#Molliarty shots
Latest & Greatest Sherlollbrary Additions 01/05/23
First update of the new year, woot!
Chicken Soup by musicprincess1990 (Rated K+, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) Sick!fic AO3 2022
Clueless by GarudaDreamsOfRain (Rated M, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) Post TFP AO3 2023
I Know No Other Way by musicprincess1990 (Rated T, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) Historicalock (Regency), Slow Burn, Marriage of Convenience AO3 2023
I Will Protect You by LunaFlowerLight (Rated T, One-Shot) Past Molliarty AU AO3 2022
Untitled (Bored Sherlock mixing chemicals) by Writingwife83 (Rated K, One-Shot) Established Sherlolly AO3 2022
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howterrifying · 3 years
+molliarty: all this time apart
I am still struggling with work and life in general but today I made a decisive move to do one thing I loved. I drank a delicious coffee, listened to 'Symptom of Your Touch' on loop and committed myself to finishing a one-shot today. This is that one-shot. I have a thing about Jim & Molly using distance or time apart to realise how perfectly they need one another and well, the song really drove the idea that one touch can literally make you go crazy - especially when you can't have it anymore. P.S. I hope you're all well. x
:: Interim [also on FF.net and AO3] James Moriarty had not struggled like this in a long time. He was a criminal mastermind whose world was very much his oyster. He could dip his finger into every and any asset pool one could think of – weapons, property, technology, money, information – you name it. Having his own uniquely criminal set of morals also meant that there was never any hesitation to exploit any of these resources for his purposes. Today, more specifically, this evening – was proving to be the exception.
A small beep started going off, alerting Jim to turn his attention to one of 15 huge screens he had in his office. Oh. You’re back at your desk,  he thought to himself, watching the familiar figure pull out her chair before sinking into it. Molly Hooper, pathologist extraordinaire, rolled her shoulders back, obviously knackered, and then began sifting through the papers on her desk. He had promised not to and yet here he was – watching her every move. With a snap of his fingers, a peon was called into his office. “The 6:30pm usual, please,” he commanded politely. In a flash the peon was gone. Jim looked casually down at his watch. “20 minutes, tops,” he murmured to himself before returning his eyes to the screen. It felt like eternity but 15 out of the 20 minutes eventually passed and just as Jim sat himself straighter and trained his eyes towards the screen, the object of both his affection and surveillance got up abruptly from her desk, checked her watch and began frantically packing her desk. “Fuck,” he whispered. Before he knew it, Molly had thrown her coat on and left the office, out of range and thereby out of his sight. It took all of Jim’s (very limited) restraint not to shoot at his screen when, minutes later, the very same peon strode into her office, delivery uniform in place, with a piping hot takeaway chai latte only to find that the recipient of the gift had left. Surveilling Molly when they were together had brought her a laugh, perhaps even a little spice, into their time together. When they had agreed to part, he had also agreed not to surveil her anymore. Except, this was proving to be a challenge with each passing day. With yet another soft beep from a separate device, this evening which had already posed a challenge now introduced a threat. “Sir, you told us to notify you if–” “Ready the car.” Jim remarked coolly. As the sleek black vehicle sped him through the gradually congesting London traffic, Jim allowed himself a single sigh. There at his fingertips were all the details he needed to know about this new threat – this new ‘face’ whom Molly had elected to dine with this evening. If Molly had not forbidden him to, he would have already known their name, their address, their workplace, immediate family members – everything he needed to destroy them just as Jim feared they were about to destroy him. Feeling vulnerable was most unpleasant. Jim clicked his tongue impatiently and stared coldly out of the window, hoping the light evening rain could distract him from the slow laceration happening inside his chest. When the car finally pulled up to the destination, Jim barely looked at where he was headed and just barged through the fancy, glass entrance to the restaurant. “Ah, Mr Moriarty, sir, good evening,” greeted the Maître’D, recognising Jim as the elite few who required no reservation to dine at the establishment. Jim nodded, distracted, his sharp eyes darting about the room. “Your private dining suite is this way, Sir,” asked the Maître’D, “Or would you prefer your private rooftop area? We can set that up immediately for you…” “I’d like a table,” Jim interrupted, his eyes still scanning the place. “Oh, regrettably, our tables are all fully booked, Sir, but your suite…” “Fuck the suite,” Jim interrupted, agitated, “I want a table out here .” The Maître’D had begun to panic slightly when just then, that one flick of the beautiful brown ponytail Jim was looking for came into view. To his surprise, Molly and her exquisite tresses disappeared into the very suite that Jim knew was his. It was not like Molly to use what was not hers, and even more unlike her to use anything that was his. At least not anymore now that they had separated. “Sir?” the Maître’D asked, nervously, “Is-is everything all right?” “I’ll take the suite,” Jim whispered, finally turning to look the Maître’D in the eye. With an uncharacteristic roll of his tense shoulders and a sharp exhale, Jim made his way to the heavy ebony doors to his private dining suite. Upon seeing him approach, the two restaurant staff who stood by the doors opened them for him. Jim strode in, fists clenched and his jaw tight, ready for battle. When the heavy doors shut behind him, Jim felt that aggravating bag of muscle in his chest almost leap out of his throat. “You made it,” Molly remarked, smiling gently at him. The table was set for two and the nameless, faceless threat he had been trying to pursue was decidedly absent – it had been bait . “Have a seat,” said Molly as she gestured to the space across from her.   Gingerly, Jim sat himself down, his eyes never once leaving her. Had it not been for the overwhelming confusion, Jim would not have been able to control the overwhelming urge to kiss her. They stared at each other, allowing the seconds to drip by like a slow, leaky faucet. The silence was deafening but was nothing compared to the drumming that threatened to detonate in both their chests. “I went to the new salon you were telling me about,” Molly began, breaking the ice at last. “I know,” said Jim with a smirk. “So what did you think?” she asked, smiling as she undid her ponytail. “I thought they did your hair justice,” he said, his eyes lighting up as he watched her hair fall delicately around her shoulders. “They told me it was on the house ,” Molly continued, “So I suppose I should thank you?” Jim let out a little chuckle as he moved to pour them both a glass each of their favourite red. “You know I can’t help it,” he murmured, deliberately taking his eyes off her and focusing on the wine. “You shouldn’t spoil me like that,” Molly replied, amused that he was averting his gaze. “Well, you can’t stop me,” he said, looking up sharply. “I know,” she replied, their eyes now boring straight into each other. A slow smirk crept across Jim’s face as he reached for his phone. Taking his eyes off her and looking at his screen, he tapped the buttons he had been itching to tap earlier, unveiling a whole digital dossier of the person Molly had supposedly arranged to meet for dinner. “Wow, he is definitely not your type,” Jim scoffed in amusement, swiping through the profile of a man who had no idea he had just been used as a pawn in this ex-lovers’ game of chess. “I’m surprised you held out this long,” Molly remarked, taking a sip of her wine, “I was expecting to hear about his death or kidnapping on this evening’s news.” “Why did you do this?” Jim said, swiping the screen a final time before tossing the phone angrily onto the table. “Because I know you broke your promise,” Molly answered coolly. “I—” Jim swallowed hard, mortified that he had just become at a loss for words. Molly looked back at him, her gaze strong and unwavering. When she saw his wide eyes and the quiet panic they were trying to conceal, she broke into a knowing smile. Slowly, she got up from her seat and walked over to him. Their unchanging synchronicity revealed itself as Jim matched her and stood up right at the moment she appeared before him. They were but inches apart now, each trying to steady their breathing, keeping their hands perfectly still, parallel to their own frames. Again, it was Molly who moved first. She raised a tentative hand and ran her thumb gently across his handsome mouth, sending shivers down both their spines. She then leaned in deliciously close and whispered to him. “If you’d wanted to see me again, Jim…” Molly paused to kiss him lightly beneath the ear. “You should have just asked me.” Jim shut his eyes at the nearness of her cool breath that skirted across the skin of his jawline. Now, it was his turn to lift a tentative hand, placing his fingers so lightly on her waist one would think he were touching a ghost. When Jim had ascertained that this moment was indeed real he tightened his grip, evening out the pressure across his fingers, frustrated at the fabric he felt at his fingertips.   “If I had asked you, would you have come?” he questioned in return, unsure of what appeared to be her change of heart. His question caused Molly to laugh softly. “Oh, Jim,” she exclaimed, placing two hands against the lapels of his jacket as she stared endearingly into his eyes. “Do you think I’d have let you keep those trackers on me all this time if I didn’t feel differently about things? We both know that I could disable them in a heartbeat.” He looked back at her, stunned. It had been a change of heart. Just as his had the moment they had foolishly agreed to part. “I just had to see you…” Jim murmured, his other hand now caressing her cheekbone. Molly sighed into his touch, turning slightly to kiss his palm. “For a while, I was relieved you hadn’t turned the surveillance off,” Molly confessed, her eyes soft with emotion. “You know I would never be able to,” Jim whispered in return, his eyes glistening with rare sentiment. “But then I realised…” Molly said, a small, playful smirk appearing on her lips. “What?” Jim stared back, smirking in return. Molly moved to kiss him and he kissed her back, both fueled by the torturous months apart from the other. “I realised…” she said, pulling back breathlessly, the playful glint now in her eyes. “That I wanted more than your eyes on me…” There was a catch in Jim’s throat as he caught her meaning. Her hand that began undoing his tie confirmed her intent and Jim could not help but grin before pulling her towards him for another kiss. As they both reluctantly parted for air, they smiled – and properly too –  for the first time in months. They both glanced at his undone tie and shared a chuckle. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Jim whispered before moving to kiss Molly again, this time on the side of her neck. Molly shut her eyes, smiling in satisfaction as she felt the lips of the one she loved against her skin. “Why did we break up, Jim?” she asked, gently pulling away to look into his eyes. Jim smiled tenderly, the type he reserved only for her, as he reached to tuck a stray wisp of hair behind her ears. “Because for a leading senior pathologist and a criminal mastermind,” he remarked with a twinkle in his eyes, “We’re pretty fucking stupid.” At his words, they both collapsed into each other’s arms, laughing and remembering everything that made being together worthwhile. “Let’s promise never to be stupid again,” Molly said, reaching for his hand and kissing it. “Never again,” Jim agreed, pulling her into his arms, as they kissed each other to forget all the months that they could not.
