#Mina ashido is the best girl
angelsarthaven · 1 year
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One of the stream's sketches, couldn't wait too long to show it off hehe
Mina's hair is so fun to draw, I adore her design so much
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cross-u-out · 2 years
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sunnyeggoup · 2 years
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best girl alert
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Mina Ashido brainrot
I love my queen
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celesteleoves · 1 year
theres one scenario i CANNOT get enough of and its everyones first time meeting the boys (baku, kiri, izuku, sero, denki etcc) gfs AHHH 🤭🤭🤭
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ೃ࿐ mha boys! x fem!reader
summary: what the request said!
warnings: mentions of aggressiveness (cough cough, katsuki)
a/n: YESYEYES!! i love this idea sm and in honour of me reaching 200 followers I thought this would be the best scenario to write abt!!
obviously, it was quite shocking finding out mean, gruff, and bulky katsuki bakugou had a girlfriend who seemed to get along with everyone! unlike a certain blonde, aggressive boy-here—
there were different reactions… izuku was quite shook when he met you, even expressing it.
“HOW ARE YOU DATING KACCHA-” cut off by katsukis explosions and your calming voice sent the crowd on a riot. when you spoke, katsuki listened.
matter of fact, he wouldn’t turn his attention to anything else besides you.
there were taunts from his classmates (cough cough the bakusquad) but it was all in good spirit of course!
it’s time someone tamed that beast!
contrast to katsuki, many were not that shocked that he had a girlfriend as izuku was very charming and intelligent even if he didn’t think so himself.
others simply nodded their heads when you walked in, understanding how well you and izuku worked together.
a few comments spurred out like, “DOES HE RAMBLE WITH YOU TOO?”, “so, is he really all mights secret love child?” and to which you responded happily and cheerful while your bashful boyfriend sat beside you.
you guys are quite cute, the class approves.
with eijirou’s manliness, again, many were not that shocked that he had managed to charm his way into your sweet selfs life.
just like bakugou, he received lots of teasing from his class mates. mina really exposed him though.
“hey– PSST, Y/N! did you know kirishima used to have black hair!” followed by kirishimas nervous fumbling and red cheeks, “ashido! 🫣”
you seemed strong, holding your head high the exact same way kirishima does. and so, class 1.A thinks you guys are a perfect match for each other.
when he introduced you to his class, everyone went silent. you were the sweetest bundle of joy and were a slight contrast to shotos personality himself.
one thing everyone noticed though, was when you talked. shotos lips would turn slightly upward and his cheeks would coat a light pink as you held eye contact with him and spoke fondly to him and his classmates.
yep, he was infatuated with you, he won’t even deny it either. but, shoto deserves happiness and some serenity in his life.
so, there wasn’t as much teasing! instead, everyone grew fond of you and shotos relationship. they approve!
“YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!” are the first words that come out of everyone’s mouths, jirou was genuinely shocked that he, who was almost ranked with mineta in weirdness, could get a girlfriend.
yet again, he had his ways of charming the lady’s and he managed to charm a very beautiful and kind lady! he’s lucky.
for him, EVERYBODY taunts him. bakugou literally COMES for his neck (no, like, literally)
“YOUR DUMBASS HAS A GIRLFRIEND? YOU?!” katsuki says that while he shakes denki around by the neck, which brings the girls to the topic of the drawbacks of his quirk.
“have you seen him after he uses his quirk?” jirou chuckles.
“ITS HILARIOUS!” mina adds in, cackling and slapping denki on the knee who is now, blushing and trying to defend himself.
“ILL ZAP YOU AND THEN YOULL SEE HOW IT FEELS–” you simply laugh, making him go quiet and turn to you.
he watches with admiration as you grin, smiling at everyone around you.
the girls mainly catch this moment of calmness from the electricity quirk boy, giggling and observing.
he needs some consoling and reassurance in his life, you can do that. so, they approve!
hope you enjoyed!
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beetlesau · 5 months
Bus Ride, Drabble Dabble, Bakugo/Reader
I'm obsessed with the idea that Bakugo would go feral for a woman that's as normie as his dad just because his mom CHASED his dad DOWN because she wanted him, And Bakugo is his moms twin. ANYWAY. Just messing around with a tame version of that idea. Being bored. Zero Edits, I don't even know if I spelt names correctly lol K Baaiiiii
"Why does your hair look like that?" Mineta peaked over the bus seat down at you. You instinctually pulled the collar of your shirt up to cover any cleavage that could have been showing from that view. 
You sighed, it was a common question back in school before UA. You'd been made fun of for it for as long as you could remember, but you never cared. It was your second year at UA, you'd thought someone would have said something sooner than now, but here you were. You made an obvious glance up at Mineta's purple grapelike head before bringing your attention back to his face. 
"Same reason yours looks like that, I guess. Our quirk just made us different." You looked back down to a Heroes Weekly Tabloid magazine you'd been busying yourself with prior. 
Your hair was normal, bland even, save for the bands of white that flowed down from your temples. The doctors said that when your quirk manifested, it must have put such a strain on you that your body responded in the odd way it did. The same thing happened to your eye color. You had such intense grey eyes after your quirk appeared you hardly remember the color they were before that day.  
"No I mean your haircut!" he chided. Your eye twitched before you looked up again at the pervert menace. You noticed that comment also grabbed the attention of the others on the bus. 
In the seat across from Mineta sat Ashido and Uraraka. Uraraka, who sat by the window, glowered at the boy as best as her round sweet face could. Ashido sneered and shot a glance over to Mineta's seatmate, Kaminari. A look that said, "if you don't do something, I will."
Kaminari, not wanting to have his face melted off as collateral damage, stood in his chair and turned back to face you as well. He put on his best flirty smile and propped his cheek on his fist. "I don't know, I think it looks pretty good. Edgy. Mysterious."
"Yeah, it's a mystery why she has that haircut. It's so unflattering on you! You could be an absolute ten if you'd just--"
Mina flung her leg across the aisle, shoving her boot into Mineta AND Kaminari's sides.
"You dimwitted jerks! You're lucky she doesn't have Uraraka float your two asses and hog tie you to the bus like a couple of balloons!"
"Say the word and I'll do it, girl!" Uraraka looked at you with her dusted pink cheeks. She may have been a softy but she was a ride-or-die. 
You laughed at your two best friends and shook your head no. It was alright. It wasn't anything you weren't used to.
"She cuts it herself." a gravelly voice across from you catches your attention. "Didn't you say that, like, first day of school? Do you not pay attention, idiots?" Bakugo takes one of his earphones out as he readjusts against his school bag. All the noise must have bothered him enough to chime in. 
All four members of the conversation lean out into the aisle and look back at the blonde. Did he just say he remembered some random thing someone said about themselves? 
"Oh. Right, yeah I kind of do remember that." Kaminari pulls out his phone and starts typing away like a madman. Not seconds later a couple of simultaneous dings are heard a bit further up the bus. "Uh, do you know why she cuts it herself though?"
"What's it to you dumbass? She's right there, ask her yourself." he sucks his teeth annoyed, but looks over to you. "Don't tell this shithead anything you don't want to." You smiled at him, your cheeks finding a bit of color before you turned back to Kaminari. You raised your eyebrows at him as though to say, "You heard the man."
Kaminari groans before trying a new tactic. "I mean, I already know the answer. I remember, I was just trying to see if YOU remembered. In fact, I think I probably know more about her than anyone else on this bus." he stated matter-of-factly. You looked at him with an incredulous expression before the hothead across from you spoke out again. 
"You're full of shit." he turns to you again, "You cut it that way so it doesn't get in your way! That's why it doesn't matter what the hell it looks like. You're not trying to win fuckin beauty pageants, you're trying to kick villain ass."
"What's going on, what did I miss? What was that text about?" Kirishima crouched in the aisle, looking to Kaminari for answers. 
"Kirishima, thank god! Mineta move, let Kirishima sit there, you've been a menace long enough today." Mineta checked the seat Kirishima had just come from and saw it was across from Yaoyorozu and agreed without too much fuss.
"Oh, man, you just missed Bakugo say that the lil lady back here isn't winning any beauty pageants." Kaminari slowly shook his head in mock disappointment. 
"WHAT THE HELL? DID I FUCKING SAY THAT??? YOU WANNA KEEP PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH?" Bakugo shot up from his seat, sparks popping off his hands that gripped the back of Ashido and Uraraka's chair, the smell of scorched plastic permeated before Uraraka opened her window.
"It's okay Bakugo, he's just trying to mess with you. You're right though, I just hate having my hair in my eyes so I cut my bangs myself." you blow air up from your mouth and watch as the short choppy fringe fluttered about just a bit. "One of these days I'm gonna have tech support just make me a built-in headband so I can grow them out. The grow-out stage is a bitch, is all. " you laugh.
"So that's why Bakugo called you Fringe for the first year of school!" Kirishima nodded in understanding.
"Hey, Kirishima, do you know her favorite color, by the way?" Kaminari ponders dramatically. 
"Uh, It'd be a guess, but no I don't think I've ever asked--What is your favorite color?" Kirishima politely and enthusiastically requested the information from you now. 
"Oh! Well now hold on a minute, maybe we SHOULD guess it." Kaminari's words were laced with a layer of sticky entrapment but you were curious to see where he was going with all this nonsense. 
"Sure, go ahead." you shrugged. 
"Let's take turns guessing. Is it teal?" he looked at you expectantly, and you gave him a cocked side-eye. 
"OH darn. Okay Bakugo, your turn. What's her favorite color?"
"This is stupid." he huffed
"Well if you don't know, just say so--"
"It's the same as her birthstone, jackass."
Your blush told Kaminari he was correct, or at least close enough. 
"What makes you so sure? Did she tell you?"
"Obviously it's the same as her birthstone, she has a bracelet she wears that's that color, so why wouldn't it be? It's not that hard to figure out if you weren't an idiot."
"--you know her birthdate?" Uraraka's eyes were wide and she was blushing profusely, knowing full well what was happening. 
"What's her favorite food?" Mina piped up, ignoring the subtlety that Kaminari was attempting, seeing exactly what he was trying to get from the angry blonde. 
"How the hell should I know." Bakugo sunk back down in his seat, attempting to put his dead earphones back on, conveying he was done with the interrogation. 
"Well that's a tough one anyway, I'll eat just about anything. I'm not picky." you shrugged, trying to save Bakugo from any more annoyance. 
"Psh. Yeah, but you have such an annoying sweet tooth. I swear I came down to the common area one time and you were practically scarfing down a cupcake. I thought you'd end up eating the wrapper." Bakugo interjected. 
"Oh, that's ... That's true actually!" you grinned. "Well, the sweets part. I was not going to eat the wrapper! Sato had made some for the class. Maybe if you didn't go to bed so early you could of known how amazing it was." you pouted.
"I don't eat sweets before bed, are you nuts? How's anyone supposed to sleep hopped up on sugar? I don't know how you do it." he mumbled, crossing his arms and spreading to take up more room in his seat. 
"Ah, well I suppose I do have trouble falling asleep sometimes." you considered, "I should try out your schedule for a week and see if it helps!"
"WHY ARE YOU ALL STARING? What the fuck could you all have to look at? Fucking annoying." Bakugo stopped to yell when he noticed the small group of onlookers were, well, still looking at the two of you. 
"Kaminari, he's right, you should mind your own business." Mina said as she and Uraraka turned back around to go back to their own thing. Mina turned to send you a glance and pointed at her phone, indicating you should check your phone. 
Looking at your recent messages you see one from the pinkette,
So are you going to pretend it's normal for THAT guy to know everything about you??
You bit your lip as you glanced over at the annoyed guy staring into the back of the seat in front of him. His leg was bouncing in boredom and probably irritation if you had to guess.
Mina was your best friend, but she could be a bit dramatic. 
You weren't sure you were ready to tell her that Bakugo had made it known to you that he was interested. Like, VERY interested.
And you were, less obviously, interested back. You knew his favorite food. His favorite color. He even told you things that made him feel insecure and confided his feelings about being a hero to you. 
It happened suddenly one day. You noticed him looking at you, like actually looking. He held you back after class and said your actual name and not just fringe. That was when you realized you had feelings for him. You didn't hate the nickname, and you considered yourself on good terms with him. He acknowledged your strength and treated you as an equal. But something about the way he said your name made your mind go fuzzy. It felt like you'd just woken from a dream and saw him for the first time. Were his eyes always that intense? 
"I talked to my old man the other day, and he told me some gross shit about how when he and my mom met- she pursued him relentlessly. Borderline insane is what it sounded like to me. My pop apparently doesn't have a spine and he just gave in. Whatever." Bakugo rolled his eyes before waiting for you to say something. 
"Oh! Um, I don't know, I guess I can see how that's romantic. Uh, why are you telling me this though?" you shuffled your weight from one foot to the other, noticing there was a bit too much heat bouncing off the two of you. 
Bakugo bit the inside of his cheek, taking a moment to find the wording. "I'm not crazy like that. I'm not some clone of my old Hag I just wanted to say." he lifted his arm to stretch his back, his actions nonchalant for such an odd topic of conversation. "Anyway, I waited a year is all I wanted to say, so I think I'm going to persue you now."
"Wh-what? You waited. Ah what?" you stammered, you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. "W-what if I don't want you to pursue m-me?" you laughed. You were nervous. And nervous you always say something to deflect the awkward feelings. 
"I'm not very good at not getting what I want, but like I said-I'm not crazy like that old hag, I'll let you have your own say. Anyway. I'll see you later." and then he left you standing there dazed and confused. 
You looked over to him now, sitting alone in his seat. Why else would you have been sitting in the back if not because you knew he'd be back here? You smile to yourself. While this could be your secret for a little while longer you really couldn't resist after seeing his commitment to knowing you in front of the others. 
You pull out your earphones, put one ear in, and hold out the other to Bakugo, who accepts without hesitation. He shoots you a nod and pushes his bag to the floor making room for you to sit by him. 
And you do. You probably will for the rest of your life if he has his way, and you're happy with that. 
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yuza-fantasies · 4 months
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Afraid of You: Mezo Shoji
Pairing: Mezo Shoji x Shy GN Reader
Word Count: 1035
Summary: You have a crush on Shoji, but you're too scared to approach him.
Shoji had always harbored a deep-seated belief that his appearance would scare people away. From a young age, he experienced the uncomfortable stares and judgmental looks from others due to his facial features. In fact, he once unintentionally made a girl cry simply because of how his face looked. It was this incident that led him to adopt the habit of wearing a mask, a protective shield to conceal his perceived flaws.
You and Shoji had developed a strong bond as good friends, spending a significant amount of time together. When you finally mustered the courage to confide in your best friend, Ashido, about your secret affection for Shoji, she immediately became determined to bring you two together. Despite Ashido's enthusiasm and encouragement, you found yourself paralyzed with fear and unable to approach Shoji. Consequently, you resorted to avoiding him altogether.
"Why are you avoiding him?" Ashido inquired during one of your study sessions in her dorm room.
"I just can't bring myself to talk to him," you replied dejectedly. "Every time I try, the words fail me. It's easier to stay away."
"You need to tell him," Ashido exclaimed passionately, closing her textbook to focus on the matter at hand. She embarked on a heartfelt lecture about the importance of communication and the necessity of confessing your feelings to Shoji. However, your mind was consumed by the overwhelming fear of rejection that would surely accompany such a confession.
Unbeknownst to you, Shoji had begun to worry about your sudden avoidance. Although he outwardly displayed a calm demeanor, deep down, he feared that you had distanced yourself from him due to his dissimilar appearance. The truth was, he felt an affectionate fondness for you, and he had longed to express his feelings. But with you actively avoiding him, his attempts remained fruitless.
"Perhaps they have found out my feelings for them and this is their way of rejecting me," Shoji contemplated, his thoughts echoing through the silence of his room. "Or perhaps they're simply afraid of me." He gazed at the ceiling, deliberating whether he should reveal his true face to you and whether you would accept him as he truly was.
The following day, as you walked to class, Shoji mustered the courage to call out your name. However, you chose to ignore him, unable to confront the torrent of emotions that would flood over you if you were to face him directly. Yet, as you moved forward, a firm grip clasped your wrist, forcing you to acknowledge Shoji's presence.
"Y/N, why are you avoiding me?" he asked with genuine concern evident in his eyes. You attempted to respond, but anxiety silenced your voice, rendering you speechless.
"Is it because... of my appearance? Are you afraid of how I look?" Shoji inquired hesitantly, his voice laced with vulnerability. "If being around me makes you uncomfortable, then I will respect your decision and leave you alone."
"N-no, it's not like that," you stammered, gently pulling his hand away from your wrist. "I... I'm sorry, Shoji. Can we talk later, please?"
With those words, you turned and walked away, leaving Shoji standing there, his voice calling out to you, pleading for an explanation. The tears that had welled up in your eyes finally spilled over, your emotions too overwhelming to contain.
"I'm sorry, Shoji, but I simply cannot find the words to speak," you confessed silently. "It's not that I am afraid of you, but rather, I am afraid to open myself up to you."
After school, Shoji sent you a text message, expressing his desire to speak with you in person if you felt comfortable doing so. Uncertain about how to respond, you sought Ashido's guidance.
"What should I say, Mina?" you asked your pink-haired friend, seeking solace and advice. "I want to meet him, but I am consumed by fear."
"You have to talk to him," she insisted, her voice brimming with encouragement. "He wants to have a conversation with you, and this may be your chance. Go and talk to him!"
With a sigh, you mustered your courage and replied, agreeing to meet Shoji on the school roof in ten minutes. Determined to confront your fears, you embarked on a journey to the rooftop, where Shoji awaited your arrival. Step by step, you approached him, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Y/N, you haven't answered my question from before," Shoji said softly, his eyes searching for answers. "Are you afraid of me?"
Meeting his gaze, you sensed the genuine hurt in his eyes—the vulnerability he rarely displayed. This was the first time you had witnessed Shoji in such a state. His eyes spoke volumes, reflecting his concern and the emotions he had kept hidden for so long.
"It's okay if you're scared," Shoji continued, taking a deep breath. "But I want you to know something—I like you. More than just a friend. These past few days, I've been struggling to tell you, but you've been avoiding me. Please, tell me why. Why are you avoiding me?"
Stunned, you absorbed his words. All this time, your feelings had been reciprocated? As you peered into Shoji's eyes, you gathered the strength to respond, "Shoji, I'm not afraid of you. I'm terrified to speak because... because I like you too, Shoji! More than just a friend."
"Y-Y/N, you can talk to me anytime," Shoji reassured, his voice filled with tenderness. "I'm sorry if I made you feel this way, but will you be my significant other?"
"Of course, Shoji!" you replied, unable to contain your joy. You embraced him tightly, feeling the warmth of his tentacles enveloping you.
"There's one more thing I need you to know," Shoji murmured, his voice tinged with vulnerability. Slowly, he lowered his mask, unveiling his true face to you. "I have worn this mask for a long time, fearing that my appearance might cause someone sadness. It's alright if you change your mind after seeing me like this."
"Shoji, I could never judge you based on your appearance," you responded, tears of gratitude welling in your eyes. "Thank you for showing me what lies beneath the mask. I love you, Shoji."
"I love you too, Y/N."
Repost from my wattpad.
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ugh-to-love-a-boy · 9 months
• Spider-Man kisses I know its probably over said, but he would tape himself up and kiss his s/o randomly.
• hanging out with the Bakusquad and being best friends with Denki and Mina, doing chaotic things that make Bakugo question why those are his friends.
• This man is a gentleman, so if you want to take it slow, he’s respectful and stays within the set boundaries. He would never ever force anyone into something they don’t want.
s/o,• If Mineta was caught staring or he heard him say something about his s/o he would probably tape his mouth shut and get either Mr. Aizawa or Bakugo to do something more,because cause he would probably just get his s/o and get them away from the pervert.
• As stated earlier, he stays within boundaries, so when it comes to PDA, he doesn’t really have a problem with it. He’s fine with hand-holding hugs and kisses if you are too great, but if you are not, he’s respectful of that and just sticks to hand-holding.
• Though I feel like he would definitely be affectionate, cuddles in the commons, watching movies with the bakusquad, or just in your room or in his, and forehead kisses are probably what he enjoys both receiving and giving, though if his s/o is too short, he’s okay with just hand kisses.
• and he probably gives you adorable little gifts, nothing costly, given the fact that you’re both just high schoolers.
• You would have to put up with his atrocious flirting skills, though after a while you’d think it’s cute how he still tries to win you over when you're already his and he’s yours.
• You now have a portable outlet anywhere you go. Your phone needs charging. He’s got your hearing aids. He’s got you literally anything that requires electricity. He would use his quirk for it.
