#Monter lover
alexwatervoodoo · 2 years
I have shoved my oc's down all my friends throats so it's ya'll turn
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This is Yuri (skeleton) and Conin (guy)
I love them. They are In love.
But ahem, Conin in the owner of a motel and Yuri is a long time residents.
It's a slow burn. Like it took 10 for any of them to make a move
Conin Is 169cm (5.5?) he tells everone that he is 170cm but he ain't fooling anyone.
Yuri is 208cm (6.8?) he is a behemoth. But don't worry the only thing that he is crushing is his car.
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truantng · 3 months
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191/366 Linktree
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bronkenj · 2 years
tumblr termin guide:
mlm — monster loves monster
wlw — wizard loves wizard
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shaywrites-ifs · 8 months
in relation to my last batch of polls
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ladyantiheroine · 1 year
We Both Have Teeth
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Summary: Two monsters crawl back to their humanity.
Pairing: R x fem!vampire!reader
Requested by @kpopgirlbtssvt
Also tagging: @ninebluehearts​
Monsters had a habit of finding each other. Despite having lived as a vampire for centuries, you didn’t learn this until after the apocalypse. Vampires had managed to stay under the radar for a millennium, keeping the supernatural world a secret. 
Then, of course, the zombies had to show up and ruin everything. Once the dead started to rise, it didn’t take long for humans to start seeking out what other supernatural beings could exist. And this trend of hunting down anything that wasn’t always and fully human began.
You kept quiet for a while, but it was only a few months into the end times that someone caught you feeding on one of the compound’s livestock in a way that didn’t involve a fork and knife. You barely managed to escape the compound into the night before they sent a stake through your heart.
You wandered the wasteland for ages, sleeping in shelters during the day and walking amongst the dead by night. Corpses didn’t bleed, so feeding on them was futile. You tried to stick with animal blood as long as you could. But every now and then, a human would approach you and, seeing you were not a corpse, came to you for help. A decision they regretted when your sunk your own teeth into their flesh.
It was a lonely existence. You didn’t need to worry about survival, but everyone else di, and so there were no friends on your horizon.
Until him.
The corpse boy with the soulful blue eyes who couldn’t remember his name beyond the first letter. R, the zombie who found you feeding on the last suvivor wandering around the airport and took you back to his airplane home. The one who was not frightened by your monsterousness, but instead let it mesh with his own.
Suddenly, everything changed. You were both still monsters, but at least you weren’t alone. It was the two of you against the world. You lived together, fed together, and you were happy together.
Until, one day, R’s heart started beating.
The dead started changing. The world was not as hopeless as everyone thought, and it didn’t take long to figure out what the cure was: Love.
Just when you found your partner in monterousness, that same love you shared was turning him back to human. His pale face flushed, his body puled with life. You could feel it every day when you snuggled together under the quilt. Your corpse lover was becoming less and less dead.
Meanwhile, there appeared to be no cure for vampirism. You found yourself smiling less to hide your fangs, eating less so he wouldn’t see you feed from creatures’ blood. Eventually, R confronted you.
“Y/N,” he said. His voice was getting crisp and clear, no longer struggling to moan out words. “You’ve been different lately. What’s happened?”
You could hear the other question in his voice. He was being cured, becoming human, wasn’t that supposed to be a good thing? You felt selfish for wishing he were still a corpse, but you couldn’t deny what this meant for you both.
“I…” you said. “I just…I keep thinking about what this means. You’re alive, and that’s good, but…that means you’ll die again eventually. “ You looked at the ground. “Meanwhile, creatures like me never die. We just go on and on on…”
You sniffled, unable to look him in the eye. It was quiet in your airplane home and the air was thick with uncertain tension. Your voice felt corked inside your throat and you tried to restrain your tears as you speak.
“It’s selfish,” you said. “But…I miss how we were before. Us against humanity. But now you’re becoming human and…” You squeezed your teary eyes. “And I’m still like this.”
You began to quietly weep. Then, you felt two fingers lift your chin up. R looked down into your eyes, his blue gaze holding yours. He gently wiped the tears form your cheeks.
