#Miscolliding Planets
Prologue: Never Give Up Hope
It's been a while. I forgot all about these messages that I've been writing you. I just checked, it has been 5 years since I first wrote you a message. Can't believe that time passed so fast.
Well, here's a little update about my life. I'm happily married. It's been a couple of years since we tied the knot. It was a really bumpy road getting to this point of our lives, but we're really happy. We've been living a quiet, happy life—well, as quiet and as happy as we can with all the crazy ruckus of the entertainment world.
We had our first baby about a year ago. It's a boy! We named him Alexander Eguzki. We also welcomed our little princess a few months ago. We named her Luna Moanne. I know, their names are really unique. But, you knew that I've always wanted to name my children after celestial bodies. Oh well, I guess that's it. I don't know when I will be writing you again. But, |
"Andie...!" someone shouted from behind me.
"Yea?" I called back.
"Can you please come here a sec?" the same male voice shouted back from what seems to be the kitchen.
I placed my phone down and stood up from the sofa to see what he was shouting about. "What's the matter?" I asked as I rounded the corner to the kitchen. I was stopped in my tracks by the sight that greeted me. I bit on my lips to try and stop myself from laughing out loud. He noticed my expression which caused him to give me an even more annoyed expression.
He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Xander decided that it's a great idea to play with his food today and scattered it all over the kitchen floor, and counter" he stated, flatly.
"And, also you, apparently," I stated as I nod in agreement. A little giggle slipped out as I stepped forward. That earned me another annoyed look—this time, more pointed than the earlier one. I shook my head and reached out for the smallest of the two infants. "I'll get Luna. You go deal with Xander. You both needed a bath, anyway," was my retort to his glare as I hurriedly took my baby girl out of her feeding chair and ran for our lives—because I can no longer hold my laugh in.
"ANDIE...!" was the shout of protest that I received which prompted me to laugh even harder. "Your dada looks annoyed right now, but we both know that he'll be smiling a few seconds from now" I told Luna who smiled and giggled at me happily. That made me smile even wider. I stepped foot into the babies' room and began my search for new clothing and diapers that she can change into.
Opening her drawer, I took out her pink bear-printed onesie that has this little tutu skirt that you can partner it with. I placed Luna on top of her changing table, putting aside her clothes and diaper, before gathering the wipes and baby powder from the below the changing bed. I proceeded to remove Luna's diaper and cleaned her up. As I work on Luna, I can hear both my boys from the bathroom. Their father keeps complaining how dirty Xander made himself and how much of a mess he is and the kitchen. I can't help but laugh at him which also made Luna release he squeal-y giggle that never fails to make me happy. I was finishing fixing Luna when I had a thought.
"I wouldn't have had this life if I had just given up hope back then. I thank whatever force there is in the universe that allowed us to cross paths...
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Chapter 5: Another Galaxy
Eight(8) months later...
"Which shoots are booked for this next couple of weeks?" I asked the staff as I entered the meeting room.
"We have Bodie, of the KPop group GRITZ, flying in 2 days from now for his solo interview and photoshoot," Monica, my secretary relayed. "The next day, he will be coming back for another shoot and interview but for a different magazine, this time with Iain Yoon of Paradigm along with Blake Harithai. Oh, it will also be a street shoot," she continued. "Three days after that, Taylor Thanee booked a studio while Iain Yoon will also come for a music video shoot in one of our other studios," she fired again.
"About that..." I interrupted Melanie, "Which studios will they be using?" I asked.
"Mr.  Vajarodaya only requested for a small studio so we decided to place him on studio 1. Mr. Yoon asked for a large space where 'a greenhouse-like set' can be set up, that's why we gave him studio 3," Melanie instantly responded as she looks through her planner. "Mr. Vajarodaya also said that he will be bringing his own crew," she continued.
"How many people is on his crew?" I asked as I also checked schedule on my calendar.
"He said there will only be 10 people that will be working with him," she answered after checking.
"Right. Please make sure that they properly go through admitting procedures and keep to the guidelines," Melanie noted it on her page as she hums her acknowledgement. "What about equipment? Do we have to provide any?" I also checked with Melanie.
"We'll be providing his lighting equipment and the basic props for his set," Melanie relayed as she hands me the shoot briefs.
"Did he specify any specific light he requires? What props are needed for his set?" I asked, genuinely curious as I check the list that is on the brief.
"He wanted lamps, a wooden chair, a large wooden crate box, and a wooden ladder. As for studio lights, he needs four, with 2 of them being colored. He said he will also need a set of reflectors," she read off the list that she is also holding.
"What about the backdrop? Did he not require specific colors or textures?" I asked as I need more elaborate details since I did not see it on the brief.
Melanie checked only on her copy and was appalled that this bit was not included. "I will ask his side for more details," she assured me as she goes through her planner for the contact detail she needs.
"Get their reply, ASAP," I told Melanie as she started composing a message. I turned to the other people on the room," Danny and Gene, please make sure that all props, lighting, monitors and all other equipment are ready the day before the shoot," I addressed my tech team.
"Yes, Ma'am," they nodded their head as they go over each of the briefs for the list of needed equipments.
"Please make sure that each of the props are in place at least a few hours before the shoot begins, if not a day early," I addressed the art team next. "I need every detail of the set to be ready so we can start the shoots without a hitch. If you need anything--some help or whatnot--tell me as soon as it comes up, okay?" I demanded for their affirmation.
"Yes, ma'am," both Ares and Collette answered.
"Melanie, please also check the dressing rooms and see if they had been clean at least a few hours before the shoot starts," I interrupted Melanie's typing again.
"Sure, ma'am," she affirmed and went back to composing her message.
Remembering that the main dressing room for studio 3 is being renovated, I paused. "We're half-way through renovations on studio 3's dressing room, right?" I asked, "and, studios 1 and 3 connected by a single dressing room?" I added, not waiting for any of their responses.
"Yes, Ma'am," Melanie absent-mindedly answered.
Putting the shoot brief down, I turned to all of them. "When will the renovations end? Is there still a long way to go?"
"They had just started gutting the walls and floors after tearing down most of the existing walls. There is still a few weeks left before it can be finished according to Manny," Ares relayed.
"Is the shared dressing room big enough for the two teams to work?" I wondered.
"I heard that Paradigm will also only be working with a small team that is why we also asked if they don't mind sharing the dressing room and they agreed," Colette reassured me.
I nodded in satisfaction and began going through the shoot briefs for the main shoots as Melanie finishes composing the messages that she needs to send out, needing to go over the briefs and check each detail. Finding some key points that seem vague, I encircled some of the details that I needed to clarify. Melanie finished composing her drafts and picked up the shoot briefs that need to be gone over. I finished going over the various papers in my hand and went back to the brief for Bodie's solo shoot.
