#Mom is Bayonetta huh?
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Alias/Name: Raven
Birthday: April 1st (No I'm not kidding)
Height: 6'3 last I checked so about 190 cms, but not sure since my life was built on the dang imperial system XP
Hobbies: Aside from rping, I love videogames, as well as writing and drawing, I really want to draw scenes from my rps with you all but I need to get my tablet working with my computer XP
Favorite color: Purple, but love practically all cool colors like blue and green as well.
Favorite Book: Technically a series, but can't settle on a single favorite but the Land Of Stories series, which also includes tale of magic, I guess.
Last Song: Scent of Love by Helena Noguerra (Aka the Bayonetta version)
Last Film/Show: Bayonetta Bloody Fate, and for show I guess Unicorn Academy on Netflix
Recent Read: Creepy Cat before this.
Fun Fact About Me: Huh... I'm not sure, Oh well heres a funny one, On AO3 I have a old HB fic I posted called Will Hold Me Close and Not Let Go that came out right after Ozzies, so Fizz is incredibly villainized to in hindsight a cartoonish degree, clown got yeeted and now I rp with some really nice Fizz's cause I absolutely misread how he was gonna be XP
Tagged by @peppy-jester
Tagging: @razzamachazz @rodeoblitz @xxx-chazwickthurman-xxx @within-the-resort @ask-the-monster-nest @prxnce-of-chxos @questionablemuses @ambulance-mom @raven-hellish-imp @hells-ringleader @thenextchapterbegins
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neiooss · 5 years
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finished that last page in 2 days
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gayonetta95 · 2 years
Theo Raeken X Male Reader Part 3 of ???
Title: Hidden Shadows
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Summary: its day 3 and Theo has agreed to stay with Y/N. Now Theo is interested in learning who you are as a person and your interests
Theo and Y/N have awaken for a new day in this journey. Theo cooked breakfast for the both you
Y/N: what you cooking their Raeken
Theo: oh um well i decided to cook US some eggs with bacon along with some hasbrowns, hoping you don't mind
Y/N: not at all Theo help yourself out, after all you are staying under my roof and i wouldn't want my guest to grow hungry
Theo: thanks,why don't you sit at the table, ill bring us our food
Y/N: sounds great Theo
Theo serves both Y/N and his plate and brings over to the table. As the both of you eat your breakfast, Theo begins to wonder exactly who is Y/N as a person in other words he is interested in learning about you
Theo: listen um I've been meaning to ask you something
Y/N: about what?
Theo: i um well i don't if your willing to talk about it but who are you as a person what are you likes and dislikes
Y/N: well lets see where should i start, well im huge comic geek along with being a gamer And i mainly enjoy comedy/horror movies
Theo: oh nice, are you DC or Marvel
Y/N: im both actually i enjoy both DC and Marvel movies and comics
Theo: thats a first, normally it's one or the other, and what about gaming
Y/N: well on the Xbox i enjoy Halo and left 4 dead along with Dead By Daylight and Zombie Army. As for the switch i play super mario, metroid and well um Bayonetta
Theo: nice, im actually a Halo fan myself
Y/N: what??? No way...prove it
Theo:i don't, i mean flip yap will kick me out of nipple academy
Y/N:(laughing) oh my, what's not to love about the grunts honestly they are my favorite alien race in Halo. Maybe we should play it sometime
Theo: I'd like that, hey listen i hope you don't mind me asking but is your dad like um not here anymore i mean i ask because I've only seen you, your mom and sister on the pictures you have here on display
Y/N:(nervously) oh um my dad, yeah he is still around just not in our frame if you know what i mean
Theo: what happened, why did he leave you
Theo notices your mood change very quickly
Theo: listen im sorry for asking, you don't have to talk about it
Y/N: no it's fine Theo really it's just when i was five i was aware that i was different from most boys..my interests were different
Theo: such as
Y/N: well um im um im....im gay
Theo: Oh
Y/N: yeah...Oh, after my dad found out he made my mom chose either him or me but of course my mother chose me, but before my dad abandoned us he looked me in the eye and said i was the biggest mistake to ever been born. (A tear coming down your cheek)
Theo: was life when he left?
Y/N: it was only the beginning  growing up i never had or made friends, to everyone i was a freak...an outcast, as a child i always cried because no one ever came to my birthday parties. I was constantly being bullied. I just wanted to ended it all...all the pain...all the voices in my head. You know whats the funny thing, i even sucked at taking my own life (laughing and crying) pretty funny huh
Theo: im really sorry to hear this, i shouldn't have asked you such horrible event in your life
Y/N: its fine
Theo: what about the pain you felt...the voices
Y/N: they went away after coming here to Beacon Hills, scott and stiles came up to me and welcomed me to their group which was me before knowing the world of the supernatural. It took awhile for me to accept to i finally had friends
Theo: how come, isn't this what you wanted
Y/N: yeah it was everything i wanted but the voices kept telling me its too good to be true but day after day scott, stiles, lydia and malia kept proving me wrong and eventually the voices stopped....i was finally at peace...i am finally.......home
Theo: i think it was brave of you to share those memories. Listen i just want you to know that im fine with you being you
Y/N:(laughing) thanks Theo
Theo: i mean it, i dont want you to change for anyone, i want you to be your geeky dorky self
Theo: sorry but you know what i meant, i think you are awesome and special the way you are...its like somebody once said "you are perfect the way you are, even with your imperfections you can do anything"
Y/N: is that someone a bathtub fish from the courage the cowardly dog cartoon
Theo: um Dork Alert, anyways one last thing. What do you look for in a guy and what role do you give yourself in a relationship
Y/N: oh um well honestly good personality and a good heart also someone who is respectful and romantic....nothing too fancy.
Theo:(smirking) im sure you'll find someone who treats you and makes you very happy, what about your role in a relationship
Y/N: oh boy (laughing) well to keep more PG lets say i see and prefer myself as the little spoon in the relationship sooo that means my guy has to the big spoon,i know "why so picky"
Theo: so in other words you are a Bott....
Y/N: (Blushing) THEO...KEEP IT PG MY LORD. Anyways i think its time we stop the prophet of truth sooo shall we play Halo
Theo:(laughing) ok little spoon, let's play some halo then
Y/N:Theo, thanks for listening, i really don't open up to everyone like that...honestly your the first to know about my interests and likes
Theo: of course that's what friends are for right and listen if you want to talk about anything, im here for you
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #880: Halloween Party Bash! (Super Smash Bros X Kingdom Hearts)
7:40 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Dining Hall.......
Lavenza: (Starts Looking Around the Room in Awe) I must say.....I am simply adoring the joyful and sinister atmosphere of this special gathering.
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) I know, right? It's pretty spooky looking party if you asking me.
Sae: I remember going to a party like this in my teenage years.
Futuba: (Turns to Sae) Oh really? What was it like?
Sae: Lively. And noisy.....And crowded.....Not to mentioned irritating at time.....
Futuba: Not a fan?
Sae: Yep. I like business parties more in comparison.
Omega: I too enjoy attending occasional business gatherings. They are fun in a casual and professional sense.
Lavenza: I see.....(Turns to Futuba) Do you think we should attend those Business Parties in the foreseeable future?
Futuba: (Shrugs) I don't see why not. It could be fun.
Omega: I will be sure to invite you all to the next party that has yet to be scheduled or announced.
Sae: And I can always invited you all to mines if you like too.
Haru: (Smiles Brightly) That would be lovely.
Peach: (Happily Waves at the Group While Making Her Way to Them Along With the Others) HI, kids!~
Futaba: (Happily Waves Back) Hiya, Mo-(Suddenly Begins to Gasps Loudly at Each Of the Costumes the Moms Are Wearing)
Morgana: (Eyes Begins to Widened Along With Everyone Else) No way....You guys play Dungeons and Drsgons too!?
Peach: (Happily Nodded) That's right!~ We started the campaign a few weeks ago and loved every moment of it. I play the role of the humble Spiritual Mage and the leader of my squad.
Rosalina: (Smiles Softly) I am a sorcerer who has access to a variety of spells and magic. (Gently Pat's on Polari) And Polari here is my faithful student.
Polari: (Happily Waves at the Gang)
Palutena: (Smiles Brightly) I'm the Druid of the group. Animal shape shifter and the Mother of All Nature.
Bayonetta: (Smiles Confidently While Doing a Dramatic, Fashionable Pose) And yours truly is known to be the baddest Rogue of all the land~
Palutena: (Put her Hand Beisde her Face in a Whispering like Manner) She's not the strongest the member of our party though. Her stats are pretty average at best.....
Bayonetta: (Immediately Glares at her Goddess Girlfriend) Paulie!
Palutena: I'm sorry, 'hon, but It's true. Peach has more stats than you and all she does is heal.
Peach: (Immediately Pouts at Palutena) Hey, I can fight too, ya know!? I'm just.....(Starts Blushing a Little While Twiddling her Own Fingers) choose to be the medic of the group is all.
Bayonetta: (Crosses her Arms in an Unconvinced Manner ) Uh-huh. And are you suuure it's not because you still have little to no knowledge of the rest of your movesets?
Palutena: And that the healing spell is the only you know so far?
Peach: I'm still learning , okay!?
Futuba: Don't worry, Momma Peach. I can teach a few things on how the Mage Class work.
Peach: (Turns Back to Futuba) You'd really do that for me?
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) Of course! Whenever I'm not traveling across the forest and grinding for levels and stats, I use my freetime to teach my apprentices everything they need to know about each classes skill set.
Morgana: (Smiles Softly) We can even help you catch up to date if you like.
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly) With our guide and assistance, you will be an expert Mage in no time.
Peach: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) You three the most precious life savers I ever have. (Scoops the Trio Up into a Loving Hug) Thank youuuuu!~
Futuba: (Giggles Softly) No problem, ma'am. Glad to help.