“Nothing has changed,” he said. He took your hand and pressed it to his chest. You felt his heartbeat, that life-pulsing rhythm in his ribcage you’d grown to resent. “I love you, Y/N. Having blood in my veins hasn’t changed that. All it means is that when I look at you, you can feel your effect on me.”
His heart was a vibrant thing under your hands. You felt a warmth in your hand, which you assumed came from him.
Your pursed your lips then paused. Something felt…different.
“Wait,” you said.
You turned and approached the airplane bathroom. You glanced into the mirror and showed your teeth. Your fangs…they were missing. They’d retracted into your gums and now resembled normal human canine teeth. Moreover, you felt…warm all over. In a way you hadn’t sinced before you were turned centuries ago.
You lifted your hands to your face. R stumbled behind you and looked at you in the mirror. He seemed t pick up what was happening.
“I want to be human again, Y/N,” he said. He walked up behind you and rested his chin on your head. “But I don’t want humanity unless you’re a part of it too.”
You turned around to face him. In that moment, both your heartbeats seemed to duet together, two warm bodies flushed and racing and full of more life than either of you could remember.
You gave him a small smile. Tears trickled from your eyes, but this time not from sorrow. You stepped closer and wrapped your arms around his neck
“Be human with me, R,” you whispered into his lips. “Let’s start this again together.”
R smiled, and pressed his burning lips to yours.
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arwen-winchester · 2 years
About ‘The Witcher: Blood Origin’ from the lore perspective
This - probably extremely poor-attempted - quick analysis contains spoilers from the books’ version of the witcher lore by Andrzej Sapkowski and latest Witcher-verse abomination from Netlix
So you’ve been warned.
Let set the stage of the drama.
The entirety of ‘The Witcher’ saga is a story based on relations between races and relations beetwen them.
(In one word the book’s version story is about racism)
 At the beggining these said races are mostly gnomes, dwarves, elves and human. In the books there are always unicors - but about them later.
Gnomes and dwarves were - as was said in the books - indigenous inhabitants of the Continent.
I’m gonna talk about monsters in further part of this analisys or maybe in another note.
Elves originated in ANOTHER WORLD. Before the Conjunction of the Spheres elves were able to travel between worlds. How? Enter unicors. Elves couldn’t open Ard Gaeth - The Doors/Gates of the Worlds - on their own. To do that they needed help. And unicorns had the ability to easely open/close those Gates. 
At this time there were one single tribe of elves. During the Conjunction elven abilities slowly faded and they devided themselves in to groups or tribes! Aen Seidhe had stayed in the Continent world. The other tribe had become Aen Elle - which later turned into The Wild Hunt.
For regaine the ability of between-world-travelling elven scientists created Hen Ichaer, The Elder Blood. The Elder Blood’s the genetic material ceated by mixing of the genes of elves and unicorns.
Conjuction of the Spheres
This huge cataclysmic long-lasting event brought elves, human and monters into the Continent. This event forced elves into magical science experiments with the mix of the genes of elves and unicrorns (Hen Ichaer) and brought people and other creatures into unending war. And human to create first monster hunter known as The First Witcher
Far before the main story there were four important caracters in the books. The Elven mages -  Aen Saevherne - Avallac’h, Auberon Muircetach, Shiadhal and Eredin Breacc Glass. All of them were injected with genetic mix that turned later into The Elder Blood, Hen Ichaer.
Two of them - Shiadhal and Auberon Muircetach - had a baby girl, Lara Dorren, first in line of ‘Lara’s gene’, a natural born carrier of powerful magical genetic material. Lara was supposed to marry Avallac’h, but she’d fallen in love with human mage -  Cregennan of Lod.
Their doughter was Riannon, born with the last breath of her mother, adopted and raised by queen Cerro of Redania. She was queen of Temeria during Falka’s uprising. Mother of Fiona (only survivg childand first queen of Cintra with Lara’s gene) and Amavet (father of the next Cintra’s queen). Foster mother of Adela, Falka’s bastard doughter.
As a result of many generation of Royal Family of Cintra princess Cirilla was born.