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heroicintention-a · 7 years
Sherlock Muse Tag Dump
Jillian Moriarty (Fem!Verse) ((muse :: i’m taking back the crown))
aesthetic/musing – || i’m headed straight for the castle :: moriarty ||
Sebella Moriarty (Fem!Verse) ((muse :: bang bang I shot you down))
aesthetic/musing – || loaded a gun with all you were made of :: sebella ||
Sherlock Holmes (Fem!Verse) ((muse :: fake your death))
aesthetic/musing – || slightly clever to just a certain extent :: sherlock ||
Matthias Hooper (Fem!Verse) ((muse :: would anybody notice if I disappear ))
aesthetic/musing – || I’ve been drunk three times this week :: matthias ||
Orion Magnussen (OC) ((muse :: his father’s son))
aesthetic/musing – || all the secrets that you keep :: orion ||
Andromeda Magnussen (OC) ((muse :: her father’s burden))
aesthetic/musing – || still so young and desperate for attention :: andromeda ||
MorMor – {{ bend your chest open so i can read your heart :: mormor }}
Sheriarty – {{ i’m gonna pick your brain and get to know your thoughts :: sheriarty }}
Molliarty (Mattiarty? Idk) – {{ let me see the dark sides as well as the bright :: molliarty }}
Sherlolly (Mattlock..?) - {{ we react like chemicals :: sherlolly }}
I might add dark!Molly at some point, I miss my first tumblr muse
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ALT TEXT: Screenshot of a conversation, with the message, “heart. I’d like something tender and a little decadent, with death as the main theme... because my shelley-ish soul is hard to keep at bay :)”
@whyimmathere​ is the best person I know, and she’s just gotten done with her exams (FANTASTICALLY, MIGHT I ADD)! Her prompt to me was something tender, something decadent, and something with death as a main themes. I have tried to deliver!
I know I told you guys I won’t be doing a lot of fanfiction for a while, especially not Sherlock, but the lockdown has made us all walk back on our promises. She sent me this prompt, and I ran with it!!! I know it’s not as tender as you’d hope it would be, but it’s PLENTY shelley and very death.
SO - Molliarty, 1304 words, trigger warnings for character death and some violence! The setting is 1400s England, since Molly is wearing a bodice and those didn't exist before the 1400s. I’ve put the ao3 link in the title, and depending on what I feel, I might continue this :)  
The Reaper by Ridiculosity
She sliced her index finger and middle finger. Blood dripped off of them.
She clutched her fingers, squeezing more and more out. Dragged them across the chalked lines. Her petticoat was caked in mud and blood.
She stepped back from the pentagram, hoped and prayed that she wasn’t wrong about her instincts. Mathilde had told her exactly what to and how to do it – but Mathilde had never done this before. It was one thing to be the witch on the corner of the village, collecting herbs to sort out digestion. Quite another to summon death.
She held Sherlock’s body by the shoulders, dragging him to the centre of the pentagram. The sound of the wind howling had her on edge – the windows rattled ominously. A good time to be raising the dead, she thought to herself. She looked up when she heard the howl of an animal, and then returned to focus on the bowl of herbs Mathilde had handed her.
No one had seen Sherlock Holmes die except for Molly Hooper. No one, not even John Watson knew that Sherlock’s adversary was not even a man. No one knew how slim his chances had been of coming out of this unscathed. And no one – not even Sherlock Holmes – knew what Molly intended to do in this minute.
She stood up, shook her skirts out. Twisted her braided hair and pinned it up into a bun. Cleaned her face in the basin. Her feet were bare, and her skirts still muddy. Her bodice was laced up tightly, and she had no intention to change into her best clothes. She knew she was about to die, and if there was ever a time to wear her mother’s neatly woven blue, it was now. But she couldn’t bring herself to do that – she ought to look the part, after all. She couldn’t be in her Christmas best for death to drag her away to hell.  
“Blood from my body,” muttered Molly under her breath, watching Sherlock’s lifeless body. “Fire from the earth.”
Smoke surrounded her. The bowl of herbs smelled like Mathilde, even while they were on fire. She shut her eyes, trying not to think of Mathilde.
She put her bowl down. Sat on her knees. The smoke parted, encouraged by the whistling wind to spread elsewhere in the house.
“Flesh from my bone,” she whispered. In one fell swoop, she sliced her smallest finger from her left hand off.
The pain shot through her, through her hand, through her wrist, through her arm, to her head. She felt like her eyes would pop off from the pain – hissed in pain, even as the fire in the bowl turned green.
“Good evening, my love.”
The voice was smooth, like marble. It reminded her of soup and parsley, of cold winter nights and packed snow.
“Good evening,” said Molly through her teeth. “How are you, my lord?”
“Quite well,” he said, as if it were market day and he was buying a bushel of apples from her. “And you? A good harvest this year?”
“Yes, lord,” said Molly, stemming the flow of blood by holding it tighter and tighter. “Johann had poor luck with his sheep, but the rest of us have done well.”
“Johann’s son is apprenticed as a monk, isn’t he?”
“Yes, lord.”
“I should pay him a visit sometime,” he said with a curl of his lip.
Finally, she looked at him. Black of hair, black of eyes. Not as tall as she was expecting him to be – but well dressed. His scythe was silver. Moonlight sliced across it. There was something rich about him, something that smelled like good fortune and decadence. She found the irony amusing, but only because she intended to partake in his trade. “You should not visit him, my lord.”
“You have one life to barter, my dear,” said the man. “You want to waste it on him?” he kicked Sherlock gently, whose head lolled. Molly clutched her hand tighter. “Why not save it for Johann’s son?”
“I’d rather this life, my lord,” said Molly formally.
“Very courageous of you,” he said. Shadows crept into the corners of his words. “But you will have to make a better sale of your life. I do not see why I should be buying it from you in exchange for my enemy’s. An enemy I just killed, too - for being too ambitious, for reaching too far. What have you to give me that is more tempting than the permanency of that death?”
Molly stood up, still holding her hand. “I will be dying in a few days anyway, my lord, if this wound doesn’t heal. Wouldn’t you rather take me now than then?”
“You would be dying then if you do, dear,” he said, wielding his scythe. “If you die then, you die. If I take you now, you lie between life and death. Your debt to me will be as long as I want it to be, after which you fade.”
“I understand,” she said.
“So make a sale. Tell me what you are worth to me.”
Molly squared her shoulders. “I can clean. I can cook.”
“I do not need anybody to clean, and I cannot taste food.”
She frowned. “But you smell just like food!” she said.
He raised his eyebrows. “Do I?” he asked.
“Like soup. And richly cooked mutton. Like a feast day.”
“Fascinating,” he said. “But you have to make a better sale.”
“I can keep books.”
“That might be handy.
“I… I’ve studied death.”
He tilted his head in interest. She felt uncomfortable telling him of this, because the village looked down on it, but she ploughed on. “I study death. I have for a long time – talk to bodies, understand the living. I don’t know if it’ll be useful, but you ought to know.”
Summoning death, after all, was not something anyone did in their time off. Not even Mathilde. But Molly – Molly may not have summoned death, but she had spoken to death. Everytime a squirrel died, everytime a dove fell. When her father had died of an infected injury from a rusted nail. When her mother had died of a bad cold. She was a carpenter’s daughter – a waged labourer with no fortune, but she knew death.
He smiled slowly. “It might be useful. If I choose to take you. Anything else, Molly Hooper?”
She met his eyes. Dropped her hands to her sides, balling them into fists. Her chin jutted outwards.