Peach: Ooh! I almost forgot to introduce you all to our Female Bersserker: Dai-...sy?
The gang turn and stares in confusion at the sight of Daisy and Haru staring at each other in a complete, yet intensive silence.
Futuba: Uhhhhh guys? Is.....everything okay over-
Without any form of warning, Daisy suddenly begins to flex her well-developed muscles out in a fierce, dramatic like fashion while grunting in the process. It wasn't long before Haru does the same thing herself, impressing the fellow Berserker in the process. They continously flex at one another while everyone still stares in even more confusion in most of their faces.
Morgana: Do I even wanna know what they're doing right now?
Omega: I believe they are communicating with their strength and physical attributes.
Lavenza: (Starts Examining the Scene from a Distance) Yes.....I think I've seen this type of ritual before......(Turns Back to the Others) And it's just like what Omega-Kun has just said.
Futuba: What did you see it fro- Ohhhhhhhhhh!....The Armstrong and Curtis bonding scene... I loved that moment of the show!~
Palutena: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) The Armstrong and Curtis what now?
Futuba: I'll tell you all about it later.
Daisy: Incredible power! RESPECTABLE MUSCLES!
And with that, the duo give themselves two fist bumps before receiving a manly handshake from one another with a bright and respectable smile on each of their faces.
Peach: Awww~ They're bonding~
Sae: This is all well and all, but I gotta ask....(Turns Peach) Do you, by any chance, have a knight in your party as well?
Peach: (Happily Nodded) Oh absolutely. It's Sammy. She's suppose be wearing her Knight costume for tonight's party, but decided to weat her Power Suit instead.
Palutena: (Smirks Playfully While Pointing at Her Laughing With Chun-Li) Just to impress the lovely lady over there~
Everyone: (Gushes on How Cute the Couple Are in the Distance) Awwwww~
Lavenza: How very romantic~
???: (Playfully Covers Sonic's Eyes While Giggling) Guess who?~
Sonic: (Starts Smirking Playfully) Well gee. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're a cute pink hedgehog with a cuter laugh~
Amy: (Giggles More Before Appearing I Front of Sonic While Wearing a Costume of Gum From Jet Set Radio) You guessed right!~
Sonic: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, hello there, cute thing. What happened to wearing your vampire costume?
Amy: (Starts Rubbing Back of her Head Back and Forth) It..... didn't really work out as I thought it would. So I figured, since you're going as Beat, that I would go as the spunky, diva herself.
Sonic: Nice. Say, have you ever thought about rolling skating before? They can be pretty fun once you get the hang of it.
Amy: I've always wanted to give it a go one of these days. I thought about asking Shadow to teach me once, but I'd figured he would be pretty busy with G.U.N. related stuff.
Sonic: No worries. If he won't be able to be teach you, then I'll always available to help anytime.
Amy: (Smiles Softly) I wouldn't doubt that for a second, Sonic. Thank you.
Sonic: (Smiles Back at her Girlfriend) No problem. So I uhh...(Chuckle Lightly While Rubbing the Back of his Quills Back and Forth) Guess I won't be getting those Vampire Kisses after all, huh?
Amy: Yeah....(Starts Smirking Seductively) But you wanna know what you're gonna get instead?~
Sonic: Uhhhhhh.....(Shrugs While Smiling Awkwardly) Regular kisses?
Amy: (Already Putting Pink Lipstick On) No. (Putting the Lipstick Away in her Costume Pocket Before Making a Small Pop Sound with Her Lips) Bubblegum Kisses. Pucker u-
Sonic: WAIT! Hang on a second. (Starts Doing a Little Stretches on His Legs, Arms, and Back For a Few Seconds Before Taking a Deep Breath) Okay.... I'm ready whenever you ar- (Immediately Gets Hug Tackled by Amy as She Showers Him With Bubblegum Kisses)
Tails: (Smiles Softly) It is such an honor to finally meet you, Sora.
Coco: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah and congratulations on getting into Smash! I bet it feels pretty great being apart of the family, huh?
Sora: (Smiles Brightly) Are you kidding? I've never been more happier to be a part of something in my entire life! I'm making tons of new friends, I have more moms and dads than I can ever count, and on top of that, I- Hey, is anyone else hearing that beeping sound right now?
Tails: Wait. Beeping sou-
Tails and Coco starts hearing the sudden beeping sound before turning to the culprit who is none other than.....
Tails/Coco: Wave!
Wave: (Giggles Awkwardly as She Quickly Turns Off her Mini Power Tracking Device) H-Hey, guys....Uh d-don't mind me! I was only uhh uhhhh....(Quickly Puts the Device Away) Scanning for.....all the spoooky stuff in this entire room, ya know? ('Heh')
Tails/Coco: (Raised an Eyebrow While Their Arms are Already Crossed)
Wave: Uh speaking of which, I-I'm gonna....(Points at Something Behind Her) Get some punch to drink. (Turns to the Spikey Haired Boy) Uh... What's your name again?
Sora: Sora.
Wave: Sora! Right! Uh.... congratulations on getting into Smash and... I'll be.... right back in a few. (Quickly Rushes To the Punch Table)
Sora: ......(Smiles Softly) She seems nice.
Tails: ('Sigh') Sorry about Wave....We told her you and..... mostly the Keyblade before we got here and....well....
Coco: (Starts Rolling her Eyes) She never stopped thinking about that thing ever since.
Sora: Hey, don't worry about it, you guys. In a way, I'm kind of happy there's people out there who are curious about the Keyblade works. I can tell you more about it one of these days if you want.
Tails: Wait. You'd.... really do that for us?
Sora: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah. I mean, I don't really know a lot about it myself, but I can still try to explain a few things I've learned so far.
Tails: You know what? (Smiles Softly) That sounds like a future plan already.
Coco: (Smiles Softly as Well) Yeah. Thanks, Sora.
Isa and Sephiroth have been staring at each other in silence for almost a minute and a half now.
Sephiroth: So I take it you're going as me for this year's Halloween?
Isa: That's right. We decided to wear everything Final Fantasy 7 related, so I figured dressing as you for the night's occasion would suffice. Will it be a problem to you?
Sephiroth: No. Of course not. In fact....(Starts Smiling a Little) I think the costume looks good on you actually.
Isa: (Smiles Back at the One Winged Angel) Why, thank you. Though, in hindsight, I don't think I'll ever come close of being on par with the original design. You already look perfect enough in it as it is.
Sephiroth: Please. Your words are too kind.
?????: Pi!
Sephiroth: Ah. (Picks Something Up From the Ground Beside Him) I would like to introduce you Pichu. My son.
Pichu: (Happily Waves at Isa While Wearing a Sephiroth Costume as Well) Pichu!~
Isa: (Nods at the Yellow Pokemon) Please to meet you. (Turns Back to Sephiroth) He's adorable.
Sephiroth: That he is.
The duo continues to talk among one another while Lea and the others watches them from a distance.
Lea: Are you guys seeing this shit right now?
Roxas: I dunno, Axel....(Turns to Lea) Are you sure it isn't some huge coincidence or something?
Xion: Yeah. I know Isa can be scary at times, but he's nowhere near the same level as Sephiroth is.
Lea: True. But if you dye his hair completely silver, then maybe....JUST MAYBE these two could be long lost twins.
Xion: (Starts Wiggling her Hand in an Uncertain Fashion) Ehhh......
Roxas: That's still a stretch......
Barret: (Turns to Lea While Wearing his Old Sailor Costume) I gotta agree with your kids on this one, Lea. Isa's way too good of man to be compared to that pompous jackass.
Marlene: (Pouts While Sitting on Barret's Shoulder And Wearing a Sailor Outfit of Her Own) Yeah! Sephiroth's the biggest poopy-head of the making!
Barret: (Burst Out Laughing) Ahahahahahaa! You said it, babygirl!~ Truest poppy-head of a making right here! (Gives his Daughter a High Five)
Lea: (Chuckles a Little Awkwardly) Yeah. J-Just....try not to let him hear you say that, yeah? Last thing we wanted is get on his bad side......
Marlene: (Happily Salutes to Lea) Sure thing, Uncle Lea!~
Lea: (Chuckles Lightly) Uncle Lea?
Barret: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah...... I've been telling her about you from the very beginning. (Turns to Roxas and Xion) I even told her about you kids at one point.
Marlene: (Smiles Softly at the Duo) It's so nice to finally meet you, Big Bro Roxas and Big Sis Xion.
Xion: ('Gasps') You really think of us as your older siblings?~
Marlene: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm~ I think you guys are so cool.
Xion: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness by Marlene's Cuteness) Oh my gosh. Thank you so much~ (Turns to Roxas) You hear that, Roxas? We're big brother and sister now~ (Starts Pouting) You better not be a bad influence on her!
Roxas: Oh come on! I won't be bad influence on her. I'll teach lots of important life lessons. Like how be responsible and respectful to others....maybe even teach her to pull off a few pranks here or there-
Barret: (Immediately Glares at Roxas) Boy, you BETTER not try and teach my little angel how be a no good delinquent or we're gonna have some problem! You got that!?
Roxas: (Immediately Salutes to Barret in Fear) Yes sir, Mr. Barret Wallace, sir!
Xion/Marlene: (Giggles Softly at Roxas' Dispense)
Barret: (Simply Nodded) At ease, solider. Glad we're on the same page.
Lea: (Chuckles Lightly) Dude, you gotta teach me your ways of parenting one of these days. That was amazing.
Barret: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks, man. All in the day's work.
The gangs' eyes begins to widened in Fear as they slow turn their heads to Isa, Sephiroth, and Pichu staring at them with dark like Glares in each of their faces.
Sephiroth: Didn't anyone teach you that it is rude to stare at someone from a distance?
Isa: I know good and well that I raised you kids better than to be shameless lurkers. And I really don't want to get started with you right now, Lea.......
Pichu: Pi....chu......
