#Mirabelle December
sylphrene · 5 months
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pluralism (is that a word?), self-perception through art and ocs, and pokemon's strong role in it
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myokk · 4 months
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“Class, today we’re going to repot the baby mandrakes because they’re getting a bit too big for their current homes! Aren’t they cute?”
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jacarandaaaas · 5 months
encanto comic is out saturday!!
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
December 28
(It’s Camilo’s birthday! Aka the one day in which I can simp for this fantastic kiddo! You didn’t think I’d forget our beloved shapeshifter’s birthday too, now did you? I have something very special in mind for him, but you have to wait until the end to see. Also I had to throw my ship in here, I’m sorry, I just had to. Anyway, sit down, buckle up, and prepare for an exciting and hilarious ride, because today is also Holy Innocent’s Day, aka the equivalent of April Fool’s Day in Colombia. Enjoy!)
It was the middle of the night when Mirabel felt a pair of knees destroying her abdomen. 
Wincing at the unbearable pain, she opened her eyes to find herself being attacked, smothered to death by some crazy person as she was unable to wrestle free due to her body’s lazy, sleep like state. 
So all she could do was stare wide-eyed into the blackness as whoever was trying to murder her—or kidnap her, perhaps—continued to giggle like a maniac. 
“Mmfmmpppphhh—“ was all she could say as the arms tightened around her neck and she found herself smothered by this person’s shoulder. “Mmmpphhfffpphfffhmmm! Mmmm!” 
“It’s my birthday, Mirabel! Can you believe it! It’s my birthday!” 
Why would she need to know that? 
“I’m finally sixteen, Mirabel! And you’re still left behind. Sorry. But I’m just so excited!” Cue the relentless giggling. 
Mirabel was enraged. “Camilo?” 
Camilo giggled, sitting up and finally crawling off of her to make himself welcome as an unwanted guest on Mirabel’s bed. “Yeah, I…stayed up all night to count down until my birthday. You know like New Year’s. I can’t wait to see the presents you all give me!!! It’s gonna be the best birthday ever. Even better than the last. You know sometimes I wish I were a girl so I could have a quince, but…” 
Camilo continued to ramble on and on excitedly about his birthday. But Mirabel was not listening. What she was doing was gripping her head with her hands as she tried not to let it roll off. 
“And remember when I was ten years old and asked Isabela to make me a flower crown? Those were the days. But—“ 
“Go. back. to. SLEEP!!! GODDAMN!” 
Camilo should have been deterred. “Can’t I sleep with you—“ 
“No,” Mirabel moaned with a sob. “Just—goodnight, primo.” 
“It’s not night, it’s morning. And it’s my—“ 
“I know, I know. Happy birthday Camilo. Goodbye.” 
Mirabel felt a kiss plant itself magically on her cheek before Camilo finally left her in peace. Thank goodness. 
She flopped down on the bed and tried to go back to sleep. Which she did soon enough. But goddamnit if it wasn’t hard. 
Still, a twitching smile stretched out upon her face. Camilo was gonna have the birthday of his life when he woke up that morning. She was sure of it. 
“Cumpleaños feliz, te deseamos a tí, Feliz cumpleaños a Camilo, feliz cumpleaños a tí! Que los cumpla feliz, que los vuelva a cumplir, que los siga cumpliendo, hasta el año tres mil!” 
Camilo blew out the candles. All sixteen of them. He giggled. Everyone clapped. It was a beautiful day, and he was happy! 
“Why did you choose to have your birthday party in the morning and afternoon instead of at night, Cami?” Luisa asked, arching an eyebrow. 
“Easy! So that I can spend the evening with my lovely girlfriend, of course!” Camilo’s chirped, beaming up at his older cousin. 
“Ooo-ooooh!” Isabela, Mirabel, Antonio, and Bruno lilted, Camilo blushing and looking down. 
“But anyway—“ Camilo started, but he was cut off. 
“You have a girlfriend?” Antonio bounced up and down. “Ooh! Who is it?” 
“Quiet down Antonio,” Mirabel urged. “But it’s Emiliana. My best friend. You know, the girl who falls asleep a lot?” 
“I like her, she’s pretty and nice! Are you gonna get married?” 
“I never thought about that,” Camilo answered, his blush betraying him. 
Bruno opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it. 
A storm cloud appeared over Pepa’s head. “No funny business, Camilo. I mean it. Because if you get up to something you know you’ll regret—“ 
Mirabel chuckled, Isabela bounced her eyebrows, and Luisa and Dolores looked like they didn’t want to be there. Camilo glared at Isabela and Mirabel. 
“Ugh, I know Mami. Just because I’m sixteen now doesn’t mean I’m suddenly—anyway, can I open my presents now, please?” 
“Sure, Cami, and I have the first one!” Dolores said, picking up her present off of the table and walking up to him, outstretching her hands for him to take it. 
Camilo opened it. “Thanks sis!” He took it out. “Oh…it’s one of those…whatchamacallits, I forgot…” 
Dolores had given him a tiny box with a handle at the side that, according to Dolores, he had to turn in a circular direction. So he did. And he was so confused and focused on that that he didn’t see Dolores grinning and covering her ears. 
And then a giant face sprang out from the box and scared Camilo shitless. He screamed and ran for cover. Just kidding. He only threw the box in the air and jumped to hide under his chair. 
“What is that thing?!” He shrieked. 
Dolores smirked and tilted her head to the side. “Hm! It’s a…a…jack-in-the-box?” 
“I haven’t played with one of those since I was a kid!” 
“Sorry,” Dolores shrugged. “I thought you’d like it, but…” 
“No, no, it’s not that I don’t like it,” Camilo took it from Dolores with a grin. “It’s just…a surprise. That’s all. Hehe. Thanks big sis!” He hugged his beloved older sister. “You are the second best pranker in the family!” 
“Second?” Dolores raised an eyebrow. 
“Second?” Mirabel smirked, hip bumping Isabela. 
“Oh come on,” Camilo snorted. “You don’t actually think you’re a better pranker than me.” 
“We’ll see about that,” Mirabel murmured. 
“My turn!” Antonio ran up to Camilo with a wrapped present in his hands. “I made this for you myself big brother! I hope you like it!” He cheered jumping up and down. 
“Oh, and what is this, hombrecito?” Camilo bent down and took the present from Antonio’s hands. Opening it, he tried not to chuckle at the cute(stick figure) drawing of a yellow figure, clearly representing himself, with big squiggly circles for hair and a square around his torso symbolizing his ruana, standing between a tall red figure with a filled-in circle on her head and a big bow, a triangle shape resembling a dress, and a short orange figure, their arms crossing through the yellow figure. 
“See, that’s me,” Antonio was saying, pointing at the orange figure. “That’s Dolores,” he pointed at the red figure. “And that’s you!” He pointed at the yellow figure in the center. “And our arms are like that because we’re giving you a hug, because we love you!” 
Camilo smiled at the picture, especially since it was oh-so cleverly captioned with the words “te 💛 Camilo” in big sloppy multicolored letters. 
“Oh, it is just the sweetest, hermanito!” Camilo cooed, bending down to pick his brother up and kiss him all over his face. “Te amo mucho mucho mucho, awww!” 
Antonio giggled. “Put me down big brother, your lips are tickling me.” 
“Oh, okay, cosa linda.” He put the grinning little pipsqueak down, and Pepa and Felix came forth with their gifts. 
“It’s a book!” Camilo gasped, almost wanting to jump out of his chair. “A book of all the greatest plays in the last century! I…how did you know I wanted this?” 
“It’s all you ever asked for, chico,” Pepa said with a smile. 
“And you deserve it,” Felix added, giving his son a manly hug. 
“Thanks, familia!” Camilo grinned as his parents hugged and kissed him. 
The rest of the family then gave their gifts. Mirabel gave Camilo a new ruana that she had sewn herself, it was blue with yellow squiggly stripes and even had embroidery, which Camilo loved, so much so that he nearly scooped Mirabel up hugging and kissing her. Isabela got her cousin a book as well, except it was about fairytales and mythology. Knowing how much he loved princesses, Isabela knew Camilo was sure to appreciate it. Which he did. And Luisa got him a lanyard bracelet that she had made herself, knowing that her primito was allergic to jewelry. Julieta gave Camilo a new and colorful football to replace the one he had torn. Agustin gave Camilo some cologne. Bruno gave him a football trophy that he himself won when he was sixteen. Like uncle like nephew, he had said with a wink. Which made Camilo smile. 