"I see that Christina's going to be Bodie's make-up artist," I pointed as I looked at the paper in my hand. I deemed it most important to address as she did not have a great track record when working with our projects, "Just please make sure that she's not gonna act up and will actually follow the concept and plan," I instructed. "Collette, please explain the concept of styling for the shoots," I started the discussion.
For Bodie's shoot, the styling puts emphasis on everyday men's fashion. So, most of the pieces are versatile, fashionable pieces that can be worn day-to-day. The outer wear ranges from colorful, artsy pieces with bold prints and designs to structured coats and blazers with unique details that can be worn in corporate settings. On the other hand, the group shoot's styling will be centered around grunge-y, street fashion. The pieces of clothing that will be used are also trendy and versatile that everything can be worn day-to-day.  I only had to interrupt a few times since I needed clarification on the points that I encircled.
I was very satisfied with the presentation and just had to emphasize on the importance of communicating with the artists' respective styling teams. This is to prevent getting clashes of various kinds. Communication is imperative since some of these artists are in exclusive endorsement contracts which prevents them from wearing certain brands. I don't want to face disputes and lawsuits regarding breach of contracts or whatnots. The meeting ended with a reminder to everyone to thoroughly check on their respective tasks so that we can proceed with the projects smoothly. I also asked Monica to send me the message drafts she composed so I can check on them.
Everyone exit the room as soon as the meeting ended to rush to their respective departments and get started on their tasks. I gathered all the papers and briefing notes and placed them inside my notebook for safe keeping. I walked out of the meeting room and went back to my office. Rebooting my laptop from its sleep, I went on to put down the schedules. I also jotted down the most important tasks that needs to be double checked on sticky notes. It's so that I will be reminded of each task regularly. I also checked my emails and made sure that Monica has sent the drafts I was asking for. After seeing her email and name at the top of the list, I immediately opened the documents attached and get to working on editing and polishing the letters. It only took me a while to edit the pieces since Monica already did a great job on composing them. I immediately sent them back to Monica before standing up and going to the various departments to check on their progress.
3 days later...
I arrived on the set a few hours earlier than scheduled to make sure the sets are properly set up. I brought Apollo with me since I was sure that I will be staying at the studio the whole day. He also boosts the staff morale, relieving their stress in between outfit changes and shoot breaks. Right now, he's resting on a corner to avoid the crowd and be out of the way of all the movement that's happening. I watch as Gene's team setup the spotlights that are on the ceiling while Danny and his assistant, Carl, setup the studio lights. I had Gene test out the spotlights and see if all the colors work. The colored setting will be used for some of the frames. Gene next went on to setting up the monitor screens that will be used.
After making sure that there is no problem with the lights, I went to the dressing room to check on the clothes that Bodie will be wearing for the shoot. I saw Colette's team arranging the various types of clothes on racks that line one wall of the room. It has been arranged by category and color while the shoes are lined on the floor on top of their boxes. I also saw Christina setting up various kinds of makeup and tools on top of the dressing table. I also checked the changing booth to make sure that it is clean and no unwanted, miscellaneous item got lost in there. After the satisfying inspection, I came out to check if Gene was done setting up the monitoring screens. For Bodie's shoot today, he will be working with the up-and-coming photographer Todd Wasart. He's already setting up his camera and laptop, hooking it up onto the monitors with Gene.
I was about to approach Todd when I heard pounding footsteps coming my way. I had turned in time to see Bodie's lanky-yet-muscular body catapulting on me. I put my hands up to soften the blow, if not completely stop Bodie from throwing himself at me. Aside from he's quite heavy though he's thin, there is a discrepancy in height; at least from my part. You see, the man's 178cm in height, he's 5,10". On the other hand, I'm only at a whopping 153cm tall--which is equivalent to 5'0 feet. In other words, I will be smothered by him. Though I tried, my efforts are yet again proven unsuccessful since he managed to put me on a chokehold of a bear-hug.
"Oh, how I miss you, Noona!" he shouted as he laughingly lifts me off the floor.
"BODIE!! PUT. ME. DOWN!" I screeched between labored breath as he continues to hold me so tightly, tapping his shoulder. I looked behind him and saw his manager shoot me an apologetic look, like always. I waved a hello from wherever my hand is trapped and went back to tapping his shoulder, trying to do it harder.
"Nope! You have to tell me that you also miss me," he naughtily taunted as I continued to struggle and try to push myself off him. He smiled at me mischievously and proceeded to tighten his already suffocating chokehold.
"Oh gosh, Bodie! Just let me down. I can't breathe," I screeched again.
He laughed at me but still proceeded to release me from his hold. I punched him on his arm which made him exclaim in pain. "That's what you get for messing with me," I huffed as I fixed my clothes and my hair. Bodie laughed as he soothes the spot I punched. "You better not do that again, jacka**," I tutted.
Apollo came up to us and happily sniffed at Bodie before nudging him to ask for some pets. Bodie happily squatted down to give Apollo pets and hugs as he tells him, "Hey, bud! I missed you, too! Seems like the feeling's not mutual with your mama, though," he laughs.
"Shut up!" I protested as I fixed my hair and my clothes. Bodie just laughed as he continued to pet and play with Apollo. I leaned on the table behind me as I observe them rough house. Apollo is pretty close with Bodie and his group members since he had been around them ever since he was a puppy. I smiled at the sight of them and just let him mess with Apollo a little bit more. I'm certain that they've missed each other.
Apollo walked away from Bodie a few moments later, as if having enough of the rough housing and just wanting to go back to sleep. I laughed at Bodie's bewildered expression. "He says you're no fun anymore," I teased him which made him give me a fake hurt expression, causing me to laugh louder. Bodie stood up and started brushing dust off his knees. "So, you guys did decide not to re-sign with the company..." I opened the topic.
Bodie paused from dusting off his clothes. He looked at me and smiled, albeit sadly. "We had to decide which is a better option for us at the moment," he shrugged as he responded. "It's all good now. We just have to make more time and expend more effort. But, it's a nice start," he proclaimed as he went back to dusting his clothes again. He gave his shoulder one last pat before facing me again. "I'll say hello to the staff and go get my makeup done, now. I'll see you later," he hugged me and strutted to the people scattered all over the studio.
Bodie started going to each staff, giving them his greetings with a bright smile on his face. He came to each and every person he saw and politely said his 'hello's. I  pushed myself off the table and walked out of the studio to the dressing room. Bodie came in a moment later, heading straight to the makeup chair. Christina immediately worked on Bodie as I supervised her work. I just wanted to make sure that she does not overdo anything nor overstep her boundaries by coming up with her own styling plan apart from what we required of her. I'm glad to see that she stuck with what we required of her and styled Bodie the way we want. Colette gave Bodie the first outfit he'll he be wearing and Bodie went on to change. They made a few adjustments and added on accessories to complete the outfit. Bodie gave me one last smile along with a wink--as if telling me that he knows I find him fine--before walking out of the dressing room. I shook my head and strutted out of the room after him.
