dealingwithdargons · 2 years
Into The Drowning Deep by Mira Grant - a huge wtf?
Rated a 2/5
...evil death mermaids are a 10/10 tho
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cassyown · 1 year
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𝕍𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕫 𝕓𝕚𝕖𝕟 𝕦𝕟 𝕡𝕖𝕦 𝕕𝕖 𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕖... Parmis les catégories de l'Astro Book Challenge s'en trouvait une spécialement dédiée aux zombies... J'avoue l'avoir un peu boudée et au final je pense que c'est l'une de celle qui m'a le plus amusée ! Je vous présente donc 3 lectures sur le sujet, que j'ai découvert avec énormément de plaisir. Chacune d'entre elle possède un point de vue très particulier et soulève des questionnements sur la société et l'humanité dans son sens le plus général. De la solitude dans "La nuit a dévoré le monde" aux stigmatisations sociétales dans "Comment j'ai cuisiné mon père, ma mère... Et retrouvé l'amour", tout y passe. Vous pourrez découvrir les zombies sous des facettes plus classiques avec "Feed", qui nous décrit le monde après l'apocalypse de Mira Grant aka @seananmcguire ; voir ce qu'il se passe lorsque l'épidémie éclate en plein coeur de Paris (qui est tout de même la 6ème ville la plus peuplée au mètre carré au monde) dans le livre de @mrtnpage ou tenter de comprendre la psychologie et les états d'âmes d'un homme nouvellement zombifié à travers ses réunions aux Morts-Vivants Anonymes et nombreux passages à la SPA (oui) avec le livre de SG Browne J'ai adoré chacune de ces lectures que j'ai trouvé très différentes malgré les thématiques communes. Je pense même me lancer dans les suites et autres ouvrages du même genre. Ce sont des coups de coeurs que je recommande chaudement! --- https://www.instagram.com/p/CmugdOIK1A6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marsbar17 · 4 months
Hi idk if you still take apex reqs but maybe a Miragr late val fic/hc?
This is so late, but here you go hdjsjsja <3
It's a bit short my apologies, I just wanted to get it out before it was like a week after valentines day
Contains: pure fluff man, it's just Mirage being a romantic icon
• Mirage goes all out on valentines day
• He spends like $200 on gifts every year for both his lovers and all his friends
• You can't tell me this man doesn't buy his friends chocolate roses and cheesy stuffed animals for valentines day
• Anyways, anyone dating Mirage gets bombarded by gifts on valentines day
• He doesn't do anything super fancy like a candlelit dinner with wine and expensive steak, but he does practically devote himself to his lover for the whole day
• He cooks breakfast, places candles and rose petals everywhere, and basically just waits for his lover to tell him what to do like a puppy sbhdjaj
• He doesn't care where they go or what they do for valentines day, he just wants to make his lover happy, like if they want to just order take out and watch romance movies? he's all for it
• If he goes out with his lover for valentines day, he makes sure to look his best (he always does but hush) and is just overall a gentleman
• Later, he prepares a nice bath for him and his lover with candles, bubbles, chocolate, and champagne
• Lots of cuddles and "I love you's" throughout the whole day
• He makes sure his lover feels loved and cared for
• He probably recites the whole legend of the origin of valentines day every year to everyone who will listen
• Overall, he's like the best partner anyone could have on valentines day, and he brags about it all year long
Thank you for requesting, I hope this was to your liking! And thank you for reading!