Lea: Shit! BAIL!!!
And with that, the gang begins to run for their lives. All while Marlene happily enjoys the the ride on her father's shoulder.
Cloud: Terra.....(Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) is that you?
Terra: (Chuckles a Bit Awkwardly) In the flesh. I take you're wearing a dress too, huh?
Cloud: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Pretty much. I couldn't think of anything else to wear, so I decided to go with the dress. What's your reason for wearing yours?
Terra: (Starts Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) The costume Store from our world, has already ran out of your default costume. So the closest thing that affiliated with you is this dress. Which..... (Smiles a Little) looks pretty good on you by the way.
Cloud: (Smiles a Little) Thanks. The dress looks good on you too. (Turns to the Two Familiar Figures Staring at Him and Terra) And I'm pretty sure we're not the only ones who like them.
Terra: Aqua? Tifa?
Tifa: Oh! Uh....(Waves at the Duo While Smiling Awkwardly at Them Along With Aqua) H-Hi boys.....
Aqua: H-How's it going?
Terra: Pretty good.....
Cloud: (Raised an Eyebrow at the Two Ladies) You mind telling us why you two were just standing there this entire time?
Tifa: N-No reason! We were just admiring how the party looks is all.
Aqua: Yeah. I-It's not like we were admiring how lovely you look in your dresses- (Immediately Gets Bumped in the Shoulder by Tifa) I-I-I mean!......This is a lovely mansion. W-We should explore it a little more!
Tifa: Agreed! See ya! (Starts Speed Walking Away With Aqua in a Bashful Like Fashion)
Cloud: (Watches the Duo Walk Away With a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Never thought I see the day to see our own girlfriends acting suspiciously weird.....
Terra: Yeah, but.....(Shrugs While Smiling a Bit Sheepishly) At least they're being cute about it, you know?
Cloud: ('Sigh') Yeah.....They are adora-
??????: HEY!
'Trumpets Playing'
Terra: (Raised an Eyebrow in Complete Confusion at What is Front of Him) Who in the heck is that supposed to be?
Cloud: That's Dedede. He's the former ruler of Dream Land. (Starts Rolling his Eyes Again) And the Self Proclaim Uncle of the family......
Terra: I see.....He...does know Elvis never sang that song, right?
Cloud: ('Sigh') It's best not to ruin his moment. He's actually having a good time right now.
Terra: If you say so...... He's pretty talented.
Cloud: Yeah.....To some extent at least.
Happy Halloween Boys and Ghouls!
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lochnessies · 3 years
I need to get these outta of my system. You saw the direct right; Sora: Wow! You sound like Dewey! Sonic: What? Cause I'm bluely? (Ben Schwartz voices Dewey in DuckTales 2017 and Sonic in the movie) Bayonetta: If you need to talk to a lady, ask your mum. Sora: Gee, it has been a while since I left Destiny Island. Bayo: I'm sorry, you abandoned your mom!? Byleth: Am I a nobody? Sora: That's not how it works. You still have a heart, but someone else's. I should know Sothis: Huh, what do you mean?!
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Family Gift Basket
Captain Falcon, Chara, Rosalina, Lucas & Joker were all digging in to a large gift basket full of food. Kazooie walked by.
Captain Falcon: Hey Kazooie! We just got this anonymous gift basket. It’s full of treats. It’s got, meats, cheeses & candies. All the food groups!
Lucas: The cheese is amazing! It melts in my mouth & in my hands! (Licks his fingers)
Kazooie: Huh…Kalos chocolates? Kalos cheeses?…Did none of you “Geniuses”, figure out this was a gift for Ganon from someone “In Kalos?” Like his wife, Por examplar?
They all look nervously.
Captain Falcon, nervous: W-What? No way. Heheh. This is just a nice present from an unknown appreciative citizen that wanted us to munch. ^~^
Kazooie, picks up paper: Hmm what’s this then? “Dear Lord of Darkness Ganondorf, thinking of you best from "Cereza ‘Bayonetta.” He even used their pet names :3
Joker: *Gasp* I ate the chocolate covered strawberry! That’s the most intimate snack of them all!
Rosalina: Ganon’s gonna be back from his League meeting in 30 minutes what do we do!?
Chara, putting the paper to her mouth: EAT THE NOTE!!!
Captain Falcon: No!…No. It’s ok. We can fix this.
-32 Minutes later-
Captain Falcon: Check it out Dad! A lovely gift basket that Mom sent to you all the way from Kalos ^_^’
Lucas, smiling nervously: Straight from Kalos!
Ganondorf opened his gift with a stern look.
Ganondorf: Hmm…Hand stapler. New sword…Instruments of torture… … …(He holds them all to his chest) That woman really knows me!
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phantoms-lair · 6 years
Well, he's find out eventually when he notices the resemblance to Bayo right?
People, I’ve noticed, don’t tend to notice their similarity to other people. The most common reaction I’ve seen to “You look just like *insert relative or celebrity* is a shrugs. 
Anyone else seeing them, judging by us fans, is going to go ‘huh, they could be related’ But even then the theory that the Kurusu’s are hiding a witch relative they don’t want to talk about would probably pop up before Bayonetta being Akira’s Mom.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #936: Date Night in Noatun (SSBU x Persona 5)
9:54 p.m. at the Outside Restaurant in Noatun, the City of Genesis.......
Palutena: ( Lay's her Head on the Palm of her Hand While Looking Around the Night Lighted City Around her in Genuine Awe) Wow........
Bayonetta: Getting distracted there, darling?
Palutena: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) Oh! U-Uh....(Immediately Looks Back at her Girlfriend) Sorry. The city here caught my attention. It's so pretty....
Bayonetta: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) That's the City of Genesis for you. Might not be as exquisite as Rome or France, but it does has it's stunning moments, especially in this time of hour.
Palutena: Yeah and it definitely shows....It still kind of surprise me that you took me to a place like this for our date. Is the reservations in Crimsonetté's is already full or something?
Bayonetta: Not exactly. We've been going there a lot in the past, so I figured take us somewhere different for the occasion, see if it's to your liking or not.
Palutena: Well, the city's pretty and the restaurant here is less expensive than former. (Smiles Brightly) I'm having a great time here already.
Bayonetta: (Smiles Brightly) Splendid!~ I knew I had nothing to worry about on that end..... Although~
Palutena: Hm?
Bayonetta: I've been thinking.......
Palutena: (Slowly Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Suspension) Aboooout?......
Bayonetta: (Starts Shaking her Glass of Wine a Little in a Curious like Fashion) Since we're here and enjoying the city enough as it is, how about we find ourselves a nice hotel room to stay at for the night.
Palutena: A Hotel room- (Eyes Starts Widening at the Sudden Realization) Waaaaaaait. You don't mean-
Bayonetta: (Slowly Nodded with a Seductive Smirk on her Face) Mmmhmm~ One room. Just the two of us. No interruptions. And I brought one of the soundproof enhancer devices from the Mansion, just in case we get a little loud and noisy~ (Winks at the Goddess)
Palutena: Bayo, that's great and all, but....we don't even have any spare clothes to wear for tomorrow!
Bayonetta: Oh, don't worry your pretty head. The mall around here is still open for a few more hours. We have ourselves Nighty Shopping Spreeee!~
Palutena: ('Sighs in a Bit of Defeat') Alright, fiiine..... We'll do a little shopping once we leave here. Just try not to spend too much or anything expensive, okay?
Bayonetta: (Smiles Brightly) No promises~
Meanwhile at the Smash Mansion's Living Room.........
Ren: (Checks Something Out on his Phone While Laying his Head on Makoto's Lap) Huh.
Makoto: (Looks Down at Ren) What is it?
Ren: Witch Mom texted me just now. Her and Goddess Mom are gonna be spending the rest of the night In a hotel somewhere in Noatun.
Makoto: (Smiles Softly) That sounds lovely. Guess that means you won't be worry about them making a racket upstairs this time around.
Ren: ('Sighs in Pure Relief') Thank. God!....I love them to pieces, but I swear, they're too horny for their own.....
Makoto: (Giggles Softly) That's essence being in love I suppose~ Which reminds me.....
Ren: Hm?
Makoto: I've been thinking.......
Ren: (Raised an Eyebrow in a bit of an Intrigued Like Fashion) Aboooout?
Makoto: Since sis is gonna be spending the night at Café with Futuba and the others, how we go back to my place and spend some more time in my room? (Gives Ren a bit of a Seductive Smirk on her Face) Like last time~
Ren: (Eyes Begins to Widened as He Immediately Gets Up From his Queen's Lap) Okay! (Comically Points at Makoto) Who are you and having you done to my angel of a Queen!?
Makoto: (Starts Giggling Some More) I'm still present, Ren-Ren!~ I just....(Starts Twirling her Hair a Little While Blushing) had a really great time doing it with you on that day that I.... wanna do it again!.....I-If it's alright with you of course.
Ren: (Smiles Brightly) Definitely. But how were you able to convince Sae this time around?
Makoto: Welllllllll......
A Few Hours Earlier in the Niijima's Apartment.........
Sae: You want have sex with him here again tonight?
Makoto: (Clasps her Hands Together Inna Pleading Fashion) Please? I know it's immature of me to ask you this for the second, but that night very special for the of two us.
Sae: ('Sigh') Alright. You have my permission to do so.
Makoto: And I don't wanna take 'no' for an- (Eyes Widened a Bit) Wait. What did you just say?
Sae: I said you have my permission.
Makoto: Really?
Sae: Really.
Makoto: Really, really?
Sae: Really, really.
Makoto: Really times in-
Sae: Makoto!
Makoto: Okay, okay! I believe you!.....(Smiles a Little) Thanks.
Sae: ('Sigh') No problem. (Starts Snickering) I mean, honestly, you don't have to keep asking me that every time you're interested in that sort of stuff. I know how responsible you are.
