kayyabread · 6 months
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and we forget time as we wade through the waters
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netherknit · 2 years
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minato ryoji girlies make some noise
652 notes · View notes
skrrtscree · 2 years
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Considering this my halloween post, so have them dressed up as gomez and morticia (ken is Wednesday btw)
I had another version of them as Jack and Sally but I got more invested in this lol
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narrators-journal · 1 year
Part 8
Oh. My. God. This part alone took SO LONG to rewrite!! I've taken a 5,982 part, to 6,085 words, and I am hoping that is from better descriptions and emotional focus rather than bloat lol. Other than that, I can't exactly say if Yukari is a good portrayal, in or out of character, but I tried.
CW: slight groping, more blueballing lol
Previous part: here
Next part: here
TOC: here
After that conversation, both men tried to keep to their words. Starting with Ryoji warming back up to the sacrifice, and Minato doing his best to not be as cold as he had been. Even when the brunette gave him his abandoned anti-depressants, a sketchy, yet caring act to attempt and help his mental state, or tried, and failed, to get him clothes that were more than his white dress the man bit back any urges to shove Ryoji away. He may have bristled still. But, he refrained from belittling the too big or too small clothes his roommate had gotten him. He simply kept in mind that, as a sacrifice to the god of death, Minato was banned from being taken shopping.
Yet, even with his best reasoning or choking down his venom, the transition was not swift nor easy. And in the months between one icy season to the next year's bout of chill, Minato could only try his best. Though, even then he couldn't help but feel an ever-present mix of melancholy and dread in his chest. After all, the return of his medication curbed his loss of motivation and days spent watching television in bed, but they did little to make letting Ryoji closer any easier.
At this point, I doubt I'll get taken by Thanatos. He was musing one cooling late spring evening. Sitting out in the garden of dead rows and clusters of flower bushes as the setting sun painted the sky beautiful rose gold hues. Though, I mean, did I actually expect to leave? With how attached Ryoji seems to be? At that, he glanced at the suspender-clad brunette sitting beside him. Both, meaning Minato got not only his own part, but the majority of ryoji's as well, eating a dinner of over-seasoned fried chicken in the beautiful light of the setting sun. But, while the man seemed content in the scene, Minato found himself less settled. Does that mean I should just bite the bullet? Open up about everything? He asked himself. The idea making a bit of sense, since he'd be likely staying with the man for the foreseeable future, so might as well, right?
Though, he didn't need to debate what topic to bring up, because Ryoji paused his meal to ask,         "Hey, Mina. Would it be too invasive if I asked you if you missed your hometown?" Which, got the man to think about it before he shook his head,       "I mean, I know it's a bit wrong, but not really." He admitted, looking up to the sky as it darkened into night. "Though, i guess I'm biased since I got tossed out as a sacrifice."         "Ah, yeah, I guess the system for sacrifices isn't particularly fair." Ryoji agreed, putting his plate aside "But, this place isn't bad, is it? I mean, y'know, circumstances considered." Minato shrugged at that,       "Considering I expected to be dead or violently assaulted by now. This place is pretty nice. Especially since I lived in a tiny, nasty apartment before I was thrown to the wolves."
The brunette smiled at that, hooking his thumbs under his suspenders proudly, earning a chuckle from the sacrifice. But, after his moment of preening, Ryoji settled back into their comfortable silence. Leaning back in the porch chair he sat in, watching the stars with Minato and listening to the occasional chirp of the bravest crickets coming out of hiding.           "Hey Ryoji, since you asked me a question, can i ask you one?"         "Sure," the assistant hummed, the shaggy-haired emo looking over to him as he asked,         "Why are there no crickets here? I think even when I was running in the woods things went silent when you got near, so...what the hell is that about?" Ryoji kept his eyes on the star-littered sky as he spoke with a shrug of his own.         "I can tell you the silence here is from Thanatos coming around. Most living things don't particularly enjoy the Grim Reaper's presence. As for the woods thing..." He paused to think back, "I heard animals when I was looking for you. Maybe you missed them in your panic." And the man conceded to that. In his frantic race to try and get away, he had missed a glaring tree root, he could have very well missed the sounds of whatever winter fauna was there. So, he accepted the answer and stretched.
After that, though, Ryoji made it a game. Taking turns with the midnight-haired sacrifice asking questions.         "So, what's it like preparing for...your job." Minato asked, Ryoji humming,           "Oh, about as average as any other child being groomed by a predator." They both laughed a bit at that before Ryoji turned serious. "No, but really. It wasn't that bad. I had every chance to back out, I had two siblings who could've done it, and I wasn't shown any traumatizing thing to 'prepare me' or whatever you might assume. The worst part was finding a way to off myself when it was time to take up the mantle."
The sheer nonchalance in his words made the sacrifice blink at the god's assistant. Who only looked back at him for a long, silent moment before he cracked. The pudgy brunette cackling like a 2-pack-a-day madman and relieving the tension in the air at last.         "Don't joke like that so seriously! You make me look stupid!" Minato snapped, making the assistant laugh harder,         "Why did you think it was true to begin with?!"         "Do you think I got the rundown of sacrifice etiquette like you did?! I don't know what to believe about your fucking life!" He pointed out. Glaring pink-faced at the brunette as he wheezed and howled with twisted mirth until he got his breath back.         "Did you think you nailed a corpse?" Was his first question, his voice too full of hope to appease the emo's pride.
Expectedly, the two let the chilled air mellow back out before picking the game back up while watching the stars.         "Do you think your parents miss you, at least?" Was Ryoji's follow-up question. Instantly stirring up a sick sense of anxiety from the blue-haired man. A potent enough discomfort, that Ryoji said nothing when Minato instead countered with,     "It's getting pretty late into December this year. Are you gonna pick up a sacrifice like last year?"       "Nah," The brunette hummed, "Thanatos usually brings them. Though, I have been 'on call'" he said with air quotes, "in case the sacrifice brought needs anything. Kinda like I did with you, but usually it's less hypothermic threats, and more explaining and soothing." Minato nodded at that,         "Damn, was my year that bad?" And Ryoji nodded,         "The year you got sacrificed was kind of crazy. Cold, snowy, windy, you couldn't have been sacrificed in a worse year, in my opinion."         "Damn." he repeated. Letting the question game pitter out in favor of admiring the crystal clarity of the starry winter night.