Fun Fact: The Lara’s gene is active in the female-only-line. Males could be carriers, but the gene is inactive and became extinct in two, maybe three generations. The grandparents of princess Cirilla were Calanthe (with barely exinting activator in her genetic material) and Roegner (who in this case was the carrier of almost extinct remnants of the Hen Ichaer genetics).
Creation of the first Witcher
The people responsible for creation of The First Witcher were Alzur and his lover Lylianna, renegade mage from Temeria and sorceress intrested in mutation. They’d tried to create monter hunter but failed multiple times, most of the were spectacular. The First Witcher was a young orphan boy adopted by said mage. That boy was put into a series of magical Trials and Changes. And this time it was a success. the key element of the witcher cretion was youth.
And now crème de la crème - the comparison of the Lore and ‘Witcher: Blood Origin���
1. There was no clans in the elven society. They were devide into classic society structure. And ther’re the first occupiers of the lands that previously belonged to gnomes or dwarves.
2. Ithlinne was  Aen Saevherne (The Knowing Ones) - a high-born and elven powerful mage. Not a peasant girl working in the inn in the middle of nowhere in far north of the Continent.
3. The First Witcher were createed out of a young orphan boy with magic and a lot of mutagenic herbs, not an adult elven-male warrior and other-worldly monster’s heart.
4. WITCHERS ARE STERIL!!! That means they cannot have kids. And the show impled that Eile and Fjall’s child was conceived after him changing into the witcher.
5. The elves travelled between worls WITHOUT monoliths. this addition to the main show was the most outrages thing ever happened in the fantasy plot.
6. In the main show Vesemir needed special magical flowers, Ciri’s blood and Tris help with incantation to even attempt to create that mutagenic potion and in the ‘Blood Origin’ all they need was two mages and monter’s heart
TL;DR: The showrunners of the Netflix’s Witcher-verse graduated Stephen Moffat’s Show Writting University. And in comparison to other Witcher’s properties this is the biggest pile of dragon shit I’ve ever seen.
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misscryptidart · 1 year
Okay but what if we were bound by our souls to always be enemies but written in our flawed mortal hearts to always be lovers? Like... would you drag me to the alter and spit blood in my eye? Nah jk jk... but like what if we we could never be with each other but can never be apart? I'm just sayin... would you still love me in a way no other can, carnal and violent in the way they call hatred monterous? Just asking for a friend you know I'll never keep.
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
ANDRAAAA how are you today <3 i'm finally back from vacation and catching up on all the new content posted!! pls i was dying at the beach every night/morning i would try to go on tumblr only to be interrupted im so happy to be home but also the beach was so relaxing maybe i was in awa'atlu actually? 😭
ANYWAYYY i just read the first chapter of monster in me and im so excited for you and the new series!! the first chapter was so good. i love how the dynamic between neteyam and y/n is so different from cardigan and cruel summer!!! bby you are so versatile when it comes to writing pls i was so shocked when i read it b/c THE LAST SCENE WAS INTENSE!!!! this will be a TRUEEEE enemy to lovers fic--DIRTY, MEAN, GRITTY, AND SEXYYY. your whole writing universe (andra writing universe...AWU?) is just amazing you have done it again queen
(i just know monter in me neteyam is a moody baby boy and needs to get over himself fr, hope the reader kicks his ass and makes him realize)
additionally, I CANT WAIT FOR THE CRUEL SUMMER ONE SHOT its gonna hurt sooo bad but soo good at the same time. i was driving home with my friends today and we were listening to folklore and i had to do it to them and explain the whole cruel summer series while listening to august and the 1.
i think you posted a drabble too??? not sure, i will have to find it haha but these are all my thoughts for now. you'll probably see this in the morning so GOOOD MORNING <3
Hey kendra my love!!! I love seeing you in my inbox so much 😩😩😩 how was your little holiday?? Did you enjoy the beach??