Makoto: ('Sigh') I know, but....I didn't wanna do it back your back and without telling you first. That would be thoughtless and disrespectful.
Sae: Huh. Futuba wasn't kidding when she said that you're a goody two shoes.
Makoto: (Immediately Pouts at Sae) Like you're the one to talk! You're way more obedient than I am!
Sae: Yeah, but that was when I was a teenager. (Starts Smirking Teasingly at her Baby Sis) And least I didn't go as far as being a Teacher's Pet like you did.
Makoto: Well, excuse me for staying out trouble! I'll have you know that I've done plenty of rebellious things in the past!
Sae: Really? Like what?
Makoto: I-
Sae: And don't say that you sneak out the apartment to see Ren. You always texted me about seeing him before you leave.
Makoto: (Damnit!) Well, I....U-Um.......
Sae: (Raised an Eyebrow) "Um"?
Makoto: I uhh....Left...the refrigerator open that one night? While..... eating the...last of your pizza?
Sae; (Starts Playfully Rolling her Eyes) Oh woooow~ Real rebellious of you, little sister. My knees are shaking.
Makoto: I'M TRYING, OKA-
Back to the Present
Makoto: ('Sigh') And that's pretty much the gist of it.....
Ren: Makoto, your cuteness could rival Kirby's in a stand still.
Makoto: Hey. No. We talked about this like a million times. I am NOT cute.
Ren: Keep believing that lie.
Makoto: (Immediately Pouts at Ren While Getting Up From the Sofa and Picking Ren Up in her Arms) That's not a lie!~ I'm not cuter than Kirby!
Ren: So you ARE admitting that you're cute.
Makoto: NO! I- ('Ugh') Do you want me to take you to my place or not!?
Ren: (Throws His Dimension Ring on the Floor as It Expands into it's Giant Size, Showing the Location of Makoto's Apartment) All set. And hey, if you wanna take lessons on showing off your rebellious side more, you know who to call~
Makoto: Ann and Ryuji?
Ren: Well, I mean....just me, but....I suppose they're good choices too.
Makoto: (Giggles Softly) I'm kidding!~ I'll be sure come for you for this kind of advice, but in the meantime....(Give Ren a Kiss on the Lips Before Smirking Seductive Again) I wanna show you just how much I adore you~
Ren: (Smirks Back) Lead the way, your highness~
With another kiss on the lips, the couple make their way inside the giant ring it disappears out of thin air.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #812: Three Guys, Chilling at a Hotsprings (SSBU)
9:12 a.m. at Isle Defino's Hotsprings, The Guy's Section......
Pit: (Sighs Relaxingly While Being in a Hotsprings with Ren and Dark Pit) This is what true heaven feels like~
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) No sure if I would go that far, but yeah....This is nice. (Turns to Dark Pit) You guys ever have a Hotsprings back in Smash Town?
Dark Pit: I dunno. Maybe? I never really care enough to go and check it out myself. I think this might be my second ever being here really.
Ren: Nice. How are you liking it so far?
Dark Pit: (Shrugs) It's alright. I don't love it as much as the idiot on my right here does, but I'm liking it so far. Did you guys have hotsprings back in Shiyuba too?
Ren: Kind of. It's a bathhouse mostly, but it almost feels like the real deal. (Starts Snickering) I remember when Ryuji starts yelling at an old man's ear off for making the water too hot until got out. It was sort of priceless.
Dark Pit: (Starts Snickering as Well) I can imagine that happening already.
Pit: (Too Busy Enjoying the Spring) Yeah.......
Ren: So how's Pyra as of late?
Dark Pit: She's doing a lot better then she was a few days ago. So that's a plus at least.
Ren: That's good to hear. I still can't believe we accidentally left Rex in the mansion alone that morning. You think he'll okay there.
Dark Pit: Don't know the guy much, but I've heard that he faced monsters and gods back at his universe. So I think he'll be fine on that front.
Pit: Yeah......
Dark Pit: So what about you, Joker Boy? (Smirks a Bit Playfully) How's being in the same room with the Queen going for you as of late?
Ren: It's going great. We cuddled, watch movies together, play video games, we did each other's nails-
Dark Pit: How did you know how to do that?
Ren: Ann taught me the basics. Been pretty decent on it ever since.
Dark Pit: Neat.
Ren: Yeah. So we did all of that and....(Starts Blushing a Little) Other....stuff along the way....
Dark Pit: (Starts Raising his Eyebrow) Like what exactly?
Ren: Well.....uhh......You see....I uhh.....(Sighs Before Coming Over to Dark Pit and Whisper the Details in his Ear)
Dark Pit: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Holy shit. You two actually did all of that?
Ren: Yeah. Makoto was the one who suggested it so.....we did it. (Smiles Softly) It was great. And we were both using protection throughout the whole thing. So don't worry.
Dark Pit: Well... shit man. (Gives Ren a Reassuring Smile) Congrats. I had no idea you two would be that bold enough to do it to begin with.
Ren: I was just as surprised as you are when it happened. But I'm glad we went through all of that together.
Dark Pit: We're happy for you losers. Right, Pit-
Dark Pit turns to see Pit suddenly not present in his spot.
Dark Pit: Stain? Where did he go?
Ren: I don't know....You think he already left-
The duo turns back to Pit's spot once they noticed a snoring like sound coming from under the water.
Ren/Dark Pit: (Eyes Widened in Complete Surprised) PIT!? (Immediately Rushes Over to Pit's Spot to Get Him Out of There)
Palutena: (Other Side of the Room Along With the Other Moms) Boys!?
Bayonetta: Are you doing okay in there, sweethearts!?
Ren: (Pulling Pit Up From the Spring) Y-Yeah! We're fine, moms! Don't worry!
Peach: Are you sure!?
Pit: (Starts Coughing Once He Starts Waking Up)
Dark Pit: Yeah! W-We're just about to head out now!
Peach: Okay!
Certified Mom: WE LOVE YOU!~
Ren: Yeah! Love you guys too! (Turns to Dark Pit) Let's go.
Dark Pit: (Nodded as He Helps Ren Carry Pit Out of the Hotsprings Together)
Couple of Minutes Later........
Dark Pit: (Walks Out of the Hotsprings by Carrying him By One of his Shoulders) You idiot! I don't care how heavenly the Hotsprings are! You do NOT fall asleep in hot water!!
Ren: (Carrying Pit by the Other Shoulder as Well) Gotta agree with Pitto on this one, Pit. I know it's relaxing and all, but you gotta be more careful next time, alright?
Pit: ('Sigh Heavily') I know....... I'm sorry.
Dark Pit: Yeah. You better be.
?????: Pit?
Pit: (Turns to See a Very Familiar Face Making Her Way to Him) Viridi? What are you doing here?
Viridi: I just finished my monthly summer inspection. (Starts Blushing a Little) S-So I decided to spend the rest of the vacation with you....
Pit: (Heart Begins to Melt in Happiness) Awww~
Viridi: (Immediately Starts Shaking her Head) B-But that's enough about me! What happened to you?
Ren: Pit accidentally fell asleep in Hotsprings earlier.
Dark Pit: And almost drown if it wasn't for us saving him.
Viridi: (Eyes Widened in Surprise) Pit, is that true!?
Pit: (Chuckles Awkwardly) Yeah. I uhh ....did not expect it to be that relaxing in there, you know- (Gets Smack on the Arm by Viridi) ('SMACK') OWWW!!
Viridi: (Angrily Smacks Pit by the Arm) You idiot! That doesn't mean you should fall asleep in a hot, scolding water!!
Dark Pit: Exactly.
Pit: Okay! Okay! I'm sorry. I won't scare you guys like that again. I promise.
Viridi: (Pouts at her Angel Boyfriend) You better or we're gonna have some problems. (Gives Pit a Kiss on the Cheek) Dummy.
Pit: (Giggles Softly While Blushing) Thanks, Viridi~
Viridi: ('Sigh') Whatever. So where are you guys going now?
Dark Pit: We're taking Pit back to his place. It's not far from here really.
Viridi: Alright. Then I'll carry him there.
Pit: Viridi, it's fine. You don't have do all of that- (Immediately Gets Carried in Viridi's Arms at Ease) Okay.
Ren: How are you able to carry him that easily?
Viridi: (Gives Ren a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Ren, I've been the goddess of the nature for centuries now. Carrying something as heavy as Pit here never bothered me in the slightest.
Pit: (Smiles Brightly) I told you my girlfriend's the strongest!~ (Gives Viridi a Big Kiss on the Cheek)
Viridi: (Starts Blushing Again Before Turning Away) D-Dummy!~ Let's go already. (Starts Walking Away with Pit in her Arms While Having a Small Smile on her Face)
Ren: (Follows the Lovebirds Behind Along With Dark Pit) Those two really are cute together.
Dark Pit: They're idiots in their own right. They were practically made for each other. (Smirks at Ren) Bet you wish Makoto would carry you like that too, huh?
Ren: (Shrugs) Yeah. (Smirks Back at Dark Pit) But I'm sure you would want your girlfriends to do the same for as well.
Dark Pit: (Immediately Blushes While Turning Away) S-Shut up....
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #813: Moms in the Hotsprings (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
9:13 p.m. at the Hotsprings, the Girls Section......
Daisy: (Looking Closely at the Picture Samus is Showing her and Everyone Else) Uhh...Sammy, who are we looking at exactly?
Samus: (Points at the Woman in Question) The woman with the blue hair is Dark Samus. Apparently she could morph into my facial and body appearance into her only image.
Tifa: (Eyes Widened in a Bit of Surprise) Wait. She can do that this entire time?
Samus: (Sighs While Shrugging) Well, she does have the Phazon DNA in her system. It might as well be effective since she managed to get all the guys fawning over her at the beach earlier. Even Ridley's fallen for her....
Everyone: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) RIDLEY!?
Samus: Yeah. Him. Me, Foxy, and Hades saw him walked over there and starts singing her some love song with a acoustic guitar.
