#Missisippi Records
nedison · 2 years
Some days you just need to listen to S. E. all day long, even if it means you get nothing else done. A day spent with Rogie is a day not wasted!
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blueiight · 6 months
The Great Flood of 1924 or 1927?aka, a bored trivia post
s1e05 has become the boogeyman of this fanbase for events that largely occur toward the very end of it, but the flood that leads to claudia’s makeshift burials being exposed is very fascinating in terms of chronology. it speaks to how amc iwtv only slightly shifts around history to situate its immortal characters deeply within the environment of a city thats largely viewed by many, including the source material itself, as an ahistorical pleasure garden with no past or present worth caring about.
from @diasdelfuego’s s1 timeline, we have already seen an example of how the show moves with its environment, altering the release date/place of jelly roll morton’s wolverine blues from 1923 indiana to 1917 new orleans [and it be a record the fictional lestat played a role in creating — lestat aiding in a notorious trickster’s story, one of the most oblique lies on louis’s end to make lestat look more sympathetic or one of the funniest historical movearounds on the showrunners’ end, who knows].
this great flood that brings the living situation in rue royale to a head for claudia is another one of them. when lestat and louis read claudia’s diaries, they discover how shes kept careful record of the people shes buried, killed, and mutilated. they interrogate her to ask where the bodies are, and only toward the end of the confrontation does she reveal where she buried them all.
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LOUIS: Where are the bodies?
CLAUDIA: Chalmette. Now get out of my room!
LOUIS: Chalmette's three feet below the river line—
CLAUDIA: So what, get out of my room!
LOUIS: What happens when the next storm comes out the Gulf?
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and sequenced near immediately, in classic amc iwtv didactic fashion, the next storm comes out the gulf and unburies the bodies claudia buried on very low-lying ground.
now, temporarily exiting the show and into reality, the true flood of southern louisiana in this period occurred in 1927, when the missisippi river valley experienced heavy rainfall.
where disaster stops, and where segregationist city engineers enter, is that bankers and business leaders in new orleans lobbied the governor to intentionally broke the levee outside of new orleans proper, and so he did, ensuring that the city itself would not be flooded, but flooded out much of the low-lying areas in st. bernard parish. remember chalmette? it is in st. bernard parish.
the subsequent conversation lestat + louis have with tom anderson confirm this even more, with tom describing the number of bodies, the 56 ‘floaters’ from the ninth ward [a neighborhood in new orleans that borders chalmette], all people who have been mutilated in some fashion.
tom anderson notes this as well:
Most of the poor fools they hooked out of the bayou are former inhabitants of the Quarter, so don't be too startled if the police come knockin' on your door.
indicating that most of the people claudia killed, mutilated, and buried there were the wealthy, white neighbors of the rue royale mansion and not residents of low-lying parishes that were seen as fodder by the state of louisiana. now why didnt lestat, who was able to hypnotize an entire room of soldiers in episode 3, hypnotize the 3-4 officers that came to inspect their mansion? questions, questions… (that have very obvious answers but are secondary to this post)
referring back to the s1 timeline linked, this great flood of 1927 was either moved up to 1924, matching the decision to move up + alter the creation of the wolverine blues in episode 3 for narrative reasons, and/or refers to the odyssey of recollection, aka., how keeping exact dates and recalling the numerous historical events u have lived under after 145 or so years of misery become difficult. this post is just a fun little trivia bit + something i found to be interesting
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todaysdocument · 9 months
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Proclamation to the People of New Orleans
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of RepresentativesSeries: Presidential MessagesFile Unit: President's Messages from the 8th Congress
PROCLAMATION. By his Excellency William C.C. Claiborne, Governor of the Missisippi Territory, exercising the powers of Governor General and Intendant of the Province of Louisiana. WHEREAS, by stipulations between the governments of France and Spain, the latter ceded to the former the Colony and Province of Louisiana, With the same extent which it had the date of the above mentioned treaty in the hands of Spain, and that it had when France possessed it, and such as it ought to be after the treaties subsequently entered into between spain and other states; and whereas the government of France has ceded the same to the United states by a treaty duly ratified, and bearing date the 30 of April in the present year, and the possession of said Colony and Province is now in the United States according to the tenor of the last mentioned treaty; and whereas the Congress of the United States, on the 31st day of Oct. in the present year, did enact that until the expiration of the session of Congress then sitting, (unless provisions for the temporary government of the said territories be sooner made by Congress,) all the military, civil and judicial powers exercised by the then existing government of the same, shall be vested in such person or persons, and shall be exercised in such manner as the President of the United states shall direct, for