Thank you so much for reading monster in me 😭 i’m so excited for a new series, you know me, I thrive off series hahahaha. Yes, i tried really hard to make sure the dynamic and relationship is very far removed from what i’ve written so far, but i’m not super comfortable with this trope yet so i really hope i do it justice🥲 AND YES, i needeed them to truly be enemies, and for the stakes to be high, but now i am worrying about redeeming neteyam cause wow he’s a dick HAHAHAH
The cruel summer one shot already is making me sad and i barely wrote anything, i’m so excited for it omg, can’t wait for you to read it!! The Andra writing universe comment took me out you’re too amazing hahaha omgg i can’t believe you told your friends, i hope they enjoyed the story!
I saw you commented on the drabble, that is just pure smut so enjoy my love 😉😂💕
Ily, have an amazing day and week 💕💕💕💕
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90363462 · 2 years
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5 Adults-Only Resorts Adding Some Heat To Our Summer Travel Plans
Let's see where the vacation takes us...
Kiarra Sylvester
Jun. 06, 2022 04:14PM EST
There are two constant questions in life: when/where is the next trip and how can our sex lives get even better? And, if you’re not asking these questions, we might have something else to unpack other than vacation clothes. Alas, summer is near and if you haven’t already, the time has come to start planning your holiday. Quickly. If you haven't started yet, here is your sign to do so now! There’s plenty of space and opportunity to heat things up in your sex life. In fact, for those of you who are asking the aforementioned deep, philosophical questions, allow me to make your day by presenting to you travel destinationswith a twist (because, modern times, of course).
Yes, I’m presenting you the opportunity to take a Hannah Montana-type of vacation, as in best of both worlds – not illicit drugs. But, perhaps illicit lovers. For the booked, beautiful, and ‘bout it we’re going to drop the pin on some erotic resorts that you can book your next trip–from nude beaches to swingers parties on-site, you’ll want to check out this list. While you may be wondering who you take to a resort such as this, I can assure you that you can swing this (no pun intended) in any way – baecation, solo dolo trip, or group trip. There’s something super enticing about the idea of taking a group of attractive (whether inside or out–don’t stone me) friends and seeing where a weekend like this leads you. 
But, hey, that’s just me! I’ll leave the rest of the details to you. After all, I'm already providing you with five relaxing adults-only resorts to stay at.
1. Hedonism II (Negril, Jamaica) 
There’s nothing like a vacation to lower inhibitions and try things outside your norm. And this is, by far, one of the more known resorts to date. This resort offers clothing-optional facilities, kinky parties, and lots of room for play, literally! All bets are off at this resort where just about anything goes (with permission, of course), whether you choose to enter their playroom (i.e. the romping shop) or not. After all the term "hedonistic" does mean to explore the pursuit of pleasure or sensual interest.
While this resort does offer a day pass, you are not permitted to go into the roaming room due to liabilities on the day pass so keep that in mind for those who are simply wanting to pass through.
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2. Couples Tower Isle Resort (Ocho Rios, Jamaica)
Another Jamaican resort, which tells us all we really need to know about the culture for those of you who have yet to see them in motion when dancehall music drops. Hell, now that I think about it, Stella Got Her Groove Back took place in Jamaica. Hmm. Yeah. Enough said! Moving along, now. While it may not be a free for all like Hedonism II, Couples Tower Isle Resort seems to still know how to have a good time as this all-inclusive resort has plenty of adult-only activities and amenities, one of which is a nightclub. 
3. Desire Pearl Resort (Cancún, Mexico)
Unlike the previous resorts, this resort is exclusive to couples. They do still, however, provide a clothing-optional environment and the space to explore sexually. Desire Pearl boasts that you can have the time of your life, may it be “mild or wild” during your stay with the liberating clothing-optional policies and their mysterious but “spicy” pool parties. Though they don’t advertise it on the website itself, if you wander off onto their social media, you quickly find that they too offer a playroom where you can join, watch, or be looked upon *insert grinning devil emoji*.
Note: If you’re looking to stay in the United States, these next two resorts on our list might be the happy medium for you. 
4. Monterey Stay and Play (Salinas, Cali) 
More than nudity itself, this erotic bed and breakfast speaks more to the overall interest in BDSM. They offer a BDSM room for couples equipped with some kinky gadgets to elevate your sexual experience. These gadgets range from ropes and leather cuffs to chastity devices and my fave, the Violet Wand (for those into erotic electrostimulation). Easy access to a dungeon is a top-tier selling point, but do keep in mind that unlike the others on our list, this is not an all-inclusive vibe. While you will be amongst like-minded people, you shouldn’t assume that this is a space where couples wish to join you – not even loosely. 
