missterious-figure · 1 month
Has anyone noticed this?
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So, a traditional mermaid's tail is just a fish's tail flipped on it's side.
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But I've noticed people don't always flip the tail depending on what fish it is. Like lionfish mers.
1. Is how I see some people draw lionfish mers (nothing wrong with it btw)
2. Is a more traditional looking "flipped" tail.
(Hope this sketch makes sense)
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Of course, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with not flipping the tail, I don't always do it either and people can make their mers how ever they want, I'm just curious if anyone else noticed this.
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scarredlove · 4 months
So Sorry! I'm so dumb! I forgot to re-ask my question! I have no idea if it came through or not, but the question i asked was if the sea slug boys were poisonous. Have a good day, sorry to bother you!
*Nervously scuttles away*
It's all good!! No need to be nervous!!
So, the boys are not actually poisonous, at least to humans anyway! They have other means of protecting themselves in the ocean as they've not got a protective shell on their bodies and are basically sponges, sending out signals to alert others of a threat nearby.
However, there are some species that have venomous appendages (cerata) on their sides and there's also a nudibranch that is quite dangerous, which is the Glaucus atlanticus, which can produce a stronger sting than the Man O' War! Cough cough @pr0ng3ls
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OOP- Kinda went off subject for a moment!
But no, Sunny, Moony and Eclipse Slugs are perfectly safe to humans!! ... Ya know, unless ya make them angry or use their rizz attacks Lol XD
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missterious-figure · 17 days
Gosh I'm so hesitant and self-conscious about posting this...
So... my siblings and I have been binge watching a bunch of our favorite childhood shows. They just recently got out of school a few days ago, so I thought this would be fun! And it was!
One of the shows we watched was Ben 10. There are a couple series of the show, and we watched them all.
I had a dream last night, were Sun and Moon were one of the aliens called a Revonnahgander... it was one of the best dreams I've ever had.
It was a roommate situation and the boys(mostly Sunny) were very interested in learning about humans. It was mostly just me teaching them things they didn't know, phrases they didn't understand, and overall just cute fluffy bonding moments... I'm still having daydreams about it...
Sooo... I made a doodle of Revonnahgander Sun... and I'm really proud of it... but I've been contemplating whether or not to post it all day....
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