#Mirabel POV
kyrapix · 1 month
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endless seconds
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jacarandaaaas · 3 months
I don’t think we would have survived the argument scene if it was the book version…
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celeryguy · 7 months
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I can’t get enough of these guys
(have some messy doodles of them)
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torchstelechos · 2 months
Housemaiden Lillian tried not to judge, truly! She thought the saviors of Vaugarde were incredible individuals with amazing talent and never ending bravery. Its just... shes not quiet sure what to think of the traveler in their group. At first she had thought them an unfortunate soul that had pushed themself too far to save Vaugarde as he had collapsed after the celebration, but after a while it became clear something was wrong with him.
The ever present smell of something sweet in the air when she entered the room to change the towel on their head. The way the lights flickered and bent around him in a pattern unlike anything she had ever seen. It was unsettling, it was wrong. But no one else seemed to notice! The other saviors simply went about their business and talked to the unconscious traveler laying in bed, unable to respond but listening all the same. It was like she was the only one to notice, to see, to be aware.
Then one day the traveler was awake when she came in to do her rounds. Simply sitting up, looking out the window in awe at the sunshine, turning to stare at her when she opened the door a tad to quickly. His eyes snapping to her and sparking with thousands of lights that dissipated in an instance, now back to the dark shade they'd been previously. They squinted at her before smiling wide, too wide, teeth sharp and pure darkless; the appearance of ceramics and not bone. It took everything in her to not scream at the strange creature masquerading as a human in her medical room, but she prevailed as she simply nodded at the stranger.
"You're awake. Thats good, I'll let your party know."
Turning around before the stranger could speak, she hurried away. But it was fore not as the creature let out a sound akin to the sound of glass shattering on the ground, but no, actually, was it the sound of a million tiks of a clock all at once? Or perhaps the sound of sobbing? Maybe even the grind of rock against scissors... If Lillian had to name what sound the creature made it would have been the knowledge of death breathing on her neck but she knows, she knows, she knows... the creature had simply called out "wait!"
The world reset itself and she turned back to the creature, the stranger, the traveler, the human. The thing that bent the lights and shades around it into undefinable things, as it looked at her with pitiful eyes.
"Could you... get me some water, please?" Its hands come up in a pleading motion, as if in mockery of prayer, and Lillian tried to ignore the anger that brought to her. She swallowed, and nodded.
Hurrying down the halls to the kitchen, turning left here, turning right there, bump into housemaiden Mirabelle- ah! Wait! Mirabelle needs to know her... thing... is awake. Yes, she can handle that abomination in human form.
"Housemaiden Mirabelle! Thank goodness! Your... ally is awake in the infirmary, please do go talk to them. Im sure they would enjoy your company!" Please, please, please take it from her hands she does not want to see it ever again, please.
Mirabelle's eyes widen before crinkling in joy, her hands clasped not unlike the creatures own previous pleading. Her smile was that of a human, perfectly normal, perfectly sized.
"Oh! Oh! Oh yes! Thank you so much! I'll go see him right now, thank you for getting me!" and off she ran, her pins dinging as she goes.
Oh thank goodness indeed, Lillian sighs, before continuing onward to grab a pitcher of water. She took her time to grab it and walk back, the unease oozing in the air around her but she is a housemaiden! And she wont! Give in! To some weird creature pretending to be human! Huffing and puffing she stomps back to the infirmary with the requested water. At the door, however, she paused.
What if the creature was a saddness pretending to be human and she had sent Mirabelle to it? What if it was something far worst than a saddness? What if Mirabelle was already dead and Lillian was to blame and that creature escaped and suddenly there was no more saviors and what if, what if, what if???
Opening the door to peek inside, Lillian is surprised to see how normal it is. The creature is smiling at Mirabelle, who is laughing at something it had said. The defender was also there watching on with soft eyes. The researcher sat close by with the child hanging off her, loudly talking about the food they were going to make the creature eat now that it was awake. And everything was... normal? There was no smell of sweetness in the air, the lights didnt bend, and the creatures smile was normal with normal teeth. It was almost like Lillian had imagined it all... did she? It's been stressful after the King and she had only just reawaken from being frozen.
With a sudden rush of guilt, Lillian came in quietly before setting the pitcher of water down on the bedside table. Nodding at the saviors who all cheered and waved and smiled at her, all of them human, completely normal humans. So why, why did she dehumanize the injured traveler? Was it because they weren't from Vaugarde? Was she being prejudiced? Why, why, why?? She thought, well, it doesn't matter what she thought. Clearly she was in the wrong and had turned against one of the saviors because she was tired and stressed out, what a horrible thing to do. Taking a careful breathe in, she turned to smile at the traveler in the bed and froze.