5. Caliente Club & Resorts (Land O' Lakes, Florida)
Though the site doesn’t look all that exquisite, they don’t mince any words or videos in regards to getting to the point–upon entering the site you can see that this is going to be an erotic time, if nothing else. Another thing that’s for certain is the endless list of events that the resort offers, which makes it that much easier to meet your match to take things a little further if you and your partner wish to do so. It should be noted that Caliente Club & Resorts gives more of a college spring break vibe (the atmosphere, that is) than luxury, so if luxe is something you’re looking for, do your due diligence.
This is only a short list, as I’m sure there are many more out there. If for some reason these don’t meet your needs, there is something for everybody. When looking, it may behoove you to reach out to a travel agent who can help you quickly narrow down your options.
But for now? Consider this to be your kinky starter pack.
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ray-the-fanatic · 1 year
2k12 tmnt for the fandom asks
(sorry i haven't answered yours yet, been having an off day but i'll get to it soon 🙏)
(lol no worries take your time friend!)
 I’ll tell you:
The first character I first fell in love with:  I feel the answer is well know XD I love Raph! I mean makes sense he was my favorite in 03 but I turly loved what 2012 did with him as well. He such a cocky shit at the start of the show and its not that he stops that trait but you do see how he develops for the better as the shown went on. Him feeling he was better and should be leader to how he more takes to his role in his team. You see him go from someone who cracks under pressure when given leadership to making sure he's always prepared, how he makes sure none of them esp Leo are left behind how he lets his softer side come out more when Chompy comes in. HE's also a little smart ass and people need to let him cuss he's had it u-u
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Shinigami, I sort of dropped off watch 2012 during season 4 so I didn't see her much outside a few epsiode I caught here and there. I havent quite gotten to when she is in the show now either outside clips and such I have seen. But I expected me to feel as I do Renet shes fine but there. Honestly though? I love her. I like how she isn't the usual gloom and doom but even laughs at Mikey's jokes i dunno I just enjoy her.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Renet, I wouldn't say I hate her. Much how I just wasn't much for the 03 version I would say gose the same in 12. I like her just fine shes a fun charater for the episodes she comes in for and such mostly love the season 5 monter arch. I personlly love her most for the fact she shares a VA with Terra from Teen Titans so it was like getting Beast Boy and Terra back. She just there she's fine I dont find her annoying but Im not hyped about her personally myself.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
I wouldn't say he is hated but I do see Casey tends to not get much love or people will makes statments about him I just don't agree with like saying he is selfish and uncaring. When you do see that isn't ture. You learn that he and raph talk about stuff like what happened to spike. You see hes the one April talks when at the time who she thought was her mom wanted to leave and she had to pick to stay or go with her. Casey dose care about the turtles he often right there when they need help, he covers them in their battles and like the nightmare episode from the farm house arch he was ready to beat an old man for possibly being the reason they were going to die. I genuinely just love Casey my re watch has made me love him even more I just can't get over his stupid laugh sometimes XD
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Slash, NOT that I hate him either I thought he was villain longer though? but he had such a sudden turn around and it felt like such a waste to me. I felt like he could have been good as Raph arch enemy over Xever. Could been used to add to Raph and Casey friendship/partnership. I still like Slash I just wish he had been a villain a bit longer just for all untap story he had to offer.
The character I would totally smooch: 
Give all the turtles smooches on their heads they been through it in this shown u-u
The character I’d want to be like: 
hmmm mr murakami? I dunno dude seems to be enjoying live got hos own businesses willing to make stuff for the turtles he seems chill despite getting dragged into stuff from just knowing the turtles.
The character I’d slap: 
-Raph I love my boy but he needs to be slapped u-u
-Leo also needs a slap sometimes
-Casey he exsits hit em
-Donnie i love him to but smack this boy A pairing that I love:
Rasey uwu I love these two no matter the series I gotta ship these idiots im a sucker for the best friends to lovers trope A pairing that I despise:
hmm I don't think I have any sure theres some I dont ship or personally like much but eh cant say I have a ship I like hate you know? Besides I rather spend time enjoy what I love anyway.