“I’m good.”
He quirked an eyebrow at her.
She was expecting him to question this, to ask why he would need someone who was good. Why she would want to come if she was good. Why Sherlock Holmes, if she was so good.
But he asked nothing of her, he only stepped off the pentagram, crossed Sherlock’s body, and came closer. She stood her ground.
His fingers inched forward. Between his fingers, daisies grew spontaneously.
His hand touched the back of her neck, sliding into her hair. He made her look upwards to him, gazing into her eyes as if trying to decipher something she could not make out. He was now smelling less like mutton and soup and a lot more like spiced applesauce. He smiled, and his teeth seemed oddly pointed and sharp.
“It’s a deal, Molly Hooper.”
His lips pressed into hers. They slid across her smoothly, demanding entry into her being. She could feel his teeth on her lips, dragging something out of her – something that may have been human, that may have known how to cook, to clean, to be good. But she could tell that it wasn’t those parts of her that he wanted. As he kissed her, what he took out of her was none of those things – he took the pain in her finger out of her. He took Sherlock out of her.
She breathed deeply when he was done. She looked up to see Sherlock’s finger inching forward in the pentagram she had made. He lifted his head up. “Molly –?”
Everything went black.
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dailymolliarty · 4 years
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The Present by Broken_souls
Molly Hooper has bought Jim a gift. 
Read it on ao3
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All that Glitters by @howterrifying
Jim Moriarty realises that he cannot gamble so easily on his life anymore. Not when there is value attached to his life now, even if he doesn't deserve it.
Read it on ao3
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In which Molly Hooper contacts her ex-boyfriend hoping he would get rid of someone for her. 
Read it on ao3
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The Afternoon Off by @howterrifying
A Molliarty One-Shot: Some things are just more important than others.
Read it on ao3
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ao3feed-molliarty · 4 years
by howterrifying
A Molliarty One-Shot: Some things are just more important than others.
Words: 1847, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV), Molliarty - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jim Moriarty, Molly Hooper
Relationships: Molly Hooper/Jim Moriarty, Molly Hooper & Jim Moriarty
Additional Tags: molliarty - Freeform
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strangedreamings · 5 years
Tagged by @mizjoely. Thanks!
Author Name: Dreamin (there was originally an apostrophe at the end to make it grammatically correct but not every site accepted the apostrophe so I eventually dropped it)
Fandoms You Write For: BBC Sherlock, MCU, Venom (movie), Star Trek AOS, Good Omens, Supernatural, Lucifer, Game of Thrones, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Shakespeare, V for Vendetta, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and my original fandom -- Labyrinth.
Where You Post: Just AO3 these days. I still have fics at FF.net but honestly, that site has gone downhill.
Most Popular One-Shot: Castiel’s Two Dads (Supernatural/Good Omens crossover, 669 kudos)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:  Christmas Getaway (Venom (movie)/MCU crossover, 551 kudos (incomplete))
Favorite Story You Wrote: I’m going to have to go by ship.
Sherlolly -- The Incubus in the Hallway, Sebolly -- Tiny (incomplete), Salcroft -- Masturdating, Mollcroft -- More Than Friends, ShieldShock -- Getting Away From It All, Khanolly -- His Right-Hand Woman, TaserTricks -- Emotional, McMolly -- Mr. Anti-Romance No More, Symbrock -- Poke, Jimcroft -- All of the Umbrellas & Crowns series but I’ll just go with Bridges, Sebcroft -- Married Moments, Ineffable Husbands -- Heaven is a Place on Earth, Deckerstar -- Roaming Charges, Destiel -- Not Impossible Anymore, Molliarty -- The Heart of the Matter (incomplete), Strangeolly -- Poetic, Pepperony -- Marked
Story You Were Nervous to Post: The Incubus in the Hallway -- my first smut fic.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: Sometimes it’s a phrase from the fic, sometimes it’s inspired by the main theme, sometimes it’s just something really generic. If I have a chance to use a pun, then by God, I’ll do it.
Do You Outline: Rarely. I’ll normally know how I want the fic to end and I figure out how to get there as I go.
How many of your stories are…
Complete: 370
In-Progress: 28
Coming Soon: 15, give or take
Do You Accept Prompts: Yeah but I have over 500 right now, so any prompt I receive anytime soon is going to have to wait a while.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: My first WinterShock fic is on the horizon.
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions As Well: @pennywaltzy, @sobeautifullyobsessed, @garuda-dreams-of-rain, and anyone else who wants to play.
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mollsxhooper · 8 years
Alright. So I really want to write some new stuff. Thanks to some awesome people I do have some great ideas. First will be the Molliarty park bench AU. Yes I already plotted it in my head. ;P And the second one will be the Jim interrupting Eurus plan thingy. Even if I already know what I want to write it will take a couple if days. Hope you can wait for a bit :) Oh and if someone still has a good idea. Just let me know about it maybe I can write a one shot or something else ;)
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abumblebeeat221b · 6 years
7, 9, 14 please :)
7: rec a fic that made you cry
I can’t *remember* crying because of a fic, but I’m pretty sure it has happened (also my memory is THE worst™) So, I spent the past half an hour trying to narrow it down to the most likely candidate, and i’m pretty confident that while reading rageprufrock’s “The Least of All Possible Mistakes” there were some tears involved. Among other things, because that fic lets you go through the whole spectrum. As one might expect a Mystrade fic giving the tour through series 1 and 2 with a fem!Lestrade as its lead to do.
I *think* I also cried while reading Beguile’s “It Takes a Village” (Daredevil meets the Punisher and they become the unlikeliest of unlikely friends). So, I’m mentioning it just in case.
9: rec a fic that you think is underrated:
Okay, since brilliant me cannot decide which of these is more underrated, I rec:
aderyn’s Between Midnight and Dawn - or a really short and beautiful  take on how Lestrade and Sherlock met.
and Coaptation by inktomi which never fails to get my Johnlockary cravings fixed.
14: rec something that made you laugh out loud:
“Jesscia Knits the Marvel Universe” (or just randomly pick another one-shot written by Beguile, really) if we are not talking Sherlock. It’s the funniest, fluffiest fluff you can imagine. It’s become my go-to feel good fic, to be honest.
But if we are talking Sherlock then I’d rec Nameless by Ridiculosity; it’s Molliarty at its finest revisiting series 1 and 2 with a bitter sweet twist. It’s dark fluff (if you skip a few smutty bits, which I very much did). There are many awesome lines and twists, but this one never fails to cheer me up on a bad day:
It almost made her consider going to the dark side. Jim didn’t have cookies, but that was fine, she could supply cookies.
@solrosan  thank you so much for asking
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whyimmathere · 7 years
okay i never did give a fuck about molliarty and now i'm fucking obsessed, all thanks to you?? please some good fic rec??
At your beck and call, anon. 
- The Mouse and The Spider (the Bible of this ship)
- The Moon and the Suns (sequel of TMATS)
- The Mirrors and the Shadows (epilogue of TMATS)
- The Demon I cling to
- The Anatomist
- What Slinks Unseen (one-shot)
- Safety in Small Numbers (one-shot)
- Restless Things (warning: very dark themes + Johnlock)
- I.O.U (in progress, Season 4 AU)
- Nameless (in progress, soulmates!AU)
- The Uninvited House Guest
- Home is where (one-shot)
- Danse Macabre (one-shot) mine
- Cold War (one shot, smuttish)
- Junior (one-shot)
- My Persuasion can build a Nation (one-shot)
- Lay your body next to mine (one-shot, mine, smut, dark themes)
- Symmetry (one-shot)
- Hydra
- Kisses for the Devil (one-shot)
- Descend (one-shot)
- Death and the Maiden
- The Number Is (one-shot)
- The Devil’s Own (warning: dark themes)
- Reality of Innocence (warning:smut)
- Gifts (one-shot)
- Thanaptosis (warning: dark themes)
- Pulse (one-shot)
- Yorick’s grin 
- Hades (one-shot)
- Gay (warning:smut)
- Oaths, affidavits and Other Lies
- Brain Drain (one-shot)
- Counting Days (one-shot)
- A conversation starter (one-shot)
- Spinning Tornadoes (one-shot)
- Secret Veins and Arteries (warning:dark themes)
- Watching the world burn (one-shot, smut)
- Death and the Maiden
- Unloveable
- Sweet Dreams (one-shot)
- Frozen Feelings
- Forever and Always
- I will burn the heart out of you
- Choke  (one-shot)
- A change of clothes (one-shot, smut)
- His Dark Mistress (one-shot)
- He saved the last dance for me
- Exsanguination (one-shot, very kinky smut)
- Almost Anyone  (one-shot)
- No Space between Us  (one-shot, smut)
- Heart Shaped Buttons  (one-shot)
- Brain Drain  (one-shot)
- Between the bars  (one-shot, smut)
- Troubleshooting  (one-shot, smut)
- Falling  (one-shot, smut)
- Knots in this noose of mine  (one-shot)
- Glass shatters softly  (one-shot)
- Victor, meet spoils (one-shot)
- He kindly stopped me  (one-shot)
- Blow the House Down (one-shot)
- The answer is one  (one-shot)
- Strings  (one-shot)
- Heartbeats in the Dark
- The Fox (one-shot, smut)
- Bad Romance
- Lion and the Lamb (one-shot)
- Red Song in the Night
- The Rules Are (one-shot)
- Molly Mine (one-shot, smut)
- Come to Daddy (one-shot, smuttish)
- What Sober couldn’t say (one-shot)
- Intention (one-shot)
- At the End of it all (one-shot, smuttish)
- La Follia (it’s not online anymore, ask me privately for more infos)
- Download all my personal Jim/Molly fic folders here and here (ebooks and PDF files)
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Series 2: You Do Count - Sherlolly Fics Updated 04/18/20
Stories set during Series 2 for your reading pleasure. If I’ve missed a fave, shoot me a message so I can add it, please and thank you!