Peach: Aww~ That's..... somewhat romantic of him.
Samus: (Starts Rolling her Eyes in a Bit of Disgust) Yeah. And I hated every minute of it already. Like, out of all the people she could've transform into, why does it always have to be me?
Palutena: Well, you are the one she recognize the most.
Bayonetta: And let's not sit here and forget the fact that you, ma'am, are a full package yourself.
Samus: I mean.....I get it, but that doesn't make it any less creepy, you know?
Rosalina/Daisy: Yeah.....
Tifa: You do have a point there.....
Bayonetta:It is kinda creepy....
Palutena: Uh-huh.
Peach: It's best not to let it bother you too much, Sammy. Stress is never really a good thing you know?
Samus: ('Sigh') Yeah. I'll try not let them piss me off that easily. Speaking of which....(Turns to Peach) How are you enjoying this vacation so far, Peach?
Peach: (Smiles Softly) I'm really loving it so far. Coming back here after all this time, feels nostalgic and wonderful. (Frowns a Little) Despite how rude and a bit infuriating the Piantas are....
Daisy: They are really pissing you off lately, aren't they?
Peach: Not as much as they did on the first day we came here. But I've always had a vendetta against them ever since the day they arrested Mario. When we were in the courtroom for the trial, they've never bothered giving us a lawyer.
Rosalina: ('GASPS')
Palutena: WHAT!?
Daisy: NOOO!
Tifa: I can't believe it!
Samus: Damn.
Bayonetta: It was really that bad, darling?
Peach: (Starts Pinching her Nose While Sighing Frustratedly at the Memory) Yeah. It was. It literally took me twelve and a half minutes to try and learn the simple basics of being one myself. But even THAT became pointless in the end when the judge, for some reason, never once answer to objections! It was a rigged, unfair trial and it ticked me off to no. END!! (Slams her Hands on the Water)
Rosalina: (Immediately Rushes Over and Gently Massages Peach's Shoulders to Calm Her Down) It's okay, dear. Just calm down for us, okay?
Daisy: Yeah, cuz. Stress is never a good thing remember?
Everyone Else: (Nodded in Agreement)
Peach: (Stares at the Other Ladies For a Brief Second Before Sighing Once More While Finally Calming Herself Down) You're right..... There's no point getting at something like this.... I'm sorry, girls.
Rosalina: (Hugs Peach With a Reassuring Smile on her Face) You have nothing to apologize for, Peach. It's okay.
Daisy: (Joins in on The Hug) Yeah, cuz. We understand how you feel about all of this completely.
Samus: (Joins in on the Group Hug Along With Palutena, Tifa, and Bayonetta) For now, let's just keep enjoying the rest of our vacation together, alright?
Peach: (Heart Begins to Melt in Happiness Before Nodded in Agreement) Right! (Happily Hugs her Girls Back) I love you girls so much~
Daisy/Tifa: Awwww~
Bayonetta: Sweetheart~
Palutena: We love you too-
Ren/Dark Pit: (Other Side of the Room) PIT!?
Palutena: (Gasps Before Immediately Starts Getting Worried) Boys!?
Bayonetta: (Gets Worried as Well) Are you doing okay in there, sweethearts!?
Ren: Y-Yeah! We're fine, moms! Don't worry!
Peach: Are you sure?
Dark Pit: Yeah! W-We're just about to head out right now!
Peach: Okay!
The Ladies: WE LOVE YOU!~
Ren: We love you too!
Palutena: (Turns Back to the Girls).Do you think we should go into the other side and make sure they're alright?
Bayonetta: I don't think that will be necessary, dear. They did say that they we're about to head out..
Peach: True.....All in favor of checking up.on them in their rooms once we leave here: say 'aye'?
Everyone: AYE!
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #729: Dungeons and Dragons (Persona 5)
9:23 p.m. Outside of Leblanc Café........
Ann: (Smiles Brightly While Walking With Shiho, Ren and Makoto to the Café) That was a good movie night.
Shiho: (Smiles Softly) I agree. The new Godzilla movie was a lot more fun to watch than I thought it would be.
Makoto: You know, I've always wanted to learn more about the monster himself. His origins, his strength and weaknesses, how powerful his atomic laser really is.....and....how he even got it in the first place.
Ren: Pretty sure Futuba would've filled you in on all of that already. I'm surprised she didn't want to go to the movies with us.
Makoto: I'm more surprised at the fact that she wanted to spend time with my sister today. I hope they were getting along with one another while we were gone.....
Ren: (Gives Makoto a Reassuring Smile While Placing his Hand on the Café's Door Handle). Don't worry, 'hon.
'Door Opens and Bells Ringing'
Ren: (Turns Back Around Forward) I'm sure those two are doing just fine to- (Eyes Widened at What is in Front is in Front of him, Along with Everyone Else) ge....ther......
Futuba: (Gets Up from her and Speak in a Old Wizard Accent Seat While Wearing a White, Long Beard and a Wizard Hat) Greetings, love strucked travelers!
Sae: (Waves at the Very Surprised Gang While Having a Small Smile on her Face) Welcome back.
Lavenza/Morgana: (Happily Waves Hello to the Gang as Well While Wearing Respective Travelers' Robes)
Ren: (Almost Speechless) Well.......Guess we have nothing to worry about in that department.
Makoto: Sis......A-Are you..... actually playing-
Sae: Dungeons & Dragons with Futuba and the others? Why, yes my dear, yet somewhat naive little sister, I am. I play the role as a trained, Silver Knight. (Pulls out a Wooden Sword Right Beside her) While wielding an all powerful Excalibur in my grasp.
Futuba: I am the Almighty Wizard of the Ever Green Forest! Sharing and exposing my wisdom and power to those how DARES to seek them!
Shiho: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) Weren't you like a mage at one point?
Futuba: Yeah, but I'd grind and grind a lot in my spare to till I was eventually able leveled up and evolved into full fledged wizard.
Shiho: Ohhhhhhhhh I see. (Smiles Softly) Nice work.
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks! I-I mean....('Clears Throat') Thank you, lady friend of Blantent Fashion Diva!
Ann: (Gives Futuba a Deadpinned Look on her Face While her Girlfriend Giggles Softly at Her Dispense) Really?
Futuba: Yes. Really.
Lavenza: And Morgana and I are the wizard's humble apprentices who decided to leave their hometown in order to learn the ways of creating magical sorcery and use them necessary combat.
Morgana: (Pulls out his Wooden Sword) We also have swords. In case for urgent emergencies.....and if this whole magic gig doesn't work out.
Futuba: I heard that, Sir Cute & Fluffy Butt!!
Morgana: (Turns to Futuba with an Annoyed Look on his Face) Do you really have to keep calling me that throughout the entire runtime of this quest?
Futuba: Yes. (Pats on Morgana's Head) It suits you perfectly.
Lavenza: (Happily Hugs Morgana) Not to mention that your overall cuteness knows no bounds to the eyes of our enemies.
Sae: (Smiles a Little) I agree with both of them, Mona-Chan. You're quite adorable in your own unique way.
Morgana: (Starts Blushing a Little) You know, I I don't know why I didn't ask you this sooner but, HOW exactly are you able to understand what I've been saying this entire time?
Sae: I'm not really sure why myself, if I'm being honest...... Nonetheless, I'm.... somewhat glad that I am able to have a conversation with you.
Morgana: (Sighs Before Smiling a Little) Same.
Ann: (Giggles Softly) Wow, Sae. I had no idea you would be this interested that kind of stuff.
Sae: There is a lot of things you don't know about me, Ms. Takakmaki.
Shiho: Ooh! Like how you're the biggest fan of-
Sae: (Starts Rolling her Eyes While Sighing) Of Banjo-Kun and Kazooie-Chan. Yes! That is the honest truth unfortunately. You weren't even suppose to know that information if a certain SOMEONE didn't tell you before hand! (Glares at the Two Culprits, Ren and Makoto)
Ren: (Starts Getting a Little Scared by Sae's Cold Stone Glare) Ah shit.......
Makoto: (Chuckles Very Awkwardly and Nervously) I'm..... guessing....You managed to figured that one out somehow, huh?
Sae: Futuba told me everything. But it's fine..... I'm already over it. And besides, it helps become more laid back than ever before.
Makoto: ('Sigh') I'm happy for that, sis. But if you need any of us.....(Gently Grabs Ren's Hand) we'll be heading upstairs to-
Sae: Form a Cuddle Session among yourselves?
Ren: (Immediately Starts Looking Away While Whistling)
Makoto: (Eyes Widened in Surprised Before Looking Away While Blushing in Embarrassment) .............
Ann: ('Sigh') Geeez....... She's still able to see right through us, even when she's not in the courtroom......
Shiho: Yeah. That's pretty impressive.....and scary.
Sae: Very well. I'll let you four be for the night. Have fun, but not too much fun. Understand?
Makoto: ('Sigh') Yes, big sister. We understand. (Made her Way to the Upstairs with Ren, Ann and Shiho Following Her) Have fun with game night-
Sae: Makoto.
Makoto: (Turns Back to Sae) Yes? What's wrong?
Sae: (Use Both of her Fingers to Create a Heart Shape While Giving her Little Sister a Soft, Loving Smile) I love you.
Makoto: (Eyes Widened at Her Bug Sister For a Brief Second Before Smiling Softly Herself) I love you too, sis.
Ann/Shiho: Awwwwwwww~
Ren: (Smiles Softly at the Scene) Adorable.
Sae: Ren.
Ren: (Quickly Gives Saw Attention) Y-Yes, ma'am?
Sae: ............... You're a good boy.
Ren: ............................ I'm sorry. What?
Sae: You heard me. I said you're a good boy.
Ren: (Couldn't Believe What He is Hearing) Y-Y-You're kidding, right? You're not just saying that to be nice, are you?