the maintaining and protecting the inhabitants of Louisiana, in the free enjoyment of their liberty, property and religion; and the President of the United states, has by his commission, bearing date the same 31st day of October, invested me with all the powers, and charged me with the several duties heretofore held and exercised by the Governor General and Intendant of the Province: I HAVE therefore thought fit to issue this my PROCLAMATION making known the premises, and to declare that the government heretofore exercised over the said Province of Louisiana, as well under the authority of Spain as of the French republic, has ceased, and that of the United states of America is established over the same; that the inhabitants thereof will be incorporated in the union of the United states, and admitted as soon as possible, according to the principles of the Federal Constitution, to the enjoyment of all the rights, advantages and immunities of citizens of the United states; that in the mean time they shall be maintained and protected in the free enjoyment of their liberty, property, and the religion which they profess; that all laws and municipal regulations which Were in existence at the cessation of the late government, remain in full force, and all civil officers charged with their execution, except those whose powers have been specially vested in me, and except also such officers as have been entrusted with the collection of the revenue are continued in their functions during the pleasure of the governor for the time be ing, or until provision shall otherwise be made. And I do hereby exhort and enjoin all the inhabitants and other persons within the said Province, to be faithful and true in their allegiance to the United states, and obedient to the laws and authorities of the same, under full assurance that their just rights will be under the guardianship of the United states, and will be maintained from all force or violence from without or within. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand. [Indented more toward the right than previous sections] Given at the City of New-Orleans the 20th day of December 1803, and of the Independence of the United states of America the 28th. William C. C. Claiborne. [full transcription at link]
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Valerie Brisco-Hooks
Track and field athlete Valerie Brisco-Hooks was born in 1960 in Greenwood, Missisippi. At the 1984 Olympics, Brisco-Hooks won gold medals in the 200 meters, the 400 meters, and the 4x400 meter relay. Her time of 48.83 seconds in the 400 meters set a new Olympic record. At the 1988 Olympics, Brisco-Hooks won a silver medal in the 4x400 meter relay.
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hannahsheppardsblog · 5 months
“What Is the Blues?” BBC Bitesize, www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkbh2v4#:~:text=The%20origins%20and%20birth%20of%20the%20blues&text=Although%20the%20blues%20evolved%20in. [Accessed 8 Apr. 2024.]
evolved in the southern states of america in the late 19th century
musical influences from africa, because african enslavary brought new music when transported to north american colonies: spiritual and work songs
spiritual songs would be sung in church and work songs in the plantations. these combined with african rhythms would form the foundations of the blues
work songs would be call and response in time with the task at hand
when this combined with the folk music in america from the european settlers, this would produce a new style of music
country blues was the first version, usually a solo singer with a guitar or piano and sometimes a harmonica or drums
majority of blues musiccians are descendents from africa who were brought to america during the slave trade
country blues musicians include: lead belly, blind lemon jefferson, robert johnson
early blues:
the delta blues first recorded in 1920s and originated in missisippi in the delta (this place was full of poverty and plantation workers were living in harsh conditions)
traditional songs handed down my word of mouth, lyrics often changed.
this style is very rhythmic with strong vocals and powerful lyrics
blues music is characterised by sad melodies
bessie smith and robert johnson made the blues popular in 1920s.
by 1940s/1950s the style had developed into rhythm and blues (rnb) and was introducing new instruments like electric guitar and bass
social changes:
in early 20th centrury large numbers of people started moving to industrial cities.
after the civil war and emancipation of enslaved people, the blues spread along side the people who played it, who moved up north to places like chicago where the blues became hugely popular
new styles of blues emerged, like city blues and urban blues.
city blues was popular in black clubs and bars.
some blues styles were influenced by jazz music and had amplified bands
city blues musicians include: elmore james, howlin' wolf, t-bone walker, b.b. king
blues guitarist t-bone walker pioneered the rock guitar sound and technique
by the 1960s bl;ues had spread beyond america, to uk and western europe, eric clapton and stan webb
features of blues songs
4 beats in a bar
built on the 12 bar blues form
use 3 four-bar phrases
blues lyrics:
raw and full of emotion, dwelling on love and lonliness
about injustice and hopelssness with the longing for a better life
use slang and double meanings
passed on from musican to musician through oral tradition
the blues have impacted almost every popular musical style
the simplicity of the 12 bar structure has given artists to express within a frame work that can be interpreted in many different ways
This has helped me to get a better understanding of blues music which i need if i am to successfully relate to the Belgium&Blues bar as well as to create successful branding for them.