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Chapter 4: Cause of Deviation
|| Message #2 ||
Yep. I'm here again. Good morning. I hope you'll have a great day today.
I don't have much anything planned for the day. I'll just be working from the comforts of my home, so nothing new nor exciting happens to me regularly. Oh! the joys of working from home. I'm pretty sure I'll just end up watching more episodes of the drama that I recently got hooked in. ("Yay!" for me!) I don't have anything planned for my meals today, so I'm thinking of just winging it. Anyways, I wish you'll have an amazing, fun filled day. 'Coz I sure know I won't.
I know you're busy, so I won't keep you any longer. Don't forget to eat. Skipping meals is bad for your health.
Andie 🌺
I don't know how long I was out before Man woke me up. I took a glance at my watch and saw that it was well after 2 in the afternoon. Man turned the engine off and got out of the vehicle. Apollo sat up from his position on the floor, patiently watching as I gather my things from where I sat. I was reaching for the door handle when Man pulled the door open from outside. I stepped out of the vehicle with Apollo right behind me. Man walked to the back of the van and opened it. I looked around and found that we're parked inside a gated property not far from the city center. A few skyscrapers are peeking on top of the houses, as if they're waving their hello. I walked to where Man was unloading my luggage and started reaching for a few that I can take.
"The company originally has a condo ready. But because you take your dog, they get you a small apartment now," he explained as he pushed the van's boot close. "The studio is 5 minutes away by car from this house," he continued as he started walking. He reached into his pocket and took out a set of keys. Man took Apollo's carrier along with one of suitcases and started walking towards the front door. He showed me which key opens the front door, which key is for what and the spare keys. He pushed open the door and handed me the keys. "I'm going back to get your other things," he said before walking back to where we left my other luggage.
I took off my shoes before I stepped inside, as most Asian countries don't really allow footwear inside the house. I placed Apollo's carrier cage in a corner before I looked around. The sight that greeted me made me more excited. The interior of the house is painted in pastel shades with furniture and fixtures made out of wood. A tent is pitched at a corner, further escalating my excitement and enthusiasm. The kitchen and dining area are connected to the living room by an open doorway. There is a sturdy looking dining table in the middle of the room while the kitchen appliances look brand new. I came out to the living room again, assessing what to do first.
Man came inside with the box that contained Apollo's things, putting it down in the middle of the room. He immediately stepped out again to get the other carrier suitcases. It immediately reminded me of the suitcase that I left outside before I entered the house. I followed after him, knowing that I left the suitcase I was carrying earlier just outside the door. Walking back inside, I determined that organizing Apollo's things will have to come first.
I walked back to the middle of the room after placing the suitcase by the foot of the stairs. Squatting by the box of Apollo's things, I opened it and started sifting through its contents. I took out Apollo's beds and his bowls to begin setting them on their designated places. Man came back inside with the last of my suitcases as I was standing up from the floor. "Thank you so much," I told Man as I walked to the kitchen and set down the bowls in a corner. Man was putting on his shoes by the door when I came back to the living room. "Thank you for the help, Man. I really appreciate it," I told him again, smiling fondly at the nice man.
"You're welcome, Miss—" he answered after putting on his shoes, "I mean, Andie. You're welcome, Andie," he stuttered with a silly smile as I looked at him with a joking reprimand. "I will come drive you to the office tomorrow morning," he added as he stood up from the doorway. I nodded and told him to come pick me up at half past 8 in the morning. Man bid goodbye, telling me not to bother coming out as he'll be the one closing the gate. I laughed as I bid him goodbye and expressed my thanks, closing the door in the process.
I picked up Apollo's bed from the middle of the room and walked to his carrier in the corner. I took off the roof and placed it with the floor unit of the crate and laid one of Apollo's beds on it. Apollo immediately came and laid there, opting to stay out of my way as I clear away our things. I patted his head, laughing at how well he knows me, but mostly at how lazy he could be. I took out Apollo's snacks, treats and bag of kibbles out of the box to place it on the cupboard below the television. The last item that the box contains is the small wooden basket I filled with Apollo's toys. I took it and placed it beside Apollo's bed at the corner.
Looking around, I opened the other box I brought where my books and some little trinkets are kept. I took out the first set of scent diffuser I have and one of the scented candles I brought. It was a set that I always had displayed on the living room center table. There was also a small beaker I filled with rocks and shells that I picked up whenever I go to the beach. It made me glad that I always kept little trinkets in my house in neutral, pastel or muted colors. I also took out the small wooden tray I used to keep the candles and diffusers in. Opening the box of the diffuser, I was greeted by the refreshing scent of lavender. It was already half-used and I found it too wasteful to just throw it out. I took out the half-used bottle out of the box I kept it in and started arranging it with the candles and other trinkets.
Smiling at the little arrangement, I picked up Apollo's other bed and stood up, carrying the box filled with other trinkets to go up the stairs.  Coming up, you'll be immediately greeted by sunlight streaming through the glass French doors that leads to the balcony. As the house is deeper as it wide, the living space is created in a U-shape.  The two rooms made a small space between them which was utilized as the balcony.Taking a peak outside, I saw various plants that are planted on clay pots scattered throughout the space. Looking up, a glass trellis roof covered half of the space, starting from the door to halfway the length of the balcony. A small round table and matching chairs sat in the middle of the roofed space, creating a relaxed space.
I had just set foot on the second floor hallway when I realized that I was had not checked out the rooms up here. After putting down the box on the floor, I opened the door that was directly on my left as I came up the stairs. I was greeted by well-lit room with mainly white walls and an elongated set up. A hefty amount of sunlight is coming through the large windows at the end of the room.  The light curtains were swept to each end of the window. Under the large windows is a low-sitting blue couch and two mismatched chairs; the wooden one is used as a side table. Adjacent to the sofa is a flat television, sitting on top of a low stand. There was also a wooden center table and white rug covering the area.  Against the wall is the queen-sized 4-poster bed covered with white sheets on the other side of the room. A small, yellow, round metal table stand beside the bed where a moon lamp is sitting prettily. On top of the area rug that is laid beside the bed sat a red, circular cushion that can be sat or laid on.
After another swift sweep of the room, I came out to the small hallway again and looked at the other two doors. I opened the door in the middle and was greeted by the bathroom. It was fairly simple with the sink directly in front of the door and the toilet adjacent to it. Beside the door stood a slanted shelf where towels and other necessities are neatly stocked. The shower is covered by a beach themed curtain, effectively dividing the bathroom spaces.