No. No no no no no no. THATS NOT A HUMAN. The shade of pain, of breaking, of rotting, of failing, of something awful reflected back at her from its eye. Stars, thousands, millions, the entire night in it's eye. The light bending and stretching and changing and becoming something WRONG.
Lillian screamed before running but the world bent and turned and shook and she fell hard. The creature making a noise impossible to describe the very feeling of time shattering in her ears and the yelling of humans alongside it. Wrong, wrong, wrong wrong wrongwrongwrongwrong-
Lillian felt. The world. Change. and Shatter.
Lillian woke up in bed, she forgot what she was dreaming about but the saviors were there. She remembers the traveler smiling at her, she smiled back. What a nice fella, that traveler was. Though, she did feel like she forgot something important, but well, you know the saying. If it was important, you'd remember it.
With a smile, she went about her day and hoped the future stayed just as perfect as it was now.
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BEGINNING OF ACT 1: The Undead Grow Restless.
Tw: cartoon depiction of a bone (in the drawing), (idk if you would count it but) slight mentions of body horror (barely any, only in one sentence).
(A few days has passed since Vaugarde was saved. Everyone is no longer in their frozen state, and can move freely. The King, however, is stuck in a frozen state, now merely a decoration compared to what he was like before getting frozen. Peace is restored, and everything is back to normal.)
(You and everyone else is in the clock tower. They told you to stay in bed, because you still need to recover from the day you almost destroyed the world. You feel fine, but you should probably listen to them.)
(You sigh, leaning back into the bed.)
(Where’s Loop now? You hope they’re okay. The last time you saw them, you insulted them and left abruptly, and when you went to see them again, there was nothing. No one there.
…But what if they were there. What if they were there the whole time, and you didn’t notice?)
(Stars, don’t think about it, Siffrin. You’ll only feel worse.)
(You shut your eye, letting your body relax into the bed. Breathing once, twice, thrice, however many times it gets you to calm down.)
(A scream.)
(You jolt at the sound, sitting up and blinking your eye open.)
(What was that!?)
(Just before you could think it was your imagination, even more screams call out. One, two, three, four, five six-
They’re all screaming in terror. Pure fear and terror.)
(Oh stars. This does NOT sound good. At all.)
(You hear footsteps approach your door, and it swings open. Isabeau is in front, the rest of your family close behind.)
“SIF!! SIF, ARE YOU OKAY!?” He shouts, his face filled with panic and worry.
You hesitate for a second, not expecting how loud he would shout. “I’m okay, are you guys fine?” You frown in concern.
“W-we’re okay!! We just heard screaming and we wanted to know if you were okay!” Mirabelle fiddles with her fingers anxiously. “You are okay, right?”
(It’s nice they care about you. You don’t want to leave them behind. You don’t want to leave them any time soon.)
(You nod. They shouldn’t worry about you! You’re fine!)
(You watch them filter in, Mira and Isa rush over to your sides, while Odile and Bonnie go look around the room.)
(You all sit in silence for a bit, flinching at the screams outside. Bonnie eventually breaks it.)
“…What’s that?” They point to something out the window.
(You stand up, and walk over to them, looking out the window.)
“What the…” Odile mutters under her breath.
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(Why are there hands sticking out the ground? What’s going on!?)
(You watch them grab at the floor, pulling deformed humans from the ground. You feel sick.)
(No, zombies aren’t real, they can’t be! But…
But that’s the only thing that explains this.)
(You thought this was the end of the chaos and horror across Vaugarde,
When it was only the beginning.)
Kit here, just wanted to do a little writing thing for how the zombies showed up!! This is only the beginning, chaos will happen!! And angst!! Feel free to ask questions, our ask box is open for all!!
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eurydice-pens · 7 months
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haha…….. spoilers for forgotten vaugarde…… ha :’)
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vampiromano · 5 months
so I've got some In Stars and Time thoughts. spoilers up to act 3 I think. I'm on pause as we SPEAK.
1. mirabelle my beloved. I love her story re: romance and how she Doesn't Want It but feels forced to have it and, loving her religion so much, just can't fathom leaving it for JUST THAT even though it makes her so uncomfortable and feel so bad. like I love the resolution tbh with how Siffrin just sort of tells her to Change by Changing the tradition instead of by forcing herself into it, the way she once told him housemaidens did sometimes (if re: clothes in that instance). it's just really cute.
