#Mont Baron
blake-ritson-love · 8 months
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Blake Ritson is cast in an upcoming 8-part adaptation series of Count of Monte Cristo as Danglars, one of the main antagonists. The series is currently in production and will air in 2024. Sam Claflin will be playing the main role of Edmond Dantès, and the internationally produced series is directed by Bille August.
Blake is also likely to appear (not fully confirmed yet) in season 2 of Interview with the Vampire as Morgan next year.
16 days to go till the premiere of season 2 (October 29) of The Gilded Age on HBO, starring Blake as Oscar Van Rhijn.
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vonlipvig · 1 year
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he's got a list of names and theirs are in red underlined ❌❌❌
it's about time i sat down to doodle my versions of the characters from the count of monte cristo, so here's dantès and the three beloatheds lmao.
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rowan-e-ravenwood · 10 months
have you got any tcomc playlists? 👁️👁️
i posted them a while back but i can't be bothered to find the post, so if i do i'll delete it to keep from clogging up the tags...
as i've said before, it's been a hot minute since i've really participated in the fandom (i'd like to remedy that), so some of my views on the characters have changed a bit since i made these? so not all of the song choices are perfect imo anymore... but i am constantly tweaking these playlists so it's whatever.
oh also also, a couple of these are major WIPs, lol. ANYWAY.
putting them under a read-more cut so that nobody hates me for the length of the post, lmao
here's Edmond's:
here's Fernand:
here's Villefort:
here's Danglars (one of the ones i'm less happy with lol):
here's Caderousse (my favourite character heheh):
here's Mercédès:
here's Albert (idk this one's a WIP):
here's Benedetto (another of my favourites!!):
and finally, Valentine! (my beautiful darling sweetheart):
i also have playlists for a couple ships i like, so if you're interested in those, feel free to ask, but they're not quite as good lol
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lonely-dog-draws · 2 years
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some redraws of characters from the musical Der Graf von Monte Christo as cats- featuring Edmond, Faria, Fernand, Danglars, Villefort, & Jacopo.
4 greyscale drawings of anthro cats. The first is of two cats sitting on the floor holding onto each other. The tallest one is pale with large ears & tabby markings & wears loose, ragged clothes. His eyes are focused on the middle distance with a pleading look. He has his arms around a smaller cat, who has a round face with tuxedo markings, & white hands. This cat wears a long, dark robe. He looks dazed, staring off to the side with his mouth open slightly. He holds onto the other cat's arm with one hand, & has his other hand on the ground. The second drawing is of two cats conversing, cut off at their knees. The left cat is a furry dark tabby cat wearing fancy clothes, including a coat with coattails & a bowtie. He's holding onto a small cup & looking at the other cat with his eyes squinted slightly & his mouth pursed. The other cat is very fluffy & grey, wearing a rumpled shirt tucked into his pants & a loose coat. He's holding up a cup of his own in a cheering motion. He has his head tilted as if asking a question, with his smiling mouth open mid-speaking & his eyebrow quirked up. The third drawing is of a sleek black cat with a long face & big ears. He wears a coat with a large collar, high-waisted pants, knee-high socks and dark shoes. He's leaning against a wall with one hand, & gripping a small piece of paper with the other. His head is down and he looks distressed. The fourth & final drawing is of a round calico cat with a mostly white face & a torn ear, facing the viewer. He wears a long, sleek, dark coat with buttons on the chest, with dark pants & shoes. He looks towards the side with an open smile. In one hand he holds a large staff, & the other hand is held out in a flourish. End descriptions.
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ghost-and-a-half · 1 year
so what I got from the last couple of chapters-
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(”mysterious attraction” this, “incredible fascination” that, “wowie, this count really is an 11/10 if only he wasn’t so pale” like Franz. Franz.)
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fobbich · 2 years
I'M BACK from my deep deep slumber.
I present to you the collab with @man-zi-ka-ro!
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frsalmon · 10 months
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In case anyone was curious Franz is currently my favorite Count of Monte Cristo character and I hope we see him again.
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ponds-of-ink · 2 years
Spooky AU Prelude/Interval: “A Brief Debate Over Metaphors”
Oh? A Spooky AU Monte Cristo thing on Tumblr?
Yes, it’s back again… kinda. Sorry for the unintended hiatus, but I think my brain just got stalled trying to write the next chapter and then I ditched it by mistake. Smh.
But, to make up for it, how’s about a little scene to fill in the gaps and serve as a recap?… Hopefully.
It was late into the night when most of the sailors hobbled down to the lower decks. The first mate, ever vigilant, remained on board to steer the ship and watch for any trouble. His eyes surveyed the empty world of wooden planks and tar-black sky before him. The only thing that broke this dismal view was the shadowy form of one of the younger members on-board. While the distance between them made it hard for the first mate to see who it was, the strange combination of a slumped-over posture yet somewhat-groomed hair told all. “What are you doing up here, Danglars?” the navigator cried out. “I thought you’d be down in the cellars double-checking the accountant’s assessments!”
The young man turned his head. “I would’ve, but the way the moon shines on this sea has beckoned me,” he answered, hardly raising his already salt-stricken voice. “I guess you could say the glimmer of diamonds can lure me in like a siren.” He shook his head as he smiled at his own joke.
“Well, don’t stay up here for too long,” the first mate advised, now readjusting to his own duty. “The fellows told me that there’ll be a fog rolling in an half-an-hour or so. And, since I’m sure our employer would not be pleased with one of his newest sailors’ faces being wrecked by a mast under my supervision, I’d say you may as well run to the lower decks for your own good. Maybe even tattle on those scallawags playing the Hornpipe down there, for all I care.”