Eventually, they moved inside with their plates. Minato helping Ryoji with the dishes in silence until the brunette asked in a cautious voice,         "Funeral lily, I know you don't want to talk about it too much, but...do you and your parents have a relationship?" Getting another stretch of silence until the man finally answered.         "My parents died in a car crash when I was seven. So...no."
Ryoji nodded and didn't press further. Letting their silence continue through the remaining dinner dishes and migration into the living room to watch television before bed. A regular part of a routine they had developed when it became clear that the sacrifice would not vanish. A pleasant routine, of little more than sitting side-by-side on the gothic couch, or sometimes cuddling, as the TV played some random show.
So, when the taller brunette tugged him into his arms, Minato found that he didn't feel a strong burn crawl across his pale skin. That sense of disgust he grew used to gnawing at him numbed by the familiar warmth of the casual affection.
Instead, Minato simply relaxed and let the god's assistant pull him into a more comfortable position on the velvety, vampiric couch. Melting like hot butter under the persuasion of his full stomach, the rhythmic breathing of his companion, and the way Ryoji lazily rubbed circles into his back. Until his grey eyes could no longer focus on the cooking show playing on the screen and began drifting shut.
All it took was a single blink, and the shaggy-haired man was aware of something draping over him instead of the pleasant weight of someone's arms. Also aware of an abrupt silence in the darkened living room.           "Ryoji?" He mumbled, prying his eyes open to blearily look around in the shadows for his missing pillow. His simple inquiry hardly sounding like a word to himself, yet was decipherable enough to earn him a soothing pet when he lifted his head.         "Shhhhhh, go back to sleep, funeral lily." came the silky smooth murmur of Ryoji's voice. His darker, less energetic, yet warm, voice washing over the sacrifice as he stroked his blue hair. "I'll be right back, promise. I'll only be gone for a moment."
And just like that, it was as if Minato's barely awake mind fell under a spell. Lulled back to sleep until he stirred once more to the watery yellow rays of the sun pouring through the spider web curtains and the scent of food wafting into the room. Pushing himself up, the shaggy-haired man shuffled out of the living room to follow the aroma into the kitchen.
Of course, he found the tall brunette at the stove with the back of his suspenders obscured by his scarf.           "Good morning, funeral lily!" He chirped, looking over his shoulder to smile at the sleep-disheveled man. Showing his usually pushed-back hair falling into his face in some form of messy bedhead. "You sleep well?"           "Uh, yeah. But, why'd you get up last night?" He asked, making the brunette blink a bit,           "Oh, you remember that? I'm sorry, I tried not to wake you up." He said, turning back to his cooking while Minato sat back at the kitchen island, "But! You know how I mentioned being 'on call' in a way? Well, this year's sacrifice was finally brought in. I had to help with her." Minato nodding at that as he sat and played with one of the fake sunflowers set in the middle of the marble countertop.           "Where is she? Do I get to move into your room now?"
There was a pop of grease or stray food bits combusting on the too-hot stove burner. Flicked out of the pan when the brunette jolted at that suggestion. Followed by a pause that Minato could take to read Ryoji's mind through his body language. Seeing the ping pong bounce between lust and confusion. Back and forth while the god's assistant tried to figure out where to take that casual, almost bored question.
When push came to shove, though. He only gave a small, slightly awkward laugh and said,           "Oh, she won't be booting you out of your room or anything. There are plenty of rooms here. Space has never been an issue when it came to the sacrifices unless you count the leftover bodies. They're always a bother to hide." He joked before moving over to serve the omelette he was working on to a plate waiting on the counter. "she's a few doors down from your room, though. But, she shouldn't be too much of a bother, she's kinda reclusive right now." With that assurance, Ryoji gave him the pile of greyed eggs.
So, Minato took the hint and poked his food and let the pink hue fade from the chef's round cheeks. Then, he asked a follow-up  question,           "What if I want to share your room, though?" and stirred the crimson hue back up.           "What?! Why would you want- wait, I know you said you wouldn't be as much of a dick, but don't you- I kind of assumed you didn't like that stuff?" Minato shrugged at that,           "I mean, we've already fu-" The sacrifice got cut off when Ryojji perked up at the sound of a nearby door opening. Dashing around the kitchen island before the blue-haired emo could even  register that the front door had opened and closed.
The last thing he got in the way of explanation was a swift, haphazardly tossed,           "Don't you dare fucking run, again." Before the brunette took off like a greyhound after the fake rabbit.
As fast as a lightning strike, their conversation cut off and Minato was left sitting at the kitchen island with his over-seasoned omelette.
We should run again. While he's distracted and the snow is light. A voice whispered, that familiar itch of fear finally rearing its head for the first time in months. Not some sense of dread for his mortality, though. But the more familiar tendril of ick he often got from any of his past partners getting too touchy-feely. But, the sacrifice shook his head to chase that thought away. No, no. I have it made here. No rent, no bills, this is an absolute haven. If I run, I'll start more shit and ruin all of it.
With that, the sacrifice returned his attention to his omelette to wait for Ryoji to return. Inevitably greeted by the front door opening and the feral snarling of a less familiar voice.           "Put me down! I'll fucking kill you!" A woman yowled. Minato peeking out to see a brown-haired woman in a similar snowy dress to the one he wore, and a thick metal cuff on her wrist like he'd had as well. He likely would have recognized her as well, but he didn't exactly try. He only watched Ryoji wrangle her up the staircase to her room.         "Miss, will you please calm down already? I told you last night, you're not allowed to leave. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but that isn't up to me."       "Why not?! Why am I even here?! Sacrificing is out-dated, this is bullshit!" She snarled back, returning the brunette's patience with a familiar hot temper. Only tamped down by the fact she was being carried away from the first sacrifice. So, to continue being nosey, he moved closer to the doorway to catch Ryoji's quieter response,           "Like I told Mina, there are dangerous people out there and they could hurt either of you." Only earning more venom and vitriol.