• Now hanging out with the bakusquad is really fun. Being close friends with Mina and Sero, you would almost always be up to your weird shenanigans. Kirishima loves you and Denki together, but he’s running out of energy trying to keep Bakugo calm.
• If he caught Mineta, his (now former) friend, talking about his s/o, he would not be cool about it; he would most likely scream about it, getting the attention of half the dorms instantly, including Mr. Aizawa, who was not happy about Mineta yet again being a pervert.
• This man is a simp for his s/o, and he wants everyone to know they are his, so hand-holding and quick kisses throughout the day make him happier than anything.
• As stated above, he’s affectionate, so everyone knew you were dating within a couple of hours, but the poor Bakusquad had the worst of it; they had to see his flirting with you and the cuddling anytime they hung out.
• Now, when he’s nervous, it’s not very rare that he would accidentally shock you while holding hands in training camp. You were holding hands when the attack began, and he shocked you.
• late-night sleepovers Either she is sneaking into your room because she is bored, or you are sneaking into her room because you are bored.
• random shopping sprees with Momo and what you two can’t afford; that’s why you have Momo.
• Hanging out with the Bakusquad is a given, and being besties with Kirishima while things get crazy somehow means Bakugou doesn’t try to kill you two.
• skin care/self-care nights with the girls every week, just going over the random things that take place at UA
• Personal alone time is sweet; she is a very affectionate girlfriend, holding piggyback rides, kisses, and cuddling the whole 9-yard
• If she so much as thought Mineta was staring at her, she would threaten to burn his eyeballs right out of his body with her acid, and if she heard him say anything, she would threaten his tongue next.
• From her bubbly nature, she is friends with almost everyone, so with you together, you are also friends with almost all of Mineta and a handful of people from 1-B.
• You are always either hanging out with her or talking, and if you are not fine, it's not like a codependent relationship; you just bring out the best in each other.
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Daddy? Pt. II
𓆩⟡𓆪 Includes- katsuki bakugo, eijiro kirishima, neito monoma, mirio togata x reader. major fluff! surprised/flustered boys! time traveling daughters. bonus content.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Warnings- gn! reader. bakugo cussing. slightly implied mature content. making out. kissing. cuddling.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Word Count- 22,598
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ New Intro Scene *ੈ✩‧₊˚
*ੈ✩‧₊˚  I wholeheartedly believe if Bakugo had a daughter she would be a daddy’s girl. *ੈ✩‧₊˚
Part I |
Like Father, Like Son. Part I |
⤴ References in Bakugo's section made to fanfic listed.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The wind howled as it rattled the falling leaves from the tree branches, the frigid cold air made the student’s skin bristle as they waited for instructions on their next training exercise. Class A & B both stood around the open field talking amongst themselves as they awaited the arrival of their teachers for the day. 
The students’ jerked their heads in the direction of the obnoxiously loud sound of mechanical parts grating against each other. Their eyes widened in a mixture of shock and amazement at the Villain Bots they had fought before making their way onto the open field to join them. All Might and Vlad King led the horde of combat training robots as they acknowledged the students with a simple wave of the hand for a greeting. 
Class A & B were focused as they thought about strategies they would use for their upcoming matches against the bots they had fought not only in the entrance exam, but the sports festival as well. Anticipation and adrenaline started to run rampant through their veins as All Might and Vlad King explained the exercise for the day and how the teams would be split up by work study groups to showcase what they had learned in their time working along Pro Heroes. 
“Yuga Aoyama, Mina Ashido and Toru Hagakure! You three will start first!” All Might began. 
“Remember you have fought these combat testing robots before so this isn’t about just defeating them like you’ve done in the past. The goal of this exercise is to use what you have learned to take them down more effectively than before.” All Might announced eagerly, a small smile plastered on his lips as he looked out over the crowd of students. 
The students’ nodded their heads in acknowledgement as determination rose in each of them at his words, the drive to succeed lighting up their eyes. 
“GOT IT!” Mina exclaimed happily as she bounced on her toes. 
“Leave it to us!” Toru’s voice sang out. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
The matches flew by quickly as each round of students easily captured and destroyed the Villain bots they were tasked with defeating. Class A & B both expertly harnessed the new techniques they had acquired over the last several weeks, showing just how much they truly improved since the beginning of the school year. 
Bakugo set off a huge explosion bringing down multiple combat bots at once before soaring back through the air to look for more. Todoroki and Midoryia each captured the last of their Villain bots with their quirks and destroyed them easily before All Might Clapped his hands loudly, signaling the end of the training session. 
“You all did great today! I can really tell how much you’ve grown! Go ahead and relax while the field is getting cleaned up.” All Might announced with a bright smile. 
The students cheered happily before they turned to each other to talk about the matches they had witnessed. Kirishima walked excitedly over to his explosive blonde best friend, he thrust a fist in the air as he called out to him. 
“Hey, Bakugo!” 
“Hm.” Bakugo grunted out in response.
“Are you good with winter now?!” Kirishima questioned in wonder, knowing how much he saw the boy rant about the weather. 
“No way, idiot! They were condensed shots, WINTER IS STILL CRAP!” Bakugo roared out in annoyance. 
Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck with his palm nervously as he listened to Bakugo rant about the cold weather, his eyes closed as he let out a deep sigh at his friend's personality before laughing it off. 
The students of Class 1-A & 1-B continued to talk to each other about the exercise they had just completed, gushing about their fellow classmates and the new techniques and ultimate moves they hadn’t witnessed before. They expressed their awe and support of each other as they gushed about the growth they had all experienced throughout the year. 
The ground shook from below their feet and the air crackled in the silence that followed the deafening explosion.
Widened eyes darted fiercely around their environment , the students and teachers moved quickly into fighting stances as they surveyed the surrounding area for the cause of the loud disturbance as they prepared for an attack. 
A few moments of silence followed the echoed ringing of the deafening explosion, as the anxious adrenaline coursed through their veins started to dwindle down due to no visible threat surrounding them. 
“Really Bakugo?! Blowing up the Villain Bots wasn’t enough for you today?! You need to let out some more of your anger, ‘Rage Monster’?!”  Monoma yelled slyly while he looked around  for Bakugo.
A deep scoff brought everyone's attention towards the explosive blonde who was off in the distance , already getting a head start to find the villain in the surrounding forest area. 
"Are you Stupid?! That wasn't my explosion, you copy/paste leech!"
“LOOK! There’s smoke coming from the forest over there!” Momo screamed while pointing to the treetops where a cloud of pink fog was lifting up into the sky. 
Everyone started to rush after Bakugo and into the forest prepared to fight off the unknown villain waiting for them. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
They stopped at the edge of the slowly dissipating pink swirls of fog, Vlad King and All Might warning the students to step back as they stood on the front lines prepared to fight off the villain as soon as they made an appearance. 
The students strained their eyes to make out a figure in the thick fog as it started to fade into the air. Everyone was focused in a tense moment of silence, the jackhammering of their hearts echoed in their ears as the adrenaline coursed through their veins anxiously. 
Suddenly the fog disappeared, revealing.....
"What the Hell?!" Bakugo screamed trying to grasp the situation.
Keep reading
"Don't cuss there are children here!" Iida Immediately scolded in response.
"Obviously there are children here four eyes! My question is, why?!" he angrily stated, annoyed.
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Katsuki Bakugo:
A four year old girl stood there stunned in shock, before her wide eyes glistened in fear and tears rolled down her round cheeks.
Surprised. At the sight of the small girl, everyone’s nerves calmed down. The building adrenaline had dwindled down as they tried to understand the situation in front of them. Bakugo’s hands twitched in annoyance as he tried to relax his body down from the prepared combat state he was in. He rolled his shoulders and cracked his next to release the tension that had built up in his muscles before grunting under his breath. 
Bakugo’s vermillion eyes glanced back towards the girl that was now being carried in All Might’s arms and gave her a once over. She was being comforted by the retired number one hero, who had managed to transform into his hero form long enough to make the fearful tears disappear. When the girl sniffled and reopened her bright vermillion eyes in awe to stare at the man holding her, Bakugo’s body jolted and tensed up at the sight in surprise. 
Bakugo felt like he was on fire and like he might spontaneously combust at any moment, like someone had set a slow and steady match beneath his center, deep in the pit of his stomach. His senses were haywired as he took in the girl’s vermillion eyes that matched his own, his eyes widened as began to connect more familiar traits. The voices around him became static background noise to his mind, which was now filled with racing thoughts of the girl before him. 
The girl’s hair was the perfect shade of y/h/c, and her vermillion eyes that twinkled with happiness as she recognized the retired number one hero looked exactly like you. He kept watching her as he noticed how she would crinkle her nose as she giggled and how the beaming smile that lit up her face was the exact replica of yours. Bakugo could trace back almost every one of her features back to you as if she was a mini version of you, except for the traits that all too clearly came from him. 
She looks like she could be y/n & I’s daughter… 
His thoughts raced back to when his future son, Katsuro last visited the past and how he had briefly mentioned he had a younger sister. Bakugo’s eyes continued to study the girl while deep in thought, questioning if her sudden appearance could be another instance of a surprise love child he shared with you showing up. He knew deep down he couldn’t deny the similarities between you two, but he didn’t want to announce his thoughts until the teachers had finished talking to the kid. 
Fast and heavy footsteps stopped suddenly as two figures appeared at his sides, a firm hand gripped onto one of his shoulders effectively bringing him out of the thoughts that were plaguing his mind. His brows snapped together as he jerked his head angrily in the direction of the hand, Shoto’s stoic heterochromia mixture of gray and turquoise eyes stared back at him evenly. 
“Bakugo, congratulations.” Shoto complimented, a small smile forming on his lips. 
“For what?!” He barked out, a muscle tightening in his jaw as he scrunched up his face.
“On having a daughter.” 
“We don’t know if she’s -” Bakugo started. 
“She looks just like a miniature version of y/n! How could she not be your daughter?” Deku chimed in from his opposite side. 
“Yeah, and it’s not like you haven’t had a time traveling love child appear before.” Shoto agreed. 
Bakugo fumed in anger as his voice thundered in the air, he drew his lips back in snarl as he glared at the two boys at his sides. The feeling of a small tug on the pant leg of his hero costume had caused him to whirl around, his eyes flared with furiosity. His body stiffened as he saw the figure of the small girl gazing up at him with wide eyes, her hand shaking slightly as she continued to hold on to his pant leg. 
Paralyzed. The air was weighed down with thick tension as a resounding silence set in over the students as they watched the Bakugo interact with the child. The girl continued to peer up at him, the smile that she had beamed at All Might had faded was replaced by a trembling lip. 
“Daddy?” She questioned, the tear streaked trails still visible on her cheeks. 
Bakugo’s heart sank to his stomach as he met her eyes, his skin burned hot while his body was so stiff with shock that when she addressed him as daddy he couldn’t reply. His mind went numb as he finally accepted the fact that his daughter did in fact come back in time just as his son did, and that she was standing in front of him. His mouth opened wide as he tried to speak the words he was thinking, but no sounds managed to come out. 
“Daddy? Are you mad at me?” 
“WHAT? NO!” 
He shouted suddenly as he reassured her that he wasn’t angry at her, his hands twichted slightly as they hung at his sides. Bakugo slowly reached down to pick up the girl and hold her in his arms. Her eyes searched his as she determined if he was being honest with her, after a moment of silence between them before the corners of her mouth turned up and she beamed a bright smile at him just like yours. 
The hushed conversations that had been taking place around him suddenly got louder as the curiously obnoxious students around him walked closer, crowding around him. The classmates each tried to get a good look at the girl in his arms as they were filled with excitement at meeting another future child of Bakugo’s. 
“OMG! SHE’S SO CUTE!” Mina gushed. 
“Why don’t you hug her like you hugged Katsuro last time?” Mineta slyly asked. 
“Don’t remind me about that!” She wailed. 
Bakugo let a chuckle escape his lips at the memory of the first time Katsuro had met his classmates. His chest rumbled from the vibration of his laughter as Mina whirled around and sent a cold glare in his direction. Deku peered around Bakugo to catch the young girl’s attention, a gentle smile formed on his freckled face as he sent a little wave in greeting. 
"Hello! I'm Izuku Midoryia, but you can call me Deku. What's your name?" ​​
Recognition dawned on the tiny face as her vermillion eyes hardened and she huffed puffing out her cheeks. She turned her head away from the dark green haired man in annoyance while the corners of Bakugou’s mouth quirked up in amusement at the complete rejection his daughter had given his childhood best friend. 
“W-Wha-” Deku stuttered out confused before being interrupted. 
“It’s okay, you can answer the lame nerd's question.” Bakugo chuckled, rejoicing that his daughter is not a fan of Deku. 
“My name is Akari Bakugo and I don’t like you!” She blurted. 
“A-AH! Did I do something wrong?” Deku anxiously replied. 
“I like my daddy more than you! He’s the best and he’s going to beat you!” 
“That’s right! I am the best, aren’t I Akari?” Bakugo boasted, a wide smile plastered on his lips.
“Daddy is my number one hero!” Akari cheered happily. 
I just met this girl moments ago and she’s already my favorite out of the two… 
Bakugo’s chest rumbled once more as he let out a deep round of laughter, the girl in his arms joined him as her giggles filled the air. His amused eyes softened as he glanced at her bright smiling face, a flush crept up his neck to his ears dusting them a dark shade of crimson as your smiling face came to mind. 
Kirishima wandered over to Bakugo and his daughter that still sat happily in his arms, His deep red eyes glanced at his spiky blonde friend with a deep grin plastered on his lips. He waved to the girl excitedly as he greeted her. 
"Hey Akari, I’m Kirishima but you might already know me as -” 
“Uncle Shitty Hair! Woah! Your hair is even worse now and than before!” She beamed excitedly. 
Bakugo couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips at his daughter’s words, he quickly tried to hide his laughter from Kirishima’s amazed glance as he placed a hand over his mouth. Kirishima’s eyebrows raised upward as they furrowed slightly in defeat, while releasing a lighthearted sigh. 
“I knew that was coming!” He grinned, shaking his head before glancing back towards his friend. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Class A & B continued to crowd around Bakugo and his daughter as they gushed and complimented the girl in his arms. The riotous chatter quickly became tiresome as he got annoyed at the continuous questions and repeated comments thrown his way. 
Monoma’s cackle rang out over the students' conversation, making them turn their heads in the direction of his voice. Once he was sure he had gotten the attention of the crowd, his laughter dwindled down and he narrowed his eyes at the explosive blonde. 
“I can’t believe a ‘Rage Monster’ like you would be so lucky as to have one kid, let alone two. However, I bet your partner is surely regretting it as they take after your appalling behavior!” 
Bakugou's eyebrow twitched, vermillion eyes burned with hatred as he glared at the copy quirk blonde haired boy who was still cackling to himself. A vein popped out in his neck as he clenched his jaw, a snarl formed on his face as he drew back his lips. Loud sizzled crackling emitted from his palms as he clenched his hands, nails digging into his palms as he formed a fist. 
Wide blue eyes glanced up to see the fuming blonde’s expression, he nervously backed away from him while he tried to form more sentences to ease his unnerved heart at the sight of the rage filled Bakugo he had enticed. 
“What?! Going to blow me up in front of your daughter just because you don’t like what I have to say?! What a good example you are!” 
Bakugo was about to lunge at him, with Akari in his arms before an army of voices stunned him into freezing where he stood. 
“SHUT UP!” Akari demanded angrily. 
“Monoma! What’s wrong with you?!” Kendo screeched. 
“BAKUGO IS A GOOD FATHER!” Kirishima barked out.
“Don’t talk disrespectfully about our classmate!” Tenya Scolded. 
“Dumbass! Shut up! You don’t know anything!” Jiro cursed out. 
He stared in disbelief at the rallied support he had accumulated as they all turned against Monoma, scolding him for his disrespectful and hateful words. He watched as kendo used her quirk to expand her first and hit the spot on the back of Monoma’s neck that always assured he would pass out quickly and easily. Her face grimaced with embarrassment as she held the sleeping boy and bowed her head in apology directed at him. 
“I’m so sorry about him! We’ve been trying to work on his attitude but it’s still a work in progress!” 
Having everyone defend him irked him a bit, but he could get used to that feeling of amazement he had...
“Heh. Whatever.” He scoffed, trying to calm down his own hatred that he was burning with just moments ago. 
“Hey, Akari! We are having a hot pot party tonight, are you excited?!” Ochaco gushed to his daughter, effectively changing the subject. 
The girl beamed in his arms, her tiny fists raised into the air happily before a bitter wind rushed by the crowd of students. A shiver rippled through her body as she lowered her arms and wrapped them around her father’s neck, moving her head quickly to his shoulder to shield her face from the cold weather. 
“Okay! I think we should end class for today, everyone is free to go back to the dormitories! Young Bakugo we will need to talk later to get more information on why she’s here.” All Might announced suddenly catching everyone’s attention. 
Infuriated. After Class 1-A returned to the dormitory, Bakugo had sent a quick text to you in order to inform you of your daughter’s arrival in the past along with a selfie he had taken with her while they walked outside. The photo showcased his shit eating grin as his daughter had her arms wrapped around his neck and placed a peck on his cheek. 
The class had settled down around the lounge area, and some of the students had already started to prepare for the hot pot party that night. Bakugo’s eyes wandered to Akari as he watched from his seat on the couch, she twirled in Kirishima’s arms as her giggles bubbled around the room. 
His attention was broken from the precious carefree moment of his daughter playing as he heard the dormitory doors open, his eyes glanced in the direction to catch All Might and Aizawa walk in the building. 
Aizawa’s tired eyes met him in an even stare, before he surveyed the room his eyes stopped once they saw Akari who was being lifted like an airplane above Kirishima’s head. The teachers continued to walk into the lounge area, grabbing the attention of the rest of the gathered students as they did. 
“Hello, Akari! Remember me? My friend and I were wondering if we could ask you some questions.” All Might probed gently as he extended a hand out to the girl. 
“Um-” She Hesitated, her eyes searching the room for her father. 
Bakugo rose from his seat quickly as he made his way to the worried girl, once he was her eyesight he watched as her shoulders instantly relaxed and he stepped closer to place a hand on her head purposely ruffling her hair with his fingers
She peered up at him with an adorned and love filled gaze, her vermilion eyes twinkled brightly as the corners of her mouth turned upwards. Bakugo’s own expression had softened at the sight of his daughter, his mind had felt relaxed and at peace whenever he would catch a glimpse of her over the last hour or so since she had appeared. He couldn’t help but think of you whenever he looked at Akari, the similarity was remarkable between the two of you. 
“Yes!” Akari answered confidently before being led to one of the couches. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket wildly as he picked up the girl who was struggling to climb up the couch on her own. He sat down with a deep sigh as his muscles relaxed instantly and he placed Akari into a sitting position in his lap, his other hand lazily pulled the phone out of his pocket. 
Your name illuminated the screen as the request for a video chat continued to buzz, he accepted eagerly and watched as your face appeared swiftly onto the phone screen. His other hand wrapped safely around his daughter’s waist to ensure she wouldn’t fall from his waist. 
“Our daughter is there?! How?!” Your warm voice radiated from the phone. 
“Yeah, do you want to say hi?” 
“Of course I want to say hi!” 
Bakugo moved the phone towards the bubbly girl who was desperately trying to peer at the person on the screen. An amused smile grazed his lips as he contemplated holding the phone out of her reach just to see her reaction before his expression softened and he smiled warmly down at the girl in his lap. 
“Hi sweetie! I’m so happy to see you! I’m sorry I can’t be there in person but I go to a different school.” You greeted and apologized sweetly as Akari came into view. 
“It’s okay! Will I be able to see you soon?” 
“Yes! Your dad and I will plan something so that we can all see each other.” 
“Akari is about to tell us what happened for her to show up here if you want to stay on the phone and listen.” Bakugo mentioned. 
“Okay! Don’t hang up on me Katsuki!” 
“Keh?! Why would I?!” 
“I know how you are when you get angry about something, you completely forget I’m on the phone and hang up on me. Remember when we were studying over facetime together and Kaminari kept knocking on your door until you got annoyed and-” 
“That’s completely different! That fucker needed to die for being so goddamn annoying!”
“Katsuki! Language!” You scolded. 
From across the room Jiro narrowed her eyes in annoyance at the electric blonde across the table from her, the brows on her forehead drew together as she whispered towards him while still trying to listen to the conversation going on between the couple. 
“Kaminari… You interrupted their study date?” 
“Yeah, I still remember the face he had when he yanked open the door.” He began as a visible shiver ran through his body and his face paled. “It was horrifying!” 
“That’s what you get for cockblocking him, idiot!” Mineta chimed in loudly enough to make Akari’s ears perk up. 