Danglars gave a signal of affirmation, then returned to staring at the water below. As he stared, he almost became entranced with his reflection like Narcissus with his visage in the pool. But, instead of self-interested lust, his fixation seemed to be out of growing hatred. His scars, signs of storm-ridden voyages and many a close encounter with death itself, now felt like tears on an already-tarnished painting. Or, perhaps if one were to be more in line with his current thoughts, a painting as warped and battered as the waves’ current portrait of him. His legs quivered underneath him, threatening to give way to his bitter musings. He shut his eyes to block the image from his mind. 
Then, like a bird song breaking through the ominous silence of the night, a strange idea stopped his spiral. He lifted his head and looked out into the water. “Forgive me for risking the crew’s safety through bringing up superstitions,” he spoke up, masking his recovery from desperation with his most casual tone of voice, “but am I right in saying that there is no exact rules on who can be lured by a siren?”
Auguste blinked in surprise. “From what little I know, I’m sure any temptress like that would only care if the prey is nourished,” he answered, his eyes only glancing at the youth for a moment. “Why are you in such a curious mood, Danglars? Do you want to volunteer for live bait?”
“No, no!” Danglars hurriedly answered, realizing his unintended implications that this question posed. “I was just wondering if these scaly creatures had a preference for certain sailors— Aside from a high gullibility or an acute fondness for well-sung odes.”
“Not to my knowledge,” Auguste responded, tilting his head to the side as if to mimic shrugging one’s shoulders. Then, processing what he saw from the corner of his eye, he sighed gravelly. “Look here, Danglars,” he resumed in a more gentile but concerned manner. “If you’re trying to say that you have a better chance at being caught by a twisted creature of the deep than getting a lass on shore, then I think you’re selling yourself too short. A bruised apple will still be fine food for someone, even if it is bruised. You, of all my younger crew mates, should know that.”
“But if the apple, say, doesn’t even look like an apple?”
“If the insides are fine, then what does it matter?” Auguste huffed, gripping the ship’s wheel tightly out of sheer self-restraint. “So long as you make sure that the seed’s poison doesn’t spread to the rest, then all’s well! Honestly, how much of a self-critic do you have to be at your age? You’re nineteen going on twenty! I’m about fifteen years older than you, and I’d say I’m in rougher shape than you’ve ever been!” And, with those silvery-white streaks in his hair, he already had a right to say this.
Danglars stepped away from the edge of the vessel, politely nodding while withholding every single rebuttal he wished to lash out. “Fair enough, i suppose,” he said with a slight grit of his teeth. “But I still think that you’ve aged far more gracefully that I ever will, sir.”
“Well, by that time, you should be married!”
“We shall see if I will even be a suitor, sir. I cannot promise what I run the risk of failing to deliver.”
Auguste fought the urge to abandon his post and drag the doubter towards the rest of the crew. Instead, he lowered his reddened face and shut his eyes. “Let me echo your ‘fair enough’ and leave you be, then,” he groaned. “But I’m still calling your bluff, to put it bluntly, stupid.”
“As will I, sir,” Danglars retorted, bowing slightly out of what little respect he had for his superior at the moment. “Good night.”
—Many years later…—
Danglars now rummaged through these distant arguments as he stood before the window of this dingy Inn bedroom. Now about as old as Auguste himself (if not ahead of him by a few years), one would think that these pieces of an elder’s wisdom would’ve been confirmed through his own experiences.
Alas for him as well as those who think so, they did not. In fact, the opposite seemed to ring true. Even if the parts near the toxic seeds were as preserved as Auguste hoped, they still didn’t seem to matter. The bruised apple was still a bruised apple. Maybe not even an apple, at this rate.
However, Danglars had one last pithy statement that could serve as a counterpoint. “Gold still has value, no matter how old the coins are,” he muttered, as if he had finally found the answer to some lifelong riddle. “And jewels themselves, though cut down by knives— or whatever those gem-crafters use, are still cherished by those looking for them.” His eyes glistened as what lingering creative tendencies he had revived itself. “The apple metaphor was rubbish, but its application was close—!”
The creaking of the door cut off Danglars’ fevered ramblings. His slacked grin fell as soon as he saw a figure standing in the doorway. “Ah, I’m sorry,” he said before using a coughing to hide the tinge of embarrassment on his face (for once). “I was reminiscing on the past a bit too much, I suspect. What can I do to help you, sir?”
The stranger, still encased in shadows, shut the door and advanced a few steps forwards. “I was wanting to commiserate on your… unfortunate situation,” he admitted, feigning an air of somber grief. “But I see now why she left you for someone else.”
Danglars shuddered, but remained as indignant as ever. “If you wish to insult me, don’t try aiming for my countenance,” he scoffed, crossing his arms. “I’ve been aware of its horrid state for decades. If you must wish to make light of it, then please be original.”
“I will do my best,” the stranger answered with a sneering tone. “At least the moon’s light aids me in seeing you a lot better. A shame no one else must’ve thought that.”
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secretmellowblog · 2 months
Les Mis Canon-era Paris Photographs: Jean Valjean and Cosette’s route to escape Javert, in Pictures!
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Jean Valjean's escape through Paris is Victor Hugo's way of mourning the Paris he knew from before his exile, the Paris before the modern renovations.
Hugo wrote Les Mis from exile in Guernsey, at the same time as Paris was undergoing a series of massive renovations. The "Old City" of medieval Paris that Hugo loved was being replaced by the “New City" of Baron Haussman. The dark medieval labyrinth lit by oil lamps was being replaced by modern wide streets and standardized architecture lit by gas lamps. Victor Hugo is nostalgic for the Paris he remembers before his exile-- so Jean Valjean is able to escape Javert using things unique to the Old City. He escapes through a labyrinth of tiny medieval streets in a neighborhood Hugo claims was destroyed during the renovations; he climbs over the convent wall using the rope from an oil lamp, the very oil lamps that were being replaced by the more modern gas lanterns. The dark maze hides him from police surveillance in a way modern streets cannot.