2. I also love how you can kind of make a contrast between her not wanting to change bc she's so happy the way she is and this conflicting with her Change beliefs, and Isa joining the House of Change because he WANTED to change; Mira is happy with herself/at odds with the House's traditions, and Isa is at odds with himself/happy following the House's traditions.
also cis aroace/trans allo lmao
4. i don't think the head housemaiden is a real person within the game. either that or she's responsible for the time loops and even the king. and definitely the island. I can feel at least one of these things is true in my BONES. she's just too nice and too respected with too much authority. and also she didn't fight the king herself which is a red flag.
but we'll see I guess! I'm really liking the game thus far. might even draw about it
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yellowcry · 11 days
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sorryiwasasleep · 2 years
Julieta starts seeing Bruno everywhere
The first time it happens, Julieta saw a green ruana out of the corner of her eye. She turned, with a relieved smile. Finally, her brother had come back after a month. He had just needed time, is all. Just like she’d insisted to Pepa. He would give Mamá his vision, she would stop worrying, and maybe seeing her favorite (sorry Félix) uncle might help Mirabel smile.
Her face falls when she’s turned fully. The ruana is a shade too light, the person wearing it not the one she expected. Her spirits fall too, though she forces a smile back onto her face as she hands the next person in line a buñuelo. They accept it without thanks. Her smile gets tighter.
The next time she sees him in the crowd it’s in a mess of black curls. It’s been more than half the year, but surely he wouldn’t miss their birthday.
Except, the curls come closer and Julieta sees that they’re too long, too well taken care of, and closer still most definitely on a teenage girl. Julieta lets her eyes linger a moment too long, willing time to go back to a few seconds ago, when she’d had hope.
She squeezes Pepa a little tighter as they hold their own celebration in front of a darkened block of wood. A sprinkle covers them both, but Julieta doesn’t care. She’d be raining too if she could.
Mirabel needs new glasses, having outgrown her old prescription. The seven year old insists on getting the same shade of green as her old frames, even if she can’t quite recall why she was so attached to the color. Julieta sobs herself to sleep in Agustín’s arms.
They don’t talk about him anymore. No one does. Julieta hates it, but at the same time feels like she has sand in her throat whenever she tries to bring him up. Pepa’s started masking her sadness behind anger. Julieta thinks that might be easier, but her anger slips away as fast as it comes, always in waves. She screams. She cries. She mourns. And she worries.
Dolores' voice has gotten quieter and quieter over the years. She’s become more subdued, more burdened by her gift. Julieta knows Pepa sees it too and it hurts. It hurts that this is happening to her sobrina, and it hurts knowing they can’t help, because they can’t take away her gift any more than they could take away his. They just try to be there for her as much as they can. There for her, where they hadn’t been before.
A young boy, about thirteen years old, comes to Julieta and tells her he can’t breathe. That he thinks he’s dying. Julieta recognizes the panic attack immediately and is leading him to a private spot before she even registers it. She ends up in their spot by the river. The one he would hide away in when things became too much. The boy comes down from his attack and begins apologizing profusely. Julieta just gives him a hug.
Pepa tells Julieta about her pregnancy individually before the family announcement. She insists on telling her in the sand filled cavern where Pepa’s voice carries. She addresses Julieta and the darkened door together. “Hermanos.” Julieta can tell how happy her sister is, but can see the despair underneath it. Julieta feels the same. They both cry.
Julieta spent the entire meal staring at the family tree behind Mama. The colors were fading. Antonio was growing, Mirabel and Camilo too. Mamá had it touched up.
Except, she didn’t have it all touched up. When Julieta worked up the nerve to ask, she was met by anger. An insistence that since he didn’t care about this family, the family shouldn’t care about him. Julieta thinks he might’ve cared too much. She doesn’t say that though.
Julieta hands another person an arepa and bids them goodbye. They respond with “see you soon!” In an attempt at a joke, Julieta responds back “Hopefully, not too soon!” They respond, “knock on wood.” and rap their knuckles against her table. Julieta falters. She hasn’t heard anyone say that in ages. She has to excuse herself for the rest of the afternoon.
Antonio has taken an interest in animals. In rats. Agustín makes him a plush one and he carries it everywhere. Pepa’s cloud grows a bit every time she sees it, though she never lets Antonio know. Julieta notices though, and can feel her own chest get tight at the sight of a little boy with a rat. It’s not the same, but it echoes another boy with another rat, ages in the past.
Mirabel burst into Antonio’s room and claimed the house was going to fall. That Casita had been covered in cracks and that the candle had dimmed. She had seen something terrible, though Julieta wasn’t quite sure if it was just as she said. Mama had brushed it off. Had done immediate damage control to the town at the expense of her daughter. It was a painfully familiar scene. Right down to the need to heal a wound. Julieta wants to believe a broken tile is truly how Mirabel cut her hand. She doesn’t want to think of the alternative.