“How was I supposed to know he was having a Facetime date?! I just wanted to see if I could borrow some of his notes since I fell asleep in class that day!” 
Akari observed the students talk with a look of wonder in her eyes, before she turned her head back towards her father who was still grumbling to her mother over the phone. She tilted in her head before lifting a small hand up and poking her father’s cheek, a bright smile lit up her face once he instantly stopped talking and glanced down at her instead. He raised a brow questioningly as peered down at her, his eyes softening the longer he looked into her own as a pink dusted the tips of his ears at her poking his cheek. 
“What?” He huffed out. 
“What’s a cockblock?” She asked curiously. 
Bakugo’s body temperature dropped as he stiffened, the grip on his phone tightening while the color drained from his face. He could faintly hear you gasp loudly as well as a few other gasps from the surrounding classmates before the room went silent. A muscle tightened in his jaw as he slowly turned his head towards where he heard that expression being said from earlier. His pupils flared as he locked eyes onto the short boy who was trembling in fear, sending him a heated glare while clenching his fits that were twitching with anticipation of setting off an explosion his way. 
“AYE! Perverted runt, you’re going to-” 
Aizawa cleared his throat loudly while his tired eyes glowed a vibrant red, the messy raven black locks floated off his shoulders as he activated his quirk and sent a chilling glare to everyone in the room. 
"I think it's about time we start." Aizawa called out. 
Silence filled the air as the tension rose in the room, Aizawa and All Might sat stiffly on the couch as he motioned for Akari to start talking about what led her here. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Aizawa scratched the scruff on his chin in thought as the girl continued to share her memory of the moments leading to her appearance at the school. He leaned back into the couch as he shoulders slouched from exhaustion while All Might sat beside him and listened intently as she babbled on about her morning before briefly mentioning her brother.   
"Katsuro and my cousin Suzume were going to the park to play and I really wanted to play with them! He didn’t want to let me join because he said I was too much of a baby, but daddy threatened him to take me or else he wouldn’t visit Uncle Deku for a month.”
“The last time Katsuro came here, I told him he should try not to visit anymore since it could cause issues in the future.” He interrupted suddenly. 
“Well-” Akari began. 
Bakugou raked his fingers through his hair as he processed the information being told by his future daughter. His eyes glanced tentatively toward Akari who had thrown her hands in the air widely to express her emotions while she talked. He smiled softly at his daughter as she continued to explain the situation, not noticing how lovingly he was staring at her. 
"When we got to the park he kept leaving me out of all the games they were playing and so I got mad and yelled at him…” Her head ducked downwards as she continued. “Then he told me someone who doesn’t even have a quirk yet like me shouldn’t try to play with older kids.” 
And here I thought he couldn’t test my limit any further when it came to me wanting to beat him up… 
I was wrong… 
“THAT LITTLE SHIT!” Bakugo snarled. 
“Katsuki, as much as I agree with you right now. Language!” You scolded through the phone. 
He grumbled with annoyance and he ran his fingers gently through Akari’s hair, twirling a strand around his finger as he urged the girl in his lap to continue where she left off.  
“I called him an angry pomeranian whose quirk was no better than a dollar store firecracker! All his friends laughed and so he ordered Suzume to send me away as punishment, at first she refused but he told her that if she didn't do it then she wouldn’t be able to be a part of his group anymore.” 
“Then she sent you here.” Aizawa stated bluntly while he rubbed his temple in frustration. 
“Yes.” She nodded. 
No. Now I’m going to kill that kid… 
How could he be so irresponsible when it comes to his little sister?…  
A whistle sounded through the air as Kaminari stood from his seat and walked carelessly towards the explosive blonde on the couch, a sly smirk etched into his lips as he mocked the boy. 
“Woah! He’s acting as much like a villain as his dad does.” 
“I DARE YOU TO SAY THAT AGAIN ASSWIPE!” Bakugo roared, moving Akari to sit on the couch while he stood up angrily. 
“It sounds exactly like something you would do Bakugo.” 
“I would never send my little sister to the past, the little shit deserves what’s coming to him.” 
“What do you mean?” Mina questioned while tilting her head at him. 
“If my future self is just as enraged as I am right now, he’s going to regret being -” 
“A little shit!” Akari chimed in happily while throwing up her fists in the air. 
The tension that filled the air from earlier dissipated as resounding laughter that overtook the room. The students laughed at how excitedly she had repeated the cuss words from her father and a chuckle escaped past Bakugo’s lips before he could stop it, he placed a hand on her head as he ruffled her hair playfully. She looked up at him with an awestruck expression as she saw his softened features, the bright smile that caressed his lips and the relaxed eyebrows that were usually sharp and focused. 
“That’s right princess.” 
Bakugo picked up the girl in his arms once again as he pressed his forehead to hers and stared into her vermillion orbs. “I’ll bring down any runt that threatens you, even your brother got it!” 
“Yes Daddy!” She beamed before wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him happily. 
“Oh Daddy… You hung up the call when you were yelling at the pikachu knockoff earlier..” 
Amazed. After you had arrived at the dormitory, Bakugo had taken over the job of recutting and proportioning the vegetables Shoto had brutally diced while you entertained the bubbly four year old. All Might insisted on having you over for the hot pot party and even managed to get you a visitor pass for the next few weeks depending on how long it takes for Akari to go back to the future. 
His eyes wandered over to you, Akari sitting diligently on the floor in front of you as you lean down from your sitting position on the couch to brush through her hair. The way your hands moved effortlessly without a wasted movement as you began styling the girl’s hair made him stop moving to observe. 
Akari had requested for him to style her hair into pigtails earlier that afternoon, however after three failed attempts of the pigtails being asymmetrical and Toru’s non-stop laughing she had fired him from the job. He watched you effortlessly pull the hair on one side of her head into a hair tie to secure it into place, before quickly moving to the other side of her head. You made it look so easy as he watched you gliding your fingers through Akari’s y/h/c hair. 
A line appeared between Bakugo’s eyebrows as he closed his eyes for a moment to think about his failed attempts from before. When Akari had asked him excitedly he didn’t think it would be too much of a hassle for him, something as straightforward as putting hair into place should be easy for him. Yet, even after watching tutorials and Mina assuring him of the steps, he still failed. 
Your hands gently finished the styled hair off with two ribbons as Akari’s giggles filled the room. Bakugo’s vermillion eyes widened slightly in amazement at how symmetrical and neat the girl’s hair looked compared to when he had tried earlier. 
You made it look so easy…
Wait, there’s no way I’m as bad at styling hair as Shoto is at cooking right?...
A tiny tug on his shirt broke Bakugo from the racing thoughts that plagued his mind, his eyes peered down to see the beaming smile etched into his daughter’s lips. Her eyes twinkled with happiness as she bounced on her toys at his side, her styled y/h/c hair gracefully flowing by the sides of her face as she did so. The black and orange ribbons that were skillfully shaped into bows at the top of the girls pigtails caught his attention, and his eyes softened as he smiled down at his daughter. 
“Daddy! Look! The ribbons are like your hero costume!” She cheered. 
“I see that princess, you look beautiful.” 
The ends of the ribbons danced gracefully through her hair every time she moved and she happily went around to the classmates as they continued cooking to show them the masterpiece you had created. 
“AWE! How cute! You must really be a fan of Bakugo! ” Ochaco gushed. 
“Yes! Daddy will always be my favorite hero and I want to be just like him!” 
“Did you hear that Bakugo?! It must be nice to have your first fan.” Kirishima laughed. 
“She’s my daughter! Of course she’s a fan of me, Shitty Hair.” 
Bakugo’s eyes drifted back to where Akari was running back towards where you were on the couch, a bright smile still lit up her face as she jumped into the spot beside you. The black and orange ribbons caught his attention once more as a small smirk formed on his lips. 
 I’m definitely going to get her a mini version of my hero costume…
He made his way over to the couch that the two of you were currently sitting on while you scrolled through Youtube videos for Akari to watch. He placed his hands gently on your shoulders, as you immediately relaxed into his warm touch. You tilted your head back as you glanced at the spiky blonde boy towering over you, his soft expression making your heart flutter in your chest. 
“How did you style her hair so quickly?” He questioned as he moved his fingers to run through your hair. 
“Well I used to style my own quite a lot growing up so I still remembered it. Plus, my classmates will ask me to do their hair for them from time to time.” 
“Hm.” He mumbled under his breath as his eyebrows furrowed. 
“You know if you want to learn, you can practice styling my hair while I walk you through the steps.” 
“As if I need help! It’s not hard, I just wasn’t used to doing it.” He grumbled as the tips of his ears dusted with a tint of pink. 
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips as you quickly tried to hide your amusement by covering your mouth with your hand. The corners of your eyes crinkled as you closed your eyes in hopes of not meeting his irritated eyes as they shot back down at you. 
“I am going to practice on you though, so after the party be prepared because you aren’t leaving until I’m better than you!” He boasted. 
“Why are you so shocked? You did offer for me to practice on you, right dummy? Your hair is longer than mine so it just makes more sense for me to use you.” 
“Yes, of course! I can’t wait!” You laughed out while reaching a hand upwards to caress his cheek. 
“BAKUGO! Did you forget that you are supposed to help with the cooking?!” Tenya called out from the kitchen. 
“Yeah Bakugo! If you don’t help you aren’t getting anything and we will give extra portions to y/n and Akari instead.” Kaminari chimed in.
“SHUT UP!” Bakugo growled, his eyes flashed with anger as he turned towards his classmates. “I was only gone for a moment you Idiots! You are all just worried because you can’t cook to save your lives!”
Amused. He had noticed over the last few days of Akari being at U.A. that even though she didn’t act exactly like him like his son Katsuro did, her personality was still influenced heavily by him. Bakugo loved the fact that his daughter is a daddy’s girl and absolutely revels in the fact that he’s her favorite hero, he couldn’t help the prideful smile that would take over his lips every time she cheered him on. 
The day had come where the work study students had to commute to their assigned agencies, Akari tagged along with Bakugo and the others since she would be able to stay in the dorm rooms Endeavor provided for the employee’s. 
The agency was loud and bustling when they had arrived, employee’s were fast paced and rushing around the building as they worked barely even sparing a glance at the three students and the child. Akari’s eyes widened in wonder as she glanced around the building as they walked to the office, her tiny hand clasped in Bakugo’s to keep her from wandering off.  
Endeavor jerked his head in the direction of the door as it opened, documents still held tightly in his hands as he watched his son and the other work study students walk into the room. The additional appearance of a child immediately caught his attention and his turquoise eyes narrowed as he studied the girl walking beside Bakugo hand in hand.  
“Bakugo, another one?” Endeavor questioned. 
“Does that surprise you Old Man?” He taunted and cocked his head in the direction of the girl beside him. “This is my daughter, Akari.” 
She waved at him in greeting before her eyes glanced around the office once more, the corners of her lips turning up as she smiled to herself. 
“Hm. How did she get here?” 
Bakugo’s jaw clenched as he replayed the memory of Akari explaining how she ended up in the past. He lowered his head in anger as he glared at the floor beneath his feet, his hands tightened into fists before he shoved them into his pockets. 
“Katsuro-” He grumbled before being interrupted. 
“Didn’t Aizawa warn him to stop making trips to the past after the last visit?” Endeavor interjected harshly. 
“Yeah, but -” 
“I guess your future self can’t seem to manage his own children.” 
“FUCKING LET ME TALK YOU ASSHOLE!” Bakugo roared out in frustration. 
“Essentially, his son Katsuro had forcefully sent Akari back in time.” Shoto briefly explained while Bakugo’s chest rose and fell rapidly as he tried to calm his angered breathing. “Bakugo, have you noticed how long they usually stay in the past?” 
“They are my kids, Icy Hot! Anything you would notice I would notice first, got it?!” 
“Right, well I noticed that Katsuro would stay in the past for 1 to 2 weeks and it’s already been about a week since Akari arrived so she should be returning soon.” 
“Woah! That’s a good observation Todoroki!” Deku agreed while his eyes lit up at the information. 
“Whatever!” Bakugo mumbled out in Irritation. 
Every time that half and half bastard speaks I want to punch him… 
I already knew that information, the ones who didn’t realize the pattern would be idiots…
Endeavor's eyes drifted back towards the girl while Bakugo and Shoto bickered voices turned into background noise. Akari walked confidently over to his desk and peered up at him with bright shining eyes and a smirk playing on her lips. 
“Do you need something child?” 
“So you are the current number one hero, Old Man?” Akari questioned in a mocking tone. 
“You seem like a jerk!”
Akari’s hand was still raised in the air from when she pointed a finger and accused him of his bad personality as the bickering from moments ago suddenly stopped and the room turned silent. 
The silence was quickly replaced by puffs of laughter that escaped Bakugo and Shoto who were desperately trying to hold back their amusement at the interaction. Deku anxiously tried to shush the boys from laughing too hard while timidly glancing back and forth between the number one hero and his friends. Endeavor sighed while moving a hand to rub at his temple from the growing headache he was experiencing, his eyes flared with annoyance as he sent a pointed glare in Bakugo’s direction. 
“It seems a delinquent can only raise more delinquents.” 
“At least my kids actually like me!” Bakugo sneered in response to his jab. 
Endeavor narrowed his eyes before glancing towards Shoto briefly, he opened his mouth to respond but the sound of a hand hitting his desk suddenly had stopped him before any words came out. Akari’s palm was still flat on the desk from where she had slapped the wood as she challenged the hero sitting in front of her. 
“My daddy is going to surpass you and become the number one hero! Just wait and see!” She boomed as her eyes lit up passionately. 
Yep, that’s definitely my daughter!
Fulfilled. On the night of the hot pot party, Akari had asked Bakugo and you how long it would take for her to manifest her quirk. The two of you had agreed that her quirk would appear at any time before or after she turned five years old but she seemed disheartened by the news. You and him had comforted the girl and explained that there was no need to feel rushed into manifesting a quirk, but Bakugo knew deep down that his daughter wanted to grow up quickly so her brother wouldn’t leave her behind. 
Akari and Eri played outside the dormitory while Bakugo watched from his seat beside you on the porch. Your head leaned against his shoulder as you yawned slightly and closed your eyes. A gentle breeze flew by and sent a shiver running down your spine before making you relax into his radiating warmth further. 
The girls continued giggles echoed into his ears as he took in the sight of his daughter happily playing with another child, his normally hardened eyes became gentle and his sharp eyebrows relaxed. Akari turned suddenly towards him and waved happily before whirling her body back around towards Eri, leaving him with a peaceful smile resting on his lips. 
Bakugo turned his head towards you and placed a quick and gentle kiss on your forehead before anyone else could see the act of PDA that occurred. Your eyes shot open in response as you quickly removed your head from his shoulder and looked up at him in surprise. 
“What was that for?” 
“I can’t kiss the person I’m dating?” 
“You don’t like to kiss me in public.” 
“I felt like it this time.” 
The heat rushed to your face as a blush crept onto your cheeks at his intense gaze that lingered on your lips. Your eyes lingered on his before slowly drifting down to his lips in anticipation, he leaned closer as he slowly advanced towards your lips. 
“You got a problem with that?” He breathed the question as he ghosted over your lips. 
“N-No-” You stuttered out before getting interrupted by sudden cries that filled the air. 
Bakugo and you pulled away from each other quickly as his eyes darted around the area searching for Akari. When his eyes landed on the girl, he jumped to his feet and ran towards his daughter who was sitting on her knees in the grass while Eri stroked her shoulder with an anxious expression on her face. His feet landed harshly on the ground next to his daughter before he leaned down and pulled the girl into his arms, while ran towards the scene with a worried expression and comforted the anxious looking Eri. 
“What happened?” You asked Eri gently as Bakugo continued to hold Akari protectively in his arms. 
“We were playing, but then Akari said her hands were feeling weird and she was in pain.” 
Bakugo glanced down at his daughter with eyebrows knitted together in worry. “Your hands are feeling weird?” 
“Daddy, they are tingling and it won’t stop!” Akari sniffled out as she peered up at him. 
He reached his hand out to take hold of hers and felt the warm heat that was radiating off of them. The traces of sweat trailing down her burnt red palms caught his attention and the slight scent of caramelized sugar filled his nose. Bakugo’s eyes widened slightly as he glanced towards you and met your questioning gaze, he nodded his head in your direction as he answered your unvoiced questions. 
When he had manifested his quirk he had the same tingling feeling appear in his hands and he knew it wouldn’t dissipate until she had set off a couple of sparks to ease her hands that were building up heat. 
“Akari, try flexing your hands like this.” Bakugo instructed as he showed her what to do. 
“Will it make the tingling go away?”
“You’ll see.” 
Akari flexed her hands as she was shown a few times with her brows knitted together in  frustration, she bit her lip as she focused on the muscles in her hands and felt a jolt rush through her arms. Her palms lit up as crackles popped and sizzled from her hands, the tingling feeling dwindling down the more she used her quirk. Her vermillion eyes lit up as she glanced up at her father and you happily with a beaming smile on her lips. 
“Yes, you got your quirk!” You cheered with her as she continued to show off the small crackling sparks in her hands. 
“Daddy! I can really be just like you now because I have the same quirk.” 
“Princess, you can do anything.” Bakugo said gently before he placed a hand on her head and ruffled her hair. 
“Now that you got your quirk, the first thing I want you to do when you go back to the future is beat up that little -” Bakugo started.  
“Bakugo! No!” You interrupted with a glare that he chose to ignore. 
“Beat up that little shithead! No one gets to talk down to you, understand?” 
“Yes Daddy!”
Depressed. A few days had passed since Akari manifested her quirk and the time seemed to rush by quickly as you and Bakugo took care of the girl in between classes and work studies.  Occasionally you two would switch off in rounds of who Akari would stay with for the night since you both attended different academies, however you had persuaded Aizawa into letting you stay over that night due to Akari’s pleading to fall asleep beside the both of them. 
Kirishima and Mina chased the girl around the lounge area as her giggles filled the room, Bakugo’s eyes drifted towards the group as he lazily slung his arm over your shoulder and yawned. 
“Are you tired? I know you usually go to sleep early.” You questioned as you extended a hand towards his face and trailed your fingers over his sharp knitted eyebrows. 
“I can stay up a bit longer. Also, I feel too comfortable beside you right now to move” He grumbled out tiredly as he leaned into your touch. 
“I’ll be beside you in bed, you know.” 
His eyes darkened slightly as a playful smirk formed on his lips, his gaze intensifying as he saw your cheeks heat up with a scarlet blush as you realized this would be the first time sharing a bed together. 
“Are you trying to tempt me y/n?” Bakugo teased trying to push down the blush that was attempting to dust his cheeks. 
“N-No, I was just-” 
“Telling me to take you to bed?” 
“You know that’s not what I meant.” 
Bakugo rose from his seat suddenly and stretched his arms before he called Akari over to him. Your eyes widened at the quick change of mind he had, when just moments ago he was too tired to move from his spot. 
“Where are you going?” 
Bakugo chuckled at your anxious reaction as he shot a playful smirk over his shoulder. “Your seduction attempt succeeded in waking me up.” 
“I was not seducing you!” 
“Yeah, yeah whatever. Are you coming to my room or not?” Bakugo questioned as Akari ran to his side eagerly. 
“Yes.” You shyly replied with a flushed face from the teasing you had endured. 
Bakugo lifted the little girl and carried her with one arm while he extended the other hand out towards you. Your eyes glanced up at him questioningly but when no response came from his lips, you had taken his hand in yours and he effortlessly helped you rise from the couch. The two of you continued to walk hand in hand to his dorm room while he carried Akari with his other arm. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
The three of you slept peacefully that night, cuddled together in the small yet comfortable space of his dormitory bed. Your eyes fluttered open as a bright light flashed into the darkness of the room, disturbing your peaceful sleep. 
Your eyes adjusted to the light as you blinked and lifted your head to process what was going on. Your sleep filled brain is having trouble processing the sudden information so quickly after being forced awake. When your eyes finally adjusted to the light that engulfed your daughter and the pink mist that started to appear around her body, your eyes widened in shock. 
Your hands hurriedly grabbed onto Bakugo and as you eagerly shook his shoulders in an attempt to wake him up. After a few moments his eyes slowly opened and instantly glanced at the light and growing fog beside them. 
His expression fell at the sight before he peered down at you with saddened eyes, and you extended a hand towards his face to caress his cheek to comfort him. You knew how much he loved Akari and having her around the last two weeks caused him to grow attached to her more than you believe he realized. His hands gripped onto your waist tightly in a hug as he tried to stop himself from yanking the girl from the fog and waking her up so she wouldn’t leave. 
When the fog had finally disappeared once more, taking the girl back to the future, his head drooped as he leaned his forehead onto your shoulder. Silence filled the room as you continued to comfort him with gentle caresses and softly kissing his jawline and cheeks.