There are already some connections i am making between beer branding and blues music, like the features of blues songs having '4 bars' which has links to both music and a 'beer bar'.
I want to look at how visuals for blues music have evolved over time to support this research in the hope it will lead me to some visuals
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ghostcultmagazine · 3 years
Red Fang to Host a Livestream Concert! 
Red Fang Press photos for the album “Arrows”   Portland Stoner Rock kings Red Fang have announced an online streaming event for July 30 at 7 pm PST – 10 PM EST, with the performance including songs from their recently released album Arrows as well as tracks from Murder the Mountains. Taking place at the legendary Mississippi Studios, the set will feature two segments in which 10 fans will join…
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murderballadeer · 3 years
hey lucie! i’ve been super into Real folk/folk rock music lately, but the only artists i seem to be able to find are white. i KNOW that there are folk musicians of color but i just don’t know who they are? i was wondering if you had any recs? thanks!!
right so!! unfortunately a lot of artists of colour in those genres have been kind of forgotten due to. yknow. the Racism. however, here are a few to check out (also full disclosure i don't know a whole lot abt folk rock so this is mainly trad folk):
for real traditional folk (often from a living tradition), try:
huddie ledbetter, better known by his stage name, lead belly. he is often cited as the person who popularized a lot of famous songs like goodnight irene, midnight special, black girl (sometimes also called "in the pines" or "where did you sleep last night") and didn't old john cross the water. he has a distinctive singing voice and guitar style, and a lot of his songs are work songs and prison songs, as he spent a lot of time in jail. he also wrote some songs with political themes, the most famous of which is probably the bourgeois blues. he was good friends with woody guthrie and mentored pete seeger early in his (pete's) career, so there are some similarities in style and repertoire there – if you like pete and/or woody you'll most likely like lead belly too.
missisippi john hurt is often shunted into the blues or country blues category (this is another problem with finding black folk artists; it's painfully common that they get placed in other genres), but this really isn't fair or accurate. he recorded a ton of folk songs, like frankie and stagger lee (limited amount of his stuff on youtube and spotify, unfortunately).
elizabeth cotten was a guitarist with a very unique style (she was left-handed, but played a guitar intended for a right handed player), which has become known as "cotten picking." her signature song was freight train, and some other fun ones are till we meet again and when i'm gone.
for a more polished vibe, try:
leon bibb was something of a folklorist, and as such he recorded a lot of stuff in a style that is both polished and historically accurate. also neither here nor their but if you want a "six degrees of separation" here my dad knew him so you can go thru me sdfghjkl anyway he recorded a lot of folk songs eg joe hill, danny boy and the water is wide.
harry belafonte is primarily known for other genres but he did record some folk songs, both traditional ones like shenandoah, midnight special and danny boy and covers of contemporary folk songs from the 60s – i'm obsessed with his cover of pete seeger's those three are on my mind
paul robeson is a giant among black folk musicians, known for his rich voice and very low bass range. check out his versions of joe hill, swing low sweet chariot, no more auction block and joshua fit the battle of jericho.
sorry i couldn't give more recs... i really don't know of any artists of colour in folk rock (bc like the only artist i listen to who is called folk rock a lot is carole king sdfghjkl) so if my followers have recs add them in the comments/rbs please!!
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the-empress-7 · 4 years
I can't link here, so google about the plantation, it has been censored (to protect the brf once again) but can be found with the words - scott missisippi, the queens farm. There is even an change petition about it to get compensation for the people she used as cotton pickers as underpaid labour. I am going to try to link the details about it to you through the submit a post, see if you can get it through it.
The BRF has been in existence for 1000+ years and still holds the record for the biggest empire in human history, finding unsavory things in their history is a given.