34. Your roommate is out of town and you can do it on the couch: Sofa, So Good by mizjoely (Rated M, One-Shot) PWP, 50 Reasons fic AO3 2016
A Razor, A Shiny Knife by CeeCeeSings (Rated K+, One-Shot) Christmas ff.net 2013
A Winter’s Walk Home by Thedoctor’sassistant14 (Rated K, One-Shot) Christmas ff.net 2012
An Unlikely Distraction (An Unlikely Romance series) by Rebel Cinderella (Rated M, Complete, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2018
And I’ll See It Through by darnedchild (Rated K+, One-Shot) Songfic AO3 2017
Blame It On The Dress by mizjoely (Rated M, One-Shot) Christmas, PWP, Omegaverse AO3 2015 
Bolthole Mixtape: Song 3 (Bolthole Mix Tape series) by ItsSweaterWeather (Rated K+, One-Shot) Songfic AO3 2017
Bossy by simplyshelbs16 (Rated K, One-Shot) AO3 2017
Boxing Day by naughtynyx (Rated T, One-Shot) Other Holidays ff.net 2012
Christmas Blues by Lady Dudley (Rated K, One-Shot) Christmas ff.net 2013
The Christmas Blues (Merry Sherlolly Christmas series) by sherlockian87 (Rated M, One-Shot) Christmas AO3 2014
Christmas Lights by simplyshelbs16 (Rated T, One-Shot) Christmas ff.net 2017 
Christmas Redone by Dreamin (Rated T, One-Shot) Christmas AO3 2017
Clever To Fall Apart Completely by ALC_Punk (Rated M, One-Shot) Barts is the New Sexy, Storage Cupboard, PWP AO3 2018
Currently On Exhibition (On Exhibition series) by mizjoely (One-Shot) PWP AO3 2016
Danger, love and lots of tea by yellowsubmarine97 (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) casefic, Kidnapped! ff.net 2013
Danger Night by dietplainlite (Rated T, One-Shot) Christmas ff.net 2013
Danger Night by siriuslyhiddenlawyer (Rated T, One-Shot) Christmas AO3 2018
Danger Nights by Cythieus (Rated T, One-Shot) Christmas, HABD Sherlock AO3 2018
Delicate Lace by darnedchild (Rated T, One-Shot) Jealous!lock, Christmas AO3 2017
Devil In My Head by Sweet Misa (Rated M, Incomplete, Multi-Chapter) Long fic, Virgin!lock, Shiftlock, Long fic ff.net 2014
Eternal Trust and Bond Pt. 2 by OccasionallyCreative (Rated M, One-Shot) Secret Relationship, Married Sherlolly, Vamplock, Dom/Sublock, PWP AO3 2016
Fire in the Blood by mizjoely (Rated M, One-Shot) Omegaverse PWP ff.net 2018
First Date by Sherlockian89 (Rated T, One-Shot) Christmas ff.net 2014
First Kiss by mellovesall (Rated K+, One-Shot) tumblr 2015
Friends Like These by elixirbb (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Outside Looking In AO3 2013
Ghost Story by vertual (Rated K+, One-Shot) Ghost!lock AO3 2014
Gift Swap by mizjoely (Rated K+, One-Shot) Swap!lock, Christmas, SAW ‘19  AO3 2019
Happy New Year, Molly Hooper by eyesoflauramars (Andromede)  (Rated T, One-Shot) Jealous!lock, New Year’s fic AO3 2012
Happy New Year, SH by Madcap Junior (Rated K, One-Shot) New Year’s fic  ff.net 2012
Horrible Things by terrified (Rated T, One-Shot) Christmas ff.net 2014
I Felt It by Dreamin (Rated T, One-Shot) Jealous!lock, Christmas AO3 2018
I'll Explain Later by TypicalGingerFangirl (Rated K, One-Shot) ff.net 2014
Irreplaceable by mizjoely (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2017
It’s Always the Quiet Ones (My Criminal Romance series) by mizjoely (Rated T, One-Shot) Criminal Molly AO3 2019
I've Always Trusted You by darnedchild (Rated K+, One-Shot) S2 (Alt TRF), Fantasy/Supernatural AO3 2019
The Key by ficcrosser (Rated T, Incomplete, Two Chapters) Wholock AO3 2014
The Kidnapping of Molly Hooper by MissErikaCourt (Rated T, One-Shot) Kidnapped! AO3 2016
Last Christmas (Sight Unseen series) by SilverMiko (Rated T, One-Shot) Sight Unseen series AO3 2017
LBD (On Exhibition series) by mizjoely (Rated M, One-Shot) Christmas, PWP  AO3 2016
Lipstick and Lingerie by mizjoely (Rated M, One-Shot) PWP, Dom/Sublock AO3 2016
Lone Wolf by DamselInDeduction (Rated M, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Shiftlock, Christmas AO3 2016
The Long Way Home by somethinginthewayful (Rated M, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Christmas ff.net 2012
Making Different Choices by GoodShipSherlollipop (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) ff.net 2019
Merry Christmas by bassgoddess (Rated M, One-Shot) Christmas ff.net 2012
Merry Christmas, Molly Hooper by darnedchild (Rated K, One-Shot) Christmas  AO3 2017
Merry Christmas, Molly Hooper by FeatherAura12 (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2017
Merry Christmas, Sherlock Holmes by blerggg (Rated K+, One-Shot) Christmas, swap!lock ff.net 2012
Miss Me When I'm Gone by Mouse9 (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017
Molly’s Christmas by siriuslygrednforge (Rated K, One-Shot) ASiB ff.net 2013
Not in so many Words by Tboy1971 (Rated T, One-Shot) SAW 2018, Christmas  AO3 2018
Not My Name by CloudCuckooLandHasAQueen (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Long fic ff.net 2013
One Desperate Plea by Mouse9 (Rated T, One-Shot) SAW ‘19, Vamp!lock AO3 2019
One More Chance by Dreamin (Rated T, One-Shot) Christmas AO3 2018
One Night Only by MorbidbyDefault (Rated M, One-Shot) PWP Songfic ff.net 2012
Paradygm Shift by sherlollymouse (Rated M, Complete, Two-Parter) Christmas  AO3 2014
Patient 23 (Pirate Annie Holmes series) by FromTheBoundlessSea (Rated K+, One-Shot) Single Parent, Secret Child AO3 2018
Scarlet lips by giuly99jb (Rated K+, One-Shot) Christmas ff.net 2018
Setting Fire To Instinct by Phoebe_Snow (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017
She Counted by Call It Magic (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2012
She Counted by Call It Magic (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2012
Sherlolly by Petchricor (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2012
Snowman by pathologxst (Rated K, One-Shot) Christmas ff.net 2013
Something That Counts by Dreamin (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2018
stop thinking about the bullet from my mouth by marvelgeek42 (Rated T, One-Shot) Sci-Fi, Christmas AO3 2017
Tender Loving Care by afteriwake (Rated K, One-Shot) HABD Molly AO3 2015
Therapy by Sierra Janeway (Rated K, One-Shot) HABD Sherlock ff.net 2012 
Thief by conchepcion (Rated M, Complete, Multi-Chapter) High!lock, wanklock  AO3 2014
Things You Said That Made Me Feel Like Shit by SimplyShelbs16 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Christmas AO3 2017
Toxic by Rozalinne (Rated M, Incomplete, Multi-Chapter) Kidnapped! AO3 2017
Untitled (Swaplock Christmas party ASiB) by varjaks (Rated K, One-Shot) Christmas, Swaplock tumblr 2016
Untitled (The "You" Scene from TRF) by thehiddenlawyer (Rated K+, One-Shot) tumblr 2020
What you're running from by towardsmorning (Rated M, One-Shot) AO3 2011
Winning by sillythings (Rated M, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Valentine’s fic, has Molliarty ff.net 2013
Wrapped in Red by simplyshelbs16 (Rated T, One-Shot) Song!fic, Christmas  ff.net 2017
You always say such horrible things by heartgrater (Rated K+, One-Shot) Christmas ff.net 2012
You Have Always Counted by fionabasta (Rated T, Part 1 of 2) Who!lock tumblr 2015
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howterrifying · 4 years
+molliarty: the necessity of colour: the end
This marks the final chapter of this accidental Molliarty mini-series. Thank you to those who've read, liked, reblogged, reviewed and sent me messages. You help fan the flame for us fic writers to keep going and to believe in and enjoy our work even more. I hope you've enjoyed this series just as much as I've loved writing it :) x In case anyone would like to catch up on previous chapters, here they are: Part I & II :: Part III
The Necessity of Colour: Part IV & Epilogue [also on FF.net and AO3]
It surprised Jim that there were other ways to inject thrill into his veins. No murders had taken place and no buildings had been bombed but his blood was on fire. Even as they lay together, talking like they used to on their ‘charade’ dates, the ecstasy of their afternoon still pulsated through every cell in his body.