“Who’s next?” Camilo asked, although he knew the answer. 
“I believe that would be me, chico.” Alma winked. 
“Ooh, okay!” Camilo rubbed his hands together. “So umm what do…or what did…you buy me for my birthday?” 
“Oh,” Alma started feeling around her pockets, searching for the gift, until finally she pulled it out with a smile. 
Camilo stared. “A comb?” 
Agustin wheezed. 
“Why yes!” Alma said with a smile. “So that you can comb that big beautiful hair of yours early in the morning. And tonight on your date with your girlfriend too!” 
Camilo blinked, while Mirabel covered her grin with her mouth. 
Finally, Alma burst out laughing, and the rest of the cool-colored family(and Bruno) with her. “Oh, I’m just teasing, lindo.” 
“Good one, Abuela!” Isabela choked up, and Camilo couldn’t even resist the urge to grin. He’d never have guessed that he got his pranking ways from his grandma of all people! 
“Here is your gift!” She clapped her hands expectantly. “Casita?” 
The tiles click clacked against the floor, and Camilo gasped. 
“A BIKE?!” Camilo squealed, causing Dolores to cover her precious, sensitive ears. 
“Why yes, of course, a bike!” Alma nodded her head and laughed. “Why, when I was your age, me and my sisters would spend days learning how to ride a bike—oh?” 
She never got to finish telling her story, before Camilo leapt at her in a smothering hug. 
“Thank you, Abuela,” Camilo whispered tenderly. “I always knew you were the best grandmother ever and wanted me to be happy, want all of us to be happy, not just Isabela.” 
Alma paused, then hugged Camilo dearly back. “You’re welcome, hermoso.” 
“Oh!” Isabela perked up, dragging Dolores to her side and linking their arms. “Me and Dolores will teach you how to ride, that’s what we agreed on, how does that sound?” 
Camilo smiled at them, breaking from the hug as he did so. “That sounds amazing. Thank you, primas-hermanas!” 
The primas-hermanas grinned back. 
“Ahem, anyway,” Bruno changed the subject. “I think it’s cake time, I’m starving.” 
“Oh yes, so am I, hermanito,” Pepa agreed. 
“And then it’s time to PARTY!” 
Felix laughed as he patted Bruno on the shoulder blade. “It sure is.” 
“Oooh, Camilo, someone’s at the door for you!” Mirabel cooed in a flirtatious manner. 
“Is that who I think it is?” Camilo sprang up. 
“It sure is!” Mirabel giggled. “Come and greet your lady!” 
“Yeah, go hombrecito,” Bruno encouraged with a jerk of his head in the direction of the door. 
Camilo smiled at his Tío before shoving his primita to the side and opening the door to greet his beautiful sweet girlfriend Emiliana. 
“Hey, sweet cheeks!” Camilo smiled from ear to ear as he tightly embraced the love of his life. 
“Hi,” Emiliana giggled. “Can I come in?” 
“Oh, of course, why wouldn’t we let you in?” Camilo walked his girlfriend in. “Oh, Im sure you’ve met my father and uncle, right? Because it would be pretty embarrassing if you hadn’t.” 
“Hola, mi chica bonita!” Felix greeted Emiliana with an energetic handshake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you! And a pleasure to see you dating my son!” 
Emiliana grinned. “Oh, thank you, Sr.—“ 
“Felix,” her boyfriend’s father said with a smile. “Call me Felix.” 
“Oh! Okay Felix!” 
“And you already know me!” Bruno said with a wave. 
“Of course!” Emiliana said, giving Bruno a fist bump. “Hey Bruno!” 
“Hey kid! So, where are you taking my nephew?” 
“I can’t tell you yet, it’s a surprise!” 
“Oh, silly me! I shouldn’t have asked. Well you two enjoy your date, and if you need anything, well, you can always count on us!” 
“Thank you!” Emiliana turned to Camilo. “So anyway, umm, shall we go?” 
“Oh sure!” Camilo waved at the men before leaving. “Tell the rest of the family that I said goodbye!” 
“We will!” Felix and Bruno said with a wave, but soon Pepa and Julieta came down, along with Agustin. 
“Oh, Emiliana!” Pepa said with a wave. “Bye, querida! Goodbye!” 
“Goodbye Emiliana! ¡Adios, Camilo!” Julieta said with a wave. 
“Have a happy date, the both of you!” Agustin said with a thumbs up as Emiliana smiled and waved her departure. “Oh, and sobrino, remember what your mother said—“ 
“Yes, yep!” Camilo flushed with embarrassment. “Bye!” And shut the door behind them. 
“What did your mother say?” Emiliana asked. 
“Oh nothing.” Camilo shrugged. “Just to have fun. A-anyway, we’re alone now, baby, what do you wanna do?” 
“Well, like I told Bruno, I can’t reveal it yet. But you’ll love it, just you wait and see.” 
“Oh, okay,” Camilo said as they walked, hand in hand, through the village. It was a peaceful and beautiful evening. The sun was slowly setting, the sky an array of bright, beautiful colors, and a half-moon could be seen in the sky along with the setting sun. 
Overall, the perfect occasion for a lovely romantic date between a pair of enamored teenagers. 
“So your family actually let you go on a date with me?” Camilo asked, breaking the peaceful silence. 
“Huh? Oh yeah.” Emiliana swatted a hand. “Come to think of it, they probably just want me out of the house because my quince is a week after yours and they’re trying to prepare. I just promised them that nothing bad was going to go down tonight and that you were treating me right. Don’t worry about it.” 
“Of course not, baby, I love you!” Camilo promised, patting his heart with her hand. “Plus, I’m kinda scared to death of your oldest sister.” 
Emiliana laughed. “Aren’t we all? But enough about me, let’s talk about you! So how was your birthday?” she asked him. 
“Oh, it was perfect!” Camilo said. “Everyone enjoyed themselves and got me such perfect gifts. For example, Abuela got me a bike, my prima got me a storybook, my Tío got me cologne—“ 
“Is that why you smell so good?” Emiliana flirted. 
“U-uh, yeah, and mi hermano drew me the most adorable picture.” 
“Aww, he takes after his big bro.” 
“Hehe, yup.” 
“What about Dolores?” Emiliana inquired, wanting to know what her friend’s present for her love had been. “What did she get you?” 
“Oh, this really weird…jack-in-the-box? It’s nothing special.” 
“Nothing special?” Emiliana balked. “Camilo, it’s your birthday, and she got you something silly she thought you’d love! Show some gratitude!” 
“I do love it, it’s just—“ 
“It’s just what?” 
Both teens were shocked as they looked up at Camilo’s eldest prima, screaming her head off as she ran towards them. Upon reaching them both, Isabela placed a hand down on each of their shoulders and lightly shook. 
“I-I…it’s Mirabel. I didn’t mean for this to happen but I—“ Isabela burst into tears before she could finish, and an entire garden sprouted on her head. It would have been amusing to watch normally, but not this time. 
“Woah, slow down, Isabela,” Emiliana soothes, placing a warm arm on Isabela’s shoulder as the older girl wept, her head in her hands. “Tell us calmly. What happened? Ooh!” She plucked a few grapes from Isabela’s hair and threw them in her mouth, chewing. 
“We…we went to this art shed one of Luisa’s friends had set up, she said she and the rest of us girls could use it any time we wanted. So Mirabel, Luisa, Dolores and I went there after you and Camilo left for your date. We were just spraying things and having some fun, until one thing led to another, Mirabel and I got into a fight—“ 
“As usual,” Camilo snorted. 
“And somehow I ended up turning her into a flower statue! I-I just feel so hideous and stupid, why, why, why?!” Isabela started crying heavier as tiny potatoes grew from her scalp and rolled from her hair onto the floor. “I’m an AWFUL big sister!!! Oh—“ 
Emiliana hugged Isabela tightly, and Isabela hugged back. “It’s, it’s okay, Isabela. It wasn’t your fault, and you’re a great big sister!” 
“I am?” Isabela sniffled. 
“You are!” Emiliana beamed. “Mirabel tells me all about you all the time.” 