Which, while Minato couldn't blame her, It was a fair reaction to her predicament, her fit began to grate on the blue-haired man. So, he returned to his seat at the kitchen island while the food he assumed was for her sat, cold, on the counter.
Waiting until Ryoji trudged back into the kitchen to ask in his usual flat voice,         "I take it she's not happy to be here?" to which the brunette only shook his head and sat beside him at the island to lean on his shoulder.       "She's beyond pissed, and I doubt me having to lock her in her room for that stunt helped her mood much."       "Aw, your charms didn't persuade her to stay?" Minato joked, still getting a snort despite his inexpressive voice.       "Not a bit. She's too fresh for that to work, right now. She should calm down by tomorrow, the day after at the most. But, for now, I'm gonna leave her be." Which, made Minato eye him a bit.       "What makes you so confident in that?"       "Most do." the brunette said, sitting back up and shrugging. "It usually takes a day or two before the sacrifices tend to calm down and start seeking comfort." Yet, he did add, "Some don't, though. Some girls stay in their rooms and stay mad I won't let them go." which made the sacrifice chuckle.
And, while it was a weird thing to be so sure of, he proved to be right all the same. By the next day, when the shaggy-haired man came downstairs to find a snack, he instead found that same brunette in a bleached white dress already rummaging through the fridge while being as sneaky as possible. As if she'd face punishment for eating.
And, in a normal situation, a person might clear their throat, or do something loud to alert the unaware person to their presence. Yet, this wasn't a normal situation, so Minato instead went over to the dish cabinet to pull out a bowl. The scrape of porcelain on porcelain finally announced his position in the room. Making her squeak and bristle like a porcupine as she glared at him with frantic, hazel eyes.         "Who the hell are you? I thought that Ryoji dude was the only one here." She about spat, her search for food forgotten at the addition of a new person. Her venom only earning a nonchalant shrug,         "Another sacrifice, if you couldn't tell." He said, showing her the knee-length dress he still wore as a primary outfit.         "Where are you from? I thought only Tatsumi sacrificed people still, and they only do it once a year." She pointed out, trying to poke holes in his claims.           "Same place as you, but I've been here a little under a year now."
As he spoke, he reached past her to grab the jug of milk for his cereal, adding,         "Also, Ryoji makes breakfast when asked, you don't have to sneak." But, she ignored that jab and continued to eye him as he made some froot loops.         "Are you actually a sacrifice?" She asked, "Tatsumi doesn't sacrifice men." Only getting yet another shrug,         "They made an exception for me because I was particularly cute."         "Quit being a prick!" she snapped, standing up from her stealth crouch as if her being near his height would intimidate him. "You're fucking with me, but I'm not stupid! Who the hell are you?!" She demanded, Minato leaning away from the woman when she tried to get into his face.         "Well, you first. What's your name?" He asked in his usual bored monotone, making her huff,         "Yukari Takeba. Now, who the fuck are you."         "Thanatos." He said simply. Tossing the claim out there like it was nothing and enjoying the sparks of fear in her hazel eyes at that. Only for that blip of anxiety to suffocate on instantaneous suspicion.       "Bullshit."       "Then, who am I? You won't believe I'm a sacrifice, if I'm not the god you're here for, who am I then?" Minato snarked, eating his cereal as he kept his cool against the startled girl. Who took a moment to debate that dilemma before asking,       "If...you are a sacrifice, why are you so calm about being here? If you had gotten sacrificed to Thanatos like I was, why aren't you fucking scared?" Yukari accused, amusing him again. Should I tell her? He asked himself, Explain all the shit in my life? Make this worlds more awkward? but he decides against that. Fuck that, she doesn't deserve shit from me.
Instead of answering, he shrugged once again. Taking a petty pleasure in how his nonchalance earned a snarl. But without his answer, and the debate of whether he was a god or another victim, Yukari couldn't exactly bring herself to attack him. Minato could see it in her eyes like a script screen.
So, he left his cereal half eaten on the counter and headed back to the door.         "Where the fuck are you going?! Answer me!" She demanded, quick to try and follow, only to hit the brakes when Ryoji came downstairs. Yet, the male sacrifice didn't stop to chat when the deific assistant asked,         "Did I miss something? Did you two fight already?"       "She has questions for you." Was all he offered on his way back to his cream-toned sanctuary of color and warmth in the gothic home.
I should be helping this girl adjust, not making things worse. Part of him noted when he'd flopped back onto his bed. Set to spend his day napping and watching TVsa. That would be the nice thing to do, at least. Yet, the pettier part of him piped up to argue, Ryoji's here to answer her questions. Plus, if she does fear me as Thanatos, him being the god of death instead would be a pleasant surprise.
And, that's where things stood while the day ticked by. Minato sticking to his plans to stay in bed, using the programming on the small TV he'd gotten and the varying rays of gold pouring in through the balcony doors to guestimate time. At least, until the scent of dinner drifting through the vents alerted him of it being dinner time. Luring him out of bed and back downstairs to find Yukari in a calmer mood. Sitting in his usual spot at the island and Ryoji at the stove, answering the questions the girl asked.         "Thanatos doesn't want his sacrifices harmed by unpredictable or malicious people." He explained as the blue-haired sacrifice strolled into the kitchen to sit on the counter to watch his friend cook. "He wants you guys happy, not miserable and hurt."         "Why, though? What exactly does he even want sacrifices from us? Children?" She asked, adding when she noticed Minato, "A meal? Keep us here until we keel over from old age for some sick amusement?" She countered, the tall man only able to shrug,         "I'm not told what he does with the people brought here. I only know he wants me to keep his sacrifices happy and safe until it's time for you to fertilize the tomatoes." He chuckled. Yukari instinctively looking to her fellow sacrifice for some form of comfort or confirmation. Only to find him giggling along with the helper. Though, Ryoji did assure, "I'm joking, Yukari. I don't know what Thanatos does when he comes to collect his sacrifices, but I haven't ever had to bury anyone here." Not that she seemed to listen, putting her head in her hands for a long moment of silence.