“Would you knit me something?” Jim teased, shifting to kiss her gently on her bare shoulder. “You’d hate it,” Molly answered with a chuckle. She sat up, causing the sheets to slip away from her whilst her hair cascaded down in their place. “Why would I?” murmured Jim, utterly distracted by the vision before him. “I know you absolutely hate colour,” Molly said, “And I refuse to knit something so bland.” “But I wore those patterned shirts…” “A charade, Jim, remember?” “And you saw right through that?” “Well, I was informed beforehand. But yes, your discomfort was rather obvious,” Molly said, grinning. “You are good,” Jim said, returning her grin with a kiss on the side of her neck. “No, Jim,” Molly chuckled, before pinning him back down, “I’m better.” They laughed at the odd memory of their first real confrontation. How they had been made temporary antagonists once they had their disguises ripped from them. That was just it though, was it not? That not only had their antagonism been forced upon them, it had only been temporary. There was no way any real animosity could have lasted, not with the type of chemistry that lay bubbling beneath their skins. As they continued to kiss, both minds raced along with their pulses. The deeper they sank into each other, the more they remembered the distance they were supposed to maintain. “What do we do now?” Jim asked, relishing the view of Molly above him. Molly merely smiled and returned to plant another kiss on his mouth. It was a different kiss this time. There was no hunger or playfulness behind it. Instead, it was slow, almost contemplative, as though she were trying to memorise every sensation of the moment. “I’ll admit, it’s a little unclear,” she whispered in return. She was tempted to kiss him again, but something in her told her they had to stop. As if reading her mind, Jim sat up and leaned against the headboard whilst Molly shifted but remained straddled on his lap, facing him. “Unclear is okay,” Jim said with a smirk, reaching for her hands. “Unclear is dangerous,” said Molly, staring at their intertwined fingers. “But that’s where we live, Molly, don’t you see?” he whispered, trying to catch her gaze. Molly looked up, feeling the pull from his gaze. She could not help but smile when she saw those eyes of his resting on her. There was something so dazzling about the darkness in them and it caused a rush in her veins. “Listen,” said Jim, taking a moment to quickly kiss the top of her knuckles. “Ithought I knew everything about you, and it’s becoming apparent I don’t quite know everything. And while you seem to know quite a lot about me, I know you don’t know everything. Even your all-knowing boss…no one can be that all knowing…” “Yes, she can…” “Okay, fine, maybe she can. But who cares, Molly?” he remarked, a strange excitement growing in his voice. Molly could not tell where he was going with this and could only stare back at him with a single, raised eyebrow. “We live in the grey area, Molly, that’s where we thrive,” Jim said, smiling widely at her. “We never know what will happen, but that’s where the fun is…” He paused to pull her closer to him so he could kiss her properly again. Her hands automatically reached for his face as he drew her mouth to his. “We’ll just make it happen,” he said, running a thumb across her cheekbone, “It’s what we do.” “Sounds a bit chaotic to me,” Molly teased, feigning disbelief. “Then chaos is the colour. In all of this grey, chaos is the colour,” Jim argued, fixing his eyes on hers. “When did you get so poetic?” Molly said with a laugh. “I’ve always been poetic,” he retorted, grinning. It was nice to see the light come back into her eyes. When she had said that where they were headed was dangerous, it had been sobering for him too. There was the issue of her boss who seemed both powerful and unknown, two characteristics that would have normally frustrated the life out of this criminal mastermind. Yet, it had only disturbed him momentarily. The larger fear that struck his cold heart was the thought of never being able to delight in the presence of Molly Hooper again. Again, there was that inexplicable need for her. This time, not only did Jim decide he was all right with it, he was going to indulge it. “Life needs a bit of colour, no?” he remarked, letting his fingers outline the beautiful contour of her face. Molly shut her eyes and savoured the feel of those hands against her skin. Had her boss, in all her intelligence and near omniscience, not realise that this would happen? Or had that been her intention from the beginning? It amused Molly for a moment that perhaps in falling for Jim Moriarty she had outdone her boss and done the one thing no one had been expecting.   How was Molly to resist? He was so clever, so wickedly funny, so divinely handsome and had the most impeccable manners she could barely contain it. “I suppose life does need a bit of colour,” Molly said at last, as a smile grew. “Your wardrobe could do with some for sure.” “My wardrobe? Are you implying that we should start living together?” Jim asked, his eyes widening as his theatrics returned. The both of them collapsed into each other, laughing and sinking into each other’s embrace again. “Please, could we?” Jim whispered, softly kissing the side of her neck. Smiling against his skin, Molly returned the kiss against his temple and continued until she reached his beautiful mouth. “You really do have the most perfect manners,” Molly remarked, succumbing as she pushed him back down to bed. ++ Epilogue Molly did not remember the last time she had been here. After all, it was a bit of a journey to get there but she did not remember the room being so cold. The glass, concrete and absolute dead silence certainly added to the chill Molly felt in her bones. She sat as still as she could in her seat and faced the empty space before her, waiting. Soon, she heard soft footsteps and a figure emerged, shrouded in the only thing the figure ever wore; a plain white medical gown. “Well, Molly, love is a good look on you,” said the figure. “I have to agree,” she smirked in return. “It seems you’ve strayed completely from the brief,” continued the figure, sitting herself cross-legged in the centre of the empty space before Molly. Molly swallowed nervously. She had been dreading this meeting and now it was finally happening. “Why do you look so scared?” asked the figure with a small, playful smile. “Because you’re terrifying?” Molly replied. “Come now, Molly,” laughed the figure, “I respect you too much to punish you, you know that. I couldn’t hurt you even if it one hundred percent warranted it.” “I know,” Molly answered, “And that’s what’s even scarier.” The figure shook her head and stood up. She walked across the space so as to stand right in front of Molly. “Molly, do you know why I hired you in the first place? Why we became such good friends so fast?” asked the figure. “Because we’re both clever. Very clever.” “Precisely!” exclaimed the figure, clapping her hands together, “And your little…deviation from the operation, has inspired me with a better idea.” “It has?” “This is why I trust you, Molly. Even when you go off-course, you make things better,” the figure continued, “It’s hard to believe, I know, but I can have poor judgement on occasion.” Molly laughed at her comment, causing the figure to grin in return. Molly knew she was clever but she was nothing like her boss. Still, she breathed a sigh of relief knowing their working relationship had not been damaged. “I want to meet him,” said the figure. “Oh?” “I think he’d be a great addition, don’t you think?” the figure remarked. “I have to agree,” Molly replied with a smirk. “Besides, based on what you’ve been telling me,” the figure said, a wily smile appearing. “It’s time we had someone who really brightens up the room.” ++ When Jim received the text, his blood had run cold for a moment, his mind going immediately to Molly’s safety and wondering if it had finally been compromised. He decided to obey whatever it was this E wanted, especially if it meant keeping Molly safe. As he was ushered from one car to another and finally into a helicopter, he was surprised to see the very face he had been worrying over greet him when he finally stepped off the helicopter onto an undisclosed island. “It’s take-your-boyfriend-to-work day,” Molly teased, kissing him quickly on the cheek. “I..I don’t understand,” Jim remarked, genuinely puzzled. As they entered the massive building and made their way through what felt like a thousand different corridors, Jim found himself facing a heavy, metal door. Molly gave him another kiss on the cheek and smiled at him. “Molly, what’s going on?” he asked. Molly did not answer but merely opened the door and gestured for him to step in. Once he did, he heard the heavy clang of the door shutting behind him. The ensuing silence was deafening as he stared at the sparse room he was in. Soon, a figure shrouded in a crisp white medical gown appeared and walked towards Jim. “Mr James Moriarty,” the figure said, extending her hand. “You must be E,” Jim replied, reaching to shake her hand only to flinch slightly from how cold it felt. The figure paused, still holding onto his hand as she examined him from head to toe. When she was done, a slow smile appeared on her lips. “It’s a pleasure to meet you at last,” the figure continued, releasing his hand and gesturing for him to sit on the only chair in the room. She walked over to the center of the room and planted herself down, sitting cross-legged. “Now that we’ve finally met,” she began, “Please, call me Eurus.” END
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A Perfect Storm: Chapter One (Molliarty Fanfic)
Here is the first Chapter of my new Molliarty Story! I already uploaded it to AO3 but I decided to upload it here as well! If you like it, feel free to follow the story on AO3 because this is where I will be continuing to upload chapters! :) Rating: M  for mild sexual content
Also a BIG THANK YOU to @whyimmathere ; she is the best Beta-reader and such a lovely person. 