“No she—“ 
“Anyway,” Emiliana cut her boyfriend off. “Take us to the art shed and we’ll find a way to fix your sister! Right, Camilo?” 
“B-but what about our date?” Camilo squawked. 
“Our date?” 
“Y-you don’t care about your cousin!” Isabela whined before wailing again. Emiliana sighed, exasperated. 
“All right, Isa, that’s enough, I think he gets it,” Emiliana whispered in her ear. Isabela wiped her eyes daintily with a pink handkerchief, trying to maintain her composure and settle down a bit to think logically about what is going on. 
“Camilo,” Emiliana placed both hands on her boyfriend’s shoulders. “Do you believe that I love you?” 
“Exactly! And do you believe that our date isn’t going anywhere and that the moment we save Mirabel we’ll go back to our little romantic night out?” 
“Good!” She kissed him on the nose. “Let’s go-WOAH WOAH WOAH!” 
Isabela had swooped both Emiliana and Camilo in the air with her vines and both soared over the entire Encanto—or at least that’s what it felt like to Emiliana—before settling down safely in front of the art shed. 
Emiliana beamed, jumping up and down. “Oh, that was so much fun! Yes!” She whooped, thrusting a fist into the sky. “I never told anybody, well, except for my sister Victoria, but I’ve always wanted to do that.” She wrapped her arms around Isabela’s waist and squeezed. “Thank you, Isabela, for not killing my boyfriend and I—“ 
“You’re welcome,” Isabela choked. 
“Anyway, Mirabel, right, operation save Mirabel. 
The three of them walked into the shed, which was dim, empty, and a little bit dark. 
“I don’t see anything,” Camilo said. 
And then the lights flew open. 
Camilo took a shaky breath. “Well, that was kind of creepy—“ 
Emiliana pointed in horror at the plant statue of Mirabel that was right in front of her. Frozen in terror, Mirabel had the most horrifying look on her face as her eyes were wide open, her mouth rounded in a silent scream, her hands held up in front of her in defense as Isabela took her life and breath away. Her best friend took a shaky inhale. 
“I know,” Isabela’s voice trembled as she spoke. “Dolores, Luisa, and I were just as fear-stricken when we saw what I had done as well.” 
“How can you DO that?” Camilo exclaimed, gesturing to flower-Mirabel. “Remind me not to mess with you ever again!” 
“I don’t know!” Isabela wailed in agony. “I was very angry, and got very emotional! But you’ve gotta fix it back, Camilo!” 
“Oh, so you created this mess but you can’t get my cousin out of it?” Camilo pressed, a hand on his hips as he rotated his neck. “NUH-UH, prima, that is NOT how we work around here!” 
“It’s okay, Isabela, Camilo will fix it, I have faith in him!” Emiliana said, cowering behind her boyfriend. Even though he was shorter and weaker than her. 
“Hold up, why me?” 
“Because I love you, Camilo,” Emiliana said, nudging Camilo towards the eerie and tragic figure of Mirabel. 
“Girl—“ Camilo hissed his teeth, but reluctantly moved closer to the statue, while Emiliana moved closer to Isabela, both clutching each other’s hands and staying out of harm’s way. 
Camilo gulped in fear. He didn’t want to do this. But he had to. For his cousins. For his girlfriend. For himself. 
He reached forward, finger trembling, in terror of the statue, before poking it ever so gently with his finger. 
And it exploded. 
The next thing he knew Camilo was covered in a huge splatter of thick, wet, sweet-smelling substance. 
And Emiliana and Isabela exploded too, with laughter. 
“What the—“ Camilo shook the creamy  contents off of him in frustration as he stared aghast at the bits and pieces of green and pink flower petals he saw scattered across the floor of the shed. “Huh? Did I kill Mirabel?” 
This only made Emiliana and Isabela wheeze harder, stomping their feet as they were barely able to contain themselves. Camilo stared at them, his brain almost but not quite catching onto the situation at hand. 
Before both girls yelled “SURPRISE!!!” at him. 
To make matters worse, Dolores and Luisa came out of their hiding spot through a back door as well. And with them was a perfectly intact and alive Mirabel who most definitely was NOT made of green and pink flower petals!!! 
“That. Was. HILARIOUS!” Mirabel shouted before bending over, wheezing with glee. 
Luisa laughed out loud, clapping her hands. “You can’t say we didn’t get you Camilo.” 
“Indeed,” Dolores sputtered. “You should’ve, you should’ve seen your faHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” 
Camilo stood there, covered in cream-like goodness as he was made a mockery of by the five girls surrounding him, all were laughing their asses off as they took glances at Camilo, only to look away as they laughed even harder. 
Isabela slapped Emiliana’s hand in a high five. “You go, chica. We got him!” 
“Thanks for letting me be a part of this!” 
“And thanks for helping!” 
Camilo, meanwhile, was not happy. He was seeing red. “Was this…was this a PRANK?!” 
“It was!” Isabela admitted with watery eyes as she hiccuped. 
“We hope you like custard!” Dolores said with a wink. 
“I-I-I can’t beLIEVE YOU!” The custard monster roared. “You…you were supposed to be my favorite cousin, Mirabel, you had me worried for your life when Isabela came crying to me that she killed you, all for—and Emiliana, you were supposed to be the love of my life! I trusted you! And Isabela, you started putting on a performance with your crocodile tears when it turned out all along to be some sick JOKE?! And—“ he glared at Dolores and Luisa while licking custard off his face. “I don’t even have anything to SAY to you two! I thought you were sweet and gentle, but clearly I was wrong! I…I am just so disappointed!” 
But being reprimanded by a guy covered head to toe in custard? That only made them laugh harder. They couldn’t take it seriously! 
“Hah, what a night huh?” Emiliana got up and walked towards Camilo. “What a night. Anyway, we went through all this trouble, so we may as well see how you taste.” She licked some of the custard off her boyfriend’s cheek. “Mmm! Yummy! Sorry about your cologne though.” 
“Ooh, let me try!” Mirabel ran up to her cousin and wiped some of the custard off his other cheek with her finger. Licking it off. “Wow! That is delish!” 
“Lemme!” Isabela took some off of the nose. “Wow, this does not disappoint.” 
“I have to agree,” Dolores said as she took some off of Camilo’s forehead. 
“Hey, don’t look so downhearted, kiddo,” Luisa said with a grin as she too ate custard out of Camilo’s hair. “At least you get to be a delectable delicacy! Don’t worry, we’ll clean you right up!” 
“Yes we will!” Emiliana agreed. “Now gimme your hand.” She picked up Camilo’s hand and ran her fingers along its palm, gathering up custard and putting it in her mouth. 
Camilo sighed as the girls rubbed their fingers on him and ate the custard off his body and clothes. They were so busy eating him that they barely even noticed the door opening as one of Luisa’s friends stepped in—and quickly stepped out after realizing what was going on. 
But they didn’t care. They were having too much fun. And now that Camilo thought about it, this joke was pretty clever. Even though he was utterly humiliated that day in the worst way imaginable, he knew he would laugh about it someday like his father always told him. Today just…wasn’t that day. 
He turned to his girlfriend. “So, umm, sweetie pie. About that date…” 
“Where did you plan on us going?” 
Emiliana’s face paled as her eyes shifted and she giggled awkwardly. “Oh, well, about that…” 
The End!
Until next time! 👋🏾
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yutaan · 10 months
Holiday sale!
Hey there, my lovelies! Once again, the end of the year is fast approaching, which means we’re all hunting around for gifts for our loved ones (or to keep for ourselves - after all, you deserve gifts too, my lovelies). And what’s a wonderful present for a fandom-savvy giftee? That’s right, it’s ART!
My INPRNT shop is back open, and all items there are 10% off for the entire month of December with the code "FZE4NF"! And below, we have a wide array of beautiful papercraft originals, pre-made, packaged, and ready to be shipped to YOU! Happy holidays, my lovelies!
(Please note that due to tumblr’s image resizing, the artworks are not necessarily displayed at an accurate size in comparison to each other.)