“Are you okay?”
“No.” He mumbled out under his breath, the saddened tone causing your heart to ache. 
“Is there anything you need?” 
“Yeah..” He trailed off while he pondered over his words. “You. I just need you to not leave me right now.”
The hammering in your chest echoed loudly in your ears as you blushed furiously at his request. You continued to stay in his tight embrace focusing your thoughts on the gentle comforting touches you would leave across his skin. 
 His lips moved greedily in search of yours after you had placed a kiss on his cheek and leaned away for a moment, one of his hands moved from the tight grip around your waist to the back of your neck pulling you back towards him. 
His eyes closed once more as his lips hastily locked against yours as he passionately kissed you. The feeling was intense, so intense that you felt as if you would get lost in the heat and the sweet caramel scent that was radiating off of him. 
Sighs and moans passed between their meeting lips, filling the emptiness of the room, both you and Bakugo having to fight to not lose composure completely in the heated moment. Though out of the two of them, it was you having the harder time restricting yourself as you whined in displeasure when Bakugo pulled back for a moment to catch his breath. 
His eyes met yours as he peered down at you and the heated gaze suddenly turned somber once more as he looked up towards the ceiling sighing. “It gets harder each time I have to say goodbye to them.” 
“It’s not really goodbye, not truly. You’ll see them again in the future and then you’ll never have to say goodbye again.” 
“I don’t want them coming back again, I don’t think I can go through this one more time.” 
“I know and I have a feeling there won’t be any more trips.” 
“Akari looked so much like you, it left me speechless at how beautiful she was when I first saw her.” 
“Now you know how I felt when I saw Katsuro.” You giggled as you ran your fingers through his sleep tousled hair. 
“Let's go back to sleep, we have class in the morning.” He grumbled out after he took a glance at the time on his phone. 
“Do you want to talk some more?” 
“No, I’m just glad you were here because I think it would be harder for me if you weren’t.” 
“I’ll always be here for you Katsuki.” 
Confident. The rest of that night was warm and needy cuddles between you two as you both peacefully fell back into a deep sleep. The sun rose high into the sky and shined brightly through the crack in the curtains and lit up the darkness of the room, waking you up in the process as you groaned at the sunlight hitting your tired eyes. 
“I take it you're not a morning person?” A deep sleep filled voice roused out. 
You turned your head in the direction of the voice to see Bakugo sitting up in the bed beside you, his hair tousled messily as he rolled his shoulders to ease the tension in his muscles. 
“I hate mornings.” 
Bakugo chuckled lightly as he reached a hand down to your head and ran his fingers through your hair. “That makes sense.” 
“Hmm.” You hummed in agreement before continuing. “How are you feeling?” 
“Better actually, sleeping next to you helps that's for sure.” 
“Haha, stop teasing me.” 
“I’m being serious, I actually feel better today. Remember what you said last night about it not being goodbye forever?” 
“You're right I’ll see them again, and the harder I work the sooner I get to having a family with you.” He said confidently. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’m thinking as soon as I hit the charts of the hero board we should reward ourselves with a family.” 
“Katsuki!” You said playfully as you slapped his chest. 
“What? You want to have kids before then?” He teased. 
“We need to get married first.” 
“Who said we weren’t?” He replied as he peered down at you with a smirk on his lips. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
。・:*˚:✧。 Bonus Scene:
“GET OUT OF MY WAY DEKU!” Akari barked out at the dark green haired boy as she imitated her father. 
“Woah! Mini Kaachan!” He exclaimed as he took in the girl’s appearance. 
“I said move it loser!” Akari ordered again. 
Deku moved out of the way nervously as he watched Akari and Bakugo walk into the lounge area, Bakugo threw a proud look over his shoulder as he passed him with a shiteating grin etched onto his face. 
The students in the lounge area immediately stopped what they were doing to focus on the costume-clad daughter of Bakugo who walked into the room with a proud smile on her lips at her first attempt of imitating her father. 
“OMG! THAT’S ADORABLE!” Mina exclaimed at the sight of Akari in a mini version of Bakugo’s hero costume. 
“Bakugo Cosplay?” Sero questioned in amazement.
“What should we call you Akari?! Mini Lord Explosion Murder?!” Kirishima gushed watching as the four year old showed off her costume. 
“No! I’m Princess Explosion Murder, get it right Uncle Shitty Hair!” 
“AH! Of course, my bad!” 
Akari climbed up on the coffee table suddenly in order to feel more equal in height to the students around her in the room before she continued talking. 
“I’m going to beat all of you extras and become the number one hero!” She exclaimed loudly. 
Bakugo leaned his back against a wall as he watched her in pride, the grin plastered across his face never dropping. The sight of his daughter in his costume was even better than he imagined and watching her imitate him was the best thing he could ask for to make his day. His thoughts trailed off as the loud and rowdy students laughed and gushed at Akari’s attempts at Bakugo cosplay. 
I wonder how y/n would look in my colors…
Tumblr media
Eijiro Kirishima:
A five year old girl stood there before them, fear clearly written on her face as tears welled up in her eyes. 
Shocked. At the sight of the child, everyone's nerves calmed down as they tried to understand the situation, Including Kirishima who breathed out a lengthy sigh of relief. He took another glance towards the girl that was now being comforted by All Might as he tried to use his hero form to show the girl she was safe. 
His body froze as he felt a jolt of electricity run through his body. His heart raced as he struggled to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each quick inhale and exhale. The girl looked similar to him in too many ways for him to not be shocked by her appearance, each trait he found in the girl became more familiar to him the more he saw. 
The girl’s hair ran long and dipped below her shoulders, it was primarily black with one money piece section that framed her face being y/h/c shade. Her bright y/e/c eyes sparkled as she stared at All Might’s hero form, reminding him of you whenever you got excited about something. The little nose that he saw twitch as she sniffled and wiped away the remaining of her tears looked identical to your own. The smile that overtook the quivering lip beamed brightly up at All Might, a smile he believed originally belonged to him paired with cute little dimples on the side that matched your own. 
No one except Mina and you knew what he had looked like before attending U.A., so he knew that no one would pick up on the glaringly obvious traits he had pieced together so quickly. His mind raced for possibilities of how this could be possible, or if it was just a coincidence that a child existed somewhere who managed to look like a perfect mixture of you and him. 
She really looks like she could be y/n and I’s secret love child…
A hand slapped his shoulder roughly, breaking him from his thoughts as he turned his head in shock at the sudden attack. Mina’s furrowed eyebrows and questioning eyes greeted him along with you being pulled behind her, you looked just as surprised as him as he saw your eyes take another glance towards the girl. 
“Do you two have something to tell me?! Like maybe why there's a five year old girl who looks like your child in All Might’s arms right now?!” Mina whispered harshly as she tried to keep her observations from the other students. 
“N-no.” You stammered out still trying to process your thoughts. 
“We didn’t have a secret love child!” Kirishima whispered harshly back. “We are just as surprised by her appearance as you are.” 
“How is it possible that she looks so similar to us?” You questioned under your breath. 
Kirishima stared into your eyes as he felt a warm flush spread across his face at the thought of having a child with you. He tried to stay calm as his chest pounded wildly but he knew deep down there had to be a possibility of the girl being his daughter, his mind reeled from the conclusion it had jumped to.
Baffled. There was a resounding silence that echoed as a joyful cheer filled the air. The girl had managed to see you and Kirishima once she had looked around at the students, her finger was high in the air as it pointed directly at the group that had been debating the child’s origins just moments before. 
“Daddy!” The girl shouted happily as everyone froze at her statement. 
Kirishima felt his classmate’s eyes wander over to him as they jerked their heads in the direction the girl was pointing. The blush that had been burning his cheeks had turned crimson as it crept to his neck and ears, blood rushing to his head at being addressed ‘daddy’ by a child he could only imagine his future daughter to look like.  
"Do you know this kid Shitty Hair?" Bakugo grumbled out as he questioned. 
He shook his head ‘no’ slightly in surprise, before he saw how the girl’s smile dropped at his rejection. Her lower lip quivered as tears shimmered in her eyes at the realization that the father she knew didn’t know who she saw, All Might nervously tried to make the girl smile once more before she started crying again. 
“Daddy?” She sniffled as she locked eyes with Kirishima. 
The weight of his guilt of rejecting her bore down on him, making his chest feel heavy and tight. He felt like he was suffocating under the pressure of his mistake because he knew deep down she was his daughter even if he didn’t know how or why she was there, he knew she was his. 
“I’m sorry, I was wrong. She is my daughter.” Kirishima blurted out as he extended his arms towards the girl in an invitation for her to come to him. 
The girl quickly managed to escape from All Might’s arms as she jumped down and ran straight to Kirishima, jumping into his arms as he wrapped his arms around her protectively. 
“Daddy, why did you say you didn’t know me?” The girl cried into his shoulder, letting the tears fall freely down her face and onto his skin. 
“I was just a bit surprised to see you here so suddenly, I’m sorry that was very mean of me huh?” 
“Yes! It was very mean!” 
“I won’t do it again, I promise.” 
“Pinky swear?” She asked cutely, finally lifting her head from his shoulder while extending her pinky upwards. 
He locked his pinky finger around her tiny one and repeated her words confidently. “Pinky swear!” 
Everyone watched the interaction between the two in shock and amazement at the developed information they had to process. Questioning glances were sent his way from his classmates as they tried to figure out what was going on and if the child was really his or not, while he just returned each glance he met with a nervous smile before anxiously turning towards you to see your reaction.
You smiled softly in return and placed a comforting hand on his arm to reassure him that you weren’t angry that he had claimed the girl without talking to you beforehand. In fact you were going to urge him to accept her just as he did when you saw how broken she looked at him rejecting her. 
"Kirishima and y/n have kids!?!?" Tetsutetsu bellowed loudly as he figured out who the other parent would obviously be. 
Chaos erupted as Kirishima wrapped his free arm that wasn’t holding his new daughter around your waist and pulled you closer to his side, making sure to keep a steady grip on his daughter with his other hand. Your eyes were wide as he stood next beside you proudly, not reacting to the chaos swirling around his newly formed family but instead mentally trying to process now having a daughter out of thin air.
Your mind swirled for answers, but you couldn't help the deep blush that took over your face as Kirishima’s hand held you protectively to him. The action made your heart flutter loudly in your ears. You two have been dating almost since the beginning of the year, but as you glanced up at him you believed this was the coolest you have ever seen him. He was so prepared to protect and defend you and this girl that he wholeheartedly knew was his daughter. In this moment you two didn't just look like a cute couple, but instead a real family. 
Tetsutetsu made his way over to the newly formed family as he admired Kirishima in awe, he bowed his head quickly before raising his head once more to lock eyes with the red headed boy. 
“You really are a man! I respect you for taking care of your family!” 
Kirishima’s skin burned from crimson to a scarlet shade at the honest compliment given to him by his class b counterpart. While you giggled at his side at how flustered Kirishima became from becoming a father. 
Vlad King managed to gain control over the rowdy students, instructing everyone to the dormitories. "We are stopping classes here today while we investigate what is happening, everyone return to your dormitories.”
Fascinated. After comforting the girl at the dormitory, y/n was able to coax out bits and pieces of information from her. Your subtle questions being simple and easy for a five year old to understand and much less intimidating than when Vlad King had attempted to question the girl.Your ability to be calm and collected in this situation mesmerized him, was the sudden appearance of a child not as shocking to you as it was for him? He seemed to be the only one out of the two of you that was struggling to process the situation since every time she called him ‘daddy’ his mind would freeze out of joy and shock from the acquirement of the title. 
"My name is Emiko Kirishima!" The girl happily introduced herself to the students.
The sight of the girl’s bright smile and her eyes gleaming with happiness had everybody in the room beaming with joy as she quickly fit into your group of friends that were gushing over her cuteness. Her smiles lit up the room and eased the tension that had weighed on the student’s shoulders from earlier, and you couldn’t help the small smile that formed on your lips as you watched her. 
And then there was Kirishima, sitting beside you on the sofa with his arm wrapped around your shoulders. He pulled you close and intertwined your fingers with his. You couldn’t help the bright smile that formed on your lips as you leaned into him, and he laid his head on top of yours. This was an unexpected turn in your relationship since neither of you planned on having a daughter so suddenly thrown onto you, but in this moment with Emiko laughing happily with the rest of your classmates and you two sitting together in peace it was a turn of events that you didn’t mind happening.
“She’s here because of me, well technically my quirk.” you stated nervously while you gave his hand a quick squeeze.
“What do you mean?” 
“You know how my quirk is time skip? I can go back or forward in time up to five seconds. Well it seems her quirk is a mutation from mine and she accidentally sent herself here after manifesting it.”
“Woah! It’s amazing that she has such a strong quirk especially when she just manifested it!” Kirishima boasted. 
“I bet with a quirk like that she will be a great hero some day, well if that’s what she wants to do when she gets older that is!”
You lowered your head as you grimaced at his praise of the quirk she inherited from you, feeling guilt take over your restless thoughts. Your eyebrows furrowed as you kept your gaze trained in the floor beneath your feet before his voice broke you out of the self doubt that had plagued your mind. 
“Y/N-” He muttered under his breath with the corners of his lips turning downward. 
“Just because her quirk is related to yours doesn’t mean it’s your fault that she’s here.” 
“She doesn’t know how to use her quirk yet, so she won’t be able to get back home on her own and if I didn’t have this quirk I wouldn’t have passed it onto her and caused her to feel so helpless.” 
“Don’t say that. Your quirk is one of the many reasons we met and will someday have that beautiful girl over there, everything is going to be okay. We will get her back home, I promise.” He reassured you. “Look at her smiling and laughing with Kaminari right now, I don’t think she’s too worried about it either because she believes in us.”
“You’re right! I’ll believe in us too.”
When his eyes met yours, it was clear that he was filled with assurance. A gentle smile came across his face in response to the connection between you two. It was a moment full of warmth and admiration. Seeing this, you suddenly felt a wave of calmness wash over you. It was a state of mind that allowed you to let go of all your worries, doubts, and fears. It allowed you to feel safe in a world where no one could harm you. And for a brief moment in time, it gave you the impression that you were invincible. After all, what could possibly go wrong with  this great man and the person he thought so highly of? 
"I do not know what will happen in the future. But I want you to know that I will always try to keep you and our child safe." He said confidently.
“How chivalrous of you! Talking like that makes you seem very manly.”  
”Of course, I will never let anything hurt you or our family, no matter what I will protect the people I love."  
The words echoed in your mind as a small smile formed on your lips, your eyes softened as you looked at him with an affectionate gaze. 
"Then, I guess the only thing we can do now is take each day as it comes until we get her back home." 
He smiled back at her. "You're right, let's just enjoy the time we have together with her now." 
A sly smirk formed on your lips as you thought back to the statement he had so confidently a few moments before, your eyes gleamed and you fluttered your eyelashes gently in his direction.
"So you love me?" You questioned, repeating what he had said as a blush crept up your face. 
A deep flush quickly spread across his face, giving a distinct hue to it that was almost identical to the dyed color of his hair. Struggling for words, he stumbled trying to form an answer as his eyes widened in realization that he had admitted he loved you for the first time without thinking absentmindedly. 
"Um... No. Wait. That’s not..Um...I mean.."
“Try to breathe.” 
“No, It’s just… I wanted the first time I said I loved you to be more memorable than me just saying it in passing. I totally screwed it up.” He sighed as he lowered his head. 
You extended a hand out to lift his chin upwards once more so that you could look into his crimson eyes. 
“Well technically you haven’t answered my question yet, so you can do it now.” 
“I’ve never seen someone as beautiful as you in my life. I love you y/n, and I would do anything for you to see yourself the way I see you.” His voice was full of awe as he confessed to you. 
“Kirishima..” His hand came up and brushed the tear that had slid down your cheek. 
“I love you too, more than anything in the world!" You breathed out, your heart fluttering.
“Woah! Even more than our daughter?” 
“Okay, you might be a close second.” 
Enchanted. He watched you from afar as Izuku rambled beside him at the possibilities of Emiko’s quirk as how they can try to train her to use it well enough to get her back home. Aizawa had already informed him and you that he would look into her quirk and practice with her the same way he has been with Eri so that way they didn’t have to work on this alone. 
His eyes wandered back over to you as his concentration broke from the conversation, Emiko was practically attached to your hip as the two of you danced around the lounge to the music. Toru and Mina had suggested a dance party which ended up with the two of you joining happily as you twirled the girl around. Watching you so effortlessly dance and how fluid and graceful your movements seemed to be at the same time enchanted him, he knew you took dance classes when you were younger but he had never actually seen you dance. 
Amazement settled into his features as a slight blush dusted his cheeks while he continued to watch you, even when your tiny dance partner had missed a step you carried on with ease as you directed her in your movements. You glided around the sofas as you swiftly brought her along with you, your beaming smile making you look radiant as you twirled happily to the music. 
Emiko had almost tripped, but you caught her effortlessly lifting her up and twirling her in the air before placing her back down on the ground once more. Ochacho had almost bumped into the two of you when she wasn’t paying attention, but you swiftly moved out of the way while looking as if you weren’t dazed in the slightest. You truly were able to be in your element with your daughter and the music and caused a soft smile to form on his lips as he witnessed the moment. 
How did I get so lucky?
Kirishima’s thoughts were interrupted when a tiny hand suddenly waved in front of his eyes. You stood before him, Emiko held in your arms as you both smiled happily at him. Emiko’s hand was extended out towards him eagerly, he gave her a bright smile in return and took the small hand in his. 
"I thought you might want to dance with us." you laugh.
“You were right, I do want to dance with you.” 
Emiko beamed as she pointed towards Shoto. "Can I dance with the boy over there too? He's really handsome." 
He coughed viciously as he almost choked on the air he breathed in. Kirishima’s face paled as his eyes widened at his daughter’s statement, before he sent a pointed glare towards the unaware classmate. 
This isn’t happening! It’s too early for her to find boys attractive! 
Panicked. He had barely caught the girl from falling off the bed that she had decided to use as a makeshift trampoline that morning. Her giggles continued as he safely placed her on the ground and tried to chastise her for her dangerous actions. When he had taken his eyes off of her a moment ago to finish getting dressed for the day the last thing he imagined when he took a glance back at her would be her tiny feet slipping into the air and her head tumbling downwards towards the floor. 
Adrenaline was still pumping as he tried to slow the fast beats of his heart. The panicked feeling faded as frustration bubbled over when he saw that the girl was still giggling happily over her actions. 
His thoughts raced as he touched the scar on his eyebrow, he quickly ran his eyes over the girl to make sure she hadn’t accidentally hurt herself during her dangerous attempt at playing before he knelt down and peered into her eyes seriously. 
“Emiko, you can’t act so dangerously! You could have gotten seriously hurt! How many times do I have to warn you about jumping on the bed?” He scolded. 
“I-I just wanted to play..” 
“I know sweetie, but you can’t be so reckless. I don’t want to see you get hurt and end up with scars like I have okay?”
“Okay…” She shyly agreed with her head lowered. 
“How about if you don’t tell y/n about this, I’ll give you Ice cream after breakfast?” He bribed the young girl, knowing all too well that you had already warned him not to take his eyes off her while she was on the bed. 
“REALLY?!” Emiko cheered happily. 
“Okay! I’ll keep it a secret from y/n!” 
The sudden clattering noise of the door as it opened made Kirishima jerk his head in the direction of his dormitory door to see you standing there with your eyes narrowed and a sly smirk formed on your lips. 
“Keeping a secret from me huh?” 
“Wait, it’s not-” 
“Emiko!” You said sweetly as you attempted to tempt the girl into siding with you. “If you tell me what happened, I'll make you fudge brownies.”
“What!?” Kirishima remarked, shocked at how easily his daughter switched sides. 
“Brownies are better than ice cream!” Emiko replied innocently. 
“How did you know that would work?” 
“It was a guess, I’ve always liked brownies over ice cream too.” 
Disappointed. That night Kirishima returned from his hero work study from Fatgums agency he had plans to spend the rest of his time with you and Emiko, and for the most part he was able to fulfill those plans. He had made dinner with you, and watched movies with his daughter and even played with her for as long as he could before the girl was obviously too tired from the exhausting day and needed to go to bed. 
When the two of you had put the girl to sleep in his bed and began getting ready to sleep beside her yourselves, you had noticed that she had begun having a pink mist develop around her as it slowly formed into a deep fog like the one that had brought her here. Your eyes widened as you bright kirishima’s attention towards the fog, your eyebrows raised in shock as you could no longer see your daughter's figure through the fog that was covering her body. 