Finally, she began to jolt and shake. Sobbing into her hands until Ryoji left the food on the stove and went to wrap his arms around the girl. Only for her to shove him away and snap,         "Why?! I don't understand any of this! Why would Thanatos want sacrifices? You didn't explain that!" she accused, Minato jumping down from the counter to get into the fight if he needed. Yet, for the time being, he stayed by the counter to let Ryoji handle it. "How could you not know what the fuck Thanatos wants?! You told me on the first night that you were his assistant, so explain yourself!" She demanded, but the brunette could only put his hands up,         "I do as he says, I was always taught not to question too much for the sake of my own mental health. All I know is that sacrifices stay here for about a week, then are usually taken by him to some new place. I'm sorry I can't tell you more." In response to that, though, all Yukari did was shake her head and try to hit the assistant. Using the blows to punctuate her sobbed demand,         "No! No, I want to go home! Let me- take me home, you- you- ARGH!" her smacks and punches weakening as tears coursed down her cheeks. Her anger caving to the gentle soothing and offered comfort. Letting Ryoji pull her into a hug and softly sway her from side to side.
I fucking hate her. A dark voice in Minato's mind hissed at the sight, the sacrifice having to rip his dark eyes from them. A more realistic side piping up to remind him, Wait, no. Even if we're friends, or...whatever. It's still his job to comfort sacrifices. I shouldn't get jealous over that. Adding once he'd taken a deep breath, Besides, she's struggling far more than I did, she deserves a hug. She was probably forced to give up a lot more than I did. I have no room for irrational bullshit.
Yet, right as the thought bubbled up, the stern reminder popped at the sudden tug of Ryoji drawing Minato into a hug. The brunette lowering his head to mumble in a tone so amused that it dyed the man's pale cheeks red in a flash,         "Don't you worry, Mina. My bed is still always open to my funeral lily, if you want it." And while Minato could admit to maybe, slightly warming up to the thought of developing feelings for the brunette. He would go to his grave before he admitted to how much of a balm that reminder was to the sunburn of bitterness. And, despite that openness, that burn still redirected to his groin to distract from the simpler softness.
Spared the familiar discomfort he could feel slithering in when Yukari cleared her throat. Having dried her eyes and recomposed herself at the island of cupboards and marble,         "Y'know, I'm too tired for dinner, so I'll leave that there for now. But, I still have questions, so..." she paused to look between them as the assistant kept his arms around the male sacrifice. "could I come find you later if I need?"         "Of course!" Ryoji chirped, giving her a vibrant smile as the girl got up. Throwing Minato a particularly judgemental look before she pulled the kitchen door closed behind her.
So, Ryoji shrugged and made sure to store a portion of the night's meal in the fridge in case she wanted it later. The rest of it shared between him and the male sacrifice and inevitably ending up given over to Minato. All done in a comfortable silence while the tv played like usual.
After that, Ryoji proved to be accurate in his predictions with the new sacrifice. After those first two days, the girl took to hanging around him or, annoyingly, Minato.
Despite the good insulation in the fancy home, the emo couldn't help but suspect the second sacrifice could hear him in his room. Because, whenever he emerged from hiding to get food or try to flirt with Ryoji, she'd spawn in like a video game enemy.           "Are you dating Ryoji?"           "Are you actually from Tatsumi port?"           "Aren't you scared of Thanatos?"           "Have you tried to escape? If so, how?" Each new sighting brought a new question from her, and Minato usually did his best to answer or redirect her to Ryoji. But when the girl began prying into him and Ryoji, he turned to the one place she seemed to know better than to go. His room.
Naturally, the question of Is this a little too cruel of a response? popped into his head a few times as he began adjusting his routines to avoid his new housemate. But, despite whatever personal growth he may have gained in his time with the god, he was still content with assuring himself, Nope. Ryoji can answer her questions. I'm not getting myself into trouble for aiding and abetting an escape or being judged again. Had enough of that shit in Tatsumi.
Cold, yes. But he allowed himself the limit.
But, he knew he couldn't keep up the cold-shouldering forever. That theory confirmed when, three days into his reclusion, he heard Ryoji give a chipper knock at his door,         "Mina~ Funeral lily~ why are you hiding?" He sang, making the man snort,         "Why are you asking~" He sang back through the door, not bothering to let the man in. Getting a small moment of heavier silence in response before the helper spoke again,         "Well, out of curiosity, and...y'know."
He said the last part in a quieter, heavier tone that conveyed the meaning well enough. Making Minato's belly twist once or twice before he tamped the itch of discomfort back down. I've grown past this. He scolded, taking a moment to ensure he didn't let that compassion sour his progress.         "I'm fine, Ryoji. I'm not trying to hurt myself, I simply don't want to go downstairs these last few days."         "Are you sure? I'd hate to need to wash off  your redecorating." The brunette chuckled, trying for a joke to lighten the mood, which did make Minato snort and roll his eyes,       "I promise, I am in no danger of redecorating the walls in any fashion"         "Then, why are you hiding?" he asked, Minato not responding right away.
So, Ryoji seemed to think for a moment before a more amused tone crept into his voice, "Could it be, you're jealous?~"         "Why would I be jealous?" Was the swift snap he got. Too swift, judging from the giggle the brunette gave from the hall.         "Because Yukari's here. I noticed how annoyed you got when I hugged her, now you're hiding in your room now that she's more comfortable." He pointed out next, and the sacrifice hoped he could feel his annoyance now as well.       "I'm not jealous of her, especially. It's your job, I'm not a child, I can fucking share." He insisted, putting a stop to further teasing with, "Now, good night, Mochizuki."         "Funeral lily, it's noon."         "Goodnight."
So, taking the hint, he heard the deific assistant chuckle and walk away. Leaving him to continue watching his television as he chewed on his thoughts. I'm not jealous of Yukari, right? He asked himself, I can't be, I may be sort of close to Ryoji, but it's his job. I'm more mature than that. He assured himself. Taking a deep breath to exhale the dull ache of vague upset that threatened to bloom into irrational disgust. Not wanting to welcome back those nasty thoughts of chasing the brunette off.
It would get rid of this whole debacle. A dark voice in his head whispered. He's bound to ditch me, may as- No. Minato stomped the train of thought out. No more of that. Ryoji could very well be fucking Death, how is he going to ditch me? Make me immortal to get rid of me? He scolded himself, groaning and flopping an arm over his eyes. Only moving so he could focus back in on the Christmas shows.