Sae: ('Sigh') No, Ren. I meant every word I said. Despite our difference in the past......(Smiles Softly) I truly believe that you're a good person and already worthy of my respect.
Ren: (Almost at a Loss for Words) Wow. I..... (Chuckles Lightly) Honestly don't know what to say here. T-Thank you-
Sae: THAT being said.......
Ren: (Gets Startled by Sae's Serious Side Again) Y-Yes, ma'am?
Sae: (Gives Ren a Serious Look on her Face) You frequently make my little sister worried sick about you everytime you do something reckless and stupid. Which is exactly why I am ordering you to refrain yourself from doing that from this day forward!
Makoto: (Pouts at Ren) That goes double from me too, Mister!
Ann: (Glares at Ren as Well) And us too!
Shiho: (Nods in Agreement While Crossing her Arms)
Lavenza: I agree wholeheartedly in this in this request!
Morgana: Same here.
Futuba: By the power invested in me and it's everlasting glory!....( Points at Ren) I ORDER you to agree to the Silver Knight's command and take it very SERIOUSLY!...............(Sighs Before Talking in her Usual Self Again) Seriously, man. Promise us you won't be reckless idiot anymore, okay?
Ren: (Was About to Say Something Before His Phone Starts Ringing and Begins to Answer it) Hello?
Bayonetta: (On the Other Line) No more being reckless, young man!!
Ren: (Eyes Widened in Surprised) Mom!?
Palutena: (On the Other Line) Listen to your friends and mother, Ren-Ren!
Ren: Other Mom!?
Pit: Please, Ren? We're only trying to look out for you, that's all.
Dark Pit: In other words, quit being a dumbass already.
Kirby: Poyo! Poyo!
Pit: Yeah! What Kirby said!
Ren: Okay! Okay! I try not to be a reckless idiot anymore. I promise.
Sae: ('Sigh') Very well. I suppose that's good enough for us. Just know that we will have eyes on you for the time being.
Makoto: (Hugs Ren Lovingly) That's right. We won't let anything bad happen to you again, Ren-Ren.
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) I know you guys wouldn't, 'hon~ (Gives Makoto a Kiss on the Forehead)
Dark Pit: Oh God. Are they making out already? Just marry each other already!
Makoto starts blushing again while Ren starts putting on a deadpinned look on his face.
Palutena: ('Sigh') Don't make fun of your brother, Pitto.
Dark Pit: Hey, I'm just saying. If they're gonna keep being lovey dovey with one another, they might as well put a ring on it sooner or later........ Bet you $50 Makoto gonna propose first.
Pit: No way! I bet you $20 that Ren is gonna do it first!
Kirby: Poyo! Poyo! Poyo!
Dark Pit: ('Heh') Deal.
Ren: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Love you, guys!
Bayonetta: We love you too, sweetie-
Ren: (Finally Hangs Up the Phone Call Before Turning Back to Sae) Seriously though, thanks for the kind words, Ms. Prosecutor. And for..... (Smiles Softly) Trying to look out for me. Means a lot.
Sae: (Smiles Softly While Slowly Nodding) Think nothing of it. You four can proceed go to upstairs now.
Makoto: 'Kay. (Makes her Way Upstairs with the Rest of the Gang) Have fun on your quest!
Sae: Will do! ('Sigh') Glad I finally got that out of my system. I hope what I said that was enough for them to understand
Futuba: (Smiles Softly) You kidding? It was more than enough, Sae. I'm proud of ya.
Sae: (Smiles Back at Futuba While Simply Nodding) Thank you, Futuba. Now then......(Forms a Smirk on her Face) Shall we continue the quest?
Futuba: Let the Quest of Dragons Begins!!
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #654: Then the Whole Family Finds Out....(Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
It was a nice and peaceful afternoon in the Smash Mansion Household. Dark Pit relaxingly slouch around in the living room's sofa while changing channels on the television with a remote. That is until.....
The sudden scream of his name manage to startled the dark angel enough to fall from the sofa and head face down to the floor.
Dark Pit: (Starts Getting Up from the Floor While Grunting a Little in Pain) Son of....Huh? (Turns to see his Two Moms, Twin Brother, and Viridi Glaring Around Him) Oh uhh....Hey, guys...How was your day together went?
Bayonetta: (Crosses her Arms) Oh it was lovely, dear. We shop till our hearts content, went out to eat together, and we've also found out a VERY interesting detail during that time.
Viridi: (Raised an Eyebrow at DP) Specifically on you.
Pit: (Glares at his Twin Brother) It's about how you gotten yourself into an actual relationship with two girls this entire time.
Palutena: (Pouts at her Own Son) And how you never bothered telling any of us!
Dark Pit: (Eyes Widened) I...take it Ren told you all about that, didn't he?
Viridi: Yeah. He did. On FaceTime of all things.
Bayonetta: ('Sigh') Sweetie, why haven't you tell us about this beforehand?
Dark Pit: (Rubbing the Back of his Head Back & Forth) It's not like I didn't want to tell you guys about them at all or anything. I was planning on doing so one day in the future, but since Ren-Ren and Makoto already know the details...(Shrugged) I might as well tell you all this now. (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) So yeah...I am in a relationship with two girls. They're names are Misako and Kyoko.....(Starts Blushing a Little) and I love them a lot.
Pit/Viridi: (Hearts Instantly Melt in Glee at How Cute Dark Pit's Feelings Are) Awwwwwwwww~
Bayonetta: (Heart Begins to Melt as Well) That is so precious~ Don't you agree, Paulie dear?~
Palutena: (Still Has a Motherly Glare on her Face)...........
Bayonetta: (Frowns a Little in Worry) Darling?
Dark Pit: Mom?
Palutena: How long have you three been together for?
Dark Pit: (Taken a bit Back by Palutena's Sudden Question) Oh! Uhh... We've first met at the end of October, then once we started hanging out afterwards, we eventually had feelings for one another and started dating ever since.
Palutena: I see....So if that's the case...(Glare Starts Piercing a bit Harder) Are those two girls treating you right?
Dark Pit: (Rapidly Nodded his Head) Yeah. Of course they are. And if you ask, don't worry! I'm treating them right too. I know this whole relationship thing is still of getting used to, but I am doing whatever I can to learn and not mess things up. And...(Starts Blushing Again) As long as I have those two knuckleheads by my side, I think this whole...."Lovey-Dovey" deal would be worth while after all, you know?~
Bayonetta: My Aching Heart!~
Dark Pit: (Rolled his Eyes at the Trio's Ramblings Before Turning his Attention Back to Palutena) So....What do you think?
Palutena: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Pitto, I only have one thing to see to......COME HERE AND GIVE YOUR MOMMY A BIG 'OL HUG!~ (Immediately Pulls Dark Pit into a Tight Yet Loving Hug)
Dark Pit: (Wince a Little by Palutena's Sudden Bear Hug) S-So....Does this mean you approve in our relationship?
Palutena: (Smiles Brightly While Hugging her Boy) Of course I do, sweetie~ Granted, I'm still a tad bit peeved that it took you this long to tell us this, but I'm just so happy that you've found yourself someone to love! Or rather....two people to love, but STILL!~ This is wonderful!~
Bayonetta: (Joins in On the Hug) And as long as you three are happy with one another, that's good enough for each and everyone of us.
Dark Pit: Huh. That's exactly what Ren and Makoto said after I told them.
Viridi: (Shrugged) Well, obviously, that's their way of showing support. (Patting Dark Pit on the Head) Just like how we showing ours to you.
Pit: (Happily Joins in on the Group Hug) And that's because we're family. And families always got each other's back no matter!
Dark Pit: Wow....Not gonna lie, I....(Chuckles Lightly) Honestly don't know what to say-
Dark Pit: Huh?
Pit: (Suddenly Pulls Away from the Group Hug) Now that you're in a relationship like the rest of us now....(Crosses his Arms While Giving DP a Smirk on his Face) That means you're not allowed to make fun us being cutesy to one another anymore.
Viridi: (Puts a Smirk on her Face Two While Putting her Hands on her Hips) Yeah. Like cuddling and junk. Since you and two girlfriends has already started kissing each other and everything.
Dark Pit: (Facepalms Before Sighing) Goddamnit....Ren told you about that too?
Pit: (Smirks Grew a Bit Wider) Yeeeeup. So no making in of us.
Bayonetta: (Ruffles the top of Dark Pit's Hair) That applies to us too, dear.
Palutena: Exactly. Don't think we haven't noticed you saying that you wanted to bleach your eyes out every time you see your mother and I kiss, which we DON'T want you to do by the way.
Dark Pit: (Sighs While Shrugging) Fair. I'm just thankful for your support and everything. (Smiles a Little) I love you guys.
Everyone: (Immediately Went Back to Hugging Dark Pit) We love you too, Pitto!~
Palutena: So much....
Bayonetta: Sooooooo now with that out of the way, when's the wedding?~
Dark Pit: (Eyes Widened at Bayonetta and Blushes Yet Again for What She Just Said)
Bayonetta: (Giggles Softly) Oho relax!~ I'm only kidding........ Although.........
Dark Pit: (Blush Turns Bright Red) For goddess mom's sake, witch mom, STOP!!
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #699: Vampire Mommy (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
TV Screen: (Door Opens, Revealing a Menacing Tall Lady with Old Fashioned Dress and a Black Hat) So we finally meet. (Immediately Picks up the Poor Victim at ease, Shows Off her Long, Sharpened Nails, and Begins to Stabs him With it Before the Screen Turns Black)
Palutena: (Jump a Little in a Bit of Fright While Holding Onto Bayonetta's Arm) Ah!........Huh. You know.... (Let Go of Bayonetta's Arm and Crosses her Own Arms Together) I really was expecting a tall vampire lady to be the most scariest thing of this trailer, but .....now thinking about it.....She isn't somehow. She does look nice though.