“Mira, my brother Bruno lost his way in this family… I don’t want the same for you.” Mirabel looks perplexed at the mention and slightly crestfallen. She goes to bed, a dejected look on her face. That was familiar too. Julieta’s heart hurts.
Mamá and Mirabel are fighting and Julieta is thrown into another fight a decade prior. “If you walk out that door you’re dead to me.” She’s thrown from her stupor when Mirabel brings up the exact person she’s thinking of. “Bruno left because you only saw the worst in him–” Julieta feels tears in her eyes. Her wonderful daughter, her missing brother. She hopes wherever he is, he knows Mirabel is on his side.
Mirabel is gone. It’s the day after a gift ceremony and again another one of her family members is gone. She knew Mama was too hard on Mirabel, but to blame all of their issues on her? A child? Julieta doesn’t know how her mother has lived with herself this past decade. It’s only been a few hours of Mirabel missing and she feels like she’s lost a limb. Like someone carved out a hole in the center of her chest. She thought she had known loss when Bruno’s door went dark, but this was an entirely different kind of pain. If Mirabel doesn’t come back, it will be another person she couldn’t save, and another person she’ll forever be longing for. She can’t bear it.
There's a horse galloping down the street. The church bells are ringing. Mirabel has been found. She’s at the front of the horse. Julieta doesn’t register who’s behind her. “Mirabel?!” Her daughter. She’s back in her arms. “Mirabel!” Julieta all but sobs out. Mirabel grips her back just as tightly. It’s then Julieta catches the flash of a green ruana. An hourglass, on a green ruana. It’s gone before she can turn, gone around the corner of their ruined house. She shakes it off as a figment of her imagination.
Until it’s not. Her brother. Her hermanito. He’s being beckoned forward by Mamá and the fool tries to wave at them. Pepa charges forward and Julieta is hot on her heels, throwing herself at him. Feeling that he’s solid, that he’s real. That he’s home. Bruno
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echo-s-land · 10 months
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My Google docs needs to stop manifesting new wips
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strixcattus · 2 months
I feel like if ISAT was a full RPG it would have a rotating protagonist.
Listen. Obviously Mirabelle's journey is going to focus on her for the majority. But when ISAT opens, Siffrin is the one going around to check in on all the party members before the final dungeon, and Mirabelle is sitting on a bench the whole time. She's not the current spotlight character.
And within the House, and it's implied that this has happened in previous dungeons, Siffrin is the one in the lead, which means he's the one that determines where to go and gets to interact with items. He's the executor of what the player wants to do, and even though the role might have been held by Mirabelle in the past, right now it's Siffrin time.
I can imagine there being a sort of rotating spotlight as the game goes on. There will always be scenes focusing on Mirabelle, as the original main protagonist, but I'm picturing a different character taking the lead role for each dungeon as they're picked up. I don't remember if it was ever specified whether Mirabelle already had any orbs before meeting Isabeau, but I can imagine this working either way. The first dungeon has Mirabelle leading Isabeau through it, the next has Isabeau leading Mirabelle. Maybe he's more familiar with the location or its specific defenses.
Then we drop in Odile, and she, wanting to keep the relative children out of harm, takes the lead in the next dungeon. Then Siffrin shows up, and now he's the lead character as the official trap-finder. (Bonnie appears before the last orb dungeon, but they don't do any leading.)
And I'm picturing each character having their own little scenes before and after their dungeon, where they take on the role Siffrin had in Act 1—going around town, interacting with people in their own way, checking in on the rest of the party, and eventually getting a little character development or something after the dungeon is over. Even Bonnie gets to do this around the fifth dungeon, though they're back at the end of the line inside. Or maybe they do get to lead, briefly.
And Mirabelle is always a focus, she's indicated as the main protagonist, and the character focus circles back to her during the final dungeon, the House, which we can see by her returning to her home and admitting the truth about her blessing (I can imagine the player having known this all along, and waiting for her to come clean), but there's still a bit of a shift midway through the game from Mirabelle being the one you control when no one else has the spotlight to Siffrin, suddenly, being the default lead character, and though Mirabelle never stops getting her character development moments and there's a clear return to her arc once you're at the House, you still get the feeling that there's something about Siffrin that makes them just as important. Maybe something in the backstory they never talk about even when they're carrying the POV. Maybe there's something that connects them to this quest just as much as Mirabelle.