Molly Hooper exactly remembered the day she had met Jim Moriarty. It was a mild summer day in June. The sun had just settled upon the sky, when a big truck halted in front of the house next to hers. Molly, being a curious five years old, ran outside still in her pajamas, to catch a glimpse at the new neighbors. She hid behind the old oak in her garden as a young boy around her age got out of the car. Molly peeped out from behind the tree, and his eyes met hers, as if he had known that she had been there. He smiled brightly and raised his hand to wave at her. Molly being extremely shy and embarrassed, blushed and hurried back into the house.
It was a few days later when he knocked at her door, introducing himself and asking her if she would like to come outside and play with him. Molly and Jim spent the day in the forest nearby, building a small tree-house. As they walked home in the evening, Jim complimented her for the necklace she was wearing and Molly was very excited to hear that he would love to buy her as many beautiful necklaces as she wanted to have when they were older. Since that day the two of them had been inseparable. They walked to school together each morning, celebrated birthdays, went on vacation; ice-skating in winter and swimming in summer. When they were sixteen, Jim asked her out to accompany him during prom, as friends of course. Nevertheless, their mother's eyes were glimmering with tears when they posed for pictures in front of the old oak tree.
Jim started to act strangely when they were eighteen. It was their last year of school. Molly was already applying for various universities, while Jim was not caring for his future at all.
“Don't worry, Molls,” he was always saying when she asked him about that particular matter. 
But Molly kept worrying. Jim began to skip school, often he would disappear for a few days, without telling anybody where he was going.
Once, he had knocked on her window at three in the morning. Molly couldn't believe her eyes when she let him inside. He had several scars on his face, and his left arm was bleeding heavily. Molly tried her best to clean the cut, which seemed to be descended from a knife fight. It was quite deep and she was not sure if she was able to stitch it up.
“Jim, we should drive to the hospital.” she said, wrapping another fresh towel around his arm to prevent him from losing more blood.
“I thought you wanted to become a pathologist? Come on, Molly, it is just a couple of stitches,” Jim encouraged her. His face turned into a grimace when she pressed the towel to the cut.
“Well, pathologists deal with dead people. And if you keep sitting around in here, instead of seeing a doctor, you probably will be dead before the sun rises,” Molly argued.
“Molly, I trust you. Now take that goddamn needle and stitch up that cut, otherwise I will do it myself.”
She mastered to stop the bleeding, although the stitching was a little messy and probably not very sanitary.
“Promise me to let a professional see this, yes?” she shot a worried glance at him.
“I will, Molly dearest,” he promised.
Jim did not come to school this day and Molly decided to stop by at his place to check if he was alright. When she entered her street, she spotted the police cars in front of his house. She nearly crushed into one of the Inspectors when she sprinted down the pavement.
“What is going on?” she asked, completely out of breath.
“Excuse me Miss, but I can't tell you,” he explained friendly.
“Is it about Jim?”
“Do you know where he is?” the Inspector mustered her.
“No! I didn't even know he was gone!” Molly cried out. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.
Molly Hooper exactly remembered the night she had last seen Jim Moriarty, even though she wished to forget it.
She groaned and hammered at the keyboard in front of her, “Work you stupid thing,” she demanded but the computer remained frozen. Annoyed, Molly reached out for the telephone besides her. Fast dialing the number of the IT.
“Hello, my name is Jim. How can I help you?”
Molly forgot how to breathe for a second when she heard the familiar voice.
“Jim?” her hands started to shake and she nearly dropped the phone.
“Yes. What is the problem I can help you with?” he sounded confused.
She swallowed hard, suddenly feeling a lump in her throat. Her eyes were stinging with tears.
“Are you still there?” he asked after some moments of silence had passed.
“Yes,” she breathed out, “Sorry, I... - you sound like somebody I once knew.”
“Well, Molly Hooper, I still owe you those necklaces, don't I?”
She was a sobbing mess when he arrived at her office. Fast, he wrapped his arms around her. She clung to him, fearing that he might vanish in front of her eyes if she did not hold him.
“Oh Molly, I have missed you too,” he whispered into her hair.
“Where have you been?” she snuggled closer to him, pressing her ear to his chest to listen to his heartbeat. “Actually, I don't give a damn. I am just glad you are here right now.”
Jim laughed and pressed a kiss to the top of her hair, “Oh Molly, if only you knew.”
The bright moonlight shone through the flattering curtains and illuminated the bedroom. Molly tossed and turned. She was unable to fall asleep. Sighing, she rolled over to look at him.
Jim knew that she was awake. He could feel her gaze upon him.
Molly mustered his face, there were a couple of new scars that she didn't know. She reached out to brush her fingertips against his cheek. Jim immediately opened his eyes and clasped her wrist.
“Sorry, I-...I didn't mean to frighten you,” Molly stuttered with look of panic on her face.
Jim loosened his grip and let his thumb circle over her soft skin. He let go of her hand and Molly moved back to her side of the bed. Jim smiled at her insecurity. They had known each other for ages now, and somehow she was still self-conscious around him. He reached out to put an arm around her slender waist before drawing her close again. Her petite body was pressed against his. He nestled his head in the nape of her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. Molly shivered as she felt his hot breath against her skin. His hands rested on her waist . Jim started to play with the hem of her shirt, slowly letting his fingers slip under it to caress her skin. She gasped at the sudden touch and the feeling of his cold fingertips against her skin, but she did not make him stop. Comforted by each others presence, they drifted off to sleep.
“Good Morning.” Molly was awoken by his honeyed voice whispering to her ear. Her eyelids fluttered open. She needed a moment to recall the events of yesterday night.
“How late is it?” she said while rubbing her eyes. His arm was still wrapped around her waist.
Carefully not to hurt her, Jim rose up just a little to catch a glimpse at the clock.
“5 AM.” his head fell back to the pillow.
Molly sighed, “I need to get up.” Jim removed his arm from her waist, so that she could move.
Molly rolled over to lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling, she drew her blanket closer till it was touching the tip of her nose.
“I don't want to go to work,” she mumbled from underneath the blanket.
“Well, you can call in sick,” Jim said with a smirk.
“No. I can't do that. My boss will be.-... what are you doing?” her eyes widened in shock when he suddenly was leaning over her.
“Depends on what you want me to do.” Jim started to slowly pull away the blanket, so that her face was free again, then he bend down till the tips of their noses were nearly touching.
Molly bit her lip and leaned a little forward.
“The answer I expected.” he smiled against her lips before closing the gap between them.
Jim could physically feel her insecurity with each brush of their lips. He smirked at the small moan that escaped her mouth when his tongue slid over her bottom lip. He re-positioned himself so that body was resting on hers. Her fingers started to wander over his back, resting on the nape of his neck, before they ran through his hair. Jim hummed in pleasure as she suddenly pulled his hair.
“I am not made out of sugar, Darling.” he encouraged her with a wink.
Molly started to pull harder, bringing his lips to hers again.
His hands slipped under her shirt, dancing over her soft skin. He started to cup her breast, earning another sweet moan from her. She leaned into his touch and Jim broke the kiss to duly take off her shirt before tossing it away.
He began to leave a trail of kisses all over her body, sucking and biting her neck, before returning to her breasts. His gaze shifted up to meet hers and she nodded eagerly. Grinning, he playfully bit her nipple.
Molly was pinching his back, greedy for the feeling of his warm skin underneath her fingertips. She tucked at the hem of shirt and Jim quickly removed it, before dipping into another passionate kiss.
“Jim, please,” she begged as she felt his erection pressing against her thigh.
“Be patient, Molly deare-”
Jim's eyes shot open, as he felt a sudden pressure on his chest. Toby, Molly's nerve-wracking cat, was inspecting him with emerald green eyes.
“Shhh.” he banished the cat away, and rolled over to discover that the space next to him was empty. He slowly got out of bed, his erection was painfully throbbing.
Jim decided that it was time for a cool shower to wash away the odd thoughts that were buzzing through his mind.
PS: Things are going to get steamy in the next chapter. ;)
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writingwife-83 · 7 years
Jealous!lock in the days of Molliarty
So this is a pretty fluffy version of jealous!lock I’d say. Hope you like how I did it, anon! ;)
Sherlock covertly glanced at Molly as she worked busily in the lab. This was a good opportunity. John was busy and couldn’t be there, no other employees or visitors around…yes perhaps now was his chance. He cleared his throat.