BUSTS (approx. 4″ tall)
Harrowhark (The Locked Tomb) - $70 each [BOTH SOLD]
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Lady Amalthea (The Last Unicorn) - $65 [SOLD]
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Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) - $65 [SOLD]
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Jasmine (Aladdin) - $50
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Mirabel (Encanto) - $60 [SOLD]
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Meg (Hercules) - $50
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Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) - $55 [SOLD]
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Liu Qingge (SVSSS) - $70 [SOLD]
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Katara (Avatar: the Last Airbender) - $70 [SOLD]
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Ed (Fullmetal Alchemist) - $75 [SOLD]
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Yugi & Yami Yugi (Yugioh) - 8" wide - $210
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Jiang Cheng & Jin Ling (MDZS/The Untamed) - 6" tall - $200 [SOLD]
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FULLBODIES (approx. 6″ tall)
Aerith (FFVII) - $85
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Kagome (Inuyasha) - $75
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Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura) - $85 [SOLD]
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Yor (Spy x Family) - $85 [SOLD]
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Reigen (Mob Psycho 100) - $80 [SOLD]
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L (Death Note) - $75
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Vash (Trigun Stampede) - $95 [SOLD]
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Howl + Calcifer (Howl's Moving Castle) - $95 each [BOTH SOLD]
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Haku (Spirited Away) - $90 [SOLD]
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MINIS (approx. 3-3.5″ tall) - $30 each, three for $80, five for $125
Jin Ling, Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng (The Untamed/MDZS) [ALL SOLD]
Batman (DC), Anya (Spy x Family) [ALL SOLD]
2B (Nier: Automata), Chat Blanc (Miraculous Ladybug), Hunk (Voltron)
Sailor Moon, Dark Lady (Sailor Moon), Pikachu (Pokemon) [ALL SOLD]
Bakugo (BNHA)
Nezuko (Demon Slayer) [ALL SOLD]
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MINI SETS - $60 each
WangXian (MDZS/The Untamed) [ALL SOLD]
Yunmeng Shuangjie (MDZS/The Untamed) [ALL SOLD]
Jin Ling & Jiujiu (MDZS/The Untamed) [ALL SOLD]
Crowley & Aziraphale (Good Omens) [ALL SOLD]
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SIMPLE PAPERCRAFT (approx. 5" tall) - $20 each
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ZINES (5x7")
TALL ♥ small - 20 pages, handmade, personal illustrations, all-ages - $10 [SOLD OUT]
Battle Damage - 28 pages, pro-printed, multiple artists, teen and up - $15
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If you are interested in purchasing any of these artworks, please email me at [email protected] with the subject line “Holiday Sale.” In the body of the email, please include:
Which piece(s) you wish to purchase
Shipping address (please note that shipping outside the US may cost extra)
Preferred email address for Paypal invoice
If you have a tumblr username and would like to include it so I can recognize you, you can also do that! :D But it’s not a requirement.
Pieces are first-come, first-served, so be quick! (Likewise, please note that I cannot reserve a piece for you indefinitely unless you are able to pay for it or place a down payment on it at the time you contact me. Thank you for your understanding!) This post will be updated throughout the month to show which pieces have been sold.
Happy gifting, lovelies!
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insertdisc5 · 1 month
Hiiii, Hi Hi Hello! I hope you're doing well and having a lovely morning too!
I have come with a question (surprising, I know!). Do you plan on participating in any convention in the Grand Est? Or more precisely, Anim'est in Nancy? I think it happens early December this year but I'm not too sure about the date.
But also, I wanted to share how funny it is that it is Mirabelle season here and, as every little producer try to sell their fruits, I always giggle in my car seeing her name at every roundabout, she's so popular here !
Anyways. i hope you have a great day, and I'm not gonna shut up about this game anytime soon because it's way too good. Byeeeeee!
Hi! Probably not, I am not a con-goer really. However I'm gonna try to go to ontario based cons more often. "Adrienne will you be at dashcon 2025" I will do everything in my power to be there
And yeah!!!! I love mirabelle plums, I didn't know they are a very European fruit. My north American friends had no idea what I was talking about lol
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blessedtoaster666 · 1 month
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WITCH WEEKLY - Issue 94 - December 2006
Editor’s Note:
Gentlebeings of the Wizarding World,
Our cover feature this issue is the one, the only Draco Malfoy- a man who needs no introduction, but whose presence might require the briefest of explanations.
Lord Malfoy has had no shortage of press over the years… but since his release from Azkaban we have dutifully kept an eye on him, and for sore ones he is a sight. Every time we feature him, the owls pour in. Some carry missives with love potion-laced ink, in the hopes that we’ll pass them to the man in question (no judgement, we’ve tried to slip him a little something in the past) while others are Howlers bursting to scream about our hideous facilitation of lusting after a war criminal. How dare you drool over a terrorist! But drool we do, like a three-headed dog.
It’s one of our favorite things about Draco Malfoy: those who love him, would die for him… and those who hate him, would like to see him killed. We fall into the camp of the former- do you?
Read on for 10 of our other favorite things -
Venia Plumberton, Editor-in-Chief
BEST OF Draco Malfoy
We surveyed our editorial staff, as well as witches and wizards on the street (Horizont Alley, to be exact) to determine the 10 best features of the wizard we love to hate, but don’t hate to love. Caution… at least three witches went feral after editing this piece. You’ve been warned.
#1 - CHEST - We don’t know if it’s that he’s vaguely the color of honed marble, or that we had too many brushes with the fit statues at Hogwarts during our formative years… but oh, Mummy. We don’t get to see shirtless Draco often- perhaps he’s self-conscious of the scars? Are they from the whip of a lover… or perhaps the Dark Lord?
Our seven-page coverage of his trip to Bali last year, “Draco’s Treasure Chest” July 2005, contributed to our best selling issue. EVER. We are certain our journalistic prowess has not gotten that much better. When it comes to Draco, we’re delusional, not deluded.
#2 - EYES - Pureblood politics like to keep things in the family; but if inbreeding is wrong do we want to be right? Like pools of mercury, Draco’s eyes look terribly inviting but might just kill us if we take a dip. We have on record that his nickname in school was, “The Heir of Slytherin”. Basilisk, much? We’ve heard stranger. Speaking of basilisks… this magazine doesn’t stoop to such levels… but we know where your head’s at.*
*Right next to ours, in the gutter. But at least we’re looking at the stars… specifically, the Draco constellation.
#3 - HAIR - We here at WW celebrate a man who takes the time to learn grooming spells, and we dare say the Malfoy Scion created a few of his own to tame his mane just the way we like it. Tousled, pushed back, glittering platinum everywhere the light touches it. Oh, to run a hand through that hair. Maybe pull it, just a little. Ruin our life, Draco. We are at the ready.
#4 - SIZE - When the DM walks in the room, suddenly, we orbit around him. Is it because of his white golden hair (see above) or is it perhaps that he’s the size of a planet? The Muggles have really gotten into something called gravity, look into it friends - because Draco is our sun. 6’5”, the wing span of a bloody hippogriff and the legs (oh we’ll get started with those next) of a semi-giant.
#5 - THIGHS - We could be pressed to include the whole leg, look at those calves, but in the interest of being specific- Draco Malfoy’s thighs get us through our work day.
Thick as tree trunks, we’d surrender our wand to be a part of that forest.
We spoke to Madame Mirabelle, tailor to rich and infamous, and she assured us that while she hasn’t fit Draco in years, she knows for a fact he has a tailor on staff to “rightly pinch and pin” every set of trousers he wears. One must not assume that anything off-the-rack could surround such thighs, wrap that arse, cover that bulge and hug that waist without being magically pinched and pinned. We’re due for a sewing spell seminar, it would seem.
#6 - ABS - Speaking of waists… Well. We shan’t. We’ll just show a picture, it scores a V, for va va voom.
#7 - FOREARMS - Again, we feel remiss not mention the scrumptious biceps, the scandalously sexy shoulders… but let it be known, Draco’s forearm game is unmatched. Maybe it’s the veins; maybe it’s the sheer size of them. Maybe it’s the Dark Mark- you know we need to be reminded about the danger lurking underneath. Or maybe… we are ovulating? No matter. We’d let him cast any spell he wanted at us so long as he used those arms to hold his wand.
#8 - SNEER - A snide look, on the face of Draco Malfoy, is better than a smile on any other man… We’re sure should Draco ever smile our way, he’d be crowned ‘Most Charming Smile’ in an instant… but to that end, we’ve never seen it. We’re not sure he’s capable. So we covet the sneer.
Eyes narrowed, nose flared, lip curled? Check, checkity, check. Sign us up for the next war!