A man named Charles Marville photographed Paris shortly before many (though not all) of the renovations occurred. In this post I'll go through all the different streets mentioned in the Valjean-Javert Paris chase chapters, and provide Marville's photographs whenever they the image has been labeled with the name of the street. Note that there may be some inaccuracies. Some street names changed over time.
Here is a map of what the chase looks like, taken from the book "Paris in the Times of Victor Hugo."
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A quick overview: Jean Valjean starts in a slummy half-built suburban area. This area is highly associated with the King; the royal Jardin des Plantes is nearby, and King Louis XVIII often rides by in his carriage during the afternoons. After travelling down a bunch of streets, "zigzagging" back and forth, Jean Valjean decides to cross the Seine over the Bridge of Austerlitz (a bridge named after one of Napoleon's victories.) Then he reaches the areas of the city near the Faubourg Saint Antoine that are more associated with working class rebellion. From there he enters a dark isolated half-built medieval neighborhood near marshes and timberyards, with narrow mazey alleyways, that Hugo mostly made up. Hugo pretends this medieval neighborhood used to exist, but was destroyed like many others during the recent renovations. Now that we've gotten the overview out of the way, let's go more specific!
The chase starts out in "the old quarter of the Marche aux Chevaux." At the time, this was a less inhabited and poorer area of Paris; it's described as basically a slum. Here are some of Marville's photographs :
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Then we're told "Jean Valjean described many and varied labyrinths in the Mouffetard quarter, which was already asleep, as though the discipline of the Middle Ages and the yoke of the curfew still existed. He combined in various manners, with cunning strategy, the Rue Censier:"
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"and the Rue Copeau," (according to the map I linked earlier, the Rue Copeau is now the Rue Lacepede. Here is Marville's pic:)
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"the Rue du Battoir-Saint-Victor and the Rue du Puits l’Ermite. There are lodging houses in this locality, but he did not even enter one, finding nothing which suited him. He had no doubt that if any one had chanced to be upon his track, they would have lost it."
"As eleven o’clock struck from Saint-Étienne-du-Mont:" (note: this refers to the church of Saint-Etienne)
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"he was traversing the Rue de Pontoise, in front of the office of the commissary of police, situated at No. 14." (Jean Valjean sees Javert and the police following him on this street, because they're visible in the light of the lantern from the police station.)
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"He took a circuit, turned into the Passage des Patriarches, which was closed on account of the hour,"
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"strode along the Rue de l’Épée-de-Bois
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and the Rue de l’Arbalète, and plunged into the Rue des Postes."
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"At that time there was a square formed by the intersection of streets, where the College Rollin stands to-day, and where the Rue Neuve-Sainte-Geneviève turns off." (Note: these streets are labeled Montagne-Sainte-Geneviève, but not Neuve-Sainte-Geneviève, so they may be different streets! But I'm putting them here anyway.)
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"It is understood, of course, that the Rue Neuve-Sainte-Geneviève is an old street, and that a posting-chaise does not pass through the Rue des Postes once in ten years. In the thirteenth century this Rue des Postes was inhabited by potters, and its real name is Rue des Pots." (Annotation: Hugo's bein silly and making little puns. He's snarkily pointing out the "new saint-genevieve street" is old, and the post street rarely has post-chaises/carriages go through it.) (Jean Valjean hides in the shadows and watches to see who shows up in this big square intersection of streets. In the moonlight, he recognizes Javert.) "He slipped from under the gate where he had concealed himself, and went down the Rue des Postes (which I shared a picture of previously), towards the region of the Jardin des Plantes." (Note: the Jardin des Plantes is a royal garden. Here is a modern photo from Wikipedia.)
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"He left behind him the Rue de la Clef,
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"then the Fountain Saint-Victor, skirted the Jardin des Plantes by the lower streets, and reached the quay. There he turned round. The quay was deserted. The streets were deserted. There was no one behind him. He drew a long breath.
He gained the Pont d’Austerlitz." (The Pont d'Austerlitz, named after Napoleon's victory at the battle of Austerlitz, is a very famous bridge. Marville has no photographs but here's an 1830 engraving:)
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"The bridge once crossed, he perceived some timber-yards on his right. He directed his course thither. In order to reach them, it was necessary to risk himself in a tolerably large unsheltered and illuminated space. He did not hesitate. Those who were on his track had evidently lost the scent, and Jean Valjean believed himself to be out of danger. Hunted, yes; followed, no." Here's the quai by the pont-au-change-- a different quai, but gives you an idea of what the areas around the Seine often looked like.
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(Then Jean Valjean sees Javert and the other police on the Bridge of Austerlitz, following him. He hurries towards the darker alleys of the city.)
"A little street, the Rue du Chemin-Vert-Saint-Antoine, opened out between two timber-yards enclosed in walls. This street was dark and narrow and seemed made expressly for him."
Here's an abandoned timber-yard-ish looking picture:
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But Marville has no photographs of this street. I'd have to double check, but iirc this is the part where Hugo starts to 'make up' more street layouts. I wouldn't be surprised if this street really WAS made expressly for him (meaning Hugo made it up.) "The point of Paris where Jean Valjean found himself, situated between the Faubourg Saint-Antoine and la Râpée, is one of those which recent improvements have transformed from top to bottom,—resulting in disfigurement according to some, and in a transfiguration according to others. The market-gardens, the timber-yards, and the old buildings have been effaced. To-day, there are brand-new, wide streets, arenas, circuses, hippodromes, railway stations, and a prison, Mazas, there; progress, as the reader sees, with its antidote."