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inapat13 · 5 years
“What Happened, Miss Simone": a documentary about the iconic American jazz singer, songwriter, pianist and civil rights activist
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Today, we’re going to talk about a documentary released in 2015 and directed by Liz Garbus: "What Happened, Miss Simone?". It’s an archival documentary recounting the life and career of this great artist (Eunice Waymon — that was her given name). Lisa Simone, Nina's daughter, was the executive producer and helped the filmmaker to collect archive footage for the film. Indeed, the documentary is a digest of archives footages, but also of photographs and of contextual materials such as newspaper articles. The use of Nina Simone's personal diary is especially priceless: many extracts were selected in order to prove the facts that are told, and support the narrative framework chosen by Liz Garbus.
The film also distinguishes itself using sound archives: we hear Nina Simone's voice talking about her life. These recordings were made to simplify the writing of a biography, while the artist was still alive. The tapes were found in a house in the south of France, at the home of the journalist who had interviewed Nina Simone (Jayson Jackson). Most of the archives in this documentary leave me speechless, mainly due to the inclusion of rare archival footage that I had never seen before. Some are from the very beginning of the career of Nina Simone who released her first album in 1958 (Little Girl Blue). For instance, one of the film's most surreal scenes shows her performing in 1959 “I Loves You, Porgy" for Hugh Hefner (founder of Playboy Magazine) and his friends on the set of his TV show, Playboy's Penthouse.
Many of Simone’s pieces are broadcasted in the documentary (I Loves You Porgy, Love Me or Leave Me, My Baby Just Cares for Me, Backlash Blues, Missisippi Goddam, Strange Fruit…). We often watch her seated on stage, at her piano, playing frantically with her musicians; very often, the songs appear as instantaneous reflections of Nina Simone’s eventful life. The documentary has a very classical form, alternating between archive footage, and multiple testimonies of talking heads, including among others Lisa Simone, Alvin Schackman (the American jazz guitarist, who was a great companion of Nina Simone), but also Andrew Stroud (her husband who was also her manager).
 Unfortunately, if the documentary begins by taking an interest in the importance of music in Nina Simone's life, it quickly gives up this study, which could have been fascinating. The documentary prefers to closely analyze the complexity of the artist’s life, mentioning her family relationships, her volcanic personality, her depression, the ups and downs of a long career. From this point of view, the documentary is sometimes violent in the words which are used. For example, when Lisa Simone explains that her mother sought violence, and that she “attracted” it. Also, while we hear the Nina Simone’s testimony on the domestic violence she suffered, we also hear the man that is responsible for the reported facts (she said: “He put a gun to my head, then he tied me up and raped me.”). But, his status, his words, are never questioned in the documentary, so that is deeply violent. In my opinion, this documentary really raises the question of the status of the witness' speech, the problem of hindsight, particularly in biographical movies. The words here carry an extremely sensitive, subjective and painful memory. The back and forth between all the testimonies illustrates a chaotic memory, and we understand that the artist's legacy is deeply complex.
                However, I didn’t expect to watch a documentary with such an intimate bias, and I was disappointed from a musical point of view. Indeed, we learn nothing about Simone’s process of creation, nothing about her way of composing, writing, being inspired. However, she was not only a great pianist (she missed out on her dream of becoming a concert pianist as a result of segregation) but also a composer of great texts and pieces. She was able to instantly change the key while playing, she was able to improvise and change a known piece during a live concert. She introduced contrapuntal fugues in jazz reminiscent of Bach. She went from one musical genre to another. There is no documentation to provide information about her work, because the filmmaker didn’t want to focus on this. Even if she’s often shown on stage in the documentary, the voice-over would rather point out her inner worries, her suffering and her tiredness, so that music is associated with a negative feeling. As a critic said: “it’s a one-sided view of Nina Simone, without a focus on her amazing achievements. Not a mention of her music really - it functions more as a backdrop to this angry, slightly sad, slightly defeated so-called "objective" rendering of her life “. Yet, archives footage show her smiling, poised, energetic, alive with the audience. We can hear the exchanges she enjoys with them. In my opinion, the documentary didn’t put enough emphasis on her creative dexterity, her talent as a musician and didn’t speak enough of her songs, even though some of them are powerful and symbolize an entire era (such as Mississippi Goddam, which was a very important piece for Nina Simone and a whole generation, emphasising her commitment to the civil rights movement in America).