“Thrilling episode of Glee last night, wasn’t it?”
Molly halted what she was doing and frowned at him. “Glee? You…like that show?”
“Mm, what’s not to like?” He grinned.
She smiled, though still looked rather suspicious. “So um, what was your favorite part then?”
“I’d have to say the uh…the singing.” That could have been thought out a bit better. Time for a subject change…
“Molly, tell me, how is Toby?”
Her brow shot up. “My cat Toby? He’s…fine, thanks.”
“Ah, good old Toby. Always…there, isn’t he?” Sherlock attempted a fond smile.
“He certainly is,” Molly agreed. “Always on my bed when you crash at my place. And then you demand that I remove him for you because you won’t sleep with that hairball pawing at your face.”
Sherlock chuckled nervously. “Yes well, we actually get on awfully well. It would simply be too distracting to have him in the room while I’m there. Might interrupt my sleep because I’d so badly want to stay up and…pat him. And like you said! He likes me so much that all he wants to do is get attention from me during the night. Can’t think of leaving me alone!”
“That’s lovely to hear, Sherlock,” Molly said kindly, her lips twisting a little and holding back a laugh. “I’ll be sure to have you feed him next time I’m out of town then. I didn’t realize you were so attached till now!”
Blast! “Mm, yes, that sounds like a lovely plan,” he said as genuinely as possible.
He wondered just what else that sly weasel Jim had to offer that he didn’t. Mentally paging through Molly’s blog entries, he desperately looked for some little clue…
“Coffee!” he shouted aloud.
Molly stared in confusion. “Yes…what about coffee?”
“You like it, don’t you?”
“Well, yes.”
“Excellent! I do as well,” he stated, looking pleased with himself.
“Yeah, I know, Sherlock. I’ve gotten it for you lots of times.”
“Yeeees…but we’ve never had it at the same time…together.”
Molly smiled a little. “That’s true, yes. Mostly because when I asked you, you turned me down.”
Sherlock’s expression fell. Yes, that’s right, he had brushed off that suggestion of her’s hadn’t he? Somehow he hadn’t considered the long term implications at the time, and now it was coming back to bite him! He hardly noticed Molly approach till she spoke again right next to him.
“You do realize I took your advice and ended things with Jim, right?” she asked softly.
He perked up. “Did you?”
She nodded. “He just, you know, wasn’t right for me.”
“He absolutely wasn’t!” Sherlock agreed instantly. “Let’s hope we never see him again.”
There was an awkward moment of silence before Molly sighed. “Well, at least I still have Toby.”
“Mm,” Sherlock hummed. “Though…not only Toby.”
Her little lips swept up in a grin.
Sherlock stood from where he sat in the lab and grabbed his coat. “Come on.”
“Where are you going?”
Sherlock held the door. “I thought we established that we both like coffee…and perhaps drinking it together.”
Molly very happily followed him out of the lab with a bit of a blush on her cheeks and Sherlock was finally beginning to feel like he was finally getting somewhere again. Things were looking up! Though, as they walked, he still felt it couldn’t hurt to make a little casual conversation on a pertinent topic…
“Fun little fact- I’m a full four inches taller than Jim.”
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A Goodbye, of a Sort
I finished writing the last chapter of Song as Old as Rhyme.
It’s going to go through some rounds of edits, it’ll probably be ironed out a little over time - I might even scribble a few one-shots for later. But as of now, the last of my long stories featuring Molly Hooper has been finished. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be publishing it on both ao3 and ffnet. 
I’ve been doing this for a long time now. 
I know a lot of you probably don’t remember why you follow me, or what my tiny bits of contribution were - but here it is, a history of the last six years of me. Allow me to reintroduce myself: I’m Ridiculosity. I’ve not had much, not always - I wasn’t a big name, but people read me. I have loved everyone who took what they can from whatever I could offer. 
I first started writing Sherlolly (multichaptered Sherlolly, mind. I’d been doing the one-shot variety for a bit before that) with Endless Forms Most Beautiful - a five chapter something that I wrote for @the-littlesparrow. Arguably, the Sherlolly I am most known for is Two Hundred and Twenty One B, Baker Street. Most of my writing has come from a place of having loved Molly Hooper, wanting to know her as well as I possibly could. I have loved her through countless reinterpretations, through numerous ship wars, through infighting and outfighting, the debacle of season four and with no promise of having more than five minutes of screentime each episode. 
Half of my journey is her. The other half is you guys. 
All of you wrote so many comments, cheered me on so many times. I remember usernames of people I got so used to seeing in my comments section they felt like friends. I have slipped so many times - fallen, and found it hard to come back to writing. You made me love Molly over and over again, you made me love my writing over and over again, and I have never been more grateful. 
Then @whyimmathere happened to me. Molliarty happened to me. I wrote Nameless, arguably my most famous and popular work, I wrote more prompt fills, I wrote one-shots for side fandoms like Agent Carter. I became friends with @s1e1pilot. I wrote Derry Girls fanfic, and Uprooted fanfic, and @iridogorgia and @thebookishtea created the Molliarty discord - and before I knew it, I was writing Song as Old as Rhyme. @lockwoodmyass Made me fanart!!!!!! @s1e1pilot DID AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I don’t know which of those made you follow me, but I am grateful because I don’t know when I will return to Molly Hooper (and by extension, possibly fanfiction) again. I’m not saying never again, because even now I have the urge to write a short one-shot, or maybe to do a prompt fill of some sort - but I wanted to say goodbye, because I have no new plans for a multichapter. Anything else that I write will happen based on a mood, on a whim, and not necessarily with the kind of dedicated time I’ve put into these other stories. 
My time in fanfiction is not coming to an end, I just have other projects I want to focus on. I don’t know when or if I am returning, but I don’t think it’ll be through Sherlock. I wanted to say goodbye to Molly Hooper, the person I have loved so intensely without ever having met her. 
I wanted to thank all of you - for everything you have given me, for everything you have taught me. Both the Sherlolly and Molliarty communities have been so wonderful, and I’ve never forgotten a single reblog, a comment, nothing. You all have made me a better writer, and I cannot stress that enough. Again, this is hardly forever, but it is an ending of a sort - and it’s a good place to end, with most of my stories completed. I only hope that I am remembered for whatever I wrote, and I hope you return to me, just as I fully expect to return to you all the time. It’s not a forever, nothing is - its a sort of. 
I love you all, so so much. I will come back when I feel up for it, when I am less tired. Maybe I might even get an idea for a longer story again, and this whole thing would have been for nothing. But I sincerely wanted you all to know what a huge impact you had on my life. I wouldn’t have been writing for so long had it not been for you. 
Cheers, love, and all of me, 
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dailymolliarty · 5 years
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The Mouse and the Spider by I’m Over There: Jim Moriarty gets bored. Molly Hooper gets lonely. They’re just two planets revolving around the brilliant sun that is Sherlock Holmes, drawn in by his gravity. And his light. But everybody needs distractions… 
Song as Old as Rhyme by @wherestoriescomefrom:  Hush, the wind is blowing hard. Be quiet, child, sleep soundly - Or the Dark One will steal your heart. [Beauty and the Beast AU]
Nameless by @wherestoriescomefrom: The first name was expected - even welcomed. The second, on the other hand, left much to be desired. And Jim would never understand what it was about it that was compelling. [Soulmate AU: On one hand, the name of your soulmate, on the other - your enemy. Molliarty.]
The Rose Point Manor:  A young woman struggling in an unjust society takes a break from the theatrics of pretending to be her male counterpart, Mark Hooper, and decides to relax at the quiet but foreboding Rose Point Manor. There she comes to a realization that something far more sinister lurks there than at her morgue back home - Victorian AU
We’re Ancient History:  When Molly Hooper had begun her scientific expedition, she never knew her time on the dig sites would unearth more than the dead.
Forget Me Not:  “This melancholy London - I sometimes imagine that the souls of the lost are compelled to walk through its streets perpetually. One feels them passing like a whiff of air.” What happens when two lost souls find each other? Are they still forgotten? - Amnesia!AU
Capture My Good Side: “Photography is all about secrets. The secrets we all have and will never tell.”
Deus Mortis: "You can hide from the devil, but he’ll always find you.“ - Victorian AU
Face Value: “I’m not sure how to describe this nonsense, basically Molly looks good in a moustache and Jim notices.”
Not a Body Farm: Molly really should’ve known better than to download FarmVille on a criminal mastermind’s cell phone, even if it had been a hilarious joke at the time. Since one day she wakes up in a bed in some random farm in the middle of nowhere, and the deed to the property in her name.
Oh God, Not the Westwood!:  In which timid Molly Hooper must hide a heinous crime from a man who likes to watch a murder take place while drinking his morning coffee.
Life Preserver: “Missing you comes in waves and tonight I am drowning.”