Bayonetta: (Shrugs While Rolling her Eyes) Meh. That woman is just regular vampire, dear. She'll probably burn out in the sun at the end of the game. Whenever that comes out.
Palutena: (Turns to Bayonetta) Oh come on, Bayo. Not all vampires die by being under the sun.
Bayonetta: Maybe. Still doesn't make her any special with those.....stupid long nails of hers. Bet they're fake as her make-up.
Palutena: ('Sigh') Her nails and make-up aren't that bad, babe. Really. Are you getting of jealous of her or something?
Bayonetta: (Turns to Palutena with Disbelief in her Eyes) What? ('Scoffs') Why, of course not! (Crosses her Arms While Looking Away) I mean, honestly. Why would yours truly be jealous of some tall, old fashioned looking vampire mommy or whatever everyone the internet the calling her nowadays.
Palutena: (Raised an Eyebrow at her Umbra Witch Girlfriend) So you're not jealous of her.
Bayonetta: That's what I said.
Palutena: Really? Not even a little?
Bayonetta: Not even a micro size.
Palutena: You know I don't believe you right?
Bayonetta: (Turns to Palutena) Bet you your wrong.
Palutena: Bet you I'm right.
Bayonetta: Beat you don't know anything.
Palutena: (Gives Bayonetta a Smirk on her Face) Bet you that tall vampire lady is more prettier than you~
The Umbra Witch's eyes widened once she really that she has been caught red handed.
Bayonetta: Shit.
Palutena: (Smirk Grew a Bit Wider) So? You still wanna prove me wrong or.....
Bayonetta: ('Sighs in Utter Defeat') Okay, fiiiiine! You caught me! (Crosses her Arms While Pouting) So maybe I am a tad bit jealous of that.... what's her face!
Palutena: I think her name's Alcina Dimitrescu. (Went Back to Smirking) And I already you were from a mile away~
Bayonetta: (Playfully Pokes at Palutena's Cheek, Which Made her Giggle) Hush up, you! ('Sigh') But yes. You're dumb theory has been proven right. I mean, have you seen her!? She bloody fucking gorgeous!! (Went Back to Crossing her Arms and Looking Away) And I hate it.
Palutena: (Sighs While Giving Bayonetta a Loving Hug) Honey, you don't need to jealous of someone like her. I mean, sure. She's tall, attractive in a horror like sense, and a....(Blush a Little) lot more thicker than I thought she would be.....
Bayonetta: Yes. She is thicker than five bowls of oatmeal. I'll give her that.
Palutena: Yeah. But I bet she can't slay monster gods or kicking any asses like you can! Or being stylish and graceful while doing it. Or even being one of the most badass moms in this very mansion!
Bayonetta: (Giggles Softly) You bet your sweet, goddess ass she isn't all those things above.
Palutena: Right? So, in comparison, you're already better than her in every way. And besides, knowing the Resident Evil franchise, she'll probably turn into a giant, hideous monster or something.
Bayonetta: (Starts Smirking Herself) Oh I can already imagine that happening already......(Frowns a Little and Shyly Turns to Palutena) S-So.....You really didn't mean it when you said that she's prettier than me?
Palutena: (Smiles Softly Placing her Hand on Bayonetta's Cheek) Of course I didn't mean all of that, Cereza. You are way more beautiful in my eyes than some vampire lady wishes she can be. All of that and more are the many reasons why I love you with all my heart~
Bayonetta: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Awwww~ Paulieeee!~ (Finally Hugs her Goddess Girlfriend Back) I love you with all my heart too!~ (Gives Palutena Three Loving Kisses on the Cheek)
Palutena: (Giggles Ticklishly by Those Kisses) Sorry I made you upset earlier. If anything I can do to make it up to you?~
Bayonetta: Anything?~
Palutena: Anything your heart desires. Just as long as isn't too crazy. And it's legal.
Bayonetta: Welllllll, if that's the case.....(Begins Snuggle Onto her and Palutena's Embrace) Could you give me all of your loving tonight?~
Palutena: (Giggles Softly) Sure thing, dear~ (Gives Bayonetta a Kiss on the Forehead)
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #633: So.... About Sephiroth....(SSBU x Persona 5)
Ryuji: Ok. I know we should be focusing on Christmas Shopping and all, but can we PLEASE talk about how and why Sephiroth is in this mansion right now!?
Morgana: What?
Futuba: EX-F**KING-CUSE ME!???
Makoto: Futuba, what do we told you about texting out cuss words in our Groupchat?
Futuba: I covered up the middle words!
Makoto: Even still, that doesn't make it any less inappropriate. Please don't do it anymore, okay?
Futuba: Yes, ma'am.....
Ann: I'm already lost. Who's Sephiroth again?
Ren: Silver Haired guy with Long sword. He's also a one winged angel.
Futuba: The One Winged Angel.jpg
Ann: Wow he's hot. But alas, my heart still and will always belongs to my dear Shiho-kins~
Haru: Awww~
Ryuji: Okay, Ms. Shakespeare lol.
Ann: ಠ︵ಠ
Sonic: Cute lovers' stuff aside, let's not forget that this man has been the thorn in Cloud's side ever since day one......Whenever that is.
Haru: Goodness. I wonder what he has done to make Cloud-Senpai so upset.....
Morgana: That's what I've been wondering too now that I think about.
Futuba: Well, for starters, he murdered Cloud's best friend, Zack, and his companion named Aerith.
Haru: Oh my gosh, REALLY!!?
Yusuke: Oh dear.....
Makoto: Excuse me!!?
Morgana: My god! I didn't know all of that!!!!
Ann: Yep. Now, I'm definitely glad I don't any feelings for him now.
Ryuji: Right!? The guy's a ruthless monster! Even if he is cool looking!
Ren: So is he like.... Officially moving in the mansion now. I mean, I know people say that he's one of the new entries in Smash Tournament and all, but idrk.
Sonic: Well, he doesn't really moved in or anything. He only comes here for Ganondorf's League of Villains Club or whatever. Not only that, but Hades actually brought him from hell and everything.
Ren: Now that's freaky.
Ryuji: I know, right. I'm guessing this was after Cloud killed him in that Advent Child movie I watched a while back.
Makoto: I can't believe Hades would go as far as to bring someone back from the dead....
Sonic: Tell me about it, but there is another reason why he did this besides joining some villains club.
Futuba: For real!?
Ryuji: Hey!
Sonic: Yep. You guys remember that whole World of Light fiasco we all been involved in, right?
Ren: Yeah. Those were some really crazy times for all of us back then.....
Ryuji: But what does that have to do with anything?
Sonic: Well, you guys remember we all had to split into two groups to clear out all of the remaining forces of Galeem and Dharkon.
Morgana: Oh yeah, I remember now. We were all assigned to deal with the rest of Dhakron's mess.
Sonic: That's right. While you guys did that, me and the other half of the group face off against Galeem on our own. It was hard work, but eventually, Sephiroth came in at the right time to slice that thing in half, causing an army of Master Hands to disappear.
Ren: Huh. That's.... actually pretty cool of him to do that for everyone.
Sonic: Yeeahh, but.....
Ren: Oh god. What did he do next?
Sonic: Nothing too major.....He just attacked us is all.
Makoto: Why?
Sonic: I don't even know myself, Queen. He just flew in and bodied almost all of us without breaking a sweat. Greninja, Pit, Rosalina, Samus, Bayonetta....
Sonic: Yup! Especially her! And I haven't even gotten to the part of what he did to my poor pops!
Morgana: You're talking about Mario, right? What did he do to him?
Sonic: Wellllllll......
Sonic: Fatal Strike.jpg
Ryuji: HOLY SHIT!!!!!
Ren: ........WELL!!!
Makoto: Oh my god!
Ann: (‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)
Yusuke: This can't be real.....
Haru: Oh my goodness. I think I'm going to cry....
Sonic: Everybody, CALM DOWN! Relax! Mario is fine. I repeat: Mario is 100% fine! Look!
Sonic: Sike! He Missed!.jpg
Ren: Oh thank Goddess Mom.
Futuba: Right!? That is such a relief!
Makoto: I agree. I don't think my could take it if he actually got himself hurt like that.
Ann: Hey, Haru, are you okay at your end?
Haru: I'm doing much better now that my sweet little Mona-Chan is here with me~
Haru: My Little Knight and Shining Armor.jpg
Futuba: D'awwwwww~
Ryuji: Damn, Mona. You really are her son lol.
Morgana: Shut it, Ryuji.
Haru: Mona-Chan, are you embarrassed of me? :(
Morgana: No! Of course not, mom! I love you with all of my heart! Really!
Haru: I know you do, sweetheart. I was only messing with you is all. I love you too~ ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Morgana: Haru why?
Haru: I just wanted to see that adorable face of yours flustered. I'm sorry.
Morgana: It's fine. I forgive you.
Haru: ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Sonic: Adorable cuteness aside, the plumber dad was in no harm whatsoever. And mom makes extra sure he stays that way too, cuz I just saw her hugging him like a teddy bear in their bedroom.
Sonic: Protective Momma Peach on Duty.jpg
Ann: Yeah. Not gonna lie, I would totally do that for Shiho if she ever gets hurt.
Makoto: I would do the same for Ren.
Ren: Why?
Makoto: Because you're a reckless idiot and I love you.
Ren: Love you too, 'hon~ :D
Makoto: ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Futuba: Ignoring the blantly obvious Married Couple, I'm glad all of you guys are safe.
Makoto: ಠ_ಠ
Ren: ಠ︵ಠ
Sonic: Thanks, Futuba. If Cloud wasn't there to fight the madman, we all would've been done for.
Ryuji: Speaking of which, how does Cloud feel about Sephiroth joining the tournament?
Sonic: He's not too happy about it. But he has been ignoring him since a day or two ago, so that's something.
Haru: That's wonderful news. I sure do hope his presence doesn't cause Cloud Senpai too much trouble in the future.