(Here Hugo talks about the Haussman renovations directly, claiming that if his street layouts are "inaccurate" it's because these are some of the Old Medieval Streets that were razed during Paris's recent renovations. He goes on for a while comparing Petit-Picpus to various other areas that were changed during the renovations.)
"Le Petit-Picpus, which, moreover, hardly ever had any existence, and never was more than the outline of a quarter, had nearly the monkish aspect of a Spanish town. The roads were not much paved; the streets were not much built up. (....) Such was this quarter in the last century. The Revolution snubbed it soundly. The republican government demolished and cut through it. Rubbish shoots were established there. Thirty years ago, this quarter was disappearing under the erasing process of new buildings. To-day, it has been utterly blotted out."
The Petit-Picpus, of which no existing plan has preserved a trace, is indicated with sufficient clearness in the plan of 1727, published at Paris by Denis Thierry, Rue Saint-Jacques, opposite the Rue du Plâtre;
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and at Lyons, by Jean Girin, Rue Mercière, at the sign of Prudence.
Petit-Picpus had, as we have just mentioned, a Y of streets, formed by the Rue du Chemin-Vert-Saint-Antoine, which spread out in two branches, taking on the left the name of Little Picpus Street, and on the right the name of the Rue Polonceau. The two limbs of the Y were connected at the apex as by a bar; this bar was called Rue Droit-Mur.
The Rue Polonceau ended there; Rue Petit-Picpus passed on, and ascended towards the Lenoir market. A person coming from the Seine reached the extremity of the Rue Polonceau, and had on his right the Rue Droit-Mur, turning abruptly at a right angle, in front of him the wall of that street, and on his right a truncated prolongation of the Rue Droit-Mur, which had no issue and was called the Cul-de-Sac Genrot." Here is @everyonewasabird's attempt to puzzle this out:
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It was here that Jean Valjean stood."
Then Jean Valjean escapes by pulling down an old oil lantern, strung up by ropes. Hugo notes that this would have been "impossible if the streets were lit with gas, the way they would be after the renovations. This picture shows an old oil lamp strung up by ropes:
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Finally, Jean Valjean climbs over the wall into the Petit-Picpus convent. This convent is fictional. Hugo pretends it used to exists but is no longer around-- another relic of the early 19th century that has been lost over time.
Jean Valjean's escape through Paris is Hugo way of mourning the Paris he knew from before his exile, the Paris before the modern renovations. To quote Volume 2 Book 5 Chapter 1:
The author of this book, who regrets the necessity of mentioning himself, has been absent from Paris for many years. Paris has been transformed since he quitted it. A new city has arisen, which is, after a fashion, unknown to him. There is no need for him to say that he loves Paris: Paris is his mind’s natal city. In consequence of demolitions and reconstructions, the Paris of his youth, that Paris which he bore away religiously in his memory, is now a Paris of days gone by. He must be permitted to speak of that Paris as though it still existed. It is possible that when the author conducts his readers to a spot and says, “In such a street there stands such and such a house,” neither street nor house will any longer exist in that locality. Readers may verify the facts if they care to take the trouble. For his own part, he is unacquainted with the new Paris, and he writes with the old Paris before his eyes in an illusion which is precious to him. It is a delight to him to dream that there still lingers behind him something of that which he beheld when he was in his own country, and that all has not vanished. So long as you go and come in your native land, you imagine that those streets are a matter of indifference to you; that those windows, those roofs, and those doors are nothing to you; that those walls are strangers to you; that those trees are merely the first encountered haphazard; that those houses, which you do not enter, are useless to you; that the pavements which you tread are merely stones. Later on, when you are no longer there, you perceive that the streets are dear to you; that you miss those roofs, those doors; and that those walls are necessary to you, those trees are well beloved by you; that you entered those houses which you never entered, every day, and that you have left a part of your heart, of your blood, of your soul, in those pavements. All those places which you no longer behold, which you may never behold again, perchance, and whose memory you have cherished, take on a melancholy charm, recur to your mind with the melancholy of an apparition, make the holy land visible to you, and are, so to speak, the very form of France, and you love them; and you call them up as they are, as they were, and you persist in this, and you will submit to no change: for you are attached to the figure of your fatherland as to the face of your mother.
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lotshusband · 6 months
why the fuck did my mother send me to shakespeare summer camp as a child &give me nothing but tomes like shogun and the count of monte cristo to read &quizzed me on SAT words just for the hell of it. i have the vocal patter and vocabulary of a dracula that’s trying to get with the times . or perhaps a faggy robber baron of the 1800s
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blake-ritson-love · 3 months
Blake being in the Monte Cristo series and not playing Edmond Dantes? We lost!
I agree he would have slayed it as Edmond, or Villefort for that matter, but I bet he'll bring lots of his own flair to Danglars, character. They've also said they'll explore the psychology of all the characters, so I think that sounds like they'll have a more complex take on the villains as well, especially in comparison to other adaptations.
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charlescoded · 3 months
dune au??????? pls say more
i watched part 1 on a monday evening bc i was going to see part 2 in the theatre the next day, and then val opened my eyes to the paul/feyd angle and i've not been able to stop thinking about it ever since 😵‍💫 anyway, it's an arranged marriage au... here's the first page:
The hallway looks the same as all others, like a labyrinth of passages. Sleek and dark, made of the highest grade metals. Every few steps, a door is carved into the walls. None open at his attempts to surpass them, each looking the exact same as those before it.
It’s safe to say that Charles has gotten himself lost.