His heart sank as the god disappeared along with his daughter who had been laying on the bed moments ago. He never got to say goodbye to the girl before she left and that crushed him inside more than anything else. He wanted to be able to wish her good luck in the future and remind her how much he loved her before she disappeared back to the right timeline with the future versions of themselves waiting for her to return. 
She’s going to wake up at home and not know how much I’m missing her at this very moment. 
Maybe I should have stayed home from the work study this week just so I could have spent more time with her… 
Proud. The rest of that night was filled with tears and needy cuddles , as he refused to let go of your figure, half afraid you would disappear as well he didn't keep a firm hold on you. His tears finally stopped as he fell into a deep peaceful sleep, while you brushed away the remaining wet tears that rolled down his eyes.
The sunlight filled the room through the opening in the curtain as your eyes adjusted to the morning light, blinking away the sleep that had taken over you.
You look down to Kirishima's face that was nestled on your chest as his arms were wrapped securely around you in a tight embrace. His face was peaceful as he continued to sleep through the morning hours. You gently brushed some hair out of his eyes and behind his ear as he flinched at the movement , eyes slowly opening to take in your figure beneath him highlighted by the sunlight of the room.
"Good morning Kiri, how are you feeling?" You gently questioned while running your hands through his tousled sleep hair.
“A bit better than last night, that’s for sure.” 
“Really? That’s good.”
“Yeah, I realized something. I still have you and that’s all I need for now, because I know someday we are going to have a beautiful family again.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
。・:*˚:✧。 Bonus Scene:
Kirishima carried Emiko on his shoulders while he ran down the hallway towards the classroom, the girl giggling happily with her hands raised in the air to feel like she was on her own personal roller coaster. 
You watched from a few steps behind as you followed them, a soft smile on your face as you watched the two of them bond. 
“Hey daddy?” The girl asked suddenly as she stopped giggling and her face became more serious. 
“What’s up sweetheart?” 
“Will I be able to go to school here like Ryuichi and Ryuji are going to?” 
“Whose Ryuichi and Ryuji? Are they your friends?” 
“Oh right! I forgot that you don’t know about them yet, they are my brothers!” 
The air caught in your lungs as you choked viciously as you listened to their conversation. Finding out you had more children with Kirishima shouldn’t be that shocking considering you have a daughter that time traveled, but for some reason the sudden knowledge that  there were more kids you didn’t know just yet made your heart skip a beat. 
“Brothers?!” You exclaimed from the shock. 
“Yes, my twin brothers! Everyone says they are going to go to U.A. just like you two, but I want to go too.” 
“Emiko, did you forget that your quirk is related to y/n’s? I believe you can do anything you want in the future sweetheart.” 
“You really believe I could be a hero too?!” 
“Of course! You are our daughter after all!”
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Neito Monoma:
A five year old girl stood there before them, her hands clenched into fists at her side as she cautiously surveyed her environment.  
Alarmed. At the sight of the girl, everyone’s nerves had calmed as the adrenaline pumping through their veins dwindled down. However the presence of the child caused Monoma’s heart to pound louder in panic, struck with a feeling that something wasn’t right with this situation. He took another glance towards the girl who was now being questioned and comforted by All Might and Vlad King. 
Was no one else thinking that this child could be working with villains?...
His heart pounded against his ribcage as he took in their appearance, which became more familiar to him the more traits he saw. The conversations and noise happening around him faded as he was frozen in shock at the sight. His mind went into full alarm as he tried to process what he was seeing before him as he studied the girl. 
The girl’s hair was a warm blonde shade matching his own and the light y/e/c eyes were almost identical to yours, the only difference being the pupils were bright white just like his own. Her nose scrunched up cutely as she tried to calm down, just like he noticed yours would always do. The smile that lit up her face as All Might transformed into his hero form originally belonged to you, even the laugh that escaped from her lips was a perfect harmony matching the one he listened to so often coming from you. This girl might have been a miniature female version of him, but he could easily pick out the traits he could trace back to you. 
Kendo was just as quick at piecing together the traits.
"Monoma, do you have a younger sister?" She curiously asked. 
Monoma was so perplexed at the appearance of the girl; he hadn't heard Kendo’s question at first, causing her to repeat herself for a second time. His thoughts raced as a worrisome thought echoed into the back of his mind, making his thoughts run haywire which he chose to try and ignore. 
His body was still too tense in order to respond properly, so he settled for simply shaking his head ‘no’ while his face twisted showing the crippling anxiety eating away at him. Monoma’s eyes nervously darted to find you amongst the crowd, once his eyes landed on you he had visibly relaxed his shoulders a bit and let out a harsh breath while Kendo’s eyes trailed after him to find what or who he had been searching for. 
You and Sesuna had been sending hushed whispers back and forth before you paused for a brief moment, the sudden feeling of being watched had the hairs on your neck stand up as you turned around and noticed his stare, waving happily in return. 
"The girl looks exactly like what I imagined y/n & I's daughter would look like." he whispered under his breath, barely above a whisper. 
Monoma still had his eyes trained on you, his mind reeling from the conclusion it had jumped to. 
Flustered. There was a resounding silence that echoed as a heavenly voice excitedly filled the air. The girl had managed to see you among the students, and ran past the two teachers that were questioning her as she happily rejoiced in your presence. Your arms had opened as if on instinct, and the small girl jumped into your arms with her face smiling brightly at you in the same way you had grown accustomed to seeing Monoma's smile.
"Do you know this girl y/n?" Yui questioned, her face eyebrows furrowed in thought as she peered at the girl's familiar appearance. 
You shook your head 'no' silently in surprise, while offering comforting pats along the small girl's back. The girl was too busy to pay attention to your conversation, much less your response to it as she looked around the crowd of students, eyes desperately searching for someone in particular. 
"Daddy!" The girl shouted suddenly as she left the embrace of your arms. 
The girl ran excitedly in the direction of Monoma and your heart fluttered at the sight, the pieces of the puzzle started to click together as you noticed how similar she looked to the boy she was running towards. Monoma’s eyes widened as he witnessed the small girl run towards him after addressing him as ‘daddy.’ He stood frozen in place, his face contorted into a mixture of fright and confusion.
She slowed to a stop as she stood in front of him after noticing that he didn’t immediately extend his arms out to her as you had. She tilted her head in confusion as she peered up at him, her arms raised expectantly as she waited. 
He visibly stiffened from the tension coursing through his veins, the tips of his ears turning bright red as a deep blush crept up his neck and to his cheeks. Upon seeing the girl peering up at him and her eyes sparkling with affection for him, his thoughts became muddled. He felt as if his heart skipped a beat, and a cold sweat broke out on his skin, it was like an icy hand that gripped his heart and refused to let go. 
Monoma’s light blue eyes glanced from the girl to you, silently telling you his assumptions that this girl had to be their daughter. 
"Daddy?" The girl whimpered, her y/e/c eyes glossy. 
A jolt of electricity ran through his body, a sudden feeling of guilt overtook his heart as he saw the tears the girl had been holding back due to his inability to comprehend the situation. He reacted on impulse, not wanting to see the girl in front of him shed tears due to his slow thinking. He knelt down on the ground extending his arms openly for the girl, the deep blush still burning his skin as he waited for her to enter his embrace. 
She studied at him for a moment, questioning if she should before she wrapped her arms around his neck and lowered her head on his shoulder. She hugged him tightly as he lifted her in his arms carrying her protectively as he moved a comforting hand along her back. 
"Monoma and y/n have kids!?!?" Awase bellowed loudly.
“How sinful to have a child out of wedlock, to think someone in our class would have done something so inappropriate. I will pray that your sins be washed away!” Ibara condemned with harsh judgment etched onto her face. 
Chaos erupted as Monoma walked over to you with hasty steps, making sure to keep a steady grip on his daughter. Your eyes widened as you tried to process all the questions being thrown at you and your boyfriend about the sudden appearance of the girl, your thoughts racing as you didn’t know how to answer their demands. He stood beside you, taking your hand in his as he rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand in silence. 
Your mind swirled for answers, but you couldn't help the deep blush that took over your face as Monoma’s free hand held yours. The comforting action made your heart somersault as your cheeks turned pink. Monoma still hadn’t said a word, only sharing a glance with you every now and then with a gentle comforting smile formed on his lips to assure you everything would be okay. 
“Okay! I think we should end class for today, everyone is free to go back to the dormitories!” All Might announced suddenly, catching everyone’s attention. 
“Monoma, y/n! Don’t think this is over, we will be there later to get more information on why she’s here.” Vlad king demanded with a pointed glare thrown in Monoma’s direction.
Horrified. After returning to the dormitory, the chaos from before had settled down. You were able to comfort the girl easily and managed to coax out bits and pieces of information from her before the bubbly girl got comfortable enough to start introducing herself to the rest of your classmates. The way you were able to so easily care for the girl who had suddenly appeared into your life shocked him, he had been struggling over his plaguing thoughts on whether or not he would be able to be a parent for this girl and here you were taking everything in stride so effortlessly. 
“My name is Sayaka Monoma!” The girl happily introduced herself to the students who eagerly greeted her back. 
Monoma watched from afar, his mind still reeling as he tried to process being a father. His back leaned against the wall as he thought in silence, before you found yourway beside him. His light blue eyes glanced at you softly, as he offered a gentle smile that greeted his lips. The dormitory entrance opened suddenly to reveal Vlad King walking into the lounge, his eyes narrowed as he surveyed the room for the girl. 
Once his eyes had landed on the girl who was being twirled in the air by Shishida, he sent a pointed look towards Monoma and you before sighing and shaking his head. Vlad King motioned for Sayaka to sit down on one of the sofa’s while he prepared himself to investigate her appearance. 
“I think it’s time we find out why she is here, don’t you?” 
Monoma’s eyes drifted towards his daughter where he noticed her hesitating while walking towards the sofa. He quickly walked towards the girl and extended a hand outwards to her, which she eagerly intertwined with her own. 
“There’s no reason to be afraid, I won’t let anything happen to you.” Monoma reassured the girl as he led her to the sofa. 
“I’m not in trouble?” 
“Of course not, we are just curious as to why you're here, that's all.”
“Then why does that man look so scary?” 
“That’s just his face! If he’s too scary to look at you can just look at me instead.” 
“Hey I don’t look scary! Do I?!” Vlad King chimed in with his eyebrows furrowed. 
“You do look a bit intense, especially for a five year old sensei.” You responded while taking a seat on the other side of Sayaka. 
“Let’s just get this over with.” 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Vlad King scratched the scruff on his chin in thought as the girl continued to share her memory of the moments leading to her appearance at the school. He leaned back into the couch as he shoulders slouched from exhaustion while he listened intently as she babbled on about her morning before arriving on the campus forest. 
“My quirk is copy so I can copy other quirks and use them, just like my daddy!” She babbled, Monoma’s ears perking at the information. 
His eyes narrowed as he turned to whisper into your ear. “I have a bad feeling about where this is going.” 
“There’s this kid at school who has a time travel quirk and everyone always praised him so much just because of his quirk.” 
“I don’t like where this is going either.” You whispered back. 
“So I copied his quirk to show everyone it’s not so great!” 
The room was silent at the girl’s confession as they processed the information, tension filling the air as Monoma sighed heavily and lowered his head in his hands. The fact that his daughter had copied the quirk and used it to bring herself her was one of the worst possibilities he had imagined, if her quirk worked exactly like his then she would need to copy the quirk once more before she could go back home, and the worst thing was that the kid who had the quirk hadn’t been born yet. The only thing they could hope for now is if they could find someone with a similar quirk or if the quirk she had copied works on a timer and once a certain amount of time passes that she would go back on her own. Even the kid or his family managing to come back into the past and bringing her back themselves would work as long as she gets back eventually. 
“Monoma it’s okay, relax” You said as you rubbed his back gently trying to comfort him out of his restless thoughts. 
“How is this okay?!” He scoffed. 
“This is one of the worst case scenarios I ran through in my head, we may never be able to get her back home.” 
“We will get her home, I believe in us. So for now, let’s just focus on taking care of her okay?” 
“Are you really not worried at all?”
“Why would I be? I have you by my side, don’t I” 
“Ha, y/n I don’t know how you do it.” 
“Do what?” 
“Make me fall more in love with you everyday.”
Mystified. He watched you from afar, Kendo’s rambles about how the time travel quirk could work brought him out of his thoughts as he tried to pay attention.
His eyes wandered back over to you, Sayaka practically attached to your  hip as you flawlessly moved around the kitchen. Astonishment settled on his features, even when the girl had gotten in your way or when she had tried to open the stove on her own, you handled it effortlessly like a dance.
Gilded around Sayaka to grab ingredients. Grabbed her hand and twirled her in another direction. She asked to lick the cookie dough off the spoon, you swiftly complied with a laugh. Syaka starts to get impatient waiting for the timer to ding, you pull out frosting colors for her to help you choose how to decorate the cookies in order to keep her occupied. Tiny hands tried to reach for the newly baked cookies without you looking, you lightly tapped them away with your fingers and a smile.
How are you so amazing?
You don't have siblings and he’s never seen you babysit, but you were so naturally able to take care of the girl standing beside you. 
Monoma's thoughts were interrupted when a cookie lightly touched his lips. You stood before him, Sayaka held in your arms as you both smiled happily at him. Sayaka hand held out a cookie to his face eagerly, he gave her a bright smile in return and took a big bite of the cookie.
"My Love, tell him what you just told me." you laugh.
Sayaka beamed. "Daddy gets the first one!"
He coughed viciously as he almost choked on the treat. The two of you had laughed at his response.
Proud. Two days passed since Sayaka appeared, and you had started to realize just how much she resembled Monoma in not only looks but also personality. Monoma is sweet and caring when it comes to his classmates and friends , but when it came to people he didn’t care for then his personality was a bit more twisted and demeaning and it seemed that was something your sweet daughter inherited from the eccentric blonde. 
“Monoma, what is Sayaka wearing?” You questioned with raised eyebrows as you motioned towards the mini replica of his hero costume. 
“Obviously it’s a hero costume that looks exactly like mine!” He boasted in response. 
“Where did you even get that, wait- never mind. Where are you going?” 
“To show those Class A delinquents who has the best daughter in the future.”  
“Sayaka tell y/n what you told me!” 
“They think they're better just because they have flashy quirks, but daddy is better than all of them because he can copy any of their quirks!” She boasted.
“Exactly! Why should I let my daughter live in their shadow when she shines just as brightly, she deserves to let those idiots know who is really more talented!” 
“Daddy is so cool! How did Class A ever get more popular than Class B when you were in school?! All the attention should have been on you!” 
“Oh angel! You know those delinquents are always getting in trouble with some villain or another, making the school look bad and hogging the spotlight for themselves.” 
“Those Idiots!” 
“Angel, you make your daddy so proud!” Monoma gushed over his daughter. 
You sighed as you brought a hand to your forehead where a headache had started to grow tremendously as you listened to the two rant over Class 1-A and what they had planned to say when they got to the other dormitory. You brought out your phone as you sent a text discreetly to the class representative, Kendo to warn her about their plans so that she could retrieve them. 
“Would you like to come with us y/n?” Monoma asked with a bright smile plastered on his face. 
“No, I’ll just wait here. I have a feeling you won’t be gone long.”
Relieved. That night after dinner with the rest of your classmates, a faint pink mist started to form around the girl. You drew Monoma's attention to the growing mist as your hand clasped around his.
He watched in beside you as the mist turned into a deep fog that made it harder to distinguish her features as it covered her completely. His heart sank as he realized that would be that last day they spent together until she was brought into this world again, his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes glistened while he fought back the tears that threatened to fall down his cheeks. He wanted nothing more than to have her go back home to the future versions of themselves, but he didn’t think that saying goodbye to their future daughter would make him feel so empty at watching her leave. 
“Monoma, are you okay?” You questioned once the fog disappeared once more with no sign of the girl who had been standing there moments before. 
He let out a harsh breath as he sighed. “I’m not going to lie. I’m sad that she’s gone but I’m relieved she’s back home safely in the future.” 
“I’m relieved that she’s back home, but I'm going to miss her tonight. I’ve gotten so used to cuddling her over the last few nights, It will be weird to sleep alone again.” 
Monoma’s body stiffened as a sly smirk formed on his lips and a blush crept up the back of his neck. He pondered over his words for a few moments before he came to the conclusion that take a chance on what he wanted to say regardless of the consequences of doing so. 
“That’s an easy fix.” Monoma chuckled as he intertwined your hand in his once more. 
“How so?” 
“Cuddle me instead.” 
Optimistic. The next morning the sunlight beamed into the dark dorm room, filling it with warm sunlight as Monoma’s light blue eyes opened slowly to adjust to the rays of light. He tried to move his hand to his face so that he could rub the remains of sleep from his tired eyes, but there had been a weight that stopped his arm from moving. 
His tired eyes blinked slowly as he glanced down to where his arm had been resting, the soft tresses of y/h/c hair cascading over his skin as you used his arm as a pillow beneath your head. Your face was peaceful as you slept unaware of the boy who was watching you with softened eyes and the gentle smile that caressed his lips. 
Monoma leaned closer to you as he placed a tender kiss on your forehead, wishing you more peaceful dreams as his eyes closed once more. He lowered his back down on the pillow as a bright smile plastered over his lips. 
I want to wake up like this every morning. 
Soon I’ll be able to, because we will have a family of our own.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
。・:*˚:✧。 Bonus Scene:
Monoma had the idea for the last few days that had spent with his daughter, everyone complimented and gushed over how much she looked like him. It was only natural for her to be a daddy’s girl since she seemed to admire him and look up to him so highly, so he wanted to give her something he thought she would enjoy more than anything else. 
He had gone out of his way to ask Momo if she would be willing to create an exact replica of his hero costume for Sayaka to wear. She of course had said no the first and second time, but after three days of him badgering her whenever he could, she had relented and finally agreed to his request. 
Sayaka was sitting on his bed, waiting eagerly for the present he had mentioned to her before he handed her the bag that held the custom created outfit. Her eyes lit up as she beamed happily at him once she held the outfit in her tiny hands, she jumped up from her spot as she immediately hugged him from the excitement. 
“Daddy! Thank you! Now I can be just like you!” 
“Angel, you don’t need a costume to be just like me. You already are just like me and y/n, that will never change.” 
“Even if I don’t end up being a hero like you two?” 
“No matter what you do in the future, you will still be our daughter.”
“I love you daddy.” 
“I love you too, Sayaka.” Monoma repeated tenderly. 
“Oh, but one more thing. I’m your favorite hero, right angel?” 
“Of course daddy!” 
“Good, let’s keep it that way.”
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Mirio Togata:
A seven year old girl stood there trembling with fear as tears shimmered in her eyes and ran down her cheeks. 
“I think we should call for Mirio and y/n.” Deku announced after seeing the girl. 
Astonished. The loud slam that emitted as the door opened caused him to jerk his head away from Eri and towards the direction of the noise. The dark green haired boy stood anxiously in the doorway, a strained and conflicted look on his face as he stared at the blonde third year. Mirio smiled brightly at him as he and Eri waved to welcome Deku into the room where he had been babysitting the girl. 
“Hey Deku! Is something wrong? You don’t look too good, actually you're looking a little green! HA!”  Mirio laughed out loud as he questioned the boy. 
“You should come with me, there's someone you need to see.” 
Mirio’s face hardened at the serious tone Deku had used, his thoughts raced for an explanation as he closed his eyes and breathed out for a moment to release the growing tension in his body. A bright smile formed on his lips as he beamed confidently at the first year and raised a thumb upwards. 
“Lead the way!” 
“Mirio, do you want me to go with you?” Tamaki asked anxiously with a troubled expression. 
“No, it’s okay! Besides, someone needs to stay here and play with Eri or else she will feel lonely, right Eri?” 
The little girl blushed as she nodded her head and looked towards the ground in embarrassment. 
“I’ll be back soon, don’t worry!” 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Mirio followed Deku as he led him through the campus to where the first year’s were conducting a training course that morning. His thoughts raced as he pondered just what was happening and who exactly he would need to see. Did the teacher’s need him as an assistant again for a training exercise and forget to tell him? 
“Someone I need to see huh?! I wonder who it could be!” He thought out loud as he and Deku continued to walk. “Do I get any hints?” 
“I-I think it’s easier to explain once you see them for yourself..” Deku mumbled out nervously as his eyebrows furrowed. 
“I guess there's no choice then! I’ve “to-gata” go see them!” He exclaimed loudly as he laughed. 
Nervous laughter left the green haired boy's lips as he rubbed the back of his neck at the joke that Mirio had attempted, causing the blonde to laugh even harder at his response. 