#9 - JAWLINE - We long to go to a taffy emporium with Draco and watch him sample the wares… such is our obsession with seeing him clench. For Merlin’s sake, someone get the man some gum! We deserve such visions, we’ve been so good.
#10 - HANDS - Hands tell the story of the man- and here’s what we know… Draco’s hands can palm a quaffle and are typically adorned with family heirloom rings. He likes a Muggle watch, and doesn’t always need a wand. An eyewitness told us she saw him stop a falling bottle at his bar, The Jobberknoll, with just a flick of his fingers, as he dined with friends. We love a wizard who takes matters into his own hands.
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waitingonavision · 7 months
Madrigal Birthdays
As confirmed by Jared Bush on Twitter.
March 6 - Mirabel
May 21 - Antonio
June 19 - Agustín
August 7 - Isabela
August 31 - Dolores
October 17 - Julieta, Pepa, Bruno
November 11 - Félix
November 14 - Luisa
December 28 - Camilo
I'm posting this for my own reference 😂 and the desire to have all the birthdays in one concise post. And because it's been sitting in my drafts gathering dust and I don't feel like keeping it there or deleting it.
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[Reincarnation AU]
Mirabel: Guess what today is!
Luisa: Annoy Dolores Day?
Isabela, sitting up: Shit, it’s the 15th already?
Mirabel: No, it’s the 1st of December… I was going to give you all the jumpers I knitted.
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queenofthedisneyverse · 5 months
Who they need (It's not me) -Deceiver Au; Chapter 2
TW: People getting hurt at the hands of an unstable teenager and swearing
Chapter 1
Camilo was deeply seething in his room as he paced back and forth on stage. People were still expecting him to babysit their kids like there isn't any other person eligible for the job in the entire Encanto.
You should've seen the hoard of parents in his face with their children in tow. They all looked stressed, irritated, and/or desperate. Camilo felt bad, truly he did, but that sympathy was quickly replaced by anger and utter disgust.
They were all asking him to watch their kids for a few hours when he just wanted peace to hang out with his friends. Some of the kids to ask the same thing, unknowingly trying to guilt trip him as their parents were.
Others somehow figured it was the best time to ask him if he could shift into Luisa or some other figure to help them with something.
Without thinking he just pushed pass the crowd of people and ran back to Casita. This was supposed to be a happy day for him for f*ck sake!
He got the makeover that he wanted, and he really wanted to show it off to his friends. But some people couldn't understand the word NO!
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And this has been happening for over two and a half weeks now. Some parents won't even say anything, they just drop the kid(s) off wherever he's standing. The parents disappear so quickly he just has to put up with it until they come back for their child(ren).
On other occasions some adults would just order him to do something.
"Camilo, I need Luisa to help me with donkeys but she won't help. Maybe you-"
"Camilo, I need you to help me lift these bricks-"
"You can turn into animals now, right? can you help with-"
"Please, I just need a few hours alone. You want to help me, don't you?"
And the kids (either with their parents or just out and about) didn't help. Not that he would put anything against them, they are just kids.
"Camilo, I want to play a game with you! You always have fun games to play"
"Tell us a story por favor, I want a story!"
"Can we play hide & seek in the corn fields"
"Camilo, I need help with this, Camilo I need help with that! I just want a break, why can't I catch a fucking break?! It's like my old life all over again. Thanks Mirabel, for being such a HELPFUL PAIN IN MY ASS!" He thought to himself. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have gotten his gift back no one would be bothering him.
"I'm starting to hate my own fucking name because of these people..."
And what makes matters worse is that is that people are starting to blame him for shit that he didn't do again. Little pranks here and there that do seem like something he would do. They are coming less believable to his family of course but that doesn't mean he's any less tired of it.
Did I mention that Camilo's shapeshifting mishap has become a joke around Encanto?
Whenever he walks around, he can see people looking at him and snickering, giggling, and just don't right laughing. Some even verbally reminding him of it while laughing IN FRONT OF HIM!
"Oh boy Milo, you are some jokester aren't you? Do you think you can do that again?"
"Hey niño animal, you gonna shift and cry again?"
For this past month, it's been taking EVERYTHING in Camilo to not act on petty urges. The urges to burn, break, and just cause chaos to everything and everyone in Encanto.
Why was he holding back? Because he wanted to give the villagers a chance. Some had seemed so nice and respectful he thought they might have changed their ways. He also wanted to spend more time with HIS side of the family.
Consequently, causing his pure rage from when he was five years old to now to bubble over.
The miracle came back November 30th, it was now December 20th, just a few more days until Christmas, and then his birthday.
A thought came to mind, there was so much he could do in that time. A little gift to himself for all the shit he's put up with. Camilo smile lit up and so did his eyes, a powerful green and purple glow to them.
"I can become small just like I can turn tall I can become the person you think you'll need-"
Camilo shifted into a mouse and then a jaguar. Then a capybara, slowly shifting into any and every animal he thought of just for quick practice. Mirrors sat in the audience as showed every animal and person he shifted into.
From Alma, to Pepa, to Dolores, to Luisa, and to Isabela. He pretended to be them with their own mannerisms as he sang and twirled around.
"I can become you; no one knows It's not true. So, you really think I'll be the person you need?"
Now that Camilo was finally coming to terms with his urges. He'll do what everyone wants him to do. But it'll come with a consequence.
"I need your face to help me do what I need, so tell me who you need from me, and I get you dealt with. The person you need me to be that person will never be me...will it?"
Camilo shifted into Antonio and looked at one of the mirrors sitting on an audience seat. He touched the mirror and smiled mischievously.
"I can become cute-," He then shifted into Mariano, "Just like I can turn brute I can become the person you think you'll need"
Milo then shifted into Mirabel, the girl he very much despised at the moment. "I can become you; No one knows it's not true so you're who they need?"
Camilo thought about it "I would love nothing more than to ruin her reputation. She's the on who put me in this mess after all"...but doing something in Mirabel's form wouldn't go well in his favor. Everyone will know it's him causing the trouble so what's the point?
He rolled his eyes and thought about someone else, Oh...Milan Gonzalo. The man who liked to drop off his bratty entitled children for hours at a time until dinner came around. Milo shifted into him in an instant-
"I need your face to help me do what I need, so tell me who you need from me, and I get you dealt with. The person you need me to be that person will never be me...will it?"
He thought of ways to ruin his life and remembered he has a big shoe store.
A perfect place to destroy.
"Me, myself, and I oh now I know them. I'll just become another lie the real me will destroy them."
("Me, myself, and I we all will try to be that lie we will be that phony lie")
Camilo climbed on top of his stage and ran over to his dresser. He pulled the upper drawer open and rummaged through the scissors, paper, and pens until he found what he was looking for.
A pack of matches.
Once he had them in his right hand he smiled sinisterly as he clutched them and put them in his right pocket. With a quick pace Camilo left his room.
On the way to the village, he shifted into a hummingbird and flew over the villagers. He loved the feeling of the air in his wings and the feeling of superiority he had over the people below him.
After turning a few corners and down a few alley ways, he made it to Milan's shoe store. Oh, how well kept and pristine it was. Too bad it wasn't going to stay that way.
He perched himself on a bench next to the shop in a butterfly form and waited for someone to go in. Luckily, the main man himself, Milan, walked out of his store.
Camilo noticed he had keys in his hands, so it was obvious he was about to lock up.
"Why couldn't he be inside while I burn this place down? just a little burn wouldn't do much."
Quickly, Milo turned into a mosquito and flew as fast as he could into the store. He landed on the hard wooden floor of the establishment. The warmth shining through the glass made the floor warm to the touch.
Milo shifted back into himself but remained crouched because there were glass windows in front of the shop, and he didn't want to risk being seen.
Some shoes were put on display behind the glass and by how high up they were, which was four feet, he could hide a little bit.
He took the match pack out of his pocket, pressed the match head into the striker, and dragged the head along the striker. Resulting in a small little flame.
It flickered and shined brightly in Camilo's eyes. Those held hateful and petty intent mixed with mischievous joy. Camilo carefully placed a match into a shoe and lit another match, doing the same thing over and over again.
He was happily torching every shoe in sight until he landed on some orange and yellow espadrilles (shoes similar to Dolores'/Pepa's).
"Hm, I need some new shoes" Like he didn't have ten new pairs at home.