Midnight Edition: The Bittersweet: Pop-rocks can be unpredictable. In an instance, a delight to the senses, or startling painful the next - smut
The Bittersweet:  Even delicious things can be sour, at another glance.
Third Date Syndrome: Long bouts of silence and awkwardness on first dates are inevitable, and for the hundredth time Molly wished she was exempted from it.
We’ll Always Have St. Barts: “I wish I didn’t love you so much.” - Casablanca AU
Apex: Molly Hooper thinks fondly of Jim from IT, but can’t get enough of Jim Moriarty - contains smut~
The Parting Glass: After Reichenbach, Molly Hooper is drowning. She receives a package, request and tradition from a very dead Jim Moriarty. She receives nothing but burdens from a very alive Sherlock Holmes.
Rust and Stardust: “The last long lap is the hardest. I shall be dumped where the weed decays, and the rest is rust and stardust.” - Jim is a ghost, and wouldn’t it just figure that he haunts Molly Hooper.
Wild and Precious: “Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” - How Molly fell in love with a ghost, and tried not to waste her life beside him. She failed. - settled in the same universe of Rust and Stardust
Release: Written for the prompt “Jim fucking Molly so hard and so good that she can’t even get a full word out, only moans and half-uttered curses “: In which Jim surprises Molly after work - contains smut~
A Love Outside of Time: There’s a lot of strange happenings at 2945 S Willow Street, shrieks and screams and moans that have terrorized the neighbors and left the house unsold for generations. Can the great paranormal investigator, Sherlock Holmes, exorcise the spirits living there?
Gifts Given and Received: Sherlock ruined Molly’s Christmas gift and Jim is determined to make her holiday better. - ASIB AU, contains smut~
Cabernet Sauvignon: Written for the prompt “Jim’s ready to propose, but wants the event to be special, and so he hides the ring in Molly’s wine. Molly drinks it down too fast and chokes on the ring”: A fluffy slice of life, where Molly makes Jim’s life just a little less lonely.
Power Dynamic: Molly can’t help trying to control the insanity that is Jim Moriarty. A framework for his mind to lean on, a collar to hold him together, a mistress to keep him mostly sane.
Asphodel: “When you need slightly-less-than-legal magic substances, you seek out ‘Moriarty’s Special Imports and Fineries’. A new branch of Necromancy, pathologist-in-training Molly Hooper returns a set of counterfeit goods and receives a job offer in return.” - Fantasy AU
Her beast feature: “As he studied her from afar, Jim thought Molly’s best feature was her neck. He really didn’t anticipate her reaction to Sherlock beating a dead man with a riding crop.” - Molly x Jim, PWP, set at the beginning of A Study in Pink
Junior: So what’s a beleaguered pathologist to do when the UK’s Most Wanted turns up to visit her cat?
Mr Sex: Jim doesn’t ask her what she likes or what she needs; it’s not necessary. But he asks her what she wants - contains smut
Sunday Afternoon: Sleep with Molly Hooper:  Molly canceled their date at the last minute, but no one messes with Jim’s precisely organized calendar and gets away with it.
Why Don’t You Do Right?:  Seb arranges for Molly to get an extra special, early birthday present. Jim gets to learn something new about Molly. And Molly discovers one of Jim’s deepest secrets.
Club Calavera: Downing five zombies doesn’t give Jim the liquid courage he needs to ask Molly a very important question. It only makes him forget that he and Molly are already together.
Happy Birthday, Jimmy Boy: Jim’s never had a good birthday. Molly’s determined to buck the trend. - contains smut
It’s A Nice Day For a [White Wedding]: The wedding of James Moriarty to Molly Hooper can be nothing less than a momentous occasion. In his speech, their best man recounts some of the juicier bits of Jim and Molly’s journey into matrimony.
Cold War: She had to admit Jim was creative. Who else would think to kill three ice cream salesmen from different towns and attach a one-worded note to each corpse, forming the sentence, “Ready to concede?”
My Persuasion Can Build a Nation: In a world where Eurus had a best friend growing up, she doesn’t go to Sherrinford, nor does she turn out as unhinged as she did in canon. However, she’s still Eurus, and her brothers absolutely forbid her from meeting Jim Moriarty. She’ll just have to fix that, won’t she? Also: Matchmaker!Eurus ftw.
What Sober Couldn’t Say: “(11:23 pm) Drinking again(11:24 pm) And since it makes me too sad to go on my blog anymore thanks to you, I figured it’s only fair you become my new place to vent(11:25 pm) You’re probably not receiving these messages anyway so no harm no foul(11:25 pm) Right?” - Molly drunk-texts Jim over the course of several months.
I Wanna Feel Like I Am Floating: “Now the question is…" He vamp-flipped them over so she was lying down and his body was pinning hers. “Should I tie you up and make you take it, or are you going to be a good little vampire and let Daddy have his way with you?” Jim & Molly’s journey: blood-sharing edition.- Vampire!Molliarty AU, s-m-u-t.
Coffin Shopping: Sebastian could only imagine what the other, mostly ancient customers perusing the store must be thinking of the couple in their thirties, bubbling with laughter and fooling around as they ran about in search of the perfect coffin.
Come To Daddy: Jim failed to see how Molly’s physicality could ever not be arousing. The size of her lips did nothing to detract from how amazing she was at sucking cock. The size of her breasts made it no less fun for Jim to cup them in his hands, tease her nipples into hard peaks, suck on them until she squirmed and made those delightful little sounds. - smuttish ;)
Intention: A take on how the brief but unforgettable office romance between Jim from IT and Molly from Pathology began and how it just might become more than just a simple office romance.
An Exchange: Jim Moriarty comes across a familiar face and realises, from just one exchange, that it is not merely Sherlock Holmes that connects them, but a connection of their own.
A Beginning: Jim Moriarty tries to make sense of new waves of sentiment as his office romance with Molly Hooper transits to become something more.
Interruptions: Molly Hooper is made to face a stunning revelation about Jim Moriarty, but it is her reaction that stuns him most.
An Enemy’s Gift: In the pursuit of his greatest enemy, Jim Moriarty makes an unexpected discovery.
On Fanfiction.net:
Life: James Moriarty is in trouble, so much trouble that he fears for his life. He soon learns, however, he has absolutely nothing to fear, not with Molly Hooper around.
Spiders: Molly and Jim have a casual chat laced with hints of their plans, revealing a side to Molly that both surprises and seduces Jim.
(Re)kindle: Jim Moriarty is perplexed at the lasting impression a certain Molly Hooper has left on him. When his rekindled fascination with her meets an unexpected obstacle, an animosity is ignited.
Other fics:
- The Demon I cling to
- The Anatomist
- What Slinks Unseen (one-shot)
- Safety in Small Numbers (one-shot)
- Heart Shaped Buttons  (one-shot)
- I.O.U (in progress, Season 4 AU)
- A change of clothes (one-shot, smut)
- The Uninvited House Guest
- Home is where (one-shot)
- Danse Macabre (one-shot) mine
- Lay your body next to mine (one-shot, mine, smut, dark themes)
- Symmetry (one-shot)
- Kisses for the Devil (one-shot)
- Descend (one-shot)
- Death and the Maiden
- The Number Is (one-shot)
- The Devil’s Own (warning: dark themes)
- Reality of Innocence (warning:smut)
- Gifts (one-shot)
- Thanaptosis (warning: dark themes)
- Pulse (one-shot)
- Yorick’s grin
- Hades (one-shot)
- Gay (warning:smut)
- Oaths, affidavits and Other Lies
- Brain Drain (one-shot)
- Counting Days (one-shot)
- A conversation starter (one-shot)
- Spinning Tornadoes (one-shot)
- Secret Veins and Arteries (warning:dark themes)
- Watching the world burn (one-shot, smut)
- Death and the Maiden
- Unloveable
- Sweet Dreams (one-shot)
- Frozen Feelings
- Forever and Always
- I will burn the heart out of you
- Choke  (one-shot)
- His Dark Mistress (one-shot)
- He saved the last dance for me
- Exsanguination (one-shot, very kinky smut)
- Almost Anyone  (one-shot)
- No Space between Us  (one-shot, smut)
- Brain Drain  (one-shot)
- Between the bars  (one-shot, smut)
- Troubleshooting  (one-shot, smut)
- Falling  (one-shot, smut)
- Knots in this noose of mine  (one-shot)
- Glass shatters softly  (one-shot)
- Victor, meet spoils (one-shot)
- He kindly stopped me  (one-shot)
- Blow the House Down (one-shot)
- The answer is one  (one-shot)
- Strings  (one-shot)
- Heartbeats in the Dark
- The Fox (one-shot, smut)
- Bad Romance
- Lion and the Lamb (one-shot)
- Red Song in the Night
- The Rules Are (one-shot)
- Molly Mine (one-shot, smut)
- Restless Things (warning: very dark themes + Johnlock)
- Intention (one-shot)
- At the End of it all (one-shot, smuttish)
- An Incorrect Deduction
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