Though, at some point, the midnight-haired emo must have fallen asleep. Because, when he blinked awake again, the dark cream walls were cast in a more fiery orange from the setting sun. Not that the sun was the only thing to change. His canopy curtains had also shut, despite having been open when he'd dozed off.       "Ryoji?" He asked, pushing himself up on his hands to try and scan the armchair and dresser for any signs of the assistant. Yet, after a small moment, he shook his head, muttering, "Why am I looking for him like he'd be watching me sleep?" before moving to throw his legs over the side of the mattress. Only to feel something grab one of his ankles.
On instinct, Minato looked down to find an explanation, but only found the familiar, exciting lack of a visible restraint.       "Oh shit, hi Thanatos. Long time no...feel." He said, following the sensation of the large hand with a spark of heat in his belly and hunger in his eyes. Up his pale ankle, calf, and over his thigh until the god could squeeze his hip to earn a small squeak from the sacrifice. Yet, the god didn't move beyond that. Or, to be more precise, his thumb. Despite having said digit pressed to the male offering's already eager groin. As if to maintain a low simmer of desire without turning the heat up.
And, out of curiosity for the deity's lewd plan, he obediently stayed put. With most of his weight on his hands and the second of Thanatos' hands ghosting along his pale skin to rest on his hip too. Stirring up the coals of lust ever so gently while he waited.
Though, thankfully, he wasn't left to suffer. Once the god had him in his spectral hold, his thumb began stroking the growing bulge in the man's boxers. Sending bolts of sizzling need through the midnight-haired man's blood to pull out a low moan with gentle pressure and slow movements.
A technique Thanatos stuck with despite Minato starting to squirm. Taking his time, pressing the pads of his spectral fingers into the soft flesh of Minato's body, kneading out tension he wasn't even aware of. Leaving the shaggy-haired male putty in his hold. only able to moan, gasp, and hum at every spark of delicious warmth stirred within his belly. Not that he was about to try and complain. So long as the deity kept making his blood thrum, he could resist the impatience.
But, right as the blue-haired man laid back on the mattress to let the god spend the approaching night working him up to, what Minato hoped was, a far more thorough orgasm than he could achieve alone. A knock at his door interrupted the moment. Blowing the ghost's touch away like a candle snuffing out in a tornado. Leaving the male sacrifice broiling in unquenched lust for the second time.         "Ryoji Mochizuki, I swear to Jesus-" He snarled. Throwing himself out of bed with no real care for the canopy to stomp over and rip open the door. Completely ready to either bite the assistant's head off or mount him like a hunting trophy. He couldn't decide. Only to find a different brunette at his door.       "Yukari." He shamelessly snapped out, no longer as flat sounding as he usually was. his voice dropping to a darker tone as he glared down the newer sacrifice, who seemed shaken at the wrath. "What the hell do you want at this hour?"
Yet, her shock was brief, soon replaced by her own hostility,         "Why are you so pissy, already? I haven't even seen you for the past three days. I haven't done shit to you." She pointed out, the male sacrifice barring his teeth at her,       "First, it's the middle of the night,"       "It's hardly fucking seven."       "Second, Ryoji's the one who's meant to answer all your questions, not me." He reminded, Yukari almost turning her nose up at him,       "This is a private matter, I don't want to talk to him about it." She argued, but Minato still continued with his next poisonous barb,       "And finally, aren't you supposed to be gone by now?! You've been here, like, four or five days, you should be gone."       "A week is seven days, dumbass! I have two days left!" she snapped back, getting a frosty glare in silence.
Yet, Minato couldn't deny his curiosity, now that the fury of getting blueballed had faded a bit. So, he huffed a bit,       "Fine, what is so secretive that you had to ask me and not Thanatos' assistant?" in response, Yukari eyed him for a few seconds before asking again,       "Have you tried escaping? Or do you at least know Ryoji's habits enough to know of any openings?"
Minato sighed at that, leaning against the doorframe,       "Didn't you already try asking this?"       "Yes, and I've asked if you were dating Ryoji. You answered neither." She reminded, making him roll his eyes.       "Look, I have tried to run, but I failed. You kind of can't escape, Yukari, you got sacrificed to literal fucking death." He pointed out, getting a sour look as if she had grown offended he dared state the obvious flaw. Yet, he couldn't find any joy in watching the hopeful fire in her eyes die down into despair. He turned his storm-grey eyes to the dark hallway tile and let the conversation die out after that. Only breaking the silence to offer, "Look, I'm sorry that you got thrown into this, but you're likely better off staying here. Either Thanatos will take you, or you'll get to stay here like me, and...well, at least the second option isn't that bad?" And, at least she did agree on that.
Wiping her eyes, Yukari took a few deep breaths and finally spoke again,         "So...do you at least know of any openings or weak spots here?" earning a sigh from the man. Shaking his head, Minato stepped back into his room,       "Not exactly. I tried stacking snow to get over the garden wall, but this year's winter isn't as bad as last year's. So, you can't do that. I'm sorry, again." Yet, that time the teary-eyed girl only waved off his sympathies and trudged off back to her own room. Replacing Minato's anger with a twinge of guilt for the night.
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packsnack · 2 years
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p1 of a ryomina comic to cut your bangs by radiator hospital 💜💛
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persona-incorrect · 2 years
Mitsuru: Is everyone ready?
Minako: Yep!
Minato: Heck yeah. I’m currently running on two hours of sleep, depressing thoughts, and an oreo. I’m not afraid to fight a god or become one.
Akihiko, to Minako: Should we be worried?
Minako: I mean maybe a little.
Mitsuru: Okay S.E.E.S you know what to do.
Shinjiro heading downstairs: I'll go make some food.
Minako, sighing: I'll try to get him to sleep.
Ryoji: I'll provide unconditional love and affection to help counteract his thought process.
Akihiko, walking out the door: And I'll help Shinji with the food.
Shinjiro, from downstairs: No you won't!
Akihiko, walks back in looking disappointed: No I won't.
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dykefagz · 4 years
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 4 years
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kayyabread · 5 years
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‘Let’s meet again,
One of these nights’
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netherknit · 9 months
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like you're my one and only fan !