Camilo grabbed the shoes, took off his old ones, and put on the new ones. Perfect fit!
This was so thrilling for him. Burning down the store of one of the people who used him while they did only God knows what. The feeling was incredible.
As of right now, the entire place was smelling like smoke and the matches were starting to do their job. But he lit a couple more matches and just threw them about. He needed this process to be a lot quicker.
Before the smell of fire fully got onto him, Camilo shifted into a mosquito again and flapped his tiny wings through the keyhole. When he saw no one was watching he shifted into a hummingbird again and sat on top of the shoe store.
He sat there for five minutes until he got bored and flew away to cause havoc to someone else. No one noticed the store was burning yet. Milo thought of who to f*ck with next. So many candidates!
Camilo looked down at the villagers and noticed a certain person scurrying around. The well-known bully, Esteban Curillo. The entire Encanto despised him and his puta chismosa of a mother.
Esteban could literally murder someone and Dulce, his mother, would deny it. "He would never do such a thing" kind of mama. Milo thought about how Esteban and Dulce sort of mirrored him and Pepa, but he quickly denied those thoughts.
There's no way in hell we're the same...well, maybe a little. But I'm not an asshole like he is.
He remembers how Estaban constantly used to annoy and verbally bully him in school. He still attempts to, and it's been getting on Milo's absolute nerve.
Then he remembered some gossip between students where Esteban got into a fight with his aunt a few weeks ago, one of the many bakers in Encanto. Something about how she banned him from her bakery because he actively destroys and steal stuff from it.
And when the blame couldn't be placed on Esteban, surely the next best person to blame was Camilo. He hated that. Esteban also didn't know the meaning of the word "NO" and girls utterly despised him for it.
Perfect target number two
And Camilo just so happened to be a frequent person in that bakery of hers. This was going to be fun. Sure, he was going to feel bad for what he was about to do because Esmerelda is a nice woman but...he needed to blow off steam.
He flew over to her bakery and unfortunately...it was crowded. There wasn't much he could do right now. He'll come to do what he needed to do tonight tho.
"Dammit!...wait, this doesn't mean I can do other things." Camilo thought about what he could do. Then he got it...he was about to an absolute menace...in Esteban's form.
So, that's what he did. Camilo hid behind a house and shifted into the slightly older male. Short brown hair, skin like Tio Agustin's, brown eyes, and a plain dusty blue ruana and grey pants.
The first thing he did was steal some firecrackers, fireworks, and picked up some rocks he found around. He set some firecrackers off in Acacia Herrera's hair, the town *cough* tissue wipe *cough* and home Recker. A woman who also left all of her four kids with Camilo when she didn't feel like watching them. Which would also be for hours at a time.
He smashed windows of shops, threw rocks into windows, destroyed any sort of property of he could. All of which belonged to people who used or made fun of him in some sort of way. And maybe some other random places just for some self-indulgence. (And to keep his tracks unnoticeable)
Milo's heart was beating so freaking fast. There were times where he had to stop and take a break to calm himself down. He knew Dolores was probably listening to what was going on and the last thing he needed was her to be suspicious of him.
His last evil deed was done with fireworks. He walked past a bar and decided to snoop just in case there was anyone in there he recognized. He shifted into a ladybug and flew in
Turns out, 40% parents who forced him to babysit for long hours or just folks who forced him to do tiring ass labor for dumb reasons were in that bar. It wasn't much but still enough to cause him to shift back into Esteban, light up a bunch of fireworks and toss them in.
How could he recognize them? Camilo shapeshifts for a reason; it's built into him to remembering everything about faces at this point. Even when he doesn't mean to.
Sure, there were innocents in there, but Cami really didn't think about that. revenge and pettiness was the only thing on his mind at the moment.
Oh, how colorful all that was. Seeing the fireworks shoot out of the bar so magically and beautifully.
His face:
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People were running off shrieking or attempting to dodge the sparks coming at them. Camilo was just amazed. However, he quickly had to get his ass up out of there because the sparks were flying everywhere...and he didn't want to risk getting caught.
All of this was so exciting for him. One of the reasons he was so happy without a care is because that the smart portion of the village, and his family, knows HE would never do any of this.
The Camilo they knew would leave ink on your toothbrush at best, not vandalize, steal, or just cause terror amongst people like ESTEBAN does.
That boy has been known to do these kinds of things before but only at a small scale. But still, multiple people have seen him do all those things.
There's no way people could pin the blame on Camilo this time. And even if they do, they are more than likely going to get a lightning strike and a slap to the face.
He was causing havoc for at least three more hours until it was time for dinner. By then he was really tired, and all of that steam dissipated into pure exhaustion.
He was panting as he still tried to calm himself down. After his heart was steady, he shifted back into himself and slowly walked down they alleyway and turned a corner to get to Casita.
Milo's reign of terror started at 3:30 and ended at 6:45. He didn't exactly know the time, but he knew the sun was setting and that meant it was almost time to go home.
In the meantime, he stopped everything and decided to hang out with his friends. The ones he could find that is. His energy was mostly drained, but he was still able to talk and joke around with them.
By 7:39 it was full time to go home so he bid his friends goodbye and slowly walked home.
He could see his parents walking up ahead of him. Milo saw them hanging on each other, Pepa's arm around Felix's shoulder and Felix's arm around Pepa's waist.
Pepa kisses his cheek and leaned on him, so sweet...of course Camilo didn't think so. Gross, adult love.
The teen boy rolled his eyes at the sight but kept his pace slow. He was in no mood to speed up. Camilo looked behind him and there was Antonio on Luisa's shoulders.
On her left was Isabela and Mirabel, with Dolores on Luisa's right. They were talking about something. Something Camilo cared less to listen to.
Milo turned around and thought back to the events of today, the very start of all the more chaos he'll cause. He smiled warmly at the thought, so much chaos before his birthday. How nice.
Soon enough, he made it into Casita with the others.
"Alright Milo, you know someone is going to say something so just act dumb"
After everyone greeted each other with small talk, they got ready for dinner. Camilo quickly went up to his room and changed, he didn't need anyone smelling any trace of smoke on him.
Once that was done, he came down and sat next to Dolores and his mother.
Sudado de pollo was served for dinner and as always, it's good food. Luisa's favorite actually! Julieta came up with a plan to start cooking meals that are favorites of certain family members. She does it in a pattern according to age.
It'll soon be Camilo's turn seeing as he's the middle child like Luisa.
Everyone talked about their days and Camilo listened, or at least tried to. His mind kept drifting to all the other things he may do before Christmas and his birthday.
Should I become a murderous villain?...hmmm. Eh, seems fun but also WAY too much work. I'm already going to do enough work, but if the situation calls for it, I might-
The boy snapped out of his thoughts and looked to where the voice came from, Isabela.
"Wha?" Camilo asked in confusion. His chameleon earrings dangling with the movement of his head.
"Esteban, he's been the embodiment of chaos all day, didn't you hear?" Isabela asked in an annoyed tone. She wasn't upset at Camilo, just the situation.
"Uh yeah, I did. He's been crazy all day...I wonder why" Camilo tried to sound a little bit concerned but not too over the top.
"He hurt a lot of people," Mirabel added worriedly.
"Are they okay?" Camilo asked
"Si, I healed them" Julieta admitted to him. "I don't what got into that boy but good god he needs to be locked up!" she added with a soft but stern tone.
"You just HAD to heal them Tia...just great" Camilo bitterly thought to himself.
"What would drive him to do all that? and act like he didn't do it?!" Luisa asked with a confused expression.
"What would drive his mother to say it's all lies or that Camilo did it." Dolores muttered quietly but it was loud enough for Camilo and Pepa to hear. Seeing as they were right next to her on both sides.
"And that poor man Milan, his injuries weren't bad but he still had them..." Julieta felt sad at the memory. Unbeknownst to Camilo, Milan went back to his store and saw that everything was on fire.
In an act of stupidity, he ran inside attempting to get a family heirloom from the back part of the small building. Somethings started collapsing/caving in but he made it out with some small burns.
"What...what happened to him?" Camilo asked quietly as he tried not to seem suspicious.
"He got hurt in a fire; it was his shoe shop. Esteban's doing no doubt!" Julie answered with a little bit a fury in her eyes. She was SURE it was his doing.
