#Minecraft diaries edit
mcdgarroth · 6 months
Shad is one of my favorite tragic characters
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neos-schlond-poofa · 6 months
my magnum opus that i spent 20 minutes on, inspired by an anon ask that @xerith-42 answered ❤️ what can i say, laurance likes his blue color coded older brother characters
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mangotelevision · 6 months
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working on my new katelyn design
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snekverse · 3 days
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rendered refs for (most) of the main MCD cast!
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bbbeowulf · 1 year
Aphtober Day 10: Tarot
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Dante as The Tower Upright (specifically for unexpected change bc I’m evil)
Idk a thing about Tarot cards so I hope I did this right LOL
Anyways im very very pleased with how this came out and I hope y’all like it as much as I do!! Especially all you Dante Enjoyers out there 👁️👁️
See all my Aphtober submissions HERE!!
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app1wrd · 3 months
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Dante is the typa motherfucker who, if named Timothy, would call himself Moth to be difficult.
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rexecutioner · 3 months
Buckle up campers this is a long one
spoilers for all of mystreet and a bit of mcd ig??? Idk there is Demon Warlock and Irene lore
This is all about Travis btw
So I was rewatching Emerald Secret and when Tatiana was loredumping about forever potions in ep 13, she mentions Michael testing a forever potion on his son not too long before the events of s4
(implied by the fact that she was there, and supported by the facts that 1) she was missing a lot of other info, like the whole fp backstory and not knowing about Katelyn and Garroth, thanks to only recently becoming human and only knows new info, and 2) the whole “Michael (Terry), Elizabeth and Zach have been trapped in a different realm for years and only recently escaped” thing)
and it “failing”. Knowing the events of Angels Fall, this plausibly aligns with the plotline. One problem. How tf did Travis get there??? And back??? Without anybody questioning where he went??? Or with nobody noticing???
I don’t think Tatiana was referring to Ein, as she describes him as a grunt to Michael’s plans, and it’s always pretty explicitly said that Michael has a son, stated by both Tatiana and Derek, and visibly is shown to be Travis in loredrops and the entirety of s6. A son. One singular son.
So the only person she could be referring to is Travis. But what does this even mean? What kind of forever potion was used on Travis? We learn from Ein that forever potions can be reaaally specific. It could have literally been anything. What does “failed” mean? Just not working? Or Travis fighting it off? The imagery shown with the scene is a broken forever potion lying on the ground by what is implied to be Travis’ limp hand, so failed may be a bit of an understatement.
Also, again, how tf did Travis get there and back with nobody taking note of it, him not remembering it (probably more forever potions), and it never coming up again?? Not even slightly mentioned in 3 to 4 side episodes OR Aphmau’s Year, although we do get some juicy Travis lore ep 2 of AsY.
That is also when his whole “omg i feel lightheaded wait did i do that” thing started, so maybe something happened at the lodge that is never shown but implied to be what Tatiana mentioned???
And ofc, my first question.
It’s a snowy forest for goodness sake. He had to have driven there. Why would he go in the first place? Maybe he got a letter from Terry (Michael) saying “hey kid i wanna reconnect heres my address dont bring anyone with you k bye” and he went “oh boy the father that left me shaken and traumatized who just randomly disappeared leaving me alone bcs everyone else i love is dead!! I love that guy!!”
And drove out to see him only for fucking Ein to be there as well as this man in a stupid ass cloak who sounds weirdly like his absent father, they give him a forever potion and it fails (again, whatever that means) and he wakes up in a random lodge with a random backround voice in his head giving him dating advice, having forgotten everything that happened, goes “welp ig he isn’t here i must have gotten the wrong address” AND LEAVES
weirdly in character for ms Travis lmao
Did he just tell Dante that he was going on a trip for a few days and dipped?? I haven’t rewatched the 3 to 4 side eps in a long time so I have no clue if he did leave but wasn’t Travis a mildly large role in them with the whole trash thing???
Alright so I just spent like 4 hours rewatching the transition episodes and Travis is a very consistent reoccurring character and isn’t missing from an episode for more than a two episode gap, and him leaving for a while isn’t mentioned, although they do make Laurance returning a big deal, which leads me to believe he left during/right before Aaron’s Ticket, a two part mini prequel to s4, taking place only a few days before ep1.
This makes the most sense, as Aaron in Part 1 goes over to Dante and Travis’ house to get money advice from Dante, and Travis isn’t shown or mentioned at all. He never appears in AsT, and there is an implied gap between the last side ep, Shadow Knights Rule and AsT, because we also never see Gene (and by that extension, the other Shadow Knights and Ivan) again after the final side ep, though they all played mildly large roles in that ep.