He’s been here for two days. Most of his time has been spent locked away in his temporary quarters located in the quest wing, or preparing for his wedding day. There will be plenty of festivities, most of them violent, or involving copious amounts of drinks, or some both. He’ll be happy if he never has to see another slaughter at the arena again, but he knows he won’t have such luck. His husband-to-be, the na-baron, Max Verstappen, is known far and wide as a great warrior. A true fighter.
Charles knows how Max is described by the sisterhood: Intelligent, hungry, cruel, possessive, a merciless leader. He also knows Max, has since they were barely into their teens, and has loathed him for just as long. Capable of kindness, determined, and above all, fiercely loyal, he knows he does not have to fear Max like he should the baron.
It was the Baron who approved of their match. Ferrari had always planned for it, for them to be together, for Charles to bear him a daughter, but then he himself had been born a son instead of a daughter. It was considered a disgrace. A damning choice, made by his mother.
But rare as it might be, even as a male Charles could still bear children, and Ferrari sought to use him in the exact way his mother had tried to prevent, to continue House Verstappen’s bloodline.
He didn’t know until three days ago, on his last night on Monte Carlo, his home planet.
“This area is restricted.” Charles startles at the sound of the voice. He turns around to argue, but finds himself backed into a wall with a blade pressed against his throat instead. He curses himself for getting distracted.
When the blade lifts ever so slightly away from his skin, he presses his lips into a thin line. “I got lost.” He says flatly.
His assailant rolls his eyes. “I’m sure you did.” Max says, mimicking his tone, “You’re supposed to be in your room, princess.”
Charles tries hard not to scowl, but from the twitch in Max’s lip, it seems like he failed to hide his annoyance either way. “I’ve been trying to get there for about an hour. Like I said, I got lost.”
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dona-draws · 7 months
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🎃Last Legacy Halloween Special-Leonardo (Part 3)
Who comes out for you today?
💀It’s ya boy, Leonardo Montes as Baron Samedi, who is known from Haitian folklore as the guardian of the dead. He used to guide the dead safely to the afterlife. His influence became more widely known in Haitian Vodou, which is why he’s often associated with black magic and voodoo curses. He is quite fond of cigars and rum lol 😂😂😂
💀There are many variations of him out there, but I went with the most vibrant looking one lmao😂😂😂I recommend for you to look up more about him, he’s an intriguing folklore character.
Next time, I will post Felix’s costume. It will be posted either tomorrow or Saturday! Stay tuned✨✨
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faustiandevil · 7 months
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Depression makes a man do stupid things and here is what I did. Peter Lorre tier list, all movies (well the ones that were available online and in a language I could understand), all characters ranked in a highly scientific way. Feel free to defend your blorbos, but know this I’m right, you’re wrong, SHUDDUP!! (This is a reference I hope y’all get, but in any case do feel free to defend your blorbos I wanna hear y’alls takes.)
My reasonings under the cut. Enter, but be warned it truly is my twisted sick mind down there. If you scroll down long enough to see the Shining reference, I love you.
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Bildreporter Johnny (F.P.1 antwortet nicht): No, no, no, no, no, no! Highly unfuckable look! Why does he look like an old man and a baby at the same time??? I can’t do this!!
Mr. Kentaro Moto (Mr. Moto Series): Racism. I’m sorry, I can’t. Absolutely hate it. Shit tier. Same goes with the movies. I only really liked Mr. Moto’s Gamble, which I found out was actually a Charlie Chan script asdfghjkl
Stephen Danel (Island of Doomed Men): Slave owner. Killed a monkey. Was kind of okay with his wife tho, until the end, I guess they needed a reason to off him.
Roderick Raskolnikov (Crime and Punishment): I’m putting him down on the list, because I read Crime and Punishment and the movie is way too ‘Murican. Already the names were bastardized and as someone who loves Russian literature I just can’t deal with that shit. He was okay, but ehhh… (The 1970 movie is way better, and Taratorkin is the best Rashkolnikov, fucking fight me.)
Nikolai Zaleshoff (Background to Danger): Again, butchering Russian names. Not even a patronymic. Kind of a caricature as well with all of the vodka drinking. And again he gets shot and for what??
Sergeant Berger (The Cross of Lorraine): I’m stronger. I will resist. The scene where he blows the cigarette smoke into the guy’s face and kicks him does things to me. I will admit. But that man is a nazi and I cannot in good consciousness put him anywhere else, but shit tier.
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Captain Chang (They Met in Bombay): Glark Cable tolerable?? In my movie?? More likely than you think. Did not like the racism again. The beard is nice, so he goes slightly higher than shit tier.
Baron Ikito (Invisible Agent): He gets put in a slightly higher tier than shit tier only, because of the last line in the movie that made me very very gay. “I can make an honorable man out of you” like you can’t make him say shit like that I’m already a weak little homosexual!!
Hilary Cummins (The Beast With Five Fingers): This may be a surprise, but listen, hear me out, I have reasons. I cannot deal with an Astrology bitch. Like, yeah I also like to read my horrorscope every now and then, and I’m a Satanist, but I don’t vibe with that shit, he is too obsessed. Not every gay is gonna be into Asstrology. Also I cannot moan the name Hilary while giving this man dick without thinking of the Clinton woman. Also Cummins??? That’s an OnlyEnemies name. PS. The movie was bad when the hand turned out to be fake.
Julius O’Hara (Beat The Devil): Oh, no I’m not vibing with the hair again. I’m not into it. Loved his bullshitting, even if he is not very good at lying.
Conseil (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea): Liked seeing him together with my rich successful uncle Lukács, and had some nice fits in the movie, but it’s only slightly above shit tier. Saw tentacles, but got nothing. Absolutely disappointed.
Ahmed (Five Weeks in a Balloon): Racism again. Love his rainbow colored pants. The fez does nothing for me. Because of the earring he gets put higher than shit tier.