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saut3relle · 8 months
Lundi 05.02.24, 10h42
J-5. Le stress positif commence à monter. Nous avons pu nous appeler la semaine dernière, et faire le petit briefing dont tu avais besoin pour te rassurer. Tu m'as fait un vocal. Tu m'as dit que tu avais hâte d'y être. Je suis trop heureuse, j'ai moi aussi tellement hâte de te revoir, de te serrer dans mes bras, me lover contre ta peau, sentir ta bouche se poser partout sur moi et tes mains saisir les miennes.
Samedi mon train arrive à 12h33 à la gare de l'Est. Tu seras là. On file gare Montparnasse, 14h16 train pour Poitiers. On arrive, on se pose dans notre petit loc Airbnb et on passe 2 jours ensembles. Nous repartirons lundi soir chacun de notre côté, toi vers Paris, moi vers La Rochelle.
Je brûle d'impatience, j'en tremblerais presque intérieurement. Je ne sais pas comment je trouve le sommeil encore. Si j'ai eu le sentiment ces dernières semaines que le temps ne passait pas, depuis hier j'ai l'impression qu'il s'est mis à défiler soudainement beaucoup trop vite.
J'ai le coeur qui bat très fort.
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les-degustations-ugo · 11 months
🇫🇷❓❓Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Et vous, vous aimez les liqueurs 🇫🇷❓❓
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🥃Liqueur Menta créé et distribué par @egiazki 🥃
📌Première liqueur de menthe poivrée type peppermint basque. Une liqueur de menthe 📌.
Robe de couleure verte
Un nez très fruité et frais sur des notes expressives de menthe
En bouche, on a une liqueur d'une rondeur et gourmandise folle. D'une extrême douceur. Très expressive. Sur des arômes de menthe verte fraîche, le sucre est très bien maîtrisé, ni trop ni pas assez. Une bonne longueur en bouche avec une finale rafraîchissante sur des notes délicieusement poivrées.
📜 En résumé📜:
Un gros coup de cœur pour cette liqueur de Menthe. Qui allie puissance, rondeur, onctuosité et fraîcheur en bouche. Une liqueur naturelle et Française. Cocorico. Je vous la recommande aussi bien en digestif ou en cocktail. Les mixologues vont s'en donner à cœur joie.
🚨N'oubliez pas mon concours, toujours actif jusqu'au Dimanche 29 Octobre sur ma page Instagram, pour gagner justement une bouteille de liqueur Manta🚨
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞 La plupart des
vins ont été dégustés et recrachés. Dégustation non rémunéré.
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🇫🇷🗣️Description de la maison @egiazki 🗣️🇫🇷
Jumeaux originaires de Saint Pée sur Nivelle au Pays Basque, on ne vous surprendra pas en vous disant que nous sommes passionnés de rugby et de pelote depuis notre tendre enfance !
Quand nous ne sommes pas en montagne, vous nous trouverez avec notre groupe d'amis à arpenter les cidreries situées en Hegoalde (Pays Basque sud). Sans oublier de citer Koblakariak, notre groupe de chants traditionnels, avec lequel nous partons régulièrement en tournée.
A la fin de nos études, animés par notre fibre entrepreneuriale et la volonté de monter notre projet entre frères, nous nous sommes lancés dans l’aventure Egiazki.
Étant très attachés à nos origines et notre culture, travailler un produit du terroir basque apparaissait comme une évidence et même un héritage. Quoi de mieux qu'une recette de famille pour se lancer ?
En 2014, nous avons donc décidé de créer l'un des premiers Patxaran élaboré en Iparralde (Pays Basque nord).
Nous avons repris la recette de Patxaran maison de notre Aitatxi (grand-père en basque) en y apportant notre touche personnelle et, un an plus tard, nous avions la recette parfaite de Patxaran.