Reminder, liking and reblogging my work really helps me as a creator, and it takes like 10 seconds so why do it. Giving me requests also helps as it give me the inspiration to write and tells me what people want, so literally request anything that's on your mind :)
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minophus · 3 months
she'd be so very chill with minos' snakes
YESSS miragr would love mimos' snakes and theyd love her. Shed giggle as they slither all over her and drape thejr fat little bodies over her face. they dont Need to eat but shed love feeding them too
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nekomacbeth · 2 years
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stuff that’s technically recent but i did it because i was bored: me trying to copy figures from the cantigas de santa maria panels except i give them the most bored faces a medieval person could ever have
the panel in question (from cantiga 37, aka miragre fremosos):
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muthur9000 · 5 years
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@seananmcguire @miragrant Planet Zagreus from Alien: Echo made it to the @frialigan Alien RPG Map! posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/37yNwqY
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luxshine · 4 years
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Ooh! These siblings are amazing and take health checkpoints really seriously!!! #murphysplushtrips #murphysplush #amigurumi #bookrecommendations #zombieapocalypse #feed #newsfleshtrilogy #miragrant https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZ7G1jBrNY/?igshid=1m1r7nsid8oxy
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books-on-a-wire · 4 years
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Diving into some shorter light horror for #thrillerathon, I've also started Night Film on audiobook.
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unicornempire · 6 years
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Had a bit of free time this morning, so rare these days. Then I think of Georgia and how she'd roll her eyes at me because there aren't even any zombies to contend with here, what am I complaining about?? #doodlesofinstagram #doodle #sketchbook #georgiamason #feedseries #miragrant #miragrantfeed #pencil https://www.instagram.com/p/BqSzRCEhgiQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5233m99nxdxa
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alwaysbeyondhope · 5 years
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…reading Mira Grant/Seanan McGuire’s new viral disease thriller Kingdom of Needle and Bone may not have been the *best* idea when sick…and yes, that sign does read “Attention All Patients: if you have any type of respiratory issues you need to wear a mask while you are in the office AT ALL TIMES!!!” #miragrant #seananmcguire #kingdomofneedleandbone https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJocjAFdgMhpNZphIQLQPOWKIwzm5wsdZdN7o0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mzwvksjqgdd0
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bird-on-a-wire · 5 years
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Started this for #scallywagathon but the Boy and I have been reading a couple of chapters a night. He is totally invested and won't let me read ahead lol! . . . #miragrant #horror #books #bookstagram #booklr #bookworm #booklover #bookaholic #bibliophile https://www.instagram.com/p/BxP44yvgUmN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dmoeue7kkm2s
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jenjen4280 · 5 years
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This novella is fucking brilliant. The first chapter is gorgeous with language reminiscent of Shirley Jackson, Caitlin R Kieran, or one of the old grandmasters of weird fiction. If that’s not enough to pull you in, how about lgbtq characters, a haunted house and eldritch older gods?
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andreablythe · 5 years
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Nothing like relaxing by the lake and reading about mermaids that will murder you. (Of course, I’d relax a bit more if I wasn’t so anxious about the survival of all these characters I’ve come to love.) #intothedrowningdeep #miragrant #mermaids #books #booklove #bookstagram #horror https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzj5c9HB05u/?igshid=3973f1z01d13
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marziesreads · 5 years
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#Middlegame #readersofinstagram #bookstagram #arcreads #thisstoryisgold #alchemy #cuckoo #seananmcguire #miragrant #amalgam #ifiwasacuckooitwouldexplainalot https://www.instagram.com/p/BxGKXSbnyOX/?igshid=1khjs5w4msobu
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rebunting · 6 years
Oct 3: Believe Me I Am Here
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Believe me / I am  here / I answer an  echo / I hear my own voice / like a conversation while drowning / you are already turning / I hear the pounding of my heart / take me home. 
Source text: Grant, Mira. Parasite. New York: Orbit, 2014. Print, p162-163.
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jmacsteph · 6 years
October 2: The Tyrant Shoves and Chews
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a Bay Area mover and shaker
the picture of health
 looked thoughtfully at the Governor’s Mansion
always room for another million dollars
 appreciated a good Bible reference
owned two shaggy dogs
 a place in the American heart
gave people time to snap pictures
 the little cracks let in
born of hubris
 bit by bit
the world drew out of focus
 bit by bit a long
journey ended
 aides couldn’t see the problem
a sign of something going on
 no one had power to stop things
it was too late
 only his arms outstretched
reaching for people
 in the front rows
to bite throats,
  the flesh of the world
Grant, Mira. Symbiont. New York. Orbit, 2014. Print. Pages 1-6.
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