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skrrtscree · 2 years
I like angst and hurt especially with my favourite ships so now it's everyone else's problem - tis the season after all eheh
[[CW: mentions of blood and death, brief mention of wanting to disassociate (but it doesn't go too in depth)]]
It only takes a few weeks for Minato to fall for Ryoji, and he falls he falls HARD. Like stereotypical highschool crush stuff that everyone knows minato likes ryoji like it's common knowledge (most people even think they're actually dating) - well, everyone except Minato and Ryoji know. Whenever Yukari says something about it minato will act aloof not knowing what she's talking about, as if his face doesn't light up oh so slightly whenever Ryoji enters a room or looks his way, as if he's not spending most of his days around them doing whatever and listens so intently and every word that comes out of their mouth.
It takes him a while to even fully process these feelings - he'll catch himself drawing little doodles of his friend on his page instead of taking notes like he should be, he fixated on little details on Ryojis face that he's never seen before stopping himself and pulling away (he was never good at eye contact but it came easy with them, he couldn't look away from those eyes). Then he starts dreaming about him during class and he's not sure how to react to it, he can't really cause then Ryoji comes up to him and drags him somewhere else and distracts him like they always do and he puts it on the back burner for later.
But it was one night after Ryoji left the dorm, about an hour stray of midnight, he's looking for the window watching them walk out of sight when Junpei makes some remark about the two like he always does, does it all click for him - oh shit, I like them. But he's not that worried about it, at least not yet, he feels - happy? Happier than he's felt in weeks, months - maybe years. How could a guy he only met a few weeks ago do that to him? He looks at the moon, noting that it's a full moon tonight but instead of the usual dread of uncertainty he was expecting, he felt something akin to hope..
Of course things can't be that simple for Minato, nothing really is... of course the first guy he ever falls for turns out to a monster of death, one monster who just so happens to be the whole reason Itsukui made them fight in the first place.
Aigis' warnings ring true and now here they were, Ryoji begging minato to kill him, to forget about everything that's happened, to forget everything he fought for, to forget them, to live the last few months they have in peace before it all comes to an abrupt end.
He thought about it, dreamt about it even, of his hands and sword covered in blood, impaled through their chest...
He hated those dreams. Minato always woke up afterwards struggling to breathe, he'd jump out of bed and rush to the sink in the corner to just wash his hands even if he knew it was just a dream and there was really no blood shed, he still felt dirty. he couldn't look at himself in the mirror or he'd just see their face staring back instead, blank eyes with that stupid fucking smile...
He feels like he should blame Ryoji for ruining his life, for clinging onto him and poisoning anything good he ever had. Ge thinks he should also be blaming aigis as well, they were the reason why death existed in him in the first place.. but he can't bring himself to do that because he knows that they didn't have any choice, Aigis was just following their program and Ryoji was well... not the Ryoji he knew, not yet at least, they were just concepts who couldn't think for themselves.. far different from the aigis and ryoji he'd come to know now...
In the end he couldn't do it, he knew deep down he couldn't but he was still attempted to. He had the switchblade up to their throat but they didn't even react. He looked into those eyes he adored so much and didn't see a thing behind them. Ryoji kept wearing that smile but the warmness it once had was gone and it just felt hollow. But that wasn't the worst part, that was when they told him that he felt happy, truly happy, and he just couldn't accept that. Minato was shaking, he was terrified and Ryoji knew it, of course they did and he didnt want to hear anything else Ryoji was saying, he couldn't take it. Even staring down the beast that had haunted his nightmares for a decade couldn't make him budge. Minato knows he said something to them that was enough to get them to give up on convincing him but it wasn't enough for him.
He wants to blank out so badly but he can't. He hasn't been able to blank out at all this past month. No matter what he did he just couldn't escape reality anymore, not when the question of it was always in the back of everyones minds, himself included.
During the whole conversation downstairs he was aware of everything that was happening, how Ryoji talked about climbing up Tartarus and defeating Nyx like it was an impossible task and like they were stupid for trying, how Junpei tapped his foot like a nervous tick, how Yukari took glances at him whenever she thought he wouldn't notice, how he could hear the whirring of cogs inside Aigis (he swears that it's not always that loud), how he was fucking shivering and not because of the temperature in the dorm or how his shoes needed to be polished or how he was trying with all his might not to fall apart right now.
He could hear footsteps, Ryojis footsteps, as they advanced toward the front door and he finally looked up not wanting forget what they looked like. Ryoji stopped before he walked out, turning their head and locking eyes with him and suddenly it was like they were the only ones in the room and he feels like he's gonna choke. He wants to say something, anything, but the words are all clogged up in his throat. Ryoji, for their part, still has the same smile on their face as they deliver the worst lines Minato has heard all night.
They just said farewell. And just like that Ryoji was gone, having said everything they had wanted. But Minato hadn't.
He wants to tell them how much they really mean to him, how much he didn't want to lose them forever, how they were the first person in ages who made him feel whole, how they filled a hole in his heart that not even SEES, who he saw as his family, could fill and-
It hit him all at once how much he loves Ryoji, how he's only properly knew this guy for a few weeks but was so sure that he wanted to be with them for the rest of his days. Was it werid that he was in love with Death itself? Was he crazy for loving someone that existed inside him for so long? He didn't care, he didn't care if they were a monster, he didn't care if they were trying to put on a front to get him to hate them because it didn't work and it didn't matter anymore.
The horrible truth was that he was in love with Ryoji Mochizuki and there was nothing he could do about it.
He was in love with Ryoji and Ryoji couldn't feel anything back for him, even if they wanted to.
They never could feel anything.
And any emotional restrain Minato had left tonight was gone the moment the world fell under that dark green hue, a sick reminder that the best thing that had ever happened was gone and was never coming back.
Yeah so I was debating whether or not Minato was gonna confess and just get 😐 as an answer or just never confess and go to his grave with that regret. Both are pretty depressing but I think i settled with the best of both worlds.
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narrators-journal · 1 year
part 4
Okay, so the next part is a very heavily, basically remade, chapter, so I'm gonna warn you now that it might be a bit late and a little less polished. Kinda like this chapter is a little rougher than the others, but it's at least not a massive change like the next one lol. I hope you enjoy it regardless tho!
