tohot4u · 3 months
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rare-apples · 2 years
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Unicorn Friends
Click pic for better quality 💜
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bodypaint4u · 9 months
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sonoftartessos · 3 months
5 & 18
q’s for a multimuse!
5. which of your muses needs / wants a hug the most? 
I’ve separated the answers because I got two of the same ask. So Mike and León are discussed here!
All the guys need hugs but some aren’t the types to want one. Arthur and Aedan are the type to need self-affirming hugs but would feel uncomfortable if someone gave them one. 
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Mizzy is the one who needs and wants them most. His entire personality revolves around his desperation to find love in any way he can. His codependency is self-destructive and is as much of an addiction as any narcotic. 
No amount of hugs will sate this need he has. 
18. which of your muses has had the weirdest dream? what was it about?
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Mike likes to think he dreams normally, using sleep to process ideas and coming to terms with issues. But after clinically dying, his dreams became more metaphorical. And since then, he has been compelled to decode them all.
On a darker note, Mizzy has had chronic nightmares for longer than he can remember. They aren’t too frequent but when they do happen, they are terrifying. Previous rehabs have blamed the drugs, but it could be due to his undiagnosed mental illness. 
Mizzy has previously noticed that they start before he gets a mood swing. But understanding that doesn’t help. Sometimes, it gets so bad that Mizzy will go several nights without sleep to avoid the nightmare.
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kampanscreek · 4 months
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Posting some OC doodles requested by friends
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conwayconartist · 1 year
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Doodled my friend Retrospecter's OC a lot a few weeks ago
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guilty-feminist · 1 year
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neutralkil · 9 months
Baby girl arrived today!
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Can’t wait to throw him off my balcony!🤣
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cheesy-clown · 9 months
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Mizzy shitposts
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I wanna be a strong, independent woman, but it is so hard sometimes.
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paisleighb · 1 year
Or is he just a c*nt? 💁🏽‍♀️😂
For those who haven’t seen, there’s a teen (18) who’s gone viral for absolutely ridiculous pranks that have involved taking someone’s dog as well as walking into strangers homes.
He was arrested, fined and given a TV interview with Piers Morgan in the UK;
And while Piers is probably one of the worst people to “host” as he never lets anyone speaks and says some more than questionable things, my focus here is this young man.
Where are these boys parents/guardians? Family? Are they ever going to address or discipline him?? Because their son is growing up to be an absolute menace. He’s a whole 18 and just knows better than these “pranks” and to just act like it’s just not a thing too? HE’S WHOLE ASS WALKING UP IN HOUSES LIKE RALPH YARL WASN’T SHOT FOR *KNOCKING* ON THE WRONG DOOR?!!!
It’s so disappointing that the youth of these days don’t recognise the laws, the real dangers they’re putting themselves in in-order to go viral, DAILY.
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And there’s people truly making comment on the fact that he “may” have this and that, but truly, what if he’s just trouble?
My point, and my advice is this - and it’s simple. When making content, involving the public or not, ask yourself this ——
Is it really worth the risk of someone locking off your jaw or unaliving you? Are you really willing to do time or go sleep forever over a piece of content?
Cos the answer is no. If you’re struggling, it’s really no. This generation need to realise being viral for all of 5 minutes isn’t the be all and end all, anything you do in life you are going to have to work at it - there’s really no easy way to be successful.
This guy’s continuously upping the anti on his pranks and challenges, SO many kids are. We need to be a bit more aware, ourselves, of what the next generation are doing in order to get likes and follows - if we don’t step in and give some direction, it ends up with more kids like Mizzy.
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If I was his Mum, he wouldn’t have a phone and he wouldn’t see the light of day nor his friends for the foreseeable future. If I was his Dad, I would rock his jaw until he thought I was sending him back to God 😂
He’s made his family look a mess, himself, his entire lineage. 18, and what university or business is willingly offering a place to someone like this? Cancel culture is very much here and real. The fact that he STILL can’t even seem remorseful is so deafeningly stupid to me.
Hoping someone can get through to this boy, honestly. There are so many other ways to become a successful content creator beyond being a foolish, self centred, unaware, out of control young adult that chases clout for views and likes this.
18 is old enough to know better. Period.
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datasgirlfriend · 1 year
A kiss to comfort both parties for my beloved Mizzy?? 🖤🖤🖤
I hope you like it anyway.
The motel room was shitty, but that wasn’t anything new, Izzy felt like her feet were made of lead and her head was swimming.
She was exhausted.
The job hadn’t gone to plan, the bad guys won, got away with stolen money from a family business, And they hadn’t got paid.
Even if Face and Hannibal had turned up the charm to 110 percent. 
The room was cold and added to Izzy’s foul mood, she fell on to the hard mattress and kicked off her shoes, a shiver racked her body.
She removed her boots, somewhere along the line her feet had gotten wet so she removed her socks too, she groaned, there were blisters forming on the back of her heel and big toe.
“Fuck me…” She muttered 
She lay on the bed, she didn’t trust the covers, they looked like they had seen better days and were a patchwork of mysterious stains.
“Far too tired for that, baby doll.” 
Murdock reached into his other night bag and pulled out a blanket, he placed it over her with a smile. 