« Can't you see it Can't you feel it It's all in the air I can't stand the pressure much longer Somebody say a prayer
Alabama's gotten me so upset Tennessee made me lose my rest And everybody knows about Mississippi goddam »
 As a lover of her music, I would have liked to have learned more about what drove her to create, which is necessary, and can’t be forgotten, while the film focuses more on her failures, or her status as a woman struggling with men. It’s important that biographical documentaries don’t gloss over the details that might make protagonists look bad and this one is far from glamorous.
The aim of the following articles will be to study how jazz documentaries deal with musicians' figures in order to ascertain whether or not the biographical function always omits documentary, musical and creative data in favor of lived experience. In “What Happened, Miss Simone?”, very little information in the documentary supported the very specific, detailed process of her creation. I still wonder if her processes were in her diary; I wish the film had included more of Nina Simone's music. In my opinion, the archival footage saves the documentary, providing a real joy showing her doing what she did best: playing piano, singing, performing on stage. In particular, the footage of her comeback performance at the Montreux Jazz Festival in 1976 captures both her terrifying and uncontrollable personality (“Sit down,” she orders someone in the audience) and her powerful beauty.
 The title is a quote by the American author Maya Angelou. It’s a nice way to introduce the subject; it’s also about playing on words. What happened to you, who put all your rage and your unpredictability in your music? Then, what happened, what are the facts: through her music, we know what happened, because a real artist is a deep voice of the era and of history.
Anne Vinet
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apollon-hyakinthios · 6 years
Are you sad because all the good writers have left the Hetalia fandom?
Do you spend a lot of time focusing on famous authors that have been inactive for years, and fics that were published half a decade ago?
Do you miss the way the fandom used to be? Do you even feel like the fandom is dying and nobody is making fanworks as good as they used to be?
Well, I have some good news for you - Hetalia fanfic is alive and well, and there are many wonderful authors still active in our fandom! 
So, where do I start looking?
Luckily, five other wonderful people from our fandom and i have put together a blog that has an archive of recently-written hetalia fanfic, just for people like you who want to find more fanfic and get to know more authors in the aph fandom but don’t know where to begin!
The HWD Official Blog is the Tumblr account for the Discord server we run - the Hetalia Writers’ Discord, a growing community of over 100 active writers! On the HWD, we come together to share our work, exchange feedback, support one anothers’ projects, make friends, get motivated to finish projects, and more! And we’re in the process of collecting all of the work of our writers on the HWD Official Blog , so that any and all of you lovely people in the fandom can check out what we have to offer!!
And we have it organized into an easy-to-use directory format just for you. Here’s how to get started browsing!
FANFIC: If you’re looking for fanfic in general and you don’t have a specific character or pairing in mind, this is the place for you! Our Fanfic tag includes only writing by our members - no blog maintenance, update or announcement posts - and includes all characters, ships, genres and ratings.
TAG DIRECTORY: This is the place to go if you’re looking for works that feature specific characters, pairings, ratings or genres! HWD is completely ship-neutral and hosts works of all pairings.
CREATOR DIRECTORY: This is the place to go to check out our wonderful writers by name, including their Tumblrs, their AO3 and FFN accounts, and more! This page was put together by Mod Sara, @kanadka !!!
Our directories are always being updated and added onto!! If you don’t see your favorite ship or character, don’t worry - we are still in the process of adding to our archive and categorizing all the fanfic we already have on our blog, and you’re sure to find more if you explore the general Fanfic tag!
But to help you get more of a feel for what we’re all about, here are some of my favorite fics from our writers!
Non, je ne regrette rien by @gnostic-heretic
Pairing: Lithuania/Poland, France/Poland
Rating: M
Genre: Historical, Drama
“It would be a wonderful evening, a wonderful night ahead, and he had never been happier in his life.”
god who ate everything by @52px
Characters: Rome, Carthage, Etruria, Macedon, Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt
Pairing: Carthage/Etruria
Rating: G
Genre: Historical, Drama
“—did this world feed you?
