary so he could rock a buzz cut rather than a full shave while staying within grooming regulations. it was the first time since he was a wee baby pretty much that he'd ever had hair so short and he fucking HATED it lmao, but thankfully he grew it out again sans-bleach
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gallusneve · 9 months
My debilitating period cramps struck me in the middle of the base playing colors and I was outside
Had to shakingly salute the entire time, crying
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johnbitchsociety · 1 year
I hate that I’ve grown attached to my ideas for Gwendolyn Bouchard even though I know, intellectually, they will not happen.
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sayruq · 5 months
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In the early afternoon of 29 November last year, several Palestinian boys descended on to their street in the occupied West Bank, where they often played together.Minutes later, two of them lay dead from gunshots fired by Israeli soldiers - Basil, 15, and eight-year-old Adam. As part of an investigation into the conduct of Israel's security forces in the West Bank, which has been under military occupation for more than half a century, the BBC has pieced together what happened on the day the two boys were killed. Mobile phone and CCTV footage, information about the movements of Israel's military, witness testimony and detailed investigation of the scene, including taking measurements, combine to reveal evidence suggesting serious human rights violations. The evidence we found has prompted Ben Saul, UN special rapporteur on human rights and counter-terrorism, to say the death of Adam appears to be a "war crime".Another legal expert, Dr Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne, described the use of lethal force as “indiscriminate”. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said the circumstances of the deaths were “under review” but said “live fire is used only in order to remove immediate threats or for arrest purposes, following arrest protocols after exhausting other options”.
Video footage from 29 November shows Basil standing next to a hardware store, its shutters firmly locked down. When Israel's military arrives, shops close quickly in Jenin, a city in the West Bank - Palestinian territory which, unlike Gaza, is not run by Hamas. Witnesses said gunfire had been ringing out from a nearby operation by Israel's army in the Jenin refugee camp. Adam, a football fanatic and massive Lionel Messi fan, stood with his older brother Baha, 14. There were about nine boys on the street in total, all captured on CCTV cameras that provided a nearly 360-degree view of what happened next.
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A few hundred metres away, a convoy of at least six armoured Israeli military vehicles turned a corner and began heading towards the boys, who clearly became uneasy. Several of the boys started to move away. At this precise moment, mobile phone footage shows the front door of an armoured vehicle opened. The soldier inside had a direct view of the boys. Basil had darted into the middle of the road, while Adam was 12m further from the soldiers, running away. Then at least 11 gunshots rang out.
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Medical reports obtained by the BBC show that two shots hit Basil in the chest. Another bullet struck eight-year-old Adam in the back of the head as he ran away; his older brother Baha desperately tried to drag him to cover, leaving a trail of blood as he screamed for an ambulance.
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