#Monolith Software
doom-nerdo-666 · 6 months
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"BuildLauncher is a frontend for Build Engine games inspired by nstlaurent's DoomLauncher
It can download all major ports for Build Engine games, as well as mods, custom campaigns, and maps and launch them with the port of your choice.
Another goal of this project is to create a unification standard for Build Engine mods, campaigns, and map, so they can be launched with supported ports without any additional tweaking by users."
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retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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hulkwasabi · 10 days
keywords for my upcoming rock opera
lab rat, indocrination, doomscrolling, short-circuit, void, glitch, monolith, demon, ghost, rabbit hole, zombie, likes, fame, abyss, dread, software, virtuality, gadgetry
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ajmishra · 14 days
Breaking Down Monoliths: Power of Microservices Architecture
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Discover how Microservices Architecture is transforming software development with increased scalability, flexibility, and faster deployment in our latest blog. Learn more now! Breaking Down Monoliths: Power of Microservices Architecture
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krazetv · 19 days
MONOLITH by Artistry Audio PRESET PLAYTHROUGH | 67% Off Deal
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xbsoftware · 6 months
Cloud-based applications have brought new requirements, challenges, and patterns. Agile delivery of new features as a quick response to rapidly changing user demands and requirements has become quite a challenge. Plus, the resources should be utilized optimally to reduce the cost of building and maintaining such complex structures. As a result of these demands, the microservices architecture appeared. Today, we’ll consider the basic features of monolithic architecture, distributed monoliths, and microservices.
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Software architecture defines the quality attributes of an application. When planning a software architecture behind an application project managers are met with the task of comparing microservices vs. monolithic architecture.
Choosing the right architecture is crucial to the stability, performance, scalability and security of the application. A right architecture also helps with cost optimization, reduced time to delivery, and customer satisfaction. Since applications are an integral part of the business ecosystem today the choice of architecture behind them is equally crucial.
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linearloopsblog · 2 years
There are various phenomena related to the software development industry which we need to understand very precisely in order to deliver the best. In this series, Linearloop has brought one of the demanding concepts which are Monolithic Vs Microservice Architecture.
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wolvieex · 2 years
Microservices Architecture
What exactly are Microservices ?
Microservice architecture is a distinct approach to software development that focuses on creating single-function modules with well-defined interfaces and operations.The tendency has expanded in recent years as businesses strive to become more Agile, embracing DevOps and continuous testing.
Microservices provide several advantages for Agile and DevOps teams; as Martin Fowler points out, Netflix, eBay, Amazon, Twitter, PayPal, and other software titans have all transitioned from monolithic to microservices design.
### Different from Monolith Architecture:
A monolith application, as opposed to microservices, is created as a single, self-contained entity. As a result, any modifications to the program are delayed since they influence the entire system. A change to a tiny area of code may need the development and deployment of a complete new version of software. To scale a given application function, you must also scale the entire application.
### Microservices' Characteristics 
Multiple Components It may be divided into several component services. Why? So that each service may be launched, changed, and redeployed individually without jeopardizing the application's integrity. This manner, instead of redeploying complete apps, you may just need to modify one specific service.
Designed for Business Microservices architectures are often organized around business capabilities and goals. Unlike typical monolithic development approaches, where various teams specialize in, example, user interfaces, databases, technological layers, or server-side logic, microservice architecture employs cross-functional teams.
Routing Made Simple Microservices function similarly to traditional UNIX systems in that they receive requests, process them, and create a response. This is contrary to how many other products, such as ESBs (Enterprise Service Buses), operate. This is where high-tech systems for message routing, choreography, and the application of business rules come into play.
Decentralized Because microservices incorporate a diversity of technologies, traditional techniques of centralized governance are ineffective. The microservices community prefers decentralized governance so that its developers may create solutions that others can use to tackle similar challenges. Microservice design, like decentralized governance, encourages decentralized data management.
Resistant to Failure Microservices, like a well-rounded child, are built to deal with failure. Because numerous different services interact, it's very conceivable that one of them will fail (for example, if the supplier is unavailable). In these cases, the client should enable its adjacent services to continue operating while gently exiting.
Evolutionary It's an evolutionary design that's great for evolving systems where you can't predict which devices will contact your application in the future. Many systems begin with a monolithic design, but when new requirements emerge, they may be gradually updated to microservices that interface with an earlier monolithic architecture via APIs.
### Benefits Of Microservices:
Easier to implement
Deploy in chunks to avoid interfering with other services.
Easier to comprehend
Because the function is separated and less reliant, the code is easier to read.
Reusable across the company
Distribute modest services such as payment or login systems around the organization. 
Improved defect isolation
When a test fails or a service goes down, isolate it as soon as possible.
Change risk has been reduced.
