girlboyadvance · 5 months
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plaquerat · 5 months
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How does it feel, knowing you can't go to H̷͙͇̜̖͇͓̻͙̥̟̯̘̑̿̔͘͜è̵̤͐͗̓͗̍͂́̂́̚͘̕͘ā̵̛̗̝̜̣̤̺̮̐̀̾͐̓̎̆̚v̴̛͓̐̿̒͆͐̎̏̉̀̃̚̚ě̵̡̼̯̘̤̺̲̜̠̜̮̰͑̅͋̓̅̄͊͘̕ͅn̷͎̗͈͉͚͂̾̌̍̔̽̄́̽̅̈?
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PSN: Some parental HCs
Because I dig thinking of character backgrounds that include family lines, here's Loboto's dysfunctional family.
WARNING: Ableism in both literal and metaphorical senses, parental abuse and medical abuse. Discussions of dystopic countries and war.
Father: Dr Cesare Loboto- Cesare claims he comes from a well-established merchant family in Italy. Only one of those things is true. His family came from a small fishing village that has survived for generations despite everything else going around them. A big reason for this is a long line of hydrokinetic and zoolepathic psychics. Naturally, the Loboto family hails from this line, though Cesare's parents were already second-generation immigrants.
Cesare doesn't as much hate psychics as he considers their existence just a genetic malformation that modern science can fix. This mentality meant Cesare's family has cut nearly all ties to him, as they still remember the old stories and consider psychics a blessing.
For all his ignorance and cruelty, Cesare has many regrets regarding his son. He knows the lobotomy and the further surgeries all but destroyed Caligosto as a person. As much as Cesare tries to tell himself he did what he had to, he knows deep down that he is responsible for Caligosto becoming a monster.
Mother: Sylvia Loboto (nee. Gresache)- Sylvia's family emigrated to America soon after the Grulovian War. It was a desperate move to escape the Gzar's reign and the monster that he used as his attack dog. Grulovians already had a dim view of psychics but Lucrecia Mux was the last straw for many.
Sylvia grew up hearing horror stories from her mother. Of psychic monsters and of their loyalty to dictators.
As such, Sylvia does not have a son. She never had a son. The thing that walks around carrying her eye colour is nothing more than a demon that pretended to be her son until it was banished. It still tries to pretend to be her son, but Sylvia knows better. This is how she justifies to herself the mental disconnect between her sweet Caligosto and the monsters her mother told her about.
General HCs:
- Though Cesare did not put much resistance against the surgery, Sylvia was the one who pushed for it the most. She hoped her husband was right and it was just a malformation. When Caligosto did not improve but degraded, Sylvia concluded that a psychic was always going to be rotten to their core and could not change.
-If Cesare had been the sole parent, it is very likely he would have never even noticed Caligosto was a psychic, let alone sent him to the surgery. While he saw being a psychic as a flaw, he never feared them. This does not mean Caligosto would have had an easy time and would have likely been dumped into an orphanage. -Caligosto doesn't know much about his family history, nor has he met any relatives outside his parents. Though he has more important things to think about, he does at times ponder where he comes from. -Other psychics from the Loboto-line are running about on American soil and in Italy. Caligosto has somehow not run into any of them yet and they would not know he was related to them. -It should come as no surprise that most psychics of the Loboto-line are fishermen or sailors, though some are pirates or marine biologists. Historically, the family was often associated with privateers and whalers.
-  The Gresache line is essentially dead, Sylvia was her mother's only child and any relatives drowned in the Deluge. This means Sylvia clings to what her mother brought from Grulovia.
- A lot of Caligosto's anti-psychic mentality came from the time his maternal grandmother died and he helped his mother pack up her things. Sylvia spent hours just ranting about how awful psychics were. Caligosto did not connect the dots between his powers and the horrid psychics his mother spoke of until the spoon incident.
-Grulovia does not have any changeling myths, Sylvia is just deep in denial. Because Cesare cut off his family and was in turn cut off, she has no idea where the psychic blood came from.
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mr-viwick · 3 years
Future Plans
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A small comic featuring my version of Loboto at age 17/18, getting asked about his future career by his mother, though only given the illusion of a choice.
[Note: in this Version his parents had him undergo a brain surgery some years after the lobotomy due to a small residue of psychic powers/ general issues with the after effects of said lobotomy, trying to “fix” him further.]
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snailcubezz · 3 years
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now I'm considered ugly from every angle
(rbz > likez)
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berrymimes · 3 years
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Oh Lobobo… 😔💔
(original meme format below)
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She strikes me as one of THOSE kind of parents xD  But I loved that little figment of Loboto's mom with a coffee/tea cup.  
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honeyfluff-does-art · 3 years
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I think Loboto deserves to regain his powers and give his parents hell.
As a treat.
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sparklesphobia · 3 years
You're a bad Mom..
Made a little Tiktok based on a Headcanon of mine..
So my headcanon is that the last time Loboto ever spoke to his Mom was at his Dad's funeral, which didn't end well. Despite having pleaded to just not say anything, Loboto ignored his Mom and told everyone on both his Mom's and his Dad's families how much of a piece of shit person his Dad really was, ruining the perfect image his Mom and Dad tried to uphold.