“Just kidding!” 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
The cold winter air wrapped around his body as they walked through the clearing and into the trees surrounding the area. He surveyed the area as voices started to echo the closer they got to the destination he was being led to. Mirio saw you with your back leaned against a tree and your eyes closed as his feet came to a stop beside Deku, your eyes opened and the sound of the leaves crunching under their feet. 
“Y/N, you're here too?” Mirio questioned, his eyes lit up as they met yours. 
“Yeah, they called for me to come out here but said I should wait for you to arrive as well.” 
“Woah! How weird! I wonder what they need us for, did they tell you anything?” 
“No, just that I was supposed to come here.” 
“It’s not too much further, I'll keep leading the way.” Deku chimed in to catch the couple's attention. 
The appearance of the retired number one hero came into view as they got closer to their destination. Briskly walking the last few steps to meet the teacher in front of them, All Might's  tired eyes met theirs as they faintly heard the sounds of the year one students talking loudly to each other. 
"All Might, did you need our help with another exercise?" You questioned.
He stayed silent for a moment pondering on his answer before simply stating "No."
"Then sir , why are we here?" Mirio asked with confusion written clearly on his face.
The teacher observed the two for a moment before releasing a long sigh and jutting his head in the direction behind him. His gaze was drawn to a young girl sitting in Kirishima’s lap as she happily listened to him tell her stories. Her wavy sunkissed blonde hair was long as it reached down to her waist, her small cute fingers moving a few strands behind her ears so the wind wouldn’t blow the hair in her face. The bright y/e/c eyes shined with amazement at something she just heard from the red head she was listening to.
The similarities amazed him, the way her eyes twinkled brightly as she got excited and the cute dimples that appeared by the child’s lips as she smiled were exactly the same as yours.  The nose he had gotten so used to seeing in the mirror now rested on the girl in question, and her bubbly laughter made his heart almost stop as it filled the air. The only person he ever heard with laughter as sweet and honeyed as her’s was from your lips, she seemed like an angel created just for him and you. 
A girl who looks exactly like y/n and I’s daughter would… 
How beautiful… I couldn’t imagine a more perfect image of what our children would look like someday…
"She appeared after we finished our training exercises for the day. Young Midoriya was able to Immediately recognize the similarities she shared with the two of you and after asking her some questions we were able to briefly understand what was going on." All Might started to explain to them.
"She looks so much like you, Mirio." You stated as a look of awe formed on your face. 
"It’s not just me she looks like, she looks like you as well babe.” 
“It’s almost like she’s our daughter, right y/n?” 
Your eyes widened at the statement glancing over at All Might to see him nod his head in confirmation of the claim. You looked over to the girl once more taking in her features as you start to notice the remarkable similarity she has to the two of you that you hadn't taken into account beforehand.
"She introduced herself as Risa Togata, the daughter of Lemillion and y/h/n. Would you like to meet her?"
Mirio excitedly nodded his head in reply as his hand extended out for yours. You accept it graciously and your thumb rubs circles into the back of his hand to calm him and yourself as the three make their way to the child.
Dazed. The anticipation made his heart flutter in my chest, and he felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. It was like a wave of joy that lifted him up and carried him forward with each step that he got closer to the child. His mind was clouded and restless as he thought about what he should say first to the girl. The first assumption his mind had jumped to when he put the puzzle pieces together was that this girl had to be from the future or somehow a person with a quirk that made dreams come true created her and sent her here. Either way he wouldn’t complain as long as he got to meet the daughter he's been fantasizing about having with you in the future, even if she came a bit earlier than expected.  
Should I hug her right off the bat? That might scare her if she’s not used to It though… 
Will I do a good job taking care of her? So far I’m babysitting Eri just fine, but I’ve never had a kid of my own before and now that I don’t currently have my quirk…What would I do if… 
Mirio’s steps stopped suddenly as the doubt of not being able to protect his daughter plagued his thoughts. His hand tightened in yours as you stood beside him, watching him wrestle with his thoughts in silence as his gaze was trained on the ground beneath his feet. You had never seen him look so unsure and conflicted over something, he was really good at hiding the insecurities he felt and only really opened up about them if something had been really troubling him. Even after he lost his quirk, he didn’t wallow in sadness and instead kept on smiling and pushing onward with the hope that one day he would get his quirk back and even if he didn’t he still believed he could be a hero in some way or shape which was enough for him to keep his head high. 
“Mirio..What’s wrong?” You whispered as you leaned in closer to him. 
“What if something happens and I can’t protect that smile she has? What if because I don’t have my quirk I can’t save her?” 
Your eyes widened as you took in a deep breath, a look of recognition formed on your face as your brows knitted together. Your y/e/c eyes drifted to your intertwined hands has his grip around your tightened once more and his other hand was clenched into a fist, your heart ached at the self doubt his mind was conflicting on him in that moment and all you wanted to do was assure to him that everything would be okay, like he had done for you so many times in the past. 
“You protected Eri!” 
“Huh, but -” He started but you interrupted him. 
“Even without your quirk, you still protected and saved Eri! I believe in you, and so does everyone else. If our daughter is in trouble you will save her and you aren’t alone, you have me here, our friends and even the first years beside you to help you. No matter what happens in the future, we will protect our daughter together.” 
“How did I get so lucky as to find someone like you?” 
“I’m pretty sure it was your cheesy pick up lines, I’m a sucker for those after all.”
The two of you laughed lightheartedly at your joke as the tension left his body and the bright smile returned to the blonde’s face confidently. 
The singsong voice resounded, causing him to tense as she called out and rejoiced in the excitement at seeing the younger form of her parents. Her wide sparkling eyes met his as he jerked his head in the direction of his daughter, shocked at the child running towards him, arms wide open ready to jump into his arms at any moment.
"Daddy!" The girl cheered as he tightly wrapped his arms around her when she jumped at his figure.
The dazzling smile she had beamed at him as she jumped into his arms had caused his mind to fog over, stunning his thoughts from delivering the well thought out joke he was going to deliver when he greeted her. No one had ever called him ‘Daddy.’ Before and hearing it for the first time from his future daughter had caused a massive flood of adrenaline to shoot through his body, a sense of joy took over him as he peered down at the girl in his arms in pure awe.
The tips of his ears turned the slightest shade of pink as he wrapped his arms tightly around his daughter and returned her hug with a big bear hug of his own. He spun the girl in the air  while she giggled and laughed loudly from the excitement, before he slowed his pace to a stop and his eyes softened as he brought his forehead to rest on hers. The way his daughter looked up at him with trust and adoration, filled his heart with so much love that he never wanted to let her down. 
"Daddy?" The girl tilted her questioningly as she noticed the tears he was fighting back as he looked at her. 
“Why are you crying daddy?” 
“You’re just so beautiful!” Mirio sniffled as he wiped at his eyes with his free hand. 
“Daddy in the past is so weird!” The girl giggled as her bubbly laugh escaped from her lips. 
You took over the situation with ease. You directed the girl's attention towards you, noticing that Mirio would need a moment to regain his composure. You waved your hand in greeting, a wide smile placed on your lips as you spoke.
"Hi Risa! We are really happy to meet you."
"Is that why daddy is crying?"
"Yes, daddy just really loves you so much that it made him cry to see you so happy to see him."
"Oh! I get it, like how he cried when he found out I was getting a little sister?!" The girl questioned happily as you choked on air.
"That's right!"
Her laughter filled your ears as Mirio looked between you two in awe, the sudden family that was pushed together had felt so natural. It was as if at the first glance when he saw his daughter he just knew she was his and that there was an untethered bond between them that he couldn’t identify but could feel that she was his family. Now that the three of you were talking and he had his arms wrapped around her, he knew without a doubt even if she hadn’t technically been born in their timeline yet that the father daughter bond between them still existed. 
A blush crept up his face as his cheeks dusted a slight shade of pink at the memory of being addressed as ‘daddy’ and how he desperately wanted to hear his daughter call out to him again just so he could savor the moment for a bit longer than he had the previous time. 
Mirio wordlessly brushed his hand through the silky soft locks of his daughter's hair, a bright smile plastered on his face as he wrapped one of the wavy sunkissed strands around his fingers to curl it before letting it fall back in place. He glanced at her as she talked warmly over his shoulder to you before he remembered the opener he was going to greet her with earlier. 
“Did you hear that laughing too loudly is illegal in Hawaii? They only permit a-low-ha.” Mirio chuckled. 
“HAHA!” Risa laughed happily.
"Risa, I'm really happy to meet you." He said softly , his eyes lowering in bliss.
Risa bubbled with giggles as she wrapped her tiny arms around his neck and engulfed him in a tight hug. The conversation is still going on between you and Risa as she released herself from the sudden hug and looked back to you with sparkling eyes , voice animated as she rambled about her new favorite tv show.
"Mirio, we are going to let the two of you look after her while she's here. She'll be more comfortable around people she knows rather than strangers, while we continue looking into how to return her home." All Might announced catching their attention suddenly. 
“I was thinking we could bring her to go play with Eri, but I didn’t want to bring her there without you meeting her beforehand.” Deku chimed in. 
"That’s a great Idea! Risa, do you want to go make a friend?" Mirio questioned excitedly as he flashed an award winning smile towards his daughter. 
She worked her way out of Mirio's stronghold on her as she jumped down from his arms , he looked distraught from the sudden loss of holding his daughter in his arms while Risa reached out both her hands to grab onto each of her parents, adjusting herself in the middle of the couple as she prepared herself for the walk to the dormitory. 
When the couple didn't admittedly start walking to their destination, she gazed up with a questioning look at her parents. The blush on Mirio’s face grew hotter as he gazed at the three of them holding hands with his daughter being in the middle, the thought didn't escape him that they really looked like a family like this each holding one of her hands as they walked happily.
My happy family…
“Oh there’s something I want to do once we introduce you to Eri, so y/n would it be okay if you watch the two?” Mirio asked suddenly as a bright smile formed on his lips with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
“Yes, but what is it that you are planning on doing?” You questioned with a raised eyebrow. 
“Hm, it’s more fun if you just wait and see.” 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Aizawa and Yamada sat in the silence of the lounge, the tension hanging heavily in the room as they processed the information they had learned about their highschool best friend. The strangled sound of a low grumble emitted from the blonde’s chest as he continued to lay face down on the table beneath him, Aizawa’s tired eyes drifted to his friend as the sound broke him from his relentless thoughts. 
“What are you thinking?” Aizawa managed to choke out. 
Present Mic spared a quick glance towards the eraser hero, his own greenish yellow eyes expressing how much of a toll the news had taken on him. 
“I’m hungry. I could go for something easy to digest. Udon?” He grumbled out tiredly. 
“I’ve been thinking. Given the work studies, the safety commission must know something.” Aizawa began, ignoring the man’s answer. 
“If we find out who’s manufacturing nomu…Then what?” 
“I’ll have a surprise karaoke contest with them. Then boil their guts while their eardrums bleed…And you?” 
Aizawa paused for a moment contemplating his words. “Well…”
Loud footsteps echoed into the room as two people suddenly ran into the room, the eraser hero stopped talking instantly as he focused his eyes towards the third year students who anxiously ran towards them. 
“Mr. Aizawa!” Mirio called out. “Sorry to bother ya’ during your break.” 
He grunted out in response as he stared at the two expectantly waiting to hear the reason they ran to him. 
“Eraserhead. It’s Eri, she..” Tamaki mumbled out anxiously with a troubled expression. 
“What’s going on?” He questioned as his face hardened. 
“Come with us.” Mirio answered before turning and pulling Tamaki along with him so he wouldn’t give up the news. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Eri and Risa were playing alongside you and Nerjire as the door slammed open for the second time that day. This time Aizawa was the cause of the sudden loud noise that caused both the girls to jump in shock and divert their attention to the door. The eraser hero’s eyes surveyed the room as he tried to process what could have happened to the child under his care, but his eyebrows knitted and his tired eyes narrowed when he saw that she wasn’t in any danger. 
He turned his head in annoyance to the two third years that were standing behind him as they watched him run into the room, Mirio’s laughs escaped his lips while Tamaki nervously started to stutter out apologies for misleading the pro hero under false pretenses. 
“Why am I here Togata?” 
“Eri-chan has a new friend! My daughter, Risa from the future! I figured since you are basically her father you would like to see her play with another child for the first time too.” 
“Hmm. Is your daughter anything like you?” 
“Of course! Why do you ask?”
“I’m just thinking about how much of a bad influence a mini version of you and y/n would be.”
Intrigued. After Aziawa had met the girl, he was able to get some answers from her about what exactly happened for her to return to the past. She had told him that earlier that day her and her parents went to U.A. for the school festival and she had wandered off and gotten lost, then before she could find her parents one of the students had accidentally hit her with their quirk when they were trying to use it on someone else. 
“Woah! It’s impressive that in the future there's a student that has a time travel quirk!” Mirio exclaims with excitement. 
“I don’t think there’s anything to worry about then, since whoever it is will more than likely come to retrieve her at some point.” You added. 
“I guess there’s only one thing left to do then!” 
“What’s that?” You questioned nervously at the excited look that beamed on his face. 
“Introduce her to our classmates of course! She’ll be popular for sure! Just look at how cute she is!” 
“It’s going to be a long day…” You groaned as you thought about your classmate's reaction to the young girl. 
“Why do you say that babe?” Mirio questioned as he titled his head. 
“You’ll see.” 
When the three of you had returned to the third year dormitory, the students who were relaxing in the lounge area instantly surrounded you. Their eyes drifted to the bright and happy child that had greeted them excitedly as she entered the building. 
“Mirio, you really do have a daughter?” one of his third year classmates questioned. 
“Be serious, is this the real reason why you are taking a break from classes?” 
“Guys! You have to stop asking me that everytime you see me with a child, but to answer your question. This is my daughter Risa!” 
“Settle down you two, she’s from the future!” You interjected to stop the impending chaos they were going to ensure upon the class. 
Well I guess that didn’t make it any easier… 
Worried. Risa’s giggles continued to fill the room as she listened to her father’s jokes. The small girl bounced on her toys and she raised her arms in the air, excitedly wanting him to continue to make her laugh. Mirio beamed a bright smile her way as he thought of one of the many jokes he had been storing over the years that he could use on her. She obviously got her sense of humor from him since she could think just about any of his jokes were funny, regardless of how corny they could be at times.
“Why haven’t you done my favorite one yet, daddy?” Risa laughed out as she tilted her head. 
“Oh and which one is that? Is it the peaches one?” Mirio chuckled. 
“No! Silly! The one where you scare y/n by coming out of the wall!” She cheered excitedly. 
Your body stiffened instantly as you processed the young girl’s words, the cookies you were currently baking being put on hold as your eyes widened and your jaw opened in shock. You placed a hand to cover your mouth quickly so that you could continue listening to the conversation between your daughter and boyfriend in the lounge before you.  
Mirio hadn’t realized the meaning behind what his daughter had said and instead his thoughts were filled with worry that he wouldn’t be able to fulfill the girl’s wish since he currently wasn’t able to use his quirk like he had in the past. His eyebrows furrowed and he hesitated before speaking, nervously apologizing to the girl. 
“I’m sorry Risa, but I can’t do that right now. I can do something just as fun though! I’ll show you, I’m just going to hide behind this couch and when y/n walks in I’ll jump out!” 
“Why can’t you go through walls daddy?” 
“Well- Honey I don’t have my quirk right now, but it’s okay because I’m still a hero!” 
“You don’t have your quirk anymore? Why?” 
“A bad man -” 
“Mirio!” You exclaimed, interrupting him. 
Mirio jerked his head in the direction of your voice, a bright smile plastered on his face as he waved at you. 
“What’s up y/n?” 
“Mirio, she’s asking why you don’t have your quirk!” 
“I know! I was just telling her about it.” 
“Dummy! Don’t you get what that means?” You cried as tears rolled down your cheeks. “You get your quirk back!” 
His body tensed as he processed the information you had given him before he beamed down at his daughter happily and lifted her into his arms. 
“Did I do something wrong?” Risa questioned nervously. 
“No, you could never do anything wrong, love. In fact, you just made your parents very happy.” 
He placed a tender kiss on his daughter’s cheek, making her giggle once more as his eyes lit up at the bright smile that was on his daughter’s face. 
Heartbroken. The time had finally come for Risa to be taken back home, much to Mirio’s protest. The night had been just like the last few nights he had shared with his daughter, cooking together and playing with her until she got sleepy enough for him to lure her to bed and tell her a bedtime story for her to fall asleep to. However, after the girl had fallen asleep he had noticed the pink mist form around her body as it turned into a thick fog. 
He instantly moved to take his daughter from the mysterious fog before you wrapped your arms around his as you effectively stopped him. His head turned towards you as he glanced desperately towards your y/e/c eyes, the heartache he was experiencing clearly showed in his eyes as he continued to watch the girl disappear before him 
“I don’t want her to leave.” He cried out as the fog started to dissipate once more. 
“She needs to go home, Mirio.” 
“You are waiting for her to return to you in the future to think about how happy you are to have her back home right now.” 
“That doesn’t make this any easier.” 
“I know…” 
Eager. The rest of that night was filled with needy cuddles in Mirio's dorm. Sleep eventually took you both into a land filled with dreams of your future family and when the sun once again rose in the morning, Mirio felt more optimistic about his future than the previous night.
"Good Morning, how are you feeling?" you questioned, eyebrows furrowed in worry.
He smirked, placing a finger in between your eyebrows.
"Yeah?" you were still worried about him.
"Yes. It isn't goodbye forever, as soon as you get pregnant I'll see her again." A sly smirk played on his lips at your shocked expression.
You slap him hard on the chest as he laughed. "We aren't rushing anything!"
“Are you sure? The sooner we have her, the sooner we can all do things together again!” 
“Don’t tempt me!” 
“I think Eri would really like to have a sister, don’t you think so?” 
“Mirio! We aren’t even the parents of Eri!” 
“We babysit her, It’s close enough!”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
。・:*˚:✧。 Bonus Scene:
Mirio had told Risa that he wanted to take her somewhere special today, so the three of you got dressed early in the morning and left before most of the other students had woken up. Mirio held a small bouquet of flowers in one hand, while his other was intertwined with his daughter’s as she walked in the middle between both of you. 
“Where are we going daddy?” 
“To meet a good friend of mine.” 
You had already known beforehand where had planned to take her, he had talked to you about it the night before when he said that his mentor would have loved to meet Risa and he felt like he needed to bring her to see him at least once before she returned to the future. 
When they stopped outside of the private graveyard, Mirio had stopped in his tracks taking a deep breath before he continued walking to where he remembered the grave being placed. The three of you stopped before a clean and tidy grave that was well maintained, most likely due to there being many visitors that would stop by and visit the former pro hero. 
“Sir, It’s Mirio again! You were right, I do have a bright future ahead of me and I just wanted you to meet someone I know you would love more than anything if you were still here with us.” Mirio spoke as tears filled his blue eyes. 
“This is my daughter, Risa! Don’t worry I don’t technically have children yet, but she traveled from the future.” 
Risa peered up at her father as the tears rolled down his cheeks as he talked to the grave of Sir Nighteye. She smiled softly as she glanced towards the grave and placed the flowers her father had given her at the base where they would be well reversed until they were replaced. 
“It’s nice to see you again Sir Grandpa! I don’t know if you know me just yet, but in the future we will come to see you all the time! Daddy tells you everything because he loves you very much!” 
Mirio’s tears flowed harder at his daughter’s words and the realization that even in the future he continues to keep his mentor close to his heart and makes sure that he’s involved as much as he can be in his future and in his daughter’s future. 
“Daddy continues to cry a lot whenever he comes here, but y/n says it’s because he’s really kind so don’t mind it too much okay?!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⋆ ★ A/N: First, I just want to say I wasn't expecting the amount of love I received in part one. I'm super thankful for everyone who is enjoying my content and continuing to read the work I post. I was able to manage my time a lot better on this one, however in doing so it did take me longer to write and edit before posting. (Bakugo’s section took me the longest because I had to add more material for it to make sense.)
Did anyone notice the easter egg I included from the Like father, Like son series? I did connect the worlds for the two requests! I thought it would be nice to have an established world for the Bakugo future kids. There is going to be a Part II of the Like Father, Like son  series posted soon, if you would like to join the taglist please comment either on this post or part one of that series. 
On some of the prompts I did try to shorten them to test out making less lengthy posts for everyone to scroll through.
If anyone would like a part three & four, I'm planning on writing a part three featuring: Aizawa, Hawks, FatGum, All Might
and a part four featuring: Dabi, Twice, Shigaraki, Overhaul. Let me know if you would like me to eventually post those.
To join the Taglist just comment and I will add you to the future posts.
TagList: @kuromitokito @vigilancio @mazzbarnes @ledafox
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mantizimus · 1 year
Hello. May I request Class 1-a girls dating reader, who create stupid, but always working plans?