This almost made Camilo smile. That miserable energy sucking asshole got hurt? Oh goodie! but he had to remind himself that he's around people that don't think like him.
"No laughing or smiling until I get in my room, don't you laugh you idiot!"
"Well, at least he's okay..." Camilo smiled gratefully and slowly turned it into a frown. He was really trying his best to seem worried.
"It would've been better if he actually died, those kids would be better off without him. They have a mom and an uncle from what they've told me so they at least wouldn't be alone. hmm, maybe I should lock him in next time...did I just seriously think that?...."
"His mother had the audacity to blame Camilo." Dolores said with a bitter tone. A dark cloud appeared over Pepa's head, and it thundered.
Pepa snapped her head over to her eldest and only daughter, "SHE WHAT?!"
"Are you serious?" Felix asked with an offended expression.
"Si papa, mami" Dolores' expression still remained stern with a hard gaze at her food.
"Oh, I can't stand that woman! Always blaming Camilo when in fact it was always that diablo of a son!" Alma fumed alongside her middle daughter and her husband, slamming her hand on the table.
"This is so fucking hilarious!" Camilo thought to himself. They didn't believe Esteban or his mother. None of them did. Or at least the right amount of them.
Isabela and Mirabel were a little suspicious but didn't want to say anything. Dolores did think that it could have been Camilo, but he would never do ANYTHING like what Esteban has done today.
"He would be much too afraid to do that. Not to mention way too respectful and just too nice" Dolores thought to herself. Instantly pushing away any assumptions she had.
Dinner carried on as usual with everybody talking about different topics. Soon it came time for everyone to head off to bed for some shuteye or at least a break.
He went up to his room door and touched the doorknob. A happy smile on his face as he thought about tomorrow-
"Camilo! Me and the girls are having a sleepover, want to come?" A bubbly and chipper voice said. He recognized that voice. Mirabel.
He looked to the right of him and saw all four girls staring at him in child-like glee. Camilo wanted to but A; Mirabel, the main person who put him back in the situation he was in seven months ago, was going to be there. And B: He was tired.
"We're gonna tell stories" Dolores said, knowing full well Camilo loved storytelling. And she hoped this could get his mind off of today because she knows that being blamed for everything can't be good on his mental, no matter how much he smiles. 
"Do makeovers" Isabela added with a nod
"And gossip, we know you love gossip!" Luisa admitted with a smile.
"We can play games too!"
Camilo smiled as politely as he could to not seem irritated or annoyed. "Uh...No, I'm a little tired, you girls have fun though"
In less than a second, he was in his room and locked the door. A deep sigh escaped him as he leaned up against the door. He needed a long bath, and time to himself to truly process what the hell happened today.
"He's hiding something" Isa pointed out with narrowed eyes as she looked at his glowing door.
"How can you tell?" Mirabel asked, Dolores was equally questioning how she stumbled upon that assumption.
"When has he, for the past seven months, denied a sleepover with us?"
"Can't he just be tired? he did look tired" Luisa said with a shrug and raised brow.
"He once sat up with us until 3 AM and still lasted ten minutes...besides. Did he really say what he was doing all day?"
Dolores didn't like where this was going, and she knew where Isa was going with this. "Isabela Valentina Rojas Madrigal, if you somehow even ATTEMPT to bring that Esteban up and dare even HINT at something, so help me..."
Isabela put her hands up and backed away "I- I wasn't going to!"
"Then what were you going to say?" Dolores eyed her primana, silently daring her to admit what she was thinking.
"I was only saying that....never mind..." Isabela scratched the back of her neck and looked away. It was in her best interest to keep whatever thought she had to herself.
"Mhm, that's what I thought. Now let's have our sleepover but I lose patients"
Now, Dolores isn't stupid. Quite the opposite really, over the years she's learned to spot when people were lying or telling the truth. Especially when it came to her younger primas and siblings.
Something in her urged to look into her suspicions of Camilo but she also wanted to cut him some slack. He's been through a lot AND she knows her brother. He would never set fire to a store or...burn people with fireworks...would he?
UGH!! FINISHED! This took way longer than I thought it would
I feel like this chapter is lacking a bit so if you have any ideas, let me know.
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gamerbearmira · 7 months
Rock band au - Backstory…kinda? 
Alma had already built her own following on her own youtube channel when the kids were like…teens? Many albums and such in her day. She toned it down a notch when she was 54, that’s when Dolores and Isa were born. (Her channel name was “Young Crimson” and changed to “Abuela Crimson”. She still drops some music from time to time.) She has done a world tour and released many albums and singles. 
Pepa had started her own music in her 20’s to mid 30’s. (And she happened to meet Felix at one of her small concerts). Her youtube channel name was “Thunderstorm” of course. She had done some world tours and whatnot as well. 
Isabela was ten when she took an interest in rock and frequently went to Pepa or Alma for music recommendations. Same for Mirabel as well, but she was nine when she started her love for rock/alternative music. Camilo was only eight when he started out. 
Over time their styles gradually changed the more they got into alternative fashion and such. Alma and Pepa mainly helped of course.
Isabela got her guitar at fourteen, Camilo got his drum set at eight (a year after her) and Mirabel got her guitar at nine (a year after them). 
I also wanna add the Pepa sometimes featured in Alma’s songs when she was in her teens + young adult years. So when she branched off to do her own stuff she already had a big following. Mirabel, Isabela, and Camilo kind of did the same when it came to her. They asked if they could be background vocals and she couldn’t say no, she folded like a wet paper towel. 
Three years passed and the three grandkids kind of worked up a good foundation in knowing how to use their instruments. Mirabel had an idea and decided to go to Alma about it first. Alma looked it over and she truly liked the idea and…made it into a full song with her daughter and three grandkids help. (Isa was nineteen and Camilo and Mirabel were twelve at the time the song was made.) 
The song was released on Pepa and Alma’s youtube channels. Since Mirabel made the song she was the lead singer. Everybody loved her voice seeing as it was a twelve year old singing at such a deep base and loud base.  
An Idea came to Mirabel’s mind…why not just be a full band? They already had the foundation for it and a huge following. It wouldn’t- well…starting a band was not easy but they already have a few things going for them. 
She asked her tia and abuela if they could be a full band and of course, both women were on board. Isabela and Camilo were absolutely ecstatic when they were told the idea. 
“Waiting on a Miracle” was released on April twelfth, four months later, “Illusions of identity” (written by Camilo) was released on August fourteenth. Four months later, “Flora and Rage” (written by Isabela) was released on December sixteenth. Each song had Pepa and/or Alma featured in them. 
Five songs by the second year; “Surface Pressure” (By Isa), “Thin ice” (by Pepa), “Hard Work that no one sees” (By Alma), “Shaken emotions” (By Mirabel), and “Constant heartache” (By Camilo). The youngest three had their first tour that year as well!
By the third year five more songs were made. Which made the band have a total of eighteen songs out! And they will be going on tour this year as well. All of which had music videos. 
I was thinking of Alma joining but…decided against it for some reason??? Anyway, her stage name is Abuela Crimson! The kids & young adults absolutely love her and see her as the coolest grandma in the world. 
I’m not sure what to do for a group name tho…maybe “The unwanted”? I’m not sure, I’m just going for somethin’ edgy with 2000’s flair. 
Also, I like the suggestions! More than what I thought of honestly. 
Other stuff-
Mira and Isa’s Parents (and sister) couldn’t be more proud to see them on stage with their Tia, Primo, and sometimes Abuela. Agustin and Luisa manage to cry every single time.  
Felix and Dolores love seeing them up there, even if Lolo has to wear headphones that muffle the sound a bit, she can still hear and loves every second of it. Felix a head bopper all the way through…to the point of getting whiplash.
The band mostly tours a few months before summer comes around. That way, when summer break comes, they can just have fun as a family. 
UNDERSTANDABLE‼️‼️ also. I was thinking, the time?? Is weird. So for Alma to have had a YouTube channel in her late 30’s/early 40’s, we’ll say when YouTube released, that means that this takes place farther into the future than now. Cause if she took a break at 54, Isabela and Dolores would’ve been born in like 2018 😭😭 BUT. A way around this is
A: Change the ages or Time screwing
B: Change the release of YT for this AU
C: Alma was popular before YT, but grew even bigger when YouTube came around. This could also let the AU take place in the mid 2000 and the 2020s.