It would make sense if Travis left not too long after Laurance bothered him outside of his house (the last time we see the both of them until AsY 🥲) and came back to Lover’s Lane during the small two day gap before s4 starts, after Aaron and the gang left to Bunny Hill, and they just didn’t see each other on the way back. But this also leads to another frustrating question.
Why does Travis not remember the lodge after the whole thing? We could chalk it up to forever potions, yes, but that would be a really specific forever potion, making him have to go home and forget about it. I have the inkling that Dante would at the very least ask Travis questions about his trip, and if Travis just replied with “idk lol I actually have no clue what ur talking about” he’d at least be concerned and at least ask Lucinda for advice when she got back.
It’s shown in AsY that Travis has no recollection of the lodge, only knowing about it from Lucinda (another piece of good lore from ep 2), but he doesn’t get more of a chance to interrogate her about what happened there it until he gets possessed and leaves. It is very much shown that he has no memory of even being there. Which also brings up another point. Aaron and Garroth remember Bunny Hill Lodge, even if just a bit. How does Travis of all people not remember it at all?
Aughhhh so many questions! I’m probably going to chalk up the not remembering the lodge thing to a really specific forever potion that also plants false memories in his head. Forever potions are shown to be able to do that in s4, when Zane and Lucinda refer to Ein as their brother and their memories are completely altered.
Whenever Travis is possessed, he not only gets very lightheaded, causing headaches, but he quickly loses his memory (shown in his second possession) as Michael takes the spotlight and puppets him around until he’s done with him. Travis then regains his memory and remembers what he did while possessed, with it all being kinda foggy, with him questioning if it was really him that did that and being mildly confused about what he just did, before making up an excuse for it and going about his day.
We only just begin to see Travis getting possessed AFTER s4, which leads me to believe that during s4, Travis reconnects with a recently actually present Terry (guess who just escaped another dimension lmaooo) leading to him and Katelyn fake dating and going to Starlight, leading to the events of s6 and Travis getting possessed more frequently until Michael consumes him completely before he gets exorcised and murdered by Kim and Terry, leaving Travis behind unconscious on the floor.
-Born to Terry and his wife
-His mom dies (probably due to Michael?? I dont actually know lol)
-Child experimentation at a cool Lodge
-I recently learned that it was apparently a fp that gave Travis the little voice in his head, but its never acted upon until post s4
-Growing up with a father that’s possessed half the time
-Goes to middle school and meets Dante
-His father disappears at some point thanks to Garte and Derek using the realm breaker (they dont know Michael is actually Terry)
-Goes to high school and meets the rest of the main cast
-Whatever he does before season 1 during fcu
-Moves in with his homies (they kiss each other good night)
-Gets blasted to Love Love Paradise
-Starts to become actual friends with Katelyn (dont get me started on how both of these characters were wrote during season 1 and most of 2)
-Moves in with Dante thanks to his house exploding I wonder who did that
- 3-4 side episodes, he starts to learn about potions again from Lucinda
-Gets a letter from Terry, his absent father with a bad influence on him, asking him to go to Bunny Hill to reconnect
-Bunny Hill Incident #2, he goes home with a fabricated filler story, actually reconnects with Terry
-Travis gets possessed for the first time (to our knowledge) and steals Lucinda’s book under Michael’s influence
-Terry meets Katelyn, everybody's fate is sealed
-Terry invites Travis and Katelyn to Starlight Wonderland
-They enjoy themselves for a while (Travis gets possessed every now and then)
-Travlyn is canon for real this time
-Season 6. Travis gets possessed more and more frequently to the point where Michael takes over for him a lot near the climax, and Michael uses his control over the Guardian Forces to manipulate Travis into thinking he’s safe
-Travis gets fully possessed when Lucinda performs the exorcism, takes control over Katelyn and Garroth, Nana almost dies and Aphmau does die due to mildly unrelated events but dont worry she comes back thanks to the fact that shes a third of literal god
-Derek gets relic’d
-Ethereal Bonds my beloved, the lip syncing did Nana so dirty (Travis isnt really in this one i just love ethereal bonds story wise even though it’s definitely not perfect)
-Travis (Michael) threatens to kill Terry and has actually killed Holla and Derek as this twink so his threats are not empty
-Garroth and Katelyn (and Toby ig) are used as distractions to stall Michael, but he takes back control over Garroth by manipulating him and throws him at Katelyn
-Travis and Aphmau beat the shit out of eachother, cool lore, i love the Zane and Lucinda s4 trauma, everyone is a rock now
-Terry and Michael both die at Kim’s hands, the one thing she was good for (im sorry i hate Kim so much) using the cannon