The pallid web of peace sticking the Mediterranean together since the last war is cut into pieces. To discuss just how unhappy the Romans are that Carthage is not dead yet, Carthage himself is called to Rome. Easier said than done, as he has been under the ancient equivalent of house arrest for years and is barely fit to board a boat. What's worse, to test his limits, the living ghost nation must travel much deeper into Italy than anticipated. Along the way, Carthage faces supernatural feelings centuries-buried before he faces his final grave.”
Can’t Help Lovin’ That Man by @bonjourxrenae
Pairing: America/Lithuania
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Historical
“Missisippi, 1928. Alfred receives a new record for his Victrola. Upon trying to serenade his houseguest Toris with showtunes, he winds up being serenaded instead.”
Between Shadows. by @morgenstille
Pairing: Belarus/Lithuania
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
One of my favorite passages from this fic: “In another life, the two of them are married and have a family. Toris wonders what their children would look like; it’s pointless speculation, of course, they can’t have children, but still, he wonders.”
Star Crossed by @flyingsassysaddles
Pairing: Nyo!Tibet/Nyo!Mongolia
Rating: T
Genre: Historical, Romance, Tragedy
A favorite passage: “Khulan trembled, burying herself into the Tibetan’s chest and feeling the week pulse of her friend’s heart. 
The pulse sang a song Khulan had been listening to for 13 years, from the first time she met the crying girl who had fallen off her horse, to the first time they held hands when playing in the snow, to when the girl trailed behind her as she brought the hunt back home, smiling when Khulan returned to her day and night.” 
bless me, father by @scandinavienne
Pairing: Germany/North Italy
Rating: T
Genre: Historical, Romance
“In Renaissance Florence, Feliciano struggles under the weight of his family name.”
napom, fényes napom by @phyripowritesthings
Pairing: Belarus/Hungary
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
“During less than a decade but spanning two millennia all the same, Hungary learns that she’s been missing out by not having gotten to know Belarus better, and she finds that maybe they’re just each other’s thing.”
The Dimensional Door by @scarlettlillies
Characters: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland, Sweden
Rating: T
Genre: Alternate Universe
“Eduard thought he was living a normal life, with good friends and a future he was working hard towards. But the world he lives in is not what it seems when he finds himself plunged into a role that only existed in the comics that Feliks liked. But he isn't alone in all this. He's glad for it, considering monsters and portals showing up left, right, and center.”
Wonderfully creative Sailor Moon AU that Lilly has put a ton of hard work and love into!!!
Blood on Gold by @aph-belarusia
Pairing: Belarus/Romania
Rating: M
Genre: Supernatural, Romance, Gothic Horror
“The young voivode Vladimir Dragulescu upon the death of his mother, decides to summon an Ancient Entity to carry his desire for revenge but ends up falling in love for such Being.”
Cross Life by @rantingfangirl
Pairing: America/England
Rating: T
Genre: Alternate Universe, Romance
“Given the choice to change his ways or face the consequences, Arthur is propelled from urban England to the American suburbs, putting up with all the drama, pettiness, and idiots that go with it.”
La Pioggia by @lluviadinoche
Pairing: Spain/Romano
Rating: G
Genre: Fantasy, Alternate Universe
“He loved through a paper. Words that sang and touched his soul lighting fires in the deepest parts of his soul. Antonio was in love. If only who knew with who.”
Castaway by @paperbarks
Characters: Australia, England
Rating: T
Genre: Historical
“All I want is you gone,” says Australia. The imperial statutes, the English judges, the marks of foreign settlement, the hoisted flags – all of it escapes him in the moment. Later he might think it childish, but in the present, England is an all-encompassing entity. England’s absence is the absence of control.”
The Gods’ Share by @kanadka
Characters: Lithuania, Poland, Prussia
Pairing: Lithuania/Prussia
Rating: M
Genre: Historical
“At the beginning of the 1400s, the Teutonic Order was at the height of its power. Their navy ruled the Baltic and their Prussian cities were affluent enough to wholly cover the cost of maintaining the crusading army of the Teutonic Knights as a standing force. By 1435, the country was demoralised and discontented, trounced by a gang of heretics, and all but powerless. Here's how it happened.”
And we have many, many more where these wonderful fics came from!