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Pawlitschek (Bomben Auf Monte Carlo): He’s cute. He knows how to cook. Its fucking goulash of course, but ugggh fine I’ll eat it. Look I love you I’ll eat it. Fucking tourist food that no self-respecting Hungarian is going to touch. It’s just fucking soup.
Otto Fuesslli (What Women Dream Of): He is adorable. Clearly faking that piano play, but he sings like an angle. Docking points for being a cop tho. I’m sorry, but in this house we ain’t fucking cops.
Maj. Sigfried Gruning (Lancer Spy): Okay, I’m conflicted. Not sold on the hair, or the mustache, but I’m a military man, I love a uniform, he has a sword. (Babygirl you wanna see my sword~?) Uhhh… he also doesn’t do much in the movie.
Louis ‘The Dope’ Monteau (I’ll Give a Million): Adowable. A dumb baby. And that is why he only gets put in mid tier. Too cute for my taste. Still good for him and all the other poor homeless guys for pulling off the scam of the century on the rich bastards. Respect.
Polo (I Was An Adventuress): Same problem with Louis. He has too much boi energy. Every time I see that image where he looks up with them big ol’ eyes all I can think about is that meme the “Bitch use your words I don’t speak bottom”.
The Stranger (The Stranger on The Third Floor): Okay… uhm… this is a though one… There’s not much info on The Stranger, we don’t even know his name, we only know that he is mentally ill and killed a man. We all have our faults. I mean in this day and age who isn’t mentally ill and killed at least one person. So… mid tier. Like his scarf tho.
Paul Hyde (Mr. District Attorney): The way he got shot was bullshit. What the fuck was that about?? I hardly even remember this movie.
Joel Cairo (The Maltese Falcon): Okay… I gotta confess… I fucking hate the Maltese Falcon. There I said it. It just rubs me the wrong way that in book context and Hays code movie context Joel is gay and gets beaten up the most. Like finally a highly canon gay one for me and I get this home of phobia. Fuck this. Also I do not like Bogart and I think this movie started it lol.
Pepi (All Through the Night): I’mma get shit for this. But… but… hear me out… sometimes a man thinks with his dick and not with his brain. This is one of them. When he shows up at the bar, dressed up all nice, smoking his little cigarette… I’m weak. And yes I know he is a nazi, but I could fix him. I could fuck the fascism out of him. If not… well… //cocks gun// Mid tier, because I can’t put him higher than that. If not for the fascism he would be A tier.
Jan Bernazsky (The Conspirators): I remember nothing from this movie. I think he was a red herring. He goes in mid.
Slimane (Casbah): Casablanca the musical. Getting very gay vibes from Slimane. Why are you a detective? To catch other men. To hold them close after you shoot them. Wow faggy. Anyway, a bit conflicted and had to dock points, because again cop.
Toady (Rope of Sand): I only watched this movie, because Claude Rains is the same height as me and I was hoping to see them stand next to each other, so I can visualize the height difference. Got a very nice homosexual cig lit scene from it. I have no recollection of the movie besides that scene, but he looks fine.
Japanese Steward on the S.S. Carnatic (Around the World in Eighty Days): I can’t fuck a man on a boat I’ll get sea sick.
Kurt Bergner (The Buster Keaton Story): Were you channeling some other asshole director from your life? You looked like you knew what you were doing? Anyway, would fuck just so I could get my start in the movie industry, but this relationship ain’t gonna last longer than a headline.
Brankov (Silk Stockings): Glorious Technicolor~ I have issues with this movie. It’s the inferior Ninotchka. The Russian names are once again butchered. The dancing is nice. Go white boy, fuck up the dance floor!! Nothing else to say about it really.
Abdul (The Sad Sack): Mon petite~! If I justified Pepi being in mid-tier, I can do the same for Abdul. He was eager to kill Jerry Lewis’ character and I think the movie would have benefited from it. Still he can’t go higher, because of the… ehh… Hollywood racism. He would be top fucking tier otherwise.
Skeeter (The Big Circus): Not into clowns. (A contradictory statement. If you know you know.)
Montresor (Tales of Terror): I’m in a predicament, because I’m a cat lover and this man was mean to a cat. He is very hot tho. Sorry, babes, but you gotta go into the mid rankings. Also fix your alcohol problem, I cannot let Freud win.
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Hans Beckert (M): Okay, this is going to be controversial putting the child murderer so high up on the list, but consider this. He is so pathetic when he gets thrown down the stairs that I just can’t not fuck him. I’m also willing to look past that besides murder he also probably did other things too (yeah that’s a bit harder to get past eugh…). The murder I’m fine with tho. I’m very often locked in a train car with screaming children and I mean that would make anyone start whistling the tune of Edvard Grieg’s In the Hall of the Mountain King. My dick could fix him, but if he wants to murder a child every now and then. I’m all for it.
Redakteur Stix (Die Koffer des Herrn O.F.): This man fucks. And I do mean HE fucks. Polo and Louis wish they were like Stix. He goes into A tier for terrorizing a whole town, getting laid, and getting the girl. Would you like to get the boy as well, hun~?
The General (Secret Agent): This look is absolute horrid… I fucking love it. For someone who is known to be a mustache lover I don’t ever want to see Peter with one. (I’m the one who wears the mustaches in this relationship.) This is an exception tho. It’s a gay disaster look. It’s so bad it’s hot. Extra points for the earring. (The ending to that movie was absolute bullshit tho. General your gun!!)
Prof. Sturm (Nancy Steele Is Missing!): I love it when he is a manipulative little bastard. Also he could have gotten away with it if it weren’t for someone having morals and loving his stolen adoptive child. Absolutely disgusting. The mustache and the glasses combo are acceptable (even if he looks like one of my high school teachers).