CW: Monsterfucking, groping or heavy petting, another example of my weird streak of blue-balling Ryomina lololol. It's just a spicier chapter tho.
Previous part: here
Next part: Here
TOC: Here
I should apologize. Was the primary thought running circles through Minato's head as he stood under the cold rainfall and let the shower cool the desire in his blood.
How should I apologize though? Suck his dick? He mused when he finally stepped out to dry off. Continuing to think, Though, maybe sex isn't a good apology. He might not be as much of a whore as I am. While pulling the only article of clothing he had on hand back over his head and padded back to his bed. Only for finding sleep to be far more challenging than it had been that morning.
That same siren call that had almost been inescapable the past few days had left him without even a note to remember it by. Leaving the shaggy-haired sacrifice to simmer in the lingering flames of his desire. With only the conspiratorial whispers of, How big is he, though? Ryoji seems like he'd be pretty well hung. Would he bottom if we fucked? Would we cuddle after? to keep him company until he redirected himself away from those topics.
      "I need to stop this shit." He muttered, the sound of his voice seeming to silence his thoughts while he lay with his arm over his eyes. "I only have, like, four days here before I'm completely at Thanatos' mercy. I can't afford to go wading into someone else's sexual awakening. I need to..." His voice petered out before he could even finish thinking the words.
Need to what? What is there for me to need? My casket? He asked himself, his voice falling as silent as the thoughts in his head at the question. Would it be bad to stay here? I don't suppose it's exactly normal to let a god whisk you off to wherever he pleases. He mused, even though the rational point didn't seem to penetrate deeper than the surface. Even with the risk of that unknown place being his death, the anxiety it stirred up was little more than the flicker of a faulty lighter in his gut.
The more uncomfortable thoughts came instead from his earlier musings. The god of death apparently wants me happy. That's what Ryoji said, and if that's true then whatever comes after this place isn't bad. A fair point. But, sticking around here would mean Ryoji would be hovering around more. A far more melancholy point, torn between disgusting the sacrifice and...comforting? Exciting him? He couldn't tell. Either way it leaned though, the feeling was further enhanced by the stone dropped next. What other options do I have?
And it just sat there in his gut. A heavy, souring thought that extinguished whatever weak sparks that broken lighter could ignite in him. Where else could Minato go? For the last eight years of his childhood, he'd had his extended family to house him, but the thought of returning to that town was too big of a deterrent for even his kindest relatives' mercies to soothe. Where did that leave him? The option to stay put until he was likely sent into the afterlife, or homeless, jobless, and lost in a new place. So, by that reality, he would be stupid to go running off.
So, Minato sighed, pressing his arm into his eyes as if that could quiet the debate. Ryoji's not even that big of an issue. He told himself, It's his job to keep me here and to keep me happy. He feels nothing for me, I feel nothing for him, and it can stay like that. And, with a decisive turn onto his side, the boy put the topic to bed. He'd stay and see how things play out.
Minato only realized he'd fallen asleep when he felt someone's hand ghost over his hip. The odd feeling fishing him out of the dreamless dark and back into a hazy, silver-lit version of his room.
Yet, as the sacrifice woke up, he could recognize that haze as his bed's curtains drawn closed, and the silver glow of his room due to the gentle light of the moon taking the place of the sun's.
        "Ryoji?..." He mumbled into the empty air. Looking around for the god's assistant in the assumption that he'd taken him up on his earlier offer. Only to find that his night-drenched room was empty outside of himself. Not even a figure in the bed beside him to explain the sensation.
So, chocking it up to something he'd dreamt up, Minato laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. Only for his eyes to fly open at the vivid feeling of someone's hand skimming over his ankle and up his leg. Going until it slid beneath the edge of his skirt to stop at his hip.
      "Thanatos?" He tried, doing his best to look down at the foot of the bed without moving too much. But, that didn't matter because all he found was empty darkness at his feet.
Yet, the lack of an explanation didn't erase the lingering warmth of a spectral hand on his hip. Something was definitely in the bed with him.
        "Thanatos, is that you or not?" He asked, doing his best to push through the haze of exhilaration to try and be firm. But, the only answer he got was a hand stroking his cheek before gently moving the sacrifice onto his back.
Shouldn't I be concerned about this? Minato asked himself. Looking up at the roof as he let the assumed god's invisible fingers explore his body. The gentle touches to his thighs and hips stirring up those sparks he'd tamped out earlier. No. This is okay. He told himself, letting out a shakey breath as he thought.
Relaxing into the deity's touch, Minato closed his eyes and tried to track Thanatos' hands on his skin. Moving as if his plain dress wasn't there. Following them down his thighs to his knees, only to trail their way back up to his hips. Where they toyed with the waistband of his boxers, but didn't remove the annoying barrier. Instead, the nimble fingers of the god only dipped beneath the elastic. the gentle sting of his claws against Minato's skin making the sacrifice shudder before Thanatos moved on to skimming over the man's abdominals and up his ribs. Deliberate and slow in their movements.
Would it be rude to snap at a god to hurry up? Minato mused as he simmered in the gently building soup of need and thrill. If it's not Ryoji, then probably. As a sacrifice, I guess I'm expected to be submissive in this situation. The thought blurred by the bolt of heat that shot through Minato's core. A heat sent off by the simple feeling of tentative fingers gliding over his erection. If this IS Ryoji though, snapping at him would likely scare him off again. Either way, it's best to keep my mouth shut. He finished. The logic more than rushed under the desperation that single touch stirred up. Yet, a lot of reasoning was shoved aside in favor of trapping Thanatos' hand against his erection.
Yet, much to Minato's disappointment, Thanatos' warm touches were quick to fade. Stranding the sacrifice in a wildfire of needs despite the aggressive consent he was giving.
       "Oh fuck you!" He snarled into the empty shadows. His grey eyes opening to glare around in the darkness, but his only answer was a whisper of laughter that only stoked that frustration higher.
So, partly out of spite, and partly out of some urge to lure his god back, the sacrifice sighed and slid his own hand beneath his skirt to give himself that last push of friction and heat. Even if the flood of euphoria did little to scratch the deeper itch.