So check out our blog and take a look!! We are a growing community and we’re adding to our fic archives all the time, and with your support we can continue to grow and make this fandom a more creative, encouraging, and happier place to be!!! <3
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nightschoolpdx · 5 years
Staple Brothers In Studio
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Tonight on Night School, it is my pleasure to host one of the last surviving members of the Staple Brothers Spiritual Singers, Joe Staples. This man has remained a pillar in Albina's gospel community for over five decades. Along with his brothers Josh Staples and the late Chester Staples, the group came of age in Missisippi singing in church with their cousins the Staple Singers (yes, Mavis Staples & company). In the mid-1960s, Joe Staples left the cotton fields of Mississippi to seek a better life in Portland. As an aspiring musician, he was mentored by elders in The Portlandaires - an established gospel outfit that brought him into their group. He soon went from playing a one-string guitar fashioned with wire and a block of wood to a proper six-string. While developing his chops, Staples yearned to be reunited with family back home and establish the family band in Portland. This began a series of cross-country road trips to Mississippi as Staples moved his extended family out West. Many sacrifices were made during these exhaustive and uncertain drives which transpired over multiple years. Once established in Albina, the Staple Brothers would gain traction playing churches throughout the neighborhood and eventually the region. They are perhaps one of the most enduring gospel acts in the Pacific Northwest, recording and performing live to this day. Stream on demand here.
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bonjourxrenae · 6 years
FANDOM: Hetalia
PAIRING: America/Lithuania
SUMMARY: Missisippi, 1928. Alfred receives a new record for his Victrola. Upon trying to serenade his houseguest Toris with showtunes, he winds up being serenaded instead.
Toris never thought of Alfred as an awful singer, exactly – he had a warble in his voice that shook him a little, and he went off-key a little… okay, he went off-key a lot. But at the very least, the man knew how to entertain.
He felt Alfred’s breath on his ear as he leaned in and sang, almost at a whisper: “I even loves him when his kisses got gin…”
Toris felt himself overheating, felt the corners of his lips twitch into a smile.
Oh yes. The man could entertain.
Special shoutout to @apollon-hyakinthios for the headcanon that inspired this little drabble! :3 !!
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cyanocoraxx · 6 years
hybrid / intergrate venomous snakes
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gaboon viper x puff adder: no common name
journals written as far back as 1976 speak of at least two known instances of hybridisation between the gaboon and the puff adder in the wild. the puff adder is common and widespread throughout africa, found in all habitats except true desert, rainforests and tropical alpine forests. gaboons can be found in rainforests, grasslands and woodlands, typically paralell to environments occupied by the puff adder. this means that their ranges often overlap and that the two are likely to encounter each other. the two however have opposite temperaments, making for an unusual hybrid; while the puff is known to be bad-tempered, territorial and defensive with a voracious appetite (and able to eat until it dies!), the gaboon is placid and slow-moving, only hunting when it needs to.
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rhino viper x puff adder: nashpuff
the rhino viper occurs in forested areas and rarely ventures into woodlands, leading a more restricted lifestyle than the gaboon viper. again there is a stark contrast in temperament between the rhino and the puff; rhino vipers are placid, less so than gaboons, and alert their presence with loud hissing when approached, whereas the puff is more bad-tempered and quick. as of writing this there appears to be no records of wild “nashpuffs”, however one captive-bred individual has occurred. the one captive specimen inherited the puff’s temperament, behaving like a normal puff adder with threat displays and the typical puff appetite. the last update given stated that the nashpuff had grown to be around three feet long, preferred temperatures of 29/30C and only drank from mist sprays rather than a water bowl.
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gaboon viper x rhino viper: gabino
another naturally-occuring hybrid, the gabino was first imported through a shipment of gaboon vipers wherein one female was gravid. these hybrids can be found in the wild where the geographic range of its parents overlaps; both the rhino and gaboon viper can be found in guinea, ghana, sudan, uganda and kenya within forests and woodlands. like its parents, the gabino is terrestrial and nocturnal and spends its days hiding beneath leaf litter, inside holes and in tangled tree branches. it also retains the placid nature of its parents but inherits more behavioural traits from the rhino viper. little is known about their venom composition, but it’s interesting to note that the rhino viper produces cytotoxic venom whereas the gaboon produces haemotoxic and neurotoxic venom.