After looking at the whole bathroom, I pulled the door close and walked to the last door on the hallway. The room that greeted me has yellow walls. But instead of having the 4-poster bed sitting directly in front of the door, it is situated beside the door, giving you a wide space where a cushion is sitting on top of a rug. There is a nautical-themed lamp standing directly above the cushion, making a perfect nook to read in. On the other end of the room is the same setup as the other room; a sofa directly under the large windows, with a rug, wooden center table and mismatched chairs. A TV is also set up on the other side, sitting on a low stand. I came out of that room, deciding to use it as a guest room, in case I would have someone over. I walked back to where I left the box and pulled it to the first room, to lazy to bend down and pick it up again.
I pulled it until I reached the mini receiving area so I can place every trinket on the center table. Opening the box, I resolved myself into finishing the tasks of organizing and arranging the room. I was taking out the contents of the box when my phone started to ring. I took it out from my back pockets and took a peek at the Caller ID. That peek was enough to bring me to the conclusion that I need to toss my phone out of my window. Instead of tossing it out the window, I tossed to the bed and went back to taking the rest of the box's content as I let the phone continue to ring. It took a while before it stopped ringing, but I can only thank the heavens that it has finally stopped and that I now have peace. After laying out all the photo frames, book and scent diffusers, I looked around as I decide where to place everything. I took one of the picture frames and started walking to place it by the small side table. My phone started ringing again as I started walking back to the table. I took another glance and it's still the name that I never wanted to see. It stopped right away but also immediately started ringing again. Having enough of the noise, I picked up the call, preparing myself for yet another round of disappointment, anger and anxiety.
"Yeah?" was what came out when I answered the phone. My head's already starting to ache just thinking about how bad the repercussions that will surely come out from that little greeting. "So that's how you greet your mother now?" came the voice that I've always dreaded hearing. "Is a 'hello' insufficient in this day and age?" was her follow up question. I massaged my temples, already feeling an oncoming headache. I let out a sigh before addressing her again. "I'm busy, mom. I don't have time for this. Why did you call?" I told her honestly. "So, I'm not allowed to call and check up on you now?" was my mother's in-dignified response. I rolled my eyes because of the dramatics that she's pulling. I walked to the sofa and sat by the arm rest as I needed some kind of support under me to keep me from falling as she kept rambling on the phone.
"I'm your mother. Do I not have the right to check up on you and see how you're doing? Are you that ungrateful now that you can't even spare a little time for your mother? Are you now too proud to even answer my calls? I don't even know why I gave birth to you. I never even should've. Look at what you turned out to be," she kept firing at me. Another sigh just came out of my mouth; unrestrained, unconstricted. "Why are your silent? What? You have no comebacks?" her voice came out of the phone speakers again. "Are you done? I have a lot of work to do," that's the only answer I can give her. Going back to arranging, decorating and organizing my bedroom is the only thing I can think of. "Is that all you can say, Alejandra? Where did all your comebacks go? I think a miracle just happened," were my mom's mocking comeback. "I'm tired, mom; and there's still a lot more I have to do with so little time. So, if you just called to berate me and give me a headache, goodbye, mom. I'll talk to you later," and I ended the call.
My phone immediately started ringing again. This time it's my father who's calling. "Hey, dad," I greeted my father as I answered the phone. "Your phone was busy. Who were you talking to?" he asked. A ludicrous laugh came out of my mouth. "You don't even wanna start guessing," I sighed. I can hear my dad sigh from the other side of the call. Hearing that, I can already tell that he has correctly guessed the answer to his question. "You're far away from her now. You don't have to mind her anymore," was the only consolation that my father can tell me. "You're far from her now. She can't touch you anymore, sweetie," he tried assuring me. "Yet, she still finds various ways to torment me," I whispered. "Andie... I can never justify your neither mother's behavior nor attitude towards you. You've already suffered enough.  I'm so sorry about her, Andie," my father apologized for the woman he once married.
"You don't have to apologize for her, dad," I can never fathom why my father ever thought that he has to apologize for that woman. "I'm just grateful that you're no longer connected to her," was my attempt to somehow alleviate his guilt. The conversation after that evolved around my move. My father asked about my flight, how my accommodations are, what things I lack. He made another attempt on offering to buy me my own house here. I told him that it's not necessary. The conversation flowed very easily between me and my father, and that is the only thing I could ever ask for; light and easy conversations, without stress, without pressure, without ever getting hurt again because of painful words.
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Chapter 3: Deviating Far Out
I watch Caiden lift the last of my luggage up into the bed of his truck with Apollo sitting right by my feet. He closed the truck bed shut and turned to face me and Apollo as he pats off dust from his hands. "Are you sure you did not forget anything?" he asked, raising a brow at me. "Passport? Charger? Your ticket, perhaps?" he continued.
"Yeah, I have everything here with me. I checked. Twice," I answered, annoyed.
"I was just making sure that we would not have to go back again just because you forgot to get whatever it is you forgot," he chuckled.
I just rolled my eyes and started walking to the front of the car. He followed me and opened the door to the backseat of his brand spanking new Ford Raptor Ranger, that he got from his dad, to let Apollo in. I opened the passenger seat and stepped up into the tall vehicle. It's a struggle for me since I have short legs and only stand at a whopping 5'0" ft tall. I heard Caiden laugh at me as he closes the door to the back seat. I flipped him off and shut the door with more force than necessary which earned me a large 'HEY!'. Yes, I did that because I know it would annoy him. But, it was not as forceful and as heavily as I would have done if it were my grandpa's old pick-up truck. That needed a lot more extra force. He was shaking his head when he got into his seat which earned him a shake of my head and a scoff.
The drive to the airport was silent. There was music playing on the speakers softly, but none of us talked throughout the drive. It took us about 45 minutes to reach the airport and there was some traffic on the ramp at the entrance. Caiden stopped by one of the empty slots where cars can let off passengers and their luggage. I immediately grabbed a trolley as Caiden unloaded my luggage and Apollo's crate from the truck bed. Caiden first placed Apollo's cage onto the trolley. I let Apollo out of the truck and opened the crate for him to enter.  He immediately stepped inside his crate and settled himself. Caiden finished loading all my luggage onto the trolley and helped me pushed the trolley to the entrance.
"Get inside and wait for me. I'll just park the truck," he told me as he successfully pushed the cart near the doors.
I nodded and took over the handle bars. It took me some great effort to push the trolley since Apollo's added weight makes it a little heavier. I got through entrance security and decided to head to Starbucks where there are chairs outside. I checked my watch and saw that I still have about a couple hours before the check-in counter closes. I sat by the outside seating and checked on Apollo who is happily laying inside his crate. It took Caiden about 20 minutes to finish parking the car and get inside the terminal. I told him that I'll just buy a drink and some snack inside and he should guard my cart. I finished my transaction within 10 minutes and we proceeded to the check-in counters.
I also went to the check Apollo in as cargo since he's too big to fit inside the cabin. Luckily, the airline I chose have a specialized hold where pets can be placed. The cargo hold is also in the same pressurized hold as the checked baggage, but the temperature is in the same control as the cabin. I still included a water bottle, which is attached to Apollo's crate, where he can take sips of water whenever he wants to. Luckily, I took a direct flight, though it still means that he stays in the hold for more than 12 hours—since it takes a little more than 16 hours on average.   
