#Misa deserves better
mittir-the-bitter · 2 years
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Guys I can’t believe that it’s canon that Misa breaks up with Light’s ass and gets a badass shinigami girlfriend instead 🥰
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dayblu · 2 years
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Enter the mistress:
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L telling Light that what he is doing is messed up despite him being just as wicked 👀
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Light gaslights Misa
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Misa finds out from someone *cough* L *cough*
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At the end of the day, L favors his sweets. 🍰
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kikivoka · 5 months
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oomf, what will she write ?
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mailjeevasfan · 1 year
finally made barbie posters. i don’t think anyone has done these ones yet i tried to be creative
also sorry i did u dirty matt i still <3 u
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natsuki208 · 2 months
4 anime characters I know of who deserved better!
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Alois Trancy - I don’t care if he isn’t canon, this poor traumatised boy deserves a much better story than what we got in season 2. I feel the only way for him to have a second chance is to be put into the manga.
Marco Bodt - Our beloved freckled angel (literally) may be the main reason why Jean got amazing character development, but I still wished we got to see him more. Or at least give them both character development if he were kept alive.
Misa Amane - It’s understandable why everyone hates her like Alois, she’s the Harley Quinn of Death Note. I feel like she should’ve gotten a mini arc of realising how awful Light was to her and get over him. Sadly the show doesn’t care about females.
Carly Carmine - After rewatching the show, I noticed what a downgrade she got in season 2 much like Akiza and the twins. There is a whole controversy behind that but still, it’s sad to see her and her relationship with Jack go down the drain out of nowhere.
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juicequeen21 · 2 years
I really wish that Misa was faking the whole naive and "dumb" thing. Like I think it's crazy nobody ever considered the potential that it was an act, like you think this girl is a mass murder but can't for a second think she's not an "idiot"???
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ladyimaginarium · 6 months
"we need more traumatized women characters with cptsd and are abuse victims that are actually portrayed realistically and don't always show symptoms that are 'cute', 'soft' or 'pretty'!!!" y'all couldn't even handle erica from gangsta.
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jumexju · 2 months
Just listened to Misa's Themes, i'm not ok
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shinyvibrava · 5 months
Why has some kind of death note renaissance popped up out of nowhere. Why am I seeing "was light right, y/n" discourse in 2024 with my own two eyes. Where am I.
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doctrpepper · 1 year
actually its so hard to get into death note as an adult. you have to be a teen and think L and light are the coolest and then revisit that obsession later as an adult and realize its a comedy
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vixxelle · 9 months
Misa deserved so much better, honestly.
I don’t care how annoying she was, she deserved nothing Light put her through.
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infizero · 10 months
i may get shot for this but personally i dont think theres really anything wrong with death note's female characters
#the worst thing is rlly just that there arent that many of them. but i dont think thats like unforgivable#i like misa and i think shes a great character. i keep seeing ppl being like she deserved better i wish she had better writing etc#and thats valid but also i. dont ger that at all personally. i think shes a really good character imo#like yeah shes sort of a stereotypical The Girl but thats not like inherently a bad thing. girls like that exist#and like yes her whole thing is she only wants to be of service to light. but like.... thats ADDRESSED. its treated as a bad thing#it'd be bad if her only purpose was to serve light and that was just not addressed. but thats like the whole point of her character that#it sucks that she thinks thats all shes worth and that she has to encounter light who only plays into that and makes it worse#to the point of her being completely dependent on him and killing herself once hes dead#shes a tragedy. that if she hadnt met light she wouldve probably survived and might have been able to work past her issues#but light fucked all that up#i think thats super interesting and cool and like yeah shes not the greatest character ever#but idk i dont get that complaint. her only purpose being to serve light is the whole point. its viewed as a bad thing#BTW THIS IS NOT ME DEFENDING THE AUTHOR. i know one of his later works has some extremely blatant and awful sexism in it FUCK HIM!#but idk with death note specifically. in a void apart from its author#i think the few female characters it has are fine. idk#serena.txt
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dynamimight · 2 years
if light yagami ain't the dumbest mf i ever seen-
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folkloresyagami · 1 year
back on my shit again. “your best american girl” by mitski is so misa amane it HURTS.