M’sieu Pig (Strange Cargo): The other incel. I’m docking points, because for most of the movie I had to watch Clark Gable be a misogynist and I already hate him. All this just to eyeball Peter Lorre… Anyway I would make that piggy squeal. A tier, but only because he shows off a bit of chest hair.
Fenninger (You’ll Find Out): Not particularly fond of this look. I like it better when his hair is a bit messy. Is one third of an evil gay polycule, so points to that. And also the long cig holder. Very gay, hun. And who can forget the og teeth. Would still drag my tongue across those chompers I don’t care what anyone says. (Mainly, because I also have similar fucked up looking messy teeth.)
Signor Ugarte (Casablanca): I’m putting him only in A tier, because he killed nazis at the start of the movie and is a desperate little homo, which is a trait I very much relate to. But Bogart… really… honey you could do so much better. Seriously y’all look me in the eye and tell me that Bogart is hot, when he plays these asshole characters. I’ll wait. Besides I’m right here. I’m ready to top you babe.
Marius (Passage To Marseilles): Love a man who is honest and proud of his professional achievements. And is very much good with his hands hello~ Dies (seriously why???) while fighting nazis. A bit of a scraggly look, but I love it. I also had to look up pics for this and turtlenecks make any man look slutty… and sir… your tits!! I need to feel them through the fabric~ Or just in general~
Dr. Einstein (Arsenic and Old Lace): He is a cute pathetic little meow meow. I want to (the following sentence had to be censored due to violating the Hays code). I am putting him only in A tier, because he is too popular, but I feel like that’s a personal bias.
Johannes Koenig (Hotel Berlin): Again a nice scraggly look. I love it~ He does get his shit together by the end and that’s good, but I wish he’d kept the five o’clock.
Contreras (Confidential Agent): I love a man who hates his job. So relatable. He does a big no no with being a sellout to the fascists, but he gets his just desserts and surprising doesn’t die from a gun, but a heart attack (and they pull a Weekend at Bernie’s with his corpse later on). He is really pathetic and I cannot control myself.
Johnny West (Three Strangers): //heavy breathing// I want him!! Finally a romantic role!! Babygirl yes!! I know you could do it!! If only you also took the money!!!!!!!!! For that last one he goes into A tier and not higher.
Gino (The Chase): Show off more of that chest hair, slut!! I would also not let this man drive (not that I can either). Besides babes the backseat has more space~
Nick (Quicksand): Blackmailing is fun when it’s not happening to you~ Also if we get together I could probably play the games for free. That’s a plus.
Paynter (Double Confession): This man was so desperate for approval. And y’all cannot tell me that he and Charlie weren’t a bit more than friends. Oh a man saves you and now you would do murders for him (except he’s a loser and is not okay with murder). Babe ditch him I would let you kill people for me. I’m not a pussy.
Dr. Karl Rothe/Dr. Karl Neumeister (The Lost One): Babygirl you have some deep rooted psychological issues that you should get checked out. Still, here’s my number. Call me, when you feel like choking me out, but not in a killing way. (Or maybe in a killing way, depends on how I feel.)
Colonel John Miguel Orlando Arragas (Congo Crossing): The straights looked at each other once and immediately kissed, so that set the tone for me. Anyway he is a cop, but he does do the right thing at the end, but still a cop. The uniform is nice. Doesn’t like his job much, so that’s kind of sexy. Eh, you know, what A tier. He is the exception. (I do hope he doesn’t expect me to say his entire name while I’m d(HAYS CODE) him down and making him swallow my (HAYS CODE).)
Nero (The Story of Mankind): Listen, I have some kinks… if you read my writings you know… I’m also drawn to a man with power, and money, and insanity. (I’m also really glad he didn’t have the chin beard like the real Nero, because that’s a deal breaker.)
Smiley (Scent of Mystery): Absolutely disappointed that this movie didn’t have a Dora the Explorer segment where the characters turn to the screen and ask the viewer if they can guess the mystery scent. Anyway hot. I love a man who knows how to be crafty regarding his job. Cheating, stealing, lying, all traits that make a honest Hungarian. Even stole someone’s wife just for the heck of it. Oh, honey~ Only A tier, because I can’t see this relationship going further than some fun in the backseat, but that’s probably enough.
Comm. Lucius Emery (Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea): He has a pet shark and wears a uniform. I’m already undoing my belt. This movie was… mmm… not good tho.
Dr. Adolphus Bedlo (The Raven): He is an abusive drunk parent. But he is so wet and pathetic. Frued won, I really am just gonna get together with someone who is like my dad (the real one not Béla).
Mr. Strangdour (Muscle Beach Party): He is the strongest man alive and yet I, his silly little kitten get to top him. My only problem with him is that I cannot for the life of me remember his name for some reason so I guess he just gotta deal with being called Sourdough and Stroganoff for the rest of his life. My concern is that his stupid kid is gonna walk in one day and go “Oh, you guys are wrestling, who’s winning? 8D” and I don’t want to deal with that.
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Abbott (The Man Who Knew Too Much): He is evil, he is cunning, he has a neat little hair stripe just like me! Would also kill a child, which I personally don’t think is a terrible trait (as we saw earlier). Absolute snack! Baby I’ll be your dragon, I’ll be your right hand arm-man, your silly little homo eye candy!
Dr. Gogol (Mad Love): My favorite incel!! I wanna crack his bald head open with my canines like a hardboiled egg, call him a pathetic loser, and pin him against a wall and tongue him down! But seriously the man is the equivalent of a Reddit user, he has money tho, and if I could be his kept man, I wouldn’t mind.