I gave the pet travel assistants some specific instructions about checking on Apollo as he waits to get loaded onto the plane. After checking on Apollo a final time before he gets placed inside the holding area for transport, I said goodbye to Caiden and proceeded to the gate where my flight will be called. I searched for my gate and proceeded to secure a seat by the windows so I can clearly see Apollo as he gets loaded into the plane. I checked my watch and I still have a little over 3 hours. I took out my iPad and continued the painting that I have been working on.
An hour before my flight, I noticed my plane taxi into the gate. I watched as little trucks begin appearing, towing around trolleys full of different luggage and cargo. I saw one tiny truck pull three trolleys filled with pet crates of various sizes and other packages that need to be kept on the special hold. I can easily tell which crate was Apollo's since it's the largest of the bunch. I watch as he was placed on a conveyor belt like contraption and is whirred inside before I joined the slew of passengers that lined up to get inside the plane.
The process took a little bit of patience but I eventually got inside the plane and into my seat. Fortunately, I got my hands on a Business class window seat. That means I would not have any annoying seat mates and I can watch the clouds pass by along with the sky changing as we pass each country on our route. I situated myself comfortably, putting my phone on airplane mode and taking out my iPad again to continue painting and drawing. It took about 10 minutes from taxi to take-off just because there are a million other flights that went before us, but that was faster than I expected. I immediately took off my seatbelt and ran to the lavatory since I need to take off my make up and wash up. When I got back, I immediately reclined my seat to prepare myself for a movie marathon.
I was halfway through my third movie when my the flight attendants began handing out menus where we can choose our desired food. They offer three meals whereas the second one is relatively light and only good as a snack. The first meal offered was somewhat of a breakfast since it's about 4 in the morning back home. I took one of their selections of meat-filled sandwich and a glass of orange juice. The second meal arrived about halfway through the flight. I was offered a selection between a salad bowl, noodles or a plate of pie—I selected the noodle dish and lemonade.
After the second dish came, I figured I can get some shut eye to gain some energy when I land in Bangkok. The last meal is normally offered about an hour or two before the end of the flight, so that gives me plenty of time to sleep. I would need the energy to handle customs, baggage claims, security and getting Apollo from cargo. I reclined the seat further and got to sleep. I set my alarm for 3 hours before the flight lands so that I can prepare myself for the last meal and the deplaning (Yes, that is a word. Airline people say that getting off a plane is "to de-plane").  I only had about 6 hours worth of sleep, but I found it enough that my energy was immediately replenished. 
I dashed for the lavatory again to begin preparing myself for deplaning. I washed my face, applied a minimal amount of make-up and changed into Bangkok-weather friendly clothes before going back to my seat. The attendants going around again presenting the menus and offering drinks by the time I got out of the lavatory. I took a seat and tidied my things, putting my clothes neatly back in my bag. I was just about done when an attendant came to where I sat. I took their antipasti, beef tenderloin and a bowl seasonal fruits as my selection for my last meal on the flight.
I put on another movie on my iPad and started on my meal. It was as exquisite as eating in a 5-star restaurant disregarding the fact that my ears feel like exploding every few hours or so. The meal was cleared away a few moments after I finished all of it. I thanked the flight attendant that took my dishes away and went back to my movie. Fortunately, the movie ended just in time for landing preparations so I immediately put away my iPad and everything else that need to be put back in place.
The plane smoothly landed and people started standing up, getting ready to crowd at the door and deplane. I waited until there are only a few passengers left before I told up from my seat and left the plane. I hurriedly walked to make it to the customs counter at the shortest possible time. The lines were moderately long, but it moved a lot faster than I anticipated. Soon enough, I was out where I can claim my baggage—that took a while since everyone's baggage came all together. I hurriedly took all my luggage and proceeded to where I can claim Apollo. I was tapping my fingers and my feet, not being able to stand still as I wait for Apollo to come out. I immediately let him out of his crate as soon as the staff placed him in front of me.
He happily hopped out of his crate and circled around me in protest. I hugged him, laughing as he whined about being cramped and bored. I patted his head one last time before I started walking as I look for the exit. It took me a few minutes before I found the doors. Warm summer breeze instantly greeted me as I took my first steps out the exit doors. I walked a little further to the edge of the sidewalk before stopping on my tracks and started breathing in deeply and taking in my new surroundings. A smile came on my face as new scents and new, but slightly familiar, sounds registered through my senses. I looked down at Apollo who is also taking in our new surroundings as he calmly sits by my feet. I was about to push the cart full of luggage again when I heard my name being called.
"Ms. Marquez?" called man standing beside a van. I don't know about you, but that kind of screamed 'SHADY' to me. He looks to be a few years older than me and a native. The man is also dressed pretty decently in a collared shirt and khaki trousers. He's also sporting presentable shoes though a little worn.
I reluctantly approached him, a hundred million possibilities running through my head. I know that no decent human being will commit a kidnapping in broad daylight, outside a busy airport where hundreds of passengers come in and out every minute. "Hi. Umm...." I greeted him as I got closer.
He smiled wider and gave a little laugh. "You don't have to worry, Ms. Marquez. I'm not a bad person. Khun Palm from Peraya Studios sent me to pick you up. You can call me Man," he politely introduced himself.
That gave me some sense of relief and also made me give off a hysterical chuckle, a proof of my being crazy paranoid and overthinking. I rounded the cart and walked closer to him. "Hello, Man. It's nice to meet you. But, you can call me Andie," I greeted him and offered my hand for a handshake.
"Nice to meet you, too, Ms. Andie," he took my hand and gave it a few firm shakes before releasing it. "I see your dog is big. Is he male or female?" he commented as he walked to the cart and started pushing it towards the rear of the van. Followed him so I can observe and continue the conversation.
I watched him as he walked to the back of the van and pulled the door to the trunk open. He walked back to where he left the cart and pulled the suitcase that is at the top of the pile. "I guess you expected my dog to be of a smaller breed," I retorted with a small snicker as I pat Apollo's head. "He's male, by the way," I added.
Man nodded as he walks back to the cart."The females I know prefer the kinds of dogs that are ugly-cute, noisy and/or aggressive," he replied with a dry laugh as he hauled a suitcase up the back of the van. That made me burst out in a loud, ugly cackle. He pulled another suitcase off the pile and put it with the earlier suitcase. "I normally see girls holding small dogs with pointy ears and very angry; one has short hair and the other is fluffy so they take them to salons for pets," he continued. This made me cackle a little louder, making me sound like a wicked witch.