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crypticfandomtrash · 2 years
Misa Headcanons 1
Misa’s sister is older than she is. Her name is Kayuki. She has moved on from their parents’ murders and is worried about Misa’s refusal to seek help.
Unpopular headcanon: Misa is heterosexual. She could be bicurious at most in canon (and even then I personally doubt it). Considering how she outright rejects Rem and that none of her interactions with Kyomi (or any other woman) strike me as romantic or flirty, I do not see her as a lesbian. She might have a passing interest in trying to date another woman (especially if Kira had been a woman instead of Light), but nothing would come of it. She only talks about men in a romantic or sexual context (mostly Light, for that matter).
Regardless of author intent or fanon, she is written in a very specific way in the manga and any analysis of the text as it is must take that into account. I’ve mentioned it before on another post: See casuitor and mikami's posts for pure textual analyses on DN. They’re awesome. I have plenty of headcanons and fanon, but I still keep in mind that the manga does not necessarily reflect what I wish was canon. That is why fanon exists.
In AUs that are not set in DN’s main world, I can easily see her as bisexual and headcanon her as such (like in my Pirate AU).
Misa isn’t stupid at all. She has a successful modeling and idol career, which means she acts in certain ways to please her audience. She manipulates people into doing what she wants. And she manages to threaten Light into dating her via her stronger powers and Rem. Let’s also not forget that she tricked Higuchi into confessing to her. She’s more socially intelligent than academically intelligent, but she did decently in school. There are plenty of hints of this in canon.
She thinks that she’s in love with Light, but it’s actually about what he represents to her. She views him as an ideal hero because he avenged her parents, even though he’s actually a vigilante terrorist who’s very far from morally upright as Kira. She’s put him on a pedestal and deep down she does know that what she feels isn’t really love.
She doesn’t actually care to get to know Light as a person, This is pretty clear in the manga. She constantly ignores his wishes and goes against him, especially during the first half. She projects her own desires onto him, and combined with the fact that she stalks him and forces him into the relationship via death threats, is a pretty toxic person. Their “relationship” is mutually toxic and abusive.
Related to above, I really wish people would stop defending her actions. If being a Light or L apologist is scorned, then why should Misa get a free pass for bad deeds? I much prefer Misa as a villainous character! She’s very interesting. Let there be evil women.
Before she gave up her Death Note, she kept wondering what L looked like during the interrogation because he was just a scrambled voice over an intercom system. Everyone wonders what the world’s greatest detective looks like.
She does remember most of her interrogation. She knows L’s staff could have done far worse to her than withhold food and water for 3 days (they did keep her on an IV for fluids so she wouldn’t actually get dehydrated) and give her a potent truth serum, but she still resents it. She believes she’s innocent without her memories, so all the physical evidence that they have on her makes her think she that was controlled by Kira somehow. It’s something that actually frightens her.
Given that she says that “L is the person in the computer” when talking to L at one point during the Yotusba arc, she does not think that “Ryuzaki” is L. She thinks he’s one of L’s many proxies or agents. She does put the pieces together a while before regaining her memories, though.
As for Misa/Rem shipping, I can see it happening. I can also see it as unrequited or just platonic. I actually prefer platonic. Rem strikes me as very motherly.
Misa notices that Light is into L. Again, she’s not stupid. She is torn between feeling upset and feeling amused at the situation. She easily noticed his disinterest in girls. When Light does admit to being gay at some point, she isn’t even surprised. Only Matsuda and Aizawa were surprised.
She loves being an actress and was secretly upset when Light asked her to quit so they could get married in Part 2 of the manga.
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leafy--bab · 2 years
Oki honestly I kinda like misa but that may also be because I love drawing her uvu
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