And then one of two things happens. Either ISAT happens exactly as-is, since Siffrin was supposed to be the POV character leading into the final dungeon (and what's that about, the player thinks), or we're thrown directly into Act 5 with, say, Mirabelle holding the POV, and leading everyone through the House without Siffrin, and oh, so that's what their whole deal was.
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jacarandaaaas · 3 months
did someone say horse girl mira!? (I did ok) anyways here’s some crumbs of horse girl mira in the “tale of three sisters” book <33
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iknowicanbutwhy · 2 months
Rating: General Audiences
Relationship: Siffrin & Everyone
Characters: Siffrin, Isabeau, Odile, Mirabelle, Bonnie
Additional Tags: in fast and food, fast food au, oh yeah give it up for the au i made to cope with capitalism and also that one april fools post, bonnie and nille are orphans, misunderstandings, self worth issues, the anxiety of making friends unless you are useful to them, i would love for isa and sif to be dating but you cant just ask someone out at their job, siffrin making bad decisions that turned out well, mirabelle calling out siffrin. you go girl, POV second person, unreliable narrator, its siffrin how reliable can you expect them to be, setting is not france or france-adjacent because i never worked there, oh but i could wish upon a star
The best part of any job Siffrin has had, will have, and currently has, will be the people they get to feel some sort of connection with. Even when that connection is inevitably severed. Even if he can barely remember any friends he's had in previous towns they've moved on from. Even when they're.. not really friends, are they? They're just coworkers.
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tourneys-by-me · 2 months
Multiple Elements Character Tournament - Round 1 (B) 9/12
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Wairuha: Air, Water, and Ice
Mirabelle Chevalier: Paper and Scissors
Propaganda under the cut
Wairuha: They're a fusion between an air person, water person, and an ice person. Also, technically they are one-third woman because the water person was a woman and that is very gender. The fusion of three powerful Toa warriors, Wairuha can summon powerful storms to vanquish enemies.
Mirabelle Chevalier: although she's not the POV protagonist of the game, she's the "chosen one" of her story in an unconventional way - everyone believes she was chosen by the God of the religion she follows, but she was really chosen by another person and feels like a Fake Hero because of it. she has a personal character arc where she struggles with her religion and realizes she's aro/ace at the end of it too!! her cute little head is full of Anxiety and Care For Everyone and i lobve her. her dual-element-ness isn't all that integral to the story but she's just so good we think she deserves a W anyway
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the-bitter-ocean · 4 months
Hi Hi! As you know the lovely @pixxyofice made a wonderful fic for their timeloop support group au and I wanted to post the writing I did based on it! I got permission from @tealgoat to write how I think ITOT AU! Odile would react to being transported to therapy for the first time. (Since the order of the loopers arriving is Odile -> Mirabelle -> Isabeau -> Siffrin). I also did the writing for ICAC! AU Mirabelle’s POV which you can find here!
If you haven’t already done so be sure to read the writing that @basilpaste (creator of in stitches in sequence) did for Isa’s POV for the au as well!
< Your first mistake was getting out of bed.>
< Ah, well that’s not entirely true objectively- but that’s how you feel in this moment. >
< Mirabelle and the others always did urge you to talk about your feelings more. >
< Ha! That’s easier said than done.>
< You wish you could talk more honestly with your family about what happened. >
< You wish for clarity. You wish they could truly understand you. >
< The mere thought of doing any of that just makes you want to throw up. >
< Oh well. One day at a time. It could be so much worse. >
< Your second mistake was deciding to go out alone.>
< You wanted to give your family members a gift while you were out.>
< In theory, it was supposed to be beneficial to you.>
< It was supposed to be simple. >
< A easy task to help you get used to feeling more like a person and less like a incoherent mess that’s quick to fall apart when you had to be separated from your party.>
<You went to reach for the nearest blanket you saw at the market. >
<It was soft. It had darkless stars speckled on it.>
< You wanted to get it for Loop. It would make them happy, you think. >
< You reach out an->
< You blink. >
< You are not in the market place. >
< You don’t hear anyone. >
<You don’t see anyone either.>
< All you see is a seemingly vacant building with a sign above the door. >
< The sign goes as follows: TIME LOOP SURVIVORS SUPPORT GROUP. >
< You blink again. >
< This has to be a joke. >
< Without hesitation, your hands form the craft sign to call Loop.>
< No answer.>
< Shards. >
< You don’t know where you are. Running off could be a unforeseen risk. >
< Whatever or whoever that transported you to this place wants you to be here. >
< You try not to think about the implications and what that means for you. >
< You breathe in and out. >
< Against your better judgment, you go inside the building.>
< That was your third and final mistake of the afternoon. >
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