Sonic: Same. The poor guy look like he's been stressed about it for days.
Makoto: While we're on the topic of Sephiroth, I think it's best for all of us that we stay clear from him for now.
Ren: I agree with Makoto on this one. If.the guy's that strong enough to beat half of everyone in this mansion, I stutter to think what would it be like if any fight him. So let's not get in his way, alright?
Ryuji: Right.
Ann: Roger.
Yusuke: Very well.
Haru: Okay.
Morgana: Good enough for me.
Makoto: That means you too, Futuba.
Futuba: Why me specifically?
Ren: Because we all know how much of a fangirl you are in almost everythingg video game related. Sephiroth looks like the type of guy who is dead serious on everything and I don't my baby sister to get hurt because of him.
Futuba: Rennnnnnnn I'm not a baby!
Ren: You are one to me damnit.
Futuba: ಠಗಠ
Ren: Okay. Okay. I kid lol. But seriously though, just try and stay away from him for me, alright?
Futuba: 'Aye, 'Aye, Captain!
Yusuke: I apologise to ask you this so suddenly, Sonic, but do you still have the picture you showed us not too long ago?
Sonic: The one Fatal Strike one? Yeah, I still got it. Why? You need it for something?
Yusuke: Yes. I must make a painting of this immediately!
Ryuji: Dude, seriously? Why?
Yusuke: I am not too sure about the reasons myself, but.... the dark, gloomy atmosphere of the picture alone has already peaked my attention. And it's telling me to create a masterpiece of it immediately.
Futuba: Of course you would be interested in making something like that, Inari.....
Ann: Could we just focus on our Christmas Shopping plans instead please? I don't even wanna think about that photo.
Haru: Me too. It makes me sad every time I see it.
Yusuke: Very well. I suppose I can try painting it in memory. Or at least, I hope I can....
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #552: The Queen's Lap (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Ren: (Sighs Relaxingly While Resting the Back of his Head onto Makoto's Lap)
Makoto: (Smirks Playfully Towards Ren) You really like my lap that much, huh Ren?~
Ren: What can I say?~ They are the best use of comfort~ Plus, if I look up, I get to see a beautiful angel staring down on me all day~
Makoto: (Giggles Softly) "Angel"? I thought I was your queen?~
Ren: Queens can be angels too, Makoto and you're definitely no exception~ (Winks at Makoto)
Makoto: ('Sigh') Again with your flattery~ (Lowers her Head Down and Kisses Ren Lovingly on the Lips) I love you so much, Ren-Ren~
Ren: I love you too, 'hon~
????: My oh my~
Ren: ('Sigh') Hey, mom.
Makoto: (Looks up and See Bayonetta Staring at the two Couple with a Playful Smirk on her Face) Oh. Hi, Mrs. Bayonetta. Is there something you need?
Bayonetta: Oh don't mind me, my darlings. I'm just here to check in on you and my baby boy for the night. (Smirks Down at Ren) Enjoying yourself down there, Renny?~
Ren: Yuuuup.
Makoto: (Giggles Softly While Ruffling the Top of Ren's Hair) Your baby boy here happens to love resting his fluffy haired head my lap everytime spend time together~
Bayonetta: What a coincidence! Because my precious baby boy just so happens to simply adores resting his cute head onto his mommy's lap every chance he gets. Isn't that right, Ren-Ren?~
Makoto: (Gasps Before Looking Down at Ren with a Playful Surprised Look on her Face) Oh really now?!~ You care to explain, dear?~
Ren: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright. I confess. I guess I have been resting on mom's lap that one time.
Bayonetta: Multiple times to be exact, darling.
Ren: ('Sigh') Fiiiiine. It was multiple times and counting. But could you really blame me though? She's my witch mom and....(Smiles Softly Towards Bayonetta) I love her.
Bayonetta: (Heart Begins to Melt as She Place her Hands onto her Chest) My heart....
Makoto: Awwwww~ Ren~ You really are Momma's Boy~
Ren: And proud of it. Her and other mom are one of the few people in my life that give love and happiness everyday. (Looks Back up to Makoto) Besides you and our group of friends of course.
Makoto: (Smiles Softly as She Kiss the top of Ren's Nose)
Bayonetta: As much as I would absolutely love to spend the rest of the night with you two lovebirds, I'm afraid I have to go back upstairs. Can't keep my beautiful goddess waiting any longer, you know?~
Makoto: Oh okay. Would you mind telling Mrs. Palutena I say 'Hi' for me please?
Bayonetta: (Smiles Brightly) Not at all, my sweet future daughter-in-law.
Makoto: (Eyes Widened in Shocked Before Blushing Bashfully) T-Thank you....
Bayonetta: (Giggles Softly) You're welcome, my dear. And Ren-Ren.....
Ren: (Sighs at his Newly Found Nickname) Yeah, mom?
Bayonetta: (Gently Place her Hands onto Ren's Cheeks While Giving him a Motherly Smile) Be sure to have a wonderful date night tonight, my dear. (Gives Ren a Big Upside Down Kiss on the Top of his Forehead) ('Mwaaah') Mommy loves you so much.
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) I love you too, mom. Thanks for checking up on us.
Bayonetta: Anytime, darling. (Let's go of Ren's Cheeks) Now, if you two would excuse me.....(Makes her Way to the Stairs) Momma got a Goddess to go to tonight. Be sure not to do anything I would do!~
Ren/Makoto: Yes, ma'am. Goodnight.
Bayonetta: (Happily Blows a Kiss Goodnight Before Walking Up Stairs)
Makoto: (Smiles Softly) Your witch mom is great.
Ren: Yeah. Her and other mom are all great......Kind of wish she didn't called me "Ren-Ren" though.
Makoto: (Shrugs While Giggling Softly) It was only a matter of time before she gets to call you that too, you know. But on the bright, at least it's better that she calls you that than-
Dark Pit: (Walks By with a Smirk on his Face) Have fun with your little date night, Ren-Ren. (Chuckles While Going Upstairs)
Makoto: Nevermind.
Ren: I blame you for giving this cursed nickname in first place.
Makoto: (Gives Ren Another Playful Smirk) No you don't. You love that nickname and you know it~
Ren: Maybe. (Smirks Back at Makoto) But I love you more, Mo-Mo~
Ren: You didn't like that one, did you?
Makoto: Not even a little.
Ren: Yeah I thought so.....I still love you though~
Makoto: (Smiles Softly) Love you too, 'hon~ (Gives Ren Another Loving Kiss on the Lips)
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #637: Nice, Relaxing Birthday (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Ren: (Hugs his Witch Mom on the Sofa Under a Blanket) Happy 609th Birthday, mom.
Bayonetta: (Giggles Softly While Snuggling Onto her Baby Boy) Thank you, sweetie-pie~ It makes me so happy that you remembered.
Ren: You sure you don't wanna throw yourself party or go out to eat somewhere?
Bayonetta: I'm positive. Christmas is almost around the corner and I don't want it to be overshadowed by this fabolous special day. All I want to do today is stay home, watch some classic Christmas Specials, and cuddle the day away with momma's precious baby boy~ (Starts Kissing Ren's Cheek)
Ren: (Chuckles a Bit Ticklishly) Mom, come on! Is that really necessary?
Bayonetta: (Playfully Pouts at Ren) Oh hush up! I know full and well that you adore my hugs and kisses! So don't you dare act all embarrassed around your own mother, young man!
Ren: (Smiles Sheepishly While Snickering) Relax. I was only messing with ya is all. I love those hugs and kisses just as much as I love you.
Bayonetta: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Oh honey.....(Gives Ren a Big Kiss on the Forehead) Mommy loves you too~
Ren: Hey, mom?
Bayonetta: Yes, dear?
Ren: Is it really that you guys fought Sephiroth a while back? You know, during the whole World of Light fiasco.
Bayonetta: ('Ugh') (Rolled her Eyes in Annoyance) I'm afraid so, Renny.....The Silver Haired Prude out bested me Greninja and I with one measly slice of that stupid Long sword of his.
Ren: It was that bad, huh?
Bayonetta: It was the worse. (Begins to Pout) I didn't even got a chance to try landing another hit on him after that, once he tried to-
Ren: Stab Mario? Yeah, Sonic already told us a lot about that a few days ago. Pretty intense imagery he showed us after afterwards, not gonna lie.
Bayonetta: ('Sigh') I agree. Still, It's a miracle that Mario didn't actually gotten himself hurt like that.
Ren: ('Sigh') Yeah. But.... Honestly.....
Bayonetta: Hm?
Ren: (Smiles a Little) I'm really glad you didn't get yourself killed out there. (Looks Down on the Ground in a Bit of a Somber like Manner) I don't know what I would do if that were the case....
Bayonetta: (Smiles Softly While Gently Place Two of her Hands on Ren's Cheek and Have it Face Her) Honey, you don't need to stress yourself out over something happened a long time ago. You know I wouldn't let someone like that One-Winged Angel brat take me down that easily. And furthermore, I would never.....never ever leave you in this cruel world alone. (Gives Ren Yet Another Big Kiss on His Forehead) That's a promise.
Ren: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. I know you wouldn't. You are the strongest Umbra Witch I've ever known after all.
Bayonetta: (Pouts at her Son Once More) Renny, I'm the ONLY strongest Umbra Witch you ever known!
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) I know. I know. I was just saying.
Bayonetta: (Giggles Softly) I know you were, sweetheart. (Snuggling Onto Ren Once More with a Sincere Smile on her Face) Thank you so much for making my birthday so memorable this year.
Ren: (Smiles Softly) No problem. Thank you for being my amazing Witch Mom.
Bayonetta: (Gives Ren Yet Another Kiss on the Cheek) You're always welcome, my dear son. I love you so very much. With all my heart.
Ren: (Gives Bayonetta a Kiss on the Cheek) I love you with all my heart too, mom.
Happy Birthday Bayonetta!
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