It was soft and warm, both the smile and the blanket.
“How are you still in a good mood?” She asked “We fucked up..”
“Thats life..” 
He sat on the bed and removed his shoes and jacket, throwing them on to a pile on the floor before lying next to her.
“We can’t win them all.” 
He put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, using that moment to steal some of the blanket.
“And I’m pissed we couldn’t help those folks but at the end of the day we did all we could..”
“Spoken like someone who’s spent years in therapy.”
He laughed and kissed her forehead
“You know me baby, I know all that psychobabble.” 
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salsoam · 1 year
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cant beat burnout grr so here’s Mizzy with a cone on her head.
RIP Bletaverse ilysmmmmm
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bodypaint4u · 1 year
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sonoftartessos · 3 months
22. which of your muses has / would have the most complicated coffee order?
q’s for a multimuse! 
Most of the guys have simple cafe orders. León and Arthur like it dark, bitter and properly brewed. Aedan prefers to order tea. But when he has a coffee it’s just instant with milk and sugar. 
Mike loves to try new things but usually settles for the standard drip. 
It’s Mizzy who gets complicated. He loves his drinks sweet. Other than that, he will fumble through overcomplicated orders to make a drink ‘just right’. That can be asking for an extra pump of syrup or a fussy new style he’s seen somewhere. The other guys would describe Mizzy’s tastes as ‘desserts’, not coffee. 
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great-pink-owl · 2 years
Rating: T | Izzy/Maia
Maia bakes, Izzy is smitten. That's it, that's the plot. Adorable girlfriends.
Pushing open the door to the small apartment, Isabelle is immediately assailed by the scent of vanilla and cinnamon, the balmy air tasting spicy and sweet on her tongue as she inhales the delicious aromas. She smiles, delighted, and moves deeper into the apartment. She pauses, leans casually just inside the archway of the kitchen to take in the scene before her. Can’t suppress a fond chuckle at the sight of Maia staring down baked goods in her pajamas.
The young Alpha stands at the center of the chaos, hands fisted on her hips, loose red tank top dusted in flour and sugar, glaring the steaming mixture on the stove into submission. Her curls are a wild halo around her head and the humidity in the air leaves a fine sheen of sweat on her dark skin that makes Izzy want to reach out and run her fingers over every exposed inch of flesh. Around her, the kitchen looks like a war zone. Apple peels litter every available surface, the sugar is flopped over like a drunken sailor, its contents spilled across the linoleum floor below.
Izzy’s heart clenches. It’s the most beautiful disaster she’s ever seen.
“At least I’m putting these apples to good use,” Maia mutters, casting a quick grin over her shoulder before turning back to her bubbling confectionary concoction. She stirs it gently, sprinkles in another pinch of aromatic spices and hums in satisfaction.
A couple of months prior, Maia helped smooth the transition for a pair of brothers wanting to move to New York.  They’d inherited their late grandfather’s apple farm but, having been recently turned, they were largely unfamiliar with the politics and customs of the Downworld, were unsure how to start the relocation process.
Maia, beautiful, amazing woman that she is, had been quick to absorb them into her pack, introducing them to the important figures in the local Shadow World and teaching them about what it means to be part of a pack. In return the brothers had gifted her with a massive bushel of fresh apples from their first harvest.
That had been just a few days ago, and while Maia has already given away a large portion of her haul to her packmates and friends, she’s now using the remainder to make apple pie, pecan apple crumble cake and what appears to be cinnamon apple sauce.
Izzy has a sneaking suspicion the pie is for Alec. Maia knows her brother has a terrible weakness for sweet things—though he’ll deny it with his dying breath—and even though she would never say it aloud, the wolf has developed a fond attachment to the Head of the New York Institute.
The thought makes something warm and tender unfurl in Isabelle’s chest and she finds herself moving without conscious thought. She curls her arms around Maia’s middle and nibbles sweet, sticky sugar off the slender curve of her neck. “The pie’s for Alec, isn’t it?”
“No…” Maia grumbles, pausing to press a quick kiss to Izzy’s cheek, smearing flour across her face in the process. “The cake is. The pie is for you.”
Isabelle grins. She considers herself many things; fiercely loyal, intelligent, dangerous…but a chef she is not, and this makes her all the more appreciative of her girlfriend’s culinary prowess.
“Mmm, you’re the best,” she whispers, peppering a line of hot, open-mouth kisses down the column of Maia’s throat, nimble fingers creeping under that loose red tank top to press against the warm, smooth skin of her stomach.
“Of course I am,” Maia scoffs haughtily. The effect is ruined by the breathy quality of her voice, the uptick of her heartbeat.
“How much longer do you think you’ll be?”
“Not much. The apple sauce is about done, I already shipped your brother’s cake off via Daylighter Courier Service,” here the Alpha grins deviously, “and the pie should be coming out of the oven in about 7 minutes.”
Izzy hums in appreciation. “Excellent. In that case, I’m going to run us a bath and you can join me while the pie is cooling.” Pressing another quick kiss to Maia’s shoulder, she untangles herself from her lover and leaves to do just that. She has the rest of the evening free and plans to spend it worshiping her girlfriend.
And eating pie.
Read more stories on my AO3
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