⏬🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹⏬
🇬🇧❓❓Hello corkscrew lovers. And you like liqueurs 🇬🇧❓❓
🥃Menta Liqueur created and distributed by @egiazki 🥃
📌First Basque peppermint type peppermint liqueur. A mint liqueur 📌.
Green dress
A very fruity and fresh nose with expressive notes of mint
In the mouth, we have a liqueur of crazy roundness and deliciousness. Extremely gentle. Very expressive. With aromas of fresh spearmint, the sugar is very well controlled, neither too much nor not enough. Good length in the mouth with a refreshing finish with delicious peppery notes.
📜In summary📜:
A big crush on this Mint liqueur. Which combines power, roundness, smoothness and freshness in the mouth. A natural and French liqueur. Cock-a-doodle Doo. I recommend it as a digestive or as a cocktail. Mixologists will have a field day.
🚨Don't forget my competition, still active until Sunday October 29 on my Instagram page, to win a bottle of Manta liqueur🚨
🔞“Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation”🔞Most wines were tasted and spat out. Unpaid tasting.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇬🇧🗣️Description of the house @egiazki 🗣️🇬🇧
Twins from Saint Pée sur Nivelle in the Basque Country, we won't surprise you by telling you that we have been passionate about rugby and pelota since our early childhood!
When we are not in the mountains, you will find us with our group of friends wandering the cider houses located in Hegoalde (southern Basque Country). Without forgetting to mention Koblakariak, our traditional singing group, with whom we regularly go on tour.
At the end of our studies, driven by our entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to set up our project between brothers, we embarked on the Egiazki adventure.
Being very attached to our origins and our culture, working with a product from the Basque region seemed obvious and even a heritage. What's better than a family recipe to get you started?
In 2014, we therefore decided to create one of the first Patxarans produced in Iparralde (northern Basque Country).
We took the homemade Patxaran recipe from our Aitatxi (grandfather in Basque) and added our personal touch and, a year later, we had the perfect Patxaran recipe.
🇮🇹❓❓Ciao amanti dei cavatappi. E a te piacciono i liquori 🇮🇹❓❓
🥃Liquore Menta creato e distribuito da @egiazki 🥃
📌Primo liquore basco alla menta piperita tipo menta piperita. Un liquore alla menta 📌.
Vestito verde
Un naso molto fruttato e fresco con note espressive di menta
In bocca abbiamo un liquore di rotondità e bontà pazzesche. Estremamente delicato. Molto espressivo. Con aromi di menta fresca, lo zucchero è molto ben controllato, né troppo né troppo poco. Buona lunghezza in bocca con un finale rinfrescante con deliziose note pepate.
📜In sintesi📜:
Una grande cotta per questo liquore alla menta. Che unisce potenza, rotondità, morbidezza e freschezza in bocca. Un liquore naturale e francese. Cock-a-doodle Doo. Lo consiglio come digestivo o come cocktail. I mixologist avranno una giornata campale.
🚨Non dimenticate il mio concorso, attivo ancora fino a domenica 29 ottobre sulla mia pagina Instagram, per vincere una bottiglia di liquore Manta🚨
🔞“L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumalo con moderazione”🔞Most i vini venivano degustati e sputati. Degustazione non retribuita.
🇮🇹🗣️Descrizione della casa @egiazki 🗣️🇮🇹
Gemelli di Saint Pée sur Nivelle nei Paesi Baschi, non vi sorprenderemo dicendovi che siamo appassionati di rugby e pelota fin dalla nostra prima infanzia!
Quando non siamo in montagna, ci troverete con il nostro gruppo di amici a vagare per le case del sidro situate a Hegoalde (Paesi Baschi meridionali). Senza dimenticare i Koblakariak, il nostro gruppo di canto tradizionale, con il quale andiamo regolarmente in tournée.
Al termine dei nostri studi, spinti dal nostro spirito imprenditoriale e dal desiderio di realizzare il nostro progetto tra fratelli, abbiamo intrapreso l'avventura Egiazki.
Essendo molto legati alle nostre origini e alla nostra cultura, lavorare con un prodotto basco ci è sembrato ovvio e addirittura un patrimonio. Cosa c'è di meglio di una ricetta di famiglia per iniziare?