-Travis is now back in control and wakes up to his bisexual girlfriend holding him and says a pickup line, very in character, and passes out again (understandably)
-everyone is no longer a rock, but thats some pretty hefty trauma you got there (i feel so bad for Dante and Laurance) (im making a separate post on them soon)
-Travis monologues about everything that happened and trauma dumps to the sky (fuck you Terry)
-Heart wrenching “not alone buddies” scene, seriously these two tried to kill each other and now they are traumabonding i love it
-Whatever the fuck Jesson has in store for him in One Last Time because i started writing this before it was announced so they might fill in my plotholes later
-He does NOT show up in Her Wish which scares the shit out of me (he isnt dead thanks to Katelyn and Dante not being utterly wrecked the entire time) (but his absence is not a warm one)
-whatever happens after that
Long story short I love Travis’s character and I hope we see more of him
there is no conclusion to this i just like ranting about characters i like and the plotholes that come in the package (headcanons sold separately)
tldr: Travis s4 plotholes are filled in by my overthinking
have some of my art as compensation 👍👍👍
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i will be re-drawing the Travis one bcs I don’t like the shading and I got the outfit wrong 😑
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reptilliancrocs · 1 year
More angst for you LaurMau shippers
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w4yn31ngm00n · 1 year
little animation-y thing [idk if you can even call it that] that i made for an edit that im gonna post on tt :3
its more off sync than when i made it originally which is kinds sad bbwaaggh [ALSO IM NOT MARKING IT AS MATURE IDK WHY TUMBLR KEEPS SAYING I DO I PROMISE IM NOT idk how tumblr works oops]
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zenixromeave · 1 year
APHTOBER DAY 1: Old and New
Garroth thinks about the 16 years he missed- specifically, Zenix, and the new, young Ro'meave heir.
Garroth gets nauseous thinking about the sixteen years he missed. What comes to mind most of all is Zenix, just a boy– though nearly a man– the last time he had seen him, and now– what?
He would be older than him, now.
Before, he had been too hesitant to call him his son. Too scared– of what, he wasn’t sure– but now, gods above, he would do anything to be able to call him his son. He would do anything to be the father he needed, but now would be too late. Far too late. He wonders if he would even be able to recognize him. He dreams, he prays, that he would– that a father, however distant and reluctant, would always recognize his son.
Garroth had perhaps done a great service to the world by disappearing, by holding his brother back, but he would undo it in a heartbeat, if only to have a second chance– if only to see his son, to be there for him, to not have left him alone.
The second topic to haunt his mind comes too in the form of family.
He was relieved to know his parents had not passed in the time he had been trapped beyond realms, but the other news had let slip accidentally, carelessly.
The prefix had associations with the divine– with royalty, with prestige, with gold. It was one he had been gifted with. Many over the years had copied it to pay homage to the throne, but hearing of the young child, endowed with his and his fathers namesake, tore his spirit from his flesh. It embodied the lost time like nothing else.
Garroth and his brothers had been discarded, replaced, forgotten. All their children presumed dead, the rulers of O'khasis had no choice but to produce a new heir.
It was visceral. His parents had started anew. The name bestowed to their firstborn reused, repurposed. He had never imagined the sanctity of his very own name disrupted. Garroth was no longer the name of the Ro’meave son, heir to the throne, firstborn– it was believed he had passed, but still, the name had not been given away. But in his absence, his father had taken his name back, and gifted it to another.
He couldn’t even begin to understand the feeling caused by knowing that he would never be needed again. His mother, in the grief of losing all of her children, year by year, had let him go. She had moved on. She had let him be replaced.
The new child had pale hair with dark, dark roots. The ritual was one he still practiced to this day– staining his hair golden blonde. His father had once shown him how, though he had been unsure then if he was brave enough to take the step forward to look so much like him.
He heard the new heir was a golden, perfect child.
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mcdgarroth · 8 months
The fact that Laurance just keeps disappearing on her
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dantedeservedbetter · 2 years
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lingerness · 1 year
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me rn:🔥🔥☠️
sorry yall i misspelt his name i was tired
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app1wrd · 3 months
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lggy · 11 months
travis arrived this morning hes currently kissing laurance
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