Of course once he was done and had promptly walked away from the funeral his Mom followed him and before he could say a word she smacked in the face and called him an embarrassment that didn't know how to simply listen, he then calls her a bad Mom. This hurt bc despite everything I think he had a relatively close bond with her. She then leaves after telling him to never speak to her again.
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vivia-loude · 4 years
Strange shitpost animation time is 1am for me
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joojdraws · 5 years
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sisyphus-prime · 5 years
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Yeah I fuckin' hate them
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alonelydreamer · 3 years
Day 346: im stilk thinking about loboto in ror😭
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One thing that has been left unexplored about Loboto in fan content, is the hilarity of his height and what that meant growing up. Because imagine this, you have paid for a VERY expensive surgery(/surgeries) for your kid to have him be as normal as possible. Possibly had to pay extra due to his age and even get him a prosthetic arm. Then this kid hits the teens and suddenly he is eating the fridge empty and still wanting more. He grows out of clothes within months and to your horror he has sailed past the typical clothing sizes. And you think “Well, I’m rich, I’ll just buy him bespoke clothes.” Plot twist, the fucker is STILL growing and STILL eating like a horse. The time he stops growing? Well past seven feet tall and no clothes fit him right. So your little sweet project that you put all your hopes (and a lot of cash) into being normal? Has a very visible heterocromia, had unnatural powers and now has brain damage and regularly hits his -face- on doorframes. So, up yours dadboto and momboto, the universe decided your kid would not fit the mold and nothing you did could stop it.
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mr-viwick · 3 years
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family :}
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drcaligostoloboto · 6 years
I would like to share with you this incredible theory that appeared in my mind when I played PN1 again some days ago.
One of my most (unlikely) theories is about Loboto's shower cap.
I mean, look at this cap:
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A shower cap with flowers that seems to have been sewn? Yes. Very unique.
Honestly, I'd like to have the same, Loboto is a fashion disaster.
You see, in a cinematic that can be accessed using clairvoyance on Lili's bracelet. I’m talking about this one cinematic:
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Well what, you will ask?
Well in this cinematic Lili wears a very strange hat.
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Is this another strange shower cap? Is Loboto obsessed with shower cap?
That's what I asked myself, but this one has blue lights(?) on it.
Also, something else that has the same color as this hat attaches Lili.
But something that has caught my attention is that Lili seems to be unable to use her powers because of this hat? 🤔
Although she tries to put Loboto on fire, but this just doesn’t work.
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Loboto’s shower cap is not a usual shower cap.
In Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruins, we learn that this shower cap is tough and that it was his mother who gave it to him.
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No doubt about it, Momboto just cut into her dress to make this shower cap.
And her mom hates psychic, so much that Cali had (sadly) a lobotomy.
But you know what? I found his mother very strange.
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Look at her face! That’s the face of a very strange woman. And mysterious.
When I played in Ror, I found her behavior very strange, she seems to know about psychics, while Dadboto seems to not really know about it.
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What if... Momboto was part of a psychic family? 
Probably not, since she hates psychics, that seems logic.
But you know what? I am a big fan of plot twist. Maybe she was part of a psychic family but she was the only one who did not have psychic power. And everyone was laughing at her in the family because of that and that gave her a great hatred for psychic. But she just never talked to her husband about this and she probably does not talk to her family anymore. And when she saw that her son had inherited psychic power that she never had, she just did not accept because of her great hatred for psychic. (And probably because she was very jealous too) and so she decided that it was necessary to operate young Caligosto, like this he’ll be just as her, powerless. She surely wanted to have a son as perfect as her. And being “perfect” for her was to be a non-psychic.
Now I come back to this mysterious shower hat.
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His mother hates psychic, his mother made this hat for his son who was psychic.
Using psychic powers on this hat is impossible. (Except in Loboto's mind, where we get to burn it, but it's not the same in the reality.) and remember what I said? Lili, in PN1, seems to not be able to use psychic powers when she had this hat on her.
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Could it be an anti psychic power hat? Whoever wears this kind of hat would be unable to use his psychic powers. I mean, why would Loboto have put that hat on Lili, then? I don’t see any other reason. So it made me think that Loboto's shower cap could also be an anti psychic power hat. After all, that was from his mom. (who hates psychic)
Lili’s hat is tough, when she throws it down, it makes a noise. And Loboto’s hat is also tough. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
What if Loboto still had his powers deep inside him? But this hat prevents him from using them? But he does not know that he still has his powers. His parents had to make him understand that he had none after the operation. And that having psychic powers was not natural.
When I played in Ror with my brother, we approached Loboto and we saw that under his hat, we could see his brain.
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So, I deduced that Momboto made him a cap to hide this brain.
But this hat is still strange. Why is it so tough? 
Why is it impossible to use psychic powers on it?
Does anything we still don’t know, protect Loboto from psychic powers?
And how could his mother have made a hat like that?
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Even in PN1, there is this strange shield that protects him from psychic powers.
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But inside this shield, Pokeylope manages to attack him, however.
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And he falls, but I wonder how he survived. So I said to myself, if he still has his psychic powers, maybe these are just activating when he is in a very stressful situation...
But he still had a lobotomy as a child, to remove his power, though...
But can we really remove psychic power from someone? I was wondering that, too... Maybe he still has some of his power. But he just don’t know about it... yet. Who knows?
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