Nel 2014, abbiamo quindi deciso di creare uno dei primi Patxaran prodotti a Iparralde (Paesi Baschi settentrionali).
Abbiamo preso la ricetta del Patxaran fatta in casa dal nostro Aitatxi (nonno in basco) e abbiamo aggiunto il nostro tocco personale e, un anno dopo, abbiamo ottenuto la ricetta del Patxaran perfetta.
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somegirlsfromk · 1 year
(G)I-DLE - Junghoon Choi's Park at Night - ("Queencard", "TOMBOY" & "FOR LOVERS WHO HESITATE") 🎤
Minnie (pour la première fois au piano), Miyeon et Yuqi, interprètent “For lovers who hesitate” de Jannabi, dont le présentateur Choi Jung-hoon faisait partie. “Queencard”: Petit challenge: Miyeon et Jung-hoon MC Countdown: (Miyeon apprend à Jung-hoon à présenter le M COUNTDOWN, “faisons monter la tension!!!) “Tomboy” live band: See you.
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bryakt · 2 years
Shadow stepped off the stage carrying all the flowers thrown on stage, the flowers hid her face from the crowd, who were now singing the chorus to her hit song, "Space War." Tears rolled down her furry face. She was so happy people liked her for her music and morals. “You’re my lover, You’re my space cowboy, Blast my soul, Save me from this space war, ” Gun blasts were heard in the background. Shadow looked up and realized she was in a gun turret fighting the Shadow Cat Warriors. Shadow had checked out for a few minutes as the pressure and fear of the Shadow Cat Warriors seeking to kill her became too much for her. She awakened from her daydream that she was a famous pop star. And now was faced with reality - she was in a war with the Shadow Cat Warriors, fighting for her life. She pulled on the trigger, bullets rang out from the gun turret. The Shadow Cat Warriors were moving in on her fast wave after wave. She began to think she would not survive their onslaught. Captain Cattitude came with backup to help tackle the Shadow Cat Warrior's intense onslaught of anger and intent to kill her. Her fur began to rise and become electric as her anger and fear grew. Her fur looked like she was in a Cookie Monter jacket. Captain Cattitude's backup came just in time. He was able to weaken the waves of Shadow Cat Warriors and give Shadow a break in the fight. Captain Cattitude came up to Shadow when the battle was becoming under control by the defensive action of Shadow's fighting for her safety. "I have something important to tell you," said Captain Cattitude. "I don't know how else to say this but to come right out and say it," said Captain Cattitude. It was obviously Captain Cattitude was struggling with what he had to tell Shadow. Shadow looked at him, "Relax. I can handle whatever you have to say," said a somewhat nervous Shadow. "Okay, here goes...," said Captain Cattitude. He took hold of Shadow's paw and looked directly into her green eyes, "You have a brother, and he wants to join you in your fight to save planet Earth." "What! "I don't have a brother." "What are you talking about," said a shocked Shadow. "Apparently, John, your owner, adopted a kitten named Rocky." "Rocky discovered the locked door to your communication device. He sent a message to you," said Captain Cattitude... Read the full article
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catherine-geoffray · 2 years
La voiture se gare sur le bas-côté de la route car une femme corpulente chargée de cabas nous fait signe de nous arrêter. Je descends la vitre côté passager. Elle veut qu’on l’embarque jusqu’au village voisin. Mon premier réflexe est de lui dire que la voiture est pleine mais l’ami qui conduit et la passagère à l’arrière l’invitent à monter à bord. C’est une Rom. Je me sens honteuse d’avoir d’abord refusé de la prendre. Je pousse mon petit-fils pour lui faire de la place sur la banquette. Il roule dessous pour se lover en boule et continuer à dormir. Je le surveille du coin de l’œil dans le rétroviseur tandis que mon ami nous conduit sur la petite route montagneuse.
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ilustrariane · 4 years
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@monster-bait Khash really loves his girl..... hehehehe its always a joy to draw our favorite orc boy
like my work and would like to see stuff like this uncensored ? (yup...theres stuff down there lol) consider BECOMING A PATRON !
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