I felt Apollo sit beside me, propping his body on my leg a little. "I got you. I think I know what breeds you are talking about. But, I've always preferred larger breeds. They're more reliable and sturdy though I also owned breeds like Shih Tzus and Bichon Frises before I had Apollo," I explained as he continues to load my luggage.
"I don't know what they are," he bashfully admitted as he closed the door to the back of the van. "If you don't mind, what breed is Apollo? I have never seen his kind," he continued as he guided me to where I can sit.
He opened the sliding door, stepping aside to let me through. I smiled a thanks and started unhooking Apollo's leash from his collar. "He's a Great Pyrenees," I answered as I signaled Apollo to get inside the van. I took a look at Man's face as I followed after my dog. I giggled at the confused look Man wore that did not change as he closed the door to where I sat. He got in behind the steering wheel still looking confused. "I'm guessing you have not heard that breed before," I opened the topic again.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Andie—" he started, but I interrupted. Man pulled off from the curb and merged onto the oncoming traffic smoothly.
"Please drop the "Miss", Man. Just Andie," I corrected him. The "Miss" before my name makes me feel like a some princess who's also snobbish and rude. I really don't like that feeling.
He scratched his head as he nodded. I smiled at him as a sign that it's okay. "I'm sorry, again. But I have not heard of that breed before," he admitted as he maneuvered the wheel, weaving through the cars that are also traversing the roads off the airport.
I watched as the scenery through the windows gradually change the further we are from the airport. "That's okay. It's normal. Their breed is not common in this parts of the world," I replied as Apollo positioned himself by the windows. "The breed was mainly used to watch over and herd cows, goats and other livestock in France many years ago. They're mostly seen in places where the weather can be a little colder," I explained.
"I see," he unconsciously replied as he got deep into his contemplation. We were a few minutes into what looks like a freeway when he spoke again. "You can take a nap, Ms. Andie. We're still a little far from the apartment where you will stay," he commented.
I gave him a reprimanding look jokingly. "I heard a 'Miss' again," I waved a finger at his direction in jest. He laughed as he scratched the top of his head again. I giggled and nestled myself deeper into the seat. "I hope you don't mind if I do. I'm a little beat," I added as I settled into a more comfortable position.
"I don't mind, at all. Please relax. I will wake you up when we get to the place," he promised.
I remembered mumbling a tired 'thank you' as I felt my eyes close in exhaustion. Plus, car rides also make me so drowsy that I instantly fall asleep; except when I'm driving, that is. I don't know, but there's something about sitting at the back with ease can easily lull me to sleep. I felt Apollo lay down by my foot. I guess he also felt tired because of the flight or because of the stress of it. However, I'm still not sure if I did thank Man for the offer. I better say thank you when we get to my apartment.
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Chapter 2: The Beginning
|| Message #1 ||
I know this can seem creepy to you or something. But, I swear I'm not creepy at all. I'm not a stalker, just someone who admires you from afar. I can't even say that I'm a fan.
I'm pretty sure that millions of other girls have already sent you some kind of message; telling you how much they love you as their favourite actor, how they love your work, your acting and everything else there is to love about you. I'm also pretty sure that you won't even notice this as it gets smothered by the other million more messages that you receive.
However, let me just take this time to tell you how much I appreciate you for being such a genuine and humble human being. I love how much you love your fans. You always keep your feet on the ground, not looking down on the people that show up to give you support. I appreciate how you come and interact with them/us, approaching us like we're your friends that you have not seen for a long time.
I know I may seem like an obsessed fan, I'm not. This is all I know I can do. I don't really expect anything from this. I don't expect you to even notice this. All I know is that I want to send you some kind of message that can express how much I admire you. Anyway! I cannot wait for your newest projects! I'll be here supporting you. Keep up your good work!
My name is Alejandra, btw. But, everyone calls me Andy. I hope you're doing fine!
I dashed to my bedroom and opened my side table and scrambled through a variety of messes before finding my passport at the bottom of the drawer. I immediately went back to my laptop and started to book a flight. I was about to finalize the details when I remember that I also need to arrange for Apollo to be transported to Bangkok with me.
I started researching how I can transport Apollo and be able to stay with me in the cabin. Most airlines only allow dogs that weigh up to 20lbs inside, but Apollo is well way over that size. Luckily, I found an airline that has a specialized cabin for them and decided to book a flight with them. I researched their requirements and listed down everything according to urgency. I booked Apollo his vet appointment for the next day so I can get his health certificate ASAP. I need to submit it to the airlines. I also planned a trip to the nearest pet store to buy Apollo a travel crate. I also called the airlines to start with the negotiations and as I make sure that I clearly understood everything that I needed to acquire.
I finished booking my ticket with the airline agent. I waited for the confirmation email that contains my travel itinerary. I forwarded it to Palm. I closed my laptop and smiled at Apollo who is happily resting by my feet. I picked up my phone and started dialling Caiden's number. The line rang a few times before he picked up.
"Hello..?" came a female voice. This made me stop on my tracks.
"Cami, is that you?" I asked. Cami is Caiden's sister, Camille's, nickname. She usually jokingly answers her brother's phone to piss him off.
"No, it's Steffanie," was the answer I received.
"Where's Caiden?" I asked as I proceeded to the fridge to see what ingredients I have and plan what to cook. I put the phone down and turned on the speaker.
"He's in the shower," she bit at me. " What do you need from my boyfriend?" she asked snarkily.
Her answer made me roll my eyes and scoff in incredulity. "Give him the phone then, I've heard him do worse," I bit her back.
"Who's that on the phone," I heard Caiden's voice.
"Andie," Steffanie answered.
I heard some scuffling sounds and his roof deck door opening before I heard his voice. "Your girlfriend sure is obnoxious, jerk-face," I remarked as I heard the door close.
"I heard that, bish," he retorted. I laughed as I took out fresh mushrooms and bell peppers. "So, what do you need that you're calling me this early?" he asked.
"Huh?" I looked at my phone, puzzled by his question. "What's the connection between my call and what time it is?" I questioned back as I took out the milk from the fridge door.
"We usually talk at night, Andie," he retorted in his "duh" voice. I rolled my eyes. "So? Why are you calling?" he questioned again.
"Guess I'll be flying to Bangkok in two weeks," I casually shared.
"Wait..! What???!!" I can hear his smile from his voice. "I told you you'll get it!" he added. "Congratulations, Alejandra! You really deserve that offer!" I can hear genuine pride and delight from his tone.
"Thanks, Cai. I just didn't want to get my hopes up and be disappointed in the end," I explained as I took out the chopping board and a knife.
"How long do you plan to stay, this time?" he asked. I started chopping all of the ingredients I took out beginning with the mushrooms.
"I don't know. Let's see if it would last a year. But, if nothing major happens at the end, I just might extend my stay," I answered honestly.
Caiden was silent for a moment. "Take as many projects as you can. Prolong your stay there as much as possible. I can visit you anytime, so don't even bother thinking about us here," he advised. This made me smile.