Avoid committing to certain technologies or languages; instead, modify on the fly with minimum risk.
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alianoralacanta · 1 month
Hi Alianora! I am curious to know your thoughts on Ferrari and PR. Particularly how they do damage control. 2022 comes to mind, and this year's triple header as well.
Maybe it's because I don't keep up with other team statements as much but Ferrari seem to be less... transparent?? with their struggles as a team. Binotto in 2022 comes to mind when he would pin the blame on his drivers and say that nothing needs to change.
Also Charles in particular plays the PR game more than Carlos. I mean, this year in China, Charles said the two of them had talked and everything was fine, but then when asked, Carlos said the complete opposite and that they hadn't actually sorted it out. Oops.
I remember specifically Charles saying the team was "extremely united, no division" in 2022 but then multiple statements of his in 2023 under Vasseur imply otherwise.
Ferrari seem to be more willing to throw their drivers under the bus when shit hits the fan and it's more clear that the team messed up big time. Vasseur will have no problem defending Charles in weekends where Ferrari aren't a complete disaster, but in situations like the triple header, he's willing to shift the focus on the drivers.
Is it a Ferrari pride sort of thing?
Ferrari and PR
Firstly, apologies for the long delay in replying. This is my 3rd attempt at finding a coherent frame for my thoughts on the subject. I hope this works. If it does not, please request clarification, reframing or simply to have another attempt.
Also, fair warning: long essay. This essay is 6060 words long, excluding headings. As such, it will be divided into multiple “read more” sections. Tumblr only allows this by posting the essay multiple times, with a fresh addition each time. Please wait for the “Essay complete. Hope this helps” before reblogging. Firstly, PR is not a monolith. Humanity is not a monolith with one unified opinion of what everything is and how everything works. They agree and disagree on what is appealing in a statement made to them on a given subject. Thus, PR can and often is tailored to particular audiences. Furthermore, different groups that produce PR value different things. Section 1: What does Ferrari value? (Ferrari myth PR)
Ferrari has been stricter about PR than any other team. Part of this originated with Enzo Ferrari himself, for he was careful to ensure that nothing was said that undermined Ferrari's political position or offended his sense of what the speaker's job should be (driver or engineer). It has to be said that this didn't put the boundaries in the same place as any modern team's PR approach. While complaining about the team or car being slow was considered just as wrong then as now, a driver saying they'd been cautious because the race was long would also be considered bad. Enzo considered it his job to worry about the car, and the driver's job to press the car as hard as possible. (An engineer who suggested putting less emphasis on the engine in favour of the chassis would fare no better). On the other hand, skipping a sponsor event to go kart would probably meet with his approval. (Whether he would have regarded Max's sim racing as similar enough to treat likewise is unknown, since race driving software wasn't very sophisticated in the 1980s). Later in Enzo Ferrari's career, there began to be more emphasis on Ferrari the myth. Niki Lauda was not particularly appreciated while he was at Ferrari because his approach was so different from Enzo's ideal, but Niki became far more appreciated after that because Enzo realised what he'd done had, in fact, resulted in Ferrari's myth strengthening. (The title did no harm either). Gilles Villeneuve encapsulated what it meant to augment the Ferrari myth. The intervening decades ended up condensing the traits that became part of "Ferrari myth PR": - humble and modest - fast - respectful of opponents - downplaying team psuedopolitics - eloquent and concise when needed - competing with style, verve and boldness - able and willing to do the impossible - believing in the team even when it does not believe in itself - remember one represents a dream - remember that, whatever one's nationality, one represents the honour of the tifosi The price for defying PR in the Enzo Ferrari era was variable and fickle, due to the perennial psuedopolitics behind the scenes. (The situation under Fred Vasseur would have been considered relatively calm back then. Some parts of the Mattia Binotto era, not so much).
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pwlanier · 23 days
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PIXAR, 1986
Serial No. 8642A00176
Of monolithic construction, with two panels, one which opens to reveal sockets for circuit boards, together with 3 boards, one installed and two loose
The groundbreaking graphics workstation designed for rendering high-resolution images and animations.
Developed by the graphics division of Lucasfilm then Pixar, the Pixar Image Computer, introduced in 1986 was a high-performance graphics workstation designed for imaging professionals. The signification of the machine lies within its pioneering role in the development of high-resolution image processing and computer graphics. At a time when digital imaging technology was still in its nascent stages, this computer offered unprecedented capabilities for rendering complex images with remarkable detail and accuracy; specifically engineered to handle the demanding computational tasks required for medical imaging, meteorology, scientific visualization, and, most notably, animation.