Bad, but working plans
Ochako Uraraka
Hearing your plan for the first time, she can hardly contain a giggle.
Tries to gently point out the flaws in the plan to you.
When your plan works, she is in complete shock.
Seriously, she can't even say word.
Eventually, she decides to just roll with it and not bother herself with logic.
Tsuyu Asui
Tells you every time that your plan won't work, and every time she's completely shocked that it somehow worked.
Even after you explain your plan to her, she is confused.
After the 20th plan, Tsuyu just decided to stop thinking about it.
Definitely considers you the main imbalance of the universe.
Learned not to question your ideas, no matter how dumb and crazy they are.
Kyoka Jiro
Doubts your ideas and will tell you about it.
When your plan worked the first time, Kyoka felt her brain explode.
She's really gonna ask you how it happened.
Ends up with the attitude "It's stupid, but I'm not gonna stop it."
Toru Hagakure
When Toru first hears about your plan, she decides to just watch how it goes.
Impressed that it worked.
Takes part in the realising your plans.
Fascinated by how crafty you are.
Mina Ashido
Always ready to help you realise your plans.
She tends to offer you new ideas.
Definitely rubs it in the face of her more skeptical classmates when your plan works.
Doesn't quite understand how they work, but doesn't bother herself with it
Considers your creativity one of your best features.
Momo Yaoyorozu
Momo tries to be as scrupulous as possible when planning.
Therefore, when your idea is heard, it is in conflict. On the one hand, she loves you and does not want you to be upset, but on the other hand, she already has her own, more logical, plan.
When you do carry out your plan - and it works - she is in such shock that she can only open and close her mouth.
Tries to analyze your plan from several points of view, and understands that it should have failed according to all the laws of logic and common sense.
After several such plans, she decides to just ignore it.
418 notes · View notes
kur0m1sblog · 1 year
Class 1-A’s favorite things to do when they’re s/o has a big butt!
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Summary: Class 1-A Girls Favorite Things To Do When They’re S/O Has A Big Ass
Characters: Class 1-A Girls
Warnings: Cussing, Groping, Mentions of Panties, sfw
Genre: Fluff
Reader: Fem! Reader
Ochako Uraraka
She doesn’t notice it until you guys are changing with the other girls in the locker room
She thinks it’s one of your cuter features
One of her favorite things to do with your butt is to leave her hand on it
You don’t know why, and she doesn’t either
Tsuyu Asui
She adores it honestly
She loves seeing it in anything
Skirts, jeans, shorts, leggings, low rise jeans, panties, nothing, anything.
Sometimes in private when your walking around in bottoms that are tiny on you, she yanks the belt-loop just to give you a quick kiss
Momo Yaoyorozu
Didn’t notice it till Mineta pointed it out
She clearly saw that you were uncomfortable, so she went out to buy you multiple pairs of black and white tights for you
Plain colors, that weren’t see-through
She will admit when you guys weren’t dating, she sometimes would be flustered by your body in the uniforms
When you guys started dating and being more comfortable with each other, she’s take you to the mall and buy new panties and bras for you
She finds you cute in just your panties and a small t-shirt
Mina Ashido
She loveeeees it!
She thinks it’s the best thing on the entire universe
She loves how plush and soft it is
She loves when you or her go to each others dorm and lay down together
She usually likes when you lay on her chest cause she likes playing with the lining of your panties
Kyouka Jirou
Doesn’t pay much attention to it till one day she was changing by the hole, and Mineta saw you only in a bra and panties and was being loud about it and poked him in the eye
She laughs everytime you fall on your butt
She thinks it’s cute when you get hurt, she doesn’t know why, and you don’t
She loves taking care of you
She likes poking your butt too, she likes when it jiggles and laughs at it
Tooru Hagakure
Not one of her favorite features of you, but still gives it the same attention as the rest of you
She likes seeing you in tiny mini-skirts
She loves shopping with you for panties and bras
She thinks the color lavender fits you
Notes: Thank you so much for the support! The First Part was super good, and thank you for everything! Hope you enjoy, and have a great morning/afternoon/night!
626 notes · View notes
katsus-world · 11 months
Bakugou x fem! Reader
Characters are aged up
Warning: smut, cursing bc it’s bakugou, extremely bad smut! 👯‍♀️
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The cool breeze of the night hit your face as you stepped out of the apartment you shared with your best friend, Mina ashido.
Tonight was a night of celebration or that’s what Mina said at least. You had just gotten out of a toxic relationship, remembering the countless nights you spent crying yourself to sleep and the countless hours you spent yelling and arguing with that dick you called your boyfriend.
You just wanted to get out of the house and Mina was more then happy to take you out for a good night. Calling all of your friends, she made sure you were going to have a fun evening.
Once you stepped out of the house, you were met by familiar faces. Jirou and Momo hand in hand, talking about what club you all were going to go to. Their eyes both on you as you zipped up the thin jacket you had on.
“Y/n! Thank god you’re ok now, we’ve missed you..” Momo said as she pulled the purple haired girl behind her.
“She’s right, it’s been a while since we all hanged out.” A sheepish smile on her face as she stepped next to her tall girlfriend.
A small smile pulled at your lips as you recalled the last time you went out with the girls.
Momo and jirou had gotten tipsy and sang their hearts out in karaoke singing for two maybe three hours? The night is kinda hazy. Ochako had brought midoriya and stayed flirting all night. The alcohol obviously helping them.
Mina and you had been dancing all night, the music and the dim lit club making you forget all your problems..
Well at least until you had 11 missed calls and 7 text messages in the span of 10 minutes from an angry boyfriend, (soon to be ex), the messages started off calm then they got to the point where he was calling you a slut and a whore for not answering him.
“Y/n? Y/n? Anyone in there?” A high piched voice snapped you out of your thoughts. Your eyes locked with a short brown hair girl.
“Sorry. Is Mina out yet?” You turned around, still on the step in front of your apartment. Just on cue Mina stepped out. Her cleavage exposure as well as her thighs, a short dress black with a v-line that ended right above her belly button.
Damn she looked good.
“Let’s get this shit started! In honor of Y/n being single let’s go get you laid!” Her voice was laced with excitement, something you haven’t heard in a while.
Has it really been that long since you all went out? A ping of guilt took over you, but you pushed it aside not wanting that to spoil the night for you, more importantly for the rest of your friend group.
You replied quickly to Mina’s comment, noticing that you were too quiet.
“Honestly if I find a hot guy and he’s down, I’ll be down too,” An embarrassed smile pulls at your lips. You hear a whoop from Mina and jirou.
“Trust me when you look like that, everyone is gonna have their eyes on you!” Ochako chimes in. You look down at your outfit as you thank her for the compliment.
You wore a black Spagetti strap dress with a small v-neck, not ass much as Mina but enough to show your perky breasts.
As you all walk to the club, ochako turns around. Making everyone else turn their heads.
“Yo ‘chako, what is i-” jirou’s sentence was cut off when some familiar faces were spotted on the crowded sidewalk.
“Hey guys!” Kirishima energetically said as he walked over, behind him was sero, kaminari, midoriya and todoroki, and bakugou.
Your heart did a flip at the sight of bakugou, he was wearing a red tank top and some black sweatpants. The outline of his abs peaking through the tight material, his arms looking so much bigger since the last time you saw him. And his eyes, oh my god his eyes, you thought.
His red ruby eyes obviously caught you staring, his usual frown looking back at you.
“My eyes are up here nerd.” You looked up at the ash blonde, your face hot with embarrassment. Quickly you spat out a reply.
“My bad, you just look really hot right now.” The sudden confidence made bakugou roll his eyes, looking away from you and onto Mina who was talking.
“Can we get going now? Y’all can flirt on the way!” Mina whined as the group started walking towards the club.
Beside you was kirishima and bakugou, Kiri made small talk and sometimes bakugou would chime in so the walk wasn’t too awkward.
“So hero work isn’t too bad, and I get to see tamaki all the time so I’m not loney!” The red head gave a toothy smile. You couldn’t help but give one back.
His smile is contagious, you thought.
“At least squid legs shuts up, I’m stuck with deku and Icy hot all day. Those dumbasses never shut up.” Bakugou growled as he looked straight ahead.
“Come on man they aren’t that bad, you’re exaggerating dude.” Kiri piped up as you chuckled. The hot head looking down at you, his eyebrow going up.
“What’s so funny short stuff?” His voice was gruff and something in you turned.
“I just think it’s cool that you both are doing something exciting like hero work, meanwhile I’m stuck inside other dusty books and files.” You exhaled at the thought of paper work.
Just when bakugou was about to say something, you best friend yelled.
“We’re here finally!” Her pink heels making her steps loud enough to hear. You looked up at bakugou and smiled, “let’s get fucking wasted.”
“That’s the spirit Y/n!” Denki called out as he had his arm around Mina.
“Tch, I’m not babysitting you if you feel sick.” With an eye roll you grabbed bakugous wrist, pulling him into the club.
Loud music and flashing lights greeted you, looking around lots of hot woman and men dancing, taking shots, and making out was all you saw. Some people were sitting, cup in hand, others rocking their hips to the beat of the music. A smile on your face as you continued to walk, his hand still in your grip and his upper body now pressed against your back.
“Fuck yeah! This shits cool!” Kirishima yelled over the music. Sero agreed as they walked over to the bar, probably going to buy shots.
“You wanna dance?” You asked loudly to Mina who was still with Denki.
“Hell yes, oh my god! Hot guys to the left y/n!” Your head tuned at the mention of men, they were about your age and honestly not your type.
When you turned back around and shook your head to Mina, she gave a small frown but quickly her lips turned up-right at the sight of a certain man coming behind you, his arms on your hips as he leaned down, hovering over your ear.
“I’m not the only one looking good tonight y/n, let’s dance, yeah?” His voice was barely audible but you heard them, your stomach doing flips as you walked to the main dance floor.
“Woah now, where’s the real bakugou?” You said as you leaves your head back onto his shoulder.
His hands were on your hips and your ass on his crotch. Swaying them side to side as the music made your nerves calm. With the help of a few shots.
Your friends not far behind. Denki and kirishima with Mina as they danced in front of y’all. They did all kinds of tricks on the floor, as you watched for about 25 minutes.
Bakugous hand finding home on your stomach, the other around your neck, not enough to stop your breathing but enough for it to turn you on.
Placing your head on his shoulder, your hand snaked up to his spuckt but soft hair, grabbing a handful, you pulled down to where your mouth was by his ear.
“Wanna go to the back?” You asked and you felt him nod.
Making your way to vancant part of the club, you stepped into an empty room. Bakugou locking the door behind him as he stepped in.
You stayed standing up and he took a seat in front of you, his legs wide open, almost inviting you to get in between them.
“You gonna stand there or you gonna get on my lap?” His voice was laced with lust, you felt yourself getting excited at his words as you sat down on his clothed cock, it somewhat coming to life.
“You look fucking hot on top of me.” His eyes trailing to your chest which was semi exposed. Your hands wrapping themselves in his spikey hair. His calloused fingers grabbing the flesh at your hips.
“Yeah? You like this?” His lips were inches away from yours. Deciding to take the first move, you close the little space that was in between you both.
Your lips connecting like puzzle pieces, the feeling of his surprisingly soft lips on yours made your head fuzzy with lust.
His hand moving down to your your plump ass, the other moving down to your breast, cupping it in his rough hand.
Pulling down your dress, bakugou played with your breasts, the sight making him stiffen under you. A low groan coming out of his mouth as he took one of your hardened nipples into his fingers. Tugging and twisting then as if they were toys, the rough pad of his finger sending waves of heat down to your cunt.
“Fuck you’re so hot, you look so good right now.” He gave your nipple one more twist before taking it into his mouth.
A wanton moan escaped your mouth, your core begging for some type of attention as he continued to suck on your breast.
Your hips having moving on their own, the feeling of you on him was too much, you pushed him off and without one swift motion your dress was on the floor, greedily you ripping his shirt off throwing it behind you.
“Bakugou, need you.” A breathy whine slipped from your lips. Grabbing your waist, he pulled you up on all fours.
“It’s Katsuki, gonna make you scream my name don’t worry.” He slipped your lace panties to the side and pushed his long finger in.
“You like that? No one’s gonna make you feel like this but me.” His other hand came crashing down to your bottom. The stinging feeling making your core tighten around his digit.
Slipping a second one in, he moved them in a scissor like fashion. You bit your lip to hold back the lewd noises. Your eyes pricking with tears as you ached for his cock.
His hand came down again, “Don’t hold anything back y/n, I wanna hear all the slutty noises you make.”
“Please- I need more, bakugou please!” The stinging from another slap made you yelp. His fingers stopped moving and you felt the frustration in you building up.
“I told you, it’s Katsuki. You want more? Take my fingers like a good slut and wait, if I do more now I’ll tear you apart.” Slipping his fingers out of your core he flipped you on your back. His eyes bored into yours, his words made your heart flutter. He was prepping you so you won’t end up in the hospital. How thoughtful.
You nodded and softly placed your lips on his, a slow Passionate kiss, with all the hunger still behind it. His fingers moving inside of you, loving the way you took his fingers in greedily.
Finally slipping his finger out, placing kisses down your cleavage, till he met your wet sex. A groan leaving his mouth as he palmed himself through his sweats.
“I’ll eat you out another day, fuck just needa be in you right now.” As he pulled down his sweats and put on the condom, your thoughts ran back to the last time you had sex.
Actually when was the last time you’ve done it? Or actually finished without using a toy?
The feelings of you being stretched out snapped you back to reality. “You’re so fucking big.” You moaned out as your hands wrapped around his neck.
“Shit you’re so tight” katsuki cursed out as he stretched his way into you. His hands pushing you back down as you flopped onto the the table.
Quickly, bakugou set his pace. Violently making your tits bounce with the force of his thrusts. His balls slapping shamelessly against your cunt. Your head going blank, only the feeling of him inside of you filled your thoughts.
Your moans echoing off the walls of the room as the music blasted louder outside, canceling your voice so only you and katuski could hear.
“Such a slut, takin’ my fucking cock like this. Bet that bastard ex ain’t even fuck you like this.” You look at katsuki with a half lit smile. He was right, he never made you feel like this, he never made you feel anything except pain and disgust.
Not katsuki though, as his hand met home with your throat, you started seeing stars, pulling himself lower to you. He reached deeper inside you, your leg thrown over his shoulder. His cock hitting that special spot that no one has reached in a long time.
Hollow kisses met your face as you let go, the coil inside you tightening as you moved your hips trying to meet your climax. Drool seeping through the corners of your mouth as you made your voice be heard, just for katsuki.
“Ima’ cum.” He said harshly as he cupped one of your plush brests in his hand, while he placed other one in his mouth, twisting and sucking delectably with the rough pad of his tongue.
His heavy dick dragging along your spongy walls as you both finally finish, shaking from under him, you both sigh in relief.
¯\_( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)_/¯ ¯\_( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)_/¯ ¯\_( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)_/¯ ¯\_( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡
I have given up on this one 😭 just wanted to post something that’s been sitting in my drafts 😓
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pettydollie · 6 months
♡☆ mha masterlist ♡.。.:*
katsuki bakugou popular bakugou x quiet reader series study buddy - wc: 691 summary: bakugou hates working with others.. but he'll make an exception for you since you seem relatively normal my girl tf? - wc: 1.3k summary: katsuki shows you off, but his peers thinks you're just a joke
songs she will be loved by maroon 5 - wc: 992 summary: your boyfriend sucks and katsuki is there for you everytime until hes had enough girlfriend by avril lavigne - wc: 500 summary: best friend!reader wants to be katsuki's gf instead delicate by taylor swift - wc: 929 summary: pro hero bakugou's fanbase hates you and turns their backs on him causing him to question your relationship peppers by lana del rey - wc: 407 summary: singer!reader and your boyfriend write hits like all the time... this is you recording one of them sensei!reader x pro hero drabble - wc: 867 summary: your pro hero boyfriend comes into your kindergarten class for a q/a! hispanic!reader x bakugou headcanons dragon!king bakugou x pregnant!queen reader - wc: 964 summary: the kingdom finds out about the queen's pregnancy. some are worried (but mostly everyone is excited for the heir) hellokitty!reader x spiderman!katsuki hcs dad!bakugou x mom!reader hcs bakugou x wife with a lot of fur babies hcs
mina ashido coming soooon!!
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maliciouslove · 11 months
Beware of Hammock
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ʚ pairing: slimeball denki x f!reader 
ʚ prompt: hammock 
ʚ word count: 1.1k
ʚ warnings: tw dubcon, tw alcohol consumption, tw weed mention, implied public sex, a bit lot of humiliation, compromising photos, not beta read, hammock
ʚ submission for the wet hot slimeball collab hosted by @bastardblvd :]
ʚ AN: well that was a fun little one hour writing challenge! as usual, thank you to merc and cassie for organizing and continuously giving me motivation and inspiration to create
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The music blares as Denki fills everyone’s shot glasses with tequila. His best mate and emergency get-out-after-a-hookup contact Shinsou “the smoke” Hitoshi sitting next to him on the table cradling a fat joint, sitting amongst the rest of the infamous UA slut gang — Touya “the slut elder” Todorki, Katsuki “anger issues” Bakugo, Ochako “the crime lord” Uraraka, Mina “the dominatrix” Ashido, Sero “infinity rizz” Hanta and Eijirou “the cumbucket” Kirishima, the notoriously hung fratboy host of this party.
The third round of “never have I ever” is now ready to begin as Ochako lifts her shot glass above her head, commanding attention. 
“Never have I ever… had sex mid day at a beach party…” The brunette looks pointedly at her chair neighbour. “And filmed it.”
With a wolfish smile Touya downs his shot followed by a hissing sound as the liquid burns down his throat. Surprisingly (but not really) Kiri also downs his shot, and with a smug smile — so does Ochako. 
“The way this keeps going I’m gonna be shitfaced in under ten minutes.” Touya complains, slamming his shot glass down at the table, but the rest of the slut gang just laugh. They know he’d be shitfaced in ten minutes regardless of the game, as poor Touya has too many daddy issues to not attempt to drown them in booze.
“Mate, I gotta know, fer science n’ all — what is the worst or weirdest place you’ve had sex?” Denki asks with curiosity spaekling in his eyes. 
He’d never admit it but he looks up to Touya in a very sick and twisted way. It’s his biggest wish to one day have a body count as high as his. That scoreboard hidden in his locker at Slimebucks mocks him daily and reminds him of his noble goal to be a bigger slut than Touya himself.
After a pause to think, the eldest Todoroki confidently states: 
“On a fucking hammock. The logistics are just..” Touya can only shake his head in disapproval as the memory flashes before his eyes. He shudders. 
Kirishima lands a heavy hand on Touya’s back. 
“Can’t be that bad, can it?” 
There is a horrified look in Touya’s eyes as he clasps dramatically Kirishima’s hand in his, pulling him close to his face as if to emphasize his point. 
“Do not. Ever. Attempt. To fuck. On a hammock.” The black haired man pours himself another tequila shot and downs it. “Learn from my mistakes.”
These words of wisdom resonate in Denki’s head long after the game of “never have I ever” ended with Touya emptying the contents of his stomach under the table, unable to keep his liquor down any longer. 
Learn from my mistakes. 
But Denki could do more! He could better Touya’s mistakes, he had the confidence that he could pull of what Touya himself couldn’t. Moving through the crowds of people dancing he spots something from the corner of his eye — a hammock. 
Devious grin plastered on his face, the blonde quickly gathers up the unoccupied hammock, considering the logistics of Kirishima’s place and figuring out the best at least semi-private place he could hang up the hammock and the easiest prey he can catch to test said hammock out. 
Twenty or so minutes later he has the hammock set up behind a shed and he proceeds to the second part of a plan — finding himself a pretty pussy to fuck. And as if the Gods of Sex heard his prayers, the crowd seems to part like the Red Sea opening a path to you — the shy, but now quite drunk new girl. 
Within seconds he has an arm around your waist, twirling you and pushing you close to him as he dances right behind you, smugly enjoying the feel of your ass grinding against him.
“Didin’t think you’d make it today, pretty girl.” He whispers in your ear, partly to be seductive, partly because it was loud as balls. 
“Mina convinced me, said Kiri throws the wildest paries and it’s apparently illegal to miss them.” You giggle and with your confidence levels raised by the alcohol you turn, tits pressed to Denki’s chest and arms draped around his shoulders. 
“Well thank fuck for Mina, huh.” 
It’s easy to charm you, a gentle touch here, a whisper and a chaste kiss there, under half an hour and Denki had you wrapped around his finger, pulling you by the wrist as you giggle and follow him behind the shack where he had set up. 