"I know that you'll be following me even if I don't say it," I joked.
"Damn right I will be!" he proudly announced. "So, when will your flight leave?" he finally asked.
"The Saturday two weeks from now. I think I will be finished with all the paperwork and needed preparations by then," I answered.
"What about your apartment?"
"That's also one of the reasons why I called. Can you handle selling it for me?" I asked.
"Are you sure?" he worriedly asked.
I gave it more thought, "Yeah, I'm sure. Besides, I have your place to crash at if I want to go back here," I joked.
"Well, my mom does welcome your company at any time," he laughed.
"Your mom loves me more than she loves you," I teased him.
"We both know that's a fact," he chuckled. "Do you need my help packing up?" he asked.
"No. But, you can help me by taking me to the airport," I tested the waters. He chuckled, "I need your truck for Apollo and his travel crate," I explained with a laugh.
"I would have driven you to the airport even if you never asked," he shot back with a laugh.
"Thanks, Cai. Get back to your Steffanie and I'll get to my cooking," I said goodbye.
"Just tell me if there's something you need and I'll run to you ASAP," he bid before ending the call. I shook my head at my phone realizing that he did not even wait for my answer before he cut the call.
I proceeded on cooking my meal. I also prepared a meal for Apollo after cooking mine. I placed his food bowl on it holder-slash-stand before I proceeded to eat my meal. Apollo immediately started devouring his meal, which made me laugh as I ate a forkful of mine. Watching Apollo finish his huge bowl of food made me reminisce the times when I first got him. I had just moved into my previous apartment when I came across him on the streets. He did not look like other strays which does not have distinguishable traits right at the bat. You can definitely tell that he's a pure bred puppy. I immediately took him and rushed to the nearest veterinary clinic. Luckily, he was super friendly and trusting when I picked him up from the streets that I did not have any problem with taking him with me.
The veterinarian told me that he, fortunately, has a clean bill of health. He would only need deworming shots and vaccines just to make sure that he'll stay that way.  I took him home from the clinic and was surprised at how well-mannered he is for a puppy. He did not cry the whole night, he slept with me on my bed and was patient when I give him his food. I looked for a new apartment to rent as soon as the morning came since the landlord of where I was staying does not allow large-sized pets. I was lucky that I got ahold of my current unit and have stayed ever since. Apollo is my lucky charm. He brings me luck, peace and, most importantly, pure love. I will never exchange Apollo for anything else in this world.
The two weeks that I had to prepare for my move passed by so quickly that it's now the eve of my flight. I received the information regarding my accomodation about a week after the initial call. I also brought Apollo to his vet for the necessary check-up and paper work for the flight. Because I have way too many clothes that I can't possibly bring them all, I decided to divide it between those that I can give away, those I will donate and the ones that I will be bringing with me. I also spent half of the time organizing the things in my little apartment and packing away everything that will be placed in storage.
I checked my luggage one last time, to make sure that I have packed everything and that none of the clothes I decided to bring were mixed with the ones I decided to give away. I had already set aside the clothes I will be wearing for the flight. I looked around my room, seeing the empty surfaces that once held proofs of my existence. I can't help but feel anxious though the feelings of happiness and excitement are overpowering it. Apollo jumped up on my bed and laid his head on my lap.
"I know, big guy. I'm gonna miss this place, too," I smiled down at him as I stroke his huge, fluffy head. "Why don't we go sleep? We've got a big day ahead for us?" I asked him as I reached out to turn off the lights. He snuggled deeper into my side, I gave him one more stroke in the head before I closed my eyes. I can't wait for the new challenges and adventures that await me when dawn breaks.
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Chapter 1: On My Own Axis
August 20XX
Caiden is calling through Facetime...
I hit the accept button because there are only a handful of times when my best friend calls me first. It is a rare occurrence, but it's not really unusual. The call took a while to connect. After a few moments, my best friend's face popped on my screen. He looks to be hanging out at his roof deck-slash-balcony thing he renovated due to boredom. I don't what got into his head, but I'm not that handsy with carpenting tools and is too lazy to even start planning those kinds of projects. I can also see a bottle of beer in his hand.
"What's up? You don't really call me first unless..." was my greeting. He looked at me and shook his head. "I get it. You fought with her again," I chuckled.
"This is no laughing matter," he retorted in his annoyed voice.
"Oh, it actually is," I got back at him at a deadpan, disinterested voice. "Dude," a sarcastic laugh came from my mouth as I dropped my iPencil to concentrate on his image on the screen. "I told you that she's no good—yet here you are, still dealing with her bullshit. Do you know how many times you've complained this week about her picking a fight with you?" I asked him, pissed at his girlfriend more than him.
"I know. I know," he sighed as he sat up straight.
"You don't get to complain to me about that when you chose to put up with all this crap that I knew she will be throwing at you. I told you she will. I warned you," I chastised as I shook my head at him. I picked up my iPencil and continued with the sketch I was doing on my iPad.
"She has anxiety. You know that she's carrying the responsibility for her whole family. She's stressed," he reasoned.
I scoffed, "But that does not mean she has the right to pick fights with you. That does not give her a pass to be a toxic bitch," I rebuked. "I don't know what got in your head and you're staying, but you're obviously too good for her," I continued to scold him.
He sighed. "I don't want to talk about this anymore," an ugly, annoyed and sarcastic laugh came out at his remark and rolled my eyes at him, "What are you doing?" he asked.
I glared at his face on my laptop screen. He shrugged as he took a chug on his beer. I sighed and continued with my sketch. "I'm doing a sketch. Just to pass the time. I got a little writer's block," I admitted.
"What happened to that offer you got? Any progress?" he asked.
"I don't know. It was not final at the time they told me," I disclosed. "It needs to be finalized first, but my editor told me that I basically have it in the bag," I added.
"Will you take it?" he asked. That made me stop sketching. I stared at his figure on my laptop screen. "Will you take the offer, Andie?" he asked again.
"I think I will," I gave him a small smile. "I think I will take it," I said again, now with more resolve.
"Good. You deserve it. You are one of the most passionate and hard-working people I know. Regardless of what other people say," he gave me a reassuring smile. "I know you want to be your own planet. Don't let this opportunity slip from your hand," he added.
"Like, I would ever let such an opportunity go. I just wanna step away from all of what's here," a sarcastic laugh came out because of the irony. "Nonetheless, we're still our own planets, Cai. We're just a little out of axis, at the moment," I gave him a small forced smile. He saluted with his beer bottle as admittance.
Our conversation flowed from one topic to another after that, just like any other times we talk. Again, just like any other times we talk, we also avoid the most important topics that needed to be discussed. Because we know, that even if we don't address it, we know how much each other hurt. It's not that we don't want to face the pain, but because we respect the fact that we each cope in our own way. We also have this tacit understanding that we are acknowledging each other's pain by not pulling the subject up.