Colonel Gimpy/Baron Rudolph Maximillian Tagger (Crack-Up): That scene where the plane is crashed into the ocean and his hair is wet and he looks up straight into the camera… //fans self// H-hewwo… daddy… sorry… daddy… sorry… Yeah, top tier. No question.
János ‘Johnny’ Szabó (The Face Behind The Mask): I refuse to use anything, but the correct Hungarian spelling, fuck you Hollywood. Kinda meh about him before the accident, way too happy and optimistic for my liking. I like a man who is bitter and ready to kill. Also something about masks just gives people a certain allure. Gets extra points for being the only Hungarian character Peter ever played and judging from the letter he writes back home, Johnny actually knows the language haha. I wouldn’t have to translate him my stupid memes, we could just switch back and forth. Domestic bliss.
Dr. Arthur Lorencz (The Boogie Man Will Get You): Top fucking tier! The most guy ever! He is a politician, he sells snake oil, he is a doctor, and also the town sheriff, cat lover, gay! Is there something this man can’t do! Love him!
Fritz Bercovy (The Constant Nymph): I know that in the book the character is supposed to be a very antisemitic caricature, but I think it was rewritten in the movie. Also I tried multiple times to check how old Toni is, but I only kept finding it for Tessa, so I’mma just gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and say that Fritz is not a groomer, unlike Lewis. With all that out of the way, I have a confessions to make. This character sent me over the edge and I did a Peter Lorre expy in my novel. I am weak. I saw him in the fur with the cane (and the whole club was looking at her) and… he really be doing boyfriend cosplay with one of my main characters. Also he has money and is willing to spend it on his SO, so… //twirls hair// I’d love to be a kept man~
Cornelius Leyden (The Mask of Dimitrios): This man was put on this wretched Earth to wear bowties and by Lucifer he makes them look good. Also he has little gray hairs on the side. And glasses!!! //heavy breathing// I need to make him scream my name all through the night!
Peter Lorre (Hollywood Canteen): That’s just my mans! That’s just my guy! That’s just my husband! My sweet cheese! My rotten soldier! My good time BOI! How could I not put him at the top? (Disclaimer: The only one topping that man is me ayyyy)
Marko (Black Angel): This man really cannot sit normally, huh. Anyway, he was hot, fruity, and a loving father. And the movie wasn’t bad either. I was actually rooting for the straights in this one.
Victor Emmric (The Verdict): Oh, he is husband material. He is a morbid little bastard, and is also romantic. A bit on the drunk side, but I don’t care. He’s hot. Would love to do art trades with him.
Kismet (My Favourite Brunette): This man is MY favourite brunette. My nasty boyfriend who holds me at knife point and spits in my mouth and calls me his bitch~ (Is that a knife in your pocket or are you just happy to see me~) I would also help this man get his citizenship.
Peter Lorre (Meet Me in Las Vegas): People who say that they are only into him when he is young and slim are weak as fuck. Oh, so just because this man is old and fat and his biological clock is not ticking anymore you don’t wanna try and get him preganant anymore??? Move over!! I’ll give this man evil milk (read: cum).
Commissioner Lamoret (Hell Ship Mutiny): I love a man who absolutely hates his job and just wants an easy life and is also willing to murder a child for it. We have so much in common~ And with my help, we would have gotten away with it. We’d be spending retirement in Bora Bora, baybeh.
Felix Gillie (The Comedy of Terrors): You see that man? That man, is my husband. We are married. He supports me and I support him. I would lie in the coffin that he made for me. I know that most peeps fall for him in Arsenic, well I’m different. I have the Father Issues and I want stability and I feel like Felix would give that to me.
Morgan Heywood (The Patsy): He was suffering, I was suffering, there was a collective suffering with this movie. Our meet-cute is me absolutely going feral and killing Jerry Lewis right in front of him. Our eyes lock as I’m covered in blood and the cops take me away. He falls in love with me right then and there. Conjugal visits right until the end of my life sentence.
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Okay, y'all can go now~
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racefortheironthrone · 11 months
What was Captain America's attitude to German soldiers in WWII? Obviously he despised anyone who was actually a Nazi, but what about just ordinary soldiers?
That's a very good question!
Because of who he was, Captain America had an unusally broad experience of WWII compared to other soldiers in the U.S Army.
As a super-soldier and leader of the Invaders, he spearheaded the Allied effort against super-scientists like Zemo and Zola, HYDRA agents like Strucker and the Red Skull, and Nazi super-soldiers like Master Man, Baron Blood, Warrior Woman, U-Man, etc. Moreover, the Marvel Universe version of WWII significantly differs from real-world history in that both American and Russian super-soldiers were involved in the Battle for Berlin that ended with the Human Torch turning his fire on Hitler himself.
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As a special forces officer, he served in conventional front-line and behind-the-lines operations (often with the Howling Commandos) in the European theater from Anzio and Monte Cassino to the Normandy landings, Arnheim, the Battle of the Bulge, the crossing of the Rhine, and the liberation of Diebenwald; in the African theater from Tunisia to Wakanda; and even in the Pacific Theater, although there he was mostly doing intelligence and special operations work rather than front-line service.
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As the symbol of the American war effort, however, Rogers was dispatched to fronts that American soldiers were usually not engaged in, whether that's fighting with the French Resistance, or being dispatched to the Eastern Front to demonstrate America's commitment to the USSR and counter Nazi super-science and super-soldiers sent to break the stalemate at Stalingrad.
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Between his broad wartime experience and his experience with HYDRA sleeper agents after the war, I don't think Steve Rogers is much of a believer in the "myth of the clean Wehrmacht."
At the same time, he's also not a believer that there was something inherent about German culture that made it vulnerable to fascism and Nazism - indeed, Cap is very insistent that fascism can happen anywhere and must be fought everywhere:
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