Resting in a sort of sitting position on the hammock he beckons you closer with two fingers, and chock full of giddiness and alcohol you follow, letting him wrap his hands around your middle, his face resting between your tits as a playful hand squeezes your ass that is deliciously spilling out of your jean shorts. 
The alcohol has made you pliable, a cute ragdoll for him to play with. Skimpy top pulled roughly down to expose your pretty tits to him, he bites and sucks your nipples, taking whatever he wants from you as the hammock swings back and fort gently suspended in the air. The more he squishes your soft flesh, the more eager he gets. Fuck, it had been a while since his last conquest. 
The scoreboard in his locker mocks him once more. 
When he feels your hand unbuttoning his jeans and reaching for his now fully hard cock he cannot contain himself anymore — he needs to feel your clench around his cock now. 
Forgetting about the location and unusual bed replacement he’s using, he confidently (too confidently) pulls you onto his lap, only for the hammock to betray him and twist under the weight of both of you, gravity adding to this nightmare scenario as you both end up on the grass face first. 
You crawl out from the tangles mess, rubbing at your face where it had made contact with the grass and cover yourself up in the process, suddenly way too sober and aware of your actions.
Cock out and ass in the air as his neck strains to support his upper body, Denki is still tangled in the hammock, groaning in his futile attempt to stand upright and far away from the wretched hammock. 
A bright flash startles both of you followed by loud cheering and laughter. “I knew you were gonna try that, you fucking dweeb.” Touya laughs, snapping a few more pictures before Denki gets hismelf out from the compromising position, tucking his dick back into his jeans as quickly as he could. “Listen to me next time — don’t fuck on a god damn hammock.”
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𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑! I do not own any of the characters or people mentioned in my work. these are works of pure fiction that do not reflect the views, opinions, or actions of any person, real or fictional. Furthermore, all characters I write for [thirsts, drabbles, fics, etc.] are aged up to 21 or older – they are adults with adult characteristics presented and written in adult contexts.
all rights reserved © by maliciouslove. my work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. all fanfics belong to me, please do not copy, translate nor repost the fics or files seen above as this is strictly prohibited.
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Jock vs. Nerd
part two
Had this little thought in my head...in a quirkless!college!AU...where you're a pretty girl, a popular one too...also, you're a very dominant young lady...and where you fell for the friendless, geeky, shy nerd...Izuku Midoriya...and leaving the jock, the most popular...the hottest guy in school...Katsuki Bakugo...heartbroken.
Thoughts on this? I have.
Warnings: ANGST, Bakugo: one sided-love, Deku: What? A hottie wants to date me?!, You: Come here, cute nerd! <3, Bakugo is a himbo, you're smart and pretty, Izuku's shyyyyyyy
Just to be clear: English is not my first language, so please bear with me :)
[your name will be Yena here. :)]
Have fun reading:
"I'm telling you, she likes you!", Denki nudges his jock friend Bakugo, who only swats the blonde's hand away from his shoulder. The Bakusquad was known for being good on the field in football and so being pretty popular already, but scoring even more points with the chicks because of their good looks, and with Mina Ashido being the cheer captain, one of the most popular girls in U.A. High and also one of your best friends.
And you.
Oh, please.
Don't get him started.
Should he start on how he met you? How he fell for you when you yelled back at him which made him flinch? How he couldn't get that cute frown and sweet pouty lips -which he never could stop daydreaming about kissing- of yours out of his head? How he thought that you were a literal angel when you treated his wounds? How softly you spoke to him, not yelling at him for losing their big game because of him?
Or how you'd always help him and the team out in their finals because wow; A hot and intelligent human being taking their time explaining them the subjects with a sweet voice and soft smile? Where Denki milks out every single advice and reassurance he can get form you, blushing like crazy with a stupid and smug grin directed to his teammates (where these signal him that they would kill him as soon as the study session with you was over) when you pat his head comfortingly?
Where Sero openly subtly flirts with you and you think he's only joking and flirt back, only to have him gulping while looking to the side with a shy grin but bright red face? Where Kirishima looks at you like you hung the stars because you explained him the difference between Mitosis ans meiosis in baby steps until he got it, and he gives you a dopey, lovesick grin with heart eyes. And he'd gasp softly when you'd call him a "good boy!" for explaining the difference after you've explained it to him ten times patiently (Everyone glared at the himbo with murderous intent).
Or where Shinso and Monoma asked you out multiple times in a row with you having to check your calender -a sweet, old fashioned-themed little book with a real feather and ink to write on- turning the pages a concerning amount of times with your delicate fingers (which makes the guys wish it'd be wrapped around something of theirs instead of that little book of yours) giving them a sad pout before telling the whole football team that you're not available until the next four months, which leaves the two least shy guys groaning in despair out loud and the rest looking to the side with a frown and some even cursing under their breath.
Sure, he was jealous that his teammates were ogling at you and blushing when you praised them since they were all crushin' on you, leaving him fuming in his seat, but oh, look how the table fucking turns and lands back on its legs like nothing happened when he finally has your attention. And even when he tries to listen- he really does! -he can't help but admire you.
You, who is so fucking hot and smart Bakugo's actually surprised that he hasn't popped a boner yet.
You, his childhood friend of nearly ten years, starting from pre school and onward, who he never thougth he had a chance with you until he got your attention in these little lessons you gave them, where your focus seemed to be on him and him only, where he started to sweat like crazy, especially his hands and his heart beating rapidly, his pen already slipping out of his hand, and when it does, you catch it with a fond smile before giving it back to him. However, you lay one of your soft hands on one of his caloused and scarred ones and you sigh and he thinks that you're going to ask him out on a date, to marry him, to confess your feelings to him in public-... when all you say is: "I know all this stress is taking a big toll on you, Katsuki. How about we study for fifteen minutes and do a little break, hm?"
And he can't help but nod, because suddenly, He feels a big stone in his throat, he feels like crying, scratching his eyeballs, hitting his head against a wall, because why would such a perfect little girl want to go out with a dumb himbo like him?
He knew that he was more the annoying best friend to you, because he always bullied you for being smaller than him, but no shit because he was literally a six foot something giant. He couldn't even attract you with his handsomeness, nor his rippling muscles and flexing body when it was too hot out in the summer and when he subtly tried to steal a glance at you, wanting to know if you were checking him out like all your girl friends did around you, he only found you giggling at something on your phone.
Yeah, Bakugo put on his shirt after that with a hurting heart, leaving your surrounding friends whining like greedy little bitches and running towards him.
Bakugo sighed. It was a nice dream Denki told him. Because Bakugo knew how much of a big, fat crush you've had on Deku. But what made him become your crush?
Deku's always invested in his books.
Deku's never seen without his baggy pants and oversized hoodies.
Deku's never talked to a girl except Uraraka or his mom.
Deku's never had a friend (except Bakugo himself) over at his house.
Deku's always muttering and scribbling away in his notebook or phone, where he's playing a nerdy fantasy game in the medieval times and sometimes whispers a silent, cringey: "Thou shalt be killed with that goblin-sized brain of yours...!", before you can hear a faint growling and slicing sound coming from his phone.
Deku, who never seems to actually take care of his hair, which is always in all places, too curly, or always in his face where he combs his fingers through his hair to actually see what he's doing.
And then you come into the game.
Whenever Deku does any of his little- to you very cute -antics of his, you sigh dreamily while looking at him while he writes away the english assignment he had trouble working on and you were more than ready to help him, leaving Bakugo gagging and growling quietly, staring daggers into your and Deku's head.
Or when he was over at your place, and he tried talking to you but you were too engrossed in something your phone showed you, he got fed up and snatched your phone quickly, Deku's name flashing as the chatting contact and then, he is being shoved down the ground from little ol' you, who is on top of him. Big, buff and strong Bakugo being overpowered by little sweet you, his big nose flaring up after he caught a wiff of your sweet scent and bakugo can already feel his dick twitching from where your heat was resting, but you quickly took your phone back and went into your room. However, you didn't close the door after you told him to get the fuck out of your apartment with an embarrassed red face. bakugo groaned and stared up at the ceiling, heart and dick throbbing in pain.
That's when he knew that you were crushing on his childhood friend.
One day, as you were chatting away happily with your friends, you spotted Izuku and called him over. The thing was, it would've been okay if you were with two or three of your friends, and if you guys were chilling in front of the classroom, or on campus. But no.
It was in the fucking cafeteria where you, Yena Hideyo, called a guy over to you. A cafeteria, where you were surrounded by your dozens of friends, all eating and munching, also surrounded by even more people and the cafeteria was extremely full today. Still, you beckoned him closer and suddenly, he felt all eyes on him.
I mean, it was the first time that the most popular girl in U.A. called a guy from the same age over to sit next to her and have lunch with her, except the freshmen, where the girls and boys all blushed from your milf motherly care and were asked about how school was and how you, their senior, would do everything in your might to help them. (U.A. ended up being the highest scoring school in Japan, thanks to a little help of yours) Also, they'd all blush from the close proximity you and them were in, because they could smell your scent, your glowing, sexy figure, where your thick thighs threatened to spill from your mini skirt, or how you had a too small shirt with a much too big cleavage on, where your large tits were spilling out a bit, or how your sweet tummy rolls were so cute -visible from the stomach-free top you wore sometimes- that they had to restrain themselves from pinchining them, or how nice your hair always looked, and with perfect makeup.
That's how Izuku felt, like a freshman, when he finally sat down next to you after he took an eternity with everybody's glare on him.(it actually took him less than ten seconds to speedwalk from his previous spot to yours but who cares) he could feel your unintentionally strong gaze on him and he allowed himself to feel important for once. I-if you were looking at him like that, then it was hard not to think that he wasn't special in at least some way. Izuku could smell your sweet vanilla perfume, but didn't dare to look into your beautiful face, let alone away from his hands in his lap, because if he even caught sight of your nice thighs, he'd be a goner, choke on his spit or thin air and die. He could even hear the thoughts his peers where having. How come Yena calls over such a loser? How come he gets her attention? What's so special about him? He's a nerd!
But you don't seem to care in the slightest, just happy that your favourite nerd (and crush) has taken your plea to sit down next to you. "How are you Mido? English hard? Do you need tutoring lessons?", you started speaking already after he took a bite to let him think about his answer, your friends looking at this little interaction with offended and confused faces. Why was he eating while you were speaking to him? Can't he chew a little faster to finally answer you?
And after he was done finishing his first bite, he began to ramble, but only for you and the person sitting next to him to cromprehend. "W-well, I actually do have a little trouble with English, but I think I'll manage, I don't want you to take more than you can handle- I mean, y-you- of course, you can handle things! You're- you're Yena Hideyo after all! I just d-didn't want to bother you with my problems, since you're already preparing the decorations and routine for prom and the big game is starting to come closer too and I just don't-"
"Breathe, Izuku.", you said gently, holding one of his hands which he was fumbling around when he tried to explain himself. You led it towards the table and smiled at him. Of course, he'd blush like crazy and nod before breathing. Unfortunately, the person sitting next to him was no other than Katsuki Bakugo, who'd of course laugh at him for not being able to speak coherently let alone look you in the eyes. Also, Bakugo wanted to embarrass Izuku in front of you as much as possible, so that you'd finally stop pining after that nerd and start catching feelings for him. That resulted in Izuku pale-ing/paling(?) and eating his sandwich until it was no more, all the while he had to endure this bullying side of Bakugo, which somehow still, never dissapeared.
"Ahahahahha- haaaa...you're one funny guy, nerd. Always muttering shit and not even being able to talk to Yena-" "Kats, that's enough. Drop. It.", your stern voice echoed in the big cantine, leaving everybody in shock.
They knew that you were Katsuki Bakugo's best friend and rumours spread around like crazy whenever students saw you and Bakugo interact with each other, playing with the thought of you and the jock being a couple and all. What they didn't know, for example, was that you, their little sweet sunshine of U.A., who'd always aid with a soft smile and calm voice, could hold such malice in her voice and glare at her friend of ten years with such hatred.
It left the eating ones stop chewing, the talking ones stop gossiping, the loud ones become quiet and Bakugo look at you with a shocked-I'd even dare say betrayed expression on his face. Even Izuku looked up from his sandwich to look to his right, where Kacchan was looking at you, then to you, who was giving him an annoyed look. The school bell signalled that the lunch had ended, much to everyone's dismay, and they all walked out with food in their hands.
You packed your things, but not before whispering something in Izuku's ear before you went away with your people, all the while not sparing the blonde football player a sliver of your attention. Izuku quickly stood up and ran as fast as he could, because 1. He talked to his crush-resulting in his heart beating rapidly against his chest, and 2. His crush stood up to Bakugo, with the whole school seeing them bicker wich was rather embarrassing to Bakugo...yeah, he'd kill him for that. And since Izuku didn't feel the need to die at the moment, especially after you've seductively whispered in his ear to meet you at 6 pm sharp, he ran up to the library to hide in the labyrinth of bookshelves, because Bakugo wasn't really known for his knowledge in this area, but he could still catch up to Deku.
However, since Deku knew this world of books like the back of his scarred hand, he easily dissappeared between the endless seeming shelves with his scrawny, thin body, leaving Katsuki lost and irritated. After a while, after Izuku was long gone, Bakugo found the exit and puked into a nearby dustbin because he couldn't stand the chance of seeing so many books, even though their backs were facing him. It scared him that there was an endless variety of pictureless books, where it wasn't like in comics and he also never understood actors and actresses in movies who always said that a movie would play while they were reading a book. so much for being a himbo.
"There you are!", you exclaimed happily, also glad that Izuku didn't leave you waiting any second longer. He even rang the bell to your apartment one minute earlier, which was probably because his watch was set one minute earlier so that he wouldn't come late to meetings and school and bla bla bla-
"U-uhm, yeah! You look pretty!", he said loudly, and you giggled. Taking his hand, you lead him to the living room, where all sorts of english books and literature were piled on top of each other. In total, there were only ten books, but they were thick.
Izuku was left dumbfounded. He thought that maybe, just maybe, you...well...uh, well!
"Are you hungry? I made us some pizza.", you said after he sat down and looked at the pile of books. He only nodded, a little dissapointed at the fact that he didn't get dicked down by you(...yet).
As he smiled up at you with a nod after he put on his sweet round glasses -with you internally dying of his cuteness- you made your way over to the oven of your apartment because you were already a big girl and could look after your own money which led you to invest in stocks and become rich but that's for another story (?👀?).
As you were taking out the pizza to examine the quality of the crust and middle part, being satisfied at how nice the cheese had melted, Izuku came inside and noticed you in an apron. To him, you were looking like his sweet little housewife, ready to be taken care of at the counter where he'd first eat you out and then the pizza-
Aaaaaaaaannnnd there went his dignity with his cock straining against his jogging pants. Well, shit.
"Hey Mido, need somethin'?", your sweet voice asked him and he felt his heart squeeze because you were just so perfect to him and he couldn't believe that he was alone in your home with you. "I-I jist, uh, I mean, I j-just wanted a glass of water-", and he pointed towards the sink behind you, "C-can I?"
This left you gasping and you smacked your head. "Silly me! Where are my host-manners!? I have other beverages as well! Orange juice? cherry juice? All Might smoothie? Apple-" "A-ALL MIGHT!", The nerd interrupted you and you couldn't help but burst out in laughter in his cute little antics and fanboying towards his idol the ingeneering master, Yagi Toshinori-Also known as all might.
"Okay sweetie!", you cheered before going to the fridge and giving him a fresh All Might smoothie. (it was literally a protein shake.) He loved that you didn't tease him for loving what he did, and he felt very precious in your presence. you never ushered him to something he never or didn't want to do.
Izuku took the smoothie with a precious grin and thanked you before going over to the english books and reading through them. So that's how you were always on top of the classroom...you must have been studying like crazy. And these books were amazing! He instantly understood what he did wrong when reading through the explanations.
The smell of perfectly baked pizza caught his attention and you put the sliced food in the middle of the table. You looked at him holding one of your books. "Understanding?" "Yeah, Thanks."
You smiled. "That's good to hear."
You were on your laptop, looking through some of your investments and writing emails like a professional and Izuku blushed. What were you not actually? You were smart, helpful, nice, sweet, calm, a good advisor for young and old, and you were pretty. And here you were too, helping him out by lending him some of your books to read and learn, and not expecting anything in return.
Even though he was thankful, he was greedy. Especially when somebody as extraordinary as you offered him an endless amount of help. He wanted more of your attention, more of your sweet words, and...your touch. Your hands and lips on him. The ony thing was, were you feeling the same? Probably not.
I mean, look at him, he's a nerd! Nerds don't get pretty girls like you. He could already imagine your phone going off any moment with Kacchan calling you, to ask if you'd be free today and then you'd excitedly say-
It seemed like he was staring at you too long, because after a while, you looked at him before stopping to write in your laptop. "All okay?"
Midoriya gulped nervously. Well, here goes nothing...!
"I...Uh-well, Uhm. There-there was s-something I'd like to tell you. B-but promise that you, well, that you won't laugh- or look at me with a disgusted face, or well, not a good reaction! I-just, I...I like you. Like, really, I really, really like you. I always have! From the moment I saw you for the first time where you helped a freshman reach their class and I couldn't take my eyes off of you, because you were just so pretty- which you are still now!-, and because suddenly, many people were talking to you and you had answers for every question they had.
Or the time where you were helping a teacher with finding their exams and when they found it, they were sooooo happy. Or just...all those other times, where you were just ....there!..... for everybody.
And it made me think...what about you? I want to help you. I like you, and I want you to get something in return for all those nice things you do everyday for everyone. So...what would you like to do?"
You looked at him for a moment of pure shock, not expecting him to know about your little dilemma, or even confess to you. Sure, you loved helping people, but you didn't like owing them stuff, or them having to do something for you. So...hearing your crush confessing his feelings for you and wanting to help you too, that made you swoon.
You hugged his arm and sighed. "...can we stay like that?"
Izuku gulped, feeling your soft chest, and small arms hug his toned arm, your knees on his thigh. "S-sure...!" But he still didn't get a reaction from you for his feelings. "Uh, would you like to go out sometime?"
You hugged him tighter. "Let's do that another time, love. I just wanna be close to you right now." And that made the boy happy.
"I'm surprised that you could see through my act though.", you said after a while, tracing some of his veins and scars which made the boy errupt in soft shivers. "D-don't wanna be creepy...but I can always see you...and I only see you helping people. Never anybody helping you."
You kissed his cheek by his little speech and he made happy noises. However, you didn't stop. you started connecting your lips to the arm you were hugging and pulled up his sleeve further and further until Izuku had to take it off. He was in a short sleeved grey shirt, oversized, and his thin arms were shaking with anticipation. Each time you kissed one of his freckles or scars, he felt more and more nervous. Sure, it felt nice and he cherished the moment, because it was very intimate to him. But still, he had his worries. He knew that you'd become a romantic maniac with your partner, but he never thought that he might become yours. Or were you just messing with him? Teasing him like the girls in middleschool did?
"Uhm, Yena-" "Hm? Wanna stop?", you asked, immediately backing away and about to let got of his hands when he grabbed them tightly. Strong shaking of the head. Your hands played with his hands and he felt his anxiety and bad thoughts drift away. "Wanna do something else?" Another shaking no of the head. "'want you to k-...kiss me...more...please?", he pleaded, looking up shyly to you with his thick long eyelashes. God, his eyes were so fucking pretty...!
This time, you let go of one of his nice but shaking hands and gently grabbed his cheek. "...Like...this?", you whispered against his mouth with hooded eyes and he whimpered, already leaning in with closing eyes. And when you brought your lips against his, he felt amazing. Every cell was partying as he grinned stupidly against your lips and intertwined your fingers with his, his other hand holding your hand which was on his cheek. your thumb caressed his cheekbone and Izuku sighed into the kiss in pure bliss. How many nights had the nerd been dreaming about kissing his popular crush? How many times did he want to hold your hand and just have you close to him? He couldn't remember and didn't want to either, when he had the real you right next to him, and taking his first kiss.
After a while, you parted and looked him into the eyes before smiling giddily and burying your head in his scrawny chest to giggle like a highschool girl. He was happy. If you were giggling like that and still holding his hand- this time more tightly- then it had to be that you were in love with him as he was with you. he hugged your frame, but something caught his eye; Bakugo.
The jock was standing in the corridor, his backpack threatening to fall down and scare you when it crashes to the ground, face twisted into anger, jealousy, hatred and hurt, and heavy, quick breathing. If Bakugo had been here a little earlier, he might've changed something, but no. He saw everything. From the moment where you started to kiss his knuckles up his shoulder and then...kissing his lips. Like you two were a real couple. You really loved Izuku.
he went out again and called one of the girls Denki recommended him. "Yer free t'night? Need to fuck out some pain."
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