Technologically, the Pixar Image Computer was a marvel. It was built around the capabilities of multiple powerful processors that worked in parallel, enabling it to perform rapid calculations and manage large data sets efficiently. The computer's architecture was optimized for handling graphical data, making it an ideal tool for industries that required high-fidelity image processing. The system included specialized hardware for rasterizing images and supported a range of advanced graphical functions, such as anti-aliasing and shading, which were critical for producing smooth, realistic images.
Indeed, applicable for such essential fields such as medical imaging, where the processors capability to render detailed images quickly made is an invaluable asset for visualising complex anatomical structures, the Pixar computer marked a revolution in image software that affected beyond its famous employment in the field of entertainment. However, it was in the realm of animation that the Pixar Image Computer made its most enduring mark. The computer played a crucial role in developing some of the earliest computer-generated imagery (CGI) used in film and television, including the short film "Luxo Jr.," which was nominated for an Academy Award. This short film demonstrated the potential of computer-generated animation to produce lifelike movements and expressions, setting the stage for the future of animated films.
Despite its advanced capabilities, the Pixar Image Computer faced significant challenges in the market. Its high cost and the specialized nature of its applications limited its adoption to niche markets. However, whilst it was not widely adopted, its influence is evident in the subsequent development of CGI technology and its profound impact on the entertainment industry. Indeed, the Pixar Image Computer’s legacy is a testament to the early vision and technological ingenuity that would eventually lead to the transformation of animation and digital imaging.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 5 months
Everyone knows about Blood's train level but i wonder about other build games and vehicle focused levels.
I think Duke: Life's a Beach had a ship based level and one of Shadow Warrior's expansions had a plane level.
The plane level is in Wanton Destruction and even had that wind effect.
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retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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junk-whunk-punk · 28 days
My wet dreams sorrey
Brutally cleaning my apartment before moving to de other city AND SUDDENLY I got some motivation to study and work hard as software guy: i wanna achieve to go through all de circles of hell in gaming industry, enter Monolith and create de third part of Middle-Earth game series.
trying to not get boner from this thought and then returning to my mortal mess😔
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wjbs-aus · 5 days
The lore in most '90s FPSes: "Save Phobos from demons!"¹ "Avenge your friends by killing the evil god you used to serve!"² "Aliens have invaded and are trapping women in weird flesh cocoons!"³
The lore in the Marathon games: "Ok so they hollowed out a moon and turned it into a spaceship. There are biomechanical aliens invading said spaceship now, and the AI that opened the doors is now evil. Except sometimes he helps the player, and him being evil is nothing to do with the aliens; that's just something that happens to AIs in this setting. Also there's an elder-god trapped inside a star and it will end the universe if it escapes, and the entire premise of the third game is that you switch between various doomed timelines by finding secret exits in a surreal dream dimension. Also this entire franchise is a sequel to dungeon-crawler about exploring an ancient pyramid, and may or may not also be connected to Halo."⁴
¹Doom (Id Software, 1993)
²Blood (Monolith, 1997)
³Duke Nukem 3D (3D Realms, 1996)
⁴I literally only know about this because of the MandaloreGaming "Bungie Rabbithole" playlist.
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exeggcute · 6 months
for the sake of consistency I feel compelled to point this out: I feel like I'm seeing a warped false dichotomy-ish thing spring up where people are responding to the "tiktok is a national security threat to america" hysteria with a counter that american software companies collect data about users, largely for advertising purposes, which is true!
but some of this seems to wrap around to an assumption that tiktok doesn't engage in garden-variety data collection for any reason at all... except they very much do lol. because tiktok is also an advertising platform at its core, to the tune of $11B of revenue in 2022. which I'm not trying to offer as a gotcha, just that I wouldn't be all "well you gotta hand it to them" about data collection practices in the same breath that you lampoon american companies' practices because tiktok's functionally not much different from any other advertising-supported platform in that regard.
WHICH, IMPORTANT CAVEAT, is a completely neutral statement on my part. not only am I famously pretty lukewarm on the privacy threat posed by advertising data, but also what I'm trying to get at here is that tiktok's data collection serves the exact same purpose as any other big platform's data collection, which is Making Money. it's all the same. you could even argue that the big monolithic publishers like tiktok/reddit/facebook/google who source their own buyers are less leaky (and therefore less problematic in general) because their supply chains don't include a million third-party ad platforms per auction, and those third-party middlemen are often the ones who sell shit to data brokers, so tiktok's closed advertising ecosystem is actually better than some of these publishers with miles-long ads.txt files who'll do business with anybody.
but like, for example: pixel tracking is a common way to track ad conversions by measuring how many users click on ads and do stuff on the website that the ad leads to. facebook has the facebook meta pixel, reddit has the reddit pixel, tiktok has the tiktok pixel... exact same tech. exact same reason. no espionage, just ads for those mobile games where you're trying to solve a weird maze thing before some guy drowns in lava
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