Jesus, has it actually been that long since I've gotten off? Minato asked, lifting his hand to look at the mess of warm goo that had splattered onto him before getting up to wash. God it has. He realized I can't remember the last time I willingly socialized with someone, so it's been a hot while since I've screwed someone. Which, stoked the embers of irritation in his gut.
With the heat of lust mixing with irritation beneath his skin, sleep was a futile pursuit. So, the midnight-haired man instead went downstairs to the kitchen. Standing before the stove like a zombie, watching his sandwich cook by the time he heard Ryoji sit at the island.
        "So, uh...have you slept at all?" He asked, Minato not needing to see the pink hue on the man's cheeks to hear the awkwardness in his words.       "Thanatos is a fucking prick."
Silence. Nothing but the sizzle of Minato's sandwich in the pan between them.
      "Uh, out of curiosity, how is Thanatos a prick? Because you're not allowed to go outside without me?" The brunette finally asked, breaking the silence while the sacrifice flipped his sandwich.
      "No, not for that. It's just that..." He sighed, mulling over how to phrase it to not make Ryoji squirm. "If I'm supposed to be his spouse and not you, Thanatos is an asshole." And Ryoji cackled at that. The sound making the shaggy-haired male jump with how sudden and ugly it was.
       "The god of death is an asshole spouse? H-how?" The brunette asked, biting back more giggles before his mirth abruptly dropped. "Oh god, is he abusive? If he is, I am so fucking sorry for laughing..."
       "If you thought he was abusive, why did you laugh?" Minato asked, looking over his shoulder at the brunette with a raised eyebrow and a dry voice. Seeing the way Ryoji wilted,
      "I'm sorry, that was rude. I thought of a joke that I was laughing at before the abuse thought came up, y'know? Does that make sense?" And Minato sighed, turning back to plate his food.
       "You're fine, Ryoji. And no, Thanatos hasn't abused me."
With that, Minato moved to sit at the island across from Ryoji. Neither acknowledging the elephant in the room while the boy ate and the brunette studied the dark marble of the countertop.
       "so, uh, there any constructive criticism you want me to pass on? Because, as his helper, I have that power." He offered to break the silence once more, which made the man snort.
      "You're a pussy and you need to fuck me or not. Enough of the touch-and-go shit." Minato told him bluntly. Biting into his sandwich as he watched Ryoji blink at him.
      "Hold on, I'm lost. Are you generally calling me a pussy, or are you implying I'm somehow Thanatos, and thus an asshole of a husband to you?" He finally asked, giving a breath of a laugh that he caught before it could escalate.
      "Both?! First, I'm not going to apologize for not knowing how to go about having sex with a man." The assistant began, making Minato snort, "Second, if I was Thanatos, why would I pretend to be a normal ass person? You'd be unable to stop whatever I do, I'd have zero reason to lie to you."
      "I mean, it being a part of some sick game is the explanation I've been going with. And also, gay sex is worlds easier than hetero sex, so what's confusing there?" Ryoji let his head hang back. Staring at the ceiling while letting Minato's counter sink in. All while the blue-haired emo chomped through his sandwich to hide his grin.
       "Funeral lily," Ryoji finally sighed. Lowering his gaze to look at the man as he continued, "If I told you, right now, that I was Thanatos, what would you even do? Be honest." Minato shrugged at the question,       "I've called you a pussy to your face. I don't fear death." Adding, "Also, you aren't exactly an intimidating figure, so forgive me for not cowering."       "First, ow. Second, how the hell do you not fear death? Everything fears dying! Hell, even I fear death and I'm his assistant!" Again, all Minato did was shrug. Opting out of explaining his sordid past in favor of explaining,       "I just don't." As if that was a satisfying answer. So, Ryoji changed the topic.       "Why do you think you're meant to be his spouse, anyway? Not that I would blame him for taking you as a bride, but the risk of necrophilia would be a bit of a turn-off for you. Or, at least, I'd hope." And while the attempt at a joke made Minato's eyes roll, he did at least explain that time.        "I mean, what other reasons would a god take a sacrifice for? if I was dinner, I'd be eaten already, and he has you for a dog. So, if I'm not here to play 'wife', why am I here?"        "Garden fertilizer."        "It's fucking winter, you dumbass." Regardless of his snap, Ryoji still giggled.
Though, when he finally got his dark amusement under control, he was back to his questions.        "What even brought this on? Like, you cooking at 4 am and declaring Thanatos an asshole, not the sacrifice stuff." He asked, and once again, Minato had to think of whether Ryoji would get uncomfortable if he told him the entire truth. He deserves to be fucked with. As payment for making me laugh, the bastard. So, he answered with,          "Thanatos paid me a visit." Vague enough to bring an annoyed glint to those pools of blue. Good.          "Oh, that's rather new. He usually doesn't come to see the sacrifices until he collects them." Was Ryoji's counter. As if he knew that would stir up disgusting butterflies and a zip of childish 'I'm special' excitement. "You must've piqued his interest somehow."
Minato stood up, leaving his sandwich half eaten on the island as he marched out in an almost offended huff. I pique the god of death's interest, fucking great. He internally grumbled, the words stinging him like a cross would a vampire.
Though, the possibility of earning more time to live did do more for the shaggy-haired sacrifice than turn his stomach. It also chose Minato's course of action in the time it took for him to leave Ryoji's line of sight on his path back to his room. If I'm not taken to whatever afterlife is waiting for me in four days, I'm getting the hell out of here.
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packsnack · 5 years
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stop what you’re doing to me, I like it
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persona-incorrect · 5 years
Minato: And I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for weeks now. No response.
Ryoji: Wow. They sound stupid.
Minato: But they’re not. They’re pretty smart actually. Just dense.
Ryoji: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
Minato: I guess you’re right. Hey Ryoji, I love you.
Ryoji: See! Just say that!
Minato, internally: Holy fucking shit.
Ryoji: If that flies over their head then, sorry Min, but they're too dumb for you.
Minato: Ryoji...
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Ryoji is bi and he is dating trans gay boy Minato
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azurepng · 5 years
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bi rights ryoji
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