We ended the video call when his girlfriend called again, probably after calming down and realizing what a bitch she has been again. I reminded him to think again about their relationship and he ended the call annoyed that I kept insisting for him to break up with her, like usual. It's a vicious cycle we're in. That's how our calls usually end.
I stood up from my bed and put away my laptop and iPad to go sleep. I turned off the lights, pulled the duvet aside to slip under it. I pulled my favourite husky stuffy that I usually hug to get me to sleep. I also pulled my duvet up to my chin. I was about to close my eyes when a weight suddenly got on my bed. I saw Apollo, my dog, get on my bed and situate himself on the space beside me. I smiled and pet his head before I finally closed my eyes.
My alarm clock blared so loud in the morning, instantly waking me up. I also felt Apollo licking my face, telling me that I need to stand up. I pushed his face away with a giggle before opening my eyes and reaching for my phone. I turned the alarm off and unlocked it to check for messages and emails.
I sat up and started going over the notifications I received throughout the night. I got 2 messages from my dad reminding me to call my grandparents. I also have emails from my editor asking me about my progress. She also mentioned that my last article received quite a lot of hits. There are a few other emails thrown in the mix, but some of them are either irrelevant or spam, so I just ignored those for now.
I decided to reply to my messages in a bit and went on Instagram. I don't know why, but his stories are always on the first 5 icons available on top of my timeline. I tapped on his icon and his stories loaded immediately. He only posted a photo of the sunrise and tagged his photography account. The next one he posted is the video equivalent of the earlier photo. Now, the sun is a little higher in the sky making the scenery a little brighter.
I smiled at these. His photos always make me smile. They show his passion for his art, no matter how simple and mundane the subjects are. I posted a story of my own, taking a photo of my window as the sun shines through the curtains. I added a little 'Good Morning' greeting before hitting the 'Post' button. I went back on the timeline to watch other stories.
After watching a few more stories posted by other people, I stood up from my bed. I took my laptop from my table and started to head out of my room. Apollo stood up from the floor to walk right by my foot. He always follows me out of any room we both enter together. I petted his head before opening the door. I opened the sliding door to the balcony where he usually does his morning business as soon as I got to the kitchen.
I placed my laptop on the kitchen island that I also use as my dining table before heading to the fridge to see what I can eat. I felt lazy to cook and just took out the milk and a bottle of water. I went to the cubbies and took out a bowl before opening my pantry cabinet to get the cereal. I fixed myself a bowl of my favourite cereal before sitting on one of the barstools and opened my laptop. I first answered all the emails from my other clients before answering my editor's.
After about 30 minutes of firing emails to different recipients, I finished my bowl of cereal and stood up to get ready for a walk. I had to take Apollo out for his regular exercise. Thank goodness the dog park is just a block away, so I can also get a little exercise from the walk we had to take to and from there. I went back to my room to change into a tracksuit combo and to get Apollo's lead which I keep at the back of my door.
Apollo came back from the balcony, making me smile. He always knows when it's time to get his exercise. I picked up my phone from the counter along with the house keys before hooking the lead onto Apollo's collar. I closed the balcony door after checking if he really did do his business, which he did not. After checking if I forgot anything, I led Apollo to the door and out of my apartment.
I'm thankful that my apartment doesn't have restrictions when it comes to pets, or I wouldn't be able to have Apollo with me. Some of the apartments I looked at does not allow pets the size of Apollo forcing me to cross it off my list. The only downside to this apartment is that I have to drive to get anywhere else since it's a little outside the city.
I pressed on the elevator call button and wait for it to arrive. Apollo walks with me inside the elevator, always being the gentleman. I never trained him to do the things he does, but he does it anyway. I pressed the button for the ground floor and looked at the numbers diminished as we passed by the lower floors. We exit the elevators and our apartment building and started to head east to the dog park.
The walk to the park was uneventful. Apollo does not really pay attention to anything we passed by. He just walks with me as if nothing bothers him and that nothing can touch him. We reached the park and saw that there are fewer people and dogs today. I immediately unhook his lead once we enter the enclosure that keeps the dogs from running to the streets. I sat on a bench and just watch Apollo socialize with the dogs. A few of the big dogs are being rowdy, play fighting and pouncing on each other.
I was busy laughing at the Samoyed puppy who was bullying a Dachshund when my phone rang. I answered the call without looking at the caller ID. "Hello," I greeted.
"Is this Alejandra Marquez?" asked the female voice from the other side.
"Yes, I'm Alejandra Marquez. Why?" I asked after being washed with confusion. I took a peek at my screen and discovered that it's an unregistered number.
"Hi, Alejandra--" the voice instantly became perky.
"Andie. You can call me Andie," I cut her off.
"Okay. Andie," she confirmed. "I'm Palm and I'm calling from the office of Mr Atcharaporn of Peraya Studios. I just want to tell you that you had been selected for the position of the studio's Creative Director. How soon can you fly out to Bangkok?" she disclosed.
The news made me stand from my seat. My mouth was agape from shock. "W-What? I-Is this f-for real?" I confirmed with her.
"Yes. You were personally selected by Mr Atcharaporn and Mr Peraya, themselves. So, how soon can you fly out to Bangkok?" she confirmed.
I found myself placing my hand on top of my head as I try to contain my excitement. "Uhm... I don't know. Two weeks?" I answered, uncertain about how long I would need to arrange everything.
"Okay. I will be emailing the details of your job description and the brief for the projects that you will be handling within the next hour. Your accommodation will also be arranged by us, so I will send you the information for that within the next few days. If you come across any problem or delay, or if you have any questions, just shoot me an email and we can coordinate about the changes," she fired off as I continue to try and contain myself.
I sat on the bench again, now only at the edge of my seat. "Okay. S-Sure. I will," I confirmed.
"Alright. If you don't have any questions, that's it. We look forward to seeing you here," she bade before ending the call.
I absent-mindedly put the phone down from my ear, not truly believing what happened. I looked for Apollo and called for him. He immediately ran to me. I hugged him to myself as soon as he was in front of me. He was baffled but went with the bear hug I was giving him. I found myself smiling so wide, my face was almost split and torn.
I stood up and hooked the lead on Apollo's collar again and hurriedly headed for the gates to exit the park enclosure. He was amazing and just went with me, even though I can see that he's a little confused. The walk back to the apartment was shorter due to the hurried steps I was taking. I hurriedly opened the door and unhooked Apollo who instantly headed to his ceramic water fountain while I headed to the kitchen for my laptop.
I turned it on and accessed my email. Sitting at the top of the list of unopened messages is an email that contains the subject-line Details Regarding Internship with Peraya Studios. I guess the offer was real. I guess I just got my signal to start a new adventure. I guess I can now leave all the toxicity behind and be away from the negativity. I'm not lost anymore. I just found my own axis.
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