Idk, just wanna understand the time <333
ANYWAYYYYY EVERYTHING ELSE IS SO COOL 💪💪 I like how they were pretty young when they got into the rock/alt music scene, that’s so rad <333 you know how loud they must’ve been when they got their instruments. All of them at different skill level for a minute and playing different songs. Like wow 😭
Also Mirabel proposing the band and being the first of the grand kids to release a song. THAT’S WOAM 🗣️🗣️ not surprising that they joined together and then got more popular. Song names are so cool, so creative 🦈🦈 ALSO ABUELA CRIMSON RAHHHHHHHHH 🦅🦅🦅
Glad you like the suggestions <333 another one. You know how for bands, especially rock and metal, people wear face paint to concerts based on the band theme or their favorite member? Like KISS and ICP?? Yeah they have that too <333 Antonio sometimes wears it, but it varies 🗣️🗣️
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Felíx is literally like. The most insane person at a concert. From row. Screaming Pepa’s name and stage name.
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sylphrene · 9 months
happy new year from my little scrumblos!
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16magnolias · 9 months
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"Mirabel and Camilo stood side by side, their mouths hanging open in shock.
They hadn’t caught Ratón Pérez.
They’d caught their Tío Bruno."
From (Not So) Silent Night, a Secret Santa gift for @ramblesanddragons. Merry Christmas, Rambles!
December 21st, 1941. 7:37 a.m. At that moment, six-year-old Mirabel Madrigal was absolutely certain of two things: 1. Ratón Pérez was genuinely, one hundred percent real, and: 2. She was going to help Camilo catch him.
Home-Alone inspired shenanigans ensue, and they don't quite catch who they were expecting to.
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undercroft-files · 3 months
Bringing in the MC
Hello again, it's ya boy (god I'm cringy 😣). I have ABSOLUTELY no drawing skills when it comes to faces and people so y'all just gotta bear with me on screenshots I've taken from my own game from Hogwarts Legacy.
I don't have all the screenshots I want because I didn't come up with the idea of having my MC even be a plausible character in my works until recently. Also, part of the reason I don't have as many screenshots as I'd like is because of the update that has been frame rate dropping me and also kicking me out of the game every five seconds so that's fun. 🥲
Anyways, here's the boy and all his info (I'll write fics for him on Ao3 and I'll provide links)
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Yes, I know he looks like Harry Potter.
I try to make myself and every time, without fail, they end up looking like Harry Potter or Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil franchise and idk how to not have that happen.
Anyways, here's some of his info that's kinda basic.
Name: Jeremy Carter
Birth Date: December 1st (whatever year this takes place because idk 😭)
Where In Europe Is He From?: England
Blood Status: Half Blood
Height: 5'7 ft
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Pear wood, 11 three quarter inches, quiet bendy, phoenix feather core
Patronus: Stoat (they're like the ferret's prettier cousin)
Father: Wizard, deceased
Mother: Muggle, alive
Relationship?: Jeremy has eyes for Amit Thakkar
Extra facts
Jeremy has autism (at the time, they probably didn't even know this existed but they all take kindly to Jeremy and give him patience).
Jeremy's father told him about Hogwarts and the wizarding world before his father's passing.
Jeremy's mother thinks the father is lying about everything.
Eleazar Fig becomes the closest thing Jeremy has to a father.
Mirabel Garlick becomes the closest thing Jeremy has to a loving mother.
Jeremy and Ominis become best friends (through traumatization from Sebastian).
Jeremy went out of his way to find all the constellation tables immediately after helping Amit find one (that was Jeremy's way of saying "I like you").
Jeremy's favourite class is potions.
So yeah, I'll post some chapters for Jeremy's story on Ao3 along with a gallery of screenshots (when I decide to end the story) for you all to enjoy! Stay tuned for those updates!
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leighrobertsreads · 2 months
El sol es nuestro reloj
@flashfictionfridayofficial 264: Counting Clocks
“The sun is our clock”
Fandom: Encanto (2021) Characters: Juancho (the Coffee Kid), Bruno Madrigal, Mirabel Madrigal Relationship: Bruno/Mirabel (engaged) Word count: 640 Also available on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57882766
Author’s note: school running through eighth grade for all children in the Encanto is my personal headcanon. It would have been amazingly egalitarian for early 20th century Colombia, where the vast majority of the population didn’t get to go to school past fifth grade, and certainly not with the children of the leading family in town: https://justinhauver.com/a-brief-history-of-education-in-colombia/
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Aside from treasured pocket watches, many of which had ceased to move decades ago, there were very few clocks in the Valle del Encanto. The large one on the plaza bell tower was decorative, though the foreigner who came to the village last year and was designing an organ for the church claimed he might be able to build a clockwork for it. Unlike the spinning mill that was started as soon as they were lucky enough for a textile mill engineer to seek refuge in their valley, a lack of clocks was not a priority to remedy.
Instead, they could just look at where the sun was in the sky, or the sundials around town if they were newcomers who hadn't learned how to read the sky yet.
As every little Encanteño learned in school (which every little Encanteño was welcome to attend through age fourteen, to the initial wonder of many of their parents), the Equator ran through the southern part of Colombia. In their valley in the northwest part of the country, six degrees north of the Equator, on both the shortest days from día de las velitas through la epifanía (11 hours, 45 minutes) and the longest around fiesta de San Juan (12 hours, 30 minutes), the sun would rise at 6 in the morning and set at 6 in the evening, and it was prudent to take a siesta from 1 to 3 in the afternoon.
A few minutes one way or the other were not worth quibbling over in a place without the trains the Forty-Sixers and some of the Fifteeners had talked about.
Juancho found it grossly unfair that he was expected to sit still and pay attention on school days for ten more minutes in June than in December without coffee. Like all the other children in town, Señorita Mirabel had been one of his favorite grown-ups... until she taught Señor Madrigal to check his bag for a bottle before class.
When he complained to Señor Madrigal about this injustice one day after class, his Latin and religion teacher shrugged and replied, "she doesn't let me have more than the one at breakfast, either, no matter what time of year."
"Jorge says you're under the thumb." It was apparently true.
Señor Madrigal's face reddened, and he stuffed everyone's papers into a heavily-decorated bag. "Gotta go, running late for a very important appointment!"
Juancho looked out the window. Señorita Mirabel was approaching with the same look on her face that she had when she took the class for their turns to work in the wool carding shed, something that she enjoyed a lot more than most of them did.
He would have felt sorry for Señor Madrigal, but Jorge also said that he liked being under the thumb. Some of the other older boys snickered, but then Rodrigo said something about preferring to be under some other part of Señorita Mirabel, and got Jorge's fist in his face.
Fun at Señor Madrigal's expense was one thing, but it was never the right time to insult Señorita Mirabel.
"It's time to go to Señor Ruiz's!" she announced as she entered the schoolroom, then ruffled Juancho's hair.
"Ooooh, you're getting reading glasses like my Abuela did last year!"
Señor Madrigal put his face in his hands.
"Time marches on for us all,” Señorita Mirabel said, putting a hand on his shoulder after glancing out the door for some reason.
"But it beats the alternative,” Señor Madrigal replied, laying a hand over hers and smiling the way Juancho's papá did at his mamá when it was definitely time for Juancho to find somewhere else to be.
Feeling daring as he dashed out to get that coffee he'd been craving, he asked a question sure to score him points with Jorge and the gang:
“When’s the wedding?”
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disneytva · 11 months
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Family Guy Among Other 20th Television Animation Shows To Drop On Disney+ USA As Part Of Disney+ - Hulu Integration App Set to Begin in December
Peter Griffin,The Belchers,Bender,Korvo are heading to Disney+ with Lighting McQueen, Mirabel Madrigal and Bambi.
During Disney’s quarterly earnings call Wednesday, CEO Bob Iger said that the company would begin integrating its Hulu streaming platform onto the larger Disney+ in December for users who have a Disney Bundle subscription.
That will mean Hulu originals like The Bear,Solar Opposites and Only Murders in the Building, as well as ABC’s Abbott Elementary and library series like Family Guy,Futurama, Bob's Burgers will be available as part of a “Hulu on Disney+” option.
The news comes on the heels of Disney acquiring full control of Hulu after buying out Comcast’s stake in the streamer a week ago.
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