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gabino x gabino: f2 gabino
gabino vipers are fertile hybrids and thus can be crossed to produce second-generation gabinos. these animals tend to resemble either gaboons or rhinos more strongly, but none will exactly resemble one or the other. breeding of f2 gabinos appears to be rare - deon nell of apex predator park was lucky enough to have a gravid female (f1) who gave birth to 17 f2 neonates, and hellfire reptiles has managed to breed a few themselves, one individual of which is pictured above.
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copperhead x cottonmouth: cottonhead
cottonheads are another hybrid that occur in the wild where the ranges of the parents overlap. the first captive-bred cottonhead was bred by mardi snipes of coastal reptiles, 2003, in a cottonhead breeding project. visually, the animal shows traits of both the copperhead and cottonmouth. it has the bulk, long tail and head shape of the cottonmouth, and the classic autumn colours and banded markings of the copperhead. there can be an underlying black tint to the copperhead colours.
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canebreak x eastern diamondback: batwing
canebreaks are found in the decidious forests of minnesota, indiana, new hampshire, texas and florida. eastern diamondbacks are found in pine forests, sandhills, swamp forests, xeric hammocks and salt marshes in north carolina, florida, alamaba, missisippi and louisiana. where their ranges meet, hybridisation can occur. these animals are known as batwing rattlesnakes due to their distorted markings having some resemblance of the batman symbol. the hybrid has been reproduced at least three times in captivity, one example belonging to george van horn’s serpentarium, florida. a 7 foot long batwing was displayed for many years.
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todaysdocument · 3 years
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Estimate of Costs of Transportation and Subsistence in the Removal of 500 Emigrating Cherokees from Their Residence in Georgia to the Point Nearest Their Destination That a Steamboat Could Reach, 12/20/1831
File Unit: Commissary Gen'l of Subs (LR-1832, D-M), 1831 - 1836
Series: Letters Received, 1831 - 1836
Record Group 75: Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1793 - 1999
Estimate of the cost of Transportation and Subsistence in the removal of 500 emigrating Cherokees from their residence in Georgia to the point nearest their destination that a steamboat can reach.
From their dwellings in Georgia to the bank of the Hiwassee river 42 wagons will be required for 10 days, which at $2.50 per day is 1050.00
Tolls and Fariages [?] about 100.00
Total for Land carriage . . . 1150.00
To the foot of the Muscle shoals, required 20 flat Boats
There are 15 on hand, cost of repairs at $10 each . . . 150.00
To be purchased 5 Boats at $57 . . . 285.00
Pilotage over the Shoals at $10 per Boat 200.00
Total for transportation by flat Boats 635.00
By Steamboat to end of the route, according to Cheethams
proposal, the cheapest offered, at 7 Dollars per head  . . . 3500.00
Baggage, estimating for each emigrant 100 lbs @ $1 . . . 500.00
Total for Steam boat transportation $4000.00
Total for Transportation $ 5785.00
Allowing for delays by obstructions in ascending the Arkansas and in consequence of the Steamboat stopping short of the point of destination, I reckon the time, from the departure of the emigrants from Georgia, to their arrival at the Agency West of the Missisippi, at 45 Days.
Number of Rations required 22500.
Cost [illegible] Nation, by Contract 7 1/2 cents 22500 x 7 1/2 = 1687.50
Total for Subsistence $ 1687.50
Total for transportation and subsistence $ 7472.50
Held [?], contingent for the abovementioned delays . . . 600.00
$ 8072.50
From this sum there will be something to deduct for the value of the flat Boats (too mountain to be estimated) when they reach the foot of the Shoals.
By carting all, over what can go in the 15 boats, on hand, directly to the foot of the shoals, something may be saved also, should there be no rise of waters to cause delay.
Calhoun Ten.
December 20, 1831
[signed] W.L. McClintock
Agt Rem'l of Subs Indians
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yusukekumano · 7 years
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Missisippi records 拝啓夏様、カセットテープがユルユルでダ〜レ〜な季節がまた巡ってきましたね。
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Nina Simone - Mississippi Goddam: This song is in protest against racist murders against black people and even children that happened in Missisippi, Alabama and Tennesse. It conveys a feeling of fear and helplessness as shown by lyrics such as "I think everyday is gonna be my last". The song was released in 1964 and in fact Simone recorded it in less than an hour. Many southern states actually banned the song as it attacked their racist ideals.It became a huge symbol of the Civil Rights Movement and she performed it at the end of the Selma to Montgomery marches.
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